i 4.4,..... '- . -r— -1 ~ -*- .. A . . \ ...... _, `,. ~ ilt ' \ ,i t ......._, ..5...: f ..„.,..,...,t, a k a ......„..... F = , ~., ~.. - ~.. ----;- -to - t - : .z.. --, .......--..-- ~ ..-:, -•-.- .... , N 111 : , ,:•''' 1 4 . , ' ..,...- "•,'-`-,,, "- , -• -s: . • -, k' , =-•., 1"' ~ -- zs -,-..- ,: r: --- - ,-, • : , N,- ,. .., ...: , . - ---... ... -•,-- -...--. k :. •-1 '4 - 4-, 4 , -. ~ 4 . 4 , •:`, - _ t k. ,_ 4. , • 11, )1, s -tt: •4., a . , ....- 'to) . • ~.. __F--.--'" ,e 4 . (i' \ ‘ z-- -,---_---.-.--. - •'- 1,. ." . ." _ ..,.', :rat •_____ _____-,*.:44-- s. =-,,, '-'.' "------,...-_-----_---.-..":-----,--, ..'"--- 1, :. ,... -7.-_-_-_____ _ • __.---- _.--,-• \•, ---- , GEORGE BERGNER. E TELEGRAPH. IS PUBLISHED MORNING AWD EVENING, GEORGE BERGNER Ofte Third Street, near Walnut. HMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION DAILY TaLcoaars is served to subscri be (ity at 6 cents per week. Yearly berg will be charged $4 00 in advance. WILICKLY TELIGRAPII. IKLECRIAPH IS also published weekly and td to subscribers at the following cash copies, weekly )it e, to one postofftee. II II ,IRTI9INO BATES. —The following are the rr advertising in the Tirtsognir.. i Those advertising to do will fiOd'it coriveniette rence. Four lines or less constitute one-half Eight lines or more than font come square. , tg- o gsgsso 15; 4 0=mii( 701glipEurEP : : : 410 9 cßooogogogo.oB zo o o :74 , In 10 CA0C , ...8& , 800.-It•teoQhiC a to voc...c, . co et o c d 4 -`eb cr.= . 4 G00c...0.00.t.1,3 4,,T1 F SgES"4.3OOOO, - •Woo 0 GnAggen , ,-, 5 cc , , —s-.9 c0 co v.' 0' t. • j-• t: J - ba 0 0 0 0 ce• Innost moon r: warms, t time a week, six Id nage Nniic6; Noticet .. ............ / 60 coral Notices each insertion..., ... 00 or BuoiDo.ol potices inserted in the Local polturai, or betote Matriages and Deaths, MGM Cantu PER Lou for each insertion. As an advertising medium the Tuatne*t has Po equal, its large circulation, arnonepusiness hien and families, in city and cduntry; 'placing (t beyond competition. _ _ itlistellantont. JONES HOUSE COENER OF MARKET ST AND MARKET HARRISBURG, PA. OMR F. ReCLELLE, PROPRIETOR• (mum= 0011DI)OTIO BY warm oovitax.Y.) This Is a i rirshCia. , s Hotel, and located in the central part-of Ae city. It is kept m'the best manner, and italkitrons will find eveirsopora ,modstion to be art with in the Wait Foams in the country. sii3o-4.ltf II a ,ITEIp STATES HOTEL. etitred .Repovated L. W. TEN EYCK, PHOPEIBTOR f '+111:•_ popular and commodious Hotel has, b.2en newly refitted and furnished through out Itc patlorsand chambers, stelds nctiY rat', for the reception of gues4 for the winteo season. Liao traveling public 'will find the Vinjte, arato hotel the most convenient in all partkia Lars, tit auy Hotel in the' State Capita;, - on itto count of its access to the railroad, being imme diately betwean the.two great deeota \ ILL It city. ir .114.1LELIBRIAG, Dec. 29,1862.-6 m 'SMITH & EWING, ATTORNEY 11.14 OFFICE THIRD STREET, . NEAR MAP.E ET, 11A11131SBURG, PENN'A t ti/ ILL attond to the Goiliotion of Bounty Money, Vennsions and arrows:A Pey fff - 'the widow:or other heirs ot Any who anty die Lf disease.or be killed,w,hile to , United States service, , b , entipled nop tic tiory wont, pension, and all arrears,of gay of th.0..1.14N1 Adler. icaYlOY.-14:4X0 FRESH GROCERIES NICHOLS kBOWMiIT," (Corner of Front and - Market Streets,) ARE constantly receig ,from first - handif large etcrcks of choice family groceries, put chased for cash, which , they arelhereby enabled to sell at very small 'advsmceron. city ibbolPsaist prices. They worild qiefiectfullyUnform public that they to no deal in•not t keep intoxicating liquors in any quantiry, large or • mrB f HERMETIQAWr 6 444W4Dta PEACHES, ,ZOgAJPE3, PINE APPLE,: J:; SALMON, _i oYsTEES, SPICED GYETERB, LOBsti,R, KA33DINP23, !- WM. DOCK, Jr, 24:4*1. For sale by MINCE PIES. GuRRANTs, - n, CITRON,, LEMONS; SPICES,— CIDER, WINES,. BRANDIES, &o.i __ WM. DOCK, Jr. LO For sale by lIIBLES AND . HYMN 3oggs• ILLA LIGE and aplendid,stoqrpt - Pocket and Fatuity 13fitiles. " ° PrAoyt , :rian, Methodist, Lnthetisn,. German liatmeicd, end otherillymy Bticiki( ihst receid eel at ISEIAINEWS'etimix BuOKSTORE: COAL OIL, a farther redaction in Coal 011,1 superior article of non-explosive Coal coe , for awe - very. , losv, by__ NICHOLS & _ Cor. Front sad Maxims mkt i t &1111N8,. Citron, and Unrratita, tor saWay 111040113 & BOWMAN, d 9 pawn' Ftontwad tdarkettita DR. 3'OHNSON 13 1 A,XiliiIRIC:$1=LE LOCK HOSPITAL. cltrtllTsy and effectualremedies the world DISEASES. OF ,IMPRIIDENCE. BMW IN SIX TO TWILVII BOOM NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. A. Care Warranted, or No Charge, -in from One to Two Days. . Weakness of the Back, Affections of the kidneys and Bladder, involuntary dis charges, Impotency, General Debility, Nor ,voinmess, ~Dyspepsia, languor, Lotv Spirits, ' Coitifusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the' 11484 Timidity, 'lremblings,-Dimitess,of Sight on Giddiness.; 'Disease of the Head, Throat, Wee or Skin. Affectionshof the Liver, , Lungs, Stt mach) or Bowels—those terrible , :disorders Arising from the Solitary Habite of Youth.- those secret and solitary practices more fatalio their 'victims than the song of •Syrens to the Mariners of 'Ulysses, blighting their most 'lntl- , Haat hopes or anticipations, renderingmarriage, &C., imposelble, . ,• „ 1 YOUNG - ESpecialiy, who have become the victims of iv, ' Maw 'Tice, , that dreadful and destrubtive I bit w hich 'annually sweeps to , an untimely g e thousands of Young Men ofi the most red talents. and '• brilliant intellect, who Might otherwise' Mite entranced-listening Sets ' lass with the thunders of eloquence or waked L 6 ecstasy the living lyre, may tall :with full confidence. MARRIAGE. , i Married Xersenscor Young Men contemplat ing' merflikist a liding aware of iiiiiiiiialqweak =organic debility,, deformities, &c., speedily 1 Ho who placeratinuself Under the care of Dr q.mapreligiously confide in hishencii is a gen tleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. , ORGANIO ,IVEAKNESS linmediately. Cured, and full vim. restored: This - diatressing affection—whith renders We l l Miserable and's:heritage impoisible—is the pen 1 altysald by the Victims of imprefer indulgence. Young persons are too apt to 'commit excesses, from not being aware of the dreadful . ' curia e- %teacart that may ,ensue. Now, who that urt derstands.the 'subject will pretend to deny that the wirer of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper ' habits than by the pru dent.: ; Besides being deprived the pleasures - of healthy offspring, the most serious and destruc tive symptoms to both body and mind arise. Thersystem♦ becomes deranged, the physical and Mental, functions.weakened, loss of,, procreative ismer, nervous. irritability, dyspepsia, nalpita- Ilion of the% heart, indigestion,. constitutibmal 'debility. a wasting of the frame, congh, COO ;gumption, dia . :o,ond death. i ',-; . Onms; No. I Bourn Fruniarcrinaxer, Left 1- -. Baltimo re t hand side going from te street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp.' The Doctoi's Diploma bg• in his office. - ,• ii DR. J r 6PCNBONy :'i Member of the Royal-College of Surgeons, Lon despgraduatwirrust [one ,of the most. eminent collegeadis Abfr„TlPAted, Statham and the kidder part of whose life his been spent thheepi taliof, London,Paris, Philadelphia and 'else where; has effe cted twine of the most astonishing Cures; that were ever. knewn ; many troubled with; ringing in the head and ears wfleit &deep, greet nerve ess, tieing, alarmed at sudden sounds; - ' eta, with' fieiarintiblushing, attended.sometimes with derangement'of mind ] 'Sere dued,linuMiately: ' • - • ... , . TARE PARTICIJLAB NOTICE. ' These are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, viz : wsakness of the back and limbs, pains' in the head, dimness of sight; lres of muscular power,, palpitation'• of :thea heart, dyspepsia, nervous irritabilikvo symptoms of consumption, &c. •MYSTALL2.—Tbe fearful effects on tbe mind are Much to be dreaded—hos of:memory, c, n fu:ion of ideas, depression, of inirits„eviLfore bedings, aversion to,society, self distrust, love of solitude, thuidite„&c., ere soma of the,ev,, :produced.:.., ?': if' '. • • •', , xotirict MEIN ' • , ._, . Who have injuxell ', th emselves ,by •.a certain practice indulged .In, when ake, a habit fre-i quently, learned from„evil co mp anions, or a t li school, the effects; of,rattich are nightly felt, even.. . when asleep,;afulif „not cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should applY immediately. -•- What a pity that - a-young man, the hope - of his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all - prospects and enjoymenti of life, by the consequence of deviating from the polit ,of nature and-,indulging in n certain secret habit. Such persons man, before center* plating - ~. -arras ..r. • . MA-11131AGE, i t Reflect that a sound Imind and body-are .t 4 meet necessary reqtilitites to promote connubial tutppiness. ' Indeed, without these, tliejoern4 through life besomes a weary pilgrimage,: t prospect ' hourly darkens to the view • the mi nts becomes shadosved-with despair and filled, with the melancholy reflection that the happiness Of another becomes blighted with ontown. . ~ DIV. a. SIC priMpRUDENCE. , . When the mbikffided and imprudent votary of ,pleasure finds.) imbibed,,theiyeds , of This painful diaease,..itl.too often Apneas that in illtinied SOHOO‘of shame or th.e4Tead of - dfa- 1 covery, deters him from applying to thoseLe j t -fiem4'6ltkatibn and 'Teens ctabilitv cam: e l l befriend him. fle - faihrinte the hands o ign .: 1 tent and'deggning pretenders,-who `incapable , pecuniarypf curing, filch his .subelance, keep him triflin , menthaftet nionth,Vi 'ail longjek the smallest fee can be ottainedomstbsdespali l eave him with nsiziedisealth to sight over )4X I galling disappointment, or, by the, use of the., deadly 4sele.ortplileranyv hisstamt the} constitik ; tional symptoms of this terrible disease, niches affections of the Head, Throat,•Nose, Skin, eta. ,' progressing with 'frightful' rapidity i -till, death puts a period to his dread' ful Sufferings by , send ing him to that undiscovered country front whenceidtdravellixAtittfrial• Ira ~... -- INDORSEMENT OF THE-PRESS. ThtylnienY thertiande cured atildslinstWion year after; yesir, and the'numerous imPIAsA surgical operations performedlby Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters dithe Bun, CA/Vert 940 many other - papers, rtetic?es bf ithierhave I apneered again end selo,beforeAke public, be ' tddes ibAstanding as a gentletrieff of Character wad mensibility, fs a . Sufficient guarantee to the aMeteskt SKINT , .., _ DEBASES SPEEDILY CUBED. • 01F.1014 , :if0L,7. S 0 U2ll PIZEDZIRig ..31. .$lOO . 9.00 .17.00 .~ ~, _~, ~~: I_2El v. 14: L;k7l IS " S ~.~ ~~9 es ... $2 26 allitbitaL HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 8, 1863. New 2bnertieentents. HARRISBURG, PA., POST OFFICE Departure and Arrival of the Malls. On and after Monday, April 20th, 18613, the mails will close as follows: NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD. NORTH.—Way liLsxt—For all • places between Harris burg, and Lock Haven, and Elmira, N. Y., at.. 12 N. For Lock Haven, Wil liam.port and Lewis . burg. SOUTH.— Wax Man:—For all planes between Harris burg and Baltimore, Md. and Washington, D: at .12 M. For Washington, D, C., Baltimore, Md., And York, Pa., at LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD. EAST. -L:lgar Maur—For ' places betwoervaMarris . • burg, Easton adelphia' via Reaelizig.. For Beading arid Potts ville. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.: • WAY 111=—For ; all; .places between Harris. burg and Philadelphia 6.80 A. M For Philidelphiii and Lancaster Fur New 'Mk, Philo.- Lancaster„, Co lumbia, Marietta, and Bainbridge-L ; • For •New York, Phila ' delphia and EST Lancaster.- .—WAY Maim—Fora all places between Harria-,.: burg arid 'A1k00na......1 For Johnitown, Pitte,. burg and Erie, Pagi Cincinnati, Colunibris andClevekmd; O, J.:. For Pittsburg, dayaburg, - - Altoona, Philipsburg, Ttroney Huntingdon and Lew. istown . cIISIBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD: For Mechanicsburg, Carlisle Bbippensburg, and Cliantbersburg.... 7A. M Wier MAIL—For all places between Hartle- burg and Hagerstown, Md 12.8 , 1? P. M. f3DEMYLKILL AND 811§QDEHANNA BA'a, For Ellendale Forges, Eliwood;Pinegtoreand Snmoilt Station. ..'1.2.30-P. srAttE - banks: For Progress, LingleS- town, Manada Hill, West Hanover, East Hanover, Ono and Jonestown, on Monday, Wednesday and Fri day. For Lisburn and Lewis berry, otoSaturday. ; ARRIVAL 01 THE MAILS. The principal mails arrive at and are' ready for delivery at this office at the following tours: Froffi thoi - North, South, East sl i d t Ir 6dAirli. West e e • .... 1•• 2P. M. From Cumberland Valley Railroad 1: M. p . M. j 6A. M. 2 . P. M. From Reading Bailread‘ Philadelphia - - .4 P. M. Postage on all mail matter must fire paid . by stampkor,it cannot be forwarded in the man`s' re - Office Hours --Yrom 6.30 A. M to 8 o'clock,,,P. M., daily, exeept.. Sundays, when'i he &Ea be'cirete hoitt 7. 1 30 to 134 '3O. and from 3.00 ti:ll4-004P..M.. GEOREtE_JipWNER, Postmaster PEIPFIER'S DULY LINE' BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, lock Haven, Jersey Shore,,WillMnisport, ey, Uniontown, Watsontowa, tewishiteg; Northumberland, San— 1: bury, Treverton;' Georgetown Lykenstown, Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphiir, AND HAR-R rSB 13R G.: , Die Philadelphia:Depot being centrally, located`, Abe- drayage,will be jet the lowest rates. Ther Condnbtor goes :through.: with each ; trainto attend to the safe delivery of all:',goodaintrali r VA . 6 3 aha line. Goode: elivered at the depOt of .FREEH,LWAJ3D & FREED; 811 Market street, Philadelphia, by 6 o'clock P. M., will io,dollv ered-inalanisburg the riezt , n*i.m.ixig. 7 Prcighl always as Low as • by Loy Othei -• • joilepir 111.0NTGOMERT, Philadelphia and Reading:Depotp,: oct2l-tf] Foot W - Market Street, Harrisburg IBL4IRSVILLE tatALEgotriAßy., A iIOM - E FOkV - YOUNG :i LADIES. DAV. S. H ` Soiexa*,4.2iV ; Mrst P. Samit, IN Principaliaided'by a frill oorpe Vrexcilleit . , Utuokm. Acmnnodationelll'..pixty ?Oar' . diki .aelmlare. Thia Sen #muy-,- 7 nor m its eleventh year withpleasant eurrodudinia,"and at,- proprice, aogommodatinne and appftratmc:46Mx.: 1 thmes to commend 'tag to all who. de sire ,tile I tpast. miltpre in, all witicii..,pettftifis' to fem ale education. ',,' ' 1 ,a'sams.— i goard. and Tuitefign the regular oclattle and 14thn, , ;ter Gasp 0, -five *montilEi . , i sac) 00., .Itotrnio"eoh4i - lituiug; ' - OltolioertAr - -' lohgh Nit, ao:ciTo9). OtiffAre, ; loli'tttq Moat approved ll**, $l B. 04: All'; 1 11 . cif . Dr4wing and Pajnting , ittV4er ctdom and till, from 86 00 't.,) $l2 00. French' or flortztau, $lO 00. Thp ututt„teptio], ' will commte 'l9 l l 11th. Ca ogees, Oat Ooappllcittidh. - . ;-. . "1 Enquire of a A. i Tkoigtorf, Eici.; Sfao Ipe pattmopt - ; .11arriabtFK,L . - ,'' '.• , 1 A...1r. sozPLEY • -avAcleodlmci Pr op. laid . 1;021' jl' g; 0 ... , IiarOMING Fl4l=l tinadOilia f t4;6dllth p the beif **trial. fteisaktill retail,and at '52, iFiya pwimie ? ....... New Maertitements 1 DOCTOR A. H. STEVENS, ELECTRICAL pHt.SICIAN, Is curing all CHRONIC DIS EASES, both of Ladies and Gentlemen, by a new method in the use of Electricity alone, widiont any Medicine or even any Pain. BOA.RD may be h a d , with Treatment, by Patients from abroad, at reasonable rates, in the Doctor's Family. LETTERS applying for circulars or further information will be promptly answered. Office and Residence at 1418 SOUTH PENN SQUARE, I I P ilai;folihia,t, Pennsylvania, bb ifig inrAmptii tr ICifOltali delightful pareAfihe itiy.. - ~ ut this out for future reference. 4pBABvBm : „ , , lint , wtsrt CHESTER . 4ioetatint, AND MILITARY INSTITUTE, at West Cheater, Pi., ,wili .resume the dares of the Summer Tirin ((fig five months) on theflrst of 14y neat. ys and young men thoroughly prepared for lege, or businrs. ..Fiveas, Gar= and Spanish taught' by nada, fv'elefent alas/aim The Military Dppartment is under the charge of Major Gus tavus ,EckertilorfL, , Instructor la Gymnastics, Prof. Lewis 9P.M 9Pla tFor catalogruas; 'contahthit-lall particulars, apply to the Principal, n 1 1411x1 2 4 W,M• F. WYERSI A. M. 7,A. M Harrisburg Venitian Blind Factory, BLINDS made to order for churches, parlors ..pnclOptels,tbat will fit any vripdow. Per- Boni wanting blinds Cara 'get all the intbrmation dbsired as to priceeand ittlisipeaof windows by 'tilling at my shop, or _by,sonding me a few lines by:mail. Samples a'ways on band. A OLLI BLINDS MADE `TO LOOK EQUAL TO IfEW. lt,'SHAlif', outh *mond st., a few doors below the Frei , tiyterian church. mr26 doew2m 12.84 P. M 12 M 2.45 P. M VISITING; - -- . WEDDING, - - - ' IMITATION, AND AT HOME CARDS. 13Y a special arrangement with one of the best engittiers in the country, cards of any escliption will be executed in the highest style 44 art, conformable with the latest fashion, and 4upplithi promptly,at lower prices than are charg ed by the stationers in New York or Philadel phia. For samples and prices call at mcliStf BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. .9P ; 3f 12 M. 2.45 P. ill - - URAN BERRIEg,"}i NY, Brit NB, ~.IPLIT PEAS,- BARLEI , AWA.RONT, YEE, MIOILLI, ORANGM, LEMONS, 141 GS, iItAISNS, PEONES, CITRON, 01:1BRANT1 4 ; and a large assortment ol Or. ese & Bla4Tft4l-r :Pickles, Sauces, &c., just , raceved fro* from the iniporter, and for sale low by • -,•- jan3tt W. PQRX., Js., & co. 9.1 3 . M. . . B It it ICOT 0 N JAW Novel, brestenuel Levis, A ErTROB of "Ottarles O'llaBey;" &A, one 'paper, price 60 cents. 'Forlialtrat 6 . 1 BlifiONEWB OS BIAP BOOKSTORE. EVb:ießiabi aTMES J.' - Aud shrubs of - alHeading kinds, and of aft sizdeg l erbia-olito:aftbidaalitt. high, 2 l4o 840 luw at Keystone Namely. J. iiitBll. A 111:kiiida of Garden Seeds,: just . receiTed, 11 and for sale by NICHOLS & tOWM&N, f 20 Corner Front and Market. Etta. •7 A. M. 12.30 P. M „ POTATOES. "A If ERCER - and - Pettailt tthir.` A 'large supply of the above in prink). condition; 'lust I ro t:nixed and fur Bale by aprlo *W.III. DOCK, Jr., 'Br. CO. lONGLISEE DAIRY CHEESS, the very. pest . 112.1..everoffererVirithie market ; for sale by mrBl:H.- Wfd. IX/OK, Ja., & CO. A!liffereut colored ,double V 14140433 ; Pioire, or Mist Tree, and - othdri ohrubbery, 14,4463 he Ntirgory. MISEL." TrAbiS, Dried Beef,, in large A 1 small quantitiesto spit purchasers, for ,30,i low, by I'l : NICHOLS & ap2o fay. Front and 'Markat Ore*. THE BOX, • .L Fastlsih and Irish ,Yeir and lashonia fine onitunental miergreen , shrulik4 at lisysto4 Nursery. [apl6] - - J. MISH. SILVER MAPLE, Morse Ohygnat, ; • English Ash,- . Nor wayldaple, • MotintaltAsh; . lktaTwiggedlinden, and other shade trees, At Keystone iillnlerjr.' .1 apl7 . T AnGE , EvEßGromblez • , i-id .14.1eivAttitellorgeandtne evergreens, for • , , : : IMMEDIATE ORNAMBNT, for sale at reasonable prices, at Keystone NII3I-' sery. ' [apl7]. . .1.. MISIL I EXUELSIOR HAM. —ldichaner'a Btodslor Elc just req.:dyed and for lade NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Oar. 11 ' 0 0 #llolfftkdel§thiePy• mrl6 DDIO AND TMADULTERATED SHOE; Irwin the. most celebrated mills hi the conk try; just limeived end foreale jl4 • - • Whi. DOCK; JR., &Op. • PANGES, te - moni, Xieirdni and other O foreign, fait j rust ret:advl and for sale by ' NIdEItSO4 . I3OWHAN, Front.arat Marketits. ! niy4 . 4.111) andßaccin wanthd, NICHOL* 81, niy4 Abr. Fron4,and gasket AV TO tn_, Bit ic, C uL CO---Co ar4 . with xl . g iii . :e'e lem s s i g li:ivy exsstoc*?,43o , P o it wmatif te l b ctga tirg re ,' 0 , : 7. r sale :by - • Cor. , Fro& and Marka istreete.' SMOKED_ HALIBUT 4 . A VERlO'clioite artitio just received; and for tiy Whf. DOGIC;iIr.,* CO. . . SNAKED AND . rigiciarp. A A redebred3by, . . nc t pocgc . Ji., & gill eiphigteittb SutilitAitiof kradaiiito • at lemotattittft prices tartar° `byvl DOCK ja. & fi1y47014 BLLOELBERILY - ; &arena; 4Figorous, Ixsaring.,plantiod , linv gaysionti Nursery. •:. 3. FOR BALE A TlMVll44oxse pcower . ' fftegin fr-.Ptioe low. address ' 1, 1.14 A 0 , , 11 • I Apr/. 2,ln* CoMberland (*TA* SUGAR% - of grades, itioblvOrrand.forrsalo by I "2 ° 7 , NICII10037&,:tBOIVILAN,11 `fi e u "-' l ".' l tbridigriont and IfaikeiftStii. Celegraph, • The New ..... s this Morning. .%, ,___. The Baltimore American of last evening says : The gratifying news from General Rooker contained in our morning edition . has been somewhat dashed by the intelligence we pub lish this afternoon, to the:effect thit on Tues il' da night be again ' re-creast the liappahan ,la with his whole army. The announce m of this retrOgrade movement, which was A Tat doubled, has since been %armed by i k Ili t telegraphic information froniirrashipgton. T Washington Chronicle also makes thiS same aniouncement, so that it may now beregarded 88 a fixikl fact that aeneral 'Hooker has withdrawn his army from the south efie of de Rappahannock: Whether this movement was a compulsory one," orifrom "prudential mollies," as the amide states, is not yet known. ' ' ' ' The extensive extracts we lay before our renders th a afternoon, fromßicbmond papers q give most , Tuesday, give gratifying accounts of the oilcans of the extensive raid - Of General Stone niers, behaving penetrated the eneurfilinestrf within a few miles of 'Richmond. destroYing" • llcb i dge . s, trains*, culverts, and` Meting up the t kon the railroads and turnpikes between chmond and FrOdericksburg. - • llt is evident from 'details of °petitions Which we also 'publish this afternoon rip to ld , eSday morning, that therepulse - of General p gwick from Fredericksburg give the rebels IMportant advantage On the left of General Ooker, with the cornmand of allthe fords ex cept the United States ford.' 11- is also evident quit the enemy had been' reit,' :,. t ' •3 , 1 tabun dance of food and ammunition, and ..'t -''lt in good fighting condition. These, with it.t. t, vy ritin, may have brett the "prudential reasons" which induced Gen. Hooker to recrose. If, hOwever, in recrossing, he has met with•no se rious disasters and was not intorrupted' in the iovement by the enemy, there is shill room for ope that tbere will be further operations in nnection with Stoneman and Heiniseirnan Who are still said to be in the advance. atest From Fortress Monroe till the If. H. Officers and lien Held as Prisoners Exchanged.' Retif.ol4.cootui,t,cdthe Battl•zt in litiintV lvania ,: C=MI Gene !Axton Killed tineJacon Nound . ed,by ;,he, 'Loss of attliill.. HETK AND k i lP r io ,WMMDF3I) ci . _ a, STONEMAN'S 4 DESTRUCTION OF RE "`' BECRAIIIIGAticTRAINB `..4 !MOTHER • GOVERNMENT -PROPERTY.: STONEMAN .::EXCELANGES: )I,ls HORSES ._.,.,.~ ,Fenkrms Monson, : May 6. Col. Ludlow, commissioner for exchange of ,prisoners, has just retUrned fro M City Point and' 'effected the release and exchange of alli United States officers held .hy:the rebels. ; , iheeej 'officers are 25 0 . in number and 325 men. Among the officers werc . pen. - Stoughton and Yfrihich.' "' • ' The State of Maine left with tbdra for Anna, olio this afternoon in charge: oflf.Capt. John E Mulford. . , . Col. Ludlow has completed the following en changes : let. All' of&is mid enlisted"menl and all pemons, whatever may have been their classification or charaeter, who - have 'been dot livered at City Point up to the - 6tirof May„.lBl3 d 2nd. All officers Ndid' have lieen"baptii ' and released cinparolelip to listed' Apr11;1868; where ever 'they may' have 'been ciptured.l 3d. ‘ , All enlisted' e6r who have been cap 4 tun - In North 'Carolina 'and° Virginia; and released on parole ' Pto Miiidli Ist, 1863. The Richmond Enquirer of May- foili contains ruiacconnt of a seyege battle naviturlitten fought on Sunday, 8d j imit Spottsylvania, they . admit a heavy 'rebel loss. Gen.' Patmi. was killed, Gen. Jacks n wonud. ed by the loss of an.arm, &o. Also Gens. - Beth and A.. P. Hilt, slightly woquded. The battle was renewed on the' rribrnfri'g 'of the 4th. They state the loss as being h eav y on both sides, and claim to' =have taken 5,000 Union- prisoners. while this .battle„ was being fought. The Inquire says Gen. Stoneman with 15' 000 :cavalry destroyed fhb Fredericksburg rail road treAshland and took possession -of a train of card, !capturing. several:4l4A Gevernmaut officers.. The engineer jumped from the train and pretended to be 'dead, - brit' the Yankees. soon awoke him and Made ''hirn run. , the train to the village when) they also destroyetif two loconiotives. A detachment of Yankses then proceeded to Hanover Ceurt 'House, tear, hag up the Central track and cutting the teiegniph wires. They also 'burnt the Obuit house' and several bridges on the FredEr icksburg railroadoAnd ;were, evidently guided. by some one familiar with. .the country. We have obtained his name iir.ir biiB well known Itichnuind. 'At Brooke , pike the Yankeeit exchanged their jaded horses for fresh, ones and procceded . across,the Chickahominy, destroying the turnpike and railroad - bridges over thas river aid' captured ;a l&onicidiOeihich bad been sent bilt this morningou iticennoissance: ;*Gen. Stoneman was Etta in Jot* .ssiguty yesterday, end, a iletachtinent of his command is griaktrig th*,,way , dewri the York rfter 'and !nay join the Yriiikee forties' now r in illlaiue burg; TifeY have destroye& several_tridni of otirsiladerelvith thivernment Ones,: s 11.„2, ... T.! , r ,The/441,n"11,1"17 . _ _, itbsc. _ imarticaluat May 7, The S ription Agent Of of 'the five'-twenty { lean, Mr. Jay-Cooke, announced tie sile t& day of $700,000, principally lmatl aubagriptiane, ~,,,,tga u t, h a t,- - Philadelphia and Pennsylva- 1 Dia. ~ AO ; ' Ohio, $1,74,0004 Maryland and iik; . e k lal.l4,ooo;.- - ProirlderiekEti I:. 1, -S7/4- . _.,;., pis, $I7,(10/01.reirlenuy;• $1240001 c patineky, : $11.;.9(16, :Tol '-andr. Weitehr ? Suede $7 , 60 0 TO%1 1 4700 00 PRICE ONE CENT. The Rebels have Left Suffolk. Stoniman Within Two Mies of Rietunond Communication ‘44.13. Fredericks burg Cdt TERRIBLE BICITURNT AT BICH ROND The Capture of 5,000 Union _Nam:Lars Contradicted. 1=1:1=1 Den. StOneman at the White lime. FORTRISS Moaaos, May 6 The telegraph cable is interrupted between here and Cherrystone, and preventit us from fonrarding anything by telegraph:' The rebels have all left Suffolk and passed over the Black watei and beyond, at the fight near Suffolk. On 'Sunday, the 3rd inst., the rebel loss in killed' was two hundred, which they buried aboutifillyrniles out on the Petersbusg , turnpike. This duds not include theirwounded,which they left oulheSeld. - . TW6 of the prisoners who arived from Rich mond to-day, report tbatmthey were captured within two miletitif , the , city'of-Illehmond on Sunday'the fid iust.,while in pursuit of a courier with die etches from Jackson to Davis. , - Itibbtriond battalion Went out on Stuidatto see 'what the trouble was, swam corn niuniestion 4was cut off with, Fredericksburg both ; by railroad and telegraph. The people in Richmond are in a tetrible state of exc te await:id the report of the rebels having cap tured 5,000 Union prisoners is false and was gotten,up by Jeff. Davis tcs,gt*t the excitement of his people. We learn to-day by the Yorktoern mail boat, that a part of Stoneman's cavalry , had arrived at the White House yesterday. Rebel Reports of the Fight at Gordonsville. THE Erszr., Loss lIRAVT. The Business Houses in Bielunond Closed. Goantnistrms, May 4. Ihofight is still going on. General Jackson hOccupies all the fords except Ely's. Our Ws is eavy. No enemy in:Culpepper. Notre of the . wounded hays arrived in Richmond, owing to the, destruction of the railroads between Rich naoncland'Frederickshurg. Many of the immi nent horuteiin Richmond were closed yesterday An consequence of- the exciting news from the Rappahannock. i ,'‘ IS= abnertietmtitts, lityer'sCompounstVX:tract Sarsaparilla. NO one remedy islnoreueeded in this coun try than a reliable Mine, but the sick have been so outrageously cheated by the worth less preparations .of ,Slmaparilla abroad that they are diegnsted even with"the name. Yet the drag cannot be blamed for the Impesitions frotn which they have suffered. Most of the sokralled Sarsaparillas in the market contain little of the virtues of Sartaparilla or anything gas. They are mere slops—inert and worth less, while a concentrated minter of 'the active viriety of Sarsaparilla compounded with Dock, Stillirigisi, lodine, etc., is, as it ever will be, a powerful alterative and an effectual remedy. Such is "Ayer'ir Extract of Sarsaparilla, as its anly'wonde#ul cures of the great variety of complaints which requirp an alterative medi cine heve , almirdontly shown. Po not, there fore, discard this lnyaluable medicine; becawe yol have bei'diirdpititidepon by something pre tending to be Sarsaparilla, while it was not. Wheiiyou'haVe used Avines—then, and.not tall then,!willl yiar know the virtues of Sarsaparilla. For minute particulars,of the discases it cures, we refer you to Ayer's American Almanac which the agents below named will furnird; ongratis to who. tail for it. • AYER'S CATHARTIC Pins, for the care of Car iteasss, Jam Dyspepsia, Asdigasion, Doesary, Foul Stomach, Ikadoche, Piles, Ithetsmatistn, Pracri burn azisin, from Disordered Stomadi, Pain, or Morbid •luteiitesiof the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appetsto,t Liver Cemplaint, , Dropsy, Worms, Gout, .Neuralgia, and for a Itieria: Pill. They are sugar-,cormed, t rio that the most sen sitive can take them ,pleasexiilY, and they are the best Aperient in the world for all the pur l:ferret of afar:ally physic , Pares 25 , mums PER Box, on. Five Boxas,roa $l. Do not be lOW by unprincipled dealers with preparatiormwhich they make more pro von- Demand'Ares's and take no other 3, Tie siek wantrthe bait aid there is for them, abcbthey should haTe it. Prppered ..by Dr. 3. C. Al* & CO., Lowell, 'lammichutietts. Sold by 'C A DEb2tiva7rt, D. - cr.-Grose It 004, 6t'"K. IlEfLuto, Dr: Belly, Wyeth abd .Eleeklemeverywhore.o ripagarsztvto RBITIPS,: hermetically. soltsti, -I. • in. cans end jars, of. all dwriptions, and of the mpetdelicipoe pharacter, foitahi by t 8 W6i . DOC)K. - ht... - 8t CO. - • • QTHAW fpRAIRS poiti of all valuable varieties, - at Rey. 'stat' Nursery. '' [gin] T. MISR; , . VtOaTON CHACSERS, just received and' for eale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN; Cor. •Front and Market streets. . o'l36Virti STOUT' AND 'SCOTCH AtA in *Ades, just received mid for sale by m ap' WM DOCK, Ja., "- kitgaujurs. • • c ciii e d; by !IRA' re apl4 CO: A very choice 1)0011 Ja" - . .11 SALE —Two lots 20 fe t front . a. e And.llo feet aeii, ton"Craimberland lajlodtlibilidgri road. 1 - ArnyZl ; TIEcEO. F SCTIEFF C EDAEAItE.—TaIay all sizes, Flom .BtudEsts, , Bugar, Boxes, Chives, , Stands, Late Cedar Buckets , Plat"ed .811 ` 3, f 6 • WK. DOCK. In-,* it CO. w 011 and ENGLISH BLAC , war- ranted not only to retain the pent% or Lai z. to titlesSiit the leather itself. For tale by .16. - & GO. rtIIOICK - Green 'nets ',T em , I mper i a l , ALI , s l iming 'Hymn, likoactipny, -02tiloorg,at,c., Ste., kst br. ES/QUIBBE V9WMAN, Aga . ' 4q9 l ll°F. ll ViAt "nl4,Pirkfit:St°. . +,,