orkt Erlegrap4. Ntt'llek; 'l'.' A .1 4 .1tTISEILS.—A.11 Ad vet.* ibe ID cots, Notices, Mar riag,,, 'Deaths, ..1“ , . ; to secure insertion i n in, TELE(iesA eau, must invariably be necompan.ell ilia the CASH. Advertisem.ols :altered in the regular .Is;rening Editicn ale inserted in the Illorning'Edits ,, o 15 ithout extra charge. HABR 13 LI G , A Thursday Evenrivz, May 7, 1863 TOWN AND COUNTRY, MILITARY RELIEF COMMITTER.--The regular monthly payment will be made on Friday after !nl on, Bth inst., at the Court House, between tLe hours of four and six. GEO. BERGNER, Pres't. 0. EDWARDS, S€c'y. LOOK. TO YOUR INTERESTS. —The subscriber, having opened a room at No. 94 Market street, below Fourth, will otlige all persons wishing tailoring done. Having an experience of eight years at the business, I feel confident in giving satisfaction. I will promptly attend to cutting Teen's and boys' clothing in any desired style. m4tdc GEO. A. KLUGH. I=l The Closest. PAIVORAIKA.—Rev. Mr. Long's il lustrated lectures on the plan of salvation, at the Bethel Church, have, notwithstanding the rain, been so well attended that it was proposed last evening to have another night. These paintings are beautiful representations of Gospel truth, and elicited much interest from the large audience. The proceeds, beyond expenses, are to be applied towards purchasing a Sabbath schotl library. Admittance 10 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. lte THE Runs. was five feet above low water mark at 8 o'clock this morning, and rising at the time. Tau COLD RAINS of the past few days have had an evil influence on the fruit crop, by de stroying the buds and blossoms on the fruit trees of the most tender variety. Farmers begin to complain already that the fruit crop, fr these effects, will be a failure ; but as our agri cultural friends are so given to complaints, we still hope that their wont forebodings will not be realiw.d. KILLED.—Last week Dr. Freeman, Coroner of Blair county, was called upon to bold an in quest on the body of a stranger, killed in the engine yard at Altoona. The examination re sulted in the finding ti at "an unknown man had come to Ida death by being run over by the tank of an engine." It was supposed that he bad attempted to get on the engine, and had fallen on the track, and been run over, sever ing the body almost in two. There was noth ing about the person of the stranger, by which he could le ide;,tified. FROM LOZERNE COUNTY.-A miner named William Davison, was dreadfully burned while removing the contents of a log of powder to a tin box used for its safe keeping. He bad a I lighted lamp in his baud at the time, from contact with which the explosion was caused. It is astonishing how careless persons will be come in the handling of powder.—The . , young men of Wikesbarre met at Chahoon Hall, on Friday evening, May Bth, for the pur pose of forming a young men's Christian Asso ciation.—Accident—As George Randall and his wife were riding along River street, in Wilkeshar, e, on Saturday, their horse hi came frightened at the sprinkling of the street, and becoming unmanageable, upset the wagon in which they were riding, breaking the leg of Mrs. Randall au t injuring her other wise very severely.—John Peters had his arm broken at the Consolidated Coal company's works at Nanticoke, on Monday, 4th inst., by a crank flying back in consequence of some defect in the rachet arrangement which held project is on foot to erect a large and magnifi cent hotel in Wilksbarre, which the 7imea gards as . good evidence of prosperity there abouts, notwithstanding the copperhead -pre diction of depression to result from the election of "Abe Lincoln."—Mr. George Moore was injured severely, in Wright township, by being accidently thrown from the gangway of a saw mill. He fill a distance of many feet on a hard stony road, rolled into the race, from which he was rescued from drowning, to did . it few days afterwards from the tffect of his in juries. A SERIES ON CROSS SUITS—FAMILY JARS—As saults and Ilaturies—Fornication, BfC.—On Tues day afternoon, Officers Fleck and Wickert:pro ceeded to the locality known as the Twin . Docks, on the canal above Dauphin, with warrants to arrest certain parties charged with assault and battery with intent to kid. The parties were Frederick Moss, Nicholas Gainer and Elizabeth Galbraith. The circumstances which induced this arrest are these: It appears that Mrs. Moss has been separated from her husband, Frederick Moss, and that she had gone to the Twin Locks to procure certain articles Which were at the residence of her husband. When she got there, she found Miss Galbraith in pos session of the house, and when she attempted, to take her goods, Miss G. ran into the road, stoning Mrs. Moss and otherwise violently as saulting her. Mrs. G. escaped as best she could, seeking shelter in the house of Janes' Martin. At this juncture Frederick Moss ap peered at the house of Martin, kicking in the, door, as it is alleged, and threatening to mar-• der his wife if she did not leave the neighbor!' hood. Young Martin interfered, protestitig that Mrs. Moss should not. be abused in , his' house; and after Moss had left the premises, Mrs. M. was brought to 419- el.q ? y , vhere she 'entered the present suit beforelAideriMp Peffer. The parties named, Moss, Gai n er and Mrs .Galbraith, were committed to ' atiivrer. • Mrs. Moss also brought suit against Miss Galbraith, on a charge of fornication. , —These parties do , not beara very eriviabig. reputation, and are Well known to, the police as .desperate characters. Miss Galbritith haebeek, in several bad ;serapes, and this qa : l 4 her career for at least a few years._ SCARCITY OF LABORERS.—Many of the farmers [...until in that they cannot obtain sullici lit laborers to put their spring ctop tut. the ground in due season, and some of them will not he able to put under cultivation all they intended on account of the want of help.- 1 his does not look as if the influx of free col ored men was about to deprive the white la borers of the means of supporting their families. ERECTION OF A Naw CHURCH...-A neat and comfortable church is in proof se of erection, and now neatly completed, in the lower part of Clark's Valley, a few mile_s from the villagi of Dauphin. The church is erected by the Evan gelical church, and will be quite an accommo datil n to that part of the citizens of Dauphin county. The consecration of the church is to take place on the Whitsuntide holidays, and will doubtless be an interesting service. OPENING OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS. —Since the com mencement of the pleasant weather of spring, the Sunday schools in different portions of the country are again being organized. A few weeks ago a fhurishiisg school was commenced at Churcbville, and one has been organized at Mount Zion church, near Linglestown, and the one at Shoop's church will 'be re-organized on next Sabbath. We are pleased to see so much interest manifested in the instruction of the young, since the moral training of the young must exert so important au _influence upon the future of our country, as wallas of the church. MEETING FOR THE RECEPTION OF THE 127rn Pa. Vore.—Mayor A. L. Ronmfort Was chosen Chairman, and And. J. Jones . , Alex. Knker, L Bernhard, and others from .eaelr. Ward .were appointed Vice Presidents. ~I L-F.M!-Beynol4 Dr. Jacob Weistling and Col. David Linger were appointed gecretaries. Comma OF Anraziosmsarra —IL Hogan, Jr., Alex. Koser, Alex. W. Watson, Charles L. Bailey, Daniel D. Boas, Joshua M. Wiestling, Bag , A. K. Black, Major John Brady, William Findley Osier, Jehu DeHaven, Dr. William H. Egle and DAvid Mumma, Jr. To meet at the Brady House to-morrow evening' at 74. o'clock. Punllnal attendance is requested.' I==l MIFFLIN COUNTY. —FataI Accident.—One of those lamentable occurrences which often cast a gloom over a whole community, transpired a few days since, on the farm of Davis Bates, Esq ,in Armagh township. In the afternoon, the eldest son of Hr. 8., aged 12 years,took a colt to the field, and while in the act of strik ing the animal was kicked on the temple which felled him insensible to the earth. He was im mediately conveyed to a neighboring farm house, where, after lingering in unconscious ness several hours, he expired.--Deserter Ar m:Md.—A oung man who refused to give bid name, but acknowledged that he had twice de serted and belonged to the Blat Pennsylvania regiment, was arrested in Lewistown, by the military on Thursday last, and placed in jail. Lamm' Lcaquz.—There is no cause in whioh woman is more interested than that which involves the permanent peace and seen- city' of the country. In this country, peace means presperity to all in every grade of society, w o have the energy to work for and the hon esty to desire it. The only obstacle to this permanent peace is tile influence of rebellion— and the only element which looms up fearfully against that peace, is slavery. Hence we must organize every influence of good, every means that is effective to secure this peace and order, and put down this treason and rebellion_ In this, woman has not only her interest, but she, also has her duty. She can do much, very much, in contributing to , the success of those ; who are in arms or tholla.whosare in civil posi tion, acting in the name of the Government. All that is necessary to accomplish this is or ganization. Let the women of Harrisburg—Abe wives and mothers who have husbands and sons in the army, the sisters who havebrothers in the fight—the women, in fact, who love their country—let these organize, themselies into Union Leagues ; When suchl4dnizations' are attained', tha work suitable livomen to perform in this mamentles crisis sug gest itself. Let nd time` be waited in asking what can be done. Organize for the doing of good, and good works will spring , up all aronnd. The country needs the services- of its daughters as well as its sons. Will the ladies of Harris burg emulate the example of their sisters in other localities, and at once organize them selves into a Union League, that they - may contribute to the success of the struggles of the ' Government with traitors?. While manly hearts and strong right arms, FignVfor our country's flag and laws; While patriot blood like water flows From brothers' veins to aid our cause, Shall woman sit with folded hands. And in the strife ftod . naught VI do? Is there no' work for loyal hands Of sisters, wives and mothers_ too? While treason lurks in every street, And walks abontin thin disguise— While craven hearts with poison tongues Prate loudly "Peace and Compromise!" Shall woman's voice be hushed and still, And offer no rebuke to those Who lack the power—not the will s . To sell their country to, their foes?! , 1 . o! While our soil with blood is red, And dying heroes ask relief— While orphan'd children cry for food, And Widows' hearts are filletl, '" with„ grief— ' 'Tis wlithriii's right to bear it'part;-' • , Though not on fields,of battitigiory; , _ But through thi riches of her heart She may obtain a glory:'`' 'Tie brave to stand'Where deadly shot < And bursting shells like ititglflinuts fall, But courage not leas true is hens, Whose, eart respopda to duty'Al call; • Who gives a father, brother, son ; To.dietfor Union's sacred,nama-- r; That .8.11.p0r SWes may_.be„. e s one, f., :19.11d freedom everywhere tie same. . -...Then.hancl join hand in Loy* Lewis .A nd souls unite with loyal Like k m artan others, bring good - bheer For those Who stand on Honor's 8011. , Christ-like go forth with deeds of love, And make the soldier's burden light; Point out the camp of rest above t or loyal men who win.the fight. Obi loyal hearts, unite, unite;`'' =---- Help!Give to the cause 'your' moral strength. for yoni'ctiontry's herter, ~..And God shall crown yorr,workat .When peace shall blest our landligiOn, Wind .over all our native soil ' " y t..-atialitkie,anti.Truthhi triumph reign, Then shall ye have reward for toil. r PRPSe , NAL --Hon. Ho'ace Maynard of Ter.- lit , Bset , , one of the intrepid Unif in men of that i-eetiun, was in this city last bight, a guist at the Junes House, He was en route fur home from New Jets,y, where he had hen engaged in the advocacy of the cause of the Government. I= Tux AMERICAN ANNUAL for 1862 will be issued to subscrib.:rs some time in the month of June. The very favorable reception given to the volume fur the preceding sear, has induced the publishers to make special efforts in the prepa ration of the volume soon to appear. Its con tents embrace the material and intellectual progress of the year, particularly in this coun try ; the important civil and political measures of the Federal and State Governments ; an accurate and minute history of the struggles of the great armies and the many battles, illus trated with maps of the country and plans of the actions taken from official copies ; the pro ceedings in thty Confederate States to maintain the war and establish their government ; the debates of the Federal and Confederate Con gresses ; with all the important events, relating to finances, business and the nation, which transpired during the year 1862. It is the great natienal work of the age. , THE PROVOST 'MARSHALS FOR , TRI SILTE or PIaiNSYLVANIA.—The following is a complete list of the Pro4-o -t 'Marshals for 'the 'State of Pennsylvania 1. W. G Lehman, of Philadelphia. 2. Edwin 'Palmer, of Philadelphia. 3. Jacob S. Stretch, of Philadelphia. 4. Davis M. L •ne, of Philadelphia. S M. Yardley, Frankford. 6 John J. Freedley, Philadelphia. 7. Enos L Christman%WestlChititer. ' • 8. dl .do . do • . ' 9. A. W. Bolineus, . 10. 'Charlemagne Tower,---L. 11. , Oamuel Yohe, Easton., . 12. W. W. Ketchum. 13. Chas.'M. Manville, Troy. 14. John N. Clemert, Harrisburg. 15 R M. Henderson. 10.:.Ge0. Water, Chamhersburg. 17. • James D Cauipbell; Holidaysburg; 18. W. W. White, Williamsport. 19. Hngh S. Campbell, Ridgway. 20. David V. Derrickson, Meadville. 21. B. Coulter, Greensburg. 22. James A. Herron, Pittsburg. 23. J. W. Kirker, Allegheny City. 24. John Cuthbetiaon,' Washington. THE RIEWS 'Atin rine Conmarram—lf any man ever donblisi :the existence of - an order of the Knights of the Golden Circle in this city, his doubts must have been removed this morn ing, after we had bulletined the glorioult news of theliiiiceee f' of Hooker. As that account spresiffover the city, as loyal men became joy ful, ;front: its noble effects, the conntenar en of the copperheads became gloomy. Copperhead ism wilted. A loyal victory„ was more than they bad anticipated. Had' they not predicted that the troops would not tight under Hooker? Had they not declared that only could gain a victory? What right, then, had loyal, men to announce hews Which conflicted with their predictiorisr &oh 'Were the sentiments evidently entertained by the , copperheads; they did, not-give them shape and force in words. —The news is indeed glorions ! It-has filled tha city withjoy and gratitude. ‘ It : has made the Republic safe ! The dead have gone to glorious graves, and the•living are reserved for glorious honors I - A few more such blows, and. the end of treason will have been reached. Btu SOLER.= Lrmal Somensnr.—The Somerset Herald and. Whig, of the 6th inst., thus describes the effect of the news that the rebels were - marching on that pleasant little village: • . • On Friday night last, the citizens °fear quiet borough were thrown into a "big seam" by the reception of a note from Mt. Pleasant announc ing that the rebels had crossed the State line near Morgantown, and were within a few =Una of Uniontown. Sonic of ogr-tqxgttikble citizens immediately conceived the sensible notion that the known great wealth of our people would superinduce au immediate assault upon their money bags. So the Court House bell was rung, and drums beat, the boys assembled, and arms distributed. Various old ladies took to squall ing, and sundry young ones'th giggling. Silver spoons were hid in out of the way corners, and pinchbeck jewelry suddenly disappeared from sight. Some men looked fierce and blasphemed, while others ridiculed the improbability of the story. So, for an hour or two folly ruled the roast, when, reason returned, Cede were sought, and the morning's first beam discovered `.the ancient borough preelitny in the'position it lad always occupied, and its valiant citizens snoring as peacefully as if rebel raids haene'er been heard of. The Whig contains also the following account, which inggeste its :own comment: At the Densticratic meeting; on Monday even ing, the 28th ult., the Ladies' Belief Association of Somerset, collected the sum of fourteen doe tars and twenty cents. " " • _ Also on Tuesday evening, at, the Republican meeting, they collected the sum of fifty dollars and eighty-one, cents. , ;• „ , Who are the friends of the soldiers', fipecial Xotitis PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA and Recruiting, Claims, United StatesiTension,.Bounty; Arreitrg: of, Pay, and Subbistenm lc., retitle' out end eollected by EUGENE SNYDER, ,Ilttorney-al-,409. Office : Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. [924-ly A Communication. „ Although our confidenbb in Mankind may have .been abused, in , this nanghty i world of ours, it lis-ennobling.to see patient, hontrat rec-. titude laboring -on and striving .better the condition of our, , fellowcreatutee. In ; this ccu motion our , •attention. has, been,called to the merits of Mrs. Weethovenle german Vegetable Medicines and the success attending those manufactured by our favorably known citizen, Mrs. L. Bally No. 27 South Pine street, Harris burg, Pennsylvania. In view of these valuable medicines, which can be procured fromlfrs. Ball at a - small compensatiOn, havekkhought it our duty tu . say this much for .theeilt‘ the afflicted. riIIERRY Both' dwarf and -standard, as good In Nudity of the tree. and as extensive in variety as-Can be found in the looontry,ht,i4e3istont Nursery:. • [apl7] , ..: _,r•J. MiSH. • .COAL YARD FOR 5A,14.8. stock- and-fixtures- of one.-of the ties I located Yards iolown. Address BOX.BBB. TWO VIC& UNION OANDID4Tfy64`OHbRIFF. DVlelietir,teillti the' oFff otaLi Win ivolti l oriaUnion meliMap47-latm New 22ivertistments. LIFE INSURANCE The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. OFFACE, NO. 408 GRAMM SMELT. (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND AIMS.. $1,543,886 THOMAS RIDGWAY, President JOHN F. JAMBS, Secretary. CONTIN UE to make INSURANCE ON LIVES on the most reasonable terms. They act as Executors, Trustees and Guardians under last Wills, and as Receivers and Assignees. The capital being paid up and invested, together with a large and constantly increasing reserved fund, offers a perfect security to the Insured. The premiums may be paid yearly, half year ly or quarterly. The company add a BONUS periodically to the 'insurances for life. The FIRST BONUS appropriated. in. December, 1844, the SECOND BONUS in December, 1849, the THIRD BONUS in December, 1864, and the FOURTH BONUS . In 1869: These additions are made without requiring any. increase in. the premiums to be paid, to the company. The following are a few examples from the Register : Amount of policy Sum Bonus of and bonus to be in- Insured. addition.'creased by future 'additions. Policy. No. 89. $2500 - $ ::7 50 $BBB7 60 " 182. 8000 1060 00 4060 00 " 199 ' . 1000 400'00 1400 00 888. 6000 1876 00 6875 00 Agent at Harrisburg and vicinity _ r- WILLIAM BURRY. R. jelo-dly COFFEE I COFFEE I COFFEE I WANTED, every Grocer bud the Public to VI 47 W. , ELL'S NONPAREIL PREPARED COP- WarranW to gtve satisfaction, or the money refunded. It is universally acknowhalged the BFST EVBR USED. Prepared and for sale it the Eagle Steam Spice and _Coffee Works, No. 244, North Front, (cor • - her of tie* st.,) Philadelphia, Pa. HOWARD WORRELL. .mbh9dBma T. J. McGUIGAN, Importer and wholesale dealer in THREA 1/, TAPES, HOSIERY , Notions, iko-, :MATO:NES AND BLACE.ING, No. 2 Rrataberne Simot, 'Philadelphia. f 26-dam FOR SALE. gfirousams prime Potatoes. AJIJ' 200 LBS. Buckwheat Flour. „4.800 bbla. Prime New York State Apples. ~;,Buckwheat and Wheat Flour, Corn Oats, Feed, Dried Apples, Dried Peaches, Drieceßlack ,bkirries, Huckleberrie., Raspberries, Elder -lierries, &o. Choice sugar-cured Hams, Shoul ders, Dried Beef, Lard, Mackerel, Codfish, &c. A prime lot of Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Candles, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Candles, Spices, TobaCco, Segars, &c. A prime lot of Sweet Cider just received. :titre Cider Vinegar. 'For sale wholesale and retail, N 0.106 Market street, Harrisburg; Pa. mr 0 ,26 dly A STRANGE STORY Six E. limanis Limon, pc§'ale at BREMER'S' BOOKSTORE. rIfiEESE I Prime Goshen, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Sap Sago, for sale by WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO. epl4 II ARDEN SEEDS Shaker's, Mt. 4banon, N. Y., and erigga4.lfrn., AO:Lester, N. Y. A large laYnica,,annlinking every variety and deepription, juat rem:wad-and for We by lapl4 . • vx:rpoic,4B..; ak co. • - DRIED FRUIT. RIED Peaches, (pared) Dried Peaches, (Imputed.] Dried Apples. Dried Plums, - • , • Dried Cherries. Dried Blackberries. For sale by [aprlo] WM. DOOK, Jr., &CO WBITING FLUIDS —Boss' Americas Wri ting Fluid, a splendid Ink, at 62 cents per quart; A. - MOLD'S gamine Writing Fluid, HARBISON'S Columbian Writing Fluid, LAITGUIRN- & BUSIIFIRLD'S Ink, Copying' Ink,, Caraine and lied inks of the best quality, Blue Ink, licitdrip; &o.,‘at ap6 BOUVIER'S BOOKSTORE. OP ` ass.. O• • • ' This celebrated Salad Oil, with several other choice brands, In large and small bottles, just received and for sale by ,9.14 WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO. OLLAANit*B4thet-'de `'not need 4e:4 obiniliey, aftd.:43,olditi. %ill' put the light out. Nil and=e ar: at Nl Corjteut and *whet Bic DEBT PENB . in.. the wol Id, fot 76 0 , $1.26, 13 41.60, s 2 •4 B tAnd $ 4 1 fut egikat : `,015-41 .f; aIIiEFFEW S ticisi Wog& 4,BABBIALA. 4 AND CATAWBA fitßair, strong and thrifty, tiro y. .years old, at . reduced prices ,, at Barito n e I .of, • noinAtf BROWN STOUT and SCOTCH ALE, of the best brands, always on hand and for sale by : [apl4] VAL DOCK & CO. GPM MPL Cornjustred by jauBtf • -4, t Winsloir's - Fresh Green W. DOCK, Jr., & 1.00 BUSHELS Mercer s and Peach l3low Potatoes, for eale very low, by NICHOLS.Bt BOWMAN, Corner Front And Market Sta. El ATOETONILOIILEARATAD PINE APPLE 11 CHEESE, direct from m the manufacturer, and for sale by WM. DOOK, Ja., & CO: Dll ED BE tr,F AND ROVXMA, a very &dos lot, just received and for sale by . • tarBo WM. DOCK, & CO. A caoier. lot of superior Bacon, jot re- Th. calved and f i r solo low by NlOllOl.B & BOWMAN, Cm Viciiit and Market street& apl 14 4 _Q. ALT, ground- t alum, Ashton and dei t y, in "10 latga Of iniallitlintitimilbil:'l`!,;„ ) 1,,,, ~I- 1 -":4 ~ ,r itss N .LegOkaztk, 4 3oW t Aalat,; o3 '-' o * I Oiii4timt aniMezkeliatrftil/44' 'T'OUCHINQ at QUEENSTOWN, (Coati Hea l. Boa.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steam ship Company, are lutondt:d to pail as follows : City of Manchester, Saturday, May 9 ; Etna, Saturday, May 16 ; City of Washington, Sat urday, May 23. PATABLIA IN OOLD, OR ITS BQUIVAINNT IN OUR ROW/. ruler CABIN, $BO 00 STEERAGE, $32 6(:, do to London, 86 00 do to London, 36 50 do to Paris, 95 00 do to _pads, 40 50 do to Hamburg, 90 00 do to Hamburg, 37 60 Passengers also forwarded to Flame, Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, &c., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown : Ist. Cabin, $75, $B5, $lO5. Steerage from Liver pool, $4O. From Queenestown, $3O. Those who wieh to send for their friends can buy tick ets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Compa ny's Maas. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 16 Broadway, N. Y f2&lly. Valuable Furnace Property for Sale or to Rent. BE undersigned.will sell or rent Chester 1. Furnace, situate in Cromwell township. Huntingdon county, Pa. The Stack is well and substantially built ; there is also Ten Bank Houses in tolerable repair ; there is an abun dance of good wood that can be purchased at from 16 to2.scents per cord, (wood leave,) with in two miles of the stack, and abundance of good ore can be got from one to two and a half miles, atra reasonable price. The furnace is about ten miles from Mt. Union station, P. B. R. with a good public road leading to it. .For further particulars, address SAMUEL WILSON, Spruce Creek, P. 0., Huntingdon county, Pa. • inr3l4l3m THE subscriber respectfully invites the atten tion of his friends and the public generally to his Piano-Forte Establishment, at No. 427 Broome street, corner of Crosby street. Having withdrawn his interest, stock and materials from the late firm of " Lig hte & Brad buys," which firm was dissolved on the 81st January, ult., and having purchased the entire stock of Piano-Fortes and Piano-Forte Material, owned by his brother, Edward (l. Bradbury, in the said firm, he is now prepared to supply the increased demand for his celeb t d Pomo-For tes. Employing the most skihr 1 .T si .aperi eneed workmen, with a large:stock LA pis '• st and most thoroughly seasoned material ; an abundance of capital, he has taken in the personal supervision of the whole business of manufacturing his instruments, and is enabled to turn out Piano-Fortes of unequalled tone and durableness. BRADBURY'S NEW SCALE PIANO-FORTE. In the arrangement of our new scale, drawn and prepared with , the utmost care, expressly for our new instrathents, we haveadded every improvement which can in any way . tend to the perfection of the Piano-Forte, and we can con fidently assert, that for delicacy of touch, vol ume, purity, brilliancy and sweetness of tone, combined with that strength and solidity of frame necessary to durability, these Justin .ments are unequalled. ",Strength and Beauty" is our motto, and, we invite the closest criticism of the best unbiased ju in thaland. (Every instrument warranted for five years. WM. 13. BRADBURY, 427 Broome at., cor. of Crosby, New Yoli. m 2 dBm. W. H. BIBLE 8; co. ESTABLISHED 1760. snuff and " Tobaooo Manufacturer 16 4. 18 CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chambere Street, New York,) WOULD call the attention of Dealers to the articlee of hl manufacture, viz : BROWN SNUFF. Wicaboy, Demigroi, Fine Happen, ' Pure Virginia, Coarse Bappee, Nachitoches, American Gentleman, Copenhagen YELLOW SNUFF. • Scotch, High Toast Scotch, Irish High Toast, or Lundyfobt, Honey Dew Scotch, Fresh Honey Dew Scotch, Fresh Scotch. or Attention is called to the large redaction in prices of Fine-Cat, Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, which will be found of a Superior Quality. Long, No. 1 , No. 2, Nos. 1 & 2 mixed, Granulitea. P. A. L., Cm plain, Cavandiab; or Sweet,. Sweet tilapted 9ronoco, z Tin`'nil Cairendish.. N. B.—A circular' of prices will be sent on application. rerll-llly EC GREAT EASTERN will .leave LIFER- T POOl 4 on her first trip during the present month Or early in May; and will continue to ran regularly daring the season. Early notice will be given of dates Of departure. First cabin from Second cabin:..`. lilicoursion Tickets' o u t 'and back, hi the first and second cabin only, a fare and a ball. Third cabin Steerage.... All farce payable in Gold, or its equivalent In U. S. currency. For freight apply to HOWLAND & Assow.amm, Agents, mrlB4ltje9] 64 South at., New Yak. iMBANGES AND LEMONS.—We have just V.!' received the largest-andlinest lot of Mae, shiaOraages offered this seasoitin this market. Call and examine, at • NICHOT & BOWMAN,, _: COL Frnikt and Market streets. EIMI RANG ,/ B 3 AN LEMONS;—Another lot of O chotee,Meafina Orangei:juit received and for sale ,low, by NICHOLS & BOWNO, 4.414 , & ICicy.l ll xont and Market Streets. NEW Minertigentents Steam Weekly to Liverpool. PLUM OF PASSAGE, WM. B. BRADBURY'S PIAN 13-F 0 FIT E .E STABLISHMENL No. 427 Broome St.. NEW YORK. PETER LORILLARD, TOBACCO. SMOKING. B. Jago, Spaniel), Canister, Turkish PINS CUT ISHIGSTING STEAMSHIP GREAT EASTERN. WALTER EATON, 'Ooinn cruder BATES OF. PASSAGE For passage apply to CHARLES A„ WHITNEY, At the Mee, 26 Broadway, New York Gem abverAgeineuts. SiiPONI FiElic CONCENTRATED LYE, THE FAMILY SOAP MAKER THE PUBLIC ate cautioned against the SPURIOUS articles of LYE for making SOAP, &c., now offered for sale. The only GENUINE and PATENTED Lye is that made by the PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, their trademark for it being " SAPONIFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LYE." The great SUCCESS of this article has led UNPRINCIPLED PARTIES to endeavor to IMITATE it, in violation of the Company's PATENTS. All IiIANUFACTITRERS, BUYERS or SEL LEkiS of these SPURIOUS Lves, are hereby NOTIFIED that the COMPANY have employed as their ATTORNEYS, GEORGE HARDING-, EsQ., of Phila., and WILLIAM BAKEWELL, JfSQ , of Pittsburg. And that all MANUFACTURERS, USERS, OR SELLERS of Lye, in violation of the rights of the Company, will be PROSECUTED at once. The SAIONIFIER, or CONCENTRATED LYE, is for sale by all DRUGGISTS, Gnomes and Comrrar STORNI The UNITED STATE; CtROUIT COURT, Western District of Pennsylvania', No. 1 of May Term, in 18n, in snit of THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMiLPANY• vs. THOS. G. CHASE, decreed to the Company, on November 16, 1862, the EXCLUSIVE right granted by a patent owned by them for the SAPONIFIER. ?stoat dated October 21 1 866. Perpetual injunction awarded. THE. PENNSYLVANit SAT MITNUFACTURING COMPANY• OFFICES 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Pitt St. and Duquesne Way, PittsloUry ap2543m-3p THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE; . Is WILKELER AND WILSON'S. I\TEW OFFICE Market Square, next door to 111 Colder's office. Call and see them in ope ration. A general assortment of machines and needles constantly on hand. Mies Margaret Hiney will exhibit and sell them, and also do all kinds of machine sewing on these machines in the best manner. • The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. aprl 1- d6m 20 Ll3S.—Compoeed of the ,000 following brands, just rt oetired Minnow's, eekbraial. Nsw Janstr, selected. EVANS AND SWLET'S, superior. -Miamian's Exclusion, canvassed. MIOSEINIA'S Excursion, not cacanvaned. Nov CITY, earmased. • • IRON CITY, not canvassed. PLaiirEems, Um* prime. COUNTRY HAYS, Ray fine. non mi ted oh . ham sold will be guaranteed as repro WM. DOCK, Jr., Sr. CO. ` 363 RIIBIL MILLS. 355 353 and 355 WeAllingtmt Street. New York' Oity.„ - GOVERNMENT COFFEE. DDT up in tin foil pound ,papers, 48 in a `.l. box, and in bulk. Our prices range from 7to 80 cents. We put up , the following kinds: JAVA, MARACAIBO, RIO AND VARIOUS OTHER BRANDS OF SUPERIOR COFFEE. We believe our Coffee to be better than any gronti&COffee now in use. All orders addres sed to tiiior to our agents, 'Messrs. Pisan & Tomo I'B2 Chambers Street; corner • Waming ton Street, New York City, will receive prompt attention. The retail trade eupplied by first clue lobbing. houses in the various cities. TABER & PLACE. WY._ s. won. CHAS. PLACE. N. B.—Trade Price List furnished upon ap plicatiop. declB dBm-rdmr23 LIQUORS. TATE have on hand , a very superior selectiod V V of WINES, BRANDIKS. and FINE LI QUORS, of every description. BRANDIM of: the choicest brands and Yin. tages. WINES of every variety and of till finest quality. T. CRUZ RUM. HOLLAND GIN. IRISH, SCOTCH, RYE and BOURBON WHISKY, CHAMPAGNE, SCOTCH ALE, BROWN STOUT ; CORDIALS, Ac. Also, a NATIVE WINE, manufactured from the domOstie grape, which is &splendid article, and we know it to be pure. " apl4 WAL DOCK, JR., & CO. . Chenebrongli & Pearson, PROVISION DEALERS, 14 South, Water BlreetePhiladelphia, ARE prepared to offer to their customers their Celebrated Begar Cured Hams and. Dried. Beef, which are cared expressly for family u le, and superior to anything in the market. .P T. B.—All orders by mail promptly atte: - .d • eff to. apl7 1 m HORSES, WAGONS AND CARTS TO HIRE. TORN ALCORN, Broad street, West Harries ./ - btu g, is prepared to furnish Horses, Carts and 'Wagons to persons wishing hauling done. Dialog ofCellars personally attended to. Hooting pf any diScription promptly attended to. An order box for the accommodation of persons will. be.found in the TELROHAPH Print. ing Office, wheie order§ will be received. aplB 3m JOHN ALCORN. .$96 to $l-36 ' $7O IiTE invite the attention of the public to our V large and Well selected dolt. of Queens ware, recently purchased, and which we offer at a very small advance,on city prices. Call and exturtine, before purchasing elsewhere. ItIICHQLS & BOWMAN, Cornar Front and Market Sta. $6O $BO ap7 U7IE - DOW SIIADEB of linen, gilt-bordertd; Yr and PAPER BLINDS of an endless vari Oky:Of deaigns suidoiTatinenfol, also, CfUBTAIN FIXTURES and TASSELS at - very lbw prices. Oakat, SOREFFER'S BOOKSTORE. HA 8. —A large invoice of canvassed and 'uncanvaaaed hams„ of over ctoice brand in market. Bach hamwarrantedin good order. For sale very low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Fpwit and . Market Ste. PO F"L--Another , large lot of Mac del and -Herring, sizes of packages, barrels, halves, quarters:and kits, for sale lcw by NICHOLS & 13010414 Owl Pl:opt . and Mariiit Streets. 1 07 TAKE NOTICE HAMS!!! QUEEN WARE