Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, May 07, 1863, Image 2

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    rtt pail g EtiegraA'.
Thursday Evening, May I, 1863
NIA, without distinction of party, who desire
cordially to unite in sustaining the NATIONAL
patriotic efforts to suppress a sectional and no
holy rebellion against the UNITY OF THE
REPUBLIC, and who desire to support, by
every power of the Government, our heroic
brethren in arms, who are braving disease
and the perils of the field to preserve the
UNION OF OUR FATHERS, are requested to
select a number of Delegates equal to their Le
gislative representatives of the State, at such
times and in such manner as will best respond
to the spirit of this call, to meet in STATE
at eleven o'clock, A. M., on said day, to nomi
nate candidates for the offices of GOVERNOR
to take such measures as may be deemed ne
ceasary to strengthen the Government in this
MOM of common peril to a common country.
Chairman of the Union State Central Com
Geo. W. HAMBILSLY, t secretaries.
The Committee also passed the following reso
lution unanimously, viz:
Resolved, That it be recommended to the
Loyal citizens of Pennsylvania, without dis
tinction of party, to organize, in each Election
District of the State,Union Leagues,for the pur
pose of sustaining the Government in suppress
ing this causeless and wicked rebellion, which
now seeks to divide and destloy the Republic.
The Last Ruse of the Sympathizers.. I
Having afforded the slaveholding traitors all
the means and all the sympathy in their posses
sion, to ensure the success of rebellion, and
haviog failed in every attempt in that direction,
the lders of the copperhead democracy are
about to attempt a new dodge, to practice an
original ruse to ensure the success of their machi
nations for slavery. The cry now raised is, that
"the Republican party must be put down ;". the
"Abolitionists must be exterminated ;" which
means, of C MOW, that the freemen of the North
must yield to the slaveholders of the. South. To
put down the Republican party—to crash on
Republican principles and destroy Republicen
institutions, is just what the slaveholders are
battling for, just what they have sworn to do,-
just what they , have deluged the land with
blood, and startled the nation with rapine, ar
son and murder to accomplish. If it had not
been for Republican principles and institutions
this rebelliOn never would have been inaugu
rated, 'because in the absence of such . principles
and inatitntiens, the slaveholders would haVe
had it their own Way. Slavery rebelled against
freedom. Society as organized in the South,
representing there the worst feature of aria;
tocratic corruption, an aristocracy which
denies all recognition to labor, rebelled
against liberty as it exists in the frier
States, where labor is equal to capital, wh*e
there are no distinctions except between
virtue and viee, and where freedom is ~,reg
arded EISA ptlippsB,an4 not toyed as a . theory.
The Republican , pa;ty was not 'organized so
much to oppose the institution of 'ilavery, rui it
was to increase : _the spread, Of, freedom. Its
principles never contemplated contest with
slavery where State rights seemed to recognize
and dignify its barbarous usages, But those
piinciples sought progress wherever there was
sufficient territory belonging to the Government
outof which to organize and erect new, porn
monvirealths. It was the success in this progrims
and such organizations, , which impelled slavery,
as it exists in, the American „Stat'es; to antago
nize freedom as it also in the same.
States. The Republican party is the only polit
ical organization ever formed in this country,
which has fully made itself the chiinpfon of
freedom. All otlier political organizations here
tofore oinow existing, have had Weir Covenants
with slavery, Frd are therefore more or lessTre
sponsible for. this rebellion. Had these cove
nants never existed, encouragement to treason
would never .:_have been afforped. Had the
institution of Slivery been made dependant
upon its own merits instead of - being bolstered
by the special legislative privileges which all
parties but the Republican willingly 'extended
to the institution, the disgrace which naturally
belongs to the system, the corruption which it is
hourly breeding, and the evil influences which
it daily distils, would have destroyed it and
carried it down to hell, where it telongs, more
than tralf ii:centerrshice7 .- It has not a sin
gle energy te,Siiead itsown' vile influences It
has not a single merit.to command respect.. It
'ltvdependant altogether upon special privilege
for existence. - Deprive it of this, -add we invoke
its doom immediately',
—ln view of these facts and, arguments, it is
not strange that the original allies of slavery
and the first sympathizers with treason against
the Natiunal Government, should now 'demand
the dissolution and destruction of the Republi
can party. It is tt• e only party which has main
tained its organization, and still opposed trea
son. The Republican in the Nortli, is no more
zealous hi endeavors, no more liberal in W
s =laces to 'pit down rebellion, than the Re
publican in the South.. One sentiment animates
both, one desire controls and intensifies their
actions. They are tor the - Union r for the Gov
ernment, for freedom. Is it any. vvonier, then,
that the sympathizars with' immix desire the
demolition of such a party re - it anrprising
that those who have "done all - in - ttretr - power to
insure thesuccess of the rebellion, and:failed,
should, now seek the destruction of the only
'obstacle in the way of that success. No other
party can or will oppose treason , but the Re-
putdicari party.' Such opposition cam never
_emanate from , the Democracy,- because its inter
ests in slavery, which is the life-giving:element'
of treason, elcied those which it haMin free
d*. In fe:ceitie opposed to freedom because
that'prificirile is inimical JO medeng,Democracy
If the Repnblican.party be diebanded,lle army '
alul.-navy (would necessarily follow n suChit
-dtssolutiern- It -would not.be necessary for tree = v
s m,to strike another bleticitaidause there would
toll nothing tmOppbse its triumph.%.„Traltors
couldithin dietate'their own tert.us !of settle
ment, because there would be no organization
to look after the interests of the Government.
Destroy the Republican party! When that
is accomplished, we may indeed look for the
triumph of treason !
Who are Right
nathizer.; deny tivit lhr
The rebel sympL, y sympa
thize with the rtbolliou ; the copperheads deny
th a t th e y co operate with the Southern traitors;
the Democrats among us deny that there is a
party or any considerable number at the North
who are favorable to the rebAs and are try in,;
to aid and encourage them, and especially deny
that the leaders of the pre7ent Democrarc
party are doing so. But how canes it that
disinterested parties or interested foreigners'
think and say differently ? Eagl Ind &Dies
that she sympathizes with and aids the rebels ;
but we know that she does both. Of course
the men or the party that would do this—
would sympathize with and try to favor- :010
rebels, would deny it. This is to be expected.
The developeraents made the other day by the
publication of Lord Lyons' letter, show very
plainly who are sympathizers with and trying l
to aid the rebels in this col:tatty._ A few weeks
ago a certain English nobleman—the -Marquis
of Hartington—was in New York, and while I I
there attended a ball, a sort of &wish ball, at
which he wore a secession badge. He has
returned to England, and recently made a
speech, in which he said that he "found at the
North a party favorable to the rebek, ,and who co
operate cordially with them" Now, who consti r •
tute this party ? Who are - the men ? And
what "party" is it ? Is any one at a'loss to
know ? Are they not the men who tried to in-,
trigne with Lord Lyons ?—who divalgell to him
their plans, their programme, and tried - ttidiaw.
i •
him into it, and get him to aid them n bring
ing about "intervention" - by the European!
powers in behalf of the rebels and against the
Government? Are they not the men and the.,
party that are now doing all they can to oppeeet
the Government, and to hinder and retard thee.
war, to bring abant an "armistice " and seine
sort of a "peace," before' the Government
shall succeed in putting down and crushiag,ortt
the rebellion? And is not thie being "favera t
ble to the rebels and co operating with ihem ?'f
Surely, with the testimony of Lord Lyons and
the Marquis of llartington, along with what
we all know, and what we see and hear daily;
,there.can be no doubt as to,the men and",par
ty" that may be regardect.as "favorable to the
And Counsel Death to Traitors
The Yoke of the 1684 Reghnent,l'4l:,
In Thunder Tohee for the ,llnion.
Correspondence of the Telegraph.]
Suffolk, VC I - , May 2, 1868.
At a meeting of the office's 'and men of the
166th Reg P. AL, a preamble and resoluthine
expressive of the sense or the regiment were
reported and adepted, of Which I fore ard hopy
to - the Taratmeen - that they
.inay-fied thdir way,
through your columns '
to otir friende m
You will perceive that 'they :ire signed by all
the commissioned officers present' but-two (2.)'
These resolutions were also presented to eachbt
the companies separate and were adoptel by a
very large majority ; - Os this its a drafted regi
ment from York will prove
,to the
citizens of the;north as welbis to the -traitors
in the south' , that rain will fight and
also show' their Ptitricitlim as4ell as volunteers.
When we reach our homes, we will endeavor
to wake good in 4eeds hat we now express in
words. • 1 , - A-PIGIITING' MAN,.
WEDIREAS, Government , the noblest` on
earth, the hope Of thn world, founded on the
eternal principles of-virtue, liberty and diode-,
pendence. waereatablishijffiby,eur forefathers, by
the sacrifice "of`their And fortunes;that
their descendafits might enjoy and perpetuate
the inestimable blessinga of the Government ;
And whereas, A desperately wicked and,cause
lees rebellion, conceived in prejudice and an
godly thirst for power, and upheld by false
hoods and MhirepresiantAions o'i the tart of its
leaders and abettors, if endeavoring by force of
arms and barbarous usages of war to subvert
this Governmeat apd. its glorious institutions,
and to produce anarchy, conftision and endless
internecine wars •iti this land -of - the free and
home of the brave ;
And whereas, We, the officers and-men of the
166th Regt. Penna. Militia, constituting& part
of the forces engaged by our Government for
theesupprcssion of this rebellion,, and represent
ing a part of, the Keystone State of the.Fecieral
lifnion,' have been deeply pained to,leare that
since we left the endearments and comforts of
home to help and sustain our Government with
armor on, miserable recreants and unprincipled
demagogues, basely disguised traitors, • f are at
home enteavoring to discourage and demoral
ize the Union army Und.to weaken the:power
of the Goverement, Joy assailing, all measures
used to suPpress , ,thia, rebel:lino, - by ides:Kills
peace propositions,by elemoring for wicked and
humiliating compromise, andby secret , plbtting
of treason in harmony with traitors Of the
South; therefere, be it
Resolved,- That we rieaffirm the dootrine of
'the immortal Jackson, ,"The :Union must and
?than be preserved," and of, the great Webster,
"The Union, now forever, one and iusepa-,
Resolved, That as traitors commenced this
civil war: and uphold it, by the use of tyrwlical
power and appeals to, depraved passions and
wicked mierepresentations, much as we desire,
peace and ;_eac.ful industry and social`comforts(
soon to extend again over our once happy lend,
in place of carnage and bloodshed yet true to,
the teachings of our patriotic foiefathers, true
to the Constitution of our country, true to the
noblest impulses of humanity, true to the rights
and privileges of unborn generations; true t
the oathi of the soldier to resist all eneinies of
the Government whomsoever, the only - condi
tious of peace which we. can accept is the un
condition a submission to the laws of the Union.
Resolved, That the love of country should
banish all love of party, and, that we are re
joiced that ma'y thousands ()t i ent opposing
partisans in the army and at home have risen
above party issues, and are united in eareest ef
forts arid' great sacrifices to preserve our country,
the brightest and fairest that 'leer the sun
shone on-,our country, our whole country and
thet_ociontry" ever one.
Resolved, , That walleye full and abiding con
fidenoe'in the wisdom, propriety and - icy of
the measures adopted by - the Admudatration
for the atipprelsion of thlikrebellion i and tender
our hearty and unqualifted,stipport to the eame,
believing that he. Who; by 'word or•dee - r, in this
our of our country's peril ) " tries tit'prevent the
enforcement of the laws in the North, South;
Past or Weit, is tui enerns and tAltiri to his
, r. .
ffajOiid L iTliali we consider ali,,,peretns re;
Siding thi3 loyal states - who are endeavoring
to enahauass,the thyi time,
[ while under itelevere trials; alde r s's abet ,
tom to treason, and those who latibriforfpeace
on any terms, however humiliating and detri
mental to the future progre a and prospetity of
the nation, 911 unworthy the privileges and,
security of person or property which the brevet
and loyal soldiers now in the fig i are endeavor
ing to secure for them.
Resolved, That despicable and odious as the
traitors of the South appear to all civilized
nations of the world, for wickedly and treach
erously attempting the overthrow of a Govern
ment which was ever faithful and conducive to
the interests, property and power of the States
now in niAlion. Yet more despicable and
odious are the traitors of the North who, under
the guise of loyalty, "can smile, and murder
while they smile," who withhold all voluntary
support from the Government, who secretly
plot treason, and whose meoaness of soul is
only exceeded by their greater cowardice; for,
An open foe may prove a curse,
A preten:led friend is two times worse
Resolved, That the sentiments of the 87th
Pennsylvania volunteers, as expressed In their
published ree3lutione, meet with our hearty
Resolved, That we warn Northern traitors to
turn from the evil of their ways, for in their
continuance in their maddened efforts to foment
strife and civil war at honie, They but treasure
up for themselves "wrath against a day of
wrath and of :righteous indignation;" For our
love for our c,:otintry, is stronger' than our love
for traitrpre, bethey Itincirod or alien.'
Resolved,, - That 'We 'urgently recommend the
'eye! citizens of `the a ' 4 lsTOrth to unite in Loyal
13-ague association's in every township and
village, believing that "ht union there Is
stiength;''. and that.such associations will ren
der powerless the, effotts of. Northern traitors
to .ftustaate the execution of Government
measures. : •
Resolved, That we view with contempt and
ludignationAkm act of•the House of Representa
tives of our. native State in refusing its ball to
Governpraohoson, of Tennessee, and blt-alv
ernor Wright, of Indiana.
Resolved, That our gratitude is due to Oov.
Curtin, of PonnsylVania, for his deep:interest
and e.ircest efforts in behalf of the oomfort and
welfare of the soldiers of the Keyetontr,State.
Refavol, That we view. the_.act of citizens of
, ffireigniriationiakinantiliktudilg amlifurnlithing
instruments of warfare, for thenpfiarent porEow
of affyrding aid to the arntal traitors now tileigJ
ing waragainstsmr. Governmetlt, att•rm infringe
ment upon thelaws of nations, and for which
he respective nationalities are responsible,
Resolved, That we: concede to the Govern-,
ment the 4)ottter. and. right of drafting anynum;
tier of citizens necessary L.tr the scomssful Pup
,pression of,the rebellion, and we hereby, pledge
to the Government our lives and honor in en
forcing the execution of the cmscript law in
auy part of the country where oppositionvto
the same may arise. •
Resolved, That these resolutions be published
ip the p3pers of York ccunty, Pa.
Awn° L. E'rruticera, Captain , Company A.
• _ .
Denim L. Sromm t .Captain Company K. ;
Ja.oon H. &Inman, Quartermaster Sergeant.
J. N. TAYLOR, Oide7y'•Sergeant Company G.
• • Committee.
• .
YEAS —A. T.- Fallow, Colonel ; G. W. Reis
singer, Lieutenant Colimel ; Joseph A. Benaut,
Major ; Abraham Harghberger, Surgeon ; A.
H. Whitman, Assistant Surgeon ; A. J. Lee,
Chapralil;`Milton Sultzbaugb, Lieutenant and
Quartetmatter ; John 'Heinle; First Lieuten
ant Company A; Samuel 'Lehner, Second Lien
tenant Company A';` Jeremiah 'Kohler, Clptain
Company F; George A. Smith, First Lienten ,
aiat COril pany F ; Simon J. Diller, Second Lieu
tenant Company F ;''Gilbert W. 'Bratiyan, Cap
tain. "Company D ;' William H. Becker, Fiiit
Lieutenant Company, D ;;Jacob Deihl Baoond
Lieutenant Company - D; James A. Grove,
First Lieutenant Company I ; Samuel B.
Laughlin, Second ;Lieutenant Company I ;
Peter Z. Kessler, Captain CoMpany C:; A.. D
Yocum,.,.First Lieutenant ; John Gable, Sand
Lie'utenantl , Theodore G. Gams,. Captain Can
piny ; George.S. Rehm, First Lieutenant;
Henry Ha'thman, •Secon i Lieutenant ; jphn
Verney, First Litiutenent Company E ; Eininu
el Wallach, Second - I;ientenatit ; Jermiah M.
Hariegan, First Lientenant Company E. ;'Ben
jamin, Gape, Second Lieutenant ; Daniel M.
Spangler, Captain Company ,G ; Richard F.
Elcock, Second Lieutenant; Jacob N. Biagio
First ; Ltentenant Company B ; John M. Rade
man, Second Lieutenant-84.
NAYS—Michael ISlVittridge, Captain Com
pany I; WilliankEi Patterson, Lientebsktrand
tisijqtant.--.1 . •
X:00i,: - : ',-.41,-;,c,Ccgi4 1 #
A4MT-0111.11 . E. POTOriC.
'lnteresting , Detalisiot , Sto BeMan' (kat
Cavalry Raid into tip Confederate
aurrarid.k II
RICHMOND., • .' •
Wesirmetos, May 7.
".'' - ~ [Prom thee 'Wash ington /lapse diennY
t Thu news fro m,the ar m ory continue: to be glori
ons, remora to the contrary notwithstanding.
.Y;atertitiy Sedgivick•moved against' the gear of
Le. right; wbicitt Wasi nommanded_by
wall.labklion, before he was wounded, -and P.
C. Seed. It formed a - junction with Hooker's
*.lll army. Severe fighting, with grab, t los s
M.the enemy was - the result of the movemen t: '
4 tide movement; of course, Sedgwlck aben
dosed the wOrks of. Fredericksburg, whibh
are of no military value to' General Hobker
in the execution of the programme be is evi
dently performiag. The latter is satisfied with
his-p lsition: --We not only haie positive infor
matioieffoin:Clitineelloraville of the thprough
earectitiou of Stonethan's work is cutting the ,
railroad , and, telegraph, wires. between Lee
army AkiitAllichinond, but also = the common
xoad ltrldges what :11M Parnunkey Over. We
have` ttio - authority_ of distinguished °Mani}
who have attiveithenr.llPrit theuftehl, that
severe.battlet•are yat-to po,fought, Ricknourl
rkpeb 3 of YegerdaylitY tlia. - ran,kees haictit ail
1 - thb tailroadir and telegraph lines and destroyed
all the bridges oh the' railroads between that
city land Bees army; that; in. consequence they
,syere wittiOneany other news than .artelt , as was
breVi r iii by horsemen. The same papers state at 1
last iseashnts=thatetheviighting wee terrible and
their losasesstev,eretl, *Gea." ; paitut was killed,
Scene W 11 54:Jac.1589u wail sev erely wounded and
e tr. ~ T .,:0111,-smus also bedly''w Otided. In
eaddigeni v i si
to t4,sb?,titere are many fact%
which we do not choose to state, goliag to show
that the situation was decidedly tothe advantage
of Hooker. Those who came up from Chancel
lorsville, Falmouth, Fredericksburg and Aqui;
Creek, estimate the number or prisoners cap•
tured by our army and senat ti ditTet, t
points around, to be between 10 and 12,000
Planylof theca ate as young as 16. and others as
old as 50 and 60 years, wretchedly dressed and
half starved. They seemed delighted to
get where they could obtain some
thing to eat. Many of them asked for melt,
declaring that they had not had any (or a long
time. They confirm the statement of the Rich
mond papers that the rebel losses in °file :re and
men have been very great.
[From the Washington Star.]
Since the first edition of to-day's Star went to
prom, we bave further important news of the
of the events past eventful week on the field
where General Hooker operates. General
Stoneman's force was divided into three
columns, one of which, that moving in the
direction of the Richmond and Fredericksburg
railroad, he commanded in person through from
Hanover Junction down to withia five miles of
Richmond—made by sub-division under the
command of Col. Davis. One of the three col
umns commanded by Brig. Gen. Averiil, after
crossing the Happahar.nock at Kelley's Ford
pushed on to Brandy Station, where it met the
enemy's pickers and drove them back iu a
short skirmish. It then pushed on to Calpep
per Court House, where Generals Fits Hugh
and William Henry Lee were found with a rebel
force of perhaps five hundred cavalry, which
fled precipitately back across Ceder moun
tain at Culpepper Court House. Geaeral Awar
d, captured a lot of rebel Government flour
and then pushed on after the retreating Lees,
following them to the Rapidan station, where
they burned the railroad bridge, over whish
they retreated after a smart fight, in which they
ban Col. Reeser, late of the United States Army,
who • commanded one of their b igades
Oar joss there wee inconsiderable, and they
lost several killed, besides Col. Raeder, and 31
prisoners, whom General Averlll brought back
with him. .1 he object of Averill's expedition
s , ems to have bees to destroy this bridge over
the Rapidan. which the enemy, in their panic,
did for him. After proceeding as far as
Camp Court• House, he returned with his
force to' the main army, joining it at
Chancelloreville, on Sunday last. Another
column of Stoneman's force, under com
mand, of Gen. .Buford, which left the Rap
pahannock at the same time, pushed on
towards Gotdoneville and positive informa
tion has, just been received, announcing its
success id cutting the Central railroad between
Gordonsville and Ricbmold, and also be
tween Gordonsville and tlharlottesville; thus
completely stepping railroad communication
in any direction, out from Lee's main
army and breaking up for the time being
the enemy's facilities for forwarding sup
plies•or reinforcements to it from any direction.
According to the Richmond papers of yesterday
Lougstreet in person joined Lee some days ago,
but was accompanied by none of the troops
with which he had been operating beftire Suf
folk. We regret to say that Brig. Gen. A. W.
Wlaipple,who was ivonnded in the recent engage
ment in • which Gen. Berry was killed, died
yesterday at 2 o'clock, e. w. The latest infor
mation from the field states that the ag.
gregate rebel loss in the four days fighting
has I een far larger than' oats, which is
natural enough, as they were necessarily in
every cas s the attacking party, and followed
their , old practice of 'massing. their troops
very heavily against the points-they selected to
assail, thus presenting• numerous opportunities
for our artillery, to mow them down in great
- numbers. The Richmond papers of yesterday
laim that Lee took in the engagement
of Saturday 5,000 of the eleventh army corps
as prisoners. This is the corps that behaved so
badly, but the number of en-toners taken from
it is nothing like this number. It is but fair to
the elegenth corps, to say-that they retrieved
their reputation measureably by good conduct
m Monday and yesterday, showing that their
bad behavior previously was from one of those
panics that will sometimes overtake the best
Special Dcapatches to the Pearl'
Weentecroxi, May 6—P. as.
Your correspondents at Felmonth send the
following highly •important intelligence from
General Hooker's army this mottling :
FALaallTH i 'llay 6—s. M.
A heavy column of rebels, under General
Early, attacked the 2d and 6th d: rps under Gen
eral Sedgwick, near FrederiCksherg, on Monday,
and, after an engagement of several hours' du
ration, drove our forces back and reoccupied the
works, which had been partially destroyed by
oar troops.
Appreciating the position in which he was
placed General Sedgwick. at once determined ao
ter:rose the Rappahannock by the ponsbon
beldges below Fredericksberg.
Yesterday moreing, after all-of our troops
had arrived safely on this side, the rebels got
several guns in postion, 'and comtnenced-shell
ing the pontoon bridges, but did. little damage.
Thy pontoona were taken up, and' the rebels
opened with some tvienty-six field pieces from
Fredericksburg, and re occupied the city in
considerable force.
General Hooker was promptly apprised of
this movement, and approved of it. He order
ed the p left wing of his army to advance, and
after `a spirit d contest carried the field bat
aeries of the rebels on the left, said to contain
twenty-six guns, andknown as the Washington•
The wagon and moat of the can
'lenient were captured.'
Gen. Hooker . telegraphs, that he had an ad
mirable position,,from which no force of the
enemy can remove him. , •
Thelosses onboth sides have been very heavy.
The rain of y&terday and to-day Will cause a
temporary_ cessation of hostilities, but active
operations will be,reatimed as soon as possible
Gen. Sedgwick has moved up tb the United
States ford, and is messing to-day. He will
join Gen. Hooker immediately, and proceed to
the battle field with his two corps, which are
comparatively fresh, and in good fighting trim.
A telegram from. headquarters announces the
fact-that the entire rebel cavalry force, under
General Stuart, is concentrated on our right,
anditis evidently the design of General Lea to
turn that 'flank of our army and operate on
the'ntiper portion of the Rappahannock, but
thia • movement will be promptly checked.
We have a rumor from headquarters that
'General Stoneman las gone throngh! with' his
work successfully,,but not without considerable
loss. ' No trains are running on the railroad
frame Richmond, and it is , believed that Gene-
ral Stoneman has destroyed that road: It is
also reported tha GeneralSteneman has opened,
ceanntinieation with - General Keyes, or spoken_
a gunboat on the Pamunkey river, bat. of air
tide we know-nothing positively - The fa.ctahat
the rebel cavalry is nementrated on our right
would indicate the entire success and safety. of
General Stoneman's expedition. .
There was no inaportant collision yesterday,
and will probably be gone today.
Rebel divisional under Generals Ewell,' Rerly,-
Jackson. tongatreet serd Anderson.. and . the,
twollills, are said to. be in..front of us, with
the ameba , of General Steelton our right.
It it 3 believed that Vineneuiy brineing up
reinforcements overland, and he keeps up ,a
splendid front. -
The rebels are well supplied with ammunition
and, food, reports to the contrary notwithstand
ing: The tregion now occup'ed by our army is
all ploughed, and most of -it planted with ,
wheat. , - •
'fis still in good titid Ge
Elob ollr er at : ni ketlPß It well, for i a o n n inintedia n te . .
anti aAivinde. -
Reltiforcenieets for our army ariii i tueiving.
Everybody is hopeful; and there seems Lobe but
little doubt that the fighting here will continue
until both armies are exhaused. It is, there-
fore, a question of st7ength and determination.
lien. Hooker is tall satA;qine and confident of
ittory. Several of his plaus h.teve miscarrieJ,
t•ut fur this he was fully prepared.
Our army lies is the uld position about Chan
eellorsville, and oar communications with the
river are well guarded.
Our Forces Withdrawn Across the
From the National haielligeneer
Wasumaron, May 7.
The following appears in the National inteili
gamer this morning :
Official information received at the War Da
partro.ent last evening authorises ns to state
that Oen. Hooker, alter waiting on the
near Chnicellorsville, on Tuesday, for a renewal
of the battle by the enemy, recrossed the Rap
pahannock on the evening of that day, influ
enced by prudential motives springiog,doubtlew
in part from the great and sudden rise of the
Virginia rivers in consequence of the recent
heavy rains threatening our supplies.
We do tot learn that Gen. Hooker was ap
prised before making this movement of the
success which is alleged to have attended the
operations of Oen. Stunernan in breaking the
rebel communications with Richmond. If this
fact had been known to him, assuming it to be a
factit may be doubted whether Gen. Hooker
would have deemed it necessary to take a stop
which must tend to deprive him of some, at
least, of the advantages resulting from_ Henry
Stoneman's co-operative expedition.
jl4on the New Fork World]
Nsw YORK, May 7.—The World bas issuedan
rata with the following:
The Richmond papers of the sth, state that
Stoneman's cavalry have destroyed all the
bridges between Richmond and the Rappahan.
nozk, and torn up the railroads, cut down the
telegraphic wires, and ventured within a few
miles of Richmond, consequently no communi
cation can be bad with (Jen. Lee's army.
Official intelligence from Stoneman states
that after the above achievements, he deployed
his immense cavalry force many miles, forming
a line of observation to detect the approaching
rebel reinforcements.
Reinforcements are pressing down to General
Ecoker; who will thus outoumb:r any force
brought against him.
Rooker was forced . across the Rappahannock
in =sequence of the superior force and the
superior generalship of Lee. -
A great number of wounded have fallen into
the bands of the enemy. Oar dead on the
battle field of Sunday are still unburied, and
the wounded are undoubtedly dying in great
It la rumored that Lee mused hid army on
our right and that Gen. Hooker will femme i-
ately change his base of operations , but where
is nnhnown.
Gen. Hooker Is much disheartened, but there
is hope yet.
Abe. New. York' Scald has lamed an extra
containing a letter dated United States ford,
Kay 6th, 8 a. a., saying yesterday 4 morningthe
trains were all (Rd 'rot back to camp and by
dark all the wagons, extra mules, &c. were at
Falinuut h. The wounde were hast ily remov
al o W shingtoo , leaving notbing on the other
side but the infantry and artillery.
The rain fell in torrents sweeping away the
bridges and threatening the pontoons.
The river rose rapidly. and one of the pon
toon bridges was taken to lengthen the others.
Pine boughs were spread upon the -pontoons to
prevent noise, and at midnight the troops com
menced falling back.
The first corps crossed and are now nearly
all over. The third is in entre.nehrnenbi to
cover the retreat. It is hoped the army will
reach this side before the rebels discover the
retreat, but the cannonading has commenced
quite fiercely at the•front, and a desperate bat
tle is nor. la-probable. • The roads are horrible.
Our sick are lying in them, but the ambulanc a
are coming up to remove them.
There was no fighting yesterday of any con
The enemy has evidently massed his army
on our right with the probable view of crossing
above and attacking us on the flank and rear;
but the high water will frustrate this move
Three pontoon trainsare down near Hamilton,
and it is feared that the rebels will make a
demonst. ation across the river below Predericke
den. Hooker is much depressed. List night
he held a consultation with his Generals, in
which it was urged that a longer stay would
prove unsafe for the army, as the rain is falling
heavily, , and the river raising rapidly. •
Fardeorrna, May 6, 10 A. N.-8 bridges have
been swept away on the railroad from Agate
1 last night. Building parties were at work all
night and the trains are .)ow running again.
1 It is rumored that the rebel cavalry has
crossed over'upon the northern neck and ie ad
-Inman cautiougly towards this plane..
A force has been sent down to oppose them.
Everything is quiet on this side. The river
has risen over ten feet and is still rapidly
rising. Heavy cannonading is heard in the
direction of United States Ford.
The Trawls extra says that at daylight 013,
Monday the rebels shelled onr trains at United
States rord, which served to increasee - General
Hooker's fears, and the longer he delayed the
lees was he able to advance.
The correspondent ohms thus: "the army is
safe with 10,000 fine men in its ranks and a
much larger number. unfit for duty. The heavy
rains have seriously impaired the health of the
men who were without shelter. The tents were
left behind and many had lost their knapsacks.
ITANT YORK, May 7th.—,Thn Tannic nays that
Gar. Whipple was severely wounded, also that
it IS known ink. headquarters that Stopenutn
destroyed the bridge-on. the Fredericksburg and
Bichmondiallroad . nnar Saaton's Junction, but
the onemig, however,. received his relnforce
-ments-by way , of G sdonsville
'General Stoneman is now across the Heppe^
henna* and. , scortring the country on Hooker's
rrtlm'• yielalbsprg..6.oiker
*Mack on , Illaines , Blurt.
CAIRO, May 6.
The'ner►s from Vickstong is one day later.
The attack on. Haines' Bluff was a sphited of
Our gunboats were repulsed, an I the expedi-_
tion.wasLretruning td.Yonng's
It was supposed that the mboat - Choctaw
was considerably damaged in her wheels and
turret, being:penetrated by a 64-pounder. The
Imolalities-axe reported at 80 411, ed and hound
ed. _
The atot.toer..Flrti,conheyway up, was attack
ed byguerillak withnnel2intione 6 pounder.
:beAlriiiiiititiclthltivrriteaff tiring% 'but oontinued
ber comae.
The Duke of Argyle, with a 12 pounder
aboard, soon dipereed the enemy.
t tr..i.dtcl
(% di ,
cleansing the circukat,:n, thus 1%.1110V.'_-
all diaeusea which uri.- Sr. til ar. impure stut
of the blood, thau ONE DOZEN ROTTED; OF SARA
PARILLA. It b 3 not a Sin-spat-Ma, althouL:h it
contains as much of tiait drug as is u.,,.ual!y
found in preparations purporting to Le Putt
Samparilla, It depends for its success upon a ,irr
more active depurative agent. It contains not a car
tide of mercury, but on the contrary is the
best antidote ever yet discovered for the r►vages
of that insidious and dangerous poison. It 's
wmtamsrrto to drive out and thoroughly remove
all diseare.t which aria from an impure eirrulatitd,
Whieh are amble by 4.1331 MOW 00t) dOnAr VT
bottle, six bottles for $6
Principal depot
EWENG'S DRUG STORE, :030 Baltimore street,
For sale in Harri,borg by
D. W GROSS & CO., Druggists. Lapl7-1 1:0
Ntw 2bverlisemvitg
ALL orders left et the Telegraph Printivg
office promptly attended to. Bills rare
full posted and distributed. my fid2so
DROFOSAIS for furnishing the meat to the
poor of Dauphin county for the ensuing
year will be received by the Steward, Henry
Brown, on or befure the first day of June. The
meat to be always furnished by the quarte r or
half. Contract to be awarded to the lowe:A
bidder. JOHN RA.YSOR,
A NT dY and Gentleman wishing board cau
belia.acco mmedsteti at Mrs. Vogel's, in
Washington avenue, two doors above Second
street. Also four gentlemen. myis(l3lo
May 6, 1863. t
Board of Directors declared, to-day, a
dividend of five per cent. for the last six
months, payable on demand. •
mybd3t J. W. WEIR, Cashier.
LSQOBUSEIELS Potatoes for sale
cheap, by EBY 8c KUNKEL.
- mysd4ta
30,000 LI3S. Prime Hams.
30,0u0 lbs. Bacon Shoulders. for sale cheap,
by my6d4t° EBY Sr, KUNKEL.
R. BECHTEL would inform the citizens of
..L../=Harrisburg and vicinity that he will be at
the boarding house of Mrs. E. B. Vogel, in
Washington avenue, eight or ten days only,
where be will be happy to see all who labor
under chronic diseases, or if unable to call he
will call to see sick, if desired. Dr. Bechtel
roads unrivalled in the cure of chronic die
eases. We advise all the afflicted to call and
consult the Doctor. Charges moderate, &c.
TIQUID BENNE f yields with milk the moat
luscious of all deserts for the table ; the
lightest and most grateful diet for invalids and
children. Milk contains every element of the
bodily constitution ; when coagulated with
rennet it is always light and easy of digestion,
and supports the system with the least possible
excitement. When billl greater nutritive power
is desired, cream and sugar may be added.
A teaspoonful converts a quart of milk into a
him curd. Prepared and sold, wholesale and
retail, by B. A. 131314KEL,
myh 118 Market street.
Iff.b.b.X'S. MELODEONS, &c., by
Sheet loin& sent by mail to any place.
Howe's Sewing Machines &c.,at the Music
Store of Machines ,
N0..12 North Third Street, above Market.
rPOLLST SLAP, white and mottled Castile,
1, Windsor, and other brands, for sale by
Cor_ Front and Market streets.
WANTED—Eight wood choppers: Good
WRVS will be paid. Inquire at PETER.
BISHOP'S, two miles below the Dauphin coun
ty poor house. r032.14t0
WE have received for this season more than
our usual stock of
Sonte.choice Tadeties on baud. Also,. Gar
den and Vegetable seeds of the best quality.
91 Market street.
my 4
scription agents to dis?ose of these bonds,
who will sell them at par, in sums to suit pur
The interest on these bonds is six per cent
and will be paid in gold.
White Pond Lilly Extract.
White Pond Lilly Toilet Water.
White Pond Lilly Hair Oil.
White Pond Lilly Toilet Soap.
Queen of Flowers Toilet Soap.
Queen of Flowers Hair Oil. .
Queen of Flowers Toilet Water.
The Union Bouquet, a splendid perfume, dedi
cated to the ladies of the United &area.
These excellent goods, neatly put up, and
now haring an extensive sale, we offer in this
oominunity. C. K. KELLER.
A. lot of fine pomatums, hair oils, flue soaps,
cosmetic', &c., fresh from the factories • reciv
ed at the "Popular Emporium" for Toilet arti
cies. KELLER'S Drug Store.
ury4 91 Market street.
BOSTON Casacre Mr= Etmcerr,
Rums do. .one. dd.
Wens. do. Woos do.
4.l.ureen do.: Borne do.
Gum Num.
We receive supplies of the above every weci:
and our customers can therefore rely upon
being Fresh. [ap2Bl WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO.