Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, May 05, 1863, Image 2

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    gi4 Edtgrapt.
Tuesday Evening, May 5, 163
MA, without distinction of prty, who desire
cordially to unite in sustaining the NATIONAL
patriotic efforts to suppress a sectional and un
holy rebellion against the UNITY OF THE
REPUBLIC, and who desire to support, by
every power of the Government: our heroic
brethren in arms, who are braving disease
and the perils of the field to preserve the
UNION OF OUR FATHERS, are requested to
select a number of Delegites cgnal to their Le
gislative representatives of the State, at such
times and in such manner as will beat respond
to the spirit. of this call, to meet in STATE
at eleven o'clock, A. At., on said day, to nomi
nate candidates for the offices of GOVERNOR
to take such measures as may be deemed ne
ceseary to strengthen the Government in this
season, of common peril to a common country.
Chairman or the • Unien State Central,;Com
The Committee also passed the following reso
lution unanimously, viz:
Resolved, That it be recommended to the.
Loyal citizens of Pennsylvania, without dis
tinction of party, to organize, in each Election
District of the State,Union Leagues,for the pur-:
pose of sustaining the Government in suppress
ing this causeless and wicked rebellion which
now seeks , to divide arid destroy the Republic.
Just issued in pamphlet form, the proceeding
of the Senate on the resolution granting the
Senate Chamber to• Gov. ANDREW Josssoa of
Tennessee, and ex-Goy. WRIGHT of Indiara.
The debate on this 'occasion was the moet in=
tesesting one of 'the session, and every loyal
man in the Union should read it. Clubs will
be supplied at $2 00 per hundred. Single copies
mailed,,postage prepaid, 3 cents. • 1
Who Betray the Government.
The fact , that this Government has been at
war for more than two years, with a rebellion
that is sustained by a'less force than that which
is in the field to crush , it, is suggestive of some
strange criticisms ..The Southern are the infa
nor of the Northern people in =my of the essen
tials of war. They have-less resources, no more
abiiity—less vigor, no more skill—less endur
ance, no more enthuslasm—and yet the Govern
ment has f Iliad to conquer a puce.: We write
failed because peace should haVe been conquered
long since. Why is this- so? We answer be
cause the - friends of the traitors in the, North
have bad the prestige of privilege on theli aide
ever since the war commenced ; and because at,
least one-third of those in command in the
army, are bitterly opposed to the politics of the
Administration, and do not hesitate very often
to declare that they are;content to suffer defeat
so that it makes capital against "the
damned abolitionists." The same is the
case with many of the employees in the De
partments in Washingtonloity. Recent events
have shoWn that there were and doubt
less still are clerks in the employ of the Govern
ment, who glory in their infidelity to its policy,
and who take every opportunity to apprise the
rebels of our contemplated movements. Suppose
the French people, when Napoleon was thunder
ing in the valleys of Austria,had made issue with
the French Government, and offered their sym
pathies to that of Austria? Suppose that tt e
English people, when the war in the ,Crimes
was at its heighr, would have offered an alli
ance with Russia, and insisted on tendering aid
and comfOrt to the Russian soldi.rs, to the die
advantage of the British men. Of war. Would
either acivernment haver tolerated such an oppo
sition ? We think not Rati, they done so, the
world would ; have laughed at their imbecility and
rejoiced in their defeat. If there is any differ
ence between our Government and those of
France and England, it is that we arringaged
in a struggle holier andnobler than any which'
ever held the armies of those governments to,
gether, and theiefore the opposition which nei
ther France nor England would have tolerated,
becomes , doubly • infamous and damnable when
attempted against the National' Government in
its present straits.. , N)twithetandiag Men in
dulge in charges against the tyranny of this
Government, thei„,fact that those charges are
brnted in every public place and on'every pub
lic occasion, where politica come in to insult
patriotitim—the very fact that this is so, is
proof positive' that the. Government is not ty
rannical,or such charges would not be tolerated:
The evidence of a government's tyranny Is gen
erally seen in ifs acts, and not heard in the
eomplaints of those over whom it tyrannizes.
The slaves of :the South have never been able
to denounce their masters, and who will dare
deny that , tyranny does not exist there, wheie
women are publicly whipped, and - children are '
scoiirged to their hard rest every night " I
So flinch for thetyranny of which the North
ern sympathizers with treason so greatfy-',corn-,
plaint. That 'argument of ctritildnr as
fallacious as that which the SOutit makes use of
to juatify its treason. The cry of tyranny : in
the North is made to attract, the attention of,
the world from the atrocities daily perpetrated'
inethefouth: In this 'manner oar 'Northern
traitors serve two piarrkosee. They give aid and
comfort to traitors,mul mislead chriatip
lion ee to the true character of the coiAiktrati
in this etruggle. Had it not been for frdsa'
charges made by these men against the Govern
nient, thealiveheilderif rebellion would net have
bad single itiehd In Europe. It WOutd l never
have - been regarded in the dignified position of
a revolution. Its bloody villainni9 i would have
been exposed ; every:o;9re, until those. in arms
to `overthrow theethavernme avonldth avebeen
outlawed .by the rail n t friends.of social &der'
throughout the world... - 12 - • .
—We hold, then, that the Northern sympa
thizer with treason is far worse than the South
Ern traitor. The, one acts uoer`.. a Ooid Purpose
to do that , whichtheihnowsitcalroingt- 7 ,a
rheMa istid , thwardlyWrong, , this party
and his politics may be vindicated and sus
tained. The other acts under a fearful halluci
nation—is the victim of passion and the fair
representation of barbaric ignorance. The
reinton of slavery is guilty of the blood:11e,, of
the rebellion—the tool of Democracy is respon
ible for the misery, the orphanage, the widow
hood, the suffering, the debt and the accumu
lated burdens of treason. These, then, ere
really the men who betray the Government.
A Prediction
The copperheads who have all along been
waiting patiently to welcome a rebel army in
its victorious march through the loyal States,
to rear the "bars and stale over Banker Hill
monument, begin to discover that their fond
hopes will never be realized. These men did
all they could to secure the success of rebellion.
They belied the army and traduced the Gov
ernment. They betrayed our military plans and
derided our civil policy. They have done all
to make treason triumphant, but risk their
miserable necks in the halters provided for the
punishment of traitors, or stood . up in the rebel
ranks and fought bravely In abed cause. When
defeat or disaster overtook our armies, the re
sult of the mae:hinations of these 'men, they
were the tirs,t to clap their hands in glee, arid
claim the -Verification of their predictions that
we could never conquer the South. Now, how
ever, the tide of war begins to change. UpOn
its foaming crest victories are about to be borne
to the arms and the flag of the Government.
'dark our prediction, then, with reference "to
these double dyed hypocrites and traitors. The'
very men who have been decrying ..the war as
unjust—who have been assailing the Governj
ment astyrannical- . ---will be the first to trample
on the fallen foes of_ the - Union. The humani-'
ty which the rebels have heretofore denied to
loyal men, will be refused them by their old
allies, the copperheads of the North, provided,'
always, that the rebels fail. Blatant. Demo--
cratic treason =tigers will then become intol'
erant adineates of brutal measures. They will
become the noisy advocates of rigor and stern
measures, when the victors themselves will be
thinking of magnanimous terms of peace, that
•order and happiness, fraternal feeling and
national harmony may again prevail and bless
Our land.
- I Mark our prediction !
Views of Senttier's. Men
We do most solemnly affirm, as the result of
our life long acquaintance, and of our intimate
familiarity with ail workings, that the insti
tution of slavery tends to dishonor labor and
smother enterprise ; is incompatible with an
intelligent public policy, sound morality, the
safety and permanency of the Republic, the de
velopement of the resources of the State ; that
it roots out the industrious, and has the effect
of lessening the free population of the country.
We take theabove extract trOm the patriotic
and fearless address of the Union Club of Nash
ville, Tennessee. We ask the Copperheads and
Pea,ce Democrats of this State, who are contin
ually harping upon the blessings of slavery,
and who pretend to base their opposition to the
government upon the fact that the President
has issued his proclamation, giving freedom
the slaves of rebel masters, to read and pen.
der. The above extract is the free expression
of Southern Union men, who have had a "life
long acquaintance" with the peculiar institu
tion, and who, from a Southern stand point,
condemn it as "incompatible with an intelli
gent ,public policy and sound morality and
safety and harmony of the Republic.". Whose
opinion is entitled 'to the •most respect, the
Union men who have all their lives lived under
the influence of slavery, or the Copperheads of
the North who would let the Union slide, rather
than to part with the institution f Let , every
candid man judge.
—ln this connection it is a matter of import..
MO to know that in localities where slavery
exists and where the rebel cut-throats are not
in power to overawe the people, 'there the
masses have declared emphatically in favor of
the justice and practicability of the emancipa
tion proclamation. In Missouri, after one of
the hardest fought political hattlee over waged,
with slavery prevailing, but with the loyal sen
timent predominant,the policy of emancipating
the slaves as provided for i by the President's
proclamation on that subject, was made an issue
and triumphantly carried by the friends of
the measure. In Maryland, the same result
followed the same test. In portions of "Ken
tucky and Tenneasee—in, fact, wherever thei e
is power to defy the cut-throats of Jeff Davis,.
the people of the slave States riki t rove the
emancipation policy. It bai been reserved
for the copperhead Democracy of the ; loyal
states, in conjunction with their political
allies; the slavehalding traitors of the South,
to Oppose that Measure. Our copperhead neigh::
hors fear its operation may affect their political
prespects, while their traitor al i llea know that
it will destroy their , corrupt social; system, by
which they have maintained' a superiority
out the exhibition of merit and succeeded: to.
vast local poWer for which their find justifica
tion in nation, religion, right or patriotism.
More Tyranny.
The Charleston literary says that the rebel
Congress, in secret session, has passed an act by
which Jeff Davis is.authorised = to' suspend the
writ of betfreas corpse at pleasure. The fact has
been knowzi,in the North for some time ; but
as yet nen@ of those especial champions of per-,
Ponta freedom, • and theloims of law, who are
so horrified at "at Lincoln's despotiem,','..thave
evenlio much as entered a mild protest against
the' . '
Wanan,explain:this.upog no other ground
than•that the actis limited and personal in its
application ;, and if Jeff: were te.die to - morrow,
the powers would. not remain jto his successor
ther,efere.the sympathizers here,
,having un
bounde4,confidence in him, are.ture :that the
'authorityiiiill not be abuied ; that it Will only
be exercised; when the holy work of destroying
thefkovernment to secure , a dissolution of the
thilott =demands it, and hence no objection
couldieiltimately.be interposed.
" A lisrarr. newspaper announces that shoe pegs
- bait hOn producOin Soutti,Carolina. If the
war continues two .years longer, and the block
tide =puts. the Inventive snd constructive faculty
"ot:tliiirebily'Yi its trumps, they' nifty yet rise
to .
digplty, of :clothes pins and ten penny
nails tl T• rior 1. •
Tustlitobile pipers say Iliat,some fellow stole
Jeff Davis' horse in Riehmdndethe oth e r ` day:
The horse was a valuable one, and there is no
telling how ranch it will cost Jeff (Oonfederate
notes) to get another so good.
fatest hilCeltgraA.
From the Army of the Potomac•
Brilliant Federal Cavalry Charges.
Splendid Display of Generalship,
The Personal Ylgilanoe of Gen. Hooker
Iftmaawata, May 6
The Washington Republican extra says : Sufj,
lice it to say that in consequence of reported
dashing operations of General Stoneman, on the
line of railroad to Richmond, Gen. Lee could
not ingloriously fly, but was compelled to come
out from behind his defences and fight on
Hooker's own ground, selected et' Chancel
lorville, about 10 miles southwest of Freder 7
The battle lastei most of the day on Satur
day, and continued with great fierceness until
two o'clock on Sunday morning, when 'hos
tilities coast(' for two hours.
At 4 o'clock the fight again opened, and
lasted until 10 o'clock yesterday forenoon, when
the enemy's batteries became silent, and the
wildest cheering commenced on our extreme
right, and rang along the whole line. When
onr informant left, the prevailing opinion was
that the enemy's ammunition wits exhausted
or they - had -beWattaoked;Hooker's left
wing, the force under Sedgwick, which crossed
below Fredericksburg. '
• v.
Another gentleman who was with our - forces
in. Fredericksburg,. says Gen. Sedgwick suc
ceeded in reaching the Key to the , whole line of
the monster rebel works in Fredericksburg be
fore dey dawned. Yesterday, Sunday morning,
Ike rebels immediately' opened a most ter
rific fire. At the first shook, some of the
regiments wavered at seeing their command
ing officers falling around them, but the skill
'ful and dashing Col. Sharler by bis cool dariag
and personal example rallied the column and
led it into the rebel works carrying the Key,
and with it g, whole line at bayonet .charge with
a yell heard above the shock of arms.
As soon as the principal work, the Key, was
carried, about eleven o'clock yesterday fore
noon, the whole rebel force in and aroned
yredericksbnig made" a hasty retreat out upon
the plank road towards Chancellorville, in the
direction of Lee's main army,
The slaughter atphancellorville Is estimated
to be large on bath sides. Among the killed 'on
oar side is Gen. Berry, of Maine. Gen. Howard
was wounded while endeavoring_ to rally the
German regiments, which wavered on Saturday
before the heavy masses of the enemy. •
We captured many largo guns,_ ammunition
stores, and up to yesterday noon, about 2,000
prisoners. .
Postscript—Our advic3s trona. the 'field up to
noon to-day aio that die vibtkitY• of General
HOker's army was more complete than at first
supposed., All that., the most , sanguine. could
hope kir has been -realized,- thOugli; ihe losses
are Very heavy. , Nreucongrattlitte- the army
and country upon this iißpr4t . success. ;
•T.HE 'SPAMI is a!P I!
. ,
OaroeQo; May b.
A special dispatch from Cairo says the reports
that theiFideral trobliekaupled Grand, Gulf is
prernatnie, -the rebels'-having , planted their
batteries on •whill and-repulsed-our troops.
Tim Jacicion JlHas:Y.eippesi, of the 28th, in
giving an account ofllifi raid of the United,
State , troops lfrider lolonel Grierson, states!
that beeideweearing up'•the•railroad he destroy
ed tw6 - bridgeS, each 160 feet long, and - seven
culverts. He also burned 28 freight. tars and
blew up two locomotives; And burned the depot
and two commissary buildings at Newton. Five'
miles of telegraph line were destroyed and two,
trains captured.
Return of the Raisrhins' zoliisve.
"Raw YOjor, , May 6.
The steamer ; Kennebec,"irrived this Morning
from FOireti Mourne with the Hawkins Zdu
aVes on, bbitfil, the term of the regiment
having expired. The Zeuaves were met by the
12•11 New York regiment, and escorted up
Broadway, along which they. were greeted by
thousands of citizens in thelmoetj enthru3lastic
manner.: Theircolore..are. tattered, faded and
perforated: in many.places by rebel bullets.
, Arrive ! ' pi the Stea er Cishuiteatiai.
y -
The steamer Continental tro'ni New Orleans
on the 28th ult., arrived at this port this morn
ing.. A New Orleans paper of that date con
tains no news of interest.
Operations of the Pirate Alabama—Re
ported Death of Gen. Sickles.
NEW Yoair, May 5.
The New York Express states that the pirate
Alabama has destroyed the ship Pungent at
Sea. No date or particulars given.
It is reported that General Sickles has been
killed in battle, but the rumor is not credittd
in well informed circles.
The National Typographical Union.
At a meeting of the National Typographical
Union to day, the following officers were
President—Eugene Valette, of Philadelphia
First Vice Pi esident—George K. ll'Luken, of
St. I ouls.
Second Vice President—J. A. Spencer, of
8,-.cretary and Treasurer—Thomas J. Walsh,
of New York.
Corresponding Secretary—William Moore, of
Flour dull and prices drobping. There is no
shipping demand and the sales only in a small
way, at $5 87i46 25 forsopertme and at $6 60
@7 for extra. Small sales of rye flour at ss®
$6 25 and corn meal at $4 26. There is a
steady demand for wheat and several lots sold
at $1 6841 70 for red and $1
,8001 90 for
white. Rye commands $1 06. Curn—sales of
yellow at 90c. Oats are selling at 80®82c.-
2,600 bus barley malt sold at $1 65. Coffee
firm, with sales of Rio at 29®32c. Sugar and
molasses' are firm. Provisions move slowly at
yesterday's figures. Whisky is firm at 46c.
NEW Yam., May 6.
Flour dull; sales of 5,000 bbls. at unchanged
prices. Wheat very dull; sales unimportant;
Chicago spring $1 32®,1 55. Corn dull; 20,000
bush. sold at 87.4811 Beef dull. Pork heavy
Lard quiet at 9N414. Whisky dull at 46c,
Receipts of_flour, 10,818 bbls.
Momentum Or Till biome TAX.—The various
United States assessors will probably commence
the work of assessing the income tax some
time this week, some delay having been occa
sioned from not receiving the blanks from
Among other things, the law requires each
person to return his total income, se far as
specifying the sources from which it is derived
as to enable the assistant assessor to decide
what deductions shall be made therefrom.
Persons whose Incomes do'not axe -ed the:stun
of $1.0,000, and who reside in the United Stated
are subject to a duty of 8 per cent. on such por
tion thereof as is liable to taxation ; provided,
however, that upon an income deriVed from
interest upon notes,. bonds, or other securities
of the United States, a duty of if per cent, will
be levied. Persons whose incomes exceed $lO,-
000 are subject to a duty 'of 5 per cent. on the
portion thereof subject to taxation ; provided
that upon an income derived from interest
upon notes, bonds or other securities of the
United States, a duty of 11 per cent. will be
levied. Citizens of the United States residing,
abroad and not in the employment of the Gov:
ernment of the United States,- are'subject to a
duty of 6 per cent. on the income of any pro
perty, securities or stocks owned in the United
States, and not exempted from .theincome tax;
provided, that upon the income derived upOn'
the notes, bonds, or other securities of the
United States a duty of 1 per cent. will be
The following deductions wilt be made from
the aggregate income of each person, and the
tax assessed upon the remainder, viz: Ihe State
and local taxes assessed in the calendar year
preceding this assessment, to wit: from Jenuary
1, 1862, to December 31, 1862 inclusive. The
salaries of officers, or payments to persons in
the service or employment of the United_States,
from which a deduction of three per cent. has
been made by the disbursing officer of the Gov
ernment. The interest or dividends on stocks,
capital, or deposits in any bank, trust company,
savings institution, insurance,, bridge, express,
steamboat, ferry boat, railroad company or
corporation, from which interest or dividends a
duty of three per-tient. shalt have been deducted
by the officers of each companies, txtrporations,
or associations . Interest from any bonds or
other evidences of indebtedness of any railrced
company or other. corporation, from which a
duty of three per cent. elle!' have been deduct
ed by the officers of such; company or corpora
ties ; and receipts derived fro n advertisements
on which a. duty shall have been assessed and
paid. Also, that the sum of $6OO, except in
those cases where the whole or any part of said
$6OO shall have been deducted. from thetaala
ries or pay of officers orpersensin the servictior
employment Cf the United States. The amount,
actually paid. -for 'the- 'rent: of any divelling
house or estate*hich is . the residence of the
persons assessed,and the amount paid by shy
farmetror planter for hired , labor, and theeneoes
sary repairs npon his farm or plantation,
k g the , subsistence of the laborers. t,
Whenever the total income of any pdreon
exceeds $lO,OOO, and dtductious are made
theretioni upon, the ground that ti - ,portion of
such income has been subject to a 3 per cent.
duty upon dividends or interest paid by•compa
nhs, seirporationsi or .associations, as tuifore
enumerated, such person will be subject to 'a
tax-of 2 per cent. additional upon so muchi of
his income as may have been previously
jected to a duty of "3 per cent: by the officers of
the companies, corporations, Or associations
before naznad,
Whenever persons liable to assessment of
income tax ahall,neAect or refuse to make lists
requited by law, or whet:Cate Hits made aid
rendered brand* persons shall not,be.gecaPteel
bY the assessor as jest and prhper, it Bb Iba
the duty of such assessor to make lists for AO
p an rs obtain .eon according to the best. informationl he
c !
4 -40,
Tint New Itireautakelluvatrus &atm --Mite
new stamp nveetkd. by the= Oommissienei ijaf
Interns' 'Revenue, and prgbeddy to be ado pd
in place of those now inuse,.will have, a ' si
der' around the vignette, on which an d to; ,be
printed ? at_tbe top, figures representing time
or feuryearrs,' as '63, '64, '65, and on the sides
And bottom the name of the- month;- and !Ag
tires for thedayit, from LAO' 30. e Vag ip:s9lod,
of cancellition wilt be to cut outiwittitarJr, fl if e ,
before affixing:a-stamp, the whole border, essi•
cept_the lettere( and tignr.s representing the
date atwhich the inetruriCent. : ts issued
will, ne,couree, ninderlhe ukie*S sits
impossible: • ',Stanipe,ote sinnW,plisracter Items
been suggested 'for postage. The frauda- Upon
=the Treasnry,laridtr the present systeni• isevr
enne - stamps, are vertgreat, amounting ;
ing to on computation, to $20,000 in ye w
York city alone. Whether this be an exagger
'ated statement or, not, it .s ' - certain thirst the
sales of revenue stamps ire daily 'less,- instead.
of 'Sore, as Would be naturally expected. !The
loss to the Government through the nee of
cleansed postage-stamps, several times, -Is" also
very large.: . _
LiD it It.
On the 84 Inst., a,t.th,
OWL. rPatuxtc.Rhur.: •
The friends of the fin__
tend the funeral on Wednesday morning at 10
New '2lbutrtistinents
AN 1 . Lady mid Gentl, MEW wisbion board can
be aceommcdatei at Mrs. Vog-l's, in
Wasbington avenue, two doors above Second
street. Also four gentlemen. my5d31.0
May 6. 1863. f
THE Board of Directors deciarr d, to-day, a
dividend of five per cent. for the last six
months, payable on demand.
mysd3t J. W. WEIR, Cashier.
1 BUSHELS Potatot s for-sale
,500 cheap, by EBY & KUNKEL.
30,000 LBS. Prime Hams.
30,000 lbs. Bacon Shoulders, for sale cheap,
by mysd4to EBY & KUNKEL.
DR. would Inform the citizens of
Harrisburg and vicinity that he will be at
the boarding house of Mrs. E. R. Vogel, in
Washington avenue, eight or ten days only,
where be will be happy to see all who labor
under chronic diseases, or if unable to call he
will call to see sick, if desired. Dr. Bechtle
stands unrivalled In the cure of chronic dis
eases. We advise all the afflicted to call and
consult the Doctor. Charges moderate, &c.
my 6d lwo
LIQUID BENNE C yields with milk the most
luscious of all deserts for the table ; the
tightest and most grateful diet for invalids and
children. Milk contains every element of the
bodily constitution ; when coagulated with
rennet it is always light and easy of digestion,
and supports the system with the least possible
excAeosent. When still greater nutritive power
is desired, cram and sugar may be added.
A:teaspoonful converts a quart of milk into a
6tm curd. Prepared and sold, wholesale and
retail, by S. A. KUNKEL,
my 6 118 Market street.
N ORDINANCE relative to the salaries of
• ceitairi - officers of the city.
Fscrrios 1. Belt ordained by the Common anal
cil of thi City of Harrisburg, That from and after
the passage of this ordinance, the Chief of
Police shall receive thirty-five dollars per
month, and the lamp lighter shall receive
thirty dollars per month ; any ordinance or
r solution of council inconsistent herewith be
and the same is hereby repealed.
Passed May 2, 1863.
President Common Council
Attest,-Dann Hamm, Clerk.
Approved May 4, 1863.
mybdlt A. L. HOTIMFORT, Mayor
AN` ORDINANCE making appropriations for
the ordinary expenses and improvements
Of the city, for the year ending March 81,
Smion 1. Be it ordained by the Common Coun
cil of the City of llarrieburg, That the following
sums, or so much ' thereof as may be necessary,
be and they am) hereby appropriated for the
ordinary expenses and improvements of the
Several departments of the city, for the year
ending March 81, 1864:
For the Water Works $2,700 00
" Fire Department 1,660 00
• "' Market Houses 1,400 00
" Street Department, lst district 2,160 00
it it id 2d " 2,260 00
3d " 2,00(1 00
Miscellaneous—Printing,Stationery,&c. 700 00
Passed May 2, 1868.
President Common Council.
Attest—DAvin HARRIS, Clerk.
Approved May 4, 1863.
myEttl it A. p. BOUMFORT, Mayor.
AN ORDINANCE defining the duties of the
several supervisors, and fixing their com
&mos I. Be it ordained by the . acmes ase
cil of the City of Harrisburg, That it shall be the
duty of the supervisors of the first and second
districts to clean the market square and the
parts of Market and Second streets included
within the market limits, twice a week, im
mediately after market hours, in the months
of April, May, June, July, August, September
and October, and once a week .dnring the re
mainder of riar whenever the same may be
practicable ; and it shall be the duty of the
several supervisors of the city to clean the
streets, lanes and alleys, together with the
street-crossings, gutters and inlets within their
respective districts, at least once a month, or
as often as necessity may require and whenever
the same may be practicable. Ao3d it shall be
the ferthat duty Of the supervisors to remove,
within forty-eight hours, all such cleanings
from the streets.
Sm. 2. It shall be the duty of the super
visors to employ such number of able-bodied
men, and horses and ()arta, as may be deemed
necessary for cleaning the streets, lames and
alleys. They shall keep a check-roll wherein
they shall enter the names of all persons and
horses and carts employed, the place where the
work is done, so as to r.nder a just and correct
gamut ; they shall at the End of each month
make affidavit before the Mayor, or in his ab
sence, before any alderman of the city, that
seat service ; was rendered, and that the pay
charged opPosite the respective •names in the
check-roll was futeci by authority of the street
committee. They shall , return such check-roll,
including their own time, to the respective
street committees at least one day prior to each
stated meeting of the council. They shall alio
superintend and keep a Check-roll of all persona
and horses and carts employed on street repairs
or new work given under their charge, and
make a' Monthly return to the council through
the street c.,mmitteie under affidavit, as above
provided, and perforM 'all such other duties as
are enjdined upon them by the several ordi
utilities- of the city.
Sac. 3. They shall, whenever it is necessary,
Secure a lot on which to deposit such street
cleanidge as may be suitable
„for manure, and
dispose of it at private or public sale, the pro
&fedi; of which they shall pay to the city
treasurer. - •
Sze. 4. ' They shall ieceive two dollars as a
hompeneation for each and every day so em
ploye&; .and all persous returned upon their
check rolls OMR be oak/respectively by orders
drawn by the council upon the City treasury.
The forms of the check-rolls aforesaid for street
'cleaning, street repairs or new work, shall be
ndopted by the council, who .shall furnish the
said supervisorowith printed copies of the same
to lie filled up by them as required by this
Sac 4. Any neglect or violation of the du
ties preicribed in this orqinance shall subject
the supervisors aforesaid to fines not exceeding
their daily pay:
Sae. 6. That-the several street committees
in makinglcontracts for stone, to be delivered
on any of-the: streets, lanes or alleys for turn
pike, repairs or new_work, shall require the
same to be broken Otis: sisa to Pass through a
two and a half inch ring before being placed
one the -add streets, lanes or alleys.
-Sao 7, .411 ordhuumes or pat's of ordinances
contlicting.veith the provisions of this ordinance
be and the same is hereby repealed
hastedLbfay 2,1: - •
- I
W.. 0. mcitoic,
President CoininisnCosocil
Attest—Um:l Reams, Clerk.
Approved May 4, 1863.
rayklit A. L. 11011MP0BT, Mayor
New ahertireinittL;
l~i[l ~~i~t
1 EIN WAY - S. CII 1 , . EL:ING S.
BURPS, 11.,-;LEl's and GEOVE
STEEN'S lIELODE , :,N:-. by -
Sheet Music sent by mail to any plac..
Howe's Sewing Machines, &c., at the Mush
Store of SILAS WARD,
No. 12 North Third Street, above Mari-t.
STOLEN from the stable of the subscribes
residing in Susquehanna street, West liar
lisbarg, on Sunday night, a SLACK HORSE,
hind feet white, with switch t di, heavy twit,
bad on a hemp halter and thick Maul, et. $
will be paid for the recovery of the hoe anc
$4O for the arrest of the thief, and the horse
restored to MICHAEL BOYLE.
30,000 LBS. HAMS of ail the choh
brands in markvt, cgivassed
and uncanvassed, at the very lowest price.--
Every hantsold warranted, at
Cor. Front and Market As.
my 4
Patented July 8, 1862.
MP:TCH labor and ingenuity have l'een ec
ended in efforts to reduce the labor, time
and trouble of chur tang milk and cream to pro
duce butter. The old method of churning by
handr squires so much time and labor that reset t
has beet, had to various machines propelled by
dogs, sheep, calves, &c., for the purpose of say
ing this time and laor. Bat the :nconve
niente and unpleasantness arising from the me or
these animals as a propelling power are such at
to render any improvement which will obviate
the necessity of their use a great desideratum.
After placing the milk in the churn, it it
only necessary to wind !up the weight by mans
of the crank, which can be done in from two
to three minutes, and the machine will rue
thirty minutes without re-wiudin4, when, if:
the churning is not finished: it can be re-wand.
This power can be so regaltVe I as to propel a
churn of any size, from one quarter of a barrel
to two barrels.
Without any change in the machinery, a
child from eight to ten years of age, c in, by
means of a lever attached to the fly-a heel,
verse the motion, wind up the machine ir, ten
minutes, churning at the samet. i
me w i t h
barrel churn; and then, by letting go e: ne l ever‘
the motion again reverses, and the t run,
down, continuing the operatior, for twenty
minutes longer at a slower rat', thus finishing
the churning and gathering th e b utter i n t h e
brat manner,
The grand object of ar, machinery is to say a
time, and the proprieV x of this machine claims
great superiority for 'a to this respect. Mowing
machines and thrashing machines will 233VC,
from one hundre(t to two hundred pur cent, in
time, while thi's machine will save from twelve
hundred to fourteen hundred per cent., as will be
wen by a nimple arithmetical calculation on
what has already been shown. Two minutes'
Went* will - secure thirty minutes' churniug
This power can be operated in three differ
ent ways :
let. By means of a crank to wind.
2nd. By a lever attached to a fly-wheel.,
which winds and churns at the same time.
ad. By a leaver at fly-wheel without winding
or weight.
Toe machine is so constructed that it
occupies a space of only four feet by tw feet,
and is placed in the room where the churnir g,
is done ; and it is frequently the else that
washing is done in the same room. In all such
cases it can be used also to pound out clothes,
which is a much moreeconomical mode of wad i
ing than to do it all by rubbing.
Instead of appending to this circular a list 4 r
certificates in regard to the merits of the ma
chine, we prefer to let it show for itself.
This machine was patented July Bth, 186:.,
by A. A. Drake, and the patent right for the
States of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana 111inem,
Kentucky, and Connecticut, is for sale by ti ,
subscriber, who may be seen at the White 1 1 ,,,11
hotel, Market street, Harrisburg, Pa., wb Ere 11,t
will remain for two days, to exhibit tb e power
and dispose of rights fot this and adjoining
A machine can be seen in operation at the
hotel. (d2t o ) E. D. CRAMER.
AVE have received for this season more than
our usual stock of
Some choice varieties on hand. Also, Gar
den and Vegetable seeds of the best quality.
91 Market str,el.
my 4
DOCK& Co. have just received a new and
superior article of Vinegar, inauufacturril
entirely from Corn, which is entirely free from
all mineral acids, and which they can freely re
commend to their customers and the public.
The public are invited to give this article a trial .
March 17, 1863.
- 17 you want your Skin of a pearly whiteness,
J. go to Kunkel'a and get some (4 that famous
Soap, which constituted a portion of the ciago
of the stamer Prewar Royal, which was captur
ed some time since by our fleet, while attempt
ing to run the blockade at Charleaton. Can only
be had at KUNKEL'S
ap2s-tf - 118 Market at., Harrisburg.
rtAMERON, COLDEB, EBY & CO. are sub
scription agents to dispose of these bonds,
whp will sell them at par, in stuns to Snit pur
The intercat on these bonds is six per cent.,
and will be paid in gold. anl7-1m
Both dwarf and standard, •as good in
quality of the tree. and as extensive in vari, ty.
as can be found in the country, at Keystone
Nursery_ [apl7] J. Ali 813.
TOE stoek and fixtures of one of the beat
located Yards io town. Address
tnyl-lwa BOX 8.36. POSTOFFICE.
tiNIEL MICH will be a candidate for tha
officeof Sheriff at the next election, and
solicits the votes of all Union men. Lap2.l-1 ins
C .
HCICE Green and Black Teas, Imperial,
Young Hyson, Bonchony, Oolong, &c., &L.,
for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN,
ap7 Corner Front and Market Sts.
ORANGES, Lemons, Raisins and otii,r
foreign fruit jest received and for s pie by
Cot. Front And Market Btd
my 4
T AIID andßacon.wanted, from . - x)ro -fed pork
tart C r. Front and Market sts.
XTANTBD—E3ght wood choppers. Gne.l
wages will be paid. Inquire atyFiE
BISHOP'S, two miles below the Dauphin c , ,uu
ty poor house. imy2.l4ta