Ir MIIII IIIIIIIIIIII: 11 : ~,, •H lk "r4- ,,,,... :""""_ t . - ~.f. _ ' • , A 'IZ-.... - '. ' '+ ' ... -N--- .- '...,.., . ''''''',: _ .ii . ~,, \ : , -;,- , f. - ='• : ..f ll' . ~,i ' . I. ' •-•-• ,". - ...- `.. +, r . . • - "•- ,:, 1 .., - 4: - - - - : ..- - - , - ... k,. .z• , ik-- ~ .=t, ~„,„4.4 . , . , -,--: . . ..... ?.--= 1 -• .--;•-•,. . i : . , . .. . . :11,.. . ~._,. _.*- X - • -- . :_--:- _ •,--;-:" • '-'-'-'. . 4- '' ''. ' ; ' - ' s _ --_7 -z-,Z.:;--k. . - . a ....-, . •- . -,-,• - - , , t v -, L , .., , : _ _-=: .--- - .:4 , • /1, ':. . , . ..„ _ ..._. , ~.: ..- . , , <, •:•• , -•••-' ,--; ....'•' .... ------ - - .7 ,- -•%01 1 , ,•'. •••,-- -A\ • ,..--• •,...., ---__-------- --- --7- - ,7 - 6q -- - -...,-- •-= - - , ,- --..:;-- •-•••= - -- - ---.- ,• -_-.•_ • . - ---- - - -.45, - - - ... , .5 - 7 - ',..- •---.: ' 'k'"' • inr GEORGE BERGNER. 11: I I E TELEGRAPH. IS PUBLISHED ;. MORNING AND EVENING, Jyr GEORGFE BEIZGNER. Ojßce Third Street, near Walnut. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION. The DA.iiir TELUGHAPH le &fried to subscrl-hers in he City at 6 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged 54 in advaaeeC WEEKLY TELEnrarit-.l:` The TELEGRAPH is also published iweekly and furl) %shed to subscribers at the following cash rates : SwF, le copies, weekly • Tau copies, to one postoffice. Tweuty " 11 " Al VRRTIBINO BAs.—The following are the; 4.teo ior advertising in the TELIAGIEnru. ha wi.. g advertising to do will find it convent:olU for reference. itr Four lines or less constitute one-lialf square. Eight lines or more than four oorkutf tute: . . eq,t re. 23. 0 % A v5,= .?- 7 ,1, , 0 R g p s .7';'ggrgggrrtgrlP: 0 C. 1- M is 1 1•4 0“...1,0,-0.0:.0 • 0 . 4..G..41:00.4 , 00 01 0. 0 00 3 • z oso.oo.oooocnoo t 4 z , 0 , A 01,01-0. '730'0 , 0 0 `..2.• , :n0trt-att 001 : 00 : • to 1:, - 0 - 0,..000 , 7 , 0000 Cr C. V. -4C.OZL`ol...CrriAri..st4..l-. 8 0. gt.,1818%5gt8.3,5:"••• 1 ek 0? 7 . • 1.• 0 ~ ,,C .Cn-iapoc.t.llC - 4' ...o.pcnoc,oooo '1 • • IA o • Xg.?:4:ggStg c SOl . • oa. o= oc. - .23 ez 0 0 0 • 0 00 0 or, cc • C.; Cc t, 0m 10 t•Z OCA. QCTC.O .000 Cr , A • 1.4, ' at 0 , 000 0 - ornoo.v.p • isistratiou Notices,ltime'a week, 54 ti lege Notice.' lior's iruelpaL, each Insertion—, . • or Business notices inserted in the Lorisk Column, or beforo Jidarri4gee and Deaths,-EratiT Onus PER Lon for. eachinserdon.. • As an advertising medium the TELEGRAPH his no equal, its large.circulation, among businefs men and familses,.in city and country, pin it beyond competition. ,- /11 . 10.410.4 M. I - CORNER OF MARKET ST AND MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA, JOSEPH F. McCLELLAN, PROPRIETOR (amino . comma) By WELTS CIOVICRLY.) This is .a First Class Hotel, and located in the central part of the city. It is, kept in the best manner, and its patrons will find every. accom modation to be met with in the best houses in the country. se3o-dtfi UNITED STATES HOTEL.: Refitted and Renovated. L. W. TEN . EYCK., Faosaiwros, rilH IS popular and commodious Hotel has' been newly refitted and famished through out itt. parlors and chambers, and is now ready for the - receptlim of; guests , for the winter season. The traveling priblic will find the ~V)aideci. Stan Bora the most convenient hi all ofticiu tars, of any Hotel in the State tlapital, on 4c- Count ,of its Weed to ;he rearoed,leing diately, between. the ',,two goatt depots in this city., .. , a:. • !•• • ilartaxtustato, Dec. 29, 1,862.—tim SMITE!. & EWING, 41.TTORNElra-AT-VAiivir Off 110 E THIRD STREET, ;- REAR iIARBET, HARRISBLIAL4, J JLL attend to the Qollecn ( O f 'Bonrity ity rennsionE. and ; Arr.: 63 110 of fir the widow or other heirs of tiny soldier, who niay die L% disdase kw? be killed while in Or United States service, is entitled to *lOO . be out money, pension, and all arrears 6$ pay. &ceased soldier. , „ [t?1,04-rd-dlO FRESu. GROCERIEB I NICHOLS & BOWMAN, •• (Corner of Front and Market Streets,) . ARE cona tantly receiving from first hands large stocks of chqic9 family $ . 0 30 r4 8 1 Pur chased for cash, which they are thereby enabled to sell at verY'small . advance on city wh - Oltsaie prices. They would respectfully 'infotuf the ptiblic that they do .not deal innor keep say. intoxicating liquors in any quantity, huge, or. rang ELERMETICA4I.IY • PEAGFIVS, TOMATOES'? • PINE APPLE, SALNIi)N . , OYSTERS, , SPICED OYSTERS, LOBSTER, SARDINES, DOOR, Jr. & co. For Sale by ' MINCE I - rpp ABMS, CIIRRANTS,, CITRON, LEMONS, SPICES, GIDE% WINES, BRANDIES; ,Fic wm: nogg, gr. C • For sale by BIBLES AND HYMN BOOKST: LA LiGE and splendid stock of Po&it and Family Bibles. ' " Prt.ellterian, Methodist, Lutheian, Genikan Baotwol, and other Hymn Books. last reeeiv4 ea at. BitiLLINEB'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE.. CIOAL OIL, a fortlier reduction - in 0.7" OIL It...!'superior article of non-explosive Coal Oil, for eta ie very low; by t ritt ITICIIOLS & BOW, ger: A'rent rind isibrlce Stii. assl 1 • Otra ll , and Currants, tor... a by NICHOLS & BOWMAN; ' Owner rront and MarkiltiSta DR. JOHNSON t3ALIATITIN.C:)ELM LOCK HOSPITAL. l AS discovered.the most certain, speedy and I offectual remedies in the world for DIORASES , OF IMPRUDENCE ItiLINN IN 81X TO TWELVE Rouse NO ' MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. A Care Warranted, or No Charge, in from One to Weaknesi of the Back, , Affections of the' Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary dial charges, Impotency, General Debility, Ner-; vonsness, Dyspepsia, Languor, .LoW Spirits,l Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the He art, Timidity, Tremblinge, Dimness of Sight cr Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat,: Nose or Skin. Affections of the Liver, Lungs,' Stomach or Bowels—those terrible arising from. the Solitary Habits of Youth--; those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of . Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most tient hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage; &c., impossible, sl'.oo . 9.00 t .17.00 i EH YOUNG MEN Fawially,. who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit irhich..annually sweeps to an nntimelj grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have , aen ,ates with the .thunders of eloquence or wand to ecstasy the . viltkg lyre, max call with full confidence. ' • PLUMAGE. m~ X`.a ; - 2 5 Xrg a .9. Mairied.Persons, or Young Men contemplat ing marriage, being aware of physical weak:- neas organic debility,•deformities, &c.,speedily m D ' a~g X~~ He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may, religiously confide in his honor as a gen tlerrian; an confidently rely upon his skill as 6 Phybician. ' , • OBGANIC'WVAXNMS'. Immediately Cared, and fall vigor restored. `This Akittessing affection—which renders life miserable and marriage impossible--Js the pery alty pap, bi r the victims oflmproper iudnlgea Young persons are too apt to 'commit ex4erft4s from not being aware -of the dreadful conga= qtierices that may ensue. Now, who that' un derstands the subject;will pretend' to deny that the power of, procreation is ICst sooner by thoee falling into, improper habit's than by the prii dent.. Besides _being depriVed the - pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destrup• tive symptoms to bath body and mind arise. "the system becomes deranged', the physica and MeutsTfinidtions weakened, loss, of procrdatise power, riedvoliS irritability, dyspepsia; do ioUthe heart,' indigestiop, constitutional,' Wily. a wasting of 'the 'frame, cough, cop:: suiripfion, decay and death. throuni, No. 7 Sows FBADIOIIOB. STREET, Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a feUidoars from the corner. Fail not to obsertre name and number: _ `, A *.- —8 a X !q' 0 , .. 9. e5...52 26 1 10 Letters must be paid and contain a stamp The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office. DR. JOHNSON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon don, graduate from oneof the most eminent colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hold tali of London; 'Paris, 'Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishiag, cures were ever known -; many troubled. 'with ringing in the head and tabs when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at Sitddim Acainds, bashfulness, with frequent lalughing; attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured immediately. PAItTIooLAR, NOTICE. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, viz w3akness of the back and limbs, pains in the head, dimness of sight, Ices of muscular power, palpitation of, the heart, dyspepsia, nervrs symptoms of 'Consumption, &o. hinsraity.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—low of memory, o,l* fthion of ideas, depression of spirits, evil foie bodings, aversion to society, self distrust, hive of solitude, timidity, , &c., are some of the evils produced. Who have" injured themselves by a retain practice ,rhen alone, a habit...fie gnentlY learned 'Helm evil companions, Orst thii. effects of ,whicb are• nightly felt, even when : asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, sho u ld apply li?iinedietefr. What a, pityth aI. e t young man, the hope of his country„ ther &Whig of his parents, should he, snatched from all , prospects and enjoyinents Of 110 consequence- of deiiating from theliath of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persona mrisr, before conb HARRIAG,a, " ' Reffect.tbat a sound mind and' body are the moat necessary requisites to promote oon,nubial baPPintres. • Indeed, without these, the jouritey throlgh becomes a weary pilgrimage,: 'the Pioltpect, her,* darkens to the view ; the'ro7cid rn t6:oeis thariowed with despair and filled with the reflection' that the hapPiness of another' bediimes blighted with our own.. DISEASE OF INPREDENOg..., 1 When the reisgoided and imprudent v,o ry of Pica,suie finds he has imbibed the seed of this painfulEdiseasp, it too often happens ; hat an illtimed Besse of shame or the dread of kits.: . , . covery deters him from applying to theirs, who)" from education and reeptctability, can ode befriend, him fails .into the handiCf rant and disigning pretenders & who, incap ble of curing, filch his pecuniary scilistance4e4 him trifilut montti,after month, or as longlas the smallest fee can be obtained, sad in clesir leave him with ruined health to sigh Oat his galling ; disappointment,. or, by the use of the deadlX:Poisoni: gercury, hLetest the coda(itei' Urinal, symptoms of this terrible disease, such an affections` of the Head, Throat, Hose,fikin, etc.: progressing .with : frightful rapidity dbath a puts period to his 4. (tactful sufferings by lien& lug . him to that, undiscovered, country ,frOm whence no traveller returns. . I, INDORSEKENT OF THE PRESS. r • Thobiany thousands curectat this institution year after year, and ,the_rinumbroutk.importruit surgical operationalserformed by Dr. Johilson, witnessed by the reenters of the Sun, CV', .o and many other papers notices f which have appeared egainand again before:the public, be ,sidee hie standing-as a, gentleman - sof) Character and responsibility; is a sufficient.grutrantee to the afflicted, . . SKIN DISEASES) SPEEDILY CURED. .! i ) ' I O,AME L jp.?, 7. SOUTH EREDERIOI4 27. IttelsitaL Two _Days 'YOUNG MEN' HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 5, 1863. New abotrtioemtnto. LIFE INSURANCE The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. OFFICE 110. 408 CHESTNUT MEET. (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND ANINTS THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. JOHN,F. JAMES, Secretary. CONT I NUE 'to make INSURA:kOE ON LIVES on the most reasonable terms. They act as Executors, Trustees and Guardians under last Willa, and as Receivers and itaitigrides. The capital being paid up and invested, together with.a large and constantly increasing reserved fund, offers a perfect security to; he insured. The premiums may be paid , yearly, half year ly or quarterli. The compiny add a BONUS periodically to the insurances for life. The FIRST BONUS appropriated in December,lB44, the SECOND BONUS in December, 184, the THIRD BONUS in December, 1864, and the FOURTH BONUS In 1869. These additioils are; made without; requiring any increase in the premiums to bel paid to the comptuiy. The following are few examples from th 4 Register : 'Amount of polioY Bonne of land bonus to be addition: icteaiixi by intim' additions. Sum Insured Policy No. 89. $2500 $ 887 50 " 182. 3000 1060 00 " 199. 1000 400.00 " 888. 6000 187500 Agent at Harrisburg and *Unity WILLIAM BIIEBLEIi jelo-dly 'COFFEE ! COFFEE ! COFFEE 1 jATANTED, every Groxitir and the Public t? V T ' try • - ; WOiIIIELL'S NONPAREIL PREPARED: COFe FEE. - • Warranted to give satisfaction, or the money refunded. It is universally , acknowledged the • . BEST , EVER .uS>. Prepared and for sale at the Eagle Steam Spit and Coffee Works, No. 244, North Front, (co ner•of New st.,) Philadelphia,:Pa. I mch9d3m.*-• HOWARD WORRELL. T J• MC,(3Ui:GIN . pi Importer and wholesale deal& ie THREAD,: TAPES, 'HoSlllEtti, Notions, BCC• iI MA TO EIIESAND. BL AG . --VO4 2 0 74841 MTV ii 946 141 ?Node/Phi:a. f 25-d3m CHEESE Prime lien; Eoglish Dairy, Pine Apple saP Apple, for sale by , WM. DOCK, hi.; ti CO.! apl4 GARDEN SEEDS. : , i Shaker's, Mt. Lebanon, N. Y., and • ' :I 1 Primp & Bro., Rochester, N. Y.II A large invoice, comprising every variety and description, just received and for sale by , 1 apl4 WM.. DOCK, , Js., & cO.t, DRIED FEtIT. DRIED Peaches, (palled) • , Dried Peaches, (unpared.] Dried Apples. Dried Plums, Dried Cherries. Dried Blackberries. For sale by [aprlo] WU. DOCK, Jr., & CO. IXTRITING FLUIDS —Boss' -American Wit V V lug Fluid, a splendid .luk,, at dg. e e ts per quart; ARNOLD'S genuine Writing Fluid, HARRISON'S Columbian= 1 Writing Fl d, LAUGHLIN BL;BUSEIFiR WS Ink, Copy g Ink, Carmine and Red Inks of the best,quali 3r, Bine ink, tiumlage,rito. , , at 7. , ape : • SCUEFFER'S Wogig'9llEt c'IL OF, AIX. ' • . %.../ This celebrated Sided Oil, with venal other choice brands, in large and small trot*, just received and for 'sale toy upl4 DOCK,Is., CAL OIL LASTERNI3,:that .do not uped any chimney,-and no wind with put! the; AgitVont. d Nil and exaraine, at t , • ' NIOHOIS & BOWlttiat, Cori Front and Pliadtitt. - ED •• IDOEST PENS In. the - world, tot 75 . 9, $1 Al $1.50, $2, $2, and $4, fay lilac, at ; a i 'bah-0 • SCHEFFELVS'IOOKSTo . " ipABELLA 44D' 'CATAWBA: 1 .471;13,ARE FAroug %rut thrifty,-, two I.Jr, years old, at .reduvid prices i At lleyethne Nursery , . „ ; , BROWN' STOUT' , • • ; and t - ;-=' • .111 SCOTCH A, of the lasst,brarldp,'slirays on hand and for We by. • (aP I 4) • XS. POCK* Ja., & CO. , , AJF wipsiow's Firh New , CoOkot received by P"tf a: .4 11‘r- DO*4*; Sr. 911,' I BUSELEI. *Amer and beach, glow 14Pcstakoei, for eale very low, by, _ . •-: 4 4.4 4 :4 ,8 & mg_WmAN, . • f2B, . Comer Front Market Sip. . Ne'F'N'R CELEBRATED PINE APPLF., " HEl43.E;'direct from the inanufactrirer, iiii&for We by WK. DOCK, & CO. T NBIED BEEF AND i3oLoqNA,a vary.clioice lot, just received and for. sale by inrßO _ :WM. DOCK, au., StDO. A CHOICE loc. of ,eppprior Bacon, pn4 re ceived and fcir Welk)* by' NIOROLT4E BOWMAS,, • lop]. Car, Front mid Market titrebts. SALT; ground; alum,:Aahtoa and dairy, .in large or small quantitiee by: NIC7HOLB!& BointeN,. al Oor, ?root an I Market streets. . SMOKED HALIBUT. tVERY' &oleo, 'tirade Jost iiketirod; 'sod for .sale by W6ilAXiCe,r3r., & E4t Celegraph). Written for. the Telegraph.] IN MEMORIAM. Oa the Death oiLient. Geo. W. Kenney, a 81,648,886 "It is with unfeigned sorrow I apprise you of the fact that Lieut. Kenney, your son, was mortally wounded to day in the battle of White Oak. Vekturkp. Q Airclairninc &m rar ! Jify Saviour he sank up - ork the ground and was carried to the hospital in the roan"— Aired from a letter of Major Pariah to Mr. Kenney. A vacant chair in the house to-day, ,Stlll speaks of the gallant, dead ; BUt t liever again shall the grand old hails Awake to his manly tread. . • And never again shall hie loving voice, Be heard with its words of cheer, To soothe the mother's mourning heart, : Or dry the sister's tear. x , , • He, sleeps the sleep of a brave man, slain For the sake of higtiative sod ; For the sake of that starry flag, whose folds He worshipped next to God. • He sleeps—and above his youthful grave, In tee sod of his native land, The flag of his love shall ever wave, Untouched by a traitor's hand. Not in the heat of passion's glow, Nor yet with the boaster's pride— But with the name of hens on his lips, The youthful hero died. Ob, glorious hope I Oh, blessed sight I' There on that battle-sod, To hear these words of life and light : My Saviour and my ard Sleep on, 0 soldier of the ernes ! .Thou:haat not died in , vain : The Saviour whom thou lov'dat in life, Will recompense again. Thy bleeding country mourns thy' loss; And the years as they , swiftly , flee, Will weave in her children's loving hearts, Sweet memories of thee.' • • Then sleep—and above thy youthful grave, In the sod of thy native land, The flag for which thou hest died, shall wavf, • '• Untouched by a traitor's hand. ,; PENBBYLVA2sLA HOURS HARRISBURG May 3,186.: sa§.B . /. 4 %) 1400 00 6876 00 . .. . ..... _ ._ , . . The Bible says : "To tunkaside the•right Of a mart 14efore the face of the Most High ; 'subvert a man in hili . canse; the Lord , aplirOve h not" , It is grievously . " to, ,turn aside au ft right," and it is fearfttily '" to subvert a iii n in his cause,." when you impeach his right -, lkimself, Atml.tu the ur).:ta of his youth, a nd, their own, children , when you hide fro m • . eYeir tho-lettemotiletts book, lest they box; e . t incendiary ; and most pt all when you his community of interest In the first Ada , the ancestor of us all. Subvert a man in.. , ' is al l cause," and in the question of his marsh from the first Adam as no kin of his. Disp tw his right in the'isloCal in the first tenants' f Eden, and you "subvert also his cause," d impeach also his right, in the second Adam, Who as the Dunn of God taketh away the .sin of the world. Blot his pedigree if you can, without blotting also his passport to a batten i i country, in that title which a Bedeeraer's blo d sealed. That elder brother this he, exc -. sively, and by right of Cancassiary caste y 6 i s only ? We know from the Evangelist that e accepted aid in bearing his cross to the pit hole, nit where they planted it, from a matt of Af ' home—Simon the Cyrenian. Whether , i helper's'hue, as well as his home, mere Afri '; it matters not. If Ethiopia " stretching i t her hand unto God" hadi in the veins of., t hand, not the same human blond; of which t e an incarnate ransomer took in His humaniti ;. then she stretches as far as salvation is = ceined, that hand in vain to a barred Ed , and an inaccersible and fetrzorable Judged-- .Subvert the Ethiopian's, the , African's ) , the negro's, (word the name as you will,) the bkfck mates claim to a common blood and &common h it humanity with yourselves ; and write wit ' A I grin, before the skies;',Sarnbo, cousin to the a e; and you have " turned-away his.right" in.' 'e atonement, and " subverting ,his cause" in *lb last judgment, and his citizenship' in the new Jerusalem. Easily said is the scoff, when you cl consider its victim's disabilities, and his a u sers' advantage. It is an unequal 'ciimbat But if the-taunt chance to call out a higher r .biter—mhat thenf , And Solomon warned As , centuries ago; " 'Whose. mocketh the my, re k' prbacheth his Maker." - ,If'Sambo'e - mob.ter 1 Ruda himself confronted by Sainho'S Maker; ;he I ineqUality shifts tomixother side. The ,mortal scoffer is etertjed,to find the puny lance of Nis jest hurtling uRn the thickbosses of Jehovah's' buckler, and Sambo's Maker will answer Your taunt; be assured;'' ill the- sufferer on tbat prp and theecouptult of- thatirudgment seat, And - the Sing . of that littrachle,' citle2ly r , id mutely approve - yorir exclusiveness, and end nie wa banish - meat of yalTr.fransenfeillaCtek '. talism and perdition? _Paul, speaking by u iporitylof his Igisater n teld the Athenia, 8 of this superior castes, as they het thenisel es, r of the proud Greekbblood, that God had " n - e of one,hlood all nations of men on-all the ace of tin) earth." , Christianity, repudiates his and subversion disparagement and subversion:o,the the ; cause and right.:; Elele,your kinsman, for he is Christ's kin. .f! Inasmuch as, ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my, brethren,ye have : done it unto t mo," . .t low ye not., that soop we are to hear these words; and`' whence and where ? DR. WILLIAM '.' E VISITING,- . • TATION AND i AT HOME CARDS. DIY _a specifil arrangement with one of the ,beat engravers VA, cotmtxy, cards of any description wilt. lie sweated to the futehest Style art;'66lferMable with the latest fashion} and siipplied lircmptly,at lowerpfiCes than are cfmrig eh Iv qtation'ers NeW York' or' Phytemiek-' pia. 'For*Aid6o4 prima call , me,13:90" 'BMIIEICS BOO,KSTOP IitIatESERVEp.fFRUIES, hermetically sealed; inlogiasranddirai of all, descriptions ; ' and of de reefibdeliclouteiadir sale' ig. , DIXD1 4 Ja..;:aFficf. quisvoltlita: "TT, - Cif o — Wadable - *iffettes; at lKey •• atone Nry. tapAT] J. 14ISH. Philadelphia. BY JOB W. FUREY The Nigger Question " imam' Azeuzusuer: STAND 'porn." FROM THE RAPPAHANNOOL BRILLIANT SUCCESS OF GEN. HOOKER. FREDERICKSBURG AGAIN OCCUPIED. Rebel Redoubts Taken with 'Ease• Particulars of the Movement The Enemy Forced to Fight on the Ground of Gen. Hooker's Choosing. The Railroads. Between the Rebels and SlcLmoad Cat• Rebel Line of. Retreat Broken. Burning of Rebel Encampments. Highly Important .Rumors. CC= The Tribune and Redd have issued extras containing the following news by mail from the Rappahannock up to Sunday morning. The Tribune, that time cur left wing was in possession of Fredericksburg and of the first line of redoribts on' the hill behind it, and was feeling its way to• the second line. The riverwas crossed and the redoubts wereearried with great ease and with very slight loss of The rebels hail marched away in the dire Lion of Uhancellorville to attack outright wing there posted, leaving at that post only 10,000 men, and subsequently not more than 5,000 to 7,000 men in their WOrksi; as was ascertained by a reconnoissancVOM Lowe:a balloon. A great' Portion of otu'Faimeniks batteries were engaged on Sunday with- the relael batta ties, firing aordsa the river and c •v. ' • • The String both of musketry and c I'm s ding on the right, in the direisticm of Chant I t .1 te, was very heavy. - The =Pnemybad been forced to fight on the ground of*Gen. Hooker's choosing. It was be lieved oroboth wings that Gen. Stoneman's ex pedition to cint the railroads between the rebels And Richmond had proved encemsful, thus cut ting off the only path of So Confident was Gen. Honker at Falmenth of inc:ess that in conformity with Worders a `force bad already commenced' to rebuild a bridge over .the Rappahannock. The troops'are in.the finest spirits and-everything looks propi tions,., The Herald haS t;lsO an extra, giving lithirS up 'to 11 d'clock on Sunday morning; 'WM& says that on Saturday evening there.weashrilliant fire .1n- the.: sear of , FraderiekOritg.-Whic-h-at-, pilt4reAto proceed from_the burning of rebel en ,campments. Theit's was inother fire in the rear of Filnaotith;' from tbe burning 'of encamp-, meats below Stoneman's station. . ; Fredrickaburg was occupied at about. 2 o'clock on Sunday morning r hy, put. troops. The bat teries on either elou of' the' river: arnititimitid . _ • . each other about 6 o'clock-, and the roaring of cannon was roud and prolonged. The New York Bas/cl'4 extra contains the ; following:. , Wiese Astir CORPS, May 8.--L - Losses in battery L---First New York sustained , the following in addition to dime- before recorded. Killed—Charles E. Carpenter.. . 5 Wounded—Sergeant Amos; Sohn Geogan and Daniel Stewart. The battery also lost eight horses. The fire of‘ thiszbattery told with :each terrible. ,effect upon the rebels, that it,dismountedsome of their guns and silenced their battery. There are excellent artillerists in'the battery that punished the'rebelsteverely, and it will be heatxt from - again elsewhere. :.It is not contraband information to state that the first division under Gen. Wadsworth, the only part of dui' first corps that crossed, was 'Withdrawn from the - houth side Of the Itaripa hannock during their artillery firing. - •; - Capt. Sellinan,, of Troy, chief of Brig. Gen. Phelps' staff, withdrew our pickets and - not a man was left behind: Among the ritmOrs , yesterday of operations on the right was one that we had captured 16 pieces of artillery from the rebels, A.tiother that the 'lrish Brigade had. 'stormed and taken three rebel batteries. Still another that Gen. Hooker rode , along .the lines cheered by the brave soldiers who ad mire him. _ Another that a shell struck within thiity - cet'ot' him when he was thus riding: . ~AAnothor that' our callq• were tearing up riilibad tracks in the re lines,destroying rebel property end crossing their, wintry, 'cre ating consternation and dismay where they made their raids.. : ' , ' • ' Another that en s r'foro3e on the right 'drOve li the iebels on Friday, then fell.back and pianist' Utteries at iote.rvals,which mowed down"the !pressing and'deluded rebels like gram before' the scythe. i Another that we advanced more than -one mile yesterday;&4l!iitililling the rebels to tall back, and that 'we are still driving them wXth terrible.slaughter to them and' comparatividy. ernall less on oar part. _ . I Wfien General Hooker took command of Oil; army the 'men' were out of sPirifs ' and but of POtatoes. The latter' watt Supplied to there. in generous quantities, and .now they are in Most jubilant spitiie, : confident of success, and, Will ing to , endure any hanialdPs and any perili to accomplish that desirable end and thus &Ugh the rebellion: • I *' A. Sergeant of Livingstone's battery, clime leg was shattered by a shell in the fighting 4t the light, when being carried to the - rear said: "Thank Gbil, I hive Clvraysilone mY - dutY:" Afterwards the t said: "Livingstones battery have always don,e their duty,": , ~ The weather,is most ,aseellent for milgari operatidn's; 'arid the details of 'one of the most brilliant military Secoasses the sited over knew will reach you soon. Waitnlittle longer. The rOPOS ' are eYeTywhorP 13 04 4 s enough for mules and in met, daces good for, Wheeli, but Gen. Hooker will riot permit Wagons - to olstrnet the advanoe'of hiereinforcements, Major Cameron, paymaster, paid the Ad 'Massachusetts ,While the regiment was on' the march and thetinanonading was "Programing. /4e has comeel r own from the,front, baying paid the 136th and 64th New York, the re inainder of this regiments not Ir:wing accessible.. 'lhe rebel prisoners who went dawn to Aquiti: Creek:yesterday were, not , ,so penitent 40 they should be. One of them, in passing Stoneman's station, gav e inree;elieera for, Gen. Jacksbn. The'lichMoint'..D4deh; says the Wther day while melting the iron of shells in Ricbmbid, which had-been-plaked up on the battle fields, one or two7shells exploded with. terrible feria; doing geeekdamaget. A ), aIF ,t, Eleven o'clock, A. m.—At this hour there is heavy cannonading on the right, and the quiet of the Sabbath in the fond must be disturbed up there. A Heavy Fight at Warrenton Juno- Defeat of Forrest's and Blaek Horse Cavalry. I D111:i Ell 511 3E13 ZOI 51 tin IL Vhsuntorros, May 4. The following dispitch was received this morning at General Heinteeheart's headquar ters, from General Stahl: FAIRFAX Sreorion, May B.—A heavy fight oc curred this morning near Warrenton Junction, between a portion of my forces under Colonel Daforrest, and the Black Bone Cavalry under MosebY and other guerilla forces. My forces succeeded in routing the rebels after a heavy fight. The rebel loss was very heavy in killed and-wounded. Templeton, the rebel spy, was killed and several other officers are wounded, but not dangerously. Naw Yoax, May 4 - 14 ERY4itr. — The rebels who fl d in the direc tion of_Warrenton were , pursued by Maj. Ham mond, of the sth New York cavalry, who has returned and reports our charge at Warrenton Junction as being so terrific as to have thor oughly routed and scattered them in every direction. I have sent in twenty.three prisoners of Moseby's command, all of vrkom are wounded, some badly. Dick Moran is among the num ber. There are also three officers of Moseby's, The loss of the enemy was very heavy in killed, besides many wounded, who scattered and Rrevented being captured. Our loss was one killed and fourteen wounded. Major Steele of the Ist Va. Reg. is slightly wounded. I have sent in this morning to the provost marshaj 28 prisoners and 60 horse s captured in this reconnoissance. Death ot Gen. Samuel G. Ladd. KINGSTON, Pez, Hay 4. Gen. Samuel G. Ladd died here yesterday, aged 97 Years.. DAVL A. MUENOg, AGENT. OF the Old Wallower Line, respectfully W forms the public that this Old Daily Trans portation Litte, (the only Wallower Line now in,this city,).is in successful operation and prepared to carry freight as low as any Other individual line, between' Philadelphia, 'Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williamsport, Jersey Shore, Lock Haven, and ail other points on the: orthern Central, Philadelphia and Frio and Williamsport and Elmira Railroads. DAN'L A IifUENCH, Agent. Harrisburg, Pa - , 'Goods tent eto the Warebbuse of Needs Veacock, Zell & Hirschman, Nos. 808 and 810 -14arketatnag,kbo_ve Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4,o'elock, P. M., wffilifileat - Harrieburg, ready for delivery, nest morning. [ap3o-rdmyl A CHOICE LOT of this celebrated tea just .Ll_ received. It is of the first eargo ever im ported, and is much superior to the Chinese teas in quality, strength and fragrance, and is alsoentirely frbe from , adulteration, coloring or mixture of any kind. It is the nalural leaf of the Japanese Tea Plant. For o r ate by mr4 WM. DOCK, Jr., de CO. A. P. TEITPSER, TEAOHEB OF MUSIO Onnsi)AT,WARD'S MUSIC STORE, 121 Y. Third Sired. Residence: Third Street, alxiie North. . • dl6-4f 200 BUSHELS prime Potatoes. • 200 Ll3B. Buckwheat Flour SOO bbla. Prime New York State Apples. litielitrbeit and Wheat Floor, Corn, Oats, Feed; Dried Apples, Dried Poaches, Dried Black berries, •Huckleberrie., Raspberries, Elder berries, &c. Choice sugar-cured Hams, Shout dere, Dried Beef, Lard, Mackerel, Codfish, &c. A prime 'lot of Oranges, Lemons, rigs, Raiiius, Candies, Sugar, Coffee, Bice, Candles, Spices, Tobacco, Segars; &c: A prime lot of Swes4.oider just received. pure Cider 1710egar. • For sale wholesale and retail, No. 106 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa, mr26 dly au E. Bowls Lrroa, F OR Bale at • • B•A RRIN N . • •• ' - • • by Osmium - A UTHOR of `,Charles ,O'Malley," &c.,.one A voL,.paper, price 50 cents. For sale at Hj BMW-NEWS C4gli.P BOOKSTORE. V i VERGEKEN TREKS, 124 And shrubs of ill leading kinds, and of "dig froilOne tOilfteen feet high, foi said low at Keystone 4Tarsery. J. MISH. A LL kinds Of Garden Seek, jut received, Z 11.: and fqr sale by NICHOLSA BOWMAN,, Front and Market Sta. POTATOES. ll ArBROBB. and Peach Blow.. A large supply JYI of the above in prime condition, just re ceivet„and for sale by flo' Witt. DOCK, Jr., & CO. ialass DAIRY oliAtan, the, very, best r ever offered in this market, for sale by EN WM. DOCK, JR.. & CO. VATHIXAS, , ll_ Different colored donlie varieties ; White , Fringe; Purple Fri* -or Mist Tree, and other shrobbee7, at ilaystceinlquraery. irtISEI. Dried Beef; Fish. 41t, in largo or 11 small quantities to snit purchasers, for sato Ipw,, by , , ICEIOdo BOWOIIAN, affio Cor. Front aneMarkeit streets. . . rriyafiE BOIE Bugliih , aid s ' Irish Yew and Mahonia Aguifolia, fineemuitegitid evergreen. [attune, StikOffitolVtlilloga'fb. Lap/61 fr -; ; , . PRICE ONE CENT. FROM WASHINGTON. tion A REBEL SPY KILLED ~o JAPENESE TEA FOR 'SALE W. H. BIBLE*, CO A 8 - TRANGE S'T-OiRY BEIRAINNV3 PAOUTPRE f 'go