Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, May 04, 1863, Image 3

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    Ql.l Itt 4
I-. T -10112
11,t• • r.•
7 the rt-gular
t c inserted in the.
Illurning Edit .oit 1" 'lilt - Mt cxtrih Chnigc.
11A hl.ll-BUIIG, PA
Moan'ky May 4, 1!63
LOCAL I ILLS were very Foam) to day. There
Iv4e ab,oluiely nothing doing us a matter of fact
worthy of being dignified or recognize i by a
place in cur columw.
A TENDER LOVE Erims.—ln one of the boxes
rf carttidgcs seut from the Allegheny Arsenal,
distributed to the soldiers at Wheeling, on Wed
nesday nua ning bst, was a note informing the
re cipient of the box that "the arsenals girls is
well at present, and sea their love to you and
all tho rest of the solders." The missive was
signed by two of the aforesaid "arsenal girls."
SOMETHING of the ravages of war may be
gleaned from a fact which we learned from an
officer of one of the New York two years' regi
ments, who was in this city yesterday, en route
for his home. Ile stated that these regiments
in all, comprise thirty-eight organizations; that
when they entered the service, they were all
lull, but that they ell not now nuMber, in all,
ten thousand men. This is a fearful picture of
war. It is one of the bloody prices at which
slavery and treason are maintained by the le til
ers of the Democratic party, who are now the
only men who defend the one and justify the
other. Will our thinking friends ponder this
appeared in the Tory Organ of Satutday, copied
from the Burlington (Iowa) Argue, which makes
a statement that the present proprietors of
the Toty Organ knew to be false when they
adopted it. The Argue says that this Govern
ment is controlled by spititna'iets, and that in
all the arrests made by the War office, not a
single spiritualist was among the number. Will
Dr. Barr enlighten us on this subject? From
what we have heard we are led to believe that
;the disciples of spititualism occasionally meet
at hf.s house, and if we are not mistaken one of
the pres.mt proprietors of the gory Organ, ar
rested some months since by order of the War
Department, is himself a spiritualift. Instead
of printing the extract from the Burlington
Argus without comment, the Tory Organ should
have confessed its spiritualism, and informed
the public of lowa that notwithstanding oven
this spiritualism, it wag not exempted from ar
rest when supposed to be guilty of treason.
I,IIEDICINIS THAT CURB.—One of the special pe
ictiliarities of Dr. Ayer's preparations is, that
they accomplish what is promised for them.—.
Who, in this community, does not know that
of all the cough remedies the CHERRY Pscroaar.
.s by far the best? Who that ever uses pills
but will tell you AYER'S Fuss are at once the
mildest, the most searching, most effectual of
all ? Did anybody over hear of his AOC& Cons
failing in a single case?.Not an instance
has been found where lever and Ague has resist
ed the faithful trial of it. This may seem a
bold assertion, but we are assured it is true.r.—
And still more important are the effects of his
• alterative called EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. One
after another, patients come forth from their
leprosy, cleaned and purified into health,
'by this witchery of medico-chemical skill.—
saturated with the accumulated rottenness of
years and poisoned by the corruption of their
own blood, they could only live to suffer. This
master combination, purging out the foul
impurities, has instilled the vigor of health,
and restored them to the enjoyment of life
again. If these are truths, and they are, should
net our readers know it? What facts can we
publish of more vital importance to them f
Courier, Princeton, Ey.
The appearance of Gen. Tom Thumb and his
wife, (Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stratton,) in this
city, on Saturday afternoon and evening, pro
duced a sensation among the population of Har
risburg, such as could not be created by the
presence of any other lady and gentleman in
the United States. Brant's Hall, on both occa
sions, was literally jammed.- The window sills,
the aisles, every poesible place for sitting or
standing vn the floor, on the stage, in the or
chestra, orchestra and private boxes, were not
only crowded but completely overflowed. Hun
dreds were turned away, unable to get admit:
lance to the hall. Among those who were thus
deprived of getting a sight at the Lilliputian
pair, were several of the guests at the Joats
llouse, men of staid habits, not given to
"shows," but still controlled by a natural cu
riosity to see what Is reported to be novel and
curious. Thumb and lady also stopped at
the Jones House, where the agent of the twain
4tverheard the exiiressfous of disappointment
by Oe gentlemen in question. "They would so
like le see ;lie pair," was the earnest appeal, un
til ztan of business actually consented
ip introduce the curious company into the u
„ei.edi precincts of the chamber occupied by the
.dwarf,'. Followed by a crowd of staid, specta
• c j et i,,,,l reputable gentlemen, the agent pro-
ceelied to the chamber, knocked at the door'
and was en , aamonell to "come in." But when
the door o,nened, there stood Tom in his
unmentionable 4 ,
while Mrs. Thumb was invisi
ble. She had just retired, t i aking refuge among
-a Udell pillow slip, after
the cambric ruffle' of
repeat i ng h er ti n y p.tayer, doubtless, of "Now
1 lay me do w o to sleep 01 wraiipe4i2plnto a. little,
heap." But the General ss.tood defiant, with boots
hie brow gathered into a froWn St the
intrusion, which no explanation of the agent
could dispel. Nothing was left -Hut retteat.—
The crowd of curious gentlemen returned to
the office of the hotel, satisfied that tthey ha d
Attempted to see even -if they had failed in
!seeing Tom Thumb and . wife. '
BAILROAD Eismirmbs.--The receipts of the
Pennsylvania Central Rallreael for the past year
.10,143,738 'the coat of operating re
p iii: impro-, , ing the road was $3,763,345
--b..aving a profit of upward of $6,000,000.
Thu cdipt sof .he Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and
Chicago Railroad for the same time were $3,-
813,841 ; all expenses, $1,806,818.
611:c I i:Scr(
iLL ari:A.lll y
STEAM vs Holism Powts.—A pound of coke
burned in a locomotive engine will evaporate
about live pints of water. In their evapora
tion they will exert a mechanical force sufficient
to draw two tons weight on the railway a dis
tance of one mile in two minutes. Four horses
working in a stage-coach on a common read are ,
necessary to draw the same weight the same
di.tance, in six minutes.
FAST Darnso is becoming a great nuisance
in the streets of Earrisburg. 'Efacig, Express
wagons, and young gents behind blooded nags,,
are mostly those who'indnige in this practice to
the danger of the lives and limbs of pedes
trians. There should be some regulation to
control this kind_ of indiscretion. We do not
pretend to write that those who indulge in this
fast driving would wilfully infi'ct an injury, on
any human being, but the habit is a bad one,
and some day will startle and horrify the com
munity, with the result of a dreadful accident.
We sincerely trust that thenuisa.noe *ill either'
be abated by the good sense of those engaged
in it; or by the stern enforcement of the law.by.
those who ire delegated to guard its violation, s
Orritataa..—The following is a list of, the ap
pointments made, reepectively by the SarVeyor
General, Auditor General, and State TretieUrer,
inducted into office to-day.
SUILVLICOB. Gisaset.—The Surveyor General,
&lr. Barr, assumed the duties 'Of hia office to
day, and made the following. appointments.:
Chief Clerk—Thomas J. Behrer ; Assudgrus—
T. Brooks, Meadville,
. ,
bersburg. We have not been able t o ; learn the
names of the others.
Amnros. Gmorkt.—The Auditor Gokieral
Mr. Sleeker, took the oath of officitildirMorn
log and made theJollowing,appoitittnunts, viz:
Chief aerk—W. Q. Wallace.
.duistants—J. M. Foster and Chas. Conner.
' The others have not been arfnounced. Mr.
Wallace has occupied the postion of chief clerk
for a number of years past and discharged his
duties faithfully. He is fully acquainted with
the duties and papera of the office, and we haie
no doubt will represent tbe interest of the Sfafik
faithfully hereafter as he has done heretofore.
No better selection could have been made: ,
STATB TRZASURER.—The new State Treainrer,
Mr. M'Grath, took pqsarssion of the: °Mee to.:
day, and appointed the following'gentlemen ea
clerks, viz : •
W. D. Boas, Harrisbnig, chief clerk, and
W. H. Butler, Carbon, D. K. Weidner, Berko,
and Mr. Gnbermtter, of Adams county, as anis
tants. E. Birmingham, Messenger.
Mr. Boss has, in formeryearg, acted as cashier
of tne Treasury, is well acquainted with its du
ties and will make a competent and faithful
officer. Messrs. Butler and Weidner have rep
resented their respective counties in the Legis
lature, and will,_no doubt, make faithful clerks,
GILEVIONAL Da - mum—Gen. John K. Clements,
of Northumberland county, haa boon appointed
Provost Marshal of this COngressional Distriof,;
and will establish his headquarters in this city,'
when the organisation of his department will
Immediateiy commence:
Gen. Clemente was originally fibm Schuyl:
kill county, having practiced law many years.
ivith'great success in Pottsville. Six years ago
he moved to'Sunbniy, whyre he also devoted
himself to the practice, of the law, and in
which profession he is.still largely engaged.
Those Who :know Gen. C. reprt sent him as a
thorough scholar, and as being a man of indom
'table courage, clear judgment and persevering
purpose. With such qualities he cannot•fail to
discharge the important duties about to devolve
upon him with great success. '•
Politically Gen. Clement ;has aliveys been 'a
Democrat He supported Douglas for the Pesi
dency, and while that great patriot lived, stood
by him'in all his - efforts to oppose rebellion and
crush out treason. During all the war with the .
slaveholders, Gen. Clement has been loyal 1 19
the Government ; giving it all the aid in his
power to sustain it in its struggle for' self-pre.
servation. ,His appointment may be regarded
as much a vindication of patriotism as it is a
substantial refutation . of the slender that :the
administration indulge in political distinctions,
when setking .men%& enforce: the iaws..of the
land Or tozisbisrethe•honors of the thivornment
—We repeat, then, that the appoinment of
Gen. Clrnent is one which will -meek approyal
for its personal merits and byltei Officialslicceml
tend largely to , the mamas of our struggle with
Tao Coressuiirau FLA:noose' . Vanity Fair re.
cently printed what it considered 'se '`a fair
statement of .the copperhead platform. Ws
quote the spiritof the same. If the Tory Chiari.
fairly represents coPPerhepiism, then the; fol;.
lowing la the platform „of, that.party:
I_ The Constitutionas it is, mid the :Union
as it Might, could, would, should or shouldn't
have beim.
IL—Au armistice of tyfelve yowl; fat' &fibers
tiolon, at all hszsrci'
IV.—A. new confederation of States gompris
lag all but New England._
V.-4 vigorous prosecution of the War:
Vl.—The peaceful departure of our wayward
VEL".—.4 military diotetorablp for tiorrwmao
who is "coming.'• .
VIII‘.--An armistice Sod alliance.'of one
year, -to enable the belligerentssto capture
°stied& ' o .`
IX:— Unconditional rEstauratiton of the
request for mediation from lfr,s . pcsrul .
England.• ;i
XL—A commission ,sppointed frOmYorth
and South, without Cessation of hostilities.
XLl.—Resign.stion of, the present Adrairrit
tuition, and appointuent of a •progisional. As
sembly,lastesci. • ,
X.lll.—The Union foreyer. , •
XIV.--Abolltion of sritfidavery,..,',
XV..Vigorons procraetinigion of_the war.
, XVI-13opeal of the fain.dei Minor Ism
'XVII —The integrity of-the Ha'betts•porpus.
XVIII.--The.Uoion before the Nigger.l
SPeedy ;Ina:lgnition ethewSolithern
OF MARIFITA, iR the name of an 3,riociAti,in
farmed in I,lnc,ter c,unty, with a capi'al of
STATED AIEETI3 of the Frio,dship Fire Ccm
pay will be held in th,ir hall this evening a
the usual hour.
Mtrenea IN Terrence° —A returned Califui nia
miner, named James St3pleton, killed a woman
of the town, named Mary Burk, on kiaturiay
last, in one of the brothels of Pittsburg. Be
bad formerly been on terms of intimacy with
the woman, and it is supposed that his jealousy
was aroused on his return to ftud her the friend
of another Man.. The murder was cold blooded
in the extreme.
splendid body of men, the pride and pets of the
people of Harrisburg, returned today, from
the &ink of the Potomac, their term of service
having expired. They were received at the
railroad depot by a large body of their friends,
and after parading through our principal streets,
receiving and returning the congratulations of
our fellow citizens, they marched to their head
quarters in Walnut street, where they were dis
missed. They Will remain in quarters until
the regiment to which they are attached re
turns. Their quarters have been fixed at Camp
Curtin until they are mustered ont , of isserVice:
Tae DAUPHIN Courrrir IlEcirststrr.--Welearn,
Unofficially, that the 127th Reg. P. V., will re
turn to-morrow, and that on its arrival 'in this
city it will be placed on Provost Gnard duty,'
to serve until the tror.pa which are to be mus
tered out in this city shall lirtie.been forward
ed to their respectlire homes. Alk this is, the
fact, we.congratulate _our readers on the cer
tainty of the preser r vation of order, as Col. Jen
nings, of the 127th an officer of fine military
and •
executive qualities. -
Since the alb tre'Wee' Written and in type we
have heard an - otner rumor to the effect that
the 127th Reg. P. V., has been t 6 re
main at greierickabugg,With eightdays' rations.
Our readers can place their own estimate on
these two repcirte.
Corfu/anion op Scoot rontsMOßS.—The school
directors of the county 'met in ctifiverition Bib;
afternoon for the purpose of electing a County
Superintendent • for; the next ensuing three
Dr. C.C.r Sailer acted" as President, B. F. 11%
Reynolds and Dr. C. D. Seiler aslecretaries of
the convention. .ft ballot for superintendent
was lutde v nittt thiafelloning result, viz :
S. D. loigram received 56 votes.
D. F. Swengle received 20 votes.
J., W. Whitcomb received 2 votes
- 8. D. Ingram' ' having received the highest
number of votes was declared, sleeted for the
neit three years County Superint endent of
Common Soho* The salary of the superin
tendent was fixed tlialiame is -heretofore, $BOO
per annum, after , which the convention ad
journed sine des..
Ws have taken over on the Ist of April the
balance of-gcsAlti•bought of Kr. Boge,ri.to our
own store, where we will continue to sell the
balance left at very low prices, until the whole
are sold. Among those goods are
1,000 yards feranants, deliiine andrcaltco, 16,
18 arid 28 cent!.
600 yards remnants, lawns and other dress
goods, 16, 18 and 20 cents,
200 yards ofJiarege and lustre, 20 and 26 cents.
1,000 yards of litien crash, '16,"18 and 20
amts.' - • 7
100 „yards of brown and grey cloth for sum-
• 4,000 yards of linen, cotton and wool pants
stuff, cheap.
300 dozen of the very best spool cotton; white
and colored.
1.000 pipers of the' very ' , hest: of Smiths'
5 cts. a paper; also stockings gloves,
Pocket handkerohlefs r hoop skirts,• alAinds of
combs, patent thread, tapes, socks, either, by
the amen or Piece. 'We have also on band yet
itbout 10 pieces of OARPET, whioiriwo will sell
at 75 cents per yard.
20 pieMt Of straw 'Matting; - clasp:
20 pieces of splendid figured window curtains
S. LFAWY:' :
They purify, strengthen atidintlewats. •
They create a healthy appetite.
They are an antidotal° change* of water and diet.
They overcome siffeeti of ins4ipatlop . .ipid. tate holm!
They strengthen the system and enliven the mind.
They prevent miasmatic and hitennlttent fevers.
They purify. the breath and acadity ,of the stomach.
They cureDyspopsla and Cons*Clon.
Theymire diarrhea, Cholera, Mid' Choler' Morims.'
They aura Liner Complaint and Neryoun gendunhe
They are the beet bitters In the world. They. make
the "weak znaii . streec'anct are eibanetail-nature's great
reSfOrelo They are made, or. Pure. St. Croix :Aum, lita/
celebrated Calla aye Bark, roots and barbs, and are taken
with tie pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age
or tlmi of 4ty..„ rartionlarly z reoommended to delicate
persona requiting it gentle"stlitulant. , - Sold- by all
Grocers, Druggists, Hotels and Saloons. P. H. Drake
&Co., :9b2 litoaAwayi ItiviTerk.
.soul lodaw dant ewe
, .
Hope - fol. the ' Afiltoted.
Fiona' the ftwqriiint:promptbage of my friends
and those . ,wilo have need Mrs. 'Weetboiren's
German Vegetable''Alaileines; and the.- tdeti
tabby of our most 'respectable dtisene, of-the
virtneendliferit of thbee manufactured by my
af-,1 have 'been induced-to Hall epeohd atten
tion to‘ , thes. bavalnable' medicinal -by_those
afflicted with Rheumatism, Dyspetuda, Liver
and Kidney,' Coughs, Fever- end' all - diseases
ariebag froin impurity , orthe blood. Also
Selves for Bore *us, Frozen Foot and
Drawing and Healing.Pladere, all of which can
be , purchased at moderate prices at the residence
Of the snbecriber, No: 27 South Pine Street,
Harrisburg, Pa.. .
_ „ •
Now is the time for alkold 441 Yyoung, to „
the bicied4uriiietl,,the items&"cleansed and
strengthened, the whets; systempet into a
-healthy, active condition. This alone is the only
tug Preventative for all .oeniagionc diseases,
which are now very Prevalent. L would say to
alrailin have no great desire to be sick, or a very
great' one to aet well, just try the German
- Vegetable Medicines always on hand at No. 27
ponth Pbae street. - KEW. BALL.
DROTOGRAPH ALBXIMB'— oblately bound
1,,, and.cbsepedfog ea k s t,..
S-. 4--1860
NVO3 Z)verticratill.l3.
AA ill z,Jlra Slaty McWilliams,Mla Emma
Baker, Mr Mary Madeem, Miss Sahada A
Baum, Miss Shrah Mitchell, Miss Ellie
Bell, Mies Elizabeth Mellen, Mrs Elizabeth
Black, Mrs. Hannah Martin, Mrs Swan
Bizan, Mrs Elizabeth Meredith, Mary T
Bickford, Miss E, 2 Maguire, Miss Eliza Jane
Black, Mrs Joahana Mal,er, Miss Martha
Boyd, Mrs Agness Ann Mary, Mrs Rachael
Boyd, Mrs Ann . Mumma ' Miss Anna
Bracy, Miss Emma Naugle, Mrs Mary J
Britton, Miss Anna G Nieley, Miss Frances A
Byrne, Mrs Catharne ' Newbaker, Miss Mary
Bury, Mrs Jane Grendoif, Miss Mary E
Buchanntan, Mies M W Odotarelt, Miss Ellen
Barkley, Mrs Christianakiss, Miss Susannah
Grouse, Mrs L • Petts, Mrs Elmira
Cox, Mrs Christian Parker, Miss Sallie
Camnon, Miss Mary A Pickle, Miss Catharine
Crown, Mrs Catharin Pladdert, Miss Mary
Grist, Miss Kiley Prime, Mrs Maria
Crumb, Barbary Prise, Mrs Marian
Comas, Miss Mary Price, Miss Jennie
Cornealy, Miss Mary J Rauch, Mies Caroline 2
Davis, Miss Mary Rnvoir,Miss RachaelEA
Downey, Miss Emma Riven, Mrs
Dormer, Mrs-Ann E Ringler, Miss Sarah H
Dubar,Miss Elizabeth R Rowe, Miss Lizzie
iDcge, Mrs Harriet Robber, Augusta '
Earl, Mrs Elizabeth SChrifield, Mrs S [ship]
Ebersal, Mrs Sallie Sane, Miss Sarah Jane
Fisher, Miss Mary A 2 Stnley, Miss Jane
Firmey, -Mrs 61,H &may, Miss Margaret A
Fox, Miss Rebecca Shaffer, Mrs Peti9r
Farman, Mrs Hester Shultiklitas Adeline'
Frank, Miss E Mary Shanallough, Mrs M.
Galloway, Miss Maria Snyder, Miss Mary C
°sharp', Miss Jaba Smith, Mrs Howard G
Greets, Miss Catharine Smith, him Mary J
Greenley, Miss Anna . A Snyder, Mrs Sarah
Hammon, Miss ItebriteaStinburger, Mrs hi
listen; Miss Christiana Stivign, Misa Catharine
Haven, Mrs S Stettler, Miss Susan
Henning. Miss MargaretStociaman, Miss -Mary
Heiney, Mrs Mary 'Sullenherger, Mrs R A
Haffer, Hellen E -Snlenberger, Mrs it A
Hooper, Mrs Margaret Stevens, Miss Kate
Hunter, Miss Maggie D Stone, Mra Naomi J
Kerns, Miss Bridget Stevenson, MOB J M
Kamer, Mrs lkscca, Since, Miss Mary :A
Kandrock, Mists Laura. Swartz, Mrs W li
Krens, Mrs Catharine Taylor, Susanna E
Knouts, Miss Elizabeth Timillingner, Mrs Eliza
Knells, Miss Mary Tompson, Mrs Charity
Knapp, Mrs Jernstin 2 Varnes, alas Susan
King, Miss Minis L ZQtel, Susan
Kinzer, Miss Jowls Wallace, Jeanie S
Kassel, Mrs Catharine Wagerson, Miss Annie
Lanzer,MiskCatharinektWenrick, --- Annie
Lee, Miss Mollie J Wewatta,Mrs Catharine
Lenox, - Mrs Amanda Wells, Mrs Mary L
Lee, Mrs Anna Welch, Miss Hannah
Long, Mrs Fannie. Wairman, Mies Ellen
'Louden, Miss Leah Jane Wells, B
Lutz, Mies Mary Willcox, Mrs Dallis
McCarlin, Miss hi E `finger, Mrs 0
'Megeaugh, Miss Ellen Zearfasa, Miss Sophia
McCiair, Mkie Kate
ar.staiLERUEN , s
Addams, John Lamberfon E
Haley, Weston Laverty, R obert
Barnes, Joseph R Leaman, Richard
Baugh, C Lantz, John F
Bainbridge, E McAteer, H F
Barnesi-Stewart McCalicher, John
Baker,;Joseph A McFarland, James.
Barrett, - Byd McCuloug, Charles
Barnes, A S McClellan, Robert
Bender, Swift D McKeever, Win P
Bennet, Franklin McLaird, James
Bellman, Jackson McPherson, Charles _
136 : 03 4 John G. ...Mata, David
Bell, in" • - Merkle, Wm
Black, S Marquert, John A
Blets,Mahan; James '
Boas, WCI MeYer, Geo
Bo W G ' Millet, SaMuel S
Bolt, Abner D Milan, Eugene E
Boyer, Henry' Morley, Thomas
Bowman, G'IV. • Moser, Henry
Brenner, M F 6 Moyer, Albert L
Brown, 0 Monger, Wm
Brinton,,John Myers, Elias
Butßap ; Wm Musser, Henry H
Buser, Benjamin Honing, Thomas D
Burch, Jerry , ....Navinger„ Johnathan
Burry, ,Wrir Qtt, Lewis
Culp, .W 'Park ) affton- S
Carlisle,, Capt G H Pets, Adam.
Carlisle, W B Peeples, Thomas
Caldwell, i2k 13 Potts, John;W.
quinibers, Lient JamesPostley, CharllsA
Churchman Charles Proal, Anil:forty
Clark, Mlles-,.Parnell, Jame '
Clark, Wra 2 Price, Charles
,Clernmens, Ruben Hannan, Sergt Join' '
Clemens, Lewis A Bapp, Lewis •
Cardwell, A W Rapp, James
Crist, Wm Rhoads, I)
Crone, Ilev Daniel Reed, Jecob
Cramer, Charles Rhoads, 'TosephE
Crouse, David Beic'hards, Isaac
Cimp, Thomas J Rinehart, John
Dalton, AB' - Rohr, Samuel
Darks, Isaac , Rohlson, Alex
Dab's, Win V Rosenberg, H
Daugherty, John Robinson, Sarni [ship],
Dawdler, John S Rotik, John A
Dericlason, W Schwabe?, Hubert A
Dentine, Geo A Schenk, Henry It
Dean, John A Schuler, Edward
Devlin, John Seeger Aug
DifilxvOtigh, 11 Sherw ood, Bradly 2
DfilibalEJelin A - sbooP,
EdwerVe;Rev Titan Seamans, M J
Elliott, D A Shaper, Christian
Fisher, John Shaffer, Peter
Finley, Thomas _ Snyder, jecob C
Fessler, Jacob Snyder, John
Flick, Brutus V 2 Smith, Doc
•Fockler, Geo ' Denis T
FOrteht, Geo .• N
- yder, Win
Fnnstan, Win Smith, John R
Fuller, James &Mans, Benjamin
Geiger, Jacob Sowers, Samuel
Gilmore, James A E . Springer, Daniel
GnMly, H E r Stephens, Wm
floodenherger, Andrew Stewart, Alexander
G4ld, James F Sweet, Wm
Olover, Geo W Swazis, Geo
Gout!, Joseph Strung, B B
Gross, J l l' ; Strok, Benjamin •
Gluey, J oseph W -Strajley, Geo
Havrms,.A. S • Stoterbunt, James M
Hank, repo Thonipson;lohn C
Holbert, Jacob-0 -Tait, J L•
Hamilton, J Thoinpikin, J M
Hall, John Troup, John A
Hartman ' Robinson Vnderdue, °apt W
Hartriet Win Uri* Samuel
Rano, Henry Vanderhyden,Sinnuelp
Hartman, J J Valentine, Wm
Harris, Joseph, Watt, Sergt James E
Aiwa, Win H Walter, ldcOlellen
Hatfield, A S Ward, Henry
fieitaman, Feidel Wample, Lewis
Heftier, A H Wallower, Aaron
flicks, Jacob Wightman,
James Welsh, Samuel
Humes, Jain H Wollner, James
Hosier, Samuel. Wentworth, W R
HoiXinan, Jelin H Weil, Samuel
Hoke, DAniel, Wilson , J W -
Jones, Thomas Wiliains, Thomas
Jeffery, Gorome Wood, John
Kennedy, B F. Watn4l.3Vin
Kenney, 'Peter : Wray. WC• • ,
,'.I)4FiY, Peter,. [ship ]„ Yeakle; ;
blew '2thrttilstments
bionic, .l U Yeager, lienly
Kuouti, John V/ Youts, Wm
Koerpor, J-leDb
Persom calling for any cf the above letters
will plet‘. sty they are advertised, and give
the dato of the list in which they api,ear. One
cent due on each.
THE PUBLIC ale cautioned against the
I. SPURIOUS articles of LYE for making
SOAP, &c., now offered for sale. The only
GENUINE and PATENTED Lye is that made
TURING COMPANY, their trade-mark for it
LYE." The great SUCCESS of this article has
led UNPRINCIPLED PAR PIES to endeavor to
IMITATE it, in violation of the Company's
LERS of these SPURIOUS Lyee, are hereby
NOTIFIED that the COMPANY have employed
-as their AITOENEYS, •
GEORGE HARDING, Fee:, of Phila., 'and
WILLIAM- BAKEWELL, Ese , of Pittsburg.
SELLERI of Lye, in violattin;of the rights of
the Company, rill be PRO3FLUTED at once.
LYE, is for sale by all DRUGOISTS t GROOM and
Counay STORRS.
The Unrrnn SiArne CIRCUIT COURT; ,WeliteM
District of Pennsylvania, No. 1 of May Term,
in 1852, in snit of THE PENNSYLVANIA
THOS. G-. CHASE, decreed to , the Company; on
November 16, 1862, the EXCLUSIVE right
granted by a patent woad by thent.for the
SAPONIFIKR. Patent dated October2l, 1856.
PerpetnalVllnnetion awarded.
127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
Pies r. - and _Duquesne Way; Pitt uty
ARE invited with theAth dity M'ty 1 883
1 - 1. for supplying the 'MAW
tence Dopaytment et Harrisburg, Peens,
with fresh' beef.' ' - ' -
The first delivery of , beet to be made on the
6th of May, 1863, or as soon to
as the
undersigned may ;avid.
A bond with good and sufficient security will
be required.
No bid- will be entertained when put in by
contractors who, have previously failed to com
,ply with their contract it any D=epittinent of
the Government, or , where the bidder is not present
toresponelto Ins bid.
The names of firms should be 'stated l in full
with the precise address of each member of the
firm. Propos&hi from disloyal parties will not
be considered, and an oath of allegiance must
accompany each proposition.
All bids must be accompanied by two guar :
antees. :Bids to be directed to Capt.
Bell, CL S., U. S. A., iburisbarg, Pa., and in
dorsed "proposals for furnishing fresh beef.;'
--, of the county of
, do hereby guarantee that
is able to fulfil a contract in accord
linos with the terms of his proposition, and
that should his proposition beiuslepted, he will
at once enter into a contract in accordande
therewith:, Should the contract be awarded
him, we are prepared to become his securities. guarantee must be appended to each,
and. State
The responsibility of the guarantors must be
shown by the otkcial certificate of the clerk of
the nearest.distrlot court, or the United .States
,district attorney. ,
Proposals to . )13 opened at 12 M. on 4th day .
of May, 1868; at office on Third . street above
Market. " W.. H. BELL;
apr2B-dtd . Capt.. C. S., U. S. A.
363 RIIBIA. MILLS. 355
358 and 855 WashinfitOn Street, New
• . York; Pity.:
PUT, up in tin foil pound papers, 48 in 11
*l, and in bulk. prices range from
7to 80 cents.. We put up the following kinds:
We believe our Coffee to be better than any
grourat Coffee. now in use. All orders addres
sad-tome, or to sour .agents, Messrs. Pleas Br.
Velma, 182 Chambers Street, corner Wtushing
ton Street, New York City, will receive prompt
attention. . - • r .
The retail trade supplied by arst - clares jobbing
haws in the various cities.
N. B. Trade Price List furnished-upon ap
plication. declB dBm-rdtur2B
`Steam Weekly to Lb/417661
.l. Boa.) The well known Steamers of the
Liverpool, New York and 'Philadelphia Steam
elitty Coral:wow; are Intended to sailers follows
City of Manchester, Saturday, May a; Etra4,
Saturday, May 16 ; City , Of :Washington, Sat
, Arday, May /3. • • .
MST mime, ,$BO.OO Invomanit, $B2 60
d 6 to London, 8500 do to London, 36 60
do to Paris, 95 00 do , to ?aria, 40 60
do to Hamburg, 90 00 do to Hamburg, 37 50
Passengers ale° forwarded Ihrve, Bremen,
Botterdam,-Antwevp, &A, at equally low rates.
Fares from Liverpool or Queenestos% :
Cabin,s76, $B6, $195. 84evege,fixont,Liver
pool, . From' Queeneet o own, $BO. Those
who wielitcrisendr.for their friends b uy tick ,
eta here at these rates. •• •
For farther information-apply at the Comp,.
ny's Offices.
JOAN a. DALE, Agent, 18 Frotalway, N. F.
Valuable Pupae - htperty for Sala
or to Lilt w
MBE undersigned will sell or rent Chest&
11 Furnace, situate ha Croniwell township;
Huntingdon county, Pa. The Stack is well and
substantially- built ; there is also' Ten''Bank
Houses in tolerable repair ; therrills* an Winn_
dance g good wood that can be - purchased at
from 15 to 25zents per cord, (wood leave,) with
in two mllek ,of the stank,pd abundance .of
good ore catili) got froreone a tft two arid Whidf
miles, at a_ reasomableAiiitif.: TIM *Mika •is
about ten'iniles from, ML; Makin !Amino, P. It;
11. a.goodtpiblic Old 'sandbag t o it. NOT
f4ther particulak liddreis - -
BBleitiiirifsoNi• •
Sprees Creek,'F. 1 1,11untingdirittininty, Pa:
rural-d Van
New Abzertist malts
Beware of Counterfeits asset Base Imitations
q `HE great popularity of Kunkel's Vegetal le
Vermifuge Confections, from its reliable
efficacy in expelling worms from the human
system, and its agreeable taste and pleasant
form, inducing children to eat it with a relish,
a quality that no other worm medicine ever
possessed, has induced several unprincipled per
sons to get up base imitations of this valuable
article. I therefore caution all persons to be
ware of those vile compounds, fur they w.ll
produce great irritation in the system, fermi
Hating in violent spasms and death. Use only
Kunkel's, which is the original and only truly
Vegetable Vermifuge Confection, being perfect
ly sale in its action, producing no unpleasant
eftdct upon the most delicate subject, while its
efficacy in expelling worms is unprecedeuted.
These Confections, while they are a powerful
specific against worms, arc mild and harmless,
Prepared, wholesale and retail, only by
ap7 Apothecary, 118 Market street.
"MEW OFFICE Market Square, next door to
IA Colder's office. Call and see them in ope
ration. A general assortment of machines and
needles constantly on hand.
Mies Margaret Hioey will exhibit and Sall
them, and also do all kinds;of machine sewing
on these machines in the best winner.
The patro nage of the public is respectfully
solicited. . aprll-d6m
H A itES ! I t
20000 .--- ' 4 DP° 6 ' - o" he
9 i's
following brands, jest re-
NswaoLD'e, -celebrated.
. Raw Jaeger, amid.
Bum AND supaior.
Itionunai's AOELITIOR, eamiassed. •
• Micksha's Exastmoa, salt caossazosoi.
, law Ctrs, not unnamed.
ILunt, itirictly_rfint.
• , Courrir Hams, very fine,e.
Each ham sold will be guaranteed as repre
sented. , WM., DOCK, Jr. , & CO.
Agency or the 6 per et4roio weed Lom ( .)
- Office:of LIVERMORE, CLEWS & CO.
84 Wall Street,,New York. r
The above six per cents., in deirorninatlone of
$5O, $lOO, $5OO, $lOOO and $6OOO, are now
mid, for delivery upon application at oua or
Early application should be made, ad the
privilege of conversion at par will close on the
let ofVuly, 1863. These bonds bear 6 percent
Interest, payable in coin on the Ist of May and
Ist of November, and have coupons attached lot
20 years, but are payable at the phauutre of the
Government (in coin) atter five yeaxs. o.ders
by mail accompanied by draft ppm New York,
or current funds, will receive prom . pt attention.
Wifelso execute orders -for ; the purchase or
'sale at the Brokers' Board, of all current secu
rities, and have for sale constantll, all Govern
ment issues. LIVEBIIIOIIB, CLEWS 34C0.
NO CLOTHES WRINGER can be durable
without the., cog-wheel regulators. No
Wringer lies them but the Universal Clothes
Wringer, which can also be adjusted to any
thickness of clothes, and has no rubber pres
sure bands to stretch and become loose, as some
wringers have. " The last is always the cheap -
est.' - -
Machines furnished oa trial by
110. Market street-
WBhave on head.a, varier:Os:dor selectiod
QUORS, of every description.
BBANDIM oUthe choicest brands mid vin
tages. -
WINES of - awry variety and, of the, finest
Also, a NATIVE WINE, manufactured front
the domestic grape, which lea splendid articia,
and we-knew to bepurs.
apl4 • vrm. DOCK, Ja., & CO._
• Vhiiebrougli. es, Pearson,
14 South Water Street, Philadelphia,
•A BE prepared to offer to their customers their
Celebrated Baru. Cured Hama and Dried
Beet, which are cared expressly for. family nie,
and tmperier to anything. In the market.
N. 8.--A.II orders by mail promptly attend •
apl7 I m
TOHN ALCORN, Broad street, West Harrie
d burg, is prepared to furnish -Horses, Carts
and Wagons to persons wishing hauling done.
Digging of Cellars personally attended to.
Hauling of any description promptly attended
to. An order box for the accommodation cf
persons will be fowl in the Tranna.ssu Print
ing Office, where orders will be received.
WE invite the attention of the 011ie to'oor
large and well aelected stock of
ware, recently purcbaied, and which we offer at
a very email advance on city prices. Call and
examine before purchasing ebiewhifre.
Corner Front and Market Ste.
TATIRDOW SHADES of linen, silt-bordered;
V V and PAPER BLINDS of as sadism' vari -
sty of designs and ornaments ; al/tO, - DORTAIN
FIXTURES and TASSELS at. Ireliktr prices,
TIA6IB.—A large invoice of.canvaseed and
ancanvassed,kallni,, of every choice brand
in market. 'Fackhamanwpatedin good order,
For sale very low tly
1410101.8 & BOWICL&M;
Corner *tent and Market 81a.
:M.—Another WO lot of Manksiel_
• --Herring, in all sins of packhges, barrels,
halves, quarters and kits, for sale low by
monolis it-BOWMAN 4`
Cor. Front and Market Stied*
ill/AMP AND IMIONS.—We have pig.
V." reoelted the latest and finest lot of Ma-
Oi c anghedffeled. thittseatOn in this
Call and examing e ttg
Qpit,_ grout and Market ittreetk
(VAN' GEN AND LEMONii—Ai4heriot of
lk.sofebliolce slll393lllM,thilliMjint. reoßved ‘ and
for ockle low, by NICHOLS 4 kNOWSAk,T.;
074104 , Oor. ry4Wit and MarkekS , -
O r At ID L ISEJOARti of an grodn. pint
ittrolsoubblo *loos for by I.
114 WM. DOGE & OW.