Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, May 04, 1863, Image 2

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    or 4! pa 4
Monday Evening, May 4, 1563
NIA, without distinction of pirty, who desire
cc rdially to unite in sustaining the NATIONAL
patriotic efforts to suppress a sectional and un
holy rebellion against the UNITY OF THE
REPUBLIC, and who desire to support, by
emery power of the Government, our heroic
brethren in arms, who are braving disease
and the perils of the field to preserve the
'UNION OF OUR FATHERS, are requested to
select a number of Delegates equal to their Le
gislative representatives of the State, at such
times and in such manner as will best respond
to the spirit of this call, to meet in STATE
at eleven o'clock, A. M., on said day, to nomi•
nate candidates for the offices of GOVERNOR
to take such measures as may be deemed ne
ceseary to strengthen the Government in this
aeasozrot common peril to a common country.
Chairman 'of the Union State Central Corn-
The Cotoittittee also passed the following recto
iutioa unanimously, vis
Rai?hued, That it be recommended to the.
Loyal citizens of Pennaylvanii, without dis
tinction of party, to organize in each Election
1/istrict of the State,lToion Leagnes,for the pur
pose of-sustaining the Government in stippress
lug thid causeless and wicked rebellion, which
slow seeks to divide and destroy the Republic.
The Changes in the:-Anifilar General,
Treasury, and Land o . llie •
To-day, the legal term of Eervice of the heads
end subordinates, respectively, in the Land,.
'freasury andAuditOr General's office, expire.
We cannot permit the heads of these,differen
departments to retire, without thanking them,
in the name of the people, for the able and
faithful manner - in which they have, discharged
their several duties.
Hon. Thomas E Cochran; Auditor General,
WI had a laborious, delicate and important
term. With, the breaking out of the, war, his
labors of course increased as the expenses of the
Common'wealth were augmented. But with a
zeal that Stopped befote'no obstacles, he recr
ganised, as it were, the entire routihe of bud
'tees in his department ; so that with its increased
duties those engaged as clerks were afferdixi
increased facilities, and the public interest was
thus faithfully guarded. Mr. Cochran will, be
succeeded by Isaac Sleeker, of Union county:;
All we can now write in referemOto The newly
elected AnSitor General is to hope that he will
succeed - in giving as universal satisfaction as be
. - •
whore. lie Succeeds.'
Henry' D. Moore, State Treasuressrretires to
day, to, make room : for William 0. M'Cilatii, of
Philadelphia. Moore 'scarcely needs apart.
ing word of commendation. The result of his
labor while custodian of the public funds, ex
presses that approval better than it can be done
in mere words. He has managed the• State
finances with the success 'of 'an able financier,
not only assisting in meeting•the enormous de : ,
mends which have of late been made on the
treasury of the State, but so ,arretting our
resources as to be enabled to iedtide tfib'State,
debt many hundreds of thous a nds of . d r p i lit h nli.‘
Such a record is- moremubstantial- than news
paper praise. If the. successor of Mr. Moore
does aa*ell, land we have every reason to be
that he w his retirement from, will
bring to him as much ,pleasure as his induCtion
to, office.
Henry Souther, Surveyor General, gives way
for T. P. Barr.- Mr. Souther was appiented to fill
the unexpireditermot William H. Kelm, de
ceased, and certainly no-man ever occupying
the: same prihition . more 'fajthfully looied after
the iniereists of the State.. gels a man ° 6f
splendid business qualities and habits, While
at the head of the Land =MR , * ho measurably
increased its business. If this sticcessor does as
well during his' :entire term, in comparison, as
Kr.-. Souther did in his , brief control of the
buainess of the Land office, its revenues will
become an item of great, iniprcitance 'to the
State. . • . • ,
With these changes' in the heads of these sev
eral departments will.abAicorue °hinges in. the
subordinate ferciiof each, by which marizAeed.
men will be .relieved from duty, and an equal
number, fully as good,, we hope, be placed
in position. Our friends among these; and we
believe that they are all Our friends, will .take
the change as the. fortunes of politica. Their
turn, will come 'again, before many years, when'
loyalty .and patriotism once more' previtil
among tile masses Of the people of PennsylVak
nia. •
The Situatioh.
Never, since the war begari, were our prim
pects so bright as now. The spring is owning
early, and our commanderksre active. While
movements of great ir;rilitrtatice are in
prOgress, it isimpossible tO, give a correct tifiw
of the aituateion, even were.it legitimate to' do
so. Before this issue reiehes the reader, we
may have positive intelligence.as to theysults
of sonde, of ..our movements. Rapid .rinirehis,
and decisive battles will now be the order, o
the day. Ihe people of the NortgarOringing ,
active offensive measures ;,nand the appetites'
the rebels are as imperiously demanding bread,:
which: ian s only be obtained • by.marchlogtowarci
the North. For this , reason a de,cialve conflict
. be delayed, These 1
greit strUgglesi
if our Armies are imcceesful in each, wilipraoti;
cally end the war. The one wiltpu, uffjpirq
seasioriOf Richmond, Ahesecond destroy Bragg'.
army,"andrelleve iastTenriesiee, and the third;
open The:ctiptorep - of Charles
ton howeverFret - Wing to the pride, arid hew
ever,s4gantegeoutkas a..meane of Cutting off
supplies through means,of blockade runners, is:
not an absolute - necessity, at the present time;
nor would our Aucc*iii
visive invite results, whatever the advanioges to
bichilmed for it: With the opening of the
disbsippi, come - the,iend of the rebellion
in Tapir; fungskitsand Arkansis ; and With
the4eft*t aC.3lrtgg„ Ton nesso ,i will l ie In our;
Undisputed possession ; while as the head of the
rebellion is in Richmond, the capture of the
plat4will end confederate vitality
Col. A. K. iiitlAtiv.3 (xi/4i thr. NI% tt 111
A tl; el 1 :`el
A. K. MT :me. to his fellow citizens in Ftank
tin appeared in the Vallcgwire ; tL;
orgau of the tic.c.cou synapathizera of that lcual
ity, t) the effect that the speaker had retk,:tul
vriy s,veLely ou the NatiouAl Adu.i , .istrALu
The vituperative portion of that synopsis w,t4
Te printed in the Tory Organ, with great pl. ade
and that gusto with which it always assists in
the perpetration of a Luella act. At the time
the extract of this speech appeared in the 7Lry
Organ, we were certain that the sentiments
imputed to Col. M'Clure were never conceived
much less expressed' by that gentleman ; and
in order to satisfy ourselves as to the correct
ness of our estimate of the patriotism and loyal
ty of the man, we wrote to him for the denial
we were certain would come, to overwhelm
these shameless coppeiheads with disgrace. We
append an extract from Col. M'Clure's reply to
our enquiry on this subject :
**eke , coo
You were doubtless surprised to find the
Patriot and Union refer approvingly to a speech
I made recently before the Union League here.
I assure you that you could not have been more
surprised than I .was, for Ihave, yet to-utter
any sentiment relating to the Administration or
the war, that could merit the mord' than doubt
ful commendation of that, paper,
I did state in the course of the speech referred
to, that the masses of the Democratic party
were loyal at heart, and would so act, but for
their disloyal leaders. This sentiment ; was so
perverted by the Spirit that I have bedn com
pelled to duffer the fatal approbation of seidral
copperhead jOurnale;#
When I cannot cordially act with the Union
men, tad subordinate everything to the lifa of
the Republic, rshall at least preserve my man:
hood by openly declaring for the rebel cause
'and ask to be sent beyond the Union lines. No
traitor should live amongst loyal men to impair
these efforts, to obstruct the executicn of tt e
fawe, and to betray the cause of the Govern
ment bY eowardly treachery. And until I be
come traitor myself, (which can only be in some
starless midnight of the mind,) my whole efforts
shall be given to an unreserved sue tort of the
Administration in its struggle to preseive our
free institutions- He who now &Herrin his
support of the Administration, whatever may
be blignere.Political opinions, falters in his ft
delityla the Republic.'
.- rr We leave the Tory Organ to the digestion of
the aikvie r as a lair sample of the feelings which
control not tilone the prominent, but the most
humble men in the ranks of the - Union Republi
can party of Pennsylvania. Let the vipers who
distil their venom through they columns 11 that
sheet, act with the spirit expressed by Col. M.%
Clure. Let them show their manhood'by asking
to be sent beyond the Union lines,. and not re
main here where they can play traitors without
incurring any of the punishments provided for
those guilty of treason.
Who Was isirisvor of Compromise.
_ The political enemies of the Republican party
have made it a standing charge that it was op.
posed to a fair compromise of the d'fferences
!Sting at the outbreak of the rebellion, and is
iheiefore responsible for the war. It matters
not that the leaders among the rebels have
themselves exploded-,the accusation repeatedly
and effectually by declaring that at, the time
they wanted ntiedinpromiie,Whuld have entered,
linto none ; in fact, that if' a blank sheet of pa
, Per had been offered them upon which to write
Aheir owe conditions, they would , have rejected .
ii,theC'harge his been reiterated as often as
opportunity has effer4. IA view of this fact,
David Dudley.Fieldi.of :New York, has recent
ly done an excelleut thing, in the effectual ex
14es .the falsity of the accusation alluded to.
He .was a member of the Peace Congress that
•niet;in Washington city in. February, 1861,:
from l thichationg hopes of some accommoda
tiompihickwonld avert war were at one time
entertained, and his afateraeats go to the pro.
ceedings of that body, which was compbsed of
representatives from rather the more conserva
elements of the South. If anything like
a . reasonable adjustmentof.differences were pos
sible, it is fair to infer that it could have Seen
bad there—at least so far as the disposition of
the South was favorable to it. Mr. Field first
submitted the following :
' 'The Union , of thtt States under the Consti
tution isindissoluble; and no Suite •can secede
frowthe Union; or nullify an: act of Congress,
Or absolve its rcitizens from their, paramount
Obligation of obrdienca to the Constitution and
laws of the United States."
This was laid on the table by the majority
kr. Fieldthen proposed the following : .
•uit is believed to be. the true intent and
meaning of the present Constitutiou that the
Union .of r the States, under it, is indissoinble,
This was rejected by the "Coneervatives.".
Governor Boger S. Baldwin,. (Republican,) of
glonnectieut , ,uthen-submitted the following:
" 41 *.githaili,,Unnappy differences exist which
lave agemtOd from each other portiord of the
Napje : of v the Oniteriltatea, to such an extent
as serionaly tn disturitthe peace of the nation
and Impair the regular and . efficient action of
the,Govermnent within tife'sphore of its coati`Olional . powers and, du: les ; and
"Whereas, The Legislature of the State of
I;enti t kir.y has made application to Cougiess to
9sll*.coave4tion for proposing amendments to
the Constitution of the United Stator; •and
" Wham, It is believed to be the.opinion' of
the people of other States i that amendthents to
the Cenu-titution are or may. become necessary
to secure to the , people of the United States of
' every suction the full, and equal enjoyment of
their rights and liberties * so far as the came
may d,epend for their sequtity and protection
on thepowere granteil:to_jar withheld ` from the
m p
Federal Government, eril:far/co of, the no-,
tional purposes for which it 'was: ordained and
, I‘This cpuference dpes therefore recommend
the several States to unite with Kentucky in
laerApplicatiort to
.Congresi to call a conven
tion for proposing amendments to the Constitu
tion of the United States, tO be .siihmitted to
the pegislailtres of the several States,
.or to
gonventions therein, for ratification, as the one
or the other,mode of ratification may be pro
posed ,by_ Congress, in accoidance with the pro
v %ions 4n , the fifth article of, the Conitittition':'
1 1 4144oposition was sustained by lir.Field
and all"the Ihipublicans ; but it was vehement
-1:1; resiatek by their, oppOrientit and defeated.
Teasoeigiti States; ways, thirteen St 4E l3 . " ErV ei*
's4tiie State represented in that aiwreu.,z.Delaware;
filatylantl, :Virginia, North Ck!olina, Kentucky,
P_ n n‘aaea and Ifissonii-rall'voted pay.
Here it will- be seen Ives it , :thitermination
rnit t nifeeted - on the partof the men who waded
to yppOient,..,the, Solidi,. to oppose Min 'the' In
doriement of the alititiact - cloctrine 'the India.:
solubility of the Union. They were unwilling,
to put themselves upon the record against seoes-
lhey ;yllpp
no:nr, iirer•ti
, 1 tL is io , le c , ndeLf...e. et FLtieL4l
uuveruraeat. Ft: colJproolized with !item
tti,L,foro, Lat - c b.on eutliprotrAsiug
arc..y, inst, i of preserving the Union. No
~f adjuz:zalcht, it is plain, could
Laigtd with il,cru ,:Li L would
have, been a.:(eital•lo to ti.e Democracy of the
Nottb, if their profer , sioes of Linioui,m are to
he relied upon. Finally the proposition ad,,
td by tte Petted Congress was opposed b • e
Republicans, it being the same as that rejected
to the bitter end by the Democrats of the free
States at the Charleston Convention. When it
was priscnteil,to4Congreas it met with no sue-
UPS whatever. In the Senate, Mason and
Hunter of Virginia, Green of Missouri, and
Lane of ,Oregon, denounced it,; and when it
was put to the vote, only three Benators out of
thirty-seven gave their voices in its favor. In
the House its fate was scarcely 'better. This
sheicart conclusively how far the Republicans, or
in fact any party of the North, were responsible
for a failure to compromise at the time the war
of dissdlation began.
A PrumIOTION Vastrien.--Lthe decency ob
served, by the 2bry Organ, in its issues of last
week, in refraining from all lying or treason
inspiring reference to the Government atWasir
ington, the -y in the-field or thejudges on
the beach, at ed the attention of ashrewd
and lo observer of that sheet. — i hat gentle
man tet in our yresence that, as soon as
1 the Coof ;Varier Sessions had adjourned and
the Grand Silry was dismissed, thelone-and
the temper of the Organ woullithistge, and its
colums once more aVound with vile copperhitd
abuse of all that is pure, loyal or patriotic. For
the evideitee of this fulfillment of the prediction
we direct ,the the attention of the 'reader to the
Tory Organ of this morning. It 'sings treason
to=day, as glibly as ever sang the Rigtmond ..En
gairer or CharlesiOn Mercury. Our friend is a
prophet, and as such, at leak in this 'instance,
we must honor him., ‘
Xto.:Tiji; Cowo4.
• • WASHINGTON, May 4.
Three hundred and thirty-nine rebel pris
oners werebrought te the city to-day, including
one Coldnel, one . Lieut. Colonel, a Major and
forty other oft nsi. This makesll. total of six
hundred since Saturday.
The Postmaster General has issued an order
to discontinue the distributing duties at the
postoffices at Columbus and Toledo, Ohio, and
at Dubuque, lowa.
Concentration of Troopi.from lilchinond
•>•-- %WASHINGTON, May 3.
Dispatches from Gen. Hooker have been re
ceived by the President.
He has successfully crossed the Rappahan -
nook, and has severed the communications of
the enemy between Bowling Green and Reno-
Far Court House.
The.main body of:Hooker's army crossed first,
belowFalmouth. About 30,000 crossed above
Falmouth under Gen. Slocum, who 'made a
detour of the enemy's ,position, and Captured
scine . fifteen hundred rebels, u •
It isiaid that our corninulinations with. Gen.
Stoneman have been cutoff by guerilla bawls
between Warrenton Junction and Bull Bun,
but will soon be reinstated.
Gen. Hooker hopea to capture all of the re
bel forces ; north of, the Pamunkey river, and
will probably move forward - to the left of his
present position.
The news thus far is most encouraging.
T . 40 follow,iing;statement is derived from gen
'tlemskt lett the Rainntbatinock on' Satur
They confirm ,the statement, already ~pub
hs hed, that our SA MS , ' has-crowed 'the Rappa
hannock and Rapidan .fivers with less opposi
tion,than was .anticipated by th 9 moot san
The rebels massed a .considerable force o
their frfint on Thursday, and at night there was
some artillery practice between Otir 'Own and
the rebel guns, at longlrange.
.0 Kam ; as the relx.sislettruedOrt Wed y,;
that our forces had- croised'isbove Fiederielts
burg, they commelfferthoving troops to inter
cept thu•adiance,:z and-OritliMed 444 night
and the follOwioiday.
Trains were constantly running with troops
from Richmond, and ,the enemy bad concen
trated all their rivailable ticiops around Fred
The latest news ,from Cbancellorville, about
ten, miles southwest .of_Fxedericksburg mow
occupied by our,..trOopi,-,,is that General Stone
man's cavalry force had. cut the railroad lead
ing to Richmond. ;.This.is stated on the asser
tion of a gentleman,comiected with the civil,
department of tholov,ernmat, who arrived at
Washington on. Saturday morning:
There 18 no doubt of the foot hal nur army
was at last accounts in -the ,most cheerful and
hopefuLcondition, arias congratulotory„addiess
issued by General lloolier to : the army on, Thum
day.had it with a..defernaloation to
succeed', The rebele,will , havele" fi ght Hooker a ,battle - Held selected by himself or to int.-
render. ,
,At twelve o'cloci„On _Tuesday, the camps,of
thalet Corps, Major: ,general Reynolds the
3d, Major. General Bickles, and .the 6th,
General Sedgwicln, ,;were , , abandoned , and the
troops were ,put motion - . When daylight
brokeon Wednesday morning, national brigades
had, surprised ; surrenfideil, -and captured the
enemy's pickets and-reserves, and the astonish
ed rebels beheld two hrigades connecting the
hostile shore, of the .Happahartnoctir, four miles
below Fredetickshurg. - -
As at Kelly 'a Ford, so here, there ; }vas'do wait
ibg for Peatotem ; everYgthat was in readinees,-
and so skillfully-And quietly tike l launching
of the boats and the crossing of the, men Con
lineted, tbat.the tlicopot4 the c rebekon . tposti
had of whit was going on, Watithe approachof
the boats filled with men. They fired a
volley at random, which wounded some twenty
then of the 119th rentlayivant , l 'N'oftnteri
that regim6nt having Ulu ad vat,: -,
, ,I P' 'i'
K I LLED A ND Wot.',,:Di
CA. Elkuaher. is reuor
Col. Irv.iu, of the 49th who
served wita Gen. Hooker was wtuud
ed is the Poor, and conveyed to Potomac creek
bridge. Thera were also wounded:
Capt. W. B. Freeborn, Co. B, 4ith Penusyl
vania ; fractorekt thigh.
Corp. Moses Creswell, CO. B, 49th I'eans)l
vania ; thigh.
James Culp, Co. E, 9511. t Pennsylvania ; frac,
ured arm. " •
Moses liicCluskey, Co. F, 96th Pennsylvania;
thigh, flesh wound.
James Gorman, 49th Pennsylvania ; dead.
Cornelius Hugbauat, Co. I, 16th New York ;
David Veils, sth Maine ; hand.
Operations on the Nansemond.
Fight with a Detaohmerit of the
Capture of Rebel Rise Pits' and
, Vii;, May 3, 1363.,
Thsa morning at nine o'clock General Peck
sent a force of infantry, cavalry and artillery
across the Nansemond Avarua a reconnoissance.
When two miles out they.charged upon and
took the enemy's rifle pits and some prisoners.
Our-loss was small, and the ...enemy's m 44
greater. The charge was made by the „Thir
teenth New Hampshire and the:. Eighty-ninth
Nese -York.
Awrmishing has been kept up all day.
The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Bridges
at Fairmont and Cheat Biver
Not Destroyed.
Road in Running Order' Clear Through
to Wheeling, ire.
The repo►ted destruction of the Cheat Myer
and Fahmont bridges, on the Baltimore. and
Ohio Rairoad, by the recent rebel raid, is nn
Mr. Edmunds,- the passenger agent of that
company and Western roads, announom that
the trains will commence running through from
Baltimore to Wheeling hi-morrow, the damages,
which were slight, having been repaired.
• I
The Pirate ~ Alabama Spoken.:
The French Again Repulsed.
Nair Your:, May 4.
The steamer Roanoke
_from Havana, on the
27th ult., arrived at this port this morning.
The brigliolland which arrived from at,, Jago
on the 20th, reports that on the 19th inst she
was spoken by the pirate Alabama, which
steered westerly.
Vtra Crux dates of the 17th ult., state that
Puebla up to that ticneinsid not been taken by
the French. Three attacks on Fort St. Xavier
have been made, and - tbeVionch were repulsed
each time, when the Mexicans abandoned ,it,
The gunboat Vanderbilt sailed front Si. Jago
on the 25th: -` rebels steamer General Ruck
ner anti echorner Helen A , both from Mobile
with cotton, arrived at Havana on the 27th.
Arrival of the steamship Etna
The steamship Etna, from tiverpool on thi
22d, via Queenstown on the 23d inst., arrived
off this point this morning. tier dates are four
dgyslater than those already to hand.
The British Government had ordered the gun
boat Alesaridria to he / detained at Liverpool.
i ller owners and'builders have been summoned
to appear before a magistrate and , have a bear
ing of the case.
The proceedings of Admiral 'Wilkes were
causing increased irritation in England.
It is also re ported that Napoleon had become
offended at the course of the Federal Govern
ment, and intended to recall (:bunt Mercier
from Washington, hitt the authority is dubious.
The French Hate 'Poseeioh of One-lialf
Naw Yong, May 8
The French steam transport Allier, freak Veil
Cruz, with dates to the 22d •
lilt, has arrived.---
Her commander reports thitt dispatches had
been received from General Forey stating .that
the'siege of Puebla - was progressing, and• that
ho French troops were then. In possession. of
a-half of the-city. . He. alio - , States that the
reported repulse ot-the„Freach Was entirely .
true. •
The Allier is foor, thOpsand tons burden and
carries six-guns.
NEW Yeas., May 3. =The New Orleans Bee,
received by steamer to.daY, learns from a pas
senger by the Columbia, from Havana, that
Puebla had been occupied by the French, Gen.
Ortego.havingApitqluted. The same Ravens
dates received 401 3 Big nothing of this.]
Sr. Louts, May
Advices from Cape Girardeau state. that' the
rebels under darn duke, after having their
rear assailed twice and suffering seyere fois,
fudly;eseaped 'across the White Water river,
burning all the b idges behind them and dis
appearing by the various roads in the direction
of Chalkßlu4s,on.the Arkansas line. ',if. if
The result of, thia to the enemy life
peatei humiliations; disasters, and a cowardly
'light before greatly inferior numbers.
UP:fITRE 07.111,11 PIRATE Rwriiiittrrrot.
Nsw BEDFoI/D, liray.3.
The,brig Lepfildentipotts that she wattehaird
into San Domingo by the •pirato..Betribniton,
which Waited three days' . off that port for the
Leonidas : , On the fonith day the Ifolted States
iunixiat Alabatee'etimedeivn and captured /the,
Retribution. When fa it seen the - Alabtinehad
ths..pltare in tow.
$ 1
Rebel '/EhrliJippiteri ..Released.
Faateins Idownon, , Nay 4.1
The flag of truce ateamer, State of Maine, and
Express left thismorning for City Point in charge.
of Capt. JohkS, klukfori, thiTtl New York-in
fantry, bay ng . on board 'Erie Gen. Churchill
and 600 440%10' offp3l3lB 'arid 400 "ifriemieril,
blockadeinbluding ifra'Semines
and family, wife of the nokuiona rebel pirate and
Zagora the French lady.
WAsunraroN, Mity 8, 1868
I ,'lug dt•arimi IL I
d only few bundretl t , ' sold at $5
6 str,ebuue, bu for atm f.ooiiy.
Small of rye flour a $5 000/ 25.
cha.,g,e i cora ale. 1. Au acti‘e ibquiry bus
s. d ruog up for .t, and 15,0; 0 bush. rid sold
at $1 uz3( l ,i'.l 7U ['or b:,-lal : ra,itc rat,6,-- from
$1 75 to 1 90. Sinai! c.les cf we at $lOO.
Coro is in good demand, and 5,000 bush yellow
at 90: 500 bush. white at 91c, and come dam
aged at 88c. 2,000 hush. oats sold at 80c.
weight. Coffee is firm : a cArgtt of 1,000 bags
Rio is the only lot in first hands ; small sales cf
Laguaynr - at 33c. Provisions steady ; sales of
mess pork at $l5 ( o®ls 80, arid 20 tierces
hams is pickle at 81. c. Lard is steady at 101.-
for barrels, and 12c tor kegs. Whisky is firmer;
sales Of Penr sylvania and Ohio barrels at 46c.
very agreeable - to the taste) is more effective in
cleansing thi:cirealation, and thus nmoving
all diseasee which arias from an impure state
of Pic blood, tban oNE DOZEN BOTTLES 01
PAELLA. It le not a Smaparilla, although It
contains as much of that drug as Is usually
ound in preparations purporting to be PURE
Saremparilln. it depends for its rumen upon a far
niore:active clepuralive gem. It contains not a par
tiple of mercury, but, on the contrary is the
best antidote ever Set discovered for the riiroges
of that inakikam and clangorous poison. It le
to driva .out and thoroughly ?moos
all diseases which arise from an anpwre canal/a:ion
which areturable by any means Ono dollar pa
bottle, six bottles for $5
Principal depot
EWI2?G'S DRUG STORE, 280 Baltimore street,
For sale in Harri3burg by
W GOBS & CO., Druggists. [apl7-Im*
Oa the 8d inst., at the Pennaylvania House,
Further notice will-1e given of the funeral.
On Saturday mowing, the 2d inst. Mrs.
Cashmere , wife of Alexander Roberta, in
the 81st year of. hei age. •
On the 4th inst., Simi CATEIARIND
daughter of William and Hannah Demers, aged
24 years, 2 months - and '2
The funeral will take place from her late resi
dence in Strawl wry alley, between Third and
Fourth streets, to-morrow (Tuesday) afternoon,
xt 8 o'clock, to which the relatives and friends
of the family are invited to attend.
New 2lbtoertisenunts.
PRSONAL.—The undersigned, a young mart
of promise and intelligence, in the army,
desires to form the acquaintance of a lady of
merit arisigtxrd position, with a view, if agree
able, to matrimony. Address D. F. 8., Co. C,
101st PeontrylvardaVolunteets, Newborn, N. C.
my4d it°
TOLEN from the stable of -the subscriber,
re,siding in Susquehanna street, West Han
Yisburg, on Sunday night, a BLACK HORSE,
:hiod feet white, with switch tail, heavy built,
had on a hemp halter and thick. blanket. $2O
will be paid for the "r;:covery of the horse and
$4O for the arrest of the thief, fort the horse
: restored to ' MICHAEL BOYLE.
WE have received for this season more than
our usuarstock of
Some choice varieties on hand. Also, Gar
den and Vegetable seeds of the best quality.
91 Market street.
my 4
Patented July 8, 1862.
A NUCH lat:or "and. ingenuity have been ex
j.YJLpended in efforts to reduce the labor, time
and tronble of chin ning milk and cream to pro
duce butter. The old method of churning by
handr equirei so much time and labor that resort
has been had to various machines propelled by
dogs, sheep, calves, &c. for the purpose • of sav
ing this time and labor. But the nwonve
nit= and 'unpkasanfsters arising from the pee of
these animals as a propelling power are such as
to render Any improvement which will obviate
the necessity of their use a great desideratum.
After placing the milk in the churn, it is
only'becteasary to wind inp the weight by mans
of the crank, which can 66 done in from two
to three minutes, and the machine will run
thirtY minutes without re-vtioding, when, if
thb churning is not finished, it can be re -wound.
I .This l power can be so regulate.! as to propel a
Chu any size, Trom one quarter of a barrel
to` irels.
out any change in the machinery, a
child from eight to ten years of age, can, by
means of a lever atkached to the fly-wheel, re
verse the motion, *dud np the machine in ten
minutes, churning at the same time with-a
barrel churn; and then, by letting go the lever,
the motion again reverses, and-the weight runs
down, continuing . the operation for twenty
minutes lger at a slower rate, thus fi nishing
tho churnnig ond gathering the butter in , the
'brit' Manner.
The grand-object of all machinery is to save
time, iiisd the proprietor of-this Machine claims
glint superiority for it in this respect. Mowing
machines and Ahreshing machines will save
from Orietundredto two hundred per cent. in
time,-while this machine will Have from twdvs
'hundred to fourtrea hundred per cent.,as will be
- seen` by 'a simple , •arithmetical cal culation on
what has already been shown. , Iwo "inures'
winding willteenre Mirky minutes' ohurniug I
• . This power'', can be.operated In three differ-1
ent ways : ~,..., , ~,,,
let. By. means of a= crank to wind.
2nd. By a lever attached...to a fly-wheel,
which winds and churns at the same time.
3d.. By's leaver at fly-wheal without winding
or weight. .. • • ,
1 The machine is so constructed that it
occupies a space of only four feet by tw) feet,
and. is placed in the room where the churning
is done; and it is frequently.. the.case that
"washing is done in the samerootn. In allsnch
'easesit can be used also to pound out clothes,
which is a much moreeconomlcal mode of wash
ing thallAn tifr.it all by tniAleg
-I.,;.langeati..af appending to this circrtlar a list of
certiftwatee,M. regard to the merits of the, ma-1
chine !we , prefer-to lot %allow ,fur, itself.
This machine was patented July Bth, 1862,
by. A..A. Drake, and the - patent right for the
States of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois,
Kentucky, and Connecticut, is for sae lar„the
• , tt B CSlXWilvehn , m4Y. be efieng4 . 4 l 4 , Wbitallall
hotel, Market street, Harrisburg, f*, While he
will-rempinlor. two .daysotnAltibit the power
antiddfspose 'of rights fot thlts *id adjoining
... . . , -
emnitnen,' ' .`. - ~ c , . r
A machine can be seen,: in operation at the
hotel. (d 2O ) • E. D. CRAMER.
TEE partnership heretofore existing between
Mich & Roman, in the dry goods busi
ness, is this day, April 24.h,1863, clitk•olved by
mutual (=sent. The surviving partner, U. L.
Bowman, will settle up the affairs of the Late,
firm, and continue the business at the old bland,
south-east corner of Front and Market stie,ds
TUSfopen, a fresh lot of PtiOtOgnytt A 1 bullig,
my 2
CANARY BIRD L )bT, of light yrllow color.
A suitable reward will be paid if Icft with
Chestnut street.
A gTOUT BOY for the blacksmith I 4 hop ; also
a few good labeling men, at the
myl- at EAGLE WORKS.
TfiE stock and fixtures of one of the i e,t
located Yards in town. /Aires.;
lyl-IW O BOX 336, POsI'OFFICE.
E STRAY—Came to the premises of the sub scriber, residinz at Clark's Ferry, on Mon•
day, April 20th, 1863, THREE STRAY SHEEP.
The owner is requested to come forward, prove
property and pay charges, or the Sheep will be
sold according to law.
myl-dlt-w3to WILLIAM WARNER.
DANIEL DUTCH will be a candidate for the
office of Sneriff at the next election, and
solicits the votes of all Union men. Lap27-Im*
CHOICE Green and Black 'rem, Imperial ;
Young Hyson, Souchony, Oolong, &c.,
for sale by NICHOLS St BOWMAN,
ap7 Corner Front and Market Ste.
O — ---
RANGES, Lemons, Raisins arid other
foreign fruit just received and for site by
Cor. Front and Market sta.
T ARD and Bacon witoted, from.x,ru-fed pork."'
my 4 C .r. Fiont and Market sts.
AXTANTED—Ei g ht wood choppers. Good
V V wages will be paid. Inquire at PETER
stsgors, two miles below the Dauphin coun
tY poor house. mf li4t*
Vail SALE.—Two building lots, 20 feet front
r and 110 feat deep, on Camberlar,l street.
below the Midge road.
THE regular stated meeting of the Ke3stone
Qiub will take place Monday, May the 4th,
at 8 o'clock, P. X Punctual atteedanc- iH re
quired. By the Secretary. my? -2te
4 :J
N 41.:. - Vi GO. 1)
is I I 1
Q , .
..1 :
Tb , Union i a ;.; ; ,
cated to the lad:, u s
These exc. llen
now having an exten,iv.. , u e -Ile!
community. K.
A lot of line p0rn0tn...,.. hut ti t.
frerh t hot the lack :.ril
ed at the "Popular Eq , poritittt'• t :,t.
91 Malket s'i .-1
m y 4
of al!
30,000 1 1... ,r 85 T1 . d il s A i NT S
and uncanvazsed, at the v.ri s• :
Every haul sold warrant:
NICHOLS k 0 "XXIX.): -,
Cur. FruEa airl I‘larkt t
my 4
NOTICE is hereby given that 1,4 t. , r=
ministration were this day i s i II 01 TA:
subscribers, on the est ite of Rink! HAin, 1:,:,
of Middle Paxton township, thindlin
deceased. All creditors of st will 1,;..
sent their claims, aud those indebt I .n.
mediato payment.
JosErri CRU Y.,
Middle Paxton, ApH f2.sth, 1863. tu)11,1
SODA di.
WLNe do.
Bcri. K do
We receive suppliee of the ab .ve e, ti
arid our curatoriteis can theret, , re
being Fresh. [ap2Sj WM. DOCK, Jr.,
AN election for seven ttustres of the If trti--
Free Cemetery will be held ea Mut:dal,
May 4, 1868, at two Wclock, e. a., at the Wr.s
leyan Church, corner of Tanner's alley an I
South street. MARTIN PERRY.
ap27-did Secretary and Tree,urer
I)F.RSONS wishing to engage in selling the.-.
I maps can be furnishtd, in any qua..tity, bn,
addressing D. D. BARTON, blectiaH..Nbure:.
Cumberland county, PA., agent, at publisben,
prices, with freight added. Good a4ents can
from fifteen to twenty maps per clay, and real
be a handsome profit. ay27-diwc-
a IMPORTANT. -xott
I F you want your S•tin of a pearly whitene, ,
go to Ktmkel's and get gime of that fatui;i;-
Soap, which constituted a portion of the cog .'
of the stainer Princess Royal, which was captur
ed some time since by our fleet, while attempt
ing to run the blockade at Charleston Gin only
be had at KUNKEL'S
ap2s-tf 118 Market st , Harrisburg.
riAMBBON, COLDER, EBY & CO. art. sub
scription agents to dis,,vse of thesL bonds,
who will eali them at par, in sums to suit pur
The interest on these bonds is six per cent.,
and will be paid in gold.
Both dwarf and standard, as gocil iu
quality of the tree and as extensive in vati tv . ..
as can be found in the country, at li , v,tutio
Nursery. tapl7] J. M iSH.
Princes Melodeons dm..
Of every kindf
Large Pier and Mantle Mirrorif
Photograph Frames and Albums.
at the New Music Store of
N. 12 North Third Street, above .I.l.arket.
augl4-d ty
my 4