faliiititancono. „ . TOILET BRUSHES, ti 4 VERY description or class of Toilet &Pushes, and each class in great variety of style, quality and price. We can furnish almost any article of.Tcillet Brush from common to extra fine, at a very reasonable price. The following list comprises our stock of goods of this line now in store : HAIR BRUSHFA —For ladies, for gentlemen, for infants, for barbers, for soldiers, nar row for curling, short handles, buffalo backs, inlaid, very hard, and very soft. CLOTH BRUSHES.—HandIed, fine French common, roach back, tourists, or soldiers', dogroot. _ HAT BRUSHII3 . .—Fine French, grdinary, tour BONNET BRnSIX&S.—Dog-root, broom corn. VELVET BRUSHES.—French sprigs, corn, dog-root. " SHAVING BRUSH:Ea . —Buffalo born, rosewood ' handles, of badger hairand com mon, metal and screw handles. ' TOOTH BRUSHES:—American, " French and English, ivory arid' buff handles, doible, "'tourist's in case, badger hall; Russia bristle very hard, 2 row cheipp— straight, curved 'and rounded ' ' surface; hard or soft NAIL BRUSHES.—FIain and winged, Straight and' rounded, buffalo backs, long and. Short bone handliisl WISE BROOMS.--Large and small.' SHOE SHOE BRUSEIES.—Tips `foi'biackirii, double, handled, tourists' or Soldiers';'Snd4ll9o4 single brusheli for 'polishing. " FLESH BRUSHES.—Long and short handleti, hard and soft, horse hair, long crooked! back scratchers In addition, we have an assortment of crumb brushes, plate polishers, dusters and marking brushes. , " ? KELLER'S DRUGAN,D.F 'MY STOBE, janSdtf. E . o) likkarket street: GREAT DISCOVERY _ - KUNKEL'S '. . . BITTER WINE- OF:IRON, `rill the cure STO Lott* WE/iII. - LH, ' tiENPR3I . 4 3IIMT, INEV ;SCION, DlB - OF •rgE —elltVollB-BNB TEM., • .=CONSTIPA TION, ACIDITY4f E F THE STOMA° , and for, all cases requiring &Tonto. This. Wine includes ••the most agreeablnend efficient Salt of Iron we moms ; -Citrate of Bing natio Oxide combined, with the most eniagetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow:.; Peruviank. The e ff ect in many came of .debility, lois, of, e-.t Bai 4 petite, and general ;: prostration , of au . effigy t' ,ftlt of Iron; combinedw ii . ith our valuable Re . b t e. Tonic, Is most happy. ; It augments , the a%) 4 '.. tile, raises the pulse, takes off muscular fle. k i nos, removes, the palor of debility, and let' a.florid vigor to the countenance. „ ; Do you want something t o . trengthen yo ,?' Do.you want good appetite.? . ' Do you want to. build up yonr:constitu#oni? Do yon , want-to -feel well? . : 1.. , -. .Do you •want toiget rid of nervousness? . ; • = E .. Do you want energy I' Do you want to sleep well? I • Do you want a brisk and vigorous feeling? lf , iyou do, try ' ~: ,' , 3 ,•.,, .i , 1 ~; tr . 117111.KEL'S BITTER WlNE'vklEar ';ihiei truly valuable Tonic has 'been aOlhor ; oughly tested by all classes of the community,' that it is no w deemed indispensable ties Tonio medicine, 'lt coats britlittle, pririffea the blOod, gives tone to the itordach, renovates the Sys, tem, and prolongs , life. I I now only ask a trial of this valuable Tonic. ' ' I , Prepared and gold; wholesale and retail, by . S. A. KIJNKELA, Apothecary, 118 Market street, I4arrisprif, INV TESTIMONIAL ! „, , E ik Rramick; F , i , )?..,,r . ;4861. , , kg: it A. MI 'it ” , Dear air: I have great pleasure in biStifying to the complete success of Yobr BITIIIIL WINE or Thom in my case. I have . been affilCia foi• a number of years with wealinesi, genersl dObil ity and giddiness, so mu'eliee that Thave been 'fionfliiecl to mfbill for theireater-part ofimy time, and ' have, bad the attendance Of , lour beak plq,siicipa ,ii - bptqieceiveiflifit little liditiefit.. 1 4 - 10 4 '009paiied iii,ever regaining TaY t hfteith;. ruitil'hearieg of your ` inestimable rtiniedy; Ber ms, Wpria or, ,1.110N;::,.1 - -deferiiined 105 ' tryl its virtue, and re& .tabby to state it has resulted f aa.PnP it a93r.. 41 1 . ffill!kli andig )rani tuu. 2 ltave lie& gr,rAky years, wllob feeling I sittribbte solely to yorir firrrotWO/ 'amt.% I have be t broltatitlize.Ut.'„rstopmmending it to others . similarly allecked,,,,,anit I be happy to bOttr,perschtil.tattimony, `o' Yours, truly s" lrAllltiAlsT, ~ ., ~., tv ; 1 ,-• im , 0t43L1C., .. .. , ~.. . A. _, - :Nte14493ti.,, Feb . /1, 1 1868. - .14.1 S. A. irouraii Thls'is to' certifftluit I hiieimffered much for a number of yearYi With severe atacka of_rhennuttifin, qrst h4ve=trbid a great many remedies, which were considered by others a sure cure, without, the I least,. I. on , me, So: at 'ait I hairektied`' Ktursirni ' ems . Yirms,ql Imist, l ied I Muitt , 'Slty thatiiiie ttlei. effE , has nearly cured &e,itad'i iiiteit,t*nomuu tii' T, am perfectly cured.' Yours, truly, ' . Illte - DAVIIi 8Af311.0i1i... PORTTOLXOI3 I .' , , t. . ,1 ' '''',. .-'' FOR SOLWERIIII WHOlilk X.i OR RETAIL. ' _•'' I - ~- . ,-4 • t ,; - AT PRIDE KROBAPLY TiKS9 thin cen now be putokse , ekewhere. ~ . - ~...4 , i l ,l SOLDIERS look to your interette,,and caller twol to ; . . 1 . F5 . 17,..T.FarS ; • Drug Store, :91 Iffirket c Sireet, fOr. ` Writing Wig. To dealebliwieking to buy out tbeflot we will offer , , ; ,-,i, , . • , n 0.22 Plliit ZALIFOEINIAI74 kl 3 FOR MEDICAL USE/ I cAuFORNINsHooK,E I , CALIFORNIA' fORIt'WINE4 - CALIFORNIA. ANGELICA WERE, s .1 - 1 CAT FORNIA MUSCATEL WINE, CALIFORNIA GRApg - BRANzri r The attentionof ratli sell parFieni oitto these wines. They are equal; p0,.. - twe - , hist European wine and guaranteed sale at , IiFILLVIVR DRUG STORE , ' u ' -91 Market 4t, A POGKET BIBLES, r Aaw assortmentnt .Pooket Bible il'Teetirtheirisi - for the , itildiem lasti c4vecl'at "- 1 141kfliaNER's soo.KroßT. N K OP PIANO,.OUZT AI 811191.N0,_ Addrges at WIA.<- I T , N" Music Store, 98 Market. stTest, „Dm' }IAMB AND - 11131ED BEEF.—Micheuer's, - - Excelsior Hams and Dried Beefoiarriiatedl itogive satisfaction,Thy(T •,, & 24)Wil'Agi . • 001. , Vreiit and Market Streeilarot MI " aeliett,9o by -04- , C - Ce dar ? d to-WMANc n -(3 t and * klisrket Week RANGES AND LEMONS, a fresh importa tion, just received and for sale by mrBo WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO. glistetiantous INSURANCE, Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the• INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and'ilaseta $1,200 000 131,11tECTORS. Arthur G: Oak ; 'Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Samuel F. Smith, Charles Taylor, Am brose White, John B. Isteff, Eichard D. Wood, William Welsh, William E. Bowen, James N. Dickenson, S. Morris Waln, John Mason; Geo. L. Harrison,Francis B. Cope, Edward H. Trot ter, Edwar .a S. Clarke . ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. CHARLIE PLATT; Secretary. As central agent foy, the above named compa ny; the mulersigned is prepared to take fire risks ht any part of the State of. Ppmasylvanik eitheit annually or perpetually, on the most fayarable term,.. - Office in iyablitt street, near Seoond. WILIAM NuEHLER L • 14.0 7 . c ui Harrisbur, ra. CHEMICAL WRITING FLUID; . *A I P"AqURFD, Milli CAN INK COMPANY ihmitaxmoN, "47., EE whatijudges of is iu our•city say: Welbetundersigned having need- Boss Bro.'s Chemicid Writing Fluid consider it. a supaior article and heartily recommend ite use to the , public: , J. 0. Young,•Prothonotary r Dauphin county. S. Bsangevehriv-toEßroQulpotary, do. Joseph Miller Clerk taVoninassioners. john t. Sped, doility 'Treasurer._ John Rose, Deßtity,Revrder and Register. , Samuel Marv:tart, Register. Uderib Shell, Deperty Sheriff. • • ~,,Thrisc, H. Norton,. Oapt. U. Die. 9ffioe.. Handy MIX, Anditor Generersisffice. D. O. Maurer, " If David Barnes, " • Jos. Garietson, 44 144 Maki: Corner, " , 11.11.480wer, " - ", Alexander Wilson, State Treaskirer's cioxi J. Holcomb, • A. 92 Smith, Attorney-at•laiiv. N. B.—Changes of teniperature Will not affect hie Fluid. • - All sizes for sale at KELLER'S DRUG STORE • 81 - • 91 Market street. STRAhintBOLLERS y • y_r APING made efficient -verManent 11 - 11 -arrangements' for ttie:purpoile, We are now prepared tO makelSteeni Boilers of eibry kind, proiaptlylinid'at 'reasonale ristes;- We 'shall use the iron 'made by Bailey. & Brother,- the reputation of which- is second to none in the lloriwbut the best hands employed. Repair - fog promptly attended to ( Address -1 EAGLE WOMB; my22-ly sr , liarrisburg, Pa. Et' J. 'H d RRIB Tinand theet iron Ware Manufacturer, , ,S7RRE7, BAI RIB PAM • fty AS alwaygron hands lulLaesortment of Inn :ILL and Japanried.Waro, .ooulting and :Parlor doves tifitlm beet manufactadee, putter Spout ing, Roofing and Galvanized Iron , Cornish, manufactured, and put up at ran onable rates. ipirßepairtag.proniptlysiiittendod to. „ ai. .! J aprBO-1y r /0 OFFICERS AND Collietiote of Pensions, Bounties, Backray -.r'_-and:War. Claims. Olticere ! .Pas kelp, Hasti 1411 s), 414 Re ' itililtint - Actounts Nide frt IF. tuldersigned, having beam in the em plOyment of the ' United' Stites during !the laet eighteen' Montlug, as Cierk in the btuiter ing and Disbursing Office and Office of , Elujier intendent of Recruiting Service of -Penlnylva thia-,`reepectrullyinforms thelpublic that heihas opened : an office in, (hr. Darav TILDGWR Building iok the purposc of, ( collecting Pen sions, Bounties, Rack fay and War Matins ; Also, making out. Officem' Pay Bolls, Miter Boils andßecruiting Accouutli. , ! All ,orders by mail aiterido to pre1414.1 , pp-lAou BDLLIVAN S. LD. ORION'S ITNIII*ALI•lia) GOLD FEN. M FIRST QUALITY WARRANTED. IFONE:BEZTER IN THE waordii %Foto. Acki'BEAT LUXURY. - - PERSONS in want of a superior and really g0t:A.991.0 ma wlll•Ad with metniarge asiort• ment to *girl from; and barite' pylvjlege to mid:Adige thiPe.nit'tnitlitheii h &Pik foet i dly . Suited.- ` And if ' bY" filr • means tliti 4 Di odd , pOintelireeh oft dining, twelve Months, ,, the pur chaser' shill have thelirivilege- to' Select a new onelwitheat any charge ' ' • I have Tertgoi:o3;9olderti,!:iiiade by Otr. Morton, notwarrented,`-in 'string silver- plitted easel, - fie-it:41.26k $1.56,42.00. , ' l'''. 4 -'' . - i For sale at SO li t" FEEL'S BOOKSTORE 'ap6 No.MB I ' 'erstreet, Harriebtig,t 4. a ifOLiSSICS ii (4.11.—A very, nice ~Icoi. of U. augai from* Kforinde.jor i , ; by . t . • _ . 1 0 E40,10 & 18 0 WAANij ap2o-, .p, Cor. Front And Ma,rltatjarepte. , Gold p e ens ! " old rs , ! Ser WARRAIWEED..4IOII Has been opened at • 4 • SCHEFFERIS BOtBTATORE, 143 • 18 Market Streetilitsfirlabarg. DUBE GRAM WEL 4 l3.toook` & Co." have an _L- article of pure Grape Wine, of domestic manufacture, which they offer to: custo mars asl ' o' rhoet t eupd&firficlkithenfarket: The quantitron haud iscemail, and therefore' those who, wish to purchase would , do well to call , I:WC. B .;f, CO. HIRAig TUCKER.' frANlNAOrunzu ma Wholesale uet4er ".TUCKERS 'PATENT SPRING D:" .'these - Beds are Parileaterli noted tor their Ojenno4l9B4, Ease and Durability ; and are war ,ranted t 9 Sive Perfect eirtiefaPijee• Fbr Bale by wßepi worn; ituT 2 7-.091] Nei' 2 Reveretleek, BOstOn, Ma 463 . CuRDB !=—Wfxklifig. Yhtiting, and Business CardsjiditetS; ;Ball Invitations, end prluting*Vneral, neatly and expeditious. , ly executed,' at u: " ; 80HEYETV8 PRINTING OFFICE, 19 ' , 18 Market Street, Harriet:log. a' • 10 010 tith al} af;l ' l 4 O l l 4 1 Zr e l e lel i g NlCUERtiiit 1313 W Pad 110; • • „mill , 4cotßivnt and. Markii I t ° - 11 1 2 6C7 ' lot, f: heitlfi Tobacco, from tha'beet'' iniinninctnxiiitg . : . 4 old 000001 , "'Now' i1.,-.0- tiadii it o 110 8r•BoZpkN i. , ... ~..- , • , Front and ' kat Ste. *J SAUCES of all. qualities— Guava Jelly—and Horseradish, for sale by • B 3 WM. DOCK, JR., & CO. D. lii. q , rose sze (go. D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND BAIL DRUGGISTS, MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, PA DRUGGISTS, PHYSIC [S; STORE KEEPERS 4ND CONSUMERS. We are daily 'adding to orir assortment Of , goods all tmehl, °stick* as , are desirable, and would respwitftdliOsal your attention' hi' the largest 'and best selected stock in this din. of • DRUGS, OKEMICALS S SAINTS, iis, varnishes aiosiNeq; DyeLlittiffs; Glass and Putty, 'Artist's GOlois anctTo l ob i ls, Pure Ground' Spkeiy Burning Fluid and Alcohol, ,Lard, Sperm and Pine 01le Bottles, rude and Lamp. Glob* Cliatile Boaii Spongii ata rks, &c&Oa •, With a gaaeral variety PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTIOLkS selected groin the beit.manufecturesAihd Per fumers of Europe endiltie country. Being very large dealers in writra;tEAD, LAMMED ()lg . icioneniti; • - WINDOW GLASS, •ASTISTIEi COLON, PAINT AND ASTISTB BBUSU IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZE . . ;,. OE ALL NINO& WC respectfully invite ti call, feeling &it'll dent that we can supply- the wants tes termaAfiAeliisatistacticin, TEETH `I TEETH. JONES' AND WHITE% PORCELAIN TEEkIEI, PATEbiT MEDICINES, and HAIR RESTORATIVE, R, Of all kinde, 4 dfteet from the Proprietord. Saponifier and Concentrated Lyc. Wham& ,Aipmtif for 'Saponifier, which 'wt. sell as low as it can be porohaawl_in the oittee. MEDICAL, jeLpici:Exmor§. Oar CARBOICOLL 1 Being large purchasers in these 01le, we can offer "ndricements to oloi3e buyers. dont Oil Lamps - of the most Improved patterns, Very cheaP, All, kiwis of lamps changed to turn Oval 011. . FAR*EiI24 GRAZIW, l'hoge of you whOliave not given our Hat& ANDOAT TLE POWDERS A Ariel , know, acit I thOr . :001101i§', and*the advarriggagiey are la keeping Horses and Cattle. Ikealthy, /1;110 in _ • • good condition.- ... .. . -1 Thi:Msaudit.catt testifyito the trofit they have 1 lorived from the tar of our Cattle Powdetirlby , the increasing quantity and inality Of znilif, basid'ar iiteproving' 'fife 'general 'health swim., lieltrauce of Alteirreittle. ~ .L. . . ,'.., 11 • v. 1.1 5 ! -, .. -...; I '.." CFI, : , - P. 1.1 =' .:01,11. ...1 o i s :+,Our longsexpederweiaithe igndnate.giv .L ua , thehdimntsage of. s' therwmthiSkatiritledgetof the 4. trade, and onr - ariariggilients ' intlha (Alf , axe , snob thatime;liguitr , a very.ohort time ' ..,,.., auythbig appertaining. tourtur Wilneoti, Vlit r thii beet of. t erms , .:. • . 1. ~h i'.l 1.10): ' ..'' I it , i j Vhbakini l fbe h tlit'libdrellittOrlf4o4l63 Wed on. f iiiii' b hOifieii‘f libfie by` 'Arta attinti ea bugluesii,•a careful gelation of,it.' ..- i / I LL:f„ , k i t *PIT/LUX - tiaktts# 8 1- ' l ' ~' . : I at at fair prices, and the desire 'to' 'plea ie a, Ao merit a kntinnanr i i( i t i f i e - tktirgfiiiii fig. .iniliting pup/1g.,: ....3 : _ ::,-,,, «.. ,aP I6 AY Mliii .'AMERICAN i 1:11 . 3wo.141441 ORY4 "clatiralifuelftidh) cfr i ,Arnolde ; 6, 0 ,4, 214 mould or sediment ; CoPiesas well any_copving Ink, and not,affeeted by freezing.. xricagesaflQ per dOSSO clitfoo o 4 l lS l ;`gitp i dis • per single gyp: ~,,Aror sale at THEO. F. SOFINFF,EIrB BOOKSTOEF4 .j 24 • • No. 18 2 Market street, Harrtsit•PfB l ts • MINCH Sumac* %Tilde jiiikitakod, and foi: 11. sale lip W.ar DOCK, Ji & CX:ii j i'delidOus article of fresh hOney, .Lb just receivedandlortaideaol9l by . • , , ,NICHOLA B,BOWMAY! - Cor. Front and garkot Eigop;ti. Illato,'sVtaes of .swiiiiillo V "Ortuigeg, lot.thle, wholitiiikundire itt •.'• ' 11 •4011IIIWRIViiiTO t sEdu ;4304 . •41 ..): -.Third , street,. near, WainAt ir , i-, K xi 1` - / ( StilteDAEtii"AAll • pc' MAWS; iitlao.l4inoliff,lmijoini 1 at the NW ORLEANS SUGARS, of all gredea:s . '" „of sale low, by NICHOLS & LEAMAN, mr7 Corner Front and Market BM NO. 19 Linn of grand. ----- Pennsylvania Rail Road I MMES TIME TABL FIVE FROM PHILADELPHIA, ON AND AMA MONDAY, APRIL 20th, 1868, PER Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania 1 Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as fol lows : " • • . R.A.S TN,A RD . THROUGH =PRESS TRAIN leaves Harris burg daily at 2.00 a. m., and arrives at West Rhiladelphia at 6490,ni, FAST LlNEleaves flaiiiiiburif dallyr cept Monday) it 5.45 a. and arrives at eat Philadelphia at , 9.56:a. aL. Paasengers take breakfant at Lancaster WAY ACCOMMODATION, yla Mount Joy, leaves Hatoisteirg at 7.00 - a. m., and arrives at West 08111441phi* at . 12.25• p: n , FAST - MAIL num l&stre Harrbiburg daily (aroept Sunday) at Jl,OO p. irk, and iurivee at WestA. l la4e l PWatiAc. 6 00 pln i - WARR 111THamoommoDATIort mew, via Colfinibia, leatnia Tfairisburg at' 4.00 p. m., and arrival at. West. Philadelphia at 9.80 p. m. WESTWARD, - DRESSmerit lea4as Har rielittri daily (except Monday) 'at 2.00 a: 1i11i60aa,1.15 a: Sir:, take breakfast, and arrived ,rit Mitre* at 12:00 notin. • EXPEII3B TRAni lemve •Hiulljefobit daillir.at B.oo'x. m.; /adonis at 8.00 a.m. take breakfebtouid'thrivea atTittebum at WAIL TUN. leaves Harrisburg aglls p.• in,; Altoona at '1.15 p. m.,' take 'adppor, aud arrived at Tittaburg a1e.12.80 a. m. . • FAST LINE. leaves Hapkriidig at 00 p. m.i Altoona at 8.85 p. In., and arrives at Pittr;- burg ittl.oo a. ' • ' ATAIITIMBIIitF'IIIOOOIIIMODATIONMWOR hem* Plihrdelphlik at 2.80 p. m.,;andscrlvei at •Harrislnarg, at 8;90 „ WAY `ACCOMMODATIdif: TRAM :leaves PhilaZelphite 'at tit 1).'16.• sintliOnivid at Har risburg at 9.40. - 0.151: This train runs via Ht. 1.1.; • D. YODIIG, ' ' itiadki Dip. Pain's R. R. ~ Harrhiburg; 1862.-dtf Nditiern 'Oettfid SUMMER rikoz 'TABLE. Tglatio,Tagn DAILY 4 1. so map nom 3 ;A L TI MO R ~3. ,AKP Washington , Oit3r. ' OonvictiOns fad with' titans' • Peiniatm nia Railroad, to and front `Pittsburg and? the TWO/MAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and WI of Nort2iern New. Tort. • . 1 :14 a and IfoRRAY, APB e Soribern Central Ballwarwill - arrive at aid depart Sour" Harrisburg and Baltimore asfollows, via : '• SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leases Banbury „ • , (except Elumla t y).„10.10 A. M. jeavci, Rarrlairiig.. '1:15 P ~ ' • - arrives at 'Baltimore 8:85 P. M. BIKPBBI3B TRAIN leaves Banbury flail emit Bon "`" 11.07 P. M. 1 eltriiillferlaberg • (except Monday),-.: ExB.oo A. M. arrives:at Baltimore EMI daiiygOtTMlAlgon- RA glafrez rwa t i . 13 , 1 t . 6,46 1' "r881311434 :14aved-iliaribilig 6 • 8 0 A 31 - 01 - • • 01 . MAIL~RAINVBaId 471 r. ceptl °9.15 A. M. ; 1.155f. M. . airives liktoixuir..:. :4.06 IMAEgoS TRAM leaVeß alg.nlPfe • . ' 916 PAC " 1 1 .8544,141. g leave Et•lthrrisb'org ,3 daIIyiEVECKOMOII - 3.00 A .) M. .. arrives at Sun mu.. 6.Mrt M. HARWSBIIEGAMOMODATION ' . 431162'0re • ' ' . , -„dally (nint 8 1 ,n14 day) . . .. 214 i'. M. ” ar4vesaiii4igtrk 7801'. 111.' Irdefarther briar-the Clift* iriP liMl ' p =('' , T wot • *••••• ,N,JAo4ll,ltxrcam," sue 113111 Ift 111 , AIL / AND Pkid.LIA.DEILPHIAOI ifUk. 3 - 07 11 4. )1 01 JPAT, ..A0 Ikji..aoth 1 the • #1 6 11 1 0 a at Harrisburg, forsHelii‘tork and Philadelphia,. isalibßoahr,avis,: i '• :idC l . EA:F I W..4IIPP ie., leavej,iihnliehnig,4l : ls A. M., on arrival of thef Pinn ur ylvaniad 'l3lipMeg 'ln New and •Philadoillplintitt 8.20 A. M. Asleving sar Ae : attejeked O Abe, l iv A to ig ht arl i ptelmirontohangel ' Unrest 8.00 A: lidw 7 lfork 5.80 P . and Philadelphia at 1.504 E M. • IFA .r. lellgelarairrisbnig,atlo9 A M., Now l lfork Ip.2t P. M:, and Phil- Melphia too A M ' L: "'l l° ABTlANlnealfesiNew YOrk atlo.oo A, , P.hiladelpfda at 8.14 M.,.;arriving a n lifarrieburg at 1.14 P. N. .1 Mfalo i rB4P2lBl)9f,XlNe7 York at 12,00", i; an Phflade aso It, arriving at riehurg'ist 8:20 A w t < „,, 0 WE= MAIN lenisti:New York a 7.00 44,1„, !ling a st Narriabwg at * ... 10 A. IL, and co „!Flth the Penneilvinis Bialprege Train for'' . ' 4 ll'eleepihreaf tachedigalthti trittiii a • .1 an ClowfootiOall itteTmado. Bt. 1-44 1 81/fig twith 4 7 0419nAke,,r • Prai4),,,Nlythpro Omit* end Umber lay raliroodi, id ]l!tigia ing for rhailiA . meow% ,;; ) , Bittgag§ s4l4eo:4lArosigh., r IrsriLl New York l and Hu " - W r m AiIENSe Yor tickets or other Information apply to J. J. OLYDE, no2.Bdtt General Agent: Harrisburg tints of arroutl. READING RAILROAD BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROST THE NORTH and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Estei &c., Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia,New York, Beading, Pottsville, and all intermediate stations, at 8.00 A, X., and 2.00 P. X. New York Express leaves Harrisburg, at 2.16 A. M. arriving at New York at 9 15 the same morning. Fares from Harrisburg : To New York $5 15; to Philadelphia $8 86 and $2 80. Baggage checked thiough. Returning, leave New York , at 8 12 Noon, and TP. IL, (Pittsburg Express.) Leave Philadelphia at 8.15 A. X., and 8.80 P. X. Sleeping can in the New YorkEzpossoltsins, through to and- from Pittsburg without charge. lieaseargers by the 'Catawba,' Itailroad.leave Pumps at 8.50 A. .11., and 2.15 P. X., forTbil adelphla, New York, and all Way Points. Trains leave' Pottsville at 9.15 A. IL, and 2.80 P. X. ,for Pidladeiribia- Harrisburg and Now York. -- Anuitocomumdatkin; Passenger tads leaves Reading et 6.00 A. IL, and returns fromWia deaphia at 6.00 P. X. or All the above trellis run dally,'Sun daYB4lXcelk4 /lefty men leaves rousvute 7.80 A. X., ' d'Philedelphieat 8.15 V. IL Ocsimutation, 'Mleeige; Reed* and 111:cur ilon 'Tickets at redumd rates to and from all points. ' ' ' Alincoult, General eriperhitendent. April 70,1868.-dinsti WINTER 1863. 1862.. AIIdRie'NGEMENTI, bUMBEfILAND .VALLEY , AND rAHANGIC OF HOURS.—On and after Mon tar; }brains bar 11, leetaellinaapaCTraise will run dill% as Maws, (Sundays exaepted) For tainuabenburg and Harrisburg . . " ~ , . , : a...ri, r. IL Leave , town 7.00 : 146 Werner:tie , 7.87 8.88 ''' ' &rive at.. 8.17 4.20 { Obainbersburg.... ' - - - -- 1 ----- I - , , i -Leave at.. 8.80... 12.98 towir .BhlPPewilki4ll 9.00 - 1.28 lc zrewilue ...``9.82 2.00 4 " im Oia-lisla ' 10.10 2.42 ‘ , lifebbinlisburg ...,. . . .10.42 .. 8.12 Arrive . ea Harrisburg .....•...'...11.16 : • 8.40 For Chambersborg and Hagerstown : HanisbmW. • oa Meobazi rnac taa .. b . u . r . g r .. " •A 4 Shippenibing ..... .;40.118 4.00 Fe st., - Obscobarib;irg -.U.00 4.80 POire ,I NWOrrOW- , !..” .1-M lO 4 . 40 Airlvest Greenceetle;.,—, .55 5.80 6.10 Orrldakingolnercomectione it tHardelburg with ,traillB, -gbillidelphis4,llear,York and firtaburg ; and with trains for all poll* West., , 0. N. Lira, 0 : Lit. Office, Ohambersburg, Nov. rr, 1862.-4 1863 - 1863. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL _ • - ROAD. i l igwea""tiiue tra' vpnon i 4'g'gr i lkit;in and IforitAist counties Of PennOlvanlit to the city oflEriti, on letkeitele. ' ' nufne .It' hes Item lased ttrpthe P • Rail modNimmig, mid under th eir a • la betla g rapidly opened thrMighout its en length.. `'ltls now %t i mid, for Plasmgei and' Might bistness' from liarrisburg td •Driftwook- (24 Fork). (177 u miles) , en the Eastern Division, mut from Sheffield to Erie, (78 miles,) on the Western EilThdoll %DOI Vlt PASSIM= MUM A 2 HAIUMBane: 11411 TrainleaAet 1.16. A. M. IF:tprese Ileves Ifs ii); 1 8.9 Q A. M. Cara run %vino 'iwiTnanT nnenint both"ways on 'then& trains betweeit'Nfla4alpkin nod Look litaven,j and between/Blltimmwtencti nale Haven. l'aepatOteeptug oars : thi): .EXPreas. train both ways. • . hifoniiatlon impeding Paset bust , apply at - the S. R.-Oor. 11th ant Matta streets. And for Freight.. bestows of the Company's 13 9 tBiatestoo Jr., Cor. lit mil Market ' kititiiita;-Anadevilat J. V, Baynol4 Brie. • • WO 3 O l l, AVIA N. 04 UT it, ~ Baltiwora• ,r 1,1 1 44 R. • rnig -41 - .f , " titer'? Wit Age. PAW .1.4 0 1 11 3 , 11 Ole; AVM., ,WWB:amilort. g: .;I';.',PUkillt:„.'-iitttitidgiiii' ti Lib 0.1 ENT 111111MEME lowitßELd ., t lEE! ExpxtEs rqt co TO AND FROM BM NEWY °:K.. MN .Goods. Ordered, in the ohni* Xtetuned thesaane Night. I= -,c7atire4New Y0r.k , 14; 74 L, l by thi • DrSSOAFIF 6 44/74 1 11 16 7 11 ' 1 4 In Barg :08 A. M. L 'WITHOUT -ORANGE OF (3 . . ENE . . . Order, GOods, marked , 4 Lu tkitor lilee i Parliltragreo, e othinia thkeitiOffeboodusy, f r O i gg i seigemillosi***of GiIO.:BIROLZPiIit:'-'" • • t Up' DRUM. NO. 1 MAOHERICL, in lkitte fox 1 family use, just received and for sale , jl4 WK. DOOM :Ts fir A. I 6 W. R. 8.06 1.86 8.47 2.16 9 27 2.66 .' 10:02 8.29 i'S I.i ~::I~J:~: I:L MEM r_•tr EnSillt 0 3 I/ arDa Nit;iltri, 6, BO \V "II A:\-, WiIGLE .iLE AND REIAJL. GROCE RS , OOBXI& OE 1/7/02iT AND MARK IT 'TREE I, y4,q RISBURG, PKIN.N.t ()WINO to Iva iemau oar bueivcar v, have eut•sg:geti and itntroved our ateto room, and reepektfully invite the attentive the public to "Qt . wolf Qdoleetal stock of GROCERIES, PILOVISIONS, FORMA AMJ thl llDile FRUITS, CEDAR AND WILLOW WARR. We odor tut dale STEWAItIS & LOVRRUCS CHOICE SYRUPS, CHOICE SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, of all kid WRITE AND BROWN SUGARS. GREEN AND BLACK lb:A, COFFEE, SPICES, and FLAVORING EXTRAC We keep on bend ell kinds of Country F r; ,- Juce alsol vrAiuE, FISH, SALT, HAIM, . . LARD, We call attention to our large e.•.ock of 'lupe dor NON EXPLOSIVE COAL Un., nanituilled in every respect by any in the rLa. ket, together with all kinds of QOM. OIL LAWS, BiziADIE6, BIIIINEII-. and CIMINEYS. QUEBNSWARE 4 II;IIID OLASSWAICE of (.v ry style, gami n e:li hand. SOILB & BOWMAN, rd-dl6) Car. Front and rilarset St& EAGLE WORKS, I4wpihnzto; Pennavlvania. KANUFMMOMI OR 89914111181LW Elptio3 STANDING PRESSES, SAVING MA.OHII , ; ES, PRESS 1)0 Ali: qi • AND MAINIONNII POl GRINDING OITITING-MACHINE Portable: Cider hills and Fodder Cotter, SCHOOL FURNITURE, Goseral Nadine Work and Iron and Bric, CASTINGS, WOOD TONNIN4 /N ALL ITS ERANL;Iik-. SCROLL LIMING, PLANING Lit , Ai, or Any •Machiee of Wood, irvil made to order. Gear and Screw Crating, ttc HICKOK'S PATENT WOODKNSCREWCIIII ING Se Cid' paid !be old Clapper, Bras Sp t STEAM BOILERS, xt, PENNSYLVANIA ilAelicia ABOVE STATE tallisici. CFI LAR, WINDOW (i i'Ed, Of variant *Um, both statioutry ynd altiogla K . Weighuratit Tarim' other Onetthag fca Irma chop at the frarii-lyj ICAiILR WintKg JOE WISE'S Confeetionery & Fruit Store, =BD RTBEET, NEAR Wad, tv Harrigarg, Pa CON FEOTIONBRY, OF ALL. 81111Yri, °ANGIE AND LiKKOMEI, 'pm APPLES, BANANNAs. RUSH AND SALT And vegetables of all kinds, brought stre,t from the eastern markets, twice a week, anti purchased under my personal supervision, than enabling. melto eell a better and cherpor article than any in the market. , Orders from a distance attended promptly, and geode delivered to any part at the city free of charge. TEMA OANNItD FRUIT ominantly hand. tlive Ina a call. .146. THEO. B. 80filiFFER HOOK , AND- JOB PUNTER, NO: is KAREN IVARAi, 111.1111151311R0. iaIIi'ABTIOULAB attention paid 'to Printiu, Baling and Binding of Railroad BlAnk s. - Manifesto, Prattles, °becks, Drone, &c. CaidA Pal** at $2. SS, $4, and $ 5 per thousand, in e 1... t .le. -40 POSTAGEOURRENCY. UTE have received an assortment of Wa., .V Y lets adapted for dying ea,tely and C. verdent j ly the New Currency, with loc of icUATHIM G001)3 411E,URALLY Ladies' Satchels, ladies' Companions, Pam,- Portrnonnaies, Seger Oases, Card Cases, Wri gag said Sewing Oaseg Portfolios. diALLIW i DI3I:I9 STOM 91 Market St. • 't. NUM PICTORAI # ISIS S4YALIIABL•S STRUT, wawa J, A, entiriay tsb2edn its cozapoeition, h been e ipk v ith Wonderful enccete fai yams in *aunts of diseases for the Ai B I!" . AGEBe f ridLiTHEM.., For any form of the such se 'OCILIGEL, 1101iLltiti of the 111131:aTi ~B PITTINO OF "BLOOD, DIFFI- GUIR-BURA.THLNIG, HOARSFICSB3, LOah OF WIPE, and:`-HIDOT/0 be 'aitenasd.with the happiest results. It Is ote 4r:4 bat and safest mediciuno for all forms of iiIkONOHITIB' and CON6USIPTION No ksadostis orParstagiog . t of Opium 00 in* .h ie this 'MOH $lOO PER Barna Fur sae Rt = itERGNEarB CHEAP - .2AX)E, WORN. r - d.- ens. -,Gold Pens: ofweItRANTEL) A , woTHEB uerisanortmeutef theivell tvsows /3: Pen" of all alafa. PtYlee, and in &rat argold holden, have just bees receive,' ot,the fatuous CHEAP BOOK STORE of GEO. BERGNER, htarluit Skeet rrisburg, Dec., 1862. RUBB . WADS I Ribby kßa , aubigarMatakaia, X10:4 3 ( 1 0 1 &4 16 B: Wilber Toys genera ll y at : :41E(00311VE CHEAP 800 on. Pe DOOPEES I PURSES, ME PORT MONAIES, And a eneral variety of Leather Goods, ins t at BERGNEWS BOOK STOSE. JOHN WM