Aut, NtlllOE 1.: au% ad vertisements, Pitelllll Notices, Mar. rlages, Deaths, &c., to secure insertion in the TELP_IG et!, must invariably be accompanied u ith the CASH. Adrertbenteitts mitered in the regular Evening Edition ame 'inserted in the Morning littit:oo w ithont extra charge. IIARBI,.BITEGI, PA Saturday Etrun n ur,, May 2, 1863 TOWN AND COUNTRY. AT A PUBLIC MEETING held ß ty the colored cit izens of Harrisburg, in the .ihel church, April 29th, Rev. Wm. Jones presided in the chair, and the meeting was opened with prayer. The meeting was for the pm pose of I ornioating a board of truster s for -the Harris Free ceme tery, to le elected for the term of two years , . The election will take place on Monday next, May 4th, at 2 o'clock P. M. at the Wrsleyan. church, corner of South street and Tanners alley. The object of this meeting was ably discussed by a number of gentlemen. Resolved, That we nominate seven trustees, two for each church, and three to represent the people in general. I hope the people will not fail to turn cut unanimously and vote the whole ticket. The following is a lib( of the trustees : Curly Taylor, Gaily Robert, Rev. Edward. Bennett, Mr. Dorsey, Zechariah Johnson, Samuel Ben nett, James People. J. H. DICKERSON, Secretary. Tu. Max TEEM cf . the Court of Common Plugs wilt convene on Monday next. .. , —a11...,.... TRH SITPREME Coma of Pennsylvania will be convened in the capitol on Tuesday next. SINKING OF A CANAL BOAT. —A canal boat loaded with mercbandise, was sunk in the ca nal, yesterday, about two milts below this city. The boat was almost immediately after raised, and the cargo at once removed. lon CREAM. —Mr. Joseph Huffman has re opened bis Ice Cream saloon cdrner of Dewber ry alley and Market street, where he is prepared to furnish the best quality of cream in large or small quantities. Persons desiring the pure article will do well to call on Mr. Hoffman. THE COMMAND me CAMP Omani, daring the time that it will be occupied by the nine months' men, will devolve ,upon Capt. Tarbutton, who was heretofore in the same position. He id an offi cer of fine ability, experience and decision, who will faithfully discharge all the duty which such a command imposes. I=:== THE Fray REGIMENT of nine months' men is expected here to-day. Large trains were dis patched South on the Northern Central railroad yesterday to convey these men to the State Cap ital, where we may expect them during the evening. We are not able to report which of the nine months' regiments it is that is expected thus to day. =EC= DISTRICT A.TIORNBY "ERR again vindiiated the sfiiiiity for which he is so justly reputed, by the enl, earnestness and promptness with which he pushed forward the business of the Court of 'Quarter Sessions. Few attorneys in the Com monwealth, holding similar official position, have been more successful in their professional career. He has won the public confidence and esteem by his devotion to the public interest. Such men are the standard by which to measure honorable success. ALL THE BUILDINGS used for, hospital purposes, in this city and vicinity, with the exception of the post hospital at Camp Curtin, have been turned over to the Quartermaster's Department, lg. S. A , for the purpose of being entirely re linquished for Governmental uses, and of being returned to the possession of their proprietors. All the public school buildings heretofore used for military hospitals, have been abaitdoned by the Medical Department, and are ni4i , being re :devoted to their original educational purposes. The small-pox hospital at Camp Curtin has been thoroughly cleaned and renovated, so that there is no danger of contagion in that quarter. EMIIENTLY TRIM .-A clergyman in , these times, says the Presbyterian, who refuses to pray for the success of our arms, cin offer no com fort to the sick and wounded soldier from the justness of onr cause. He cannot tell the bur dened widow that her martyred son has died for a noble object —he cannot thank God for any victory. Knowing he 'will be forever de spised if ,our cause triumphs, he has the moat , powerful temptation •by intilgue, whispering and pretended lamentations over the horrors of war, to compass, if possible, the defeat of our arms. Such a man is dangerous in any corn -tunny. * A fIOOD WORD.—Gen. Hooker, in his testi -2330ny ix -Nigro the Congressional Ceminittee of the war, s: ates that no cfunpaiginin the world . ore gallant advance than Hua i : ever saw a re fade t the Frederioksb.rrr'g phreys' division ni remembered that this clivi 'battle. It wilt be 131st Veninylvania &O nion, in which is the ich charged nearest to merit, was the one wh. 4nd it must a'io be the rebel entrenchments. remembered that Col. P. H: Allabaeh led that charge in person, and that he vv,'' ) F the'Pe;lienni commendation of Gen. IR:mph:67B on, the battle field. • Tirs Conan - Paoli Housz.—The report *4l the' Grand Jury, made and printed yesterday, L .. "' t a i ne d Some ref erence to the County Poor Hons. % the perusal of which has created an hnine i nse, sensation in hurnane and intelligent c cliels& in this city. The details thus entered into, 'are shocking alike to decency and Christianity. They exhibila reckless disregard for the/com fort of the poor, which is at once revolting and outrageous, if not a disgrace to the Ch r i s ti a n. community in which these wrongs exist 'and dispense their humiliating influence. We trust that no time will be lost to rem. edy the evils alluded to by the' Grand Jury as existing in the County Poor House. If another year is alloWed to pass without the reform Which is urged in this report, great censure will bb due those having the authority to remedy the evil. The people, in their lilier.dity andjustice, will' approve any expense which May ammo from such a measure. Let this reform then commence at once. THE Rev. E S. JOHNSON, of the Second Lu theran C. urcb, will preach in the hall of the Senate to morrow morning at ten o'clock, anal also in the evening at a quartet before six o'clock. THE. CITY was filled with rumors, to-day, as to the intention of the Governor to call out the militia. No such disposittoo was manifested in official circles, and of course the reports were groundless. To BE PAID LN GOLD AND SILVER.—From and after yesterday, all postages due on unpaid let ters received from foreign countries in the mails, dispatched to this country from Greet Britain, Ireland, France, Prussia, Hamburg, firemen and Belgium, will be collected in gold or silver coin. Roue ENG A Caunom —Some sacriligeous scam p broke iatothe Old School Presbyterian church last nighkand •forced open the doors of the_desk in the pastor's duty. His object doubtless was to secure the valuable communion service . of the church, but in this he was disappointed. The fellow might have reuse enoughlo know that it would not ba kept there. DOMESTIC . Itleinurr. —The market, this morn ing, was wellattended farmers and:hucksters, and '-thts supply of produce waS!erlarke. The prices ranged as follows: • Bitter - 20@28 cents per pound.; 14 cents per dozen ; Fish—!atii:9. ield7accorling to size, st,priees ranging fropis;?& tii:so cents, with the market well stocked. Rock and perch were offered at 26a40' cents per string. Vege stables —potatoes'sl 00 per bushel ; rhtibath, 10 cents per bunch ; radishes, do. THE Swam Draseroas of Dauphin county will meet in'the Court House in this citv,"on Monday at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of elect ing a County Superintendent, to serve for the ensuing three years. As many of the directors as possible should be in attendance. It is ierir, erally expected by the friends : of education that - khe preerat'§uperintencitut will be re=elected,: aitele without daubt, the-ableit4nan for the position in the county. Tae Sexier &norm Sortomas belonging to the •Locust street M. E. Church, attended a grand exhibition :of the magic lantern, at the Insane asylum, last evening. The lantern Is one of the most extensive ever manufactured, and supplied with plates represenling views of scenery, cities, remains' of cities, castles and monuments, in every part of the civilized and savage world. The exhibition was given un der the auspices of Dr. Curwen, and was partici pated in by the teachers and scholars with great pleasure and profit. LESSONS NOR COPPERRIADS.—The people of Northumberland county understand how , to treat copperheads, if we may judge from an incident related by the Miltonian. That paper slys that at a reoent copperhead meeting in Lower Augusta township, while asap-headed lawyer ffom Danville was sporiting sugar-coated treason, a Democratic farmer -arose and declared he would not hear such> stuff—and , brought down a fist whicli:sblvered a desii 'upon which it landed I Another old farmer'sald be wanted Jeff. Davis condemned at least as much as 'the President of our Union ! "About this time" the copperheads blew out the lights,..and ad journtd WE HEARD A BLATANT POT-HOLNE POLITICIAN, this morning, engaged in decrying the injustice of" the commutation clause in th'iaw proftriding for the increase of , the army. He was very vio lent,..but made no impression upons these who listened r uuless it was to convince-thqm of the appatent fact that he Wee a trattbrai 'cleep - dyed as are those whose hands are imbrued be.'the blood of loyal men. 11.the,ant 'contained no commutation clause, what-'better- would •it be for the "poor man?" "'rich" would still he able tQ pay fOr substitutes; while the "poor Nail" would find the price running so high that 'Would be precluded from the posaibility of procuring asubstitute. By permitting the Sec retary of. War to regulate the iaubstitute boun the-law carefully guards the interests of the, poor man, by preventing such'excessive rattis:es would cut off all but the "rich`' from es caping personal service. , Taos &Ars= TORIES who have long been disgusting loyal communities bYthe r manner in w)iich they have been assailing, the Govern ment through the columne of , jiiurnals which they happen to control, are begiehing to experi ence the oiefedielining disgrace which they have earned. As in instance of 'this fact, the editor of the Lswisburg Argus has made hitheelf so odious to the loyal citizens of that'boroitghs that even he himself` Rites in , his fait lesileithal theOitlity.,vfideh good,btsfedirig'guaranteis to anything in the image of a living man'has been withheld from him. So should every rasa be treated who denounces men and measures for the gappressitp of tVeribegliolt) Bad* ve Tabnefa e2l,' e confession in the .2bry Organ. In fact thateliA4 is alreadydeaphafrby ,e majority of senstget men in this co' raniunity,isatli t e tamale fast ap proaching when it will be regarded with ahhor rence lily the whiote dc(nituurilt3r., qu A ik i e the fate ancliblAnd of ankriligrs. , They ate not only de spised by the men whom they would betray} but are generally scorned by the wretches whota they,woyldlienre. • Weread,thatlhen Jpnedipt iirnoidAtfterihe - Revolutionary WO., 4timpted, Is gain an entrance into the decent society of London, he ,was met at the threshhold otriany a gallant Eugliehmarie house, spit upon by the servants, and - then - lticked .from.. the ;door. Ti L ms, tog, will it be with the traitor syrnit- Li z ,l , rs Nortir -*hell this' rebellion has been crushed. t The people of, this country will have long forgotten any heart burnings Which. may:grow out of this conflict with the govern ment,. when they - Will - turn to the memories of the copperhead DeMocrate with- •item% 1 and contempt. Mans Scoen.—This article, the peculiar product of the pineries of New 'fork and penn aylvania, is now offered for sale in our market in large quantities. Yeste • lday we noticed boat load, which had Bien &vied fronp the' 'hind - Inters of the NortharanchoLdhe Suhaus ballot. It.,'readily sold at . 22 26itiii)er itrind, which' "mole than ' double: . at what it usually aold alew Years.agch * I tJ` i. I , ,•Vir ;1,11 I:== 1=1:=1 ME "II THAT ÜBIQu trot kat ii:thsre, ' t,., . loquacious biped known as the live Yankee, now swarms in Harrisburg in localities where there is the sound of a violin, the taste of apple jack or the sight of a "putty gal." lie is here on his usual mission to dispose of boards, shingles, scantling and maple sugar. Of these the stock's not as large as in former sea sons, but what it lacks in quantity it makes up in price. The influx of the Yankees is always a source of macantile profit to the towns al. ng the river where rafts are " tied up." Spending the best part of their lives in the dreary p'ne fdrests of the north, they are entitle; to a li cense in pleasure when they float the products of their toil to market ; and hen e the Yan kee who cannot boast of at least a dozen fights, and as many victories, while "down the river," is regarded when he returns home, as a poor shingle or worse than the last of a pile of " cul len boards." A COPPEREINAD thwatani.--While the branch train on the Holidaysburg railroad was convey ing a load of passengers to court in that place according to the Hollidaysburg 'Whig, -a rich incident occurred. In the front partiof the car several rebel sympathizers were busily engaged discussing our . 'National affainabristag-in un measured terms - Olt efforts of the Government, to put dawn: the rebellion, a4din such loud tones as,, to be heard all .through - :the car. A gentleman who had 'beery listening to the, con venation watt forward and/read to the party a ptiragraph from a morning paper, as follows : "You are promised liberty by the leaders of your affairs, but is there an individusl in the eojoympt of it, saving your oppressors? Who among you dare speak or write what be thinks against the tyrattny, which has robbed you of your property, imprisonedyour sons, drags you to4 the field of battle,. and is daily, deluging your country with your blood !" "Them's my eentimentt exactly," exclaimed one of ihe syrups thizers. - "Sir," said the gentlethan, "That is the lan ourge of Benedict Arnold in his pryxlamation to the citizens mod radiant of the United States appealing to , them to , turn agajnst George - WashinYlon." Thisexideci ended. the convireation. ' I. Court Prootteiliugs Li the case of the Com. vs. Mary Snyder, charging her with hscvieg caused the death of her child, - the jurf returned - a "ve - rdict 'of not guilty. • - COM. vs. Anson H. Phelps. Fornication and Bastardy, on oath of C. Kramer. No true bill and prosecutor ordered to pay costa. . , The following cases conclude conclude; tabula of the Grand Jury. on the bills laid before them: Cora. vs. John Bradfor.d. Aseault and bat tery, on oath of Itottert Humphreys. No true bill and prosecutor ordered to pay costs. Com. vs. J. H. Hancock. False pretence, on oath of ScOtt Coyle'. No true bill found arid' prosecutor ordered to pay coats. Com. ve. Jacob Cowan. , `Aesault and battery, on oath of William Groff. No true bill and prosecutor to pay costs. Cora. vs. Antos Cowan. Assault antlbattery, .on oath of Elizabeth Cowan: - No true bill and prosecutor to pay costs. Com. ye. John Stouffer and Jane Bostgan mlEchief, on oath of Leahl, Ferree No true bill and prosecutor to pay 00{It8. Com, va. Fo3ter. Disorderly house, &c., on oath of Rudolph leidurtrie. No true bill and,prosecntor to-pay coots. Corn. vs. JacOb Dennison. False pretence, on oath of R. Omit. True bill. Continued to August sessions. - • Com. vs. John B.•lcane and G. M. Brayton: Conspiracy, on oath Of Sullivan S. Child. Continued. . , Com. vs. William Still. Desturbing public worship. By'pertnission of Court the Distant Attorney entiiredit.Noll Pros Com. vs. facotiC,Ftelyn. False pretence, on oath of Jacob D. Efoftman. District Attorney mitered a Ncil: gop; • Cora. ve. O'Brien. LirbenY, on oath of Thomas Touts. _ No true bill ; same day re cognizance of p‘rosocutor lorfeited. Com. vs. MargaretTiary. Downie; on oath of Hester Brieon. }To true bill ; recognizance of proaecutor forfeited, • Com. va. Bell`Starry. Larceny, on oath of Bildartrie. Na true bill and recogni . zitice of proef..cutdr, forfeited. Com. vs_ William Hartnet. Selling liquor on Sunday. Trne bill: Same day evicts weltid ed for defendant. • Coia..Fa. Margarik,4lllen. Larceny,-on oath of EF.q. McVarian& No true till. Same' day 'iicogoiranCe.tif-:lprOsetintor forfeits& trortrig.!. rJ: R. Kaye., No true bill. 4 t EdwardX: CatiolliJohniElrAtuire, Barney O'Brien and Edward Maglang4% ; Larceny, on oath of Joeeph Varnish: No Ttrne blil- , r . .; :corn. va Casper 6.m.,ny; on .path-of Chriatlan Kranna.: No true Ipill. Cora. vs. E. C. Shaffar. larceny, on oath of MitryLFAldover. No true bill. Coilii 4 +4:' Stepiten-birkedii4 i‘ - ult. r , and 'battery,, on eatii . iif' 41111 Al4iNkfi'. 4l- 1&{1 ct At enters a NofFscs.,* Com. vs. Alfred Davis. Assault alidtat ry,. on oatiliftlartigfiQt l Llons. District Attorney s enters Nol Pox.' - • . C 91 1" vB• ‘Da 'A d lf il g l o4l4!l l4 , lllL and 'bat - tory, on oath of Margitrotz..loansp District -Attorney enters a 11O1PriaL , - , • • CC4l;'lii:jl‘6lll"3 # ll3l. .11111b lI V. tory, on ; oath - tittigaret 1.4:401f.: District Attorney enters a NW—Pros... : ; • • Com. vs. Henry &whore; Aeesiult andi bat teiy, on oath Of John Maglaughlin. 'Distrlat Attorney enters kliol,l*., eouL vs.. JohnDH.44' tY, divoath of Henry Kore: District AttOrne env tars a Nol Pros. ' ' 'Com.. vs. Qeorge Hermodsttitte . 7uietnce, on oath of A. J. Wie4rert. piTearne Com. va. Wm. O. ‘116.3 1 Ditinrderlt house, on ()nth 'of Henry` itryAn; and iza f AsidlAd il:C 3 °F i ace o P r 2P 3 92, 1 : Cam. vs. Wm. Jack,inn Ti .inglerrYsin.n oathl of Robert Vaughn: '. , Tide bill. -Continued. 41:4bAthlif Joli 4 TiPAOL '''gßia**;l-7 Com. vb. the proprietors of Gaiety Halite Presented as atonimon nuisanoti-by the Gran. Chin. vs proprietors of the Opera'; Roue. 6() t OM Com.. vs. John Manning. Fornication and bastardy, on oath of Leah Kline. Com. ye. Samuel Tennis. Fornication and bastardy, on oath of Sarah Sworne. CALL AT WARD'S MOHO STORE and get ''Johnny Schmoker," the amusing and celtbrated new de3cliptive chorus sing by the "Old Folks" and "Peak Family" with immense applause. "Johnny Schmoker, Johnny Schmoker, Ich knee spielen ; Ich liana spiel mein klein drummel ; Rub adub, adub, das let mein drummel ; Billy, willy, wink, das ist mein fife," &c. Bay. E. M. LONG'S BEAUTIFUL PANORAMA OF GOSPEL Tanra.—Rev. E. M. Long, the celebra ted children's preacher, will .deliver two lec tures in the Fourth street Bethel church, in this city, Toesday and Wednesday evenings, sth and 6th of May, for the benefit of the Fourth street Bethel Sabbath School. The truths presented will be illustrated by many large oil paintings, which form a beautiful panorama. Price of admission 10 cents. Four thousand persons were present in Bev. H. W. Beecher'schurch at the Bev. 'Long's lectures -1500 last gabbath in New •York city—crowded houses every night. _ 2t Wz have taken.over on. the let of April the balance of goods bought of Mr. Boger, to our owb'stdre, where we will' continue to sell' the balaticeleft at very low= prices, until the whole are sold. Among thine goods are ,I„ooo, 4 yar4a remnanta,dclaine and calico, 16, lEranii 20 6cfs: 600 yards remnants, lawns and other dress goods, 16, 18 and 20 cents?' • 200 yards of barege and 108tre,,20 and 26 cents: 1,000 yards of linen crash, 16, 18 and '2O 1004ards of brown and grey clotb , for sum mer coats. 1,000 yards of linen ; cotton and wool pants stuff, cheap. SOO dozen of the; very !vat - spool cotton, white andcolored. 1,(00 papers of the very best of Smiths' needles 'cts. a paper; also stockings, gloves, pocket !handkerchiefs, hoop skirts, allltiods of combs, patent thread, tapes, Acks, either 'by the dozetror piece. _We have also on hand yet about 10 pieces of CARPET, which we will sell at.7b'cents per yard. ; 20 Pieces of straw matting, cheap. 20 pieces of splendid figured window curtains S. Le,w DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS They pin*, etyengittend iniigorate. They oreste a haMthy apatite. T,hey are an antidote to change of water and diet. , They overeoine dilate of dissipation and late hears They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and Intermittent levers. They purify the breath and acidity ,o 1 the . mornach. They aura PpMali!. and Constipation. They cure dlairlica Cholera, and Cholera iforbus. !Tiny cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best bitters in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made' of pure St. Orcir Ram, the celebrated Calls aya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with tie pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of Cay. Particularly reconimextded to delicate persons !squiring a, gentle stlinulant.. Sold by all Groe ere, Druggists, Hotels and %IMAM. P. H. Drake a ,Co., l 2 rqudway New York. • Hope for the Affnoted. From•the frequent promptings of iv friends and those who have need Mrs."ffestherChrt's- Gentian Vegetable Medicines, and the testi- Moriy of our most respectable citizens, of the .Virtue and merit of those manufactured by my eelf, I have been induced to call special atten tion -to these invaluable Medicines by those afflicted :with. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fever and all diseases arising from Impurity of, the, blood. Also Salves for Sore Byes, Frozen Feet and. Piles Drawing and Healing Plasters, all of which can be purchased at moderate prices at the residence' of the subscriber, No. 27 South Pine Street, 131strrisburg, Pa. L. BALL. Now is the time for all, old and young, to have the b)ood purified, the stenaach cleansed and atiengtheried, the whole `systitin"pat into a healthy, active condition. This alone is the Only sure preventative foe all coxiksgions 'diseases, which are now very prevalent. &would say to ell who have no great desire to be sick, or a very great one to get' well, just try the German Vegetable Medicines always, on hand at Nd. 27 South Pine street. KW. BALL. STEAMSHIP . GREAT EASTERN. WALTER PATON, Golaarnavier. • rICHE GREAT EASTERN-mill letiveLl'i7l : 1 POOL on her first trip daring the preseAt toontVOreirly-inliday, and. will, continue to lact;iregtdatrifduring the eeelon. Early, notice will bo:gfy,on.,of.4=kfoil of dep a rtu i e. .J - RATES 01t4RA9SAGErir Firettabin 'from.... . ..?,:$95,t0 $136 Second cabin ' 1 57 . 0 E I Z C 4rB IO7 A , V G1 K t4 V: 94 4 1 R04 5 050 4 . - thel l ti ar # l O- K4k ItP l kbriP 9, 1 Y, a f i rec u' d i a4 - 1 4 f : Third cabinir. 4• 4 4: 4573 I Stearn!). sBo Ail 1'144101e in -Gold' ,46r e ats egnivrifertt in 11. S. currenoy. ,•!.= Lis J'ore - "-"At the Office, 26 Broadway; NeW For freight 4 ppplylo t , SbwaAxn & ABPINIVALL, Agents, nitlBttltje9] - A,lNOW York., BOSTON (111101r3jtist.keeeixedtark for "gab* MO X. 0% IstMemq,, 27ukr 'Mr:7mA idinfittleet streets. MOIL ET SOAP; white andAdottled Castile, Windsor; and other brands, for sAle by - NIOHOLt3 & BOWMAN, OorilFtiint andiMarket-etreete.: . , di 27' CHOICE, STOPS AND MOLASSES. '—We are pow offering tor naie, very low, a lot of elioicenyinpa. 'Call 'and admit& at NICHOLS OlitiwmAx apl.4 .4 , 14 ,q9r. Front apir:ltipiVet trait; ADIEEP! = , Ton know whete,yon:eah.getfine Jaiktotii Papei; 'Enveloped, Visiting and Wed. (Ott Cards, • NO4I4IPRE.' NE-NATIONAL ALKANAO AND ANNIT IALIOIXXIRD - foxils63, for sale at 80EIEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. p... Amu= sib= OF ALI3I:I4B,PQRTFP,LIMPOY' osl3, ter sale at Senianlaga o i, 9 RE. 9() In 1 as a comm 1, Special Notices. B--T--1860--X, nov4 mda w dOnat BWo Mtn) alwatistmtnto. At suiߧV.r., ..r1:1 - ,. a 4.. Ntul abuertistments. !wl the (Land SA PONIFIER, • CONCENTRATED LYE, TILE FAMILY SOAP MAKER r PRE PUBLIC sue cautioned against the ..L SPURIOUS articles of LYE for making SOAP, &c., now offered for sale. The only GENUINE and PATENTED Lye is that made by the PENNSYLVANIA - SALT MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, their trademark for it being " SaPONIFIER,• OR CONCENTRATED LYE." The great SUCCE'S of this article has led UNPRINCIPLED PAR CIES to endeavor to IMITATE it, in violation of the CoMpany's PATENTS. All MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS or SEL LERS of these SPURIOUS Lyes, are hereby NOTIFIED that the COMPANY have employed as their A ITOENEYS, • GEORGE HARDING, ESQ., of Phike, and WILLIAM. BAXEWELL, lag , of: .Pittiburst. And that all MANUFACTURERS, USERS, 013 SELLE3I - 3 of Lie, feviolation of the rights of the Company, will be PROSECUTED at ouce-, 'The SAPONIFIER, or CONCENTRATED LYE, is for rale, by all Danaorsm, Gaomma and COUNTRY STOUR. TAKE NOT - 10E ' Thit UNITSCD STAUthit B . atrrr VOVILT Werterll District of Pennsylvania, lio.r-t of' liay , Term, in 1852, in snit oft THEaPENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING CORPANY vs. THOS.. G: CHASE, &dread to the Company, on November 16, 1862,:the .EXCLUSIVE right wanted by a patent .:owned- by them for the SAPONIFIER. Patent dated October 2.14866. Perpetual injunction awardeth,„ THE PENIFSUAPAIHA .tALttitiikUntitlitii6 torirkilY• OFFICES: 127 Walnut, Street, 'Pkiiadelphia. Pitt and Duquesne' Wavy Pittsbuig. - ap2s IlSra -8p SEALED PROPOSALS A RE invited until the 4th day of,ktayi 1868, 11. for supplying the United States Subsisr: tence Department at Harrisburg, tomnsylvania, with fresh beef., • The first delivery of beef to be made on the 6th of May, LB6B, or, as soon thereafter as the undersigned may direct. A-bond with good and sufficient security, will be required. No bid will, be entertained w'. , n put in by contractors who have previous ,) coil ply with their contract in any De, n 1... r. t of the Government, or *ere the bidder is u t knit to respond to his bid. The names of firms should be stated in full with the precise address of,,each member of the firm. Proposals from disl oyal parties will not be considered, and an oath of ; allegiance muse accompany each protiositiOn.„ All bids must bo accompanied by two. ileum! aoteee. - Bide to be directed to Capt. W. 11. Bell, C s., u. S. A.,liarriabUrg, Pa., and en-, domed "proposals for furoishiag fresh beef." FORX 01 eIIARAZITIII. ---,,,0f the county of ----- ---, do hereby guarantee that is able to fulfil a contract in accord none with the terms.-of his proposition, and that should his proposition be accepted, he will at once enter into 'a contract in accordance therewith. Should the contract be awarded him, we are prepared to become his. securities. (This guarantee must be :appended to each bid.) . .;.., We, and State The responsibility of•thagmtrautors must he shown bythe 47(ga-certificate of ...the. clerk of • ::nearest district court, or the United States dial - fief attorney._ ;Proposals to haTicipened'at2l2 on 4th 'day ot May, 1868, at - office on Third street above Racket. It. H. BEELLi apr.2B-dtd Capt. U. S., U. 8: A. 353 - RIJBIA KILLS. 355 858'aila 355 Ww4dngtcin. s treet New York% City, GOPERNMENT COFFEE. UT up in tin foil pound myna, a box, and in bulk., Oar prices range &Ina 7. to 80 cants. We put up the following JAVA, MARAOAIBO, RIO AND -VARIOUS OTHER-BRANDS OF SUPERIOR COFFEE.. We believe our Coffee to be better , than any ground Coffee now in-use. All orders • addrea , aid kiwi ' or to our -agents , Messrs. Puna & Yonne 162 Chambeis Street, corner Washing-. tonlitLet, New York City, will receive prompt attention. • The retail trade supplied by firstcause' jobbing homes hi thir‘vutfoba' cities. -• 1 1 4 BE gitt ktrAflE. irml,7?mkaaa.,- ORAL PUOI. N. 8.- 7 --Trtale.l'xice Vet Lfuyidebed upon ap plication. _ declB dBm-rdmrBB - - Meant Weekly to LiyerpooL i • ,916.11a:i0d4t:Atqatikkiev0,:,(9441[..... _ J_i a no.a..) : 1 ,11u3 : veil :known .. Steamers, the ' tAr/hc.A.Reite:X o ,l l k - and_ 0 11 4dapbra teeom ship emapikay, artliitelrided to 011 as folloWsu Edinburg, Saturday, , . 144 ;; 'ttlrygrav, Sat orday,;o4Y OilAtliigAlttulaPV 16: i -"" •.iW 4 WF g. At .A 1 4..t,:, - 1 i..tisiiii it #9,I•Rs c% * 1 1 1 . 1 , 12 MA-4iNT Pt, OR 1J.1ii.,.1 . N..;• s..i .- , istiM ' - ':.... . do-to 0044 : tad Al tgAlwaiiil • $ B 2 60 86-4 xTo-to Londortiri-- uo-to-Londosi r 36 so, dote-Paris; , . 2 . -9640 do til.filis; - t ;46 60 datoßainbnrg; 901 .• 1 / 4 !&ridmlrit; .87.60. - -Paitiiige!rtuditiforwaided to /larva Bremen, EottoMigim;'Antuiarp'Ac...., at equidly t low rates. Fezea from ,Liverpool or Queenstown :i let ,910 t ni Ilk 18 k; 8 /0 5 •,- - 441 1 ,613ef ° , '" 'Liver pool, From QueerieritowE, .I: 'Those Vim airish , tdiefid tor theirftlenOakkbuy iick- eta here at these ratea..,, For fgrtUer info_p*4l(x apply at the Comps. ny'2,(XMll;. • ,44;ept, -15 Y 'Jf2~BdlyQ DALE, 'XI Va 114131,0 ThOixtici Proyerty- fot Sale or to Bent.. TEL ersige'ecl will sell or rent -Chester " Amaze situate, in Cromwell townalklo _ Huntingdonoonnty, The weltgilici tobstantially, also Ten Bank usealn tolerable nwelr • there is Sat , abun tlanceor good'wood thatcan' be foreboded at frem l6tti 25tenteper Cord, (woodlea , myWith- In two'tnileir of the stack, and abundance of ore can beget from ene'to two and-eihalf miles, it reasonable price. The turria4e twitaiiek.froiii linion statiok, T. It. 13,4 with itgood public road leading t,witt, : particulars,. address* , SOLT= W.U.SO4a Spruce Creek, P. 0., Huntingdon county, Pa. •'.. : SOMMatharAND suivinnwens-RAnsoA ß• bo., -, ~ .., v ' , 45 1 Onion, -227.S:tikoninst Smont Phslisiidphis, April } triiii ANNUAL IRETING of the Stockhold- A ere of this 4:konlianxiriond anelection foe PFklaef kt iw 4 d!4 - k.riPig - Mt will talte - planeiii" i oe o , , r jcAllier_ Onipiagiy, - on lionditiy; t,tnV 4 W day. , T.te#, - *ltti'dobk Ime. '''" • o it , : :` , i , W. IL WEBB, Seiltily. -ar eidrir ME EMI OEM la amusements BRANT'S HALL, POSIT] VEL I' FOR ONE DA Y ONLY ! GEN. TOM THOME AND WIFE, MR. CHARM S. STRATTO74, (Kilown as Geri.Tem Thumb,)aud his little wife, MRB. LAVINIA WARREN STRATTON. HAVING deferred their visit to Europe, un til the season is more favorable for crossing the Atlantic, accede to urgent solicitations, abd will have the honor to hold IWO GRAND PUBLIC LEVELS, at BRANT'S HALL, SATURDAY, MAY 2d 1863. Hours of Exhibition- 3 to 4i, and 8 to 9i, DOOM open half au honr in advance. G-n. Tom Thumb's wife is juttly styled THE QUEEN OF BEAUTY, the,. smallest mature lady in the knowo world, 21 Years OH. only 32 Inches High, and 'Weighs but YU Pounds, with an exquisite 15421, model form, and winning address. Indeed, what nature bad denied her in size it has made up in elepuct, and grace, and fitting hatter the admiration of all eyes. Thus are seen together a fully (devel op< d, intelligent and b, autifnl id AN and WIFE, whose nutted weight is but a trifle more than FIFTY POUNDS. The, rich, rare and elegant BRIDAL PILE. SENT'S . will be on public exhibition at each Levee, int - lading the magnificent curbeille ex hibited on their wedding•day at the reception. Mr. and Mrs. GEN. TOM THUMB will ap pear in a variety of Perform races, Songs, Dances, Characteristic Costumes, %c. Mrs. Stratton's snmp. thous and costly Wardrobe is available for three different dresses at each Levee. At each morning representation the General and hi:: Lady will gratify their visitors by wearing the identical wedding costume they wore at Grace Church on their marriage day. N. B.—Gen. Tom Thumb now conducts his 'business solely on his own account. Admission, 25 cents. Children, under ten, 16 cents. ap2B 4t HAMS!!! 20 000 LBS of the - following _rands j , calved : NIWBOLD'S, celebrated. Nsw JERSEY, selected. EVANS AND SWINT'S, superior. Micstrica's Excursion, canvassed. Thomann's Excnision, not cncanvassol. IRON CITY , canvassed. Ism CITY, not canvassed. PLsnir He prime. COUNTRY every fine. Each barn sold will be guaranteed as repre sented. WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO. G7==;=Z===:=l Office of LIVERMORE, CLEWS & CO. 84 Wall Street, New York . I The above six per cents., in denomination, of $50,-$lOO, $5OO, $lOOO and $5OOO, are :lOW ready for delivery-upon applicat.on at one OF- Early application • should be made, as the privilege of conversion at par will close on 'he dist of July, 1868. These bonds bear 0 pert ent. Interest, payable in coin on the let of May and ilst of November, and have conponsattacht_d fin 20-tyears, but are payable at the pleasure of the Qovernment (in coin) after five years. Orders by mail accompanied by draft upon New York, or current funds, will receive prompt attention. We also execute orders for the purchase or sablat the Brokers' Board, of all current secu - rides, and have for sale constantly, all Govern dentissues. lIVIIItSIOIIB, CL,BWB 3t CO. apBdlm, Bankers. IMPORTANT FACTS t I\TO CLOTHES WRINGER can htl durable .11., without the cog-wheel regulators. No Wringer has them but the Universal ,Clotbea Wringer, which can also be adjcsted to any thickness of clothes, and has no rubber prae- Slue liandirto stretch and bacome loose, as time wringers have. "Toe best fe shyer, the the est' ' • 'Machines furnishedon trial by alp. W. PARSOIik 110 Market aplB,3taw2w LIQUORS. ve on hand a very superior.'isisThiothid V T of WINES, BRANDIES and FL 34,1- QUOBS, of every description. BRANDING of the choicest brands and vin. , tages. NUNES of ri#7 thequest ' ST. cßuzligm: V*. • '... HOLLAND IN. x. '‘V "IRISH, SCOTCH, RTIr BOURBON WHISKY, CHAMPAGNE, SCOTOR ALE, BROWN STOUT, CORDIALS,', Also, a NATIVE WINE, matitifficV, 14 tram the domestic grape , , which is iipkM,, drticle, and we know it to fmpure. 1414 WM. DOCE, & CO. ' Obesebromic& & Pearson, P Re.QOV-1 SION ,D 4 /4.LEns, 1‘11.4 HOsith Water Stsvet, POPthiphits; it RE iirepared to offer to their cUstomers their Ili.. Celebrated Sugar Cured HUM , , Dried Beef, Which are cured expressly for , , 1 y n4e, and superior to'anything in - the nutrir4. N. 13.—A1l talent by mail .prom_tie d ed to. t t HORSES, W AGONS AMC -. - eiVILTS '` ' 'TO HIRE. - T-4 Tdw ALCORN, Broad sixeet, iffetrt . ‘ll4,rris. litli*,.lll prepared to furnish : < - `Ants andiVagons to persons wishing haill done. Digging .'of , Cellars personally atte .. ad to. Hauling of any description promptly attendedto. An - order box for the accommodation ct persons will be found to the TEIXOHAPIC Print Lug Office, whereviters will be received. aplB 3m . JOHN !LUX/RN. QUEEN:MARE 1 AVE invite the 'attention of- the Public to our V V large and well selected stock of Queens - 'are, recently purehased, and which we offer at a very email advance on city prices. Call and examine before _purchasing elsewhere. NICHOLS Sr BOWMAN, ap7 Corner Front and' Market Sts. 'WINDOW EIFIADIiB of linen, gilt-beidered; V V and PAPER BLINDS of air endless var. ety of designs and ornaments ; • alv, CURTAIN FIXTtTRF and TASSELS at very , low prises. Calla • , ~SCHEFFEWS BOOKSTORE ap6 HAM& arge invoice of canvassed unconvaaeki hams,. of every choice brand in market. TeChhim warranted in good order. For aide very low by' • NlOllO.tS & 20 WIII&N, _Corner grout and...ltrarketSte. aPZ' FlSH.—Anotier buga:lOL. a Mackerel and Herring, in all sia,l3 of packages, barrels, balyea, quarters and kits, fweale kw by NICHOLS & BOWILtrN Cor. Fronkand.Market Streets. ap27 liAllet, JIB AND LEMONS .— We har just O-reenrisl the largest and fu,i . #4,:a et 31_8- ani &taiga offered this sesson.ui trat real be i. 1011-tard OXRll2ll:tet, at - NICHOLS & BOWMAN, for: [►ruab9ad strivtg rmam . _ RANGES AND -, l43loNtiuotbar,lot of Meg last reotived and Catalog!, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. - Ewl4 t and Market. EttreetA.. • • . 0 -1 ; ,• r A g l • ;. P9 4/ A l l 91 grade a .piipis for Igile 2 1,4 -Is Wit. =IE, 441 ou. =OM iIIEN