Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, May 02, 1863, Image 2

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    ,pc axl Critgrap#.l
Saturday * Evening, May 2, 1562
NIA, without distinction of party, who desire
cordially to unite in sustaining the NATIONAL
patriotic efforts to suppress a sectional and un
holy rebellion against the UNITY OF THE
REPUBLIC, mid who desire to support, by
every power of the Government, our heroic
brethren in arms, wbo are braving disease
and the perils of the field to preserve the
UNION OF OUR FATHERS, arc requested to
select a number of Delegates equal to their Le
gislative representatives of the State, at such
times and in enctimauLer as will best respond
to the spirit of this call, to meet In STATE
at eleven o'clOck, A. M., on said, day, to nomi
nate c indidates for the offices of lOVERNOR
to taka'such measures as may be deemed ne
cessary to strengthen, the Governinene in this
season of Common peril to a common country.
Chairman of,the Union State,Centml Com
Gto. W. Heaszasur,
Secretaries. •
The Committee alsopassed the following reso
lutiownnEinimotisly, viz:
Resiii4d,' That it be recommended` to 'the
Loyal citizens of Tenteiylvariia; vrithonedis
tinotion of party, tO organize, in each -lection
District of the StateD'oion Leagnes,for the pur
pose of sustaining the Government in suppress
ing this c tuneless and wicked rebellion, which
'tow seeks to divide and destroy the Reptiblic.
The '%Var'NLZva.
The news of the raid into Western Pennsyl
vania assumed rather formidable proportions
.this morning, if there is any reliance to be
placed in the rumors we &ye from the West.
It is stated that a force of 12,000 rebels were in
Western Virginia, and that great °Consternation.
prevails among the people along the borders of
:,Pennsylvania;.„ Whateyerlmay be the .move
ments in the, West,they are thoroughly un
derstood by the Government, and we haye every
assurance from semi-official sources, that f ttre
.;War Department is . fully prepared to meet any
*Merger:my that may arise. , Troops are even
now being concentrated to counteract this move
of the rubel.—a movement entirely made
:to draw Gen.. Hooker fronadiie attack. on Rich
mc6d, and attract hie army to a point as far riff
as rebel anxiety may deem:" necessary fot the
safety of the rebel capital.
The attack on Charleston haabeen fixed to
take piece' to-morrow, Suird#;*Eiy S, 1863. It
is arranged that thu o ccOfned . naval and land
forces shall move on, the works defending the
city, assail and cirry each and all of them, when
of course that pestilential nest of treason will
fall into the hands of our, troops. It might
have redounded to the credit of .a Chistian gov
ernment to select some other day than the Sab
bath for this grand movement, but perhaps the'
batter day the better deed, and therefore let us
hope that when the sun guee down nn Charles
ton, S. C., tomorrow night, its last effulgent
ray will gild the Staii and Stripes as they float
in. triumph . over the ruins of the birth-place Of
treason. ,
Whence we iterivedonrihabitati!oasting
ibis arniost as distasteful to' co - nfess , astit is io
bear, lhat'the 4inerican people havti,lonk been
addicted to a system of boasting at once inaida
i.tive -of a. quality in the very thinks'
- 'crabbed. But when we reßdct whence this
ipAirpf balloting was digived, we are not BR
tfugattesi. The habit grew.withfip evil which
has lately developed itself inkithe worst enesay
Obnatitutional ltherty and tine .kpaeilOirrirniOn
ever possessed. ; We, allude tci,:.,alivery. The
~cr,atic leaders who haver,always been the
servile kpporters of theinatitution orelavery,
. have also Wen i theffkpatblusteringboasters that
ever disgusted brave men: Like the slaieholder
. himself, the locofoe° supporters of the sane
titiand right of bartring in human ff..sh Is an
arrant lilOiirer," who :10veq.,..t0, bear himself
talk. These are-the men wholhaviallkays been
`talking of their ability to shiP i the,Werld. Be
cause •the slaveholder No 'the 09**49ponti
nently to flog and flay defenceless - ' and
children, he had , ceared himself-into , ion
that he was - the true type and representis a of
Amerleaknation- - Lthat the American peo
ple, of *hi& he was ti &fair and only specimen,'
could "whip all'creation."- :The slayeholder's
bragginginfected his donghface followers in the
ioith. here it was, common +olisten to ram
„pant.J4emocrate talking of devouring arid di
gestingthenations of 'Europe. Among these,,
tiaainost obnoxious appeared to be the: , British
GOVernment and peokile: ,' But a change hes
Come,over the spirit , of our boasting. The elaiii:
holders .and the D.mociacy • who were for-
Merly "fila, rampant in their' assaults on the
Britrab, - -bitie- suddenly-I:become the moat
~ . ,
obsequious 'friends. Of - john Bull. Leading
Democrats are the, ainstant attendants on the
movements of the -141"titsti Minister, rendering
him servile Court, paying' him hia t ige which
isAistasteful, whil6, dief, elavebolders them
selves have bear on their knees ever since this
war begun, eakingthe ftritish authorities to 'pram
their feekuilou their Ainks, and„,irnPleringthat
the slave States may be accepted as par of. the
English domain: Democracy and slavery
no longer desire to devour Great Britain:: :.The
thitinghtturd the assurance of this reality Inuit
be felieihous to all Englitdcinen, and particu
larly that portir whoiere ievesiieg their odd
obaoge in confederate loans i '•
l 'aßiit the most important change w i i cli has
tek.p..n,.,p lactkinAhis disposition to brag, is that
which is-observable in our own relations to the
'rate - Ilien,f-so;W:its' our warlike op' era - ticiins are
t oncerued., Nis eurnmericed the slinggie to,
lit down: relielliori 'in aspirjrof.braggadoela
Nhickt was, unhecoming, the l inipor.tancelef 'the
, confliet. 4Weditid notAhen learned. the extent
...oL4iritience Of the Islaveholding_Deintio
iiiiketice•bf treakn. - At its pre4itafien we
imagiredthe'rehelliol t I O -4 he confined to a few
disaffected politicians.: Nte have discovered
that it extends to all.. iiihTt are ,iaterecod , in
slaymy—to all who :make, silvery the stApPing
stone in the reslizatiertfof their political ambi
teitio,alilwhotbelieve in the degiadition of
-labpr--to all w.ho are ignorant fit thelliseffigs
74 ' ,. /i bil t irA44 6 PCF ,iter P ,B' PPl til 4.: j P.l?.fl, Aital,l,-
ty. Dile knowledge has put an eud to our
boasting. Our armi. en .w move, but the peo
ple do not run off into extravagant calculatiubs
of what we intend to do. We are rather wil
ting to bide the propr,r time of th 3 blow, and
be prepared for the result which may follow,
whether that be victory or defeat. This exp ri
ence, in the language of a cottni porary , has taught
the public to look seriously and thoughtfully
upon the war, and measure its magnitude more
accurately, and to consider its possible contin
gencies. A better appreciation of the task be
fore them has sobered the judgment, without
diminishing confidence in the ultimate re
sult. It has also made them earnest in provid
ing means adequate to the task, so that the
armies which now go into the field are the best
appointed, most numerous, and the beet dis
ciplined which 'mire ever yet been . . precipitated
against! the foe. It is the vastness and corn
pleteness of these proportions which make suc
cess seem within the compass of our armies'
efforts- Still it is not forgotten that the rebels
have been making exertions equal to our own,
and that they, too ; • have, ell appointed armies,
brave soldiers, experienced generals, and that
the fortunes of war turn upon so many acci
dents, that success cannot bs certainly predica
ted in advance upon any movement. The pub
lic mind being now better balanced, will not be
so extravagantly affected either by success or
1 disaster. -.A single turirof good fortune will not
lead them into the error of supposing. the re
bellion to be crushed, nor will a single defeat
desttoy their belief in the possible and ultimate
downfall of the rebellion.
The District Provost Marshals.
Thus far we have notr heard of an appoint
ment as Provost Marshal in any of the Con
gressional districts in this State to which we
would take exceptions. Notwithstanding,
however, there are many appointees with whom
we are not sufficiently acquainted either to make
an exception or tender a commendation. Time
must prove , whether , such as these are fitted for
the position. We trust that the Government
has searched every community fur the very, hest
men to fill these positions, for certain It is that
the power, hus nested will be the most delicate,
absolUte and important ever wielded by men
holding subordinate positions under the Gov
eisment; 'llfitt power can 'be abused' in two
ways- 7 -first, it can neglected to the injury
of,thdiaiiverhnient ; and secant, it can be ex
aggerated to the oppression of ,the 'people.
Hence the importance of investing good 'men
with such authority. An indiscreet man, thus
clothed, could rashly inflame an entire com
munity, and incresse,..an evil ,which he was
delegated to counteract.- A judgment-lacking
officer,' acting' under such authority, could
idly throw away the security of an entire dis
triet;ly failing In the exercise ;of atisripower
through a want of -an appreciation of its mag
nitude and importance. Hence, we repeat
our solicitude as to whether the Government
has secured 'the very' best material for such
positions. A.failure to have done eo will apt
with a deleterious infineriee on the success of
the 4raft. It - taunt be understood that the mans
of the people are willing td submit to that
draft, however, heavy it, may fall upon their
pospects In a pecuniary or a domestic sense.
But - while this is true, it must not be for
golten that there are
~Igge Class of men
who are secretly organising to resist that draft,
and , who would toe, with terrible effect, the
first act of indiscretion, or seeming oppression,
by the officers charged with its enforcement.
A free , people are. jealous of_ the enforcement of ,
anything in t the !shape of a military order. In
its mildest has ad air of vigor and
force about it which . is distasteful. Decision,'
firmnititifil . rind AliStice Will alone command is
greet in such cases. If the officer thus charged
-With= this duti , betrays= weakness, or if he le
vascilating, indulging-in acts of petty tyranny,
I or lauds himself bY.constantly displaying his
pOWer, his governmenf and himself will be ex
' need to danger, and riot might follow where
order, andobedience should prevail.
. .
—Atovre wrote.above we have no right to
doubt.the fitness of the ,appoinpneqa to the
differentmarshalships in thloStaie._ Atilt it is not
wrong-to express and circulate a-solicitude on
the subject It is beet to impress the factupon
the minds of theAnost etioient, that their'lu
ties are delicate and important, and thetas they
disichargetficee duties, the liVes'of the people,
thepeace Of 6%1041131)i, and the defence of
the Government*soletAdy depend.
< Hooram Arm me Passroarm.—lt is said ,that:
the President intends-not to interfere with Gen.
Hooker, but will'hold that Offiper strictly re
!Tensible for dilatOriness"WAll stic<itsai. With
this dunderstanding, Hooker commenced, his
southward march a few,days `slince, thp 7th
acid 11th C4a-dtiarmetv.,takiik the Idd:—
tre have the
_same: cOnfidepee
,in Hooker
Which we had. In Buntside) and nhad it not
been fer Washington iritervention, the lat
ter WOuld'lnr.p r heer,!..lb. Richmond loiig ;
and 'nowAhai thotcommander- of the array in
the field hes follEpoWer in the premises, welook
for a successful cimplfien. We . had -first' the
imbeeile McClellan, with fuel powers, then the
able linrnside, with none; now, in our opinion,
talent and power are ccinibined. The capture,
of Richmend before the firit'of4une would im
mortalize General Hooker ; and certainly the
prize is:worth contending, for.
,F'siuscrites, - itt`a thoifi in the sideof thecopper
heids• At one di*, e P e1 10 14 19; l ea d ers
pretended to be the chautpinpaoT:spiifinre suf
frage ; but as soon mat-was perceived that the
arinfmuilloyal, thfry gluttrymir tactics, and
denounced the whole thing as an attempt to,citi;"
fraud the home, voter jhefactis, t the,copier,
head's are great frisds .,
neaniliAr whO will nap
' port them. ,If the contrabands were to pledge,
thenkelves to vote ; in aibody, for the pemocrat-'
is ticket, the politicians=of that' party, would ,
ppeeedily bec3nie the champions H of , ziegico suf
,Tffa InnasunT Daiiai T }yS dete r mined to ;
chits own printing hereafter, of Abe malionat
currency,-and `thee save one4hird ,of what It
now cost! to do the *off: The 'billi,44`prlnt
ing paid to .the Bank,,Note-coreptial f n for the;
its 'months ending March Blst, were event ntili
lion, of dollars. The Department' aart , de the
same work for about one-third 5 cost. And
as 90M9 parties in their piopos. for printing
and engraving based their prices upon ti.eir pa
triotism, they certainly must be rejoiced at this
saving to the country.
rattst b Etitgrapt.
apture of One Thousand Rebels, Two Rams,
Three Gunboats and Four Transports.
Railroad Communioation Interrupted
Gen: Carter crossed the Cumberland below
Somerset, Kentucky, yesterday, with 6,000 men
and attacked the rebels at Monticello. After se
vere fighting he drove them from the town.
The Charleston ffercuiy says the Federate at
'rand Lake captured 1,000 rebels, 2 rams, 4
transports and 3 gunboats.
A telegram from Brookville, Georgia; to Hon.
I John Forsyth, says the Federate haVe
taken Mayhew, on the Mobile and Ohio railroad,
18 miles from Columbus, Mississippi. .This
movement is threatening the Southern railroad
communication generally.
A large force of Federals were within 12 miles
of Huston, Mississippi, on the 19th. They are
designing to destroy the Miesissippi, Central
Later News from General Banks.
Heavy Losses on Both Sides•
The steamer Oredle has arrived, with New
Orleans dates:to the 28d ult. and Havana of
the 27th.'
There is nothing lateOfrona General Banks,
except that on the 21st nit., he occupied Ope
louse and Washington, and' that, the coludin
was resting for the day at:the latter place.
The want of horses for the cavalry wal being
supplied from thecountry round about. Seven
hundred horses had been brought into Opelousa.
The brig St. Mary, at New Orleans, reports
that on the Bth inst ,'off Pass a l'Oatre, she
was followed into shoal water, by a schooner
having the appearance of and supposed to be a
pilot boat. The brig got , ashore when the
schooner kept away.
A letter from Havana dated the 27th _ ult., re-
ports the arrival a3f the French steamer Loulo
- at Santiago on the ,22d, from Vera Oros,
with dates to the 18th:
The taking of Puebla bad not been recived in
Vera Cruz. The battle was, , becoming bloody.
There was serious losses on both sides.
The rebel steamer Nita left Havana on t l he
25th and returned ou the 26th.
A crevasse near ,Thibodeatinille has indn
dated all the‘ plantations on the Bayou La
fourche, and caused great damage LI the nil
road. The rebel butte A-La-Rose on the
Atchafaloga, 60 miles north of Brahmar city,
capitulated to our gunboats.
On the 20th fifty-stx prleagets were
two cannon ands consigerabl'Equant,l4 4 of aln•
munition. - f '.• '
The Creole passed onithe 28d nit., In , the
616EripplAiver, the eteamere- Union and iColum
bia bowl& up,
• ,
Crosoing and Fight at Kelly ' s Ford.
The Rebel - Colonel Hammond Captured.
Betiteen . Flit - and `4ix`' Hundred Prhoners
• Ffoth the 'best attainable information from,
persons arriving front the Rappahannock' it
tinware thtit, some important movements of the
army took Place on Wedneidat, 'although'there
wan no i fighting of any inToftance. ;
TherUaited States forces crossed the Rappa
hannock at'Be iy's Ford.
,Pontoon bridges were laid two or three miles
below Frecimick.ffeirg, - and vie kook`ittrisesition•
et those "Outs . On Wed riesditytright: . '
'The enemy formed llneief battle, itid.piant
ed batttfries on the heights of dark rear, andalso'
fired a few Wets in ordertrtget. the range.
In crossingwe lost one or.two officers killed,
and from thirty to
,z forty men woumied.
Our men. crossed fhatinboati, drove .the rebel
pickets, out of tbeiirifle pits, kill ed and 'wound
ed many, .and talk. pne hundred'and•.six prison
era, inoluding officers, cone of whom _was
Lieutenant Cnionel HamWrOnd, of the tilt Louisi
ana rigiment.,„ Thesepr owns arrived here yes
terday, and were sent to the Old Capitol Prison.
AnothpOpformenteaystibe left wing, 86,000
strong,, crossed, four miles belOw Frederickbog,
little! below Where Franklie. crossed .Preiibus
to,the last battle. They fought twelve hours ,
end` drove the enemy eight Mlles out of their.
rifle pits and behind their entrenchments. The ,
third ,brigatle of the first , division of the first
corps has suffered more than any other in the
our lorces have Captured between 600 and
600 prisoners, who,,will soon be brought to this
Many of these prisoners have voluntarily
come over z to us,, tity,sshAg thiewn away itheir
arms, in-sinall -squads ) and begged -foßilod.
They pick up what the soldiers , hein thrown
away on the march. ,pthjes r et, els , however,
they have,plentf tosif.
Tbe`rightiring_`crofiried' at Kelly's ford, aria
tolieinarile cavalry is reported to he soine-
Whets , ithe rear of Fredericksburg. t
One-army cows .reniains:aryalmoutli as a
Velerve.• . " 1 / 4 -a t) .J.,
DestrUction. of' Alitioii9s l A Murphy's Car
Factory bir
Murphy &
May - 2.
Murphy' r ti Allison's immense car 'fadtory, at
Nineteenth an& Market; . ®as. destroyed fire
this morning.. The pr,operty, comprised 'three
buildings, occupying a site of 110 -by 177 feet.
Allqbe valuable machinery stud twenty Oars
Were oonsumed. lore $100,000; ! bisuranEe
only $1621)00.
-:F •
1 4 4/3X O /n. V. '
Nsw Yoast,, May 2.
arrived titothk port
fro*iToWlitialfdiest. 'She trihgato news.
The small etcawer Ada Hancock, emploi e 1
in causing passengers from the wharf at, San
Pdro to the steamer Senator, which ancLorsie
deep water, five miles from the landing, explo
der her boiler on the 27th ult., killing 40 out
of the 60 passengers and wounding all the bal
ance except Eevrn. Among the killed were
Captain Seeley, Will S. B. SAnford, Frederick
Keerlin, a son of the late Albert Sydney John
aeon, Dr. S. Id. Myles, Wm. P Ritchie, Hiram
Kimball, a woman, missionary, and Captain
Joseph Myatt.
Our markets are dull. Speculation and the
concentration of the stock of bagging has
caused an advance of 20 per cent. Atlantic
currency and exchange is at the rata of 83®40
premium for gold on New York. Stealing Ex
&Lugo unchanged. Legal tenders 64®66.
The royal mail steamer Europa, from Liver
pool, via. Halifax. arrived at 54. o'clock this
morning. Her 'nails will be due atNew York
at 6 o'clock this afternoon.
CLI`iaIiiNATTI, May 2
Not much shipping demand for floor and
only 1,600 bbls Sold at $6 for Eupeifine ; $6 60
for extra and $7: 87} for extra family ; receipts
small and but' very demand. Bye flour
steady at $5(45 25, Corn meal at $4 26. Not
much . demand for whisky and ;only ,3,000
bush. red soldrat..sl 68@1.70... /lye Beady' at
slo6.;;Corn dull ; slies 4 of,2,ooo bush- at 900
for,both yellow. andcwilite.;.l. ,8;000 b*L- of;oats
sold at 80@82e. Cotton i,4011,nt 66(§16flic.=
Coffee held firmly; no Edo .here in first -hands,
and stock of other. kinds only reaches 2,000
bags. Sugar and molasses are fair. In pro-
Jeisions, no change ; sales of mesa pork at $l5 25
415 50 and 200 tierces of hams, in pickle - at 87,
499 c. Lard steady at lOygtlic for bbls., and
12c for kegs., Whisky firmer, sales of-Pennsyl
vania end Ohio at 46igi46c.
Nzir Yoss, hlay.2.
Front San Francisco
Arrival of the Europa at Boston.
• . Thew Yorts., May 2
Cotton dull at 66®66ic. Plow dull. at a
dig:tine of 6c.; ealeit - Of 500 bbla. at $5 90(0 05
for State; $6 95437 06 for: Ohio, "end $6 95®
7 80 for Southern. Wheat (Relining and
nominal. Corn lower; sales of 78;0110 bushels
at 88®89ic. for sound, and 85@87c. for un
sound. Provisions quiet but unchanged.
Whisky. dull , at 46c.
[Written for the Telegraph.)
In which, the Doctor Dimmed the Cop
perhead Distinction bet Ween the Gov
ernment and the Administration.
The Doctor is a-man of large study, great
observation, eminently pions, and a thorough
Wriut. The infirmities of age have made visi
ble inroads on his. physical powers:, but fail to
effect an intellect of much more than ordinary
strength. A sound - thinker, and an interested
spectator of passiog events, hie opinions are
worthy of the record I make of them. The
reader must become familiar with the Doctor
through his words, for in es,imating iris char.
acter I feel as if I were in the pasition of the
counter scales when they attempted to give the
weight of the eleven-inch cannon ball—not
quite equal it. The 'Doctor has, no opinions
that he is afraid to express, and may, by man
agementihe induced to converse on almost any
This will account for the variety of topics
.discussedla these papers.
I was examining the fine military map which
has a conspicuous place in the Doctor's library,
elide the Doctor himself was engaged in some
business with Captain'Soale. The business
despatched, the conversition turned upon na
tional affairs.
The Captain is not a captain at this time,
but like the almost martyred Colonel, tondays
tzenator from New Jersey, did hold a position
in the balmy days of, peace and.annual musters,
and retains the etitle. He is a pleasant looking
man, with a cheerinl face, but an unfortunate
way Of-sneering depreciatingly at every allusion
'Wale BUCO6IB of oar arms or the efforts of the
Government. Being reproved rather sharply
for this by the Dcctor, the 'Captain •by ',Met
excuse, expressed his sentiments tittle , stereo-
type language of the sham Dintioeriley.
"Yon supPbtt they Government, but oppose
the LithditiatritiOtt,'litaid the Doctor, tepeat-
Mg, the Captlithi'vords. '"Then you make a
di:auction liditirtseiriwo things that have no
separate existence in fact 2"
The Captain thought theie wets a great deal
of difference between the two if' the Dcctor
chose to examine it.
"I define Govermkent," 'staid the Doctor, "as
the administration of puhlio alai* dither accord
ing to establisbete'reles,- obustitutions and
laws, as in a Repnblibi'or'by arbitrary edicts,: as
hi a' monarchy . G o vernment is simply the
conduct end' direetion public affairs. But
tat us take the views of the ablest men among
atoll.) who' are embarrassing the mitintly , and
'free what it. dmonnts , Let us say t Gov
ernmbitt kilbe'lltiteni of polity in a State the
`form of 'fithilamentad Pules and rpgraittiolus by
which a" Inititire Or Stategovtinlial; or by
of a ttody f politic are' to
regn4te, their. ; 'a minstitation
whidliia.:4fitt-ted &dies of citizens and
public officers are prescribednind•defieleit."l
"That ienny siew.,preciselyr Azolaitlesf
Captain._ "lauhruit.gaittocally irrfavorof ou
beneficent system-„bt government,,and, fully'
"Theo let me see if L can as correctly extolling
yotie distinctive idea of the Adtrdoistration.
Let °nay' thatit is the executive pirt, off , (he.
government the men who' are for the lithe hitt
entrusted: With the' exercise of goveEnmept;
`the suptiinteideriteof public affairs, and the ,
enforcement of . the lows. Is this your view; f"
Toe:Captain thasight, it was.:
"Then/ continued. the Doctor, "you put
yourself in the absurd..position of pretending.
to optieselitutt yon;expreseyonirsilf in favotiot
Your position is not only oolitically wrong ; !
bat l ogically' impossible. How d3ri you be In
favd of "a splint et - government and oppose
its necessary operation and effect, or how as
sume allegiance to the comititution• and". frith
hold support from the chief mav,istrate created
by it and elected undeniably according to:its
provisions. , • • .• •
“..Thit;" said the Ciptsin, ilrhen the Presi
dent-dose not administer the - government ac
cording to the coostitution, the people vertainly,
have a right to oppose him."
"When such is the case, thq.,fight to opiiose.
May be conceded," replied tlitt*Doctor,l
it is not permitted to shallow brains and h
or partisan judgment to decide upontAp I*hp.
ty of his- acts: . Thentionstitution,Wctriushich
you prcifesi so much drivotion, provides a Way,
for treti q g suchigneatiens, and until it it so.
decided, no map, who regards tii r resp,ect-of
Intel** Petals or really lives ircithe i tuleipiaoy,
ortireunnstitiltginNAll presumerto gasslnch ,
Men may :verycproperit.diffeias.toAke polion
of a law, but whin once enacted:And' nhtil' rern;
pealed4they haVe nolright to resist. , oravppose
its eifenutioll."
"But; sir, we chit tLe.raghtlO oppciee the
adminit ; tratiqt fOr its arliitrao 'arrests and foT . ,
,(lechirillethe *l lO O PANF- 1 of slaves," isPlied
" " '
o g, ' Then you claim:as-a right something, that,
doss not exist,'.- saidythu,Doctormarrnly.,- Your
public leaders have openly declared their hue
-**locked t
tility to the vernmeht on these ground -to
the great eni t iVassmeut of the cause. If ey
are sinc'erit;t * Ur:kW up for eir
ignorance—or, if tlity d. Ett) for political effect,
(a more likely motive,) their treason should be
punished. In a war ; dec!artd, whether
rt bdlion or atg.itt , tit a foreign p twer.
the Government has a right to tie support of
all its people. Every man must E l iprtrt the
measures necessary to br•ng the war to a sue
cessful termination. To oppose or to embar
rass the Government in any way, is to give aid
And comfort to the enemy, and i• treason.—
The executive is in his position by the necessary
operlition of the Constitution, and is compelled
to make every tffort and use every mean to
make tbti laws supreme over the whole land.
In this work he must have, and I believe has
the support of all loyal citizens—for, in the
language of Douglas, "Every man to ust be for
or against the United States Government.—
There can be no neutrals in this war ; only , pa
triots and traitors."
" You certainly do not m ean Doctor, that
all who withold their suppor.. . the admin
istration are disloyal to the LrlS7-3 , .."
"The conclusion is Inevitable replied the
Doctor. "To distinguish between the Govern
inent and the administration is a humbug. To
pretend that the adininistration is a party con
cern,and therefore may beopposed is a pretence
gotten lip to diniinish its" resibthig force in the
struggle:against rebellion. Many men of am& I
ficaltirs who get their opinions ready made
from their party leaders - may be oilskin) in Say
ing so, but the effect is disloyalty nevinti(eless.
The natter is straggling for tts life. It is cow
ardly and irielcnsable to withold your assist
ance in its defence, on the pretence that you
do not like those who are most prominent in
the cause. Their efforts, are for the preserva
tion of national existence. The cause is yours
—is every man's. And there is no escape from
the conclusion, that the man who cannot, and
does not support them heartily, is disloyal to
bis country and in favor of its enemies: That
the distinction which you make between the
Government • and the Administration is mere
pretence, may be abundantly proved by observ
ing the men who make it. In nine cases out
of ten they, rejoice over rebel successes and na
tional reverses. They deride our Generals and
hold up the-leaders of the rebellion as the em
bodiment of military science, and make no
secret of their sympathy for the South."
The Captain was somewhat offended at the
Doctor's plain language, and said something
about the "freedom of speech" as he took his
bat to leave. His subsequent visits to the Doc
tor were, however, frequent, and other conver
sations upon prominent national topics will be
Barron, May 2
(veryagreeable to the taste)is more effectivein
cleansing the circulation, and thus removing
all diseases which aris-i from an impure state
of the blood, than ONI Dom Burros or &ass-
Penults. =lt h not a Sarsaparilla, although it
contains as much of that drug as is usually
found in preperidione purporting to be rim
&raver'Mx, depends for its success upon a far
more (Ave &punitive agent. It contains not a par
tide of mercury, but on the contrary is the
best antidote every et discovered for the ravages
of that insidious and dangerous poison. It is
wasuumrso to dike out awl thoroughly remove
all diseases which arise from an impure circulation
which eh 00-ab& by any wane Oae dollar per
bottle, Ed/ bottle& for $5
Principal depot
EWING'S DRUG STORE, 280 13altimors area,
For sale in Harri .burg by
D. W GROSS & CO , Druggiete. (ipl7 Iwa
WANTED=Right wood chop pe rs. Good
wages will be paid. Inquire at PETER
BISHOP'S; two miles below the Dauphin coon
-ty poor house. my2.14t0
FOB SALE —Two building lots, 20 feetjront
and 110 feet deep, on Cumberland, street,
below the Ridge road.
CST-Yesterday, In going to the Round
lEU;use, a Ali bared WOOLEN SI! AWL,
&leo, a female cANARV:BIRD. The 'find- r
will be suitably rewaidell v by rein ning the
• na32dlto Coy. of Si" b Raid South Sta. ,
THE regular stated meeting of. the Meystone
Club, will take place Monday, May the-Ith,
at 8 o'clec,k, P. w Punctuil attendance Is re
gulled. By the Secretary. my2-2t6
:MOT= is hereby given that letters of wi
ll. ministration were this day hoped to the
subscribers, on the estate of Daniel Rain, late
of Middle Paxton township, Dauphin county,
deceased. All creditors of said estate
will pre
setlt.their clalink.and those indebted make In?,
mediate psysiontev
Middle Paxten,AprilifitL
1868- ~uty2drwdt
,mrvprn .
• •-,
'•• - IJ:tn.& • Tpartnershiplnntitefore existing betweiii
lifrich,/k B mmamtlii. - tha dry goods bust
nessiathls dariApril24.lhillB63, dissolved ; by
mutual tonsentk .Thempiviving partner, C." L.
Bowman, will settle up the affairs of the - I,ate
firm, and continnathe badness at the old stind,
sontbzaast comer of Front and Market streets
' z.1113'2444, •
Ews. Morttakei, towiir of : Attorne - .97
trmada mad jtuaicea' Black foi.iale at
my 2 MSG. F. SCHEFFEWS goakatore.
TUST..CPan, a fee of Photogra ph . A.89#314
my 2 ,
ANAIIY-BIRD L )ST, , Of light "yellow color.
A imitable' reward will be paid -if' left with
ASTOUT BOY for =the blacksmith ehOp4salso,
. a few goodlaboriog men, at the.
ri ,myllt • . EAGLE. WOBB.S.
, -
HE stock and fixture* of one Orthe beet
located Tards 14 Uwe. Addiesa
13 4 1- .l'9Ft BOX: 336, PosTonion.
ITSTILkY 7 Leame to the prembrat of l .the sub
jsOribei, residing at Clark's Ferryt'elPhlon
dai, April 20th, 18§4, THREE STRAY SRIZP.
(*der itie4aested iciromine forward; . love
ilriWerty and Vatcherkes, ot'the $l3 - cep *ill be
sold according hiw. v; • -
raptAlt•wBltl'• • 'WILLIAM , WARNEL
1 4 14.1.6 N .CA DiDA:TE Fbii sHERift
Tvilkum, be a candidata ,fie tb ;
office of Sheriff _at the molt . t4e c t ifidt, and
tioliolts the votes of , all.lkntost men, taw:line
A, WM:Gruen ai d:: Rack Rea; Inver's],
F . T9utig Zweelixry,! Oolong; dtc4, &c.,
for ado by NICHOLS &130WMAN,'
• gAgmOirgikkauft Atlgdost
Nun 'Attnertistmtnts.
M. •MC-KOK ;
Cheetnit street.
: 1 ) T
el 3)
CRi ii
B,mN l.RAesktts,
‘s; TM do.
We receive supplies ‘l[ t.i.. al. ,ve • very 4 et'n.
and our costumes can tkere,,re rely up.,;: then
being Fresh. lap2B] W5l. DOl'K, ‘.l
AN election for St:Yell
Free Cemetery will be 1,e:1 oil 11:1:tiay
May -I, 1863, at two o'dt•ck, P H . . at the IVe6
loyal" Church, corue. of Tattile...,; &ley
South street. MARTIN PELRY,
ap27•clid tary and .lie.t,tivr
PRICE ii.oo.
PERSONS wishing to engage iu
maps can be furniaied, in Kny qua tity, by
addressing D. D. BARTON,
Cumberland county, P 3., agent, Kt puld.i.,he.s
prices, with freight added. Goad a,ut- tan sell
from fifteen to twenty maps per cay, :th,t
Ilse a handsome profit. apt; - tiwc-
ger IMPORTANT. -lila
IF you want your Sale of a pearly whiteness,
go to Kunkel's nod get smie t f that famous
Soap, which constituted a portion the cargo
of the show Prowess Royal, which was captur
ed same time since by our fleet, while attemil
ing to run the blockade at C'haritsfort Can only
be had at KUNKEL'S
ap2b-tf 118 Market at , 11.1trisburg.
riAIIERON, COLDER, EBY & CO. are gni,-
scription agents to , dis.,usa of the-e b0u.16,
who will sell them at par, in sums t.. 1 suit pur
The interest on these bonds is Fix per cent
and will be paid in gold.
Of any aim nt4 in the standard sty lea trill be
made to order.
• Cheap Bookstore.
Both dwarf and standard, as good iu
quality of the tree. and as extensive in ; ari ty
ea can be found in the country, at Kep.toue
Nureery• Lar l7 .l J. NitSii.
REV. IS. H. Sasnar,A. Id ; Mrs. P. P. SHEPLEY,
Principal; aided by a full corps of excellent
Teachers. Accommodations for sixty boarding,
saholats. This Seminary—now in its °levet/a l
year—with its pleasant surroundings, and ap _
propriate accommodations and apparatus, con _
tinues to commend itself to all who desir„,, th e
best culture in all which pertains to f ewa j e ,
TERM. —Board and Talton in tb
.a regular
course and Latin, per session of ft* .re mouths,
$6O 00. Instrumental &twin, in&
_ruing Thor
ough Base and Vocal Cultire, Stc. on the most
approved method, $lB 00- A
.11 branches of
Drawing and Painting, in Watt r Colors end Oil,
from $6 00 to $l2 00. French or Ferman,
$lO 00. The next session w ill commence m ay
11th. Catalogues rent on 'application.
• Enquire of H. A. Thom' go°, F<q , State Da
partment, Harrisburg
WM. COLEIWR,, PLUMBER, has removed
his Plumbing shop to Third strut, telow
Sanford's Opera How, where ha is prepared to
do all kinds of P'Aurabing. All work is done
under his coati sFpervision and persons can re
ly upon having. their work promptly executed
and in the tarsi. manner. Persons about erect
tog new buildio.ga would do well to give him a
'call, as lie is prepared to put in all the livest
The beet city references can be given as to the
execution of work.
Harrisburg Venitian Blind Factory,
iaILINDS made to order for churches, parlors
Ail and hotels, that will fit any window. Per
sons wanting blinds can get all the information
desired as to pri. - es and the sizes of windows by
calling at my shop, or by sending me a few
lines by mail. Samples always on band.
South Second st., a few doors below the Pres
byterian church. mr26 doaw2m.
Princes Melodebns cto..
0018DEONS, Iyaums AND MU&-
Of every kind.
Large -Pier and Mantle Mirrors
Photograph haute% and Albums.
at-the New Music Store of
No. 12 North Third Street, above Market.
•-• •A large afOortuient of
zPA.12L0.2? SUITES,
Oi the latest and most elegant styles, uphol
I t Y and HAIR CLOTH. Also, a Lugs assort
ment of , M.ARELE Toe CENTER TABLES, of
desirable patterns.
mr24 dlt-w3ra
NOTICE is hereby gi-zeu, that letters of ad
minktratiou were thio.day' iisucd to the
subscriber ou bite estate of Wil'lo ta Heune, lat e
of the city of Harrisburg, Dauphin coir .it,
deed. All creditors of alkixt estate will r- v ereeert -r t
their clahus, 'and thcatinAttillted make immedi
ate payment. VIM w. CO d - DEN ,
.f.25-dtt-wet* to*.osinistrator.
WANSTEVAtak MILr ilA and Recruiting
Mime, MAW States V P :wide, Bounty, Arrears
of Pay , aAil l SObiasSeA':, * Claims, &c., &c , made
oat anil"colifictc4 ETJGENE SNYDER,
tiottled, jusiiigYeeeived and for sale by
mrad • • WM. DOCK, Ja , & CO.
.And Goosberries, , at Keystone Nmsery.-
- apl7 • MII3II
ivitmausei ram! =adulterated, and made
1.7 04a ttu? Imakinaterial' . For sale wholesale
- 11.4 - 91 Market street
' dna. hi
, I i. d
Lurral do
Prop. Dud Prio