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'''..-- e -- ----- -- ~... II -,...., I ' .A.--' ,-. ~- - , _. _. ---,-.-.,....,----- ...,. _ • - .., ~,-. ~...,-. .., .-., -,.... ....z,_ .:...- - -- ~ ~..= . ;‘,' ` . A „k, ~. - ~ 1 ,-..---3...---- ..‘„ - ---.-- -- , --i -, ~,, z...‹.--- t. , ... .......;:-.,, ~....z, -; ~.. ® ---,-,.-- , 2 -,, , ,..- -.....:, ..... .- ..... _- = : T,- , T-,--- ' , —..._ _I ":" ----,- c; 14:0 RG E BERGNER. 1 1 TELEGRAPH. IS PUBLISHED MORNING AND EVENING, By GEORGE RERGNER. Office Third Street, near Walnut, TERMS OE' SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION. The DAILY TELEGRAPH is served to stthsari bets in ibe City at 6 cents per week. Yearly hut:ow:fibers will be charged $4 00 in advance. WEERLY TELEGRAPH. The TELEGRAPH is also published. weekly and turn 'sued to subscribers at the following cash rates : Single copies, weekly Tea Lopies, to one postoffice Twee ty i 4 A i cEslasuro R& .—The following are the t atea for advertising in the TELIGILA.PII. Those ha vi ug advertising to do will find it convenient for reference,. t er Four lined or ledA constitato one-half square. Eight Linea or more than font oomsti tilted a square, YR; 2 4iNs 44 s,„ Eiz ..-I.ar• • • • • o EVP 7 a 000000 0 1•124 oE,ogBg - -CLmw --- - ja INtaLCo _Q . : cr. 0 gw 8T .> • S•4+ 14.• ••• 0 It., C. 00CO 0> cr , 0 0 Adm Mar lobaratiot, antlees, 1 time a week, alt tf age Make:, tor's Notic.s ex,,cl/ ineertion.... Audi .none ar Business notices inserted in the Column, or before Marriages and Deaths, Erairr Cons mu Luis for each insertion. A 9 an advertleing medium the TELKGRA.PE has tto equal, its large circulation, among business men and families, In city and country, placing it.beyond competition. tiligifilantous. JONES 11.0118E1 COMER OF - 11ARKET ST AND MARKET SQUARE, F_ARRISB:01(1, PA, JOSEPH. F. ItteCLEL..AN, PROPRIETOR. (ILDRainlf OONDUCTIED BY WELIB covanty.) This Is a First Class Haul, and - locrited in the central part of the city. It is kept in thonbest manner, and its patrons will find every riccom modation to be met with in the best home in the country. seBo-dtf UNITED STATES HOTEL RetiCred and Renovated L. W, TEN EYCK, Paoenwrow • e Al,l IS popular and commodious Hotel has „i been newly refitted and furnished through oti,t it, parlors and chambers, and is now ready for IL Z•e reception of guests for the winter season. The travNirig public will find the United s ta t ea Hotel th e most convenient in all parties hits, of any H u t a ; in the State Capital, on ac count of its access to the railroad, being imine diately between the tv‘o great depots In this city. 11.1.RHIBIKTR0, Dec. 29, 180,-Sin SMITH & EVVIBG, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAIk, OFFICE THIRD STREET, NUB in AttiKET, HARBISBUBLI - , PiIiNICAI arILL attend to the Collection of Bounty Yip Money, Pensions and arrears of Pay!. The widow or other heirs of any soldipr, •whii - iiirtfdie by disease or be killed while lin to , United Stated service, is entitled to $lOO Lc laity money, pension, and all arras rp4iff pay, tk rot eel;sed‘soldier. imylOyAdOdi.o FRE . BEE GROCEAIES 1 & BQWMAN, (Corner of :.Froftb MO Market Streets,) i A BE constantly -receiving from first h4ds A large stocks of choice family groceries, phr• chased for cash, which they .. alV.thereby enat4ed to sell at very small advance on city wholesale prices. They would respectfully inform the public that they do nob ;deal in nor keePiliny intoxicating •liquors in way quantity, large) or small. nir ELERMETIdadatT PEACHES, , TOMATO,. PINE APPLE, A SALMON OYSTERS; SPICEDIOYSTERS, LOBSTER, SABDINEV; Wfd. "ME, Jr. & CO. For ado b :y. FRESH SEEDS 1 . NVPhave received for this season pore than - Citlx our usual stock of FLOWER SEEDS . . Some choice varieties on hand. also, OAT: den and Vegetable 0344 of the Waft:Oil* KELLEWS DRUGSTORE, 91 Market street. -4- wr27 BIBLES MW HYMN, BOQIIST ALA ROE and splendid stock . ufjooket imd Family Bibles. Presbyterian, Methodist, Wausau; German Rehm mad, and other Hymn Books, just reli , .ed at BZBONEITS CHkAY BuopTow, COAL- OIL, a further reduction la Coil !Oil, superior article of non-explosive Co4oll, for sale very low, by . 1 NICROLB & BOWM4I Car. Front and liaricetAe. * inr I A . 3.1.14,,, citron and Currants., by NICHOLS & BOW.WAN i - a Corner Front and Market 81,6". lataricaL DR. JOHNSON BA.LT=MORE LOCK 11.0SPITAL. diScovereci the most certain, speedy - And effectual remedies in the.world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE RC= IN SIX TO TIMM HOURS. NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. A Cure Warranted, or No Charge, en from One to Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder,lnvoluntary dis °images, Impotency, Geeral Debility, Ner vousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Eft art;Timiclity, Trembling 3, Dimness of Sight. GT Giddiness, Disease of the , Head, Throat, Nr se or Skin. Affections of the •Liver,• Lungs, Stt mach or Bowels—those terrible` disorders arising from the Solitary laabits'of Youth— those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most bril liant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, impossible' - $l . OO 9.00 ..17.00 YOUNG MEN Especially, who haire' become the victims of Solitary Vice, that ;dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced lieterdngSen ates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. II .s 2 9 a- X rlEi fg... Married Persons; or Young Men contemplat ing marriage, being aware of physical weak= trees, organic debility, deformities, &c., speedily s 2 ..`4 a zg°r He who places himself under ;the %Di of Dr. J. may religiously confide in hia honor as a gen tleman and con fi dently rely upon Ma skill as a Physician ORGANIC W •AttNffiB EfE Immediately Cured, - and full vigor restored.. This distressing affection—which renders life miserable and marriage impossible—is ,the pen alty paid by the victims of improper Indulgence. Young, persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful conk!, quences that may ensue. Now, who that un derstands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the pro 'dent. Besides being deprived the pleasureß of healthy offspring, the most serious and destruo tiVe sYmptoms to_ both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened, loss of procreative power, nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpita tion of the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility. a wasting of the frame, cough, con sumption, decay and death. °mot, No. 7 SOUTH AMMIERUME BTRZET, Left hand side going -froth - Baltimore street, few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. : II to 19 ea ....1,2 26 an Letters must be paid and contain a stamp The Doctor's Diplomla hang in his office. DR. JOHNSON, < Member' of the Royal College of Surgeoni,,Lou don, graduate from one of the moat eminent colleges in the United States, and the grey ii part of whose life has been spent in the 1241- tale of London, Paris, Philadelphia abd i Wee where, has effected some of the Most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled 'with ringing in the.head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden aonnds, basliftdikess, with frequent bluaVng, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured immediately. • TARN PARTICULAR NOTICE, These are_some of the sad and melancholy edects produced by early habits of youth, via : 1 wsikhees of the back and limbs, pains in the beak dimness, of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous irritability, symptoms of consumption, &o. . MF,NT&LLY.—The fearful effects: on the mind are much to be dreaded—loos of memory, c4O fu,ion of ideas, depieselork of spirits, evil fora bodinga, aversion to society, self distruatelove of solitude, timidity, &a., are some of tiremills produced, YOUNG MEW] Who. have injured themselvea by a , certain practice indUlged- in When alone, a habit fur quently learned from evib , companions; , or, at wheel, tint ,effects' , of,which are nightly felt,; even whenLitaleepi.itndt. if not cured renders marriagro , inipotsible, and destroys both nand aka body, ShOuld apply ,immediately. :, ; What a pity that a young men, the hopti of his country, the darlineof his parents, should be snatched from all prospebts andcpnroyikeptit of life, by the consequence. of deilathig ffrom, the path of diatutt and indtaging in A , certain secret habit. ,Suchpersons =Ns bef,ore contem plating - 0 t . - bIAUBLI.GE, Reflect that a , sound ;mind and body are the. I most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without tkese, the, jfair ey throngh:life becomes a weary'pligrhrtaiak i he prospectbourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes sludowed`with asps& and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another beceinettlighted with our own. *,-: DISEASE OF IMPRITDENCE • When the m i sguided_ and /votary 1 - 4.. - ,imprudent of ,pleasure finds:he hatambibedthe,secids of this :painful disease, It too often happens that an, ilitimed sense of shame or the dread of dis covery deters him from A pplying to those who, -from education and .r espectability, can alone befriend him.. Habib into:the hands °tiger rant and designing pretenders, who, incapable of Curing, filch .his pecuniary su bstance, keep him,tritlin ~ month after month, or as long as the struillest fee earl be obtained, and in despair _ leaVe him with ruined health to sigh Over ,his galling disappointment , or, by the use of the , ,': dlitfjoken Heronry, hasten 'the constitu v. timid symptoms of This terrible disease, has affecticos of . .the Head, Throat, Nees; W a m ,LOgrcipiing with., frightful rapidity Ail, ,„. th puts aTericid Willa drtiiiicjit4 sfigertnp bi 4. d itig him . to. that undiocoxered country, from whence no traveller returns. i, IITDOSSEMENT OF-THE 1.1 ) 1Wil. The many thousands cured at this kultitution' year after-year, and- the numerous im_ o ctant surgical operations perfertinidly Dr,. J - on, .witnessed by the !reporters of the Bun, , d many other • papers ; notices of whichhave appearedp swill:rend again before the public, be tides his standing as a gentlemen -of, atiarapter and reoPonsibilitY, is a sufficient guarantee' to, the ailifeted.el ~, - 1 1 .7 u -skis, "ASEIN . rtenfiti.BPEEDlLY CDBEDI 01FICE, No. 7. MUIR FREDERICK 87 HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 2, 18G3 Two Days MAItItIAGE RE New 2brertioements. LIFE• INSURANCE The Girard Life lasurame, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. OFFICE NO. 408 CELESINIPI MEET. (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND ANUS • $1,643,386 THOMAS RIDGWAY, President JOHN F. JAMES, Secretary. ONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON V LIVES on , the:most Teaeonablelterms. They act as Executors, Trristeesand Guardifuni under last Wills, and es Receivers and Assignees. The capitalo being paid up and invested; together with a large and constantly int - treaidog reserved fund, offers a perfect security to the insured. The premiums may be paid yearly, half 3i gai ly or quarterly. - The company add a BONUS periodically to the insurances for life. The FIRST BONUS appropriated in Decamber, 1844,f-the 813(X)ND BONUS in December, 1849, the THIRD BONUS in December', 1854, and, the FOURTH BONUS in 1859._ These Additithis are made without requiring any increase in the., premiums to be paid to the.company. The fellbwing are a few examples from the Register . ' Ihmount of poll/3 , p o li m , I Sum Bionus Of I andixinni to be In - "" Insured. addition. creased by future I , , , ~,,,.• , . 1104iPons• No. 89. $2,11- $ 887 tool „,$BBO7 $o " 132: q ll 1060 001 ' 4050 oo i " 199 1000 - - 400'001 .1400 00 i " 333. 6000 1876 001. 6876 00 i =BE '._l • BPRalita COFFEE ! COFFEE I COFFEE If WANT.ED, every Grooer and the Public to Y I try. WORRELL'S NONPAREIL PREPARED cop FEE. Warranted to give satisfaction, or the mon y refunded. It is universally acknowledged t e BEST EVER USED. Prepared and for sale at the Eagle Steam Sp e and Coffee Works, No. 244, North Front, (c r ner of New et ,) Phpadelphia, Pa. mch9d3ind ' HOWARD WORRELL. jai° ctly T. J. McEitITICVA.N Importer and wholeactlst dealer in THREAD, TAPES, ''HOSIER :Notion.s, iSce7, MATCHES AND BLA'CBING, No. 2 Strawberry Street, Phikulelphia. • f CHEESE+ . - , • ~..• :. . , Prime Goshen,. • , ..Eugliah ,Dairy, Pine Apple . 1 Sap Sago, • • for. sale by. Wht. DOCK, Ja., &-00 3 / apl4 GARDEN SEEDS Shaker'a, Mt., LabattOn, N. Y., and Prigge & Bro., lloolteeter, , N: Y '-A large invoice, eoinprlaing eveiy variety 463bription, just receive and for sale by CO '414 ' WM. DOCK , & CO DRIED FRUIT. • DRIED Peaches, ,(pared) Dried Peaches, (=pared.] Dried ,A.pples. Dried Pluma, ,Dited Cherries. mcied Blackberries: For aide by [aprlo] . WM. DOCK Jr ~ . & CO - , lATRITING FLUIDS :- .77 80e5' AunnieitnW •1' V ing Fluid; a a'pleudid et 62 to per quart ; ARNOLIYR Fl HARRISON'S Cloluniiman Writing & REIBELFIRTI , D'S Ink, COpy Ink, Oininineilpd Red lnkr of thebsetqnali quo Ink, Mac SC Aq. ap6 sc6tFiTteps tOOKSTOIIE • . (AIL 'OF 'AIX. • . • . delebratediSalad ; Oil; wlth law; al, other olioice Wands; -M low and email bot „ „inst.rer-eived-andrfor ealeibr • apl4 . WM. DOOKiJa.; 48t CO C6Al';: OIL JARMAN'S, that do ryt nled any chimney, and no wind, Tot he light out Pia/ and-,xagtifii - NICHOLS al,v;isWritar, • - .• • jlB Cor, Front and : ,44arket Ste 110075 T PENBrin the t world, tot •760 p JJO $1.60, $2l, s3;eind , s4, tot-side at • 53b16-y1 : " ,b 4,8 ou I.SAPLLA AND CATAWBA GRiPE":9INik strong aid thrifty, ` ; two 'yam old; at reduced 0408, at 'lPiysiOne Nurkr., tlci9lA(l B B vqx STOUT and '. SCOTCH ALE, of the best brands, always on handiand for,sale by Cap/41 . WM. DOCK, ja.,. CO,, G REm. CORN. Wlnelow'a Fresh areal Corn just received by • janatf- W.DOCK, JaCO ./ & /00 T'o lj ta SEl toeT, for ll stlfe e ver i Volifty ch 21" NIQH(AB & BOWMAN, : f2B Corner Front, and Market Ste. I\FORTDN'S CELEBRATED PINE APPLE 1 1 1 - CEIF,ESK, direct from the manufacturer, areffor salti l by WK. DOCK; Ja., 8t.C0.. , TIBIED BEEF AND BOLOGNA, a very choice 4..Arlot,,jdet received and.for sale by mrBo , .19ild. DOCK, Ja., & CO. ACHOICE lot of superior Becon, just te . ceive4 fqr Ego low by • • 'NICHOLS BOWMAN, • spl Cor:Frtint end Market streets. SALT, ground; alumotahton , : aud dairy, in large or man, quiultities r by.:. • LIICHOIB •8/.. Bo %WAN , al Oor..Prontsn Market streets ..B°KEIL) A'VERY 'chide.; article just received, aud for sale by WM. DOCE, Jr. : & CO. Nan abtotrtistments. PEIPETER'S DAILY LINE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Look Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, ilnil ey, Uniontown, Watson Sown, Milton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, 'bunion, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Willersburg, Halifax, Dauphin AND HARAISBURG. , The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, the drayage will be at the lowest rates. Tle Cmiductor goes through with each train to attehd to the safe delivery of all goods intrust ed to the line. Goods delivered at the depot of FREED, WARD & FREED, 811 Market street, Philadelphia, by 6 o'clock P. M., will be dolly ered in Harrisburg the next morning. freight Always as Low as by Any Other Line. JOSEPH MONTGOMERY, Philadelphia and Reading Depot, ect2l—tf] Foot of Market Street, Harrisburg. WM. B. liIKADIBURY 9 3 PIAN 0-F BRIE ESTABLISHMENT, N 0.427 Brdome St., NEW YORK. THE sublicriber respectfully invites the atten tion of his friends and the public generally to his Piano-Forte sstablishment, at No. 447. Brimme street, corner of Oiosby street. Having withdrawn his interest, stock and' materials, the late firm of " Ligh.te & Brad birrys," firth Was dissolved 11 the 31st• January, ult., and hewing purchased the entire stock of Piano-Eerfes and Piano-Forte Material, owned by his brother, Edward G. Bradbury, in the said Ann, he is now_prepared to supply the increased demand for his celebrated Piano.For tea. • Employing the most skillful and' experi enced workmen, with a large stock of the best and most thoroughly seasoned material, and an abundance, of capital, he has taken in hand the personal supervision of the whole business of manufacturing his instruments, and is enabled to turn out Piano-Fortes of unequalled font and duratileneas. BRADBURY'S NEW SCALE PIANO-FORTE. In the arrangement of our.new scale, drawn• and prepared with the utmost care, expressly for our new instruments, we have added every improvement which can in any way tend to, the perfection of:the Piano-Forte ; and we can con fidently:assert, that for delicacy of touch, vel ,ume, purity, brilliancy and sweetness of tone,: combined with that strength and solidity of frame necessary to durability, Abase instru merits are unequalled. " &maga and Beauty" is our motto, and we Invite the Closest criticism, of the best unbiased jud es in the land. ciW Every instrument warranted for don years. WM. , :B. BRADBURY, 427 Broome et., cor. of Crosby, New York. m 2 dBm. FOR BAf:'X. 200 IitTSEHILS' prime -Thatat0ea............,.;„ 200 LBS. Buckwheat Flour. 800 bbls. Prime New York State Apples. Buckwheat and Wheat Flour, Corn,Oats, Fee.d, , Dried Apples, Dried Peaches, Drie Black berries, Huckleberrie=, Raspberries, Elder berries, &c. ChoicLsugar-cured Hame, Shoul ders, Dried Beef, Lira, Mackerel, Codfish, Stu, A'prinre lot of Oranges, Lei:tons rigs, Raisins, - Candies, Sugar, Coffee,- Rice, Candles, Spices; Tobacco, Segars , &e. A prime lot of Sweet Cider just received. Pure Cider Vinegar. ' • For Bale wholesale antlsetsii , N 0.103 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa nur26 dly " b ANIL . 1:11111ENOIC AGENT. tAF, the Old Wallower Line, respectfully, in. forMs the , publlh that this Old Daily Trans portation Line, (tbarr:Only. Wallower Line now in existence in this city,).'is in successful operation and prepared to carry freight as low as any other ledtVidual• line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, 'Sunbury, Le wishurg, Williamsport, 'Jersey Shore; lock Haven, and all other points on the Northern Central, add Erie 'and Willlexnsport and Elmira thilzoad4. DAN'L A MU,Bliell Age n t, Harrisburg, Pa. Goode sent to the Waiblifined bf Meseta Peacock, Z,II Bc' Miachtnan;Ads. 808 and 810 Market street, above ElglitA, 'PhiladelObia, by 4 o'clock, P. X., will arrive at Varriabtiri E ready for delive • , next morning.' apBO-rdniyl JAPENESE TEA. ACFIOICE-LOT of this Celebrated tea just received. • It is'Of the firtttargo ever ire tortedoind le much, superior to the Chinese teas ie quality, strength and fragrance;and is Wm) entirely' free from adulteration,' coloring or mistnre t of any kind. It is the natural leaf the Japantie Tea 'Plant. For sale by j mr4 'WM. DOCK Jr: ; - 4- CO. • A.:P. TEIIPSER, T E Asia H . E t ,. 0 F maslo °MOM /LT WARD'S MUSIC 'STORE, 12 N. Third ?Street. Residence: Third Street, above North. dl5-tf A. STRANGE STORY' BY. Sia & BuLWBB LYTON, FOB sale at , BERXINER'S BOOKSTORE VISITING-, WEDDING, , 'IMITATIQN,,AND a AT ,HOME,,PARDS. DY aorpeclal arrangement with one .of the LI best engravers ia.the country, cards of rely description will be executed in the highest style of art, conformablexith the latest fashion, and suppjjed Romptly,at lowerprices than are,ob tirg l ed by the ,slogimens , York Or' phis. For sauwiee and 'prices call at riehgtf • BICRGNEIVB BOOKSTORt: DBESEILVED. FRt IIB;= hermetically sealed, I In cane and *O,, of all descriptions-. and o • the moat delleloua eh/miter, for tale by. , 16 t WM.-ECM ; Ja., & OO (1 ED All WABB:—Tubs. sizes; Flour V Buckets, pager Boxes, Chtuns, Stands, Large Cedar Buckets, . painted Pails, &c. f 6 . WM: DOCK. Ja.. & . Ad, • • FE,tiOla • and KN43.114311. 8L,4C.K.11401 was 3s t~d~npt onli V.,,rateirt R 01181: of I kfu t to preserve the leather' itself.'tor sale by • 16 WM. DOCK, & 00. COt Ette9rap4. Telegraphic- dispatches were received in this city at a late hour last night, confirming the report of a formidable rebel force having in- vaded Western Virginia.. The particulars of their operations have not transpired. , Assurances, howeVer, have been given by those in position, to know, that there le no danger of an invasion of the soil of Penn- Bylvnia (;Special to the 7ekgrainej A large bank barn, with its contents, con• stating of an immense stock'of grain and hay, belonging to Samuel Gerinan, was entirely de stroyed by fire to-day. The horses and cows in the barn at the time were removed and saved after great difficulty. It is not known bow the fire originated.. ONLY ONE TRANSPORT SUNK.. NEW Your,. gay 1. The Iribune printieictracts from aletter dated near Vtoksburg, which saysothat only one of the ,transports was - sunk in tht: p tr;‘age- of tin rebel batteries on the 23d ~ • the Other reports of four being Sunk au.? .toad is a canard: - • (en,,Banke'_•Late Brilliant Sueoesses. The National Republican this. afternoon has' semi-official dispatches from Gen. Banks, dated near St. Martinsville, of the I7th of April. He did the following brilliant , thingS Marched over 300 miles, beetinst the enemy in three battles, dispersing his army, utterly destroying their:navy, capturing foundries at 'Franklin and ..Ifew- Ibna and ' demolishing the salt works, ten miles southwest of - Satter place, cvturing camps, e9uippage„, seveitil guns, and between one and twq thumping pris oners. He Canna, for sortie months Organise the army or the 'navy in that part of Lonida* Duriloss waslbetween• six an& seven. hundred. Notilktlit-bbnld MOO Atadiackof. 401131 main We have also itrciailibfAlittkott-445-- A officers of sea and ' WAR IN WESTM:tINFINIA. THE FIGHT AT 'OREF*AND GO A GALLAN*ASIEPENCE. The following dispatch was yesterday re ceived from General Kelley by Lieutenant S p ta ol.l ;: nel Cheseborongh, of General Schenck's . _ W. H. SpLE & CO GRERNIAND GAP, HARDING CO., VA., I April . 2B, 1868. 2b Lieut, Cod. Oheseborough, A. A. G.: The affair at-this place on Saturday was one of the , most gallant since the opening of ,the war. Greenland Gap is pas. through i the Knobley mountain only Wide enough for the road and a 'small mountain stream. This gap was guarded by. Captain Wallace (23d Illinois) with a detapintient of company G , 23d „1 - _Llipoia Regiment, and a small detachment ok)orepany H, 3d Virginia infantry , ' Capt. 'Smith,- in all between Seventy and , eightyllien. • j• '1 Captain Wallace copied a- large church'at west end of and•tear the moutrof the gap and, Captain Smith - held a log house about a hun' dred yards distant t. both positions commanding the gap. Jo es was compelled to capture or dislodge the little hand before he could 'pass. His troops made three gallant charge:Out were each timerepnlsed withi great loss especially' of officers. The 'fight commenced at five, .a. m.:; 'and lasted till s after dark. "'The - kebob, availing themselves of the darkness approached and fired the church, but thegallant Irish boys would not even-then surrender till the burning roof feel in. The killesi and wounded of the rebels outnumbered our whiSie hires engaged. Five of the officers out -of eight commanding the leading battalion, hich made the first chaige were either killed or wounded. Among the latter Colonel Duhum, command ing. Captain Wallace and Smith bad only two , men killed and foiir mounded I counted to. day eighteendead horses within musket range., I moat eargedly, request the Major General Commanding to apply to the Secretary of War to have every officer, an-commissioned officer and private engaged in ithe fight ;presented with a medal in* recognition of the gallantry dhplayed... to . - (Signed,) , B. P. Kst.ter, Brig. Gen. General Schenck has preMptly recommended the participants in iids'gallant defence to the special• attention -oftthe Secretarylof War.. WILD AND 14100VBDBD RUMP Our streets have made dismal this morn--' lag, by the circulation of a belles of wild and unfounded rumors, each andof which, as tarnsve can ascertain, are wholly unfounded. The first of -these reports was to the effect that - thi:toWn of etuMberiand, - Maryland, had faileriqiito . the bifida - 6f the , enemy, 'Mid that the gnat viaduat over the Potomac bad be4n destroyed... We- made inquiry as to the fella 4sgon,of the report, and gottmswer: "WO' are starving for 14W-the enemy is t!rail3r cavalry fofee;ltted -tiOveu only where theists no force to ;Ado* Mar, and ; plenty of korAffi to; 80 04" , (1 The next rambr was to the ,; that' Glen: Hooker's army had been routed, and was fall- FROM WESTERN VIRGINIA. THE. VERY LATEST Vire neat , Ihrilliainsport. WILLIAMSPoRT, May 1. LATER PROM VICKSBURG FROM NEW ORLEANS• WASHINGTON, May , L A BUDGET OF RUMORS. B A UM:HUBS, MaY,/ PRICE ONE CENT ing back in disorder on Washington. The only answer we could get to ouz queries as t. the announcement was: • "Not a word of truth in it. 'ibere bus been no serious fighting yet, and all is well with the army up to the present time." The third and last of these reports announces General Milroy as being dtiven tack from Win ch4er which was again in posse sion c,f the enemy. Our latest advices from that point ate the very contrary. General Milt oy had enct,nn tered a large body of the enemy advancing from Strasbdig, and bad routed them %%lth heavy loes in killed, wounded and pi iseners So also the rumors as to the movements of the enemy on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. They, have partially destroyed two bridges, by sudden dashes at unprotected points, and sec in a fair way of suffering for their temerity MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. `Cotton quiet; sales of 300 bales at 66(467 Flour lower; sales of 13,500 bbls. at a decline of 54320, State,ss 9006 10, Ohio $6 95®.7 10, Southern $707 10. Wheat declined la 2c, sales-of $7,000 bush. at $1 63 fot red. Wheat lc lower; sales of 28,000 bush. 84094. Lard .bn3yant at 9-i®.101). Whisky firm at 461.046 Stocks buoyant. New 2Umertirtments Ayer's Compound Extract Sarsaparilla. NO one remedy is more needed in this Lona - , try than a reliable Alterative, but the sick have been so outrageously cheated by the worth - lees preparations of Sarsaparilla abroad that they are disgusted even with the name. Yet the drug cannot be blamed for the impositions from which they have suffered. Most of the so-called Sarsaparillas in the market contain little of the virtues of Sarsaparilla or anything else. They are mere slops—inert and worthless, while a concentrated extract of the active variety of Sareaparilla compounded with Dock ; Stillingia, lodine, etc:, is, as it ever will be, a powerful alterative and an effectual remedy. Such is Ayer's Extract of Sarsaparilla, as its truly wonderful cures of the great variety of complaints which require an alterative medi cine have abitudantly shown. Do not, there fore, discard this invaluable medicine, because you have been imposed upon by something pre tending to be Sarsaparilla, while it was not When you have used ATl:WS—them, and not till then, will you know the virtues of Sarsaparilla - For minute particulars of the diseases it cures, we refer you to Ayer's American Almanac. which the agents below named will furnis h gratis to all who call for it. Axe's CATRAHTIC Pars, for the oure of Les *emus, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stoma, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Decal lawn arising from Disordered Stomach, Pain, or Morbid Irusction of the Bowels, Ilatuleney, Lass Appetite, Liver Onsgsksird, Dropsy, Worms, Rena, iNatralgia r andkrUe.Dkister Pill. They are•sugar-ceated, so that the most aitive.can take them pleartuttly, and they are - the-beet Apesiot 102,. i tbe world for all the pur -1 -of a feris*,Phyrita.: .os Five Bozzi wa $1 Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations which they make wore pro fit on. Demand ATZR'S and take no other. The sick want the best aid there is for theta, and they should have it. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Loynd _ , MisisOhuietts. . Sold by C. A. Bannvatt, D. W. Gross & C..; , C. K. Seller, J. it. Ltd; Dr. Body, F.. Wyeth and dealers everywhere. WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVER- WARE. UNDNRSIGNRD would reapeetfully tn. ' I ' 413 1 yciiir attention to hie well selected stock of Fine Gold and Silver WATCIIES, Ftua Gold JEWELRY, and every kind and variety of styles—compromising all of the newest ani most bandiful designs. Also, Solid SILVERWARE, equal eoain, , the best make of Saver Plated Ware. Ea, h a :Fide ds warranted to be as represented. t rWatchee and Jewelry carefully ropall el an satisfaction guaranteed. JACOB HARLEY, (Successor. to Stouter 8f Harley,) twa-ancq No. 622 Market Street, Plilladelph!/. Dis. MoCiJNTOCK'S PECTORNI, la SYRUP. "our lungs weak I Does a long breath Aloe you pain? Have you a hackin4, .A gongh : l Do you expectorate hard, tough mat tet ? 110) you wasted with night sweats sod wait of si .opt If so, here is your remedy. It will Unquestionably save you. Price $1 00. The above medicine has been used extenaivo.y M this city with good results. For sale at BKEIGNER'S BOOK STORE BAR - RING-TON. A Novel, by CwARr Levee, AIITHOR of "Charles O'Malley," &e., 0119 vOL, paper, priee%o emits. For sale at BER.GNEH'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE . VFlail-REEN TAMS, And shiubs Of - all leading kind's, and of 'all sizes, from one to fifteen met high, for sale low at Keystone Nursery. J. MISH. ALL kinds of Garden Seeds, just received and fondle by NICHQLS* BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market Sta. f2O POTATOES_ MERCERand Peach Blow. A largo supply of the above in prime condition, just re- Calved and for sale by aprlo WM. DOCK, Jr., St VNGLISH DAIRY CHEESE, the very beet 1U ever offered in this market, for mkt by mr3o WM. DOCK, Jig., & CO A.THCE,92, ZIL Different colored double varieties ; Whit Fringe, Purple Fringe, or Mist Tree, and other shrubbery,. at Keystone Nursery. J. MlSid. :ETAMS, Dried Beef, Fish, Salt, in large or .11 small quantities to suit purchasers, tor ealo low, by Ricaots & '&00 Cor. Front and Market street- MOBACCO—Congrea3, Navy, Pittsburg, &c, 1 together ' , kith-a large stock of cep, a , fuc ucIa;by,NICHOLS& BOWMAN, ap2O Cor. Waft and Market streeti 1 English and Irish Taw and Mahon% iquitOlia; fine brnarnental' evergreen shrubs, at Keystone Nursery. japlB3 J. WEE. 13 NSW YORK, iklay j