.. - . • 4 i. -.-• i r • El-1 7__... ellilim ilim p s‘ , Wit' k : \,,, A t ', , -*:,\- ~ ~_ 1: , :: , ....N, "....., ~, '3•‘\ 4 4 -• lX' "°. • ' .... If ... ? k ,_--.. ---% • -`l,-. -':- , •-:-. , - .---,,--*- ," •i x `.-,,,,,,‘, ,A. n" • ...v. ~ -..5,„ N. ---..- • I:2t ,••• ~.'.... . ,„ ~ _ . .: ~•• ..., ik . , t '-'.; .; te ,' * = '- • --.-:- .. .., - :, ~.. - t i: _ -: ' - 7' ' , ' - ~, •• , , i, , , ,.. , , ;•;•' .... . ' ' • ',1".: . •, 1 4..4' ,' • • .4., ‘ 4- I C llO` r' ; • ' c'' '' ' •'S -: , . • ,_„•• „ e •7-;:' ;:' , ~.. ' .:-..• ''''' i i :.:.,-. ~..•- ~.,-' - 2 ' --: „,, _ _ .. - L- ' t •,4, • -,•,- '''''.N--..,..------,-- •4,'' •••,... ':.,. ,;.., ,-,-_-_-- - 7-- - --. 7 1.-: - -, -ik k ,.. \ • ~- .......,_....„-=, ---- -,..,.- -. ---=-------- • i'r# ' -'•,-'\%‘,\ inemommo... _, Y GEORGE BERGNER. HARRif, '.G, PA., FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 26. 1862. .'.,1 scrllatrouy Ntu btrtisenuts. Neu. llk aiturrtistntents 0 -1.- I t ER piii' l4 .PHlC ALBUMS STERLING'S Allilrit.oBlA NICHOLS Si BOWMAN, i 3 . ) --- ':i ' FOR THE HAT It , - Just 4 v , t BERGNER'S BOOK STORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL itt) MISCE , ittIIPC -, /,'' i 7. . GROCERS, sere a full i; '' fl '‘ ,f,‘ BLOOD BATIEN.ILA CC( n per p A RAPHIC ALBUMS, * - 1:. '.--..,-, ',,,-. Corner Front and Market Streets, dition which in - incidentally $4 , • ''.; 'Vu E m b,,, the new Styles and Sizes. ITARRINVIRG, PENICA. Pliny, the ancient kings of Eg Kay T -d - - - bathe in human blood when t Uishet. ALB .* 12 PHOTOGRAPHS. ~,,; , .-Fr// i i" 'k WING to the demands of our business, we seized with leprosy. A similar , ‘..,/ have enlarged and improved our store ;islatu f i l \ told of the Emperor Constantine ; b they 1 0 1 OR 20 PHOTOGRAPHS. room, and respectfully invite the at tention of seems to have been restrained from ..= / . the public to our extensive and well selected he fel ', FOR 24 PHOTOGRAPHS. ploying this revolting remedy in cons. -..-_- stook. of . been cure •MS FOR 30 PHOTOGBAPT-"- GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO- quence of a visi o n ; and heo aid to have i Semi-Vi-11 dbaptismgreat weight BUMS FOR 40 PFIP— MESTIC FRUITS, CEDAR AND WILLOW- - - by 4 6 Weekly ) ALBUMS v`" WARE. ~ 10, We offer for sale , ; - THE 'TELEGRAPH IS PIJI3LISIIED EVERY DAY, BY Cx b:01-1G-P, BERGNER. -SING LB StfIIECIEIPTION. TERMS- The Unity TELVGRAKI is served to subscri bers in the City at 6 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will l e eli,trged $4 00 in advance. WEEKLY AND SEMI-WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, Ihe TELFARAIII is also published twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and week - ly during the remainder of the year, and fur nished to subscribers at the following cash rates, viz : Single oiliscriberd per year Semi-Weekly $1 450 Ten si 12 00 Twenty ‘, 22 00 Single 1 00 ADVERTISING BATES.—Tho following aro the rates for advertising in the TELEGRAPH Those having advertising to do will find it convenient for reference. lir Four lints or buss constitute one-half square Eight hues or more than four consti tutus a MEM e.0!!,0-gslag=s 0 tr? 3 a'f" • o , a , - ;• i;•-crorPr. • T• • ff. a.:;c.74...1: 488...2.8t82:8g80 411. N "6:;:;« , 0 , 4- 1••••-• EEIMMTDM VIII V• 8 8 t" 8 t : 3 .•-• t.l 0 .0, to do. 1* fp PI A.. 0. -I 0 ot oco 00000 00. IQ 0 -I an .4. Cro V., I- 4 0 J,O tnG 0.7.010C1 , -7 4 -OO c CT -I 0 •-t 1,0 0 0 , 0 0,0 ova 8 . 16 ; v. s . s 80 88 Ahitlll Marri Audi Funs Bt:'lSOg'BBB'3 inistrsiiss v4iiaces, 1 limp a wi.uk, six II ,ago NI/IWO torY Notices ..,......... ... N, , tires oach ......... Business notices inserted in n or 1,. fore Marriages and Deat • NCR LING for each insertion. CO/U CEN business (Oath. JUN It, 8 ci ftNll.l.l OF MARKET ST AND MARKET SQIWARE, HARRISBURG, PA. JOS IC rII F. McCLICLLAN, PRO PRIBTOB (RECENTLY OONDIJOTED UT WELLS °OVERLY.) . This is First Claes Hotel, aril (mated to the central part u! the any. it is kept in the beat manner, sod ite patrons call thud every accommodation tone met with In the bons butuwn in the eenetry. te3o-.10 PEIPIIER'S DAILY LINE! BET WEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lodi Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, cy, Uniontown, Watsontown,. Milton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin AND HARRISBURG. The l'hilittlelphis Depot b !Trig centrally locate 1, :the Drayage ill neat the Lowest Toe Condu °tor pee through with oaub trivet to ntt,ntd to the earo de livery id' all cods intruAthl to the lino. U 013.16 dOliVer -0,1 at the Depot of Freed, Ward Freed, 811 Markel street, Philadelphia, by 5 n'elcok, P. M., wit' 1)1 dohverod in tiarrieburg the next morning. Freight Always as Low as by Any Other Line. JOSEPH MONTGOMERY, Plvituleiphit :to Heztding Depot, icuo. ut Nlaricet Street, Harrhoburg. oit2l- Ili B, J. HARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer, NO, 112 MARKEY SIREE7, HARRISBURG. Va A 8 always on hand a lull assortment O of Tit and .J.nninuod Ware, Cooking and Parlor &wing co Om nom imutufaCiurieti, 611140• Sponling, Hoof jug and dalvanized Iron Connell, manufactured and put up at rrastu,aolU rates. Age - ktei airing promptly attended to. 114' A. C. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE THIRD STREET: NEAR MARKET, HARRISBURG, PENN'A, WILL attend to the Collection of Bounty Money, Pennsiont and arrears of Pay. Mr The widow or other heirs of any soldier, who may die by dieease or be killed while ip the United States service, is entitled to $lOO bounty money, pension, and all arrears of pay of deceased soldier. [ 10y-rd-dlO LINDEN HALL, MORAVIAN FEMALE SEMINARY, At Litiz, Lancaster. Co., Pa. FOUNDED 1794. Affords superior advantages for thorough and accomplished female education. For circulars and information, apply to REV. WILLIAM C. REICHEL, octlEed3m Prin(Anal. P11.4.1.F. ADOI4 PS It', TEUNEII. ' WOULD respeetfully inform his. old patrons and the penile goncraily, that Ite4ii . : continue to giro instructions on the PIANO .0 (LEV- 1 LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science el '11 , ,-,_,1•,, , BASS. Be will w'th pleasure wait upon re lll— ''''. homes at any hour deeired, or leanori . ,"" cr m • his residence, in 'Third ecr,iet ' ' Ural Lg . German Reforrroli 'Them, Ail . . .it Line, respeatfui DAN'L. A. IKT - r . wit tut. old lialy tr.op. Line now in tense , i IF the Old arallo i w a i r oper akm, arid preper e f.k;c: A. JI Inferno-a, ' l ' l°4 2 BB orherindividnal Una b Dr I. Don Lily's as law asnay r s vii ,bury, LOWlebUrg, I this ClSgt, W.'. "- - U g Loe . ig Darer and all other rte jevseY=2,-P hiladel ph ia end Erie an 401 - on tboi` Tuthern i r Railroada• 111""P"t "La Elm a DANL. A. IllIIHNCIL; la Agate _ Harrison , Meagre. sell, eat tethe - Ware 1:0 00 of_ oo ,k, safeet bov e Innen, Noe ees and IRO wa.„ art a a 116. rb.nadelptila, by 4 &cloak, P. _,__74" . 1 V I burg, ready roe delivery nest were , . yawl DR. JOHNSON LOCI HOSPITAL! A S discovered themost certain speedy oleicako remedy in the world for A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in from one to Two Days. Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures Attentions of the h Itheiya and Bladder, Involuntary discharges; Im potency, General Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Lan g nor , Low Spirits, Confbeimi of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Trembllngs, Dimness of Sight Or Uldd.l - Disease oi the Read, Throat, Nose or Skin Wirer tines of the Liver, Lungs. Stomach or Bowelii—ihose for rible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth —these 8110itltr and solitary Frost 'eitiy more fatal to their victims than the song of yrens to the Mariners of Ulys ses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, lie., impossible. Young Men Ever:tally, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive halm which annual• ly sweeps to an undmcly grave thoupands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intello. t, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the ,tiundere of eloquence or waked to ecstasy living lyre, may call with full confidence. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating ml nage, bciug aware of physical weakness, organic dobi ly, deformities, dui., speedi:y cured. He who phloem himself under the care of Dr. J. ri4 religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and ce (Ideally rely upon his skill as a Physician. EMI 2.31= Organic Weakness Immediately Cured, anti full vigor Restored. This distressing Affection—which renders lie irc Me and marriage Impo,mble—ts the penalty paid t victims of improper Indulgences % oung pereoes apt to commit exce•ses Intro not being aware dreadful cida:eqi mimes that may ensue. Now, wl ,) uuderstande the subject will pretend to .'en} that t or of procreation le lost sooner by tense falling i proper habits than by the prudent Besides be privet the pleasures ol healthy offspring, the noun and destructive symptoms to both body e arise The system becomes deranged, the Ph; /dental Four:boos Weakened, Lase of Procreate , Nervous lrratibility, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of Indhgethoo • Coustautteu , l Debility, a West] Frame, Dough, Consumption, Decay and Deaf Office, No. 7 South Frederick Lett hand side going from,Baltimore street, from the corner. Fail not to observe came a Letters must be paid and contain a steno fors Diplomas hang in his efflee. A Cure Warranted in Two No Mercury or Nauseous Dr. Dr. Johnson, Mealier orate Roy al College tit ilurgeoue, nate groin ode of the most eininenteutioge States, and the greater part of whose hie In the hospitals of London, Paris, PhOsoc whore, has effected some of the most a that were over known many troubled the head arid ears whim asleep, grow ii alarmed at sudden aaaads, lialihitdao blushing. attend. it times with dei Wore cured immediately. 11 L- at ta Xfr a .2 °' MI :40„ r OE es... S 2 25 lIJ he Local 6, EIGHT HOUSE, Take Particular Dr. J. addresses all those who ha \ by Improper indulge -cc and solitary both body and mlud; unfitting them study, society or marriage. These are SUMO of the mud iond me dowel by early habits of youth, vie Dock and Limbs, Pains in the lied' Loss of kluacular Power, Vandalic poppy, Nervous Irratibility, Derail Functions, General Debility, Synd an MstrieuXe.—The fearful (duets to be dreaded—Loan or Memory, prossion of Spirits, Evil Porbodini Self Distrust, I ore of bohtude, Tr the evila produced. facunasetna of persons of all le the cause of their declining hi becoming weak, pale, nervous siugular appearance about the of consumption. Young Who have injured themselves edged in when alone, a babi evil companions, or at school, nightly felt, even when aisle( marriage impossable, and dr should apply immediately What a pity that a your try, the darling of his pa . all prospects and enjoys of deviating from the pal certain secret habit. Sr plating reflect that a sound mi nary requisites to prom Without those, the jour pilgrimage ; the prosi the mind becomes sht the melaneholly reflo Mammas blighted will Disease I When the misguide finds that he has Ina ease, It too often hr or dread' of disco , who, from o Meal friend him, delta this horr d does conned sore tbr the head uud lil the shin bones a extremities, prf lust the palate • is, and the viet object Of COMIIOI dreadful sof" - rered EMI It is thin terr. Taut prefect, Mercury, ruin We miserable. Trust eel Unlearned ledge, na vertieetnt regularly keep you and pow the an ed healtl Dr. Jo Hie et Hie prop' rope, vete COAL OD I limp Shades, WiekB, N IuROLS & 613 - vm AN, neys, for We low by • COrllwr Front and Pdaraet atreata. vinll it newly replenished stook of Toilet m id Fancy Goode In unsurpneeed in thin eitY and g confident of rendering natislaCtiort, we woad roe Vest fully invite call. KELLER, 511 derVel strept, two finer! cull nf,Fourtti Meet, south I'iRESEi FISH every Tuesday and Friday at JOHN WISE'S Store, corner of Third and Val , Anyiy 1 zlMtat B AS. ler 31,14013.3M1 DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE EMMET IN SIX TO TWEINN EIOURB. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. Marriage pile canal ~, r oeery store and Roekvi. * !e . iitry * p.orinpfir duir:. . i .ituatendli ,, ,.:, . li wn ea ti ve the ßa U r pd ris e b g u r r ov , e fro Loc tiu k r er_opurty_ , / sense of shame the pcn-4.•Yoeieganal and weak _on g •he .' ty, can alone be. ttPPViog to those rivr--roddi will be .rildir applied Lir gm .anal symptoms enCho grocery store, line lit the caual ; i' olie,ot flue very lied zasco, such al ul new barn And stable ham' Z'''''t I" ay - one k nOctbrual pains in boat team can be locked up' ° ... l Y been hoi it, deniness, nodes on sheds, lity houses, corn crib, MrOtelY. in the head, face and , ice house, bay wales, and indae re he' , itful rapidity , till at ! that is necessary for carrying on' verl cones of the nose Call place is within three hundred yards' lsease become: a horrid depot, on ttni k'enusylvanta railroad, an, th puts a period to his Scbuylltill railr " oad also. Persona wield , him to " that Undiscov- Please apply on the retthees , t° traveler returns." aula-wtjauletlad3 thousands fall victims to be iinskilfultnees of Igno re of that Deadly Poison, vas mate the residue a to the care of the many Oretendere, destitute of know- Who kitty bt..i Mason's adver toselves in the newspapers, dune incapable of Curing, they after mouth taking their filthy ,pounds, or as long as the mailed id in despair, leave yes with ruin• ydbr galling disappointment, only Physician Averaging. iplomas always hange in his oars, eatment , are unknown to aU spent in the great boel.Gra a country and a more my ether lent of thlwooft by, Om re: ourtutai-;llltd—huiray tither pat ~veraprilla'ed • again and' &gala 1.421.14.1iding air* gintlaatan of ditty, la a andisrient, guarrantem fie Cured- , be perteuter m ‘litecting diet? -.41811;ibltle folloWinemonier 41 JOHNSON. I. D. the Beitbsiore Lock Hospital, Hultimori: ma, Twenty-five Dollars r I CLOTH, WITH CLASP IN FRENCH MOROCCO, WITH P. ;IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITH TWO .SPS. IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITH ELLED SIDES. IN VELVET, WITH CLASPS-VERY IN MOROCCO, WITH LLEAVY OUNTINGS AND CLASPS. 'URES FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. )RTNAITS OE DISTINGUISHED MEN. TRArrs OF DISTINGUMSED WOMEN. COPIES OF RARE ENGRAVINGS COPIES OF CHOICE PAINTINGS. Any ()arte de Visitie published in the country be furbished to order PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Of any size nut in the standard styles will be made to order. AYER'S PILLS ARE you sick, feeble and c,omiilaining P Are you out of older, with your system de ranged and your feelings uncomfortable ? symptoms are often the prelude to serious lU ness. Some fit of sickness is creeping upon you, and should be averted by a timely Lae a the right nauudy. Take Ayer's Pills, qnti cleanse out the disordered humors—puri.i lie mood, and let the fluids move on unobsti ucted in health ag,di They stimulate the fun. dons of the body into vigorous activity, purity the system from the obstructions which matt Jis ease. A cold settles somewhere in the body, and obstaucts its natural functions. These, ii not relieved, react upon themselves and the surrounding organs, producing general aggrava tion, suffering and disease. While in this con dition, oppressed by the derangements, take Ayer's Pills, and see how directly they restore the natural action of the system, and with it the buoyant feeling of health again. What is true and so apparent in this trivial And com mon complaint, is also true in ninny of the deep-seated and dangerous distempers. The same purgative effect expels them. Caused by similar obstructions and derangements of the natural functions of the body, they are rapidly and many of them surely, cured by the same means. None who know the virtues of these Pills will neglect to employ them whets sulfur ing from the disorders they cure, such as Head ache, Foul Stomach, Dysentery, Billions Corn plaints, Indigestion, Derangementof the Liver, Costiveness or Constipation. As a Dinner Pill they are both agreeable and effectual. Paton 25 osivrs rux Box; ou Fiv>a Boxas FO 6 wull Prepared by Dr.. J. C. AVER & CO., Massachusetts. Sold by C A. Bannvatt, D. W. Jrrom & Co., C. K. Keller, J. fd. Lutz , Dr. P'eY, F. WYeth and dealers everywhere. • ti n fight, iqh; o ,tutu, 1=93 iota ty , MO O 1 e what vigor lviug a mptoths etteo In gad from which aro renders aud body, toe coon latched Irom j eoukequence ado Iglng in a before contem- MOK necoe iese. Indeed, omen it weary to the view and filled with ewe OC another A RARE 4 BEANCE FOR A BU.ANESS MA.N EltiE Opdegrovo Lock Pri graCery and Rockville 11011 , 3 e, et olibve Harrisbur,,ls noW oftorod for , another column, or apply aulB-leadulat.lBdl - 1) 10, Dandelion, and Harley j_l) csived and for sale low 12 NlCfraz sir o o r 13°18 CHOICI 11.111PDJ.1.% CHEAP at JOEL Street, next door to 61190 ANOTHER LOT O!. sAwI3I,OI3APEs, Ch ItllTh Cali th t - 4,8 et eft, • Rront aid mai OEM VIGB, Date-, Pr kinds 0, Nina, at JOU Walnut. • • .1 - 15 U 0 ( W V I t E : 1 I t 5 w I..)AsKETs, TUBS, and .1,1 and Cedar Ware. a 01 6 E1 al4 Chr. Fr°'' ,rof&Toils! 300 .1113$ 618ofi'6§‘IMicl qL just r em-rad-and for sale low WM. DOCK, #to'ikid OCt2a Li it ELL.141.1e6 . I)KiJGE &TORN is " . ,#lto Oft . NI, to quit-rwoot Modlolagi*, BERGNE Cheap Bookstore. !fM Raisuis, WiBEN ihor. LB , fron 1 C d. O,gni Clow _S BOW* and ,Isfaxlcutkr LOCUST TREE Q.EVERAL Hundred, from six ,;, -.7 high, for sale cheap, at the AEfANIDSOSIE HEAD OF HAIR is a crow's of glory. With proper care and culture it will last as a protection to the head as long as the nails do to the fingers or the eyelashes to the eyes. STERLING'S AMBROSIA is the only rticle yet discovered that will bring about the desired results. fl is a prepttration the result of eeience and experiment ; the science point ing out what was needed, and experiment find ing the required properties iu certain roots,barks, and herbs. it has consumed a long time in its preparation, has been tested by persons of most undoubted reliability in this city, and is by them pronounced perfect, and the only satisfactory article, and is now offered to the public. The proprietors, determined to give it the most thorough tests, practical and chemical, and now 1 certain that it will make the hair grow luxuri antly on Bald Heads, Preventing Grayness and Baldness, Reinvigorating and Beautifying the Hair, rendering it sort and glossy. DR. Sprattrase's AMBROSIA is a stimulating, oily extract of roots, barks, and herbs, and, aside from its neatness, permanency, and glass, it is medically adapted to preserve and add to the beauty of too hair. The only article yet dis covered that will Cure the Disease of the Scalp, and cause the flair to Grow. CERTIFICATES This is to certify that about eighteen months ago, 1 COluttletiCed using STEALING'S AMBRoSIA, My hair was short, thin and rapidly falling out I had tried many Hair Tonics, In viitorators, !to., without receiving any benefit. &sat after using the Ambrosia, my hair ceased tailing out, and commenced growing so rapidly as to astonish me. Now my hair is thick, soft, and and is five feet four..inches in lengtil—when let down, reaching to the floor. This wonderful result I attribute solely to the use of STNRIJNO'S Amintosis., as since I commenced using it I have applied nothing else to my hair. MRS. LUCY A. BROWN. Sworn to before me this 15th day of April, 1861. H. N. FARRAR, Com. of Dear. City Hall, New York. For Sale by D. W. GROSS & CO., Har risburg, Pa. iil44lBm 80. SHELIANBERDER & BRO., 80. MERCHANT,TAILUS.ANO •CL-OIHIERS , 13IJ Market b'ered liamatoury. r I •diE largest and most extensive assortment I of Ready-made Clothing, suitable for win ter wear, is ispw offered for sale at the above establishment, at prices to suit the timsl3. Also, a completes stock of Gentlemen's Fur nishing Goods, of WI descriptions. They have also on timid a large ;issortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestii.gs, which they are prepared to manufacture 10 oiler on the most reasonable terms. (1124-1 m GRAPES 1 GRAPES I Lo't' of Nine, swot Grapos, just received, and for Haiti low, at WISE'S FRUIT STORE, Cor. Third and Walnut Sts. nov6 N RiIIBLOB, and Prune t , , just re coifed and for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN. Oor. Front and Market Streets CHIM NEI'S, Wicks, Shades, and Gime-Cones, for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, d 8 J Cor. Front and Market bra. CaIOIC E SYRUPS and BAKING MOLASSES for sale cheap by NICHOLS Cor. Front al nl4 r 110 BA CCO Cavenqii 1_ Twist, for sale low by o,rner PW Mil fll! SUGAR NICHOLS & Owner Front ani HAVANA ORAN JUST received by [did] WM. DOCK LUCK WHEAT FLOUR,--W3 Buckwh, at Flour, no esti wed and for sale by NICHOLS & Corner Front and ptism. NO great wer e ,. can be attached to these ill authenticated stories ; yet it ie but too true that, both ikr ancient times and in the middle ages, dri cided healing virtues for the cure of le '- rosy were supposed to exist in the bl 0.-- of innocent children and virgins, and at occasion was given thereby for immix. ess : cruelties. It is needless to refer he to the remoter traces of the belief in tl ex piatory or healing properties of pure oode they ramify far, and pass into th most ancient times. Cures of leprous people with the blood of animals, in enVoyirg which certain symbolical customs fere ob served, are mentioned in the looks of Moses; and it might not be difficielt to dis cover similar forms among all the nations in the world. During the middle ages the delusion about the healing vioies of lhu man blood which must have e ad horrible effects in the great plague ofelepreey, re ' ceived a check from the in Veesiou that only the blood of those children and fy i virgins would prove e cacious, who offered theniselveti freely itiel volutitarily," for a beloved sufferer. Thliii idea, l iee pae" Het - duly expressed iu thrie:tnuctsing4fab of "Poor Henry," whie*forniereSem• of POSTAGE STAMPS WHICH HAVE ma. sect of one of the most ran knight, USED AS CURRENCY, TO BE RE- ..- • the thirtemitti ceutury. :nese, is tweedDEEilED. DEEMED. who Sits ill the lap of her to escape - civil Public n tics is hereby given that, on mid with the leprosy- ~lougisihe world 'lor e after TUESDAY, the 16th DAY OF DECEM- death, ho Eleoliffilatis 4 lonttelier can BER, POSTAGE STAMPS, which have been help. The..Sesistairee sithe what-liens to Sas used as currency, will be receive-I at the Harris- givelhintflere one of the kastersi%ffiakes burg Post Office, and registered for redemption, lernleu. biter' with the a)y . - I h II al ent y t ope between the hours of 9A. M., and 3P. M., l e . ,;,, a ,, ,-,f cure. s= , . I-- - l • ' lie;• daily, it presented within THIRTY DAYS fruit "' s ----- -- "' at rem•t,le torus home, and prepare s himself to Ion:- that date, upon the following terms and COW . Hens, viz: --- . row out the remainder of his days in 84,- 1. Only such as have beau used for" tu ' rel ` cY Lurie. A girl of twelve years of age, the will be redeemed.' daughter of a countryman, conceives a pas 2. Amounts under e 5 will lest-at' ne-„, u l"' 1,1 t r i e d tor the- unfortunate knight, atte ' preeentsaanee- .. --- ~., • ' him affectionas-ely, and, upon accid d y 3. Auronnte of id and upwards must be in .. the _ . tree-will t be single package, closely and securely put up, tlearing of_ ,. suffering, %yid • h the amount inclosed, and the name a.td a ss - t ied,. 3..troinher resolution tot- . 11 ase wittier life. residence, or place of business of the owner, i n s se ,..ivery of her master..._ plaint! . indorsed therenu . Butt it out for Salernilln, bri.-?' c!illte 's• - , --e-ses• nn. •-- iareae for each package, tro, o ls not fatal,; Henry g. aid of the numbered in the order of its reception. l e ery, and feu ards hie gnus bone. b. The stamps will, without delay, be care- e 1 elid W ail Mani: ' ' : ' °l7 .Y . Of Ati l i_ tully examined and (stetted in the order in and A melies i. rue sort, ' which the packages are received. those of the ich affbrds 1 r conchs old issue, and those which have been omens) , for the pre-paymeut of postage, it any (which mg that the s 'e epe e s- fact will be d.termined by this departne et, ter. ~ as ecarce.ly ~,,,, will be deducted from the amount of the pae, le conne,ctio y *lie age and destroyed. The balance will be omit to pia- 'r i p "a_ ,-- tained, and the amount thereof, as soon XI., that t. ^-.1 i + ''n . - ,_`,'-; -.- 0 ascertained, will be paid in Government n proaclring t..„.' ,: ,:j! -"no. --'-' or postage currency to the de site or 16 children. Kitt -: I +l . . - - ~.,_ aot .7 duly authorized agent, upon elat) Prcuf° lOU dent to exalt the :i• Bprengel, too, has, and surrender of the receipt. Alotice of I adi- versiou of Fans , ,: s even spoken of the tiess for payment will be affixed to the bu etit: given . 1L credit board at this office.' case u -ed. gut it is . setual baths , ri-authenticated careere d. Only one package wiliberedemeed for the , : ,_ same party. i Ly no wets' y t etiot discover worth y s.airee. The phy 7. The stamps, before prose:dation, must be stance, fir,- s . _ separated according to the , different denomina in any trAr, to whom the bloody ordi tions. mew , *god, is au historical person- S. Stamps will be reffiemed only upon these „ a n I'S) other than the notorious Jac conditions.age , r ; • 9. The Postmaster flenentl gives positive no : .A. - , , qisieeintitr ADAMS.--When John Quiney We that the time fin.- making, application iii .:,, *as minister to the Court of Holland, limited to THIRTYDAYS, from this date, and .*l'v , red a society of learned men who met that the public be fully warned that if the es 4 /, a week for mutual improvement. Mr. of postage stamps as currency is continued, ' must be entirely at their own risk. _ ,4.,..un5, though one of the youngest mem -tors, soon became a great favorite ; his rely-toned mind and delightful converse don won him many friends, and receiving is much enjoyment as he gave, he was al ways punctually present. On one occasion, uswever, themeeting was adjourned to iuuday evening. Mr. Adams wai t ear .here. His fellow-members e oticed and re ;retted his absence. On the third ;Sunday tvening it met; Mr. Adams's chair was iacant. Many were surprised that he, who was formerly so prompt and punctual, Mould thus suddenly break off. How did .t happen ? Press of business was sup )osed. At last the meetings were turned co week-day evening; and lo! there was , lir. Adams in his place, brilliant and de- /'' lightful as ever. The members welcomed.. him back, and expressed their sorrow tlidt -- - 'press of business or duties of his ofLe should so long deprived them of hi/com pany. Did he let that go as the reasonl- -- "Not business engagements hindered me,” replied he ; "you met on the 14.6rd's day-- that is a day devoted to religious uses by me." He then told the he" leacrshnent - brought up in a land Where the Sabbath' was strictly observetVand from all he had eft and seen, he was convinced of the un )4 i,eakable advantages always arising from thk-Ceithful obrvance of it: 2 -.-- ,_c_-• "- A neoetifektford, England, latel , • a ten peeled note frorcithe _in, 7: ':•_sr . drying it by_ the stove, : 1 .7,, , 47 . t• r a .• /2.T0 masters hand it This i. , ,-,'F-: • '---.r Heft"- fordi`btit Nei:Awe. e'ii::t.•:. s' t is accuse " ' . t:ienennyAgarth touted to go ey,i.neY o '7if ig ' aii i st ,, e ,„, , an d ' idwornarks co noti i ili, is -_ . , iissaJNew- ~ llffitsiknoWs -, *stvirs 1, 'Tztrlt)l4 - , .:ets ' T ' ' I 4it br ', Stasis ith y= doing,. , n the., deg 91r dim** STEWARTS & LOVERIN'S CHOICE SYRUPS, CHOICE SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, of all kinds. WHITE AND BROWN SUGARS, GREEN AND BLACK 'I EA, COFFEE, SPICES, and FLAVORING EXTRACTS We keep on hand all kinds of Country Pro duce ; also, FLOUR, LARD, &c. We call attention to our large stock of supe rior NON EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, unequalled in every respect by any in the mar ket, together' with all Marla of COAL OIL LAMPS, SHADES, BURNERS, and CHIMNEYS. QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, of every style, always on baud. NICHOLS & BOWMAN, ray2o rd-dl6] Cor. Front and Market St, FISH, SALT, HAMS, p ay 1. Rolls, and-Re ado Out. Jen in the em 4ates during the in the Muster- Office of Super-: 3e of Perinsylva iblie that he has .ILY TELEGRAPH