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I * -- .---.: ----.,--.--.,--- ''"" --', ''', ',,: •* N\ , .e . ' ;`,-: t , •`7 - . •Z`., --,1' , .' ,-."..- '' i ...... • - -,. 4 :-.- * ' " Via', ‘"-S' ''' k- 4- .•'.. "•-• ''-•-• , Q)• -- - . -,.. ~..-. . ~,--•,..----:' ~ f #. A.. 4" •- -. :4 ~ ....„ , , _z• ,-.,-, ,- ,-..---_, 4 - • . ' ii' ' -±_-_____;_-=-_- _..:--___-:-. ~, ,\, -, 1 at . ~.. 4 ..t..W '4 14 '• '4 '- ' 4› '' ' '''''-' i . . .- ... 2 .,,A 1ik - ... ' -4 4 ' • • ~...,* --4,40:44 - , ~ , • . . . . . • • BY GEORGE BERGNER. THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, BY GEORGE BERGNER. TERM. S-SiIIiGLIS 851360RIPTION. The DAILY TELIGEATIT is served to subscri bers in the City at 6 cents per week. Yearly pnbscriliera will he charged $4 00 in advance. 'MODEM' AND SENII-WIDICLY TrLDSDAPIL The TBLIGRAPH le also published twice &Week during the session of the Legislature, and week ly during the remainder of the year and fur nished to subscribers at the following cash rates, viz : Single Rnlooribere per year Semi-Weekly $1 60 Is Ten I. " 1200 Twenty " it fii 22 00 Single " " Weekly 100 ADVERTISING Rs:rte.—The following are the rates for advertising in the TILIDGRAPH. Those having advertising to do will find it convenient for reference. Or Four lines or less constitute ons-half square. Eight lines or more than four consti tutes a Pi M M_ ?o:77;'lgo.lini arsi;il,la;: : : : it4B r. assgssgra;sarsa 40 0.. Oci 01 , !.] tp l y SSSISSO3BOVISItat' ;1; 04 00 00 000 05 9 IN cm c. Oa 4.1 OtSiarZUISGSVO pqj s s t 4 IA s'a W a a. a a a a •-• poop OD et ka r• cp. 01 J 0 11:1= • 82 • BtS.V4tBBBl?g: ailminlalration Notice:o quo a week, elz t Marriage Noi Was Auditor's Not teem Funeral N6tires each . 1;181110u. . Business notices inserted in Column or before Marriages and Deat Cum PIM DMZ for each insertion. BUSihtlo3 garbs. JONEB.HOUSE, CORNER cm' MARKET ST AND MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. JOSKPR L McCLELL4I4, PROPRIZTOU (1320ENTILY CONDUCTra UT WILLS OOTBRLI.) This is 14 First Claes lietsi, and located in the central part of the atty. It is kept in the best manner, and ita patrons wdl find every accommodation Vibemet with in the best houses in tho sonutry. sa3o-de FERRER'S DAILY LINEI BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Uniontown, IValsontown, Milton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, but bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin AND HARRISBURG. , The Philadelphia Depot bring eentrally located, ;gm Dram) it be at the Lowest Rates. Toe Closditstor goes ibrough with eadb train to attend at the safe de; livery of all goods intrusted to the line. Goods dethrer ed at the Depot of Freed, Ward & Freed,lll.l MOM strest:Philadelpida, by b o'clock, P. M., will be aslivered is Harrisburg the neat morning. • Freight Always as Low as by Any Other Line. JOSEPH MONTGOMERY, Philadelphia as 1 Reading Depot, Foci of Market Street, .ilarrhbarg. oct2l-11tf B. J. HARR,/ 13 Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Minahietprer, . NO. 112 MANIE2 Ma k, HARRISBURG. HAS always on hand a fullT • aesirtre*t orltu and Japanned Ware (looking and Parlor Skips of the beat raanutatnttriee, Voider Spouting, Aloof log and (hammed Iron tloraiatt, manufactured and pi t Up at reasonable rate& ng promptly attended to. sprBo4ly REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH Erremoved hie Boot and Shoe Store from the corner or liecond and Wainut stireeleto NO. 108 MARKET STREET, Next door to Bayne% Agriculture Mere, where handmade to keep ail kinds of 80013 aid shoos, . 9pitera, Na., and a largo stook of vaults, and everything in lite line of , tin gime; and will tie thankful to receive the Patrotiage iol his old customers aud the public in general at hie now place ochusinass. all kinds of work made to order in the best style and by superior workmen. ifepairing done at short notice. [apr2dtf] JOHN B, BAUM. LINDEN HALL, MORAVIAN FumALE sE*N4qty, At Litiz, Lancaster Co., Pa. FOUNDED 1794. Affords superior advantages for thorough and accomplished female education. For circulars and information, apply to REV. WILLIAM C. BEICHEL, octlB•d3m . li'rinoipal. litUF. ADOLPH P. It:UPSET. UTOULD respectfully inform his old patrons and the public genmay o that no will continue to give instructions on the PIANO AMA ligg„ GODICON_,_ VIOLIN and also In the science 01 vicsigoijnia SAM. He will w'th pleasure wait apes pawn a t their homes it any hour desired, or lessens will be rfveh s his residence, is Third street, * tow doors below" Ah German Relerreed Church. deele-d 'DAN% A. hfITE' AdEST. F the Old Wallower Line respectfully kJinforms the public that this Old Daily 'transporta tion Line, (the onirWallowor Line nor and in this City, to is in suommutful operation, _prepared to carry freight as low as any oilier individual line btaween Philadelphia,, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, WU liamsport, Jersey Shore, Lock Haven and another points on the Northern central, Philadelphia and gee and Wil liamsport and Ilnira Railroads. DANL. A. MIIHNCH, Agent. Harrlaburli, PL. Hoodssent to the Ware Home of Mews. Peacock, Zelt &tl Inchinan, Nat 808 and 810 Mutat will above Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 Wasik, P. IL will arrive at Harrisburg, ready FOr delhury near rfartlng. 4PNIO-rdnayl DR. JOIINSON MIALLTI.IIdr.CI3EI.3EI LOCI HOSPITAL! t_f Ed 3, discovered fne most certain speedy Li_ and effetanal remedy In the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. nitro re lux To maxi 'noses. • No Mere' try or Noxious Drake, A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in from one to Two Days. Weakness °film liack:otLinibe, Strictures, Affections of the kidneys and Bladder Involuntary discharges, Im potency, General DotilitY, Nervollaness, Dyspepsy, Lan guor, low Spirits,' Conti:Won of Idols, Pa hpitatien of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling's, Dimness or Sight or eiddi nem, Di tease of the Heed, Throat, Nose or. Skin,. affee -00115 of the Liver Lunge , Stomach or Bowels—those ter rible disorders arising tom the Solitary Habits of Youth —those smear and - solitary practoCaa more fetal to their victims than the song of :•-yrens to the Mariners of Ulys ses, blighting their most brilliant boyes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Atc., impossible, • roam Men.. Sapechilly, who , have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annual ly sweeps to an unlikely 'grave tbOnsends of Young Yen . of. the Meg exalted talents and brilliant intellect, !rho saightotherwlse have entranced listening Senates with the ihnnders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy 'he living lyre, may call with full nallidence. Efl • . Xarilatte! Married Perms, or. Young Ben cionlemplating mar riage, being aware of physical Weakness, organic debili ty, deferinitiee,' he., speedily Mtred. lie who plaoes himself under the care et Dr. .1. may religiously oonSde is his boner as a gentleman, and con- Ildeni ly rely upon bin skill as a Physician. ..Organs Weakness • Immediately Cured, andfall vigor Restored. This distressing Alfeetion.-which renders I ife. where . bic and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the victims of inaproper in ulgen Young persons are toe apt to content excesses trom lot being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, *hp that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pow er Of procreation is lost sooner ny those falling into tm vetoer habit's than by the prudent 'Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy °Spring, the most se rious and destruitive syMplorno is both _body and mind arise The system beeOntes deranged, the Physical and dental Penchi:mg Weakened, Loss of Procreative rimer, Nerviouti Dispepola, Palpitation or the Heart, Indigestitm, Oonstautiotia Debility, a Wetting. the Frame__ l Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, • Oincer NO 7.11P4 P1. Fredexiek Street. Left hand side going from Saitimore" street, a few door. from the OWL not 4..9tulente'Enine and number. Letters must be paid and. contain a stamp. The Doc. tor's Diplomas hang In ' A Mile Warranted in Two Days. No Mercury or NalUe ol4 4 /AWN. Dr. Johnsok Member of the Royal College of durgeone, London, Grad ante from ode of the most mainentOolleges th the United States, mid the greater part of whose lite has been spent In the hospitals of London, Paris, .Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known • Many MlMbled with ringing in the head sad ears when asiestp, great narv_oussistis, being alarmed at sudden pounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were -oared immediately. Eli . ; 1, F, 4Fri. 2 1' itz 211 0 . Xfril P i6O he Lesal a, Enurr Take rialltinar Nation. "- ,' • • .i. ' I " ' - . Dr. J. addressee all those enolutve injured themselves' • by improper indulge ~ce and solitary habits, whiff!' ruin both bOdy and mind, unfitting them for either busiaess, study, sooletY or =arisen These are some of the sad and melancho Sy effects pro duce! by Carly habits Of yduth, via : Weakness of the Hack and Limbs, pains in the Head, Dintness of Sight, Loss of iluscular Power, palliation of the, heart, Dye popsy Herres ImatibilitY, Ilterengement Of thelitgestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, be ILiurraux.—The fearful effects on the blind are much to bedreaded—lmes of Mimi% totilmion of Ideas; ; De- ; premien of Spirits, Evil ihrhodings; Averelon to Society Self Distant, .Cove of Solitude, Timidity, dro.,"aire some of the evils produced. Teonamme of persons of all ages out now, ridge what is the cause of their declining . ..health; liming their vigor, becoming weak, pele, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of aosesumpthen . :., , , 1 , , . Young 'en. --,_ Who have injure t hemselves by A r pertain practice In dinged, In when alone, a habit frequently learned from companions, or at wheel, the effects of which are nightly fell even when aloe% and if indented ' renders marriage impossible andhlweroys beat mind and bodY, should apply immalately. - What a pity that a Young Man, the L hope of his 00911. try, the darlimpof hie paten* should be snatched from ,all prospects and eisjoymenti of lift, by the consequence . of deviating from the path of nature and Indulging in a ,oartalit leMet habit. Such persona MUM, before contem plating . • . ' . it arnme -. , reflect that a sound mind and 'may arethe most neces sary requnites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without ihmev the murney through life - becomes a weary pilgrimage ...the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the.**fonopr. reflection that the happiness of another tmicomeeblighted'With our own. • : Disease of Imprudence. When the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure ,Mils that he ble imbibed the seeds of this painful dis ease, it too often Wens that an 111-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery ,3 deters him from applying to those who, from education anerespectabWty, can alone be , friend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms on this horr d disease make•thelr appearance, snob as 111 aerated sore throat, diseesed nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deatnees, nodes on the shin bones and arras, blotches on the head, lam and extremities, progressing {With frightful rapidity, till at last the male of the dnoeth or the berms of the nose fall in,. and the victim of thleiwful disease become; a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sanding him to " tbsd Undiscov vered Country from whence no traveler returns." It us a meancully fund Mat thousands fall victims to this terrible disease owing to the unsk drollness of igno rant pretenders, who by the uee ofthat Deadly Poison, Mercury, ruin theisdisiffo' end Make the residue o ,tile miserable. _ Trust not youi OW q ilane , gerselth, te the eereer the many Unlearned and Weill:dies Pretenders, destitu :., te of know iledge, name or oterielbri who copy Dr. Johnson's elver sertisementia• Or sale theneselves in the newspapers, 'regularly liduceted pkvsiollsret nisi le of Curing, they !heap you trilling shaniS iltiegnolteWng their filthy 'and poisonousuess om. mounds, or as long as the smiles, 'fie can be obtained; and In despair, leave yin with ruin .01 health to sigh over Yelir galling disaPPoffilment. Dr. Johnson is the only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always hangs in ins office. His remedies or treetreent are unknown to all others, ,prepared from elite sysilM in the gr eat hospitals of Vu rope the arm initeo ne,entry dada ikeste ...• ostensive Pd. ',vate'Praotice than any other - Phyecian in the world. Indoriamaist'Of the Preis.' The many thousseds'outed at this institsitton year at ier year, and the nemetime important Surgical Opera , nuns performed by Dr. Johnson, witneessed by the re porters of the "Sun," "Clipper," and, many other ,ps ,'pere, notices of which have appeared again and again 'before the public, besides his standing as a gentiethan bi character and responelbfflgif de A sufficient guerraulee Skin Diseases npeedily ,Vnred. _ wthe agualed. . •' , . • Persons writing-shintld be partieribire in diem:din g their 1 otters to his Doddsltion, tu the following manner ' : 3"01111/ X. J 0113113011, Id. D. - / Of the Baltimore L oc k A Hoepital„ Baltimore; Md. .COAL Oil LotrifllliaideiViViCks, China— nays, for alas low by NIOHOLS e BOWMAN, Oca OorSer Fronk and "Market attests. Leo newly replenished stook' of Toilet and fancy Goods Is toosinpassed In this city, lied ro og conedcat of rendering ssitstsclioa, We would r poety Otto ft eon. .. • SEILER, I 91 Market sweet, two dam* Coot oppourte guest, sontb , OM e. riSH FISH. every Tuesday and Friday JORII WOW St" sonler ognkg Inel7 eltbitat. HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 19, 1862. , Office of JAY 'OOOU, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, At JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1862. The undersigned; having been appointed SUBSCRIPTION AGENT by the Secertary of the Treasury, is now prepared to furnish, at once, the New Twenty Year 6'per et, Bonds, of the United States, designated as ".Five- Twenties," redeemable at the pleasure of the Government, after five years, and authorize by Act of Congress, approved February 26, 1862. The COUPON BONDS are issued in sums of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $lOOO. The REGISTER BONDS in sums of $6O, $lOO, $6OO, $lOOO and $6OOO. Interest at Six per cent. per annum will commence from date of purchase, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD, Semi-Annually, which is equal, at the present .premium on gold, to about EIGHT PER CENT.' PER ANNUM. • Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists, :and all who have any money to invest, should' ,know and remember that these bonds are, in effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all 11.41- ;roads, Canals, Bank Stocks aid Securities, and the immense products of all the Menefee.' Mures, Ad., &c., in the country ; and that the 'full and ample provision made for the payment of the interest and liquidation of principal, by Customs Duties, Excise Stamps and Inteutal 'Revenue, serves to make these bonds the I NA, Most Available and Most Popular • Investment in the Market. Subscriptions received at PAR in Legal :Tender Notes, ¬es and checks of banks at. 'par in Philadelphia. Subscribers,;by mail will receive prompt attention, and every facility end explanation will be afforded- on application at this office. ; A lull supply of Bonds will be kept on hand for immediate delivery. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent. nov4-dBr.w3m FURS, . FURS, FURS, FURS, FURS, FURS; FURS, :OF every description. Fresh stock just opened at CATHCART'S Market Square . n025-4w 'text door to Hanish Bank. WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES. Henry C. Shaffer has a large lot of o w.at popo.• and Window Shades on hand, which will be sold very tew. Call and examine. Taper hanging personally attended to. oct27 No. 12 Market it., near the Bridge. . _ 100 BBLS. FINE CHOICE APPLES. 414REAP° at Joitx WISE'S, in Third Street, nest door to Bradly's Barber shop. ALSO, ANOTHER LOT OF 'FINE LARGE CATAWBA GRAPES, cheap, wholesale and re tail. n 032 GRAPESI GRAPES I 1 A LOT of Fine Sweet Grapes, just received, 44. and for sale low , at muff STOIIE, nova Cor. Third and Walnut Sts. DUCKWHEAT FLOUB.--Wyoming Valley II Buckwheat Flour, an extra article, just received and for sale by , & BOWMAN, ' d 9 Corner Front and Market ilia. CORN MEAL, and Extra Family Flour, just revivedand for sale by ' NIOHOLe & BOWMAN, d 9 Corner Front and` Market eta. ' BUCKWHEAT MELIA. 15,000 Wy Lß S ic;rn S i l3 ng P galley. RA, for fr ea 3 l nk e [ds] WM. DOCK, JR., & CO. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 111 EXTRA& FINE just received. WM. DOCK, Jr., & 01 Vii,EBll Lemons and &demo, just re ju calved and for male low by NICHOIAA NOWMAN, 1014 • Corner Front and Market etree.e. IIGS, Dates, Prunes, Raisins, and all lauds of Nuts, at JOHN WWI'S Stow Third and *lout. my l rIB Updegrove Look Property, (haul grocery aad Rockville House, situated five above Harrisburg, is now offered for sale. Illee adver• tisement in another colmo, or apply to W. P. HiNHY. snißdejanlaclB63 RIO, Danielion, and Barley Coffee, just re., ceived and for sale low by NICHOLS & BOWM AN, nolB Cor. Front and Market Stivets. DIARIES FOR 1863. • TE largest assortment of Diaries for .1863 just received, at BERGNER'S BOOR STORE. 11101pASSETS, TUBS, and' all kirids of Willow .13 1 and Cedar Ware, for sale by "NICHOLS & BOWMAN, nl4 Cor. Frout and Market Streets. POTATOES. 300 ;B:',eceiyelf.:d'SfuorertriCtivaality by oct2B-tf WM. DOCK, Jr:, 8 CO. BOSTON CRACKERS. A LIEGE supply of these delicious croakers instroceived and for sale by WK. DOCK, Jr., & CO, ISABELLA AND CATAWBA LIJIAPE . VINES, strong and thrifty, two years old, at reduced prices, at Keystofie Nursery. Uovl-dtf ÜBNEPS for coaloil lamps—Jones' Excel star,, Excelsior screw, and others, for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, d 8 Oar q3r Front and Market BM HAVANA ORANGES J UST resolved by WM. DOCK, a., a 00. • APPLE TREES, ^F*wiest. varieties, at Keystone Norway, Harrisburg. OM 18, 186 L Ortm 2bnatipmenpr STERLING'S AMBROSIA FOR THE HAIR. A HANDSOME HEAD OF HAIR is a crown AL of glory. With proper care and culture it will last as a protection to the head as long as the nails do to the fingers, or the eyelashes to the eyes. SrEausa's Ammons b 3 the only article yet discovered that will bring about the desired restos. It is a preparation the result of science and experiment ; the science point ing, out what was needed, and experiment find ing the required properties in certain roots,barks, and herbs. It has consumed a long time in its preparation, has been tested by persons of most undoubted reliability in this city, and is by them pronounced perleot, and. the only satisfactory 'article, and is now offered to the public. The proprietors, determined to give it the most thorough tests, pradical and cheniical, and now certain that it will make the halt grow luxuri 'antly on Bald Heads, Preventing Grayness and Babinees, lieinvigorating and Beautifying the Hair, rendering it soft mid glosily. Da. STIEELLIDG'S AYISPrOSIA: Is a stimulating, pily extract. of rootsti barks,, and herbsi and, aside from its neatness] permanency, and gloss, it is medically adapted'to preserve and add to the beauty of the hair. The only article yet dis covered that wad Cure the Disease of the Scalp, and 'cause the flair to Grow. CIRTIFICATES This is to certify that about eighteen months ago, ,1 commenced using Suarmaa's AXBRIMIA. My hair was short, thin and rapidly falling out. I bad tried many Hair Tonics, Invigorators, &c., - without receiving. any benefit. Soon after using the. Ambrosia, my hair ceased falling-out, and commenced growing so rapidly as to astonish Inc. ;Now my hair is thick; soft, and glossy, and is five feet four inches in length—when let down, reaching to the floor. This wonderful result I attribute solely to the use of Sroarato's AMBROSIA, as since I commenced rising it I have applied nothing else to my hair. HRS. LUCY A. BROWN. Sworn to before me this 16th day of April, 1861. H. N. PARKER, Cons. of. Deeds. City Redd , Yew York. g For Sale by D. W. GROSS' & CO., Har risburg, Pa. 0 , nl4-dBnil POST O,E.FICE NOTICE. - On and after Mondair, November 17th, 1862, the mails at this office will be closed as follows: NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD. $O4l-WIL vzior places between Harris burg, Lock Haven and Elmira, N. Y.; at 12.40 P. M. SOUTH. WAY MAIL—For all places between Harris burg ; and Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. C., at 806 A. M. For York Pa., Baltimore Md., and Washington, D. C., at 900. P. M. LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD. EAST. WAY - Mem--For • 'all places between Harris busig and Reading, Pottsville, Eastoit and Philadelphia,. at .7.00 A. M. PENNSYLVANIA:RAILROAD. WAY. Men—Ficir all places between Harris. burg and Philadelphia, at -6.80 A. `l , l. For Philadelphia and Lancaster, at .12.10 M. For Bainbridge, Mariet ta, Columbia, Lancaster, Philadelphia and New' York., at 420 P. M. For Ltiricaater Phi'Mel- phia and New York, at 9.00 P. IL WEST. WAY Men,--For all places between Harriss - - - burg and Altimina, at 12.40 P. M. For Johnstown and Pitts burg, and Erie, Pa., Cill clnnati; Columbus arid Cleveland, 0., at 245 P. M. For Lewistown, Hunt- • ingdon, Tyrone, Phil ipsburg, Altoona, Holli daysburg and Pittaburg,9.oo P. M. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. For Mechanicsburg, Car ' lisle, Sblppensburg; Chambersbarg, Pa., at.. 7.00 A. M. WAY MArri—For all places between Harris burg, and Hagerstown Md., it 12.80 P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL , For Ellwood, Pinegrove, 1 Summit Station, Au burn and Pottsvile, at 12.80 P. M. • HUGE ROUTES. For Linglestown, Manada Hill, West Han ,over, Ono and Jones town, at 70.0 A. M. For Lisburn and Lewis berry, at 12.40 P. M. Olice Hours—From 6.00 A: M. to 8 P. M:, Sunday from 74 to 84 A. M., and -from 8 to 4 P. IL GEORGE lIIERGMM, Postmaster PORTFOLIOS FOR SOLDIERS I WHOLE ALE OR RETAIL. AT PRIORS 10DROBABLY LESS than can now be parches "; ed elsewhere.. SOLDIERS look to your interests, and call or 'send to KELLER% brag Store, 91 Market Street, for a Writing 'Folio. To dealers wishing to buy out the lot we will offer an inducement. n 022 THEO. F. EICHEFTER, BOOR AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, NARKE7 BTREW, HARRISBURG. itierafildelar atAentidn Piad to Printing, Rang' and abiding:- of lialined Blanks, Manifesto, Policies, Oheolto, Drafts,4ll :Cando printed' at $2, $3, $4, and $5 . . per in elegant Ogle. • 134? BY TELEGRAPH. FROM FORTRESS MONROE• There is no truth whatever in' the reportri that Gen. Banks or Gen. Emory .are to' operate in North Carolina with Gen: Foster and the troops in Gen: Dix's department. The flag of truce boat Metamora left here this afternoon with 103 rebel prisoners, mostly wounded, who were taken at Antietam, and who had been exchanged. ' It is rumored here that J. C. Jones, Charles Davis, Dr. W. Curtis, it Mr. Phillips, and an other individual, name not known, have been captured by the rebels whilst on their way from Norfolk to Elisabeth city, North Caro lina. They bad goods to the amount of $20,- 000 on board a schooner, which was being tow: ed down the canal. FROM CHICAGO. EXPLOSION' OF A GUNBOAT A special Cairo despatch says the gunboat ?Cairo, when, 21' miles below the mouth of 'he Zazoo on Friday lag, was blown up by a torpedo and sunk in six fathomis of water. No one was hurt, but the entire armament and outfit was lost-. It is thought the torpedo was set off by the galvania biltery on the bluffs opposite. mYIITH COIN Eird3B—SECOND SILSSION Mr. Cowes, (Pa.,) presented a petition asking for the passage of the bankrupt act. Mr. Howenn, (Mich.,) ,presented a petition asking- for the reduction of, duties on crude oil imported from other countries. Mr. LANs, (lud.,) introduced a bill to faCili tate the production of proof for the allowance of pensions. Referred. Mr. Rica, (Minn.,) introduced a bill to extend the Walla Walla-and Fort 13enton military road to Fort Abercrombie. deferred. Mr. Nasitrrn, (Oregon,) introduced a bill to provide for the protection of overland emigrants to. the States and territories of the Pacific. Re ferred. Mr. aiming, (Va.,) introduced a bill to pro vide for the appointment of a commissioner to examine and decide upon the military claims originating during the present rebellion, in the ;otate of Viiginia west of the Blue Ridge, prior September. 80, 1862. Referred. Mr. Wumnisort,AMion.,) offered a resolution that the committee on the Conduct of the War pe directed to inquire into the facts relative to the recent battle at Fredericksburg, Va.; and particularly as to what officer or officers are re treneginbelme enemy's works th w e erre a ; ul and Wh a ie l h so w ror in t ad he e d lt e P l ° a n y which . occurred in pre2aring to meet the enemy. Mr. ideponasitt s . (pal:,) Suggested that the resolution be amended, sosie to direct the com mittee to report the resuit•of their investiga tions to the Senate. The amendmont was accepted and the resolutioh adopted. On motion of Mr. WILSON, (Mass.,) the bill to facilitate the discharge of disabled soldiers from the army, and inspeetion of convalescent camps and hospitali, was taken up. Mr. Witsinsox, (Min.,) Offered a resolution that the committee on the conduct of the war be directed to inquire cinto facts relative to the 'recent battles at Fredericksburg, Va., and par ticularly what officer or' officers are responsible for the assault which was made • upou the ene my's works, also for the delay which occurred in preparing to meet the enemy. Mr.. McDounam., (C 01.,) suggested that the resolution be amended so as to direct the com mittee to report the result of investigations to 'the Senate amendment. Accepted, and the resolution adopted. On motion of Mr. Wilson, (Mass.,) the bill to facilitate the dis Charg e -of disabled soldiers from the 'army, and the inspection of convalescents, camps and hospitals was taken up. Mr. HALE, (N. H.,) moved to amend the first section which provides for the appointment of two medical inspector generals and eight medi cal inspectors by striking out that part which SUOws their selection from the medical corps of the army, or surgeons in the volunteer service, Which was agreed to. Mr. Farm, (Conn.,) moved to strike out the words under such regulations as may ba here kfter established, in order that these men might be immediately discharged. He referred to the great difficulty in getting disabled men dis charged from these hospitals ; it took months to get a disabled man clear. Mr. Gum, asT. H.,), was in favor of the amendment. feard that the bill did not go far:enough in this respect. Ha had the greatest difficulty in getting men discharged who werentterly,disabled, and many men could not get into the hospitals at all unless some per n went with them and insisted upon their ad mission, and there were surgeons in the hospitals not far from the city, who were living upon the rations of the soldiers and forfeiting their own. Mr. Gams, (lowa,) said that this was a bill to add more inspectors and generals to the in competents already appointed: If the men already appointed were not proper far their duty the adding of more of the same kind will do no good. ' Mr. WiLsoN, (Mass.,) supported the bill at some length, referring to the large number of men in the hospitals and the necessity of a greater force to carry out these ~discharges properly. Mr. FIa9P2IDIN, (Me.,) said he found during all of the last session that the relief for all the abuses in the army was the increase of rank and pay, and especially in the Adjutant General's office. Mr. Wason, (Mass.,) claimed thit a great deal of the trouble was owing to the inefficiency of the company officers in not making out the proper papers. Mr. Mona was opposed to the amendment of the Senator from Connecticut. He thought there was need of some rules to regulate their discharges, and in an army where there were seven thousand surgeons, their/ should be some persons in authority over them. Mr. Fors then withdrew his amendment. After some farther discussion the bill was pas sed. A message was received from the President transmitting a despatch from Mr. Adams, Uni ted States Minister at London with the cones pondenoe with the principal of the Librarians of the British Museum In regard to certain valuable publications. •••.. • From our Morning Edition: FORTRESS Mormoil, Dec. 17 CHICAGO, 7:80 P. 81. Dec. 18 WasinNaToN, Dec. 18 SENATE. PRICE ONE CENT. Mr. Garay introduced a bill in relation to the bounty of volunteer soli:lists in certain cages 'Referred. • Mr. StrIEVIR offered a resolution requesting the President, if not incompatible with the public interest, to conkmunicite- to the Senate any information he may have in his possession, showing why Gen. Saxton was removed from his command at Hilton Head. Lild over. On motion Mr. Wneoz, (Mass.,) a b 11 to int prove the organization of the cavalry forces was taken up and passed. The 'bankrupt act was then then taken up, and Mr. FOSTER proceeded to address the Senate in favor of its passage.. ' Mr. GRIMES offered a resolution directing the Secretary of War to inform the Senate r,f whom the transport vassals Thames and Niagara and schooner Nymph were chartered for the Banks expedition, and by what agent or agents of the War Department they were charters d, at what price, and for what period of time ; and also to report to the Senate what officers or agents ex amined said vessels, as to their seaworthiness. Adopted. The Senate then adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. TRAIN, (Hass ,) ottered a resolution fur the appointment of a select committee to in quire whether any officer or employee in any Department of the Government is a partner or indirectly in any banking house, moneyed cor poration or business firm hming contracts with the government and dealing in stocks and other property. Mr. MAYNARD, (Tenn.,) objected to the con sideration of the resolution, unless some fact on which-it is based be stated. Ha did not be lieve in a general inquisitorial investig+ition. Mr. WYCILLIFFE, (Ky.,) thought the resolu tion ought to pass. Mr. - lificatAit, (Ohio,) ohiected to the consid kation of the res lution. Mr. BiltartAm, from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported lack the bill extending relief to the loyal men for slaves wrong fully taken or abstracted, with a recommendation that it do not pass. Mr. WYOKLIFIR, (Ky.,) who had originally in troduced the bill, remarked that it h been referred to the Committee on the Judiciary contrary to his wishes. His motion was hereto fore to have it referred to the select committee He did not, however, despair of satisfying the House. Some legislation on this subject was necessary. The bill did not interfere with the new article of war, forbidding any ! army or naval officer from returning fugitives. Mr. MALLORY, (Ky. ,) called his colleagne's at tention to a publication in the newspapers, which, emanating from the War Department, gives the right to serve civil process within our lines for the recovery of fugitives. Mr. ButenAm said the reference of this bill to the Judiciary Committee was the proper one. In his opinion the bill was a violation of the Constitution and if the principle should be es tablished, it would some day return to plague the inventor. The bill authorized the Federal Government to interfere with the rendition and determination of fugitive slave cases within the limits of the States M a mannerunknown to the Constitution. The federal Government cannot by law intervene in any State. He had heard this reiterated more than once, and not more frequently than by the gentleman from Ken tucky, (Mr. Wycliffe.) Mr. Mar,Loav inquired whether, under the principle of amplifying the Constitution in lime of war, it might not be amplified to meet the objection of the gentlemen in the particular stated. Mr. Bitunteas replied that the gentleman had not found in his course any room ton intimating ano such amplification of power as that sug gested; he had attempted to exclude any such conclusion. Mr. Max ' (Md.,) said-he understood from remarks of Mr. Maliory, that a general order had been issued forbidding army officers from concealing slaves within the jurisdiction of Kentucky. He wished to know whether the order was restricted to - that state. Mr. Mallory replied that he had made the order more broad than he had found it to be on examination; it was issued by Gen. Grant' . directing the officers under him to obey the civil process respecting fugitive Slaves escaping into our our hues; it was not an order from the headquarters of the army, but he sippostd it was sanctioned here. The bill was read ; it provides for the rendition of slave property. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH NEW YORE, Dec. 18 Stocks better ; gold 32-8, ; cotton quiet at 66 0667. Flour heavy, 14,500 bbls. sold. State $5 76@5 95 ; Ohio $6 70@6 80 ; Southern $6 90@7 10. Wheat dull 90,000 bus. sold Chicago spring $1 22@1 30 ; Milwaukie club $1 2601 34; Red Western $1 4001 44. Corn dull 42,000 bus. sold at 74,77 c. Beef steady; pork firm 4,000 bids, mess sold at $l4 00; lard dull at 9}®9 c. Whisky steady at 39Z t @39c.; Sugar dull, Havana 9i ,10 ; Freights dull. 3Vew 'Abptrtistmtnts. • LOCUST TREES. SEVERAL Hundred, from six to twelve feet high, for sale cheap, at the Keystone Nur • sery. novl-dtt PLUM TREpS, I N variety, at Keystone Nursery, Harrisburg Oct. 18, 1862 COCOA NUTS, Raisins, and Prunes, just re calved and for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market streets. nolB HIMNEYS, Wicks, shades, and Glass Cones, V for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market Sts. riTIOICE SYRUPS and BASING MOLASSES IL/ for sale cheap by NICHOLS & -BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market Streets. ra4 riIOBACCO, Cavendish, Congress and A. Twist, for sale low by NICJIM,TAE BOWMAN,. Corner Iront and Market Atreets CM QIIGAR cured hams, just received •an IQ fir sale, by NIOUyLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market street. vrESS Mackerel, just received, and for Rde, al by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, .nov6 Cor. Front and Market Ste. NEW Orleans Sugars, white and brown, just received and for sale lo* by NIOROLS & BOWVAN, Cor. Veen& and Market *mete. EMI * e