Etlegrao. HARRIS`BURG, PA. Wednesday Evening, December VI, 1882 DISAPPOINTED The Patriot this morning endeavors to create some s.)rt of an impression in regard to what it calls "lies," but its paragraphs are so muddled with chagrin and disappointment, because Burnside and his army were not annihilated, that nothing intelligible can be made of its ravings.. From the hour that news of a die ester to Burnside was announced in this city, the fever. heat of locofocoism was up to its highest pitch. In the hotels and 'on the streets, loud mouthed locofocoism of the Patriot I ik, was unreserved in its expression of "I told you so," and "it Bert , : d. them right for removing McClellan." We noticed Democrats shaking hands and rejoicing at the news—and whenever a Republican was met in the street, by these bold-face tory sympathisers, the greet: ing was invariably the same, "1 suppose you are satisfied now -YOU OAN NNYYR 00E Qin R TSB Democracy rejoiced more at the news of disas ter to Burnside than it did at the fatt that he entered Fredericksburg; and now that the army Is safe, that it is in position to hold the enemy, and at a given time advance with success, such Unmitigated treason sympathizers as those who control the columns of the Patriot, give vent to their disappointments by hurling their abuse at the TNLIORAPH We are content that this should be so, as we OMR better stand the abuse of such tortes than the country can stand their. treason. Another fact hurt the feelings of the Patriot. It was that Burns& had punished the rebels severely as they attempted to obstruct his pas sage over the river. Had that dispatch con veyed intelligence that Burnside and his army suffered severely, the announcement would have been perfectly plausible in the judgment of the Patriot. But that Lee and his Demo cratic traitors could have been by any advan tage of Burnside severely punished, was hor rible. We mourned when the announcement was made that disaster had overtaken Burnside. In the midst of the news of that disaster, the Patriot and its bounds showed their teeth with ill-comsled rejoicing at the fact. Since the mews has proven false—news which was doubt lets manufactured for locotocu effect—since Burnside is safe, we rejoice, while the Patriot does not even attempt to cohceal its disap pointment because this safety prevents it from manufacturing a certain quantity of Democratic capital. This is the difference between loyal Republicanism and dough-face Democracy. As to the display of news on our bulletin board, we place there only such as is received by telegraph. It is our business to give the public the news, whether it is favorable or un favorable to our glorious cause. On the other hand, the Patriot suppresses favorable news, so for as bulletin boards are concerned. Last Saturday and Sunday, when the news was fa vorable, no sound of joy or evidence of display washeard or seen about the Patriot office. Yes terday, hi mover, when the skies were lowering, and the intelligence of disaster was racking the hearts of loyal men, the minions of the Patriot were jubilant—they imagined that they bad gained a point—they already calculated on the advautw2e which the disaster would give them pally, and now having learned that Burn as ectuall y triumphant in hie movement, of course the Patriot is dissatisfied. —ln regard to the support which the Tina GRAPH rek elves in this community, that may astonish the Patriot, but it doss not astonish loyal men. Tn snow how an intelligent com munity can discriminate betweenthe loyalty of journalism, we will just state that our circula tion is five to one of that of the Patriot. G.RN. BURNSIDE SUCCESS . FUL- THE MOST BRILLIANT MOVEMENT OF TUE WAR. Since the clouds which lowered over the loyal cause have been scattered, and since we are able to take a calm view of the position: of the two armies near Fredericksburg, we are preplred to pronoence the movement of Gen. Burnside, the most brilliant reconnoissance in force of the entire war. It will be recollected that he could not possibly ascertain the posi tion or strength of the enemy by may means, except he crossed the river, and unleas he accomplished this in a manner to deprive the enemy of any advantage, he would fail of his purpose. Accordingly his movement on Fredericksburg now only becomes intelligible when viewt.d as a reconnoissance in force. Be fore he cross, d the river, Gun. Burnside issued an order instructing his troops way to take thy ee days' rations in their haversacks—to divest themselves of their knapsacks —to leave behind all baggage trains and camp eguippage. Thus it will he seen that the movement was only a reconnoissance, and as such it was brilliantly successful. Burnside has ascertained the force and position of the en emy. That could not have been sacertained lb any other wanner, and therefore a point has bets made, at once valuable in every particular. • It must be borne in mind that Burnside is not to operate alone against the army of traitors com manded by Lee, Jackson, Longstreet and Hill, now in his front. While our attention is solely directed to Burnside, we must remember that there are other movements on foot, of the hi.heat importance, and from which results must soon fiow that will divide the army now opposing Burnside, rand thus open a - clearei way to Richmond than has ever been traversed by oar frees. The information which Burn aide gained by his magnificent reconnoissance in force is already in the possession of the armies that are to co-operate with him. ,Those, armies *ill Egon loots tap.—and when the Wawa begin to be struck, we do not know which of the two, the traitors of the South or the dough faces of the North, will be most astonished. We can afford to wait. Treason hiis read a jolly' time of it for a day or two in the State Capital of Pennsylvania. The turn of= loyal men will next come, when traitors will be com pelled to "stand from under." . FINANCES OF TEE COMMON WEALTII. We are indebted`to Auditor General Coch ran for the following exhibit of the condition of the finances of the state of Pennsylvania. his exhibit has been on file for insertion . several days, but a press of advertisements and war news prevented tea appearance until to-day. It presents the gratifying fact that the finances of the state are in a healthy and most prosper ous condition, and that too, at a period whet the business of the country is almost prostrate and bankrupt. The history of this soundness of the finances of Pennsylvania, lithe histdry of the economy, vigilance, forethought and wis dom of the adininistratiort now in power. As such, it will command the confidence and the renewed support of the .w,hole people. No+ let the figures tell the story: BairVinitrE Or TM! COMMONIF:WVIX rateslavanat. Summary of the Receipts . of the State Treasury, from the Ist day of December, 1861, to the 30th day of November, 1862, both days trassive. Lands Auction Commissions Auction duties Cox on'batik dividends- Tax on corporation stock... Tax on real and personal estate, including half mill tax 1,762,049 98 Tavern licenses. 226,146'5S Retailers' licenses - 271,255 83 Sample licenses 286 00 Pedleiß' licenstm 1,317 61 thokerei licenses 7,687 83 Timatre, cireys and menagerie li- noises. Distillery and 'brewery licenses... &Mara roots, bowling saloon and ten pin alley 1icen5e5... . ...... Eating house, beer house and res- taurant licenses. ... . . Patent medicine licenses... Pamphlet laws Militia tax Millers' tax Foreign insurance agencies - lax on writs, wills, deeds, &c Tax On certain offices.— , Collateral inheritance tax Canal tools Sale of public property. lax on enrollment of laws. Premiums on charters Military loan of May 16th, 1861 Tax on loans Interest on loans.. Premiums on loans Tax on tonnage, "commutation 887,850 00 218,957 19 Banks paying interest 011 the pub lic debt equivalent to currency 140,768 30 Escheats 2,365 44 Free banking system ...... 6,027 33 Pc nnsy 1 vania Railroad Compare bond No. 6, redeemed 100,000 00 Ac, rued interest .... 8,866 86 Refunded cash ordinary. 207 32 Refunded cesh mi1itary..... . .... 29,666 42 Annuity for rights of way 10,000 00 United States government 605,740 52 Fees of the public offices .... 2,639 69 Tax on torokerit and private bank erS The unknown, science" 15,286 13 "cases of con- $5,211,747 63 Balance in the State Treasury, November 30th, 1881, availa ble.. $1,551,606 72 Depreciated funds in the treasury, %mailable. ' 41 032 00 HBOAPITULATION Amount of revenue $5,211,747 63 Balance in Treasury, available and unavailable ' 1,592 637 72 Total.. EXPINDITURIS ON THAI 0011110NWNALTH ON''POIN BYLVABLA Summary of the Paymentt at the State _Treasury from the Ist day of December 1861, to the 80th day , of November 1862, both &spine/Wye: Expenses of Government $ 43,804 08 Military expenses, ordinary , 1,015 98 PennsylVania volutifeers in the late war with .Mexico 36 00 Military expenses' for defence of the State and Union per act of April 12, 1861 7 62 Military expenses for defence 'of • the State and Union per act of May 15, 1861 460,548 68 Military expent•es for defence of the State and Union per act of , April 11, 1862 . 1 217,26 Military expenses for defence of the State and Union per act of April 16, 1862, and paid out of the appropriation of May 15„ 1861. Pensions and gratuities, ordinary: Pensions paid under the act of' May 15, 1861 Charitable institutions Farmers' High School of Penn-' Sylvania North Western State Norma School in Brie county -- Philadelphia School Desigt6 for womatu.:. CoMmon Schools. Commissioners of ttie ' . fund klilitary loan per act of 'April 12, 18e.1; redeemed... . -"‘'- iutetebts on loans.. Guarantied interests...:. Domestic creditors.. Damages on the public works and . old claims Special commissions.. ~ +, State library Public buildings and grounds... Rouse of Refuge Ptnittnttaries E-cheats Free banlking system Atneudnieuts to the Constitution' per resolution of April 21, 1856 • Abatements of State tax • Mercantile appraisers Counsel fees and commissions.. United States Goverment direct tax Miscellaneous Balance in the State Treat Amy, November 80, 1862 ...$2,172,844 10 Depreciated fundinia Abe free. aury, RiCAPII altAnax. Expenditures lance in Treasury._ Total glmitspluania Watt ettegrapth..VattObv lawnin4, Wtrmtha 17, 1862 tkort Of the Revenue Commissioners. APPOINTED BY . THE GOVERNOR TO PREPARE A RE VISE!) RSVSNUEL.CODE, UNDER A JOINT IikSOLIJ TION OF THE LEGISLATURE, APPROVED APRIL '' 11, 1862. The Commissioners appointed by the Govt r nor, in pursuance of the authority of the joint resolution of the Legislature, passed the 11th day of April, 1862; "relative to revising the revenue laws of the Commonwealth," respect fully submitted their report. - It is presumed that the Legislature, by the resolution authorizing the commission, con templated such action on the part of the com missioners as would lead to a new system for levying and 6ollecting taxes, ,and at the same time establish a more equitable distribution of the burtheMs of taxation. The laws now exist ing relating to the eaisieig .of revenue are con fused, ambiguotis andeett their operation, un just. The commissioners, by the, accompanying bill which they submit as part of their report, have endeavored to systematize the mode of l assessing property, and to equalize the burtheus of taxation. The commissioners have labored .under great difficulty inM,ofebeing, able to get the essential facts neeereaty,in making a just and fair revenue system. Ittsenotimproper to note that amongst all -the it*nefe .hud in all the records of the several':. ells - Of the State Government, there l ie mithitig to show the productive resources of the Conmionwealth. The archives of the State are deficient in, facts relating to the wealth, commerce and industry of the people. The proposed mode of assessing property is analagous to the systoles adopted ill several of the other States, and experience has demon strated its utility and its popularity. It is, perhaps, the only mode Which will secure .a ' complete assessment of all property upon which taxes should be levied, , The commissioners have endeavored to reach every species of property, in order to secure from every man, according fo his means, equal contributien towards the maintenance of the Stat, Goverumene. They have Jabot ed 'to les sen the weight of taxation, and in no way to increase it. To this- end ell the change 8 that appear in. the proposed system' are suggested. . , eThe utode,of collecting 'taxes, as proposed by the : commissioners, is now in Operation its many of , the counties of she State. • Iti tendency, wherever .tfied, has been to ensure more prompt paymentof taxes anda very t the same time a v great seving , to the tax payers. But the most important feature of the pro posed system is that which leads to the emanci pation of real estate from taxation for State purposes. In the performance of their duties, the commissioners were compelled to review all 'the pueposee for which revenue Moat be pro vided. Revenue is required to maintain the State Government, and, as incident thereto, revenue must be provided for counties and townships. Taxation for-local purposes (counties and townshipsy falls almost entirely upine real estate. This embraces the making of roads and the building of bridges, the maintenance of schools and the support of the poet. Tiaation for these purposes, in many localities, amounts to three per cent. upon the value of all the taxa ble property within the township. Thus the indisputable fact Is presented, that investments in feel estate have to bear much more than a just proportion of the burthens of taxation. To relieve, real estate from this unjust discrimina don was one of the objects of the commis sionera. A large portion—perhaps the largest portion Of the actual wealth of the State, is beyond the reach of local taxation, The capital employed lin all the leadingebranehes of trade, involving commerce and manufactures, banks and rail'- roads, is drawn from the mass of the people and put under the control of a fur individuals Tide property should bear its' equal share of the ourthens of taxation, and since it cannot be reached for local purpepes, it, should be taxed in greater propertien faxBtatt-pnrposes. - • In the accomeanyieg bill, the commissioners propose reducing the revenue arising from rile) and personal property from $1,422,624 to $669,- 049, which would be a reduction of $853,674. To make up the deficiency thus produced, they propose to increase toe 'tax upon corporations. Corporations in this State are very numerous and very powerful. They have not onlydrawo within their control so, hpuense' ,tunbrint , of capita,' but they have drawn within their power the entire commerce of the State. Almost everything is now . Made to contributeao the revenues of therie torporatiens. Yet, owing to their intangible character, ii is very difficult t adopt a general system of taxation applicable thereto. The frarichips of corporations are property, and the legitimate subject of taxaten; in fixing a tax upon corporations these extram (finery privileges; their franchises, constitute the first grounds of the Commonwealth's claims' to contribution, add in that, consists tier right to discriminate in faior di 'the public. - • The property of Corporatiime is within the reach to the-authority of the State. Now, in order to do justice to the agricultural interests and the owners of real estate, the ' Climituon wealth shoilld look to this kind of property foe a large portion of the revenue requisite for State purposes. The commissioners do not propose to increase, the tax upon banks, believibg that they now pay their proportion of the necessary revenue. But they propose to tax railroad companies equally with banks. Owing to the fact that most of the railroad corporations have no stock basis, scene other mode than that applied to - banks west be devised. A railroad company may have a capital of a.million of dollars, and the capital stock all held by shareholders. In such a case the capital stock and the dividends could be taxed as bank stocks and bulk dividends are taxed. But another company, iu every re. speet equal, may go into operation, and, in stead of issuing stock to shareholders it may issue bonds for a mullion of dollars, and .it= stead of paying dividends it would pay inter est; instead of piaci. It would have• nothing but indebtedness. .Yet Yet there is no reason why thise institutions 'should not pay e equally the ea e tire uponthe same amount ofe businese. he commissioners, after maturedelibemtion, hae,e adopted the plan of to the gross re- . Melte of all railroad compateies, and they have fixed the tax at two cents upon each and every dollar of their earnings. From this tax the State would-,derives , ae4eVenne' abiounterg at .leteet to $600,000. They also propose a very light tax upon the tonnage carrled.over the different improvements of the State. Thipetae, as fixed in elm bill; would yield a revenue amountieg at least to $868,000 1,, after a year's experience, it would bashowa'that the revenue from these sources would be' greater than the above estimates, thed real estate should be entireleyelieved from taxation for State purposes. It'os also proposed, by the accompanying bill, to abolish tile board of revenue coruthia a j oners. If real estate should ba redieVed from taxes for State purposes, the cause which gave rise to the board would no longer,exist. Independent, isowever ' of the questioe Whether . real estate should be taxed for State 'ptypiefi .or not, the cumniessioncre tuv of tee opinion that the board is orno practiced utility. Reoperty should be tazed at its true value, and the people them selves are the test judges of the value of their own : pioperty. They choose their own asses sors,, who are first authorized to fix the value upoti the property within their jurisctiction. Ills ; valuation is subject to the revision of the county board. These officers must detetralite the vales of property for county purposes e now why. mot for state purposes? The Common wealth confides in the returns Made by the efficeis of private aoremations, also in the ie portstand realities of Municipal - officers. Aboard of revision, is equally 'entitled bit credit. Where the s .to establishes • . a Jogai tribunal forellUe Or e of,Talutimithottprapartt tamable by law; 4 , in, t tribunal iephoulti confide. No foreign, r 5,230 ~I 16,690 40 12077 - ,06 14510 59 423,405 74 3,873. 61 10,879 . 94 8,722 17 18,431 16 1,611 95 274 87 20,009 21 1,068 24 38,328 28 61,070 27 12,667 96 :.. 181,301 66 . ... 5,866 63 1 • 028 17 • • • 6,055 00 6,865 75 9,946 04 32,962 Oa 360,000 00 ... 1,388 58 $1,592,637 72 .$6.804,385 36 20,607 04 5,286 51 400 64 323,956 86 21,295 06 6,900 00 2,000 'oo` 267499'441 .427,881 6 oo oat) itio 2,t06V,3'95 51 11;356 67' 105''32' 1,883 12 375 60 2,315 10 6,856 91 .37'170 84 70,885 20 721 75 - 4,146 73 156 46 :89,497 88' • 746 97 892 98 '850,000 C 6 17,345 33 E 4,690,50 9 41,082 00 62,213,876 10 $4,490,609 26 2,218,876 10 ~,...4M04,885 85 . agency ein be as-i - PaSttain or reliable.— Therefore, as a matterklustice to the people, of economy and cofisistenoy, the board of reve nue commissi nmashOuld be abolished. There are other features iu the proposed revenue system that might he noticed, but an examination of the bill itself will give a better idea of their character than any reference here. The commissioners have endeavored to spite nutlike a mode for the raising of revenue, and in that system they have endeavored' to reach cverv:person and - every interest, in order that no inintillice should be dune. . : • WM. M'CLELLAND. M. RUSSELL THAYER, R. B. M'COMB. DeceinberA„l.B62. CHANG@ US TRZ CABINET. —A tel graphic dis patch from Washington announces that the Hon. Caleb B. Smith, present Secretary of the Intent.r, has been-hominated by President Lin coln to the Tini4dltateti Seni , e for the vacant eeat in the Supreme Court of the United States. This,ht . ts long been .expected, .and 1,. -there ftire, produce no. , surprise, . ',Yet it makes a change. tin thir' , ltlithinet, of 'which Hoa. Caleb B. Smith is a member, and - is thus a matter. of,; importithce, though 'as yet we have no information as folds successor in the Department of the. Interior. The position was tendered to the_ Hon,. Scnuyler Colfax, •of one -of the ablest members of *Congress, but as hie acceptance would have left a vacancy in the Hotter?, ;which might beitiled at a.spFcial elebtion by an oiVonent of the Administrationi Mr. Colfax. declined the, offe'r. It is supposed that the position will be offered to Mr. Holt,: but with what truth we know not. • L !f:- : ? ,--, ' ' : ,t i:/'• !'gir , ,ko, Evacuation of ' Fredericksburg. BULL PARTICULARS OF 'pi /airlif. NOT A - SINGLE MAN OLGUIC.LOST IN Till TENANT. The Enemy Not Awaie of the Evacu ation Until it was Aftomplish' ed. WRY GENERAL BURNSIDE iiEntan. 1111ADQUARTBRS ARMY 08 THR POTOMAC, } pepember 17. Yesterday morning when daylight appeared the enemy !worm d to be, asfthey no doubt were, perfectly astonished that our army had suc ceeded in returreir4 l -to'this side' of the Rappa hannock. - We returned without !oaiug a single man or a gun in the retrograde movemeut. A few soldieis who had `Straggly i off made titi the river bank after the pontooP badges had been reproved, but they were brought over in Small boats. i A few cavalry men who 'were guarding a house inhabited by a, private family were not during the. night aware of our crossing, but in the morning tin sT safely swam the river. lhe pickets of the contending armies being separated by only a few yards, rendered it ne creseary.that everything on our part should be conducted With the utmost caution: These on the outpost were unaware of the movement until just.before daylight; when an officat'went to,eachindividual man and in a low tone or dered krim to fallback. . After they got aufficientlyjar..oi . . danger they ware lirciered to quicken their pace and teach then bridges. - At about nine, p'elock ymterday monling, • the enemy advantled ttelr, elcirMishers along .the entire line, 'and by 'neon had established their pickets near tite'river bank. . ;We bad a large, number of dead on •what was regaided as neutral.ground, 'and as soon tor; it was knoWn•that •bur• toreee had evacuated it, the soldiers of the mew commenced robbing the litelesi - bodies. lAis was, plainly seen through a field giasii ha .well indistinctly with the naked eye. ' 'About ten or eleven o'clohi, females neatly dOssed were seep the' streets of Fred ericksburg: 'fhoi haddeuhtles9 been conceal ed in their honse,sdariug the tlme'the ditY was occupied by opr trop, and had availed thent. selves of the first opportuuity -to make thhir relippearanc tr • , On Mottizintticl.PiPkets in front of the left Wing agreed upon an armistice among them. selves and 'freely intermingled, exchanging their dead comrades who lay on neutral ground diking the dine.. ' A general oi our army rode bi and put an end to these proceedings. The result was that both. partiesiminediately commenced firing, when nine of our men were killed. • • • ' After the General had left, the friendly rela tions of the pickets were renewed, and butter .4ift and blue quiformsfreely mingled. • About this time Gen. Franklin dispatched a flag of truce, which the enemy immediately recognized, and the exchange of dead bodies was resumed and continued until completed. Yesterday afternoon Gen. Lee tent a flag of rim.e to Geri. Burnside, asking him to detail men to bu y his dead in front of Gen. Sumner's , grand division. This was done. Tne wounded, with the exception of those wheal the enemy obtaiped, have all been trronght to this side,of the Mappahannock, and as rapidly as possible - are being sent ttr Wash- Baring the flag of truce, Gen. Stewart of the rebel army, in answer to a question, stated that the Banks' expedition had gone Beath, but, he did hot seem to know exactly whdie. The entire army hi- neve-encamped on the Mu* ground which therrevionsit occupied. W - are as cotatertable ; forthe present m they kanibe in sbeltei'tetits: •Oncartny. has been considerably reinforced' shicp the b Atte, and no dang,cr . -, vidiatever is at faCtied to.their pr em. position: , - Id is Liil3,opluion of military men that, had. we iivin succeeded tsking'the first ridge of works, the opportunity for. slaughter by the eneeuy wodhl have hp'On grea ter than pre, viodsly. Our men, it may be, reponted,-behaved with the { gr.atest galla,ytry, but ; rin, ; troops in ;the world could withstand such a concontrEital fire of heafiy ordnance and , musketry under covei.of 'their fortifiinitiOns. aIADQIJAKTERS TIE Pdl'OmAO, Dec. -1.6, 1862 —a. 'o'olook MAJOR GENERAL HsLizeir ": ale army was ' withdrawn' to this side of 'the liver, because I felt posit t ion in front Opp d . not bqcartied,, aid it was iniittaf f y necessary tither to at-, tstaltior,to retire. A•repulse would "hre'ye be•izt &goitrous to us. ' The army was withdrawn at night without the knowledge of the - enemy and without loss either of property or .men. j or 9 E r al . B C 1 34? itmlimSa Commanding TIIE BANKS' EXPEDITION. Nsw YORK, Deo. 17. Th bark Ann ) , froln• NeW Orleans, repo rts that 4n the 9th gnat., at 61o'olock A. at., she paw. 'off Saint AugtitiO,,.Florida, six large 1 1312 e mi. She judged from: their courbe , that MO ere bound farther south than Ylorldit. They were probably a part of General 'A in ftv expo ition. FROM PORT ROYAL S. P. Portion of den. Beni& ;Expedition 'New Toes, Deo. 17. The steamer Star of the South, from Hilton Head on the 14th inst., arrived at this port this morning The steamers Saloor and Albany put into Port Royal„ forcoal, and sailed again to rejoin Gen. Banks' expedition. The steamer Quincy, with a part of the 42d Massachusetts regiment, also put in to repair het boiler. She would soon sail again. The troops from the condemned steamer Thames were transterred to the bark Voltiguer. Henry A. Brown, of the Bth Maine, and Geo.; R. Dexter, of the 3d Rhode Is:and, died on the Star of the South on her passage home The health of the Amps was good. There wele only a hundi - ed. men in the hospital at MARKETSBr iIitEGRAPH. The breadstuff market is quiet 7 -sales of 1.600 bbls. flour it $6 12 for superfine, and $7 75 for extra family. Small sale of rye flour at $5 50. Corn meal at $8 60. - There is fair demand for wheat, and 8,000 bus. sold at $1 4641 48 fdr Pennsylvania, $1 50 for southern, and white ranges from $1 70 to $1 85. Bye sells on ar rival at 97c Corn is dull, and has declined-- salts of old yellow at 87(4.88c., and 76@78c. for new. Oats in active request, and 10,000 bus. sold at 40i@44c., the latter figure for heavy% Provisions held firmly—sales of 4,000 bbls. mess pork at $l4 25(414 50 Lard firm at 100 Cioverseed in good.rcquest, and 800 brio. sold at $6 26®,6 60. Whisky firm at 40(441c. una Naw Yosa, Dec. 17. Flour bc. better. 'Wheat firm ; Corn firmer Pork steady ; Lod doll ; whisky nominal Receipts of fl oor 26,545 bbls.; wheat 89,797 bus; coin 62,824 bus. Flour quiet ; Ohio. superfine $6 60 ; wheat firm and advan ced 2oi fic. f - curn steady ; whisky dull and unchanged.; bacsin dull ; pork firm, mess $l5 25 tJ .ttOorrtittt nun t* A GOOD CHAMHERMAID. Apply at the 017-Ital 13. S. HOTEL. FIVE bOLLA.RS REWARD. LO,ST.—On Sunday night last, on the Harris burg and Middletown Turnpike, a large, heavy, GENTLEMAN'S RLA 11 / 4 7 KW SHAWL The finder will receive the above reward and the thanks of the owner, by leaving it at this office. dl7-Ite ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad ministration have been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of C. b. Mathews, deceased. All persons indebted to the estate are required to make payment on or before the Ist day of March,. 11363, as the books will be placed in the bawds of a Justice of the Peace for collection after that date, and ail persons having claims against the, estate will present them immediately for settlement.. The books have been placed in the hands of m 11.. Cala. tow audiVirm. As. Tarbutton, who are authorized to collect the stone. Persons will call at the late residence of said deceased.• • MAIM-ABET A. MATILEWS, • dl7•doaw6w Administratrix. WE COME GREETING! "I Merry ChristAu to Oir Old Friends Wednesday and Thursday EVODing% DECEMBER WI af►s 25th, uxßtaTMds 1V & CHRISTMAS NIGHt . , T . A/ELY returned from a lour Tears' tour 1.4 round the world, and having, mice their ivturn, given SIXTY-TWO SUCCESSFUL CON CERTS in the city of New York-; also visited Washington, Baltimore, and many of the principal cities of the Western States, In all of which their Concerts have been attended by the largest, most fashionable and delighted audi ences that ever greeted musical artists, would now respectfully announce TWO of their highly . popubtr MUSICAL ENTERTAINIiENTS as &Awe. Their Repertoire embramk a choice collection of vocal Quartets arranged in their own pecu liar style, also;ir variety of the sweetest Eng lish, Irish, Scotch, German and Spanish ballads extant, Humorous Songs, Duets, ac t , Arias, Cavatinas and &antis, from the works of the most popular Italian and French Masters. In addition to their usuarchoice selections of 'Vocal Mimic, they will plaiti each evening, several pieces onthe celebrated'SWlSS BELLS. The Al LEGHANIANS beg leavelustate to theft numerous friende and patrons of former years, that about four years ago they added the SWISS BELLS to their 'already superior Con certs ; and the Press, as well as all •competent musical critics, have pronounced their Bell Playing superior to anything of the kind ever heard in this country, not extxpting that of the original Swiss Bell Ringers who appeared in the United States about fifteen years since. Admit/Ilion IS cents, Reserved Front Seats ffil iceuts ; Children acoompanied by their parents, Omuta. o:orninences at 7 i o'clock. During their sojourn in foreign lands, the conceits of the ALLEGHANIANS were honored by Hie attendance of hundreds of,thousands of delighted.listeners----Eings, Queens, Nobles, and the most distinguished men of the age patron ized their entertainments, and lavkthed upon their the most flattering denuantiations of Rp m-Val. J. M. BODLARD, Manager. 4118-dlw D. G. WALDRON, Agent. 111 186 4AVIM 141JYYriLill ft. CO. WINTER OPENINGS THURSDAY, DEC. 18, 1862. IF first Millinery Store below Harrisburg Bridge. " c116.8t MINCE MEAT. I • Ai,DTERIOR article just received, and tor sale_ty W?d. DOCK, Jr.,. &Ca, • I§WkEt CIDER 1 1 'Mat SUPERFINE ARTICLE, just re- A calved. WM, DOCK, Jx., & 00. in Port. 't'sri./Lionivu, Dec. 17 Ruirreoes, Dec. 17 WANT; D HAL.' =SI Nun Ablitrtistruuts. A N ORDINANCE relative to Toilts and Areas, and fur other purpwee. Etivrrlce4 1. R. it orrimmial fro I r.--mmeon r;••••,•-•il U, siring permission to coleitruci a Vatiit u , a t e a in any of the sir, eta, shall make at llcetion to the clerk of Council, giving a descripti. m ,f the premises, and on their pa3i...g the saw of twenty ve cents to the city treasurer. the clerk shall grant them a permit to construct said vault oreerea. Sze. 2. That all vaults shall be completed and the ground closed over them, and all areas shall be c ompleted and railed in or enclosed within three weeks after they shall he com menced, under the penalty of five dollars for every day thereafter, during the time which the said vault shall remain open or the said area be unenclesed, to be recovered fees the ownor or builder of the same, mimes the Mayor shall, for sufficient reasons, extend the time for the completion.of the same, which he is hereby authorized to do. Sao. 3. That no area in front of any building in the streets of the city shall extend more than four feet four inches, lima/Ruing irony the inner wall of such area to the building, nor shall the railing of such area be placed more 'than six inches from the inside of the coping on the wall of such area ; an Ino vault 61.1.11 i ex- • tend to a greater distance than to the line of the curb trom the building in any street, lane or alley, so as to have the exte ewe liee of the foundation of the vault on ur undo r the line of the curb, under the penalty of ten dollars, to be recovered from the owner or builder thereof. Sac. 4. That every area shall he tett:Lei:et with railing at least three feet and a half high from the pevement, mending the coping of the wall, with gates constructed to open inwardly, under thee ptualty of twenty dollars fur each eftence, to be recovered from the owner or builder thereof. Sec. 6. That every description of opening be low the surface of the pavement in front of any shop, store, house or other beiliing, except cellar doorways mid cellar steps. it (Livered, shall be held to be a vault, and it open, to be an area, Within the meaning o: this oidausece. Sao. 6. That all entrances to the cellar or basement of any store or dwelling, or any other building, in any street, lane or al.ey of the city, which have steps 'lest ending below the pavement or sidewalk, shall be covered, when net in actual use, with good and sufficient iron or wooden doors or gretes on or above the level of the sidewalk, or be enclosed with good and sufficient wood or iron railing of a Leiget euffi dent to prevent danger to the Ler s ur limbs of persons who may he peeing along held 'street, lane or alley; and any person violating this section shall pay,a fine of ten dollars for each and every offence, and a further tine of five dol lard for every ten days Oen entrance shall re main without such dour or railing after the first conviction. Sac. 7. That all cellar doors shell have the cheeks thereof constructed so that they shall Not have a greater descent of head, than one inch and a half to twelve hien, e to teugth, ex tending from the house or building ; and if any person Shall refuse or neglect ro conform here with, he ahall forfeit and pay the emit of five dollars, and one dollar tot every...lay thereafter, until the aforesaid regulatiou shall be con formed to. Sac. S. That it shall he the duty of the clerk of the Cuenca to give information to the Mayor whenever a permit is granted for the construc tion of a vault or area in any of the streets of the city. Sac. 9. That all vaults shall be constructed of stueseor brick, and arched over with the same meter - leo; -0 a _good and substautial man ner, under a penelse - of. twenty dollars for a violation of this provision, mut the farther penalty of twenty dollars during each and every month, until the same shall be constructed according to the provisions of this ordiettnce, to be paid by the persoz_ or persons who may cause or direct the same fb be constructs d. Sao. 10. That the apertures or vaults tinder the.payeenents or footways shall be constructed at the extreme wall of the vault next to the line of the curb of said pavement, am! the iron grates, or otherjaliaterial which shall be used to cover the apertures shall 1101 exered two feet in diameter, and shall be placed oo a leve. with the surface of the pavenieut, wens not to create key obstruction in the use of the said pave ments or footways, .arid shall be constructed so as to be fastened oil the inside seen. ely, to pre mit their being rtitudt&d by evil diatee tident; and if any vault shall be constructed of a less extent than to the lice of the eu. to and i t he aperture to , the Same shall be .l heed in or ileac the middle of the pavement to footway, the grate or other material u-ed te cover the said aperture shall be sunk not less tea(' three inches Mali the surface of said pavement or fucttWay,, and shall be securely ceveied by a wooden or stone frame, which shall be even with the said footway or pavement, and firmly fastened to the grate, secured as aforesaid ; and if any owner or occupier of property shun here after cause or permit any grate to be placed upon the footway or pavement antach.d to his or her premises, not constructed co. ormebly to the provisions of this section, he, she or they shall incur a penalty ef ten dollars, and one dollar for each day it shall remain after notice given by the proper :Officer to alter, change Or remove the same. Sea. 11. That the owner or occupier of any house or lot before which any vault or opening for cellar dooms, areas or steps is being con structed, goall fence off the pavement on the right and left of the imptoveineut, and (luring the whole of every tognit whilst such vault or opening is uncover, d or nueucles, d, cause a lighted lamp or lantern to be placed in some COnVenier.Mtipot, so, as to cast its 1 ght upon such vault or opening, under the penalty of five dollars for each and every night, or part of a night, during which such lamp or lantern guild be neglected to be pieced, kept or lighted as aforesaid. iSzo. - 12. That no person shall remove or aline.) to be removed any grate or covering to the opening or aperture of any vault in any of the streets of the city, without enclosing such ' aperture during the lime such grate or covering iseamoved, with-a strong box or curb at least twelve indite, high, and libnily securieg the sarne e meter a penalty of ten dollars. fur each arid ei6ry neglect. Sze. 13. Pbat.any person or persons who may !contemplate the erection of a building or build ings on any of the streets, lanes or aheye of the city,. to be constructed of brick er etooe, aft r tille . ' buildings are rase the height of one story, hence off the front of said buildings the width Of the pavement, on cover the said pavemeut with a good and substantial roof the whole length of the buildings which are in progress of erection, of sufficient height to alkete pedestrians to pass under the same. Passed Dec. 10 , 1862. W. 0. HICKOK, -President of the Common Council. Attest: DAVID HARRIS, Clerk. 4pproved Dec. 13, 1862. dl7,tt Wal. H. KEPNER, Mayor. VILLAGE. VTNES of this Bloneer among Native American Hardy Grape, for sale at the Keystone Nurse's. The clusters frequently weigh a pound and a halt, and the berries are larger ttan . the Celebrated Black Harnburgh. The quality Is also good—equal, atleast, to the well known Isabella. • J. MIS novl S, -dtf - PECAN NUT TREES li k T Keystone Nursery. 1_ Ju t. 18, 1862. KklLLEit'b llittilir bTO.K.IN re tite pl.kon to buy Patent ModlablOo.