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'.7 -:11,, A. \ .c, ' . .',- ,:.. .;., , ,e- , c •..v. . -‘..-.._..„',:t—...0r'._ _ 1,.. 4 , - - ' ti' - ' - ' I : ~,,,- ~,,,,.-'-'' r . .,- - - I t .t,'' ...., ..i . ' ''' .l ~ „..o*'• - - ' A NEi*. ; ,,.„------. . - - •,•-• *, . , , . - . - _,---,=. '. ,-..:. ~ , ..z.: • "-- . ,--, • ... ---_____..._,_:---7 - - i . t e ,' ~., .. 1;, .. -A:v. , • • _,, —I- --,.",, •-4 , -, ll' - , ,-, - > -. s . . ...,4„ ;; . •...- .. .0....:, ~ w_ .i- , Av: .-w :. - - ....4 ..:0' •-• r,, ,, ' A..•• 'Nik....', , .. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . , . . . . ' . • .., . . . . . • . ' . . r --.,--..-------------,..-- ',' 'i• '1- . . - ' . --..._ . • . . . . :: .. .• . BY GEORGE BERGNER. THE IELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, BY 0 EO RGE BERGNER. T E R IVL S--SINCE• • SUBSCRIPTION. The Dr i por 'lEl,watt/oil is served to subscri bers in the City at 6 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be chargtd $4 00 In advance. WEEKLY AID SEMI-WEEKLY The TELEGRAPH 18 also published twice a week during the sesbion of the I.kgislature, and week ly during the romainde , of the year, and fur nished to subscribers at the following . cash ratite, viz : Single aubscribere per year Semi-Weekly $1 50 Ten 12 00 Twenty If " 22 (XI Single " " Weekly 100 ADVERTISING RATES.—The following are the rates for advertising in the TIELBGRAPH. Those having advertising to do will find it convenient reference. 4: Four lints or less constitute one-hal Are. Eight lines or more than four (*nett :, a square. squ , tut: orb N r' NIB S 3 .Tiscs4m ° 9 ° : l l, ;0 50.0 Se . 1 1411 " It nl4 .F r 013 5 g rff .7 IS'ir*P-gFPr: : r g r . •F• • • • .2 - S'''ST? , BltB:BsB.*2B n , V •-• Di 00 .1 N WA Pi• 1.4 M=tU= r 4 r -4 Cd 0 000 0 IP al 10 BCr. 00 8 NWJ (02,801 o .4 4 "4 . In 441 8 0. e- 02 c, 44 0 cin kln ItZ I'4ooooooooo- 31 . 0000000000 •••• NT cIP Ca Ca .1-• CT -4 a .41 0 • Po Oc o 0 co coy ca El p ma C. 4.• G SB.Bggi4B?-',SB ot 88 Admirdstra NOtloo4l. 'tile a wrek, six times...s2 25 Marriage NoliCeN Author a Nola:sea_ ....... 50 Funeral ^7oll , ea each in-eriiou 60 InD F. S'O'SVSBB?Z,' . . or- Business notice& inserted in the Loa Column. or before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT CHNTS PEA LINE for each insertion. Business (garbs. JONES HOUSE CORNER OF MARKET ST AND MARKET ectUAREI HARRISIIuitG , PA, Marti F. INCLELL‘N, PROPRIIITOK (gicayrky OONDOOTSD BY WELLS 00VERLY) MI if) a First Clans Hotel. and 'located In the contrail part is+ tee city. it in kepsirn the beet manner, sad its patrons w'il 11 rot every accommodation to be met with 10 the beet trus:c ih the country. re3o-titt PEIPIIER'S DAILY LINE ! BET WEEN PHILADELPHIA Loekliaien, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Nan cy, Uniontown, Watsoulown, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun- -. bury, Trevertou, Georgetown, tykenstown, Millersburg, Rollin, Dauphin •, AND ELARRISBI7RG.' . The Phl'adelphia Depot hem:, eent - al.y loeatet the Drayage heat the Lowest Rates. .T.se Candadtor pee tor .uga with emu Into to *Lead to the safe OP: livery of all g :ode Intruded to the dol. Goods deliver el at the Depot of Freed, o'ra:d a Freed, 811 Market street, PhUsdelphis, by h e's,,ok, P. M., wi, b • delivered in Harrisburg the nuxtni Freight Always as Low as by Any Other Line. .103EPH MONTGOMERY, Philadelphia as t Maeda% Depot, Foo of Market .7,treet, lierrieburg. 001021- , 41 B, J. HARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manutaetirer, NO. 112 .411,41arEl SCREE!, HARRISBURG. AS always ou hand. a tull assortment H ant) and Japannou Wars, Waring and Parlor Monet; of too boot reanutoinrion, butte . Spouting *Mt frig and Claivatdand Iron manuntatured 441 put up at rendunable rates. Repairing promptly' attended to. . apr3o-dly REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH HAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store from the corner of timed and Walnut stream to . N.O. 108 T STREET;:. Next door to Hay ne's Agriculture atom, where tio Intends to keep all kinds of Boots a ,, d Shoes, Gaiters, &c., and st. large Stook et' Trunks, and everything in his line - of tin-' Wiese; and WILL be thanclul to receive the 'fatronage Mee old customers stud the , pub lie m general at .kis. new place of bucub.es. All kinds et work loade.to order ia ,the beet style and lirsuperier woe kwen. Repairing short notice. ispr2dif I JOHN LINDEN HALL, MORAVIAN FEMALE SEMINARY, At Lids, Lancaster Co., Pa. FOUNDED 1794. Affords superior advantages for thorough and soccimplisised female education: For circulars and information, apply to REV. WILLIAM C. REICBEL, octlB-dBm twit . . AIJOLPII l', 'MVPS ER. . 1, WOULD respectfully inform hip, 0 54 l otto.. and the public gineeemy that 1;, Awn', continuo to give instructionn on the MANZ) PORTIe, 113S LODEON, VIOL Xt: and also in the science of THOROUGH BABEL. Re will veth pleasure Walt upon 'pupils at their homes at a 0 riour desired, ,or lessOtti will be events, his residepoe, is Third street; , rAW doors 'below lb Herman fteinrynrd C,burch_ - 1 deodS.W.st'l.. DAWL. A, MUNCH , AGENT. OF the Old Wallowr Line respectfutly informs the public that this Old Daily TllBo 6l * Lion Line, (the only Wallower Line now in eirlstentie' this City,) i. w m sixwesatui operation, and prepared tic carry frrisht as low as any, other indirideal line between. Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbery, Lewisburg, ligil liamspori, Jrrsey Shore, Lock Hav^n and all other points on the Northern Central, Ptuladelphia and Erie and WU hameport and Elmira Railroads. - DANL. A. MUHNCH, Agent. . Harrisburg, Pa. Goods:sent to the Ware Howe of Madill. Peacock, Zell & ~b3cluaan, Nos 808 and 810 Market street above 'Habib, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, F. L., will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery seat morning. aprio•rdmyl DR. JOIINSON 33A.ZiTIMOXLin discoyeted the most certain speedy 1.1. 'eh° efffitenal itlitie4 i ‘ n the world for DIS EASES' Or INIIILUVENC.E, • agars re sut TO rwstffla Roues. . No Idercury or Notions Drugs. A Cute Warranted, or nd , Chaige ita . from one • to Two Dare,. • Weakness of the Back or,Lirebe, Strictures, Affections of the bidoeye and Bladder, Involuntary discharges, Ire- Powtrigt Lletifelle Nervousness, Dyspepsy, , lan eueir,,,Lettenptrits; Ckiligymon of Ideas, Palpitationot Abe IleartliMidity; Trerabllieke, Dimness of,iftght or Glitch= nem ID( seam of the Head, Thrtiat, Note`oic Skin; Affect lions of Anti Diver, Lungs, Stomach or Ilinivels--thOse ter rible, dimorders arising from MetHolintry Habits of Yobili —that° Bacarr and tannery ,practictes more fatal to .their victimlithan the song of :Imitate the Mariners of lays sea, bbgbanitheir meet Iwililitit hoped or Switiciektions, rendering marriage, tke,,impossible. young Men Illapettally, who have beConte the victims of Solitary' Viee„that dreadful and.destructive habit which annual ly, sweep" to' en , undmely pates t thousands of Yonne, Men `of the most exalted talents and brilliant •littelleet, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, Mal dill With full confidence. ; t . arnage*. • Married Persons, or Yonfia l Hen - contemplating mar- Nage, being aware Of phytical Weakilees, organic debili ty, deformities, do., speedily cured. - - He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con fidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. Organic Weakness Immediately Cured, and fallvigor Restored. This dlstressingaffeettets.—which renders i its misera ble and marriage mpossible—is the penally paid by the victims of litiproper indulgences. )' oung *sous are too apt to commit gammas from not being aware' of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. New who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the mite er oefirocreation is lost sooner by those falling into jut proper babita than by the prudent Besides being 'de- Prreed,the pleasures of healthy 'otilniring, the • most se rious aeei destructive symptom? te both body and mind arise The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mortal Functions Weakened, Lose of Procreative Power, Nervibus Irratibility, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitutlon.tl Debility, a Wasting .of the Frame, Chetah, Consumption, 'Decay and Death, South ,Frederick Street. Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few door. treit the corner. Pail. sot to observe mime and number. Letters Inusf be paid and contain a stamp. The Deo. tor's Diplornali hang in his Wee. A Cure Warranted in Two Days. lye ierenry or Hausana Drags,' • - • ' ' Dr. Johnson, Member of the Royal. College of Surgeons, London, Grad uate from ode of the snostominent Colleges in the United etatoe,sad the greeter part of whosclife has been spent Ih ilielpoopitjaa of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else ' ten..., nks elected some of the most, astonishing' cures that were ever known • many troubled with' ringing in alri bead and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being armed at Sudden sounds, bashfulness, with, frequent blushing, attended sometimes with tier &ligament of min were cured tmknediately. ..; RI Ell oSier K 2 .03 - bt .....° lii C. g a a !a .• xra • Take Particular Notice. Dr. J. adore... •aub. , _"..iwide have injured themselves 1 by improper indulge. ce aTaomary nem., .......... .., bah body and mind, unfitting them for either business, study, society or marrings,.. • . • • •rhese sire some of the sad and metancholly effects pro • Mined by early habits of youth, viz : Weakness of the Bitch and Lim* Pala hi the blead,..Dimilesii. i f 'Might, Loss of Muscular Power, palpitation of the heart, Dys ,pepsy, Nervous Wratibility, Derangement of the Digestive • rguAttitpti„Motneral.Dobliity, Mymptomt of-Consumption, Mitirrelair ,r-ThA fearful effects on the. mind are much to be dressited.-fmi of llisidor l y, Cent usiOnraf Idea'S , De rtiewoo,c4 Spirits, Sivil Forbudings, Award on to seedetn }laif Disirdst, lave of Solitude, Timidity, tic., are some or e evils_ produced. Tuouiteire of persons of all ages can tiow,judgervibit Is the cause of their decliaing.health,loeing ;their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a eingularappearance about,the eyesileetufh and srptoms Of consapipflog, i'..- . • t l E l l : 0 OW/g. /en - - ' 1 . Who ha*imitiedlheinsetvailoy a certain practice' In dniged In when a habit frequently learned from evil cosimor at school, the effeete of whisk; are nightly foll,ftWoniehenatileep,and if not eured solders marrisoltspessi destroys both ' ind and body, , should apply illeiy. What a pit; : thitti. young Man, the,hops of his Colin try, the darling:Kids parents, should *matched iron all proipects end suboymentei et litb,vpitto consequence of deviating from the path of nature and bidets* In a certain secret habit.:. Such persons arosr„,beforepentem. pieties ~ t : . ;-' ' f : ; " ''' ••• reflect Wait sound mind and u arepup most *sees, ..' Ituri* airy raeundien to promote eOllO 'h ppiacaa. Indeed,. without theseVthitijourney through lifchecomes a weary pilgrunage4ll4nosPerihaniflrAtelreas to the _teak; the mind becomes shaldwernrith despair and tilled with the melanctiolly reflection that the , happiness of another Weems* blighted witapur, owp. . . , . , L 1,, - Di ease of . Imprudence. When the misguided aisdhagiudea votary of pleasure gods that he has ambitmd the .alledefori this painful dis ease, it too often lutiams tliat in tll-timedisen of ehame or dresid-ePtbsooVery; deteri - blin 'DOM apPlYin as g to those who, troll education and. , inettittiflity; Can alonebe friend him, dlSli tilt thesconstitatlemd .sympaime on t his horrp. d* oen odlahrs , &Willa We i nocturnal Agile in . the haul aid Mink dimness Weight; deahneSs, nodes on the shin- Wit ti And Irma, Taloichigi on the hl-ad, face and 1 eitremitie*rogressing with frightful rapidity, till at I.lll'st the of the mouth, or I l bn heinee of the n ose. fall in, and l the Mini ekthisliallil disease became , _a horrid °homer sammwersatoni till death puts a Period to his dreadful augspiniflis by.sending_hini to 44 that Urdiscov• vered Coppry from whammy/ traveler returns," . , yi is'. It foot that thousands fail, victims, to ibis terrible dieemie, - -Owing to the unskilfulineas of igne mut pretandelaiwito by the we of that Deepfig' Petiori, merelFW PiigitiLATVOillilla sad mike the ..- residue ‘ o lUomi lO ... ).... ,1 1411.1. Strangers. . . ..11 Trust ildt year llves, 9r health, to the care of * L umpy Unlearned add 'WerthlearPretenders; dqabtuteof know ledge name tischaraciir,wboaemy Dr: gothanni's silver; rrorlsi4a.fri,9r-10711IN ..ilhendWilven . ill thee inewapiosigi regularly decated Physicians incapable of Oaring, they keep yea trifling Stienth after month . taking their, Malty and polsoisourowell cot mbuilds, or as the smallest tae can. be , Obtained; and In doper, leave yen with ruin: . etilbealth to sigh over your alining disappointment. • • Dr: JOhnbon Is the only . Physician advortising,, .. 131 e crederidid or diploma* alwayi hang* in 1;isl, Oleo. llis remedies or treatment , are einknearrte all' Other*, prepared from ell* spent in , the great.auispitaier or ge. rope, the fistill.,4 l 4 l . ll plOrY PO lkinPrer.isitemetew. itri-' vale Practice that ally Other phyaloleA its the world::; r Iridorienteiit'tif the Preis. . The noinylliouilands cured at th i tratibitton. year af • her year, sind•the.suleierouir Impo rtant Ddrgicar . Opera_ DoPudilitrierwitt l i 6 7 Dr- JohleSnowitseassed by. the' ie.. P" t tr a li th t Vl ') "übilP9.Ti " rod. !teeny other , pa pers, uo ISM r eh have Appeared again and main before the pnblikbeendeeldititandidg all li Kentleman - nf °Minster slid respensibillgy,, I atelefikofent griarriiites . ; . gam 1616,0011..bpeedlly Cured.. t A tt ,; t-1 4 8i1olill writ 4 s , lthalirs leerrapeier in :directing their hsiderite his Ins „in the .lickyrintmanner : . i JOAN; IiCK . PV.1113011. M. D. ' Of the Baltimore Leek IfellPitel, Beihreto H.& 1 frAL Oil Lamp shades, Wicks, ChM'. 1. 1 .0 Pell, ;Or lAkin.lnw by ; . • NICHOLS* BOWN - AN, Corner Fran and norket.streets. r octB 9diUR newly replenished stook of Toilet and l'aney Goode se uneurisaseedin this city "and g colitldent of rendering satisfaction, wo wouid rot peolfully Invite a call. KELLER, - lit itarket street, two doors out ofyoerth street, south NW a, , . FISH every Tuesday and Friday MAIO BM RIM atom porn"' de Third add Wal• , . HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING', pEcErku3ERT7, 1.862, °~~cDical. 11$LtUaiteaui. SILAS WA:RD, AriaNT TOE STEINWAY'S UNRIVALLED PIANO'S, Princes Melodeons VIOLINS; GUITARS,. FLUTES, FIFES, AO CORDEONS, DRUMS AND MUST CAL MERCHANDISE Of every kind. HOW E'S SEWING MAC BUN ES PORTRAIT: FRAMES, Large Pier and Mantle Mirrors, Photograph Prames and Albums. at the New Music Store of E4:148 WAND, au,,14 dly N 0.12, North Third Street, above Market. 80. 811ELLENBERGER & BRO., 80: MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ho. 80 Marked Street, Harrisburg. 11116 largest and most extensive assortment 1. of Ready made Clothing, suitable for win ter wear, is now offered for sale at the above establishment, at prices to suit the tiM , l3. Also, n .complete stock of Gerstlernerts Fur vii% all-descriptions. - They have also on hand a large assortment of Cloths, Cassimereg and Vastings, which they are prOpared' to manufacture to order on the most reasonable terms. 1324-1 m PORTFOLIOS - • • FOR SOLDIERS I WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. : AT PRIORS 13A58 A .13L Y LESS than, can now be purcluis- JL ..ed elsewhere) • - SOLDIERS look to your interests, and call or wad to KELLER'S • *Drug Store, 91 Market Street, for a Writing Folio. To dealers wishing to buy out the lot ;we will offer an inducement. n 022 FURS, VURS, FURS, FURS, I -. FURS, FURS, • FURS, OF every description. Fresh stock just opened at CATHCART'S Market Square, Next door to Harrisburg rank. n 025 4w TELEO. F. OC.ELEF.FER BOOR AND JOB PRINTER,. NO. 18, MARKET STREET • HARRISBURG.. . Ara -Particular attention paid to Printing, Ruling and Binding of Railroad Blanks, lolanda:de, rolioies, Cheeks, Drafts, &C. CARDS printed at $2, . 53, $4, and Se per tiousaud in elegant style. 190 vy-Atr., Pit'Eß AND WINDOW SHADES. 1 tleary O. Shaffer has a large lot , o' "Pall Paper and Window Shades on hand, Which wilt be sold very low. Call and examine: pkykaispkw. portouolly attended to. oct27 No. 12 Market St., near the &Edge. 100 BBLS. FINE CHOICE APPLEs. VOR SALE CHEAP at JOHN WISES, in .12 Third Street, tAest door to Tradly's Barber shop. . . , • ALSO, ANOTHER. LOT-OF FINE, LARGE OATAWBA GRAPER, cheap, wholee4le and re - , , . nol2 GRAPES 1 GRAPES' t,i ALOT of Fine Sweet Grapes, just 'received, and for sale low, at WISE'S FRIIIT STOAE, Cor. Third and Walnut Sta. nov6 I_WCKWHEAT FLOUB.—Wyoming YAlley 4../ Buckwheat Flour, an extra article, just rgeeived aud for sale by ' • . NICHOLS & BOWMAN, • (ID Corner Front and Market Sts. CORN MEAL, and Extra Family Flour, just %,) received and for aale by NICHOLS .& BOWMAN, Corner Fruut and Market Sts BUCKWHEAT MEAL. 00 LBS. SUPER EXFRA, from t Wyoming Valley. For sae WM. DOCK, JR., Si CO. . BUCKWHEAT. FLOUR!.! FINE just rec:eived. W9l. DOCK, Jr., 8c CO. VRESH ''Lemons and, Raisins, jest re .1.1 cowed sea for solo law Al.. i • • - 1.71,f gOLS sr. ft, •Wld-.N ably , Oerrter4ront and Market stree.s. y,ius, Datea,,Prupea Raiains, and all Studs or Nuts, at Jt..1 . 4N Btorp Third sod alma. ' mu rvag, Up4egrove Look Prpperty, is ii grocery and Rockville House, situated live miles shore 'Harrisburg, is now offered for sale.. See adver tisatent in another column, ,or apply tow. UMW.. , - 10, ;Dandelion, suit Barley Coffee, just re it. celved. and for ses low by NISOLS. & BOWMAN; . nolB ' Cok. "gnno and Market Streets. DIARIES FOR i 1863. THE largest oiror . toient of Marled fur 1863 just received, a BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. - OAS - SETS, TUBS, and all kinds of Willow jai and Cedar Ware, for sale by NICHOLS dc - BOWMAN, — nl4 Cor. Front and Market Streets. POTATOES. 300 j ß us i T EFLS recei„l f a . ad Superiorr,e low, by . WM. bOCK., Jr., tiVO.. BI)STON CRACKH,Rd; - A LARGE supply of. these delicious crackers •21., justreceived and for sale by . , • • • WM. DC Cs, Jr., & CO, , ISABELLA AND 'CATAWBA • GBA PE VINES, strong ,tuatl thrifty, two years Old, at reduced prices, at Keystone Nursery. noel-dtf B'CfRNERS for coal oil lamps—Jones' Excel sior, Excelsior screw, and others, for sale NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market Sts. by d 8 • HAVANA. ORANGES JTIIST remived by [dio] WM. DOCX, &CO APPLE TREES, I-0 choice varieties, at - Keystone Nursery ORarrieburg. 18tEL . . Ntu) aztvidistnitnts. STERUNG'•S. AMBROSIA' FOR THF,•-KAIR A HARI/SONE HEAD we HAIR is a crown 11. Of glory. With, proper care and , culture it will keit as a protection to. the head as long as the nails ao 1 11M3 angers, or the eyelashes to . the eyes. v Ortatuta:s Ammons. is • the only article yet discovered that will bring about the desired resuits., ; It isu preparation the result of science and ,experiment the science point ing out;what was needed,. and experiment find= ing the required . prepetties irk certain roots,barke, and herbs. It hassousurned a long time in its preparation, has beep Mated• by persons of most, undoubted reliability M this city and Is by them, pronounced 'perleot, and the . only satisfaetory article, and is now offered to the public. The proprietors, determined to give the moat thorough tests, practical and chemical, and now certain that , it will make, the hair. gibs! Itrxtrtil army on Bald Heads, Preventing Grayness and Baldness, Reinvigorating and Beautifying the iHair, rendering it soft ancislossy. '+,.; Du. STl444.li'i MIXIMILSAS a stimulating, oily extract of roots, barks, and herbs, and, aside from its neatness, permanency, and gloss, it is medically adapted to preserve and add to the beauty of tbe hair. The only article yet 'die- Overecl that wdl Cure the Disease of the Scalp, and Ouse the Hair to Grow. CERTIFICATES This is to certify that about eighteen months ago, 1 commenced, using STIRLING'S AMBROSIA. My hair was short, thin tuichrapidly falling out. I had tried many Hair Tonics, ,Invigorators, &c., Without receiving any benefit., Soon after using the . Ainbicsia, my.hair- ceased falling out, and ttoliinienced growing, so rapidly as to astonish me. Now my hair is thick, soft, and- &may, and is five feet four inches in length—when let down, reaching , to the , floor.. This wonderful result I attribute solely to the use of STERLING'S 104:1311013Iii, as since 1.0 - ,:mmericed using it , 1 have applied nothing else to my hair. MRS. LUCY A. BROWN. flworn to before me this 16th day of April, 1861. H. N. PARK - KR, Com. of Deeds. Cagy Hall, New York. For Sale by D. W. GROSS & CO., Har risuurg, Pa. nl4-d3m} Office of JAI COOkB, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, At JAY COOKE, & CO,, Bankers, 114 SOUTH THIRD' STREET, Philadelohia, Nov.. 1, 1862. The undersigned,' having been ..appointed SUBSCRIPTION, AORNI2 by the Eecertary . the Treasury, is 'now iitePared to furnish, at once, the New Twenty Year. 6 per et. Bonds; . , .• • of the United StateS, dektigßated as "Kive- Ttventies," redertnitble 14 thu, pleasure, of the Government,' after five 3`rears, and antiegized by Act ofUongress, .hpismovS4 Felireary 25, 1862. . ;The COUPON BONDpirr ;fie* in, sums of $6O, $lOO, $5OO, $lOOO. . , 'The REGISTER BONDS hi 'sums of $5O $lOO,, $5OO, slooo , aud $5OOO. ; , Interest at Sit . per cent :' per auburn will commence trom date of purchase, and Is PAYABLE IN GOLD, Semi-Annually, whiCh is ennui, at the present premium on gold, to about. EIGHT PER CENT. PER 'Farmeri, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists, anti ail lave _ any money to invest, should know and teinember that these bonds are in effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon. all. are, . Rail roads, Canals, Batik Stocks and. Securities, and the immense products of all the Manufac tures, &c. &c:, , the country ; and that the full and sLiple PrOvision made for the payment of the interest and liquidation of principal, by Cuetums Duties, Excise Stamps and Internal Revenue, serves to make, these bonds the Beat, lost Available • andblosi Popular Westmont in the Market. Subscriptions received at PAP. in Legal Tender Notes, or notes and checks of banks at par in Philadelphia.- Subscribers by, mail, will receive prompt attention, • 'and every facility and explanation will be afforded on application at this office. - • • A..tall supply of Bonds will be kept on _bind for Immediate delivery. JAY COOKE, Subeeilptfon Agent, nov44lBc w3itt LOCUST, TREES.. QKVERAL liundred f •froin six to twelve fee ) s ) 'high, for sale eheap,at the Keystone Nur eery.. i nov -dtf IHIMNEYS, Wicks, g. actee, and Glass Canes, for sale by' NICNOLS & BOWMAN, dor. Front and Market Ste d 8 ' COICE SYRUPS and BAKING MOLASSES for sale' cheap by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market Streets. nl4 riloßAcco t , Cayendish, Congress and 11 Twist, for tale [4 by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner front and Market streets. aun S . lIGAR cured hams, ' just received an or sale, by ' iimauts flowmAN, .4 1 ,17 Cdf. Frbnt' add'Market street. lur ESS Mackerel, jtfetiecebied, .a id for sale, /TX by NICHOLS'itr, BOWMAN, ndv6 • ' Cor..Ficat mid Market Ste. . bi -E W (lrleann Sugatn, white and brown Alla received 11.114 i for sale tour by pacHowal Cor. Firm. hid Market swede. V l 5 PLUM TREES, I N variety, at Keystone Nuragy, Harrisburg Oct. 13, 18_62. 1 - 1(.)1X.A , NUTS, Raisins, 'Aud i Prunes, just re %) ceived and'for sale by ' - NICEIOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Frbnt'and krar4et Streets. noes IDAFASErs, Tp be, Ernshes•oPall kinds, for -LA , by, • : NICHOLS &430WMAN, *uu • " ‘,l Qat: froirkt and llarketlfts.' , , i ',:. . : • • „ !: I :1 . :4 • .' , , ..,- i } '' ' . , - .s .• • The Rebelt lereasing Their' Forces 300 Rebel CAvairrLisy 'Down Arms and , Reftise to' THEY SURREIDER 1 1 011111 UNION PINUPS. ilestrartion of Hospital at Mamfordsville, , • • Loursvoxs, Deo. 16. The rebels have increased their force 'at No linsville._ Forre,st has not been at . Charlotte. lhelfnion troops are still at ClArksville. .Three hundred.of Woodward's . rebel cavalry have come in with their arms reftuabg to fight for the. Southern Confederacy any longer. The weather• is stormy: The ItlaShvillq cat a laave,arrived on.timer and all is•gnietalong the wad.. There is nothing new at Nashville, except b. Slight and unimportant -skirmish yesterday at Woodsonville. - • .The•hogpital st•MumfordsvillewaSburried to day.; tiltie soldiers werer.stisefely removed,' and lifes lost. . • ... Violation of a Flag of Truce by the Rebels A party of rebel mashy yesterday grussly violated a flag of truce by pouncing on a de tachment of the 4th ?hobigan cavalry . while awaiting.a reply,. capturiag 53 of our men: There is no prospect of •a general advance of toe rebels. . , ... • Major General Dix and •hiaif 10't here this morning fur Newport News, .to review the troops there. A foraging party which was sent out friim Yorktown last Friday, returned this morning ,With large druves.uf cattle, sheep and swine, having been very successful. • lIIVIICH COAIRESS-=-SECOND SESSION • The Vice President laid before the Bellew a Message from the President placiug at the ors postal of Coniress three swords toroierly heioug .itlig to Gen. Twiggy torwarded to him by Major Butierfrom New °Fleshes, and suggesting that: if they should tie, given .tu any one by ijougress as rewards for bravery, Gen. Butler ie entiil4to the first consideiation. Laid on table.. Ddrlictootalear.., offered a juint lebo #esolved, let. That theggyerument will main tain the payment giu*,,,, o , its bodebtednetki, and would consider it a hroaph oi taith to the ppblicto do other Wise. .gescolpeg, 24. : That the duties on imports shall od u riun c to_ke paid in coin and the old issue or demand notes only, and when tke latter shall relt , lte. i suffielegit for.the purpose td such' pa'yr inent, they shalt be hereafter' payable only in cola. Bele,rred to the CoannitteeP,ml Finance. nowt (Wis „) offered &resolution tem.er inf the thanks of Congress to Lima.. Cadwala der Ringgold and, the °theme and crew of the Sabine. Mr. Howe spoke bliefiy in favor of the reso lution. Referred Wine Committee on Naval Affairs. Mr. Ric), (Minn.,) introduced a ' bill granting public lauds to the State of . Minhesote, to aid, in ;improving the navigation of the Ithunesota s.nd Red rivers of ,the ninth:, and connecting the smeby a canal. Referred. , Alai a' bill to promote the. efficiency of the Subsistence Department. Referred., WLLILINSON, (Minn.,) introduced a bill for the relief of certain persons, for damages sus tained by the recent deptedations and injuries inflicted by the Sioux Indians. Referred. Also, tab bills for the removal of the Winnebago and Sion" Indians from' Minnesota, and tkte sale of reSetsiations. itf. &M an, (hial3s.,) offered a resolution in strrictiog toe Committee on Militatt,*ffiirs to inquire'irito the expediency of, providing : for• the publication of `the report of Oaptain Mullen. Mr. EU; (N. H.,) offered a resolution in suncting itur Comtnittee• on the JUdiciary to inquire whether the practice ,itliich prevails to ae, e extent'in sorne•departments ofthe Gov ern ent of appointing officers to fill ;vacancies wh 0'4 , 43 not beer:core:titbit during the recess rig of resa t but which, Orbited at the preceding ut 'session, and in JA ccortitinCe • ivith the Constitution what remedy stiould„be,applied. . Op motion or alr.lissis the resolution cen.-• surtug MrAtichanan Was taken up. • Eir.11.44;(N.H.,) said. he should vote against the:resolution because he did not believe it stated facts, and not , because he did not believe that Mr. Buchanan failed to do what he might, but'because he would not condemn any man unheard. Buchannan wal to-day a private .. citiAen; an4•Aitis resolution, if passed, would stamp hiur rwith eternal infamy, and his friends' might thank God he had no children to leave behind him. He was utterly opposed to the Senate passing judgrnent against a man who has bad no notice of any kind of such a pro ceeding against him... Me had always consider ed Mr. Bachanan as the : most overrated man' he eirei knew. , . . Mr. BaW41111111.; (Del.,) said this was an entire ly unusual practice but if it was•to be inaugura ted, ,he warried fairness shown. .He thought Mr. Buchanan had done all he could to prevent war.. He moved _ to amend the resolution as follows: "That a copy of the foregoing resolu tion be served on James Buchanan and he be atliberty,to defend himself against the same." Mr. Garin, (lowa,) moved to larthe resolu tion and amendment on the table- - carried, yeas 68, aays 3, viz: ilesars. Davis, Howe and Wilkinson. .. , .. . °remotion of Mr. - Taulteurz, (111.,), the bill concerning the arrest of 'state poisoners was takeii up• and - on motion of Mr. °otiutitaa, - postponed till tri-niorrow. The resolution relative to the arrest of certain citikeilie of DrilaWrtrekwawthen taken up.. ! - - From our' Morning Edition. FRO :11EN - T 'JOKY. FROM NASHVILLE. NASHVILLE, Dec. 16 FROM FoRTE,Ess 11.111VROE. F9B,TRIIBS MONROE, Dec. 15 WASRINGTON, Dec, 16 'SENATE Mr. TRIM BULL moved to lay the resolution on the table, as; the subject was embraced in the bill just postponed. Agreed to--yeas 29, nays 18. The Sluate`itien adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The SPEAKER laid before the House a mtisage froM the President, saying that: he has iu his possession three valuable swords, late the Pro perty of the rebel Major Genet al Tvriggs;Whah came into the posse.sstou 01 Major General..iittA ler atter the foimer had lied tn.m Now What's. The President remarks that if [nese swends are given to nay officers for valuable services, den. Butler is entitled to the first consideration. Tlie message was retell' , d. w the Committee ;cm Military Affairs. Mr. hrEvetts, (Pa.,) moved that his' resolu tions, which were assigned for consideration-to day, declaring; that this u_ou must remain one and indivisible forever, and that it would be a high crime for any e.N.ecuti ve or legisla tive officer to advise or accept peace proposi tions on any other terms, be postponed till this day three weeks. . . Mr. WYCKLISTE, (Ky.,) submitted a substitute, declaring that all who are opposed to the war being waged on the principle of the Constitu dun as it is and the Union as it , was, are ene mies to their country, and unlit to hold any office of trust or profit.. Mr. VALLANDICIIIate9 resolutions, which weir, offered during the first week of the 00,elpu ; were again read. They declare in favor of the re-establishment of the Union on the basis or the several states, with all their rights and privileges under. the, Constitution ' without abolishiug slavery there in. They also declare against • a war of con quest and subjugaston, and against a dicta or ship, and condemn: those who act to. the coo trary. EOM Mr. THOMAS, (Mass.,) U.LOVea that the subject be postponed till the first of January, 1900. [Laughter.] Mr. STSVANS said he could not consent to that !without fist consulting the Executive. [Re newed laughter.] Mr. Stevens' motion to postpone the consid oration of the resolutions was agreed to. Ou motion of Mr. Cox, (U.,) it was Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury ba requested to turuibh to Lilt House a statement , of the amount of the nuite,l States 10,,n (nee- ted in 1841, and extend: d by the act of April 16th, 1842, which mils due, during the preshut year, and also the num: s of - those who 'are Tegistered as the owners :hereof, and such other. intormatiou as the deportment may pus -1 set- - s as to the actual ownership thereof, and that he communicate to the House a copy or copies.of .uy in,naorial or memorials addressed to him or toe Treasury Deparpuem . proposing or soliciting a special medium payment to the owners Or holders of the said loan, and whether he proposes to pay the said luan tu coin. Mr. ALDRICH, (Minn.,) introduced a. bill, which was ref e rred to tho CoMmitiee ou In dian Affairs, for the removal ot_the bioux In dians and the disposition ut their reservations in Minnesota and Daeotati. The West Poiut appropriation bill was pas sed without cieb,,te alneadmeut. Mr. Porrsrt, (Wis ,) annuunee4 the death of Luther Haat:bet, a Rep, eteutattve Iron' Wiscon sin. • Mr. PuIER and Mr. 'cLoaft severally addresst d' the House on the private and public character of their' deci ased colleague. Mr. NOBLE. (0.,) testified his high estuew for the deceased, who was born and reared in the distript which he (Mr. Noble) reprtsenta. ,The uses[ COLidOitakQU were piebed, wnen the House adjourned. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH In flour there is little doing, and prices fit in—. sales of 1,500 bbls. super due et $6 14, uxt $6 60, and extra lainil) s7@7 50 ; auppl come forward slowly. No cnange in rye, dim or corn meal. There is a firm demand for wheat, and 5,000 bus. sold at $1 4610 . 41 48 kr Pennsylvania red, and $1 60 f. .r souinern. Rye, comes torward slowly, and commands 97®980. - Coin is in request, with sales ut 5010 bus. at 78®80c. fur new yellow, and 90c. for old.— Oats unctuinged-3,000 bus. Pennsylvania and Delaware sold at 41®44c. cloverseed is in active request-800 bus. sold at $6 377@,6 50. Sales of 2,500 bus. flaxseed at $B. Pi °visions firmer, and 3,000 Vila. of pork were taken fur Government supplies on private terms. Whisky firm at 40c. Flour firm and ales of 11,500 bills. at $5 75 ®5 90 for state; $6 75®6 80 for Ohio, and sti 85®7 10 for southern ; wheat firm, and sales of 40,000 bus. atsl 20®1 29 for Chicago Spring, $1 25®1 33 tor Isnlwaukee Club, and sl.'B9®l 43 tor rtd western ; coru fi.m, and salea of 50,000 bus. at 75®76ic ; b.:ef h, avy at 74.1.00 ; pork quiet.; lard !Steady at 71010 ; whisky steady at M I ®39e. MRS. GEORGE D. PRENTIOE.—Mrs. ueorge D r . Prentice, who went with the flag 'of truce Sunday, 30th ult., says a Nashville turned several days ago, with letters fi Oin reb e l soldiers to their iriends in Kentucky. They were left at Gen. Bosecrans' headquarters, and, examined •before they were forwarded. Mrs. Prentice went South to convey her grandson, a child, to his father, Clarence Prentice, a rebel officer. The rebel authorities hesitated about admitting her through their lines. It is raid that Mts. Prentice remarked that "it was strange that the enemies of her son should be kinder to him than his friends. Mrs. P. is a sister to Calhoun Benham, a rebel china . , noto rious as Terry's second in the Broderick-Terry duel in California. Tana FELICITY .-lf men did but know what felicity dwells in the cottage of a virtuous pour man—how sound he sleeps, how quiet his breast, how composed his mind, how free from care, how easy his provision, how healthy his morning, how sober his night, how moist his mouth, tow joyful his heart—they would nev er admire the noises, the diseaseS, the throng of passions, and the violence of unnatural ap petites that fill the houses of the luxurious and and the hearts of the ambitious.—Jeremy Taylor. Consider the wanton sacrifices, and the degree of moral turpitude, of one that can go down against education ; against parental example-;' againtrtiympatiry with Christian cvmpanions.; against tne whole army of the means of grae; against all Sabbath and sanctuary privileges ; against special divine workings ; against God's providences ; .and especially against the long suffeling of Gud, that should of itself • lead you to - repentance. What a funeral March—what; much' to,perdition, is some men's life.- 10 PRICE. ONE CENT.. PHILADELPHIA, Dec ; 16 NEW YORK t Dec. 16,