C Ni cw 21bDtrfismentt. AN ENTIRE NEW OTOOK OF GOLD PENS ! f VMS beat and largest aeacalpant of Gold Pena baa just beat opairedift ' BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. I Thom Pena are manufactured by C. F. Newton & Co., of New York, and warranted to give full satisfaction. A trial will satisfy any one. Examine the prices below Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 26 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 50 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 76 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 25 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 50 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 76 Gold Pen andliilver Holder for $3.25 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $3 76 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $4 25 Gold Pen and Pencil, with lubber Holder $6 00 Gold Pen and Pencil with Rubber Holder, $7 00 THE NEW EDITION PURDON'S DIGEST HAS JUST BEEN puaLisnik PRICE $5 00. AN RN rin new e,lition of this well known Law Book has just been issued. It is now distinguished by the following stiperadded features The laws contained in the various annual Digests published since the date of the eighth edition (1853) have been incorporated in the oody of the work. Many thousand new authorities have been cited ; the report of the revisor" 4,f the Penal Code has been embodied in the notes to the various sections of it, and the appendix contains for the first time, the Acte of Congress for the Authentication of Records, and the Statute of Fraudulent Con veyances, with full and elaborate notes of the decisions explanatory of them. The work has been prepared by the learned editor, Mr. Bataartv, and its freshness and permanent value will be preserved by the continuation of the annual Digests, which have given so much satisfaction. For sale at )48 BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. I lARIIISBU ItO COAL OIL DEPOT. IVOR the safety of eineumers, we have established a Coil oil iiopot at the corner of Freon aul Market streets. All our oils are Wilted and we posi tively oell 1100 e except such as prove to be non-explosive, clear and free from odor as far as practicable. We offer at present the following Justly celebrated brands. Nag twita, Ro -won, Nabrona and Lowlier, lower than can be tirrelo4oe ; elsewhere is this place, either wholesale or retail. Also an QX , 411181•0 assortment of Lamps, Chim neys, Illhades, Ohm Cones, Burners, &o. We will also change field or camphene lamps, so at to be coed for eual all. Pal and waist'. youesel es, at NICHOLS At BOWMAN, Corner of Froot stud Market etreet CM FELL. O F- fa. KRYSTONS NURSICEPT, lILERISSURG. IT should not be forgotten. that this establishment is still in successful opereation, and can supply ' FRUIT AND SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBBERY, GRAPE VINES, RASPBER RIES, STRAWBERRIES, Gum& BERRIES, CURRANTS, BLACK RIES, &c., &0., Bf.O. of as good qualities and,veriet'es, and at 33 reasonable prices as they are sold at distant nurseries. THE LOCATION of the nursery—adjoining the eity—gives it advantages for transportation to part; of the country, possebsod by but lbw others. Apr All articles, when desired, deliver ed free of chew, In any part Of the city. euSOU' JACOB NISH. SOLDIERS, IF YOU WAN LETTER OR NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, ' WRITING CASES, • POCKET INKSTANDS, PENS AND HOLDERS Of every description and quality, you will find the largest assortment at BIERGNER'S BOOBBTORIL CHARTER OAK FAMILY FLOUR. UNI XC/111.30), BY ANY TEM /WM STATES AND SUPERIOR TO ANY FANCY BRAND S OFF MED IN PENNSYLVANIA //I LS MAD*O CHOWS MISSOUitIi WHITS WHEAT. Delivered my alive in the city, free or char,ge TERNS, Cash on delivery. .VSO Whi. DOCK, Jr., k 00, POCKET BIBLES. VIJ,LL assortment of Pocket Bibles Lk and Testament* for the soldiers, just re o shred at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. POMADE HONGROISE 101 ILXUIG Till MOUSTACHES, §XTR A family flour, a superior brand, which we warrant to give a Lataati na Oat re ved and fix sale by ______ _ - _____ __ NIOROV & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market etreeta. 11111 N; general variety of goods for ad , 1 Angling the TOILET, v i be found e- • &lees, is unsurpsseedlin this city. Jea 91 Market Street QOPERIOR Green and Black Lead, for sale by NiCHOIS a BOWMAN, 1.2 Corner Yront and Market stream. FRESH invoice of Lemons, Prunes, Pei, Nate dr.,lor see low by NICHOLB BOWMAN, Oor. Front and Market street/. =I 500 WALNUT TREES, 111111UFTY and straight, :from, 5 to 8 feet high J. at $2 per dorenf; - 810 per 100. Keystone Nursery, Pet. 180482. PORT FOLIOS—WRITING DEM. Ad audio now Sileadelleat of these toed or Wee Fret optima at lIIIROMMOhasp Boob** BOOKS FOB FARMERS, rf HE attention - of agriculturists is directed j_ to the followingl works, which Will enable them to increase the quantity and value of their crops by adding science and the experi ments of others to their experience : STEPHEN'S BOOK OF THE FARM, de tailing all the labors of husbandry and the best way to perform them. Price.... 3 50 COLEMAN'S AGRICULTURE and Beal Economy 4 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by A11en....1 00 THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by Buel .. 75 LECTURES ON TRACTIOAL AGRICUL TURE, by Johnston 60 THE AMERICAN FARMER'S new and uni versal handbook, With 400 engravings.. 2 50 AN EASY METHOD OF MANAGING BEES, by Weeks.. . the Nature and Treatment of Diseases of Cattle, by Dadd 1 00 LEIBIG'S AGRICULTURAL CIIMISTRY 75 KILCH COWS AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production of milk, butter, cheese, by Flititi , ‘ 1 60 GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS, by Lynch - 1 50 SAXTON'S HAND-BOOS, containing the Horse, the cow, the pig, fowie, &c., &c.. 1 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Frac ' teal Farmer, by Dr: Gardner 1 50 AI LEN'S DOMESTIC! ANDiThIN 75 THE FJRI A BOOK OF MANURES, or American Muck Book 1 25 THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, by Jennings 1 00 YOUATT ON THE HORSE 1 26 HIND'S FARRIERY and STUD BOOK.. .1 00 HORSEMANSHIP and the BreakmA and Training of Horses 75 Standard Books, SchooL Bopb, and every thing in the stationery line, at lowest prime, at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. ;. . FOR THE SOLDIERS. ANOTHER new assortment just opened at EERGNER'E CHEAP BOOK bTOII.IO, ooneisting 01 WRITING CASEA. I iipreesly manufactured for the soldiers. PORT FOLIOS, POCKET INK STANDS' PENCILS, PENS AND WRITING MATERIALS OF EV:b.'IRY VARIETY, SOLD AT REDUCED RATER, PURE CALIFORNIA WINES FOR MEDICAL UBR. • CALIFORNIA HOCK WINE, CALIFORNIA PORT WINE, CALIFORNIA ANGELICA WINE, CALIFORNIA MUSCATEL WINE, CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY. A The atteution of Invalide is particularly edited to these wines. They are equAl to the beet of European wines oud guaranteed pure. For 11411) oct2s RELLER''.i DRUG KV 91 11W. Lust St. INSURANCE. Marine Fire aid Inlaid Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, .Pa., of the • INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH ' AURICA OF PHILADELPHIA. • Incorporated 1794--oharter perpetual: Capital and Assets $1,200 . 000 roscrons. . • Arthur a Coffin, Samuel W. Jolen e John A. Brown, Samuel' P. Smith, Charles Taylor, Anetweee Winne, John R. NM, Richard D. Wood; William Welsh, .W flits= g. Bowen, Jame, N. Dickson, S. teorrie Wale, John . °Jason, George L. Harrison, Francis R. ON*, ialwa rd H. Trotter, Edward 3: Clarte. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. OHARUISPLATT, &Mary. • ' As central agent for the aburt Raw • company, the undersigned' is prepared to take Vire risks in any part of the State of Pentisrvenia,"either annually or perpet lial/y, on ths most favorable terns. L Office Third adept between Walant,t and Strawberry alley, Burke's row. ' ' ' 1311111ELKR, • jelo-dly Harrisburg, Pa. ritEIE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple reme dy, after having soared several' years with a severe lung afteotion,'and that drewl ,disease, Commorption— IS minions to make ktioWn bolds fellow-sufferers the means st mire. • - • I To all who desire It, he Will seeds latex of the, per soriptlon used (free of oharge,) with the directions i% preparing and using the same, which they will sure cure for Consumption, dethma, - Ihouchitis The only object of tae advertiser in sending the per se, iption is to benefit the aliened, and tweed ihtbr ma tionpwhirit he ioncelvep te be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his t emedy, as it wit cost them nettling and may prove a bleisOnv, „ : Parties wishing the pereiripfion will please address ,11IV. IiDWARD 33. WILSON, Williamsburgh„, pup County, New York sept2o dlittetm POCKET BOOKBy BUOACMCIDT FUR B / 1 13 i ; •:, PORT MONALIES, And a general yarb**,T4ther &Cm* just raceived at BERGNER'S BOOK MBE. STEAM. 801L.F410, IILA V ING made efficient and permament arrangements for the Purpose, we are 'new pre ep to mese d IMAM ROARK& of every kind, Tromp t , ty and at, reasonable rates. ~,We gibed use iron made by Ridley A Brother, the reputation of which Is imeond . ,to Dime in thelktricet. None but the beet hands employed. Repairing'yr or attended to. Address RAMA WOR • ntralY - . Wertiriburt, uteri L. 1 1 11 bbe Balls, Rubber Watches, . Rubber Rattles, su ßu , bber,Toys generally at SR b CHEAP BOORBTOBL aii3Aoo ' 40t, .4 on Extra Family Flour, all warranted by bbl., or sack,i tat received andfor Bale low by • ~; xicuots st!BOVFMNi' • NEP CR per trent; nl Market 'treats. KELLER'S , RU4STORK. 140 RAB OIDER:dy on hand a , - very auparior maileiele tniik . onum abia. ' s' WY. nmnr. 1.4* R• SMOKED HALIBUT. 1,4 VERY choice article but received, and for „pi. ode by WM. DOCK, Jr., & 00. pennevivanta ilkWaretegrapbvVaturbat Outning IDecmbtr 13, 1862. ~lixrtuuusu~s:. TO CONSUMPTIVES, BOLOGNA. ASMALL, but very superior lot of lkAogas sausage just rSetrived, by • , u 5,29 - . WM. DOCII. Jr t SUGARS, white and brown, of allgrades ferisle I NI by CEII.B & BOWMAN, ' septi2 Corner Front god Market attects fiALL and Examine our Bnperior Non %,) sit:plosive Coal ';,11, for sale lel by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Maiket streets El . yITARDELL & LEVINEBB, Pickles and ir V o a t au p c matt at JOHN 'lNlttakt. QUGARS for preserving; tall and exam K i ) me at NICHOLS lk 'BOWMAN, Y 7 comer Vrontana sweet street% 11BRICATING Oil for 41 . 1kMds of ma chinery, in convelieni. pastimes, for sole vat, - mama a ' !Cornor Front and Ma* Itreetj by $l9 sTANDI;o . • . TREES, at. Keritiallk ursery, adjoiniug ,the City of Harrisburg. Oct. 18, 1862. inisttitaniotts , FREIGHT REDUCED 1 HOWARD & HOPE EXPRESS CO.'S MORT is QUICK. ROUTE TO AND FROM NEW yoRK..• Good Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night Leave New York at 7} P., M., by the Fast Through Express Train, arriving In Harrisburg at 8 A. H. WITHOUT ORANGE OF 013/3. Order Goods marked via HOPE EXPRESS CO., General Offme„ 102 Broadway, New York. For further information enquire of CEO: BERGNER, Agent lincarammo, Aug. 186:1.-dtf AGL.E WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. NANUTACITMUIS 01 BOWL-BINDERS' 111111NO4LICHINES AND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND TOR GRINDING MTTING-MANE KNIVES. Portable cider Mills aad . Fodder Cutters, SCBOO-L: FURNITURE., Genre Machine Work and Iron and Brass CASTINGS., WOOD 'DIMINO IN ALL ITS DRAWERS, SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, EN., MC. Or Any. Machine of Wood, Iron or Brass made to order. Gear and Screw Cuffing, &c. gioKoK's ?ATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS sir Okek paid lir old Oopper, Brame, Speller. 80. STEAM BOILERS', !ENNA' L VARIA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE Kum CELLAR WINDOW GRATES, tifvarious patterns, both stationavy: and avingtng. Saab (Aglaia Jun , various other bighting eaatings, We Bats *air cheap et the [ray244.31 11A13L2 WORKS. JOHN WIRE'S • • Confectionery &leini , t store I. 1 . THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, 1 llanitheri, • Pa. CONFECTIONERY-or ALL ' 'DB, ORANGES AND LEKOMS, PINE APPLES BANANNAS FEE AND SALT-FMII, , ilinkvegigablea of all binds, brought &Mt from :Air 'totem Markets% twtee'ameelt, and pomihrlied nada e ' my natal supervision, thus enablidg Mr to sell a better , * d cheaper article than any in the marhet. or a call Or . aers from a dista uesi n i a att e nd e d to j p oim mmp linsa tly , an , d delivered to any part of the city free or charge. PRIM CANNED nous aniMitatly oa hand. Give 13 ll G 4.'1,1 ' • . BBLS. Sugar (Refined and Raw,) v O ve 8 9 4 s l u t ar i? lr ev elt mc, and rl nitui el v i rc i es. oat nee ived and I JeGI ' ' wit DOGE, NI, & au. bSHADE TREES, F various kinds, at the Keystone Nursery, adjoining the city. 1 ffir Trees planted and warranted to grow, Or, if fidling, to be replaced, on reaaoriable terms. JACOB lIISH.' ' Oct. 13, 1862. 7- • }LOWE . .f 1.4 • .1. . Call mid Examine, at, NICECOtg & BOWMAN, nov6 Cor. Front and Market Sta. IRERMETICIALY SEALED. EACHES, , :. Timucrusi, A:Elk' APPIA;" ,SALMON;' ' ` - OYSTERS, SPICED OYSTERS, LoßorErs ,SARDINES, laor sale by . WM.. DOCK, Jr. k CO. ADIS DRIED BM, 1 'BOLOGNA SAUSAGES, ' i TONGUES, &c., ior sale low, by WAL DOCK, Jr., 4 CO. !.• CAMP WRITING OASES, • OOSTAMG RAFEB,LENVELOPEB, • PENS2AND PKNOTLS. keust,the Matto carry ht the knapsack. Price com te. only 88 o, ate. For sale at ' • **MINIM'S CRAP BOOK STORM cHEEBkI from the celebrated Hamburg denies, a small consliprenentjust received and for e by 1410110L8 & BOWMAN, Dern Corner Front and Manes streets. iV ANI.I4CIINANS. • •• • • • WE are offering tor sale ,a splendid quality or Vaailla &art at low Woes, by the t umid, ovum or doily.- KILLIG% DRUG STORM, 1 91 Market Street. 4.IALT,' Astoria, Dairy, and Otonnd Alum, for qICP tale, loW; by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, I nov6 Cor. Front and Market Sta. HANNKRBIES, Lemons, Cocoanuts, just received and km sale, by , 'NICHOL/3 & BOWMAN, Corner Front and- Market , i novB PETERSIVE SOAP, something better than Harriman's Houehold Saw jut undyed and eale by meow a BMWS, ief Corner Frostand 'Market drug! irMILY an excel. leas substitute for at for ea le the wholesale retell trettery Week* , NICHOLS if BOWMAN, corner of andliertet diesels 1 ....... , 'BR UN HAM I—Ten tie/YIPS red. tad Cli t r a t°2 A gliliarmea is ts, a as. 00. Mitts rot drawl: Pennsylvania, Rail Road I WINTER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY , TO 'AND FROM PHILADELPHIA, MONDAV, NOVEMBER 17th, 1862, • ritHE Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania 1. Railroad, Company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as fol . lows : EASTWARD THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harris burg daily at 2.45 and arrives at West Philadelphia'al6.4s a. mi. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg. daily (except Monday) at 9.05, a.. m.„ and ; arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.00 p. m. MAIL TRAIN lea 4 ves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 5.20 p. in:, and arrives it West Philadelphia ,at 10.90 p. m: This train , Tuna vies Oolumbia. AOCOMMODATIO.N TI4IN via Mount Joy , leaven Harrisburg at '7.00 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at' 12.25 p. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION. TRAIN, via Cbiumbia, leaves Harrisburg at 1.10 p. m., and arrives at West. Pidladelphia at 6.30 p. m. WESTWARD. , BALTIIkORE EXPRESS THAIN leaves Har risburg drdly (except' Monday) at 2.16 a. m.; Altoona, 7.55 a. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.55 noon. • • PHILADELPHIA RXP.P.W TRAIN , leaves Philadelphia at 10.45 p. m.; Harrisburg at 3.15 a. in.; Altoona 'at 8.40 a m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.26 p, m. ' MAIL TRAIN leavos Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in.; Harrisburg it'l.4o p. ni.; Altoona at 8.45 p. rn., and arrives' st Pittsburg at 1.40 a. m. FAST LINE leaves. Philadelphia at 11.30 a in.; Harrisburg at 3.65 p. m.• ' Altoona at 8.45 p. and arrives at Pittsburg it 1.40 O. in. HARRISBIJRG'ACCGMMODkTION TRAIN leavee Philadelphia at 2.80 p. ni., andusrivas at Harrisburg at 8.00 p. m. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION, TRAIN leaiesiLanOtaiter at 11,83 a. M., and'aidies at Harrisburg at 1.80 p. in. ' SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East. Div. Pemr'a B. R. Harrisburg,: Nov. 16, 1862.-dtf Northern Central Railway 1 \skp. TIME TABLE. THREE TSAINs DAILY • " 1 4 13TI P M 13 -A_ 1.01" 2 MC 0 12, 311 AND t Washington City. ConneOions inn& with trains on Pennelyvii nia Railroad, td' `sad hold Pittsburg and the TWO TRAINS DAILY to argl from the North and West Branch Bnaquabaana, Elmira, and all of Northern New York. ON and after MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 1862,_tlie_Passenger Trains of ON Railway will arrive at and depfrt from Harrisburg and Baiiimere as ibllows, viz • 13'0•D`2 WA /I 'MAIL TlLitiT letiVes Simbitry daily (exiiept - Sunday).. 1.46 P. M. " :leaves Harrisburg.. 5.20 P. M. " arrives at Baltimore 10.20 . P. M, . 'EXPRESS , TRAIN leaves Sunbury daffy (except Sun- day) 11.20 P. M. " le av es, Harrisburg (except Monday),. 2.46 A. M. arrives at I#altimore Non day) . • 7.80 A. H. ILARBIBBIIIIa ACCOMMODATION . Owes Harriaburg 9.06 AM. NI OIL I' KW A D . hiAIL TEAM likwesßaltimoredailY • - • , 0)=0 Sunday).. 8.80 A!M. , .lefives Harrhiburg... 1.45 P. N. i." arrives at Sunbury.. 4.50 P. M. KEPBEBB TEAM rewires Baltimore ' ' daily 8.40 P. M. gi arrivatarlianisten 1.60. A. "WILT e 6 Harrisburg 'daily (eimpt Mon- • day): . • 8.20 A. M; - " arrives at Sunbury.. 6.20 A.,. M. HAII,III,I3BURG, ACCOMMODATION leaves Baltimore •, ' • daily (except Bun= • -day) ' /43 P. M. 1! • . arrivesatliarrisburg 8.00:P. M. For further information apply at the Office,: •In Pennsylvania Ballroad-Depot. • , Bupg. IlarrisburGliov..l4, : 1862, dtf 1,862. WINTER 1863. Alt RA 1111 lit EDT, Ti iil .~~ CUMBERLAND , VALLEY AND FRANKLIN LuAR 0 A , D a 6-. CHANGE OF 1101TREL—On and a ft er Kid day, Natember 17, 1862; Passenger Trains will run daily, as follows,.(Stualsys excepted) : Chembersburg and Harrisburg: Leave Hagerstown.... ...... . 7.00 2.461 " Greencartle . ... 7.87 8.86 { ..i . ;i:lv - 6 lit; 8.17 4.201 ObambersBnrg.;.... • --: Leave *1..18.80 12.65 Leaves Shlppendaug , j 9.00 1.28 " Newville - ' 9.82 2.00 "' • Carlisle 10.10 2:42 Ileahaniaburg. . . ... ..10.42 8.12 Arrive 4 Harrisburg .........11,16 3.40 For. Ottambersburg and./Eurerstown.: Leave Harrisburg ..... 8.06 1.86 "' Mechaxillisburg 8.47 2.15 " Carlisle 1 • 9.27 2.66 • " Neawtlle.. 10.02 8.29 ...I I' libipiensbox ~..,14.88 too inive,at • •• bertburg,.. ‘ ...11.00 4.80 Lesi+te Cbatt • :tubing ' 11.10 4.40 " Greencastle - 11.56 .6.30 Arrive at Hagerstown; 12.36 - 8.10 jggeretaking close connections at Harrisburg with Aldus !tor rbdhuielphis, New York .aud Pittsburg . ; .and With tni*t° l " P94 lit a We st* O. N. LULL, N0v.17; B. B, Office, 014unbersb . , COODENSW BULK, • TTJtily i recelyo andfo sale by r Wet ':& 06. ThAr420 4 40 14:00: 01 / 9 9 0 * 13 Ow We imireval %Mini -41 Ntm rAbertisements, NBW AIR MBROTITH. Tamil mugs Rim TO NEW TOXIC, AND PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 1862, the Passenger Trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, via : EASTWARIP. EXPRESS LINE leaVes Harrisburg at 8.16 A. M., on arrival of ; the Pennsylvania Railroad Expreds Train from the West, arriving in New York at 10.60 A. M., and at Philadelphia at 9:20 A. M. A sleeping car JO attahced to the train through from Pittaburg.withont, change. MAIL TRAIN. leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A. M., arriving in New York at 6.80 P. Jet., and Philadelphia at 1.60 P. M. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 100 P. M., arriving in New York at 10,28 P. M., and Phil adelphia at 7.00 P. M. WESTWARD. FAST LINE leaves NOW York at 6.00 A. M., and Philadelphia at 8.16 A. • M:, arriving at Harrisburg at 1.20,P. M. ,MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 1200 noon, and Philadelphia at 3.30 P. M., arriving at Har risburg at 8.20 P. M. EXPRESS' TRAIN leaves New York at 7.00 P. M., arriving at Harrisburg at 2.10 A. M., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping car is also at tached tit) this train. Connections are made at Harrisburg with trans owthe Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley railroads, and at Read ing for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Willresbarre, Allentown, Easton, &o. Baggege checked through. Fare between New York and Harrisburg, $5 16 ; between Harrisburg and Philadelphia, $3 85 in No. 1 cars, and s2.Boin No. 2. For tickets or other information,apply to J. J. CLYDE, n026-dtf General Agent, Harrisburg READING. A:LAILOAD WINTER.ARRANGEMENT. (I.IIEAT TRUNK LINE FROIL NuitTil grand Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Et4ton, Allen- town, gm, &o. Trans leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, Beading, Pottsville, and all intermediate stations, at 8.00 A. M., and 2.00 P. N. New York Express leaves Hirrieburg, at 8.16 A. N., arriving at New 'York at 10.30 the.same morning. Fares from Harrisburg: To New York $5 15; to Philadelphia $3 86 and $2.., SO. pLigigage checked through. "" Returning, leave New York at 6 'A. M., 12 Noon, and 7 P. Id., (Pittsburg Express). :Leave Fhiladelphia at 8.16 A. N., and 3.30 P. N. Sleeping cars in the :New York Expiess Trains, through to and froM Pittsburg Without change. Painerrgers br the Oataviissa Railroad leave Port Clinton at 6.16 A. IL, for Philadelphia and all •intermediate stations; and at 8.26 R. M. for, PhiladelPhia; NeWYork; andall*ltY Trains leave Pottiniille ai 9:15 .A. IL, and 2.80 P. M. , • • • • York; . . n., .for Auburn, and. Port Olin ' ton only,,conpectiug for , Pine 9rove and with the CataWissa • iailread and returning from Reading at'B.ls A. M., for 'Pottsville. An Accommodation. Passenger train leaves Reading at 6 . 80 A. M., and returns front Phila delphia at, 4.80 R., M. i r All the above, trains run daily, Sun days excepted. - A Sunday trek' leaves Pottsville .at 7.80 A. M., and Philadelphia at 3.16 P. M. Commutation ' Mileage, Season, and ,Excur sion Tickete at reduced 'rates to and from all points. • - G. A. NICOLLS., General•Seperhitendeut. Nov. 17, 1862.-dawtf BERRYSBURG SEMINARY. MAE nest quarter will open on , the taut .11. oider of luly, the 20th: , D. P. $WENCifit B. S., Prn?rlpsi, ?sainted by able uhien i'he course of studies *braces all the branches urnallY' taught in Os Primary .itd,eal and ' Depart , zysells. Deluding furnished, - &s.;sl. 60 lie week. _- SW from 52.00 to 17. ,00 iper .quarter: of .eleven *man,. Drawing, kc., extra. Students admitted at any time I • daring the' quarter. Special attention is given to, the selection of teachers For fur thei.information address, •D, F. SWZNSLE iburg Dauphin County Pa • J•25-wewer !A .LEOTURE. , FOB YOUNG MEN publishok price 6 cent; a :new Patten of the jate Dr., ,CIIVERWEEVE CELE-. ATaTo LECTURE: on the abase " or the ReProdective powers, indnainiioobALY, OleTTonallosal consuliliVouv' Epilepsy, Mental and Physical.lncapacity, te. The red ioal of treatment, wilhotit kit:dieing, ie fatly er pidAed, ad se to enatde eyerypeato be bic Own..PhYadt elan at the least rlceiblee 'pence. • Aileen to TlRouiands GI guillereis Sent under pea; Inei plan envelope,. to RAT wa peg paid; dn rexteipt tlf diet:nog, of terictottaid et a, Addreeslhe public/epee. . .1 • . •.. • " eit /2110 . 1Ve KLINE TTLIAI . W ar l r°° o: nova-tiled/kw 2°4 VM"2 .818136* „. . LIE .I.N 13 11.A.A N.O E.' The Girard late Inannukok rAminity and ' 'Coiduany of , ia. 0F1.10.1. I#lo. 408 CligB7)l7/7 8.711..5ET. WHABTER Plana r hah.) CIAPTEAL AND. 411111111 P. .. • , • THOMAS . 1 4 - D0W4X,..P'4,04• 1 4 JOHN V. 'IMO, Aothatl, CONTINUI to 0 INSURANCE'ON' UVMJ uoo4 I,eutortl4,4 They eat , f w d liniariliatui under but Wills. aad m ''-wesittyaraD:. - • The capital being paid O r inyaisted, together with a Large and - constiustlYin - • , relieved fund, '!drarki patent 'security tio;sha !neared. The really= may be , paid yea r, belf yearly or quirt lb. wisupeaw add a BpNus_peinioAo tho. 1 gip retied lbilde. The non BONIN '446:prated in Da otenber,,Dl44, the SECOND DORIS q :Decembe r , 184'9 the WWI BONUS la December. 1854, and the NOURTU DONOR iii 1869 . These additioni dee made Withoit re. i qumugaay 81 , ereAle, o 410 Plxuniunk to ,be P 414 to: the Thelellawlngeire a few caunplee trozwthe •Regletar I &Ink MOOR le ed Of Polic7. isur L No 88. : )12iii LI 77 ; 387 +6B 7• + . + 113,3 1 ff 80 " 1 181 . 1 1 1,,n0 cp 1 4,99.00 ..,- 44'3.9. -,- , i ~ 400 . 00 1 2 0 38 OD 383 . ~ 000 : 1,73 , .+90 1 ', MTh, 40 . . agent it buil sod. iriaaish „.. , ... . . +, : • ..: , r rrr . i.A.ii•mirosirrim r n t.5...m1.m. ' , BUEHLER. 73 +l+ 3 ".' . . ...... .. ... Kadly 11 .1 DEEM fi.6146 th e wOrld. for 750, 4il 2d 41164E4 Pi And Sklar Ale rat , .‘ SibA b l R 134 , 1 N T/W2I BmiritelL MOAK INUT4TREII6 , A T Keystone 'Trot. 10862. ID. Di i:.ross S, Jo., W. GROSS & CO.. WHOLACSAI.b., dMID kfe.TAIL D It UGGISTB, NO. 19 MARKET ST R HARRISBURG, PEAN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE.. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are deEdrable, and would respectfully call your ateutien to the largest awl best soleated stock ie tele city, of DRUGS CHEMICALS & PAINTS Oils, varnishes and Glum, Darning Fluid and Alcohol, 111 Lard, Sperm and Pine Oils, PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Pe mars of Europe and this country Being very IP]; dealers In PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, ARTIST'S BRUSIIES IN ALL THEIR VARIOUS, We respectftuiy invite a call, feeling, oonfl dent that we can supply the wants of all On ,terms to their satisfaction. :JONE' 8 AND WHITES'S PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR Of 'all kinds, direct from the Proprietors Saponifier said Cionoentrated Lye 'Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we eel ws low es it can be purchased In the cities. fHAYSIVI MEDICAL FLUID RXTBACTB Being large pnrchasers in these Oils, we can oiler inducements to close buyers. Coal 011 lamps of the most improved patterns, very :ltheap. All ,binds of lamps changed to bun Ooal 011. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not Alyea our HOMO 'AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know no 'ittey superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in good condition. Thotisande can testify to the profit they have ;derived from the 9116 of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, 'besides improving the general health and ap enance of their Cattle. Our long experience in the lustiness gives ue the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the 'trade, and our arnurgements in the cities are Such that we am in a very short time famish outithing appertaining, to our business, on the Ilset of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage beetowe On our house, we hope by strict attention to buelneee, a careful selection of Yt` fair Esdoes, and the desire to please all, to hawk a oontitrcumpe of the favor of disorim inOing pubic. splekolly I I NeCIaTOCI 8 PECTOgiIi,AYRUP. trififi INVALUABLE SYRU?, WHICH IS i 1 entirely vegetable in its composition, has been employed with wonderful - SUCCORS for Musky lours in the cure of diseases for the AIR PASSAGES and LUNGS. For any form of the inseam such as 001JOH, TICKLING of the 'IIIIDAT, SPITTING .OF BLOOD, DIFFI CULT BREATHING, HOARSENESS, LOSS OF :VOICE, aid HECTIC FEVERS, its use will be attended with the happiest results. It is one .' o f the , bed and safest medicines for all k„.... of BRONOKOLIS and CONSUMPTION. oiaudnasit or preparation of Opium in shy duspe . Al* •OT*P. • ' num $lOO PER BOTTLE. For sale it 'BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK-, RTORE. -- ! . Amount ot,Poltcy 'and bonus to be icier idditioni; G DigUi3 TRAVELING A 0 8 1 , writraN T'UBB/5 0NAIES' paßin- Iliad a general ambortment of ; PAM" (WOW inatheap =viv at MOM'S 130PESTOWL IME Dye. Stuffs, Glass and Putty Artist Colors and Tools, Pure Ground Spices Bottles, Vials and Lady Globes, OaStile Soap, Sponges and Corks, &c., age., Arc , Age., Aue., da With a general variety of LINSEED OIL, VARNISIDIS, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND OOLOBS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, TEETH I TEETH II RESTORATIVES COAL OIL I CARBON OIL I PURR DRUGS PORT FOLIOS 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers