Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, December 13, 1862, Image 2

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    pail g Etlegrafil.
Saturday Evening, December la, 1869•
The account of the capture of Fredericks
burg, while it re-affirms the dauntless bravery
of the federal soldier, repeats the old descrip
tion of rebel cowardice and duplicity. Their
was no manly, fair or chivalric contest to de
fend Fredericksburg. The main body of the
rebels did not stand and give battle to our ad
vancing troops. They left the city in the
hands of a few murderous assassins, who fired
on our troops ae they entered, from every imag
inable place of concealment. But such as
these, when taken, were treated without mercy
—treated, doubtless, as assassins deserve, to
the speedy death which is necessary to rid the
earth of such monsters. Too long have the
rebels been recognized as even more than bel
ligerents. While the Administration was pro
testing to foreign nations and objecting to any
recognition of the rebels as belligerents, the
leaders of federal armies have been treating
the same people with a leniency which would
have excited the ridicule of that French Sing
whoregarded the processof war as consisting en
tirely of marching up hill and then marching
down again. If a traitor was captured, his
release was decreed before he could be brought
to a trial. If some rebel assassin was taken in
the act of imbruing his hands in the blood of
innocent Union men, his oath of allegiance was
deemed sufficient expiation and he was released
to laugh at the clemency of the Government
as the evidence of its cowardice.
As Burnside treated the concealed assassins
of Fredericksburg, showing them no mercy
when he had once captured them, so we must
treat all who are connected with the rebellion.
Mercy to traitors is injustice to ,loyal men.
Mercy to those who. have combined to de
stroy all that is dear to civilization and
religion, is literally striking, a ,bleiv tat
progress, arresting the development of society
and staying all that is sacred in improvement
and intelligence. Mercy to those who persist
in opposing the government, is the act of op
pression to those who are so valiantly fighting
in defence of law and order. Let the govern
ment act with more rigor—let the war be more
terrible to those who inaugurated its furies—
let mercy be laid aside for a while, that justice
may bave more mom to operate, and the day
will come when the resolution will be applauded,
even by those who suffered by its acts. The
choicest mercy is that which soonest ends this
war, let the means be ever so terrible. Peace
will make amends for any temporary absence of
mercy. The commander who appreciates such
a view of the crisis, is the man who will soonest
put an end to the rebellion.
One would not suppose that there was the
least similarity between the Democracy of
America and the Aristocracies of Europe. These
organizations are supposed to represent the an
tipodes in society and politics. The one has al
,* s boisterously claimed to be the ideal and
the real of all that is free, enlightened and lilr
oral—while the other arrogantly pretends only
to recognise that which is exclusive, titled, lofty
and grand—assuming even that their superiority
is Heaven-born and gifted. The Aristocracies
of Europe are the plagues akithe pests of
mankind. They volt with;bnitritn life and
limb as tigers do with captured play,. The
mass of mankind are their victims. On these
the Aristocracies of Europe exist; In their
blood, the titled inscribe the fame of families—
in their groans, the proud expetiment for
theories and practice o f oppression. Yet with
these Aristocracies, the Democracy of America
fully and fervently agree. They agree on one
point. The Democracy which once claimed to
represent all that was pure in politics, all that
wag lofty in civilization, all that was grand in
progress, now fully agree with these Aristocra
cies, and have made their interests similar to
those of the few temilies which rule Europe.
This agreement is thus made up : European
Aristocracies desire the dismemberment of the
American Union. So also do the Americanl:ll
- desire the dismemberment of this
Union. As the Democracy are represented in
the slaveholders eugaged iu this rebellion—and
as the same element is combined in the sympa
thizers with treason in the north—we hat%
Democracy in its full power—and these as a
combination, have made Democracy trium
Here Is a pletttre , as well as a historical fact,
which should awaken the alarm, the energy
and the loyality of every true man in the Union.
The record proves the charge agaipst American
Democracy. They have been and are con
spiring against the. Union, against the Govern
matt, against Liberty. The confession of the
Aristocracies of Europe is open, and frank. They
deeire the destruction of the Union, because on
its ruins they hope to secure the privileges of
their titles and the power of their class.
Let the people ponder these facts.
EIGHT Busmen Aiip TyfiNTY BALES ql
have been shipped from St. Louis to Pitts
and from thit city 4411 fib vonveyed BAIA
the Pennsylvania IlialiMad. if it bad been,
claimed by the prcdectors of this road, that one
of its articles of freight would be cotton, the
claim would have moiit lk l e y pePled the charge
of illstulikY' wakteurigiltepinst those who
proposed to , croM the , Allegheay mountain with
a loeometive. 40,4ommylvrmisylisliroad
is a triumph—ootton is part of ,ita freigtok b Ki d
thus we progress *Vie de teesion. Li,
In the Senate debate on Thursday on the
resolution of Mr. Saulsbury, the speech of Mr.
Fessenden, of Maine, was altogether the most
satisfactory and effective delivered. He made
this point, which we apprehend will be new to
most of our readers, that the oath taken by
the President was not = like that taken by
membars of Congress, to support, bat to protect,
defend and preserve the Constitution of the
United States. He said, truly, that no one had
undertaken to impugn the motives of the
President, or had dared to accuse him of cor
ruption, in making the arrests complained of.
It was his duty to arrest any man or body of
men whom he honestly believed to be striving
to overthrow the Government of the United
States, no matter whether they were found ,
North or South. A watchful care over the in-
Wrests of the Republic, makes it just as impera
tive on the President to arrest and imprison
traitors and epierrhi the North, as to raise and
equip armies against the open rebels of the
South. There is no difference between them.
Both are equally to be guarded against, The
arrest of spies and traitors riot in arms, is a part
df our military operations, and is done in
pursuance of the President's duty to preserve,
protect and defend the Constitution. If in the
course of the march of our armies, or of the
battles they fight, some,loyal man is killed or
injured, surely no one will object that it was
unconstitutionaloi So, if any man, North or
South, puts himself in the attitude of an
enemy, he must expect the consequences ; if he
is wronged, he has no right either legal
ly or morally to raise the question whether
the President has violated the Constitu
tion. The only point he can raise is,
whether the President was doing his best
to preserve, protect and defend the Consti
tution against its assailants. As a rebel he
has no constitutional rights. He has placed
himself out of the pale of the Constitution.
It may be that he his only acted indiscreetly,
perhaps talked recklessly, or kept suspicious
company, but if he has, by any act whatever, led
the President to believe that he is dangerous to
the Government, it is the duty of the Executive
to arrest him and denude him of all power to
harm that Constitution which the President
has sworn to protect and defend. If a man
should be caught in a room full of thieves it
would ill become him to put on airs when the
police insisted on searching his pockets ; and
if a man chooses to travel about the country
denouncing the Government, and talking ex-'
aptly like the Richniond Examiner or the Charles
ton Mercury, he must. not be surprised if he
finds himself arrested and imprisoned on sus
picion of being a secret coadjutor of those open
enemies of the. Government. What better
proof can the President have that Brovin er
Jones, of New York, is a traitor, than that his
language and his ideas correspond exactly with
those of men who are known to be traitors,
and who ate In open atms against the Govern
ment ?
Mr. Feesenden's argument disposes at once
and forever of all these noisy diatribes of the
New York _Herald and World, the Chicago
Times, and all such semi-secession punts about
the unconstitutionality of the arrests concern,
leg which they have made such an uproar. It
is the President's duty to pried and- dafend the
Constiinibmi and Ckivermiteni of the United
States, and if he had good lesson to believe
that any ~person ,whittever Wk wailing that
Gov'ernifient, or was aiding and abetting those
who were in arms against it, he was right in
arresting him, and for such action he is respon
sible, to God and his conscience. It is a great
power that he 'is intrusted With, but it is
a power which is necessary,to the presermtpion,
of the Government, a power which the head of
every. Government possesses, and without which
every Government would be utterly defewol
Such is the cry of the" "Consertatives." To
all appeals:for an active prosecution of Abe risk
for the arrest of traitors and the punishment
of treason, they tell ns we must have "the Con
stitution as it is. • They condemn the war,
because it is not conducted agreeably.to "the .
Constitution as it is;" and the President, became
he will not respect "the Constitution as it is ;"
and the army, because it , does not fight the
Rebels according to "the
. corietitution as it is."
Their whole argument, their whole cry is, Pthe
Constitution as it is."
Well, Senator Garrett Davis; of Kentucky,
a recognized 'conservative leader,
..from sat
in, the , United , States Senate, -demonstra
ted 'howl 'empty in this 'pretended' 'reverence'
far the . Constitution. flea . 0 0 embodlinent of
Border State Conservatirur, so. much line
for "the Constitution as it is," that he proposes
to amend it; change it radically alter one of its
most cherished features ! What is the pro,
position he offered ? It is simply ye 'ZAHN
t What think ye of that.? Senator Garrett
Davis, backed, no doubt, by the whole border ,
state influence,- is aiming to abridge - popular'
liberty, to trim down the elective fpurchhte, to
concentrate political power In the hands of the
feW. This, too, under the cry of "the Consti
tution as it is." Veiny. if the people submit
to such encroachments they*. not deserve "the
Constitution as it is," or any Constitutional
protection. ' ' •
The following is Senator Ghturett Davis' mode
of electing President and Vice President
;Within thirty days previous to the election,
each state .may nominate one .candidate.—
Should the plan be successful, thew nomina
tions will, of course, be made by the Legisla
tures. From these , nominees Congress will
first elect a President, and next a Vice President.
I Shonid five days be consumed without a choice
- then the lowest candidate shall be droppod on
I 4oh ballot, until the eontestis ,decided. The
plan, howeini, is not perfect. If the people are
not competent to elect the President and Vice
President, they should not be trusted with the
election' of members of Congress. If the Con
stitution (not, •!al It is"). is to be made, tri '4e
date *4O tier sovereldll4l,4l it he PsPlieslbt
pe have fhu whole.heg at ohm We stOtist,
ihirebre; toiSddalbiThiiie tiled libi
petnellnania Mat) irtlegraph ilaturtictv . everOng, Mamba . 13, 1862
be so amended that the State Legislatures elect
the Congressmen, that the county officers elect
the Legislature, and the district constables elect
the county officers. This will perfect the sys
tem, as the people x ill only be entrusted with
the election of town constables, and we pre
sume that even the Conservatives are willing
to trust the masses that far.
Hurra ! for the Conservatives and ''the Con
stitution as it is"—in the little end of a horn !
• , , „.„, •
The Rebels Responding Spiritedly to the
A Portion of the Rebel Cavalry found on onr
Right Rear.
Saturday, 11 A. Id. f
The battle so long anticipated is now pro
The morning opened with a dense fog, which
has not yet entirely disappeared.
Gen. Rsynold's corps on the left advanced at
an early hour, and at 9.15 engaged the enemy's
infantry. Seven Minutes after the rebels
opened a heavy fire of artillery, which con
tinued up to this time without interruption.
Their artillery fire must be at random, as the
fog obstructs all view.
Our heavy guns are answering them rapidly.
As the sure gets higher it is hoped that the
fog will lift.
At this writing no results are known. Not
much infantry has as yet been engaged.
A portion of the enemy's cavalry crossed a
ford above here and yesterday were found on
our right rear. A sufficient force has been
Bent out to meet them.
From Washington.
Three Indian Regiments in the Ser
vice of the United States•
What the President Says about Affairs
at Fredericksburg.
Another. Movement from Mar
pees Ferry.
WAsursOTON, Dec. 18.
Three Indian regimenta are already in the
service of the Government under Gen. Blunt;
slavers' moreluh.to be ridded and all of them
flume: Uinta a brigade.-
Medical Director Letterman bee assigned
Dr 4 Warren Webster. of the regular army, to
duty as Inspector of the Medical Department of
the army the - Potentate. •
Upon receiving the nail from Fredericksburg
last evening, the President is said to have re
marked, " The rebellion is now*virtually at an
end," and to have added a prophesy that Rich
mond would be in posession of the Union troops
before the first of January.
As rumors of diessterto Gen. Sigel have been
current this eveoing, we are permitted to state
that he is not only safe, but in full communica
tion with Gen. Burnside.
We learn, too, that Gen. Slocum, whose de
pFture from Harper's Ferry southward formed
part of the general movement, was, at a late
hour, known to:. be between Strasburg and
Gen. Eligel'a Forces Engage, the
Theies itelieved 'to be letreating frog
A special dispatch from Washingtoe; dated
yesterday, states that Hampton's rebel, cavalry
on Friday morning, captured Dumpler's,, cut
the telegraph wires and carried off . the ' opera
tors. •
Later in the day Oen. theinwehr, in com
mand oftigere advance, attacked. the .rebels,,
and a fight ensued, the result of which was un
ithe wires have since been repaired. It is
the opinion of many of the:Generals at Fredet.
icliburg, that the main body of the enemy .bas
ritired, and that no, determined. stand will'be
made near the, city.
Nsw Yomt Dec 18
The. steamship talicollia sailed to-day with
118 passengers, aid ;841;000 in specie.
More demand for flour, and price" &mar—
mites of 2,000 bble, chiefly extra family st s7®
7 ;60 ; • saperfine held at s6®6 124 , ; 6,000 bbl".
Imlay sold $8(48 26 ; receipts falling off.-
NO change in rye flour or corn Meal. Good
demand for irbeat---4,000 bus. sold at $1 470
1 60 ; and white at $1 25(1 76ga. 86.-
1,500 bus. rye sold at 98c. Cora scarce, de
mand good, at an advance of 2c.=-1,000 bits.
old yellow at 90c.; new at 80c. 3,000 bus.
Pennsylvania oats brought 42c. No change in
barley. In Provisions firmer feeling—sales of
600 bbls. old mess pork at $14414 12i, width
is an advance. 600 bbbt. whisky sold at 40c.
-Niw YORK, Dec. 18.
Cotten quiet at 64(467; flour declining and
sales of 9,1100 bbls. at $5 75(g6 90 for State,
$6 7506 80 for Ohio, 'leathern unchanged ;
sliest declined 10, and sales of 40,000 boa. at
$121(8128 for Chicago Spring,,' $1 2EOIBB
for Milwaukee Club, and $1 39®148 for red ;
corn steady, add 50,00 bus. at. 764761 c for
mixed ; pork quiet, $l4 25 for mese, and $ll 76
foi prime; lard steady; whisky dull at 8834•89 c;
receipts of flour 7,94811de.; wheat none;' corn
none. •
Flour dull and depreseed. Wheat steady.
Ogre tirra' 'hi 79(41,81)c.;' yellow 82(484c. Oats
C - 1, ; ,1 - , Peixneylvarda Whisky dislcit.
Union Guns.
Haw Your, Deo. 18
I!au)u.rirLt, Dec. 18
The Captuie 'Of"tredeiiieksbutg.
Graphic Account of the Bom•
bardinent and Capture
of the City.
corresimmikwee of the New York Herald.]
thstmatreessis, ARMY or Tue Paromec, ,
December 11, 1862. 1
To day has witnessed one of those rare,
grand spectacles of war—the bombardment of
a city. For days the attack had been looked ,
for with feverish. anxiety, and with each suc
cessive evening . the morrow was .prktkesied as
the inaagitral occasion of the much talked of
winter campaign ; but weeks slipped by, and ,
yet we rested in our camps, while all along the
ridges just across the river batteries nightly
sprang from the earth, as if by magic, and thy
increasing smiilre of theobnemir's" tesMp fires
wrapped hill' and valley in undistinghishable
gloom. Wild, exciting rumors were greedily
accepted for fade, and a-thousand statements,
as ridiculous as they wete contradictory, flew
like wildfire from c a mp to ; camp.
Throughout the week, there has been indica
tions that the crisis! was" rapidly approaching,
and each night the troops retired at:tattoo fully
confident that the roar of artillery would be
their reveille.
Last evening, at sundown, ;the movement
commenced. Batteries, hastene4 to the front,
wagon trains were removed from the vicinity of
the anticipated battle, the ponderous pontoons
joined the current hurrying river -forward, and
night closed down upon us bright and beauti
ful, with our pulses throbbing quick with eager
expectations. Artillery never seemed to rum
ble so noiselessly before, and the sharp cluck of
the iron axles echoed far , and near, as if in
league with the enemy. Down by the river
everything was as quiet as peace. Our pickets,
composed of the Fifty-first Pennsylvania regi
ment, set listlessly about their fires, watching
the rebel sentries and crunching hard tack. The
river swept smoothly by, placid as the sky
above, and just over there, so close one almost
wished to tell them of their error, stood the
rebel sentries, while a icsothhig movement of
rushing waters in the rapids up stream swelled
softly down the valley. From the thresholds
of the city the sharp yelp of curs rang now and
then discordantly upon the ear ; but with the
batteries in position the cause of their outcry
would be removec', and silence again settle
down upon the town, broken only by the tones
of the town clock tolling the midnight hours.
And so the time !dipped along. The moon
climbed higher up, and the falling dew whitened
into frost upon• our ponchos, while the horses
restless in the chill night air, moved to and ft;
uneasily in their harness.
At two o'clock ouripickets were withdrawn,
and at three the pontodn train drove down to
the water. Lumber was noiselessly. piled upon
the ground, and the huge goats slid from off
their trucks. Then we hear a splashing in the
river—a dark pathway lengthens out upon the
silver surface, shadowsflit here and there along
its trat.k, the Inety blows of hammers re-echo
from aide to aide. And yet no sound comes
from the enemy. "Have they evacuated the
place?" Are: we not to fight here alter till ?"
is asked. Suddenly, Crack ! crack i crack I
from a hundred muskets, tell us the ball is
opened. dory of pain comes up the lank from
the gallant engineers, mules dash off with pon.
tows thundering after, across the plot; the mus
ketry grows loader and the whiz of bullets more
frequent.; frightened teamsters fly, panic
stricken, and the artillery, horses plunge at the
caissons. Suddenly, boom L -goes a gun--
another and another, until thirty pieces are
pouring shot and shell` on the devoted city.—
Graham, who did so gloriously -at Antic t, •
' 'rby, with--Biekestke-ets-serr tan t
Miller, Durell, Tyler, Smith, Hazard, Kinsey
and Dickson, • all Jiin in --the uproar, and
musketry 'clad to the ear in, the mighty roar
that re-echoes again and again from hill to
hill. Gradually , the fire , slackens, and the
engineers again attempt the cotapletion of the
bridge, but in vain ; and after a third trial they
all back, bearing in their skins their wounded;
dead and dying.:,;
It was designed to lay down two bridgea •at
once, one at thelowerend and the otherut the
upper end of the , city. The enemy, Totted in
the houses Ind. cellars, upon the- river bank;
were safe from our infantry, and maintained a
continuous fire. Ontinfantry returned the fire
spiritedly, .but, finding lit impossible tea drive
the rebels from, theirpcoyer, finally withdrew,
leaving the diapositiort of the enemy to our sr-
By,this time it waa sunrise, • The engineers
(Fiftieth New York) and the Fifty-seventh' end
Sixty-sixth New York regiments had suffered
heavily, and the wounded soon began to crowd
the doors of thecLaGyel]fouse. Other regiments
lied also stfffered,•though.. much less, and the
surgeon soon bad work enough. • • •
About eight cede& theiartillery fire ceased.
The fog was so dense that objects were invisible
one hundred yards from.the gum Fredericks
burg was as silent as b efore Again the' en
gineers advance, , and again the enemy drove
them back ; _orderlies galloped to the different
blitteries, with. instructions; a message orders
from Aqui& a special train •with.solid• shot ;
and again the thunder toroidal. out -anew.l- For
a time the roar is; indescribably weird. The
city frowits wails of brick hurls back a thou
send echoes,; .which . beat up against the Fal
mouth bluff, roll.baok.again beyond the town,
and then front OA'distant. ldlis once more swell
.oter. 1:143, as, thougluthe heayena were: rind
aiiunder., At General Sumner's headquuteni,
:half a mile distant, it becomes difficult to
Onverse in a low tone, wiglie et the batteries
*ere must be signalised. By apd by the firing
ceases, and one is ilmorit awe-stricken with
ilie profound silence.. o 'The:mist stiU clings to
the river, the sun struggierup red Andfiery, and
Am air is auffimatingwith the-odor of gunpow
der. Presently the babrof fog begind to lift a
little, the glistening roofs glee* faintlithrough
the yekiheir the sunbeams scatter; the clouds
that intervene, • and , Fredericksburg, utterly ,
desolate, stands out before A huge, wino:WOE
dense black monument
above the lividfiames, that leap. and hiss and
grackle, licking up the snow opcin 'the roofs
with lambent tongues, and stretching " like , a
gfimt. The guns renew their roar,' and we see
the solid shot plonge through the masonry as
though it were pasteboard ; other buildings
are fired, and before sundown a score o
bermes are in ashes, while not ope seems -to
hive escaped the pitiless storm of iron.—
IV less number have - been fired than
was anticipated ; but the damage done by
solid shot is terrible, and will require years to
repair. Among the sufferers is Mr. Garland,
a ioyal refugee, who witnessed the bombard
ment from the headquarters of Gen. Sumner,
of whose staff his eon le a member. The resi
dence of Mr. Slaughter, father of the Mayor,
Dr. Wallace's, Mrs. Hayes'., and .Timberlake's
auction and commission ,stoire i are among the
buildings burned. An English ensign hung
conspicuously from one.of the, h4:iuses, which,.
fortunately for the inmates, was, lees exposed
to our fire. Femaleii could' be seen, darting
through the streets, negroee carrying frirnitire
from burning houses; and now and then a rebel
gliding from one hiding plice to another. Our
artillery would drive the cpemy from their
cover upon the tank of ' the' rivet ; but when
compelled to cease, in order not to endanger
the Jives of the, giments, the rebels would
innnediately,st* back and pick off our men
with the rifle. .
- In the meantime Idorkwini troops lined the;
bills upon thisaidites fares the eye could reach,
all intensely watching the operations. Artila
limy, cavalry and infantry, in solid columns,
covered every plateau, and every camp in ,the
vicinity was well nigh abandoned in the desire to
witness the bombarment. A number of females
appeared at the windows in the city front time
to time, waiving white flags and shouting
to us that they wished to come over. As we
were in the same predicament, the
ment was mutual, and the affrighted females
were left to the undisturbed enjoyment of our
sympathy. 'Whenever such Signals were dis
played, however, the buildings were spared by
our artillerists, so that the inmates were but
little less safe than they would have been
upon this side.
As night approached it was found that the
enemy had no idea of yielding to us a free
passage across the river. With their facilities
for shielding themselves, our artillery could not
permanently dislodge them, and Companies C
and G, of the Seventh Michigan regiment, gal
lantly volunteered to cross in boats and drive
them out of town. Receiving assent to their
proposition, they sprang into a couple of pon
toon boats, rowed briskly across, dashed up
into the city at doable quick, broke open the
houses, end captured thirty-six prisoners, in
cluding a staff officer. This gallant act secured
to us the opposite side until the bridge could
be completed, and our troops are now in pos
session of the city.
Immediately after taking possession of the
place, the enemy opened upon it with artillery
from the hills beyond, but without effect, and
at this hour (nine o'clock r. tr.) everything is
perfectly quiet. Not a shot was fired by the
rebels from their batteries during the entire
day, with the exception of the few shots just at
night. Some of our men suffered from our
own guns, however, a few shells having explo
ded this side of the river.
Oar lose in killed and wounded is not large.
The rebels, owing to their sheltered positions,
have probably suffered less than we, though at
times our shells seemed to burst among them
with considerable effect.
General Burnside remained at General Sum
ner's headquarters during the bombardment, in
plain view of the whole scene.
iD i e d
On the morning of the 13th inst., Mag. Assn
M., wife of David J. Unger, aged 32 years and
2 months.
Tie funeral will take place from the residence
of her husband in Market Square, on Monday
afternoon, at 2 o'clock. The friends of the
family are respectfully Invited to attend.
New 2blurtuntrunts.
ANEW BRICK MUSA with Plzvtll , oms,
situated on Pennsylvania Avenue, above
the Round House. Terms $lOO per annum.
In abundance at
No. 91 Kumar &rum [dl.3
T%Eundersigned has just opened a BREAD,
ST., NEAR MARKET, behind the Adams Express
Office, where he will always keep on hand Fresh
Bread, Cakes of all kinds, Pies of the best
quality ; and, also, MINCE MEAT, put up by
himself. He is prepared to furnish Stores,
Saloons and Familiestux„ and solicits
0 public.
NO. 489 ARCH STREET, (opposite /minim's
• ar Orders promptly executed and warranted
AG represented. dl3-8t
COTTON and linen rage, at 76 Market street,
neat ddbr to Coates' Confectionery:
OLD blank books, writing, printing, and all
kinds of paper, at 75 Market street, next
door to Coates' Confectionery. [412-at
OLD newspapers, at 76 Market street, next
door to Coates' Confeetioneri. [dl2-at
Out IRON, Copper, Brans, Pewter and Iron,
50 Second hand Bedsteads acid Chairs, all
kinds of Second handifurnitnre and Clothing,
for which the highest price will be given in cash
at Barr's Auction Store. Now is the time to
empty your garrets, cellars and yards of old
ifundture, decll-tf.
READY To-DAy,- DEC. 12.
Abridged Edition, complete in 1 Crown
Octavo Vol., Price, $1.75, lola
Steel Portrait.
" This volume 'is a condensation of, the 1161
of Andrew 'Jacinth; in three volumes, octavo,
which was published by the author in 1860.
Nearly everything in the way of document,
letter, episode, disquisition, note or apendix has
been omitted; but the - story of the life has been
retained, and'the more interesting naratives,
scenes, end anecdotes are preserved entire."
The publishers believe they are doing an ac
ceptable service, in presenting at this time a
condensed edition of Mr. Parton's great work
a work, which on its appearance two years since
es:cited. the liveliest interest, and has since
reach sale rarely attained . by any biography
of slat& size and oast. At home and abroad
the critics have agreed in awarding to "Parton's
Life of Jackson" the highest praise, for all
those qualities which render a
,biography at-
tractive and valuable and has taken a high
place among the standard works in the lan
The corn pletework leis three volumes, octavo,
price $6.00. The abridgment now ready is in
one'crown Bvo. volume, price $1.75. Publish
Nee, 5 & 7 Mercer Street, New York.
THE Stockholding in the Middletown and
Harrisburg Turnpike Road Company are
hereby notified that the annual meeting will
be held on MONDAY, THE firm DAY OF JAN
UARY, 1868, between the hours of 10 o'cloCk,
N., an d two o'clock, P. M., at the residence
of the undersigned, No. b South Front Street,
Harrisburg, for the purpose' of electing One
President, Six Managers, and One Secretary and
treasurer, for :the ensuing year, and for the
transaction of such other business as tke inter
ests of the said. COMPanY may r 11ire. • ! ;
111JDOLVI le.
• Secretiry and Treasurer.
RARIIIIIIIIOp Dec. 10, 18#2. [(110H18t-w8t
Ntw 2bratisements
In the Name and by the Authority
Governor of the said Commonwealth,
Witeutzes, In an and by au act of the General
Assembly of this Commonwealth, passed the
second day of July, A. D., one thousand eight
hundred and thirty-nine, entitled "An Act re
lating to the elections of this Commonwealth,"
it is made the duty of the Governor on the re
ceipt of the returns of the election of the
members of the House of Representatives of
the United States by the Secretary of the Com
monwealth, to declare by Proclamation, the
names of the persons so returned as elected in
the respective districts. And whereas, the re
turns of the general election held ou Tuesday
the Fourteenth day of October laist, in and for
the several Districts, for members to serve in
the House of Representatives of the Congress
of the United States, for the term of two years,
from and after the fourth day of March next,
have been receided in the office of the Secretary
of the Commonwealth, agreeably to the pro
visions of the above recited act, whereby it
appears that in the First District, composed of
the Stcortd, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and
Eleventh wards in the city of Philadelphia,
Samuel J. Randall has been duly elected ; in the
Second District, composed of the First, Seventh,
Eighth, Ninth and Tenth wards, in the city of
Philadelphia, Charles O'Neill has been duly
elected ; in the Third District, composed of the
Twelfth, Thirteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth,
Eighteenth and Nineteenth wards, in the city
of Philadelphia, Leonard Myers has been duly
elected ; in the Fourth District, composed of
the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Twentieth, Twenty
first and Twenty-fourth wards, in the city of
Philadelphia, William D. Kelly has been duly
elected; in the Fifth District, composed of the
Twenty second, Twenty-third and Twenty -fifth
wards, in the city of Philadelphia, and the
county of Bucks, M. Russell Thayer has been
duly elected ; in the Sixth District, composed
of the counties of Montgomery and Lehigh,
John D. Stiles has been duly elected ; in the
Seventh District, composed of the counties of
Cheater and Delaware, John M. Broomall has
been duly elected ; in the Eighth District, com
posed •of the county of Berks, Sydenham E.
Ancona has been duly elected ; iu the Ninth
District, composed of the county of Lancaster,
Thaddeus Stevens has been duly elected ; in
the Tenth District, composed of the counties of
Schuylkill and Lebanon, Myer Strouse has been
duly elected ; in the Eleventh District, com
posed of the counties of Northampton, Carbon,
Monroe, Pike and Wayne, Philip Johnson has
been duly elected ; iu the Twelfth District,
composednf the counties of Lucerne and Sus
quehanna, Charles Denison bas been duly
elected ; in tee Thirteenth District, composed
of the counties of Bradford, Wyoming, Sulli
van, Columbia and Montour, Henry W. Tracy
has been duly elected ; in the Fourteenth Dis
trict, composed of the counties of Northum
berland, Union, Snyder, Juniata and Dauphin,
William H. Miller has been duly elected ; in
the Fifteenth District, composed of the coun
ties of Cumberland, York and Perry, Joseph
Bailey has been duly elected ; in the Sixteenth
District, composed of the counties of Adams,
Franklin, Fulton, Bedford and Somerset, Alex
ander H. Coffroth has been duly elected ; in
the Seventeenth District, composed of the conn
ties of Cambria, Blair, Huntingdon and Mifflin,
Archibald McAllister has been drily elected ; in
the Eighteenth District,' composed of the
counties of Centre, Clinton, Lycoming Tioga
and Potter, James T. Hale has been duly elect
ed ; in the Nineteennth District, composed of
the counties of Erie, Warren, McKean, Forest,
Elk, Cameron, Jefferson and Clearfield, Glenni
W. Scofield has been duly elected ; in the
Twentieth District, composed of the counties
of Crawford, Venango, Mercer and Clarion,
Amos Myers has been duly elected ; in the
Twenty-first District, composed of the counties
of Westmoreland, Indiana and Fayette, John
L. Dawson has been duly elected ; in the Twenty
second District, composed of that part of Al
legheny county south of the Ohio and Allegheny
rivers, including Nevil Island, James K. Moore
head has been duly elected ; in the Twenty
third District, composed of that part c•f Alle
gheny county north of the Ohio and Allegheny
' rivers, and the counties of Butler and Arm
strong, Thomas Williams has been duly elected ;
and in the Twenty-fourth District, composed of
the counties of Lawrence, Beaver, Washington
and Greene, Jesse LiZeilt has been duly elected.
Now, therefore, I, ANDREW G. CURTIN, Gov
ernor as aforesaid, have issued this my Proclama
tion, hereby publishing and declaring, that
Samuel J. Randall, Charles O'Neill, Leonard
Myers, William D. Kelly, M. Russell Thayer,
John D. Stiles, John M. Broomall, Sydenham
E. Ancona, Thaddeus Stevens, Myer Strouse,
Philip Johnson, Charles Denison, Henry W.
Tracy, William H. Miller, Joseph Bailey, Alex
ander 11. Coffroth, Archibald McAllister, James
1". Hale, Glenni W. Scofield, Amos Myers, John
L. Dawson, James K. Morehead, Thomas Wil
liams and Jesse Lazeate have been returned as
duly elected in their several Districts before
mentioned, as Representatives in the Congress
of the United States, for the term of two years,
to commence from and after the Fourth day of
March next.
Given under my hand and the great seal of the
State, at Harrisburg, this, Eleventh day of
December, In the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the
Commonwealth the eighty seventh.
Br THE Govaasore.
Secrela4 of the Commonwealth
dl2 3t
A. C. EMI ,
WILL attend to the Collection of Bounty
Money, Pennsions and arrears of Pay.
'r' The widow or other heirs of any soldier,
who may die by disease or be killed while in
the United States service, is entitled to $l(0
bonntYMoney, pension, and all arrears of pay
of deceased soldier. [mylOy-rd-dlO
just received at the Bankrupt Boot And
Shoe house, which will be sold cheaper than
ever, and for neatness and durabilitycanrot be
surpassed in the : world. To be convinced the
fact, call and see.
riWO Good House Gleaners. Apply W