C.' ... '-! 1 t.„ •.. o , it ' . ~ • ,i....“ 2....,.,, Ili ..c.:P , _ - ts ' ' di' : --------- - -------- . .. , - - •,, .. ' • -,.• ‘• r Ilit ilt •..-:- "...—. ------------ 'r — ; ---- - -- 7--,--- - _. - dir . , . „ ••-,-- v I -...-.... ... - A . ~.. , - ::... , ..., -.„... 1.4 k . 4,... " 't 's . 't. , - ' f 't .,, • lii '-' ' - ; ., :_! : , „:_.. :, , ,,. .. , ,,.. T . ,\ .0 :k - ,41 ,,,1 , `- --- I t , -**:.-5. 4 . , ~'' , , \ i ‘-, , ...., ..., s , ~.. ~.. .......s.. ~,, .. , , s ."--.. . il k 11 . AS, , 4 , i... , . . • ... 'l . ~... -",... VI . - z.,' ,---.. ,4 ..,.. ' * . s ,„' ' 3aU li '• • Nt -4; ,4"' , 1 1 1.' ,..... *. ..... ---,.- •-•;'''..- -P ---,„. ..._ . -.: '`. • f - . - 4 -'' ---------"—_-- , " witA ,u I- ~-„,--='• 1,. ~.,... • k tt.- ~.). ......... _ ..,...„... , . ....„ 4't , 4 - • ''''' -4 -,.. '..4 • --,...,-, .-z,„%-- ...,,... 1-, ..-...,,,. .4 , ,- ~- ,* , , a. --- ' - -- , - -- J - ------ ---- ' -- it ...ii ik ,:•.- .4* ,f , -..., # : ; v ? th At '''''' . k ..,.... . 0 Q. , . .., ......' . ~...& . 1„.... .N.. , ,, „ IS '. ...,...::' 4 . ', .... tn. ..... .....$ 1 „ttO I ---=-------- ‘ , • 1 BY GEORGE BERGNER. THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, BY GEORGE BERGNER. TER MS -SINUS SUBSCRIPTION. The DAILY TELLGItAPH ill served to subscri bers in the City at 6 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will he charged $4 00 in advance. WEEKLY AND SIMI-WEEKLY TELEGRAPH The Terms/all is also published twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and week ly during the remainder of the year, and fur nished to subscribers at the following cash rates, viz: Single subscribers per year Semi-Weekly $1 50 Ten " 12.00 Twenty 4, 22 00 " Weekly Sing le Anyzavnawo Bene.—The following are: the rates for advertising in the TELEGRAPH. Those having advertising to do will find it convenient for reference. E r. Four lines or less constitute one-half square. Eight lines or more than four oonsti• tutee a square. ozM A T:g4,10,72na PEN5cm •90 4m13 :: 3a m0 10 4 4 5 0 c g o r §gsgo , :o i lsgm&B :larr ger . 'Sr r la :* . tr cr- gFff. : F•g• • . • • • • • coo tl B P3l' es 0 ISVSE:ZatOO.O , OI.I4O.,. •-• 2 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 10= c: , c , c.z , 00 ow o c+ z ... Ci,_, .--._ es - 's QC Csosa-vs.S.Cossis , -. 1 g;scs-s-Esse.gegg 0 0 0 vo OA. p ed ao 'ie. of 0w00c...,0ar000 - t., 0 44 C. 016 CO k. 3 SS'Sgr-' WV 0.0.0000 sl mt!, 0.4,1 Of pay WI. 0:.1.*1• S'StStSBEz,l 2 o. s-111. g - gkgaig Cl en cc. ce a IP. w.• ca co .. or ~ Sel9csogg—olS°'..cOlB 0 ffi 0. 82 A4mtotitratiou Noticep, lime a week, six times...s2W Marriage NolieeS 76 .... 1 50 Funeral t.lt 'lkea each imertiou 50 0 S " gggg'S i" - ___ or Business notices inserted in the Local Column, or before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT Clans PIM Lien for each insertion. liusintss (garbs. JUNES HOII 8 E • CORNER OF MARKET ST AND MARKET, SQUARE,' HAE,RISBURG, PL • JOSIAH'. F. McOLIALLAN, PROPILIBTOR. (lIMMIINTLY COMM:IOTM BY WIIII6 00VMMMO., This Is a First Claes Hotel, and located in the central part of the city. It Is kept In the best manner, and itti patrons will find every accommodation to be Ana with in the best houses in the country, se3o-dif PEIPHER'S DAILY LINE ; : ! , BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lock haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Mon ey, Uniontown, Watsontown, • Milton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Millersburg, lialliax, Dauphin AND EAR RI.S 1117R.G. The Philadelphia Depot 'being centrally boated, ,:the Drayage will beat the Lowest Rates. Toe Conduct* gos. through with each trout to • attend to the Sate livery of all goods intrusted to the line. Goodsdeliver-• ed atthe Depot of Freed, Ward k Freed, 811 Market street, PlxlLadelA by 6 delook, P. lioritt be delivered in Harrlsborgsdhe nest morning. Freight Always as Low as by Any Other Line. JcissPEl MONTGOMERY, • 'Philadelphia and Beadhig Depot, • ' octal-du row of Market Street, Harrisburg. ", .HARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iran Ware Xanntaaturer, N0..112 NARKS7 .187BENI, HARRISBURG. ill AS always op hand a lull afaoctinout: el (rho and .Tapotned • tlCKdattg and . . Piita r Stave' of the beet manummnfloadOlutter Opoliting; Moog. Ina sad Galvanised Iron Wrath, manuthantmed and pat up at reasonable rates. . , fir lup.i r ic g promptly attended'to. a 30.41,1 y, • REMOVED. - J . 0H N . B. EMIT.S, /TAB removed hie Boot and Shoe Store .11- Boothe corner of &wild SP/ WWII* idroola AV IV©. 108 MARKET STREET, • Nut door tollayne's Agriculture Stare, irherehe intends. to keep all kinds of Boots and Shoes, Gaiters, gm., and a large stook of Trunks, and everything in his ling of be- MENU ; and will be thauktni to receive the patronage of his old customers and the public in general at* lei new place of business. all kinds of work made to order In the best style and by superior workmen, Beinalting. done at short notice. rapr2dit7 .10.11 N B. BLUTH. LINDEN HALL; • MORAVIAN FEMALE SEMINARY, At Litiz, Lancaster Co., Pa. F01:11*WFJ) 1794. Affords superior advantages for thorough and accomplished female education. For circulars and information, apply to BEV. WILLIAM C. REICHE, octlB•dsm 1)-.141.F. ADOLPH r. TEMPS ER. .WOULD respectfully inform his old patrons and , the , public .generaily, that =be wilt continuo to gl vo instuctions on the PIANO e "RTE. u LODION, VIOLIN and also in am Mimeo of' IfturdfilaS RSA. He wll with pleasure wail %ipelk Puplia,ipt tuebi nemesia, any hour desired, or letoOns .0)1 be 04% his residence, In Third below liortlan liefornted Churnd. dtr4 &Alf .. t j 'AltilL. A. MUNCH, AGE - 7 , i.. the Old Wallower Line respectfully , Who me the public that this Old Daily Transporta tion ne, (the only , WallOW 'r lilue DOI! In eshir-noe ill this 1.. y,) i" Is In inioniesfal operation, and proporopt . to I\ 4 :441 carry lit as low an any other individual Brie lobtWeen- ProLaa ilaridsburw, Simsbury, • Lesrlsbnig, *Wil liams Jersey Shore, Leah Haven iwel stkatterpaista j aa, on the N them Central, Ploladelpliia and,Nrie mid- wit 'Weeper nd linutra Nallroadil. _____. ~ 43006 s to the Ware DANZ use A. IfU or hi NNUM, Hinisagars.b A urg g p en eaoo, t ra. ." e ' k : Zell & • •ininan, Nos. 808 and Sld•liaidret street above lastdha a 'bllaselphila, by 4 ` o'olook, F.'s., will arrive al Barrio 3 . aw delivery Rest emshig: •.‘i .) k , Vi epee- r . . DR. JOHNSON 11.43XMCNICIPI:13111 LOCI HOSPITAL! UAS discovered the most certain, speedy LA. Rod talon& remedy id the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. mum is gut TO mum" 'Moto; No Mercury or lioxioni Drnixo, A Cure Warrarkil, or no Chem, from one to Two Days. Weakness of the Back or,Lhatis, Strictures, Affeettons (Kate kidneys and Bladder,ilervoSuntary discharges, Im potency; General Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, suer, low Spirits, Cordlisloir ef Ideas, 'Palpitation of tbe Heart, Ilmidity; Treniblingt, Dimiress of ' Pa lp itation nen, Dimes of the Head,- Tiro* Ithiceor Skin, Affec tions of the Liver Lungs, StomaWoranools,thisse ter rible disorders arising from, the . Solitary . Habits.of Youth —those NOW and solitary trader:fa more fatal to their twins than the soot of nyrens to The Martners of Ulys !ea, blighting their most, brilliant hopes or anticipations, eendering marriage, Ao y Impossible. 1 00 Young Men lapeolaily, who have become the .:victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit whin h aunaal lyy sweeps to an Untimely grave thousands of 'Sluing Yea of the most exalted taientaland bXihirarti intelleidt Who might otherwise have mistimed. lietenhig Senates with the thunders Of eloquence or Waked to ecstasy the (iota's lyre, may call with full confidence. Ell Married Persons, or :num` Moil coatemplitheg mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debili ty, deformities, &e., speedily' cured. Bo who places himself under the .care of Dr. J. may religiously Coidide OLIO! honor. as a geetlerami, and con, Diently rely upon bin skill as a Physician. 2 xlik3 Organic Weakness .immediately Cured, and full vigor Restored. This distressing Aflectlevo...which renders I ife misers • tole and marriage impossible—la the penalty paid by the Action of improper Wdulgencets, ;Young persons aye too tto commit means from Loot being aware of the actful oonsequencesthat bay ensile. New, who that understands the aluldannitl pretend to deny that the pow. • or of proCreatienislost sooner by then falling WO .ief. proper habits than by the prudent Besides bang de prived the pleasures of healthy .onaprlng, the . Ilea' se rilous and destructive symptoms to both body and' Mind Mize. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Bents,' Functions Wesicened, Lass of:Pnireative Power, Nervions Irratibility, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Been, Indigestion, Constuutlon.a. Debility; a Wasting of the prams Cough , Consumption , Decay and Death, Mao% KO. 7 Solithil t rederiek Street• ueft band side going from llamniere street e a few door. tram the corner. Tall net to observe ulnae and number. Letters must be paid and contain a ' thump. The Doc tor's Diplomas bang in hie office. 1 .401 r . L. 13 XF2 " w .- xrro g Lg . I. , . . . . ' Ilt Otte' 'Warranted . in Tiro Day's.' : No Mercury or Zreasiosis Dregs, ' ' I • i • ' . i DE:i Johnson; ember efthe ROM College of Sargeonsflondon, Grad from one of the moeteminent Colleges In the United! Ls() „and the great& part pf, whole Ple lute been spent. 'hi the hospital,' of London; Yield s , Plilladtdebia and elan *here, has effected home of the meet astonishing cures' that were ever heown • many troubled with ringing ..lin the mad and earawben asleep, greomarvopasposp, being "armed at trader, ri.r..a...Al l erle ess , with trainee% glutting, attended some illUn*dersumneesa or,..es.e , *ere e u ratitomedletekr: •"• I I t Take Partietaeraifotioe. - i • Dr. J. addresses all those who hivitojured theieselves ly improper indulge •_ce and solitary., habits, which ruin nth WWI and mind, 'matting them for either business, 'lndy, society or marriage. , E These are some of the sad and melitacholly Oleg' pre-', needneed by early habits of youth, vie: , Weakness of glee' . k and ilizahti Paine ha the Head, Dimness ~ f sighs, e alluadar hirer, Palpitation of the - hearty Dye y,'Nerversue irretibildy,,Dmituaimini, oilhaDigestite enable, General Debility, Symptoms St COMninatioa; i tiswatatv,—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—Loss of memory, Confusion amass De pression of l,iorbodinge g . tveritima to Sanity, If Distrust, Love or bo ll tude, Tiraidity, he., are some of Weevils produced. ,-• h., ~; ~ ~ ; ,:. ... . t Tuolumne's:if .pmeens of all ages can nowludge• what it the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a Angular appeanume about the elan, unhand symptoms cif eonsumption. ~• • . • • • - 1. • t • ' Young megv , , ~; Who have injured thenudvettOt a certain • practice in delimit in when alone, dhahltiftegnently learned ; from evil coispizions, or at schad; the effete of which are nightly felt, even henaalenp, end botht eured renders marriage imissubln i a4 ifestietys 'mired' and body, IshoaidaPPl9 liPmegllailff. .7.7 `l' •• ''• • • • ql- i ' 1 1 11 1`,.,. t 21PV that 074ing IDA' the e hOile ' er .k la„ try,%mil ineeireteg alas Parentipilsould be-.sitatched from all ',rayon , and eajoym : ents - or life, lay the consequence or deviating from the pettier nature Mid indulging ina certain secret habit. Such persona roos,, boloTigoidom l[wr.,,..,.fi 'redact*sta. moist mlnt , Tiliiiiipayrarattihe , moat Cane= sertamuisitee to promptiaeounbiel eepphieste. Indeed,' without Woe, the „ionwr through lira beeinics : a weary pilgrimage• the jusepat &early Whew tot le y lee r ; the 'mind becomes sinielowed With desPilfrend ' led Wit h the meedisholly reflection that the happinessef ataibei : becomes blighted with. Our lawn. • - - • i , Dilflalflie,,of hapradenee k r.• i 1 ; When thilnisgtifterandtbilpiriddent votary pleasure 1 . ,de that he has imbibmkthe, seeds of this painful de . it too often hapens Diet an ill-timed sense of shame • dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those .o, from education and respectability, can alone be 'friend him, : dalming the natiteldonaL dircens on tits terra Shatase e appemjaneh, . it : win' ,ceseded sere Steak ' Untitled' mans In 1 1 the head and limbs, : demur anigliti dealer's, nodes on um shin bones and' erne; belches on the head, fate and 'entreMittell, PreCring, , I rk! r si ff , i Vakidity,,tilt ni, fast thepalatga the mon a t dbeeen pf the nese fall oland the,,VdtUM Of this mora tbeconiti3 a horrid 'jut of commiseration, till} death ante a period to hie eadilt 1 maerinp, by commiseration, him* "Hist Qv decoy v red Country front whence OA travels:3r 1- • It fa a iglanchillY ift4 that thousands orlstime to thirtarible 'hies* owing to' the nlet' of ' ignii rent preteliderili who byafc use ofibikligiedly Pesert, aferetery, ruin *0.4;41101;0w and make the residue o life miserable. t net your liv e s, or health,. to ',Trust the enran4ttio many Unlearned and iffeitteleis 'Pretenders, deatituto'of knew ledge, Mune Or defacer, who copy Dr.Johidion'sedverl' vtrillioulesi iits...Ai OVA *MOM' ) in the, weillateauejS regolirly;tinclitad,ffkrtrl inc apable, „•I Purifig,ltter keep YOU Vinidg *Week' Ideate 11004 , their , filmy and poiselionsnelit Cot &poled', 'or ad dons itsibe Smallest file eau ha obtabank,ant in despair, leave' yea With irtan-` ei Joh n she siffb over rnuffeWPE.difinPPS ll , l i Mr. Johnson de the only Physician dOrkriblin Ji i -,,, ,Hts credential nit diploMik eitraYs' hangs in, Oflree, nes remedied or hUsftent aremilhewn to - all' otters, Preinticdpen a.pfppionstetle greet hayfield or :kt,:.. rope, the Are, In glen' mangy mida4mora imensfee - - . Pri.; rate Practice thin any o ther Ph ysician In Pt word. Indigiewlit Ofthe” ifteloi.... :lie many' ililidkiadll cilied. ii this buditittion year al-. try ear, and the nutneiend• HMS:Went ' Surgical Opera: liens performed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the re- porters of the =Bun,"- KdlPPeer-higt - mar*: I other: pa. drs,. notices of *bleb keys apmani again ssulgem fere tlie'vutillb, bkildielila 'sena* eis a gentleman or charm:kid add reeponsibillty,. its 'it , Sibliblierir gutirraEtic talkie 111114tedi 1 i 4 1 t ti / ) .i if. _ 1 Skin Dimon bpeedilf efiredY -. persons writing should be particular in directai'g their otter, to hie Institution, in the. follow s manner : aosN M. JOlliktilb l lo, M. D. GI the Whiners Leek Hometaljr.Badtlmore, lid.' . COALA Oit lartip Shadee,s/Wiektiii, Ohim— my& fee gale km. by It lir: I 1ig#94 4 .8 0 W 460,1 Aims „. ~atistceols. , --- g)agill; newly 'replenished, stook of Toilet Amu 6100nn unnurtfoinnt in Wm okth ,t3e 'confident or youderil4 loll6ll Pn h We WOU la ran P scant of aisTkes idiot; two tioortaistortmiii ganef; tenth Aide, . • ; t 110-13111Moyerritat* rind Friday • at.TOMREINiaI,-, d and Wal. ' 11 1 3 1 1 ' • "- 101 I ~... mar. . 11#40, =1 SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 13 1862. gruittilatous. NICHOLS & BOWMAN , WILOLESLLE AND! RETAIL Ca' ROC, 1313 Et. Oorner Front and Market Streets, EARatemtrll,G, it_ iikiEGI'EVELV invite the l attention of the potato Jo their large awl well selected stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO- , . MEMO FRUITS. . We co* offer tor sale' ltewarta, IpTedngs' Golden;Syrup, White and Brown Sugars of all grades, . Green and Black Teas, Coffee, Spices and Favoring. ' ' [Extracts. FLOUR, AT O, MI, • SALT, HAMS,. . • &c., &c. ¶c Invite, an examination Of our surinclor , ss l ZiOPT-Wf..t r ibElTE tinmui.noi In ev,evy respect .by only to•the market,. to. 0 th _ 91 ,71 /0 k ;! 3 4 5 4 I • ; • . ttkiatili, • • ;• - BURNII/18; CHIMNEYS, • • . i&c., &c., &c We have the largest assortment of • GLASSWARE & QUEENEIWARE Ii the'olty ; also, all kinds of •' • ' • CEDAR AND WILLOW E. WAR , 411 and examine at our oldafaad, NICIEW/Ai & BOWMAN, Oorner Flout aid Market streets. septl2 STERLIINOIS AMBROSIA FOX „THEE HAIR. „HEAD OF HAIR is a 'crown ith proper - care • and culture it will:leat as a protection to the head as long aft the nails do to the• fingers, or the eyelashes to the eyes.. Persuranues Monogr& is the only nitiola•yet discovered that will bring about the 44 4 ,4 c p 5 t n pmaite. 'lt is a 'prepalratiori the 'remit of Imitable and: tftperiburitt rifts' Herein-Ml=ll6i lig out what was. needed, and experiment find ing the required properties in4ertaintoots,barks, and herbs. • It luta :consumed:a longtime in its Preparation, has: been tested by persons of )most =doubted reliability in this city; and is by them Pr=ounced :perfect, and , , the: only satisfactory article, and is now 'offered to the public.' The Proprietors ' determined to give ' it the most thorough t esta, practical and chemical, and now certain that it will make the hair grow luxuri antly, 011 Bald Heads, 'Preventing Grayness and aticluess, geinvigorating and Beautifying the , =dating it,soft and glossy: • • Sxsizaaa's looms= iv a •stintulating, ex act: of roota, barks, and herbs, and; wide trOm its neatness, permanency, and gloss, it is medically. adapted. to• preserve • and. add to the beauty of the hair. The only article yet die- , covered, that unll Curs the Disease of the 'Scalp, and caw co Ater to Omar, • • . CEIITIFIOATEar This is to certify that about eighteen months 'Ago,' I commenced using Smommots Axenolui. y hair was short thin antrapidly falling out 1 tried many HaitToilica, , lnvigorators, Stc., vtithoutreceiving' any benefit-- Boon after using tAeAmbrosia, my hair. ceased falling out and commenced growing so rapidly as • to` astonish me.... Now mrhair, is thick, .soft, and glossy; aid is Ave, feet four. inches in length—..when let (limn,. reaching to. the - floor. This - wonderful rasuit I attribute: solely to the use of STIRLING'S 4411:1111013Lt, 1141,6111 Ce ',commenced wing it Ilmie applied nothing else to•my heir,. • , 111.88..L1101 . A. BROWN. Sworn to before me this 15th day of April, 1861: N: 'PARKER, Coin. of Della: City Hali o lireil Yok. lie For Sale by D. W. , 0110138 , 8‘ CO., Hat risourg,‘Pa. . • • 'nl4-dBin] • ' ! . A RARE CELAZICII'''' :" 1 i.P0:11; :A ..B U, SiNZ 5 8 1W A,N.. .. . . I'PHE °drab gtocery- store add ' Rdokvillec ±..dogesoknowtvasi the , Videignive' loat ' l'iiipirik;' I_l - 444edrtiee , Fila -*Wei kilarrisburgiliontlitg , feast ;OM th b fl iii illi/P 446l . o analirt ,w ir ,t, Rn;:ilee4 AWlekl4wei ll' ir road , m il t be fold aPp er for soan;. r • 1. - e greueey'itoiii i itiiot'the Veir Vest iitili4 on' the' o t t, 1 e tt the canal; tiOnlyequalet by one other:: ' A larva e . ,hara , We staple has recently beeztbuilt, so that:each . ' /teak can be hacked up separately. Also ,plcutr of da, haY lioness Born CO ~two store houesi.cor stain A 1 .1 house, shay' ' adalesif and indeed every 'convenience' 1 ' .t ; le, necessirs2 bar currying .irnothet business. • The VIVA 14 .within three hunOed , ,y4 de ler tbmt . R , Puheitie depot ,on the Pertinglyania rathoad, . al! 1 Da.lapßO.!aall Schtlylkill railr o ad ' distr. 'Persons wh,iiint th' purchase, please-applylon "kW prenilessi to -. ' ' •' r".., bull-Illianlettsea , ,' . , . ; . • . -Ir. r. HBetRY,, - .. T 80. F. SCELEFFEIR, 11100 K .4110 - efft)lllTER No. 18 „KO ,TREE'', ingrptinkinlirrititentiou paid: o Printing, Ruling and , dour t . uf *timid Blanks, lianifertg v eatioies,Alho 1) deg, &c. pigs itzineed $3, SS and $6, per, ' h &And hi - elegant style. • • ' 120 „ • , ALL 'PAPER AND! WINDOW 43HADES: Henry O. Shaffer has a large lot of " all Paper mid• Window Shades on hand, w 1 oh will. be sold very 'low. Call and examine. P per hanging personallY attended to.. t00t27 No. 12 Marker St., near the. Bridge. 0 1 1 116 TAIrSt Wicks, lthades, AndPlithe Penes, sole by, 1.46H0Lg & BOWMAN, 1;18 . Ctor. rront Fuml btarVet Ste. 13UCKW,41E4T FLOug,t! I • fiXTltat FINE just received. . WM. DOOK, Jr., & CO. iVIDTE CORK STATE At i nE.s oft ax, whole&* ead retail, at . . , s . : JOBS WISIVS, , e ' , e • + hig.34.0 ,.. ..—ll .. 1 134 end Walunt. kELliSiedintlifkkiTOß4 le it,1100.43i io.bi f i r i " lim - j - 1 '- ~ I . J . , . _l,a • / q.v. d iL . '„t 61,14.44 . '' , i' ., , 1 :i; li'-:- A CONVIMPON. Al CUP COMM Written for the Aro'ini - Oprekigreipha William, a healtl4, - . vigorbus young man, about eighteen yeankold,lwasAaken l sica. in the . damp, abd'oiiVried Intel tlieliclispittil.' =Be l was a very interesting youttil *to . .hid been well edu cated and religiously . instructed. Like many young men, he had enlisted as %soldier, expect ing to make hitruielf a fitaNie and distinguished man. But God in his providence very , soon cut off all his hopes in this world. I met him for the first time in the hospital. tie was lying on cot, in a weak 'and de sponding state. I gave him a' Sabbath school paper. When he took 'it, he said; "Ah that looks like hoine. I'have always attended the Sabbath school. I knots' `these' papers well." I then asked him , " Have yea a'saiinginterest in Jesua . Christ." "No," he Said; "lint I should have. We should be Christians. ' My mother is a good woman. She has' told me about these things•many times." I pressed upon' him the duty of seeking the salvation of Jeaus Christ immediately. , After a few days I saw him again; and gave him a tract, with Semi) good advice.' He said; "I must think Were about - these things; I don't know how it will go with me." • When I visited him the third time he spoke out with a full voice, before I could Speak to him: "0, Eir, I prayed Ali might long on this bed, that the Lord would have mercy upon me, aid save, me. 0, I wish I was a christian ; 0, sir; I would give all the werld to be a christian." asked him if he was willing to give himself to Jesus. Christ. "Yes, and I would ; give all , the Mil to Itin'if I had it.' 'Do` yea yud not think You love him now 'better then anything Woe 1" He said, "I do feel more interest in these things than lever did before ;, -I will serve . God here after ; live or An, I *titian!. thiLordet : I was satisfied ra.,gre a t, change-had taken ' pace in him, andlill my subsequent communi cations with him confirmed this belief. In a few: ll 4 l i Wi/liani. *dame deliribus,'. Mid died.' II believe he died the death of a christian. Now, I could not say that I was the instru ment of e fratttriterskin- and 4ssfilatiolul , 13 IThe good seed had longtgo , heogr sow in hie heart, It a good, pious, praying mother. The faithful tOachings of a good Sabbtith School instructor had also made.good impresnions upon his mind. The ground, was: cultivates the, seed was sown; it Ad, hy the hle,sdng of 131:4, take root in the heart. Bnt,lt the providence.otged, I t was celled to help gather in the harvest. ,One . sow the seed, another may reap the 'harvest, stud gather it in, for safe keeping, we will - work in the vineyard of , the Lprd, we can,find something to do in gatherh_og,.the- children, , of God into the kingdom of Christ.:, • - There is sweet,epinfort, in .the knowing that 'we have,done anythingr-revom tho least thing —rtawg . rds saving soul from death, and getting him, into the kingiloin of. God. r Jowl Vir. Davis. PRAYER A UNIVERSAL CBARAOTISINrIO or MAN. —Alone.of all beings here below, • man rove. Among his moral instincts there isn 'ono more natural, more , universal; • more- unconquerable; tban prayer., %The child , inclines to it with 'it ready docility.- The old man recurs to It as a refuge against decay lind isolation. Prayer ascends from young lips which can hardly mur mur the name of God, and' from dying lips, vihich-7,hp,v4p, scarcely strength pronounce:: it. mond - ei'dry peOPle, Tamous or obscure, eivi le . ' dor barbarous,. we meet at every step with a is and:farina of inivocation! i 'Wherever men l e, in certain circunosiances, at certain hours, and under the influence of certain impressions o. soul, the eyes are eleVated, the bands join thenigOves t ithetkhees bendlit order to implore o y t render thanks—to stdore or to appease. With transport or with treMbling, publicly or in the Secret of his heart, it is ti prayer that man ap ,pliee; io Bakst rtisourcet to' MI. thi'il'ioid;ite £4lll, or to help him .to hear. ; the burden is destiny. It is in Priiyiethilit" he' seeks, when cfrery thing else fails him i teupport for his weak nss, consolation in hie, sorrows, hope for his ''virtue.:--Nufael. • 1 EVIRY althea Lisa 'A PLAN or GOD.—pviny hitman Soul! hap 4 a : complete 'and Iperfebt plan' therished for it;in the. heart of ktodit Ditine• .Iblography marked out, which it enters into life tq live. This life, rightfullrunftilded, dill' be aicoinrilete etc'''. beautiful . whole ; an experience 4elition- , by' Oixi and unfolded by 'the - Secret ithrture of the world; a drama cast in the mold o .-t Perfect , art, with no part; Wanting ;"a - 'vine • titody for the man himself and' for i . henila'studyl that 'shall: forever unfold,' In ) 4 'ismilieus heatty,- - ther love and , faithfulness of laud ; great in its conceptimio greet .in the 1 liivine skill in which it is'-shaped; above all, ifeati in the momentous and glorious isEitiettl •It iptepares. What a. thought is this for every , hbman stittl'to'elierish ! - What dignity does it, add to - life I • What suppOrt .. doed it "bring ' to, ,lie trial of life! - What' kidigation doei it add . to send us on in everything that constitutes our leicellencp . I, ~. We live iin tts.v.Diviitc. thought.' 'le fill a place in thegreaCeierlasting plan of .God's intelligence. We never sink below His • tare, -Dever drop - Oktnclf' His counsel.—Dr. ' Busandi...i ;-. ,i:; i :-. . 1.., . t : , :: .. _;:,, ~, !, t HsiPnnipa.—this•coreyer l op l g ii orwardfor mijyyMent, don't pay'`. 'Evan ..whai we know of it; ,wp witiOld'as soen chase - 4ttertlies..for a Sing, or bottle apuriobnabine fir, cloudy nights. ; A'he' , Only i trne course is .to. take tae drops of. I liaNfeete as *God glives`t ! llen .tO;lia, every day. 1 of our 11#01 7 i Tiia boy meet ',learn to be happy. when he ;le, plodding - over:4lS lessons,; ; the- apn prentiee'Whin .be is ilearning his, , trade ; the, merchant while ; he iiimaking 'hie fortune. lf, .110 fails to learnhis ail; he will,be,taire to miss_ his 'enjoynientoivben - 116 - ,*idnic.what he sighs fdr. '' The greatest invros of a virtuous manhood are paid inside of a team. , icrhat is done chiefly, iodue for your, manhood.; ler . your conscience; for' you* 50u1..,. God knows 'that you, -.are ; going . ;to live after.to-day . and to-morrow ; he sees a gOsid of exaltation in, which; you are to walk - ;-he umiembeie that 'fie is to lift you up and: crown yonWitketeyoal honors tn : beaven ; . and there fore . .be tnli,!eeare . .,:that he does not. reward your. Ad Oiityi Orloopally, ,by , that 1 which . builde : you up.iit , yqur,outward Me, : but bY -.ream:iterations . 021 4 04 1 4k.1a4 to all ktetßitY. i: : . .:. . . RacarrascH.—False repentanee ha• grief of nnind and kinniliatlfat only for great offences, supix*s pardon for, these ,obtaingl, 41' 4 ' f Op entanci i 8 a oontlolie4l.lkolagainsi alp ) mrw.orint'inAlird shR,O ltfi").ft:fiefklenantita, tiDebth re Venn. . . SUNDAY READING. WM BY A CCILPORTLUB #,,y From our 11°,4161g-idllloo.l PROM PREDERIMBRG , • THE PRET NIGHT IN THE CITY . ~~• 100 Union Soldiers . Killed and Womided COWARDICE OF THE REBELS The Whole Army Aoross the Biver —4.— CORMBNCED THIS NORNIN BY. IBB,UNION TROOPS. The Rebels do not Reply Very Spiritedly key are Entrenched One Mile ,from the City. TERRIBLE BATTLE EXPECTED EIRADQUARTHRE4 ARMY ' OF THR POTOMAC, Nov. 12, 10 o'clock. After occupying the river front of the city last night, we lost about one hundred killed and wounded while pushing the rebels through the city , . ; They fired on our men as they advanced through the While secreted in and be hind houses. Not much mercy was shown to those who were caught. • , . This morning a dense fog hid everything from view, but it is now gradually passing away. The trdops commenced moving across' at an early Bout. General Sumner's grand division leading the way over in front of the city, to be followed *General Hooker's grand division. Gen. - Franklin's Division, which crossed near lir three miles below`the'cify, 'nearly over. Ai a quarter past nine o'clock this morning the first gun was fired,and ;the firing lasted for about half an hour, the rebels. not making a terry spirited reply. It is thought the trobpit will be over by noon. Infonnatio4 regehred during the night and rt t. morning from deserters and prisoners show t at the rebels have ten strong lines of batteries i he rear of the city, the first being one mile `lick, and the second smile from the first. The whole army is in rapid motion and well contented. The troopsare in excellent spirits and anxious to be led upon the enemy's works. The enemy. have concentrated Atiedr force and tt le,beeved will.give battle... , Macli will depend upon the risiidt a to-day, i:int all feel eangtilne of sticnees. FROM WASHINGTON. • j l'he McDowell Court of . Inquiry. EVIDENCE OF GENERAL HEYS. 4itEPORTER COURT MARTIAL OlifilatiOn of 'fienekal HeintzLeman. , • " ' ' WASHINGTON, Dec. 13. Official inforinition just co r miriunicated, war rants the assertion that the French Govern- Mont has no idea of I) . toriiiOnting any further their proposition for aft arthistice l or mediatiak. No propotitions of .any kind in any form, froth any itiiiirrectionary quarters, have been received brtfie' President 'or any inember of the Cabinet. No discrimination in regard to the press was Made or shown at the State Department in the pinincation CAIII6 'fdreign correspondence. A remelik will , doubtless be applied to prevent future complaints. The, Navy Department ; has received.a letter Iran Lieut.. commander English, dated . Roast of Florida, stating that the boats belonging to that vessel captured id Lomita river' the Eng- Oh schooners A'gries and Ellen, and sent them to Key- West for adjudication. id uch has recently been said about:the inven tibn of 'first - assistant engineer Whittaker for firing guns under water. A dozen Oereorui have brought similar plane to the attention - the Navy .Department. It. is, no new invention or secret, having been euCcessfully applied by,Ful tdn'and others. ' No practical importance seems td be attached to this'ettbject. .• . : DOWSLLY 0 u lt,T or nig ITTRY-1111DAr. The exaniinationef Maj (ken Key, and rela tive to the confeiences of the' Various corps commanders And Gen. McClellan, referred to , by the latter, in, his testimony, waccontinned. Me 'said at the conference at Fairmit, Court Elbuse,Gen. McClellan 'atioire of some troops then in , the Shenandoah . - Valley as one portion of the.troops for the defence of Washington, arid the unattached regiumats in the, vicinity td the other._ He thought McClellan spoke alio of the troops that were to arrive;' but not iu. defence terms. The' President" , had im posed upon the corps ..commanders:the duty of making definite arrangements for the defence of the capital, ' and it was therefore raolved by the majoritjrbf the council on the 12th of March, that, all the forts r tithe Virginia wide or right bank, must be fully garrisoned,l the forts on the ,WashiKtott side occupied, and thht there should be in additions covering or moveable force of twenty-five thousand troops od the Virginia side. 'this was the opinion of kbDowell, Reintzleman and witners3,,bur Gen. Simner was of the opinion that ,the number of troops to be left for the defence of Washington, including the forts, should. be 40,000. The fcrce in the Shenandoah:. Valley was not in cluded amon&thseo troops, nor did the witness cohsider this force applicable for the defence of , adjournixl until to-morrow. COURT MARTIAL or GAN. PORTER---BRIDAY. 1Maj..043 . n. Hoitzelman was examined briefly, hutt•tiolhing important was elicited. Maj.-Gen. McDowell was examined with terd to his . ! position, and also that of Glom P rier, on and during ; he day of thc , battle of Miriam* the 28ttof Atigust. He testified in effect:that previikuito teceiving thd3oin't'Order' act ,out kith°, 'specifications, widelilWas ditected: tix 001;1244. , WM. ' Korkgni*Vbad, so a PRICE ONE CENT. senior officer commanding the' second corps, taken steps to secure the same ends. After receiving the order he gave certain direc tions to General Porter in regard to the movements of his (General Porter's) corps, and their left Gen. P. with Ur own' and - Mc- Dowell's corps to take part in the action. While on his way he met a messenger with an order to Gen. Porter, which order he examined; and which, in effect, gave the very same direc tions he himself had already given, so far as he knew. Gen. Porter had taken no part in the , action of the 29th. _ . Gen. McDowtll was cross-examined nt some length, but nothing was elicited MI cling the testimony he had given on direct reeihnony. The examination will be continued to morrow. IRE BAST TENNESSEANS REBELLING AGAINST JEFF MIS' BULL NO PROSPECT OF AN IMMEDIATE ENGAGE- MENT NASHVILLE, Dzo. 11. Reports from below state that Bragg has gone to Mississippi, and tha , Joe J.lnston is iu com mand of the rebel army of Ea-t Tennessee. The small pox is raging at Chattanooga. Hist Tennessee has rebelled against the Rebels to avoid the conscription act, and large numbers are in arms near Charlotte. Loursvirza, Dec. IL—Midnight.—The au thorities at headquarters here are whody unad- Vised of the events set forth in recent New York and Philadelphia "specials." The Nashville train is cow five hours behind time. The cause of the delay is uuknowa. ,Gen. Boyle has ordered the Provost Marshal to empty the uegro j iils or slave pens of runa way contrabands taken up by three negro deal ers. He has placed them around the military prison, and will employ them in other business. LATER. 1 o'clock A. M., Dec 12. Advice just re ceived at headquarters dispel all apprehensicins of an immediate engauement in Tenuet•see.— John Morgan was seven miles north of Mur freesbbro' to-day, organizing about 4,000 in fantry and cavalry, with some artillery, for another raid into •Ki.ntucky. FROM FORTRESS 101iROE I= FoRTRERI Dec: 11 The weather is now very fine here. The flag of truce steamer has not yet returned from City Point, and there are no other arrivals to re cord. There are indications of important army movements here at present, but it would be improper,to go into particulars. LATE ROBBERY AT THE UNITED STATES TREA.bI7 WASHINGTON, Dec. 12 - Gan. Spinner, U. S. Treasurer, has heard nothing of the stolen certificate*, but states it as his opinion that the,parties purloining burnt them. Such is also that• of the police. In no case, however, can they be used. ' ttri 80. SHELLENBERGER & BRO., 80. MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS; No. 80 .4farket Street, Barriabiirg. • ur HE largest and moat extensive assot tmeut * of Ready made Clothing, suitable fur win ter wear,•is now offered for sale at the above altitblishment, at prices to suit the times. • * Also, a complete stock of Ge s titlemen's Fur nishing Goods, of all descriptions. 'They haVe also on hand a large assortment of Cloths, Cassimerea and Vestiogs, which they ' ore prepared to manufacture .to order on the most reasenahle terms. [u24-lui PORTFOLIOS * " FOR SOLDIERS '1 WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. AT PRICES EIiOROBABLY LESS than can now be pnrchae- Jk ed elsewhere. SOLDIERS look to your interests, and call or eehd to SELLER'S Ding Store, 91 Market Street, for a Wilting Folio. To dealers wishing to buy out the lot we will offer an inducement. nu 22 FURS, 11URS; FURS, FURS; - FURS, FURS, FURS, i v every description. • NJ Fresh stock just opened at CATHCART'S no2t4w] Next door to titaarrriekstbiVglak, TR"pdegrove Lock Property, Canal grmery and Rockvile House, situated Ewe miles .abffie Harr6bure, is now offered for Bale. See udver ligament iu another column, or apply to W. P. HENRY. 111:03-dejanhiL1863 RIO, Dandelion, and Barley Coffee, just re ceived and for bale low by NICHOLS & POWSIAN, nolS Cot Front and Market Streets. DIARIES FOR 1863. TIEE lar g est assortment of Diaries for 1863 just received, at BERGNER'S 8008 STORE. BASKETS, TUBS, and all kinds of Willow ...1" and Cedar Ware, for sale by NICHOLS' & BOWMAN, 614 Cur. Front awl Market eareuts. POTATOES: 3 2 0 ,-, BUSHELS of a Superior quality ‘J Just received and for ash ) l ow , i)er23-tf WM. DOCK, Jr, & CO. • BuSTON CRACKERS, ALARGE supply of these delicious crackers *ustreceived sod for sale by = ' WM. DOCK. Jr:, & CO, BE LLA. AND CATA W BA, PE *INFO, strong and Abrifiy, two Yeats old, at reduced prices, at 'Keystone Ntirliery. uOvi-dlf ÜBNERS fora coal oil lamps—Jounli' Excel sior,' Excelsiorr screw. and ()Weis, for sale NICHOLS & BOWMAN, • a$ Conner Front and Market Sts.:.,, HAVANA' OWO GES nolived by ‘• tJ [sllo] t WM. DQOK, Js., & 4 +, N