Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, December 11, 1862, Image 3

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    pailp ititgrapt.
vertisements, Burmese Notices, Mar..
riages, Deaths, Aw l to secure insertion
n the TELEURAPU, must invariably
be accompanied with the CASH.
Advertisements ordered in the revs.
is'. Evening Edition are inserted in the
morning Edition Without extra charge.
Thursday evening, December 11,1862
Isvaixav SWORD, sash, belt and gum
blanket, all first class, snd never been used--
will be sold for $2O. Enquire at this office.
PARK COMMANDZBY, No. 11. of K. Templar,
will assemble on Friday evening, at 7 o'clock,
without further notice. By order of Cow-
Dec. 11, 1862
Mozart & l3aornErt, Market street, next door
to the Parke House, have just received five
hundred barrels of apples, which they are sell
ing at from $2 50 to $3 00 per barrel. Con
fectionery, &c., constantly on hand at reduced
rates. . ltinske
R. Ms. Moßuttitsy, of Philadelphia, has
been appointed pastor of the M. E. Church of
Middletown, and will preach next Balitbath,
tOorning and evening.
Arras a quarter of a century of industrious
and profitable labor, in the western part of
ifoffalo Valley, Christian Reif finds himself too
much advanced in life to carry on business, and
therefore offers at public sale his Farm and
Foundry, in Lewis township ; also the patent
right of a machine of which he has sold 80 to
100 per year. Good chance—see advertise.
went. dit—wit
DBPARTIIRB OF THOOPIL — About one thousand
cavalry loft Carlisle Barracks, on Sunday last,
for Washington.
&VEX HUMMED CAR LOADS of horses, beef
cattle, hogs and sheep are awaiting transporta
tion, at Pittsburg, east over the Pennsylvania
DIIPTIIERIA.—Tbis terrible disease is making
great ravages among the children in several of
the *interior counties of this State. There
appears to be no relief for a child when once
attack k od by the disease.
ATTENTION To HORSES. —Hard roads, ice and
snow should remind all owners and. drivers of
horses of the necessity of securing the rough
shodding of their horses. Many a valuable
beast is ruined by neglecting this matter.
Mn.s Vaanxu acknowledges the receipt of
four boxes, containing hospital stores, for' the
use of the sick and wounded soldiers, from the
Ladies' Aid Society of Greenville township,
Somerset county, through the Ladies' Aid So
ciety of Somerset.
Ray. Wm. L. o Churr, of Reading, will preach this
evening, in the Ridge Avenue M. E. Church, at
7 o'clock, and perhaps to-morrow evening. All
are very kindly invited to go and hear this able
and popular minister of Christ. The revival
Howe, a private in a Massachusetts regiment,
recently advanced 06,000 to the members of
his regiment. His yearly income is said to be
$200,000. What private in the ranks of the
chivalric rebels has advanced this amount of
money to pay his suffering comrades?
RaoKussumts.—Last Thursday afternoon as
the coal train on the Lehigh Valley Road was
passing the station at Allentown a man at
tempted to jump off the train on to the Pas
senger train and missed his step, which threw
him on the track, so that he was out in the
face terribly. Had the train been in faster
speed the man would probably have lost his
life, and his death would almost have been a
deserved ono.
SANFORD'S OPERA HOUBIL—This evening anew
Ballet Pantomime by the Ravels will be per
formed by Sant'Ord and Troupe—Sanford sus
taining the role of the famous Gabriel. Quite
a full house witnessed the Mummy last evening,
the third representation of the piece. Notwith
standing, Mr. S. will keep up attraction by
presenting changes, as the bill of this evening.
To-morrow evening Senator Talbott, the orator,
has a benefit. Yon will secure seats if you
wish to be one of them spectators. a
learn from the Erie Dispatch, that on Saturday
morning last, a most deplorable accident oc
curred in the oil region below Titusville. Mrs.
Hart, recently from the vicinity of Syracuse, N.
Y., whose husband is engaged in the oil bud
nem, while attempting to kindle a fire In the
morning with crude oil, set the house on fire—
the fire communicating to the can from which
she was pouring . the oil on the kindling wood.
The house wits 'C(iiiiieintgl, and Mrs. Bart and
two of her children who were in bed at the
time were burnt to a crisp.
A Therrkotusase Vuuros.—The most drtiaded,
man in the ',Union, to the rebels, was in Ilat*
burg yesterday, ,Stopping only for a few ,bouri,;
as he was.en-route for, Tennessee, where he-to
tends to inaugurate .onet of his old faem o ised
crusades against tier/sem We itilude
William (I.llroymlow, the ,distinguished Par
ion, whose nomads , weredde theme of praise
and admiration in the loyal . litatm While in
the city, the Parson spent some time at' the,
Capitol, where he visited the Executive Depart
meat, and was cordikly received by the Go-i
-ernor. At four o'clock yesterday afterrMon,
the Parson left in the train for the West: He
was accompanied to the railroad depot by
several of our best citizens, and while; ,there
rted very warmly by many who wens,
e t 4) y their respects to the 'pastor pa-
Aaaws COVIITT.—Pnyzen to Death.—John Car
baugh, Esq., of Flakkicllft tosinsHhip, was frozen
to death on Saturday night, in a field near his
residence. He, aq in Gettysbing - I mp, his
sou oil in the'We l thAthe Nefiernotin, 414, 'was
a drafted soldier. He went in a buggy with a
friend to Hilltown and thence started across
the fields to his residence, and from the in
clemency of the night perished. He was not
found until _Sunday-evening.—The work of
putting up the wires for the telegraph line to
connect Gettysburg with the other towns
and cities of tfii kite; has just been commenc
ed.-- —The drifted' troops at Camp Gettysburg,
in obedience to ordem, struck their tents on
Saturday morning, and in the afternoon took
their departure, in three large trains of cars,
for their destination, Wsuthington.'
Tan EaLaTfINCI ezquisite.gem is floating about
on the tide of journalism without the name of
its author. Sparkling sentiminit and real poe
try, such' as are contained , in theme derma,
should not 6 circulated in unclaimed parentage.
Who is :theantlior f How beautifully he writes
and arouses feeling ;
"I burn my iiinVainty I"
So spoke the Rose And smiled; "Within my - cup
All day the sunbeams fall in flame---all day
They drink my sweetness up." • •
"I sigh my issul away
The Lily said; "all night the moonbeams pale
Steal round , and round us, whiSPering in their
play . -
An all too tender' tale !'
"I give my soul away!"
The violet Mid ; "the west wind wanders on,
The north wind oomee Iknow not what'they say,
And yet my soul is gone 1" • '
Oh, Poet, -bfirrt away
Thy fervent soul! fond-Lover, at the feet
Of her thou loveekeigh dear ehrietiin pray—
And let thaviteild•be , met ! •
Tau ,Itssumoor traomtittriniatt.—ite have
heretofara referred to the practice among some
of those attached to the military camps in
this city who indulge hi fast riding through then
streets, to the danger df pedestrians, horse
flesh and their own'necks. An eye witness re
lates to us an accident that occurred in State
street, on TuesdaY, growing out of this fast
riding, which almost resulted in the death of a
soldier.; The cavidryman in question was dash
ing along the street, heedless of his , own and
other people'anecks, when he found it necessary
suddenly to arrest the speed of his hark: In
doing so, the rider was thrown suddenly, for
ward, continuing hie speed over the heed and.
ears of the horse, and only arrested inchie head
long career, by coming in contact with the
earth. He was Picked up in an insensible and
dangerdnelyw bruised condition and conveyed to
a housei nearby, where his woundswere !heated,
and where he all lays a sufferer by his own
folly. *pelmet+ Pike` this is inpre
in bringing a man to his senses than a column
of newspaper advice. We hoper'-others beside
this bruised cavalryman will profit by the les
liimuissoww Trans.-The'Damphin-lournai of
to-day says that the cold' weatinit'd Fridatand
Saturday, completely blOCkaded ,44 . 3 canals,
freezing ice in-the.eimiaml t a auk depth of
about three inches • A large tinifini"Orbtitits
loaded with lumber, coil, have been frozOn
up at diffemnt parts alnng the cianiii anti unless
the ice breaks up so as to allow ,tbb .ttips tit be
made, their owners will lose heavilY. r There are
quite a number of boats stuck at Middletown.—
About three o'clock on Friday morning,last,
Mr, Benj. Prescott met with serious accident
in the saw mill of Messrs. Etter it Do. ap.:
pears that while Prescott 'was in the act of
withdrawing a heavy stick, it was caught by
the saw, which was inaapid motion at the time,
and struck him on the head. The blow ren
dered him insensible and he fell under the log,
where he received still; further injuries from
the stick as the saw carried it up and down.
In this condition he was discovered by another
man, wir was glop , by, and removed in an
apparent lifeless condition. Dr. Nonamaker was
summoned to the injured man and he soon
gave evidence of returning life. He was car
ried to his boarding house, near the river,
where his wounds were dressed and every at
tention bestowed upon hint by the attendihg
physician. At last accounts he, was rapidly
RAILROAD Can.—A case was recently tried in
Cambria county, the decision of which is of im
portance to the traveling public and to railroad
conductors.' The facts`of the dais are few and
easily stated. A pallisingelseho wished to ride
from Johnstown to Huntingdon, attempted to
purchase a ticket at the office; offering. a five
dollar bill, which the ticket Viet isaild'Xist
change. The passenger then .took the train
offering the earn, note; whipir-the. 2 concinaer
received, for the purpose , of examining' its
genuineness. After a time the conductor re
turned the note, stating that he beliared it to
be a counterfeit.' The passenger insisted ' that
the note which the cooductor - retiraned . to him
was not tbiisanielle had offered in payment of
his fare, but it was established on the trial that
the note the Conductor offered to give him
back, Wan the same tie had received from him,
and moreover,-that the Conductor wee „mill-,
taken about its bang a bad note, that it was a
gennbre note on this telaware City Bank. Con
ductor 'Green then told' the 'passenger that
unless he could pay with other money he
would have to put hini off the train at the
next station. He manifested some nnwilling
noes Ito" go,, and, Wire was some difference
among the witnesses as to whether Green took
bold of Min by the collar to put' him out, or
whether he had gone out without Green touch-
ISIS 'him. He was required to leave the cars,
and was left off at Warrior° Station. He then
indicted the Conductor for assault and batterir.
The judge held;. that if Conductors require it
of the passenger, he, the passenger is bound to
make the change; that the Co n ductor is not
bound to take the fare out' of a note larger in
amount, and furnish change to a passenger ;
that what occurred in this case in reference to
the five dollar note, was not a payment of the
fare; and that if the passenger did not produce
a ticket, or pay his Imo 14 Mr cars, the Con
ductor bad a right to eject him from the cars,
using ne more. force in doing than necessary.
Thiqury acquitted the 9o:i3dechm.
I ttlifliSaaltWedear4h, plunk/tap tug iCcrimba 11, 1962
- _
The Quartermaster general of !ILK figlitp'e4i;
knewledges the receipt of donations for the sick
and wounded soldiers from the following asso
ciations and individuals
Ladies' Aid Society, of Lewistown, 16 bones
and 4 bbls.; Sick and Wounded Soldiers' Aid
Society; of Middletown, Dauphin count ) , 8
boxes ; Soldiers' Aid Society, Ede, 23 boxes ;
German , Reformed and Lutheran Churches,
Limestone, Lycoming corintj, 2 boxte, 1; tirkin
and one-half bbl.; M. E. Church, Jersey Shore,
2' boxes, 1 bbl. and 1 keg ; Firstliaptiet Church,
Jeniey Shore, 2 bbla. and I ; Ladies' Aid
Society, Barren. Forge, Huntingdon county, 8
boxes ; Ladies.' 'Aid Society,. Mereersburg, 2
'boxes ; Soldiers' Aid Society, Waynesburg,
Greene county, 1 box ; Mrs. Lydia Murphy,
Petersburg, Pa., 4 boxes ; Chester.' Cehtral Aid
Society, Watt Chester, 5 boxes;
Mary Rankin,
for Society , Mercersburg, 1 box - ladies of
WellsSro, 'Doge county, 5 packages and
boxii; Wm. P. Dysart, for Committee, Tipton,
2 boxes and 3 bbls.; Soldiers' Aid Society,
Newville, Crimberland county, 6 boxes ; Sol
diers' Aid Society, Manor Hill, 6 boxes ;
Sandy Ridge, 3 boxes ; Mrs. James R. •Wilson,
Mansfield, Tioga county, 1 box ; ladies of
Newry, Hollidaysburg, 1 box ; Soldiers' Aid
Sbelety, Spruce Creek, Huntingdon coonty, 2
hetes ;' J. M. Adair, iicAlevy's Fort, 3 boxes ;
Mrs. M.'S. Millirighin, Berwick, 6 bbls.; Mill
Creek and Tioga Relief Aspociation, Tioga.,
firkins; 2 kegs, and a lot of shirts, bandages,
&c:; Ladies' ASSOC Clearfield, 1 boxes.
Mrs. otrit g and daughters, Hecht Furnace,
Centre county, 1 box; 'ladies of Tyrone City,
Blair' county, 4 boxes ; Ladies' Soldiers
Aid Society, Mainsburg, 3 boxes; Ladies
of the Belief Society, Jacksonville, 2 boxes ;
Lendisburg Ladies' Aid Society, Newport, Perry
county, 2 boxes, Rankini-Apruce 'Creek,.
1 barrel and 3 boxes ; D. L. Bey; Sprute Creek,
1 box ; ladies of Tipt on, Blair county, 3 rboles ;
Aid Society, Juniata, Perry county; 2 barrels.
and 1 box ; Franklin'Township Ald Society,'
Franklinville, Huntingdon county, 2 barrela
and:% boxes; ladies rof Huston township, Clear
field tounty, 1 box; Petersti church', Lima
**, Lycomiag county, 1 box ; Mrs. Kate
Gray, Half Moon,.2lanes ; Jitekson TownshiP
Aid ,Seciety, MeAlevy'33 Fort; '1 box ; Soldiers'
Moiety, :Waterford,: Erin Comity; 1. bin ;
Soldiers' Aid Socipty, Huntingdon, 3 boxes;
Patriott Daughters, Lancaistbr, 4 l3 boxes ; Ladle'?
Aid So6iety, Pottsville, 6 boiee Soldiers' Aid
Society, Pottstown, 11 boxes ; Ladies' Aid- Aa-'
&oblation ' Beading; Nixes arid barrel ; La
dies' AidSeciety, Port'Clinton 2''boxes; radios'
.Aid Sdciety of the Reformed' Diktat Chinch,
Easton, 4 barrels, 1 box and 1 bale ; Mrs. R.
B. McCabe, 'lltrathlua, 3 bases ; .yeteng betel*
the., Seminary,' Dein lemen,4 ;' Ladies' Bbl diers' Aid Society, Potter's Mills, 1 box ; Pitts
burg'Shbsistence Committee, Pittsburg, 1 keg,
:5 barrels, 2 barrels, and 12 boxes ;
Aid Society, Elissabethtown, 1 paeluige ; Sol
diets' Aid Society of Alexandria' 'and Porter
townships, Huntingdon county,. 7 boxes.; Mrs.,
E. A. Keiser; -Dbncannoii, 1 'box ; A. Bead,
Paik4urg, 2 boxee ; ladies of Euyerstown and
Ralisbury, Lancaster county t 2 boxes ; Hon.
Andrew Parker, MiftlintOwn, 'Loki Mrs.
M: Canlndiell, Altoona, 1 box; the children of
HenOir Collegiate Institute, Hanover, 1 box ;
M. Deatrick, Pattonsvilleßetifoui
county; 2 boxes ; 1 :1 1 dOW Ait.:4oolo,WZMOrinf
burg, 1 barrel and 1 box • Mrs:h. L Livings
ton, Bellefonte, 2 bones; :Lebanon County. Aid
Society, Lebanon, 5 - boxes and 3 - bags, and a
'lot of provisions ; Mrs. M. (1. Bonham, /donut
Joy, 1 box; Ladies! Aid Society,Mtient Joy, 8
boxes; 63 erntchee,' and is barted ; of 'M.
B. Church, Bloody Run, Bedford coenty,'l box;
Mrs. Samuel Landis, Halifax, 1 box; Mr. and
tire. Wilder, Cressona, 2 barrels and 1 box;
Ad. Society. of Jersey shore, 2 boxes:
ladles Of East add Weer Troy; Troy,' Bradford-1
comity; 4 boxes ; ladies of South Clinton and
Waymart, Waymart,' Wayne ' ' county, 1 ;
Ladies': Aid Society, Hollidaysburg, 8 boxes;
ladies ef Money, 2 boxes; ladies' Association
of Dick Haven, I.box , and a bundle of pillows;
Indies'' Union Aid Society, of. Scranton, Lucerne
county, 2 barrels and 2. boxes ; Soldiers' Relief
"Assaciation, Indiana borough; Indiana county,
.12 lanes ; West, •Pikeltpad Ladies' Aid Society.
Chester Springs, 2 boxes; ladies of McKeesport
and vicinity, 1 box ; West -Newton. Sewing So
duty, 4 packages; Soldiers'•Aid Society, Allen
town, 1 bag and 3 boxes ; Sanitary Committee,
Washington, Pa., 1 box ; illre. Rachel Hughes,
Wilmote Cambria conetry, 2 .boxes :;: Sanitary
Committee,i Neequehoning; Carbon county, 1
box ; Soldiers' Aid Society, Montrose, 8 boxes;
Ladies' Belief Association,- Atlantic City, 4
boxes ; ladies of Armstrong, 1 box ; ladles of
New Ringgold, Schuylkill county, 1 box ; La
dies' Aid Association ' Washington, Colebrook
dale, Ibox ; Ladies' Aid Society, Columbia, /-
box ; First Presbyterian Church, Pittsburg, /
box ; ladies of Somerset borough and vicinity,
Somerset, 2 boxes ; Lidice. Aid, Society, of
Mifflin,. Patterson, and vicinity, Mifflin, Juniata
countyi 3 boxes and 1 package ; ladies of
Newton • Hamilton 2 boxes; Ladies' Aid
Association, MitSinbnrg, 3 boxes ; ladies of
Sunbury, Northumberland county, 1 . box
Soldiers' Aid Society, Ashland, _Schuylkill
county; 3 boxes ; Soldiers' Relief: Society,
Wilkestarre, 1 box ; Soldiers' Aid Society, Dan
ville, 1 harrel and 5 boxes;.Ladies'_ Aid Society,
Meclanicsbing, Cumberland county, . 1 barrel;
Soldierte Aid Society, Union ieffile,Krie county,
2 barrels ; Relief Association of White Deer
Valley, Slifer, 4 boxes and 2'barrels ; ladies'
Aid Society of New Berlin, Union county, 1
. box Kline & Danner, litinheini, Lancaster
-coutity„l box Soldiers'- Aid Society, Harris
township, Centre Furnace, 1 ; Mrs. James
Ellis, Jr.,Limerick Bridge, Montgomery count*,
1 lot of stores ; Relief Society, Jefferson, 1
package; S. B. & C. P. Markle, Pittsburg, '
sacks army bandages ; Airy Dale Soldiers' Aid
Society, Huntingdon county, 1 box ; Soldiers'
Aid Society, West Liberty, Butler county, 2
boxes ; Lathes of Phseaixville, Chester county.
4 boxes ; Soldiers' Aid Society, Christiana, 1
box ; the Sabbath School of, Le Roy ? 1 box ;
Miss Lee, Burlington, N. J., 1 - box ; Ladies'
Patriotic Circle of Marietta, 1 . .b0x ; ladies of
Bedford, 4 boxes ;. taertuae ileptiet Society:-of .
St. Clair township, and citicna ,of St. gain-
Title and New Paris, I keg and 3 , . boxes ;
dies of Summitville, 1 box ; Octerara Union
Relief Association, May, Lancaster county, 1
barrel and'6 boxes; Indies and Public School*
of Biriningliant, Allegheny county ; White
township, Indiana county, 1 box ; Wrighta
town, Bucke county, 1 box; Attleboro, Bucks
county, 2 boxes and 2 barrels ; Philadelphia,
11 boxes and 2 barrels ; Downington, 4 boxes,
2 barrels and a bundle ; Marklesville, Perry
county; 2 boxes ; Lock Haven, 2 boxes and 1
barrel ; Oxford, Ctiekter county, I box ; Ladies'
Soldiers' Aid Society, Millersville, 2 boxers ;
Mrs. S. B. Moconkey. and other ladies, West
Chester, 1 box ; Sujlender & Pascal, Philadel
phia, 500 yards of muslin,; the seholare Of:the
Third Ward public : schools, Pittsburg, 1 ; box ;
Ladies': Aid Society, of German Reformed
Church 2 boxes and 1 barrel ; Soldiers'
o ti rthe Second Presbyterian Church
Williamsport, 2 boxes; J. Hopkins, Philadel
phia, 2' boxes; Ladies' Aid Society, Selinsgrove,'
6 boxes; Miss. Sallie Kuhn, Eakin, a package;
the ladies of Franludown and vicinity, 1 box;
Soldiers and Sailors' Aid Society of Upper end
Lower Oxford township, Chesterpunty, 1 toX
and 1 WA.- ' the ladies of St. Clair, several boxes";
the teach ers and pupils of the West Ward
School; Easton, 85 small boxes; Soldiers' Aid
Balleyville Soldiers' Relief ,AssoCiation,
Society, Coneantville, 1
Spring, Centre county, 2 boxes; the children of
box; the . ladies
St. John's Sunday Scheel, bo xes ;
windy? 1 box; the ladies of Warrior ' s Mark and
.vicinitt 2 boxes and 1 bbL; Sor •
clety of the PrarbyteriCkiiikirch, Waynesburg,
' 2 box; Logan Branch affiVifoinity, 2 boxes; the
ladies of Industry, a lot of lint and bandages;
the :ladies of Martinsburg ancl o country adjoin
ini; 2 boxes; Soldiers', Aid Society. Ilartleten,
Union county,' 2 boxes; James Roney, Good
• lntent, Washington county, 4boxes; ladies' Aid
&ciety, Earley, Lucerne co. and vicinity, 1 box
and 1 bbl..; Mies Lucinda Crawford ,, Sinking Val
ley, Blairco.,il Wir:tadieribf Gateirbarg,,Centre
count ) , fort r(uti I - keg ;.Miss nittiatiEider,
Birdiaville;q"lxil. r Soldienr . ild Soddy .. of
Upper Providence and Perkiomen townships,
Krnittromery county, . 1 box; Grove Soldiers'
Relief Association, West Whiteland, Chester
county, 2 , !, es and 1 barrel;.. MINN J. Ham
mond, ; t' Yorkl
5 ostofffino Wtstmoreland
county, 1,, 1' ';:,[,400) les4Ponneville, Fayette
.county, 1 ;' x ; W. ce. Himmond, Bolivar,
Westmoreland comity, 1 box ; ladies' Soldiers'
Aid Society, RinWtOwn, 1 box ; the ladies of
Bich Valley Postoffice,Allegheny county, 2
barrels ; Soldiers' lidikoolety, - Catawissa, 1 box;
Hospital or Sodk4y, . Homeville, • Chester
county, 1 box, - Shaver's Creek Soldiers' Aid
Society, Huntingdon county, 2 boxes ; the
ladies of Greensburg and vicinity, 10 paper
hags . ; Salem arid Rods, 2 boxes ; Ladies' Aid
Society, Duncensville, 2 boxes.; ladies' Society,
Mt. Pleasant; Westmoreland county; 3 boxes ;
thiladies of [Donato's- Island, 1 box; Picker
ing Central Aid SOcietY; Schuylkill, 1 box ; T.
E. Orbison, 3 boxes and 1 keg ; Ladies' Anode
tion, Litiz, Lancaster county, 2.boxes; Soldiers'
ma ,Spciety, West Alexander and Virginia, 2
boxes; Miss Theresa Atkinson; West Alexander
end ' Virginia, a lot of, stores ; the ladies of
Catisanqua 1 boa, 1 barrel and I keg ;' Sol
diere',.Aid.lLelety;: Mountain lake, 1 box ; La
cliers'Aid Society, Pittston, 1 box i • Cedarville
Sunday School , William twp., Northampton co.,
1 box ;Ladierif Soldietreßellef SodietyMew Deny,
Westmoreland county; 1 box; E. S.Overhaet,
West. Overton, 1 box; Ladies' Aid Society,
New Bloomfield, 1 box; Soldiers' Aid Society,
:Altoona, 7 boxes; the ladies of Bailey Hollow,. ,
a fiii , articles; the. lad*. of.Glnuivil i e Sum-.
mit, a tea chestbf blindigek&c.; E. Norton,
Clinton, .i box; ladiell'Aid Society. of Porter
lotinship, Clinton county, .1 box; the lidlea
of Meyer's Mills, 6 boxseand 1 :keg; Soldiers'
Aid Society; Blidr, 8' boxes; 'Hrs. Hallow
ell,' Germantown, a lot 'of tine; OctoatiO
Soldiers' Aid„Society,,Parkesiturg, 3 boxes: 10
girls • of .:',Pottritoidu,t-,1 titik; S. Criningitin';
NeW London, a small parcel of lint 100 years.
old; from the little ones of Grammar • Scileed
No. , 2, Millersville, 1 box; the ladies of. Butler
county, 4 boxer, Nancy ..E., Chaney, Allow
Hill, .1 brit; Mmesraidita LiVingston and 'Jo
sephine Hutchinson, Manor ; Hill, p 1 box; Sol
diers' Aid Society, New Castle, 1 box; Sodiers'
Aid Society, of, the Presbyterbut • church,
Waynesburg, Greene cciiint,y; l box; from the
Friendit of the Soldiers ierridirit in Ferguson
Valley; Dry Valley; c . Little ' Valley, Decatur,
Main county, Frgedgen.. Bannersville,.Snyder
county, 36''' hexer; iiiritr'ino barrels;* Ike - hidied
of Knoxville,,l[ Wit; :Siddiers'. Aid.: Society,
Chatham, 1 box; 'Union; Soldiers' Aid Society, •
WillistOwn and when,' 2 Wires; Ladies' Aid So
ciety, Boyerstown,2boxerg J., M. Adams,Venice,
,ra., 11. ; Ettio..o, Forster, Pottsville, 1 box;
Ladies': Aid SoCkity, Thurtelog valley, 2 boxes;
W. A. Fraker, Shitlefaiiurg, 2 brixes ; the ladies.
and Supday, *boot achy:dais of the Presbyterian
Church, tittle Taßetl; Miffilit- county, -,2 boxes ;
,Soldieris' Aid 'Soblelty of, St: Peterra Chrirch,
Philadelphia, a small . Package; Ladies' Aid
Society; kinuntielitOsirt,, 6 'kne ll boxes ; Mrs:
Dr. Rider, Liverpool, Perry . county, 2 boxes
Mrs. Sfierman, Liverpool, perry county,A box;
[ Ladies', and Childrens' Aid Society, Pottsville,
alai& bag ; Irma the Patriotic Indles'Of Spring
ville e llmcaster county; 4 lax.-;- Miss Air/in - E.
HouLai, Marietta ,
Lancaster county, 2 paper
`boxes 'Of En‘ita..; the , ffitidens , of . 13errynburg,.
1 - DrinPhin county, 1 box ~ from the ladies of
Robioson•and Finley town ships, of - Washington
and Allegheny counties, 1 box ; Ladies' Aid
Sgoiete Saltsburg, 1 box ; Abm. B. Bunn,
skasstyiirill, 2 boxes and 1 tairet ; Little Girls
Aid ' iety„ Selinegroye, T . , bon ; ; •Pelcilere: Aid.
Society }talk Bait; E rie counly,'l box ; Union'
Relief iety of East Marlborerigh • and adjacent
towns ps, Chester county, 6 boxes and 1 bbl.;
Soldie ' Relief Association and _Ladies' Union
Aid Satiety, Orwigsburg v ,fichuylkill ,county, 1
box each, and an additional box ; Mrs. Bertram,
Pottsville, 1 box • Mrs. . E. Saylor . and other
ladies, Schuylkill hayer4l box and 6 additional
boxes ; !the Mita of the Lutheran Church, Nor
ristown; 1 box ; . Norristown, Montgomery
county' 2 boxes; Montgomery county, 2 boxes
and 1 Harrel ; Bethlehem Aid Society. and Sol t ,
diers'lief Association, 1 box each ; Easton,
Northa pton county, 8 boxes ; Orangeville,
Colum 'a county, 1 box and 1 . firkin of butter';
the la of Beulah congregation , Wilkinsburg,
3 box ;
) 8
West Pikeland, Chester county, 1 box;
•llisarini,'Berks county , 2 Nikes ; Benesett, Elk
county bale of pillows ; Milesburg, Centre
comity, 1 box and 6 barrels ; Dauphin, Dauphin
county, 4 boxes; Manch Chunk, Carbon coun
ty, 1 barrel ; Port Penn,. Lycoming - county, 1
box ; Barlingteri, Bradford county, 1 box ; Ma
rysvill I Perry county, 2. boxes • the ladies of
York, box ; the Ladies' ElOciety,ilicEvrensvi ll e
and vi 'lt*, Northumberland county, 1 • box ;
Trevorton, Northumberland eountY, 2,. boxes
°derma Aid tkicietY„ Sidisttnikeille, Okester
county, 2 ' boxes'; ; the Little Girls Society,
Altoona, 1 boX• Eagle Station, on the Perna.
Railroad, 1 box ; Johnstown, Pa., 1 box ; 2
boxes marked O. C.' Cl." D.' fi: ; the ladies of
Paradise, Lancaster county, 1 bOx ; Half Moon
Society; Centre county; 1 -box • Altoona, Blair
county, 4 bides ; . test' Don egal,j Lancaster
corinty; 8 bozos; Onionville,-Centre eounty, 1
.box ; Ladies' Aid'Saciety, Mill Creek, 1 box
Ladies' , and Soldiers'Aid SocieitY, Blair, 2 boxes;
Taylor ;township, Cambria county,
• g boxes;
Miss M. Staler and others, Cove Statfon, H. and
B. T. Itiffiriad,l box i'ClarkesburgandYleinlty,
Indiana county; 1 brix ; Loretto,. Oarribrin coun
ty, 1 box ; Ladies' Aid Society,' Williamsburg,
Blakeounty, 1 bag ; Ladies' Aid Society, West
Philadelphia, 1 box and bundle • Valintinn"k
Deming, 1 box ; East Salem, Judo* Prionatyl 1
box ; ladies' Aid Society, Centre, Perry co unty,2
boxes; Zion;Veutre . cimity, - 1•box ; Warrens
ville, Lycoming' bounty, 1 box ; Bellefonte,
Centre . ..,county,,, 1. bort,;. Jon* Warner.[& Co.;
Lebanon, 1 box:. .
. . .. . [
liirtiy-coven boxes, seven' barrels, one bun=
die and one paper box have been received, not
marked from what association or individual
sent, or the marks so defaced as not to be
account for - some packages
not appearing in the above acknowledgment.
• R. C. HALE ,
Quartermaster-General P. 1!
Tna beet remedy for theincrealdng evil of de
sertion is the publication of the nautes.oldelin
quents at the places of enlistment. Since the
establishment of a Provost Guard in the princi
pal. cities has made open desertion rather den
gerons, forged papers are becoming quite com
intrerr;iiipd etput; bait* men mar* the streets
with certificates of discharge for inability."
If the , reginninbit jind brigude officers would
attend to the pitifiletilion of the descriptive lists
of All absentees . frOm their Commands, this new
guide of imposition would be easily.' broken up.
The Government could, and .no doubt will,
provide the funds for such a publication. , Joe
.tine to the Government which feeds, clothes
and pays them, as well as to their comrades in
the field who continue faithful to the trust re-
Posed in them, demands the arrest and punish
ment of the delinquents. Let the officers from
Diulihin county establish the custom of adver
tit* deserters, and the practice will spa be
Bursr or nut Exuma Pool.—A meeting of
gentlemen was held in New York and Philadel
phia a few days since, the object being to adopt
some measures for the relief of the starving
operatives of Great Britain. To our humble
mind this is the most sublime idea that the
human heart could have conceived. It is dou
bly meritorious at this time, when our country
is convulsed with war, and the stability of trade
and commerce destroyed. The minds of mere
worldly men cannot fully realize philanthropic
actions like this, and it carries our mind back
to that period we read about, when sin was not
in the world. Among the large contributors,
we find the great dry goods prince A. T. Stew
art; Of New York. We are also doing good in
our humble way, in these times of, high prices,
by procuring dry goods at the lowest value for
our customers. ' Vat= Br. Bowisart.
Of all kinds attended ,to.
Office : Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. [0271y
A Monet Eenunisnaurer.—Among the many
improvements lately made in our city, to which
we can point with pride as an evidence of pros
perity and as a determination on the part of
our business men, no longer to remain behind
the " light house," is the completion of Eby
& Kunkle's large brick building at the corner
of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike
creditable to the owners and ornamental to that
part of our city.
The building is not only one of the largest,
devoted to the grocery business, outside of New
York, but the stock ch tllenges competion.—
Without going into detail, we may safely say
that the Sim keep onhand everything usually
, keptina'grocery store, (liquors excepted) and
that they sell_ at very small profits. Their
clerks are civil ,and accommodating, and have
strict initructions ,under nncirdismstancee what,.
ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any,
customer. 'A runnel invitation is extended to
the public to visit the new building and exam
ine the extensive stook, whether. they ;purchase
or not.
To the Affßete&
The undersigned would respectfully inform
those who are afflicted with 'Rheumatism, Dys
pepsia, Contrunption of - Liver and Kidney,
Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from
impurity of ti ,e blood, that she is prepared to
furnish Mrs. Viesthoven's German Vegetable
Medicines at very moderate rates. .1 have also
on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for
Sore. Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. References
can be fumbled RA to their wonderful efficacy,
whenever-called-upon. There need be ..o ap
prehenslon in regard to my competency to ad
minister it, as I have had it on hand for the
'paststir years. As they are now sold at reduced
prices, to family should be without them over
night. They can be had at 'any time. at my
residence, in Pine'street, between Second and
Wont. (Bela-dim) MRS. IL BALL'
krs. feel no hesitancy in, acknow
ledging the virtue of your medicine, its sooth
ing irfflizence and lealing power. For several
years I was afflicted with dyspepsia, and during
my stay in Hattiehurg you cured me in the
short space of one month, of that annoying
and distressing disease, and at the same time.
also cured me of a running scrofula, which had
existed for over one year without ceasing.—
During .my years of affliction, I' applied frt.-
oinentlyl to doctors of medicine, but they , ; proved
ineffectual. 'I have'the utmost eonfidence and
belief in the power of your medicine, and would
say to those afflicted, who wish to enjoy life in
its natural element, with a system renewed to
vigoions nature, .to try your medicine as I did.
Yours, truly, •
54 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia.
This delightful article for pret erving and beautifying
the human hair is spin put up by the original proprie
tor, and is now made with the same skill, care and atten
tion, which Bret creeited its immense and unprecedented
sales of over one minion bottles annually. It is still
gold at 20 cents large bottles. Two millions bottles
can easily be told in a year when it is again known
that the - Hathairon le not only the most delightful bale
dr easing In t he world, but tl ai it cleanses the scalp of
scurf and dandruff, gives the hair a lively, rich,
luxuriant growth, and prevents it from turning gray.
These are considerations worth knowing. The Hathairon
has been tested for over twelve years, and is warranted
as described. Any lady who values a beautiful heed o f
hair will use the Kuthairon. It is 'finely perfumed,
cheap and valuable. it .s sold by all respectable
dealers througbout the world.
• New Yinic. •
love monithurs ditagint
Ake no more unideatent, and unsafe Medicines
For unpleasant and dangerous diseases, see
Which has received tha endorsement of the most
le now. ()tiered to afflicted hire unity as a certain cure for
the following diseases and symptoms originating from
Jiseares and abuse of the Urinary or Sexual Organs.
General Debility,
Mental and :Physical Depression,
Determination of Blood to the Head,
Confused Ideas,
, . Elys teria,
General Irritability
lielitiesliiiess mad Sleeplessness at Night,
itlfiesso of Ilinealar .11tEcieney,
- ;was of Appetite;
Dyspe set
Low Spirits,
Daorganiration or Paralysis of the
Organs of Generation,
Palpitation of the Heart,
And,in fad, all the concomitants of a Nervous and
Debilitated abate of the system.
7b insure the genuine, eut thlis out. .
Fuss ! PUBS !—We have received from New
York a splendid assortment of Furs at all prices.
Black Cloaks, ready made and made to order.
500 Hoop Skirts, all styles from 75c. up.
50 pieces of white, red and yellow flannel.
25 dozen of white and grey Undershirts and
Drawers. •
25 pieces of now Delaines and other Dress
80 pair of splendid white (all wool) Blankets.
200 splendid Cambric Bands, best French
needle work , ,
A very large assortment of ladies, gentletnen
and childrerOs Staakings,-(wool and cotton,) all
10 dozen of Nubble, Woolen Hoods, Sontags,
and Menne Scarfs.
50 Pieces of Caminetts and Kentucky Jeans,
for men aad boys' wear.
10 pieces of Merinos, (all colors,) Alapaccas,
and Partuttas.
Our stock 'now is large, and bought before
the rise in goods, and those wishing to buy we
would invite to call. • S. LEWY.
Henry C. Shaffer has a large >lot o
Wall Paper and Window Shades on haiild
which Will be sold ari d :
_ - expifiilne
Piper hanging personally attended 10.
NAV/ 'Nci'..l2 Mariitlit.;rioar tha Bridge.
Plut.aptditrA, Nov. 8; 1862
nov6 d&w2m
Ntiu 2trutrtistments.
Princes Melodeons to.,
Of every kind.
Large Pier and Mantle Mirrorii,.,
Photograph Frames and Albums.
at the New Music Store of FILAR WA? , D,
att<l4 dly No. Is, orth Third Street: above Market.
4111 Co of JAY COOKE,
At JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers,
Philadelphia, Nov. 1,1 . 86 i
The undersigned, having been appointed
SUBSCRIPTION AGENT by the Se(ertary of
the Treasury, is now prepared to furnith, at
once, the
New Twenty Year 6 per et. Bonds,
of the United States, designated as "Five-
Twenties," redeemable at the pleasure of the
Government, after five years, and authorized
by Act of Congress, approved February 26,
The COUPON BONDS are issued in sums of
$5O, $lOO, $5OO, $1000:
The REGISTER BONDS in sums of $5O, $lOO,
$6OO, $lOOO and $5OOO. • . _
Interest at Six per cent. per annum will
commence from date of purchase, and is , •
Semi-Annually, which is equal, at the piesCnt
premluiti on gold, to about HIGHT PER CENT:
Farmers Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists,
and all who have anymoney to invest, should
know and remember that +hese bonds are,
effeci, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all ttail
roads, canals, Bank Stocks and Securities, and
the immense products of all the Manufac
tures, tit.c., an., in the country ; and that the
full andt.ainple prevision made for the payment
of the interest and liquitlation of principal,
by Ofietoms Duties, Eadise Stamps and Internal
Revenue, serves .to.make these bonds the
Best, Bost Available and Most Popular
Investment In the Market.
SubscriPtions rece/veff at PAR hi Legal.
Tender Notes, or note's and checks I A ban.ks at
par in Philadelphia. Subscribers by mail will
receive prompt attention, and every facility
and explanation will be afforded on application
at this office.
A tell supply of Bonds will be kept on hand
for immediate delivery.
JAY COOKE, bubeeriptiou Agent.
riev4-(1& wBat
ALL persons are hereby warned against de -
predating or in any manner trespdszing
on the Farm of Mrs. C. Mist, adjoining the
city, and under the management of the sub
l or I have arrested several or these petty
thieves and nuisances, and made tiles) pay
pretty well for their sport. Hereafter I shall
not only punish to the extent of the law, but will_
publish in the Telegraph and other pipers the
namers of all offenders.
Oct. la, 1862
OF all desirable hardy native varieties, (and
they are the only class worth planting in
the open air,) for sale at tht Keystone Nursery,
adjoining the city: =
Among them are some of the newer varieties,
such as Delaware, Diana, Rebecca, Concord,Aftwca
dine„ Hartford, Probfic, etc., which have sold at
very high prices for small and weak vines.—
Strung, well ripened and thrifty vines are no*
offered at reasonable prices.
Oct. 18, 1862 .
VINES of this Mower among Native
American Hardy Grape, for sale at the
Keystone Nursety. The clusters , frequently
weigh a pound and a halt, and the berries .are
larger than the Celebrated Black Hamburgh.
The quality is also good—equal, at least, to
the well known Isabella. ' J. MISH,
3.0008 US HEM prime Yellow Corn.
• .
600 bushels barley malt, tired, quality. • •
200 bushel rye.
60 barrels whisky, first quality.
se29 dif Washington avenue, Harrisburg.
CHOICB hit of Tobacco, for dale at rearona
ble prices, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN,
nov3 Corner Front and Market bts.
Third Street, next door to Brad's 'Barber
CATAWBA GRAPES, cheap, wholesale and re
tail. nOI2
for sale cheap by
Cor. Front and Market Streets.
1 110BACCO, Cavendiah, Cong,reota v and
Twist, for sale by
NICIi3L & powaciat,
Corner Front awl Market streets
SUGAR cured hams, just received an
for sale, by P.1011u1.1 & ROW.AnN,
sop 11 Cor. Front and Market street.
MESS Mackerel, juot received, and for fm4o,
nov6 Cor. Front and Market Sta.
EW Orleans sugars, white and brown,
just received and for sale to:' by
COI% Fren and Market streets.
I N variety, at Keystone Nursery, Harrisburg
Oct 13, 1862
A LOT of fine, sweet riavana Oranges just
received and for sale cheap at
Third Street, near Walnut.
n 026 tf
ASMALL lot of extra, just received and for
sale by Wl+ll. DOCK, Jr., & CO.
Cg :GOA NUTS, Raisins, and Prunes, just In
ceived and for sale by
Cor. Front and Market Streets.
, Tubs, Brushes of ail kinds, for
sale by NICHOLS &
ntiv6 Cor, Front and Market Stit
SUPERIOR article just received, and for
1 gale by WM. DOCK Jr •• & CO.
ceiyed. WM. DOCK, & CO.