Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, December 11, 1862, Image 2

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    ail Celegrapti.
Thursday Evening, December 11, 1862
One of the best jokes of the season is com
bined in the speech of John Van Buren, lately
delivered by the Prince in New York, in the
course of which he takes the administration by
the beard, - and becomes over valiant whilst
talking big to those in power. Those who know
John, will laugh athis exhibition of valor, be
cause he is the most notorious coward and brag
gart in :existence, to day in the universe.
John wants notoriety. He feels that he is
stale. A lodgment in one of the forts of the
country, as a political prisoner, would freshen
the Prince, and give him eclat as an offset
to the odium which has been attached to
the name of Van Buren since his father became
an apostate to Democracy; and his son John a
buffoon in the political purlieus of New York.
Of course the administration will not arrest
such a knave as John Van Buren. By letting
him run loose, and permitting him to rail
against the truth, and indulge in bitter language
against those who are struggling to save the
country, its cause will be strengthened among
those who love the truth and are ready to fight
in its defence. Ever since John Van Burtin
had his nose pulled in the streets of London, by.
a nincompoop cockney, he has conducted him
self as a fool, if not as an as. Let him bray
then, fur all the harm he can accomplish.
No man ever occupied the Presidential chair,
that so completely perplexes the party arrayed
in opposition to him, as does Abraham Lincoln.
His honesty, his independence, his patriotism
and his impartiality, are qualities which Demo
cratic editors and politicians cannot fully com
prehend, simply because they have never
attempted their cultivation, and hence the
maize of doubt, despair, affected disgust and
bewildering surprise in which the official acts
of the President leave his opponents. The
second annual message of Abraham Lincoln is
a thorn in the side of the Democracy. It lets
out traitor blood as well as locofoco bile. There
is that in its argument which commands the
serious attention of the more reasonable and
intelligent of the Democracy, while its state
ment of facts and positions against the rebels
and their abettors, leaves no room for doubt
among those who had hoped to intimidate the
President in pursuing the policy he first avowed
as eminently necessary to crush the- rebellion.
The President, perhaps better than any other
man in the country, comprehends the cause
and the mire of the troubles in which the
country is now involved. If this were not so,
the Democracy would not be so perplexed and
maddened by his action. If Abraham Lincoln
did 11'4 fully understand the work be has to
perform, he would not be assailed by such men
as John Van Buren, (the paid northern advocate
of southern treason) and William B. Reed.
These cold blooded and money hunting lawyers
know exactly what the President designs—
others like them, fully understand the terrible
trials that are approaching, and nnw the effect
is being made, if possible, to thwart the ad
ministration iu the execution of its work, in
the enforcement of the laws which have ema
nated from Congress . and received the sanction
of the people.
Gradually the problem of whether the negro
is capable of bearing tomb in the present fray;
with benefit to the government, is beingsolved.
If the negro can work under the lash of a master,
he can be trained to fight under the rigid rule
of military discipline. If he can meet death
unflinchingly, as his race is forced to do daily
in the south, by torture, by sudden destruction
or by slow punishments of the patriarchs who
preside over the broad plantations of the cot
ton states, he is capable of standing fire—at
fighting for that which he is convinced will be
for his benefit. This question of the negro's
ability to fight, is bound to be settled with the
questions affecting the permOnency of the Gov
ernment or the success of the Confederacy.
In the rebel army, negroes have long held an
important place. In every battle which has
yet been fought, negroes have been regarded
as important adjuncts by the rebel leaders, and
now the question forces itself md the people of
the loyal states, as to whether the negro should
not be compelled to bear a portion of the bur
dens in a contest in which his destiny is so close
ly connected. The results of the wi ' r will be
displayed in the destiny of the black man, in
a manner at once affecting his existence and his
condition. If the Confederacy should become a
permanent success, (which is only a dream of De
mocracy,) every negro in the south now claim
ing to be free, would at once be enslaved, while
the chances would be nine to one of enslaving
every free negro that could be carried south from
the north, a inisiness which would then become
more profitable, than the present trade of
100 foco lying for political power. Why, then,
should not the negro be permitted to fight? To
fight that the government may be preserved, and
that some policy or mode may be devised and
adopted, whereby he may be protected from sla
very and removed to such locality ag is fitted for
his social improvement and Christian regenera
tion. This is bound to be the resultof thepresent
struggle, whether the negro fights or not, provi
ded the authority of the Federal Government is
ever again re-instated in the revolted States.
The success of the National Government will
be tantamount to the overthrow and destruc
tion of slavery. We all feel that that success
is certain. Why then should not the negro,
who is so deeply intended in the triumph,
be permitted to shed some of his blood for its
achievement ? Sensible people are pondering
this question very seriously, and however poll;
ticians may at t emptt to ,engenderworse
prejudices against the negro than those which'
now 'exist, an answer will be extorted ;before
this war is ended, and the 7kegrolwilf be in
vited to join in striking blows ageitilt that
which has not only been the source of Ids op.,
pression, but the source and the cause of all the
wrongs which labor has suffered in this Re
Several opportunities of destroying the rebel
lion have presented themselves and been lostL.
It might have been destroyed at Corinth soon
after the battle of Corinth, if our army had only
been two days earlier in the preediratiOna for an
attack upon Beauregard's entrench'meriti. It
might have been destroyed at Manassas if we
had attacked the rebels there Whilst they were
effecting their retreat to Richmond.' Itt might
have been destroyed at Yorkbwn•if our troops
had been twenty•foin hours quicker in arrang
ing to strike than they were. It might have
been destroyed at Antietam if the victory of
that bloody field had been followed up. It might
have been destroyed at Chaplin Hills if' Our
magnificent army had rushed vigorotudy. upon
the enemy, and pressed him to the wall after the
Here were four lost opportunities. No
human sagacity can foresee when we shall have
another. God grant that the nett, if if shall'
ever come, may not be Yozirnal.
Who threw away these opportunities'? . 'This
is a question whicit such newspapers as the
Louisville Journal should ponder and prePare to
answer, for assuredly the opportunities disre
garded'and the time wasted in the conflict. for
the Government, may be traced to the policy
which- Was forced on the country by the Border
State men. The influence of the men in the,
Border States has been to delay action—to post
pone the blows of war—to Mier. at punishing
the guilty—to expect a return to obedience
when the breach was I:ming widened day by
day, and the acrimony of rebellion increased
as the rebels gathered success from our lost
opportunities. It is rather cool to talk of lost
opportunities, and it is particularly cool for
those to indulge in that talk, who were the
very men to insist on a disregard of 'what they
complain as being now lost. Had the political
aspiration of those in command of the army,
never been excited by the 'Border State men,
the army of the Potomac would have betinin
Richmond six months since. Had rebellion
been fairly estimated—had its crimes been
treated as we treat other criminals—had more
hanging been done, when aimed traitors fell
into our hands, and had we had lessof the
folly and farce of swearing men to allegiance
whose conscience was devoted to the devil by
their acts of treason, we should not now be com
pelled to mourn the loss of opportunity. And
until this is done—until we learn to treat the
rebellion and the rebels as a monstrous crime
and as desperate criminals, opportunity will
continue to slip from the use of the army,
until national wealth, national, energy and
national valor are all lost or wasted:
Tau Lnnhalon Cousnm. says that Col. McCarter
is no longer connected with the 93d Reg. P. V.
Let us add, from what we seen 011ie Reverence
in this city, it would have been better forhim
self and the Regiment, had he never been com
The Battle of Fayettville, Ark;
Official Report of General Curtis.
Union Loss in Killed and Wounded
I,ooo—Rebel LOSS 2,000.
Rebel Dead and Wounded Left on the Field
A Hard Fought Battle
,and Complete
The following despatch hail been received
the headquarters of the army: •
Sr. Louts, Dec.
,11, 1863.
Aleij. Gen. Halleck, Generea-in-Chief • :
Furtker details are received froth generale
Blunt and Herron, from the battle ground of
Prairie Gtove ' near Fayetteville, Arkansas ,
Our Toes in killed and Wounded is now, esti
mated at 'a thousand, and that of the enemy at
over two thousand.
'The rebels left many of their dead and mos
of their wounded for us to care' for.
Extensive hospitals will be improvised in ,
Fayetteville. •
Persons who luive returned from the battle
field report that the enemy wail 8,000 strong.
Their artillery was much crippled. We took
four caissons filled with ammunition and a large
number of small arms.
Gen. Blunt moves forward toiday on Cane,
Hill, Gen. Herron remaining at, Prairie Grove
burying the dead and providing for the
The enemy mu ffl ed their '
wheels' and moved
off in the night, continuing their retreat to
Van Buren, probably crossing the Arkansas
Col. McFarland, of the 19th lowa, is, killed.
Col. Black of the 37th Illinois, Major Thomas
of the 20th lbwa, and a large number of mutd- .
tern officers are wounded.
It was a hard fought battle; aud. complete
e , [Signed]
The State of Western Virginia.
WAsurserron, Dec.
The bill which has passed butlit ouses for the
admission of the State of West Virginia into
the Union is not likely to be immediately and
4. , itely acted upon by the Piebident, owing
• the circumstances attending the erection.
.ew State being of such importance in
ion with the constittitional question as
to"• .uire profound consideration.. It was
intimated in the debate in• the House re
( - putty, that the creation of this new State
was the inauguration of the policy. of the ad
ministration, in regard to such: formation prom,
States partly in rebellion ; but thie,,:from re 7
cently obtained information, - IS knOWri to be
untrue, nor was it adifised [ by the ixeCtitiVe
fiennegluania IDat eltgraply Clproba) 01; ing, iNctinbtr 11, 1862.
Franklin's Foiver-Oieteild the
The following has beer,teop#o from the
Army if the Potomac : "
.pespeo.kaymea BMIr OT 'THS t
Thursday ) A M.
Everything lash:tight yntatbriatTO end rictieti;
as to-dii Was the time fiielleorlite crossing• of
the river.' , '
Multi the night thepontoons were conveyed
to the "river, and the: f ci s K feces
,in position Pppoi* At , 5
o'clockithis rebelifited , two signal
guns, while during the iitttet, pert of the night ,
rasketi : were fietinently. seen within their lines.
At 6 o'clock the constriction Of ttriie, bridges
in front of the city' woe commence4when about
half completed the enemy opened a murderous
fire of iltfautry from the latatielaiOAl:the river
bank. I i•• 33 ' • t • t.• ;
to this time not aOntlis4 been fired
from our side. The . engineerswere dri'ven from
_ .
the bridges and seiisialltilled and .woinded.
At 6 o'clock Gen. Burnside ordereo all the
guns to open (.n the city. The cannonading,
which has confirm:Al without interruption up to
the pred,ent time, is terrible...oi 0/1
The dty is) on fire, and .itudestrnetion ap
pears to be certain: .
The enerny;abutiteeyego, , opened with
their ; heavy guna.frouf their taroths, but so" far
have done no se/1(18414w.
Gee. Franklin constiwited bii bddges about
three miles tadOw the city, meeting with slight
oppositiOn. His troogle y ropuriAlit„.':
The, gunboats are 1 4 4 1 1 9 g: t4o•;euel4l
abouttfilteen miles down the river, where they
havet been coneentrating,tb4dr foreniduring the
peat two days.
The concentrated fir l eef our batteries on the
city has i tiarl the effect of driying back tifeane.,
my's tenantry, aini•the we/A on the bridges has
again tat: commence d: Thal ps are all under anus river,
prepared to rush over as soon as.the bridges are
completed. . • •
HEAD pITARTIMB, Thursday-42 °ideals, nom:
—On flie attempt being. made to finish the
bridges in front of the city, the rebel infantry
again oi*nefl. their fire.; ,• i A :
The artillery in position was again opened on
theTcity,ithe result being . that it Was , fired
'seveitil'neW places. .
The enemy have used very little artillery up
to tiiila.,lpne, as it wouidmmyywer f itheir own
meli'whi? are holding the river front,
General Burnside.has jiist learned an order to
concenttitte;o64availatiie'giiri the city,
under CAVer of the fire of , whioh it is ';believed
the hrlidieS,ciinlxi
• 119 /Ad and .1143141A90°P446;74?..aniff00,
to more than fifty men.
• 1 tiU
Nsw Yomc Dee. 11.
The schooner Alice i from Point Petre Guade
loupe/ arTived this mornizigi abbard
ttm chief officer find 'ere* iff - the ship Levi
Stethhak t of New Bedford, Capt. Mellon. When
five'daYs out, bound to the Pacific, on the 2d
of Novernber, in let. 85 0 30T1oh. 66 0 ,-she was
captured by the relml,pinkte Alabanm...
Capt. Semmes f took ~all_. the clothing ::and
nautical instruments, and: set her fireon the
Bth of November,, in plat : 21318610n0258 - . She
also captured the ship p. B Via 63, of Boiton,
Capt. Lincoln, frOM Calcutta for Boston, 147
days pit, with a cargo of saltpetre and , gunny
cloth, took from her the Captahiand crOr.anii
Bet her On fire. , ,
T 441 Allibmaa then proCeeded lidartinque,
arriving there at 8 a. n. on the 17th alt., and
landingthe captains and crewed' bAtti4ibips.
,The U. S. ship San , r iaqi.nto arrived the: same
afternoon, 'and finding ; tlhe Mabel* in. pmt,
immediately got under way and proceeded out ,
side of the harbor, where she- laid An wait for
On ihelBth et id P. ai.;. ITie , Alaiawe-4ot
'under was , and escaped. The . San Jacinto
was lying outside of the basiko on the 22d.
, The Cliptains 'cif' the butned vessels would
take pamsge to Halifax. pie crews; :have - ar
rived' in I the Alice.
Major 'Craend
14:04 1 , 11,
The Speaker laid before the Homse , a message
from the Presideet, tecomnibuding that John
14'Wordein receive the thanks of Congress by
resobation for his gallant .conduct on tOftgiani
tor in •her combat with:- tlikti.M.,ildibh
than Its 12sieug necessary i under . the , ifur act-.
vauce hini on grade in the naval list - of , officers..
Referred to the Committee on Naval , Affairs.
Mr.. Sznowics,,,(N: Y:,) from the Cotemittet)
ou Mail Mails, 'repcirted a bill _to adopt the,
appropriations. heretofore :made for the civil I
service.of The • Navy Department so as' to ctir-I
respond With the feenut inorgardieticin, of the
,DePartnitept- einketi . uo nowlapproptiatiOna.
'The 'bill"was passed, „J. .
8ir.,1121T0r5 cN, offetett 6 6l3 - following
THE ..pritk
, . '-r 1 .
Ttiet4Er*lore, ,•,. th ybe jlirected if
the 7 ifit*. .LP., ' • RIP . 'ice lan 8411 ";
of it;*•,.p&sdae
_A A , t I/IW' tit vessel of war
to convey ' in sa fety of the rebel
crtdierlilabama, or litiother pirate vessel, any
ship oi , 4rpii . that Shall contain corn, flour, and
other priohlons intended as a free offering by
the,cithamm of the United States to the starving
poor of England, and that. the President of the
.Chamber of Commerce of the city of New York,
and w ~, - `nines of
l o (i f f, th el e s U N n a lb* yrrit Sta wh te a s t , shall
A L IV _ - khan .biff-Peady 'to sail.
IF ' r -. ..,',""'" -4 — eleparrireo' - .remarked that he him-
At o' 4? given'rketice of a bill to that effect.
A ir t e resohttiopmised by the House would
MA' twilit& the' purpose designed. " "
, Mr. :Qom, Maw ) ) objected,tithe-cfnydderpv
non of thd , romatditeri- aid celled Tort - he regulki:
order of business.
C6x, (Ohioj - from "tile COmmittee on
Foreign Affairs, xetatited-back the • Senate bill
for the relief of the owners of the French
bank, )"ales Et Marie. , r , '• •
It appropriates Ai° thousand ' five hundr'ed
'dollars as full cm:we - ligation for all the .dama•
gee reedved in the collision between this ves
sel and the United States steamer San Jacinto
in Niirember,lant, -the ; fault ,being with: the ,
latter, vifilbli failed liiiiiiepres her engines. The
bill was passed. • -
On Wednesday night,.December 10th, Mrs.
awl* LLOYD, age 72 years, 4 months and 10
daya. !
Funeral will take place from her late real
denoe, in,Cranberry alley, between Second and
Front 'streets, to-morrow (Friilay) at 'half-past
two o'clock, P. ht. The friends of the family
are respectfully invited to attend:
In Washington City, on the 9th inst., BATE
ALTON lilaounta, younger daughter of James F.
and Honora Meagher Maguire, and grand neice
of Bey; Pierce Meagher, of 'this city, aged 4
years'and 6 months.
Ntu) 21b tis iituuts.
just received at the Bankrupt Boot and
Shele,honse, which will be sold cheaper than
ever, and for neatneas and durability cannot be
surpashed In the world. To be convinced of the
fact, cap and see. dll-1 w*
T wo goo HUB EurtorEAN HOTEL,
'dl.l-24 6 Harrisburg, Pa
undersigned Auditor' appointed by the
I. Orphan's Court of Dauphin County; ternalre
distribution among creditors of the balance for,
distribUtion frolic hands of Joseph Buohanan,
administrator of the estate of Nathan Lichte
waiter, late of Halifax township, deceased,
will make said distribution at his (Mice in Third
street, Harrisburg, M 4 THURSDAY, THE Srn
DAY, OF JANUARY, A. D., 1863, when and
where all interested' may attend.
Dectionne 11, 1862
J P:eWitifiti - U. B. illimturitrOttliEdit:
• i • •
buncan, James', age 25 examineNo • •
exessoted onlictxotmt.6f •tnalrfat*•••••
Miller, Isaac, Nov. 28; dielocatiOn of "fulitle."
Phreaner, Samna, Nov'' 28; hypertrophy of
heart. ,
11' uhl, 'Joint H.,' No*. 28 ; d6fdn'ilt? of chest.'
Stouffer, John, age 87; Nev. 8 Clibrnia.
• sasm,Xxxm cimpirt.
„Biptilesain, Lewis, ege,2s, examined Nov. 6;
exemigited on account of rheumatism and phy
sical' debility.
Thichman, Peter, age 34, Nov. 5; hernia.
Beech, Charles, age.,Bo, Nov. 7 ; defective
Boyer, George, age 40, Nov. 14 ;. , anchylosie
of right elbow j oint:
; Baker; Charles, age 28, Nov. 22 ; chronic
11/philttic nicer of left leg.
Cortright, Jaceb, age 27, Nov, Cr., disease of
lungs atel general debility.
DeFrahm) William , age 28, Nev:l; want of
stamina., . • •
Devidlen,Jeinathan, age 25 Nov. 6;`• epilepsy,
Dii r Daniel, age 44, Nov. 1.4; chronic
rheumatism:: , ; .
Elliott, Patrick, age 40; iNov. 14; chronic
t)f left leg.
rianick, John, age 25, Nov: 6; inability to
understand or weak the English language.
'Fe ley, William, age 40, N0v.,22.; crippled
211,iterAevi,,age126,Nov.:22 ; age and gene
val debility.. • • •
Mafia, John, age 44„N,0v., 6; hypertrophy of
.; i
Hobser,,Henry, Age 40,(N0v. 7; spinal irrita
Hitfor, Levi, age 29 ; iNov. 7;. chronic rhen
matistn, (on oath).
' Heider, 'Johill; age 126;•'Noir.'14 `; Chronic
B astritis.
Snittle - age 44 No* 5 ; defective
right leg.
Xrdttle, Benjamin, age 24, Nov. 7 ; rheuma
tism and general debility.
Xlinfdeibilit;alle, 2 P;;?bv• 7 ; 4 1 F;( 0 •trti.
2 f fnchett). , . • ,
11.1o*, Jacob "11., age 25, N0v.:14 ; hernia.
Leiser John age 23, Nov,. ' : 6 ; • inability to
speak.tdie Engliaklanguage. • ,
Luefe; John, age 42, Nog. 14; injury of .right
kneejoint and general
Makey, Samuel, age 27, Nov. 6 ; size, (6 feet
1 inch) and badly.united fmcture.of.ulna. .
Moser, . Ilaeiel, . age 34, . Nov. 7 ; defective
eyes. • . .;
Mentz, William; valvular disease of heart
and fistula lachrymales of right eye.
NesehWinder, Peter; age 23, N0v.22; epilepsy,
(on fotiti9t ,
Petrie; Jacob, age 45, Nov. 6; age and phy
sical , debijity.
Neese; Thomas, age 40, Nov. 5; hypertrophy
of heart:
Bitydei, Charles W., age 25, Nov. 7; physical
Shoenutker ' Jacob, age 38, Nov. 7; asthma.
Werth,iJoseph, age 86,. Nov. 22 ; stammer.
• . —HAVANA 'ORANGES , t ::.',
e lUSTl4ived by :i :1 !.: -:, - , I ~- 1 /
C0.,-. t A
J o,
' u'' dlo] WM. DOCK, JR., & O i
. _
Buclimheat Flour, an extra article, just
received Ind for sale by
d 9 I Corner Front aria' Market Ste.
riORE 41EA14, d Extra Family Flour, just
‘2./ reaped and for sale by i
Niel:101A k.. 1 32
Coiner Trent; and.,Matkat Sta.
111.LISIbTS, Citron and Currants, for sale by
„ & Wirbl4l4T,
d 9 Coneir:Frout and Rex et Sts.
ID@ 11;,, I . ndeliOn'aisf othei . preparations
ineolkosd surtsJoeitolo low, bp . ,
o 4,4 1 0411164, dgNeWidAN; : .
, • Cornet riont and Matto' Maness.
Nem 20pertistmtnts
WILL be sold by inetiou,at,.7ths residence
V V of Christian Ihilt in Leiria Tioniship,
Union County, Pa., on
Ulu following personal Propertyi;to : Four
Horses, One two-year •; (Ad Colt, Four Mulch
Cows, One Bull, One Heifer, Seven Shoats,
,Farming Utensils and Household Furniture too
numerous to mention. Aleo, Clover Hullers, a
lot of double refined cast steel, a lot of round
machine steel, a lot of bar iron, etc.
ALSO, at tliti Same titan and take, that valu
able FARM, on which Christian Reif resides,
'situate'in Lewis Township aforesaid, containing
about 150 ACRES—about 20 acres of the same
being : excellent Timber, - the remainder cleared
and in a good state of cultivation. On which
are erected a good Bank Barn, a large ._
two-story DWELLING HOUSE, Spring Cu.
HOUSE, and otheroutbuilding,s. Also, ,
a large Orchard, and a never failing Spring of
ALSO, at the same time and place, another
tract. of Land, adjoining the Mansion Farm,
containing about 28 • ACRES, all cleared; on
which are erected a new FOUNDRY and MA
CHINE SHOP, 60 feet by 30 feet, three stories
high, containing a st3am engine of ten horse
power, turning lathes, drills, circular and up
right saws, planer, Sullenberger's patent belt
scroll Saw, and a large variety of tools of various
kinds. Turpentine, Paints, and Oil. Also, a
Blacksmith's Shop and Tools. Also, three good
DWELLING HOUSES, a Spring House, an' ex
cellent and never failing Spring rising on and
flowing through the premises.
ALSO, at the same time and place, will be
sold the PATENT RIGHT of C. H. REIF'S
CLOVER HULLER, with all his improvements
Sale: to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of
said day; when conditions will be made known
Attorneys in fact fot Christian Reif.
dll-dlt /Pat
FOlll. the,residence of his mother, residing
in: this city, on the. 9th inst., GIORGI:
Moms:, aged ten years, and had on when he
left home, a pair of plaid, black and white,
pantaloons, a black overcoat, and a cap trim
med with fur. He is close-eyed. Any infor
mation of his whereabouts will be thankfully
received by his distressed mother.
Meadow Lane, near Second St., Harrisburg.
410 2t°
/VHF, Stockholders in the Middletown and
Harrisburg Turnpike Road Company are
hereby notified that the annual meeting will
be held on MONDAY, THE Erg DAY OF JAN
UARY, 1863, bet Ween the hours of 10 o'clock,
A. M., and two o'clock, P. M., at the residence
of the undersigned, No. b South Front Street,
Harrisburg, for the purpose of electing One
President, Six Managers, and One Secretary and
Treismrer, for the °Dinh%
~ yesroglid ',for, the
transaction of such ' other business as the inter
ests of the said Company may require.
_ _
Secretary and Treaeurer.
HABARABURG, Dec. 10, 1802.. [dlo '
A kTORNEY-4T-1,24W,
- • a 13 collection of Bounty
Money, Penusioni and arrears of Pay.
The widow or other hefted iny . soldler,
Who nekY die by &MOO or le killed while in
the united States service, is entitled to $lOO
bannty, money, ;iension, and all arrears of pay
o deceased soldier. [orylOy-rd-dlO
/111HE'eubacriber offers for sale a number of
vary desirable building lota on, Ridge Road
and Rhuleylvania Avenue.
NOTICE.,,, •
AIL manufacturers and butchers are requir
ed to make out their returns for the months
of September, October and November, and re
turn them to the Assistant Assessor of the re
spective, districts immediately, and hereafter
the monthly returns are required by law to be
made mit and furnished to the Asiistant Asses
sors within ten day. aftei the expiration of each
and every month.
C. 8. Assessor 14th Collection District, Pa.
Ilstuusinnua, Dec. Bth, 1862. [49-413t
December 8, 1862.'
Ist. It having been made the duty of all
military commanders to correct, as far as it may
be in their power, the 'evils and itregularities
arising from the peculiar state of the service at
this Willi, by collecting all stragglers, and for,
wardhig them to their"commands or stations,
it will hereafter be required that all officers in ,
this city make known to .the - Acting Provost
'M al, by what authority they are here, and
if it isimot found sufficient they will be arrested
and sent to their command. If, the authority
is Sufficient, they will be given a pass.
2d. It is expected that officers arriving in the
city will report at the Acting Provost Marshal's
Office.bilid regiater their names, stating rank
tegibient, and the hotel, boarding or •pri
vate house at which they are staying, by what
authority, they are 'here, and how long they
expect to remain.
. , ad. The Provost Guard will arrest all soldiers
found in the city withoutproper authority, and
send them to Camp Curtin, where they will be
closely guarded and forwarded to their regi
ments as heretofore.
4th: It , will be the duty of the Acting Provost
Marsital to see that all officers entitled to them,
be supplied with passes, and those who are not,
will be reported to these Headquarters for
sth. By General Orders from the War De
partment, every Mayor, `Chef of Police Justice
of the Peace, and Postmaster, is authorised to
act as special Provost Marshal, with authority
to arrest any officer or soldier absent without
just cause from his command, and convey him
to the nearest military-post, whine he is..entii:
tied tp ireceive the transportation, reasonable
expo ,'and five dollars, for each officertir
private-Ito arrested 'and delivered. In. conse
quence of this it is hoped that• all officers at
Jost, will avoid the disgrace of being reported
to the War Department as deserters:
• W. B. 14.1iF t ,,
d93t Capt: 3d Cavaliy,tiimnißtaine.
xus, ce be sold, at Publiq Sale, at the reel-
VVden of,the subscriber, in Broad Street,
near the Sixth Ward House, on. Saturday, DN.
13th, '1862, EIGHT MI CH COWS, A FEW
aspail, 'and TWO HORSES. Three months
credit will be given.
Sale to'commence at 10 o'clock on said day,
when attendance will be given by
,p; .L SatERE4I34A. kern
14,m2qvlm ,yvyon:kleg Name'. For male
0- - WM. MOS, JR., & 00. •
Every Night This Week.
Third Se., rear of Herr's Hoed
SAM. S. SANFORD, Proprietor and Manager
Price of Admission 25 cents.
Orchestra Chairs 50 441
Private Box, single seats 75 "
Gallery. - 15 "
Cbildren to Parquette and Orchestra, with
parents, half price.
Doots open at 6/ o'clock ; Performance to
commence at 7i o'clock.
or Friday Evening Benefit of A. J. TALBOTT
A ' you sick, feeble and complaining ? Are
you out of order, with your system de
ranged , and your feelings uncomfortable ? These
symptims are often the prelude to serious ill
ness. Some fit of sickness is creeping upon
you, and shouid he averted by a timely use of
the right remedy. Take Ayer's Pills, and
cleanse out the disordered humors—purify the
blood, and let the fluids move on unobntructed
in health again. They stimulate the functions
of the body into vigorous activity, purify the
system from the obstructions which niche dis
ease. A cold settles somewhere in the body,
and obstructs ha natural functions. These, if
not relieved, react upon themselves and the
surrounding organs, producing general aggrava
tion, suffering and disease. While in this con
dition, oppressed by the derangements, take
Ayer's Pills, and see how directly they restore
the natural action 6f the system, and with it
the buoyant feeling of health again. What is
true and so apparent in this trivial and' com
mon complaint; is also true in many of the
deep-seated and dangerous distempers. The
same purgative effect expels them. Caused by
similar obstructions and derangements of the
natural funotione of the body, they are rapidly
and many of them surely, cured by the same
means. None who know the virtues of these
Pills will neglect to employ them when suffer
ing from the disorders they cure, such as Head •
ache, Anil Stomach, Dysentery, Billions Cora
plaints, Indigestion, Derangement of the Liver,
Costiveness or Constipation. As a Dinuer Pill
,they are both agreeable and effectual.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell,
Bold by C. A. Bannvait, D. W. Gross & Co.,
C. S. Seller, T. M. Lutz, pr. Riley, F. Wyeth
and dealere everywhere.
PHOTOGRAPHS retouched in Colors, India.
Ink, Pc:sidle, Bahia, and Crayon, in the
most artistic manner; from $1 00 to $25 00.
Persons having defective Photographic copies
from Daguerreotypes of deceased relatives, can
have them retouched and made "speaking like
nesses." Mr. Beck . attends to having old
Daguerreotypes copied from miniature to life
size. Ivorytypek painted in every style. Spe
cimen pictures can be seen at his studio,
above Kelker's Hardware store, corner Second
street and Market Square.
Carte &visits colored neatly,
At the Lowest Prices the Market will Afford
dB-d4w] Next door to the Harrisburg Rink.
Opened, this Morning
All sizes.
LADIES do. do.
Entirely new styles.
A large assortment of
i:r it
of every kind, received by Express to-day, at
prices as low as the Fresh, Best Made, Warrant
ed Fars can be sold.
No. l 4 Market Square
dB-d4wl 'Next door to the Harrisburg Bank.
AR.Nos. and shades of color.
- LADIES', plain or stiched,
The very best article imported.
Next to the Harrisburg Bank."
ABGE stock of superior, non•eaplosive coal
oil, irbich we offer for sale at a low figure,
by whiftale or retail.
d 8 • CornefFront anti Market Sta.
RECLITirED from New York auctions, a most
, elegantassortment of
GLASS. &C., &C.
(Catalogues ready foi distribution which will
be sold &tie very small advance on cost, by
sji AS WARD,
: the Music, P ict u re Frame and Fine Art
Depot, - Third street, No. 12. d 6 dtf
25 cents