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'1,. , - - J- , ":', --titV,.4?:,4112-;-;N: ''..,--- ': - -'''' • . :::• ' • -• , r .i : i .1. , 11, ' -- .:-- , --__ , r__-_ J,. - fli. _.-,._ 'l . :I ,' T i. ,-....„ .../ 1 .. .•• • • ' ' ' ' 1 '' i 4. ,' • ' ,ll. ' ......, .. : '1 .? ' - .. . .. . Y GEOthi BlidNEit. ~. ••• • , • , . ~ .. ,: , , . " A • • o • a •-• r . i ''' ' • 6 ' ' .: ' ' •.- 1-• 1862. .. • H A ~. ~ . . : i ',L o- • iN • 1t... ;... t 4 • • •et 3-1, , -,_ , ' Fritl - . . , . . - PRICE ONE CEN THE TELEGRAPH IS ITBLISEIED EVERY DAY, t BY GEORGE BERGNER. TER M S-SINOLII SUBBOMPTION. The DAILY Tatman/a% is served to mimed bets in the City at acents per week. 'Yearly subscribers will be charged $4 00 in advance. WUKLY AND SIIIII-WISNELY TILIGNAPH The TKLBGRAPH is also published twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and week ly during the remainder of the ear, and fur nished to subscribers at the foljowing caidi k rates, viz : Single subscribers per year Semi-Weekly $1 50 Tun 41 " 12 00 Twenty " Single " ss " Weekly ADVERTISING B&TES.—The following are the rates for advertising in the TsMum. Thqse having advertising to do will find inconvenient for reference. or Four lines or lam constitute one•half square. Eight lines or more than four condi. tutus a square g 7g 5 4 : -41; 1 7 1 1 40 44 — r csagaggoptlge C, a. : O Z attifir•G":“ooo,o2ll3o4o..lP BSSOggelogggSgSS , P 4111 PA ep.o3- gasssmsgveses F: E" .. ~..... ... 4lll * ... -1020tDC0 -1 17.4.1:0bi.. tragg C OSSOZ 1 to g ______ N 3 - 5............... p a , i tTgBII:VSSZTE .......—. ' ' ...-. 1 ..... 4 1 bd *lOO4-40504.03t*P., 1; Fi k rargOSSBSg. ,- 4..• r. -dc.lo.ooWddrawo... pd...40-do-d030.50 po.dow.o,moch. OD CO O. b+ CO CD 1...1.• .... 0 DO 0 CD ta -1 0 0. C.. ta 0 0 0 0 0. O. 0 0 0 0 st..sgmtssea alien Notices, 1 olme s week, elx ttn Notices Notices . •••• • • • I lollies each Im 4 ertlOU tasineeS tbtices inserted in 1 it befora'Marriages and Deatl Lntwfor each insertion. AthaJule& Marriage * editor's u aral N B Column. CRITS • lattsintst..olarim JUNES OTT 8 E, C° 11118 4•Or .1 • „, 1 - MLBXET ST AND MARILBT HARRISBURG, PA. ' JOBENI icOLILLIAN, PROPAINTORI O.IIOIkTLY 00, DUOTED ex While 00:11111111Y4 Th's is a First Class and:located in the oentant part or the city. It is kept in the best manner, and As patrons will end every accommodation to be met With in the beet hOUSee in the eountry. .se3p-dtf FERRER' S DAILY LINE ! BETWEEN. PBTLA.DELBHI,42 Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, Villains Inn ey, Uniontown, Walsontown, lion, Lewisburg, horthinnberlanif i , bury, Trevarton, Georgetown,' • , Lykenstown, Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin • . , AND, HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Devi* being 'centrally Weeded, 'the Drayage will be at the Driest Rates. The Coadnetor goes through with each train to attend to the safe de livery of all geode intrusted to the Mne. Gocodp,dellver:r at the Depot of Freed, Ward & Freed, 811 Market street, Philadelphia; by o'clock, P. &Lorin be delivered In Harrisburg ttie next morning. freight Always ad Low is by. AnZOther Line. JOSEPH MONTGOMERY, Philadelphia and Reading Dept, Oet2l-titt FOOL of Market r•tatto B. J. EARRI.B., , Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer, NO. 112 MARKET 3.7.11.M7 HARRISBURG. HAS alwaninkiVo flth:11080 4300 4 oink arargiiiikk are, oOoliing and Parlor Stoves or the beat inanulapturiee, anti.. Wonting, .lioof. tug and Galvanised Iron Oonidah, miusullseturedaud put up at reasonable rates, Aar RepariDgiromPar otiedul • te. a .r3O-tfly, REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITE] , HAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store from thotiorner of, Sockunt an#olFtdnut , atnoetn to NO. 108 *ASSET STREET,: Next door to Rayne's Agriculture Store, where he intends : to keepall kinds of Boots a , .d Shoes, Gaiters, ho., and a large stock of Trunks, and everything in 4linc.of be. shuns ; and will be thankful to receive thatrensgs . cd his old customers and the public in general at kis new_ place of businels. All kinds of work made to order in. the short no best styletice. and by Slnpr2dtfl uperior worl B. JOHN ytten. Repairi MUT H.. ng done , , Cl LINDEN HALL, MORAVIAN FEMAIZ 'SEMINARY, At Lit 4, Lanftster ut Co., otrituittr44. • Affords superior advantages fix. thorough and accomplished female education. For circulars and information, apply to REV. WILLIAM C. RETOOL; octlB-dBm 'Prinaiptd. AIALtil nupSE I . virouLD rovecwouly his old patron Mid the 'public generally, th a t „ha yip °outlaw) to_ inetriothn on "IP .P/4NO Mga LODKON, OLIN and slid n the wiener , of BASIL Ho will yetis pleasure watt open pupils at thaty homes at ant' hetir 'debited, or Wigs= will be gtvedi a his reindeers, In thltd , strast, re* `dooll' below German Reformed Church. 4sedll.dat DAN'L. a‘ . ErENGH, AGENT. OF the Old Wallower Line respectfully informs the public that this Old Daily Teismiparta tinn Line, (the only Wcilowir Line now la existpnee, ,lu this City,) Is it in sunward operation, and ikistred ' 03' carry freight as low as any otherindlcidnal me between Ptilhelelphla, Harrisburg, Roxbury, Lawisbog, Wll - Jersey Stake, Look Winch and al/Othes palate on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erni,and Wil liamsport add Elmira Railroads. DANL. A. lIIIHNOIII, Agent. Narrisburg, Pa Goodayent idthe Ware 'Rouse at Jima's ? : Puisnitely, tell i iihnihmen, aid 80 Market street ab ore Philadelphia; b 3' 4 o'aloek, P. n., will who at l i =nrg, ready foe Aelteery next moon* • • selikerdmy/ , ;IL flcb'ttcd DIL JOHNSON 3134kXaTESSACOEL111 I.OCI HOSPITAL! HAS f dispovoiod the lli(i Ocerfai4, speedy and Memel remedy r ip the world for DISEASES. OF. ,DWERUDENCE.. ULM It six TO TII'ILITI NOM. ao leredry. dr Natio= Dr & A Cure Wintinted, or no Margo, in from one Weida* of the Sack or:Lhabs, Skietures,.• .ilitcailens of the Bldrieys and Bladder InVoleallin Mechanise, Ins potency, General Debility, 4ervoustiese4 Dyspepsy, Lat. glior, Low flphlte, Orafiltioa of Ideas,: Palpitationof the Heart, TiseddityrTramblinesii.of klightor.Gtddl nese, ol the Head, , Hoes ar: Agee tioni of the liver, Lung., Stem or Ilowelithose ter rible dhiordeis arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth —those liman'otnikfolitery praethisa more fatal to theft *diem tiuse;th r lE 'Cyrag to Me, Wawa of Mis ses, blighltn th brilliaiLhopes or anticipation., rendering mar ' A.pop 040 e the ykstims it Wien INNS that dreadral and destructive habit which &Mind'. ly.weeps to en untimely grate thesueuten .of Young leen of the molt exalted Satiate. and 1 brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening illemßail with the Menders - of elotitteneWok Waked to :amtasy . Ike living lyre; may Dall with fail bonliddaoe. . " 22 00 100 Ell Married Perlman ' •er Young Yew contemplating mar riage, being aware er Ordeal weakness', °ramie debtit. ty, deronnhicajley., optedtly, , mired. De who plaobk himself tinder the care of Dr. J. may rellOomtly confide in his honor ihe a gentleman, and con 'deftly rely upon bin skill ass Physician. e 00 iFra' iS ! Orgtuiict Welton* immediately Cured, and full vigor Restored. This distressing Affection—which renders 1 ife misera ble and marriage impossible—is the penalty, paid by the ammo of Improper Indulgences. ifousig persons are too apt to_ commit excesses from not_ being aware of the dreadul consequences that linty ensne. 'New, Who that understands the salient will pretend to d eilylbat the pow-' er of procreation la lest sooner by those wag Into : int proyer habits, than lig thopreilent. . amid,' being, de prived the pleainortis of hainny effiiprieg, the most se rious and deetructiveaymptOms SO both toady 'Mod ' Mine ir rn arise. The bewases deranged, the Physical and Rental Pule •Tretitinreti. Low of Preereattro Power,. Nerviona bpi% Dyspepsia. /Maio" ,91 tho Wart, Indigestion, arMullomi t TIMM :at Wading 9f the Plaine, gonek, Owitroliqtleellkos ; - and Death. — ' ' •Mar So..7llouthrirederiek Street. Left hie Idiagiiing fram-il dilames s tr ee t, a taw' door, iselle-theisoorom Fag noti t, te , abilave sense and number. must . LefjOri he istidien owlitain olstaMp. , The Doc *4 .row— bangle Illie!lacti- , , ~, , - A Cure lillrarriLated 1:0JTwo Days. N 111 0 2 gl et - 2 B X r 3 3 '" UR MI , es... $2 25 1 60 so 0 LP* MOUT. No Maas, a Ifewass DPI*" . Dr. Minsoni ; *(p e to gg pf the Royal College of Burgeons, London, Grad uate;fropt mut oftbsonest enduemtOollegefila 'the United ai d UM/realm part of whom Me has been lipoid in'Ulie itals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and *he. milielte; effected _SOM. of the mMtig4tOntithlnear* thil.sf ever kliffeM , Mhat troublet! with' ringing to thelmad ad earn when asleep ,, great mormumniss, being ab i l U sudden baehraleink- withfrequent it/bidith i N stimadedal ~eMAUI_Hm_ with derangement of mind sere; oaredingneminmyo .•,_, ........ , • 4 . , • w i tiorio. •,1 .7 . -for, ' Inc ,l . ; if e lit_Whe have lejigi7l theinseiven 1 by lid* indoll/ M uis singitelhary , heistiiii- , whieb dolo r., hoth Med (MA Mina, PalltOns Oise fur; either ball eiti An a dy„ onsfsiedm. b , ts• , ~.., •! i4 .. ;_, ti: 41! Thes are eof the sad and metauenollyodinits pre .., AM** byi ear habits of youth, vis : %mined' hr • the' Bade ood•Limbs, Patna in the Head, Dimmer: y.l - Sight, ,lmea'Af ll Mar Power, Palpilitiog of the [fiend, Dye ply * ous Imatibility, Derangement of the Digestive GeneraliDeltility, alutiptemeriorlOiniguniptionii . . , . . . e i timmul.V.7-Pite r &Maid effeeti on the, mind :re f; mush to be dreided.lnas of Memory, HON** of Wadi , De. premien *Spirits, Evil Foroodings; Irak/ton to Society, Seif Distrust, Love of nolltude, Timidity, Ac., are some of Oka Vllll )iroll At killg e - , , s .: , ~. TuouSgane of d ola.= owes can no w judge what lb the cause of theta dedislatheallbi Mining , their vigor, becoming weak; . PIO , Uemrcau sfKirciMm Mifedi ballad , a singular , aPP lur ! lu r li l m " il r i P7". ,x lA . PM srpß of o P .um iir, , .. . Tout* lieui r- Who have Miura theMINIIVIII bf k cilium ' przothur IA 4 1 1 4101 in when Monet a.hablg , lisinently isersitill , - front effilaansiP}OWViraltrgrl4, the ,Offeettt of which area liktair Mk fitlZh/ e ßti4 gf liZ i u rTt r ?h da4. I merytage p &drat bath d an,d bodY,, Sheuld id e a ly imm . . What a St y theitagenisgigiano theibmpo of his conn lilt the' linrillalsztsiSlitini legatchwl Draw ... pvieLls il by the eengeguenes 7 de f of et and indulging in a mak secret habit. Such persons 9srs before content; 1 1 Maggiglaggi fa, .._.,' 1 reflect theta sound mind and bßiarefthe most ;nee,* earl mattes to promote connubial happiness!. liittsca, 1 ot, trle4 the MOST Sisouglulife lessee a meaty. 4e ;As preit hourly_flea-ens to ~ t he view • th e wag lineti 'bedewed With dui - pair pd tilled wit h `th e t hekkilbeity +relleraioni that ifinitinfingSlisit of 'ittiathe 'I becomes blightadi with, our ohm. , i-, , . .1 ~,, _ , 1 Thump df. lidniitdona. ~. •.i -1 , .whea thr — milifthid dad imprudent wigiryof *mare gads that he liwilmblblid the seddirof • tins paint* dig nem it toti often•luitiespiAldlia Blamed sense of shame ieglisead s!• discovery ide*M.ditet nom OPPilteLto these Who, from e . luailisa 14:::elitighibly,, can along lie- ; friend bin, delaSing tAid IV Constigudonal symptom., on, this horn d dimes mike. ' + appeatimWesh •de 'id" pirated Me throat, dittiampl4 nes, lleeWati sad iir the head, and hphltt 04 0001 40i . teign deelltesstmides en the shin bone, and arm; blempencnkthe head, reef• ant" eztremitiss, ~mug 'with' Frightful rapiditr; till et, both. paDdcodthe sea* or thoi behes oFthe. none ?ali gn, and the vistinsm the algid distils become k a horrid object of rip puts a +,PliFoot _SAS dreadful suilinsgs, by 1en 2.0 him to 44 ,10 at DAdMoov tared Country from whence no travels, retturntLo • It M a mcknichay /ha that thousands hill victims to this terrible disesae, owing to the inteltilfalinees of igno rant Pretender*, who birAe we of that Deadty reiaari, Mercury, rain idgetionsrithr &adift/4r the - reddqe o life miserable. i ... • + i. strg i nienti. ; + &est not your lives, or health, to the oars Dribs many Unlearned and Worthies Pretenders, destitute of know , ledge, name or clartolor who copy Dr. Jolusiesli wirer estaients, or style th emselves in — the newspapers', . regularly Waisted Physicians incapable ot - Cturbig, they k ee p you pitting month after month lath* 'their •filthy intl i polsonOtumess emlpounds, or as long as the smallest the can be obtained,,apd In dawn", wave , yen m ilk n o n . ad heath to sigh olit Ye* galling diasidaintreent- Dr. Johnson Sthe only PhYllieiall:"Tarthillig• - ' ' His oredennalor Apneas* elwerchangigut ibis. ease., w e reer utue keinmeed rwe unpuitopo to ail, Wiwi, prpared item 'a Winning In'the great hoppitals of 1713tope, the lint in the countkind q Store entelW 4 fte P'l -' vita Prot; than, any othetfi .tiyalohm bt.the l eurev i dorsonset of: the Press: . The Many thentweds gamed at this lartitutten year. at. teryoar, and , the itligiOreall Important liktimak,clfornitr nous Perfolintila brurl tioluillOn‘U l lbali a l u l aJf the, ra'' porters of the Ruud, .clipper ,MA noidT _other pr Tr * „w o od. widarg.ba,o,4 ~ Asti and Imam before the ilehlia.heeldeaMflatindionas a ..gardieman , at Aargau and reeponsibUltib ht a fpgfolesokawriplipe tethe aglictOd._ . ~ , i ~,, . I • .. SIMI DUlSlig_ bieiddy Cured. , laws *rains Okla litifirlistilse in dirictidgileigr Quak k e, ,h, instabdien, in the, followblifitltuSa.i JOBN I. zowirSoN, M. DI of the•DalUmore leek Hospital, Baltimore, Bd. COAL Oil L a mp ' Shades, I,YWEN'Otiiiii— foilmlo mw by oci3J-A- g i p replenished-ateck. tit TOilet and Fancy Goals is tinsuiparnapd; thin Car ind 3 g confident 9r:madwing astigaeiseik, we woad ran pectruliy Inglis a aalli; AMU, ',olilliwkca - *OW two doui eel* 4 gA1arth. 1 4 1 1 1 ,41 1 9 4 04 04, XREBEt IFIBEL 411 , 64 JOHN NITEINTIMe4 , aritiasyat rnra. and' *iv j • play =EU marriage: iNICIFOLS/ItiattWlLlN, , Carper Front sod liarketatesete, , New 2livertistments. • .NlOllOl,B BOWMAS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL t i c y • • CA- it. CO joirliii ,o,orner, Front, and Market, HARRISBURG, Strati i I..EISPEOTIVELY invite the attention .11.11 i of the public to their larp and well selected MOM Of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO NESTE/ FRFPN. We wow offer for mkt Stewart', Loverings Golden Syrup, White and Brown Sqpiri of AU grades, Greeu and Black Teas, Coffee, 13ploes Ind Flavoring [Ertraota AISO, FLOUR, ; 44 .; We write I* szaudsation of oar sapartpr, NON-ESetosiVie OAT. OEL, Unequalled In every roptiet i br ass Isthe ...mitt*, to, gather all kinds of , LAMPS, SHADES, _1: • BURN S, HLENEYS, • I ko., We have the largest assortment of GLASSWARE & QUERNEIWA . LRIE in dm , 111110, all kinds of • CEDAR AND WILIAIII, WARE. Call and.examine at rr old etseekk, rfit HOLS Ss BOWMAN, se . t 2 Comer Front and Market streets. A RARE CHANCE FOR: A .BUSINES.B.,MAN. i canal grocery store and Rockville House,ikabwn , as the tiptlegrovti Look Property, situated live nUaelabove Harrisburg; fronting seat on thePenpaylvania Canal And weak en the selquebaskes, river road, will be eold if, applie for n0n:.... . The grocery More, tf not the very biatt kluad ela e Mee of the coal; 14 onlyeitiallid.by one e m nhiliti taro new barn audstable has recently been built, *that sash boat:tean can be locked up separately. Also ',WOW/ of sheds, hay houses corn crib, t wo store houses for grain, ice house, bay and Indeed every sonvaidenee that is necessary :for carrying en the business,. The Place is with* three battered yards of the Rockville' depot ,onklie Pennsylvania railroad, and Dauphin and Schuylkill railrewrkihm. Perinea with* to Purchotli please apply on the preictriN to anlB-WpinlstiB63 W. P. HENRY. 80. 1 8118141ENBEROBIL Bat t 00., MERCHANT TAILORS AND' CLOTHIERS, No. so Market arrest, flatrisiori. lariest and most extensive smortment trot Itea4plowitt-CRAthingt,snitaiio;lul-wist ter_Weark offered for, sale it the above establis4Ment; at prlteitti Snit the times. Also, a complete stook, of Gentlemen's Fitrl nislahag Goods, of ell:descriptions, Thdy have also onT band a large assortment of Cloths, Caminieree and Yeathigte; which they are prepared to manufacture.to order on.the most r • onside fermi. - n24-1m PAR*Foraoß • FOR SOLDIERS WHOL4I34D On RETAIL. AT PRICES 1011401011 ABLY IMI3 than can now be pirohae ed elsewhere. , SOLDIERS look : to , your interests, and call. or send to KELLER'S . Dnig Store, 91 Market ;Street, fora Writing Folio. 'To dealers wishing to buy out the lot we will offer an,indueenzent; ' n 022 r , 3710p a FURS, FURS, FURS, FURS, FURS, FURS, r :..t. every ,Nor ro4 fitock..just Owed at CATHOABrS liarkfit &tune, n025-4w Neat door to Harrisburg Bank. DIARIES' ThR 1863. gest aaaartakerii of Ditties for 186$ . just eceived, at BERG B'S BOOK STORE. *STCFT'S TIIIM, t and all kindkof, Willow ' andCeciai Ware, for sale by Imnaots & oowidea, . nld," Cot. Front and M arket Streetis. • : ' POTATO` BiIBIIKES_ of r Whir 4lbsitity 'just` received' Li or We low by octiiB-tf wrbt. n Jr & • - • 3012.T0N ORA,', EIREIL • LfratetE supply of them," elicioircondoire • itudiebeived and for IWO by' • - • WM. DOCK; Jr., a co, .ISABELLA 'AND. , CATAWBA • ' IikncNUKES, strongx WO and thrifty, years old, at reduced prices, at Keystone "Nursery.. • • - ' ' • Tlizo. r. isb = rrzai BOOK AI%D JOB raiNTipu, • . itt. 18, Jamul snixar, IittitMBBUBEN , J orPatilipilar attention paid to PrlOting, Ruling and Bindiug AFkiirood lThudou,..Jdonfrooto, Moho, amok', Drat., am. um)" pentad is 0, $3, $4; out $$ pN , bilumudid ele g ant style.. >II4 Ella for coal oil lanaps--ilones' slor, Eircelsior screw, and others, for sale by, . ; NICHOLS & BOWMAN, d 8 Corner Front tuid llarket Sta.? reIUMNEYS, Wicks, Shades, and GlassOniesi tO I for In4e ' . '' NICHOLS* BOWMAN, . Qtr. Fro:Wand Market SW • ' BUCKWHEAT, FLOUR 11 6 F a xm FINE jiist r e ceives : WM. IX)dX, Jr., a 00 10110, Dandelion, and Barley Coffee, just n ib calved and for sale low by NlOllOl/3 & BOWMAN, nolB Cor. Front and Market Streets. qUEIEE Poi 111416 1ee, keg re a ei V ed and 111114119 16 t IOLB er ROMIAN, f. jolt , Corn. Treat mai Market Woos. YMtee, Prunes, Raisins, and all qt Nub, It .11!XIN Walkif Mon ; 'ad alms. 1 - • 11.71 "lank r-plpplitationo ' . • • BANK OF CHEgFakegroka , . ND 'ICE is hereby givenAhat At e BANK ON CHESTER COUNTY, intends to apply to the IMure pfeculveeliOn their Tied ionskon for 14 renewal of Metter.l Sidd Bank, la - locket" Id the borough of West Cheater, with ao authorised capital of Two Mildred sad Twenty•five Thousand Dollars, a re. newel or which will be asked for with the usual banking ' :My - order**. NY. W . • jeu-du-wom _ thatrer. i r i's JJA49443g.4 1 4j1 3, rfA7. 1 1 1 :4 Pangrans' Batmen BOOKS COMITTO BkirrOL. fte:VAllei24, 1862. NO+ICE is hereby given , that an appli- Wks will be made to me Legitatizre of Pennell .vanla at their next semitm, fos.arenemg of .thioeimothr of the BAieliftig BABllltiokivettenty.' ;Div" keati Bank being located In the boroUgh of Bristol, Pennsyl vania, With an authorized caplaatotTwo-Bundred Thou sand &Mars, with the banal banging privileges. By es der of the Board,, C. BF,ATTY, je2s-dltirthn Cashier., . . . . • ••• 0 10E, ripEE rrostiltolt, PjrActs•rs Rompagy. 4.0 f the B*l4l,oll%l#l4W.ditrt couzur c ,ippond to Wake sOPIWIWn thit heat. Legialatire if this Cont ,monwealth, to the renewal "f;thalt - Charteell4 l hank ling and diactisiittiig Privileges aa heretodire, wader the acme rime er Woos& the prielt ditathitt sadsritsvis soma capital, two hundred thousand dollars, with the right to increase it to Wane hundred thousand dollars." - jedtl.wsni, W. TAYLOR; Claskitir. Batt NOTICE, OTtekie heiebygivin tiiit the: Preei- Oast rued Dire etbre (CMG Jinn** BANK idoitte'd n • borough of Lebason Letnnon county, Aim* to maltsapplleation to tbe Ittigitufe of Panosylvania at then trial session, !oracratiewatot the charter in an extenroi of the privileges of the said Binh now ealoyed, with the same name, title, locitionnud" capital Of $2OO. 000. By,ordsr Uallarai joie-nit-16in , ' Gartner. NOTIOL PAH' MINOR'S BANS of Pottsville, in the icounty of Schuylkill, hereby give notice Ih*t they 'stood to apply to thelsgislature - of Penuiyhaul • at their nazi session, for • rani* of , shear charter. egad hank le Ideated In the borough of Pottsville , in the county of Schnylklil, with an authorised luiPital of - Five Huticired:Thnuisnd Dollars. a renew a l, of which will be inked without any aktentien privileges. By order of the Board. BlianLißS LOgtKR, Jett-int-wsin. (Uhler. NOTIOE. ,Iteng or csuronispilia, June 1.211, 1282. 1 XTOTIOE is hereby , given of the intend ;Ll id application at the next meeting of the Lees's mre for rertioswal of the charier of A t BANK ; oF , Oetall.- BfiItSBUOG, 'with the prima name aod 'wry locatitin and specific object, with privilfae lo iceman the capital 'anich from $266,8813 80 to l21)0,008. y order, of the board G. B. Wm elCilltiresi BANK NOTICE: - m - OTICE is ussieby 'Oink 'that ; In dent, andlareeters the LANCArliti COUNTY iteNH intsnd mate pplicayon to 1 2 11Liture of the ClostnjonatilillxVit l at eh , Dext bu, for a reollerelOr the charter, and as extension of the privileges of tpe said Bonk, with all the rights and privileges now for,. t e r m ofiweleiyiyeaws Maw aha expiration , alttnalprinent olownw,, With lbw, _ saw Laanwy . tdlak, capitol of mow. Br Order e] itl4wBm dialler of Learaster, County , Bank. . NOTICE.. , ik - roTWE is lietelit girds' that AA will be made at tMe next amnia meeting of the Legislature of Penneylvatda for a roam'', of tie Charter optattexas BANK' OP ATTiBUISI, with its premed m4smmn,loesigs4 privileges And septa of2.one minion dollars.order afthe Hoard of Dweetore, • • ~; ".;;; H. M. MUltHitY; Jyl.dla-Srem, . . . BANK NOTICE; NOT le hereby' gi ven ; that au skill oaclosorpl4o made Car tho: chatter or a twit to be called the (RAMON BANK OF ELF COUNFIr, capl tal /104000 with right to p Into operation when $4O:- 090 ehail have bees paid, itti JelSO-Olt w6m.- • • BANK NOThiE. • * 'NOTICE ie hereby 'given' the 1111 demagog* Oiliiool Of -Nenntylvituta , Itairs • formed" " an association and prepared a certificate fsr the. plirpolle of establiabing a Bank of lake, 'else - ant and deposit; tin.' der the provisions @Oho act, unntled,a Netppletnemt fo an asst to.aptablutli a system of free banking in Newsy). *Sulk. and to secure the pubs° scaliest loss noire ..Vent 'banks" approved the first day of 0 1 1it_if &_ D. r Aflt the said bid* to be called 'BLAIN couew eAxit, to ,beloceded Si the borough of Hollisaysburgtanut , GAMY 'Of iriTt consist of ooPital 6 1.0 .X 9k4illy _thousand 00l lir ileAreg /Ay Gm-Drill le& Of rmsint same o ; I arattedG:sitt ertaaed ling, all. • Eituidie'd"TliousaiiT delimit; 41,EXAN JOHNSTON, JOHN GEO. 1111A13, NNW MatNMPHOi• 04.11DNEN, jytoSlo /TAN: ~- ' XTOTIO is; is COl4llltlithA7: BCiaIirtINVAYKNAItIA I ) - 1 "Al to apply to the I enngeAnre.ofPingnylittnia at their next 11.13811i911 ten etwaYeteheif +chatter. Fe'd Bank li led:ted, in the city of Philadelphia; Iran anintlxensed. capital ot DnYsi4 a reiwwol of which will it. naked AK math the emus; hittgthli -Ptietbilea. *rar er er the wary, • ii: 0 Pal aiFR, jf2lll4loiiirilts 'taibler. NOTIOX wxy,rlOß is hereby giikalthat—the Wy-" WI . .osaniommi. st "Sht ro . apply to lb* tiltd4utoieritbeOlattiof Penasylvesilik its mem* atA tea, for an paßinsion or the of, said Re gerj and .also tbr anthinity tp increase capital cii; add Beni! Gom one hundred and Shy d donee lo two hun dred thousand deßaza. The aims r bad elfin 'the leca tioiy and iit€4 o ww's eng.Priviledee 01 add Rank to re. main the Name', at present, win and.ateeptiag tidy the law*" 'et the 'capital aforesaid. O. IL apipsseeir, President: EDWARD 8. LOOP; ambler. : my304111-wem • . NOiIC.E. • A PPLICATION *ill he made 'to the next 21, Legislator.; (Mom 01-1868,) for an 'Act to incor porate a Beak of Ovum damn, .diroottin and other m oral banking privilege*, with ocapital at To. Hummed Thousand Dollars, mid authority , to increase the same to -Four Hominid and Flity Thousaild Dollars ; to be locattill In Santo% Luzern. , Itiounty. to be ailed the NOUN: TON RENF... - GEO: BANDNItDON, : W..W. WINTON,: . t BURTON KINeDLINRY , • - J BANK NOTICE. .• . 7iTOTI6E is I:nfitly, _giTels r .,..guil :the All BANK OF baNFTELH, a BaWk of lasiaa demount and deposit! 10 is Itltoll9rougil of ilanvilltiataittour countx, wi tha 6 . 1441 of Two Hundred Thoussnd Tal linn; Won making &polls:alba at 'thenext regular sow stem of the *lure of TtilleutrOnfO llor a renewalof ielo Ito charter and egielsion of 'lts preset privileges for a tam t of twenty years frost the exPlrolloo of its rl~illi ~t• .W., with the Bathe nexus, this, location end axonal. ' air tirilar Of. Ile Beanke ;Amount. : . • . . II ; . ~ DAITID MAIM J421-dleireink ' ' - : UAW. BANK NOTIOE. NOTICE is hereby given, that an unto elation Us been termed mad a certificate prepared for the purpose of establishing abeak .of &swat, deposit and circulation under , the provhdoos of the act, entitied, "an act to establish a system of free banking in Penney!- ':rash, and to secure the public against be. from insol vent bang, " approved &iamb Wet, 2861 . Said bank to be called 4 1RNALNO0 SANS," tone located at the bar-, with of Pau counky_of %Mango, with a capital of ; ORR 11 TRODSiND DOLLARS tp be divided 61 0 1 14 d stand of tiny dollar. each; Ind it le •MintemPhitatat ix i meresse the none to three • hundred thousand l A nd or glooli4. Sari; nitY tars nal ' uniessigssa 33cmk %Agitations. -- - . NOTICE .- • " • • S HEREBY given; that application will I be glade at the: neurteuisnek eperThoesi of . the ; krgiele ter oOr Piscnsylsanis, for ye . newst of tus chaster, of the EIAWWW.I3IJRArkiNit", with its Present mime end style, looeliOn, irrivileges , sed capitol of Three bandied Thouesid Dollars. By orderer the &arid' Di. ewers; . • J. W..WRIR, .;'. . Gishier. EXTENSION OF CHARTER: NOTICE . hirebygiven thit' THE VAIIMERS , AND MECHAIOOS , BANK OF FAS , a Bank of discount and deposit locatfd in the bor ough °quire, NorthainPton county, Pannsylvankt, bar ing a capital 9.1' Tour r llundred,Thousand Dollars, will ap ply eo the anti Lrgisliture of Pennsyliinia for a renewal of its charter lor Miami years from the expiration oi its prweent!charter, with its present., capita[: stook, powers and mintage, and without any alteration in or increase of the same.;. - - . J. STEWARP, Preset. X. B. 4021.1 UN CABbier tl hreby given that ais application w ill ipsoke. to ,the , l.egis latuKe of Pennsylvania at their next session Ibis renotini of the Charter of the YORK . 001INT Y BADIK,the said bank befog imam in York, Penzisyltranla. By order of. the Board of Directors .io•dtpraiiWA(lNAlt, Cashier. . - • NOTICE' . , - FilLana's 1.1.1: of timuirria, Larroarnot, Juno 26,1862. J. PUB President. and Directors of the .F4RJERS BON OF . L6NWTE.II, intend talking appli cation to they legislature of the Commonwealth of Penns 5 . Imola, at their neztsesslon for a renewal of their. char tea; with its present location and authorized capt - tal or VllO,OO, and with. all the rights and privileges new enjoyed. EDWRI H. BROWN, ' Cashier of the Fanners , g.ana. of Lancaster. BANK NOTICE, TN pursuance of the 25th' Section, First Article of the. amendedmostitution of tVei State o Pen nitylbanla, and the First Fection of the Act of the Gen oral As Sembly, passed the sent day' of June, 1889, notice JO hereby, given that:application srill be made to thirlowiSlattge of said State, at its text session, own menei ng thei first 'liesslay of. January 1863. for the charter of a bank, to be located in the borough of Mil lersburg; in the county of Dauphin, and State aforesaid, to be called the LYILENS VALLEY BANK; the capital Stash thereof to be Twenty Thousand Ikaiers, with t , e privilege of incrusting the same to billy Thousand Dol lars, and the specific object for which the proposed corporation' la to be chartered is to transact the usual and legitimate business of a bank of laces; discount deposit and exchange. d ltwOm. NOTICE. HONZODALE DIN;, 1 . ' ~ . • , . HOBINIDALS, PA Joao 26, 1862. . IVOTACE. ie hereby given, that. the .1211 HOW/MALE 'BANK intend to fpply to the neat Leg slat re for a renewal of ita cleaner. By order o the ttioer of 1 hreclors . R. IL SERLY, 1028 01 wem Preident. . NOTICE • . 8 hereby given that an,applination will ,b 0 Made , to the Legtrature of Peonsy,tvania at their seielan, for 11 renewal,it the charier of Mk BANG enIainitOBTBSIOF uenavins, the sold Bank betas located the city •Of , Plillarelphts with an authorised capital d Wee 'Hundred Thousand Dollars. By order of iiiEEl - BA-14K NOTICE. J s N •piirenance of the 25th Faction Firs Article of the amended Ckinstitution of the Section, of ingYlvillia, and the First Section of the Act of the General Assembly passed the that day of June, 1889, the undersigned citizens of the fkinmonwealth of Penn eitearila,:bereby give notice that they intend, to make applicatien to the I egislattve of ea d State, at its nest session, cdmmenehig the find Tuesday of January, 1863, Yoe thit ' chirter of a bank, to be located in the borough of Buctingden, in the county of Huntim don, and State aforesaid, to_lbe palled the "op.OAD -TOP BAN IC ;' the capital stork thqieof to; bp, 044 gthidrid TheemM Jars, end their:walk object for tibial the proposed oor 'poration 3 to be chartered is to transact the usual and *Opiate Insidnpna of st ba'k of Mane, discos t"dopcsit and excitabge , - • DAVID EL OR, J. GRORGE MILKS, AKIN J.-LAWitiatiCß, WILLIAM B. WIGTON, I ALIKICANDSR ROBT. HARK row.r4,, JOlll5 R. ctIINTI ii JAMIE MAGUIRE, -"-^- GS' 'EON EBY,' ' DAVID DUNN, A. R. STEWART, jelOosein . , H t . X. CUNINGELL„,- • . ~, - • NOTICE . NOTICE N .. BANS xl4l ~ ,droutince of the 26th section; fiat 1.4 'Lintel' of the amended Constitution of the State of enisyM and-the : first section, of the Act - of, the General eintifj;"pesied the first drii Of june;lB.39, the niderisign citizens of the Commonwealth of Penns c. Ma ma Maga give notice that they intend to make appli cation to e Legislature of said Ftate, atits n eat session, commencing the, Brat Tuesdity. ti f :January, 1863, for the ebititer era Bank to. bi 'healed la the borough of Belle-. "dude, in the county of Centre, arid State afensaid, to be called "THE BELLEFONTE BANK," the capital stick thereof ot' be one. hundred thousand dollars with the privilege Of Mitt:taint ' it to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. .pind the specific object for which the proposed corpora hen is to be chartered is to transact the usual and legitimate business 0115 bank of issue, dismount; de posit and tosebtage. :i -1 •-- ' H. Brockerhoff, . • C. T. Alexander, .. Wm P. Wilson, _ . John Irwin. Jr. , Hainan iflancland,. . W.I. BeynOlds, ' _ D. G.: Suitt, .' ' • • M Elder ' D.M. Wagner , May J. Loeb, . Gest..f.. Jackson, . Wm. A. Thomas, It.' FuNinian, , gaffer Brothers, li sneuelltrohesiter, ' McCoy, L&LI1 & CO , . . A. it„Barkiw,' . . Thompson, Linn di Co., • Harvey Minn, Daniel Rhoads, 1 0 ;1: iforttbal, . - . . , . George Beal,. .. Jrphir P. Harris, ' , ..- „ C. .f. J. Curtin, Valentines a Co.: . .' ' ' ' • je23-d6m. • - . ; z•' BANK NOTICE. • • NOTICE is hereby given, that the under signed citizens and residents of Peony wand, have !imaged themselves-together In partnersh;p, and prepared a•certilicate• for the purpose of . establishing s i bank of diecount, deposit and circulation or issue, under and In purinance Of the provisions of enact of the ,Gen era' Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved the.Blst day of May, D. 1861, entitled "a mapplanienl to An. Act to establish a system of Free Banking, la Pennsylvania, and to secure the public against loss from Insolvent banks, approved March 81st, 1860,"• and any other law or laws of said CO r monweatth applicants to and bearing on the subject. The said pre Anted Bank to be called THE HIINTING.DON COUNTY itAliK,.to be located in the borough of Huntingdon, in the county Of , Huntingdon and State of Pennsylvania, with a repel stock of One hundred and Slaty Thousand Bedlam la shares of fifty dollars each, with the right and privilege of increasing the same to any amount not oiceedi , g three hundred. thousand dollars. Witliau P: 'Orbiaoir, Ames M. Bell, John Spotty: James Glyni s -- !• • - • William Dorris, Jr_,. . • • Thomas kistier, • .• jy23-dlt *6m Geerge. " jilferette ,* • •" • hturiqq's : Patent:; Asef Tea. A SOLID Concentrated Extract of Bee ;AIL and lfegetablec, convertible. Jrnmedbdely Into nourishing and delimits Soup or Tea. Highly approved by. • number of our Phoiciano who 080 it in Our hospitabs for. the auctenanco for oar wounded. , Ilutscmoss Me Usk—Chat tip one.ilith Part of a cake . of t he " ' tract, Pour on boiling water, about a Putt worttor less, according to the strength desired In &few nthmtes it will be ehtirety dismtived• This admirable amide condenses into ,a compac form, all the eubstantlal and nutritive properties of • large bulk of meat and vegetables. The readiness with Which it dissolves into • OA and palatable soup or tea, which would require hours of prepatation, ace rdiug to the usual method, is an advantage is many situatious dike to obvious to need urging. Ym by •WM • DOOR, Jr., &eo OAL 0114 Ulan —Hand, Parlor, pa, awn, 3 10 L n a i nik e lor eale by a 8 Corner Front and Market lita BY MGM FROM MEXICO. OCCUPATION OP TAMPICO . BY THE FRENCH, GREAT STORM AT VER& CRUZ. EIGHT 'VESSELS WRECK= jyi4i-wsi • HaVane letters of the 4th inst., announce the occupation of Tampico by the French troops: The fortifications at the entrance of the river were dismantled. The French—two thousand stiongt-occupied the city, and, as the account goes, were well received by the citizens. On the 6th ult. a heavy gale wrecked eight vessels at Vera Cruz. Two were • American— the bark Ella, of Boston, and a ship, name un known, five French transports, two of which lost all' hands, and a British merchantinan. . The' French have 28,000 troops at Vera Cruz. • A letter from Galveston reports that the rebels intend making an attack on the Federal gunboats in the harbor by a flotilla of light draft steamers, armed with guns from the bat tery at Virginia Point. A boat's crew of the steamer Owasco was captured by the rebels on, the 14th nit. at Bolivar Peninsula. General Magruder has command of the rebel eaves. FROM FORTRESS MONROE. The British frigate Adriendie cane op the Roads last night, and this morning after sa luting the flag, which wa, replied to from the water battery of the fortress, she left, having received certain papers which were awaiting her here. The Old Virginia and North Carolina Hotel at Norfolk was burned last night. Major General Dix and staff left this morning for Gloucester to review the troops at that' place. Three. steamers from New York put into Fortresa Monroe to-day for navigators. They belong to Banks' fleet. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS IN MASSACHIT SETTS. The municipal elections which took place in this State yesterday, were not generally of a political character. ' In Lowell, H. Hosford, citizens' candidate was re-elected over Arthur B. Bonney, by 557 msjority. Roxbury chose George Lewis, citizens' can didate for Mayor, by 300 plurality over S. H. . . Mayor Neal was re-elected in ,Lynn.!maul moualy. W. GIIMMFRX; Uwthier Charlestown re-elected . J. P. Stone Mayor, with very little opposition. • EXPLOSION OF AN ENGINE. Nsw YOBS., Dec. 10. A. t frieght engine on the Hudson River Rail road exploded near Poughkeepsie this morning, killing the engineer and fireman. The con 'cession was so great as to throw the tender and two cars, of a passing freight train, bodily into the river. ADMISSION OF WESTERN VIRGINIA The House to-day pissed the Senate bill fdr the admission of the State of West Virginia into the lJoion, by a vote of -ninety-six yeas against fifty-five nays. ' • ; • • legg PIRATE ALABAMA. • • NEW Yoax, Dec. 10. The steamer Vanderbilt sailed to-day again in aearchl of tie Pirate Alabama. %MUTH CONGRESt-:-SICCOND SESSION HOUSE OF 'EPRESENTATIVES. • • WAITHINGTON, , Dec. 10. The bill for the admission of West Virginia passed by the following vote: YRAI3--Itiestars: Aldrich,' Arnold; Babbitt, Ba-• ker, Baxter, Beaman, Baughman, Blair, (Vii ,) Blair,(Pa.,) Blake, Brown, (Va.,) Buffington, ,Burrun, Campbell, Casey, Chamberlain, Clarke, Clements, Colfax, Frederick A. Conk lin, Covode, Cutler, Davis, Duell, Dunn, Ed gerton,Edward* Elliott, Ely, Fenton, Alma den, Tos., A. D. Fessenden, Frarchott, Frank,. Godwin, Gurley, Hight, Hale, Hanson, Hack man, Hooper, Horton, Hutchins, Julian, Kel logg, (Mich.,) Kellogg, (Ill.,) Killin ger, Lansing, Lehman, Loomii, Lovejoy, Low, McKnight, McPherson, Maynard, Mitchell, Moorhead, Morrill; (Maine,) Morrill, (Vt.,) Nixon, Noel, Olin, Patton, Phelps,- '(Cal.,) Pike, Pomeroy, Porter, Potter, Rice, (Maine,) Riddle, Bolin. (N. H.,) Sergeant, Sedgwitk, Shanks,. Sheffield, Shallabarger, Sherman, Sloan, Spaulding, Stevens, Stratton, Minable, Trowbridge, Van Horn, Van Valktnburgh, Van Wycy, Verree, Walker, Wall, Washburn, Whalen, White, (bid„) Wilson, Winder, and Worcester. ;NAYS—Messrs. Allen, (Die.,) Alley, Ancona, Ashley, Bailey, Biddle, Cobb, Roscoe Conkling, Convey, Cox, .Cravens, Crisfield, Crittenden, Delaplaine, Davin, Dunlap, English, Gooch, Granger, Girder, Hull, Harding, Holman, John ston, Kernican, Knapp, Lair, Mallory, Mensis, Morris, 'Noble, Norton, Odell; Pendleton; Price; Rice, (Mass.,) Richardson, Robinson' Rollins, (A 10.,) Seger, Shield% Steel,. (N. Y.,) Steele, (N. J..) Thomas, (Mass.,), Thomas, ()Ad. ,) Train, Vallandigham, Voorhees,,, Ward, White, (Ohio,) Wickliffe, Wright and Yeoman. The House , then adjourned. NETS BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK, Dec 10. firm ; sales 800 leaks at 67®67i-c. Flout firm ; sales 16,000 bias.; Ohio SEi 80®6 90. Wheat. heavy, Iso.ooo bushels. (Ira ad vanced lc ; sales 236,000 tutsbels. hugac st e ady, Coffee steady. FINE I'OEK STATE APPLES YR stTe.' wholetale and'reta at JOHN WISE'S, ; 3d and Want. no6.dtf From our !lofting Hilton NEw YoEs, Dec.l 0 FORTIMS MONSOR, Dee; 9 Bogroer, Dec. 9 WASHINGTON,. Dec. 10