pail D Etlegrao. HARRISBURG, PA Wednesday Evening, December ID, 1801 TEE PAPER FAMINE. The country has never suffered so severely for paper, and all departments of trade and business begin to feel the famine. In the pub lishing, the want is felt more than in any other business, and particularly is that want pressing and embarrassing on newspaper pub- Ushers. Some of these are suggesting all sorts of remedies. Among the best that we have yet seen in this particular is a suggestion made by the New York Evening Post. That journal says that the inventive spirit of our people is already stirred by the scarcity of paper ; and we shall be much surprised if, before very long, we do not find such new contrivances and discov6ries in use flb will bring printing paper down again to at least moderate prices. A considerable variety of new materials has been suggested. In Switz erland, it seems, a large paper mill is now using as stock the husks of Indian corn, and we hear that samples of this husk paper are in possession of the government at Washington, which show it to be of very good quality. Now corn husks are very abundant with us. Except to stuff mattresses, this substance has not hitherto been used. In some parts of the West the farmers burn the husks ; and wherever the land is ma nured, they turn them into the manure heap, or use them as litter for cattle. If, then, it is really possible to make good paper of corn husks, our western farmers have a new source of profit open to them ; and •no doubt paper makers can obtain a considerable supply of this material at once, and an unlimited supply from the next year's crop.— The Illinois Prairie Farmer gives notice that the "bagasse," or refuse of the sorghum plant, after the juice has been pressed from it for the man ufacture of sugar, has been proved by experi ment very useful to mix with rags for the man ufacture of paper. "A mill on the Fox river," say. the Farmer, "is already using considerable quantities of it in the manufacture of wrapping paper, and the proprietors are putting in the necessary machinery for preparing it for print ing paper. When completed they will use from two to three tons per day." A paper maker in Orange county, in this state, makes strong brown wrapping paper of the fibre of a plant called the "cat tail." In New Marlboro', Mas sachusetts, paper is made of bass and beech wood ; and we believe one of the weeklies of this city is printed on this. Nor is this all. Mr. E. G. Squier, who has made the subject of fibre-producing plants a study for several years, and in different countries, asserts that we have an immense supply of good paper-stock now at hand, in the refuse of flax, which is thrown away from the oil mills in Ohio, Illinois and other western states. Mr. Squier asserts that a fourth of this refuse, in weight, is first class paper-stock, and he esti mates that there should be 'available of this, from the present crop, not less than fourteen thousand tons, worth at present rates two mil lion dollars. It seems that the needful machi nery to clean and prepare this flax is readily obtained. Professor A. K. Eaton, of Brooklyn, has, we are informed, perfected some new ma chinery for the manufacture of paper from straw, by which he hopes to make a more per fect straw paper than has yet been produced. Mr. G. P. Putnam has just published an edition of Mr. Kirke's "Among the Pines," printed on straw paper of a better quality than common, and quite equal in appearance to the paper on which books were usually printed in this coun try thirty years ago. In order to be available, it is necessary that any new substance to be used in the paper manufacture should already exist in abundance; should be cheap and easy of transport ; and finally, that it may be used in the mills and worked up by the - machinery already existing. Manufacturers will hesitate to alter their ma chinery, at considerable expense, to work up stuff the use of which is yet an experiment. There is reason to believe that the price of paper has been increased more rapidly than the scarcity of paper stock made necessary, by a combination of the leading paper manufacturers of thu country for that purpose.. 'the "Paper Makers' Association" of the United States means, it is said, to fix the price of every kind of paper, to regulate the time of working in the mills, and to exercise a general control over the production of paper in this country. This monstrous interference with the natural course of a great and important branch of business speaks but poorly for the commercial wisdom of its originator.. They greatly err if they persuade themselves that Americans, enterpris- I ing and inventive beyond any other people, can be easily forced to make contributions to the wealth of a corporation of speculators. They may achieve a temporary success ; but it will be at the expense, if they persist, of total ruin in the end THE Tax ON Rya. ESTATE is to be reduced to one mill on the dollar, according to a recom mendation of Messrs. William McClellan, of Chambersburg, Robert B. McComb, of Lawrence county, and M. Russell Thayer, of Phila., Commissioners to revise and codify the s revenue laws, who have been for some mo engaged in their duties in this city, and have now nearly finished their labors. The impor tant result attained is that they are able to re commend a reduction of the tax on real estate to one mill on the dollar, which is a reduction of more . than one-half on the old rates. This will be welcome news to holders of real estate, which has heretofore been heavily taxed. We do,not doubt that the reduction recommended THE TWO RACES. Those in the South who have no other argu ment to sustain their treason, declare that the present struggle is one between races, in which the superior Southern race (as they claim to be) is attempting the solution of the old problem of the superiority of races, by walking over and ruling the inferior race of the north. Those who make this claim areithose who hold that slavery is the true and just condition of labor ; and yet they shrink from announcing this principle of slavery as the animating purpose and sole object of those who are in arms against the Government of the United States. The idea of a war of races does not seem to harmonize with the facts relating to the condition of-Southern society. The radical defenders of slavery are not Southern men "to the manor born." At thil3 time many of the rebel leaders are adventurers from all quarters of the world. Benjamin is a French Jew ; Gen. Beauregard's parents were from Canada ; Gen. Smith is a New Yorker, and so is John Slidell, and hundreds of the rebel Colonels, - Majors and Captains, are drunk en Yankee school teachers. We might fill a page readily with instances, but will content ourselves by saying that the "two races" story is an exploded humbug. The fact is, that the people of our thirty-four States form one great family. There are 125,000 Kentuckians living in the Northwest, and there are hundreds of thousands of Northern men who are among the most thrifty and successful planters and pro fessional men in the South. 1 TUB LANCASHIRE BENKFAOrIoNS, to which We alluded yesterday, are eliciting just such opinions, as we then expressed, from other jour4 , nate. To feed a starving man is an act of 1161 manity from which national torpitude and i ceit should not influence a liberal people,: and on this account there may be a show; of justification for the assistance given M aid the starving operatives of Lancashire.--, In reference to this subject, the Bulletin, of last evening remarks that if there are any that suppose English public opinion is: going to be controlled by any amount of liberality on the part of this country, they mis understand the English totally. They are the least sentimental people in the world. The moat generous actions of others touch their hearts not in the least. They treat every thing as a business transaction, and calculate what it is worth in pounds, shillings and pence, count ing it so much gain or loss, according as it is to be placed on the debt or credit side of the account, but troubling themselves little as to a final settlement. Our benefactions to the starving Irish and Scotch, in 1847, were duly acknowledged in the English papers, but they made the English people no more our friends than they were before. Our various expedi tions in search of Sir John Franklin and his party were formally acknowledged, R and by Lady Franklin gratefully ; but the English think no better of us than they did before. The return of the "Resolute" by our Govern ment to Great Britain was a graceful and touching act of internaConal courtesy ; but a few months after the Queen had accepted the ship, her Government was angry with ours on same petty question, and her press and politi 'clans were threatening war. The Munificent gift of $750,000 from an American Citizen .to the poor of London, was made only a ;few months ago ; but the English press and' public men have been more bitter aping, us, since then than they ever were before. These and a dozen other facts might be nam ed to show that the English, as a people, have no sensibilities that can be touched by acts of liberality from others. They are intensely sel fish. 'They give bountifully among themselves but never concern themselves about other peo ple. They give handsomely to funds in aid of the rebel cause, because the success of the rebel cause will be the destruction of the American Union and a pecuniary benefit to themselires. But they make no veniures in aid of the Union cause, they try to drive our men-of-war from their ports, and they grudge us even the suc cesses we obtain by our own unaided ' efforts. If any theorist could demonstrate to them that the restoration and perpetuation of the Union would be an advantage to them, they would favor the Union and Freedom. But in the absence of such demonstration, their prin ciples oblige them to favor Disunion and Sla very. Such a people are not in the , least likely to, be affected by the gifts of our countrymen. They will accept them as a right, and Will probably say a few civil words expressive of their appreciation of the American offerings, and of a little surprise that such a half-civilized people should know so well what is due to Eng land. But as for the benefactions, however liberal they may be, raising any amount of sympathy for the Union cause in England, let us not encourage such a delusion. The English will be hostile to us until it Is their interest to be friendly. TEE DRAF7' 1N AIASSACHUSE7TS. The draft in Massachusetts; which was to have occurred on Monday, has been postponed until Thursday, December 18th. This State seems to be very slow in_making up its quota of nine months' men for the war, but in this respect is not singnlar, however she suffers in com parison with States like New Jersey and a few others which promptly furnished their contin gents without resorting to a draft. On this whole subject the New York Times remarks as follows : "We have had experience already, that the machinery of drafting runs heavily ; and if it can be made to work no better it is obviously no safe reliance to the Government in - case of sudden peril. A draft was ordered by the Feb rotary of War four months age. It has not yet taken place in the State of New York and other • tee we could name. It was attempted in • or two States, and immediately abandoned use of popular disfavor. In some districts hio, Indiana, Wisconsin and FennaylVania, the popular opposition being disregarded, the enforced conscription led to serious riots ; and in the sequel it is found that a large majority of the conscripts desert and prove of no value to the Government. Iti Maryland, it is alleg ed, that of eight' thousand men drafted there are not fifteen hundred realised in the ranks." TEIN latest news froin' thc;:irmi , ,theRoP T , niac says that the weather is growing milder, and that the snow is disappearing. ptttnagluania 10allg ettegrapt) 'o3tbligoittig vetting IDtcember 10, 1862 Tint Bodois-Crimmercial Bulletin says that the banks in New York City 'are beginning to take in sail, and prepare for the contest between them and the government. They are aware that the war upon them will be ruthless, if once begun, and that it is. necessary to protect them solved at all bawds. We stated in this column on August 30th, "Until governmenk l makes some arrangement for the traritin of its_ business, through and by means o f Banks, we may confidently prediotlt rneitit have a system of finance capable of sustaining it through,alfweathers. p y is i but fait to state, and the sooner the government understands it the better, that the recent financial courses of the Treasury, in regard to hones, have excited a smouldering opposition amongst the l. banks ; it is not apparent yet byactive measures, but there is no telling when it miy be, and the financial influence of the banks is infinitely greater, for good or for evil, than that of the Treasury." PENNSYLTANIA SLAMS AT SUFFOLK, VA.— Several regiments of !the Pennsyl vania d ra ft e d militia have arrived -safely at Suiffolk, where they are to be stationed in place of old drilled soldiers who have been moved further. BATTLE AT FAYETTEVILLE, ARK Gen. Frank arron Defeats Gen Hind=Aii's Army. DECISIVE FEDERAL VICTORY Federal Loss 600--Rebel LoSs 1,500 Capture of . a Rebel Battery GEN. BLUNT ATTACKS THE ENEMY IN THE REAM. BANTA Finn visa F4TZTTAITILLN, ARKA.takii, Dec. 8, Js2. General Herron's forces, en route to reinforce General Blunt, met the enemy yesterday on Crawford's Prairie, ten miles south of Fayette ville, and had a decided victory. The rebels were 24,000 strong, in four divis ions under Parsons, ilarmaduke, Frost and Rains, and all under *en. Hindman, embracing the flowerlof the rebel army. • • , • The Mississippi army was well supplied with 18 pieces of artillery. The enemrilitnked.Gent l, Blunt's position at Cane Bill; and made a sudden attack on Gen. Herron to prevent him from Uniting with Gen. Blunt. • Gen Herron's forces aonsisteduf the 94th and 31st Illinois, 19th and 20th lowa, 26th Indiana, 20th Wisoonsln,• and a battaiion or two of cavalry, in all about 6,6oomen, , and 24 pieces of artillery. The battle raged from 10 a. K. until dark, and. was Aesperately .fought. Sur artillery drove the rebelafrem two strohg positions, and kept their overwhelming numbers at bay. Ile 20th Wisconsin captured w rebel battery of 'fotir heavy guns, bat were forced to abandon them under a inurderetu3 fire. • The 19th lowa also took the •same battery, and' fought melt desperately, but were alsoabliged to yield it. Almost every regipeplipilsti Relished • them, sallies. . _ I. f 4 V , I. • ' - About 4 o'clock General Blunt arrived from Cane Hill with 5,000 men and a strong force of artillerY, and the ieliels in the rear. The rebels made desperate efforts to capture his batteries, but were repulsed.. with terrible slaughter'. He held'the *hold 'field at dirk, and before 9 o'clock the; entire rebel tome was in full retreat over BO#o4ll/01111tahl.": , Our loss is 600 killed.- and wounded. The rebel loss is 1,500 by , their own admission. `Several rebel 'field officers were killed Among thdm Col. Stein, Commanding a brig ade, and formerly brigadier lathe Miiiisafri State Guard. Only - ale* . prisoners Were' taken. We captured four caissons filled with ammunition: lieut. Cot McFadden t ,.'orthit 19th lowa, was the only field o ffi cer on'infr'side killed. '• ' Maj. Hubbard, Ist Misionii, was . • oner. • ~WASHINGTON. Nov. 10.—The following official dispatch has:been received at headquartets : ST. Louis, Dec. 9,;1862:—Maj. Gen. •HaHeels, General-in-Chief : • • ' My .forces of, the army of the Frontier united near, Fayetteville lathe midst of at hard fought battle. • Gen. Bluntlad sustained his poeitittn•at Cane Hill till Saturday night, when, the , enemy; 26,000 strong under Gen: ?Hindman, attempted a.fiank movementon.his left to prevent the ar4 rival of Gen; Herron's,:forces, which had been approaching for four days by :forced marches:- On Sunday, at about 10. o'clock, a. m., the enemy attacked Gen. Herron near Payetteville,• who by gallant and desperate fighting held hint in check for three • hours, until, Gen.. Blunt's Division came up and attaicked him in the rear. The fight continued desperate until dark. Our troops bivouaeked on the - battle: field while the enemy retreated across the Boston Mountain. . • , • • . • • The loss on both sides is heavy, but much the greatest on the side of enemy, our artillery creating' terrible* Slaughter in their greater numbers. • • The enemy had great advantage in the pod Lion. • ' Among the enemy's killed, were Vol. Stein, formerly Brigadier General of the; Missouri State Guards. ' • Both Generals Blunt and Herron deserie special commendation for gallantry the in battle of Fayetteville, Arkansas. • • • [Signed], • : ; S. B. CURTIS, . 1 Maj. Gen. Comminding., .• ARMY OF THE POTO 7iRR `IiAITERROAPTIIIIII OP L • A. SPY-IMPORTANT OMAR. ' , Hseuquervreas, Dec. 9, 1862. The weather is mildee, and the snow has melted conaiderably.' , ' • • An officer'who lame through 'from mexani dria' by land, with a Strong escort, was told at Dumphries that _ : sixteen sutlers,' with their Wagons, were catitered'bir White's rebel cavalry last week, and the owners 'Were made tO drive their own teams to Rime rebel station in • the interior. • White was represented as haVing lirge regiment of caValty. • ' • : It has been for several daysconsidered mike to pass beyond •Dumphrtes - viitdtOut a • ailing A special court maithilmititle-day to tryleb. , W. Irvine on the charge of being a spy, he having been captured within our limp. The , . , •,.: ,„: : .-• , , ' , •„•, y. .•;:,-., -. ..9f4f : %, -.---......,--- 5 , ' „.!„..,,- i.'," -- ;. , , 4 - t ‘ i f, 4. • • , , , A ~ ~. ...-fr r rp ...-..., Army of the Frontier. FULL PARTICULARS OF TER VICTORY. [B , LOOND D7BP/Mnl.], . _ accused was a private - in the 9th Virginia Cav alry, anrrwas captured near his father's house, In the vicinity of Hartwood Court House. It is understood that the court has agreed upon a\ verdict. The result is not known. The following general order ham just been issued : " No person will be allowed to cross the lines -in the direction of the enemy without a pass .fromthese beadqmirteng. "13Y order of Glen. Burnside LEWIS BIOIEBIOND, A. A. Geo." STILL LATER FROM EUROPE. Andy__ df the Steamer Hama New Your, Dec. 10. The steamer House, from Bremen, via South ampton with dates to the 26th ult., has arrived. She brings 209 passengers. Heavy gales were encountered during the voyage. The Prince of to be married in April next. Cotton is being extensively cultivated in Barbaiy. Lepalrie says that Europa has virtually in timated to England and France that she is not prepared to recognize Prince Alfred as King of Greece. The London Times thinks that, Prince Niches las, the youngest brother of the King of Sweeden will be elected to the Greek throne. The Paris journals assert that orders have been sent to Corfu from London, to prepare for Prince . Alfred's reception. Advices from Greece say that Alfred's elec tion is considered certain. The Conatitutionnel denies that France has despatched a second note , on American media tion. The bullet has been extracted from Garribaldi's foot and he is progressing well. Capt. Maury, who arrived out in the steam ship Arabia, proceeds , to St. Petersburg as com missioner of the Confederate States to Russia. lIIVIIIM CONGIIOB---BUOND SIMON WASHINGTON, Deo. 10. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Homan, (Ind.,) submit s ted the followiug resolution, which wag adopted : Resolved:, That the Secretary of War be di rected,to _inform the House.— First, how many commissioned officers of the army , are, now absent from their respective commands, specifying the number of each grade, and wheth er absent on leave, without leave or by detail. Sawa; The number of major generals and brigadier generals who are not assigned to any actual command, the name of each, the length of time since engaged in actual service, and the names of members of the staff of such gene rals, their grade and how long unemployed in actual service, and'specifying only such gen erals and members of their respective staffs as are receiving pay and allowance from the Gov ernment. Third, The nmober of aid-de•camps which may be dispensed with without detslinent to the public service. On, motion of Mr. Gusxnr , (Ohio,) the Com mittee on Military Affairs was instructed to'in quire into the propriety of so amending the law that quartermasters and commissaries .may be selected from the volunteer army or from civil life. . . Mr. Fthroe, (N. Y.,) present ed', .a resolution which was passed, that Committee on Ways and Means be instructed to bring in a bill so amend ing the 11* *Mien of the Eiolikiind Tax law as to confer upon Assistant .Assessors the same hn : thoritY tluivis possessed by-PiiiiciparAsseseors; also inquire into the expedieno attempting . *e maker or makeenzif bobadis, BEiGiglnis, eta - vas and other, rough lumber: frost his. or their own larids, or. limber,- . wholesale dealers, to the `amount 0f.1.--,dollats. • ; Tim Rouse:resumed the consideration of the •Senate bill for, the admission of the State of 'Western in*.the Union. • • . ; Mr. kliegy stated the reasons 'why, after careful investigation, he had•cogie to .the conclusion to vote for the bill. As'a.repre sentative of a slave State, he would save the life of the Union, whether constitutionally 'or not. • • . • Mr. SELLS, (Va.,) without entering into a dis cussion of the unconstitutionality of the measure which had already been exposed, said that the fundamental principle, that all governments derive their just powers from the consent of the people, • had - ,been ignored in this case. • The consent of Nurithwestern Virginia even bad riot ;been given to the proposed new State organization, and` he proceeded" to show that this was the case: Milgrim had no right to interfere with the domestic concerns of a slate, which, in effectitheY Opposed to do, as to northweitern Virginia. •In the name of the loyal people. of tpe pastern, portion of that State, he protested against the injustice now Sought to be inflicted. 'What would become of the loyal peopleloutside or thu proposed limits of the new state P They,-wonktall be turned over to the traitor Gosiernbriof a traitorous state.- 1e wanted the Wheeling Government to re- Wain as it is, to serve tisa nucleus round•whicti all the counties might rally. Re behaved that the entire state world gradually retain to the fold"Of the Union. • • AR EX EDITION OF-. EIGHT STEAMERS SEEN OFF CAPE HATTERAS. Nsw Yolks, No. 10. The hark Mandl...which arrived this morning isrom New Orleans, reports that on the. 6th t., off Cape Hatteras, she passed an expedi 'on of eight steamers lionnd south. IPLAK.T!! 1 1 11LEGRAPiL PtaAwapaTA, Dec. 10. Flour unchanged=sales of 1;000 bbls. at $6 for superfine, $6 50 ' for extra, s7a7 BO for extra family ; receipts' and stocks light. No Change in rye flour or 'corn meal. Good de- Mand for wheat, and not much offering—sales of 3,000 bas. at $1 4541 50 for red, and $1 66 ®1 85 for Otte. Bye has advanced to 93c. for Delaware — and 97@980. fox' Pennsylvania -- Ginn wanted, but very little coming in—sales of 3,000 bus. at 820. for yellow, and 80c. for Mixed Western. Oats , unchanged—sales of '3,000 bus. Pennsylvania at 42c. No change in provisions—sales of new`mess at 14c. cash, and 200 bills. lard at 81c., and kegs at 10ia1lc. 500 bbls. whisky sold at 40c. NIIW Yoaz, Dec. 10. i Cotton firm and quiet at 69. Flour firm ; 116,000 bbla. sold ; . Btatp and Ohio unchanged. floutberD $ 6 86047 16.. Wheat quiet; 40,000. bus. sold 4Chlogo Spring $1 2341 30 ; hiil waukie Club g sl 23(11, 35; Red. $1 43®1 46. Corn active and firmer ; 85,000 bus. sold Viand :Western' 77078 c; Eastern 72®7643; Unsound ff6®7lc. Pork steady; Mese $l3 62; Frime unchanged. .Lard steady at 91410 c. Whisky firm at 39e: Receipts flour 23,000 bble. Wheat 29,937 bus. ,Corn none. BAIT/MORN, Deo, 10. Flour dull ; superfirms6 62®6 75. Wheat qiuiet; Western White' $1 ' 65®5166. Corn firm ; Old white 78@790. Oats seedy. Whisky firm et 43(4434e. Coffee.dull; .Rio 31®32e. New York Money Market. Nzw Tom, Dec. 10. Exchange on London dull at 46@,47 ; money Unchanged ; Stocks quiet but better, Illinois Central. 79i ; Michigutt Southern ;397 . ; New j ec.i. = ork Central ,103} ; Milwaukie and Mi ss is s ippi . 3 1 -Missouri S. ö n ; Illinois war' loan 1041 gistered Bs. 1881 9 4 ; Treasury notes 1081; Demand noted 261- ; QM 88f. ~iCD. In Harrisburg, Dec. 10th, 1862, - ot Consump tion, GEORON W. PASS', Jr., son of Geo. W. and Mary A. Pass, aged 20 years, 6 months and 6 days. Funeral to take place on Thursday at 2 o'clock, P. M., from the residence of his father, in Pennsylvania Avenue, noir Bailey's Rolling Mill. [Village Record, West Chester, please copy.] At Lingiestown, on the 7th inst., Mrs. Juurr B. Umßasoza, wife of Dr. David llmberger, aged 58 years. Ntn) 21butrtistmtnts RUNAWAY 1 4 - ' , llOll the residenCe of his , mother, residing 12 in this city, on the 9th inst., Gsono Mumma, aged ten years, and had on when he left home, a pair of plaid, black and white, pantaloons, a black overcoat, and a cap trim med with fur. He is cross-eyed. Any infor mation of his whereabouts will be thankfully received by his distressed mother. HENRIETTA MUSSER, Meadow Lane, near Second St., Harrisburg. dlO 2to ELECTION. TOE Stockholders in.tbe Middletown and Harrisburg Turnpike Road Company are hereby notified that the annual meeting will be held on MONDAY, Tag bra DAY OF JAN UARY, 1863, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., and two o'clock, P. M., at the residence of the undersigned, No. 5 South Front Street, Harrisburg, for the purpose of , electing One President, Six Managers, and One Elwetary and Treasurer, for the ensuing year, jaid for the transaction of such other btsiineigas the inter ests of the said Company may require. BUDOLEII lIELBER, Secretary and Treasurer. Mugu , arum, Dec. 10, 1802. [dlo4l3t-w3t LOST . AMINATURE GOLD BEAST PIN, on 2d Street, between Market and North. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at Herr's Hotel. dlO-1t A. SMITS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE - THIRD STREET; NEAR 11ARIIISBUSG, PSINN'A, ILL attend to the Collection of Bounty V T Money, Pensions and arrears of Pay. Or The widow or other heirs of any soldier, who may die by disease or be killed while in the United States service, is entitled to $lOO bounty money, pension, and all arrears of pay of deceased soldier. [my 10y4d-dlO HAVANA ORANGES i jusT received by [4lo] WM. DOCK, JR., & CO BIICKWHEAT FLOUlL—Wyosgiing Valley Buckwheat Flour, an extra article, just received and for sale NICHOIS & BOWMAN, d 9 Corner Front and Market Ste. CORN MEAL, and Extra Family Flour, jus received and for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Comer Front and Market Ste ItAISINO, Citron, and Currants, for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, d 9 Corner Front and Market Ste. • FOR SALE. uHE subscriber offers for sale a number of 1 very desirable building lots on Ridge Road and Pennsylvania Avenue. ' dB-dtf GEORGE. W. PORTER.. NOTICE. A LL manufacturers and butchers are requir ik Ad.. ed to make out their ret for the months of September, October and ' "Per, and re turn them to she Assistant r of the re spective districts immediately, and hereafter the monthly returns are required by law to be made out and furnished to the Assistant Asses sors within ten days after the expiration of each and every month. DANIEL KENDIG, 11. S. Assessor 14th Collection DlStrict, Ps. HAREIBBURG, Doc. Bth, 1862. [d9-(l3t SAAMITAILTICAS limuwaii7AG, PA., December 8,1862. , ORDERS NO. 12. Ist. It having been made the duty of all military commanders to correct, as far as it may be in their power, the evill and irregularities arising from the peculiar state of the service at this time, by collecting all stragglers, and for warding them to their commands or stations, it will hereafter be required that all .offioere in this city make known to the Acting Provost Marshal, by what authority they are here, and if it is not found sufficient they will be arrested and sent to their commands. If the authority is sufficient, they will be given a pass. 2d. It is expected that officers arriving in the city will report'at the AcUng Provost Marshes Office and register their names, stating rank and regiment, and the hotel, boarding or pri vate house at which they are staying, by what authority they are here, and how long they expect to remain. Bd. The Provost Guard will arrest all soldiers found in the city without proper authority, and send them to Camp Curtin, where they will be 'closely guarded and forwarded to their regi ments as heretofore. 4th. It will be the duty of the Acting Provost Marshal to see that all officers entitled to them, be supplied with passes, - and those who are not, Will be reported to these Headquarters for arrest. sth. By General Orders from the War De partment, every Mayor, Chief of Police, Justice of the Peace, and Postmaster, is authorized to act as special Provost Marshal, with authority to arrest any officer or soldier absent without just cause from his command, and convey him to the nearest military post, Ishere he is enti tled to receive the transportation, reasonable expenses, and five dollars, for each officer or private so arrested and delivered. in 'conse quence of this it is hoped'lliat all officers at least, will , avoid the disgrace of being reported to the War Department as deserters. W. B. LANE, d9Bt Capt. 3d Cavalry, Commanding. PUBLIC SALE. . TITILL be sold - at Publia*Bale, at the resi- V V dance of the subscriber, in Broad Street, near the Sixth Ward House, on Saturday, Dec. 18th, 1862, MORT MUCH 'COWS, A FEW HOGS, and TWO HOES4I. Three months credit will be given. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day,. when attendance will be given by dBdtd9 JOHN ALCORN. [TT ALL PAPER AND WINDOW MIAMI& TY Henry C. Shaffer has a large lot of Wall Paper and Window Shades on hand, which will be sold very low. • Call and examine. Paper hanging personally attended to. lint= No. la Market St., near thoi Bridge. th;,;,l 1 - other preparation 110P1:10, de ion and :Lib of coffee, fresh and pare tor male low, by NICHOLS BOWMAN, anSY corner rout and Market street% 71Irmseirtent3 PARLOR ENTERTAINMENTS lEMZI BItANT'S CITY HAM Every Night This Week. SPLENDID. COMPANY, BEAUTIFUL PIECES. ADMISSION decB. SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE Third St., rear of Herr's Hotel SAM. S. SANFORD, Proprietor and Manager WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10th. DONNY BROOK FAIR. ZOITILVE BROTHERS. AFRICAN PO t KA. THE YOUNG SCAMP. The whole to conclude with THE MUMMY. SANFORD Price of Admission 25 cents. Orchestra Chairs 50 l/ Private Box, single seats 76 " Gallery. 15 " Children to Parquette and Orchestra, with parents, half price. Doors open at O o'clock ; Performance to commence at 7i o'clock. tAr Friday Evening Benefit of A. J. TALBOTT 3. AUGUSTUS BECK, ARTIST. PHOTOGRAPHS retouched in Colors, Adis ink, Paddle, Sehia, and Orayon, in the most artistic manner, from $1 00 to $25 00. Persons having defective Photographic copies from Daguerreotypes of deceased relatives, can have them retouched and made "speaking like nesses." Mr. Beck attends to having old Daguerreotypes copied from miniature to life size. Ivorytypes painted in every style. Spe cimen pictures can be seen at MR. WARD'S MUSIC STORE, 3d near Market Street, where the Artist can at any time be found. Cartes de Wade colored neatly. [dß.dlm PUBLIC SALE. • WILL be sold at Public Auction, at the residence of Thomas Kennedy, deceased, corner of Third and North streets, city of Har risburg, on the 11th day of December, and to continue from dap to day until all is sold, a large stock of BOOTS and SHOES, such as men's calf skin boots and shoes, boys' boots and shoes, ladles' morocco shoes of different kinds, ladies' slippers, ladies' gums, men's gums, boys' gums, minis' gums, missie' boots and shoes, also children's shoes, ladies' gaiters of every description, youth's boots and shoes ; also, a lot of leather, of different kinds, trunks, carpet bags, seats and tools, boot trees, lasts, stoves, counters and shelving. Also, HOUSE HOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, such as beds and bedsteads, carpeting, chairs, tables, one cooking stove; one gold watch, and a great -varlet); of artiollesito& numerous to ineert. Sale to commence at ten o'clock A. Y., when conditions. will lie made known by • • JACOB 7. A WIER, Administrator of the estate of Thos. Kennedy dEt.did • DRY GOODS Y-0 „EVERY DESCRIPTION. At the Lowest Prices the Market will Afford • CATHCART'S dB : d4w] Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. Opeped this Morning A MAGNIFICENT LOT OF , MISSES BALMORAL SKIRTS, All sizes. LADIES do. do. • . Entirely new styles. SUPERIOR BALMORAL SKIRTS FOR MOURN ING AND SECOND MOURNING. A large assortment of NI 17 R. ES of every kind s received by Express today, at prices as low as the FreSh, Best Made, Warrant ed Furs can be sold. CATHCART'S, No. 14 Market Square, dB-d4w] Nest door to the Harrisburg Bank. GREAT VARIETY OF KID GLOVES All Nos. and shades of color. MISSES, LADIES', plain or addled, GENTLEMEN'S, . The vary best article imported. CATHCART'S, dB4l4w] Next to the Harrisburg Bulk.. COAL OIL I COAL OIL! I ARON stock of superior, non•esplosive coal ILI oil, which we oiler for sale at a low figure, by wholesale or retail. NICHOLS & BOWMAN, d 8 Corner Front and Market Ste. FINE ARTS. R ECEIVED from New York auctions, a mast R elegant - assortment of MARBLE STATUARY, VASES, BOHEMIAN GLASS. &C, &C . (Catalogues ready for distribution which will be sold at a very small advance on cost, by • SILAS WARD, At the Music, Picture Frame and Fine Art Depot, 'Third street, No. 12. da dtf FOR RENT Fll.Oll. April let, 1863, a Two Story Brick House in Walnut street, between Front and Second, containing fall, parlor with fold ing doors, dining room, kitchen, &c., on first door ; four chambers and bath room on second floor, and two rooms on garret. Gas through- Paved yard in -rear 22 feet by 30 feet. Terms $3OO per year, payable quarterly. WELLS COYERLY, Front above Pine. d 4 dive 26 mats AS THE iiIIMILY