Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, December 10, 1862, Image 1

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TERM S—SnioLi Bussomenom.
The DAILY TELEGRAPH hi served to subscri
bers in the City at 6 cents per week. Yearly
subscribers will be charged $4 00 in advance.
The Tai EGRAPII is also published twice a week
during the session of the Legislature, and week
ly during the remainder of the year, and fur
nished to subscribers at the following cash
rates, viz :
Single eubscribere per year Semi-Weekly $1 60
Ten 16 411 12 00
Twenty " " " 22 00
" Weekly
A evsesnano RAMS. The following are the
rates for advertising in the TELSOBAPH. Those
having advertising to do will find it convenient
for reference.
f Four lines or lees constitute one-half
square. Eight lines or more than four consti
tutes a square.
.F 4
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ra , ton Noticov, 1 .Ime a week., six tir
Notices .
Nottooa. ........
Urea eaCV
Iminess notices inserted. In I
or before Marriages and Deatl
nt. Lrei for eacirinsertion.
Marriage !
auditor n I
} ut oral N
Czwre P
Busintso (garbs.
This If a First Class BetaI t and located in the (*Antral :
part or the atty. It to kept iv the beat manner, wed - its
patrons will find every sorommodation tolie tellt with' in
the best bowies in the eountry. WO-4f
Loek haven, Jersey Store, Man-
cy, Uniontown, Watsontown,
Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun.
bury, Treirerton, Gittetown,
Lykenstown, Millersburg,
Halifax, Dauphin
AZID - 11 AIR Rl' 848
The, ,PAlTAdelphia Depot being centrally jousted,. GO
Drayage sill beat the Lowest Rates. Toe Conductor
goes through with each tram to attend to the sale de
tice,y aim goods intruded to the Liao. Goods deliver
ed at the Depot of
Freed, Ward a Freed, 811 Market street. Philadelphia;
by 6 o'clock, P. m., wit. b delivered In Harrisburg the
next •.. 1 ./ • .
Freight Ilivitys as LOW'sts 1)y iiijlither
Phlisidelplda ant Reading Depot,
ort2t-dtt • - Foot of Market Street, Harrisburg.'
M. J. H A M,,lt I ,
Tip and sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer
WO. 112 MAR/1W swo t
HAB always on hand a tu ll .*.assortstont
erne and Japanned Ware, Clooalog and Parlor
Stoves of the beatukanutacanritmffluttir.Spoutind, Roof-
MIK and Galvanised Irolitlernenc'liattitfle3tured and put
up at reasonable rates. ,
Itetedribg promptly attended to. AprSh-.113.
removed Ine foot and Shoe store
from the corner of Second and Walnut streets to
Nest door to Ilayne's Agriculture Ftere, where he intends
to keep ail kluge of Hoots wsd Shoes, Igalters, Ike., and a
hug,. stock 01 Trunks, and everything in his Inieclf, bu
siness; and will be thankful to receive the liatrentge of
►is old customers find the public in general, at his new
place of husinsts. All kinds ontork made to order in the
beat style and by superior. workmen. Repairing dune at
abort notice. faprfidtl JOHN b. 13111TH.
At Lida, Lanouter Co., Pa.
AfWa mplisheds superior adma vaota
eduge4 for
cation. For thoro h and
aoxl fele
and information, apply to
octlB4l3m Principal.
WO4lO reapeotfully iufotuu , ,`.bua
patriots sod the tehliclenermy_ t iris, he
huntihster giro inetrup4loos on the YOW
stidrAlio IFF 11111 0011k1O0 01 T Hoil
BAlatit. Be will w'th plosost.re g4Vop4o puptla as their
homes at any bola ilethrod s - ustomfi will be elm
bit ;,:sicleace, Ls Tbird street. low doors bolo!, n th
earmadltefoimed Elbtrrelt.
)Il;nite Old
nu the
ail t=ia l t i m i d e po l i r l ea yfni e l t p fil"Y=
lion Line, Oho only Wallow •r Line now In azist.nee
tkis qty,)) Is is in suboidwrid Vacation, and prepared to
carry freight as low as any orberlndlvidual line between
Philadelphia, Harrisburg, dustrary, Lewisham 'WU
hazanport, Jersey Shore, gook end all other point.
on thii Northern tRIII/111, Philwieltlbia sad Erie and ID
bmoopuri and Elmira Railroad&
flarrtsbarlL Pa.
Goods .sent to the Ware Howie of Yaws, : Peacoat,
Sall A d Inehman, Nos 808 and 810 Market street above
Ifigkith, Pbßadoilibia, by 4 o'clock, P. la, will arrive et
Hantoburg, ready for delivery nest toorwlet.
AB discovered the most certain, speedy
L 1 and effetenel remedy in the world for
No Mercury or Noxious Drugs.
A Cure Warranted,' or no Charge, in from one
to Two Days.
Weaknosa of the Back or,Limbs, Strictures, Arrestions
°Etna Raney@ and. Bladder, Involuntary dischargesb Im.
Pot,fflmsluesporillAir4itYo Nerfuge! ) 4 ls , DYsPopsY, Lan.
gaol:,Low sitlitto,
, uonthaion` oi ideas, Palpitation of the
Heart, Tieddity;Tremblitilm; Dimness of Sight or Biddi
ness, Di mans of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Afre'
' clans or .the Lungs, Stomach or Bowels--those ter
rible disorders arising fromAho Solitary Habits of Youth
'--thotte elibitat and solitary prearras More fatal to their
victims thArei tong of k-yrenii twine Mariners of Mys
tics, Wish Melt most brilliant hopes or anticipations,
rendering marpart,
Young Men
erha bare become Ste victims or Solitary
Vi r e, Mat dreadful aod i tlastrontive habit which annual.
ly sweeps',lo ambney 'rive thouranda of Young
Hen orttielnast maned Write and brilliant , intellooti
who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates
with the thunders of okiendnen.or waked to ecstasy the
living lyre, may ca ll with conlideace.
: Naniage.
Married Perseus, or Young Men contemplating -mer
rier, being aware of physical weakness, organic
ty, determines, kW., speedily cured.
He who plates himself under the care 01 Dr. J. may
religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con
fidently rely upon his skill as a Physician.
Organic Weakness
Immediately Cued, and full vigor Restored.
This distressing Afiection.—which readers i ice misera
ble and marriage impoesible--is the penalty paid by inn ;
victims of improper indulgences. I °mug persons are too
apt to commit excesses irons not being aware of the
dreadful consequences that may ensue. New, who that !
understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pow
er of procrention is lost sooner by twee falling into im
proper habits Mum by the prudent Besides being de
prived the pleasures of healthy , ollirpring, the moist se
rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind
arise. The system becomes deranged, the yhyslcal and
Bethel Functions Wethened, Loss of Procreative Power,
Berries" irratibility, Dyspepsia, Palpitatioe of the Heart,
Indigestion, Constitution, 1 Debility, a Wailing of the
Frame, Cough, emanation, Decay and Death.
Office, No. 7 South Frederick Street.
Lett hand side going from Baltimore street, a few door.
trom the corner. Fail not to observe name and number.
Lettere meet be, paid And contain a stamp. The Doc
tor's Diplomas hang in his alike.
-A CorekWarranted in , Two Days.
No Mercury or •Nafiturna 'Drupe,
Dr. Janson,
Member of the Royal Clines° Of burgeons, Louden, Grad
uate femme of Messed erninentOolleges in the United
States, sad the greater pen of whose tile has been spent
in the hospithis of London, Pala, Philadelphia and else
where, ha thilicted some of the most astenisbing curet
that wore over known ‘ many troubled with ringing in
the heed and ears when atiteeporeat nervousuess, being
alarmed elt aleadce eiandsi kilielifillithea, with frequent
blushing, attended .mimeinnes with der mgenient of mind
wore eon* irapwrinitaßrl l ....: --- ~,, ~....., ... ,
r ' Tikes Partinular - Notice. -
Dr. J. addresses an thole who hareiroured themselves
by improper indulge es and solitary habits, which ruin
both body and manna unfitting they for either business,
study, society or marriage.
, T'hese;aZo some cline sad andaelanchollyialfects pro
duced by early.liabits of youth, va: Writhing pf the
Bach and Limbs, Peke in the Bead, Dimness ;I' a u ght, I
lose of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the' heart, Dye
may, Nervous irrailighty, Derangement of the Digestive
alms, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption,
idniskswr.—The fdarfliniffidell oe the wird are much
Mb" dreaded..44W Of himMrirs 00 094 10 1 1 Alf Idea, De
seessme ofdpirlisjard Fortieths" Avers.mi to. Society,
, 3eff Distrust, lnielitholtirdb, Timidity, Ito., are some of
the evil' preh •
eat. ~
Tnotitemili cipariossee all ages Can . now Judge *bat
is thieSAWF I OMPif decilluMlf little , i loWeli their„ vigor, :
b eearn ir%e w , pele siervoue and emaciated, M having is
g ro w abed libbut th e eyes, MO and Sy lapin/in
of Oblis • - •: 3 '-.. . ,- -, i
Young Ken , . 1 ,
Who have Injured themselves by a certain practice in
duleM in whett.sions, a ,imbill frequently learned from
evil mitillAnlMA Pr MORO, the Mho to of which are
nightly feil vied whenneleep, &Dirt!' not cured renders
suarriap impossible, end destetra -Vali Mind. and body,
should apply Immediately.
Wilma app ly imme di ately.
arena MalLi .thejtope oft his coun
tryikho darthiliclf lop parents ,. should be snatched trout
a il °specie sand thuoyments of lit, by the consequence
of deviating from the lath of nature and Indulging in - a
certain secret habit. Such persons MOST, Meow contem
,Plaiial '
rediecithata mend al anti bit meet neces
sary requialtea te Peal* eollettitnillialiplinses. Indeed,
**outthese, the journey through lith become& a weary
pilgrimage • th, a pire bdurly daukime to the view •
the iiiiiia,bedomOsba'Wilh abllpeilf And tiled 'will
the melistchollii , releetkisitbst the happiness ot another
batieniells WOW/ With Our OWL.
Disescwof •limonidenee.
When the misguided Mid IMPriident retell of pleasere'
find. that bar imbibed the,reads of thus •peanut dis
ease, it too than hmetail e tatan tikiinlia rouse of th eme'
or dread et dactivery ye him from ap tan ply ingslime to those
iwbe, from plumilioil wsireetability be
friend him; delaying tathe constitutional Ostrom on
this bon d disease make their appearance, wish err , nli
stunned AareeltoPie.. wled DON, . Decimal_ painis,_,ik
UM head and UMW: Ganes” of Mint; 'Witham, bodes on
.the skin lanes red artier, bibtobest bid the kmd,imee end'
entremilles, progressing with 'rightist rapidity, till at
last the palate of the mouth or the bona of the me Gill
,in, and thEn f UM s awful disease biceps), a horrid
objectof fierstioli; tilt death P°' 'it period to his
dreadful gal by sesdkg him to “ Um ' Undismr
',Tare& Orandry from whewe no trairekwietarnis."
It is i MAINICAOI4I fact this thousands fell victims to
Ithis terrible disease, miring to the witailfullnese of Igno
rant pretenders, who by the use &Olt Deadly , Poison,
shrew% ruin iliabanstitothe end •Make the residue o
hie smierable. . , -
Trust not your lives, or numb, to the care of the massy
Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of knoW
ledge, Dime or chareelor, who copy Dr. Johnson's *dim
verilessamite, or style themselves In the newspapers,
regularly Idwided Physicians incapable ot Curing, they
keep you trifling month after month taking their illtliy
and potedeciusnas cot moundk or is long its the smallest
the am be obtained, and In despair, hare you with ruin
ed healetto sigh over:your galling disappointment:
Dr. Johneth iliewc* PhilloiNl adveftlilbc..
gin credential or - diplomas aiWays hang, in. MI Oboe.
illereniedies or ireathiest are unknown to all others,
prepared;from si:lifilipMel ein the great hinipitals of Eu
rope, thetbsi a the ortunto sud a mew extensive. Fri
vale Prairie, tlakithy ofiser Physician athe noel&
/1/dereeMelit of the bee& ,
Tbe MAW theneende cur e d id. this InAitalloll year sp'
her year and the iisnierotie important Surgical Opera
tions performed by= De. Johnson, witnessed by the re.
porters Or the l`'lltM,'! , o Clopper," and many other pa-
Mos, notices or. which bare
.: again and again
. before the putillo, haildealds steWag - - as a gentleman of
character and rearpleibility, 4 a suthalent guarestee
lathe afflicted. . •
Side Mame* aedily .
Periling writing shotid Ite pp e attilitibm lir Cured dfrectieg their
•steffisto 10BInstistaica, ill tbs. WWl* manner':
JOHN Atv jollllllGift/114 D.
Of elo ihnicucistocif Beeplial, Baltimore, Bd.
+. p
14 a
3 I.
es ...$2 26
he Local
00AL oit Lamp ~Shltdee, Wjcks,
Beira, for We low by
l i ma " B o w i cit t,
oct3 Miller Front and Market. tartans.
4 u..,wly, replenished stook of :Toilet
. . isid Tansy Gisela le unatinkneed in this' city, and
lee "ni centldewt of rendering satisisctioh. we Wield me
P eekftUt 9 43riul ^ 01W • Hitalift,
1 91 Market 4.;W:9; two doors emit oc,loarUt stieet, solAtb
One. .
CL EM FISH every l'ataidayaTl Friday
at JOHN lITHIM l" moor of Third add Wed.
CA- WC al 37 R St,
Corner Front and Market Streets,
IZPITTIVELY invite the attention
of the public to their large sod well selected
aloe. of
We now eller tor sale'
Stewarts, Loverings Golden Syrup,
White and Brown Sugars of all grades,
Green and Black Teas,
Coffee, Spices and Flavoring
_ _
4c., &G.,
We Writs au examination of our warier •
Uncquelled.ht.every respect by say to the market, to ,
gether with all kinds of
We hare the largest ussortment of
in,the city ; also, all kinds of
Call and examine at our old stand,
Omer Front and Market street/.
THE, canal grocety store and Rockville
licuele . keown as the llpdegrove took Prop.rty,
situated fire miles above Harrisburg, fronting east on
the ENclnlYlVania Ottual and west on .he Sam/when oa
river road; will be sold if applied for Seen. , •
The grocery istors, if not the 'very best staid ea .the
line of the %pal; only equaled by one oilier. large
new barn and Amble has recently been buillise tbat wise
lssatiteam can be looked up separately. :Else • pleat, -of
sheds, h.,t , houses corn crib, two store houses , for grain,
ice house, bay "Isles, and indeed every convenience
that . is necessary ibr carrying on the business. The
place Is within three hundred yards of the' Rockville
depot ,on the Pennsylvania railroad, and Dauphin and
Schuylkill railroad also. Persons wishing to purchase,
please apply on the premises, to'
anlii r virtianletlSSB - W. P. HENRY.
No. 80 Market Street, Barrisburg.
~ .r.Tl.Eklargeet and most extensive assortment
of Ready-triade Ctothinig, Suitable foi
ter wear, is uowoffered for sale at the above
establishment, at prices to suit th - e - times: '
) Also, a complete stock Ofi Gentlemen% Pu
nishing Goods, of all descriptions.
They have also on hand a large sisortment
of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, which they
are prepared to manufacture to order on the
most reasonable terms [024-1m
AT pigoAs
DROBABLY LESS 'Haan can Apr be parches- .
X .ed. elsewhere.
SOLDIERS look to , your inturestei; and call or
send totf / J JAR'S -
Drug Store, 91 Market Street, for a Writing
'to dealers Wishing to buy out the lot
we will oiler an . inducement. n 022
OF every deactitlo tr n iB,
. 1 .
Freah , atildt kat oPelltad
Market Square,
p025-4w] Next dim to Harrisburg- Bank.
FOR „:18.63. ,
THE largest assortment of Diaries for ,1866
IL just received ; at
ASKETS, TUBS; and - all kinds of Willow
t.O 10)P
and Cedar Ware, for sale by
nl4 Cor. Front and Market Streets.
BT .Fi umis OTA.T ilf o ai gs zperioeroO , quality
!JoNBY- rece i ved DOCK, &
, .
ALASE But* of these delicious crackers
justieceived and for sate by '
WIL DM(' Jr., EF CO,
("RAPE. VINES, strong and thrifty, two
years old, at reduced prices, at Keystone
Nursery. noel-dif
No. Is, IRK man;
sir Parucular attention paid to Printing, Ruling and
alcohol; of Railroad #laidre, Manifests, Policies, Cheeks,
Drain, so. Caine • whited at $2, $3, $4, and $5 per
boueautt in elegant , IRO •
110IIIINB118 for coal oil bunps---Jones' Fluel;
sior, lkicelsior screw, and others; for sale
Corner Front and Market Sta.
d 8
COTIMNFAS, Wicks, Shadeti, and Glass Cones,
41 for sale by
Cor. Front and Market Ste.
I XTRA FINE just received.
WM. DOCK, Jr., 840
PlO, Dandelion, and Batley Oolbw just re
po calved and for tale low by •
oolS Oor. Font and Market Streets.
UKIS,tiH Lemons . and - Raisins, just rt
iyeived sail hir guile low by
liit-gol e g k atm 11 . 4 N, ;
Corm , Prop!' 1614 Ma kot`etree.i.
ylllB, Dates, Prudes 4aisies, add , all
moss or Nub, a& J0HN .%1T1138 9 13 atm . Tibia find
Front our Morning Milton
From Washington.
The Court Martial of Gen, Porter,
WesereeroN, Deo. 9
The court martial of Gen. Porter met at 11
o'clock to-day. Brig. Gen. B S. Roberta, late
Inspector General of the Army of the Potomac,
under General Pope, was sworn. His position
brought him often in contact with General
Pope, and made him familiar with his, General
Pope's, plane, operations and orders. Witness
was onilthe field during the entire engagement
of the 29th of August. In view of what the
army of Gen. Pope had accomplished, Pope
said when the battle of this:day closed he had
doubtOill thatie'Gen. Potter ;bed -made
an attack as directed by the order 0f'4:30
of the 29th, it would have resulted in the deJ.
feat or theloapture_ of the_ min ,army of the'
Confederates, who were on the field at:
that time. The, witness expected an attack'
to be made by Gen.'Porter; as dill Gen.'Pope ;
prior to the receipt of thwacked 4:30 P. H.,
as he supposed any general within hearing of
an important battle, as Glen. Porter was sup
posed to be", being on the Ihni of hooch from
Manasses, which would have brought him to
the right of the,erremjds liziethefore 4 o'elock,
in Whose pow er it was to engake in it, would
have done so. Gen. Porter was, in the opinion of
the witness,betwleo the bout iof 4 and 6 o'clock,
in a position where he could have attacked the
right of the enemy, and as be also believed
that I could have -turned the enemy's right
flank and attacked their rear, What he knew of
their position, and from what he knew of the
country, prior to what he considered General
Porter's disobediende of the order of the 27th,
he had been convinced that General Porter
would not only do his duty, but he •was led to
believe that he Would-do it as well as any offi
cer lathe army could. Question.—Then the
grounds of the witnesses' unfavorable impression
was fonnded merely upon the events with
which Gen. Porter was connected on the 27th
and 28th of August f _
Answer,- 7 They were not ; the only grounds
in a conversation which. I. had with Maj. Gen.
Kearney in which I mentioned Gen. Porter. and
the high estimation in which I held him ; that
officer told me that I did not know him, (Gen.
Porter) and addedthat he (Gen. Porter) would
fail Pope; the disobededience of ibis order,
and this conversation, led me to believe that
General Pope was not doing his duty ; sev
eral officers of General Pope'e staff were about
during this conversatiort_among them, I think
were Colonels Ruggles, Morgan, Welsh, and
Capt.. Pone; i,dp,not.think . this .conventation
was heard by any of those present, nor- de
:think, Gen. Icearney.intovied it should be.: He
iwas an.Qldlfrienti, 1 4. .4/140 Neat whom'. had
'served for a great: many yasre arid he _was tell-
ing me of matter*, that had attained on the
leonine - IS:a, We Itad.withdrawn-frona the others,
.and hp lima giving me his opinion of the
:principal offloars there. The 'court at 3 o'clock,
adjourned until tn-morrow at, eleven o'clock.
'Rebel Losses in• the, Late Battleo.
tqBWBIIIIIN, N. C., Dec:B l 'Vors:Pcntisess Mocitos.
Gl*" ditTiirec4l4!,e I Z II 4 i 4 the interior and
pie impression geierodlY prevails there that a
Cigna' victory ' under Ilen. Pipiiidoi in Virginia
will be 'followed up bY the in:mediate and
entire abandonment of the border, states, in
iliodiniNOrth Carolina and Tennessee.
Informition of great Value her been reedy
id hire, the purport of whiCh cannot be di
rulged at preeept.
A detachment of North Carolina Union vol
mincers went • out from .Washingb?n N. C., a
ew _days am , . and surprised a foroe of rebel
soldiers in a church taking !them all prisoners.
The Savannah Republican makes a piteous
complaint over theorebelilossechirecent battles.
It says that the total lore amounts to 75,000
en. It says the people of Charleston have
1 ailed up,their lead pipes and contributed 60,-
iiife l tt c e7ear ds eteplacep to gipeo l v th theran e : , l: 7 4o v nth :an ti.h,eiduer n , r edit ont nid t i t l, fi l
t d rmx,h4mie th wdi a ptalar t bi.nes th fo e t,
At Columbus, Ga., Liverpool salt sells for one
hundred .and twenty dollars per sack-; Virginia
tildes . $65®70 per hundred ; bacon sides
50cte.i per pound,; hams 60cts.; flour; $36 per ,
barrel ;. doeskin pants $3O ; ' bed blankets $65.
Another Prize Fight•
The crew of the ateamehip Mbniatippi, which
vies abandoned atoms on her voyage from New
York to China, were landed at the Cape of
food Hope.
,The bark Parana, bound for Shanghai, was
ecked in Simons Bay, October 9th.
A prize fight for the English _championship,
:tween Mace and King, tookplace on the 26th
tilt. After fighting 21 rounds, mostly in favor
Mace,:King kiwi - Aped his opponent insensible.
race could . not .come, to, time, and King was
declared the victor, It is_ reported that Hee
nan will fight . King Tor . the , championship at
NIARKXTS BY 1..13.1AGR.14111
Pumsnahvats, Dec. 9.
Flour moves slow/Y, but holden; firm in their
views, and sales of 1,000 bbls. at $6 for super
fine, $6 60 for extra, and $6 . 76®880 for extra
Anuily and fancy ; the , receipts are light ; no
change in rye flour or corn meal ; wheat scarce
and held firmly at $1 041 50 for red, and
$1 7001 85 for white ; rye comes forward
slowly and commands 96(498c ; corn advanced .
3c per bus. and aim of yellow at 82c ; .oats
ip better demand, and 3,000 bus. Fergs. sold
atl@42c per bum.; *over seed active 4
46 40@,6 50, And Aim seed at $3 ; provisions
held firmly, and sales of mess pork at WO
TA; 000,bbls. of whisky sold at 400.
Mr. Wilson, (Mass.), said that, doubtless
everybody regretted the necesBity of making
these arrests in this country. The President
regretted it as much as anybody. He did not
think any loyal man would charge the President
with wantonly violating the rights of any citi
zen. Fora long time the leading traitors had
sat here, but no arrests were made, but when
the war commenced it was necessary, and the
first arrest was for selling gun caps to the enemy.
He, for one, thanked the President for making
these arrests, as it was a part of the
means of . preserving the government, and
he hoped the President and his advisors
would not shrink from arresting any man who
shows probable cause of being in league with
the rebels. There was never a rebellion where
so much consideration an I. tenderness had been
shown, and so much humanity for wicked
Mr. Sainsarritt, (Del.,) did not doubt but
that there were arrests made which were
justifiable, but. these . men ;were citizens of
Delaware, whose loyalty has, never been
questioned, and they were arrested by
persons from Maryland. All they asked
Was by - what authority these men from
Maryland dragged peaceful citizens from the
bevel State of Delaware. The motion to lay on
the table was disagreed to—yeas 8 ; nays 40.
Mr. nun; (N. J.,) said he would vote against
the resolution. He was of the opinion th at the
Prosideut had the right to suspend the.wilt of
habeas corpus. The framers of the Constitution
evidently provided that the habeas corpus
might be suspended in times of insurrection and
invasion, and he thought it was clearly an ex
ecutive act. He was of the opinion that if any
complaint was to be made the government had
been too lenient to traitors. He knew nothing
about these citizens of Delaware, and was glad
if there was none but loyal men in that State.
Mr. BAYARD, (Del.,) contended at some
length that the power to suspend the writ of
habeas corpus is not an executive act, if this
was admitted, and the legislatiVe power had
no right to enquire, then the President might
imprison men, or torture them, or do as he
pleased with them.
Mr. Sunman, (Ohio,) was in favor of adopt
ing all these resolutions of inquiry which were
offered in good faitn. He believed that this
right to suspend the writ of habeas corpus was
purely a Legislative power, and eould only be
done by Congress, but since the Legislation of
hen Congress, the 'President has the power
given him. He thought that many of these
arrests were greet mistakes, and every arrest
ought to De reportea to Congre s, and
the reasons for it giiren, and if this power
is to be unlimited the Government will
become oppressive.. Cougrerass could throw
around this suspension of the writ all
the grounds and checks necessary to
preserve the rights dreitirens, and the &arse
ter oflthe Government: , -The 'people have been
eAaspended at the manner of : hese arrests and
discharges, milt was dae- ,
to the country and
justice and the party, that' no MIMI should be
arrested for light causes, and these causes and
charges should be, properly explained and set
forth that they may be known, and Congress
has a Verfectright to call for all the iuforma
tion, that they may go before the people and
be able to explain' and defend. all of these ar
Mr. TRIMBULL, (Ill.,) said that as he could
pot see any practical benefit to be attained by
passing these resoibtions, he was inclined to
vote against themz He had thought that these
meets bad been. unfortunate and impolitic..
Judges of courts and commentators have held
that the poiser of suspending the writ of habeas
corpus was a legislative power. It is not from
any feeling on this subject in sympathy with
the traitors, but because it is feared that this is
an exercise of an unnecessary and arbitrary
poWer, and he would say to his friend from
Massachusetts, (Mr. Wilson,) who glories in
these arrests, that there is very great danger- in
them. There is a bill now here from the
House relative to this very subject, and he was
in favor of acting upon that as a practical mea
Mr.,Powerm, (Ky.), contended that the Pres
ident and his ministers had no right to make
these arrest or to suspend the writ of habeas
porpus, and that in doing so they were guilty
of an usurpation.
Mr. FIMPSDII)I, (Maine.) I would like to ask
the Senator if he was at the head of the gov
brnment, and was satisfied in his own mind that
sn individual, in a time like this, was about to
e.enmit a crime, the consequence of which
would be exceedingly imperious to the govern-
Ment and would strengthen the arms of the
rebellion, and there was no other way to pre
vent it, would he not arrest that individual
without law and hold him by the strong hand.
Mr. l'own.t.., If the individual werp acting
es a spy or was infracting the laws of war, I
yfronid have him arrested and punished by those
laws but if he, was a private citizen, and had.
infri;cted the laws, I would arrest him and
hand him over to the civil authorities. And if
there was no law for the offence, I, as an
honest min, would have to let him go, for I
should have sworn faithfully to execute the
Mr. Forum= repeated the question.
Mr. Portal. If I was President, which is
niit a supposable case, I would do nothing to
violate the Constitution and lews of my coun
try. If I thought the party was about to do
anything wrong, I would have him placed wi
der bonds for gOod behaviour, and if there
was no law, I wonld have a watch placed upon
him to prevent his doing harm ; and at the
end of the next session of Congress, I would
try to have such a law passed.
Mr. FESS:UDEN, the Senator forgets one clause
Nov. 9
of my question, that was If there was no other
viray to present it
Mr. PowiLL, that is not a supposable case.
1 , Mr. CouLusk, (Vt.,) when the Constitution
provides that the writ of habeas corpus way .
be suspended does ,it, not necessarily imply that
a Mina may be arrested unlawfully.
Mr. Powurs. The suspension only deems
him the great remedial right of taking trim
Mr. CoLuunnt. You never try a party for
guilt or innocence on a question of ha •
Mr. POWILL. We know that it does not ,
provides that the Judge shall inquire into the
causes of the arrest. But does the suspension
of this writ ever authorize the President to
Make arrests and imprison any man ?
Mr. Cortensa. The only question the c
am entertain is whether the process by wl
the man was imprisoned was a l ega l one.
this writ is snspended, pursuant to the Consti
tution/ it implies that's Man may be impris
oned wilfully. •
Mr. POWELL replied, and contended that the
people had decided that these arrests should
cease, the recent elections showed this.
• Mr. WireoN, (Mass..) claimed that no such
question was Settled by the elections; the only
thing settled was that the Republican party
could not raise men enough to send to the field
to whip the southern traitors, and still have
men enough at home to vote down the northern
Democrats, that was all that was settled. In
lowa,the regiments voted at the recent election,
and fourteen thousand voted for the Adminis
tration, and four thousand against it There
was about the same proportion in the Wisconsin
regiments. He thought four-titthsbf the men
who are fighting the battles of the country
would vote to support the President.
Mr. NESMITH, (Oregon,) said he should vote
for the resolution, but still thought there were
cases where these arrests ought to have been
made He would do anything and every thing
to put down traitors everywhere.
Pending the question, the Senate adjourned.
Mr. Baows, (Va.,) resumed his remarks in
advocacy of the bill for the admission of the
State of Western Virginia info the Union. •He
stated the various considerations why the State
should be admitted, as a matter of expediency.
The people of that section had been struggling
forty years for a separate existence. He rt.-
counted the wrongs they have suffered from
the eastern part of the state, and said they had
now sixteen regiments in the field, and these
Were obtained by volunteering and not by
drafting. Were they to be turned over to the
old commonwealth and oppressed and perse
cuted. He had received a telegraphic dispatch
from Wheeling coutaining the substance of the
legislature asking for the passage of a pending
bill, precisely as it came nom the Senate. He
most earnestly appealed to the House to give
them the relief they ask.
Mr. COLFAX, (Ind.,) remarked that last ses
sion he had great doubts as to the propriety of
the passage of this bill. But on axamination
his mind was now made up that it ought to
pass he State Legistdure, it being lawful. He
alluded to the patriotism of Virginia in refu-ing
to be thrown into this wicked rebellion. The
President and the Heads of Departments,
together with both branches of Congress, hid
repeatedly recognized the State Legislature,
without protest from any coarter. He ex
pressed his gratification that the State coned
tution provides for emancipation, and conies
knocking at the doors with the Siara of free
dom on her brows
YEARI AN, (Ky.,) alter briefly alluding to
arguments which bad been advance, asked
that as Virginia was now represeuted in Con
gress and therefore in the Union, what need
was there for another act to let. Ver. in main.
Mr. COLFAX replied that the bill proposed to
admit, not an old btate, but West Virginia,
embracing the compact portion oT the State,
leaving the loyal citizens iu Accomac and other
counties without the limits of the proposed
Mr. OLIN, (N. Y.,) add be would vote for the
bill with reluctance, but as a re cessity the new,
State being the result of revo.ution, and gov
erned by the higher law of eetf-preaervation
and protection and fidelity to the , Union.
Mr. Bureaus ' (Ohio;) said he would vote for,
tbe bill, for byOonstitutb,nal provision Wes
tern Virginia would become a free State. '
Mi. CHITIVNDEN, (Ky.,) appreciated the pa:A
triotisw and valor of the peaple.of western
Virginia, and the desire which they express to,
become a free people ; out in this matter he,
was not governed by feeling but the principlee'
of constitution law. Congress could not'
admit a new statP out of the ancient territory,
without the assent of the oid Couranonwealtht
and this had not been given. If states could
be made in the method -proposed, new &ire.'
could be made at pleasure, irresp,c;ive of 'the
Constitution of the United States.
Mr. EDWARD explained his views for sup
porting the hill. He believed it would have a
tendency to break the power of the rebellion in
Virginia, and besides there was no legal legisl
lotion of government in Virginia at the time •
the people of Western Virginia took measures,
to term a separate organization, he would Sus
tain the loyal people, and if there was nn other
way, he would seize the rebellious portions
and hold them as territory and repopulate
Mr. VirTCSTMER. I asked you to speak
about repopulating Virginia, what would you
do with the people ? would you exterminate,
kill or make slaves of them ?
Mr. EDWARDS said, if necessary, I would
exterminate that whole people in order to pre
serve the integrity of the Union. I should go
for that.
Mr. WYckhirts asked, women and children?
Mr. EDWARDS, no, they are not found in
arms. (Laughter,) (this unintentional pun
gave rise to general merriment.) They are
entitled to the defence of every civilized people
of the world.
Mr. lliimmasn, (Tenn ,) spoke of his finding
patriotic loyal people in Western Virgnia—
bagging to be disenthralled and be relieved
from the dead carcass of Eastern Virginia. It
would be unjust to keep them waiting until
onr arms should compel other portions of the
State to obedience. , ;
Mr. SWIMS, (Pa.,) said it was mockery to
hold that the Legislature of Virginia had ever
assented to a new State. According to his prin
ciples he could vote for the bill on the ground
the revolutionary States being a belligerent,
they were not entitled to privileges of the
Constitution. With his consent the Union can
never be restored as it Was under the Constitu
tion, as it was with slavery. Without con
cluding the question, the House adjourned.
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This admirable article condenses into a compact
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