Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, December 08, 1862, Image 3

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    pailp &gag
vertisements, Business Motile.% Mar
riages, Deaths, Bey to secure' insertion
n the TELEGRAPH, must invarisibly
be accompanied with the CASH.
AdirertiseiMents ordered In the repo'.
I or Evening Edition are inserted In the
morning Edition without extra rharßo•
Monday Evening, Dectrober 8, 1882
AN INFANTRY SWORD, 6%811, belt and gum
blanket, all first class, and never been used—
will be sold for $2O. Enquire at this office. 80
Tau 800 CuoLou is raging with fatal ( trett
in Lywming, Union and adjacent counties.
AN adjourn° I meeting of the Friendship Fire .
Company will be held in their Hall this
evening at the usual hour
BRANT'S HALL TO - NIGInr.--A good bill is offered
at the above place to-night. Shakespeare's
comedy of the Taming of a Shrew, and the
Ledger Drama of the Hidden Hand for the last
time. Such a bill cannot fail to attract aNH
house. The whole company will appear in the
cast of both pieces.
called the "Black tongue" is prevailing exten
sively among the horses, belonging to the army
in the vicinity of Washington city. The tongue
turns black, swells to an enormous size, so that
the horse affected by it is unable to eat. The
disease is very difficult to be cured.
creases its price to three cents, from to-day,
*tile the Inquirer is reduced in size one half, at
the old rate of two cents, which is in reality
more of an increase in price than that of the
Press. The Ledger is shortly to be changed to a two
cent sheet. The Sunday Dispatch gives notice.
that on and after yesterday, its price will be
four instead of two cents, while the Evening
Journal was reduced in size some time since.—
The Bulletin, News and North American have as
yet made no change In price or dimensions.
J. AIIOUSTAS Bros, Artist, prints his card
in another column, to which we direct the
particular attention of the public. Mr. Beck is
among the most successful of young Ameriean
artists, having in a short time won a reputation
of which many an older artiA would be prond.
His experience derived in the study of his 'fist'
in some of the best schools of Florence antil
Rome, with a natural talent of the highest
order, and an enthusiasm in the perfection of
his profession, which is essential to success in
all pursuits, render Mr. beck, perhaps, the moist
popular artist in his line to-day in the country.
We bespeak lor him a brilliant and a highly
popular • well as profitable career in the
capital of t r , ative state.
IA COTTON.— We have in our pee
session starriapods of cotton, raised in Germrin
town j oy Mrs. George W. Hammexsly. The cot
ton. cias-Ordtivated more for ornament than use,
bet its success was so encouraging, that Mrs.
H. picked, seeded and prepared sufficient with
her own hands, from which to make a finely
quilted skirt. She considers herself entirely
independent of the south, so far as a supply of
raw cotton is concerned, and her example
worthy of the imitation of every lady in Penil
sylvanii. The specimen of this Pennsylvania
cotton in our possession is very fine, and can be
seen by any of our friends visiting the sanctum
of the TabIIORAXII office.
As Exvaaaiva STOCK or Dar . Goons.—Cath
cart Sr. Bro., Market Square, have now ready on
their shelves, for the inspection and examination
of their customers and the public, a large, well
selected, and valuable stock of dry goods, com
prising qualities from gossamer fineness to that
which is calculated to resist frosts and . winds as
they are scattered and blowed by winter'ifuriee•
Cathcart's advertisement in another column
sets faith the variety of his stock, to which we
now direct the attention of the public. Among
all our business firms, that of the Cathcarts is
eminent for its enterprise, energy, taste and
liberality. It has deserved all the success It
has thus far achieved, and is destined for great
er triumphs if it continues its present mode of
doing business.
The following order from, the Adjutant. General
of the United States, is of the highest impor_
tance, alike to those who are attempting by
fraud and desertion to escape the draft, and
those who may become liable to another ordeal
of that system to make up deficiencies growing
out of such desertion. It becomes a matter of
general duty and importance, then, that all
good citizens should interest themselves in se
curing the return of all deserters, and that the
dratted men should know that the service of
nine months which they ogre Itlktgovern
ment, will be sternlylexacted„,4; i dete, not from
the hour of the . dr ft, but ItOm the .tnoment
they report for duty :
liswarsause, PA., DPC. 6th,1862.,,
The undende d deems it necessary to cow,
muole,ate the lollowing f 4.4 the i "f imationof'
n o • ;
all concerned :
Drafted militia who disregard 'their oblig e tions to their country and keep out of the way' .
and avoid delivery to the several Camps of in
struction, cannot divest themselves of thcir
liability to faithfully perforit nine rn9ntits of
military service ; and that service Can.: only
commence from the , datno t their delivery to
the military authorities. e Citizens yet sub
ject to draft, are deeply terested in seeing
that the recusants are promptly sent in, for as
the general goveinmeat n has required of the
State a certain' number `of iben some of their
citizens may be subsequently hafted in place
of such recusants. .. ' ,0'
Drafted militia who have deserted, will be
pursued, and when apprehended, will be re
quired to make 'good the time lost ,hystbeir
unauthorized absenoe, and also be subject to
such punishment as may , .be deturmiziedi byeA
thineral Court gsrMalorMder/Abiatirtieles of
war, L. THOMAS,
Plum" the; niolith of November 886 mei,.
lwekti =filtered into'the Old vegiments and 1031
into new organizations by the mustering officers
in the city of Philadelphia.
Of all the regiments which have yet left this
State, no such account as the following has yet
come back to us. We quote from the Wash
ington National Republican of Saturday :
"last Thursday, quite an amusing scene was
witnessed at the Seventh street wharf. The One
Hundred and Sixty-eighth and...oae Hundred
and Sixty-ninth Pennsylvania regiments, co&
posed of drafted men, which arrived here on
Wednesday night, were ordered to embark for
Fortress - A(onm. There appeared to be a great
leek Of 'discipline in tbe regiments, and as some
mutinous condeet seemed to be brewing, an
aid of Gen. Casey; Capt. Church, was despatch
ed to the spot, who reported that the regiments
were disorganised and scattering over ' the
neighborhood. About twenty of Scott's Nine
Handfed. (cavalry) 'were despatched to the
ground, under cots and of Capt. C., who col
lected the insurgents, 'and with the aid of the
41olon'el of one of the regiments, the men were
driven on board like sheep. 'lt is said that
the-e regiments are composed of the very best
material in the State, bat ire sadly deficient in
the right kind, of officers. The men were not
dill - raised to be vicious, but laCked discipline.
a' brilliant sentence uttered in • fervent prayer,
yesterday, by one of the most eminent pastors
of this city. No ether words in as short a
sentence, could possibly contain more of the
spirit of real Christian feeling. Help ne to
make others happy ! The people who heard
that prayer, knew as well as the Lord to whom
it was addressed, that they had abundant means
to make others happy, for all through the
congregation who heard the earnest pleading of
that warm hearted clergyman, the evidence of
wealth and affluence was unmistakable. As
the storm howled without, that noble minded
pastor *ought of the poor, and his heart over
flowed , with sympathy and solicitude for
their suffering and wants. He thought, too,
of the ability beyond this wealth, (for money
is not always potent in creating happi
new In ' its truest sense,) to make others
happy. The happiness which flows from
*fiction, kirbeatance, generous confidence, and
the noble aid of patience , and encouragement.
This is what makes happiness. We hope it
was for these qualifies that the prayer was
made, for with these; and the assistance of the
"Lord Ito] help us to make others happy," there
would be•no excuse for a single man or woman
to feel the slightest sting , of unhappiness. The
Centime°, LORD, Mir us To *Li Outlaw HAPPY,
shmild be inicribed where it could be read
daily by every Man, woman and child in the
SHELL Brirsemerses.—The small postage
stamp • currency • brined by .the United States
Treasury is yet in very limited circulation in
this City, and thekconsequence is that our stores,
shops end markets are overrun with all sorts of
stall shinplasters, many of which are no doubt
good for'their ties
berned, brit tir t ein!got up on cheap and
destructible paper; and au of them clearly issued
against the laweboth of the State and the gen-
Gpvernineni. 'Some of the,parties issuing
these notes, checks, or whatever they may be
called, should remember that under the new
stamp law every paper or note of the kind must
be stamped before it can be issued ; and yet we
have to see a single one of these shinplasters
which bears upon its face this plain requirement
of the law. The consequence of this unlimited
circulation of illegal, patter may not be so seri
!Ably felt by the more intelligent and indepen
dent classes of our citizens, but the losses are
daily falling 'upon ' the poor, and if a sudden
prohibition 'should be laid upon its further
circulation, the greater portion of it would be
found in the hands of those who are least able
to bear the sacrifice that , would ensue.
We admit the great inconvenience which our
People are put, to for the'want of a small circa.
latiug medium, and the seeming necessity of
some such substitute as the small shinplasters
now in use ; yet our emergency's no justification
for a practice so decidedly illegal, and which
mud: eventually prove so hurtful to the great
mass of our people. The small postage stamp
currency abounds in the cities east of us, and
in a short time will be plenty here. Until that
time all classes should endeavor to accommodate
themselves to the scarcity of lawful small
change as best they can, and not encourage any
further the illegal cirdulation which now floods.
the city.
. .
AWING AND Dauorme, remark& the jester, are
just as much a habit as reading ;and writing,
and he !night tis4e idded, onlpMoire so. Draper
set it down as a principle, that "civilized man
deinande 'a perfect adjustment of the supply to
the waittirf the tyatern, and not only as respects
the kiiidp tipit time." A Gotbamite
catemporary midi that no attention whatever
is given to this principle, either as to supply or
time., in the •course of twenty-four hours a
man in active life requires at least two and a
quarter 'Pounds avoirdupois of dry food. If
exposed , tolow:temperatnre, as are drivers and
conductors ,of rafirtArd cars, the amount must be
increased, and of better quality. Fat meat is
abiolutely necessary to compensate for the
eomhustion continually going on within. If
they do not eat it, they soon "break down,"
to 'use their own term, contracting coughs, liver
complaint, etc. Those who eat soup and sloppy
mixtures, whichh admit of being rapidly disposed
of, become; 'after a time, in disposition and
physical activity, like the food on which they
subsist. How to remedy this misery is what
we seek to know. The time for eating van be
had ; but how shall the diet be procured P Two
and a half pounds of solid food per day is 912
pounds per yee,r. This will cost at least 16
cents per pouird, or $lB6 . 80 per year. At
wages.of $1 26 per day, this deducted from
the anneal 'receipts.would leave a balance of
$819,46, out of which the ilandlord must be
first prdd, then fact , and light must be bad, and
from the remainder the wife and two children
ma* eirlsdat,iirthWriur I It is not an illustra
tion of _fancy, reader ; it is a fact,—one which
grev4ardeican i teittify lo with most yoluminous
ev.lllMiAtt fintHamane Society in
don, to prevent the abuse of beasts. There is
one minted here to protect the lives of men.
Adjutant GeneraL
fltunevitmnia ?Daily etegraph, AltloNir finning, - Mamba :, 18b2
.1. B
• i.Yomerso Comery.—All,ttle ekm,of " B.
Hinkle, of Old Lycoming township, was so
severely kicked by a colt, on Saturday evening
last, that he died on Sunday morning.—A
great revival of religion is in progress in fife
churches of Williamsport.
SNYDER Comerr.—Rev. 0. L. Hall, ,pastor of
the Baptise Church, Seibilrove,.died in that
towh on Sunday last a 4leek; oi"rifiiall pox . lie
had been serving as. a private in a comie4
raised in Snyder county, bur wife' disehilged-ii)
take the chaplaincy of 147tb regiririent, the com
mission for which arrived the day before he
died. - -John Frank, of Selinsgrove,. has 'been
appointed . Sutler - of the 147th regiment.j,---
Capt. M. T. Heintzelman, of Ch!tpnian, tgho
has been in the service Of his country almost
without interruption since tbtk i rebe)liiin was
commenced, was promoted' to Major. Of 'the
172 d regiment of Militia. ' • '
Scanymm, nun,lady Shotfr
Boy.—On Thursday afternoou Bt.
as a young woman, whose, name we v ve not
learned:was leash% 'from ter bow $9 an oven
with bread for baking in her hands; she was
shot by a boy named Williams; aged 14 years.
The Miners Journad says that there seems to
have been no motive for the act ; but he was
observed some time previous to, thu shooting
going around the streets 'whiting 4 gun at dif
ferent persons. The unfortunate young woman
was wounded horribly in the side, apl after
lingering in great agony for two himitahe died.
The father of Williams is in California.. We
have not learned whether the boy has-been!ar
rested. The occurrence is the more slim:king in
consequence of the deliberate manner M. which
it seems Williams perpetrated the ant . 7 --7--Ron.
Jacob Huntzinger died in Orwigsbnrg nn &Our
day week last, aged 84 year% ' His deOndante
number 'eleven children, fifty-nine Pari,d,4ll
- and twenty-six great-grand-ohildres.
filled many important positions in Hebnylkill
county during his life, among which Wert that
of drafting commissioner in 1815 .
FATAL ACCEDEPT,—We learn from the .Afar'rist
tian of Saturday last, a most distressing and
fatal accident ,ocpurred oni hisf!* a
steamboat, used 'foi carrying stone for the cal*
company, was passing down towards Columbia.
When nearing the Hopkins bridge it Was
found that the boat would not pass under the
bridge and whilst endeavoring to raise some of
the timbers, a'largeepiece was tbroWn t up and
on coming down caught a deaf and dumb lftd,
six or eight years old, a son of Nicholas Horn,
between the timber stick and the stone will,
crushing his head in a horrible manner mind
killing him instantly. or', taking_ the boy. to
his father's house; the'sight Of Whom appealed
to have crazed the father, he picked.up a gun
and threatened to shoot Mr. JacOb M. Erismb
who had charge of the lad ; he wa s proven,
by the interference of a bysta nder. What is
still more singular is that the, bisy killed is 4..
third deaf and dumb sonnf Nicholas Horn.
T.wg . Palmier Lvenue. BA zzawah Cloiorkicr, leslee
of the Philadelphia & Erie ailroad, have ereo.,
ted a small machine shop near their depot a t
Milton, which the Miamian hopes is but the
beginning in the way of building a more exten
sive one. The Itilkmian also says that a number
of canal boats from that place and vicinity. hair°
been pressed into the government service for
building pontoon bridges, and also for carrying
forage for the army. Cloverument pays for .
each boat ten dollars per day, which is ve fr
good for the winter season.
NEAR PAL/1013TH, VA. MO , 1 1882. t
Correspondence of the 2Wegraph.l , , , 1
My attention has been accidentally called io
a I, tter purporting to have been written by la
member of the 12.34 Regiment, Pa. Vol., and
published in the Pittsburg Pitpcgch of: the : —
ult. As manifest injustice is attempted to he
done a gentleman, who is considered by every
real soldier in his command an excellent office ..
I pnrpuse occupying a small space in your .
4, 4
umns in performing an act of justice. Col. .
H. Allabach, now commanding this brigade, is
the gentleman referred to 135 the I said couch
pendent, and I am astonished that the e .
tors of the < Dapatch would allow such
communication to appear in its column .
The individual who wrote, ,-the letter, wAs
evidently sorely afflicted with aWEVIE.,
bendi, and although eloquent on pupie
meetings an i the Moral condition of the 12343
regiment, seems to have, been but little bane
fitted by them. Had he more enlarged ideas Of
metes and team, he would be less ready to ail,-
sure an acting general; who, in caltying Out
his express orders, refused to let lib men plundei
and burn at pleasure. Gen. Allabach, accord
ing to the writer, is "it great respecter
persons, especially of the rebels and their tepee
rails," and therefore "a man of very large
body, no heart, and less conscience." Had till*
illustrious correspondent been a tnan of more
intellhence, or in a position to know, hewould
have been aware, that the very act for which he
censures, was one which Gen t Allabach is enjoin=
ed by positive order to follow. The failure of
some Generals and .Colonela in 'tide rasped has;
very properly,. called forth.the severeatiimusi t
versions of the more , intelligent newspaper cork
respondents. The United States government,
when it confiscates property, does it in a proper
manner. It Confiscates fur the use and benefit
of the government, and not for the use of .thri
men whom it is paying, clothing and feeding.
The government should and does receive the
benefit of the seizures made, and it is the duty
of commanders to protect the government is
this respect.' Gen. Allabach hats tried to do his
duty in these premises, as in all others, audit' sci,
doing he draws on his devoted head the censure
of such shallow gentlemen as "S. A. E." Ihe
Prince De Johiville, in his letter' on the P ` is
sula campaign, mentions the chief defects of ,
the American. soldier, as let—That having,
never learned to obey, he does notquidtly learn'
to command. 2d—That colonels.. are chiefly
made out of politicians, who have an influence,
and who command men who are likely/at some
future day to be their constituents, which causes
them to be less strict than 'their duty. to4beir
command requires. Gen. Allaback is tiertainlY
free from these detects. Educated in the seines'
of the soldier as a private in the regular armY,
he learned what a soldier's duty is, and. to Instil
that knowledge into his command is hismnettisit
aim. NOt being a politician, he is on the field
to do his duty to his country and his command.
Mark my words ! 'Should he remain a Brigs
dier until his term of service expires, no Man
will be more popular with the regiments under
his command. I met Gee. Mini niph as a l 3
ger, and only , know him now as an officer ;
feeling that injwtice is attempted-to be. done
him, I take notice of At communication atili
were he aware of its.existencei be 'would
with merited contempt.
Tory respectfully yours,
404.00 a.; itdticiis
Of all kinds attended to.
in 71T r s 0.411g4
7Lelit'at -Lap.
Office : Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. [0271y
rd,. ~ i
miiii'Hoop Sams —lt is not our purPoe e
tc . o, peak. of the °rig* of Hoop Bhirts, t but
.ht • titliforlli they wereAtrodeced
ill '''X•once.4: n ~Enid::, many years since.
&the Unit galethey are of modern intro
ductjop, buklisive become very popular from
thei Blitinti; ciamfoit and convenience. The late
improvement in those manufactured by J. W.
JVd1Av1ict5.,444,446,-48 i p) Chalabers
.".e„ ep i N r. bviffi:ph tAiy,ll#
~.,., special at
idnticild, Ind ale for sale at t e cfieap dry go( ds
House of Ilrich & Bowman. . d 8 d2t
mn on novi'-a-day,'lngy be entirelYVievented
'by the use qf Burnett s Cocoaine.. It has Been
Obit lbekiands of dasee viikei4 the hair Was
coming out in handsful, and hal never failed to
arrestAdeeq,land. to !Amide i healthy and
vigorous growth. It is at the same time unri
valed as a dressing for the hair. A single!ap
plication will render it soft and glossy • for
Fig, sale by C. & Druggist, No: 91
Idarket street, sole agent for this city.
A MODEL Remnant:gm —Among the many
improvements lately made in onr city, to which
we can point with pride as an evidence of pros
perity and as a determination on the part of
our business men, , no longer, to remain behind
the' "'light Minim," is the completion of Eby
& Kunkle's Inge brick building at the corner
of Market and 'Fifth streets, which is alike
creditabletto the owners and ornamental to that
part'of Our city. ,
The building Is 'not only one of the largest,
devotes* to Ming/wary brisiness,..eintslOe of Mew
Voik, , lxii-thelitiock chilliingee competlon
i t
Withont r going Into detail, me may safely y
thatkhillirnikeep 'on hand everything us u ly
kept in a grocerr store, (liquors excepted,) d
that they sell. et .f very : small profits. Their
clerks are civil `and accommodating, and have
strict instructions under no circumstances wt
ever to misrepresent or take advantage of ny
customer. A general invitation is extend to
the public to visit the , new building and eionn
ine the exteinOve 'stock, whether they purchase
or not. ' , i
The Phonography .theses =now forming 1011
hold their .pmlimiamy, mentMge as :follow:
The Cleigymen'e claw on Monday, Dec. Bth,
at 4* o'cloth P. Ili" at the house of Rev. W.' C.
Oaten. i
The Ladies% Glass Tunshty, I)ec. 16th, at 17i
o'clock,. (probably at the Harrisburg Female
Seminary) • • • •
The , &ye' High School clays at the Hope
Engine House Eichool, pout Wednesday, Dec.
10th, at 4 o'eloek P. Y.
' The Ladies' High Behool class at 'the North
Ward High School, on Thursday,'Deo. llth, at
4 o'clock: P. AL • • ;
The hipknetra and / youpg, vales class on
Thimaday; , pee. llth,at 7 ce‘plocir P. M., in the
State Lißrirritur's laCfniat the Capitol.
Ltruryrrs, doctors, editors, &c., will enroll
their iumies at the 'poritofflee. ' ' •
tatileitifill enroll their 'navies ou the rolls .
left in the hands of the teriehers of the Harris
burg Seudnary, the teachers of the High School
and in the c rgm lifillariY Ide i ssilt Cattail, Lie.
JEbty and Atotrinsori. dec. er-tf.l
4 lielr lit atreitortiOrileit - irli.'fophsen
has, hi addition to, the names of aiarge number
of the daughters of,ous,most Influential citiaeris,
and very many young men,the names of Bey.
Meters. Lifiteribk, Robinson ,, Marti, and others
of our clergymen. • • •
• This - delightful Arno)e lbr pretiatiring no,humoryin g
tbe human Pitifts,agoin timby ttie original props*
tor, and is now made withihstameskill, care and atten
tion, which first ctwited its immense and unpri ewlented
sales of over onoWillion' hottlep`annuady. It is Oil
wild at 25 cents 'n large botilee. Tiro Mil.low
can easily be old'ini year whew,lt ; Is again known
ghat the HathiAnon is not only the most delivhtful hair
dressing In the world, but ti al It cleanses the scalp Of
sour( and danikiniff,:!givei fie' hair a lively, rich,
toznriiintgroith e atid l prillieste it , tfrete turning gray.
Thew are oonsiderat one iirtbltiowintr. l i htl Eatbwhin
Age hoe. tesite, for teviw'fwelve yeari, warrinto
its desoribet.' Any lath arho t Oaltlia a r bCantlfull4!, af
hair will like the Kathairon. It is finely , pe i rfirited,
chain and valuable . It is sold by "
all 'reta..; t, hi
deg ITO throlighont the wild• ' ' 4 ,
, ta.'s4tiuns
. ,
_ New York..
. .
ov6 mookthars dikw6m
... 4
Follett' Vizi I l—WtritilieWejived from Ne,4
York.* spleadAl'assiOrttaiiit of Fur • at all-priiesi
Black Cloaks, ready made and nia ) do tsk, order'.
500 Hoop Skirts, all styles frome7sCl up t, - ),
50 pieces of white,red : lmd yellowtlartutl
-25 dozen of wt) i iteadd grey TriSlershirts and
Vii. phieiteikinew Detainee and other Drawl
Goode. , 1, ,'
- - 30 ptdr Of - Adendid white(0'11)0 1 ) P4 l nkots:‘
200 • spiefidM =Bitads,Lhest -French
needle work
A very large assortment otlad*„gentlegnen,
and children's Stockingti, (WOOland ootton,) all
.1. - ,
and,lo dozen of Nubian, , Woolen Hoods, Sontage,
d Chenile Scarfs..
.00 piece's of i)aoditietts and Kentucky Jeans,
for men arid;boye', wear.
:1l recce of Merinos * (all colere,) Alapaccas,
and Perantattas..l
Our stock now is large, and bought before
the rise in goods, and thole wishing to buy we
would invite to call. 8. LEWY.
4kte no more utrieznent mid- unsafe Medicines.
4 lei
101' nap 5e and dangerous diseases, use
„• . •
Whicaluiti . resented' the neddineatentOr the most -
PROMINENT .1111(§1.0LiNIES VIE tr.' B.
to now offered,
lo oirliOtogihwo amity no a cartoln,cure for
the toiloiving di eases and F ymptoms originating from
diseases and abut) of r ,the priaarrart Beau* Orman”.
NeneraiDeblittY,' •-• —" . .
Mensal and mytinai :'
irldthe*ltt,r-.l' 't
• • 1,,
,411fgaillakkfl, Of Bleod to the, Head,
emed Ideas,
-RP** 3 ,
General Irrliabttny
Restlastmen'and Noteolanittess at Night;
Abixotoo of ifusobliz Bandench
Loos of App o th e , ,
. „
DYIPo taclis'iltbs
"gory:al:0106 or Paralysis of the
Orgaos of Gamutloo t
) Pl lO6lO 9 ,1 of tlas ReaA A
and, fait, au nil 'eoleolltitsfdig, ‘ l6 glom 1101 . , ",
ilitatea state of time
*age .the Atiainq tad Mil out.
The undersigned would respectfully inform
those who are afflicted with Rheumatism, Dys
pepsia, Consumption of Liver and Kidney,
Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from
impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to
furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable
Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also
on band a quantity of invaluable Salves for
Sore Eyes; Frozen Feet and Piles. References
can be furnished tvt to their wonderful efficacy,
whenever called upon. There need he oo ap
prehension in regard to my competency to ad
minister it, as I have had it on hand for the
pot six years. As they are now sold at reduced
prices,. no family should "be without them over
night.. They can be had at any time at my
residence, iu Pine street, between Second and
Front. • (aul3-dim) MRS: L. BALL.
Peniannmats, Nov. 3, 1362.
Mrs. Bell:—I feel no hesitancy in acknow
ledging the virtue of your medicine, its sooth
ing influence and healing power. For several
years I was afflicted with dyspepsia, and during
my stay in Harrisburg you cured me in the
short spice of one month, of that annoying
and distressing disease, and at the same time
also cured me of a running scrofula, which had
exiettd for over one year without ceasing.—
During my years of affliction, I applied fre
gdentiy to doctors of medicine, but they proved
ineffectual. I have the utmost confidence and
belief in the power of your medicine, and would
say to those afflicted, who wish to enjoy life in
its natural element, with a system renewed to
vigorous nature, to try your medicine as I did.
Yours, truly,
54 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia.
ARE you sick, feeble and complaining ? Are
you out of order, with your system de
ranged and your feelings uncomfortable ? These
symptoms are often the prelude to serious ill
ness. Some fit of, sickness is creeping upon
you, and should be averted by, a timely use of
the right remedy. Take Ayer's Pills, and
cleanse out the disordered humors—purify the
blood, and let the fluids move on unobstructed
in , health again. They stimulate the functions
of the hody into vigorous activity, purify the
syktem from the obstructions which make dis
ease. 'A cold settles somewhete in the body,
and obstructs its natural functions. These, if
not relieved, react upon themselves and the
surrounding organs, producing general aggrava
tion, suffering and disease. While in this con
dition,".: oppressed by the derangements, take
Ayer's Pills, and see how directly they restore
the natural action of the system, and with it
the buoyant feeling of health again. What is
true and so apparent in this trivial and COM
mon:v.complaint, is also' true in many of the
deep-seated and dangerous- distempers. The
same' purgative effect expels them. Caused by
similar obstructions and derangements of the
natural functions of the body, they are rapidly
and many of them surely, cured by the same
means. None who know the virtues of these
Pills will neglect to employ them when suffer
ing from, the disorders they cure, such as Head
ache, Foul Minch, Dysentery, Billions Com
plaints, Indigestion, Derangement of the Liver,
Cottivenem or. Constipation. As a Dinner Pill
they are'both agreeable and effectual. lin
Puma 25 mans PRA Box, oa Five Boxsa roe $l.
Prepared by Dr. J. 0. AYER & CO., Lowell,
Sold by C A. Bannvaft, D. W. Gross & Co.,
C. K. Keller, J. K. Lutz, Dr. Riley, F. Wyeth
and de dors everywhere.
MICE undersigned purposes forming classes in
this beautiful, useful, legible and easily
learned accomplishment, in the city of Harris
burg, to recite during the present winter. Pro
fessional and business men will find that by
learning it they can accomplish more in one
hour by writing with this system of penman
ship, than in six hours with the common long
hand. .
Three classes will be formed, one for LADIES,
one for ACADEMIC STUDENTS, and one for
. Any one of ordinary intelligence can acquire
a practical knowledge ol Phonography in a
course of twelve lessons of one hour each, one
lesson per week being given.
Either. Pitman's, Graham's or Laogley's
Text Books may be used.
My terms will be as follows
For course of twelve les-ons in class.... $3 00
For course of twelve lessons at office or
residence for one pupil 8 00
Office or residence for two pupils each.. 500
Three pupils.each • 4 00
. _
Polls will be left at the offices "Harrisburg
Telegraph," "Patriot and. Union" and Post
Office. Hoping that the citizens of Harrisburg
will give me au earnest support, I remain very
truly_ at their service.
dec3 dim J. 1.111414. ND TOPHANI.
t ._ ~
of glory. With proper care and culture
it will last as a protection to the head as long
as the nails do to the fingers, or the eyelashes
to the eyes. STERLING'S AMBROSIA is the only
article yet discovered that will bring about the
desired results. It is a 'preparation the result
of science and experiment ; the science point
ing' out what was needed, and experiment find
ing the requiredproperties in certain roots, barks,
and,hetbit. r It has constimed a long time in its
preparation; haa been tested by persons of most
undoubted reliability in this city, and is by them
pronounced perfect, and the only satisfactory
article, and is now offered to the public. The
proprietors, determined--to give it the most
thorough tests, practical and chemical, and now
certain that it will make the hair grow luxuri
antly on Bald Heads, Preventing Grayness and
Baldness,,lteinvigorating and Beautifying the
Hair, rendering it soft and glossy.
Dz. Sxszrasa's AMBROSIA MI a stimulating,
oily extract of roots, barks, and herbs, and,
aside from its neatness, permanency, and gloss,
it is medically adapted to preserve and add to
the beauty of the hair. The only article yd dis
covered that will Cure the Disease of the Scalp, and
anus Mt Bair to groin.
This is to certify that about eighteen months
ago, 1 commenced using STBRISHO'S AMBROSIA.
My hair was short, thin and rapidly falling out.
I had tried many Hair Tonics, Invigorators, &c.,
without receiving any benefit. Soon after using
the Ambresia, my hair ceased falling out, and
!commenced growing so rapidly as to astonish
•me. Now my hair is thick, soft, and glossy,
, and is five feet four inches in length—when let
down; reaching to the floor. This wonderful
result I attribute solely to the use of STERLINCVS
'Alumna, as since I commenced using it I have
applied , nothing else to-my hair.
Swop; bet - Vie l ibe Wei 16th day of April, 1861.
N:IPARKER, Cora. of Deals.
City Hall, New York.
or For Sale by D. W. GROSS & CO., Har
risburg, Pa. u1443m1
move dliwito
To the Afflicted.
New 22mtrtisemente
New 2bacrtilintents.
Princes Melodeons &0.,
Of every kind.
Large Pier and Mantle Mirrors,
Photograph Frames and Albums.
et the New Me , ie Store of r-ILkS WA' D,
au.l4 dly So. 11e, ' orih Third Street above Market.
Office of JAY COOKE,
At JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers,
Phllarielphia, Nov. 1, 1862.
The undersigned, having been appointed
SUBSCRIPTION AGES by Ibe Se. ert4ry of
the Treasury, is DOW prepared to furnish, at
once, the
New Twenty Year 6 per et. Bonds,
of the United States, designated as "Five-
Twenties," redeemable at the pleasure of the
Government, after live years,
and authorized
by Act of Congress, approved February 25,
The COUPON BONDS are issued in' sums of
$5O, $lOO, $5OO, $lOOO.
The REGISTER BONDS in sums of $5O, $lOO,
$5OO, $lOOO and $5OOO.
Interest at Six per cent. per annum will
commence from date of purchase, and is
Semi-Annually, whith is equal, at the present
premium on gold, to about EIGHT PER CENT.
Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists,
and all who have any money to invest, should
know and remember that •bese bonds are, m
effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Rail
roads, Canals, Bank Stocks and Securities, and
the immense products of all the Manufac
tures, &c., &c., iu the country ; and that the
full, and ample provision made for the payment
of the in.etest and liquidation of principal,
by Customs Duties, Excise Stamps and internal
Revenue, serves to make these bonds the
Best, Most Available and Most Popular
Investment in the Market.
Subscriptions received at PAR in legal
Tender Notes, or notes sod checks of banks at
par in Philadelphia. Subscribers by mail will
receive prompt attention, and every facility
and explanation will be afforded on application
at this office.
A lull supply of Bdnds will be kept on hand
for immediate delivery.
JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent.
tiLL persons are hereby warned against de
predating or in any manuer trespassing
on the Farm of Mrs. C. Mist), aiijoinibg the
city, and under the management of the sub
Or I have arrested beveral of these petty
thieves and nuisances, and made thew pay
pretty well for their sport. Elereafter I shall
not only punish to the talent of the law, but. will
publish in the Telegraph and other p .pers the
names of all offenders.
Oct. 13, 1862
OF all desirable ham) , native varieties, (and
they are the only class worth planting in
the open air,) for sale at Litt Keystone Nursery,
adjoibing the city.
Among them are some of the newer varieties,
such as Delaware, Diana, Rebecca, Concord, Musca
dine, Hartford, Prolific, kc., which have sold at
very high prices for small and weak vines.—
Strong, well ripened and thrifty vines are now
offerettat reasonable prices.
Oct. 13, 1862
VINES of this &lousier among Native
American Hardy Grape, fur . sale at the
Keystone Nursery. The clusters ' frequently
weigh a pound and a half, and the berries are
larger than the Celebrated Black Elainburgh.
Th e quality is also good—equal, at least, to
the well known Isabella. J. JIIISH,
3.OOOBUSLIELS prime Yellow Corn.
500 bwshebt barley malt. lit q..ality.
Roe brothel . rye.
50 barrels whisky, first qua it..
Enquire of 11.1011.43. D H) ;E:
bet9.itit W.,,,h1a4t0u VeitUt3,
riHOICE lot of Tobacco, for sale at rearona
kible prices, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN,
nov3 Corner Front arid Market
.1 Third Street, next door to Brad ly's Barber
CATAWBA GRAPES; cneap, wholes-Ale and re
tail. nol2
for sale cheap by
Cor. Front and Market Streets
/11148ACCO, Cavendish, Congress and
1. Twist, for sale am by
Corner Front ant AdarKet
SUGA it cured hauls, just received an
for sale, by NICHuL=& bOWOAN,
srp 17 Cor. Front and Market street.
MESS Mackerel, jut received, and for eale,
nov6 Cor. Front and Market Ste.
NEW Orleans Sugars, white and brown,
just reoetvell and for tale 10 , by
jylb Car. Iron' and Market Fareets
I N variety, at Keystone Ntirserv, Harrisburg;
Oct. 13, 1862
%LOT of fine, sweet iavana Oranges just
_ received and for sale cheap at
Third Street, near Walnut.
A SM ALT lot of extra, just received and for
le by Wil. DOCK, Jr., & CO.
J-aA. NUTS, Raisins, and Prunes, just re
ceived and for sale by
Cor. Front and Market. Streets
BASSETS, Tubs, Brushes of all kinds, for
sale by NICI3OLS & BOWMAN,
nov6 Cor. Front and Marko& Sts.
A SUPERIOR article just received, and for
a. sale by WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO.
ceived. WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO.