Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, December 03, 1862, Image 3

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    QT titgrap4
rertisementst Business Notices, nor.
riages, Deaths Be., to secure insertion
n the TICLEGJELAPIII., vaunt invariably
be accompanied with the CASH.
Advertisements ordered In the regu..
tar Evening Edition are inserted IA the
morning Edition without eztra charge.
Wetinesda) Evening, December 3,1869
Goy. CURTIN is ieolitew York city, and will
be absent from the State Capital - until the end
of the week.
Setups or Drumm from different camps in
this vicinity, are being brought back to this
city every day. Yesterday a number , were
brought from several of the eastern counties,
and to-day others arrived from the north,
western part of the State. It has lbecome.a
profitable business with the constabulary force
of the different counties of the State to arrest
and return deserters,
Tino %MAINS or Luurr. H. H. Lure, of Captain
Davis' Cavalry Company, who died at Nashville,
Tenn., will arrive in this city at 2 o'clock to
morrow morning. Preparations have been
made by the members of the Friendship Fire
Company, to receive the corpse as it reaches the
city to-night, and the same company have in
charge the arrangements for the funeral, to
which they have invited the entire Fire Depart-
meat, with such of the military of the city as
can be present.
been appealed to by the people in some of the
most respectable portions of the city to call at
tention to the fact of certain landlords renting
houses to prostitutes, to the scandal of decent
people, and the disgrace of genteel vicinithis.
It may become our duty some day to give the
names of the owners of property thus occupied.
As the fact now exists, it is certainly a cryin:
shame that men who profess decency and even
Christianity, should thus attempt to put money
into their purses.
Mr. R. Johnston, with his excellent company,
will commence thee entertainments at the
above beautiful ball this evening. The per
formances will be of a high and amusing nature,
and the pieces selected from the best English
and French writers. We are promised that
every care will be taken that nothing in the
performances shall give offence to the most
fastidious. The company, we are sure from
what we know of it, cannot fail to please and
attract, and under the able management of Mr.
R. Johnston who has had large experience in
the Dramatic World, we feel assured that their
stay amongst us will be a prolonged one.
lowing extract is from the monthly report of
County Superintendent of Common Schools for
November : Forty-live schools were visited in
the following districts : Middletown, Lower
Swatara, Swatara, Susquehanna, Derry 4, Lower
Paxton and Dauphin. Ninety-two hours were
spent in those schools. Average length of, vis
its two hours Two hundred and forty-eight
miles were traveled. Engaged officially twenty
four days Attended two district institutes.—
Met directors and teachers of Swatara district ;
satisfactory arrangements were made—so that
in reference to length of month, and district
institutes, the law would be complied with.—
During December would be engaged visiting
schools in Lykens Valley.
Samoan's OPERA House.—Oar citizens have
woke up to the fact of the necessity bf a regular
place of amusement, and in the above, under
the able management of Mr. Sanford himself,
who has now given up all connection with his
Philadelphia Opera House, we may regale
ourselves that Saufoid is our own, and we must
all make up our minds to patronize him during
the season . Fatensive alteration is being made
in all parts of the house, for the accommodation.
of the audience ; also the stage will in a few
nights present an entire new front. Stars are
engaged to appear in rapid succeardon, thus giv.
ing us novelty in new faces as well as new
pieces, and acts they may bring along. Mr.
Brown, we understand, is the first star. A
great bill is up for to-night. One of J. D.
Rice's operas will be performed, the leading
character being sustained by Talbott and San
AWvAL OP MAJ. Joansw,Maj. Thomas J.
Jordan, of the Ninth Pennsylvania (Lochiel)
Cavalry, arrived in this city this morning by the
last night train from Baltimore. Maj. Jordan
has been in the hands of the enemy for about
five months, having been surrounded and cap,
tared while on a scouting expedition in Ken
tucky. We may write that he was captured
alter a gallant resistance, having been literally
overpowered by overwhelming numbers. Dur
ing Major Jordan's captivity he was moat of
the time in close confinement, and treated with
a double severity on account of the false story
circulated respecting his conduct and course
towards the rebels and their families. While
Maj. Jordan made no concealment of his war
fare on men and his determination to continue
at war with all rebels, he was yet able to con
vinde the rebels before his release that he never
wail guilty of an act of injustice or a deed' be
neath a soldier while in the service of the
country, and the rebels received the proof
with the satisfaction of men who are convinced
of the honor and integrity of a soldier. Maj.
Jordan was relieved from all charges touching
his violation of the usages of war, upon his
own statement by order of Jeff. Davis.
Maj. Jordan looks as if be has suffered se
verely, and yet he is resolved to return to his
command as soon as the arrangement of pri
vate business which has been neglected during
his absence, will permit. He was called on by
a large number of his friends this morning,d
zeceinl,t4l/3 iFoultatelatiOn:bf 'who' k io w
him, on his release.
Peunegibanta Watt teitaitaidt v , wetting !timber 3; 11360,''
A Daorauortva Bari.—The Norristown
Herald learns that a young man of, talent and
ingenuity, in that town, has invented a very
ingenious and deadly instrument in the shape
of a bullet. It Is contended by the inventor's
friends that the bullet, after being fired from
a rifle or musket, will enter the body of a man
and explode, causing instant death, and then
[sibs through the man immediately behind him,
and so on. We are not informed whether the
inventor has a patent for it or not. We refrain
from giving a description of its construction, as
the rebels might steal the patent and appropti
ate it to their advantage. It appears to us it is
as destructive as shell from cannon, while it is
not so expensive, and a man can move over
muddy roads, with a rifle over his shoulder and
his cartridge box filled with this destructive
ammunition, more easily and faster than heavy
Our notice, yesterday, in reference to the
pay of the volunteer nurses in our hospitals,
has elicited the fact that a large portion of the
sick and wounded men in the same hospitals
are also neglected in this particular, and that
for months these men have gone without their
well earned pittances. - This morning two
wounded heroes, victims of the Antietam
struggle with the minions of slavery and the
allieir of Democrecy, called at our sanctum to
beseech us to write and print a word in, behalf
of the sick and wounded men who are deprived of
their pay solely by the negligence of the officials
in the disbursing officer at this post. They assur
ed us Maj. Lyons had intimated that all which
was necessary to 'secure the immediate payment
of the soldiers in the hospitals, was the sign
ing of certain rolls in , the mustering office. An
appeal was made to that office to secure this
little favor, but the wounded men who made it
were insolently ordered to "begone" by one of
the clerks in attendance, with the admonition
that "I don't want to be bothered by such
fellows." The men who made this statement,
assured us on the honor of soldiers that it.
was true, and declared with sorrow in their
voices that their families were almost starving
for the want of the necessaries which the
money due them from the gowirnment would
provide. If the statement of the wounded
men who visited our sanctum is true, and we
have no right to question their veracity, some
one who is liberally paid by the government to
discharge a duty faithfully, is guilty of a dirty
and a disgraceful wrong.
IMMOICINO Comm.—Fatal Railroad 2k:eldest
Michael Armstrong, a workman on the track
of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad,, stationed
at the Muncy depot, was run over and killed by
the Catawissa freight train, on Wednesday
night last, near the depot. It appears that he
and three other workmen, Michael Mulligan,
Thos. Collins and Martin Lynch, were called up
in the night to repair a broken rail, and were
in the rear of the freight train on a hand car.—
After the freight train arrived at the depot, it
became necessary to back down for some pur
pose, which it is alleged was done without giv
ing the usual titerficitiurtheillicffillifflitind
car who were coming up, did not for some rea
son distinguish the red light on the rear car, or
see the backing train, until they came in colli
sion with it. They jumped to save themselves,
but Armstrong fell upon the track and was in
stantly killed. Michael Mulligan had his collar
bone broken, and Thomas Collins was so seri
ously injured that he is confined to his bed.—
Lynch escaped unhurt. An inquest was, held
on the body of Armstrong, and the verdict of
the jury was to the effect that the deceased
came to his death through the carelessness of
those in charge of the freight train. Armstrong
leaves a wife and seven children in Wayne
township, Clinton county.—A fellow recently
stole three oxen from a farmer on Lycoming
creek, drove them to 'Uniontown where he sold
them. Bang too tired to proceed on his jour
ney, he went to bed, when he was arrested by
an officer from Lyooming county. Stealing
three fat oxen is one of the latest feats of thefts,
and was rather a big load to carry off.
This gentleman was the r2cipient of a magnifi
cent sword and belt, presented him by the officers
of the 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry, of which
he is Assistant Burgeon. The presentation was
made at Camp McClellan, yesterday afternoon,
the 2d inst., being the Doctor's birthday.
Captain Fitzgerald distinguished himself by a
complimentary speech on the occasion, setting
forth the estsem in which the Doctor is held by
himself, and the officers making this hand:-
some donation. Dr. Moore responded appro
priately, and, in a few words, with much feel
ing, gratefully thanked them for the honor
and beautiful gift conferred upon him,
pledging himself -to stand by the officers and
men of this fine regiment, as the participant of
their fortunes; and promising to continue the
discharge of his duties to the best of his abili
ty. He then read the following verses, his
owacomposition, which were well received:
'2l) the Officers of the 17th Pennsylvania Onalry, on
the Presentation of a Broad and Bell, by Immo
Moore, Assistant Surgeon:
Your gifts of a belt and a sword,
So handsome, I grateful receive ;
Your expratiOns so kind, every word
Affects me, you well may believe.
No vanishing sentiment, traced
Like characters written in sand,
Is inscribed, that can soon be effaced
From my heart, which begins to expand.
Which is filled with a warmth and a glow,
Of friendship divine from above,
Which causes the tears to o'erflow,
Welling up from the fountain of love.
When the belt is all torn to a shred,
The sword and inscription shall last
When all our compatriots ore dead,
This deeply prized sword shall lay past.
And wondering people shall say
As it lies in my archives secure,
"Look here what was given one day
As a present to Grand-papa Moore
Of a Cavalry regiment was he,
The Seventeenth 'two called of Pa.,
Full of valor and high chivalry,
Soul of honor, which at the time lay
In the camp thatikelellan'e name bore,
Brave officers, good men and true,
Not inferior to heroes of yore,
Gave this gift highly prised, as is due."
Thus, with pride, such as now will remain
Forever, this proof of esteem,
Beunrred to again and again,
And nought but respect will they deem.
HoN. THADIUS ElTavirra; M. C. from Lancas
ter wordy, is reported to, be in very feeble
health. . I ;
SWATABA DISTRIOT.—The teachers of Swatara
district met November 29th in Elder's school
house, No. 3 , and organised a district institute.
Edward B. Warrington wag elected Presid4t,
David Miller Vice President, and N. T. Keasey
Secretary. ♦ programme of exercises W. ll
adopted for next stated meeting. This institute
promises to be an interesting and successful
The teachers are well qualified and energetic.
Esurreauss.—The Court passed the following
sentences on persona convicted at the last term,
Samuel Freeburn, Jr., sellieg liquor to mi
nors, and without license, was fined $lO, and
ordered to be imprisoned for ten daye.
Bob Edwards, convicted of selling liquor to
minors, was ordered to pay a'fine of *s2o, and
to twenty days imprisonment.
John F. Brown, convicted of larceny and
picking pockets at the depot, was ordered to
pay $lOO fine, costs, and undergo imprisonment
in the penitentiary , in Philadelphia, at solitary
confinement, for two years and eleven months.
Milton Smith, alias flying Dutchman, who
was arrested with a lot of counterfeit coin and
notes in. his possession, to which he plead
guilty. The Court sentenced him to pay a fine
of $2O, costs of suit, and undergo imprisonment
in the penitentiary at Philadelphia for tbe pe
riod of two years and eleven months.
John H. Burns, convicted of larasny, was
sentenced to four months imprisonment and a
fine of $5.
Frank Duffield, convicted of stealing a coat,
was sentenced td six months irCprisonment and
pay, a fine of $l.
John Robinson, i(colored,) convicted of assault
and battery with intent to kill, was sentenced
to a fine of $l, and undergo an imprisonment
of six months.
Henry Smith and Mary Coff, two colored
children, charged with stealing, were sent to
the House of Refuge at, Philadelphia.
Isaac. Darkes, convicted of fornication and
bastardy, was sentenced to pay a fine of $2O,
costs, $65 lying-in expenses, and $1 50 per
week until the child is three years old, and
$1 25 per week mn4ll, the, child hi seven years
To ma Lsnras Ozanne m Ta H.MOHIIII AT
Came Cuutos :—As the:ladles generally did not
attend the last monthly meeting, at which
time statements were made relative to what
had been done in the last, and arrangements
made for the ensuing month, the daily news
paper seems to be the only direct avenue through
which we can reach the members of the asso
ciation. This article, however, is intended
exclusively for those who have pledged them
selves to serve..ia tint 4401 , kitchen during
the week.
It is well known to the association that Mr.
Wm. Colder has kindly furniihed a conveyance
to the ladies, all summer, free of charge, in
which they and the articles they prepand were
taken out to camp daily. He has still more
generously lately consented to furnish those
going to the kitchen with a carriage to and fro
daily, Ant owing to the want of punctuality in
the ladies the driver has bean obliged to fail in
the agreement. All muet see that we have no
right to trespass upon good nature and put Mr.,
Colder or- his driver to ineenvenience by an
unnecessary delay. There is no: difficulty in
meeting the appeinmenty if the ladies will but.
p rac ti ce a fink management and positive &ac
tuality. The carriage be at the room at 9
o'clock At. a., to take out those whose day it is
to serve, and the business of the kitchen must
be closed these short days by 4 o'clock P. X.,
when they will by the same means be conveyed
home. •
For the 2Wegraph.]
Ma. Encroa :---I3elieving that yon would not
intentionally wrong a Christian congregation
either privately or through the wide circulation
of the Ternown, I beg the use of a little space
in your columns. In your article on the 30th
alt., you say, "Lately this secession sympa
thizer has discovered that ; one of our ministers
0 0 never alludes to the cum
try in his prayers or his sermons," etc No
name was given, and it was thought best to let
'it remain unanswered, tor it is humiliating
that a church of God shonld be dragged before
the public by a political print. The article in
yesterday's Taisonsminiwever, makes it proper
to take some notice of the matter. Yon say "a
Christian Minister , receives a handsome present
to keep silenee, when wicked men are employing a
huge wickedness "as an engine for destroying
his country ;" yen alanwarn "Christian con
gregations to take ruitk‘e t with whom do you
with your pastors to associate, and as all:this
is based upon &published letter hi another pa
per, it publiclY casts a stigma upon the lie
tormed Church of this city. From these ex
tracts the public would very naturally conceive
that in the German Reformed Church siker:e is
kept, that no prayer ascends from the pulpit for
our President or our country, and that in the
sermons preached no allusion is made to our
country, and what stigmatises the church
is that you implicate (by fair inference) that
the congregation are quietly allowing such
a course of conduct ; and the paltry
gift of fifty dollars, by a man of wealth
you declare in your iet article to be " a straw
showing which way the - wind blows, and that
money makes the mare ,go." Now, what are
the facts? Simply, that from the commence
ment of the war, there has scarcely been a di
vine service held in the "Reformed Church in
which either our beloved President, our coun
try, our army, or our navy have not either in
part or collectively been remembered at the
throne of grace. Instead of "no allusion to
our country " in the sermons, we have bad
several entirely devoted to this subject, and
many others in which our country has been re
ferred to.
As a congregation, none in this city has
in a quiet, unpretending way, exhibited more
tree patriotism, and this is said without
any improper feeling, for all have done nobly.
Our lecture rooms have been repeateily in use
by our soldiers, and after the battles in Mary
land our vestry:was the very first to offer to the
authorities freely, the use of the same rooms
for hospital purposes, which offer, as all know,
was accepted, and the rooms ever since occupi
ed by the wounded. On that memorable Sab
bath, the 21st of April, 1861, the vestry held a
special meeting, and offered the use of their
property to the Governor, and at the same time
unanimously voted that the Star Spangled Ban
ner should be unfurled from the dome of the
church, as a token to the whole community
that whatever might betide us, we esteemed
of country second only to our love to
God, and that we pledged ourselves true to
ley, as history proves our ancestry have always been.
The Reformed Congregation is loyal to the
heart's core. In proportion to its membership
it has as large a number. of representatives in
the army as ady other church in the city ; and
no man who would f.til to'pray and preach'for
the' American Union, and for those whoVitand
at its helm, would be tolerated as its pt*rifor
twenty•fonr bore idler the time of fuleWu= l .
Diatribes 2,1862. ZWINCIR.
Eotress. —There will be a total eclipse early
on ; the morning of Saturday next, Dedember
6th, vtible, we believe, throughout the inited
States. The eclipse occurs shortly after mid
night, so the moon will be high in the heavens
and will afford a fine npportnnity for observe
tien'j of the litjleniimiernin„if t 4 4 14 tide tie not
inteivtne Y 7'he eoliPed extends finin 1249 to
3:40 • x., the moon being totally obscured, or
rather faintly visible thrtrigli the shadoir, for
an hour and a half.
k*:6:i1111111 . , RsuAI.ALUIDOIATION
The New Ycirk fribune of today says that the
Pennsylvania, Soldiers' Relief Association have
taken rooms at No. 176 Fulton street. These
rooms are on the second floor, and nicely fitted
up for uses to which tbey:araAetoted.
They keep Clmasteotly a supply Of delicacies and
clothing for the sick and wounded soldiers.
At Bedloe's Island they have a kitchen de
partment under the direction of the ladles,
who are as true to their bust as the dial t 6 the
sun. They have at present- - about five! hun
dred men under their care, most of whom are
convalescent. At present they have an abund
ant supply of cotton goods; what they need at
this season is a better supply of woolen. Will
the people of Pennsylvania "read and make a
note , of. the fact." Donations sent to COlonel
Burton will be gratefully received and judi
,cionslydistributrad antong the needy.
Anna DURING min MONTH 01 Noviumes.-4--The
following list comprises the names of the sol
diers who,died during the month of Novamber
at the hospitals in this city and vicinity :
John Alstetter, Co. —, 147th Begt. PUnna.
Vols.; Nov. 28,
John Amole, Co. I, 124thltegt. Penna. Vols.;
Nov. 4.
Adam Burns, Co. B l lo2d,Regt. Penna. Tole.;
Thomas Can, Sergeant, Co. G, 84th Penns
Vols.; Nov. 26.
James E. Evans, Co..—, 16th Regt. Penns
Cavalry, Nov. 21.
Job. Fetter, Capi.Grave's Co.; Nov. 28;
Jonathan Fry, Capt. Shoemaker's Co,; sov
Henry 8. Glass, Capt. Spera's Co.; Nov. 10.
Absalom 8. Hartman, Company nnorgariised;
Nov. 16. "
David Michael, Co. K, 28th Regt. Munk.
Vols.; Nov. 1.
George B. ihnith, Co. —, 16th Regt." Penna.
Cavalry ; Nov. 22.
Judeoul'hogmorton, Company unorganized ;
Nov. 1.
Of all kinds attended to.
Office : 'Pnird Street, Harrisburg, Pa. [0271 y.
Ern & K.usrEses Mugs will be paid at the
State Capital, Mechatdadnng, Lebanon Deposit
and Middletown banks ; altio, at the counting
house of E. C. Eby & Co., No. 522 Market
street, - n025-2w*
To the Afflicted.
The undersigned would respectfully inform
throe who are'afllicted witleSherimatism Dye-
PTA qt;opstuription of Liver and Kidney,
Clongtur,:Fivers,' WI WI; diessee' arising` from
impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to
furnish Mrs. Westhoven's Gertnan" Vegetable
Medicines at very moderite rates. I have also
on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for
Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. References
can be furnished ai to , their wonderful efficacy,
whenever called upon. There 'need be 'o ap
prehension in, regard to my competency to ad
minister it, as I have had it on hand for the
pasteix years. As they are now sold at reduced
prices, no family should be without them over
night. They can be had at any time at my
residence, in Pine street, between &con& and
Front. (aulB4lm) MRS. L 4)&14'1
PHILADMILIMA, Nov. 3, 1832.
' Mrs. Ball :—I feel no hesitancy in acknow
ledging the virtue of your medicine, its sooth
ing, influence and healing power. For several
years I wan afflicted with dyspepsia, and during
my stay in Harrisburg you cured, me in the
short space of one month, of that annoying
and distressing disease, and at the same time
also cured me of a running scrofula, which.had
existed for over one year without ceasing.—
During my years of affliction, I applied I fre
quently to doctors of medicine, but they proved
ineffectual. I have the utmost eonfidtnce.,4nd
belief in the power of your medicine, and would
say to those afflicted, who wish to enjoy life hi
its natural element, with a system renewed to
vigorous nature, to try, your medicine as I did.
Yours truly
54 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia.
may putty, strengthen and In% igonde. .
They create a healthy appetite. ,
They are an antidote to change of water and diet;
'I hey overcome *Mots of dissipation and lats' biers.
The, ihengthen the eystion sod enliven the mind
Thep rievent and intermittent fevers
They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach.
They cure Djspepida and Constipation.
They cure diarrhea, Cholera, anc,l Cholera Morbus.
They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache.
They are the best bitters in the world. They make
the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great
restorer. They are made of pure W. Croix Hum; the
celebrated 'Cana aye Bark, roots and herbs, end are taken
with the pleaeure of a beverage, without regard to age
or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate
parsons requiring a gentle stimulant. Hold by all
Grocers, Druggists, B. tell and Saloons. P. B.Dreke
&Co., 202 Broadway, New York.
Fuss ! FEW !—We have received from New
York a splendid assortment of Furs at all prices.
Black Cloaks, ready made and made to order.
600 Hoop Skirts, all styles from 76c. up.
60, pieces of white, red and yellow flannel.
26 dozen of white and grey Undershirts and
25 pieces of new Delalnes and other Drees
80 pair of splendid white (all wool) Blankets.
200 splendid Cambria Bands, best French
needle work
A very large assortment of ladies, gentlemen
and children's Stockings, (wool and cotton,); all
10 dozen of Nublas, Woolen Hoods, &Maga,
and Menne Sark 4
50 pieces. of Oassinetts and Kentucky Jams,
for men and boys' wear.
10 pieces of Merinos, (all colors,) *lawns,
and Pomona**, • •
Our stook now• is large, and boightlebne
the rise in gag* and those wishing to bny lure
would invite to call. B. LEWY.
[Extract from a, letter on the Battle Field.]
o ••• a ,o o 0
This battle"iAntietam) has been the m
sanguinary o f,; the War, and the only one
fought with Virility) . design anti upon military
principles. The arrangement of our corps—
the overlooking position of the commanding
General—the sending . iuto action of the right
and the left division—the closing up of the
centre, and final success—excites bewildering
admiration, and carries the mind to the great
fields -of "Austerlitz and Wagram, fought by
'Na l :elem. of all this have . .I spoken. The
heart history of , such a :conflict, purchased by
the life and blood of twenty thousand men,
must be foued'in the hospitals. War has its
glories-Lbut hag its ten thousand demons
in these human tortures; thatnudre the eye
balls ache—the 'heart' lifeed—thn lips palsy,
and the train reel. The eight laid first posi
tively unendurable. The life-blood of some
Is still trickling "away .in silent calmness—
while the dissevered limbs and maniac brain of
others give rise to sounds - God grant I may not
again witness.
But ye mothers who here seek a son—or
wives a - husband-6i sisters a brother—or sons
a fistber- 7 know and be consoled that even here
the bandit& mercy is watchful * and better care
is bestowed upon your loved ones than might
at first seem possible. It was' in the hospital
where rested the gallant Hooker, that I learn
ed the history of, those mythical ,words so often
seen and so little "understood, '" S. T.--1860—
X." Anything alleviating the sufferings and
saving the lives of ' soldiers, is a national
blessing. I witnessed some astonishing results
from this article •
It is well known the effect of burnt:gunpowder
and excitement is 'thirst, which added to the
kW of 'Mod in lip, wounded, creates the ae
°malty of a reviving stimulant. In this par
ticular hosplial, the-ophypicians were allowing
their pethindit ofarianahtationißitters, other
wise called. S. T.-1860—X, and although the
wounded are most numerous, here-this di
vision having ,opened the
,fight at 6 in the
morning—the - men iveien t ioetlicomposal, and
there was very little hinting.' The article acts
upon the stomach and nerves In a most
incomprehensible manner, superior to brandy,
and without eribirequent stupefying reaction.
It originated in the West Indies, composed of
the 'celebrated' Calliaya Bark, Roots, Herbs,
&c.; all preservedin`St. Croix Rum—the S. T.
—lB6O—X being a secret ingredient, not yet
revealed to the public. It 'is principally
recommended for-want of appetite, disordered
liver, inteimittentfeversotoutachic difficulties,
&c. understandit was somewhat known in
theliouthernEitates'previdiraio the war, , and it
appears an agentAciferson Davis recently
applied to the labikletorti 'for the privilege
to make. it for.: hospital 'purposes during , the
war, to which they made the folk:ming reply:
Naw Yoaini Jan. ;16th, 1862.
• A,qent•of, etc.:
Dear Slrt-. 7 1n reply to your communication,
offering ns "Fifty-thousand 'dollars for the re
cipe and right to make the Planbition Bitters
for your hospital purposes during the war,"
we beg to say, your price is a liberal one,'con
ddering it would,cyst us nothing to comply,
and that otherirme 'we - can derive in revenue
from the Southern :States ; but sir, our dirties
to our Government and our ideas of consisten
cywould not allow us to entertain it, although
it might please us to assuage the sufferings
of your misguided followers.
We remain
Very respectfully yours, .
These gentleman givii the history of certain
ingredients to their article for over two hun
dred years—showing that through all changes
of the medical profession and its • practitioaers,
strength, compostni - and cheerfulness ave
been derived from these sources. Dr. W s
in the Washington:Hospitals informed me,hat
one patient was fast sinking and crazy, an had
not slept an boor for two weeks, until the
Plantation Bitters came to his knowledge,
when one day's trial gave him a nikht's Pest,
and he was now fast recovering. I am tier
prised our Government Vs not equalled Jeff
izit er
son Davis in energy; adopted this invapa
ble article in ell ofif bosPitals. The weak
soldiers cling to it like a brother. As a lay
member, I can bear - witness it is , ‘`Etnod o
take,"., and affords more energy and lire than
anything I ever tried. Success to the Platita
tion Bitten.
But I have digressed. In my next I Eihall
speak of gathering in the wounded, bulling
the dead, &c. , NIOODEMES.
novs-d&wlm eod&eow
93 Market iareet
.1 Barrisburg,
N r i° "Flak. M ' CO 11E4 •
IM' ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the bed
makers, from ;200 upwards.
EDITS, FROM $46 to $lOO.
Guitars, Violins, Accordeoua, Flutes,
Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines,
Violin and Guitar strings and mug
cal mercluindise, in general.
hand. Elleio aa!t by Wadi to any, part of the
Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds of
pictures alwaya 011 hand.
From smallest to largest sizes.
Any style of frame made to order at the
shortest notice.
neve wed ant emdew
Collection of Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay
and War Claim
°Ricers' Pill Rolls, Muster Rolls, aid Re
cruiting Accounts Made Out.
1 fundersigned, having been in the em
oyment of the United States during the
last eighteen months:l o as Clerk in .the Muster
ing and Disbursing Off i ce and Office of Super
intendent of Remitting Service of Pennsylva
nia, reeptiathillY informs the public that be bas'
opened an office in the DAILY Tatakinsza
Building for the purpose of collecting Pen
sions, Bounties, Back Pay and . War Clafins ;
also, making out Officers' Pay Rolls, Muster
Rolls and Recruiting Accounts.
All or ders by mail attended to promptly.
guLuviur a mina:
of Blanks of all kinds furnished at; this
D4N.Dmicw' .1114, and other preparations
.ofoCoffee,.wairanted pure, for sale by
nov3 Corner Front and Market Ste.
New %but -figments
A fine assortment of beet plated
93 Market street
;; ,.iti NT ERTAINM ENT'S.
THESE beautiful eniettakuneas - whl com
mence at
„ d d m tin ne daring the week
Third St., rear of IlOrr''s Hotel.
SAM. S. SANFORD, Proprietor and Manager
WEDNESDAY, DEC• 3d, .1862•
In Preparation—THE MUMMY.
Nice of Admission
Orchestra Chairs..
Private Box, single seats
Gallerys „ • lb "
Children to Parquette and Orchestra, with
parents,:half price. , decB
• , ONE 70k THR:
Admission, 20 cts. Private. Boxes, 50 cts.
Doors open at 64, performance commepte at 74
• First week of
The Greatest Comic Singer of the Age
MR. and MRS. 808 EDWARDS and
To Conclude every Evening with a COMIC
PANTOMINE. Characters by the Company.
808 EDWARDS, Sole Proprietor.
Mons. PAUL CANS. Stage Manager.
HEAD OF HAIR is a crown
A of glory. With proper care and culture
it will last as a protection to the head as long
as the hail's do to the fingere. of' the eyelashes
to the eyes. &rEstaio's Auturears is the only
article yet discovered that will bring about the
desired results. It is a prepUration the result
of science and experiment ; the science point
hg out what was needed, and experiment find
ing the required properties in certain roote,barks,
and herbs. It has consumed a long time in its
preparation, has been tested by persons of most
undoubted reliability in this city, and is by them
pronounced perfect, and the only satisfactory
article, and is now offered to the public. The
proprietors, deterpn to give itethe most
thorough tests, practi ces and chemical, and now
certain that it will make the hair. grow luxuri
antly on Bald Heads, Preventing Grayness and
Baldness, Reinvigorating and Beautifying the
Hair, rendering it soft and glossy.
Da. ErrsamaG's AMBROSIA is a stimulating,
oily extract of roots, barks, and herbs, and,
aside from its neatness, permanency, and gloss,
it is-medically adapted to preserve and add to
the beauty of the hair. The only article yet die
leavered that tell Cure the Disease of the Scalp, and
cause the Hair to Grow.
This is to certify that about eighteen months
ago, I commenced using &ammo's AMBROSIA.
My hair was short, thin and rapidly falling out.
I hadtried many Hair Tonics, Invigorators, &c.,
without receiving any benefit. Soon after using
the Ambrosia, my hair ceased falling out, and
commenced growing so rapidly as to astonish
me. Now my hair is thick, soft, and glossy,
and is five feet four inches in length—when let
down reaching to the floor. This wonderful
result attribute solely to the use of &AMBLING'S
Arantosnt, as since I commenced using it I have
applied nothing else to my hair.
Sworn to before me this 15th day of April, 1861.
H. N.' PARKER, Com. of Deeds.
City Hall, New York. = •
fir For Sale by D. W. GROSS & CO., Har
flaying, Pa. , nl4-d3m]
TrIEREE of Gardner's patent oscillating en
glues will be sold in the borough of York,
at the Steam Engine Manpfactoty of Gardner
& Mathews, on Duke street, near the Railroad
Depot, on
at 2 o'clock, P. M.
One 20 horse engine, new and complete.
One 4 " dt
One 5 " " second handed.
The 20 horse engine ran machinery at the
Lancaster County Fair, and took the highest
The terms will be made known on the day of
sale by D. E. SMALL,
n022-dtd Beceiyor
TARE Draft will not interfere with the 7 ,liping
1 of orders for Trees, &c., from the Keystone
NarserY, in the absence of Jacob
H. A. Mish, who established the Nursery,
and who has had an experience , of ten years in
the business, will promptly, attend to all orders
and inquiries, deliver trees, and plant when
desired, in the 'cfty brinudiate neighbor
hood._... .
A LOT of fine, sweet. Havana Orangevjust
received and for sale cheap at
n026-tf Third Street, near Walnut.
25 cents
25 cents
50 "
75 "