Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, December 03, 1862, Image 2

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Wednesday Aventng, December 3,1861
. .
For some time past, this community andthe
few readers of the Patriot living beyond thelimits
of Harrisburg, have been disgusted with the
bravado, threats, and senseless hoardings of that
sheet and those who uphold It. The idea set
forth is, that the Legislature must be controlled
with "lead and steel." Every member of that
body professing to be a De mocrat, is to be
brought under the control of a small cabal in
this city, who have sworn, while warm with
whisky and their courage screwed up to the
'oh Acr es pitch, that the Democrat who dares
to act an independent part, or assumes to think
for himself, or even to talk or vote as a free
man, had better "settle his worldly affairs, make
his peace with Beaver, and bid a last, affectionate
farewell to his family and constituads,.before h 4 darts,
for _Harrisburg." Fudge 1 And yet it is well
enough that the independent men who ate thus
claimed as the slaves of party, should under
stand the influence which is to be invoked to
crush and stifle honest, open or manly efforts
at legislation. Already have the leaders of the
Democratic party, fixed a programme for the
coming Legislature, a programme having for
its purpose the disgrace and the humilia
tion of the Commonwealth. By this they
have sworn to force every legislator to submit,
or imbrue their hands in the blood of all who
reject these propositions They are determined
to "switch Pennsylvania off the track of the
Union," and the Democratic legislator who
refuses to vote tor. the "switching," is advised
to "make his peace with Heaven, and bide last
ing farewell to his family." Fudge ! They have
concocted a plan by which they hope to make
some known, notorious and malignant dough
face sympathiser with treason United States
tieator, for the very purpose of proving to the
traitor Democratic slave-bolders of the south,
that the, traitor Democrats of Pennsylvania are
firm iu their fealty and still deternlined to
struggle for treason's success. The Democrat who
dues to vote against such plans, the independent
legislator who courageously opposes such purposes, is
to be assassinated, shot down in his place on the floor
of the Rouse of Representatives. Fudge ! Such stuff
in the shape of such a threat may intimidate
some of the venal dough faces who will occupy
seats in the Legislature, but it will fall far short
of influencing a single man who is to hold a seat
to the same body. The band that guided
the pen in writieg this threat, is too cowardly
to execute its business, however willing it would
be to applaud some ilespetado in the act. I,t is
the coward's part to threaten and bluster in
advance. Brave and determined men only
talk of what they have done—of what !they
indend to du they are always, silent. And fur
the lead and steel, this cowardly boasting of
the Patriot and its semi traitorous upholders to
this city, the session of the Legislature will not
be half consumed, before the honest Democrats
holding seats in that body will 'repudiate
and spit upon the Harrisburg cabal and organ
that assumes such a bullying tone to brow-beat
and intimidate their action. •
'1 he Democratic leaders have alreadji , set.
themselves busily to work, in an effort tolmis
construe the propositions contained in the Presi
dent's meesage. It is alleged by some of these
leaders that the Prehidtrit has receded from his
emancipation policy, and Wit the proposition
for the gradual extinction of slavery • and its
final destruction in 1900, is a positive backing
down from ail the other positions of the ad
ministration on the subjtct of slavery. If the
dough-face leaders can induce the people to be
lieve that the President has thus receded, they
hope to weaken his support from a direction
they cannot effect in any other manner, because
if the Democracy could succeed in creating a di
vision between the President and the hearty-ha
ters of slavery, then indeed would the administra
tion go to pieces, the war for the Union become
a farce, such as was Buchanan's 'war with
the Mormons, and the rebellion itself soon he
ralded to Europe lei a real Democratic triumph.
The friends of the policy of emancipation
need have no fear for its enforcement. The
recommendation to emancipate the slaves of
rebel masters, will be put into operation as
certain as 1863 unfolds its days and months.
It will be enforced wherever our armies match,
and it will do more to quell the rebellion than'
all the improvements in weapons of war or all
the diplomacy we had since the rebellion was
inaugurated. The proposed amendment to the
Constitution, fixing a period for the total ex
tinction of slavery, would require a vote
of two-thirds of Congress and afterwards
the approval of threeifourths of the states.
Three-fourths of the states would include
seven of the slave states, and as the result
of recent elections have demonstrated that the
concurrence of the slave states could be lOW, if
we take Delaware and Missouri as examplee, it
is fair to presume that the consent of the united
feet states could be had, when the question is
fairly presented to the consideration of the
people thereof. But all this would require labor
and time. In the meantime, while theieiltlnc
tion of slavery was going on by the means pro
posed in the amendment to the Constitution,
tlie confiscation of the property of rebel slave
holders could also be enfocred as the law pre
scribes and the necessities of the times demand.
Thus on all sides, the accursed institution
r linmiltr slavery—the damnable cause of re
bel lion=the life and soul of modern Democrucy
is being hemmed in, surrounded and prepared
for final dissolution, when will come the' final
:Peace and eternal prosperity of the Anterican
The Dui/a ages Economist &elates this to be
emphatlially , tbe era of inflation. Never did
greedy sigrulatien flourish BO richly. Never
were speculative fictions more numerous ; never
were such reckl*expeclientS resertectto. The
ordinary Mixins of trade seem to-lave been
foigotter.; ; 4ldmen—shreird business men, who
have been siatiotis in all their operations—are
found accepting as money what they know to
be merely so much waste paper. It is in the
menetarydriiirs of the country that speculation
revels with the least restrained license. , The
paper currency of the country is undoubtedly
far in advance of the wants of lemmercial ex
change. Shrewd speculatere make this . the
occasion for forcing up the price of commodi-
ties beyond the natural or common standard.
The first MUM ls'Of the Specultitors was on gold;
which by a course of persistent "bulling" they
have been able to Put up to the extraerdinary
figure of thirty per cent. premium. We have
yet to find the financier who ! 'Contends that the
present price of gold is entirely the legitimate
result of the large issues of paper money. The
better half of the advance is' owing to the com•
petition for the article by the men of Wall
Street. The present holders of gold ore uneasy
about their possesijons, and would be 'glad to
know that they are safe against s powerful re
action in the value of the precious metals. It
it could be known on Wall Street that Secretary
Chase does not atend to Issue arty: more gov
ernment paper, the Price of gold and sifter
would come down, down; until it had well
nigh touched par again.. •It is only the! hope
that the full amount , ef Treasury notes an
thorized by Cougress will be issued, that sue-'
tame the present high prices of foreign ex
change and gold. We would recommend all pri
vate hoatders of goldlo sell out at once, while
the price remains so high, for events may any
day give a violent downward turn to the gold
market. By holding their end silver; they
only Oay lute the hands of speculators, by
enabling them to keep the high' prices both of
gold and commodities; by selling they would
speedily bring the game of speculation to an
The shinplaster nuisance is another form of
the present inflation. • The extent to which this
evil has spread is something alarming. In this
State alone, the different forms of, shinplaster
currency may be numbered by many thousands.
The addition thus made to the currency of the
country must in the aggregate amount to many
millions of dollars. Its effect can only be to
still further appreciate the price of gold and
silver, and by consequence enhance the price of
produce and merchandise.' .fleithics,• in
. very
many instances, the paper thus ,put in ciioula
tion is entirely worthless. The issuers never
intend to redeem it, and do not calculate on
being called to . honor more than two:thirds or
three-fourths of their issues. It is high time
some measures were taken for putting a stop to •
then) dangerous expedients. Unless vigorously
repressed, and that right early,
.there ; can be
no doubt that we shall soon experience one of
the most ruinous financial reinfisions in the his
tory of the country. All goes on smoothly
enough, during the process of inflation; but
when the inflation has reached the bursting
point, we Shall witness an exPleSion die *se
quence of which will reach the utmost liinte of
the trading world. ,
This report fills forty-four ,closely printid
pages, and is "a clettiend comprehensive actionnt
of the size, progteal,' and achievethents of our
gallant navy.'
The report opens with a statement of the dis
tribution 'of the force at vat ions tittles during
the year, and' then giVes full 'accent:d's of the
various naval expeditioinf. The Mississi p p i is
certainly under our control except at Vick," urg,
from whetiCe the rebels can iany time; ith
en operation from , a' lea for k, 'be ' expelled.
Bach one of our blockading , squadrons holds a
6)anxittdiona and safe port forihi ctivii I* and
convenience. Nearly 'the entire seabeard of the
insurgent region, in its main pointi Of ampler- 1
dal and strategic - iinriortance-L froM Norfolk
and the outlet of the Chesapeake' thrinigh Ro
anoke, Newborn, and teanfort, Neftlitarolina,
Port Royal, Tybe,e,` "Fernindinit; lleY West,
Pensacola, to New Okieane and Galveiton—
is practically in' our hands, held, fast arid Irre
covembly under the guns of 4 ur navy, ort else
garrieon A and Waned by our military Irce.
Me Secretary suggests that when all the tbel
forts' are occtipied, the question wilrerlsiii he-.
ther we shall' not hold theni eiclusivelv by a
military force, and thus relieve ' the 'fleet from
blockade duty and enable them to scour the
ocean for cruisers. This has been 'the poultice
of nations in the time of rebellion, and was our
practice during the Mexican war. .
Detailed accounts are given''under the fol
lowing heads : North Atlantic''Squadron4Ro
anoke Island ; Capture of NeWberh and Wash
ington, N. C., and capitrilation ofFort Mahon.
Affair at West Point. South AtlanticilloOka
ding Squadron—Fort Palaski ; Reposswesion of
Fernandina—St. Mary's', Fort Clinch, Make-
Atte, St. Augustine, Brunswick., 'etc. Stono
River and Mosquito Inlet—Eastern Gni f Sqnad
ron. Western Gulf Squadron—Captiare of New
Orleanfl and reduction of its defences ; OPera
tions on the Mississippi ; Capture of Galveston
and other points in Texas,; Western' Flotilla
Capture of Forts Henry, Donelson, &c.; ,Opera-
tions on the Mississippi ; Capture of' FOrt Pillow
and Mentiphiri ; Vessels in Foreigri Service.
The Vanderbilt, the San Jacinto, the Mohican;
the Sabine, the Dioxitah, the Onward and the
Inc, are severally cruising for privatecni, pnd
have especlially•in 'View the "290." . .
issvaregas=ma ALABAMA, ' ' i
after Th e rebel armed steamer, Sumter, which,
after committing depredationS,,was, at the date
of my last report, fleeing to escape our cruiftere,
crossed the Atlantic. She was tracked to Gi
braltar, where she has since' remained, one of
our cruisers vigilantly guarding her from Alge
ciras. With this exception, no other
vessel has plundered our commerce' Orinfricted
injury' on our countrymen until within a recent
period, when a steamer known as 290, or 41a
hams, billt and fitted out in England—a vessel
that had not been in any port or visited any
waters but thciie of Great Britain—went forth
from thelshorei of that country ravaging, si,nk
ing, lauding, and deetriqing the property of
our merchants vvhco, knowing our peacefuh re
lations with England, and tininfonnea: 'th a t
such a cruiser had been permitted to la ve
Great Britain; Were unPrepared for ouch asoeult
and devastetinn.
"How Piz and to what results this abuse may
be carried with ' iMpunfty to the Government
which tolerates it is iii a t telt. of grave eonsidrira
tion. The ph - titled privateer 290, or Alabitint;
hair no-register nor 1 retord , ho. regular: eh p's
papers nor. evidenoe of ' transfer, and cie• , v
captured , by ler has ever been ' sent inttil ni
p wilort. for adjudication- d Ecindmilnatilint . . 'li
i d
forinstof , law ' Which citillisotkvie hos intru de
to protect and guard private rights, and all
tun 15 OW ant . o iDattp tlegraph - -inittnestiaD
those'regulations of public justice which distin
`gin& and discriminate the legalized naval
vessel from the pirate, are disregarthd and
violated by this lawless rover which, though
built in and sailing from England, bas ;no
acknowledged fiag or Eecognized nationality,
nor any accessible port to which ~t o send any
ship she may seise, nor any legal tribunal to
adjudge her captures. Und. r the English flag,
in which they confided, and by the toich of the
incendiary, appealing to their humanity, our
merchantmen have been lured to . clestitiction.
"She was built and fitted out in , British
in flagrant violation of British law and of the
royal proclamation of neutrality, and I briie
reason to ,believe that her , crew is composed
almoist extlusivly of Britialv l stibjects; or persons
who pursuing a loyal voyage,
would be en
titled to ship and protection as British seamen.
' Before this 'piratical cruiser left Great
Britain, the authorities of That countryl were
informed by the recognised 'Official "agents of
this Government of her character and purposes.
The British Government, thus ' intraed,; came,
too late to prevent her sailing. To 'Whitt ex
tent, under these circumstances,
the Eldvern
ment of Great Britain is bound in horalr and
justice to make indemnification for the desiruc
, ,
tion of private 'property which this lawless
vessel may perpetrate, is a question that may
present itself for disposal. It is alluded to now
and here, not only from a souse of duty to
wards our commercial interests and rights, bul
also by reason of the fact that recent ihtelli
gence indicates that still other vessels . of a
similar character are being fitted out in British
ports to depredate upon our commeree.. 7 !
"Our own diggers not being permitted to
remain in British 'ports to guard,ag,tiiiiie these
outrages, nor to Opal while' crirteirkg, nor co re
-1 pair daniagee in their "harbors when ,in'ories
are subtained, the arrest 'of , them hi di 'cult
and, attended with' . great ` nncertainty.' ;This
department has" . despatcht d crikkirs to ef
fect the capture 'of . the . "l ,o 6l 4glikilt 444 there
is now quite a fleve ) on'the 1 0 ' an in tiuntuit of
her. • -
'' 'Tlnt NAVAL keltell.
In March , 1861, there were only, 42,- vessels'
in - commission, but 76 then attached do the
Navy have been made available. ;
-; Most oflthem
in commission were , abroad, an of, the 7,600
seamen, in the , pay of , the • GOvernment ',there
were on the 10th of March, 1861; but-2p7, men
in all the ports and receiving ships _ en the AL-
I hilitiC COMA o . a a:, * • *' o
. • •
We, have, now afloat, or progessing,t , o irapid
. completion, a naval force consisting : of ' 427
vessels, these having been added to thcise of
the old Navy enumerated in my, report, of Rirly,
1801, exclusive of those that mere, lost; '353
vessels, armed in the aggregate with 1;4577 guns,
and of the capacity of 249,028 tons. , : 1 I
"The, annals of the world do not sbciw so
great an increase in so brief a period' te the
naval power of any country. It affords me
satisfaction to state that the acquisitions. made
to the Navy from the . cpturnercial marine have
proved to be of an excellent , character; and
though these vessels were not , built for war
purposes, and consequently have not the
strength of war vessels, they have performedall
the service that was expected of themi No
equal amount of tonnage was, ever propunid for
any service at prices correspondingly low,l and
with so little disturbance to the commercial
community ; and no vesels were over construe.
ted op better`terms for the Government, or have
'getter subserved the purpose for which ;they
were designed`, thin the twenty ;three gunboats
for wilicii,the department contracted on ite own
responsibility et the commencement of ,hostili
ties, without waiting for the action of Congress.
In no respect, during We, war, has the, Gov
ernment been better or more economically sect
faithfully served than in the additions that have
been made by' construction and purchase to ttii
Navy "
Under this.head the report, after' giving an
WOUnt , Of the building of the Monitor; the`
(Wens and the, lronsides, contains .tv miuote
and vivid mount of the naval engagement in
Hampton Roads. ,Entire. satisfaction ell ex
pressed with the result of the experiment of
The report , then proceeds :
"Whatever success may attend the large and
costly armored -ships of the Warier: class,
which are - being - cowitupted by some Jof the
maritime wilvent orktribph, cruising hi deep
waters, they can scarcely cause alarm berg, for
we have within the United States few harbors
that are accessible to them, and for those'
fed the Government en, always, be, prepared
*himietrer foreign ieseis imminent.. It haS
been' deemed advisable, however, that! we
:should have a few large sized aimed cruisers, of
great eked, for 'wean sat-Oleo, as well 1113' of the
class of smaller vessels for coastwise 'and
defensiye operations.,
' "In the censtruCtron of iron-clads of the
Monitor class, tiff; nautical qualities of the
*essql,have •not been ithss, goyerning object, for
with light draft and heavy armament speed is
not attainable. But , ther are adapted fd the
shallow waters of our coast and harbors,,f4v of
which fare wessible to vessel:Well !great niagni
tude. While the larger armored vessels, with
their heavy armament, cannot nearly approach
our , iihores ; those , of the ModitorAlass !can
penetrate even the inner waters, rivers, harbors,
and bayous of our , extended double coast
This bubject is discussed at considerable
length. The reports ordered at the last session
of Congress on this point are so voltiminous,
and the arguments so various, that 'the • SZicre
tary refers the whole subject td Congrete, 'and
urges it on the immediate 'attention of the
members. • The • merits and demerits 'nf New
London and Narragansett Bay are not diecussed,
but those. of League Island are briefly men
• (toned. • •-• •
This portion of the reportc &dudes thus
• "Az neither the harbor of New London nor
the waters of Narragahsett Bay are adapted to
the purposes and wants Of. an iron navy, what
ever may , be.their advantages in other respects,
and as League Island hat the requisites of fresh
water, security from external 'enemies and
proximity to iron and coal, tuoposetti'rechive
and accept for the government the'nitinifieent
donation of the city of Philadelphia; uhleas
Congress shall otherwise direct." '
The report urges the importance-of haying
euttensive depots of navy , material, which titian
ibe exclusively , under Government control; teS
the end that the Department may neve; be
obliged to suffer from the ine ffi eleney of dose
employed to build vessels or the scarcity of
material in a time of emergency.
A Western depot and establishment arei re
commended; attenti. n is called to our harkoor
deifences i aed to our limited Meanies for dick
ing .ships ; alterations are suggested in the
present laws reorganising the Department of
the Navy ; aml the Naval Academy is recom
mended to the fostering care of the Departmint.
"Persistent and systematic efforts to evade
the blockade and' to convey articles,'Contrabitud
of war, to the ' insurgents, have led , to many
captures. At the date of my last annual nem-,
munkation, one htitidred and;
,fifty-threa 'tea
sels were reported to beiVe been seised by; the
blockading squadron, There have' been editco
captured, and report% ,to the departnumt,
three hundred and nine ' vessels of all diecup-
Ceps, snaking a total of five 4dlidOd and foY
throe veseels, that have bet n Seized since, he
bloekade has been instituted Some of, heded.
vessels captured which were frail and not eat
culated'fd- a sea voyste, number
destroyed, but
most of them,' including elnumber of Valuable
steamers, have been set micii Oludi F ati6ti i t
~ 0 •-,, 0 tr au •• .1' a 0
'' ifdf the large'inntbei of 'Vetih'elie sent in.lor
adjudication, in only forty-five have tin; Pro:
ceedings been brought to a close, and while
enity), Member 3, 1862.
several dollars lo amount 'lye been
captured, ii id: are in; process of condeninatiome .
the turtountlit ordered to he distributed is but
$554,176 51. Of this sum $376,596 65 is under
decree of the court at Key West.
The appropriations for the fiscal year ending
amouuted to $43,615,551 77. The expensee
wire, $42,200,529 90, leaving an unexpended
balance of $1,415,021 81 The amount appro
!Oiled for the tiseal year ending Jun., 30,
1863,14 $52.81,,859 07. The esmatts sub
mitred for.the fiscal year ending June 30, 1864,
are as follows:
Navym over $65 096 277 70
ilarine.4rp3. 1 247 417 31
Navy yards
Miscel laui3ouB
The objects for whieli the appropriations are
required'are given indetail in the reports of
the chiefs of t e lie bureaus and the commandant
of the'marfiuf purge. • '';''
In concluition 'the Secretary, after paying a
well merited cninpliment to Assistant Secretary
Fox; 'Says : •
'"But 'more of all do I cbmmend to the grati
tilde and praises Of their government and
country the officers and men of the naval ser
vice. In my last annual report I said that in
theiihandethe historic renown of the Ameri
can navy bit& been elevated,Upd augmented.Aricellier year of their `heroic and, triumphant
Service anthoriles and impols me now to state
that no doriutii , ever owed a higher apprecia
tick' to its navy'tban is jnstly due to ours: No
choice of naval officers for high commands or
important administrative position 4 was -ever
More fortnnato Or' successful.:
"For miself, rclaim only the merit—which,
being manifest Official'
. obligation, can scarcely
be consi.lered a aiqitz--0 'having, in a cimsci
eutious devoted in this memorable 'crisis
of Jour history, with Unwearied and unceasing
effort, my heat powers 'to the' perforMance of
the arduous and responsible duties of the head
of this department."
We cannot more appropriately conclude this
abstract than by giving the summary of opera
tions in the , words of the report: .
"%nee the ll oommenceinent of our notional
diffieulties, four powerful squadrons have been
Collected, organized, and stationed for duty on
our maiitime frontier with a ,rapidity and sud
denness which finds no approach to a parallel
in previous naval history, and which it is believ
ed no other country' but our own could have
"These squadrons have been incessantly
Maintaining a strict blockade of such gigantic
proportions that eminent foreign statesmen in
the highest scenes of legislation did not hesi
tate, at its commencement, publicly to de
nounce it as 'a 'material_ impossibility ;' and
yet after this most imposiug.navti, undertaking
had been far a pt , riod of eight4en months in
operation, and after its reach had.been effective
ly extended alOng' the, entire sweep of our At.
lantic from the outlet, of the
Chesapeake to the mouth of the Rio Grande,
the sante'eminent authorities,., with. a diet in
their hands of all the vessels'Which had evaded
n -escaped the 'vigilance ,of our , blockading
'forces, could not refuse in their Official state
inehts toadmit, with reluctant candor, that
the'probf of the ef f iCiancy of the blockade was
condOetlollB and ',Wholly conclusive, O and thatin
no previous
,war 'had the ports of au ,enemy's
country been, so,'effectually, closed by a naval
force. put even such testimony was not needed.
The Pieof of the feet abounds in the current
Priet., of our Southern staples in the great corn-
Merdial marts Of - the world, and more especially
ib,the industrial - and commercial ccindt.'
tlon of'ttie'lnsurgent region.
"It'eliOuld not beforgotten ,that, no cireum
'dtane',2lelviiitlng to attest, the . magnitude of
this: giAte`st . , of all naval triumphs. The
iddUetrial necessities ' and , ~c ommercial
cupidity Of all the principal 'Maritime nations,
armed' and empowered as „they, are by, the
resources of modern niveotion, ;are , kept at
bay A Multitude of island lutylKors ,under
foreign jurisdiction, looking neatly, upon our
shoes arid affording the most convenient lurk
ing:phices from which illicit 'Commerce may
leap forth ' to
. its prohibited a g stinatim and
purpose, are so closely watched es to render
the , in•ril. of all end' . venturts ,fer , greeter than
liven their enormous sales when succeseinl.
And finally "a Vast' line Of sea coast, nearly
three thousand miles in extent, much qf it with
dotible sluire and;
almost honey combed with
inlets and harbors, tipg bun so beleagured and
locked u'p that the'' whole immense, , foreign
Commerce, which
,wes the very life , of the in
dustry and opiikenceidthe vast region which it
barders, has .ptactically"ceased to exist
, f iT . •I 41 - - -..:-.,......,,,' -"'- • N`...- , %)
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: A . 4.; -
?, i 1 , -,-:,,,, • 11t ,, 1i ' '
FROM grEv. Divs musioN.
Ilei t ature thpe Celebrated Pittsburg
The Rebels Driven Across the Blaekwate,r. at
Ca,ptille of r.qorters.
Wegrittiarox • Dec. 8.
The' follqiing dispatch' has been received at
the headquarters of the;army:
Dec. —To Major ; ,General
W. liktirica, General-hi .AChief:—rexpedi
ticui Was sent 'mit from Suffolk yesterday by
hi , •jor-General Peck, which captured to-day, the
celebrated Pittsburg Dattery, which was taken
from par army, and drove the' enemy across
the BlackivittiT at ; Franktiatt:
We hive thirty-odd ini'sonera, and are pick
big 'up more in the roads. Pdpry of the enemy
were' killed and wannded. Our braids trifling.
d) ' JOHN - A DIX,
- Major-General.
. FORTRESS Homo; Dec. I.!
'The flag of truce steamboat New York arrived
Irom City Point forention, bringing down
875; prisoners of war, , who were all the rebels
had at;gicbmond,= and forty political prisoners;
also,•abonC sixty laborent, who , were captured
on the Alexandria Railroad. ' , •
::Major General John A.:Dia and staff left this
morning for :Yorktown, for the inspection iof
troops.at thatzplaee. •'. ' • ,
, .
. 4 l ON THE' OBl1)gBRI AND.
Forrrasse biAlaos, Nov. BQ.-,-The 'Passaic
eft, here to-du* at noon, for ; flaltimore, to have
her boilers epaired , , . t
bas raised : the ' ,frigate , United
w i c rrgp stve d.N,to, tilt:l flospor% nervy
yard': He is' now wor k raising the Cumber
land, which was sunk near Newport News.
The itteamship Hibernia, from Liverpool on
the 20th inst., arrived at this port this
morning. Het tdvices were telegraphed from
Cape Race.
The lapels received contain the following
The increasing distress in the cotton mann
fccturing districts of England was attracting
more attention from the government.
The accounts from Garibalbi are cheering. •
An amnesty has been granted by the Empe
ror of Austria to the political offenders and
returned Hungarian refugees, and a stay upon
the proceedings against political offenders has
beet, old red.
The g, wermient of Denmark, in reply to Earl .
Russell, firmly adheres •..to its line of conduct
relative to the common constitution in
Schleswig.— . • . .
A disturbanCe . had Occurred in Patna, Greecel
&The steamers Nasonia and House, which wil
sail soon froth Liverpool, takeout a large quan
tity of arms for New York.
The British anti slavery society has issued an
address to call for sympathy with the entanui
pation, party of the North,
The Spanish papers hint, tlutt.klexico is des
tined as a French Can:ttia.
There is reported to'be much disappointmeut
felt in political circles in Europe at the course
of Russia. ,
1,604,123 00
82,400 00
83,522 00
192,515 00
$68,267,255 'Ol
The London Herald says the relations between
France and England have assumed an unsatis
factory character. English Cabinet councils
are frequent.
The result of the New York election is the
theme of general comment in England—,the
prevailing impression being that the Democratic
successes are a step towards peace.
It is rumored that an attempt has been made
on Napoleon's life.
A state of conditional siege was declared in
the Neapolitan Provinces. The movement in
Greece in favor of Prince Alfred, of England,
streng heus. .
It is stated that. 42 Polish officers of the
Bus•iau army have been condemned to run the
The funeral of the Countess Seamogski, at
Warsaw, had assumed a political significance,
and many arrests w4.ru made by the police and
A special dispatch from Holly Springs, Miss.,
says the enemy evacuated their position on the
Tallahatchie river on the Ist inst., and Gen.
McArthur's division occupied the rebel forts
there last night.
There was nd fighting, and it is believed the
rebels are in full retreat.
The telegraph is working to Wyatte, on the
MRS. JANE A. RATHER has just opened a
new and beautiful assortment of
at ber stand in Second street, neat door to
Golden Lamb Tavern, which will be sold at the
lowest CASH PRICES. (lea d2to
riIEEE undersigned purposes forming classes in
this• beautiful, useful, legible and easily
learned arminplishment, in the city of Harris
burg, to recite during the present winter. Pro
fessional and business men will find that by
learning it they Can accomplish more in one
hour by writing With.this system of penman
ship, than in six hours with the common long
Three classes will be formed, one for LADIES,
one for ACADEMIO STUDENTS, . and one for
Any one of ordinary intelligence can acquire
a practical knowledge of Phonography in a
course of twelve lessons of one hour each, : one
lesson per week being given.
,Either Pitman's, Graham's or Langley's
Text Books may be used.
My terms will be as follows :
For course of twelve lessons in class.... $3 00
For course of. twelve lessons at office or
residence for one pupil 8 00
Office or residence for'two pupils each.. 600
Dirt e pupils each 4 00
Rolls will be left at the offices "Harrisburg
Telegraph," "Patriot and Union" and Post
Office. Hoping that the citizens of *Harrisburg
will give me an earnest support, 1 remain very
truly at their service.
OST.—On the let or 2d inst., a DIAMOND
used for cutting glass. A liberal reward
will be paid for its recovery by leaving' it at
the residence of THOS. MULLIN,
Sixth street above Walnut, or at this office.
dec2-dlt. , •
$ 4 5 REWARD.
il' AS stolen from - the stable of the subscri-
Vl` ber, on the State Road, 7 miles from
Gettysburg, on Sunday night, November 30,
five years old, about 15 hands high, with a star
in the forehead.
Or I will give $25 Reward for the recovery
of the Mare, andan additional $2O for the con
viction of the thief. Address
d3-d3to Gettysburg, Pa.
Burnett's Cocoaine.
Burnett's Cocoaine.
Burnett's Cocoaine.
f A compound of Cocoa-nut Oil, Stc., for
dressing the Hair For efficacy and agreeable
ness, it is without an equal.
It prevents the hair from falling or.
It promotes its healthy vigorous growth.
It is not greasy or sticky. •
It leaves no , disagreeable odor.
It softens the hair when hard and dry.
It soothes the irritated scalp skin.
It affords the richest lustre.
It remains longest in erect.
It costs fifty cents for a half-pint bottle.
Whatever Di. Barnett makes is the best of
its kind. His Cooking ExtriCis fully Sustain
this reputation.
For saki 'by a r K. Keller, Druggist, No. 91
Market street, sole agent for this city:
ALOT of Moe Sweet Grapes, just received,
and for sale low, at
nov6 Cor. Third and Walnut Ste. -
GRAPE VINES, -strong and thrifty, two
years old, at reduced -prices ? at Keystone
LT ELLER'S DRUG STORE is the pfr , o6
EN to bnyymottt Witdirduat.
Calceao, Dec. 3
tm 2thratistments.
tiC PAr 'lburrtistmeit4
IN PURSUANCE of an order of the Orphan's
Court of Dauphin County, will be exposed
to Stale, on Saturday, the 27th day of December,
on the premises, in Conewago township in said
county, a certain messuage and one acre,
(more or less,) of land situate in said township
of Conewago, adjoining lands of John Foltz,
Henry Shenk and others, thereon erected a
one story (with basement) Brick House, nearly
new, in good order, a good well of water and
pump, a fine lot of Fruit Trees, Grape Vines,
&c., the property of the late Frederick Witt
haner, of Elizabethtown, Lancaster county,
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P.
Attendance will be given and conditions of
sale made known by WILLIAM BARNES,
Administrator of said deceased.
dec3-dlt•w3t JOHN Rummesn, Clerk, 0. C
vvr ANTED—A good reliable party to take
the agency for Harrisburg (or larger ter
itory if desired) of " Swifts Eureka Clothes
Wringer," the simplest and best ever made—
always ready for a lace collar or a bed-spread,
without any adjusting whatever. No Rubber
bands, straps, or springs to be regulated.
No iron to rust the clothes, no cog-wheels,
no complication, no anything but what is good.
All the fixing it ever requires is to put it on and
take it off the tub—compact and beautiful. We
want parties who are energetic and know how
to push trade, and who have means sufficient
to du it, to-such we offer good inducements and
the best wringer the market has seen. We will
send a sample machine to any address, express
paid, on receipt of the retail price, $5.
Sole Agents, 379 Washington St., Boston, Mass.
PARTIES having a piano for rent, will find
a customer by applying to
dl. At the Opera House or at Jones Hotel.
No. 80 Market Street, 'Louisburg.
rr HE largest and most extensive assortment
of Beady-made Clothing, suitable for win
ter wear, is now ()tiered for sale at the above
establishment, at prices to suit the times.
Also, a complete stock of Gentlemen's Fur
nishing Goods, of all descriptions.
They have also on hand a large assortment
of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, which they
are prepared to manufacture to order on the
most reasonable terms. [n24-101
PROBABLY LESS than can now be purchas
ed elsewhere.
SOLDIERS look to your interests, and call or
send to KELLER' S
Drug Store, 91 Market Street. fur a Writing
Folio. To dealers wishing to buy out the lot
we will offer an inducement. n 022
Consultations inVerman and English.
nov3 dim
For sale by WM. DOCK, Jr. & Co
A T Keystone Nursery, adjoining the city
Oct. 18, 1862
WE have received an assortment of Wal
lets adapted for carrying safely and con
veniently the New Currency, with lot of
Ladies' Satchels, Ladies' Companiohs, Purses,
Portmonnaies, Seger Cases, Card Cases, Wri
ting and Sewing Cases, Portfolios.
BY CALLING at the Bankrupt Boot and
Shoe House to buy covering for the feet.
'lna goods we have were made expressly for
retailing, and for neatness and durability will
compare with any in the country. Our orders,
however, is to close them out regardless of cost,
and it must be done. Persons wishing any
thing in this line can be convinced of the fact
by calling before going elsewhere.
Bankrupt Shoe Store, opposite the Mar
ket, a few doors from Jones Hotel. dl-dlwa
A RE you sick, feeble and complaining ? Are
you out of order, with your system de
ranged and your feelings uncomfortable ? These
symptoms are often the prelude to serious ill
ness. Some fit of sickness is creeping upon
you, and should be averted by a timely use of
the right remedy., 'Dike Ayer's Pills, and
cleanse out the disordered humors—purify the
blood, and let the fluids move on unobstructed
in health again. They stimulate the functions
of the body into vigorous activity, purify the
system from the obstructions which make dis
ease. A cold settles somewhere in the body,
and obstructs its natural functions. These, if
not relieved, react upon themselves and the
surrounding organs, producing general aggrava
tion, suffering and disease. While in this con
dition, oppressed by the derangements, take
Ayer's Pills, and see how directly they restore
the natural action of the system, and with it
the buoyant feeling of health again. What is
true and so apparent in this trivial and com
mon comPhilnt; is also true in many of the
deep-seated Hand dangerous distempers. The
same purgative effect expels them. Caused by
similar obstrnctions and derangements of the
natural functions of the body, they are rapidly
and many of them surely, cured by the same
means. None who know the virtues of these
Pills will neglect to employ them when suffer
ing from the disorders they cure, such as Head
ache Foul Stomach, Dysentery, Billions Com
plaints, Indigestion, Derangement of the Liver,
Costiveness or Constipation. As a Dinner Pill
they are both agreeable and effectual.
Paws 25 cams PER Box, oa FIVE BoxEa FOR $l.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell,
Sold .by C A. Bannva't, D. W. Gross & Co.,
C. K. Keller, J. M. Lutz, Dr. Riley, F. Wyeth
and dollars everywhere.
OF every description.
Fresh stock just opened
Market Square
n026-4.w] Nest door to Harrisburg Bank.
SE high,
Hundred, from six to twelve feet
Shigh, for sale cheap, at the Keystone N
ser novl-dtf