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' 7 ':".-:., . - k k , '....: ' t ' - '-':=- ==-- =..- 1" , 41' 111 'illi t ' - - --...‘ ' .d.. N ' ' -.... .., r; ' ''-`.<.., • - d. '''... t 1 . . :', '''... A -,,....,.., . k.. " d":" k k -,,,'",...'' k.....› .., . y ' , -; 'f - - -- , ---, V' ' , ' • - , k , 'di ''': . ' 4 : i i „4... .. i-.' * --' 1.: - ' ,-. , --_-:---- .....----• . ____-----------------------.---- L - -- - ----- -- ' ullk ih ook. • : .0,- ---_------;-=-__ - - -:7_ , . , . . - BY GEORGE BERGNER. THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, . BY GEORGE BERGNER. TERMS - SINGLE SUBRORIPTION. The DAILY THILIGILAPH is served to named hers in the City at 6 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $4 00 in advance. . WANKLY AND SNINI-WEEKLY TZLNORAPH The TatamEAPII is also published twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and week ly during the remainder of the year, and fur nished to subscribers at the following cash rates, viz: • Single subscribers per year Semi-Weekly $1 50 Ten • " 12 00 It Twenty " 22 00 Single " 1 00 " Weekly Arminian Bates.—The following are the rates for advettising in the TELEGRAPH. Those having advertising to do will find it convenient for reference. Or Four lines or less constitute one-half square. Eight lines or more than four collet' tutee a square. om •I El 4 • MlvoV°o C:kg4l3 l l l ; 4: V BB Ic'. rar"FF;r : ; g; g ro a a, Co ba o.l4 l oCackoooo.oN.oob 0 O ip , •1i -41 " .00.0.0.....0..at00nakcz' .0, •• kir • ." • • .0000'. 0t4..03, Dkr 110.1..peatotmincke,ften • 4.4 fib pg .0 —a pa pa wapo aa • :0 $1 ,4 0 ,,, tptn-ato=crowo • 0C 1 00.0•00000 Ai paNH ea pp 14 O.*. pc RTQIIPAIOCIver.O.Dcp...7 0C.15000C , 000. tie NP a co Co ea Jo Cn Gs -a to -a F_ELcapwoutnoo,o 0001 0 , a a ap o bz ••1 000C0 10 000010 0 0 0 0 0' a to to 14 tO Ou cr , tO 0 at o 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 c. admlniat Marriage who r d N unarm] mien Noticep, 1 .ime a week, six ti Notice& .... .... 'dives each !amnion._ :usiness notices inserted in or before Marriages and Deat LINZ for each insertion. or Column. , Owns P Busiluess Cubs. JONES HOUSE, CORNER OF MARKET ST AND MARKET SQUARE, RARRIBBURG, PA. JOBIKPII 'F. McCLELLIN, PROPRINTOR (1130BNTLY CONDUCT= BY Wll4B OOVIIRLY.) This Is a First Class Hotel and located in the central part of the city. It is kept In the best manner, and lie patrons will find every accommodation to be met with In the beat houses in the country. ee3o-dtf 1)14).E. AIIOLPB P, TEUPSER. .WOULD roopoctfully iulorui hie old patrons siellhe public generally, that ha win continue to give instructions en the .PIANO FORT*, ME LODEXiN, VIOLIN and MIRO it) the science rbilittillßE BASS. no will w'tb idealism wait opus pupils al their homes at any hour desired, or lessons will be elves. his residence, Is Third- street.. doers below th German Reformed Church. deaf-Ott B, J. BARRIO, • Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 KARIM S7REE7, . . HARRIISI3URG. LI Ali always on hand a hill assortment of Tin and Japanned Ware, Ooiiiiing afrilkParlor Storm of the host manummuriesi (*Me. , Spouttagi Roof ing and Galvanised Iron tlornish, memuthetured,and put up at reasonable rates. sor 'Kneeing promptly attended to. spr3o-dly REMOVED. • • JOHN B. SMITH uAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store JI,A, from the corner or Second and Walnut streets to NO. 108 MARKET STREET) Neat door to Haynes Agriculture-Stare, where he intends to keeps!) kinds orHoots avd Stites, Gaiters, &0., aid a large stock of Trunks, and everything in his Sup of bu siness ; Will be thankful to receive , the patronage of his old cuetomors and the public in general at his t new place of business. All kinds of workniade to order iti the best style and by superior workmen. *pairing done at short notice. [apr2dtf] JOHN . B. BIRTH. LINDEN HALL, MORA.VIAN FEMALE SEMINARY, At Litis, Lancaster Co., Pa. FOUNDED 1794. Affords superior advantages for thorough and accomplished female education. For circulars and Information, apply to REV. WILT TA C. REICHEL, octlB-dam principal. PEIPIIER'S .DAILY LINE ! BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lotk Haven, Jersey Shore; Williamsport, Nutl ey, iThiontown, Wationtown, Milton, Lewisburg, .Northumberland, bury, Treverton, Geotgetown, Lykenstown, hfilleriburg,. Jim, Dauphin AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot bin f centrally boated, the Drayage a lit be at The Lowest Rome. Tae Conductor foe' through with each train to alien,' to the safe de livery of all goods intruded to the line. Goods deliver ed at the Depot of Freed, Ward Si Freed, 81.1 Market street, Philadelphia, by 5 o'clock, P. 11., wit b delivered in Harrisburg the next morning. Freight Always as Low as by Any Other Line. • JOSEPH MON TGOidElilf, Philadelphia an I Reading Depot, oct2t-dtf Foo of Market Street, Harrisburg. DAN'L. A. MUENCH, AGENT. IF the Old Wallower Line respectfully N,J informs the public that this Did Daily TimuMorta. lion Line, (the owy Wallow .r Line now in exist .uce in this City,) is Is in successful .operation, and prepared to carry fr eight an low as any other individual line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Wil liamsport, Jersey Shore, Look Haven and all other (minim on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Ene iind Wil limnapOrt and Elmira Railroads. DANL. A. HDEINCII, Agent. Harrisburg, Pa. filOods)lent to the Ware HOW of Messrs. Peacock, Sell it dinehmen, Nos 808 and 810 Market street above Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, r, a. , will arrive at Harrieburg, ready for delivery next morning. agirlibribayl DR. JOIINSON MIALLIVIAZIMEIL3EI Lou llospiTiu, AB discovered the mosfcertaiii, speedy II II and effetousl remedy in the world for • DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE ULKIP IN 818 TO TIMM!' MIMS. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. A Cure Warranted, or nb Charge, in from one to Two Days. Weakness of the Back oe,Limbe, Btrietares, Affeetions of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary diecharges, potency, General Debility, Nervouenewl, DYBPepag, lan guor, Low Spirits, Conroeion cif Ideas, Pa Ipltattenof the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight qr Giddi ness, Di of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affix- Mins of the Liver, Longs, Stomach or faniels—thiiee ter rible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth —thine nem and solitary practocas.more fatal to their victims than the song of , -,irrens to the Mariners of Cap let, blighting their most brilliant Wipes or anticipations, rendering marriage, fte., impossible. Young Nu Specially, who Wye become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annual ly sweeps to an untimely srave thousands of Young ti ie Neu of the most exalted talents and brilliant in Ile. t, who might otherwise have entranced listening notes with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecs y the • living lyre, may call with full confidence. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating mar riage, being ware of physical weakness, organic debili ty, deformities,. he., speedily cured. Ho who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide In his honor as a gentleman, and coo ddentirrely upon his skill as a Physician. Eli . " .0 agiElst "ir. 2I 9' Organic Weakneu immediately Cured, and full vigor Restored. This distressing Affection—which renders i lie misera ble and marriage impoisible—is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. v oung perilous are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreaded consequences that may ensue. New, wile that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pow er of procreation is lest sooner oy those falling into im proper habits than by the prudent Besides being de prived the pleasures of. healthy offimring, the Most se rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Leas of Procreative Power, Nervious irratlbility, Dyspepsia, Palpitatkin of the Heart, Indigestion, Coustatutioni 1 Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, - Decay and Death. Moe, No. 7 South Frederick• Stmt. IVccT L A 8 i 11V. ! R. 0 im P es.., $2 25 Left hand aide going from Baltimore street , a few door troth the Dauer. - 818 not tonbiterViniome and number 1 50 Leiters must be paid and °Math a stamp. The Dee tor's Diplomas halos hi his office, he ',owl i 11, EIGHT A Cure. Warranted in. Two Days. . No Keratin or Nauseous Ilorup, Dr. Johnson, Member of the Royal College of Burgeons, London, Grad uate from cue of the most eminent Colleges in the United Mates, gad the greater part of.whose We has been 'Nun in the hospitals of London, PM* Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing eureS that wore ever known • many troubled with ringing le the bead and ears when paleen,:great nervonsumas, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended om.time. iou*.,..ll...agednout orolaimi wore Goren Immediately. Take Particular Notice. Dr. J. addrusuis all throe who have injured themselves by improper indulge os and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, entitling them for either business, study, society or nuarikka . These are some 01 the sad and melancholly effecte pro- duced by early habits of youth, via Weakness of the Beak and Limbs, Pains In the Head, Dimbess 'A' Algid, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the heart, Dys-, popsy, Nervous Irratibility, 15erangement of the Digeotive Functions, General leshility, Symptoms of . Consumption, ate feartid effects on the mind are much to be drsaded- 4 -Ims of Memory, Confusion of Ideas , De pression of,Spirits, boil Forbodings, Aversion to siociety, Self Distrust, Leive of holitude, Tunidity, lc., are some of the evils prodticed. THOUSANDS of persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, palsy nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eye', cough and symptoms of eonsumption. Young Mon Who have injured themselve by a certain practice In chased la uhen alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the edicts of which' are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impostablo, and destroys With mind and body, should apply immediately. Whet a pity ; at a yoUrig man, the,hope of his coml. try, the darling of his parental, should be snatched Irom all prospects and enjoyments of Mb, by the consequence of deviating from the path of aiturSand indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons roar, before contem plating ' reflect that a mend mind a ai r n=arejthe mod noses. fiqUihitelt to promote solinninal happiness. Indeed, without thisie,.the journey through life becomes , it weary pilgrimage ;the prospect hourly darkens to the view the.Mlnd bees:hues phadOwed with deitpair mid tilled with themelanobolly reaction that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. Biome of Imprudence. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure Ands that he has imbibed the scene of thus paddle' dis ease, it too often Wens that an tll-timed sense of amine or dread of discovery, detere him frOm,applying to those who, from 0 lucatlon and roirpectannity, can alone be friend him, delaying till•tbe oonstiltdtonal symptoms on this ben, d disease mike ilbedr appearance, such as ul oersted sorntineit, ffiseseed nom, nocturnal pains in the head audilinbs,'dinineirs or sight, deitnese, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotohes on the ii ad, face and eat:remit* programming with trightful rapidity, till at last the palate, of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the vial= of this awful Olean become • a horrid object or commiseration, till death . puts a perked to his dreadfu I suderinge, by sending bun to' that Undliscov. vend Country from A whence no traveler returna:" It is a weeinwholig u( that thonsands Ain Vicams to this terrible disease,'Oling to the iffulkilfulluess of igno rant priitandeeti,. elm by the use of t..4..t Deadly Poison, Mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue o ale miserable. strangers. kraal not yenrihrelt, on nitaith,lie the ears of the many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of know ledge, name or charsolsr wbo . .copy Dr. Johnson's wirer vedW*el tidentieleem itillthe newspapers, regularly educated Physicians incapable of Curing, they keep you trifling month after mouth taking, their (they 414,1t4UP:ffitCPI. POI ilatilbtly. as .long se the smallest be o imikii;lealm yen with ruin ed health to sigh over your galling disappointment. Dr. Johnson is the only Physician .iiivertielng.. His credential or diplomas always hangs In his udlce. His remedies or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared from a life spent in the gr eat hospitals of k'u rope, the trot in the cttotrrand.lLelore telensive Pri vate Pre:dice than any other Physician to thd world, indorsement of the Pies, , The many thousands Cured at this institution y ear af , ter year, and the unteeroin important &Stine! Opera tions performed by Str.:Johmon, witnessed by the re porters of the 4Sua," "01PPoT "lied many other pa pers, notices or which have adoared again mad again before the public, besides hie standing as it gentleman of character and responsibility, hi' it sufiiciedt guarrantee loth° Meted.. Skin Distaste bpeedily Cared. Persons writing should be particular in directing their Otters to his Institution, in the following manner : JOHN M. JOHNSON, M. D. theitaltestore Look Hospital, Baltimore, Md. COAL Oil lamp Shades, Wicks, Chun nevi, for Soh) low by • NICHOLS A ausirsaN, oel3 Corner Front and Market streets. y in llit newly replenished stook of Toilet end Fancy Goode is unsurpassedunsurpassedin Was oily, and Jim g confident or rendering saaistsclion, we would tee saintly invite a nail. RELLaift, plariwa street., two doors east of,Nonrth sweet, small' sde. s tIRESH FISH every Tuesday and Friday **JOUR RUM Store, corner of Third and Wil• 4.1141/ HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 3, 1862. 4fl taital. karnage. THE POSTMASTER GENERAL'S REPORT The Report of the Postmaster General for this year exhibits a very healthy financial condition of the PoAt Office Department, and shows' it to be thoroughly impregnated with the spirit of improvement. The efficiency of the service has' been maintained at the highest point, accom panied by a great diminution of expenditures The gross revenue of the Department for the fiscal year, including the standing Treasury credit for free mail matter, and a small amount appropriated for the relief of individuals, was $9,012,649. The expenditures 'for the same year amounted to $11,125,864. The regular postal revenue for 1862 is only $49,475 less than it was for the fiscal year 1861, during a large part of which year revenue was paid in from all the States of the Union. This fact shoWs a large increase in the correapcindence of the loyal States. While the revenues have been so nearly sus tained at the highest standard, the expenses have been largely reduced. For the preceding year the expenditure was $2,481,394 gteater than last year. The following comparison of figures is interesting : Expenditures for 1860, for service in all the States $l4 874,772 Revenues for same year. .... 9,218,067 Deficiency Expenditures for 1861, (service in terrupted in 1861) $13,606, ; 759 Gross revenue.. 9,049,296 Deficiency Expenditures for 1862 $11,125,864 Revenue 9,012,549 Deficiency Reduction of expenditures com p ired with 1860 $3,749,408 Reduction of expenditures as com pared with 1861 $2,481,394 The department has not been for many years so nearly self-sustaining. The result is largely owing to the suspension of postal expenditures In the south, which was greatly in excess of postal receipts there. But not alone to that. A revision of all discretionary expense's has been made, and large reductions ordered. The pay of agents has been regraded and equalized; economy has been established in the larger offices where waste was found ; incompetency, wherever found in official position, has been removed ; and an effort made to adopt a stand ard of merit and of administrative efficiency in lieu of other and inferior motives for appoint ment. The Postmaster General expesses his determination to adhere to this course. The number of postage stamps issueil to postmasters during the year was 261,307,106-; the number of stamped envelopes was 24,869,- 800. The value of the/3e etamps was $7,078,- 118 ; the value of the letter .envelopes, $734,- 265. The value of stamped newspaper wrap pers, $23 646. Increase of issue over 1861 is 1,144,868. ' The total value was $6,910,131. Ilheincreased demand on the part of the pub- . lic for the stamped newspaper wrappers, shows that their introduction haa satisfied a public demand and promoted the convenience of cor respondents. In the first quarter of the current' year (end ing 30th September,) the number of stamps issued to postmasters was one hundred and four millions, their calls being for 'about two hundred millions, which would have been nearly sufficient to meet the usual demand for a year. This extraordinary demand arose from the temporary use of thesestamps as a currency by the public in Hen of the smaller denomina tions of specie, and ceased with the introduc tion of the so-called postal currency. The difference between the value of the stamps sold and stamps cancelled, in the fiscal year 1862, shows $738,379 as the amount in the hands of purchwiers on the Ist of July, 1862. The whole number of dead letters received and examined during the year is 2,282,018, which is 269,000 less than in the previous year. The whole number of valuable lettere sent out by the Dead Letter Office was 61,239. Many interesting details are given in the report touching the operations of this office. Out of 21,493 cases where cause of non delivery was ascertained, only. 225 were attributed to the fault of postmasters. Eight hundred and twenty-two letters had no address whatever. Oongress,'at rte first session, passed an act authorizing the employment of twenty-five additional clerks, to facilitate the return of dead letters to their ,writers, with the expecte lien 'that the receipts of portages th ereon would cover, the appropriation of $20,000 made , for their compensation. The result thus far shows that an excess of revenue therefrom over the expenses has accrued to the amount of several thousand dollars. The whole number of post offices in the Uni ted States remaining established on the 30th . June, 1862, was 28,875, of which . there were in loyal and districts 19,973; and in the insurrectionary States and districts there were 8,902. The nett increase in the established offices over last year was 121. The number of cases acted upon by the ap pointment office during the year was 7,785. The total postage accrued on United . States and Europeau mails during the year amount to $1,144,095,' being a reduction from the amount of the previous year of $217,940. Of the total amount collected the excess collected in the United States was $212,607, which constitutes the balances paid to the several foreign depart ments, the coat of exchange being defrayed by the United States. The Postmaster General objects to this cost as inequitable and propo ses, it possible, to relieve the Dep artment from this burden. The Postmaster General has made special efforts to relieve the foreign correspondence of the country from its complexity, now an em barrassing alike to correspondents and to postal officers. Separate negotiations have been found altogether inadequate to secure simple and sat isfactory arrangements. He therefore opened a correspondence in August last, through the Department of State, with foreign Administra tions'proposing a convention of postal repre sentatives at some convenient point, to consider the enumerated difficulties, and the means of remedying them. Several replies have been received from various Governments, and all are favorable, and agree to the project. Thia coun try, comprising immigrations from almost every civilised nation, is especially interacted in the subjects proposed to be brought before this con ference. It is a sphere of postal improvement requiring the establishment 'of greater uniform ity and some common principle of arrangement, and is connected with our prosperous commer cial intercourse with other countries. , The mall lettings which went into openttion on the first of July last in the western division were effected on such favorable terms as,. coin pared'wit4 the previous lettings, that a reduc tkin of eirpenditure resulted to the amonnt of $881,000: At the same time the length of routes was increased by 6,159 miles, with an annual increase of transportation of 754,428 miles. Notwithstanding this increase of ser vice the nett saving is over nine per ceit. as compared with the previous term. TAo total annual cost of inland ser- vice . in operating on the 30th of Jane last was $5,853,884 To which add the cost of the various agencies, route, local, messenger, &c 460,630 And the cost of service to that date is. $6,814,464 Which includes $1,000,000 for the overland Mail route not before charged upon the 'reve nues of this Department. The saving in the lettings of first July, 1862, is attributed to a strict 'adherence to the law of 1845 authoriz ing what is known is "star bids." The report renews the recommendation for codifyin'o all the postal laws, and hopes it may be done at" this session ? Among the improvement under the conside ration by the Postmaster General is that cif em bossing postal stamps on business and other . envelopes supplied for that' purpose by persons desiring to furniali their own designs It is believed that this will largely increase Gait use of stamped envelopes in lieu of stamps, which is an object of great importance to the Depart ment. $5,656,705 He also discourages the use of the mails for transmitting money, and speaks favorably of a limited money order system, and of an amend ment to the registry system, by which a *turn receipt shall be sent to the dispatching party, as evidence of the fact and date of delivery of hbi package. • He also proposes to abolish many of thO dis criminating rates of postage now existing, approximating, as far as possible, to uniformity, and increasing the efficiency and extent of the deliverY and collection of letters by carriers in cities. $4,557,462 $2,112,814 the public attention is called to the great importance of good postal officers for a success ful administration of this department. post masters and their clerks are selected without chief reference to their efficiency : and personal litness, no amount of good le gislation will secure public satisfaction. An energetic, faithful and efficient postmas ter, devoted to the interests of the service, should be retained as long as he illustrates those qualities in his administration of the office. He attributes'the success of the English system largely to the permanent character of their officers and their'familiarity with the laws and regulations, and regrets the extent to which other motives to appointment@ have prevailed in this country. He urges a return IC the old standard of honesty: capability and fidelity, and anticipates more public satisfaction and administrative success from the adoption of such a principle than from any other single act of reform. Herinies thislanguage ; "It is my intention to adhere firmly to my determination to displace incompetency and indifference wherever found in official position undet my control, without any discrimination hi' favor of appointments which 'I may thyself have made under misinformation of facte." BY MEM From Washingtoit. ARREST OE MAI SPAULDING. SERIOUS CANAGNS AGAINST HIM Deeieion by the Commissioner of In- The Estimate of the Truism Depatment, No Truth in the Rumored Removal of The Star of this evening says the War De partment has caused the arrest of Major Spauld ing, of the Fiftieth New York Engineer volun teers, and the other officers who were withbim in the recent transportation of the pontoon train front this point to Folmouth, Va. It is alleged that Major Spaulding started witlt the train two and-a-half days later than he • should have started, and was five days looger,on the road than was necessary. , The estimates of the Treasury Department are unavoidably delayed. The Committee of Ways and Means therefore have no date from which to frame the general appropriation bills. The Secretary's report will be ready sometime this week. An official document shows the numixir of seamen registered in the several ports of entry during the year ending with September last, to be 4,580, of whom 123 were naturalised, of the whole number. ,New Hampshire is credit ed 23, Massachusetts 1,600, Rhode Island 65, Connecticut 21, Maine 1,436, New York 165, New Jersey 457, Pennsylvatda 762, Florida 20, Oregon 1 and South Carolina 6. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue 'has made the following decision: Railroad compa nies making cars and locomotives to replace the old stock, or to increase the equipment, must pay a tax upon the whole value of such manufactures, if their annual products 'extieed $6OO, even though the articles are manUfac tared for their own consumption. Carpets, when prepared by dealers in carPet ing, and upon special orders, are not regale:led as manufactures, nor liable to taxation as *h. Sails, when made upon order, and to suit a particular vessel, are not regarded as manufac tures within the meaning of the excise law; and they are consequently exempt from duty. The tax on diamonds and emeralds when previously 'cut and prepared for setting will be assessed only ,on the value of the setting. It Seems to be settled that' Caleb B. Smith, will shortly resign.his position as Secretary, tit; the Intdrior, to accepit the vacant district Judge ship in Indiana, and in some circles it is asser ted that Senator Browning will succeed to the vacancy thus ciliated. Nothing is known here confirmatory., of the report that Burnside has been relieved frinn the command of the Arniy of the Potomac- The President has Bent to the Senate for confirmation the nominations of Brigadier Generale. Front oat Morning Xdition ternal Revenue. General Burnside. WAJ3MIIICITON, Dec. 2 FRO ' FORTiRSS NONKOR. ITEMS FROM SOUTHERN PAPVIS Major Jordon of HarrislnuT Paroled A Federal Gunboat Captured. Foamlas Momtox, Deo. 1 The flag of truce steamboat New York ar rived from City Point this forenoon in charge of Captain John E. Mulford, 3d N. Y. Regiment, bringing{ down threes bundred and seventy five prisoners of war from Richmond and forty political prisoners. Also, about sixty laborers which were captured on the Alexandria Rail. road. Major Oener a t John . A. Dix and Staff left this morning for Yorktown, for the inspection of troops at that place. The Richmond inquirer of Nov. 26, says: "The Judgeso as we learn from the Georgia papers, were 'unanimous on the opinion render ed by the Supreme Court, that the conscript lay is Constitutional:" WILMINGTON, N. G., November 24.—A dispatch from Fort Fisher says the •schooner Flashaway. eleven days from Nassau, with MO sacks salt, has arrived safely." The Inquirer, of November 29, says " The small pox. has made its appearance iu Danville Hospitals. "The President has appointed Colonels Cobb, Doles,. Iverson and Colquitt, of Georgia, Briga dier Generals." . It is useless to disguise the fact that the abo litionista of Memphis and Helena have succeed ed in getting a good deal of cotton. Wagon loads are daily going in; and boats go up the river heavily laden.' " General Johnson and Staff will leave Rich mond to-day for the West." " Witintorow, N. C., November 28.—A Fed eral gunboat was ea:purred in New river, Casio!, county, on the 20th; by Newkirk's Cavalry. The crew escaped after setting the steamer on fire. '1 hey bad been at Jacksonville and broken open the Court House and postoffice, carrying off all records and papers." 'OA railroad accident occurred on the Wil mington and Manchester Railroad on the 28th inst., killing the two Misses Neytholds, of Charleston, and wounding several." The conduct of the Yankee Abolition army under .Burnside has exceeded that of Pope's.— The outrages in Fanquier require retaliation, prompt, swift and effective." The inquirer says : " The next cattle between Lee and Burnside may be a very decisive one. An overwhelming victory on the part of Lee and the defence of Washington would be gone and the city may be captured. Such a result should be before the eyes of our soldiers and be the object of the conterit: Upon the next bat tle therefore depends whether the war shall end or drag slung in undecided battle, or mere ma terial victories." The Charleston Mercury of November :24th says :!' !' The State Legislature met at Colum bus on, the 24th." t. "lhe 46th. Genres fiegimsnt wee reviewed on the tattery.yesterday by General Howell Cobb. The General goes to Florida hiasturne. command of a military district." "The Wilmington Zeleyraplf is again open-' ad.". "Waltar,H. ,lirooke,e Maryland refugee ac cidentally shot . h' at Danville, last week." Eheßichinond of November 27th, says, —"The Petersburg press reports large - rein foreenientiof the enemy concentrating at Suf folk, and that they number 33,000. Also that an attack is to be made upon Weldon, to cut off the railway communication." "Abner Jackson, a prominent citizen of Knox county, Tennessee, has been arrested upon charge of disloyalty to the Confederacy, and committed to jail." To-day at auction, New Orleans molasses brought $8 90 to $4 10 per gallon ; brown sugar in bbbls. 62470 eta ; old rice si eta ; white and brown sugars 60 to 65 per lb. Super cub. soda $2 60 per lb., fine salt $1 05 to $1 251 b. , . . The Richmond .7livrich,Apv. 28, says "it is rumored that the ,Yankee gunboats ascended New River a few days ago, and destroyed the town of Jacksonville, N. Q. "Lieutenant F. If. Johnson, 14th Maine Regiment, was brought to Libby Prison yester day. He was captured with tour others in Matthewe county, while attempting to destroy the salt works in that vicinity. "Art immense bed' of rock salt, affording, apparently, an inexhaustible supply, has been diccovered at Opelika, Ala." "The Florida Lagi ature convened at Talla hoses on Monday last. There was no quorum in either house so , they adjourned." "Jackman, Mississippi, was fired in seVeral places on the night of Nov. 12th." "Governor Picken's message to the Legisla ture of SoUth Carolina was received the 25th. iti, 'urges -the support of the Confederate authorities in measures -for common defence. He forbears, in view of the, crisis, to object to the conscript , law, though viewing all suchiacts as agatnit the spirit of , the Constitution. lie alludes to Lincoln'ti Emancipation Prochlma tion, and recommends the formation of a State guard of citizens under 18 and over 4,5 for police. drity. He says the State has furniihed 42,000 confederate troops, besides eight regi or merits for coast defence. He urges pr pt organization of negro labor so that the fo tifi attions around Charleston may be made pe ma neut." , The Atlanta (Ga.) Di* Intelligences of the 29th, says ,"a dispatch from Abbeville d i eter,' that our cavalry again occupy Holly Springs and the enemy have retreated to Grand I.tinc tion and Bolivar." The Richmond .Disixtfcri of Noveinber 29th, says, "everything at Fredericksburg is in a state of inaction. It is reported that the tile • my in force have moved eighteen miles up the Rappahannock, toward Warrenton lest "Mobile is to be defended to the last extremi ty, and though the enemy may burn its edifices, they shall never hold. a part of its soil in Fem. "Great preparafion le being made for the de fence of the 'cchtet of ,North Carolina•" The Bichniond Whig' flays : "One of a parti san corps, in Tennessee, WAS captured by the Yankees, and hung. The Colonel of the regi: ment subiegnently caught some Yankees and , hung five' or them, and sent word to the Yankee General what he had done, .and stated it was his system of warfare to hang five for one."' ' "We hear nothing more of rim rumored movements'of the Yankees belOW Petersburg." 01 : A fiag of , truce will , leave this morning, at seven o'clock, for City Point, with 246 paroled prisoners belonging,to the Abolition army, in clnding 11 officets? also, 98 civilian prisoners reading. at the north. Col. Thaw J. Jordan, PRICE ONE CENT. of the Ninth Pennsylvania regiment, who had bee,' imprisoned here for some time past, await ing trial for outrages committed in Tennessee, has been paroled, and will be permitted to leave thismorning. On Thursday night 41 renegade ,Tennesseesms were brought here as .prisoners of war. The York River train last evening brought up four deserters from the Abolition army, taken at the White House. They said they enlisted to fight for the Union, without any reference to the "nigger." ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. I=l A Gunboat at Frederiokaburg, ARREST OF A SPY- Review of General Overfills Brigade. • Firatourn, Dec. 1, 8 A. x.—We had a heavy blow last night, with a few drops of rain since daylight. It may clear to-day, as the sun is making an effort to get out. A gunboat ar rtved opposite Fredericksburg last evening. It caused visible consternation in the town. Gen. Pleasanton has been arresting smugglers and breaking up their depot iu the neighborhood of Belle Plains. He has also arrested a spy, who will be tried by a military commission at once. He had changed his uniform for citizens' clothes before he came into our lines. The smugglers have removed their depot some forty miles fur ther down the river. There seems to be no movements of consequence in the front. A grand review and inspection of Gen. Averill's brigade touk place yesterday afternoon_ There is no news here of any kind. FROM HAVANA. The steamer Union arrived at this port to night from Havana, on the 25th, via Port Roy al, on the 29th The advices from Mexico note the peaceful occupation of Jalapa by the French, the-inha bitants fleeing. There were no Mexican troops there. The roads were said to be impassable and an attack on Puebla was not to be attempt ed till February. Sonora will be occupied by 8,000 troops. Advices from Venezula mention the death of Gen. Latilla Ex-Presideut Hobagaza was flee ing towards Trindad. There was Co news at Havana. New abutrtistmtnts. Muringer's Patent Beef Tea A SOLID Concentrated Extract of Bee sad Vegetables, convertible immediately LAO a nourishing and ileiloims ioup or Beef 'T a. Highly approved by a uutmer of o tr iltysiciatis who use it in our hospitals for toe so,toilanne for oar wounded Dmwnoae von Ilm—Out up one 111th part of a cake of the extract, pour . on ooilmg water, a/out a pint, more or leas. according to Me Area gas' dasi,ed In a feirminthes it will be eutire.'y dissoly, J. This admirable article cundensei int/ a anima ct form, all toe enbatantial and nwrltive pr Terties of a large bulk 01 meat ant vegetables. Toe ma doess who which it dissolves into a ri h and Palamble e,o,t or tea, which woula require hoots of prepam ion, arm rdiqg to Mammal method, le ao advantage is many situatErne of life to obvials to need nrgieg For aide by Wii. DOCK, Jr., At Co A RARE CHANCE FOR A BUSINESS MAN. THE canal grocery store and Rockville liouse,rknown 113 the. Updegr..vd Loa's Property, situated fire miles above Harrisuurg, trouting east on the P. nusylvaala Canal ant west on he ren.squehan,a river rued, will be soul if appltee f soon. The grocery More,' V* not the very uest stand on the line of the equal; i only equaled by one other. a large new barn and stable has . mentor been built, 90 that each boatrteam can be loomed up separately. also picoty of sheds, hey houses corn crib, two store houses for wain, ice house, hay silks, and indeed very convenience that is necessary for carrying on the business. The place is within three hundred yards of th.l Rockville depot,on the Pennsylvania railroad, and Daupirn and Schuylkill railroad. also. Persona wishing to purchase, please apply on the premises, to anlS-wtjanlatlBl3.3 A. C. SMITS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE TKO STREET. mylOy) NEAR MARKET. DIARIES FOR 1863. THE largest assortment of Diaries for 1868 just received, at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. BASKETS, TUBS, and all kinds of Willow and Cedar Ware, for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, nl4 Cor. Front and Market Streets. POTATOES. 300 pIISHELS of a Superior quality Just received and for sale low, by ocr23-tf WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO. BOSTON CRACKERS. ALARGE t supply of these delicious crackers justrecerved and for sale by ' ' WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO, OHOICE lot of Tobacco, for sato at rearona ble prices, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, nov3 Corner Front and Market Sts. FINE YORK STATE APPLES F OR SALE, wholesale and retail, at JOHN WISE'S, 3d and Walnut, noBA f APPLE TEM% OF choice varieties, at Keystone Nursery, Harrisburg. Oct. 13, 1862. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR I I I EXTRA FINE just received. Will. DOCK, Jr., & 00 RIO, Dandelion, and Barley Coffee, just re ceived and for sale low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, nolB Cor. Front and Market Streets. Superior 'brands of extra lanAily flour which we werrint to give eatiefiati6u, for Bele by NIGROLS'ai BuWMAN, Corner Front eon ISinricpt toreet. MEI now MEAL just received and for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market Streets. irm SUPERIOR non-explosive Coat Oil for Bale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, ul4 Cor. Front and Market Stoats. + \ V NEw Your.,.Deo. 2 W. P. HENRY