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(T,Ot glitg PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. .Felloto citizens of the Senate and House of Represew tativea: since your last annual assembling another year of health and bountiffilharvesta has paned: And. while it has not pleased. the Almighty to bless us with a return of peace, we pan but press on, guided by the beat light He gives us, trust ing that in his own. good time, and wise way, all will yet be well. , The correspondence touching foreign affairs which has taken place during the ;last year Is herewith submitted, in virtual oomtplianexe with a request to that effect, made by the House of Representatives near the close of the last fibs -810.11 of Congress. If the condition of our relations with other nations is less gratifying than it bag usually been at former periods, it is certainly more satisfactory than a nation so unhappily distract ed as we are, might reasonably have appre hended. In the month ofJune last there were some grounds to expect that the maritime pow ers which, at the beginning , of oar domestic difficulties, so unwisely and oneoessarily, as we think, recognized the instirgentS as a bellig erent, would soon recede from that position, which now proved only less injurious to them set ve a than to our own country, .But the tem porary reverses which afterwards befell the national. aims, and Which were exaggerated. by our own disloyal citizens abroad, have hitherto delayed that act of sinqile juistice .! . The civil war, which tiaa se radically changed,. for tho moment, the occupations add habitant the American people has necessarily disturbed .I the social con ration, and affected yery deeply the prosperity of the, nations withl which we have carried on a commerce that :has been steadily increasing throughout a periodsof half a century. It has, at the same tinny molted political ambitions and apprehensions which have produced a profound agitation throughout the civilized world. lu this unusual agitation we have forborne from taking part in any con troversy -between foreign states, arid between parties or factions in such states..; .We heree ab tempted no propagandism, and acknowledged no revolution. But we have left td every na tion the exclusive conduct and management of Its own . affairs. , Our struggle 11 been, of m coae, contomPlated by foreign n thins with reference lee to, its own merits , tha to its sup. , posed, and often exaggerated effect/34 , RM conse quences resulting to these tattoo, emselves. Nevertheless, ecaiiphiffit On. the • pint Of this government, reten if' it . 1 were just, isticturd cer tainly tre'unwise: ' i ' The. treeity e rrith Great Britain for the sup- Precision Of ltle,'Slave trade has beep put into opersition''With a good prospect of complete' success., 'tie an occasion of special pleasure to ackhoWleidge 'that the execution of f it, on the part of heir Majeity's' governtrienti has been marked with a jealousiespiect lot theLauthority of• the United States, and the righ l of their moraLand loyal citizens.; The convention with. Hanover for the aboli lbw ofthe state dues has been carried into full -effect :en d er the act of l:nal • Congress fok that pur - • • • • . ".2.. A blockade of three thousand miiefrnf !foa l ' coast could not be established, and itigoronsly enforced, in a season of great commercial ac ,3ivity, like the present, without °Omitting ; Ttlocreslonal mistakes, and, inflicting nointen •''''l Injuries upon foreign: nations' and ,their ',.tecta. 1 . ' ' s • 4l '• A cavil war occurring in a country Where ,•'.fereigners reside and eau on trade under ' • ty stipulations, is necessarily 'fruitful of libintes of the violation of 5 neutral; rights._ , ouch collisions tend to 'excite mistipprehen sifate, and possibly to producedinutual ref:dinner time+ hetween nations which •hairl i comrami, Interest inpresorvhig peace and frie dshire,rl-3. In clear new of these kinds I ha ve „ so far as ' possible, heard and redressed complaiaMwhieki , have been preseated , by•friendly pow . 'There Il ls Is still, however,, a large and l augmen ng num ber of doubtful cases upon which govern ment ift mdile, tp,' agree with. theg etininti w l / 060 PrOff 6 o 4o4 tfidfmaticksd by the aimantki ~,, &here are,. "(moreover, noinypsffi in. inch the oAlted pirates,, or their, citizens, offer wrongs from the tut Val or military , anthorities'cif foil oho, nations,, which the, governments ' ' of theme estates are not , at ,Once prepared( torsidreim ''.l. I baVe proposed to sowed o f them foreign 'states; interested, mutual conventions to solne and adjust such scsupleiots. -, This proptiein 114 been.made especially to GreatliriMfunto France, tp Spain, and to Prussia. ~ In each case it his , been kindly received, but has not yet Peen feri , Willy adopted. •,. , „ • I 1' • I deem it my duty to reertnanwlid'in appror, priation in behalf of- the owners Of` th Noriva t i gianbark Admiral P. Toriienakidd, w hich ves ael was, in May, 1881; prevented "b'y the coml. : , 'mender of the blocluuting - force off Charleston from leaving that port with cargo; Inotwith standing a similar privilege had, belt:ire, , been granted to. an Sheik vessel. I have directed the Secretary of 16tate to cause` the papers in :, (the case to be' coniniunicoted I to' the proper. contimittees. 1 , I Appliiiations ifivC'been made to me by many frde Americanii of African desCent to favor their ') eniiiration, with a'viewcelenieatOe as Wastontepapibted in recent ,acts Of ()engross, Other pallid it home arid abioaci 7 soine,frein interested mntives, 0 4(ers 4' 61 0 4 / I ° Bo c9u sideirations;'ind 'Still others liAinenced lorphik anthropio sentiideilt bsve suggested sindlor pleasures,arhile, oh other hand, ieverai,of the Spanish American republics bari protested against the korit of bush, culoniel to chair respective territo Under these ' circum (Mr*? I have declined to wove any such ' colotiY any state, without first obtaining the' .'consent ofita government, with 161 4 agFeemant shits part to receive and protect Stich emigrants in all the righta ,cf. freemen ; and I have at; the sans 4 time, offered to the severat•states situated within the tropics ' or having ' c ofeniee there, to negotiate with them subject-tw the' advice and consent Mf ,the ;Senate, to favor the . voluntary emigration of penicinsef thatclass tO their respective territones, 'upon conditions which shall be 'equal, just and humane. Li beria and Hayti aim, Mild, - the only .onuitirielf to Which colonists of African dekor# aon here could go with certainty of being received anil iidoPted m citizens; alaCl r. 60, to 81(y iamb persons, contemplating ' ocilonization, do not 118eXalit; willing to migratold Parini' countries, as .to some others, 'hor so wills as l l WA: their , interest demands. I beliete, hbwever„ among them, in thiw is im .' - pr g; and that, ae , long, , the:m.4On be an augmented, and considerable migiiitienhulioth giejr,(PPßitneth,tinin the United Edges. tie` tion eommeicial treaty - , heir United Statee and the Sultan of Turkey has been, carried into execution. aO• A conintercial and &mauler treaty has hemi nogollated, subject to the Senate's consent,' with . Liberia'; and; a similar negotiation is now pend log with the republic of Hayti: A considerable improvement of ,the national, cOmmerce is ex peeled'to result from these measures. Our relatiOus with great Britain,, France, Spain ; POrtug4' Hues* Prussia, Danmark; Sweden;AUstriii, t the Netherlands, Italy, Nome, and the Other European States, remain Midis to rbed . - Vitry favorablijalitions also continue to be Maintained with Turkey, Morocco,•Chitta, and Japan. During . the last year there has not only 'been no Change of our previous relations With" the indepeudene States of 'our own continent;' but, more, friendly sentiments than have heretofore existed; are believed tphe entertained by these neighbors, whose 'safety ' and progress are so intimately connected with our own. Ibis state ment'eapecially &Mlles to Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras, Peru and . Chili. ' • The nommilision under the Convention - With the republic of New Grenada closed - its session, without having audited and passed upOn, all the claims Which were submitted to it. A proposition is pending to revive the conven tion; that it may be able to do more complete justide. The joint commission between the United States and the republic of Costa Bibs has completed in; labors and submitted its re prot. • I have favored the project for connecting the United States with Europe by en Atlantic tale- graph, and a similar project to extend the tele. graph to San Francisco, to connect, by a hiCifie telegraph with the line which is being extended , across the Russian empire. The Territories of the United States, With unimportant exceptions, have remained undis turbed by the civil war; and they are ethibit ing such evidence of prosperity as justifies an expectation that some of them will soon be in a condition to be organized as States, and be Constitutionally admitted into the Federal Union. - ' The immense mineral resources' of' some of these Territories ought to be developed he rap"-, idly as possible:. Every step in thit directiOn would have a tendency to improve the revenue of the government, and diminish the biudenti of the people. It is worthy of your serious consideration whether some extraordinary inert- , Surat to prornote that end cannot be adopted. The means.whieb suggests itself as most likely to be effective, Is a icientific'exploration of the mineral regions in those Territories, with a view to the publication of its results at home and in, foreign countries—results which cannot fail to be auspicious. _ ; ' 1 ' The, ondition of the finances willlchtia,yOur Most diligeit,thimideralion. The. vast extort = dittires incident to Alm milit ary and' lineal' ' op erations required for the suppression of the rebellion, have' thitherto been met with a promptitude, and certainty, wius ' hi; iiiiiiiiiitr e t raus . e t a rieee 1 " t to toe put:meet ltioili 'tett fully maintained. The continuance f the ,war, howeeer, and 'the ' increased dis umenienhi made necessary by the augmented orces 'new in the field, demand your best reflections tie' to the bait modes of providing the n ~.. y rev enue,, without injury to business, and with the least possible burdens upon labor. ' ' The suspension of specie payments ditbl I by' the, banks, soon after file commencement' of yoUr lath selisicui;libriigniesus of Ell(ted States notes nnavoidahlo, ;In no ether 11/4 could the *Melt of thetkbobs, in 4 the satitifaction 'of other just demands, be so economica lly , or 'so well provided for. The judicious edislitiOn 1 of Congrese, securing ; the repeivabili of th ese l as notes for loans and internal duties,.a d making them a legal tender for other debts, made them,universal currency . ;,andhas! satis fi ed, partially, at least, and for ;the ,tintel the long felt want of an, uniform, pirculatingi ruedinin, saving 'thereby to , the people, bummer sums in disatunta and exchange. ~ , . 1 A return to specie paymmite, however, at the earliest period compatible with due hegard to au hantilitirpmfrigli ) littp*it ever be kept ,in Vit'' lehlofilatroliii .- m the value of currency are alwayeinjterinne,_and to ;educe /hese finc tuationii 4i:tithe OWEist liciasibie paint Vi' al way 8 be a iii phitthe in wise legislatl D.' Con veraMy, prompt and certain conyertibility %p, ilsfPn_94l47. , aPialoWletieled be the I n :.(; l swop, saregniq against the ; and it it iemelyllontitful Whether a eke lation of United States notes, payable in coin, d snffil Mentlydlarge for , the wants of Abe plc can ; be perratmerdairt usefully . add W Y, 1 11 41 tain4ed•s :: TO there, then, any other mode ins ' bieli Ake i l necessary: provision for the public w can be made, and the great advantages of :a safe and Pirdormi , currency secured! . , , ~I know of none which promises certain reenite, arab at the sometime , so int bjection able, as the organization. of bankin associa tions, under a general - act of Con ~ well .guarded faits provisions. To suchlotions a f the government might furnish circula 'g notes, on int+, securiry of .United States ben detail ,: ted in the treasury. These notes, prepared un-! ' der the supervision of proper officers, being uniform-In- - ' once and security, and COD veitible sltie Into coke,. would at once pro gra. tectlabor against the e*llstif it vicious curren cy, and facilitate coinmeree byi cheap and safe etchangts. ' - .' A' moderate reservation front the interest on the bonds would compensate the United States for ,the prifpiration and ,distribution of the notes, and a general superviidon ott,htt system, and would lighten the burden; of that; part of the, public debt employed sis soiniiiiiset. , The' public credit, moreover Would; be ignittly kit-, proved, and; the negotiation of nevi loans great- ly fsellitated-bytthe steady market demand for government bonds whisk the adoptiOh Of the propofetsystem would ciente. -- ' —ltt.4ll- 41111 additional recommendation of the mufti* Pf'g a ble weight in my4rfig.. meat, that it would r000noile„ as far as *table 'ail i eitisting kOkelds, by opportunity offered Ito tainting hkstithtlOne to reorganhai under the det, sastitntlng'ionly_thk*ured ;uniform nn; tional eirctinition, fer:ilui load - and:various 'cir onliLtbmt:o3-aiil:laniebiliOAt o.ii c ,t honed by The recelptaintethe Treattury front all sour tea, inchiffing leak anebtilinne froM the pre. ceding year, for the fiscal year ending on the 30th June, 1862, were-4588,88 6 , 24 7 66, of which enni149,068,397 62 Were derived from ,customs ; $1,796,831.73i frorii the direct tax ; kom public lands, $152,203 77 ; .. froni Owens' nevus I.sources, 8931,787 64 ; from loans in all forme, 5529,692,460'50. The remeinder„,B2;; 267,1165 80, was, the.be,loce from last yea ~. The' ilisbursenientirdVms pm same :WO, od; 'were for. catigt4lsitientk exeCulti4, iand 4 incimi4 pirpoyea, $5;980,09949'; for 'foreign OeFoOe. ,p 11,339,710 35; for miscellaneous expeesni,, in- , °lndiOsl l rbi#o 4 l l 9Rith wit .01106 defit*oki iiiii.. i*liefAiS li P. k,„,94f5, 1 4 1- a,4her like , , ' ot4 ip,, ou; for earpoosep.., ! ; ` , f . - $ , Vo4Or ' " '0 $8 102,935 52* ; ;M. !!! 04:RAISOURG, kA., TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 2, 1862. the War 'Departinent, 394,368,407 36 ; under the Nevi! Departmont, $42,674,669 69'; for the intert on public debt, $13,190,324 45; and' for, paytnetit of public debt, indudiog ioimbtuLments of trimporary loans, and re- demptions; $96,696,922 ,09 ; making an aggre gate of $5,70,841,70Q.25;and leaving a balance' in the'treasury on the first ,day of July, 1862, of $13,043,546 81. It', Shot:lld be Owned 'that the sum of $96,096,922 09, ,expended for reimbursements and redemption of , public debt, being included also in the loans made, may be properly deducted, both from receipts and expenditures, leaving the actual receipts for the year $487,- 788,324' 97, and the expenditures, ' $474,744,- 778 16. Other ,information On the subject of finan- . ces will be found in the report of the Secretary of the Treasury, to whose statements and views I' invite your most candid and considerate at tention. The,reporte of the Seeretaries of War, and of ' the Navy, lire herewith transmitted. These re ports, though lengthy, are scarce more than brief abstracts of the, very numerous and ex teusive transactions and operation's conducted through thOse departments. Nor Icouid I give a grimmer)? of them here, upou any principle, Which would admit of its being much shorter than the reports : themselves. I therefore con tent 'myself with laying the.reports before you, and asking' ou attention to them.. gives me pleasure to;report it decided im proveMent in the financial condition of the Post' Office' Departinent, as= compared with several preceding years. The :receipts for the fiscal year 1861 ,amounted to .$8,349,296 90, which embraced, the :revenue from all the States of the Union for three quarters, of that year. Not- withstandingthe cessation of revenue from the 80-called seceded . States during, the last fiscal year, the increase of the correspondence of the loyal States has been sufficient to produce a revenue during the same year of $8,299,820 90, being only•$611,000 law than, was derived from all: the States of the Union during the previous Xealr. The ,expenditures show a : stiil more favorable result. , The tunount eapentled in .1861 was $1.8,806;769, Jl.-1 For the, last year the amount,has been xeduced ,to $11,125,364,13, showing a,depreitee of About $2,484000 Inlthe expenditures as compared with the preceding year, and about $3,760,000. as compared with the Lod year 1860. The deficiency in the-De partment for the previous year was $4,661, 966 98.. YOr t 4 he last Mica year. it Was reduced to $2,112,814.67. These favorable results are in patt owing to the cessation , of mad service in thb insurrec tionary States, Nadi in , part to careful review of all eXPelitthtliree in; ,that* deparunent in the interest of ocolituay, The efficiency of the pos tal orrice* it IP helieved, has also •been much improved. The .E'oetuiester General! has also opened* correspondence, ; through the Depart ment of write,. with ,ioreigu governmente, 'tro weling emiyeateuxtof postai, reptheratati,the eign postage and to expedite , the fur igu mails. Dot ,proposition, equally important to our adopted citizann, aid, to the cotstitakcihl ihter. este of this country, has been favorably &ter tausetti And t agreed too by all the governments from whom replies have been received. I** I ask the attentiontof Congress to the sugges tions of the Postmaster General in this report resPeetiog the further legWahon required, in his opinion, for.the benefitof the potoal service Tike Secretary, of, the Interior reports awful- Lowtro regard to tbe public lauds . "he public, lands have ceased to- a a source of revenue. From the Ist of Jely, 1661, to , the 30th of September, 1862, the entire each Amiss from the sale of lands were $246,476 20—a sten much less than the expmeas of our land system during, the same Petiod. The homeatead •law, which will take OWon the lat o Jauntily next, offers such mducemeuts to settlers that sales for oil* cannot be expected to n extent sufficient to meet the expenses of the General utild ()a nger 'Witt* oast of surveying and briging the landanto market." ThetbserePttnoY between the sum here stated as arising Erin the sales of the public lands, and the sum derived from the *met puree as reported front the r Tressury Department arises, as 'I understand, froia:the fact that die ;periods of,time, , though apptineutlyi were nit really, cob/cadent - et the beginning point—the Treasury report mambo& a considerable sum now, [ attach, had verb:inlay been reported from the interior—sufficiently large to greatly overreach thulium derived from the three months now reported upon by the Interior, and not by the Treasury. *- The Indian tribes upon our „frontiers have, during:the past year, Manifested a spitit of in subordination, and, at beveral points, have engaged in open hostilities against the white settlements in their vicinity. The tribes occu pying the Indian oionntry south of Kansas, re nounced their allegiance to the Unund Stator, and entered into treaties with the insurgents ' Time who remained /43%1 to the United otates wprp frontk, the eountry. The Chief of the Ofierokem rtes yleited this • city for the pur pose Of rmthring the former relations of 'the tribe with the United States. He alleges that they were constrained, by superior force, to enter into teeters iwith the insurgenttl, and that the United States neglected to futhish the protection which their treaty stipulations re quired in the month of August last the Silent In dians, in Minnesota, attacked the settlements in their !vicinity with extreme ferocity.Ailling indiscriminately men, women and chihlren This attack •was wholly mexpected, and i there fore no means, of defence had been pthliiied It is estimated that not less than eight tinndred persons were killed by, the Indians, and a large amount of property wasAlestroyed._ ilow this cintblealewasinduced is not definitely I c known!, and suspicions, which may be unjust, geed net to be stated. Information was receiv by the Indian, bureau, from different ao , about the gone hoitalities were cowrie , that `s; iimulthnsona attack was to be made upon the white settlements by all the tribes betviebn'thli kiwensippi river , and , the Rocky. mowitains. 2 — The State of Minnesota has, suffered great in- jury from this Indian war. A large pottion of her territory has been depopulated, and a se vere'losii has' been sustained by the destruction of, property. , The people of that State mani fest," much anxiety • for the temovid ithe tribes' beyond the limits of the State assx guar anteesgamst future hositilitik ' The' flommis sioner of Indian Affairs will furoish full kletails; I hour consideration, Ihether our Indian • system shall tit be r re m:oo4 , Many i wise „and geodt ifter : , have immised. pie With the belief that this maybe W6iiigith, One, • , , , 4 sahmk, a. statement of the proceedings of conrudedeaers, which shows ,the „progress .that .4bfir+3411404 gui*nterpriem constiFuoting 4-143.04•40434 And. this sugge li cste the earliest ( owfliffhithW tit this „roadi and, sof-the ~f1.1314-4tolf , action of 09011 rem mpon 31p projects r4Ow glii keteie..theati:fat mlasMpg the , • pe t 4i capacities of the great - canal in New York and Illinois, as being of vital and rapidly increasing •iinportance to the whole nation, and especially to . the vast interior region hereinafter to be noticed at some , greater length. 1 purpose having prepared and laid before you at an early day'' some interesting and valuable statistical information upon this subject. 'The militury and commercial importance of enlarging the Illinois and Michigan canal, and improving,the Illinois river, is presented in the report of Col onel Webster to the Secretary of War and now transmitted to. Congress I respectively 'ask attention to it. To carryout the provisions of the act of Con &cgs of the 15th of May last, I have caused the Department of Agriculture ol the United States to be organised. The Commissioner informs me !that within the period.of a few months this department has establisfiedan extensive system of correspond ence and exchanges, both at home And abroad, which promises to effect highly Beneficial , }re results in the development of a co rect knowl edge of recent improvements in ag iculture, in the introduction of new products and in the collection of the agricultural stat*tics of the several States. ' ! Also that it will soon be prepared to distri bute largely seeds, cereals, plants and cuttings, and has already established, and liberally dif fused, muLh valuable information in antiolpa tion of a more elaborated report, which will in due time be furnished, embracing Some valua ble tests in chemical,seience now inl i - progress in the laboratory The creation of this decartment was for the more immediate benefit of a large class of our most valuable citizens ; and I trust that the liberal'asis upon which it has been organized will-not only meet your approbation, but that it will realize, at no distant day, all the fondest anticipations of its most sanguine 4riends, and become the fruitful source of advantage to all our people. On the twenty-second day of September last a' proclamation was issued by the llixecutive, a copy of which is herewith submitted. In accordance With the purpose expressed in the second paragraph'of that paper,' I now re spectfully recall your attention to what may be called ," compensated emancipation;" A nationinay be said to con 3 st of its territory, its people,, and its laws. The territory is the only part which is of certain durabiLtY. "One generation'passeth away, and another genera tion oometh, but the earth abideth forever." It is of the first importanciTto daily consider, and estimate,' this ever enduring part. That portion of the earth's surface' W hich is owned and in habited by the people of the United States, is well adapted to be the home of one, national family ; and it is not well adapted • r two, or more. Its vast extent, and its va ety of cli mate and productions, are of wivan ge, inthis age, for one, people, whatever they 'gilt have 'been in former ages. Steam, telegtaphs, and intgence, have brought these, to i be .an ad- Viudageons - combination for one united people. In the inaugural address I brleity , pointed out the total inadequacy . of alien ion, as a thiirtifor the differences of, ths ph pie of , the o sections. I did so in langua e which I cannot improve, and which theref e I beg to repeat" : ' ; • " "One section of our country believes slavery Is right, and ought to 'be extended,' while, the other believes it to be 'Wrong, and ought not to extended. This is the only substant* - dispute'. tole The' fugitive Slave clause of 'the Co stitution; and the law for the suppression of e foreign slave trade, are each as well enforced; perhaps, at Any laW can ever be in a community where the moral sense of the people imperfectly supports the law itself. The great bOdy of the people abide by the dry legal obligation •in both eases, and a few break over in each.— This, I think, cannot be perfectly cured ; and it would be worse in both cases, i after the separation of the ' sections, than before. The foreign slave trade, snow imperfectly suppressed, would be ultimately revived without restriction in one section ; while fugitive slaves, mow only partially surrendered, would not be surrendered at all the other. 1 ."Physically . speaking, we cannot separate. We Cannot "remove our respective sections from each other, nor' build an impassable , wall be- tweeu them. A hnisband and Wife may be di vorced, and go out of the presence and beyond the reach of eabli other; NAM° different parts of, our country Cannot dd this. They'eannot but +remain face to face. and intercourse, either anti - cable or 'hostile, mint continue between them: , Is it possible; then, to make . that intercourse More advantageous, or more ' satisfactory, after separation than before ? Can 'aliens m a ke trea ties, easier than friends can make la' ? Can tier:dee be' more faithfully enforeed 'between 'alieira, than laws can among friends? ;Suppose you goto war, you cannot . fight 'always, and when; after much lbss on both • sidea," and no gain on'eithirr; you dease figliting, the identical tad piestion, es to terms of intgrecirse, ere again upon you." . ' ' ,' ' ' ' t '.. There is no line Straight or crooked, ' suitable for a national boundary, ripen Which to tiiiitie. Tracelhrougis, from east to west; Upon the the between the free and slave country, and We'shalt find a 'little more than one third of its length are rivers, easy ici'lie crossed;, and pepu-, lateti, or soon to 'be ptifsilated, thickly upon both' sides; while' nearly 'all its' remaining length, MO - Merely surveyor'S lines, over which 'people may Walk brick and feral 'without any, consciousness ' fit their preterite. No part of this line can be Made anyjncire difficult to pass, 'by writing it down on paper, or parchment, as anaticinal boundary, The fact of seParatioD,. if it comes, gives up; on the part of the sece ding 'section, the fugitive slave clause, along with all Other "constitutional obligations upon the section seceded from, while I should expect no'tfreaty itiyulation would ever be 'Made to take its place. 1 But there is anothei difficulty. The great in-1 teriorjegion, "bounded' east by the Alleghenies, 1 Mirth 'by the British dominions, west by the Rocky mountains, and south by the line along 'Whieh the &Attire of corn and cotton meets, hint , Which ineludes part of Virginia; part of .Tennessee, all of Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Missouri, Kau, taw, Towag—lifirateseta, and the Territories of Dakota ; ,Nebraska, and' part of Colorado, al meady, has .- above ten millions of peoPle, and will have. fifty, millions within fifty years, if 4 0 1 [invented by any political folly or mistake. 14 contains more than one-third of the celnday owned by the United States—certainly more than.one 'Million ot square miles. One-half as ,populonsmrtMassachesetts alreadyds, it would havernofe than seventy-five millions of people. A glanoe at the map - shows that;-territorially Speaking, it is:the great body of the•nipuhlic. The other parts are but marginal•borders to it, the magnificent . iregion , sloping west from the [tacky . mountainsyto the Pacific, tieing the deepest, as also , the- richest, t • in! undeveloped : resources, —, I , . 0 ' ' , do, the .production •of provisions, gridoi; passes, and all which' proceed :from' tbetc,l this great interior region is naturally 'one of the most iintiortant hillier world. AsCertain from the stabil& the small proportion Of the region which lies; as yet, been brought into cultiva tion, and also the, large and rapidly increasing • amount of its products, and we shall be over- J wh'elined with the' magnitude of the prospect • presented.; And yet this region has no. sew- • coast, touches no•oceart anywhere. : As' part of one nation, its people now find, and may for ever find their way AO Europe by ,New York, to South America and Africa by New Orleans, I and to Asia by Safi Francisco But separate our common country into two nations, as de signed by the preitent,re.beiliott, anti every man of - this great interior region is thCreby cut off from some one or more ot these outlets, not, perhaps, by a• physical barrier, but by embar rassing and onerous: trade regulations. And this, is true, , wherever.a dividing, or boundary , line, maybe fixed. Place it between the now free and slave country, or place it south of Kentucky, or north of Ohio, and still the truth remains, that none sonar of it, can` trade to any.port or place nortn edit, and none north of it can trade to any port orl place south of it4'eXcept upon terms' dictated by a govern ment ' foreign to them. These luitlets, east, west and south, are, Militipensable to the well being of the peopie inhabiting, anti to inhabit, all this vast' interior region. Which of the three mhy be`the best, is no proper iqUestion.— All, are better than either ; and - all, of right; belong to the • people, and to their successors forever. ,'.Prue, to themselves, they Shull,not ask where a lineOf Separation shall be, btitwill vow, , rather, that there shall be no such line. Nor ' are the marginal regions less interesite d in these communications to, and through them, to the' great outside world. They too,and each of thew, must have access to this Egypt of the . . West, without paying tolls at the, crossing' of any national boundary,..,; • . ; • Our national suite springs not from our per.. maneut ; part; not inn' the laud we int:titbit not from our national tiOnieStearf. Trier is Lio pos sible severing•ie tuts, but. would mphiply, and . c ot mitigate, evils among us. lu all its adap tations and aptitude, it demands lunion, and abhors separation. it would, ere long, for& •re-union,' hoivever Much' of blood and treasure the separation might have cost. Our strife pertains to, ourselves to the platt ing generations of. men, and it. can, without convulsions, be hushed forever with the pae r lug of one generation. " - ' '• I In this vievt,ll .o:commend the adoption of the tollowing reaultitiou awl articles. au.euda tory to the Uunstitution of the United btotes: Resolved by' the Seruite - and Rouse ol leepresenta ewes of the Undid Stales of' America miCongress as sembled, (two-ttiuds.uf bath houses etincdiriug,) That pie folluwiug articles , ipe,propdsed to , 'the legislatures (Ur ,curiventions) the , beyond statesameddnients to the' 04tiution of the United Stads, , -alt or lair et which ' articles whsu tanned ;by Ahree-tourths: of Le bald le go:datums (or, conventions) to, lie valid as part ur parte en the' said o,,,bsucl Luon, ...harict.s..u. 'Every wher4c i a slavery now exists, which shalt abolikh. the .me thbre• in, at any. time, or times, itefore the, 'firAt day of January ( in the year of ot, F 4lrdpire thou sand and rune hundred, shall femme compen • sanou frOm the • United btatia` l es 'follows, to wit.: it-. • "the President of the United Sires shall deliver to every, state, ismds of , p e United States; bearing interest iiiithe rate of 1--- per cent. per nunurn, tit au aiiimmt equal, to the ag gregate sum:of ----tor each slave shown to, have been therein, by the eighth wears of the United Stated, 13.14 bonds to be defivered to such' State "by inatalmenis, or in one parcel, at the coruirlellOu bf the abolishment, accordingly as the same shall have been gradual,* ur at one time, within suth.State; and interest , shall be gin to run upon may such bond only from the proper time tif its' delivery as aforesaid. Any State having received Wadi. as aforeraid, and afterwardereintroduciug or tolerating slavery therein, shall , refund to the United , States the bonds so received, or the value there'll, Stud ell interest paid therebh. ' 1- , , ,J "AitTIOLZL—. • All slaved who sw h ave en joyed actual freedom by the cnances cif the war at my,tinne before the,, end of the, rebellion,' shall be fprever free,but all owners of Such,who `shall ribt . have . bhimidisloyal, 6,.a1l be compen- sated fur them, at the same rates as is;provided tor .States adopting abolishment of slavery, but in such way, f4O 119 , 1314'03 8114 be , twice sc. comical for. , , ''''AirrioLa---. eMigrearilmat aPprOptiate mo ,ney, and otherwise I provide,' for': colonizing free, colored persons, with• their own consent, at any , place or places without the United slates. ' I beg indingence' to' discuss these proposed :nudes at some length. -.Without slavery, the rebedion could never have existed ;I without slavery it could not continue. i . • Among' tab friends of the Union ther is great diVersfty . bf i tilintiinea; rind 'ot policy ini regard to slavery, and the Afritan race among us, Some ,would perpetuate slavery, some would abolishlt suddenly, and without compqntation; some .would abolii4i it gradually, raid with cOrafignsation ; Borne 'would remove the freed peoPlaitrom us , and some isrobld retain them with cur; and ;here are yetother minor diversi ties. Because of these , diversities, ,we wage inUch ' strength , 'inqitrugglOS among ourselves. BY mutual' concessicin 'we shotild harmonize, and Sot together. I.This Weld be compromise ; but it would ibe compFOudse among the ifriends, and nyt with the euemies of the Uidom These articles iirebiterided to embody a plan of` shch routhalconoendons: If thepianshati be adopted,- it is awnmed.that emancipation will-follow, at least, in seyetal of Arie,litates.. .. : As to the first article, the main points are: first, the entatikipation, secondly, the length of time foe pqnsunnimting.itr-thirtkmveri years ; and thirdlyithe compensation. 1 Th e emancipation will be misatisfalitory to the advecates of . perikstriiii - slavery ; but the length of'time should' greatly mitigate their dissatisfaction.. I The thus spares both • races from the evils o of sudden deraugement-rin fact, from the necessity of arty deraugement:t-while most Of those 'Whose habitual course of thought will be. disthrbed• by t,herraissure, will haie passed 'away before Be' oonaninmation l . They will never see it. Another plass will hitil the prospect of ernaneipation, but. will depredate the fength ortime. ' 'ibey will feel that it eves too, little to the now' living Slaves.' ' 'But Id rally, gives them much; .It saves 'them from' the va-' grant destitution .whichAmusttlargedY !attend immediate emancipition„in: localities !where their numbers are very great; and it Ot os t h e i ns pi r i n g assurance that their pester* she). b e tee' forever. ' m... , .„, .. -di 1 ,, ~ The plan leaveeto each Istate-choosing to act , uP 3 Pr it, to OA* slavery, &ann.:mat the end of the century, e .. ,nt miy,interatedlatet*ne, or by dtrees, 'extending over the whole Or any part of the period; titid it'Obllgits' nO tivtit States 4 , to,proceedlalike. leisatiolirOvldesliar;' *all I Witt9P/I#o4l%. l oo7l4tateligiodo Ibis, it would seem, muit further mitt to the .PRICE-4NE CENT. di ssa ti s f ac ti on of those. who,: favor perpetual slavery, and especially of those who are to re ceive the compensatiort .-Detibtless some of those who are to pay, and not to receive, will object. Yet the mervurels both just and eco nomical In a certain sense, the-liberation of slaves is, the destruction of property—property acquired by descent, or by purchase, the name as any other property 4 It is no less true for having been often said, that the people of the south are not more re sponsible for the original introduction of this property, than are the people of the North ; and when it is remembered how uuhesitatingly we all use cotton and sugar, and share the profits os dealing in them, it may not be safe to say that the south has been more responsible than the north, for its continuance. It, then, for a common' object, this property is to be sac rificed, is it not just that it be done at a com mon charge? • And if, with less money, or money more easily paid, we can preserve the benefits of the Union by this means, than we can by the war alone, is it not also economical to do it ? Let us consider it then.. Let us ascertain the sum we have expended in the war since compensated emancipation was proposed last March, and consider whether, ii that measure had bean promptly accepted, by even some of the stave States, the same sum would not have done more to close the war than has been otherwise done. If so, the measure would gave money, and, in that view, would' be a prudent and eco nomicalt measure. Certainly it isnot so easy to pay something as it is to pay nothing; but it is easier to pay a large AMU than it is to pay a Larger one. And it is easier to pay any sum when we are able than it is to pay it before we are able. The war revuires large sums, and requires them at once.. The aggregate sum necessary for compensated emancipation, of course, would be large. But it would require no ready cash ; nor the bonds even, any faster than the emancipation pro gresses. This might not, and probably would not, close before the end of the thirtyseven years. At that time we shall probably have a hundred millions of people to Share the burden, instead of thirty-one millions, as now. And not only so, but the increase of our population may be expected to continue for a long time after that period, as rapidly as before ; because onr territory will not have become full. Ido not state this inconsiderately. At the same ratio of increase which we have maintained, on an average, from our first national censure, in 1790, until that of 1860, we Aiould, in 1900, have a population of 103,208,416. And wh) may we not continue that ratio beyond that period ? Our abundant room—our broad' national homestead—is our ample re 'source. Were our ' territory as limited as are the, British Isles, very certainly our population could not expand as stated. ; Instead of receiv ing the foreign born, as now, we. should be 'compelled to send Part Of the nstive born &ivory. But such is ncit"Our condition. We have two millions ninettuadred and sixty-three ; thousand square miles. Europe has three milhons and eight hundred thousand, with a population 'averaging seventy.thtee and one third to the Square mile. ' Why may not our .country; at somaliine, average as many ? Is it : less fertile ? , Has it more waste Surface, by Monntains, rivers, lakes, deserts, or other causes?,, • Is It , inferAot,Ao Europe in any natural advantage ? If, then, we are, at some time, to be as populous as Europe, how soon ? As to when this may be, we can judge by the pagt and the present;, as to wheat it will be, if ever, depends much on, whether we maintain the Union. 'beveral of our `hates are already above the average hi htutsiie---seyenty-three and a third to the square Mile: Massachusetts has 1117; Ehode Island, 133; Connecticut, 99; New York . and New Jersey, each, !80. Also, two ether great States, Pennsylvania and Ohio, are not. far below — the former hgvlng 66 and the tatter 59. 'the :States already/ above the European average, except New York, have in creased in as rapid a ratio,; since passing that point, as ever before; while no one of them is equal to some other parts of our country, in natural capacity for sustaining a dense popula tion,. Taking the nation in the, aggregate, and we find its population and ratio of increase, for the several decennial periods, to be as follows: 1790 3,920,837 • • • 1800 6,306,937 36.02 per et. ratio of increase 1810 7,239,814 36.43 1820 9,688,131 33.14 " 1880 12,866,020 33.49 " " 184 0 17,069,453 32.67 " " 1850 23,191,876 35.87 " 1860 31,443,790 35.58 ". , This shows an average decennial increase of 34.60 per cent. in population through the sev enty years, from our first to our last census yet taken. It, is seen that the ratio of increase at no one of these seven periods, is either two per cent. below or two per cent. above tfe average; thus showing how inflexible, 'arid Consequently how reliable, the law of increase itrour case is- Assuming that it will continue, gives the fol lowing results : 1870.. 42,323,341 1880 ' 66.967,216 .1890 . ' '"76779,872 1900 J... 108,208,445 1910 ....... . .138,918526 1920 186, 981,335 1930 '` 251,60,914 : These figures:show` that 'our country may be 46 populous as -Europe now is, at some point between 1920 and 1930—say about ;1925—0ur territory, at seventy-three and a third persons to the squitrei mile, being of capacity to contain 217,186;000. ,And.we toidd reach this, too, if we do not our- Selves relinquish the chalice, by the ,folly and evils of disunion, or by long and exhausting war Springing from the only great i element of national discord among us. While - it cannot be forseen exactly how much one' huge exam ple of secession, breeding lesser ones indefi nitely, Would retard population,civiliaation and prosperity, no one can doubt that the 'extent of it wotdit be very treat injurious'. ' The proposed, emancipation would -shorten the war, perpetuate peace, insure this increase of population, and proportionately, the wealth of the country. With these, we should pay all the emanCipation would cost, tagetheiNtith our other. deft,, easier. than we should ply our other debt, without it. . It we. h sd4pped our old national debt to run at six, pec cent. per annum, simple' interest; front the '4nd' of our revolutionary strugglb until tottiti,f, •Nvithout paying, anything ,on either prineipal dr inter rst„ eacb,man of ns would ,owe,; less upon that debt now, than each man owed upon A then ; bid this becausebter hadreaSeof then, through the whole period, has been greatat'ithan six per cent.;, ban um faster • than the interest upon tAe,!:leht. 'Thus, , time alone, relieves a debtor nation; so ;long as its popohlflo,n, increases fasterthan Unpaid intereatdcOWtaliktes on its •i 11 ,ThilEff4o,‘ would b nunse.tor, delaying [OOn'snionn ON FOUR= MON.] +,