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THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, BY GEORGE BERGNER. T E B hi S -SINOLR SUBSCRIPTION. The DAILY TELIGILAPH is served to subscri bers in the City at 6 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will lie charged $4 00 in advance. WEEKLY AND SEMI-WEEKLY TELIGRAPIL The Tama RAP!! is also published twice a week (luring the session of the Legislature, and week ly during the remainder of the year, and fur nished to subscribers at the following cash, rates, Viz: Single subscribers per year Send-Weekly $1 50 Ten 4 . Twenty " 4 I II " Weekly I= ADVERTISING RATEEL—The following are the rates for advertising in the TELEGRAPH. Those having advertising to do will find it convenient EMIMEI Four lines or less constitute one-half ire. Eight lines or more than four consti s a square. squi lute• tq g nrgnii w, 5 oog."%algg gr l ,42. lg 3rga: • is r : wr. • . • • ic OP CA 0 ...la.W ••cO co CA CP I[o 1-+f+ 82•?ggSgg•gggggg ; 11 •—• rf co —I CA P. CP NJ 1. 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ArouLD roopootlully ititoito hie old poirowN gun OW ',optic generally, that dt. will nnalineW In ei vr i net rnetione Alin PIANO lei KU., 11F, LI If . VII/ LIN :tad Alen in the et,ieere b • will w plowmen: welt UpOU ,pupal at their ho:iw al any limit .AelinT,te will lie giver'. t•Kiiintier, a VoLtril er th 11 B. 3. El.A.Ritil3, Tin and Sheet. Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 MARKE7 MEV, HARRISBURG. always on hand a tall ansorttnon • • of rin And .lopuuneo Ware, Clooldrig soil Parlor Stoves dit the heat anuaulaniurius, UMW- Spinning., Soul log and GalThlliZeti Irou inettufaiqure I Ltis.l pa t up at resent:ltalie rates Repairing promptly attended to.' REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH HAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store hum the corner of Second any Walnut streets to, . . NO. 108 itiARKET STREET, Next door t Hai nes Agriculture Rtore, where he intends to keepall kind. 01 Boats a^d Shoes, 14alt,ra, Sze., and al large Moak or Trento, and everything in hie line of bit-' sines. and will be thankful to receive the patronage of hie old cualninora and the public an general at hie new' plare of bushy"; All kinds of work made to °Nur hi the. bent style and by superior workmen. Repairing d. he at abort notice. lapr2rltfl JOHN' It. LINDEN HALL, MORAVIAN FEMALE SEMINARY At Litiz, Lancaster Co., Pa. FOUNDED 1794. Affords superior advantages for thorough and accomplished female education. For circulars and information, apply to REV. WILLIAM C. REICHEL I oot18•d3m Principal. PELPHER'S DAILY LINE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA,• Leek Haven, jersey Shore, Williamsport, Mmt4 ey, Uniontown, Watsontown, Milton, LeWisburg, Northumberland, 'Sun bury, 'freverton, Georgetown, ilykenstown, Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot b.. n centrally located, the Drayage VIII be at the Lowest it itou. T e Conductor gees through with each train to &teen I lo the safe de. livery Map gouda intrueied to the du!. Goode deliver ed at the Depot' of Freed, Ward k Freed, 811 Market str,ot, Philadelphia, by 6 o'clock, P. E., wii. b., delivered in H arr i s b u rg the next morning. Freight Always as Low . as by Any other Line. JOSEPH MONTGOMERY, Philadelphia au . ' Reading Depot, oet2l-41tf Foe of Market Street, Harrisburg. DAN'L. A t KIJENCH, AGENT. )F the Old Wallower Line respectfully informs the public that this Old Daily Transporta tion Line, eke only Wallow-Tr Line now in exist-nod in tide Cleydle is In ananestal operation and prepared to carry (might 18 lOW as any other individual line uetwo on Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, . Wil liamsport, Jersey Shore, Look Haven and all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and • Wil lbtmaport and Elmira Railroads. DANL, A. MULINOH, Agent. ,, Harrisburg, Pa.' HotShOballt tkthe Ware House of Messrs. Peacock, Zell f,tilnehman, Nos NM and 810 Market street b 01') Eightb, by 4 o'clock, P. M., Will falri HAITI/11MM, reisicV for delivery next morning. Utgrapil. THANKSGIVING DISCOURSE, DkUVIRID BY REV. CHARLES A. HAY. D. D., 1n the Irtret English Lutheran Church, liarrishurg, "AND NOW ALSO THAI AXE II LAID UNTO THE HOOT OF THE TM= THERBFORZ WIRY TIM THAT BZINGITH NOT MTH GOOD FRUIT IN HEWN DOWN AHD OAST INTO THE rißi."-AttaLt. 3 : 10. 12 00 22 00 There is a seething incongruity in the sum- Monsl to assemble for, ksgiving in the midst of civil 1 .. ' war:: ~ -,' I. ~ i 2 ,i' We lift t ri Oar Otis kb I lhole abriiad Ili tile land ; alas 1 what scenes of sorrow and of ruin meet our view. These are unwonted scenes. Heretofore we have beheld only peace and pros perity. Smiling plenty , everywhere greeted our gaze, and language failed us to describe the boundless beneficence of the Paternal Hand that was crowning our life with loving kind ness and causing our cup to overflow with joy. We could noLbut exclaim : "Behold the goodness of God!" 1 00 Now, the first object that strikes our sight, is the silent sentry, pacing his weary round, and perpetually reminding us that there is war in the land. 'Hard by are the hospitals, crowd-. ed with sick and wounded sufferers, whose lin gering diseases,. shattered limbs and marred visages tell a sad tale of wearisome marches, dreary watchings, ruinous exposure and fear ful scenes of carnage. Shocking to behold is the heartless indifference with which the sight . is now witnessed by the busy throng, when; corpse upon corpse, rudely boxed near some far off battle field, is piled up, like merchandise, right in the pathway of the traveler. A glance, perhaps, reveals to the passer by, the destina tion of the precious remains, and the sickening sight, grown so familiar, is at once forgotten ! Around us, stretched out in Long drawn lines, we behold the camps of those who have volun teered "tor the war, "and of thoie who have been hurried from home by the relentless draft. In the distance lie the devastated fields and forsaken firesides of the Old Dominion, once fair and fruitful and happy, now in ruins.• 0 ! how the heart sickens, as those. fields of deadly strife rise up before us I Bull's Bun, Ball's Bluff, Williamsburg, Guyandotte, Shiloh, Fair Oaks, Cedar Mountain, Perrysville, An tietam. EIJ 024 c Xra LYE =o3 Xr, 1151 A~ ~o~m EMI eR...52 26 1 50 he Local s t EIGHT Is it not enough to make an angel weep? Those noble men, whose rude graves mark the theatre of their martyrdom in their beloved country's cause, u cro lansthrantlii. Atthers, brothers, eons. For every one that has taloa,. the sable cloud bee. _voided upou eome &Aunt home. The support of the aged, the protector of the young, the heart's treasure of the be loved, all, all, are smitten down together. And the fearful havoc still goes on ! We in voluntarily exclaim, "Rehold the severity of God!' "0, God, how losigl" We need,. my dear hearers, under circum stances like these, to be deeply imbued with the feeling of profound and reverent submission to our Heavenly Father's will, and can ne truly comforted and sustained only Whisi Vre heartily confide in Him as the supremely wise and bene volent Arbiter of the destiny of nations. Nay, when thus cordially resting in the conviction of the absolute excellence bf:his administration of the affairs of , the whole world, we can even. rejoice in the midst of suffering, and truthfully exclaim, with the Psalmist, "The Lord reigneth,i leg the people rejoice, and let tha multitude of isles be glad thereof r Do you heartily believe in the sovereignty of God? Do you heartily believe that "he maketh. the wrath of• man to praise him and restrainethl the remainder cf wrath?" Are you prepared to: say, with a patient sufferer of old, "Shall we' receive good at the hand of God, and shall we, not receive evil?" HOUSE, Are we not still receiving good at the hands of the Lord ? Has he forgotten to be bountiful ? The ready reply is furnished to our hand in the proclamation .of the Chief Magistrate of our Commonwealth, in response to which we are now here assembled together. He exhorts us to give unto' God "bumble thanks.that He has been graciously pleased.to protect our Free Institu tions and Government, and to keep us froni Sickness and. Pestilence, and to cause the earth to bring forth her increase, so that our garners are choked with the harvest, and to look sq favorably on the toil of His children, that Industry has thriven among us, sand Labor had its reward,and also that He has delivered us front the hand of our enemies, and filled our officers and men in the field with &loyal and intrepid spirit, and given them victory, and that He has poured out upon us (albeit unworthy) other great and manifold blessings." In view of these unmerited tokens of the Divine goodness, it becomes..us to look up to our Heavenly Father with humble and thankful ' hearts, and cherish toward him, with unfeigned reverence,the most sincere and ardent gratitude. And when, along with all the manifest and manifold blessings that are poured into our cup of rejoicing, there are mingled drops of bitter ness, shall we at once cities our thanksgiving and take up the language of repining and com plaint ? " Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil ?" Job recognized the hand of God as well in the ruin brought upon him by the meurading bands and in the simoom of the desert, as in the suc cess with which the previous labors of his life', had been crowned. His faith in God sustained ' him in the hour of adversity. So let us also,' my dear hearers, in further conformity to the' exhortation of our worthy Governor,"beseech God to help and govern us in His st eadfast fear and love, and to.put into our minds good de sires, so that by His continual help we may have a right judgment in all things—that, in these days of national distress and perplexity, we may not fail to recognize , his hand in the progress of affairs, and to trust Implicitly that His ; wisdom and love and power will overrule all our present troubles, both for our good as a people, and for the promotion of His own glory. as the Supreme Ruler of the universe. Nor was it rithont good reason that our Chief Magistrate felt himself constrained to add the exhortation, filet we should "espe cially pray him to give to Christian churches grace to hate the thing that is evil, and to utter the teachings of Truth and Righteous ness, declaring openly the whole counsel of God." His meaning here cannot easily be mis taken. Penns., November 27th, 1862 LPIIBLISHIM BY HEQuom.] Whi --- lst in many, instances, the churches o Christ in our land have delivered themselves nobly and truthfully.and rightudOsly Avon the great principles that underlie al l proim human intero3urae 3 .and,imgnlite a il Worthy human cOaditol, vltalitY to air amid and EtARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER. 29, 1862. wholesome government ; showing forth the genius and power of that truth which God has given to man to be his guide in all the rela tions of life ;it must be confessed that there has Keen"a &Wet 'in the land that hat; availed to seal many lips, and mhke , many, who claimed to be the servants of God really the servants of men. It is sad, indeed, that there should be occa sion for such an appeal as this ; that despite the solemn charge and fearful warning, given to faithful pastors in the divine word, there should have been found so many who, behold ing the sword coming upon the land, blew not the trumpet nor warned the people. Had the pulpits of the land everywhere fearlessly ut tered "the teaehing of Truth and Righteous• ness, declaring openly the whole counsel of God," there is good reason to believe that the great cause of our present troubles would long ere this have dwindled into impotency or been entirely taken out of the way. For, can there be any difference of opinion among intelligent people as to the cause of this fratricidal war ? There stands the deadly Upas tree, whose shade blights the soil, whose leaves are poison, and whose fruit is death. To spread that shade over all the laud was the manifest object of those who have brought this war upon us. To resist this attempt, by the use of only proper means, was the determination of the people, as expressed in the choice of our present beloved President. Beholding, in this majestic utterance of the national will, which forever Consigned the institution of slavery to its pre sent bounds, that it was thereby doomed to extinction, those who had long been secretly plotting the dismemberment of our beloved Country, at once threw off the mask, and at tempted to plunge the traitorous dagger at the nation's heart. Let us heartily thank God that thus far their efforts have been unsuccessful ! The benignant Mother, slow .to believe that any of her chtldren Could act with such base ingratitude, was - Utterly unprepared to defend herself against Such an audacious and dastardly attack. .She seemed, at one time, indeed, to be at their mercy. But God holds her life too precious to luffer such an attempt to succeed. She still ives, and shall live in peace and prosperity When these, her degenerate and • ungrateful children, have mouldered in their diehonered graves. And now, when it has become so perfectly patent to the observation of every intelligent .beholder that there is but one great cause of all our national troubles, and that, with this once 'removed, the way would be opened for peace, harmony 'and untold prosperity, how can we tail to recog 'nize, with devout gratitude to our Heavenly 'Father, the cheering fact, that "the *Laois laid unto the root of the tree ; and every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit shall be :hewn down and cast into the fire." . • • When these words were first uttered by John the Baptist, the Jewish people were passing, tbveouh a groat-.crisis in their history. ! The long predicted day had .301111 W ow. to.setetiger had now appeared who was to prepare the way of the Lord, and these were some of the trumpet tones wherewith the great forerunner heralded the approach of. Him who was to come with the baptism of fire, who would "thoroughly purge his fluor, and gather his wheat into the garner, but burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire!. That was a test period and Christ himself, as the incarnation of the principle of holiness and truth, was to be the great touchstone. " Be hold," said the aged Simeon, "this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel, and For a sign which shall be spoken. against ; (yea, a sword shall pierce through thine own soul also ;) that the thoughts of many heart a , may be revealed." "And he took him up is his arms and blessed God, and said, L ,rd, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word, for mine eyes• have seen thy salva tion, which thou haat prepared before the face of all people, a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of the peopleof Israel." Thus has it ever been considered a privilege, by those whose whoselearts were deeply inter ested in the welfare of our race, to live in tile midst of the great epochs of history, when great principles were being tested and the state ly steppings of the Diety were peculiarly man ifest amid the movements of human affairs. Our natioa has already passed one great crisis, when th e axe was laid at the root of the deadly Upas tree that then overshadowed this fair land, and embittered the life of its inhabitants. That national curse was a foreign despotism ; " taxation without representation.' Tue blow was struck am( the tree fell. But great evils die: hard. Long was the struggle, and fearful ; but the result was glorious ; and we have ever been accustomed to regard the triumphant issue of , the Revolution as none too dearly bought,: though the precious blood of our fathers flowed' like water. And now we are in the midst of the second great crisis in our history. No foreign foe,' indeed, has ventured to assail us. Other naj dons beheld our unexampled progress in the career of national greatneesandprosperity with mingled admiration, and 'fear. More than a match for the most powerful -in our infancy; and again in our youth, we have long ceased tu dread an assault from that quarter. Alas, the , blow has now come from within our own bor ders ; "he that Oath eaten of our bread hatli lifted up the heel against us." The dreadful issue has been forced upon us ; there is no evad4 ing it ; the nation mtkt put forth its hand in self defence. Itis ' for the nation, & questionof life or death, and it must won be decided: Shall this tree of Szczasion be cut down? Shall the axe be laid at its root, Stamm ? This, the great question of the age, is already partly answered. The axe is already laid at the root of the tree, add Sturdy blows are already fall ing thick and fast upon it. The first effective blow at the root of this great evil was the abolition of slavery in the Distrid of Columbia. Too long, alas, were we disgraced before the civilized world by the toleration of the sale of human beings under the very shadow of the National Capitol, Constitutionally prohib ited from interfering with the domestic institu tions of the separate States, Congress was com pelled to look on in silence when men, women and children were sold like cattle in Maryland or Virginia. But no such prohibition stood in the way of the removal of this moral stench from the precincts of the great temple of liberty. It was only the fear of those haughty lords, of the lash, who fur fifty years have been superch ionsly domineering in our national councils, that so long postponed this tardy justice. The reign of chivalrous ruffians, is ended.. The gov ernment will henceforth be administered after the manner of a' higher civilization. This is surely cause for devout thanksgiving to Almighty God. Let us then thank God this day and take courage ! Another, effectual blow at the root of this deadly Upati tree was the President's o'er, sanc tioned by Congress, to -emancipate, at the national expense, all the slaves of the, Mates not in rebellion against the gotteentnenf• ' A 11 9 ,1 me here to rettdnd you with what prOfound and grateful joy this magnanimous offer on the part of a truly chivalrous people, through their beloved Chief Magistrate and their Representatives in Congress assembled, was viewed, was welcomed and endorsed by. the General Synod of our Church, assembled in Lancaster in May last Speaking of the rebellion, its causes, &c., they use the following language : Resolved, That it is the deliberate judgment of this Synod, that the rebellion against the Constitutional Government of this land is most wicked in its inception, unjustifiable in its cause, oppressive in. its aims, and destructive in its results to the highest interests of morality and religion. Resolved, That in the suppression of this re hellion and in the maintenance of the Constitu tion and the:Union by the sword, we recognize an unavoidable necessity and a a Lured duty, which the Government owes to the nation and to the world, and that therefore we call upon all our people to lift up holy hands in prayer to the God of battles, without personal wrath against the evil doers on the one hand, and without doubting the righteousness of our cause on the other, that He would give wisdom to the President and his counsellors, and success to the army and navy, that our beloved land may speedily be . delivered from treason and :anarchy. Resolved, That while we .recognize this un-, ,happy war as a righteous judgment of God, Visited upon no because of the individual and national - sine of which we have been guilty, we nevertheless 'regard this rebellion as more immediately the natural result of the continu ance and spread of domestic slavery in our land, and therefore hail with unmingled joy the pro position of our Chief Magistrate, which has received the sanction of Congress, to extend aid from the General Government to any State in which slavery exists, which shall deem fit'to initiate a system of Constitutional emancipa tion." How singular an answer to the fervent prayer Of the wisest and, best of our great statesmen in the heroic age of the Republic ! • But by far the severest blow of all was the President's proclamation, emancipating, as a military necessity, all the slaves of rebels , on the first of Jan uarY next. ! "Oh the first day of January,' in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty three, all persons held as slaves within any state, or any designated part of a State, the people whereof shall be in rebellion against the lJnited States, shall be then, thenceforward and forever mins !" The grandest words uttered on this Conti inent since the. Declaration of. Independence. To be sure, they were highly ridiculed by some as a mere paper threat, and of no practi cal effect whatever. It is somewhat strange, however, to find these same persons now, as the time of jubilee for the oppressed draws near, 'bitterly denouncing 'them and demanding their retraction. Never By the green of, God, maven I 1 Abraham Igincedn_wouid rather die 'than thus ruthlessly and cowardly turn back ,the index on the dial of human progress and national disenthrtihnent Conscientiously convinced that the hand of God is in these- grand developments, and that these Moira at the canoe of all our national troubles are rapidly preparing the way for the overthrow of the rebellion and the establish ment of an honorable and permanent peace, I cannot refrain froni.entunerating them as among the chief causes for this our annual thanks giving. • And why should we not rejoice that the axe is now laid at the root of the trees, and that this tree, which has never brought forth good fruit, is about to be hewn down and cast into the fire? ; Is there a single redeeming trait iu the institution of slavery that can cause any tritalover of his country to desire its preserve Lion Did the great fathers of the republic admire it and desire its continuance? flear the voice of Washington: " I can only say, that there is not' a man liv ing, who wishes more sincerely than I do, to see a plan adopted for the abolition of it:" And again, "I never mean, unless some parti cular circumstance should compel me to it, to possum another slave by purchase ; it being among my flat wishes to see some plan adopted by which slavery in this country may be el Olish ed by law." And again, in writing to Gl n. Lafayette, he said:—"The benevolence of your heart, my dear Marquis, is so CODElpi6olld on all occasiona ' that I never wonder at fresh proofs of it ; but your late purchase of an estate in, the colony of Cayenne, with a view of eman cipating the slaves, is a generous and noble proof of your humanity. Would to God, a like spirit might diffuse itself generally into the Runde of the people of this country." And I suppose we can all listen without pre judice, to the voice of Thomas Jefferson, upon this subject. Ho says, whilst referring to the struggle for American independence, and the palpable inconsistency of those who achieved it; and yet continued to hold their fellow-men in, bondage: " What an incomprehensible machine is man, who can endure toil, famine, stripes, imprison ment, and death itself, hi vindication of hisi own liberty, and the next moment be deaf to all tame motives whose power suppertgd him throUgh his trial, and inflict on his fellow uteri a bondage, one hour of which is fraught with more misery than ages of that which he rose in rebellion to, oppose ! Can the liberties of a nation, be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God ? That they are not to be vio lated but with his wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just ; that his justice cannot sleep forever; that, con. eidering numbers, nature, and natural means only, a revolution of the, heel of fortune, an exchange of situation, is among possible events; that it may become probable by sußetnatural interference. The Almighty has no attribute which can take side with us hi such a contest.'! Hear a few words from Patrick Henry : "It is not. . a little surprising,. that the professors of Christianity, whose chief excellence 'consists iri softening, the human heart, in chinishing and improving its finer feelings, should encourage a practice., So totally repugnant to the first im pressions of right and wrong.. 0 * • * X, believe a time will come when an opportu nity will be offered to abolish this lamentable evil., Everything we can do is to improve it, if ,it happens in our day; if not, let us trans mit to our descendants, together with our slaveo, a pity for their unhappy lot, and an ab horrence for slavery. It is a debt we owe to the purity of our religion, to show that' it is at variance.with that law which warrants slavery: ss; to? :li,•would, rejoice my very soul, that every one of my fellevr beinfigmaa etmaaciPabia. We smilt to lament:and deplore the necessity of holding our fellow i men j in bondfiga. l!dieve bonor the;Qoalhers i for their noble ettorte.to,abolish sIaVORA".. From Joint BandolPb, ta t Cgngress . "gir t I envy neither the heart nor the head of " that man from the north who rites here to defend, slivery on principle." , From Henry Clay: "I am extremely sorry to hear the Senator from Mississippi say that' he requires, first the 'extension of the Missouri Compromise line to the Paciflo, and also that he is not satisfied with that, but.requires,.if I un derstawl him correctly, a positive provision for the admission of slavery south of that line. And now, sir,Toming from a slave state, as 1 do, I owe, it to myself, I owe it to truth, I owe itto the subject, to say that no earthly power could induce me to vote for the Introduction of slavery where it had not &Aare. existed, either south or ncirth of that line.. a 0, a So long art God allows the vital currentto flow through my veins, I will never l never, never, by word or thought,, by minder will, aid in admitting one rood of free territory to everlasting curse of human bondage 1" Now whence this abhorrence of slavery, this spurning of the thought of perpetuating and propagating it, on the. part of our early and truly great statesmen? They knew it well and therefore they despised it. To remove : it, was hi their heart but beyond their power. It has unfortunately outlived them ; and, owing to causes unfOrseen at that day, has acquired a vitality then little suspected. Ithas 'since been wielded,• for the basest purposes of demegoguisat 4sd political. chicanery, (by men who have suc ceeded to their Places, without inheriting either their talents, their learning, theft.' patriotism Or their integrity.) . ' In the words of a calm and philosophic ob server,. who has attentively and impartially l i F;crainized, from across the sea, the progress of events in our country, with special reference to the influence of slavery upon them : 0 "From the year 1819 down to, the present time,: the history of the United States has been one re cord of aggressions by the Slave Power, feebly, 4nd almost allays unsuccessfully, resisted by the Northern States, and culminating in the Present war. At the time of the Revolution, its is well known, slavery was regarded by all the great founders of the Republic, whether northern or southern men as essentially an immoral system ; it was, indeed; recognized by the Constitution, but only as an exceptional practice, a local and temporary fact. In the `unsettled territory then belonging to the Union fit was by a special ordinance prohibited." Speaking of its career after the adoption of the Missouri Compromise, he further says : "It is Ito be traced through every questionable trans- Action in foreign and domestic politics in which ;the United States has since taken part—through 'the S..minole war—through the annexation of lexasthrough the Mexican war—through fil-. lihustering expeditious under Walker—through attempts upon Cubk--through the Fugitive ;Slave Law of 1850—through Mr. Clay's Com promises—through the repudiation of the Mis souri Compromise so soon as the full results of that bargain had been reaped—through the passingof theNe .L brr o lt i a ru bill tr o and the 'squatterlegisl gaativve establiarmu _iccotli erifigtity'—through the invasion of Kansas— through the repudiation of 'squattersovereign ty' when that principle,had been found unequal to its purposes; , and lastly, through the Dred Scott decision and the demand for protec tion in the territories, pretentious which, if ad mitted, would have converted the, whole Union, the Free States no lees than the Terri tories, into one great domain for slavery." Such is his estimate of the pernicious' influ ence of slavery in poisoning the current of our political life ; and the soundness of these views is becoming only the, more apparent as the se cret history of the last forty years is being more and more fully &aright to light. Meanwhile this riot of bitterness has been steadily yielding its loathsome fruit. Good fruit it never has produced. The most that can be said in its behalf is that—at the cost of wasting the soil, corrupting the master, brutal izing the slave, degrading the poor white popu lation, obstructing the progreris of education, of mechanical industry; of arts and sciences, of religion, of everything, in short, that consti tutes true national greatness—it may, for a limited period, upon the same territory, be made conducive to the pecuniary gain of the class who keep slaves. And for the sake of this shall everything else be sacrificed? For the poor privilege of being lorded over by this coterie of haughty nabobs, shall this nation suffer its soil to be wasted, its foreign policy to be shaped for the ends of injustice and oppres sion, the development of, its vast resources to be hindered, a tree press and the free school to be barred out from vast regions of country so long protected by its flag, and so large a part of its population denied the exercise of the inalienable rights of "life, liberty and the pur suit of happiness ?" May God forbid it On this day of Thanksgiving, we do most devorktly bless his holy name for the prospect that, through the madness .of those who, for selfish and sinister purposes, have sought to rend this nation into fragments, she has been driven to put forth such violent. efforts to maintain her integrity as will in all probability result in ridding her forever from that which has ever been an approbrium upon her repu tation among the nations of the earth, and an incubus upon her development and progress in the cad eer of national greatneft. Let us suppose for a moment this war ended, and slavery, its great cause, taken out of the' way. What;then ? A prospect fairly% newildering in its bright ness rises before us ! We shall be OMB PROPLIC t And, when a few years shall, have elapsed, and time has quieted the vehemence of the btorin now raging, we shall be more truly one, people than ever before. Then the Constitutional rights of every citizen will be everywhere re; spected, and it requires no prophetic eys to be; hold the era of bounding , prosperity that will dawn upon us. ' As Pennsylvanians, we can foresee the busy thousands delving into our mountain sides an 4 swarming about our furnaces and forges, bring ing forth our iron to construct new railroads over a vast territory now thrown open to north 4 ern enterprise and industry ; to be manufac, tared into machinery for tha thousands of fac; tories that will spring up alongside of the cheer 4 folly and thoroughly cultivated cotton' and sugar plantations of the disenthralled , south ; and our coal to be transported thither as the great Motive power to give life and activity to those hivea of ingenioirsindustry, and toipropel i along a thousand streams; an internal com mace, the like of which , the world has never witnessed ; and our petroleum, that invaluable, ever gushing fountain of wealth for our glorious old Commonwealth, to illuminate the south and the rent of mankind ! Batiet us Trot feast our eyes, , selfishly, upoti our own eithilerating prospect, as Pennsylvaf rihurs. When this war shall have done its sad work and its salutary fruits begin' to appear the whole landi will be rejuvenated, and most of all that very portion of it which heretofore !,o its own hurt, cherished the blighting =0 &The Slitiki Wirer, by 3. E. Carnes, P. 21 PRICE ONE CENT. of Slavery. The traveler, as he ., zurses down the Ohio river, will no longer wltatill the strange contrast of thrift and plank' , on his right hand, with negligence and dilapidation upon his left. The same prosperity will then , smile upon Kentucky that has made such a gaiden of Ohio. Speech and the press will' be as free in South Carolina as in Massachusetts. The colporteur as he seeks out the children of the Sandlaillers andCorncrackers will be as free frclm molestation, though his speech do betray his northern nativity, as be is now among the Scandinavians of the great Northwest. Full of hope that such will be the glorious issue of the present struggle, let us in compli ance with the concluding appeal of the procla mation that has summoned us together, Inuit heartily entreat Him [our Heavenly Fa ther] to bestow upon our civil rulers wisdom and earnestness in council, and upon our mill tally leaders zeal and vigor in action, that the fires of rebellion may be quenched—that we, being armed with His defence, may be preserv ed from all perils—and that hereafter our peo ple, living in peace and quietness, may, from generation to generation, reap the abundant fruits of mercy, and, with joy and thankful ness, praise and magnify his Holy name.— BY TELERAN' From our Morning Edition FROM FOITRESS MONtiOE- DESTRUCTION OF REBEL SALT WORKS FORTRESS MONROE, Nov. 27 On Saturday last an expedition left Yorktown consisting of three gunboats and a force of slx hundred of the Eleventh Maine regiment.— They returned yesterday, after having scouted ten miles beyond Mobjark B iy, where they de stroyed an extensive and valuable salt works. Last Tuesday our pickets near Williamsburg captured eight rebels, which were sent to Fort ress Monroe. A flag of truce leaves here early to morrow morning for City Point to bring down Union prisoners, in charge of Capt. Jeo. E. Murntord, - of the Third New York. From the Army of the Potomac• Completion of the Acquia Creek Railroad THE HMI STILL STRIINGTIIBNING TUB EARTHWORKS. HMADQUARTERA ARMY Or THM POTOMAC, November 28. The railroad from Aqui& Creek was com pleted yesterday, and a locomotive came down this forenoon. Supplies will be received by rail henceforward. The enemy are industriously engaged in ex tending. and strengthening their earth works in the rear and to the right and telt of Freder icksburg. Their operations are distinctly visi ble through glasses from our signal stations. No movements of importance have taken place for several days, but a reconnoissance is said to be in progress, which promises hnpor tau 1 results. FROM NEWBERN, N. O. The Rebels Attempt to take the City. THEY FAIL IN THE ATTEMPT. On Tuesday, some 4,000 rebels under com mand of Brig. Gen. Martin, attempted to drive in our pickets and take the city. They ad vanced on the Trent road from Pollocksville, and succeeded in driving, after a brisk skir mish, the pickets a short distance. Some 800 of them them marched through the wood seven miles to capture two companies of the 24th Massachusetts, stationed at Batcheldore's creek on the railroad. The rebels met with a hot reception, and were defeated in their attempts, falling back in disorder, an retreating on double quick. The rebels thought to take us unawares, but Col. John Kurtz, our efficient Provost Marshal, then in command of the, port, was prepare d at all points. Desertions from the rebel army are quite frequent ; fifteen came iu on the 16th. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 27 Very little demand for flour, prices steady sales of 26,000 bushels at $6 12 for superfine ; $6 50 for western extra, and $7 120,7 16 for extra family. Receipts and stocks light. No change for rye flour or corn meal. There is very little demand for wheat, and only 6,000 bushels at $1 41®1 43 for Pennsylvania red, and $1 47 for amber and souchern. Small sales of rye at 96c. Corn active and 8,000 bushels of yellow sold at 73c. Oats steady at 0®43. Cotton dull at 47. Clover seed active and 1,000 bushels sold at $6 25@,6 50. No change in timothy or flaxseed. Provisions inactive—sales of mess pork at 13c.; 500 bbls. whisky sold at 40c. Cotton steady at 65i®66ets. Flour dull ; Sales of 10,000 barrels. Wheat steady ; 60- 000 bushels sold at $1 15®1 23 for Chicago spring, $1 21®8 60 for" Milwaukie Club, • and $1 36@,1 40 for red. Corn dull ; sales 90,000 bushels at 69®78c. for western, ss®6B for eastern, and 69®60 for unsound. Pork quiet'; Lard steady. Whisky dull at 30c. Receipts of flour 63,043 barrels. Wheat 23,349 bushels. Corn 82,143 bushels. New York Money Market. Sterling exchange dull. Stoats lower and dull. Illinois Central Railroad 78c.; Illinois Central bonds $1.07 ; Michigan Southern .82-k r ; New YoF,Ic Central $,l 011 ; Pennsylvania coal $1 11e ; Missouri Ainerican gOld 291e.- ' Tennessee 6s 64c.; Ohio's $1 06 ; Trea sury 7 3-109; $1 On demand notes 211 c.; Unikdititstes Coupon 60,:1881, ,11 Il NEWBEBS, Nov. 21 Nzw Yong, Nov. 28. Nzw , Yam, Nov, 28