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BY GEORGE BERGNER. THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, BY GEORGE BERGNER. TER MS—SuiaLE SUBSCRIPTION. The DAILY Tamtwill' is served to subscri bers in the City at 6 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $4 00 in advance. WDZILLY AND 811M-WINIELY TIGLEIBAPH The TICLIGRAPII is also published twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and week ly during the remainder of the year, and fur nished to subscribers at the following cash rates, via : Single enbecribers per year Semi-Weekly $1 50 Ten " 12 00 Twenty Single " " Weekly ADVIMTIEUNG Rivrss.—The following are the rates for advertising in the TELEGRAPH. Those having advertising to do will find it convenient for reference. gr Four lines or less constitute one-half square. Eight lines or more than fonr consti tutes a square. a Mr ee Vl qiFPF '"0"2 154 4 i t gagOhto"g Fr .O Cr Fr 130AggrrogniP: • • r ~.3.....,,.. 0 ' - e', 2 8V8888981354,988' rt P C: , ....-. .111. e DO 0,-.00.4.-10 , 4..01.31-..-. la p 0000 , 80.0.0-4.8000 , tip 0000 0080. 0 08 0 1 5 0 g ...,.. 0 .-. -a 0 , 2 000 -2 0 g.. 010 r4O. !I; 5t8.1380.88t. • 4' .... el . r t . tgi o-le.e.o.cotow-.1.-. a zi .t..C21100-2 0 0 o.!* 0 . .....C.C.C.000G . PS 0 1 1- 15 -a -a co a 4. ea k. 5 N-. SR' ig 1 .4 .R. 00000000.00. ••:...0 MD H ..I 0 *4O 00 1.5 t. 5 .+.+ ,-. P 0. W . 2 0 0. .1 to -200. v.,- 00. 0 - 000 OD OD CD NO. CO CO 1. 4 •O ZO , OCo O 0 O. o O. 0 0 0 0 tla N N le* Ito La GI 4+ •CS CP , 00Oaen b 5 et:. o Q Administration Notices, 1 lime a week, six t Marriage Notices Auditor's N0tice5......... ... Funeral Notices each Insertion.... g Business notices Inserted in Column, or before Marriages and Deiat CENTS ran Lnut for each insertion. Ihnintes garbs. JOBES HOUSE' CORNER OF MAIUM ST AND MARKET SQUARE, • '' HARRISBURG, PL ioseil EcOLILLiN, rzoesuraos. MiEIII6IIMY OCONDUCTID BY WELL, 001111 LY.) This Is a lint Class Hotel. and located .in the central part or the city. It is kept In the best manner, and ittl patrons will find every accommodation to be met with In the best hones in the country. sean-dtt PlioF. Al)01,P11 P. TELTSER. I,ITQULD ronpeotfully inform his old vy patron, and the public generally, that he will oestletto to glee Instrontlena on tee' PIAN O PORTE, ME LODNON_, VIOLIN %ad also in IBe anent% ol THORDUBB BASS. He will WM &mom Ra il upon , pupils at lb* bomee at arty hour desired. or loSsons Ims gives bin roaldetne, is Thlrd Ittr”.t, below Herman Reformed Moron. deettlit B. J. BARRIO, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 NARKE7 ,g7.1=7, HARRISBURG. LI AS always on hand a full assortment It of TM and Japanned Ware, (looting and Parlor stoves of ino best manufacturing; Getup! gpoonnit, amp bg and Galvanised Iron Cornish, manuilictured and pat up at reasonable rates sir noodling promptly attended to. aprbt-dly REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH HAS removed hie Boot and Shoo Siore from the °oilier of Second and Walnut dreeia to NO. 108 MARKET STREET, Next door to Hayne's Agriculture Stare, where he intends to keep all kinds or Bans a.ll Shoes, Gaiters, ant., and a' largo stook of Trunks, and everything in his line of hu-' alums ; and will be thankful to receive the Patronage of his old customers and the public in general at kis new place of business. All kinds of work made to order in the beat style and by superior workmen. Repairing done at short notice. fapr2dtf] 'JOHN R. 111111TH. LINDEN H*LL, MORAVIAN FEMALE SEMINARY, At Litiz, Lancaster Co., Pa FOUNDED 1794. Affords superior advantages for thorough and accomplished female education. For circulirs and information, apply to REV. Wit:LIAM C. MICHEL, octlß•diim TELPHER'S DAILY LINE ! BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA , Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Mun ey, .llniontown, Watsontown, Milton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin AND HA,RRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being eent,ally located, the Drayage Will be at Ike Lowest Rates. T. , e Conductor 10011 through with each tramp to anent to the tare de livery of all goods intrusted to the dna. Goode deliver ed at thWard k e De or Freedpot Freed, 811 Market street, Philadelphia, by 6 o , 'eloek, P. M., will hi delivered in Harrisburg the next morning. Freight Always as Lone.w as by Any Other Li JOSEPH MONTGOMERY, Philadelphia and Reading Depot, oet2l-dtl Foot of Margot Street, Harrisburg. DAN'L. A. MIIENOR., AGENT. OF the Old Wallower Lie! ree informs the public chit this Old Daffy Transporta tion Line, (the only Wallower Wm now in existence in this QV is in sumessfal operation and prepared to cony tas low as any other individual fine between Philadely la, Harrisburg, Sanbary, Lewisburg, MM. thUniport, Jersey Shore, Loot Haven and all other points an the Northern Central, yduadelphis and. Erie and Wit liamtgxtrt and Elmira ttallroads. DANL. A lIIIHNCH, Agent. , Harrisburg, Gleskitent to the Ware Home of Messrs. Pereira; Zell it hinehman, Noi 808 and 810 Narked aireet,sin ovo Philadelphia, by 4 slalom ; r. arriinti ready for delivery ne=t. morning. iyl = DR. JOHNSON .13.1 k LOCK BOSPItILI • • j Att - discovered the most certain, speedy lA, and effelcual remedy in t4e world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. mum IN ma ro TWILVI nouns. No Mercury or NoTI . Drake. A Cure Warranted; or - no Cini4ge, in from one to Two Days. Weakness of the Back or;Limbs, Strictures, Affections of the kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary diseharges, potency, General Debility, Nervonsnese, DyetiePairi Lan . guor, Lai Spirits,:Confelkin of ideas,Palpitation of the Resit, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness or Sight or Giddi ness, Di seams of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affec tions of the Liver, Lunge, Stomach or Bowels—those ter rible disorders arising front the Solitary .Habits of Youth —those Man and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the !Ong of ....,yrens to the Mariners of Ulys ses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., impossible. Young Men liapeciaDy, who have become-the victims of Solitary Vies, that dreadful and destructive habit whit, h annual ly Sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted . talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of_ eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with Gill confidence. Married Persons, or Young. Hen contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debili ty, dermmitiee,lo.;eposdily cured. ile USD:places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con fidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. . Organic Weakdosi. Immediately L'ured, and full vigor Restored. This distressing direction—which renders I lie misera ble and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indfilgences. Young persons are too apt to commit ascetics from not being aware of the dreadful eonseqcences that may ensue. New, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pow er of procreation' is lost sooner by those falling into Im proper habits than by the prudent Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy ofilipring, the most Be rk:n*lmi; destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Plinctions Weakened, Lose of Procreative Power, Serviette Irratibllity, Dyspepsia; Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Ounalitittliont 1 Debility a Wasting of the Frame, Bought Oonsumrdlon, Decay and Death. Office, No. 7 South Frederick Street. Left, hand side going from Baittetere street, a hew door. trees the corner. Bail not to observe mime and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doe. Loris Diplomini hang in his office. 22 00 100 tsf7 MJ ; c*l L.g ;gni PIE L.ejs Xra 02 w' EFS Xr.2 i m D. es... i 2 25 1113 he Local 6, EIGHT A Cure Warran' tell in Two Days. No Mercury or' Mamma Drugs, Dr. Jbltn/e n s Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Gre e t uate from oce of the most eminent Colleges in the Pill States, and the greater part of whose hie hem been spent in the hospitals or London, Paris, .Philadelphia and Aso where, has effected some of the most. sotonishing our that were over known • many troubled whit ..4,15 1 4 - 111 the bead and we treat nervousness, being atatotted at autumn sounds, basZiiinese, with frequent blushing, attended eometinme with derangement of mind were cured immediately. Take Particular 'Notice. Dr. J. addresses all.thoso who have littered themselves by improper indulge. ce and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either business 'study, society or marriage. These are some of the sad rind inelancholly effects pro. ductal by early habits of youth, via .Weakness of the Hack and Limbs, Pail= in the Bead, Dimness .4 Sight, LAM of Muscahu• Power,' Palpitation of the heart, Drs.. papa, Nervous lrratibility, Demngement of thelligestlve Functions, General Debility, Symptoms' of Consumption, Miurrativ.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be' dreaded—Loss of Memom Confusion of ldeas , De preseten of Spirits, Evil Forbodings, Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Solitude, Tunidity, he., are some of the evils prOduced. Tnemattme of persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining heath, losing their vigor; becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance aboutlhe eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. Young Alen Who have injured themaehugs by a certain practice in dulged In when alone, a habit frequently learned bore evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even whestaaleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, suid.destroys both mind and body) should apply immediately. . What a pity that a young wan, the ‘ hope of his emir Ivy, thedarllng of his parents, should be snatched prom all prosteds and enjoyments of MN by the ,eonsequence of deviatMg from tM path of nature and indulging in a. curtain mere* habit. • Snob pelsions soar, bidets Content: plating e, reflect theta sound mind and b l iry /Maths most mew eery requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed; without these, the journey, through lift becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view the Mind becomes shadowed with 'despair end tilled with the melmeholly reflection that thehappiness of another becomes blighted with our own. • .Thipme" .of Imprudence. . . • 1 . Wheri the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure: Ends that he has imbibed the seed' of this potting dis-I ease, it too often hapena that an ill-timed sense of ehamo or dread of discovery, deterelim from applying to Wesel who, from eanostion and reepectability, can alone be friend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms on the horn d dismal aaakoltheir alipaatelice, sash as ul quoted sore throat, disensed nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the had, hum and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity , till at last the palate of the month or the bones of the nose fall hi, and the yleihrs °Litho owl disease becomes a horrid object of camelhairs/IMo, till death puts a period to his though i fingerings; by sending him to ~ that Ilodiscov . vered Country from whence no traveler retarget' It la a reeldouffionl/ foot *is thoutiands WI 'taints to mi. t e rrible &jamas, Owing to the unsightliness of Igno rant prat/Oudot; who kit the.nbe oft tt Deadly Poison, Mowry, ruin the conititution and make the residue o life miserable. ' ittnui g ere. Trust not your lives, or Mai*, to the care of the many Unlearned and Worthiesa Pretenders, destitute of know ledge, aims or elaraeler, who copy Dr. Johnson's adver- Vertieemeets, or style themselves in the newspapers, regalarligiducated Physichaut incapable of Curing, they temp yen vrilling month after month taking their filthy and polsotiousness cot /pounds, or as long as the smallest fee can twebteined, andin sleepair, leave yen with ruin ed health to sigh over your galling disappointment. Dr. Johnioni is the only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomats always bangs id his office. His remedies or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared a life spen ret in Oho eat loophole of En rage, the ifrom gat in the omintry and a more extensive Pri vate Practice than any other Physician in the weed. Indoriennent of the Press. The many lloasinds cured' at , this initituttou year ai tier year, and the numerous important Surgical Opera tions performed by Dr. Johnson, , witenefelgoi by the re porters of the "tiara," "Clipper, ' mull many other po psis, nom of Which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character. and responsibillty, is a so Milani guarrantee loth@ afflicted. . • : : . • Skin Diseases bpeedily Cured. Persons Writing should be partieular in directing their otters to his Institution, in the following manner , : JOUN , N. JOHNBO.4, N. D. . . Ot th e ileithllore Lodi Hospital, Baltimore, lid. • . 00/11: Oil Lamp Shades, W joke, Chim neyl, For 801 b:"0. by 'iticHas & BOWMAN, • 'Corner Pio& and Masketitreets. OUR newly replenished .844 of Toilet and tiany Goods la aninrpaatied is -Ws bay, and n confident of rendering aatialaanon, we would re* p•atfally wait' a ' KILLER, 91 MAW stpset, two door awn ofyoarth "Mot, math Oda.. AIRIER FISK every Tneeday and Fridn 3088 !MI Man, meow ?tThird sad ifik • ~~cattal. HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER. 28, 1862. tilisaltantous PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Just received, at BERONKR'S BOOK STORE, a full supply of i PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Embracing all the new Styles and Sizes. ALBUMS FOR 12 PHOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS FOR 20 PHOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS FOR 24 PHOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS FOR 80 PHOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS FOR 40 PHOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS FOR 60 PHOTOGRAPHS Prices from Serenty-five Cents To Twenty-five Dollars BOUND IN CLOTH, WITH CLASP BOUND IN FRENCH MOROCCO, WITH CLASP. BOUND IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITH TWO CLASPS. BOUND IN TURKEY IMMO°, WITH V:E1041111NIV111)5f: BOUND IN VELVET, WITH CLASPS-VERY RICH. BOUND IN MOROCCO, WITH HEAVY MOUNTINGS AND CLASPS. CTURES FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. PORTRAITS OF DISTINGUISHED MEN. PORTRAITS OF DISTENGEFIHSED WOMEN. COPIES OF RABE ENGRAVINGS. COPIES OF CHOICE PAINTINGS. Any Ozrle de Title published in the country will be furnished to order. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBIN'S, Of any sire nut in the standard styles will be made to order. BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore. POST OFFICE NOTICE On and after Monday, November 17th, 1862 'the mails 14 this'office will be closed as follows wonnEiRRN CENTRAL RATLROAD. NORTH. WAY Mem—For all places between Harris. burg, Loa. Haven and Elmira, N. Y., at 12.40 P. M SOUTH. Wax Mart—For all - - - places between Harris burg and Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. C., at 8 05 A. M, For York,Pa.,Baltimore; Md.,' and 'Washington, D. C., at 900 P. M LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD. EAST. WAY MAIL—For all places between Harris burg • and Reading, Pottsville, Easton and Philadelphia, at ...... .7.00 A. M. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. WAY MAu.—For all places between Harris burg and Philadelphia, at .6.30 A. M. For Philadelphia and Lancaster, at .12.10 M. For Bainbridge, Mariet ta, Columbia, Lancaster, Philadelphia and New York, at 4 20 P. M. For Lancaster, Philadel phia and New York, at 9.00 P. M. WEST. Wes Mem—For all places between Harris burg and Altoona, at 12.40 P. M. For Johnstown and Pitts burg, and Erie, Pa., Cin cinnati, Columbus and Cleveland, 0., at 2 45 P. M. For Lewistown, Hunt ingdon, Tyrone, Phil ipsburg, Altoona, Holli daysburg and Pittaburg,9.oo P. M. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. For Mechanicsburg, Car lisle, Shippensburg, Cluimbersburg, Pa., at.. 7.00 A. DI Was likett--For all places between Harris burg and Hagerstown, Md., at .12.30 P. M. sentnaxiu, AND SUSQUEHANNA BAIL- ROAD. For Elwood, Pinegrove, Summit Station Au burn and Pottsville, at 12.30 P. IL STAGE ROUTES. For Linglestown, liana& Hill, West Han over, Ono and Jones town, at. 7.00 A. M. For Lisburn and Lewis- V'' , berry, at 12.40 P. M. erOffice Hours—From 6.00 A. M. to 8 P. M., Sunday from 74 to A. IL, and from 3to 4 P. M. GEORGE PERGNER, Postmaster MINCE PIES. RAISINS, CURRANTS, CITRON, LEMONS, SPICES, CIDER, WINES, BRANDIES, &a. WM. DOCK, Jr. & Co. For sale by ENGLISH WALNUT TEEM A T Keystone Nursery, adjoining the city Oct. 18, 1862 ISABELLA AND CATAWBA GRAPE VINES, strong and thrifty, two years old, at reduced prices, at Keystone Nursery. novl-dtf TAU, Lagnira, and Rio Coffee, choice arti cies just received, by NICHOLS & 'BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market Ste. novB EVERGREEN TREES, 0 F all desirable varieties, at the Keystone Nurseries. er The weather and season are favorable, and they should be planted as soon as possible. Oct. 18,1868. J. KWH. Bank vippliagionn. BANK OF CHESTER COUNTY, .TOTICEis hereby given that ti.e BANK ciF cligeran COUNTY, intends to apply to the ialure of Pennsylvania at their next session for a renewal of its charter. Said Bank is located In the borough of West Chester, with an authorised capital 'of Two Hundred ens Twenty.ilve Thousand Dollars, a re newal of which will be asked for with the usual blinking rivileges. By order of the Board, WK. W. JEFFSRI3, Cashier, Je2sdli-w6m BANK NOTICE • Yawata' BANE OF BOOKS COUNTY BENTOL, Be., June 24,1862. J NOTICE is hereby given, that an appli cation will be made to the Legislature of rennekl veal* at their next sseulon, for a mews' of the charter of the Pannier BANK of Bucks county. The eai I Bank being located in the borough of Brietol, renneyl venial., with an authorized capital of Two Hundred Thou. Baud dollars, with the usual banking privileges. By or der of the Board, B. C. BEATTY, le2ftdlb.wilm - . NOTICE. rilillE: President, Directors and Company of the RANK OF DELAWARE COUNTY, intend to make application to the next Legislature et this Coln• nionnealth, for the renewal of their Chester with bank ing and discounting privileges as heretofore, under the same name or title, at the present location and with the same capital, two hundred thousand dollars, with the right to increase it to three hundred thousand dollars. je26.wilm. W. TAYLOR, CAshier. ' BANK NOTICE. 1 1 (0TICE is hereby given that the Presi dent and. Dirictotti of the LEBANON liiolC. bleated in I a borough of Lebanon, 'Lebanon county, Iniensl po make application to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at their nest sessioe, for .s. renewal of the charter ant -an extens'on of the privileges of the' said Bank now eiVoked, with the same name, title, location and capital of $2OO - By order B. A. UHLBR, jelillat-wem . C ashier. NOTICE. THE MINOR'S BANK of Pottsville, in A, the county of Schuylkill, hereby give notice that they intend to apply to the Legislature . of Pennsylvania at their neat session, for a renewal of their charter. r , ald Bank is locate d the borough of Pottsville, in the county of Schuylkill, with an authorized capital of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, a renewal of which Will be asked without any extension of privileges. By order of the Board. CHABLIS'.° •S..NER, ' jel4 dlt-w6m. Cashier. NOTICE. AM OF CHAMBIERSBURO, June 18th , 1862. • NOTICE le hereby given of the intend ad application at the next meeting of the Legisla ture fur a renewal of the charter of the BANK OF OriAhil- BBRSSUKG, with the present name and style, locatiOn and specific object, with privilege to increase the capital stock from 8286,888 90 to $260,000. By order of the board O. B. MESSEBSMITH, • el4-dlt-w6m . Cashier. BANK NOTICE. NOME if ial i d a Vb3r—laisreux-kba& - aner - rx - nert s r s of the LANCISTIta COUNTY isdNiK intend to make application to the' Legislature of the OOnunonwealth of Panneylvania at their next session, fOr a renewal of the charter, and an extension of the privileges of the said Bank, with all the rights and privileges now enjoyed, for a term of twenty years from the expiration of the present charter, with the same name, title, lac& Lion and capital of $300,000. By order W. L. PRIM, jel3-dlt-W6M Cashier of Lancaster County Beni. NOTICE. I\TOTICE is hereby given that application ilk will be made at the next anneal meeting of the Legislature of Pennsylvania for a renewal of the charter of the ICCOBANGB BANK OF PITTSBURG, with int present name, location, privileges and capital of One Million dollars. By order of the Board of Directors, H. M. MURRAY; Deshler. BANK NOTICE. iv °TICE is hereby given, that an appli; .1.1 cation will be made for the charter of a bang to be called the CLARION BANK OF RIR coma, capi tal $lOO,OOO with right to go into opLration when n40.l 000 shall have been paitin. Je3o-dlt wthn. BANK NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the 1111- dersigned citizens of Pennsylvania have formed an association and prepared a certificate for the purpose of establishing a Danat of issue, discoimt and deposit, un-. der the provisions orthe act, entitled a "supplement Wi an act. to establish a system of free banking in Yennsyil vania, and to secure the public against loss from ingot. -vent. banks" approved the ant day of Mfty, A. D.,.1861,. the said bank to be called BLAIR COUNTY BANK, to be located in the borough of Hollidaysburg and countri of Blair, to consist of a capital stock of Fifty Thousand, Dollars in shares of Fifty Dollars each, with the privi leges of Increasing the same to any amount not exceed tag in all Two Hundred Thousand dollars. ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, JOHN GEO. MILES, ESINGTON HAMMOND, JAMM3 GARDNER, tyadit woos R. R. RYAN. NOTIOI is hereby, given that "THE COMMIRROLAL BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA , in tone to apply to the legislature of Pennsylvania at their nest session fur a renewal of their charter, Sad Bank is located in the city of Philadelphia, with an autliorifed capital ci One Million `Of Dollars, a renewal of which will be asked for, with the usual banking privileges. By or er of the board, a. 0. PALMER, doawem NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the Wy ming Bank at Wilkes. Barre will apply to the Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania, at its next ses sion, for an extension of the charter of said Bank, and also for authority to increase the capital of said Bank Amu one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to two hun dred thousand dollars. The name and style, the loca tion and the poisers and privileges of said Hank to re main the same as at present, saving and excepting only the increase of the eapital aforesaid. G. Y. EtOLLEBACK, President. EDWARD 8. LOOP, Gambier. my3o4lt-w(im EXTENSION OF CHARTER. NOTICE, is hereby given that THE RAMIFIES' AND IIikCHAMOS' BANK OF KAH- N, a Bank of disoaunt and deposit located in the bor :owl' of Easton, Northampton county, Pennturivaniii, hat , ing a capital of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars, will ap ply so the next Legislature of Pennsylvania for a renewal of its charter for fifteen years from the expiration of its present chartei, with its present capital 'stook, powers and privileges, and without any alteration in or increase of the same. J. STIWART, Praet, M. M. FORMAN, Cashier. jys-din-went BANK NOTIOE. OT ICE it; hereby given, that an asso ciation hes been formed and a certificate prepared :for the purpose of establishing &bank of discount, deposit 'and circulation wider the provisions of the act, entitled, "an act to establish a system of free banking in Pennsyl vania, and to secure the public against lees from insol vent banks," approved Starch illst,lB6l. Said bank to be called ' , VENANCIO BANK," to be located at the bor ough of Franklin in the county of Venting° with a capital of ONR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR to be divided into two thousand shares of My, dollars each, and it is contomplatect to increase the same to three hundred thousand dollars, or to six thousand shares of fifty dol lars each. mar2ll-w6m BANK NOTICE. IUOTICE is hereby given, that the LI BANS OF DANViLLE, a Bank of Wawa discount and depoett, located in the borough of Danville, Montour county, with a capital of Two Hundred Thousand Dol lars, intends making application at tha nut regular INF don of the Legielatare of Pennsylvania, 6 r a renewal of ha charter and extension of Ile present privilege', for a term of twenty yeerelrom thii migration of Be preens charter, with the eame,nams. W . 144 location end capital. By order ot the Saardige*PriolOn4 • DAVID OLAND, JOWPdlteiliat • Caebter. Mistellantuus NICHOM & BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Gfr 3EL Co - *, 1311 It IS Corner Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. ESPECTIVELY invite the attention .1.110 of the public to their large mug well selected ataCK of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO- Emu FRUITS. We now offer for sale' Stewarts, Loverings Golden Syrup, White and Brown Sugars of all grades, Green and Black Teas, Coffee, Spices and Flavoring [Extracts. _ ALSO, FLOUR, FISH, SALT, LARD, HAMS, 4c., &c., BEO We invite an eiamluation of our superior NON-EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, Unmerited In every reaped by any in the market, to gather with all kinds of LAMPS, SHADES, BURNERS, We have the largest assortment of GLASSWARE & QUEENSWARE in the city ; also, all Wu& of CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. (fall and examine at our old stand, NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market streets. Sept 12 TO OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS. Collection of Pensions, Bounties, Back pay and War Claims. Officers' Pay Rolls, Muster Rolls, and Be craning kccounts Made Out. rrHE undersigned, having been in the em -1., ployment of the United States during the last eighteen months, as Clerk in the Muster ing and Disbursing Office and Office of Super intendent of Recruiting Service of Pennsylva nia, respectfully informs the public that he has opened an office in the DAILY TEILIGHAYII Building for the purpose of collecting Pen stoup, Bounties, Back Pay and War Claims ; .0 . •• ~ mann% OM omcers - ray - sons, - muster Rolls and Recruiting Accounts. All orders by mail attended to promptly. SULLIVAN S. CHILD. g' Blanks of all kinds furnished at this office. • novl-dtf GRAPE VINES 01 . all desirable hardy native varieties, (and they are the only class worth planting in the open air,) for sale at the Keystone Nursery, adjoining the city. Among them are some of the newer varieties, such as Delaware, Diana, Rebecca, Concord, Musca dine, Bartford, Prof*, 8(0. , which have sold at very high prices for smal and weak vines.— Strong, well ripened and thrifty vines are now offered at reasonable prices. Oct. 13, 1862, FOR SALE. 3 • 00 °BUSHELS prime Yellow Corn. 500 bushels barley malt, first quality. 200 brothels rye. 60 barrels whisky, first quality. Enquire of 11101IARD HOHELAND, 8029 din Washington Avenue, Harrisburg. STANDARD PEAR TREES, at Keystone Nursery, adjoining the city of Harrisburg. Oct. 18, 1862. . COAL Oil Limps perfected, "Cahoon's At tachmeut" fitted to any lamp, prevents the breaking of chimnies. For sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market Ste. nov6 SMOKED HALIBUT. A'TRAY choice article just received, and for We by WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO. MOTIONS.-- Quite a variety of (melt' ua 0.1 :intAi.ukininv 1410•4‘,:tv • •• • Oel,. PSBII it Lem o ns, aid Raisins, just re •• J: calved sod for cola low b . , ICILHOLB & BOWMAN, jel4 Cornet...frost attd Magical alveoli. • EIGB, Diana, Praises, Raisins, and all kinds or Sure. a/ JOHN, WISE'S Store Third rind mit. myl CHOICE lot of Tobacco, for sale at rearona ble prices, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, nov3 Corner Front and Market sits. LUBRICATING Oil for all kinds of ma oniony, In convenient packagen, tor sale very low NIOMOLS k BOWMAN, Oornor Front and Market street. by 019 FINE YORK STATE APPLES FOE SALE, wholesale and retail, at JOHN WISE'S, noB•dtf 3d and Walnut. APPLE TRUE, OF choice varieties, at Keystone Nursery, Harrisburg. Oct. 18, 1862. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 1 1 1 VITRA. FINE Put received. WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO -au • DIARIES FOR 1863. rlargest assortment of Diaries for 1863 lust received, at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. IDASKETS, TUBS, and all kinds of Willow JIJI and Cedar Ware, for sale by NICHOLS & BOWM.itN, nl4 Oor. Front and Market Streets. POTATOES. 80r, BUSHEIS of a Superior quality just received turd for sale low, by oct2B-tf WM. DOOR, Jr., & F I . BOSTON CRACKERS. A LARGE supply of these de4ciops crackers justreoelved and for ride by WM. DOOR, Jr., & CO, 10, Dandelion, and Barley'Coffee, just re- XX, (viand and for sale low by ' • ROSOLS nold Cor. Front and Market dtree4e, Ceitgrapt. Written for the Turxonern.] Here in the busy camp, How oft I think of thee; Thy image on my heart is stamped, I long thy face to see. Now do not cease to pray To that dear Saviour slain; To Rim our vows we'll pay, When we shall meet again. 0. 11. CAMP DAT.IPMN, Oct. 29th, 1862. PROTOGRAIL ALsums.—More gaiety and more gravity have been exercised over photograph albums than over any other species of compila tion. They are either portraits or parodies of all the " beauties harmonies and eublimities CHIMNEYS, &c., &c., &c of (human) nature." A great many very bad jokes have been cracked over them, and a few rather good ones. A bewitching little wife and an old satyr of a husband have been character ized as a new version of Beauty and the Beast— a weak husband and a Jezebel wife, as St. George and the dragon. Sedate clergymen, with very black gloves and very white neck-ties ; sedate matrons, pluming themselves on their plumpness, and engaging in their embonpoint ; green, skinny school-girls, with sickly-looking eyes and short dresses; mid dle aged men about town, excessively polite and exceedingly profane ; heads of families, look ing as though they were being asked for money and were trying to get out of it ; actors in at titude, and dancers twirling on their toe-tips--- all these, and a hundred others which cannot illustrated in a local, congreiala tozether in a photograph albuin. Some look as if they were visited with strokes of genius; some with strokes of apollexy; others as if they should be picking rags ; and others, again, as if their proper vocation was picking pockets. A few faces may be called beautiful. Women have often been called angels, and we presume it is for this reason lovers always prefer their sweethearts represented as among the clouds. Babies are bad enough in real life, (moth ers, please pass over this portion,) but in albums they bloom with a meek, sleepy kind of infan tile horror, which is not preferable to their natural gifts of mind and person. However, as we are always in for fashions, so with respect to this fashion we cry with the crowd, vine the photographic albums. —An elegant assortment of these albums are now for sale at Bergner's Cheap Book Store, Market street. Those who are about to com mence the gathering of the photographs of friends, should not be without one of these albums. JACOB 141811 NARROW Faure.— Warning to Coal Burners. The Carbon Gazette of Saturday says: "The fami ly of Mr. Charles Peter, of the Slatington Hotel, had ginarrow mope a few night since. Mr. Peter's wife went into the kitchen early in the morn ing of the 18th—about 4 o'clock—when she fell senseless on the floor. The housekeeper went to her assistance, when she also fell ; next Mr. Peter's daughter fell in the same manner. A young child, in an adjoining room, then created an alarm, probably being aroused by the noise. This brought assistance, when it was discovered that the kitchen and adjoining rooms were full of coal gas, which had escaped from the range during the night. The three females were soon put under medical care, and by eight o'clock on the Allowing evening the mother and daughter had entirely recovered, but the housekeeper was still confined to her bed. It is supposed that the heavy pressure of wet air had worked down the fine and caused the gas to come out of the range below. Workmen are now employed in making such alterations as .to prevent a recur rence of a like state of affairs. It was cert A sinly a narrow escape, and had it not been for the timely alarm of the child, all three must have perished in a few moments. DiGI. Moll.s FM ars COIIHERY. —During the recent visit of Secretary Cameron to New York, a member of the Seventy-ninth Regi ment, who was in the battle of Bull Bun and near Colonel Cameron when he fell, called up on the Secretary. He had been severely woun ded and taken prisoner, carried to Richmond, and there suffered an amputation of one of his lege. He came hobbling into the Secretary's room on crutches, and begged to be permitted to go to war again, saying that he thought that he could still be of service to his country, even on crutches. Mr. Cameron did not ques tion his capacity, but told him the first prelim lusty was to get a mate to his remaining ex tremity. The man said he couldn't afford that luxury, and insisted upon the validity of crutches. Mr. Cameron then told him to go to limh.seller's, and buy the biet leg he could find and send the bill to him. The wounded Soldier went his way rejoicing. Tkis, makes at least a dozen legs which the General hes purchased for those who lost their flak /I*ol battle field. PRICE ONE CENT. TO BEY WIFE But no, it cannot be, For six months yet to come ; Thy face I then shall see, And Wye afresh shall bloom. I'll clasp thee to my breast, No more from thee to roam ; Until the bugle blast Of death shall call me home. Then tell our little ones, Their papa loves them still ; His little daughter and his eons His heart with love doth fill. *