SH, Jat _- ¥ a ¥ ihe “until May Court. ‘hia t they have no time to practice - ute. » eo i I. EF Ee erm mm er The entre pimpin mem comme bie Beyer lle, ga Tp ECE AT ba - “ The Reporter BRA A re AAA A AA SAA AAU RAIA _@.W. PATE, Editor and Publisher. NAA A A NN Miltheim, Friday, Mar. 26. RRA A AAALAC AA A NE AP SAAN SAN NS Terms—81.25 Per Annum. Semmm— Will every man whoknow : himself indebted to this Of- fice for Subscription, Adver- tising, or Job Printing, con- fer a favor by settling up be- fore the first of April, as we will need considerable mon- ey on that day. TN Net proceeds—Fish. The birds are coming. Natural slippers—Eels. To-day is Good Friday. A new girl sweeps clean. Tock Haven is to have a Centenial Trim your grape vines if you can get at them. Next Sunday is Easter—Eggs 25 cents per dozen. Two centuries age not one person in a hundred wore stockings. ; Rev. Miller, pastor of the Centre “1Iall Lutheran Charge, has resigned. The usual anxiety which precedes the first of April, is noticed on many countenances. Mr. William Allison intends put- ‘ting the Potters Mills Woolen Fac- tory in operation this spring. All kinds of Stoves, Tin, Sheet | ‘Iron, and Copperware, on hand or made to order at A.J. Reesman’s, Centre Hall. ‘A gang of burglars have been dis- covered in Lewisburg, and a number ot them are boarding with the sheriff Eferyinan thinks that Ceser’s wife ought to be above suspicion; but he} is far less particular as to what Uesex himself ought to be. Thete are some who write, talk and think’ 36° TUCh about vice and virtue, fr either the one or the other.’ Kev. J. G. Shoemaker, will preach at -Aaronsburg next Yunday morning German—and in the evening in Eng- dish. At St. Paul's at 2 p. me. : It is" wonderful what an amount of struggling and redfacedhess will be gone through by a person wrestling into a new pair of shoes “a size too Jurge.”’ ed rig : This is the season of the year when the style of the spring bonnet becom- eth a sxbject of interest to the fair sex. Ina few weeks it will become a subject of principle with the male persuasion. : “J. Gray—Pack with my box five dozen. quails.” There is nothing re- markable about this sentence, only that it is nearly as short as one can be construcied, and yet contains the whole alphabet. : On Monday night the residence of Rev. Dr. Sahm, at New Berlin, was destroyed by fire. All the contents, including his valuable library, were burned. A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the L...C. & 8. C. R. R. will be held in Philadelphia, next Tuesday, when the bids for unfin- ished work will be opened and the work allotted. Grant is taking care of his favor- ites among the Congresmen who have been repudiated by their constinents. Five or six of them have already been appointed to office, among them the autiior of the infamons Force bill. : If you want to visit the place in Bellefonte where the best Oysters are kept, call at H. C. Yeager’s Sa- i loon, on Bishop Street. The place 'is clean and orderly, and you will find not only the best Oysters, but ‘the best of everything in his line. Call on Yeager. Although Mr. A. J. Reesman has charge of the Post Office, at Centre Hall, our readers must not imagine that he has abandoned the Stove and Tinware business. His stock is larger and more complete than ever, and he sells at prices to suit the times. Do not fail to see AXDY’S stock before purchasing. damage on the North Branch of the Susquehanna River, last week. Sev- eral bridges were badly demoralized and much other damage sustained. along the river, on account of the Should the siiow go off with rain, it will eanse a flood to which that of shower. “We ave pained to learn that three children and a hired boy of Joseph Smith’s, residing near Penn Hall, are lying very ill with Scarlet fever. The danghter, about 18 years old, had an attack of diphtheria a few weeks ago, and was slowly recover- ing, when it turned to Scarlet fever, and thus affected the whole family with this contageous d scase.. The girl and one of the boys when last heard of, were very low, and pool hopes are entertained for their recov- ery.— Centre all Reporter. | The New York Weekly ¥ received regularly at tins ul we advise all our readers who wish to subseribe for a- religious, newspaper, to see the Witness before subseribing. It is as Jarge &8 any of the réligious papers, contains as much reading matter as any and more than many papers. It is impossible to teil all about th= excellenei s of tie paper, but sample copies are sent free, and all that is necessary. is to address WEEKLY Witness, New York City, or, if you prefer, call at this office and see a specimen number. Sub- scription price, post-paid, oly ONE DoLrLar AND TweNTY CENTS A YEAR. Subscriptions received this office. {From the Christian Union, Dec. 2, 1874.] Inve tment with PositiveReturn. No financial securities yet offered in the market have become se readily and generally popular ag the first mortgage premium bonds of the In- Somehow, one can’t help thinking | of that citizen of Syracuse who has thirteen children, allgirls. Probably there is not a cornerof the bureau in | that man’s house that hasn’t a celd chew of spruce gum sticking to it. A school in Vermont is presided over by a cross-eyed teacher. A few “ That days ago he called out: : boy: that I am looking at will step out on the floor.” Immediately twen- ty-seven lads walked out in front of the astonished pedagogue. “We have received from E. Steiger, 22 and 24 Frankfort Street, New York, a very interesting pamphlet, entitled ‘‘The German Language as a Regular branch of Public Instruc- tion.” - Copies of the pamphlet are mailed free to Educators and School Officers, upon application totheabove address. A medical advertisement is headed, “f,00ks like a Miracle! A young man made to walk in five minutes!” But Ed. thinks that is ne great mir- acle compared to his experience the other evening when he went to see his girl. The old man came in and him walk in less than one min- Correct answers to the question in last weeks paper have been receiv.d from Linn Ruhl, Mifflinburg. D. XK. Musser, Arronsburg. Thomas O. Wolfe, Wolfe’s Store, eleven years old. : : Here is the currect answer—1 old man, 2 old women, 7 young men, 2 yung women, = 5% “The following question has been banded in and answers solicited: Place the nine Digits intwo col- umns soas toceunt 100. - + dustrial Exhibition Company of New York, and there exist many patent reasons for this marked preference. Ia the first place the bonds are placed at the attainable orice of $2) each, and the return of the prmeipal is as- sured beyond conting ney ; further. the holder of each bond participates in every quarterly premium untilit is redeemed— principal and interest. By addressing Morganthau, I3runo & Co.,the Financial Agents, at No. 23 Park Row, N. Y., circulars giving full explanation may be obtained. We have the last No. of Volume I1 of that excellent paper, the Cn- tennial and Journal of thy Ecposition, published by H. W. Crotzer. ‘he Colonel has surmounted all difficulties and his paper has at length reached a circulation of 10,000, and is increasing every week. This end has been accomplished mainly by the energy and persevereance of Col. Crotzer. How well we remember the days when we atteneed School, twenty seven years ago, in the town of Mif- flinburg, with the Colonel for teacher, and when we look back and take into "consideration what an amount of pa- tience he exercised while initiating us into the mysteries of Penmanship, we do not wonder that his paper is a success, for the same untiring energy and patience has been bpronght to bear on everything which he has undertaken, and where it has been possible for man to succeed he has succeeded. He is now making ar- rangements to issue his paper weekly. Success to the Centennial and its Editor and Proprieter. The subscrivtion price is only $1 a ‘Year. Address H. W. Crotzer, 521 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Pa. Tee and water caused considerable | & : A “ue Bp A great deal of uneasiness is felt immense body of snow in the woods. | 65 will seem like a summer thunder : ness i 8s A good Next Thursday you go troutinz. crop 1s predicted. Just keep vour flannels on a fow days longer. Bellefonters are having their an- nual growl about high rents. Mr. George Loneberger, aged 90 years, died in Bellefonte on 16th inst. Will some Weather Prophet cell us what kind of a summer we may exs pect. Judge Mayer has ordered a special Court to be held in this county, commencing April Sth. The M. E. Church at Pleasant Gap was damaged to the extent of several bundred dollars by fire, on last Sun: day afternoon. Hon L. A. Mackey, has been noti- fied that there is a vacancy to be fill- ed, from this Congresional District, in the Naval Academy. Since our last issue we Lave had snow one day and sunshine the next. Sleighs are still seen but wheels are gradually gaining the ascendency: - Willis, son of Jolin Rishel, had his arm dislocated on Monday morning. In endeavoring to extricate his horse from a snow bank the aninal fell on him and the result, as stated above, was a broken arm - Lewis Kerstetter, an inmate of the snyder county jail, committed ‘sui- cide on last Saturday by hanging himself. six wmonti’s imprisonmonment for the crime of adultery. | The Republican has a letter recom- mending J. P. Gephart, Esq., for State Senate. Therecommender cliose a good, square Democrat, anyway, but he is no Democrat of Penn Towship, although the letter is dated { Millheim. It isa Republican trick ‘this time, without a doubt. The "next time the Republican wants to ‘meddle in Democratic polities, it I should cover up the ear mark.s ee ell Re em ms Local Option. The Local Option Law, created Ly the people, has been repealed by the Legislature. In its stead we have a license law, which, although alittle “more stringent than the old one, will | again open the flood gates of intem- | perance. : : * The bill, as agreed to by both hous- es, contains tweive sections. Tae first absolutely repeals the local-op- tion law of March 27,1872. The scc- ond says that licenses may be granted ‘by the Court of Quarter Sessions, “when not otherwise provided for by special law, for one year. The third classifies hotels, inns, and taverns as “follows: Wuaen yearly sales exceed $10,600 per «nnam, $7€0 license shall be paid ; when over $2,000, to pay $40, 1 cense; when cve: £6,000, to pay $200 license; and when over $4,000, to pay $100 license ; while the fifth class, when sales are under $4.,- 000, shall pay $59 license. The | fourth inflicts punishment for selling without license, the highest finebeing $1,000, and the lowest $200 and im- prisenment nst exceeding one year. ~The fifth awards the fines and penal- ' ties to the City Treasurer. Thesixth obliges constables of the words to make return of unlicensed houses. The seventh authorizes husbands, wives, parents. children, and guar- dians to give notice to the house not to sell to their relations who may be of dissipated habits. The eighth prohibits foreign agentsand non residents from selling. The ninth au- thorizes dealers’ bonds to be cancelled after thirty days’ notice. The tenth requires bonds of $2.000 to be signed before licenses issue. The eleventh prohibits sales on Sunday and to mi- nors. The twelfth provides that no licenses heretofore granted shall be invalidated, and that nothing in this act shall authorize the manufacture or sale of liquors in cities, counties. boroughs, or townships having spe- cial prohibitory laws. Tho vote in the House stood 122 yeas to 68 nays. -- Americans are a Nation of Dyspeptics. We live fast, disripate and fill early graves. We drink all kinds of aleoholic spirits, and swal- “low, without mastication, pork. grease, and every kind of iife-destroying,system- clogging indigestible food. Dr. Walker's Vegetable Vinegar Bitters will remove the evil effects, and the recovered patient. with pure, vital- ived electrical blood flowing through his veins, will have a clea er head and a cooler judgment, which aaded to exnerienee, will cause him to abstain in the future. ; 15 Nasa 7 A 2 my Se Ni eld MARRIED. HOY—GRAMLEY.—On the 9th inst., John Hoy, jr., of Jacksonviile, and Mrs- Sydney Gram!ey, of Keberspurg. ERB—BLOJM.—O0n the 18th inst., by Rev.M. (+. Ehrhard, Wesley Erb, and Mrs. susan m, both of Ferguson township. ROCKEY—BOWLRSOX,—On the 16th inst. J. B. Rockey and iiiss Henrietta Bowersox. ASN = DIED. GEARY.—In Lock Haven, 1st inst., Emma May, daughter of A.C. and E. J. Geary, aged 7 years, 11 months and 14 days. : RUSSEL.—In Aaronsburg, 23th ult., Susanna, wife of John Russel, aged 56 years; 2 mos. “and 9 days. WEAVER.—At the residence of J. B. Fisher, - at Penn Hall, on the 2d inst., Miss Eliza- beth Weaver, aged about 62 years. He had been sentenced to Public Sale Register. The following sales are advertised in to day’s paper or by posters print- ed at this office: APRIL. 2—Wm.Pealear, Administrator,will sell the Personal Property of Miss Elizabeth Weaver, deceased, at the residence of Mr. J. B. Fish- er, at Penn Hall. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Estate of Elizabeth Weaver, late of Gregg Twp;, Centre Co., Pa., dec’d. LL persons indebted to sald Estate are requested to make immediite payment, and those having legal claims against the same, will present them, without delay, in proper order for settlement, to WM. PEALER, Administratér, . 11x16-6t] Penn Hall, Pa. INDUSTRI, ERAIBITIN CO. | ~Sa0- WILL BUY A FIRST MORTGAGE Premium Bond OF THR The N.Y. Industrial Bzhibiien Con . ry carn These Bounds are Issued for the purpose of raising funds for the erection of 2 building in the City of New York, to be used for a Perpetual World's Fair, ; ALN{: / ied) FOSWEGO PURE AND Silver Gloss STARCH. For the Laundry. MANUFACTURED BY IT. KINGSFORD & SON, HS BECOME A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. Its great excellence has merited the commen- dation of Europe for American manufacture: CULVEGIZED ( ORM Starch. : MANUFACT! RED BY T KINGSIEO i & SON, Expressly lor food, when properly made in- 0 For Sale Ly all First-Class Grocers. B. T. BABBIT’S Pure Concentrated Potash, ; . OR LYE; 5 Of Double the Strength of any other Saponifying Substance. I have recently perfected a new method of acking my Potash, or Lye, and am now pack- ng it only in Balls; the coating of which will saponify, and does not injure the Soap. Itis acked in boxes containing 24 and 48 Bone B» ~ Balls, and in no other way. Directions in English and German for making hard and scft soap with this Potash accompanying eaeh pachage. BD. T. BABBIT, [41-3m 414m] 04 to st Washingtou St N.Y. pe CHEAP HARNESS GO TO : Manufacturer and Dealer in farness, Flynets, Collars, ‘Wares, Kre., kre, MIFFLINBUGCRG. PA. BF Orders froin a distance respectfully 3e- licited and promptly attended to.) £3 Repairing neatly done,~&8 ~~ [45-y H. KISTER, ds FASHIONABLE BOOT 2nd SHOE MAKER, Alexandei's Block, (Second Floor) MILLHEI, PA. a permanent home, where every nufae- turer ¢an exhibit and sell his goods, and ev- ery patentee can show his invention; a cen- tre of industry which will prove a v bene- fit to the whole country. For this purpose, the Legislature of the State of New York has granted a chartérto a number of cur most weaiithy and respectabie merchants, and these gentlemen have pur- chased no less fhan eight blocks of the most valuable land in the City of New York. The building to be erected will be seven stories high (170 feet in height), surmounted by a magnificent dome, and will cover a space of 22 acres. It will be construeted of ro; Brick and Glass, and made fire-proof. The bonds, which are sold for %20 each, are secured by a first mortgage on the land and building, and for the purpose of inaking them popular, the directors have decided to have quarterly drawings of $150.000 cach: this money being | the interest on the amount of the whole loan. Every bondholder must receive at least #21.00, and he may receive $100,000! Or 33.000, or $10,000, or &:,000, or #3,9M, &e. Fourth Serie Drawing, April § Sw hese Drawings take place every THREE MONTHS, and eventually EVERY BOND wii participate in them. : so oi Address, for Bonds and full information, Morganthau, Bruno & Co., Iinancial Agents, 23 Park Row, New York. Post Offiee Drawer 28, Remit by Draft on N. Y. City Banks, Reg- isteied Letter or P. O. Money Order. - Postponamentsimpossible nderth span £3 Applications for Agencies received. 114m. New ork Tribune. “The Leading American Newspaper.” The Bost Advertising Medium. Daily $10 a year. Semi-Weekly $3. Weekly $2 Postage Free tothe Subesriber. Specimen Co: ies and Advertising Rates Free. Week- iy, inn e:nhs of 3) or more, oy 3 postage paid. Address THE TRIBUNE, N. The Ashland Combined Double Cylinder CLOVER THRESHER, | HULLER AND CLEANER. Manfactured by the ASHLAN MACHINE e0., ASHLAND, OHIO. This Machine is constructed of £00d, seas- oned material, by skiliful mechanics*of long experience; notiiable ot get out of repair; very darable, and wili thresh more seed in a day, do it better and work under a greater variety of conditions of seed than any Huller in thie market. “ ~ Any one intending to purchase a Clover Machine should examine tiie ** ASHLAND,” a8 it is the most complete machine now offered to the farming community. ‘ For a circular containiyg further informa- tion, or to see the inachine, call on GEORGE REBER, AGENT, 48-17xtf] Centre Als, Centre CY. Pa. OTICE is hereby given by the undersignd that he is ordered by the President of the L., C. & 5. C. R. R. to issue summons on all stoek in his hands for collection which remains unpald, and Execu'ions on ali judg. ments on his docket entered against” sub- scribers for unpaid stock, within ten days. March 12, 1872.-2t. Just ct. West street oted, Nous 41, 42. 43 & 44 West 8: NEW YORK. 5] A Temperance House, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, ROOMS 50 and 75 cents per Day. CHARGES very MODERATE. The best meatsand veg- etables in the market. Bestbeds in the City. 41-8m] B..T " BABBIT, Pronyrietor. ARM FOR SALE! A Valuable Farm, situate within two miles of Centre Hall, on the Boalsburg Road, is of. fered at PRIVATE SALE. 1t contains 125 ACHES of good land, under a Ligh state of cultivation. The improvements consist of a Good HOUSE NEW BARN, and other necessary Outbuildings. Running Water at the House. This Farm can be pur. chased CHEAP and on fair terms. : For further particulars call on of address G. W, FOOTE, Miltheim, Pa. 75.1) lie ge erally that he is now prepared to make | 8x8] Boots, Shoes & Gasters, of every descrip- tion. mde to order in the latest style and warraned to give satisfaction. Repaiding promptly attended to. [49x8-1y per day. Agents wanted. All $3 to $20 ciasses of working of botii sex- es, young and old, male more money at. work for us, in their own localities; during their spare moments, or all the time, than at any thing else. We offer employmen that will pay handsomely for every hour's work. Fult particuiars, terms, &e¢., sent frae. Send us your address at once. Don't delay. Now is the tine. Don’t look for work or business elsewhere until you have learned what we offer. @. Stixsox & Co.. Portland, Maine. SAMPLES And a Complete EM P L 9 Y M E N T. UTFIT We wantasultable personin ev- Sent ‘ree. rry neighborhood to take orders and deliver goods for our C. OQ. D. SALES of stapie and family goods of all kinds in cen- stant useand wear. Theoldest C. O. D. house in America. Sales over half a miilion in 1874. arge Cazh Pay to the right person. A real chance for all, male or female, at your homes ortraveling. No risk. If you goto work we will send you EREE and POST-PAID a line of samples and a complete outfit. Address at once and secure your territory. H.J. HALL & CO. 6 N. Howard Street Ba timore dd. [My R. D. H MINGLE, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON MILLHEINM, PA £~0Office in the room formerly occupied by the Millkeim Post Oilice. [48x19 J B. SHAFFER, : "UNDERTAKER, MADISONBUR:, PA, begs leave to inform his friends and the pub- Coffins and respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. He has a neat HEARSE with which to attend funerals. [6xtf AUTION!—My Wife ANNA, having left my bed and beard, without just cause or provocation, I hereby caution all persons not to harbor or trust her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting, from and after this date. Z. P. WEIRICK. Wolfe's Store, I bruary 1. 1875. Executor’s Notice. Estate of Mrs. Rebecca Hunter, late of Penn Twp., Cente Co., dec’d. LL persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, ail those having legal claims against the same, will present them, without delay, in proper order for settlement, to Absalom Harter, Millheim, Pa. DVERTISING CHEAP: Good: Systemat- : ic.—All persons who contemplate mak- iug contracts with newspapers for the insgr- | i uddings, is a dessert of great excellence. | | | | sh RBamARabLil boda’ Arthwr’s latest and greatest. ANG=R | Or. Wouded in the House 1 of a Friend. The crowning work of this veteran of American literature, has for ils tapic a Subject affecting the social life of our whole people, and gives a terrible view of the evil if exposes. Extremely fasei- nating sensational, is will be read with avid- ity by ali. ments to male and female sanvassers. We want agents everywhere, will send free on application, terms and descriptive circulars. . M. STODDART & CO., 733 Chestnut St., Phila. HAVE YOU TRIED ; a a JURUBEBA? ARE YHU : Weak, Nervons or Dehilitared ? Are you so languid that any exertion re- quire more of an effort than you feel capable ef making. : Then try JURUBEBA. the wonderful tonie and invieordtor, which acts so beneficially oa the seretive organs as to impart vigor to all tion of advertisments, should send 25 cents to Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 41 Park Row, New York. for their PAMPHLET-BOOK (ninety-seventh edition), eontaining lists of over 2030 news- papers and estimates, showing the cost. Ad- vertisements taken for leading papers in! many States at a tremenpous reduction from publishers’ rates. GET THE BOOK. [r.49-2.1y 44 C. SPR:NGE ’S NEW BiRBER SOP, The undersigned has opened a new Barber MILLHE.M, FA. Shop in the room adjoining Auman’s Confee- * tionery and Cigar Store, where he is.prepared to give satisfaction in everything pertaining to the business of a first-class Barber. Give him a trial. [43-tf IFE AND EXPLORATIONS OF DR. [LIVINGSTONE Giving a clear and authentic account of the reat explorer from chitdhood todeath. New ay just ouf, showing how he spent 30 years in the wilds of Africa. It includes his ‘Last JourNaLs” and everything new to date. Is selling rapidly. Our "FAMILY BIBLES are uneqnaled for styles and prices. AGE NTS Vi ANTE Address at once for liberal terms, Quaker City Publishing Co, Philadelphia, Pa. FARMS AND HOMES, 19,000 Marviand ACBES. Near railroad. Lo- “cation healthy. Titles good. Address WM. 8. IDGELY, Attorney, Denton, Maryland. 1 casily made by selling TEAS at Money IMPORTERS’ PRICES or getting up clubs in towns and country for the oldest Tea Company in in America. Greatest induce- ments. Send for circulur- CANTON TEA CO0., 148 Chambers Jt., New York. Just Ready; Entirly N ow, Autheatic,Complete I¥E AND LABORS OF Sok LiiviNesToNE, : BY REV. J. CHAMBLISS. Thix gifted author having free access to the personal writings of Li,ingstone, unfolds clearly the grandeur of his character, magni. tude of his life-work, the giant-iike perils and thriliing adv'ntures he met, the gr'nd achieve- mets he won, as also the cariosi‘ics, wonders and wealth of that marvelous country, its vegetation. minerals, repiles, beasts, sav. ages; etc. Wide Awake Agents wanted Ev- erywhere at Once for the ouly cheap com. _plets work. Over 800 pages, 150 splendid it ustrations, a superb map, (inciudes his “Last Jornal”). Price only %3.00. Will sell im- mensely. Millions want it For. particulars address HUBBARD BRU'S, Publishers, ; 778 Sansom Sreat, Philadelphia. . public. i for Circular. Montpelier Female Rumane Asvoe the vital forces. : 2 Cooly It is no alcoholic appetizer, which stimu- lates for a short time, oniy to let the suiterer fall to a lower depth of missry, butitisaveg- | etable tonic acting directly ou the liver and sploen. It reguiates the bowels, quiets the nerves, and gives such a kealthey tone to the whole system as to soon make the invalid feel like a New person. Its operation Is not violent, but is charae- terized by great gentleness: the patient ex- pevienees no sudden change, no marked re- sults, but gradually his troubles . * Fold their tents, like the Arabs, Ane silently steal away.” This is no new and untried discovery, but has been long used with wonnderfu! remedial results, and is pronounced by tee highest mecical authorities, ** the most powerful ton- fc and alterative known. AsK your druggist for it. For sale by JOouNgON, Horooway Co., Phila@tiphie, Ta. GENTS.-Chang Chang sellsat sight. Neces- sary as soap. Goods free. Chang Chang Manufacturiug Co.. Boston. bf Samples to Agents. Ladies’ Com. FREE bination Needl -book. with Chro- mos. Send stamp. F.P. GLUCK, New Bed- ford, Mass. T WANTED for the fastest selling Agents book ever pubiished. Send for circulars and ourextra terms to Agents. National Publishing Cvo., Philadelphia, Pa. hr 09 For a oase of As‘hma, Couch or Cold D0UUY that ADAMSQN'S BOTANIC i ] SAM will not eure. 70! 35cents. JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & CO., Agents, Philadelphia. SYCHOMANCY, or 80UL CHARMING How either sex may fascinate and gain | the love and affections of any person they choose iunstautiy. This simple, mental ac. | uirement all can possess, free, by mail, for 25¢, together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding- Night shirt, &c. A queer book; Address T. WILLIAM & CO.; Pubs. Phila. FOR ¢ UGHS,COLD +, HOARSENHESS AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USE i WELL'S CARBOLIC RABLETS Put up only in BLUE Boxes. Ad TRIED and SURE Remedy. Sold by all Druggists = 4s Short Postporement— Day Fiaed— Full Distribution, ~ == iation, At Alexandria, Va. MARCH 29, 1875. Hiustrated and beautifully bound. | We are defermined to introduce itintoevery family iand, and offer nnparalelied induce- BAL- | LARGE BOTTLES | | | confident that the Ladies can M Nui bd oUAdUe, avd : But if you buy your Drugs,Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes. PERFUMERY, Ervsnis, Coxss, - AND FANUYGOODSGENERALLY AT NUHUTH'S 3 §7 RUG STORE, © you will save at least FIFTY PER CENT. a8 “the Store has just been iilled with a ull stock of everything pertaining to ‘the Drug busi. ‘ness. 1D fs | ALSO : A falland somplcte assortmsnt of CANDIES, TOYS, and FAR(Y GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. In short, the diaplay has nevertecn equaled in this section. ‘The above goods ave belng sold lower than ever offered heretofore in this vicinity. Call aud see the goods dnd ba convinced that it is to yeur advantage buy at STORE, EiSENHUTIIS, DRUG MILLHEHEIM. PA. FOR BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, J. EISENHUTH'S SHul, SURF, MILLHEDM, PA, Where your will find SHOPS for aa oink «f every description. As he makes this de- partment of the business. a.specialty, ha: is e better sufi: ed with Shoes for themselves and children, than at any other establishment. both as to quality of (xoods and prices theres. LIST OF GIFTS. 1 One Grand Cash Gilt + 100,000 2,001 One Grand Cash Gift 50,000 One Grand Cash Gift 25,000 10 Cash Gifis] 210,000 each 100,009 15 Cash Giits, 5,000 each 75,000 50 Cash Giius, 1.000 each 50,080 100 Cash Gifts, 500 each £0,000 1,000 Cash Gifts, 100 each 180,000 1,000 Cash Gifts, 50 each 50,000 20,000 Cash Gifts, 20 each 400,000 22,178 Cash Glits, amecunting to 1,000,000 | slumber of Tickets, 100,000. | PR [OF OF TICKELS. = Whole Tickets; $ 20 00 Halves, 10 60 uarters, ; 5 00 Kighths, or each Coupon, 2 50 5% ticKets for 100 0 The Montpelier Female Humane Associa- tion, chartered by the Legisiature of Virgin. ia and the Circuit Court of Orange Co., pio- poses by a Grand Gift Concert to establish | and endow a '* Home for the Old, Infirm and | destitute Ladies of Virginia,” 4t Montpelier, the former residence of President Madison. Governor's Qjice, Richmond, July 8, 1874, It aftords me pleasure to say that Iain wel- acquainted with a large majority of the offi. cers of the Montpe:ier Female Humane Assol | ciation, weo reside in the vicinity of my home. | and 1 attest thei: intelligence and their worth. and high reputation as gentlemen, as well as the public coniidence, influence and substan- tial means iberally represented among them. JAMES L. Kit MPER, Gov. Virginia. Alexenrdria, Va., July 8, 1874.—* * I com- mend them as gents of honor and integrity, | and fully entitled to the confidence or tho | RW. HUGHES, U. 8. Judge East’n Dist. of Va. Further references by pezrmission: His Excellency Gilbert C. Welk wr, gEx-Governor | of Va.; Hon. Robt. E. Wlluers, Lieut.-Gov. of Va. and U. S, Senator eiec,; Senators and | Members of Congress from Va. | Remittances for tickets may be made by | expiess prepeid, post-office money-order oi | Washington, D. C., or by registered letter. ¥or full particulars, testtmanials, &e¢., send Address Hon. JAMES BARBOUR, | Pres’t M, F. H. A., Alexandria, Va. | Reliaale agents wanted everywhere. | ENRY N. KREAMER is about open ing a FURNITURE STORE at D. H. Wil low s eld stand, Miilheim, Pa., and will keep every description of Furniture, Home and City make. He wil be prepared to sell at the lowest prices for CAsH. Persons intend- ing to purchase furniture, of any kind, wiil save time and money by consulting H. N. Kremer, at the : Millheim Furniture Store. Remember the place--D. H. Willow's old Stand. Work made to order and repairing promptly attended to. [48-86 | \ i ILLINERY GOODS. MRS. SALLIE ALEXANDER has just returned frem Philadelphia. and Sow’ ready to accommodate Rel customers with the latest styles of F oustomers | Straw, Silk and Fancy HATS, BONNETS, &e, Velvets. Flowers, Crapes, Silk (Toads, FEATHERS, BLONDES, RIBBONS RUCHES,BR IDS, Orammeonts, &c., In short, a full line of all the latest styles of Miilinery Goods, which will be sold at thé lowest prices. Call and see the Goods. Hats and Bonne!s retrimmed in the latest vile. er wT The Baecher-Tilton Scanca is the general topie of conversation at pres. ent, but people whe wish to save mouey, go to the “FARMERS STORE,” WOODWARD. PA., {HUBLER'E OLD STAND] Where they find the largest and best assart- ment of Goods to be found in Penn's Vailey, and at prices that defy competition. DuY Guns, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS; BOOTS & SIUOGES, In short, everything usually found in a well regulated Country St re, and a great many articles NOT usually found in Country Steves, will be found at the “FARMERS STORE.” - . = - - v The highest market price pald for GRAIN AND SEEDS. SALT, COAL AND PLASTER, ; Always 0 hand, : YOUNG, WILSON & DIEJL, 32x3m A oodward, Ra. B. HARTMAN, I. “F. G. EMREARD. +H WRTMAN & EHRHARD, Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of gricultural Implements, Jil and other Caslings, Sioves, &e,, MILLUELM, PA. We are prepared to do all kinds of FOUNDRY WORK at FAIR Prices, and willallow allcustorers a Discount of Ten Per. Cent "FOR CASH! O YOU WANT TO BUY A HOUSE? A House and Lot in Private Sale. will Le 5014 at a reasonable price. Far particulars call on or address REVOL SHOTGUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS 4 4. EEE Of any and every kind, 0gns. Address 6 ! : et = Works, PITTS RCRGH, mA, F r TT. WOMEN AND CHILDREX, .. Lot in Mifllheim is offered at It is a desirable property and ame : For : a,