ow TR i £ 3 *a iw eo i coc AR, » The Aepo I fe l + hook yesterday for the first time in 5 ~The Job Printer of this Printing | Establishment cleared the Poster aioe 15. Bring in yout orders for posters. © §.W. FOOTE, Editor and Publisher. ~The bridge over Penns Creek, at reese SNE FOrks, gave way on Fridey night last. We understand the Supervisors Millheim, Friday lis 2s have been. able. to save al but the frame under the centre. Mr. and. Mis: Daniel Bowers, of = Akron Ohio, formerly of Aaronsbutg this county, celebrated the 20th anni- : versayr of thier wedding by a china Call at this office for job printing. wedding. ~~. © : Vendue notes for sale at this office. Mr. J. Ww. Glenn, retired from the EASTER comes on the 28th of Primary Department of the Millheim March. Schools on ‘Wednesday, as he intends : : ; to move ‘during the present month. Miflinburg is to have a new school Mr Far Zeros Ea him. Building: ESOP ER Rat pt eo ria ANY person ‘who takes up stray H. 3 Lanne 3 sale amounted 10. 44410 and neglects to advertise the almost $ same im one paper in the county Twenty-tour inches of snow fall on within ten days thereafter, subjects Monday and Wednesday. himselfto a certain penalty prescribed We are under obligations to Hon. DY law. Please make a note of this. W. K. Alexander for documentary Elias Kremer’s sale to morrow. favors. Also, L. B. McEntire’s, at Spring THERE is no season of the year Mills. Isaac Lose, Administrator, when it is safe to discontinue adver. Will sell 8 Acres of Timber Land at tising. Limbert's Iotel, in Aaronsburg, on Monday, and thé Executors of An- Wall Paper by the Cord, atthe grew Stover, deceased will sell his Hardware Store of Musser & Kunkle ,argonal property next: Thursday. Bro’s., Millheim, ; Er & © ANE ANNAN NNNA A AAS SNA NA Terms—81.25 Per Annum. EE More snow on Wednesday. | We have spoken about wood a About twelve inches of snow on great many. times during the winter, Monday, has put the sleighing in good trim again. but there are still quite-a number of those who promised “wood on sub. The Convention at Spring Mills scription who have .not “come to wus a success, as was also the time.” If they do not intend to Sunday Schools are poorly attended. tl. mt etn om me The Tao A Tillheim, Aa. AE aan IX en ram mt eof guste DurING the year 1874 there were | but three persons killed on the Phil- adelphia and Erie Railway, two tramps trying to steal a ride and one employee. It is douptful if any road in the country of the same number of miles in length can‘show as goad a record as this, Mr. Wm. Flory, of Penns Creek, married a wife on the 28th of Novem- ber, and on the 30th of January he married another. This may suit William, but it does not seem to suit all parties concerned, and, as a consequence, he pinethin ‘*durance vile,” on a charge of bigamy. Mr. Harvy Mann, proprietor of Mann’s Axe Factory, near Bellefonte, was injured ar Mingo Station, four miles from ®tuebenville, Ohio, on the 19th of February. A broken rail threw five cars down a twenty foot embankment. . Mr. Mann re- ceived injuries which resulted in death last Saturday. His remains were brought to his late home and interred in the Belle- fonte Cemetery on Tuesday. He was in the thirty-seventh Year of his age. = = ‘Madisonburg Shorts. = « The Public Schools will soon close. School Exhibition on Saturday evening." i 5 Mr. Michael Rishel, is slowly improving... - Owing to the cold weather, the fe Panda \ == ; = 3 ENTERPRISE STORE, Schroeder’s Block, Corner of Main and Vesper Streets, Lock Haven. A full line of Dry Goods, Flannels, Cloths, Waterproofs, Cassimeres, Notions, &c., always on hand. We sell at closer prices than any other establishment in the ity. Now is the time eo secure bargains. Cull end.be convinced. ! JULIUS NEWMAN. TURNPIKE ELECTION. The Annual Election for Managers of the Bellefonte, Aarpnsburg & Yeungmanstow: Turnpike Company, will be held on Tuesday, March 9,1875, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Duncan House, at Spring Mills. R. V. GLOVER, Feb. 19, 1875. Président. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. The under ‘igned, Adminstrator of the Estate of G rorge Lose, dec¢’d, wiil offer at PUBLIC SALE, at Limbert’s Hotel, in Aaronsburg, on Monday, March 8, 1875, The following Valuable Real Estate, to wit: | A GENTS.-Chang Chang ®slls at sight. Neces- sary as soap. Goods free. Chang Chang Manufacturing Co.. Boston. FREE Samples to Agents. Ladies’ Com- bination Needl -book. with Chro- mos. Send stamp. F. P. GLUCK, ‘New Bed- ford, Mass. A t WANTED for the fastest seiling { gen S book ever pubiished. Send for specimen pages and our extra termsto Agents National Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pe. i For a case’of Asthma, Cough or. Cold $5,000 that ADAMSON 'S BOTANIC BAL- {4 SAM will not cure. LARGE BOTTLAS G01 Stents. JORNSTON HOLLOWAY & CO., Agents, Philadelphia. SYCHOMANCY, or SOUL, CHARMING Concert on Saturday evening. ‘bring the wood will they be kind ~ put on their rubber shoes, overcoats, - has at last woke up and is ntaking an | chains, still’ in ‘good: order; were “was not quite full but still quite an _ feet very badly. She has been con- El ¥ 4 : ~ "enough ‘to hand us the money for Tue doxology is sung in churches, yo; "gingcription and we will by in order to afford men a chance to Wood with i. + opts + The Bellefonte Republican is very !'mueh troubled as te what Hon. W. K. Alexander will do with hissalary. : 3 , . =". As they are meddling with what is Sunday evening. Communion BP. oe ot their hog they will ¥iges, : probably know mere: about it when , Just read E. H. Kister’s card, and | Mr. A. condesendstoénlighten them. ‘then cut it out and preserve it, and , Ore thing is ceitain, Mr. A. did not when you need anything in his line, | promise half of hii salary to the just give him a call, county, as the radical eandidate djd. Old fashioned, quiet, Clean New| ‘At Hugh Lavinier’s sile, in P enn Berlin, haying slept for a Century, | twp, on Thursday last; a. pair of butt- &e. Rev. John W. Leckie will preach his last sermon’ at Millheim, next effort to start a National Bank. | knocked off to Gib Larimer. These : WT % T nie rein ada iG. Years vos Tol Mgglock Books of the Millen | £1003 HH0 aly Boom ay RK, MEINE LOAN-RSEOCIation dre | (peter, were bought by Haigh receiving new supscriptious daily. arime iat the silo’ of deconsd Ls] Better call soon if you wish to secure | personal property, and now they have | any stock in the first series. been ‘bought: back. again hy his son | Gibson of Pleasant Gap. —Centre Hall | 7 EE ee _- March comes in with twelve inches “of snow, consequently wemay expect that it will go out likealammb. "This is not intended as a personal insult to **Mary’s little lamb.” Prof. J. F. Shiaugr, graduate of Fowler & Wells; Phrenological Insti. | tute, New York, will lecture in the Mr. J. A. Ruukle, of the firm of | moun fran, Milllieins, Monday ‘eve- Musser & Runkle Bro’s., cut hisknee | ho March 8th, dn Phrenology. withh a hatchet on Monday, and has Physiology “ahd “Health. The Prof. been limping ever since. The cutis |; cq very highly recommended as a not serious, though very painful. | gejineator of Character, and the =i.r Coburn, Esq, sold his bay | Lecture will undoubtedly prove very horse, “Billy,” to Daniel Rhodes, interesting. et i% pu Sere ot Superintendent of the Suow Shoe! The Millheim Cernet Band will be R. R. Co, and purchased a Brown present and discourse some of its Bashaw horse of Mr. A. 8. Valentine. | excellent Music during the evening And now theMifflinburg Telegraph + Admission 15.00its: Children 10 cts. suggests that Sunbury be made the! Mr. H. A. :Larrimer called at our terminus of the L. C. & B. C. R. R. office yesterday and expressed him- until the extension to Danville is ‘self very much pleased with. the completed. Nota bad idea, George. result of his sale. Ile returns his : Exhibits 3. 1. ! thanks to all who were present, for : The Sendo} Exhibition on gid their spirited bidding and prompt Eg PO eh ie 4 ompliance with the conditions of sale. : : p75 f | He expects to locate at Centre Hill, where he intends to engage in | the Mercantile business. We are sorry to lose Hugh from our Town- ship, and trust that he may meet as warm friends. in. his new home and business as he leaves here. -audience - was present. All seemed well pleased with the efforts of Prof. McCurdy, and his pupils. Some two weeks since, Mrs. 1. C. Wilt, of this Village, tipped over a boiler full of hot water, scalding her - Po meen. The Annual Statement of the Mif- flinburg Building Association says: firied to the house ever since, and the | greater portion of the time to her | - bed. : at “the letting on-Saturday. Itis to value of Stock February 1875. . in to day’s paper or by posters print- A protracted meeting of the Evangelical Association was held last week. Soh a - D. X. Miller, will locate at Jack- sonville, and engage in the mercan- tile business. | There are quite a number of our young folks troubled with what they call the ‘‘monkey.” g Mr. .D. K. Miller, of the firm of Ocker & Co., will leave this place before long. We are sorry to see Mr. M. leave us. EE Mr. Daniel Baney, of North Madi- sonburg, purchased an engine, which we expect to see in operation this week yet. Success to Mr. Baney, - The Madisonburg Exhibition com- pany will give one of theirmopu- | lar Entertainments Saturday evening, March 6. A good turnout is desired. Tne Madisonburg Grammar School will hold an Exhibition in the Town Hall, at Madisonburg, on Saturday evening, March 6. Admission 10 cents. ped Misor. > "Americans area Nation of Dyspeptics. We live fast, disripate and fill early graves. We drink all kinds of alcoholic spirits, and swal- low, without mastication, pork. grease, and every kind of life-destroying,system clogging indigestible food. Dr. Walker's Vegetable Vinegar Bitters will remove the evil effects, and the recovered patient, with pure, vital- ived electrical blood flowing through his veins, will have a clearer head and a coofer judgment, wich -auded to experienee, will cause him to abstain in the future. Public Sale Register. The following sales are advertised | ed at this office : MARCH. 8 ACRES OF TIMBER LAND, situate’ in Haines Township, hear Meyer's Mill, adjoining lands of Benjamin Stover and oth rs. Sale‘to commence at 1214 o'clock p. m., when terms will be made known by ~~ ISAAC LOSE, How either sex may fascinate and, gain the love and affections of any person they choose instantly. This simple, ‘mental ac- uirement all can possess, free, by mail, for 25¢, together with a marriage guide, Egyptian in this section. MONE 8 Seance, But if you buy your Paints; Oil; Varaishes. PERFUMERY, Brusurs, Couss, : AXD : : FANCY GOODS GENERALLY Ar BISENHUTH'S DRUG STORE, the Store has just been filled with a full stock. of everything pertaining to the Drug busi- ness. - ALSO A full and eemplete Asioiwizent of CANDIES, TOYS, and FANCY GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. In short, the display has neverleen equaled The above goods are being sold lower than ever offered heretofore in this vicinity. - Call and see the goods and be convinced that it is to your advantage buy at Oracle,'Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding- Night shirt, &e. A queer book, Address T. WILLIAM & 0O., Pubs. Phiia. FOR. ‘ Bstate.of Mrs: Rebecca Harter, late of 6—Personal property, L. B. McEn- tire. Spring Mills. 6—Farm Stock, utensils, &c:, Elias Kreamer, Penn Twp., 1 mile from Millheim. 8—Eight Acres of Timber Land in Haines Township, belonging to Estate of George Lose, dec’d. 11—Farm Stock, utensils, Housc- hold Goods, &ec., Andrew Stover, dec’d, Haines Twp.., 14 miles | South of Aaronsburg. 16—Farm Stock, Utensils, &e., Mi- chael Ream, Sr., Penn Hall. | 17.—Farm Stock,, Household Goods, | Prof. Fechrer, after a four weeks RECEIPTS. &ec., Samuel Long, Miles Twp., stay in our village, returned to his =, . talast years: $52,707.97 1 mile West of Rebersbhuag. ! home in Selinsgrove, on Monday. hia 23k Years 11,419.00 | 18.—Farm Stock, utensils, &e., John | Prof, Feehrer, as an instructor of Interest, . 2,551.78 | Daher Miles Twp., 2 miics West Bands, has no superior, and very few Yi hdnwais. 1,381.74 5 nts 0s. &oiido : i os remiums y ee ensils, &c., Ja- equals. eu Ener Fines, = 956.82 cob Gephart, Millheim, | is being made to persuade him to Rents, 53.00 20—Personal Property, Wm. Alter, ' locate permanently in our midst. | grid e—— Millheim. Wetrust the effort may besuccesstul, | I ecit ied $70,269.47 | 05 Frousehold Goods, &c., Daniel * ag‘nothing else is needed tomake the 3 Epo: ’ 9.00010 Pealer. near Snydertown. | "Millheim Cornet Bandsecondtonone Capital withdrawn, oo on | 26—D. Weidensaul, Executor of the she’ Treasurer’s Salary, 100.00 : : in; the State. Socretary’s ta 995.00 Estate of George Winkleblech, he git | Eo ry id 147.51 deceased, will sell some very de- + We were agreeably surprised when Pobclsess Pp. 202.00 sirable and valuable Real Estate, a Bont air nee Timililal, © 8 SEES Pn. Yer, for :M. Howley & Co., walked into ptt a3 onion ES our office last Wednesday afternoon. | : ; oo $70,269.47 | = ay CTT a Jnory looks quite natural; a litle | Assets. soos] NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. stouter than whenhesojurned among Lijis Receivable, 12,815.95 | TN H. KISTER. us but otherwise he is just the same Judgment, 295.00 - a genial, good natured, gentlemanly Due by members, 2,193.37 : AsnloNARLE Deinociat he was when he left here. Real Estate, 2,784.88 BOOT and SHOE MAKER, ¢ 3 : .. Treasurer, 812.47 | Alexander's Block, (Segond Floor) _. He contradicted the rumor in MILLHEIM, FA. _ regard to David Williams being dead," ds $60,601.64 : ving ri ith him in the cars Liabilities, Boots, Shoes & Gaster: wery deserip- From pittsburg. to Tyrone, on Tae, Sock, $50,984.50 tion mide bo anda be He to Lhe from Pittsburg to 1y ) Due to members 667.17 . Warranted to give satisfaction. Repairing day night. , . . : ’ Prompily altended to. © [xSly- . K. will represent Howley & Co. : $60,601.67 ; : CAN Mr. K. will represe : 33 to $20 bela, Agents mantel: vox. es, young and old, make more money at work amon Go]. DaVele, SA HL IR oh oan Ni Te OT : i AY > 2.42.8 8p; ts, or e time, than at : " and ‘D. Williams will get their old gin Value 3 a 8 thing oe. We offer empioymen’ that wi rt z < ’ 2k, Y hatidsomely for every hour’s work. Ful a them than they havoreceived,and of i a the 1an. ¢ Sorin 3h v 5 ab onge. Don't delay. No x i 1d bh y rtunity to ‘get 2 gis Jo of Shares, 192 the time. Don’t look for work or business “sbould have an oppo NO. withdrawn, 3 - elsewhere until you have learned what we | BL rs ene ode oi PRogon-No, TT fo B51" “offer. G. BTINBON & C0.. Poytiand, : . view of the evil it exposes. Extranets fasei- : family iand, and offer nnparvalelied induce- i ments to male and female asanvassers. i erywhere at Once for the only cheap com- - fall to a lower depth of missry, but itisa veg- February 12, 1875.~{t. - ~ Administrator. JE SHAFFER, = . UNDERTAKER, C _UGHR,COLD3, HOARSENESS AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USE EISENHUTH'S,; DRUG STORE. MILLHEI¥, PA. MADISONBURG, Px, ‘WELLS CARBOLIC RABLETS. hegs leave to iifatug his friends and the pub- Put up only in BLUR Boxes. ic generally that hé is now prepared to make ’ A v[. ’ a Coffins and respectfully em of A TRIMD end SURE Remedy. public patronage. He has a neat HEARSE| Sold by all Druggists with which to attend funerals, [6xtf AUTION !—My Wife ANNA, having left my bed and board, withont just cause or provocation, I hereby caution all persons not to harbor or trust her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting, from and after this date. . : Z. P. WEIRICK. © Wolfe's Store, February 1. 1875. Executor’s Notice. Short” Postponement—Day Fised— Full Distribution. First Grand Gift Concert. Montpelier Female Humane Association. At Alexandria, Va. MARCH 29, 1875. LIST OF GIFTS. 5 HT..x Y, to 1 ; One Grand Cash Gift 000 Penn Twp., Centre Co., decd. One Grand Cash Gift 120000 LL persons indebted to said Estate are One Grand Cash Gift 25,000 A requested to make immediate payment. 10 Cash (rifts, © 2 $10,000 each 100,000 and those having legal clai ainst the 15 Cash Gifts, 5,000 each 73,000 same, will_present thoes dela dnt Gash Gifus, : © 1,006 each 0,000 proper order for settlement, p 10 Cash Gifts, 500 eac 000 Loree £ 1hsal £ auk : 1,000 Cash Gifts, 100 each 100,000 : - Absalom Hart 1,000 Cash Gifts, 50 each 2000 3x8] Millheim, Pa. [20,000 Cash Gifts, 20 each 400,000 “A DVERTISING Cigar: Good: Systemat.| 22178 Cash Glfts, amountingto 1,000,000 } fe.==All persuns who Sohtemplite, ak. N umber of Tickets, 100,000. mg contracts with newspapers for the inser- PRICE OF TICKETS. tion of advertisments, should seid 25.cents to. tL £2 : > Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 41 Park Row, New York. | YW hole Tickets, for their PaMPULET-BOOK (ninety-seventh | Halves, 10 00 édition), containing lists of over 2000 news. | ( uarters, 500|t papers and estimates, showing the cost. Ad- vertisements taken for leading papers in many States at a tremenpous reductlon fron publishers’ rates. GET THE Book. (r.49-2.1y C. SPRINGE: 'S - i% . NEW BARBER SHOP, MILLHE:M, PA. Eighths, or each Coupon, . 250 + tickets for 100 00 The Montpelier Female Humane Associa- tion, chartered by the Legislature of Virgin- fa and the Circuit Court of Orange Co., pro- poses by a Grand Gift Concert to establish and endow a ‘* Home for the Old, Infirm and destitute Ladies of Virginia,” at Montpeliér, the former residence of President Madison. TE aa Governor's Office, Richmond, July 8, 1874, The undersigned has opened anew Barber | 1t affords me pleasure to say that Iam wel- Shop in the room adjoinin Auman’s Confee. | acquainted with a large majority of the offi. tionery and Cigar rr rs he'is prepared | cers of the Montpelier Female Humane Assol to give satisfaction in everything pertaining ciation, weo reside in the vicinity of my home- to the business of a first-class Baer. Give and 1 attest their intelligence and their worth him a trial. [48-%¢ | and high reputation as gentlemen, as well as Co ms { the public confidence, intiuence and substan- M 1 FARMS AND HOMES, 10,000 tial means !iberally represented among them. ary an LACBES. Near railroad. Lo-| JAMES L. KEMPER, Gov. Virginia. cation heaithy. Titles good. Address WM. B. | Alexandria, Va., July 8 187¢.—* * I com- RIDGELY, Attorney, Denton, Maryland. | mend them as gents of honor aud integrity, NTT ——————————— | and fully entitied to the confidence of the Mone easily made by selling TEAS at publie. R. W. HUGHES, | y IMPORTERS’ PRICES or getting up| U. 8. Judge East’'n Dist. of Va. clubs in towns and eountry for the oldest Tea Further references by permission: . His Company nin America.” Greatest induce- | Excellency Gilbert C. Walker, Ex-Governor ments. fend for cireular- CANTON TEA of va.; Hon. Robt. &. Withers, 1ieut.-Gov. of CO., 48 Chambers Jt., New York. Va. aud U. S, Senator eiec,; Senators and eT ¥ TIE Members of Congress from Va. ‘A REMARKABLE BOOK." Remittances for tickets may be made by D Arthur's latest and greatest express prepeid, post-office money-order on $i ‘Washington, D. C., or by registered letter. Or. Woudéd in the House joop full particulars, testtmanials, &e., send : «ofa Friend. The crowning gor Circular. Address work of this veteran of American literature, Hon. JAMES BARBOUR has for its tapic a subjeet atfecting the sociai Prest M, F. H. A., Alexandria, Va. Fah. CMILLHEIM, PA, FL ohme Tin w aE i narticipate fn them. Where they find the largest and best assort ment of Goods to be and at prices that defy competilon. DRY GOODS. FOR BOOTS, | SHOES & RUBBERS | ao To J. EISENHUTH'S SORT a Where you will find SHOKS tor : : WOMEN AND €HILDREN, | | of every description. As he makes this de $ 20 00 partient of the businessya specialty, he 1: confld 1 be ed with Shoes for, themselves and children han at any, other’ establishment. both’ as & | quality of | The Beecher-Tilton Scandz is the genera! tor i¢ of ‘conversation at pres’ but, but peuple who wish to 8avé money, g: a i “FARMERS STORE, ent that the Ladies can be better suii oods and prices thereod. WOODWARD, PA., {HUBLER'S OLD STAND] =~ found in Penn's Valley. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, life of our whole people, and givesa terrible | poriaale agents wanted everywhere. nating sensational, iv wiil be read with avid- ity by all. Iiusirated and beautifully bound. We are determined to introduce jz into every ENRY N. KREAMER is about epen ing a FURNITURE STORE at DD. H. W]l low’s old stand, Miilheim, Pa., and will kee every description of Furniture, Home an City make. He will be prepared to sell at the lowest prices for Cas. Persons intend. ing to purchase Furniture, of any kind, will save time and money by consulting HN, Kremer, at the - Millheim Furniture Store. Remember the place—D. H. Willow's old Stand. Work made to order and repairing | promptly attended so. We want agents everywhere, will send free on appiication, terms and descriptive circulars. J. M. STODDART & Co., 733 Chesthut St., Phila. Just Ready ; Entirly New, Authentic, Complete LT AND LABORS OF" IVINGSTONE, BY REV. J. CHAMBLISS. This gifted author havin iione, to the personal writings of Li,in ie, wufolds clearly the grandeur of his ¢l eter, magni- tude of his life-work, the giant-like pegijls and thrilling adv’'ntures he met, the grind a®hieve- mets he won, as also the curiosities, wonders and wealth of that marvelous country, its \[LLINERY GOODS. MRS. SALLIE ALEXANDER In short, everything usually found in a wel: regulated Goueiry Store, and a great man: articles Not usuall will be found at the y found in Country Stores, "“FARMERS' STORK.” The highest market priee paid dor GRAIN AND SEEDS 2 SALT, COAL AND PLASTER, Always o~ hand. YOUNG, WILSON & DIEHL, 323m Woodward, Ps. vegetation. minerals, repiiles, asts, Sav- ages, ete. Wide Awake Agents Wanted Ev- : has jist returned from Philadelphia. and is now ready to accommodate her customers with the latest styles of : Straw, Silk and Fancy HATS, BONNETS, &e, | Velvets, Flowers, Crapes, Silk Goods, FEATHERS, BLONDES, | RIBBONS RUCHES,BRAIDS, Then try JURUBEBA. the wonderful tonic : and invigorator, which acts so beneficially on Ornaments, &c., the scretive organs as to impart vigor to al ; the vital forces. In short, a full line of all the latest styles of Miilinery Goods, which will be sold at the lowest prices. Call and see the Goods. etable tonic acting directly ou the liver and wit: sole a Bosnste remimmed In Je spleen. : It reguiates the bowels, quiets the nerves, lete work. Over 800 pages, 100 splendid il- ustrations, a superb map. (includes his * Last Jornal.) Price only #3.00. Will sell im- mensely. Millions want it. For particulars address HUBBARD BRU’S, Publishers, 628 Sansom 8treet, Philadelphia. HAVE YOU TRIED JURUBEBA? ARE YHU Weak, Nervous or Dobilitared ? Are you so languid that any exertion re- quire more of an effort than you feel capable of making. 2 It is no aleoholic appetizer, which stimu- lates for a short ae to let the sufferer R. B. HARTMAN, | | ARTMAN & EHRUARD, T. G. KHRHARD. Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of ‘Agricultural Implements, = Mill and other Caslinga, Stoves, &e,, MILLHEIM, PA. We are prepared to do all kinds of FOUNDRY WORK . terized by great gentleness: the patient ex- and gives such a healthey tone to the whole system as to soon make the invalid feel like a lew person. Its operation is not violent, butis charae- periences no sudden change, no marked re- sults, but gradually his troubles “Fold their tents, like the Arabs Ane silently steal away.” : This is no new and untried discovery, but has been long used with wounder fui remedial results, and ‘is pronounced by tee highest mecical authorities, “the most powerful ton- ic and alterative known. Ask your druggist far if. Foy sale by JORNSOH, HOLOOWAY CoO., Philadetphia. Pa. RAILRO LE TTING at FAIR PRICES, and willallow allcustomersa ROPOSALS will De received at the offee Discount of Ten Per: Cent of the President, in Lewisburg, untir Saturday , the 6th day of Mareh, 1875, for the Graduation, Masonry and Bridging on Sec- tions Nos, 28, 29, 30 and 35, on the Lewisburg, Centre & Spruce Creek Railroad, (formerly allotted to M. Howley & Ce.,) and also. for Sections Nos. 31, 32, 33 and 34 (formerly al- lotted to David Williams). The bidders are requested to state in their proposals the price asked by taking one-half in Bonds of the Company and fie otha hay in eas ; and al- he price asked if all paid in cash. otis pris al UR ST RR, Pres’t. L., C. & 8. C. R, R..Ce. Lewisburg, February 1, 187&.85h FOR CASH! New York Tribune. “The Leading American Newspaper.” The Best Advertising Medium. Daily $10 a year.-Semi- Weekly $3. Weekly 32 Postage Free tothe Subesribes. Specimen ~ Copies and Advertising Rates Free. Week- ly, in clubs of 3) or more, only st. Patd. Address Tae Tater § Page i ; ps of de Ca SB a 2 | Drugs,Chemicals, Bye Stuffs, you wiil save at least FIFTY PER CENT. as | © -pachage, > OTICE.—I have appiied to the Genera Assembly of Pennsylvania, for an Aet granting me a Pension. SES ELIZABETH FRYER. February 19, 1875. )f any #hd every kind; Send stamp NE y . rn Gun or rs erent ee Ee -$20- WILL BUY 4 First MoxTaatr Prion Pes; OF THE The X.Y: Industrial Bal ibiteen On These Bonds are Issiied for the purpose 3 raising funds for the erection of a bujldis. in the City of Néw York, to be used for a Perpetual Wérld's Fair, 2 permanent home, where every manufae turer can exhibit and sell his goods, and ev- ery patentee can show his invention; a cen. tre of industry which will prove a vast bene fit to thé whole country. fr i i For this purpose, the Legislature of the State of New York has granted achartertos number of our most Sreuithy and respectable merchants, and these gentlemen have pur- chased no less than eight blocks of the moss vainable land in the City of New York. The building to be erected will be sévén ataiies high (150 Jeet in height), surmounted by a magnificent dome, and will cover & space of 22 acres. 1t will be constructed of Iron, Brick and Glass, and made firé- proof. The bonds, which aré sold for $20 éaéh; aré securéd by a first mortgage on the laud and building, and for the purpose of making thém popular, the directors have decided to have quarterly drawings of 150.000 cach: this money béing the interest on the amount of the whole loan. Every bondholder, must receive "at least $21.00, and he may receive $100,000! Or #85.000, or $10,000, or 5,608, or $8,980, Sw. 8d Premium Drawing, iaréh 1st, 1875." * 4th Series Drawing, Asril 5, 1675." Capital Premium; $100,000. These Drawings take place évery THREE 1ONTHY, and eventually EVERY. BOND wii Address, for Bonds and fall information, Morganthau, Bruno & Co. Financtal Agents, 28 Park Row, New Tork * ' "ost Cflice Drawer 29, _ Remit by Draft on X.:¥, City Banks, Reg- istered Letter or P. O. Money Order. AF Applications for Agencies received. POSTPONEMENTS | 'mpossible under this plas. 49-3m * KINGSFORD'S FOSWEGO Silver (Hoss STARCH. For the Landry. MANUFACTURED BY I KINGSFORD & SON, . HAS BECOME A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. ‘ts great excelichoe hasmerited the commen. lation of Edrope for American manufacture. ULVE&IZiD) CORN Starck. MANUFACTURED BY T KINCS!OR! & SON, axpressly for food, when properly made {r- [0 Pdaies, is a dessert of great excellence. For Sale by all First-Class Groceis.: [41-3m Be To BADBIT'S Pure Concentrated Potash, OR LYE, Of Double the Strength of any ether Saponifying Substance. I have recently perfected a new method ef sacking my Potash, or Lye, and am now pack- “ing it only in Balls, the coating of which will “saponify, and does not injure the Song: It is -nacked inn boxes containing 24and’48 bo ne b Balis, and in no other way. Directions ia tnglishand German for making hard and sc fs soap’ with this Potash secolipanying eash B. T. BABBIT, 41-4m} 64 to 84 Washington St N. Y. OR CHEAP HARNESS 0 TO Manufacturer and Dealer in Warps, Etc. Ere, MIFFLINBURG. PA. Orders frony a distance respectfully se. lib and promptly attended to.