Local mid Personal. putACHts" —The ltcv. Air. llarc (Episcopal) of pittston. will preach at the Court House -next Tues ,!ay evening. Voto K.—E. L. I underwood, anctloneer, will s"ll at Public Sale, at the residence of Chns. H. Gar ris n. in South Eaton, Thursday, April 23th 18G9, 2 hurscs. 1 set harness, 1 Hog, 1 wagon. 1 horse rake, a mowing machine, 1 hay-fork and* fixtures, Sleds, p; w. 11 arrowi. Grain on the ground and by the bu-hel. straw by the bundle, and Hav by the ton. PI-H MARKET.—Mr. Robert Shields has establish , 1 a market for Fish, Oysters, Vegetables. Fruits, v .at the store formerly occupied by SitUer A Co, on Turnpike St., where ho proposes to keep on hand at all times, 'resh Shad and other Hah. together with all other articles in his line. We bespeak for him the patr-nage of the public. Advertisement next week. D. L. aW.K. R. CHASOE OV TIME.— A new time table, on the Del. Lack. U W. R. R., went Intoetfect on the hth Inst. The up or Westward mail train : issc- Faetoryvllle and Nlelio'.son, at 4.36 and 4.56 p. 31. ; accommodation train, at 12.00 and 12.30 M. The down or Eastward mail train, Passes through Nicholson and Factoryvillc. at 6.50 and 7.14 A. M. ; accommodation train, at 4.56 and 5.30 P. M. VEUH II'KIIKS. —A school, wherein the mysteries of Veli'Cipedestrianism are taught, is now In full blast at Wail's Hall. A small admission fee is charged the pantalooned portion of visitors. The ladies who a-sit the hall merely for the purpose of encouraging the fearless ridera with their smiles, are admitted without charge. A number of our young men have already become quite proficient In managing the wild untamed steed, called the Velocipede. A GOOD THINH. —Mr. T. B. Wall, who has for some years past experienced great Inconvenience on ac ount of the'failure of the Water Company, at this place, to supply his hotel, has now about com pleted the work of supplying himself from a most ex cellent spring on his own premises. Ho brings the water in logs, a distance of about three-fourths of a nale. This will add much to the convenience of that hotel, and speaks well for the energy of Its propri etor. ROPE FERRY. —Air. Ezra Keeney has lately put up an 1 now has in successful operation a wire rope ft fry at his place, two miles above Laceyville, which will very much facilitate the crossing of the river at that point. In going to and coming from Towanda. to or from this county, the crossing of the river at that place will save travelers about three miles of the distance, besides avoiding the difficulties and dangers of the Browntown mountain. Mr. Ezra Keeney has most excellent arrangements for ferry ing, besides being always on hand and attentive to tli" safety and convenience of th 3 traveling public. COMING TO COME.—"Gentile Spring'' whose com ing has been invoked in the most pathetic, not poetic terms by the poets and philosophers of this re gion, has for the past few days. given signs of her coming. That cold-blooded old chap, winter, has been lingering in the lap of the gentle creature rath er too long for her reputation. The alfair has already occasioned a good deal of talk and scandal among the weather-wise. It is to be hoped that she will at tone in the fnture, for past delinquencies. "Come gentle Spring.'' CARRIAGES.—Wm. Alack 5C Son at this place, have now on hand at their shops a full stock of fin tshed work of all kinds and styles of carriages, and platform spriag wagons. Those wishing to purchase, would do well to call an 1 examine them. This firm is jiermanently loca ted here, and intend to establish, if they have not al ready done so, a reputation for first class work. The style ar.d finish ol their carriages is not excelled by any made In the county, as they employ only the best workmen, in all the different departments of their manufactory. Shops on Putnam St.. one door below Tioga St. RECONSTRUCTED.— Mr. George Fdker., a farmer In Aleshoppen. has among iff- Hook of sheep, a black ewe—one of the genuine woolly-heads—which for years past has boon a consistent miscegenationist of the most prolific kind—having each yoar brought forth twin lambs, one white and tho other black. This spring, as if accepting the theory and prac tice of the lords of creation, as taught and practiced in that model Commonwealth ot Alassachusetts, she has given evidence of a complete reconstruction, and a conversion to the "bleaohing-out" process, so much In vogue down east, by producing three white lambs. The old ewe has shown that tills thing can be successfully done—by the "woolly-heads."— Congress should vote her a pension. IMTOETANT ro TRAVELERS.— Mr- Jacob Rittis paugh, announces, that he will run a daily line of stages from Tunkhannock to Bpringvilie, on and after Monday, April 18th inst. Leaving Springville at 6' a o'clock A. M.. or in time to connect with the N" V. and Philadelphia down train, on the L. V. R. li.. at Tunkhannock ; and leaving Tunkhannock for Springville, Lynn, and other points along the rou'e. on the arrival of the N. X. Passtnger train In the afternnon. Passengers, living at Springville and along the line of this stage route, can go to. or return from N. A . and Philadelphia on the same day ; or visit Pitts ton, AViikesbarre and intermediate points, anil re turn on the same day. The public patronage is solicited. THE HEAVENLY RAILROAD. ON KECJUEBT of one of oa/lady suliscriE TN, we publish tho following religious rail ;>)