Local and Personal. STILL WlSTRY.— 'Though our streets are quite dry aud settled and our folks are beginning to look up seeds for the garden, there is an abundance of snow vet to be seen around the top of the north side of the Miller mountain, on the west side of the river. 1., is r —The Engineer corps which started from this place last week to survey a R. R. route to Montrose, Lave scarcely been heard from since they left the Marcy Pond. They are probably lost in some of the sap bushes" along the route. I'VBLII* SALK.—Fargo fc Swisher of Keiserville, being about to remove to Mill City, where they will again go in trade, will sell at Vendue at Keiserville on Wednesday the 21 Inst., at 10 o'clock, the follow ing personal property, to wit: 1 horse. 1 buggy, 3 set ol harness, 2 buffalo robes, 2 straps bells, 1 wagon Ac- To BRICK MAKERS.—The proprietor of the ••Franklin Brick Machine" advertised in this paper, offers to test its merits on the purchasers yards, re quiring no pay until his guarantees are performed. This is an unusual opportunity for our brick makers to get a superior machine without risk. STILL IMPROVING.—From present appearance g there will be quite as many new dwellings put up here this season as there were during last summer, Desirable lots for building purposes ore still to bo had at reasonable rates. These are, however, increas lug in price from year to year, and .we fear will soon be beyond the means of poor men who have not yet provided a home lor themselves and family. DISLOCATED SHOCLDER. —John Jackson while at tempting to hold a cutting box and some other things upon a wagon a few days since, lost his bal ance, and fell, dislocating hi* shoulder. John who stands 6 ft. 4 or 5 in his stocking, Is too big to have any ordinary accident excite any very active sympa. thy in his behalf. BALDWIN THE CLOTHTKR requests US to say that he has interest nowhere else in the retail clothing business. Having noticed that some parties out of New York have advertised themselves as selling I,ls popular clothiDg. It becomes necessary for him to de-. Clare the assertions untrue. Air. Baldwin may always lie found at hi* only place ot business, corner ofCsnal and Broadway streets. New York. MARRIED.—The Scrantoa papers announce the marriage, at th Trinity church in I'arbondalejof little Dillie Philipps. the sweet songstress, to K. A. Walker, of Strouusburg. The youthful appearance nf the bride, tho contra dictory reports concerning the character of her hus band, with the doubt as tu whether her inuthe(klH"-v of. or consented to the nuptials, l.as m ole this affair quite a sweet morsel fur the t ingiies of the gossips of Scr.inton. and elsewhere. LlUi.-. will make * gay one, for singing sweet lullabys to the babies. DEDK'ATIOS AN t> I '.erA Lt, AT to N.;-i' ho r.ev. house of worship, erected by tho First Presbyterian Church and Society of Nicholson, Pa., will be dedicated to the worship >f Almighty God. on Thursday, April 22nd. Services to commence at 10 A. V. ; sermon by the Rev. Oliver Crane, of Carbondale. The in stallation of Iter. Wm. V. Arms, as pastor of the Fir.-t Prosbyterian Church and Society ofNiehoiion, will, if deemed expedient, tike place on Thursday evcuing, April 22ud, scrtnon by Rev. 11. P. Arms D. D. of Norwich, Ct. A TASTE op TUE SWEETS of the maple molasses region has been sent us by one of the good mothers ho lives on the route of the proposed new railroad to Montrose. We dare not be more definite in our description of the donor, who declares, that il we • put her in the papers," she "will never send us aaolber drop" of the delicious stuff. Well, if we are not permitted to put her in the papers, we shall con sole ourselves by putting her molasses on our pan cakes—all the while, thinking unutterable things oi our friend, the giver. IMPORTANT TO BRIDOE TOLL CouxtfTEßs.—The managers of the Bridge Company at this place, at their last meeting resolved that contracts for yearly commutation should iu all cases date from the Ist oi April of each year, to the Ist of April of the succeed' lag year, and that no contracts should be made for a less time than one year, except in tire ease of those who made contractsdurlng the past winter—who wii' be allowed to eomraute at tie same rates fixed for the fraction of a year up to April Ist 1870—the close of the current commuting year. Contract* hereafter made for the coming year, will in all cases be consid ered as dating from the Ist of the present month. NEARLY LOST PIS OCCVPATION.—John Pruner. of this place, who hs long since earned the distinc tion ot Icing the "oldest whip" in the country, has, by reason of these new fangled rail road arrange ments, nearly lost his occupation. John has driven sum almost without a day's interuption for a period of thirty-three years ! During 23 years of this time he was in the employment oi Willard Jackson, one ol the old time stage proprietors. John first mount is! the box and gathered up the lines on on# of the pa.-seßgor and i>ost route coaches, which ran en the wilke Harre, Tunkhannock, und Rridgcwater (Montrose) Turnpike. He was the first to drive a four horse coach from this place to Pittston along the route of the present K. K., on the east side of the river. It would be a moderate estimate to say that he had averaged 20 miles, for etery working day, for the past thirty-three years. He has tiy this estimate driven over 290,000 miles, or more than enough to have passed eight times around the world I John's route? has been peculiarly iree from the accidents of stage coach travel. liuring the long years of John's Jehu ship, ho has inquired an inexhaustible lund of anecdotes, which he gets off in a style which almost always pro- Toke a inile. HOKE MATTERS.—After having solar settled in life as to secure a good and prudent wife—which is H the first importance—every young man, if he hs- not a house of Lis own ulready, should bend !1 his energies to securing the next important ob j Aft,—a place in which to live. One lie may | cali/.lsown. It makes but little difference how j small and unpretending it may be. if health and contentment occupies it. with thrui. if will be large And fine enough. Far better, indeed, than any rer.tcii Louse. While writing on this homely sub ject we may as well say, tu our friends,, tho girls, j ny of whom, no defuht Vonlfi hfire it*womt j of their own. with a sober, sensildwajid industrious your." mas fur a husband ; tint 1I list less, do noth ing an i extravagant lives they seem t< be living, j?!!. b—ns tnolr chtUJfies in this matter. We fear Bay wtil have to tojte up with some short coat '*= tight paniclouccd, sqft Landed and . Il*r b *1 f'p .ml idler. r.hoc hard working father L: - Dft lata the cur-e of ft D w hundreds or perhaps Ih a-.in of dollars. Girts, yoll liad tiller put <>n caiicv or. sses end aprons, IRijk lire rfiwo and weed ml ; help vmir mother* tbanrth the 5 clothes *o! h-iii's you would have less Occasion for paints *!•me circle as many of you doat the gay i gatherings and parlies, you would soon haven call | lr..ui sane worthy young man to tako chwrg e of a j bnu.-e of your own. Girls, try It! TH;: DEDIC ATIOX OP THE M. E. CHCBCH at this I l ace, or Saturday the 10th Inst., was an event *l !' h win long lie remembered by the members of that < torch and all others who were present on that iutermUng occasion. The dedicatory sermon was Keachctl i,y Bishop F. R. Ames, of Baltimore. The aw. B. 1. Ives. Chaplain of the Auburn, N. Y'ork Slate Prison, assisted in tbe services. There were present and also assisting. I). C. Olmitead, Presiding D icr of this District. S. F. Brown, Pastor of this 'bur"h. sad Revs. C. V. Arnold, Andrew Arnold. E. -u High, Duther Peek. Dewis, Pardee, Brighan. o dsirts; and of local preachers, John Fisher, J. B. bt.mner, O. K. Palen, and others. The Saturday evening services were by the Kev. B. I. Ives. Gn ctinday morning Bishop Ames again preached, and •a? fallowed on Sunday evening by the Rev. Ives— •till a powerful ank men could be put to the highest praetiea' test. "<• amount was readily raised, and s6ooin addition. | the church as it stands, including cost of lot, bell. ! 'umr.ure, furnaces, Ac., cost sl2,uou All tho mlnls t.r! ir "l" tlier * fr ' ,ln abroad speak in the highest -of the solidity and beauty of the architecture, r. 1 "onder that it was built for so smail s sum. It "••id, that Mr. Wm. B Overfish 1, the builder, in t,. Flof lo f 1 " k'* work perfectly, and carry out his con , ln letter and spirit, has expended on it lrom '}" three thousand dollars more than the eon- j .•"'tprlee. Whether any portion of thi* loss will •"•lie up to him or not. we are not Informed, tu' ~here, may well be proad of the heantl aiihoe, which has now been solemnly dedlcattxl he worship or God. SPRING.—'The seraph of THESE U*4. The School 1 dreetors oi Wyoming County are notified to meet in Convention at the Court ' House in Tunkhannock. on the first Monday of May, A. D.. 1809, being the third day of the month, at one j o'clock P. M„ and select, vira r oce, by a majority ol j the whole number of directors present, one j>erson of i literary and scientific acquirements, and of skill and i experience in the art of teaching, as County Super intendent, for the three succeeding years : and to de ' termlne the amount of compensation for the same, and certify the result to the State Su|>eriutendent at Harrisburg, as required by the thirty.ninth and . fortieth sections of said act. J. li. RIIOADS, Co. Supt. Tunk., April 13, oa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Whereas, letters of Administration to the estate of Hannah Day. late of Tunkhanm>ck Tp., dee'd. have tieen granted to the subscriber. All jiers -ns ln [ debted to the said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims or de mands against the estate of the said decedent, will make known the same, duly authenticated, without delay to JOHN DAY Tunkhannock, April 21. '69—n36-6w. Adm'r For Sale! 260 W£LL ROOTED, TWO-YEAR ODD CONCORD GRAPE VINES for sale. Inquire of Tunk., April 13th '69. H. VV. BARDWELL. M. R. KOHNSTAMM'S iiew Tobacco Slore. TUNKHANNOCK PA. S HOARS, CHEWING aim! SMOKING TOBACCO, GENUINE MEERSCHAUM and BRIER ROOT PIPES. TOBACCO POUCHES, See., Arc. also ORANGES, LEMONS, FIGS, and a fuSi assortment ot choice FRUITS, NUTS, and CANDIES, at wholesale and retail —and cheaper than ever of fered in thia section of the country. M. It. KOUNSTAMM. Tunk. April 13, '69—nSn36-tf- CAUTION TO TRESPASSER!*. Having retaken lull possession of the saw mi'.! end premises, in I.eroon Township— the same lately rent by mo—this is to fi.rbid all persons entering upon or la any way trespassing on said premise., by cutting or hauling away trees or timber or by doing any other damage, on or about said mill or dam. AM persons, not heeding this caution, will la? dealt with in the most vigorous and summary manner. \V.W. STANG. Demon, Pa. April fith 18C3.nSf>w3. l)HS(ILOTIIIS OK t'Oi'ARTN 11R-llll\ Th copartnership heretofore existing between the j undersigned Males the tirai n tuie ol G. D Hal- I stead at < !0., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. I i> D llallstead tikis the Pi int mill and the prop erty therewith connected, at Piereeviilo, and as- j suines and is t.i pay off all the debts ot tue said firm. . R. W. Hamilton, takes the goods in the store, at f Ficrceviile, free from all debts anil liabilities. G. D. HADDSTE VD. R W. HAMILTON, Pierce vile. April 1, 1859.-HB6WX i EM HtTift* FXAN IN A Tlt>\. Teachers'examinations will Leheld, as follows. viz ; At Nleshoppen, April 29th " Mehoopany. " 30th. >' Forkston, May Ist. ?• Tunkhannock, " Sd. " Pierce vllie, " *th. . j " Falls, in School House, near McKune s, on | Wednesday, May ith. At Northnioreland, May 6th. Exercises will commence at 10 o'clock A. M. Goino I with writing materials. b bhodes Tunk., Pa.. Apr. 6th 1809.—n35. Co. Sup't. j Heltnbolds Concentrated Extract Saraaparilla, is the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER Those who desire I nlliancy of complexion must j purity and enrich the blood, which Heltnbold s Con centrated Extract of Sarsapaiilla invariably does. | Ask for IiKLMBOLD'S Take uo other. CAUTION. , Whereas, my wife Olive, nas left my bed and 1 board without just cause or provocation : Una is to forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my i account, as 1 will pay no > -s*. V .Ai,- r* \ j, h':'\ ...Xj? p 3.7'jH ?•/>' 3 Llbl'iNcorr A ll.'.Ki '. i i.i UV li ive n i trouldo wilb your ,M<; limy i' in. i line iup with paper ;we put thr.ui en ill M:ii. lu l .:i i Ibcy go ' riglit SIO.IT Temper puloi tlv uuitorai a i I [U-di, i.'-iirpis-cj. i Ro Ti u'lr •; I V .! FOX. I LiPi'IMMTT A IJAKEWRLL, Manufaciu't rs of Cncuhi's, Muiav. Mill Ga ig and Cross-Cut --aa*. t'lio;,:>iiig ax s. sil sliap* s. Col- j bum's Paluut Arc. Shovels, Spade? and .Miles' i Patent Cov.'ie.l Scoop Steam Engines AND BOILERS. FROM 4 to 350 lior.< power, indu ling t) e cele brated Cor 1-e Cut-ufi' Kngi'ies. Slide Valve Sla- ; lionsry fcng : n-s. Portable Engines, A,.. Also, Cir- | cular, Malay and Gang saw Mills, Shafting, Pulley*. | Ac , laitb till i Sliinglo Mills Wheat and Com Mills, Circular Saws. Belting, Ac. Sr nd for le*criptive ; Circular and Price List. WOOD A M.ANN STEAM ENGINE < 0 . Prim. N. Y. thi: FRANKLIN BRICK MACHINE, MAKES 2500 TO 3500 ELEGANT BRICK PER HOUR, ***! !'" ONLY' FIGHT MEN AND TWO | HORSES, or 4(iol' t > 5000 |>er hour hy j steam pewer. Has no ri mplex miiebiiierr tube get ting out of order or i tfukiiig down. 1 d-fy 'ho j worii torquit! it. *\o pay r quire i until after the macki j lias perio tue i t* * 1,1, the y.irj ,f the purchaser i li. RENK.'K, P.uoiu 2S, "I liromlway New Yotk t'ii v Git i. u i vii'rga :.Mi:\ rs i N AllTlrlllAli LJAIGS, ARM- 5 AX" LEG- Paiup!i!e'* sent Ir. Addre-* KIMBALL A CO', 639 AichStr. et, Pb tadelphi ~ I'a. AGENTS WA\TEI>. 575 to s2oo [*r in tnlli, w.-rywhere, male and | female, to intniduee li e GENUINE JMPKOVED COMMONSENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This .Ma hine will jtiieb, hem 1011, tuck, quilt, cord bind, hr.ii 1 an I embroider in a most superior man-, ner. Price only SI4. Fully warranted for live yeais We wii! ptiy StlP' l) tor any luro bine that . w:li se.' ;• s,ioli;- r nor ? beautiful, or more elas'ic seam than ours i? n. ikes 'Elastic Lock -titch.' i Every eeccnd siitch ciu be euf. an i Gill the cloth rnut be puE—t up v-t wn'e ut tearing it. \V piy . Agents trca 375 ■> 5- ') wntii ol e\jr>as •, or ' h ennitnissi m !:• m %!>?.- tw tiin avnatiut can lio made. ,\u iiess -F '\l . i'G , i'iitsf urgb, Pa,, ' Boston, Mess , > r >• c . t 'JU'tlKl.--. ) ' • • aril u it by ( liter partiev patciing 'EED .. 47 l On F • -V. N"W i York 83UOUMl.AiiY. '.il: . I*. ?:.oC ~ N. Y- ; et n n n -i n n si e h 6 s 8u it w-S ,# •* 4 a jjj • *1 *; *} ; •' * To ill.'. WoitKis-i Ci \.v am nuw pro [aired to , furies ' ail cls.-.-e* with ismr'aot < i:,pi i\meut al their homes, the who! f hti "m ,oi t"r Iho rpare moments. H--a, - i, w. li-rtu an i profitable. Fifty | cents to S.'i. psr emniii!. i ca.ol naini. I by |H-r- SOMS of either sex. an I li e fi.tjv and - ills earn nearly ' aa inn li as m* i Hie -t i. i - 'Chun's sir ofierej ; lliose who will icvot-* th 'ir whole time to the buxi- j ness ; and, that every (a reui wuo sets this tittice, ' may send me their a hliesx an I lest the business for themselves, I m ake lire following unparalleled offer : To all who arc not well satisfied with ,lie hue- j iness.l will send 4! to pay for the trouble of writing j me. Full particular* directions, A■ , sent free.— I Sample sent ny mule for 111 cts Address E. C AL LEN, Augusta, Me. ASK year Doctor or Drwgglet tor S VV BRT ; Q.UI >IN In —it equal* (bitter) ()uiniiio. I* made only by F. STEARNS, Cbeuiist, D"troit IVrUBIURKA. its soil, id dr. a to, people, Ac . XA|| A pamphlet fur 25cis Addre** CROPSEY A RAIN, Lincoln, Neb. \V ANTIC! AilFNT's! TO SELL THE "AMERICAN KNITTING MA- | CIIINE." Price 425. Tue simplest, cheapest and ' best Knit.ing Machine ever invented. Will knit j 20.1 00 per io>nixtc. Liberal ino is small. dhnsa who desire a largo quantity and large d..ses of medicine ERR. I New Advertisements IN" THESE HARD "TIMES • You rannot afford to pay thro* or four profilfoo ar ticles of accessory u-e, when by sanding a club to f ARIiGK ilt COS.. i Of DRY HOODS, LINENS, PARASOLS. AI.BI M> ! HOSIERY, BILVERPLATKD WARE JEWELRY, CUTLERY, FRENCH ml HERMAN FANCY HOODS, of avtry description, you can purchase nny thing in their immense stock for ONE DOLLAR EACH. 'lli.A vet lot o}' our low |ri is tbis : We hove a 7er v Ur*e Cuh Cuptiil, an i have buyers in ail ib* i J ritit*i jial cirie.s ot'this coun'ry Mi in Kuropt. *rho Vim-h me FOR CASH. IHKISCT FROM TUB MAX ! t"FACTt'HERS, i!l (he ifoilgifcd br us. thus saving . the ci>nriut*tu the most | reliable U Uolesai.i Vcrchenti of Bostm an-J New Aorh, as to our stun iing and t'ue #tri.*tly hcnorable character of our business, wr We want Agent*. in every town 'u whom tlto I foji-nving Comuii.xsii.n* will will be pat j • TERMS TO AGENTS. I' .f it CI ib ..IJO an.l 1 brev Dolla. y.u.is Ilr-wri or Blearh.-d Sheeting, vord wii.- - : All wo.il Pant* an 1 Vest Pattern Marseille* Quilt, i 1 - } ard*g .ml I'..- I T: - 7 yd*. Led 1 willed 1- lan- i nl. L.i vu. Cotton l'lann-1. 1 dozen gent ' Linen 1 | ll.;rik<-:eit'h:.'ls. Fi.i** White Herman t'.ni. ierpn jftii .o I. Ilr.nu.e.tii'- Ualwirtl Sltirt. I.ngiin ■ ■■)■■.> I Warp lib. picture Photograph A.'iim Silv.i i J engraved hie .....i ~ .... . l.i I 'n.Jvury : 10. MI, lJ oid 1.,.- -i (■ .ktitutlv . j i.ugtet il.i.i i I ill -el 111..r.. .. | I ... tltL.il..- |. . . I tie.n. ni- e.'.i- ■!• . --.liei| \,km It u-.. 1, ■/ i h.i- Miie or .> I. g. J . Vi HI -in 1 bow in j n.'X . ..il,|.li:i.-. - 1 J-irlry w .li ...n; pen .. ill I dr.i| - L*. In— la .1 "l. .. I'J .-quire Miiwi. (oioi! j Mecir.h.um I'ipo in e ire. } ilol-it Rug* r<' best ; silver lie.-o.rt Fotk-i tlr one -itn rfte fr.#ni Club ■>! j 0 an t too from Exchange Li t. S-'nr a Club nl AO tr.nl Five Dollar*,— 3 i yards good quality Brown --r ill.-...-bed Wheeling, v.ir lui le r.usliion.:l.le Alpacca Dress Pattern any eolor. 1 set Lice. Cu.ti--s. I pair Wool Blankets Engrave! silver plated six bottled Cas'or. 3 J yards verv tino ail wool Cis-i nere for pints and vest .Sot i of 6 ivory-han.iled tea Knives, with silver pi itml j Eoiks ilahisotnn satin or silk Paruxol, bcmily , iie oje l and limd. 30 yards good Prints, fast colors i Ladies'or gents' largo real inorncco traveling bag, French frame. Handsome t'op'.in Dress patteru Ladies' Cloth Cloak pattern Ladies' fashionable Shawl 1 tine large Marseilles Quilt 'I Honey Comb Quills. Silver piated Oiik Basket, plated on ! fine white metal Hemiine Meers- hauiu Pijie 1 j pair Oontf' tbilf Boots, Or one article fiotn Club of ' SO and one troui Club ot 30, or tour articles lTo:u j Exchange L'st. Club of 100, and Ten Dollars—One of the : following articles : 1 rich Meriuo or Thibet Dress Pattern t pair lino Damask Table Clotlvs and Napkins to match. 1 pair gents' Trench Calf Boots \ Very Fine all wool Cloth for ladies' cloak. 65 yds ; good Brown or Bleached Sheeting yard wide. 1 rleg iul high-colored all wool pluid i'ophu Dres< Pattern I Empress Cloth Dress i'attern 7J yds 1 fine Caasiiiiere for suit. 1 set ivory balanced handle i Knives and Forks 2 Indies' or gents' stiver Hunt- j ting case Watch. 1 Birtlelt hand portable .Sewing ' Machine. .Spleudid Family Bible, steel engravings ; with record and photograph pigr-r 25 yards good ! Hemp Carpeting good colors 1 pair good Mar- ; eeilles Quilts 1 good six barrel Reiolver. 1 ele- i egant Fur Muff nnd Cape. 1 single-barrel Shot gun 1 silver plated engraved six-b-ittle itevolvihg Castor ; cut glass bottles I very tine Violin and Bow, in case. 1 very fiue all-wool long Shawl 2| yards double width Beaver Cloth for overcoat. Or tight | article* troiu Exchange List. I'if Tor more extended list of Commisfiious,see ; Circular We also ptvo agents additional Coiniuts- i aious, in pro(sirtion to the amount of money returned i for goods. This extra Commission is not offered by j any other house. We are the only Firm who pay j tbeii agents fir "-ending tor goods alier the. have, oi.tainej iubscril.ers to their Club J f BE SI RE TU SEND ALL MONEY BY ' REHISTERED LETTER SEND FAJII CiIICELAKS. | Send your a Idre.-s in full, Town, Oour.'y ana .-.a'c j PARKER & CO. Nos 'JH nnd 100 Sutninor St.. B-istnn | : Stnr in Ihe East i !I A t.ew star has appealed in the literary circles, ; called The "LU.l'MmATeii YV'ESTSM* WOULD."— , Its Illustrations are all printed in tieantifal oil j colors, from oU to seven, at a single impress-, u In this texture a!r,i,c Tho '-Jlluiuinated We atom i World" st.in Is .i.rih tho foremott of tli- age. Aside from its in iguifi-cut iflustrathins, ho.vev-r. Its n-l -uto 5 wilt teeui weekly with Fiction, f-o'i-l l'ro-e j Ch .rtning Poetry .bl.' du-tri.--" the support >-f tho farmer, t: erchaot, arti-: >xn. ,nd the e lu-itti-.ii of-dbo u: ■■ ■< - S.-nd f r S] cipics Sold hv o|! news dealers *itb s. rip'iori, So.JU |w-r nn-iii-p A IJrcss Till: WE I. RN w RLI> CO , C->r. J'uik Ph. nil College Pi., o, P*• :: < ! ' J i Nfc-v York ALT'. \ i - W I \ I'f D I-OH DR. KANE'S UREAT PICTORIAL WORK, "ARCTIC EXPLORATIONS," AN clejittl volume ot ta.vst me:it nod inst i- - " .11.1 • f gr.-nt iuteri-st i " III: r*il o-rs. I I'll :iOO UKttHITTI. EVCiI *\ ISIIS, I . -k. h of the nut!:-.. 5 v Pnd C. W. SHIELDS, D. D, if • P. in -eton College. Kxi-lusi c ter'ilory giytu and large loniu, -ion.s For t.'tri-olars ar. l ugettey, aires the Publishers, BLIsvS Sc. 30.. New uk, N. .1. llia.MltOl.D'H CDNC'ENTHATEI) FLUID EXTUAOT SABSAPAHILLA ERADICATES ERUPTIVE and L'LCEUAITVEj DISEASES, of the THROAT, NOsE, EYES, EYE- 5 LIDS, SCALP, anl SKIN, Which fo di*fi-ure the appearance, PTRHINU < the evil effects of mercury and removing u!l taints j the rotnnants of DISEASES, hereditary or other-I wise, and is taken by ADI LTS and CHILDREN i with pertect SAFETY. Two Tablespoonfuls of the Extract of Sarsaparilla i added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet j j Drink, and one bottlo equal to a gallon of the i Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or tne decoctions as usually ' ! made. An interesting letter is published iu the Mcdieo- Ceiiurgieal Review, on the nubject of tho Extract ot Ssrsararilla in certain affect! ns, by Benjamin Tr.iv i era, T" R S.,Ac. Speokiug of thoso diseases, and diseases arising train the exces- ot moi'cury,hB states | "ihit no remedy is equal to the Extract of Sarsa parilla ; iu power is extraordinary, more so than i any other drug lam acquainted with. It is in the strictest sense, a tonic with this invaluable attribute that it is applicable to a state of the system so sunk ! en, and yet so irritable as renders other sunstaoces of tho touic class unavailable or injurious HELM HOLD'S. COM KNTKAKTED EXTRACT SAUSA PAKILLA, Established upwards of lrf years, i'repired by H. T. HDLMBuLD, 594 Broadway, X. Y, Not a few ot the worst disorders thf.i njißet in in kiud arise front conuption ef the blood. Heluibold s ■ Extract Sarsaparilla is a remedy ot the utmost i value Y" 1 NO LADIES BRWARB 1 Ot the injurious effects of Face Powderi and | \Vah.is. All suili retnedies close up the pons of the iktu, aud iu a short time destroy the cloui|iex ! ion. 11 yiu wuul I have a froth, healthy uud youth ! ful appearau.v, u-e Helmhold's Kttract Sarsaparilla ; iMiscellaneous. VYDMII& METALLIC FIBEFB3OF : ! HBOFISG AND -COTTAGE PAINTS M.mnt tctured by 0 L HALIaSLEAD A CO. , j N icbolson, Wyo Co , Pa. THE WYOMING METALIC PAINT HASBEEN ! TIIoROUHHLY TESTED t.v csunpetent ehemisU anl first .-l-.s-i MASTER PAINTERS, au! ALL TESTIFY TO ITS SUPERIOR Q' ALITY. ' Ii h.s a i if'CD I'IYDV.M i\ES ItEADI LY , r. quires ' BUT LITTLE OIL. TAKE- TINT- AND IS VE ; KY DURABLE. In view of 11..,- L-re i' nbund-in.*" i"l material and ' the SM ALL < OST OF M ANiiFAC I UKINtI. nnd the SUPERIOR QUALITY OK OUR PAINTS, the Company e\;r'i to su| |I. th- matket with a BET TER At; I'D i.L :. ill I 111'A PER RATES thai. tuiv .10-1 ...uij .-u ill 111- .-(.liutrv OPINIONS oF PAINTERS. 'I tie undersigned, a prai-iieal pntuiir. hereby cer titl, .till- he his u.-ed in -St "I the mineral pa.nti in | usa tor wars pin*, im-t tint lie regards THE I WYOMING METALLIC PALM superior to nil ; olber- f.-r dumt iiitv .nd fm>h tli T.BERT BRO'AN N'.vh-ii-.u, duii- '-7 th, IStib. I'ii ncEv.l.l.l; Auj. 25 lSg9, 0. L llAi.t.-tnan, Esq DkvkSlK- i have usod the Mynmmg Piint, ..no believe it to be tho best ao-i 1.t0.-t du.able i'.-tabi-' paint ia u.-e. It has* Ig. u i fctr.u g '.tr.dv.works easily,nnd requires but little Very Respectfully. Pt.KRY STARK. Nicii it.ti'S. O.T sth O I, HALLSTKAD Esq - llSAtt Stu; 1 have used and mt.eraise to.-ted 'he Yi YOMJNtr METALLIC PA :N i\ nt.-i -il-tir c.f the belie! ib-'t it is supc- j j rinr to any oilu-t Mn.eial Paint in the country, ft j tins agt.it*! it .n I itiix.--re idd v ; hut its strung , and 1 : teat ir.-s arc it* )iav st.i'vu l el laiity, ; .••ii.i" ■ -.VI;h 'n nature, in ivinse- 1 j qun.-.-c I I W..1- Ii i' |-t--quires at 1.-: i -l a third less oil J '■ tii.ititirtv • :h'-r p.in - m t.se ' L. PEI:k. j Njtur i. m Ist. IBtft. . !, 11 A .si i.At' 1.-q - I" Ait -tit : I atu a |-r:i ' r r ■ i 1 i ste.*!v . ngiiged in | t r- t.: -•i. - - "iro"-r .:. tty sir- D-.ing that ] - j ijit i . :. i . • i: i T paint Kti WU to the | I - r . t. t - the WYo- I M IN-! ME I . ! i I -, -t i hnvceter .11 I. - asiiy alii tafcee [ tr-ini -hi f •! • - frtics of the Wy- i Wyoming Mineral Paint, and tested ii inmost xvery manner, I am convinced that it is interior to no ar- j tide of the kind to be found in the country. Very Truly Y'ours, K. S. M. HILL. To WANDA, August Ist, 18qR. 0 L. Halls'.cud, Esq -Dear Sir. About thirty fivo veara ago my father purchased a quantity of the Wyoming Mineral Paint, with which he at that time painted a building, and after the lapse of a Quarter of a century it is fresh and good. Better evidence of quality eat, hardly bo required. Truly Yours, E KKKD MYKR Scrauton. '•ept. 8, 1898 0. 1.. HalM-ad, Esq-Dour Sir: 1 have used the Wyoming Metallic Paint, and have great pleas ure in saying that it is supciior to any other mineral paints in the maiknt. Its heavy substantial bodv i m ikes it durable lor outside work, roofing and Ac j and the readiness with which it takes lints reiidcis ' it an excellent article tor cottage purposes. Alto- j gcthor I regard it as tho best paint in use. Very Truly Y ours, DAVID BAILLI;, House am. Sign Painter ] All orders or c unuinnie-it;. n< 'iould i.e addressed j Ito O. L. UALLSTEAD A CO. | AJEiß®] HALL'S J VFCETABLE SICILIAN !i! HAIR . f?£'S : £wm. I " • y . . .h The hn-.s . rc t.1.jl ijropGr-.ij.s a .1 regetiile j I iV*lD|DUn'f , IV WILL RE-TORE i'.RAY HAIII TO ITS ! ORIttlN Al. COL'iB. 11 w • i n th- llair troui falli.tgou* . It rleaosts t't - scalp aod niiket tho hair soft an! j If i# a 1 hair R P. II \LR a ('•). a>hu'j, N. ii. }'rtprietu;. I riBEAT INTKUKBT IT ts ' V . ju -: If. on ac ur.' tl XKW R i;ln> I the >u> j'eh ihn.i, hut a ineit-.i i neit-.i I-. frit in >r. ••• i.{ ih? Shu STOCK OF Farniiy Groceries, Just u-H-ived at t II a !o Sa I I] W .'' s V l f tyt 1 ft i 'ltYt'lh XT \ i J •.*: t i ' ' ' S s I l \ , (■ ( , .• i i .lie :-g iticlt? for tamily use FLOUR, I,A If I). KMT. AP. ( I , RC!!, S XT.. .H \ I CS, CI! \CE llfs toBACCO, itIHAHS. BBOO.MS. BRI ,hIRAISIN.<.C! L EN I'S. FitSS. CAN',!.H l'i.ACit! S. LOUNTKItK. SAB DINE*. I EPP ' -If AICI ■ i i IMA to CATS! P. ' YI ED COCOA NIT. NUTS, SPICFiS. I \ I Nl-H 1 AH. And a \aii. ty too tut ner.m to mention, which will j l>- • .id as 1...v a- the loxi-st, for cash or realy-pay, I at CHARLIE BUNNELL . Muriumnu. I')' ■'•-■•iVU m 3. jisftm MANHOOD: ! 1111\v Jj-ist, lIDW liestoreil! i Just published, a new cditi .u uf l)r. CTLVER WKLL's Celebrated Essay oil tint KAOICAL CDHB ; (without medicine) of Speiiuatorrhfua, or Semioal ] Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Isi.-aes, luipotency, Mentaj aud Physical Incapacity, InqiedittienU to i J Marriage, etc : also. Consumption, Epilepsy, and j ! F'tr. induce i by self-indulgence or oexutil extrava gance ! i*T 1 'rice, iu a sealed et i clope, otily 6 cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, ' | clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' succca-'ful practice, that the alarming consequence* ot self- i abuse may he rudically cured without the dangerous , use of internal medicine or the application of the knife ; |.iutiug out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every suf- } lerer, no matter what his condition may he, may cure himself cheaply, privately, ud BADICAI.Iv. j \~ff~ This Lecture should be in the hands ot every j youth and ewry man in the land Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post j stamps. Also, Dr. Oulverivcll's "Marriage Huide," price 2c coids. Address the Publishers. (.'HAS J. C. KLINE A COs. IST Mowery, X< vv York, Post-lifSee Box 4, 636 v7usoly. A CLEAR, SMOOTH SKIN and BKATIFUI, COMPLEXION follows the use of lieiuibold's Con- 1 rcutrated Extract Sarsapasilln It rernoiOS black sjiots, pimpUs and all eruptions of the akin. I IN TIIE 3FIiI.NO MONTHS, the system uatural lvundcrg.es a change, and lleiuiboii Highly ! Concent I. led Extract i f .-..u.vqa'ilU is au assistant j of the greatest value Ii .'1QI! i' !aI. \t .■! s ~. i* jj'a■ .a * •*- ..ti.-Cs a :d ren* ; cvati - the ' lii-, j, irsttlis the vig-r of health into ibo 1 aystcm, and purges out the hutuots that tuck* dis ease. Miscellaneous. FOUTZ'S CKLEAKATLO Horse ai Catlle Powiers. Tl.i* priMiralivti, i.-r nnl known, *il Oioftfuirhl/ rr-iiiri; i *t? s * ,r <>keu down wi.il low >|iritd borwrs, alt< l clmtiiiOo' tho V \ Tt atouiiich and iutc*tin4. II i* a * urc K -veutiyeof all dfttrasrt I incident to this animal, rucii ui LI NG FEVER. GLAN'IKRS. YFLI.t.W WATER. HEAVES. CoLGHH. I'K- VITAL F.N ERG Y, fee In t*e ImifDVci the wind t incre.ij.'d Uie u||>. tiu- 1 y * Itive* aamootfi a.d ?lof.*v skin -11 c! / Ay t. tint for u. t' - Ui cr.i'hf r * 1 '.ui J, i-'Lk./ / lutou flUc i-H/kij ,1 V 1 i.i-r>v. f T > Iv ♦ !• * of row* iMi prrpa^. [| '' * & \ • Hii- c 1 Riljdc-i |j(it. Hollow J j ibxiic. It It (i.i lx;cu p. oven \y | of tuiiu ami creain twenty '-xJ ,rT an ,| swpx't. In fattFuinjr ruttl?, it , them an apjKUlc, 1 vwhu< their bide. :.nd xaukes thexn thrive much faiUfr. In all di-Kane* of Swin, such a? Coughs, T'lcera lu the Lucgi, Liver, A:c.. this article net* a.* •* *iecidc. liy putiinf f:*ois cro half a pajter to a imjjer in a larr'l of Cj % 7, J I twill the a)ovediseases wiil l>e eradi cuted or entirely prevented. If in tinaAJi. <1 Si Ii R I A a 77 AND 17 A G O */ IfJ A. 2C Ell J7 are Invited to send for price list. Our goods eunuot be excelled, and we are determined not to lie under- i sold. BOWS, liIMS, • FELLOES, NECK YOKES, WHIFFLE! REEK, ! AND HANDLES OF ALL KINDS. VELOCIPEDE WHEELS furnished at short notice. WM. K, ELDRIDOE, / VRQ.CHART U PAINE, 1 Sup't. S Prop'rs Canal St., Wilkesbarre, l'a. vBn26-ly | NOTICE TO FARMERS I I CALIFORNIA & OREGON Seed Wheat Agency. TVe iurnisb Fa : nier with the BEST SEED WHEAT IN THE j WORLD, Perfectly free from in*e-tifonn or other iinpuri- i tie ; grown from Australian ait Chili .Sjel, yiel.l- i ing, on good soil, SIXTY lirSllKl>S TO THE ACRE. an I weighing 0.5L85. TO THE ME.IkUIUiI) III'SIIEL The K \R? of WlfS AT, whoa to tue. are u.-u il- ! ly ELEVEN OK TWELVE IXC UK? L"NTB. rr Put up and securely tied anj sealed in linen j bags, and sent liy mail fD o to all |,rts of the coin try, on reeei/d or price I'RICEg. SAMPLES*. lOcis each \ BAGa-Mlo and il e.o h Or in larger ipuintities at reiiooaUle rates. Address California and Oregon SEED WHEAT AGENCY. SAN FBAN'CrSCO, California. WSdk Slw IT ST KEfTtA'ED . (lo asual variety , st i.*• pi in a Country Store which will r—rs j j ie sold nl Itevßonaule Rales, fir 1 . Cjj l'ton-j.' I mv. S|i.■ in 1 Atteiuijn givn t.> - SH3 DRI 'i- A MEDICINEi, ngrrj (=G=i PAIN* r?. 011/5, and suae of the S PATENT MEDICINES UJ-4 • n hand. We are .'.grniß f.r "Pv.r- j . ral's l'Bt.nt Iron i"T>KN SMKI.I.ER." S=q Hi" 1 *t lr, r, hin l theller made. Or- ——• ' .1 is It mi M.rchiirde s deilel-also • \-reids for The CelckfJtcd ilruver nn l yS R ilu r .'l iving .Mneliuio. Pi-use .all I ■ 1 > .in i see f-r vcirselves. Asa W 11. IiAUXES a >OX , M b or.oi.v. Ju, B,'ti9 * TO THE FARMERS if WYiMtSS 'CO. Now is the time to secure Si'l(olT VS COM Bin El) HAY-FORK & KNIFE. The Subscriber having the exclusive right to sell tho world -rctinwi.eii liny-pork nud Kniie, in this County proposes to keep tbem on haDil, with all the neces sary Ropes aud l'ullv". at his Store, INMEHOPPEN. Persons wishing to procure any i f the.e nrtieies can do so bv applying to the subscriber in |ierion,or by letter. If desired, these forks win be put in the barn tree of ehaige. with the privilege of using tlwin during half (he haying ne.is.ui ni IBti'j, when ihe person using it will be required to purohaso it or (plit using it u> (ha tioio agreed u(ion by the par ties R J. IIALLOCK Meshoppen, Ps., Jan. 5, 1969.-vBtt22. TO THE PUBLIC ! The Subscriber prop>ses to keep, alter March 1. A /' UIILIC TEMP Ell. I.V C K 11 O U S E ! for the a<*eoinn>oua!ion ot at run gem anj travelers, at the bouse formerly occupied by Joho D, Roger, IN I CENTIIE)I ORELAND. j GT Hie patronuge of the traveling public is solicited. Wil SHARPS. v8n28m0.3. AH 111 I OK'- NO I It E. The uudcrsigned having I eon appointed by Ihe ! Orphans' Court of Wyoming County, an auditor, in distribute lie funds, in the hsnds of th- Everutnr of the osiate ot Solouiou lirowu. doe d , will attru.' to the duties of his appuiuiiueut, at the '.fl.ee of ! . M. Ostorhout, Esq., u- Tunkhunnork Born., on Satm iay, April 10th, A D. ISG9, at 1 o'clock, P M., at which time and place, all persons infereste I in sill dtsni bu ion are requesiel lo present their cl iim<, r bo debarred from toming in for u share of .-aij fund. J. li. RHODE?, Tunk. Mar. 13, 1869—nT2. Auditor. FAIR-*titeli i,l 1 n:,orle I i i-rn h Cull int., L.I ■ll •£ ufaetare.i by K.vlui.tn for Sill, ure ujierior to •ilymade boots wtuii coal Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of tho Throat and Lun;i, such as Coughs, Colds, Whoopiu ; Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, uud Consumption. Prohablv never before hi the whole liininrr of medicine, ban anything w on so widely and mi deeply upon the confidence of mankind, a. lbl*> excellent remedy for pulmonary complaint.-. TUroiign a long series of years, and among most of the races ox men it has risen higher and Ingfier in their t-liin i tion, as it has beeomo better kiioun. its tniilmni character and power to cure the various affections of the lungs and threat, have made it known as a re liable protector ogaiii-t tlio.il. While adapted lo milder forms of disease and lo young children, it is at the same time the most effectual remedy ihal can be given for incipient consumption, and the dan gcrous affections of thcthroat and l-irigs. As a pro vision against sudden attacks of Croup, it -hoiild be kept on hand ia every family, and indeed a- ail are sometimes subject to coin. awl coughs, ail should he provided with this antidote for tliein. Although settled Consumption is thought in curable, still great n um hers of cases where the it. When noth ing else could reach them, under the Cherry I'ec toral they subside and disappear. Singer j strut Public Spcalicrs find great pro j tectiou from it. Asthma is alwavs relieved and often wholly cured by it lirouchitis is generally cured by taking the Cherry Perioral in small ami frequent do.-c . So generally are its virtues known that we need not publish the certificates) of them here, or do line v than assure the public thai its (juabUes arc fully maintained. Ayer's Ague Cure, For Fever and Ague. Intermittent Fever, I Chill Fever, Bemittent Fevor, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, &e , and indeed all the affections which arise I from malarious, mural;, or laiamnaUo poisons. As its name implies, it docs Cure, and docs pot fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, RDunitli, Kmc, ruir any other mineral orpoisonon? -übsUocc whatever, it tn nowise Inhires any patient. The number and import. •nee of it cures in tiienmedb | . tricUs, are liurallv I. yoml account, and we U tieve I without a parallel in the iii-torv of Atree medicine. Our pride i - prntificd by t.'ie a'ckuowlcdginemsjive receive of the radi •■•i cures effected in nlwximk ca os, and where otw Willed:."-s had wholly failed. iUnaccluuatwl parsons, either rcaid'au in, or travelling through miasmatic I.>■ clitic-, w ill be pro tect Iby taking the AC CP <1 Villi daily. l or hiac Complaints, tr. i ing from tiirpidltv of the liver, it i- an cwelirn rcn: alv, -timuktiiig tlic Liver into healthy activity. Tor Bilious Disorders ami l.iver Complaint", it is an excellent remedy, prodnefmr oi.anv truly re in wkaljUj cures, where oilier inuiticuies had failed. Prepared bv Iht. .1. C. .Arm: ,V Co., Practical and Analytical Chemist*, j.owell, Mass., and told all rounil the world. PRICE, $l.OO PER POTTLE. Sold i'j" c Deficit. Tiir.kUauiioelr. P.i. Sterling ft Son. sterlingville, O. ?oi. ni th iq The i iurliuti to the ruuuuut of Silver u.-ej. Spoon* ' an I Fork*, shou!! not tie of !•** h n lo at plate ! 36 of 48 fz. would be lar more economical. I 4oz plkte is c.tiicd a good pl.te by the truda , and j poor Mit i*. but afu til portion of a! 2 the made come up to thii standard. 4 'oinee f.Lite." in • plater* ujCuiu ti:e number of nunc*** of I i-ilver, the jrru> of tuble *poott*. All other *ur j fiti'e* are et?mnteJ htr (here. For example, ! sera are c-.stira -h*d it 3-4 ; nc l tc i epoon* at 1-2 tho i turt ue o{ tublt-q uoi>h eeii vz. plate i* lb :>Z'. of fii.c s>ivcr to the of f iMe-..poons or dining : fork* 12 M to the a .t ile*frt or fork? and b rA* to the ol t*tt-r|4)eus Thi* quality of plate will co.it, ou the twice . s u;Uch 4 oz ale? will hfivc f.nr times the amount of silver on t Tbirtr-iix 07- | Iwte wilt e,*t abrut three | time? -,d Que! 1 a? 4 cz . ;.ui *v.ii contaio uinc turn * ! the amoutit of ?ilwr !i it Thirty-fix o** plate is | the lightc.-l th it will a!l"W* t!:e on i? t -it 1 name .r initials, wltlout cutting through unto the metal heneath O7, plate will cot aWn four time* much in? 4 z platr, an-i v. ill contain 12 time* the fitoou.it o i!vir. Th*-- plate costy nliout one halt a* much a* s<.:i t ;Ivcrwaiv .t c.rdi dinary weight, and for e.uiy i.ij i-o uiii be more (iurntilc than /;eKi * i i ?i .*erwar; Mo.-tot the oliJ silver ware i made muAh light t ba tiure ble in <*oii*tatit u—?. The t 110* 4 \?ouide." 4, trrl#le n Ac fti !.ot u?t to ie*i rn.tte qualities —there b* inj? > too luu b ambiguity 111 ..ictr u.>c . Ail £eb?, in ole by n ha n r.jy name and fig ure* the z, p'ate. *t iuiprd on ih'-rn, will be ganr*!.:ced iVilt weight ol ?lvcr en f.ret quality ut metal, 00 illw.j. I i! 11 i-r . •i- .10. ("ii.kucisi f IlWlit;* . -sir.; I. free- 1 r ... lib jh 1 is, {lst <|'.i diiy pt itcd iinj tbia:- no..- iciuucd. V. C. A nr.. Dm 0 ;s. .1 Ti : Llutuukk, ,-ig.i.ls iu- .!•• .iV I .iU rlert lit uC ,i nr .s'.ua-, v. ,1 reisi ~ ircjar align: luu. DAVID .M KOWNV r.tlnun, f'g.. Dec. !-r ill® irSiiiss mi t>& iVJXO MACHJNJi (*■. In din . !., I.' !P i.■ !. I . i; t.i; AI Km ! OOMUi V '! |Ov Tl'• J rt" II MA<' illN l'i, beg IHV>> Xji j-sr- .i i's v. r heful (*ii ulAtify - con |u ui . i taerii* The incrcjtTO hi •• r : L. - valuable j ccwchme i -••in "* i- i ,* s lu.-t UDoUtb et . >: jk.ar lloic ti.f • _: I . ' T' i- -.-1 . : "i fr: -I; ; t, . { , f l ci ?- I e<] ir'fki :"• of !.♦,!!(• ~ • t wc-iCvl i full ( I i fi As So 1" qC \ , .> s- ui.i n i i tux unn I X* A-TT.A' •■rAO-_-XT |, IIM ' ' IN" V''S:L: , I v- ; <\;id (pi ri iMca! I* ' x ie (iM sp i,!, Ti if ti' .In , ,vki.ia*'- li'ii'.i'M i m i.e. jT.J i ■ irtinll J aid Lr-iuntu, i.i ,' li. t,i..11 rr*h'v*>iicni } to .king '* *li !• - i, ~r j,, •k--liT-rh, ;,n.| llir j liven , nni..;: an I i.u.i u-kole *iil S. i h MfMl facililv nil |Kil'-.*li . Ji (V •.!•• i, fijfc \.'V host 111-II 11-T i vriv vnri , v .owing .. p ■, n, , luing. 1 tiling, c. I in. V lack log Mil.tn.g. Dr-ji I - iug in I ijuiiling, ii • . .H I .-•wii.g i.(i, (Ki.o at lf)g .-:i:i,o ii ic.) an i -p illihimi. Ovo--o:m.s Kiu! r. idem on ih- sif. a. I ha iuxdul l:> tOti iit l.yelrl uoifv to !. laor. 'i. These machines ititi, icuimis „t wnvk ..i i WorUiu£* cau be mcii at TfNKIiAXMJt'K, IV\ , !by cafiln; mi Ibe unloisigne 1, ,i;rnp for tin-ni. ol them in Wyoming County. MR?. <;KU. S T I I lON, MRS RUN.) XKWMAN ' v7n4tii(. t'Ot'KT I'HOCI, ASi ATIO N, ' TTTIIKRF.A Alb • linn* W|„ FI.V. F1.1., i're-i -|Vf 'lent Ju ni the Court ot Common IMeas m i I C'oui I ol l.eiirral (.ju trier S:*.i ,n, of il.c I'emr. an I the Presi.lciii .Dj-c. p of llic Com: ..! Over and T< r miner and (ivi.cial .tail IMirery, for (he trial of I e|ntl and otlicr ntlcncos, for the t-> er.iy -it'h Ju l ilicial District of I'.-uu'a ; ii- Dike. nod.l. V Sini'li, Krsj'P,, Asrsii-i ite Judges l the (Villi of Com in .ii 1 I'leas and l' CVRit AND TKRMINKK AND O^NLT.AL-Ail. DKU.'iD.I Ui he I eld at J'ui.kiUi.aock or. Moil lay the itkii ilu.v ,el April, A D looi/, Notice is ihercfu o i.etuly J vc.it i ■ ;l,e Coroner. •II J unitlnOoii- rJ • i: /