Local 'and Personal. i ha NO ks.— Those of our subscribers who contem i lute changing their residence this notify us. that the address of their paper may be changed. Ai'ei.ii* ANTS von HOTEL LICENSE at the next rerui < f Court, should have their petitions signed and tiled In the clerk's office, on or before Tuesday next. Mil Alvix DAY of the Sunbury Democrat Is now a a short visit to this place. Ho offers his bouse ind bd here for sale.—a good opportunity to get a tir-trate town residence. AND FOUND.— A fur qgpc was found in the street at this place, one morning last week. It will I*- delivered to the owner on lndentification, by call leg at this office, and paying for this notice. BEING IT BACK. —The person who took an over ,.,,at —not hit own —from Wall's Hotel, on the lOiust, is requested to return it. as the weather for the pat few days, has demonstrated its utility to THE OWNER. 1)r. HARE, (Episcopal,)of Pittston, held services at the Court House last evening. The ritual in this church Is new to very many of our people. The Doctor secures good audiences and for the present will visit this place every fortnight. IMPROVEMENTS.—Notwithstanding the Inelcmcut and unfavorable seasonjust past, several new build ing are up and under way to be occupied by tho builders on the Ist of April. The piles of lumber, stone, and other materials at various places about town, indicate that many new buildings will be put up here during the coming summer. THE Fir-:T TRAIN of cars passed over tho bridge at this place yesterday, about one a half o'clock. The event though not announced, produced quite a stir among our citizens. The desire to see the first train pass to the North of Tuukhannock, along tho Susquehanna, was quite general, and mauy of our citizens availed themselves oi that privilege. TRIAL LIST.— Tho following cases have been put on the civil list for trial at the next (April) term of court, in this County : Lott Search vs Perry Monroe At J. S. Koon. W. M. Sherwood vs Samuel Stark. Win. Martin vs Ezra Keeney. Reuben Parks vs D. H. Silkworth. Michael Ryan vs Lemuel Harding. Yklocipepi AN. —Our place has already passed its first velocipede sensation. Ono of these vehicles, a bicycle or two-wheeler, was brought here yesterday, and soon gathered around it and Its riders, who ex hibited their skill by riding it up and down our side walks, quite a crowd of lookers-on. Foronr use we prefer the unlcycle or one wheeled machine, tho same used by the boys who make the railroads And canals. We think we could manage one of these bet ter than ono of the two-wheeled "consarns." We suppose that like the measles, whooping-cough and qther contagious diseases the velocipede will hive its day in our midst—Let it come, we've been vaccinated ! AX ACCEPTABLE PRESENT. —A daughter who had gone the way of all the girls—married and moved several hundred miles from the parental roof—was t ,1.1 by her father during a recent visit to him, at th! J place, that she was about to be the recipient of an inexpensive, though valuablo present. The old man. now gray-haired and seventy, who has seen much of the world and experienced its numerous up." ' il wns, well knew how to keep his promise. He inie to our office and ordered a copy of the Demo crat to be forwarded to her every week. Besides the intrinsic value of the paper, he will bring to her mlnil as often as she shall see it, tho remembrance of a kind and loving father. What more appropriate present could have been made T In what better way cal l the old man have kept his pro mise? Those having friends living at a distance, by whom they wish to be remembered and to whom they wish to do a favor, can profit by the example of this lather. * Prune SALES.—Vendue bills have been printed' a; this office during the past week,advertising Sales of personal property, as follows : E. L. Underwood, wjll sell at the residence of El lis W. Stevens, in Eaton. Tuesday, March 23rd, 2 burses, 2 cows, 1 bull, calves, wagon, grain, Ac. Also E. L. Underwood, will sell at the residence of A. it Lutes, in Northmoreland, Thursday, March Sth, 1 marc, 3 cows, l yoke of steers, heifer, bull, Ac. Also E. L. Underwood will sell at the residence of John M. Kunsman, in Tunkhannock township, on slrch 50th. i horse 3 cows, 1 bull, 25 sheep, 2 hogs, wagon*. harness. 2 barrels cider, 2000 lumber. Ac. Also H. H. Walters, will sell at the late residence of lliram Stark, dee'd, la Tunkhannock tp., on Saturday, March 27th, 2 horses, 4 cows, yearlings, • wagons, 1 pair hob sleighs, Ac. Itr-iNE-* SUCCESS.— To begin the world without • dollar, aeeompli.-h an income ol several millions a year clear gain, atid still be In the vigor of life like A. T. Stewart. requiMM qualifications which any •no can attain who force of character, deter mination :. Ht. An important element of business success in Now York City is to begin with advantages in your line excelled by none. II Your style of living should be as moderate as i- 'idde. so as to enable you to sell at the cheapest bring rates, thus you soon get a run of cash cus t aers; for it is true, the world over,that those who siaays have ready money, are the most particular in their efforts to make their purchases at the lowest eiih price, and they never forsake tho place where fuiU bargains are had. One day as my neighbor T. slighted from his "Four-in-hand," after an afternoon siring In the Central Park, he said to me, "This Is i'ltasant. Doctor, but do you know that I worked ! hard f,r ten years In this city, before I felt able to j a dinner that cost me over a shilling I" Ho is j auw worth a million ! 3d. When you have obtained a set of customers by | 'heapsales, I* increasingly particular that your j articles shall be the best of the kind ; this secures j ite confidence of your customers, who not only will | "A leave you, but constantly sound your praises! and o a Living Breathing Advertisement!! 1 *th. Have one price for all,and that, cash in hand; j •b is. time is saved, no losses are made, and you can ) rl to sell still lower than your neighbors, who ®ist make up their losses by greater prices to those pay : and thus most unjustly make those who iiway, have money pay the bills of those who never ste any. H wdo you make your fortune t said I to a man day who retired from business before he was fifty st 1 who, after being informed, that six hundred u,an ! dollars had'been stolen from him, coolly "piled : • I have plenty more left,' 1 and went to .nner, fie replied that he always made it a point give better bargains to thoee who sent their or 'i-han those who came to select for themselves, 11 1 "un the |ieople learned to have faith in him. — •'i'J'! hold ~n to bad stock ; if the people do not fan ■ * line of goods, knock tho prices down every day - I you have cleared your counters ; then invest 4 better style, which will bear a profit. Bad ist? you more every day by the interest of '® ti nt, and by loss of use of capital. Such are "' t-.ness principles which have securod the suc -3 Baldwin, the Clothier, cor. of Canal and ;>* ulwac.-Dr. llall, Half t Journal of Health for Lc Baldwin referred to at the close of the above 'rticie, i? O. s Baldwin, formerly of Tunkhannock. * n compliment paid him, by the writer, is just and *•11 deserved. [ED. DEMOCRAT.] Died, rfT LBERT.-In North Branch, Wyoming Co., Pa., ; - lr rh loth, Ann Eliza wife of Mephen B. Hul <*rt, aged 62 yrs. In Mehoopany, March 6th, 1869, Mr. Ru . Jayne, son of Rev. John Jayne, aged 27 ) e Ar:. He died in bright hope ol heaven. Tunkhannock Borough, on Sunday, -• * 4th 'est., Edward House, aged 34 years, j, " e llec *ased was a worthy member of Co. B. 12th , from which, after three year's service, *■ *M honorably discharged. His kindness of heart "■ social qualities endeared him to all his com many of whom, were present at his funeral to his memory, affection's truest token— Married. BILLINGS— BALL—In Lemon, on Tuesday, Otli lust., by H. H. Mltchel, Esq., Wesley M. Billings, to Cathrlne, daughter of Orville Ball. Both of Nicholson. _ PACE—LISK—In Tunkhannock, March 11th, by Rev. S. E. Brown, -Mr. Byron M. Pace, and Miss Ellen I). Llsk. Both of Tuukhannock Township. tei~A club called tlif Lazy Society has been formed in East Bridgeport, Conn. It already numl>ers several hundred mem bers. Two memliers.have been discharged, one for striking a mosquito which lighted on his face, and another for gaping, too quickly and opening his jaws two wide. A third member was censured for running down hill,* but was left off on the plea that he was too lazy to hold up. The society is in perpetual session. "TAKE A NOTE OF." —lt is a fuct not gen erally known, but interesting to young men, that the solitary ringlet, which floats from so many waterfalls, is a notification on the part of the wearers that they are not engaged. If it is extremely long the wear er is supposed to be very desirous of getting splieed at once ; if only moderately long, it shows that only good offers will be enter tained ; an extremely short meagre ringlet indicates that ths wearer is very particular as to whom she accepts, but nevertheless shows that she is not yet euga ged. As AkFECTisc, SeKNi;. —Mr. Eekerson, who died of hydrophobia at Saddle river, had to le held by live or six men and during his lucid intervales bogged to kiss his wife, who was very ill in another part of the house, Just previous to his last dreadful lit lie plead ed so piteously to lie i>ermitted to kiss her once more before he died, that, risking the i consequences, they took her to his bed. The dying man carefully wiped the froth from his face, and compressing his teeth i tightly to prevent any of the poisonous sa liva exuding from his month, kissed the lips which he had so often pressed in love and affection, and then resolutely turned away after bidding her adieu relapsed into a dread ful panrxyms and died. The man who kept the dog which bit Mr. Eckersoii, aftei knowing that it had been bitten by another Iliad dog a week before Mr. Eekerson's death, gave him fifty dollars as compensa tion for the injuries sustained, and persuad ed Mr. Eekerson to sign a pajier of release from further claims. The neighbors are verv indignant, and talk about clubbing to gether to carrv 011 a suit against the owner of the dog on behalf of the widow and or phans. 'The neighbors think that the very least Mr. Hopjer can do is to pay oil a mortgage of the £7OO resting on the Eeker son place, and they threaten a lawsuit if ho does not lift that mortgage.— Trenton [A T . J\. American. THE NSW YORK WORLD DAILY, SEMI-WEEKLY, A. WKEh't-Y. TERMS BY MAIL. Weekly World One Copy, one year 52 OC Four copies. 1 ye.r separately addressed 7 00 Ten copies. 1 year, separately addressed 15" 00 And n extra copy to getter up of the club Twenty copies 1 year, to one address 25 00 and an extra copy to getter up of the club Twenty copies 1 year, separately addressed 27 00 And an extra copy to getter up of club Fi.ftv copies 1 year, to ono address 50 00 -And the Semi-Weekly one year, to getter up of club. Fifty copies, I year, separately addressed 55 00 And zhe Semi-Weekly. 1 year, to getter up of Club 103 Copies, t year, to one address 100 00 And the Daily, 1 year, togetur up of Club. 100 Copies, I year, separately addressed 110,00 Ann tbe Daily, 1 year, to getter up of Club. SEMI -WEEKLY WORLD. One copy, I year JJ® Four copies 1 year, separately Ten copies, ! year.toone address 20 00 And an extra copy to getter up of club Ten copies, I jear, separately addressed 22 UU DAILY WORLD. One copy, 1 year . One copy. 1 year, With Sunday Edition 1- 00 THE WO.RLD ALMANAC.* Single copies, Seien copies, by mail, T>r& 4 nft| d Fifteen ' " > £ m . .> 12 00 DIRECTIONS Additions to clubs may be madir nay time in the year at the above club rates. Changes in club rates made only on request of persons receiving clob packages, stating date of sub scription, edition, post-office, and State in which it has previously been sent, and enclosing twenty five cents to pay lor trouble of the change to separate address. Trrms- —Cash in advance. Send I'ost-(7®ce Mon ey Order or Bank Draft. Bills sent by Mail will be at tbe risk of the gender. We have no traveling agents Specimen c-'P'*-'! posters. Ac., sent free of charge, wherever and when ever desired Address all orders and letters to "THE WORLD." 35, Park Bow, New York. liTiCE 10 FARMERS S CALIFORNIA & OREGON Seed Wheat Agency. We lurnish Faiuicrs with the BEST SEED WHEAT IN THE WORLD, Perfectly free from inse-tiform or other impuri ties ; grown from Australian and Chili .Sael, yield ing, on good soil, SIXTY BUSHELS TO THE ACRE, and weighing O.TI.Bsi. TO THE MEASURED BUSH EI. The EARS of WHEAT, when mature, are usual ly ELEVEN OR TWELVE INCHES LONG. S~ir Put up and securely tied and sealed in linen bags, and sent by mail free to all parts of the coun try, on receipt of price. f I R I C E S . SAMrt.ES" I Oct*, each | BAGS"SOc 'and 51. each Or in larger quantities at reasonable rates. Address- California and Oregon SEED WHEAT AGENCY, FAN FBANCISCO, California. vSn27-ti. VICE'S FLORAE GUIDE EOR 1869. The first edition of One Hnndred Thousand of Vick's Illustrated Catalogue t>f feeds anl Guide in the Flower Garden is now published It wirk of 100 pves, boautifully illustrated, with about 150 Fine Wood Engravings ol Flowers and Vegetables, and an ELEGANT COLORED PLATE, A BOU a V E T OF FLOWERS. It is the most beautiful, as well a* the most in structive Floral Guide published, giving plain and thorough directions foi tbe vmr rtHT FC CULTURE OF FLOH LRS At>D VEGETABLES. The Floral Guide is published lor tbe benefit of to SU I. - 'J'jiS/vicK. Addrcw KochesWr, N. Y. JRfo IMcrHsfinrttls. - — SSSSSSSSSSS HSU4S4 !>* a -• ■ a s o -s s i * a fa e n> sua • • a To the Working Class :—I am now prepared to furnish all clasres with constant employment at their homes, tho whole of the lime, oi for the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Fifty cents to 85. per evening, is easil v earned by j>er sons of either sex, and the boys and gills earn nearly as much as uien. Great inducements are offered those who will devote their whole ttuie to tho busi ness ; and, that every person wno sees this notice, may send me their address and test tho business for "themselves, I make the iollowtng unparalleled offer : To all who are not well satisfied with the bus iness,! will send 51 to pay for the trouble of writing me. Full particulars, directions, Ac., sent free.— Sample sent by male for i|j cts. Address E. C Al len, Augusta, Me. NEW BOOK. 2tlO ENGRAVINGS. The Farmer's and Mechanic's Manuel, full of Facts and Figures, edited by Geo. E. Warning Jr., author of "Draining for Profit," "Elements of Agri culture, ' Ac. A book of great value to every one. Send for 16 page circular. Ageuts wanted. 5200 per month made. TREAT A CO., Publishers, t54 Broadway. N. Y. iirr j 121 17 Men and Women wan Ur!sljlADiJlJ ted to canvass for the WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED C HRISTIAN, Wages S2O per week. Apply to or address, with references as to honesty and ability, D. A Allen A Co. 15 Pemhertou Square. Boston, Mass yw GENTS W ANTED lor t ..nybeai c A Compute Unabridged PEOPLE'S EDITION LIFE AND EPISTLES UFO L . 1 PVKJ \J Differs from all other editions AN EXACT EDITION OF O r P P A TTI Latest London Edition oi kls _L • X J\ V_s IJ With Maps, Notes and Illustrations, entire The most iutcrentiog and rapid soiling worii published in this country. Agents will tin t this tho liesi paying book in the field Sen If >r our sixteen quarto page copyright circular. Sent free PAItMELEE A CO., 733 Sansom St, Phila., Pa. AGE XT S W ANT E D I For a new an 1 intensely interesting Book, entitled Our New West ! It V MA>IUEI. HOW I,ES. A volume of travel. ex|ierience and observation with Vice President Colfax. among our new States and between the Missouri River and the Pacific Ocean. Describing the magnificent Scenery of this wonderful country- its Gold and Silver mines farms, Ac.-their conditions and prospects. The Pacific Railroad—its route—scenery—how it is pu?hed and built. The Mormons—their social life, religion end politics. Interviews between Brigham 1 Young, Mr. Colfax and Mr' Bowles The Mormon women—how they like Polygamy, etc., etc. The Chinese and Indians —what they do, how they live, their habits, religion and vices. In briei this work is the freshest, most graphic 'portrayment of the country and people described, yet written or pub lished. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED with Steel Portraits ; lull page engravings, illus trating the Mormons, li e Indians, tne Pacific Rail road, Digging for Gul l, etc Now li.c time for Agents- IT WILL OUTSELL ALL OillEh BOOKS. Nothing equal toil. Sen I f r our de seriptiv - Circular . Extra couimts?ias given. Ap ply to or nidress il VitTFOHD PUBLISHING CO. ilartlord, Conn. AGENTS WANTED FOR Secrets of (he (w re at City. A Work descriptive of the VIRTUES, an I the VICES, the MYSTERIES, MISERIES and CRIMES of New 1 ork City. It contains 35 fine engravings ; au l is the Spi ciest, most Thnl'ing, Instructive, and cheapest work of the kind published. Agents are meeting with unprecedented success One in Luzerne Co.. Pa., reports 44 subscribers the first day. One in M riden, Conn ,G3 in two days, and a great many others fruui 100 to 2t 0 p-r week. Send for circulars and see our terms, and a full description of tho work. Address JONES LROl'll- ERS A CO . Philadelphia, Pa TREEMOUMT Seminary. Norristown. I'a For young men and hoys. Classiial Mathematical and Commercial. Twenty-fifth year. Situation unsurpase I, .spring sesi>i -not 16 weeks commences March 231. For circulars address J. W. LOCH, A M., Principal TUSCAKOKA ACADEMY. Founded 1M3(. Spring Sessions will o|n on the sth of April, and continue twelve weeks. Terms 574. As there will he ant a few vacancies, application should be uiaie at once to 11. D. STONE. A. M ) p : n „; t i 4 w. A MCDOWELL,A. M. j I, " ,e, i"" i - Academi*, Juniat* Co., Pa. 83UOO SAl.AßY,Address U. S. l'iano Co.. N Y Steam dOiigines AND IiOTLERS. 1 7*ROM 4 to 356 Horse Power, including the ce!e- E bra ted Corliss Cut-off Engines, Slide Valve .Sta tionary fciTY-'nes, Portable Engines, Ac. Also. Cir cular, MuUy and Gang Saw Mills, Shafting.Pulleys. Ac Lath an I Shingle Mills Wheat and Com Mills, Circular Saws. Belting, Ac. Send for descriptive Circular and Price List. fiOODA MANX SIhAM ENGINE CO., Ctica. S. Plows! Plows I Plows : Awarded Premium at Paris. CIRCULARS FREE to ALL. Address, COLLINS & CO., , an Water Street, N Y. Lock llaven., Pa. Messrs. Lippincott A Bakkiveia, Pittsburg, Pa Gents • —Wo have been using your make of Gang Saws in our Mill, an 1 find ttem, in point oi quality, superior to anv wo hive cvtrvused. Yours, Ic, SIIAW BLANCH AltD A CO, Jamestown, N Y Lippincott A Bakmvcli. :—We have no trouble with your Saws ; they don t need to be lined up with paper; we put them on tho Mandrel and they go right along. Temper perfectly uniform and quality unsurpassed. Respectfully, OH A- J. FOX. LIPPINCOTT 15.YKEWELL, Manufacturers of Circulars, Mulay. Mill Gaag and Cross-Cut Saws. Chopping Axes, all shapes. Col burn's Patent Axe. Shovels, Spades and Miles' Patent Covered Scoop. VELOCIPEDE WHEELS, MANUFACTURED BY s. N. BROWN & CO. DAYTON, ----- OHIO. They also make a prime article of SPOKES and HUBS for light Carriage and Buggy WHEELS. Send for price list. ASK your Doctor or DrtiggN't tor S\V EP.T Q.UININ E—it equals (bitter) Quinine. Is made eZ, by F. BTEARN'S, Chemtit, Detroit. ; JJffo ' iEarly Rose Potato! ON fc ft. GAKI.Y _—_ _ ROSK sent bv until v I post paid, SI. 4 fb-. EARLY O / O I ROSE, sent by until, . post- I paid, Sfil (It). Rest Spring ■** W he-it in the world ; the earliest and most productive Corn ; wonderful yielding Oats —white an 1 black—weighing 43 pouuds to the ( bushel ; Spring barley : Grass Seeds ; Fowls ; Eggs i ll 'gs ; the great Feed Cutter. Send for the Etpefi j mental FARM JOURNAL—most valuable Mngasine I issued in this count ry—culy $1,50 per year. Sub - j s jibe if you Want to make your Farm pay. Ad j dress GKO. A- DEITZ, Chambersburg, I'a. TIL In Tanite Emery 33 heel Cuts lust, does not glaze, gum, heat or siucll, uni is cheap. For circulars, address The Tanite Co. Stroudaburg. Fa "WyiMI'LOYMEST that pc//v. For partic- JE2La ulars, Address 8. M. SPENCER A CO., Rruttleboro, Vt THE PATENT MAGIC COME J Will color gray Intir a permanent black or brown. — I Sold everywhere- Sent hy mail for 81.25. Address 3VM. PATTON, Treasurer. .Magic Comb Company, Springfield, Mass ' now 1* TIII; n>ii; TO SUUTCKIBE FOR TIIE | New York Weekly, THE PEOPLE'S FA3"ORLTE JOUHNAU. I THE MOST INTERESTING STORIES Are nlwuy to be found HI the j New York Weekly. At present there are FOUR GREAT STORIES ! running through its and at least OIVESTGRY is IIEfitJN EVERY MONTH New Subscribers are thu sure of having the com I inencement of a new continued etory.no matter when | j they subn-ribe for the v.ew York Weekly. j Each number of tho NEW YORK WEEKLY con- | ' tains Several Beautiful Illustrations, Double the j Amount of Reading Matter of any Paper of its class j and the Sketches, .Short Stories. Poems, etc., arc by t j tho ablest writers of America and Europe. "The New York Weekly f ' does ii"t iu !• pefulne?3 to but pu lishes a irrcat quantity •f reallv Instructive mat- • i trr. iu the inn*t con'ien>to j and SKETCHES, and HALF A DOZEN' I'OEMS.in i ADDITION to the FOUR SERIAL .STORIES and j the VARIED DEPARTMENTS. The Terms tn-Subscribers : I One Year—single copy, Three Dollars j j'• " Four copies (-S2 id each). Ten Dollars. ; " " Eight copies, Twenty Dollars. j Those sending S2O for a club of Eight, all sent at j one time, will be entitled to a copy rnt.K. Getters ! up of clubs can afterward aid single copies at 82 50 i ! each. STREET A SMITH. Proprietors, No. 53 l'ulton St., New Y tk . I "ERRING SIT NOBLE.—SeIf-help for Young! Men, who having erred, desire a better manhood ; Sent tn sealed enveloper, free of charge If benefit- I ! ted return the postage. Address i'UILANTHRUs, Bo*. P. Philadelphia, Pa. •3 1 AXdIOOD.— IN THE YOUNG AND RISING ' :M generation, the vegetative powers of life are I strong but in a tew years hoiv often the pallid hue, the lack-lustre eyo and emaciate I form, nod tho itn- i j possibility of application to mental effort, show it ' baneful influence It soon becomes evident to the, ! observer that some depressing influence is checking the devclopenient of the body. Consumption is tdk- I ed of, and perhaps the youth is removed from school and sent into tho ejnntry. This is one of the worst movements Removed from ordinary diversions of the ever-changing scenes of tho city, tho |siwers of the body too much enfeebled to give zest to health ; I'ul and rural exercise, thoughts are turned inwards ' upon ih^inselvcs. If the patient he a female, tho Approach of the ; men.-es is looked for with anxiety, as the first symp ; torn in which Nature is to show her saving pocr*in i | diffusing the circulation and visiting the cheek with | ! the bloom of health. Alas ! increa-e ot ap|ietite has ; i grown bv bat ,t led on ; the energies ot the system ; j aio prostrated, and the whole economy is deranged | The beautiful and wonderful period in which body' t j and mind undergo so fascinating a change from i child to woman, is looked for in vain ; the parents ! heart bleeds in anxiety, and tannics the grave but , ' waiting for its victim ' I ' -hold's Extract Ruchu, for Weakness arising J |". -ly indiscretion, attended with the | from excess ore. T -o Us position to exertion, Loss ; following symptom' :.. C,,, fflf Bli . alhiw ot Power Lss ol Memory D. A Weak Nerves (Jencr il WeakneK*. Horror of . Trembling, Dreadful llorroe of Death. Nigo. * , j 0. II Feel, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision.l,angour Universal.L msitude id the muscular Sy.-tem Oltcn Enormous appetite with Dyspeptic Symptoms Hot Hinds. I lushing of the Body. Dryness ol the skin, Pallid Countenance and eruptions on th Face, Pain j in the Buck, Heaviness ot the Fyclids, Frequently I Bho k Spots flytng before tho Eves, with Temperrv Suffusions and Loss ot Sight, Want of Attention. ( i4rout Mobility, Restlessness,with Horror of Society. ! Nothing is more desirable to such pitients than Sol- : itu te, or 1 Nothing they more dread, for Fear ot Themselves : no Kepe of Manner, n > Eirncstness, | no Speculation, but a hurried Transition from one j question to another. I These symptoms, if allowed to go on-which this Medicine invariably reiuozes —s..on follow Los- id i Power, Fatuity, and Epileptic Fits, in one of whi h ! tho patient may expire. During the Superintendence of Dr. Wilson at the j Bloomirigdale Asylum, this sal result occurred to j i two patients ; reason had for a time left them, and i both died of Epilepsy. They we re of both sexes, and | abont 20 years ol age. Who can say that these excesses aro not frequent- j ly followed by those di'cful diseases Ir-sanity and j Consumption ? The records of the lu-ane Asylums, and the melancholy deaths hy Consumption, bear ample witness to tho truth of these assertions. in Lunatic Asylums tho most melancholy exhibition appears. The countenance is actually sodden and quite destitute—neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it Should a sound of the voice occur, it is rarely artic ulate "With woeful measures wan Despair Low sullen sounds their grief beguiled." Whilst we regret the existence of the above dis eases and symptoms, wo are prepared to offer an in valuable gift of chemistry for the removal of the conscqifenees. Helnibold's Highly Concentrated Fluid Extract of Buchu There is no tonic like it. It is on anchor of hoj to the surgeon and patient, and this Is the tertimony of all who have used or prescri bed i l. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Price $1.25 pier bottle, or six bottles tor SG.SO Delivered to any address. Describe symptoms in all communi cations. • Address 11. T. IIELMBOLD, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 594 Broadway, New York. NONE ARE GENUINE unless done up in steel engraved wrapper, with fac-similce of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed 11. T. IIELMBOLD. EASTMAN gives his customers the benefit of he manufacturing facilities, and saves to them and ihts usualy paid to Jobers.Middlenma OUMU dealers, .♦ pisffllannuts. ! IYOIII METALLIC FIEEPBIfiF ROOFINB AND COTTAGE PAINTS Manufactured by (>. L HALLSLEAI) A CO; Nicholson, Wyo Co, Pa THE WYOMING iMKTALIC PAINT HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY TESTED l.y competent ch.ipo.c an I first class MASTER PAINTERS, and ALU TESTIFY TO ITS SUPERIOR 0' ALI 13. „ D has a GOOD BODY.MINES ILEA DILI , require.. BUT LITTLE OIL. TAKES TINTS, AND I.- 3 P.- ! RY DURABLE. . i In view ot the ro:t abundance <>f in;ifrri:i anl the SMALL COST OF MANUFACTURING. and the SUPERIOR QUALITY OF OUR PAINTS, the Company expert 1 auppiy market w-it.i a I',hi- TER ARTICLE and at CHEAPER KATES that any other company in the cocutrv. OPINIONS OF PAINTERS. The undersigned, a practical painter, i.oreby cer tifies that he ins used unst of the min -ral paints in use for years past, and that he legards THE WYOMING METALLIC PAINT superior to a I others for durability nod finish. GILBERT BROWN Nicholson, June 27tb. 13fi8. Pitui BUixK Aug. 25 0. 1.. IIai.I.STBAD, ESQ.— Dean SIB: I have u.-el the Wyoming Paint.'and believe it to bo the host and most durable .Metallic paint in use. It has a ' (-(.o l str eg bi ly,works easily,and requires but little Very Respectfully. PKKBY STARK NinioLsoy, O l. sth 19(j9 j OL. liAtxsTKAtt Esq-I>kar Sr ; I have used I and otherwise tcsie 1 the MYUMENw METALLIC PAINT, and am cb-ur of the I—lief tint it is supe ! rior to iinv other Mineral Paint, in the country It huh a good color nnd mixes readily; but it* etixoig ' and host features aro its heavy substantial body, j combined with an extremely oily nature, in eonse f quince ol which it requires at 1.-ap a th ; rd less oil i than any other paints in use. J. 1.. PitoK. Ni:v 3'O*k, 0 -t Ist d. I o. L lUoi-hTKAIi Esq.—DkauSlK : I am a prae rival painter H.ue been extensively engaged in | the business for over thirty years. During thitpo- I riod I have used eeery variety of paint known to the trade, and without hcsitati m prmou*o th: WY<- ( MING MKT 11.Lib' PAINT?, the best I hhvecver j seen. It has n fans vy body, mixes easily and taker troui a bail to a third less ml Ih ih ordinary paints ' Iteanhe u°ed successfully, either lor cottage pur- I poses rough out door work, risiling, or ug a Era-proof I paint. Uoiqieetfullv Ac. A. G BOLWIN, Practical Painter. I'ierccvilfe, Aug 23, ! 0. L lIAM.sTKAn Esq—Dear .Sir: I have tcned the Wyoming Paint, t.y using it in my shop, and , believe it to be superior tJ any other Metallic Paint in the market, tins an excellent body, mixes . readily, an J requires only about baif the usual ' amount of oil of other Paints. Respectfully Ac. CI:A-. L. JACKSII.V Cabinet Maker. I'ierceville, August 15. 1 a yR. 0-L. HALLSTEAII, Dear Sir; I glauiy add my 1 testimony in favor of the e.i '.lout qualities ofjbn IVyoming Metallic Pa nt. From prncti ai tests i believe it to bo superior to any o.hcr mineral paint in ue. It his a substantial b ly, mixes easily, re ! quires bu' little oil nn I makes a handsome finish. 1 -AAC' D CuiiKV, Wagon Maker. L Her from ITtyor Hill, i MAvon's Grrti i: Scr.mu.n Pa.. June 231 I?c8 j 0.1. lIAbUTitAD Esq —I'car 3tr: Having male la personal examination of the pnqiei ties of the Wy i Wyoming Mineral Paint, and tested it inmost tvery manner, I am convii.ced that it is inferior to no ar ; tiilc ol the kind to be bund in the country, 1 Very 'Trulv Yours, E. S. M. HILL. To WAS DA, Aiigast Ist, ISfiS. i 0. L. liaiistcad, E.-| —Dear Sir . About, thirty i "ve year- ago my father purchased a quantity'of the | Wyoming Mineral Paint, with which ho at that ; time painted a building, and after tho lapse of a Quarter of a cetT'iry it . trcsh mil good. Bettor evidence of quality can Uf.r lly bo required. Truly Yours, E Reed Mvitr. Scranton, Sept. S, 1893 : 0. L. Ilallstcad, Esq —Dear .Sir: 1 have n-ed 1 the Wyoming Metallic Paint, and hare great pleas- I ure in saying that it is supcri r to any other mineral 1 paints in tho inaiket. lis heavy substantial body | makes it.durable for outside work, roofing an! Ac ! and the readiness with which it takes tiuts renders 'it an excellent arti.de for co|lh/p part-.-". Alto ' gether I regard it the best paint in use. Very Truly Yours, DAVIO BAII.i.c, House and sin i'ain'er j AH orders r comtnnnic itious •iiou'.J be ad dressed to 0. L. H AI.LBTKAD A CO. niyiAT INTEREST ; Is manifested by tho people, on account of th • New Raifroa I along the Busqt:ehahn i, but a greater in crest is felt in conscquaneo of the NEW STOCK OF Family Groceries, %> Just leceived at C II A l{ L I K S , '* m AO'ISHOPPEN, Conri-tiog of the following articles for family use FLOI'R. LARD. RICE, CIIEESi:,JIACK. Elf EL. S 51 11 hi i: II HALIBUT. CODFISH, HER KINO. SI'HAII. MO LASSES.TEA.COEFEE, SOAP, STARCH, SALERATUS, i t; VOK EUS. TOB.-VCCtt. CIGARS, RROOiM.S. BHI'SHES.RAISIN'S.CI.'BRENTS, FitiS, CANNED PEACHES. LOBSTERS. SAR DINES. PI'.PPER-SAI'CE, TOM VTO-CATST p. DESSICAI'ED COCoANCT, NUTS, SI-ICES. VINEGAR, And a variety tod numerous to mention, xvhich will ' he sold us low as tho low est, for cash or ready-pay, it CHARLIE BUNNELL Mcshnppen. ' ~!Xr,G>'X'Vf .fa .fjACv Q T I ST RECEIVED , the ustta! variety , * kci ttn ■> ('. antry Store, which will )* . be s.id nt Reasonable Rates, for jrki • la:pla:p- ; iy. Mead Aitenti .n gircn t > - Dill'tis & MEDICINE*, =SE3 SS v\is7* :lu \ th ; = PATENT MtmSiSES ' ' ' 1 :,n lurn i. We uro Agcno for "ft'if- T- I —** rad' Patent Iron CORN SHELLEH, fc. •. the best iron hand shellcr uladc. Or- L j • icrs tr an Merchants solicited —also _ - Agents for The Celebrated drover and j Baker Sewing .Machine. Please call . • i and see for yourselves . —— W. 11. BARNES k SON. iW/fb-ffl A Ijbji. L'Sald to idks# YOUNG MEN 1 (Jus* Published, iu a Sealed Envelope. Price G cO.) A I-ecturc nt the Nature, Treatment and i Radical Cure of Spermatorrhoea or Sentinel Weak j ncs. Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and | rmficdtmenta to Marriage generally ; Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, and l'it.x ; Mcntul and Phj's icnl Incapacity, resulting Ir an Self-Abuse, Ac., -By ROBERT •). CULY'ERWELL, M D . zVuthor of the "Green Book," Ac. The world-rcnownad .author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effect, uullv removed without medicine, and without dan gerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordial--, pointing out a" mole of cure at once certain and effectually which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUS ANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent, under seal, in n plain envelope, to any ad dress, postpaid, an receipt of six cents, or two Dost stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwcli's "Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Address the Publi.-hers. CUAS J. C. KLINE A CO.. 127 ilowery. New* York, Post-o£ice Box 4, 590. v"nsoly. i. GUIDE TO MARRIAG . Young Meu's Guide to Happy Marriage and Con jugal Felicity. The humane views of benevolent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses incident to Youth and Early Manhood, sent in scaled letter en velopes, free of charge. Address HOWARD ASSO CIATION, Box. P. Philadelphia, Pa. vSndly. TT'AIR-stitched duiporce t French Calf* Boots, tnan .T ufactured by Eusijfian forfclU, are superior to litymade Boots which cost sl4 SpcfltaMS. ■" - "•loc'ti'S CiT.r.rSATKii Horss uil ® pwwfiers. , r -Hl..' ■ I'R'ft V ,r- vnjouei.ly It- <-• * 1 < kl " ,v, "> l - t.-i • j taf2Ksfl9 A I,ro^en ' :rfin Ktli-miik' '•" tf \ II stomach aid iutestiues. ' Ml, i j. jJUfUjiS- Ili-mmr pr-ientivecfnit i. "TWJSV iiWMirtit to t*rf > animal, :u .i KKVfiK. SLAN'DEKS. VH.I.'W N ' WATKU. iIE.WKS. CtUCFII ! ■ / ! T\ TF.Mi KU. KKVKRS. KOl'N lil i: M-Ot L LOSS OK API'KTITE AND VIV. I. / ■ K.VKBOT, A.c. Its u* !ruj■-> c.i L * } "? wiri'l, fiiC'cases the .iftx •• *- ;' s ; gives atnooti and git. II v | j Horn, It l.as !> • n i*.,\tn ' y n ViP^flSQvl 'OcL-ii'l lit f<> i.it->•; • t'.e v v. asaipc .fic By putting froui o;a- J/Vf -* J, half a p:i|*T to H paper In a bum f of of all slze.s, constantly on hand, iualo Iron Si lcctod lUCAUIW and geonL3LTA,'WLS4, 3SL£BML-©I:S4 OSDOLTI OVERCOATS, . i I WILL Iil! SO L J) AT COST! k 4 i Sis iM'deii* to elosc oust Stock lor .tlse' Spring Trade.-at •. .SIIEHMAN & LATHHOF. I'unkbaijiiock, Pa.---n23rel, tliew forks wi.l be put ia the | barn free of charge, with the privilege of u.-iac them ■ during half the haying season •: t b'j'J, when the' 1 person using it will he require 1 to purchase it or I , quit utn~ it at. the tnue agreed upon by tho p.ir- I i ties. R J. TULLOCiy • ' I i Meshnppen, Po . .Tan 5, lSd9.-v c 'ii22. . ' I TNON'T to go to Buck & sterlings', t> look at < ■ 1 / their Urgo et< ck of Looking tllas-es. the largest 7 ever kopt ia tho place, and then the pri vs can't help ■ : but suit \ LL WiU4l>'t -wsn::)!- ■v -. *•; •erh't'ofvear*, wi aim "PC '* " '' ' ' n .1 it b.A 1 a iihOice an 1 fc Rtteri.i Ib are turn, a- ii has become bctt -rtnowii. Us iiiiii-h t ctiaritever ami power to cvne tin v ariftu- a. • of tlie iunps and throat, ft.i t e uiao • it knowa >• iinbie wrvtector UKOJI-I tuem. i iii.'P nO-'k; I.niter form lof tiisc ( c a . mi OUIIJ, 1 JiW e. abtlie Mm* time tbo atofL .-fl I vomer!s* t' kwpvui lW ilo.i[U ut u-t..i l wni, ami Mit •'•unm.-tif.o drthefliroiifar.alungs. Asfp ->aia t srdden latuckscf tiawp. if h vj-'ion . "and in way f uaiiv, and indeed lie kept on "tW' to ro!d- r.i. i im-.i -.:-,, : are r.uuetuia- " n-nh t... ai:t : !..:e foiMttv: . fibouhl he proviiteo tfniiiptloii w thou :: AUUOUGU OCUI' U TO OI C W* wi ...O UN curable, still prc.it nuM'— " r S m V' A v ,'i : !'" ease eemed i'*tUed, iiai :■ bee.. h.iiUtii of 1 and the patient restored to sunn- 'D <7/rrri/ I'iftnm'. c ro'niil **° "Oa, lo over tin? disorders d" l;i J.ttioh' und 'li. noi.i tlie mo it obstinate Arft as :••" I it. U lieu '* tun cUe could reiioli tin i... iliuier lev CitGFty i*. torul they ,-.ub- iil- >•; v. :'. I Siii'j>'rs an/ J'ntorol in ill nil.! fi do ■•-. ISO generally arc it„: \ u tiles known that we me 1 not publish the eerttf'f- of t'ra lie:--, „.• do i • tljuu u oiire the JUIUIJO tL— i.., qenlu.ea -if i ,| rnaintained. i Ayer's Ague Cure. • For Fever finci Ague, li tem ttent Fov. r Chill Fever, llcimlh-id Favor, Dureo Ague, Periodical or Bi" 1 ions Fever, Ac.. and indeed all tho e.iTee'ioua wiucß ari> s from malarioua, laar.ds, or ruiasmsttiu poisons. .\ it' name inplie, if die- Cry. end di:--- r • fiil. C'ontaiiiing neither A r.* lic.Uumite, Ismom Z:ue, nor any other tinner..! orp . uiiy:? übii. • i whatever, it in notvi • injur•: nttV uiert. T • number and hniiortuu'e (Uitsciuea hi the ague!. trieta, are litemllr ! cyrmd ri. eoifnf, .Did yee' ht !ir > • wiUiout a in the hi Miry of v.rat meiliei: Our pride f ' ' d bv the sivki.ov. iedvi::-!,* • I re wive of I!u radii 1 cure' effected in nbMrrtr • cases, ;ul( | v.liervoUrnr icint' lie, had wliolly lain i. Ihtaeclfmated person', eiflu resident in, < . travelling through "fifr— •' - hwaiities. vii! be pro teetedbv takingliie Mi j: Of:?; dstilv. Jor Li err tnuinluiiiu, arising from larifd 1 of the Liter, it is nu excel lilt remedy, .-tiiiittiap- : the Liver into healthy aeuvity. For Biliouslb-.u-dero and Liver Comphitnt', it - I oti evcfllent remedy, producinr nsnr r-iilv Itiankable cure.,, whilte oti,ci* uufhtiMiui., had tailed. Prepared by lt. .1. C. A vkn & C<> , Pr:ictie.,i and AnnblJcal Chemists, irnweil, Mais., nod soil all round the world. VJtfCE, I'EIL JIOTTLE. Solilly 't; li tV\. '! re.'.': u.:. ■ !r. Pa. ' & Si.n, rLuhngyilW. AAAXeB-mr. Nirh'.i: n. I r": •. Dean A Co., Fnetoryvllie, and all Dragglst* nut Dvalvis every wh-.re. 'SIIAEU I'LATlli) V.Aitl;, I . i> Mel. en so r-5f..1.. p,e ' li vvy miiig 'inM. ih.>t he hits made ispe< a! v if!!. I .VV -ILVEII i tiAi!c ye.tie. lle*(y plaitiar'f, n.u .m.re c. oh-n " d 'hie light. The i ino' i Silver put u 11 the ii. in. f. dip: us'i. S| o. - .in i Forks, houlil not be o! i< : :!i..a 16 i r ji.ate— "l6 or -IB i.z wuiilJ be far re re t c, .uveal. V c 4 j late ix c ilk I • ■.y iae trade , and , [w..e .—• it .ini c . ~t a : l " v f made time up to tin inlivdi 'V'e ie,. ivt.at'." : t platers 1an.4.1 .. ■ ■>'. :..i. . e ..|' ounce* 1 -liver, to tie fcru.-* ~f A, .tUcr *ur Ilu :cs .\rt .estin.iitori ■ th- Fc- crin.p'e. d* I svi ts w•- •1 ,t 4: m ? isu sty us at P2 ti. t i•' '• -v M. .... • cr.Ve: ii lei or-. !of fine ilrt. t . ■ .or tab! . . .. ir dining j fur. i'.' (r. to 11 of, ... p'-"oa' or (ovi and h t?• in ti. . ~j;- ii i n 'i;iia quality jof plate wilt i . Us azerage, twice asmauh - i 4 ox and wriUUare four tipjesthe amount orpTrer lan if. Thirty-six or* jina niii cvf a! cut thrc tsiues as uiu : as 4 ut, u:.i wo. uo ..u sine timt - i the amount of .silver An it.. Tl.tr -six i v plate ' the th .t will all w i' • it, i f Ita: sir., tilde, wi . C7 ,- : •*, tL-i ■ t.il . c'.c ;.... ii . t; it >■"jt ;!I (~st hin j four limes iua i.fi- . ■ ji,' . :-r.i will contain ' I'd ritiros itto aavor. ires piate c. sis :iii>.ut one hid: as mn>.ii as .-oii i riit erware of orii ; .liuary weigh:, and i.r ever (icy 1 j will lo more 1 durable than .'i Ml. i.-iil -iivrr- .rj. Most ot tho sr.iid silrcrr. ire i* 111 a.in n:n '. t.. lignt to be art : bie in con rant us,. Yh"'arras double." ' trebio'' Ac Ido n u • !t tie, iiiue ( a dub J —tiler; being , too much ambiguity in iueir use. ! All gi- ir, ma '• by inc. having my i: :::c . ..i S- Jeo dim? ibe or 1 :f*, vraaipod < n the n, will , be guaraWte.! u. . o. diverts.l .vs: tunilr ( of n.: [a! en iht'ui. • T will ] COMBIXATi'tN Bl i ION" li'ji.A AM- m U iNi- MAi'HIM'. bezleaye'frt refer t„ jig , ~ j,. \ . ul-. j machina I. >- been TLX F'iLl l lur: .g ;:v j months o! ii ni r-sr bidiw- rub*. • l'l.!. crand am! sur. .-ug -a i ,; r- .j. - c I in the liitorr cf ic ' ••• . ru 1 . •, 1 fully wnrraj.tod in 1 Miuiug u, • L T iI"A S Nt ) }: Q (•* \L , omr. ABSottfrhtr TIP: ■ m: X ;T . li. IkACtalNl'l IN TilM WOULD. - Alia I tlT*sic:>!.y t'jc i :.. ~ji !' is roai.t J raaehlie'S (Wvintoflcd is 01... f4e'a W'-r" 1 ' .vail 1 , ni rip r ir M m 'Utigenieiit,* toagn t ' y ... ii, , f. A- fit j . and Ovcrc.. * ! !;t ,:i ' 1. s".h d faeiic.y ur t 7-rfectia .: J eXrti ri „ rev i-C-t tu v :r.el* e\rty 1 ~1. •i. - ing, surf is. ficio m% JVl'iag, i" l". kg, c .1.'i.,; ~„ tag bihl OhHuv '. j . -.-.ring ~n, dp'.ie sains tl lie, if 11; Addition, ilvrcpms Einhrcidi is 1 .g- ,a 0,.-... ■.,,(! a.s, , j..tuiiui iiut ton ar.-l EjcliThole* -. . : . TiiifS in.itfh c* v• • r - - j - • ~,'j workiuftciß a'ecu 1 - h•' . • I'V ci. ih'fMl k - nn • - • y, t of till-.a ill Wy gjiin-r V-u-.rv. Ml:tC . -■ TT TT" : AHoi 15KN 1- : hiv.il \ N I . iLIVSRV" STG'. K KIIMiBS VC m f ; • y . gfjfa''V ' V-. . Forsnfe: The UB lcretgnrd ofior* i-ir -n?e,.-Ti favor tb! • terms to. the puroiioeur, ii. > en tiro stork oi IIU IkS IK, BCt-K fit-Is. •' WlditlNK. KLFsK+RS. tTT'j'TLI^, r . ' -TC-qr , q • j • # " ">'c "Z" : £ i ' •> hf.. I use! irt hi? 1.1 very, Ad I ! Thohowcw i A kt-spi ri.iu--, arid n s* of ♦>(* vtlucieaiiroetw. arhni tiitle wora. 1. U. St ALL. if Tank. Feb. 2, isi. vlnaetr,