Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, February 17, 1869, Image 3

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    Local and Personal.
New Good* are now bein/ received at Sher
man It Lathrop's—next door W> Wall's Hotel.
Dress Goods of all the latest styles and patterns
arc now being received at Sherman A Lathrop's—
call and see them.
It is said that the prettiest girl in town is about
t.. leave for another state—The State of Ma/-riinony.
is understood to lie her destination.
Thanks,—S. F. Brown and family, thank the
people of Tunkhannock, and vicinity, for thciy gen
eruus donations on Feb. 11th, amounting to three
hundred and fifty dollars. May the Eord bless the
givers. S, F. B.
Donations lor the benefit of Mrs. Mar, Adams
—a poor but worthy widow woman—will lie received
at Townsend's Hotel in Falls, on the afternoon ami
evening, of Monday, Feb. 22, '69, (Washington -
birthday anniversnry.) Those wishing to dance < n
the occasion.will bealiurded an opportunity to do so.
AU are invited tc attend.
By order of Coin,
Team Drowned.—A report reaches us this
(Wednesday.) morning, that a team of horses, be
longing to Alvali Lott, which was engaged in haul,
ing dirt to a fill on the Railroad, near the Horse
race dam, while being unloaded, backed otf into the
r\er and were speedily drowned.
SniallPoX.—Rumor says that there is a ease of
.Small-pox in town. Mrs. Elias Martin, living near
the jail, is said to be the victim. People are advised
to give the Wyoming County jail a wide berth, until
the truth or falsehood of this story, can be ascertain
A. \V. Kenstiaw has rented the store house
now occupied bv George I,eighton, in this place, and
proposes to continue at that place, a grocery and
provision store.
-Mr. Renshaw. who was one of the leading business
men of this place twenty years ago, has, since then,
la.cn in business iu various places, from California to
Connecticut. Now, like almost everybody who has
ever lived in our beautiful town, he has concluded
that no more pleasant one can be found, and intends
to pitch his tent permanently among us.
A Chap—whore career will probably, hereafter
be somewhat cfceck-ered,—a <lay or two since. took
from A. 1!. Mutt's store, a check on the bank at this
place, signed by K. payable to bearer.
I bis stolen check was presented to the bank and
cashed, before its loss was discovered, or payment
could be stopped on it. The officers of the bank li*ii
to rcineintier the jierson who presented It. but are of
the opinion that he was no stranger.
Musiciiilis, blligcts and lovers of music,
should bear in mind that the great musical conven
tion. with George F. &. F. \V. Root oft 'hieago aseon
ductor and pianist, will come off at Scranton, cem
lucneing on the the 2a and closing on the 2Gth inst.—
Two grand concerts will be givsn on Thursday and
Friday evenings, the 2ith and 26th inst. The most
extensive arrangements have been made, no expense
has been spared nor nothing neglected, to make this
the great event of our lime, in this part of the musi
cal world.
Selling out to Close Trade.—Mr. George
I.eighton, dealer in Groceries, Crockery, it e., on
Turnpike St., having leased his store for a term of
years, now proposese to dispose of his stock of goods
on the most reasonable terms to purchasers, lie
wi.-hes those having unsettled accounts with him. to
make settlement of the same without delay.
See his advertisement in to-day's paper.
The Temperance Sermon or discourse deliv
ered by the Rev. P. Coombe, of Philadelphia, in the
Methodist and Presbyterians Churches of this place
on Sunday last, gave a very general satisfaction to
the friends of temperance here. His audience in the
evening at the Presbyterian church, was one of the
largest ever assembled at that house. The Dr. is a
forcible and convincing speaker; taking strong
grounds, he boldly attacks the entire llncense sys
tern of the State." and denounce? It a sin against God
and a crime against humanity.
An Excursion Trip on ibe Railroad, was lakeu
by about thirty of our people on Friday evening,
lust. The party "tied-up" at the Falls Hotel where
they '-tripped-it on the light fantastic" until "we
sma" hours." and alter jiariaklng of a Imuntifnl sui>-
per came home feeling somewhat the worse for wear."
Conductor Cummiugs, who had charge of the train,
made the aflair as pleasant as possible lor the party
Vendue*.--Bills have been printed at this of
fice, advertising ealcs at auctien, by John Dewitt
ol Eaton, on Wednesday the 24 inst., of horses,
cows, young stock, grain, tanning utensils, &e.
lie also offers for sale the valuable farm on which
he resides.
E. R. Yanaukcn will sell at auction, at his resi
dence in Falls, "on Thursday the 23 inst., horses
fat cattle—calves, harness, wagons, Ate. Also offers
i -r 'ale, three lots with buildings, In "Brink town."
Also C. M. T)ailey, will sell at auction, on Tues
day. March 2nd. 1 span horses, i cows, ,6 yearlings, 3
colts, wagon, sleigh, Ate., Ate.
Also E. L. T'nderwood, Auctioneer, will sell at
Public Vendue, at the residence of John 1). Rogers,
In (Vntremoreland, Tuesday, Feb. 23. Info. At ten
o'clock the following described to wit : three cows,
five calves, one new two horse wagon, one sot dou
ble harness, (silver mounted), two carryall wagons,
one top buggy, hay, straw, corn oats, potatoes, and
Buckwheat. Household furniture. Ate.. Jcc.,
Also Caleb S. Berry, will sell at Public Vendue at
his residence in Monroe, on Monday March Ist. 18C9.
At ten o'leock the following describe! prorperty to
wit: one pan horses, one two-year old colt, three
milch cows, three calves, three shoats, pne wagon,
one carryall, harness, poultry, plows, household fur
iiiturc. Ace.. &c. E. L. I'nderwood, Auctioneer.
He will also offer at public sale on same day, Ait
farm, -ituate in Monroe Tp., adjoining lands of Win.
Patton, John F. Shotwell and ethers, containing
about 73 acres, with nearly 3n acres cleared, three
fourths of which are seeded with clovor and Timothy
with one dwelling house and out-buildings : io young
apple-trees, some of which bear fruit—finely watered
with a stream and several springs,
Railroad Mcetiiig.--A Meeting of the citizens
of Montrose. Dimoek. Springville, and Tunklian
iH'ck, convened at Springville, F'eb. lath 1809. Not
one-half of tho*e tn attendance could be accomoda
ted in the School Uou?e.
The Meeting was called to order. Benjamin Parke,
Esq.. was railed to the chair. Ira Avery, Esq., of
Tunkhnnnock, and David Wakclee, Esq., of Spring
ville. were appointed Seerataries.
I 'a taking the chair. Mr. Parke made some re
mark'. ,-tating the object of the meeting, to consult
in relation to a Railroad through the central part of
Susquehanna County, to connect with the Lehigh
\ alley Rail Road on the South, and the New York
Kail Road at Bingamton, on the North. That the
lnrie,- number convened, evineed that they felt an in
'''r> : in the matter, and argued well for Its, being
carried out. He then spoke of the value of Kail
toal.- in the developcment and business of the
' nnty, and in increasing the price and value of all
kiri'ts oi property, as proved by the hltory of the
rn't thirty years. He sjioke of this Road as a con
necting link, meeting at Hingaiuton the Road to
Abany and to Syracuse, and connecting them with
tic- Lehigh Valley and all connecting roads leading
south and southwest to New firleans; predlct
lr - that when made, It would carry five times as
many pa -engers, as does the Railroads east of us,
wad that the stock would be a good Investment.
Mr. Tyler of Montrose, read an interesting letter
* r m Hon. B. S. Bently, accepting the Presidency of
the organization, on condition of its being nn active
"•.'king company.
The meeting was addressed by Messrr. Chamber
lain and Tyler, of Montrose, and by Messrs. Avery
Mark, and Palcn, of Tunkhannoek, by Mr. Walker,
ft liitnock, Mr. Blakcslee, of fSpringvlllc. All the
speakers from, Tunkhannoek, agreeing in opinion,
that the grades from Tunkhannoek to Mesphoppen,
*"uld much exceedj feet per. mile.
Air Parke then read the following, which was
"tiaUmously adopted.
"Believing that a Railroad through the central
part of our County, connecting with the Lehigh
k alley R. R. at, or near Tunkhannoek. on the
M"ath, and the New York R. R. at Binghamton, on
worth, will la- a great public convenience and
•*"etn, and the means of private advantage and
profit to all living near where it may be located'
appreciating the munificent proposal of our for
•aer neighbor and fellow cltlien, Hog. Asa Packe,
"that if the citizens of tlii* County, ami those who
live near the route of caiil Railroad, will raise the
fund* and graiic ahil prepare tlie bed of tlie road for
the ties ami rails, he will cause the same to he fur
ni.-hc l ; nutting on the rolling Stock. Cars. Engine*.
Sc., thrfs opening tho Rood for freight and travel
Now in order to aid and forward this project, it it
by this meeting resolved, that three persons in each
Township here represented, be appointed to call up
on the citizens thereof, and obtain releases of th<>
right of way and subscriptions to the Stock of Mid
Koad ; and to report the same to the Kxuctive Com
in it tec appointed at the late Railroad Meeting in
The Committees for Wyoming County arc as
Ins. Boko.— G. E. Palen, Ferry Billings, \Vm
M. Piatt.
I.KMoa.—Wm. P. Shaw, 11.11. Mitchell, W. V..
Nuiiolsox.— A.Squires, Z. Billings. S.N. Oakley.
Tune. Tp.— Geo. Stark, Jos. Shupp. N. BiiMtigs.
ill KSHOPi'E.N.—Otis Loomis. E.J. Mowrey, Wm.
At the Railroad .Meeting at Fpringvillc last
week, Mr. Parke stated that he went to llarrisburg
before any Railroad, 'or passenger travel was
built in Pennsylvania, and resided there till lsik),
when the Southern part of this State and the West
to the Mississippi was a net work of Railroads.—
That although a single railroad though a tow n add
ed largely to its business, and was of great benefit,
yet that ajunction road added far more to the busi
ness enlargement and growth of a town, than the
first or through road, from its making it a place oi
stopping and transhipment to a greater or less ex
tent, requiring the erection of ware-houses, work
shops, and hotels, tc. and men to attend them.
A glance at the mapshowing the lines of Railroads
North and South of us. will demonstrate the im]s>r
tance ot the link proposed to be made from Tunk
hannock via Montrose to Binghamton. At Bing
hsmton we meet the new road just opcned'.to Albany,
where roads from Canada, Vermont, New Hamp
shire and Massachusetts—centre draining as it were
the whole Northeast of our Continent. We also
meet at liinghamton, not only thqol. Y. and Eric
R. R., but also the Railroad to Oswego on Eakr
Ontario.—crossing at Syracuse the N. Y. Cen
tral, and then arms, by road and
steamboats both North and West. Now when we
recollect the distance from Tunkhannock to liing
hamton around the river by Towandsi, and then
look at the short link across from here, will it not he
seen that all who wish a direct line to and from the
South, will patronize thts route. Then, thous
ands will inhale the. pure mountain airot Susquc
hannah County, and see our flourishing and daily
grow ing towns, with the wild scenery of tin- Susque
hannuh and the classic vale ot Wyoming, who other
wise would have lieen obliged to have traveled fur
ther and through a much less interesting country.—
It was therefore, jicrhaps weil that Mr. Parke in his
remarks.at the Springville meeting gave hotel-keep
ers notiee, that as soon as this Raiiroad was com
pleted. they must have both enlarged and better ac
commodations. lor hundreds if riot thousands from
the cltiu* would prefer a visit here, to being crowd
ed and over-charged at the tashionablc watering
THE LENTEN SEASON. —The solemn : fa
son of Lent commence!l ou "Wednesday
last (Asli Wednesday.) It is typical of the
great events in the life of Christ his fasts,
his humiliation ami passion, ending with
his death and glorious resurrection—being
observed by the Episcopalian and Catholic
Churches. The ornaments arc removed
from the altar, and the music bcconc -s sad.
solemn andhcart-subduiug. But, although
the season i.-> eminently penitential, sons
of the ceremonies which mark its special
days arc marvellously giana. '"The Tcne
bne"—which presents the two religious di
pUL-.;itiu!i- -t'uofee cegksi.i.sLiudiiuk-. v. Inch
unite th an Job t aid modern world •
•■on idered fir more beautiful : • I compre
hensive than tlm emblem -of Ciiri. ima aid
E ,-tcr. It is the principal .'. .bare of the
-ei-. ices of Ash Wednesday. Monday T'hur.-
iluy and Good Friday. In tins coivn; >uy
light are placed on a triangular caud<ri*bra
to ] present the prophets and a; hi* tli . ai.d
when nil have lavn < xtingtiisht d am ! sol
emn chants, i' ilt u- b-. the death of the
leaders of the Jewish and Cart rian di .. n
- itiou. One light, h'twever, towers n'">
tlie rest, and it is typical of Christ. It is
removed, to call to vivid r l.iembrance the
List scene on the cross ; and then a great
noise is heard, to signify the commotion of
the world at the awful event.
The solemnity of the season of Lent in
Episcopal Churches is marked by penten
tial services which are alike solemn, beau
tiful and impressive. The collects, epistles
and gospels of the day arc scriptural and
liturgical reminders of the scenes of Christ s
sufferings and death. The grand music
which marks the festival of triumph of the
church is not permitted during the great
fast which ends on Holy Sunday.
(irs'GEß Snaps. — A OoHrrann <•/ Tin,
Thunsnud Scintillations of Wit. Tin' mtiti -
rial pruthmtl and tlie whole Biiteli Biike<l
This new book contain) tlie merriest
thoughts of the Merriest Men—short, cris
py,, pungent—all selected with care, so that
they may be read by Man and Woman,
Boys and Girls, at any time and J>laee. It
is ti book for Farmers sit their Fireside.- iu
Winter ; for folks at home; Travelers in
Ours told Stenmboata, Ramblers at the Sea
side and in the woods. Take it up any
time and you will find something you have
never seen l>efore that will make you sli ike
with honest Laughter. Price, in fancy pa
per, illustrated cover, red edge, oily 50 i ts;
in board, illustrated cover. 75 cents ; in ex
tm chjtk, embossed aud lettered, red edge,
51 (aelioide gift book). Which will you
have? Send your money and you shall
have youe "SNAPS." S-'ut post paid, on
receipt of price. Address the II alUalJ 1 <//-
If if Times, Montgomery, N. \.
N*. R,—Editors publishing the alzive. in
eluding this paragraph, one week, will re
ceive a copy of "Ginger Snaps" free.
Manneuf. —"I make it a point of iforidi
tv," s'Rys a writer, "never to find Yault with
another'for his manners. They maybe
awkward, or graceful, lilntH or polite, pol
i ishoel or rustic, I care not what they are if
j the man means,well, and acts from honest
• intentions without eccentricity or affection.
All men have not the advantage of "good
society," as it is called, to school them
| strives in all its fantastic rules and cer auo
nies. and if there" is any sbtntuird of good
i sense and not upon these artificial regnla
, tious. Manners, like conversations, should
be extemporaneous and not stupid. T :ti
wavs snspect a man that meets me with the
I same }>erp<'t.iuil smile on his face, the same
bendingof the hodv tmd the stir.ie itremedi-
I fated shake of the hand. Give me the
: hearty, it maybe rough, grip of the hand,
i the careless nod of recognition, and w hen
occasion requires the homely but welcome
salutation : "How are you my old friend ?
ed the "Editorial Convention" at ilurris
|>m - ( JU Tuesday. there with the
expectation of meeting a dignified body of
editors. We were disappointed ; for, in
stead, we found that the whole arrange
ment was under the control of the 1 rint
iilg Ring." represented bV penuv-.i-liiiers
| from Philadelphia, Pittsburg and Harris
| burg, and the proceedings of the conven
tion were a complete farce, accomplishing
I notliinir for which the eall was made. We
hope the homi yc/eeditors of the State will
.now assemble for the purpose of i.noiri
j MATE business, and exclude ail but houtijufc
editors and publishers from taking part iu
their deliberations.-~s<.Tu>ttoii RajitlfP-
THE WAY THE M<>\LV GOES.— -The .liar
risbnrg Patriot mvs : Two bills arc now
pending in tho Hons'-, ; ivim live thousand
dollars to two schools districts in Snsque
hanna county, out of tin-State Treasury.—
One of these districts got three thousand
two years ago. and then did not levy any
tux in IS(>7. Now they want another grail.
Tliat legislative district sends one Radical
ex-member hero as a paster and folder* &nd
another comes yearly as a borer for those
school grants, and it is fair to presume he
get* part of the same. .Members of the
Legislature who vote for such measures to
deplete the treasury will be held to a strict
ecountability by the people.
3 ANTEE—COMPTON—I in the Gill lust, al the ro.-d
--deuco of tic Bride'* Father, by the Rev. Isaac
Austin, the Rev. .fonph B. Santee unii Mi - <'eles
tia E. Compton, daughter of tho Rev. Wtu. L'oinjs
ton. All ot Falls. M joining Co., Pa.
MI'.TZGAR—SHEARKit—By the same, at tho M
E. Parsonage, Newton, on the Bth Inst. Mr. Ecnli
nand E. Metzgar, ami Ail.— Alary Shearer, lioth of
Palls, Wyoming Co., Fa.
ROBINSON—In Washing tun. Wyoming <V. Pa.
Nov. auth lsiis. F'reUdy only son ot J erred ami
Lavina Robinson. Aged 7 years and S months.
The subject of the alxivc notice was taken siek
about the middle of July last, with a Jlsoaso that
baffled all' medical skill, ami bore a long ami
pointul sickness of lour months, with g. degree of
fortitude, that surprised everyone that saw him, and
which Is seldom witnessed In men of mature years
when reduced to a mere skeleton, died without a
Ono sweet flower has drooped and fadod,
(ine sweet youthful voice has fled ;
Gnc fair brow the grave lias shaded ;
Our don r schoolmate is dead.
But we feel no thought of sadness.
For we know lie's happy now':
He has knelt in snnl-fclt gjadncss.
Where the lioly angels |,ow.
" ' i: '
He has gone to heaven l>cforc us.
Hut he turns and waves his hand.
. . l*tiiuting to the glories oTe-us
In that happy "spirit-land.'* •
And may our footstep? never falter.
In the path that he has trvd :
May we worship at the'altar.
1)1 tire great and living God.
In pursniuee of an order of the Orphan's Court
of Wyoming County, to me directed. 1 will expose i
to public sale, at the Court House in Tunkhannock
iioro . on Thursday, tin) Hth •! iy of .M in n, lSti'J, at
1 o'clock I' M All that certain tin suage, farm, or
tract of land, situate in Wilioli itn Town-iiip. Wyo.
Co., bounded on the North by lan I oi JohnFa*sett,
Charles F-issett (! S I it, and Alvah F-s-ett.
and by lan 1 ot Harlow V . ; on tho Eastern end
i.y tho Susquehanna liror, oa the East -ido < f pro
jections ol sni 1 tract by land of Ilarlow !■ctt. and '
land of John G. S and Alvah Fasaett; on the '
-oi:lh bv land of John; (J E. and Alvab Fassett. a:.!
land of R. L Palmer ; and on the West by lan i >f I
tho ITeirji of G. W. Grow, dee'd., and land of Wll
Burgess : containing nboirt th:ce hur rrd nn
seventy-five acre*, luoro or lis; about sevent
a res thereof improved , wit i one large framed
dwelling house, one framed burn, one wagon shed,
on: wa-h !i use, and wool shed, one oil suw-iaill,
at, 1 other 1 uildings, one mid lam and water pritil
ege. one apple orchard,and other frui: tr> es thcreun:
•t being the same (arm, or traet of I'.vl, • f v.hich
Sob.nton Wliilcomb, late of said-towi lie i ■•• I
'f ••!.< 'l' >AI.K -—Cash, r0, don n ; the b'V
in eto ,e secured to bo pnid within ■ yea, , with
I inter .it tioia confiruiation.
muvi Admo -tru'or.
ih wasfdC HALL'S
The use of
will ic.-t ire it b> its naturnl color and promote its
Our Treatise on the llair sent free by mail.
R. P. HALL A CO. Nashua, N. 11. Proprietors.
The first edition of One Hundred Thousand of
Vick's Illustratei Catalogue of >ee ls and Guide in \
the Flower tiarden is now published, It makes a
work of lbU pa-es, beautifully illustrated, wish
about INO Fine Wcod Engraving; of Flowers and
' Vegetables, and an
A It OIT<I V K T O F !' I, OVV Klt S.
It is the most beautiful, as well as tho huat in
| struetive Floral Guide published, giving plain and
I thorough directions forth"
j The Floral Guide is published for the benefit of i
my customers, to whom it is sent freo .without ap- i
plication, hut will be forwarded to all who apply by
mail, for Ten Cents, which is not half the cost.
Addre s * JAMES VICE, |
Rochester, N, Y. j
Notice is hereby given, that the Commissioners of
Wyoming County, will receive sealed proposals, at
their office, at Tunkhannock. until February 19, 1809
|o|Nhe finding of the material and the erection of a
Bridge, across a small stream, known by the name ,
of Rocky Forest. Windham Township, in said Coun
ty. Plan anil specification may lie seen at suidCoui
uiissioners office.
WM. B. GVF.RFIEED,; Oomuiis'rs.
Attest. W. F. TERRY, Clerk.
Commissioners Office, Tunkhannock, Jan. 27, 1809.
Youn? Men's Guide to Happy Marriage and Con
jugal Felicity. The humane views of benevolent
Physicians, on the Errors ond Abuses incident to
Youth and Early Manhood, :amt in scaled letter en
velopes. free of charge. Address HOWARD AS3O
- OIATION, Box. P. Philadelphia, Pa.
I i k.\K reason why people go to Buck &. Sterlings'
Y-r to buy their furniture i.- because they soil first .
I class gpiF>s at about halt tho price they have usually
been Wbl for iu country.
CTBQSOOPRB, View*, Pfetazn Frames, Pictures,
Brackets' Ac., for the ilollidays, t r sale at Buck
A Sterlings', at yo ir own prices.
- !
ufactured by Eastman for k 10, aru ?u;>erior to j
; it j made Boots which co?f *ll
T7ArTMAN'S imitation French Calf Dress Boots
VJ at t!j to iti.oU are a neat, stylish and durublo
• article. Nothing liko them ir.lhis market.
SO mure necessity for complaints of wet fee'.. — j
Eastman's wator-proof Boots are warrantel a j
j complete and perfect remedy, an t this warrant J
mean H written guarantee, if required.
<£r"y WILL purchase a pair of Eastman water- j
/ prbol Bo t - r t*, certain tu keep any iu.,n'*leet '
dry wfib wenrs cm, lor a twelve moofb.
ALL of Eastman's Water-proof Boots are made i
ot Leather tanned in tho old-fashioned way—in i
' cold liquor, consequenily will turn water ami ;will 1
not crack.
TNGN'T t" g" to Bu.'lt A .sterlings', to look at
J[ / tlieirl irgo sba-k of In,>king (fla-scs. the largest
| ever kept in tho place, aud tlieti tiie price* can't help j
j but Efiit. . j
| OF #
wiwiifi mmi.
. . • • xoeo-
County Duplicates.
' t H jj •'
~" ' ■ ' 'T j ! | 1
18tf ' JauMat lludie Eaton 1400 | 115 L.. <0 12-21
•■ •• P. (. ( lay ton MoshopjK-n 029(50 08 |ii 88 10 483 34
N. I>. Hiker Nicholson 1000 9ti3 I ... 87144 188 04
Eevi Wintorr... t ; North moreland ... 007 00. 14 00 84(57 408 79
\V. Lamonte. Tunkh'uock Huro. 190 40 20 831 02 03 ' 112(H)
• • /-hi*pcr Parrisli : Monroe... 373 98 81 90 j53 "05 289 03
Newman Braintrim 798 37 12 10 39 31 7409(5
•••• Henry New corah Clinton 870 3s 002 48 41 820 42
John Nov En ton 110058 27 08 ! 08(57 1304 83 ......
I • I). Ilewlly .• Exeter 209 0(5 4 2' 10 27 1 190 19
• • Hiram Evans.. -....Fa115. 94183' 17 35 4(5 22 878 20
Hiram Hitchcock I'orkstou * ::00 18 209(i..1720j 32802 .....
• Miles Avery Lemon (>42 2*5 37 02 30 28 > 074 41
1 Viiiiikmloll M<li<Sp]x-ii 108811 87,131 02 00 .998 40
• • (1. S. Vaughn MehoojKUiy 910 1(1 909 4582 8(50(59
(AS, Oreutt Monroe . 010 23 18 88 29 82 00(5 08
Win. iMp'ps -Nicholson 1441 90 28 21 70 98 J347 70
- i . li.ilioi Xorthmorelauti... ldiisOl 30(57 ,>*lß9 101400-
'" s - Bhiwas North Brunch .... 17000 ...80 849 1(51 27
-... 11. 11. Walters Ovcrileld 191 30 2 30! 24 40 4(54 05,
1- liumuierfelt Tuukhanaioelc Tp. 1297 08 4(5 89 .02 00 1188 58
.... I'erry iiiliiie; Tunfch'liOck Horrt. 718 13 : 21 50 34 83 (501 80 .. .j. .*'
•EC. Ene- Washington 909 01 84 10 48 74 " 851117 .....
Ansel (lav Windham 705 12 . (544 70 118(5(5
17075 29 17(5 84 971 18 15820 07 307 20
Settlement since Statement made.
Win. ill indict .i-'.i (id
James Robinson Si (Hi
TTenrv Love. ) 00
F. C. IJovn, to emmine acc'ts of L'ro
tliouotarv. Ac ; 12 on
0.1 00
I' 1 . C. Ros . Clerk for Co. Auditor !"> 00
c< )MMX,ssroN':s.
Lewis Cook h) 70
Hiram iknlie. c>o
(i. \V. 'ShnnrtM.il I 0;i
Wm. H. OvotfirM 'ii on
092 70
Conimissiont i-m" C'lt'ik f;2i 00
M. W. Dev. it t R2l 89
Lrothuuotnry, E. .T. Ke<noy 0 (i
Commonwealth Costs >1 94
Traverse Jurors loiJ 01
Grand Jurors lis o
Constabh - and Tij> staves 207 7js
We ;i' i' iy certi f\, tjiat the above i- .t t: ;e an 1 o >i*oot sti-'uncut <>f th ■ expenditures
of Wyoming County, lor the war, ending Januurv 4tli, V. D.,1N00
W M. 1. ( VI IIIj. - Otii'iiiissi'jiHTS.
WW. F. TERIiY, < i- rk.
Commissioners' Office, Tiinklinnnock, Jan. 8, 18C9.
Treasurer's A ccou nt.
To amount of Taxes outstand
ing for Ist 17, ami previous years
as pc-r last Auditors report 82-S3l (if
To amount of County tax assessed
for 1808 for use of Wyoming
County ' 1(711 25
To lmllanee due from lmil of J. S.
Mullison, late Treasurer, as per
last Auditors' lie port 2043 05
To amount of tax received on uii-j^a
seated land for 'OO and *O7 *23 11
To tine, Commonwealth vs. 11. Ilall 10 (Ml
To old bridge iron 5 00
To County tax on redemption.... 2 R5
To balance on hand at lasf settle
ment as per Auditors' report .. 7078 01
27(88 12
Sheep Fund.
To amount of tax outstanding, for
1807 and previous years 180 00
To amount of tax assessed on 1 >ogs
for 1808. 107 50
To balance on hand, as per last Ail
tors' report 270 50
§OIB 00
Prothonotary's Account.
To Jury fees received *S (>0
dnoProtliouotary.* 252 25
3260 25
Sheriff's Account.
To Jury foes received 2(1 (HI
To fines received v . JO 00
Bulanee due Sherilf.. .700 "I
816 31
We, the undersigned. Auditors of Wyoming County, being met at the Commissioners'
Office in said County, do certify that upon examination ol' the accounts of the Treasurer,
Commissioners, Protlionotary and Sheriff, and find them correct,as set forth in the fore
going Statement, and the expenditures of said County are fully and correctly set forth
in snid Statement as rendered to us by tin- Commissioners of said County.
Witness our hands this Bth day of January, A. D., 186b.
... liiiNßV LQVE, r Auditors.
i 1 * " P. M. BtKB,
Flections 778 98
Assessors 400 89
Uridge Redding and Repairing 0138 33
Roiulainl Bridge views 215 (HI
County Jail 8109 00
Interest on Loan 251 21
i.i.di. . Fi.cl, {Stationery A- Dockets. 189 05
Hoarding Jurors by order of Court.. .10 00
Water rent '. 10 00
('ourt Crier -10 <H)
District Attorney 91 00
Commisdoners Counsel 50 (HI
Gwmmb' Fnqnejts 19 53
Wilting Harvey Siekler £ls 10
iYuna. Slate Lunatic Asylum 510 15
Revcme Si#mp:s. 1 IHJ
Road 1 lamagen 40 00
Jury Commi -5 huts 79 80
Li!.in;: #r ]I.; isterhig Voters 37 05
s 'i ' 1 C". lenrdingPri.soner.s224 00
Jiiiii!;; i*ee".,L, Arc., liv order of
( < hiL : * 25 00
. < i i tted Lands* 37 50
Miser!',mi in*. Items 103 82
1 ■ acli . , titnte 58 90
Tot..' ] Aiiemlitnres 822,525 30
Iy amount of tax nncolleeted.... 307 20 !
Ry■ Kxou's to Coll'rs on County tax 470 81 I
By com. to Coll'rs " " * '• 071 18 j
Ry balance due from bail of J. S.
Mullison, late Treasurer 704 55
Ry Treasurer Com. on §22,535 07
amount paid out at 2 per cent... 458 70 j
Ry Treasurer's Com. on 825,118 35
nniount received nt 2 per cent... 502 30 j
Ry orders redeemed 22535 07
Ry Ralunee due County 1020 31
827038 12
Ry hakyiee of Dog tax uncollected
for ]SOB. and previous years 23 50 ;
By Exon's to Coll'rs 01 50
By Com. to Coll'rs , 27 53 J
By Damages paid on account of
Sheep killed by unknown dogs.. 537 22 i
Ry Treasurer's coms'n on §537 22
{laid out at 5 per cent : 10 74 ■
By Treasurer's eoms'n on §835 47
amount received at 2 per cent.... 10 71 ;
Ry balance in hands <>f Treasurer.. 270 NO ;
§348 00 j
By Bi 11 ivndercdandallowed
, 'fur I*6B ; 2G) i?r
r 62GQ 25
CR. "
ly iJills rendered and allowed l>y
Court and County Auditors for
18i>S 846 31
H4O 31
1 r ~ - -
Weekly World
One Copy, onn your $2 O*.
Four copies, 1 ye..r separately n l ire I 700
| Ten copies, 1 year, separately addressed 15 00
j And n extra copy to getter up of tlio club
Twenty copies 1 year, to one address 23 00
and an extra copy to getter up of the club
Twenty copies 1 year, separately nd!r< red 27 00
And an extra copy to setter up of club
Fifty copies 1 yenr. to one address 5>J 00
j And the Semi-Weekly one year, to tetter
tip of club
! Fifty copies, 1 ye>r, separately addressed 33 00
And the Semi-Weekly. 1 year, to getter
up of Club
[ 100 Copies, 1 year, to olio ad Iro.-s 100 00
And the Daily, 1 year, togetlsr up of Club
! 100 Copies, 1 year, separately addressed 110.00
Ann the Daily, 1 year, to getter up of Club.
One copy, I year $4 00
Four copies, 1 year, separately addressed 10 00
Ten copies, 1 year,to one addicss 20 00
And an extra copy to getter up of i iuh
Ten copies, 1 year, separately addressed 22 00
i One copy, 1 year $lO 00
| One copy. 1 year, with Sunday Edition 12 00
! Single copies,. $0 20
Set en copies, by mail, prepaid 1 00
Fifteen " " 2 00
100 " '• ' 12' DO
Additions to clubs may be made any tiiue in the
year at the above eluh rate*.
Changes in club rates made only or. request of
persons receiving club packages-, stating date of sub
scription, edition, piSf-Office, and State in which it
has previously been sent, and enclosing twenty live
cents to pay lor trouble of the, change to scpnrate
Trnng*—Oesh in advance. Kend Post-Office Mon
ey Order ot Bank Draft. Hill* sent by Mail will be
at (lie risk of the sender.
We have no traveling ageni Sjieciuien copies,
posters. &<■ . -rut free of charge, wherever and when
ever desired Address all orders.ani letters to
'THE WORLD." 35, I'm It Row, Ne* York.
Spoke & Bent-work
A full line of
C t) f\ XT P C
O JL U dV JU il
ol" all sizes, constantly on hand, made C oin selected
HICKORY and second growth WHITE OAK.
arc invited to send for price list. Oar goods cannot
be excelled, and.we are determined not to bo under
furnished at short notice.
Sup't. ) I'mp'rs
Canal St., \\ ilkesbhrie, l'a.
Large antl fine Stock of
Purs, Sliawls, Blank.ets and
In oriler to close out Stock for the
Spring- Traile.--ttt SHERMAN & EATIIROF.
Tmikhaimock, Pa.— n23tf • |
TO mIB OF ffyoni 03.
Now is tho time to secure
The Subscriber having the exclusive right to sell tho
world-renowged Hay-Fork and Knife, in this County
proposes to keep them on hand, with all the neces
sary Hopes and fully, at hi? Store.
Persons wishing to procure any of tbeso articlo#
can do so by applying to tho subscriber in pcrson.or
by letter. If desire !, these forks will be put in tho
bam free of ehatge. with the privilege of using the.ui
during half the haying season of 18(iV, when tho
person using it, will bo required to purchase it or
quit using it at the time agreed upon by the par
Meshoppen, Pa., Jan. 5, 186^.-vPn2d.
I have Several Hundreds of Tons of (Onyauga)
oround Plaster, which I offer for sale in any quanti
ties to suit purchasers,
Farmers should now provide a supply for the com
ing season.
Tunk., Pa. Jan. 5, 13G3.-v3n22.
THE reason that Eastman s Waterproof Boots
are impervious to water is that they aro linod
with silk od-cloth and super-line I with a watcr
prftop preparation which will resist tho action of
snow water, or an almost unlimited exposure to any
kind of damp. Warranted to givo perreet satisfac
Ayer'g Cherry Pectoral,
Per Ei3casos of tho Throat and Ltmgs,
such as Couglis, Colds, WhooDing
CougS, Bronchitis, Asthma,"
and Consumption.
Probably never L.-i V.c iu the wltolo history of
medicine,M uny thing won <> widely and '0 deeply
upon tiiu coruiUcncc of mankind, u* thi£excellent
remedy for pulmooarycoinpiaint . Through a long
scriOf of years, an 1 umoug in o>t of Iho races of
niou it has rigea higher and higher iu their est una
lion, as it lias become better known. Its uniform
cliai .mti i and bow r to cure llc various afiu-ltone
of tholungsamtthroat, have tiiade It knovnl k s arc
) 1 liable protector again : lliem. Whilo miauled to
) 1 milder forms of di -'n.-e and to young chiMrA. it u
nt the same time the i o euial lemedy that can
. be given for Incipient oonstunptM-, Shuybb dan
note affectitns ot the throat aw lungs. Asa pro
vision against Hidden X'. •!;- of Croi'p. it should
I i,e Lcpt on hand in cvety fcu..Uv, and iudecd as all
ni" sometimes subject to colds and coughs, all
j should be provided tv.t.'i the juitulolclbr tlicm.
Although settled Consumption is thought in
curable, still great numbers el ciucs uieTetlie dis
e." seemed sctdetl, hava been completely cured,
> and the patient i : slo: dL> sound health by the
fftuT'/ Pectoral. - > complete b its mastery
over the disonle.s of Uie J.niigs and Throat, tiiat
i the most obstinate of them >ild to it. Wlion noth
ing elf could rea* it til • ,'niuh r the Cherry Pec
toral they shb-idc a I di-appear.
1 fHwji rs and i'NUio .Sj>c akerr liad great pro
tection from it:
Asthma is always relieved and often wholly
cured by it.
j | Urgrichiti is generally cured by taking tho
Chrrri/ Pectoral . t m .!! and frequent (loses.
t*o generally tiro in v.. toe known that we need
•not publish tlio certificates of them here, or do more
| than assure the pubiie that its qualities are fully
Ayer's Ague Cure,
For Fever and Anpio. Intermittent Fever,
Chill Fever. Heanttcrt Fover, Dumb
Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, Ac.,
and indeed all tho affections which! anno
from malarious, marah, or roraamatio
j As its name implies, it die ; Cure, anil does- not
fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, bismuth,
Zinc, nor any other mineral orpoi oinm-> vubbtancp
•whatever, it in nowise Injures anv patient. The
number nnd importance of it- enreg in the ague dis
tricts, are literally lieyond account, and vvu believe
without a parallel in the history of Ague medicine.
Our pride is g:uAUxl by the acknowledgments we
receive of the radioid cures effected in obstinate
cages, and where other remedies had vrhollv failed.
Unaceliinated persons, either resilient in, or
travelling throngfi miasmat!- localities, will be pro
tected by taking the AG CPS CURE daUy.
Tor Jjfrer Complaints, arising fVoni torpidity
, of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating
) the Liver into healthy activity.
For Bilious Disorders and Lh er Complaints, it is
an excellent remedy, producing many truly re
markable cures, where other medicines had failed.
Prepared by Dn. J. C. AVER & Co., Practical
and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., and sold
all round the world.
• Si! y l ltin,-k, Tuak .iuuo:*, l'a. Sterling
' Arson, .-tcrSngvll'a. < C. f? rgc. Nicholson. Frear.
I'.i'Sifi., i isjryvßie, ami- all lnrupgists and
lies i i.-rs- eteryw here.
D- MAC awn rc c pt':'.lu"v knnounces to the peoplo
■ U V,' ooifig Cov rty, tli t hoJrasmadc agpegialty ..f
"if.'i \TV •L\ .it RJ.ATINCI, lor years. Heavy
! i laitir.' is n. -k j, ra e-on-mir ! than light. The
mote • jt ■r. ... g.vJi-, too ohetipir it is dono
in pr-t o'ftton to the an tnt of Silver used. SpooM
:.! i-i ks, shonH t t b ot lc.-ithan 16 <.t piate
36 i.: i'- v- 1 .■i. r m.vro ecouotuicai. Yot
i 4 tz pl-ii •is ex.; 1 ip' by tho trade i and
; poor a is, !ut .. .-.. i: 1 |,.rtn :i ol ail tho goods
| made o:nut ' tl .. :!. "Ounce plate. 'in
Lplatwsliuigi tntana At number "t ounces of
fsilver, to t . j ,ui ntyr rir
'fa• : j c'i..n' by th c. For example, des.
e ...... . . ~1 : id tea fMM at 1-2 the
curtaoe f: i iTe-g; n pi. piato is 16 oss?
o: li::s h' cr ' t! oer of tAble-rr.jins or dining
: i- titccri- - ot lc wrt tpm.as or forks
and 6 ot? ta CI :• tea-'?; - Titis quality
•f' ;■! i "• •:i -*c, twice as much as
•1 oi an t have . .:r timi a the amount ut silver
i:t t. nci'v-r w- piata will cost about thrco
tiny as.iv. i-a i 1 • . . uij wil orr.tniu nine times
j tl.c am lt. Thirty-six oz- jilato ig
the light-s: tii 11 !! n'biw th engrnving cn it, of
n • I*, ng through Uhio tho
b'ijl ! r T "—-el rt." : plate will cost about
flwMii • -m; i i: : \ and wilt tontain
12: .-at t i -.. at. This plate costs
als-.nt . ne-talf a-- ten ha.- .-ol* 1 -iivenvaro of ordi
dtii.ii y weight, and tar yvery day tss will be mora
dor tl n tight -hi nlftrpn Bpet ol the
solid! ii ( .. urn !e much t .i ii.-lit t i ha dum-
Ue in constant use. Th- terms "dnublc."' "trcblo - '
A" I tie: -j- 'a ; csi -a itc i-mtliu, •—there being
too nn: ,i .'iluoigi.ijy in Ineir Use.
All .. y in< having tr.y name and Cg
tsreg -ien ni: - tin-1 -. {Rate, stamped cn them, will
i.e gum •.:<!. i i :1 v.ot silver on firet quailty
of metal on'ihem.
1 will pi to to order, goods of any thickness of
plating d .-ire 1. from -1 to 45 oz
I Ul i goods, (Ist quality of metal) plated any tliick
nes- required.
P. UI'RNS A RRO, Jewelers, nt Tuukhannuck,
; Pa., are agent? for the s.tie of those goods.
Ail order* {eft their Stole, will rotctvo projer
I srttenuon.
rittsuin, Pa., Dec. Ist 1365.
: ? '
In directing attention to thgir CELEBRATED
i MACHINE, bigJeavn to refer in Us wonderful pop
ulaiity as conclusive proof ot its great merit
j The iucrc iso in the demand for this 'valuable
I muhiue has been TEN F'jLD during. the.Ut seven
; months of its first year before tho public.'
: This grand and surprising success is unprecedent
, el in the hi. ory of sewing machines, nnd. we feel
fully warranted in claiming dint
Anil Intrinsically the Cheapest,
Ii is really twtmischlr.4s combined in one. (by a
sun, ie an i !iietihniaal arrangement,)
making b *.h the .Shuttle or Lock-stitch,, ami tlio
j Over.-cainmg.asd* Rul.on-I'do -gtitr-h,- with equal
facility .... i ;u,;iiu i. c'xecutca ia' the very
: best nnrner every v— : of sewing, such as, Hem
ming, Podia Cbruirg, Tus'ijng. htitcbing. Irnid
' ing .ti-1 Quilt': p. Ha. ling and sewing on, (dona
lat the ,>ame t; " t and id mbllttWn, Ovetseams,
j iciw "u tl • t , . ;.! u sites bauutiful Rut
| ton and Eyelet in it- :ft . il fabrics.
ii. J lui biota w: a . oeimens of work vol
| workings can no seeri .-t
j by oHfir f"u tin- uadoßlgiien, agents for the sale
I ol then: if. \Y ,mi ig County.
| v7r.4c.il. ' I
\ " "
ti X liT'CTUUE to
*' i< K \vt ML\
I (Ju? I'wb'W.-*'!. W i N--.' ! R-. ' ;e. Price 6 cts.)
A;Lec'ure ot the Na ute, Troatwient and
, Railt U • . j fins duiiar Semisrt Weak
' j tic?'. Inr 4 fe it Etr.is ' tl il p hllity, and
; impediments i Miuriaga g ierallv : Ne: votas.ie.-s.
Cousin: plioi), Epilop- ,1 l it- : Mental and Phys
! i-nllr.rv. icily, r- • V-i - fr-on Self- Abtfo, Ac , -By
. I" 'RRlii' J. i RiptiiUELi., 5L a'- Acthor of tho
' '"Green It A -.
I The Ttofl.l-reiaiwne 1 author. In this ndfniralilo
I.e -turn, . i.-urly ; jv. s l'i iu his own c\t>crieuee that
the 'iivfu! cnn--".y:rn c r S'ei" Abu. q may be effect,
ually remi ved withoutiredicici. and wifhont dan
gerous sargil ojier: iiou-. bougies, instruments,
riny?. or cof,ii::j=, pointing out a mule of eure at
once certain :nd ( !:".' ■• i:al, by which every sufferer,
jno matter wl- at his eondni.u way be, may euro
! hirtwif cheap!v. privately, and mdiealiy. This
sent, under seal, in iv plain envelo. c, to any ad
dr.. j>o-:paid. on re-e(p of he. eeuts, or post
stamp*. Abe, Dr. CulVertvcll's "MarnageXluide,"
price k5 conu. Address tl,e i'nidishtrs.. : a.ts
Oil AS J. C. KLINE i Cp..
121 lliuvery. Nihv York, P.st-tiffiea Box I,
556. . . v7?Wkrty.
Wi.e.e. ... i.iu- t'laruAi has lets mv • bsi. and
tw?rt wltffiuM exn.V ot* pri-Vocation. This is, tliere-
I fore, to fur:.id all pes- oi* li:ii-Imrlnif or iru-liiiß' her
lon my account, i 1 will pay no debts* of her con
tracting. F. A. FlTf'
1 Fall-, Jau. 20, lsd.—nswi.