farm (Sarbnt & lUtrlifit. IV Fa liners, and Agricultural men generally ate requested to contribute to this Department, as it is from their cxperienco that ne hope to gain some thing of interest for our readors I * UTTER IS" SACKS. —A correspondent of the RockfieM Register,writvn from ♦ Mvmpia. W. T., gives the method nscJ on the Pacific coast lor preserving butter •'I think the dairymen here have an art in the management of butter that might be turned to good account in the East,but which I never saw practiced till I came to this coast. 1 allude to the manner of put ting up butter for market. Perhaps ne cessity was the mother of this invention none the less valuable, llere such a thing as a butter firkin or a stone jar to pack butter in is unknown; but all Lutter is pa k ed in muzlin sacks, made in such a form that the package when complete, is a cylin der thiee or four inches in diameter, and from a half a foot to a foot in length. The biitter g u - from the chum, as soon as work ed over,into the cylindrical bags, made of tine bleached muzlin. The packages are then put into large casks containing strong brine witb a slight admixture of saltpetre an i by means of weights kept always below thesurface. The cloth integument always protects the butter from any iinbuiities that may chance to come it contact with the package, and being always buried in brine, that protects it from the action of the air and it has been astcrtained by trial tiiat butter put up in tins way will keep sweet longer than any other way Resides it is found easier and cheaper for the man ufacturer than to pack either in firkins or jars. And for the retailer, there is no telling the advantage on the score safitv and convenience. These rolls of butter can lie upon his counter as safe from injury from dust or other contact, as bars of lead can be rolled up for his customers in sheet of paper with as much propriety as a bun dle of matches. If when he gets home discovers specks of dust upon . the outside of the sack, he can throw it into a pail of cold wstcr and take is out e'ean an i white. As he uses the butter from day to day, with a sharp knWo he cats it off the end of the roll in slices of thickness to suit his wants, peels off the cloth from the enJ of the slice, leaving it in tidy form to place upon the table. This improved mauuer of packing butter first caught my eye in the market of Sin Francisco, where I saw coids of it piled up like pigs of leaJ. The sim plicity and great value of the improvement so impressed me that 1 wondered the Yan kees had not long ago found it out." Cows in lair condition may be milked till within six weeks of the time of calv ing, and a few roots will help them to keep up the milk. Hut cows in poor and thin con dition should have longer rest, keep all youngo cows in milk with their first calf in as full a flow as possible till within a few weeks of the time of coming in again And they require succulent food and ail occa sional rnasli to develop the glanding system and fix the habit, as it were, of milking through life. Fattening stock should be kept warmly housed and highly fed. For home consumption it is not desira ble to get nigs too fat. From a year to eighteen months is the best age. Pork that is too fat is not so wholesome nor so palatable as that whice is only in fair con dition. When apples are opened to take any out, close up the barrel again. The access of the air will be sure to hasten decay Towards the end of the year it will pay well to take a look into the accounts and sec how the operation on the farm foot up and to make up a schedule of every thing. Keep square as possible with the world.— Mas*. LIOTD AGAIN. —A recent communication in the X. E. Farmer asserting that hots do kill horses has brought the ques tion before the public. Testimony of Youatt. Spooner, Steward and I)add pro f'ossional men is against the death theory from bots. It is asserted by these that hots do no feed upon the stomach, but upon the ehylc or pulp formed of the food eaten and never turn upon the former till it is so diseased es to indicate the immediate death of the horse. It is then that the hot seeks to secure au avenue of escape, by fastening upon and perforating the walls of his natural prison,— the stomach. If this be the true theory as it would seem to be from the preponder ance of professional authority in its favor, the practice of dragging horses for bots ought to case, especially as the Lot is not killed by the operation and but rarely dis lodged by it. As an indication of the te nacity with which the hot clings to life, Matthew cites an instance in which a por tion of the stomach—covered with huts was oorked up in spirits of wine for two yeais without killing them. .— THOUGHTS FOR PRACTICAL FARMERS.— More than twenty yearsago, John Delaficld established the following farm rules. Every person employed on the farm was furnished with a printed card comprising the rules and regulations. They arc worth reading by farm labors even at this day. It is expected that all persons emplor ed on the Oakland Farm will carefully at tend to the following system: Regularity in hours. Punctually in cleaning and putting away j implements. Humanity to all the animal*. Neatness and cleanliness in person ail i appearance. Decency in department and conversation Implicit obedience to the proprietor. Ambition to leain and excel in farm . in? Maxims for Order and neatness:— 1. Perfoim every operation in proper season. 2. Perform operation in the best manner, i b. Complete every part of an operation as you proceed. 4. Finish one job be.'ore you begin anoth cr. ■>. Leave your work and tools in ail or derly manner. c. t ban -verv tool when you ileavc off work • '' R* o rr. < voir tool and implement to iu ptc* * night. bv 1f i- j i>j bUr than lawsuits' With WOg'.Ovl'• Jftistfllaitfous. LACK A WESTERN K 11. Winter Arrangement--1 BG7-8. TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD i EASTWARD. Great Lend. | Alnil. i Stations, j Mail. | Great Lend. Aeoom. i j I j Accim. A M. y,MJ New York 4.45 . 7.50 Philadelphia 6.20 11,15 New Ilampt'n 2 10 A.M. 12,05 Manu'ka Ch'nk 1.50 10,30 3,55 Scranton 10,25 6,30 11,30 4,41 Factory ville 0,24 5.25 2.00 5.U1 Nicholson 0,00 5,01 12.55 545 Montrose 6,30 350 1,50 6,25 Great Bend 7,40 2,50 j DINNER AT DELAWARE, STATION. CONNECTIONS. At NEW lIAMI'Tf'N, with Central R. R of New ' Jersey, for New York, Elizabeth, i'lxiutitld, Sotuer . ville, Eastoo, Ac. At WASHINGTON, with Morris A Efci R. R, i for New York, Newark, Morristown, Ilackettstown, , ' Easton. Ac. j j At MANI'NKA CHUNK, with Belvioere Dela ware R. K., fur Philadelphia, Trenton, i'hblipsburg, j Belvidero, Ac. ! At SCUANTON, with Lackawanna A Blcotnshurg It. K , for Pittston, Wilkcs-Barre, Bloomsburg, ltu- t ; pert. fcD. inville, Northumberland Ac. ; also, withj j Delaware A JiuJson R it fur Olyphanf, Arjbbald ; 1 and Carbondale. At GREAT BEND, with Erie Railway, for Bing ; hamptoD, Elmira, Buffalo, Ithaca, Syracuse and Oswego. K. A. HENRY, Gen Pass, and Ticket Agutt. FURNITURE -A.INTX> CABINET WARE. STANSBUHY, 11 ASS A- CO., i ANNOUNCE to the public that the Furniture Itooma formotly kept hy Stanshury A Hixss have, i i been removed to the Plauing Mill ot D. L PECKHAM, CORNER OF COURT HOUSE SQUARE, with whom a partnership has been formed where, | by availing themselves of steam power, with improv ed machinery they are preiaired to furnish every thing in their line, from TO A MOP HANDLE, %. me Lowest Living Prices* IT N DERTAK INCJ attended t. at the shortest notice. Upholstering and Repairing done to order. STAXSBURY, 11A.3S A CO. Tunkhannock, March 19, 1363.-tf. NE W FAA C Y AND TRIMMING STORE Tioga Street, Tunkhacnoc-k, Pa MHS. K. IJ AS li. HAVING- lately opened a new Fancy Store . of fers for sale an entirely new assortment of ' TU XTVX'VTXdNrOr, Dress Trimmings. White Goods. Embroideries ! j Ladies Zepher, in all colors. KidGlovps. Cutis and Collars, l.ce, Veils, Corsetts, Ladies No kties, best quality of Combs, Needles and Thte .d .f the best quality, and Fancy Notions of every variety, a large .-tuck of Fans, toys, . Including China, Lrouze, Papier Mache Tin, Rose- I wood, Glass, Pewter, Wooden, Parian and Candy Toys. For Ladies. ; Cosmatics Ac., Such as Pomades, Oils, Bandolina j bloom ef youth au 1 Paints, Rouge, Lilly White, . j Oriental Cream, Pearl Drop, Ac. AIRS. E. LEASE Tunkhannock, May 30, 1563 SCRANTON STEM COFFEE AH SPICE MILLS. ALL KINDS OF PURE SPICES. C. W. KIRKPATRICK & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN TEAS, COFFEES, APICES, MUSTARD, C R E A M T A R T E R , &C. No. o/7 Lackawanna Avenue. (A few doors East of the Wyoming House,) I j We grind all our own SPICES and COFFEE. COFFEE ROASTED & GROUND 1 TO ORDER, AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE ! AND AS CHEAP AS IN AN Y CITY. C. W KIRKPAT KICK, di. S. fiEAiiLE i ScrsLbn ~ July 15. '63—v7u4sy. "Ip O W AN DA A R I C IT L T UR A L J WORKS. TO WAND 4, PEXX'A., MANTFACTURBS HUBS, SPOKE*, BENT TUFF, HEAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS, I GENERAL WOOD WORK, WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, 1 SCROLL SAWING. PLANING. ETC., ETC. I To Dealers in HUBS, STOKES $ LENT STI FF, ' lie ojfer a LARGE STOCK FROM WHICH TO SECLECT. .The atiove are from the best SECOND GROWTH HICKORY 4- OAK, j LIGHT AND ntIAVY WAGONS ON HAND. We have the Ilrnad and Narrow (luage. * (a-V MILL PICKS made and dressed. W. T. BISHOP, Juperiuten lant. M C. MERCUR, Pr rsident. vonlly T< ivan la, July 2. 16g9. Winter Millinery. MRS. BARD WELL has just received a complete assortment MILLINERY AND FANC Y GOODS lull s LADIE-, MISSES AND CHILDREN, SATIN AND VELVET HATS RIBBONS, FLOWERS, ( FEATHERS, FRAMES, also a targe assortment of BREAKFAST SHAWLS HOODS, NUBIAS, j ZEPHYRS. Ac.. j To which ho :ut itcs tho attention of all, wishing to purchase Dress anl Cloaks cut and lit .-ted or made to order o Tunk. N0v.2d.1868 ijtis'cfUaiifoits. or can h t'ounl at Lyman A Wells aid J. W. Rhoads, i £ T'fghY "|S\i Tunkhannock. Penn'a. and I fvJpSMu a - ad other deators, the Gn'r .■ ; T\l ENGLISH Swhenv SPECIP- ic ListMrxT. This Lini- Aa- - . merit stands unrivalled, and is tho best, cheapest, roost jowerful Liniment ever offered to the public, for man or horse. I It has been used for many yerrs in Eogl.acd, hy l the leading harriers,end they have h i i the greatest stjeeess with rt of any liniment ever used tor the cure j of horses Those who have horses that aresweenied or lame, have swelled j lints, sprains, bruises, old sores, flesh i enta, collar galls, d-v.. should try this Liniment and 1 thpy wiH be convinced that it is superior to all other ! known preparations If it does not givo good FAtisfucti in, return the bottle hall" full, and your money will ! e refunded. Put up in convenient fprm, and s 4ke i Meat. Oysters liy the quart, gall on or barrel; SoliJ Meats, in fact, every thing in the lino of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. The South side of the Old l-'ort is fitted up for the reception of all wishing a dish of Raw Stewed or Fried Oysters. A LSil, Pies, Cakes, Cheese, and a Cup i f Hot Coffee, Sar dines, i t a dish of fresh Peaches. WANTU.Ir liu'ter, Fggs, Game, Chickens, Ducks i and Geese, at all times, for which cash will he paid on de livery, attho very I ighst market rtfes. C.iiJ and see f r your-elvcs and ho convinced that the pla-c to buy your Groceries, is in tho Old Fort 1 on the Southwest corner of Tioga and Bridge streets, Tuukhannook, Pa. B. M- STONE. Nov 5. 1667—v7n14tf. JUST OPENED A full and wuii Selected Stock of SEGALS, ' SMOKNIG TOBACCO, CHEWING TOBACCO, SMOKERS' AKTH LES, NOTIONS, &c. At TU NKil l KNOCK, Ia. The undersigned takes pleasure in soliciting the inhabitants of thi* place vicinity to call and ex amine his goods. SUPERIOR FACILITIES Enatde him to sup| !y BI TTER an 1 CHEAPER ARTICLES In his inc at WHOLESALE ..n 1 RETAIL than can be bought elsewhere Call at . M. R. KOUNSTAMM'S (Craue A Lull's old stand ) Tunkhannock May 5, 1669 tf. turnout) uKt\s K'B I-'ire, I,lie. Accident, and 1,1 ve Stock GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY ! MO.ITROSE, FA. CAPITAL KEPUKS; NTKD OVER Home 1n5.,C0., N Y.,Capital and Surplus,?!.' 00.000 Ins. Co. ot N. America, Phila. " '• 2,000,000 Hartford 1 ire Ins. Co , Hartford Ct. " 2,000,000 Putnam '• " * " " 700,000 Enterprise •' Cincinnati, 0." 1,000,000 Glens Fails " Gicn's Falls, N. Y„ " 400,000 ! : by* owing Co. Mutual, Muncy, Pa, '• 4,000,000 j Farmers' -Mutual, York, " 700.000 Phoenix Insurance Co Philadelphia, $250,000 CcsruECTictrr Mrrr.\r. Likj: Inhi BANCE COMPAST, of llarttonl, Ct. Capital - $21,000,000 Notes received in pay ment of one-luilf the premium, on which six per cent, interest only is charged, trod the note is Dover to be paid under any circumstances—at death or maturity the policy will be prid in full and notes given up. Travelers' Ins. Co. of Hartford Ct, Capital and surplds ... 700,000 ' Insurance on all kinds of Live Stock against theft and death from any cause, All Business entrusted to otrr care will be attended j toon fair terms, and all Losses promptly adjusted Ist door East from Banking Office of I W. H. Cooper A Co., Turnpike St., Montrose, Pa. CuTl. BuoS 4 ERO ™- 4gents, ! M. C SUTTON, Esq., Friendsville, Pa , Solicitor CIIAS' 11. SMITH, Alontreae, Pa., •' v7n34-tf. TSTj&XXT- Jewelry Store I! p. v>. urnINS & PRO. j Jf AYR JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF JEWELIiY of tho latest styles. GOLD KINGS, 13 CarctJ fine. SOLID GOLD SETTS JEWELRY, Gents' Masonic and Scarf Pins. Jdecve and Collar Buttons, Ac., Ac- Solid and Plated Silver Spoons, Forks, Napkin Kings, Fruit Knives, Cake, J'ie and Butter Knives, Castors, Cake and Card Baskets, Batter Dishes, Sugar Bowls. Spoon Holders, Fonts, Spoons, Nut-Picks, Ac., Ac. From ROGERS A BUO.'S Silver Plated Ware Co. Aho, CLOCKS and WATCHES of the latest American trod European Manufacture, lukhauoocit, Dec. 18,40£7. j §>arbtae & ©rg (Sootis. 0. S. M I I. L S & CO. Corni r Tioga ami Warrgn Strectf, TI NKHANNOCK, PENN'A. ife Are now opening a large stocfeo 33 ir cl'W'SLir o such aa IRON, STEEL a NAILS, ! Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Var nishes, Turpentine, Benzine, Nail Rods, Building Hardware, Mechan ics Tools, Wooden Ware, Brushes of all kinds, Cutlery, Shovels, Seives, Lamps, Lanterns, Oil Cloth, Rosin, Ropes, aiso Hatchets, wrenches &c. HARNESS MAKERS HARDWARE, Buckles, Japanned Buckles, Silver plated Pitts c f every kind, llniues. Iron Pad Trees, Saddle Trees, Gig Trees, Girth Web, worsted and Cotton, Thread. Silk Awls, and needles, Halter Chains, Trac I Chains, kc. Are. PAINTS AND OILS, SI'EIOI, ANI) LUBKICATIXG OILS ALSO CROCKERY, GLASS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE WINDOW and PICTURE frames, GLASS OF ALL KINDS. iVails and Iland-Rakes at wholesale and retail. All of which have been SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, and expressly for this market, and all they ask is an examination of the goods to satisfy all of the truth of what we say. Remember the place. ROSS, MILLS & Co. 'funk. l'a. 21hh, 18(57. NOWOPENED. j BV A-. 23. IVX OT T THE CORNER STORE, FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY HENRY STARK. IW TUN KHAN NOCK., PA. A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STUCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of convicting of consisting ot consisting o! DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS DKE-S GOODS DRESS GOODS GROCERIES GROCERIES GKOCERIES GROCERIES OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS IIATN AND CAPS IIATS AND CAPS CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING Ae„ Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., In large quantities ami at reduced prices. A. B. MOTT. ; Ttlrik May I ft. 'GG—vf,nJß Insurance Agency. DANIEL WRIGHT k NEPHEW, AI lunkhannock, 2\i, Are Agents for the following, and all other responsi ble Insurance Companies : N America, Philadelphia, Assets, $1,763 20?. Knterprise, " " 372,304. Manhattan, New York, ■' 1 052,128. N American, •' " 755,057, Lorillard. 1 " 1,430.540. Corn Exchange, " " 501,095. Farmers' Ins. Co., York, " 525.080. I.ycoming, Muncy, " 2,800,000. Home, New York. " 3,645,388* Hartford, Hartford, " 1,788,153* Phoenix, ' '* 1,103.467 Travelers, '• *' 741,337* Hartford Live Stock, " 178,929. Home, New Haven, " 1.438,491 Cumberland Valley, " 506.000. N. England Mutual, '• 5,000,000. Property of all kinds will be insured at tho most in any of the above companies. Losses to insurers by Fire, accident or theft, promptly adjusted and paid. DANIEL WRIGHT A NEPHEW, j Tufck, Pa., Sept, 19, 1£67,-r7n7tf. ! ©rugs & Jlffciriius. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Cray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. • _. iV A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, stud ([lVctual WENh 0 its original color , with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ! ened. falling hair checked, and Ltdd | ncss often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can re lore the I hair where the follicles ate toyed, or the glands atrophied utd decayed. But such as remain car ' • avc-d for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous Its occasional use will prove ... die ..a.r from turniug gray or falli 'g off, and consequently prevent baldness, free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the V igor can only benefit but not harm it. It wanted merely lor a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can he found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet L-u. long ou the hair, giviug it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. PRICE SI.OO. Sol.t t.y ('. Detrick, Tnnkhannoek, Pa, Sterling*. ! Son, Sterlingville, O. Bergo, Nicholson, l-rear, Dean & Co., Factoryville, and alt Druggists anp Ddalers everywhere. DR. J WRIIOADS DEPW cI.YZ) YA'JI/JS'IT STOftl?. *->• ai. i in--i vniu|ilete Drug Mors in TUN KIIA WOCK. NEW GOODS FOR EVERYBODY!!! PRICES REDUCED. NOW |S TIIK THUG TO iii v : Just received and for Sale a splendid stock of NE IV G0 0 D , including— PRLC.3, r A I NTS, VARNISHES, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES OF ALL 1) E S U It IPTION S, Pockct Hooks, ElAiri TONICS. HAIR D\ts, STERLING'S AMBBOSIA, TOOTII DROPS, HAIR OILS, POMADES A PERFUMERIES, FANCY NOTIONS, CONFECTIONERY, STATIONHIES TOBACCO, H AVANA CI G AR S . (REAL.) ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, SHOUL DER BRACES, TRUSSES. Ac., Ac.. Ac. all the Popular patent medicines cf the day And in fact every imaginable article belonging to a FI/AST CLASS DRUG STOJIE. Don't forge tto call at dm; riioads' drug store. vGn37if. Tankhannoek.Pa. Jjiltmgfi it- piiillipri Keep ou band and at all times, a full stock of DHY GOODS AND GROCERIES'* Boots & Shoes, ofElmira inanuFture. " notii er 8 . NOW OFFER FOR SALE. IRON, STEKL, NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE J RAIL. RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS. BELLOWS. PLAIN A CONVEX HORsE-SHOHS, HAM MERED* HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON. i BUILDERS" HARDWARE. CARPEN TERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,) HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES SEAT SPINDLES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL, BOTTS, NUTS. WASID ERS BELTING, PACKING GRIND STONES; PLASTER 7 PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. Ao., Ac., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 1 0 ORDER LEATHER AND FINDINGS FALSBAK'S SALES. j r:.ntiiU. March 2S, tSt>3. vln33 WM. MACK & SON NOW take pleasure in informing the public that | they have opened their Carriage Manufactory I IN i TUNKIIANNOOK, And are ready to fill ORDERS I NONE BUT First-Class Mechanics EMPLOYED i REPAIRING dono promptly and well. Tuokbannock March "1 ISfißtf. G* ASTMAN mat nfacturea every variety of Boot YJ and Shies auu retails at wholesale prices Ro ~ member the place. Tioga street, near corner o j Warren. fßisrillaiuflus, Jiuck & Sterlings' | FURNITURE WARE RuCM Over Sherman & Latham's >■ next door to Wall's Hotel, TUNKHANOUK, P A . PLAIN COTTAGE SUITS, MARBLE COTTAGE SITUS, v WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS, PARLOII SUITS IN HAIR CL0 TiJ I PARLOR IN VELVET PLUSH, ; SIDE-BOARDS, WARDROBES, BOOK CASES, EXTENSION TABLES, MATKESSES, and a large variety of low-priced Furniture at tbe lowest cash rates. BCCK a STERLING v7o47tf. QLOTHING STORE AKD Rents' Jurnisfttng |oods ; H. BA ItIIAM & CO. Announce to the public that they havo recent;? ft. ted up and remo-t ed their Clothing Store to a. Store House of C P. Miller. Tunkhannoek, Pa. Their stock coprieei every description of ! MENS' Affl BOYS' CLDHINI such as ; T'PBSS CO A TS, SACK COATS, O VBJiCOA 7,0' PANTS V£ T, SHIRT. UNDER HIRTS. i DRAIVERS, BOOTS, HATS \ CAPS, | Heck-ties, Hosiery, Suspenders, HandktrchiCj COLL A life, UMBRELLA'S :ntl in faet everything in tbeCiothing or Furn -i 'me it VERY LOW ERIOES. In addition to the aboxe we havo an elegant -ortmetit of Clothes, Cassiniers and Vesting?, i-Tf" Clothing made to order at the shorten . \ tioe Call and see, before purchasing elsewhere ini SECURE QUOD GOOES ASl> raxoEs. //. B Alt HAM 4- CO. Tunk , Aug. s,'gß--vSnl-tt. For Sale at Molts BOOTS. BINGHAMTON BOOTS. i ot Lester A Co's best make lili' and CALF OWEGO . BOOTS. Best make EASTERN BOOTS. A full stock of Ladies' Shoes, g Balmoral, Congress. Polish Boats ot G'ove Kid and Gnat. Also, J Button Gaiters. i GENT'S UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. GENTS' BUCKSKIN GLOVE ni MITTENS. Gents' KID GLOVES, Lined, Unlined and Fur-linsd, For Sale at 3lolt's CORN EH STORK, I Tnnkhannuck. Pa.vßnlltf A VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned ofTers for sale a ROUSE .t L 1 * situate on second St., Tunkhannork, Pa adjuntai residence, tormerly of Harvey Sickler n w owsw bv Benj. P. Carver. The property will be dtspc*? of ON REASONABLE TERMS Tbe bouse is a Two Story Frame Building, 2d by 32 feet, WITH WING ATTACHED. W 22 feet, 1J Stories high. A good WELL of NEVER FAILING WATER ' and a LARGE CISTERN FOR SOFT WATER. on the premises ; together with fruit tree- , mental trees. Ac. There is a fine Cellar ull i ' r '; building, The property constitutes a most Jestrnt ' home and will t>e SOLD AT A BARGAIS ! t K?* For further tusrtieulars. aptdv to | TUriS. Osl El'.tlOrT I Tonkhaonock, Pa.. Jan. Id. 19dd DOBBIN'S ELECTRIC BOOT POLISH. MAKES A LASTING SUIN'E -1 Those who black their boots on Satur .i, •' * with ordinary blacking, don't have much --* IIA I Sunday, as the polish fades off; but the ski" l ' DOBBINS' BLAf KING LASTS SATURDAY SIGHT A AI D " SUkIiAV. _ : IT BEATS ANY OTHER BLACKING Alanufacturtxl only by J. ii- Dobbin?, lt mouse Soap and Blackiug Works, si*th Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, _ rt . For sale by BILLINGS A PHILLII s, e pike St., laear the caaal,) Tuukhanuock, • • allin.