Local and Personal. Attorney lor CoMmiasioiiers,-p.*&. Parrih Esq.. was •"'eotcit by the OonfmtsSlonefs of this ( ,„ntv as their Attorney for the ensuing year. Our new County Treasurer, lliram Hitsh ... ( .f Forks ton, has filed his bonds and is now the ?A , tVe rail attention of our leaders to the Boston Ik .lar Store advertisement of Eastman A Kendall , n snether column.. Donation --The friends of Elder Jacob Ken tedv. wilt give him a donation visit, at his house la hat on. on Wednesday, Feb. 3,18. (thymes, by J W, S.. on that prolific thing, the Grecian Bend,'" we will try and find room for, next seek. At eittennarian.—Mat thew I'henix of MoDroe i r . in this County, now past 100 years of age, is still ruite a vigorous and active old man. The Festival held in the basement of the new >1 E. Church in this place, last night, was well at tcD'led, and no doubt added considerably to the fund tow !>elng raised for furnishing that building. Merchautlle Appraiser. —At the late annual setting of the Commissioners of this County, Emil Vursehliuer Esq.. was appointed Merchautlle Ap. -raiser for the ensuing year. tlmnst a Fire. -Quite an exciting little fire, we learn, got started In the new M. E. Church at this 4 ce. on Monday last. It was promptly put out, 4 ii.,l that tine building saved. The Answer to the connundrum ''Why is the urecian Bend like a mule?" which assumes as a •iat that quadruped Is an improvement on Its pro jector—rather begs the question. All naturalists are not agreed on the matter of -improvement." The business lu Court, now in session here. i rather limited In amount, so far as criminal cases are concerned. Most of the civil causes on the list are either put over or settled. Proceedings next week. Donation.—Th friends of the Rev. liaae Aos tin. will make him a Donation Visit, at the M. E. Parsonage, in Newton, on Thursday,the 28th day of January. Afternoon and Evening. All are Invited w attend. ..'By order of Committee. Donation.—The friends ot the R.v. J. J. Her* try will make htm a donation visit, at the house of .pert Smith, In Franklin Tp., Luzerne Co., on Thursday, Feb. 11th. 1800. afternoon and evening. AU are invited to attend. Bv order of Com. Ktmoved.— Dr. E. H. Wells, of the late firm of Lyman -V Wells, Physicians and Druggists of this ;.s r. has removed to Meshoppen, where he will de • :c himself exclusively to the practioe of his profes- H- The Doctor leaves numerous friends here, if hope he will secure—as we think he deserves to rts of them In his new field of physic. tine of the Birds.— Mr. D (J. Keeney in li' us that a few days since he shot and captured tiiay - agio near his residence in Windham Tp.. >.: ! measured from tip to tip of wing, seven feet ui i ur inches. This tuust have teen the bird, of which our 4th of rators used to discourse in the olden time. The Sociable, or sing, given by the celebrated a Miiger. James O. Clark, at the Court House eMonday evening last, was attended by a houseful. • one seems willing to accord to Mr. Clark, a U: Mer of talent and powers as a balladlst. His an-i hymns were not only -full of' but ovcr !*!ag with -sweetness and melody." As a singist. A Sell.—Some profane fellow, who concealed haracter, by subscribing himself '-Adam sell"—instead of A-dam-good sell—has perpe wis hugeJ'goak," by announcing that allteach r c.:nlsters and Editors, would be passed free over t.. V. E. R. This announcement, without the jr..:ure of its author, has found Us waf into a p umber of the newspapers. The County Su r::adent of Lehigh, It is said, went so lar as to rare printed blank certificates, to supply the :er-of that County with the evidence of their meter. I' T. Feb. 23, and closing with a grand concert tFriday evening. Feb..aßth, next f rthose from abroad who do not wish to accept i- :litles oflered by private citizens of that place, m:zetnents have been made for entertainment at ; i* Principal Hotels In that city at half rates.— * having the matter in charge expect to secure 1 '• delegates to this convention, passes or return itea on all the Railroads running trom that H'r rcular containing particulars,address, L. B. Sect'y, Scranton, Pa. lu I nlurky Day,—Our good grand-mothers 1 ma have a lingering notion that they are right '*lief In spooks, ghosts, hob-goblins and un • ays will have their fast fading faith In these 1 greatly fortified by the chapter of accidents furred at this place, on Friday of last week; unlucky day. —ias Farrel while working In a dirt pit nea* Bros. Tannery, was crushed down and cover '• • a slide or fall of earth and stones. He was t " tely extricated from his perilous position, by L ■•'Qpinloni, but when dug out was apparently > Mood was gushing from his nose, mouth " Medical aid was soon at hand, and he Is Bering from the effects of his bruises and suf ■3 n. day, Mr. John Harvey, an elderly ' ni h'eiserrllle, while walking along onr ' **• r "n against, knocked down and seriously by a passing horse and cotter. ; ay, a Mr. Houser, while attempting to ex- - a horse from a miry pit into which ke had *" Badly cut and bruised by the floundering* * vine 'lay. a child of Mr. John Day was badly 1 *l T h heated water. ' these casualties proved fatal, but so many - on the same day within so small a circle go :ll t there are at least, nnlncky days In the Pled, • 'ELL—In Factoryvllle, on the 15th Inst. ff !ie of Daniel H. Capwell, aged about 46 yrs - . .J (Buiinfst Notice.) angers VISITING NEW YORK E Cor Broadway A Canal St., the • 1-aces, in all New York, for the selection of READY MADE CLOTHINO. ! *"onj why we cemmend you to this house 1 fibers, are mainly these the Largest Assortment in New is THE Style. the "ONE PRICE" system is strict ■ '1 to. r ' th,. LOWEST PRICES in the CO D.: therefore, high prices are not , , " -u ccefis. The tat jd who pays his money [(,,, Use '"'ntributes nothing towards paying it- ""sJe by other*, who mind the * rc not hurried through the Stock— t. , are mide —plenty ef time l. 4 , " r selecting— great game taken Jo fitting hg.t' 1" a Polite altentiuw shown, under ail r the Clothier, is the re r f v u '^' r <>f the Retail Clothing w York ■ t "> at Bock t Sterlings', and tVj -Stock of goods, the aatoftment if ** limod In Nribtrn i'raßtjtrft&Lff. gefo JtterHsnueiits. THE GREAT NOVELTY ! THE ILLUMINATED. W estern World! PRINTED IN OIL COLORS, A MARVEL Of BEAUTY AND CHEAPNESS! #* COXTAIJIS THE StJFXKB ROHAKCK, THE FIGURE EIGHT, By the Author of Mm "DEAD LETTEB." THE CLOUD ON THE HEART, By the ever popular A 8- KOE. Also, Complete Stories. Graphic Sketches, Poetry,Ac- Each number, besides other illustrations, contains SPLENDID CARTOON, in Oil Colore, wsll worthy of framing. TERMS :—A3 per Year (52 Numbers). For sale by all News dealers. Sample copy sent free. Address FRENCH A WHEAT 122 Nassau St., N. Y. NOW IK THE TIME TO SUBTCRIBE FOB THE New York Weekly, THE PEOPLE'S FAVORITE JOURNAL. THE MOST INTERESTING STORIES Are alway to be found in the New York Weekly. At present there are FOUR GREAT STORIES running through its columns ; and at least ONE STORY is BEGUN EVERY MONTH New Subscribers*are thus sure of having the com mencement of a new continued story,no matter when they subscribe for the New York Weekly. Each number of tbe NEW YORK WEEKLY con -ains Several Beautiful Illustrations, Double the Amount of Reading Matter of any Paper of its class rod the Sketches, Short Stories Poems, etc , are by >he ablest writers of America and Europe. Tbe New Y'ork Weekly loes not confine its usefulness to amusement, but publishes a great quantity of really Instructive mat ter, in tbe most condensed form. Tbe N. I WEEKLY DEPARTMENT have attained a high reputation for their brevity, excellence, and correctness. Tbe Pleasant Paragraphs are made up of the con centrated wit and humor of many minds. The Knowledge Box is confined to useful informa tion on all manner of subjects The News Items give in the fewest words the most notable doings all over the world. The Gossip with Correspondents contains answers to inquiries upon all imaginable subjects. An Unrivalled Literary Paper 19 THK NEW YORK WEEKLY. Each issue contains from EIGHT to TEN STORIES -rod SKELCIIES, and HALF A DOZEN POEMS,in ADDITION to the FOUR SERIAL STORIES and the VARIED DEPARTMENTS. Tiie Terms to Subscribers : One Year—single copy, Three Dollan. '• •' Four copies (02 50 each). Ten Dollars " " Eight copies, Twenty Dollars- Those sending 320 for a elub of Eight, all sent at one time, will be entitled to a copy frke Getters up of clubs can afterward add single copies at $2 50 each. STREET A SMI TH, Proprietors. No. 55 Fulton St., New York AGENTS WANTED FOR Secrets of the Great City. , A Work descriptive of the VIRTUES, and the VICES, the MYSTERIES, MISERIES and CRIMES of New York City, If you wish to know are made and lost in a day ; how ShrdNPlfon are ruined in Wall Street : how Countrymen are Swindled by Sharpers; bow Ministers and Merchant# are Blackmailed; How Dance Halls A Concert Saloons are Managed ; how Gambling House A Lotteries are conducted ; how Stock A Oil Companies Originate and how the Bub bler Burst, rend this work. It contains over 30 fine Engravings, tells all abont tbe Mysteries and Crimes of New York, and is the Spieieet and Cheap est work of the kind pupliabed. ONLY $2.50 PER COPY! |ST" Send for Circulars and see onr terms, and a full description of the work. Addreae JONES BROTHERS A CO, Philadelphia, Pa. C* A TTTTHNT —lnferior works of a gim let .ft. U JL A\_/i v • ilsr character are being circulated. Se that the books yeu buy contain over 30 fine engravings and sell at 32 50 per copy. AGENTS WANTED for our new hook of 1.000 pages, profusely illustrated with elegant Engravings, Maps. Ac. rhe Peuple'a Edition ofO r p T) A TTT the Life and Epistles ofO I • l AU Li by Rev. Messrs Co.wbeare A Howso*. A vivid picture of the times of the great Apostle. Warmly commended by clergymen of all denominations.— Superior to the English edition, and sold at one third iu price. Notes and references in the English language. Commissions to AgenU larger than tver before offered Circulars free to all. Address the Publishers, BLISS A CO., Newark, N. J AGENTS WANTED" FOR IV TO m THE F&BH PET, llow to double the value of land and the profits on stock, and bow to raise three times the quantity of all farm crops to an acre 750 pages and 110 beautiful and useful illustrations. Farmers, young men and experienced Agents find it pays to canvass for this book Jacket Axe. The good qualities of Ihia Axe consists in its superior crrrnte qualtie* not in the Red Paint. The ' Red Jacket" is for sale by all responsible hardware dealers and the manufacturers. LIPPINCOTT A BAKEWELL, Futeburgb, r. ifrfo gMeiliseiueitti f p pTT P~P M p i s i'ix p a a i.na HEPBSTAHfi IXUVGENENTs TO AGENTS LARGER THAN EVER I 100 PER CENT. Saved by clubbing together and buying COTTON CLOTH, DRESS GOODS, WOOLLEN GOODS, HOSIERY, BLANKETS, SHAWLS,' Ac., Ac., to gether with BOOTS and SHOES, BOOKS.CUTLERY SILVER-PLATED WARE, CASTORS, FANCY GOODS, Ac., of EASTMAN 6i KENDALL, 65 Hauover Street Bostoa, Mass., Llceussd Wholesale Dealers by the U.S. Established 1564. The goods sold by us are described in printed *lips or cheeks, which are sent to any address at the rate of ten cents each in clubs of Ten, Twenty, Thirty, Forty, Sixty, One Hundred. One Hundred and tfifty, Two Hundred, Ac. For a dollar the re ceiver can buy the article described in the check, or exchangs it for ny one of two or three hundred oth er Articles in our circular. As a guarantee of the worth of every articla sold by us, any article on our checks can be exchanged for a White Bed Quilt or a Silver Plated Revel ;ing Table Castor, with Five Bottles. Read what the great pap r of the North west, the TOLEDO BLADE (Nasby's paper), seys of us:— "WHAT WE SAW AT THS HCl.—Curiosity led us, while recently in Boston, to viait the dollar estab lishment of Messrs. Eastman and Kendall. Their trade hss become so immense that they now occupy four stories in the elegant block No, fc'i Hanover Street. The name of this firm has become as 'fa miliaras household words' throughout the Middle rod Western States, while as prompt and honorable business men they are endorsed by the best firms in their own City. Their Club System of selling Goods has done more, we believe, doring the past few years, to keep down the prioes of domestic articles in every day ase, than all other inflnences combined. Most of their good* are manufactured expressly for them as, for instance, sutlory made to their order in Shef field, England, and imported in large quantities for their dollar trade alone." Now is ths time to get signers and send in clubs. Ladies specially wanted as agents. Partial list of artieles allowed a* commission to any one sending in clubs : CLUB OF THIRTY. (53.) 21 yards bleached or unbleached Cotton Cloth, Photograph Album, 100 pictures, elegant Morocco Binding. Revolving oval band Silver Plated Table Castor, 5 bottles. Ladies' Dress Pattern. A Lady's richly ornamented Black Walnut Writing Desk. Fancy Cassimers Pants Pattern Large White all Linsn Table Cover.— White Lancaster Counterpane. 20 yards Calico.— Alhambra Bed Quilt Ladies' Morocco Shopping Bag. Good Cottage Clock. CLUB OF SIXTY. ($6.) 42 yards Bleached or Unbleached Cotton Cloth. Fashionable Dress Pattern yards wool Castimere fur Pants and Vest Pattern. Fashionable Woolen Shawl. White Marseilles Counterpane. Lady,* Large Genain* Mo rocco Shopping Bag. Lady's Fashionable Cloak tern. Pair good White Woolen Blankets Blaek Alpaca Dress Pattern. 4 yards double width water proof Cloaking. 6 yards Farmers' good wool Frock ing Rosewood Brass Alarm Clock. Lady's Fur Muff Set Misses Furs, Muff and Collar, CLrB OF ONE HUNDRED (S10). 65 yards good Bleached or Unbleached Cotton Cloth, ono yd, wide. Lady's or Gent's New Silver Hunting Case Watch. Fashionable Thibed Dress Pattern, Ele gant Black Alpaca Dress Pattern. One pair of good white woolen Blankets, large site Lady's Fashion able Donble woolen Shawl. Two large.fine, Bleached Linen Table Covers, with one dozen large sized Dinner Napkins to match, 25 yards Hemp Carpet rog. "i yurds fine Cassimere for suit. One Dozen ivory Handled Steel Bladed Knives and Forks. On* dosan Rogers' best Silver Plated Forks on white metal. Portable Sewing and Embroidering Machine. 7) yards double-width Water proof Cloaking. Set of Furs, Muff and Collar. It is impossible to give a complete list of goods, but Agents desiring articles not named above, will please mention them, and we will accommodate tbem if possible. If you have a Club ready, or in tend to raise one for any other house, don't fail to send it to us. and at the same time ask for our New Circular and Mammoth Exchange List. Parties acting as Agents for other Dollar Houses in this city, will please send us their address, and that of a dozen or so of their male and female friends, as we ran make it for their advantage to do so. Male and female agents wanted as usual. SEND MONEY IN REGISTERED LET TERS in every Instance, and we guaranteo that it will come perfectly safe. N. B.— Onr sale should not be classed with dollar jewelry sales and gift enterprises. Send to us for decision respecting our business by the Commistionsr of Internal Revenue, dated Washington, Nov. 4, 1868. If you want prompt returns for your money, send your clnbs to ' BASTMAJV Jt A'J2NDALI, P. 4). Box E, 65 Hauover St„ Boston, Ms DON'T HEAD THE ABOVE ! £i£i£ t £ I £ I WANTED AGENTS. where, male and female,to introduce the GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This machine will stitch, hem. fell, tuck,, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider iu a most superior manner. Price only dial iti - a more re liable and fur more effeo tual remedy than any " " other. Those who have tried it, know that it cured them; those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors and friends, and all know that what it does once it does always j —that it never fails through any fault or uegle -tot' its composition. We havo thousands upou thou sands of certificates of their remarkable cures of tho following complaints, but such cures arc known iu every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. I Adapted to all ages and conditious in all climates; containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar coating preserves them ever fresh and makes j them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable ! no harm can arise from their use-In.any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on t.'ie ' internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it i into healthy action - remove the obstructions of the Stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the I body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange ments as are the first origin of disease.' Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these Pills rapidly cure: For Dyiprpala or Inill;<-atla, Liitlms- BPM, Languor and Ing of .ftppvtite. tlioy should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach and restore lfc° healthy tone and action. For Liver Complaint and its various symp toms, Itilioua UrMluchr. Sick llrailachc, Jaundice or Creea Skkni-u, Ililiou* Colic and Bilious Fevers, they should be ju diciously takeif for each case, to current te<- diseased action n* remote (fee obsorui-tioes which cause i;. forjlfsnitrrvcr Diarrkwa, birf one mild dose is generally required. For Rheumatirai,Mut, Gravel. Palp* tation of Use Hears, Pain la the *i£. Baal* and Loins, they should be conthmouWy taken, as required, to change tne diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings they should be taken ia large and frequent doses to pro duce the effect of a drastic purge. For Mnppressiom a large dose should be taken Is it produces the desired effect tv sympnthvr 1^ As a Dinner PUI, take one or'two Pills to pro mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach anil boweU into healthy action, restores the appetite, Ind invigorates the system. Hence it 1* often ad vantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these Pills makes htm feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on thedlges- 1 hve apparatus. DR. J. C. ATER & CO., Practical Chemists, LOWELL. MASS., V. S. A. Sold by O. Detrlck, Tunkhannock, Pa. Sterling St Son, SterlingTille, C. O. Berge. Nicholson, Frear, j Dean St Co., Factoryville, and all Druggists and Dealers everywhere. THE BEST INJHE WORLD! New "Volume, January Ist. TIIE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. FOR 1860, The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is the larg est, the best, the ehtapest, and most Popular Jour nal in the world, devoted to Invention, Mechanics, Manufactures, Art, Soience and Oeneral Industry, and contains a vast amount of very interesting and valuable reading matter for all classes. AtnoDg the many important subjects discussed .are , Steam and Mechanical Engiueering in all its branch es, Chemistry and all its varied Processess and Dis- | coveries. Agriculture and all Improved Farm and j Household Implements, Architecture and Building, j Mining and Metal Working, Fire-arms. Manufactirr- , ing, Hydraulics, Raiiroad improvements, Photogra- : phy and the Fine Arts, New Inventions, Scientific ! Sports and Games, Popular Lectures upon Scientific and Mechanical Subjects, Articles by A bio Writers, Practical Workshop and Household Receipts, and many other things Instructive an 1 useful to all class es of readers, Each number contains from fivo to ten Original Engravings of New Machines and Processes, also an official list of Patents granted at the Patent Office, with names of Patentee*, t.igether with illustrations and editorial notices of the principal inventions The numbers of tho SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN for oue year make up two handsome volumes of 41G pages each, full of choice reading and illustrated by hun dreds of SPLENDID ENGRAVINGS. The New Volume commences January Ist, there fore now is the time to send in Subscriptions to be- ; gin the Volume. TERMS: The SCIENTIFIC) AMERICAN is issued every week in 16 large quarto 1 pages at 83 a year ; 51.50 for p months ; Clubs of | ten names or opwatds 82.50 each per annum Specimen Nnmbers sent free. MINN ACD , Publishers, 37 Park-Row, New York. The Publishers of the Scientific American, for more than twenty-three years hate been the leading Solicitors of American and European Pat ents, and havo prosecuted over thirty thousand ap plications at the Patent Office. Au Illustrated Paui fhlet of 110 pages, Containing the Patent Laws and nformation.to Inventors, sent free. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Ner- Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects j of youthful indiscretion will, for the sake of suffring humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe 1 and direction for making the simple remedy by j which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing in perfect confidence JOHN B. OGDKN, vßn2l-3mo. No. 42 Cedar street, New York SELECT SCIIOOL. Notice is hereby given to the citizens of Tunkhan nock and vicinity, that a Select School will com mence in the Brick School House, in Tunkhannock. on Monday, Deo. 14th 1868. No pains will be spar ed to make tho same both interesting and profitable to all. RATES OF TUITION. Primary Department, $3,00 Common English, 5,C0 Higher, *' 7,00 One half Tuition payable in advaoco, remainder at middle of term. JAS. W. GUERNSEY, nl9-w3 Teacher. ALL of Eastman's Water-proof Boots are made of Leather tanned in the old-fashioned way—in cold liquor, consequently will turn water and will ; not crack. * . . | DON'T fail to go to Buck o to Eastman's- He has every fa cility for manufacturing and challenges competition NO more necessity for complaints of wet feet.— Eastman's water-proof Boots nro warranted a complete and perfect remedy, and this warrant mean as written guarantee, if required. EASTMAN sells good Hamlock half-doublo soled Kip Boots at 33,75 ; French calf pegged Boots at 3(1; Imported French Calf, Fair Stitched. Box Toes, at 310, and every other article inhislins equally low prices. EXECUWHTSOTICR ~ Whereas, letters testamentary on the estato of C.W.Whitney, late of Windbam Tp., deceased,have been granted to the subscriber. All persons indebt ed te said estate are reqnested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the estate of said deceased, will make known the same without delay. L. WHITNEY. Ex'r. n22 5000"lards Best Prints, for [ lJJcteper yard, at w DEIKICK'S 1 Dftscellatteflus. [ffYOMISO METALLIC PAIITCOMPAIY The Wyoming Metallic Paint Company was orga nized undor tho general laws of the State of New York, with a CAPITA??'STOCK OF TWO HUN DRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS I divide! into TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND SHARKS OF TEN DOLLARS EACH. The company own the mine and land around it in fee. No royalty is therefore to be paid, THE ON LY EXPENSE TO BE INCURRED IN MANU FACTURING THE PAINTS, is simply in ouarry ing the rock, and reJociog it in the Company * mill, situated in a stone's throw of the mine. I TUF PAINT OF THIS COMPANY HAS BEEN I THOROUGHLY TESTED by competent chemists and first class MASTER sPAINTERS, and ALL ! TESTIFY TO ITS SUPERIOR QUALITY. It contains over 75 per cent of iron, n.4S A GOOD BODY, MIXES, READILY, REQUIRES BUT LITTLE OIL. TAKES TINTS, AND IS VE RY DURABLE. In view of tho great abundance of material and the SMALL COST OF MANUFACTURING, and 1 the SUPERIOR QUALITY OP OUR PAINTS, the ! Company expe-t to supply the market with a BET ; TER ARTICLE and at CHEAPER RATES than any ether companv in the country. OPINION* OP PAINTERS, i The undersigned, a practical painter, hereby eer -1 titles that he has used infest of tho mineral paints in i use for veare poet, ami that be regards that of the . WYOMING .METALLIC PAINT COMPANY, found in NICHOLSON WYOMING COUNTY, IV ' superior to all others for durability and finish. GILBERT BROWN f Nicholson, June 27tiwij&8. I'IEKCEVILI.E Aug. 25 13g9, 0. L. UILESTNAN, Esq.—DEAR SIR I '< F have used | the. Wyoming Paints, and believe it to be the best and durable Metallic paint in use. It has a i good strofg body, works'easily, requires but little Very Respectfully, PHiiar STARK. NICHOLSON, Oct. sth 18g8. ' OL. IIAMSTEAD, Esq—DEAR FIR ; I have used and otherwise tested the WYOMING METALLIC ) PAINT, and am clear of the belief that it ip supe rior to any other Mineral Paint in the connfry. It I has a good color and tuixee-readily; but its strong | and best features are its heavy substantial body, I combined with an extremely oily nature, in conse- I qnenceof which it requires at least a third less oil I than any other m use. J. L. PECK. NEW YORK, Oct let-, 18g3. I 0. L- IIALLSTEAD Esq.—DEAR SIR : I ani a prac tical painter Have been extensively engaged in > the business for over thirty years. During that pa | riod I have used every variety of paint known to the trade, and without hesitation pronounce tho WYO MING METALLIC PAINTS, the best I have ever seen. It has a heavy body, mixes easily arfd take* from a half to a third kss oil than ordinary points. It can be used successfully, either for cottage pur poses, rough out door work, roofing, or as a fire-proof i paint. Respectfully £c A. G. BOLWTN, Practical Painter. Piereeville, Aug 28, 18(58 0.1, HALLSTEAD E-q.—Dear Sir: I have tested the Wyoming Paint, by using it in my shop, and believe it to be superior to any other Metallic Paint in the market, fias an excellent body, mixes readily, and requires only about half the* usual amount of oil A other Paints. Respectfully Ac. CHAS. L. JACKSON Cabinet Maker. Piereeville, August IS.ISgS. 0. L. IIALLSTEAD, Dear Sir ; I gladly add my testimony ia favor of the excellent qualities of the Wyoming Metallic Paint. From practical tests I believe it to be superior to any other mineral paint in use. It has a.substantia! body, mixes easily, re quires but littie oil and makes a handsome finish. ISAAC D. COItRY, Wagon Maker. Later from Mayor IRll. MAVOR'S OFFICE , Seranton Pa.. June 23-118g3. 0. L. IIALLSTKAI) Esq—Dear Sir: Having made a personal examination of the properties of the Wy- Wyoming Mineral Paint, an I tested it inmost svery manner, I am convinced that it is interior to no ar ticle of the kind to be found ia the country. Very Truly Yours, E. S. M. HILL. To WAX DA. August Ist. IBgR. 0. L. llallstead, Esq—Dear Sir. About thirty fire years ago my father purchased a quantity oi the Wyoming Mineral Paint, with which he at that time painted a building, and after tho lapse of a Quarter of a century it is fresh and good. Better evidence of quality ear. hardly be required. Truly Yours, E.REEDMTE* Seranton, Sept. 8, 1698 0. L. llallstead, Esq.—Dear Sir: I have used the Wyoming Metallic Paint, and have great pleas ure in saying that it is superior to any other mineral paints in the matket. It* heavy "substantial body makes it durable for outside work, roofing and Ac., and the readiness with which It takes tints render* it au excellent article for cottage purposes. Alto gether I regard it as tho best paint in use. Very Truly Yours, DAVID B.ULLE, House and Sign Painter. All orders or communication* should be addressed to the WYOMING METALLIC PAINT COM PA NY, NICHOLSON, Pa. LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. WYOMING DIVISION. DEPARTURE AND ARRIVAL OF TRAINS, On and after Nov. 2d 1868. DOWN TRAINS DEPART PROM TUNKHAN NOCK, AS FOLLOW*: Ist EXPRESS PASSENGER— at 6.20 A M., connect ing with N J. Central, and North Ponn'a Rail Roads, arriving at N. Y. af 350 P. M. and at Phil adelphia at 2 P. M 34 FRF.IGHT ACCOMMODATION departs at 9.30 A. M.*arrives at Mauch Chunk at 7.00 P. M. UP TRAINS ARRIVE AT TUNKHANNOCK, AS FOLLOWS: Ist FREIGHT ACCOMMODATION at 10 50 A. M. leaves Mauch Chunk' at 3.30. *.. 2nd EXPRESS PASSENGER arrives at 4.30 P. M., Leaves N, Y, via N. J. Central at 6.45, and Phil'a via North Penn'a at 7,45 A. M. TO TRAVELLERS. Travellers are notified ' that the subscriber runs REGULAR STAGES TO AND FROM THE L.V. R. STATION, on the departure and arrival of every train. , These stages run from "THE EUFFOItD HOUSE" where, persons wishing to leave by the earliest trains will be called for in time to meet them. JACOB RITTISPAGGII, Proprietor. nl9tf * I : I " V ■ -AI FOR SALE. A HOUSE AND SIX HOUSE LOTS. Tho sub scriber offers for sale his House and Six House Lots situate, on West and Harrison streets—north of the new County .Tail. IN THEB'OBPUGHjOF TUNKH UNNOOK, PA. The Lots will bo sold together or singly to suit the purchaser. Tin: house Is new and in excellent oqnilition. With a liberal down payment, the terms as to bal ance will bo made easy. For further particulars inquire of the on the premises, or at Eastman Bros. Shoo Shop. ALFRED HUsk, Dec. 21st.; 186?.—tS-n2l-2m. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED xSTATES, for the Western District of Pennsylva nia Lawrcnco C. Conklin, a Bankrupt under the Act of Congrcsg of March 2d, 1667, having applied ror a discharge, from all his debts, and other claim* provable under said Act, By order of the Court, No tice is hereby given, to all persons who hare proved their dobts, and other persons interestel, to appear on the 29th day of Jauuary, 1869, at 10 o'clock. A. M. before E. 0 ,-crton, Jr., Esq., Register in Bank ruptcy, at his office, in Towanda, Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a Discharge should not bo grautcd to the sai-l Bankrupt. And further Notice is hereby given, that tho second and third Meetings of Creditors of the said Bankrupt, required j by the 27th and 28tli Sections of said Act, will be bold bef ore the tai l Register, at the same time and ! place. S. C. McCANDLESS, Clerk, n'23w2 THIS is TO GIVE: NOTICE : That on the sth day of January, A. D . 18C9, a Warrpnt in Bankruptcy was issued against tho cs ( tate of Andrew 6 Collura, of Falls Tp., in the Coun ty of Wyoming and Slute of Pennsylvania, who bus been adjudged Bankrupc on his own petition ; that tho payment of any debts and delivery of any prop crjy belonging to such Bankrupt, to him. or for his 1 use, and the transfer of any drupcrty by him are for bidden by law ; that a meeting of the creditors of tho said Bankrupt, to prove their Debts, and to 1 ch vise one or more Assignees of .hid Estate, will be 1 held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to bo holden at the Office of tho Register in tho Boro. ol Towanda. Brad ford Co, Pa., before EDWARD OVERTON, Ju., Register, on the 20th day of Fob'y, A. D , 1569 at 2 o'clock P. M, THOS. A. ROWLEY, IT.l T . F. Mar shal. By E-B. COOEBAI'GU,Deputy. - . aft-ltwkr * v