farm (Sar&nt & flittta. ty Faruiere, and Agricultural urea generally nre requested to contribute to this Department, as it is from tlieir experience that we hope to gain some tbing ot interest for our readers CAITT GET AIXJNQ IN FARMING. If, with the present price of farm and garden produce, one engaged in the pursuit ot cultivating the land "can't get along" his farm inust be a very poor one, or it wants' a new ownet, or the owner wants a good adviser. It is of no use to do things by halves in farming any more than any other business Three dollars will not go for five anywhere and three days labor inlaying down and preparing apiect'of land for a crop, are not so good as five if five aro needful. Ilere is where farmers are apt to fall. They cannot be made to realize that one well tilled and tended farm can be made to produce five times the crop that a badly cultivated one will produce. So with the orchard spend what you please in getting the best trees, and in set ting them out, and if they get - " swamped up," with useless groth, and suckers, and checked and injured by insects, and the owner will find he" can't get along'Vaising fruit. On a farm where there is no plan, no headwork, no careful attention to details,as well as generals, where puttiug off until to morrow is the order of the day, instead of promptly and energetically striving to have the setting sun of each day see its labors j well performed, its owner will often feel that" he cant get a long." He could not i make money iu any business in a slipshod ! way, ot left it to be done by the average ; half that the times afford. If <>ur words are read by any one that > cannot" get along" in this plcasantcst of all pursuits. this is the season for liiin to look about him aud sec what is the reason of his ill success, and at once apply the j remedy before another year's work is laid I out or that may be thrown away. Some fat met s miss keeping too much j stock, and more by not keeping the best i and those adopted to their farm; it is no more truble to keep Jersey cows tban the natives' and when a calf is born of the pop ular and profitable breed, Jersey, Ayrshire Devon or Shorthorn it is worth twenty times as much as the progeny of the scrub. You ! know pretty well what you have in one case, while on the other hand all is doubt 1 and uncertainty. The cheap cow has pro duced another equally valueless, and so its j owner is discouraged, and finds he" cant , get along" raising cattle. Many farmers miss it by half feeding the stock they have . forgetting that by keeping their cattle just 1 alive through the winter they got no profit whatever on the food they consume, be cause there is no gain in flesh or fat, the condition in spring is no better than it was in tbe fall, while the animal, the cow for | instance, comes out in a weak and enfecb ed state, and cannot go out to grass, fit to produce milk in abunddance. The drain on the system of the cow in milk is very j great, and consequently the feeding of the stock through the wiuter should be liberal j and such as will keep the cow, even when dry, in a thriving and blooming state of : health. Some roots or other succulent food ' are almost as much needed occasionally for ! a dry cow in winter, as for a cow in milk No poor feeder can expect to" get along' ' well, because stock lies at the very found- i ation of all successfnl farming; it is the j pivot on which it all turns, and stock half j fed aod poorley kept, impoverishes instead of enriching the farm. Many a farmer misses it by attempting to 1 do too much, His time and attention are too much divided, his energies frittered away on a great variety of miscellaneous crops, l and not concentrated upon any one upon which he can rely for a money income "This ought ye to have done and not to i have left the other undone might apply to j such, and on this system of farming, most farmers who are single handed that is hav" ing only their own labor on which to rely, will find it very difficult to "get along.' 4 But after all, the reason why so few, comparatively, "get along" well, or mt with what might be called good success, or ! "good luck," is that so many fall iuto the ruts of custom and routino from which' they have uot energy enough to get out. Men, it must be admitted, are naturally inclined to be lazy. Few people work witb a will for the mere fun of tbe thing. They must be spurred on by tbe force of circumstance. They must get hold of something they like, and "take kindly to." Fondness for any pursuit makes even the drudgery attending it light and checrfullv endured for the sake of achieving some desirable end. Probably in a very large proportion of cases, where men on a farm find it hard to get along, it would be found that they had no love for farming as a pursuit. It is all work foi them, all op hill. Tbey would get out of it if they could, but then ten chances to one they would meet ijjth no better succes at anything else. It is not in them to succeed. They have not the elements necessary to success. Such men will always find it hard to get along, and the best thing to do is to begin right and get up a real love for some specialty; some thing they can do well, and take pleasure in, if there is anything. The man who can make play of work, who takes delight aud satisfaction in what his hand finds to do, is on the high road to success. And if every one could cultivate this fondness fir* farm life nnd find his highest happiness •ifiofi the farm, there would be found but few who "can't get along at farming."— Ulisrllaiifflus. LACK A WESTERS R R. Winter Arrangement— 18C7-8. TRAINS LEAVE. WESTWARD ] EASTWARD. Great Bend. I Mail, i Stations. [ Mail. I GreaTßemE _ Acoom. | I | I Aecom. A. M. 9,00 New York 4,45 7,30 Philadelphia 6,20 11,15 New Hampt'n 2 40 A. M 12,05 Mana'ka Ch'nk 1.50 10,30 3,55 Scranton 10,28 6,30 11,30 4,41 Factoryvillo 9,24 5.25 2,00 5,01 Nicholson 9,00 5,01 ; 12,55 5,45 Montrose 8,20 350 I DINNER AT DELAWARE STATION. CONNECTIONS. At NEW HAMPTON, with Central R. R.of New Jersey, for New York, Elizabeth, Plainfield, Sourer- '] ville, Eastoo, Ac. At WASHINGTON, with Morris A Essex R. R , j for New York, Newark, Morristown, Hackettstown, ! Eoston, Ac. AtMANUNKA CHUNK, with lielvidere Dela ware R. R., for Philadelphia, Trenton, Pbillipsburg, Belridere, Ac. At SCRANTON, with Lackawanna A Bloomsburg R. R , for Pittetou, tVilkes-Barre, Bloomsburg, Ru pert. (Danville, Nortbumberlana, Ac. ; also, with Delaware A Hudson R. R for Olyphant, Arcbbald and Carbondale. , At GREAT BEND, with Erie Hailwav, for Bipj hampton, Eltnira, Buffalo, Ithaca, Syracuse * Oswego. R. A. HENRY., Gen. Pass, and Tick-* Agent. FURNITURE CABINET WARE. STANSBURY, IIASS & CO., ANNOUNCE to the public that the Furniture Rooms formeily kept by Stansbury A Ilass have been removed to the Planing Mill ot D. L PECKHAM, CORNER OF COURT HOUSE SQUARE, with whom a partnership has beon formed, where, by availing themselves of steaua power, wiiii improv ed machinery they are prepared to furnish every- , thing in their line, from TO A MOP HANDLE, Ac ttie Lowest Living Prlcei. UNDERTAKING attended to at the shortest notice. Upholstering and Repairing done to order. STANSBURY, MASS A CO. Tunkhannock, March 18, 186@.-tf. NEW FANCY AND TRIMMING STORE Tioga Street, Tunkhannock, Pa. MIIS. K. LEASE. HA VINO, lately opened a new Fancy Store,, of fers for sale an entirely new assortment of TRIMMING, Dress Trimmings, White Goods. Embroideries Ladies Zepher, in alt colors. Kid Gloves, Cuffs and Collars, Lrce, Veils, Corsetts, LadieaNe.-kites, best quality of Combs, Needles and Thread of the best quality, and Fancy Notions of every variety, a | largo stock of Fans, TOYS, Including China, Bronze, Papier Mache Tin, Rose- j wood, Glass, Pewter, Wooden, Parian and Candy Toys. For Ladies. Cosmatics Ac., Such as Pomades, Oils, Bandolina j bloom of youth and • Paints, Rouge, Lilly White, ! Oriental Cream, Pearl Drop, Ac. MRS. E. LEASE. Tunkhannock, May 30, 1868 SCRANTON STEM COFFEE MO SPICE HILLS. ALL KINDS OF PURE SPICES. C. W. KIRKPATRICK & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IX TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, MUSTARD, CREAM TARTER, kC. JV'O. 517 Lackawanna Avenue, (A few doors East of the Wyoming House,) We grind all our own SPICES and COFFEE. COFFEE ROASTED & GROUND TO ORDER, AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE ! AND AS CHEAP AS IN ANY CITY. C. W KIRKPATRICK, H. S. SEARLE Scranton, • ~ July 15, '63—v7n4Btj. ■pOWANDA AGRICULTURAL WORKS. TOW AND A, PENN'A., MANTFACTCRES HUBS, SPOKES, BENT TUFF, HEAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS, I GENERAL WOOD WORK, WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, ' SCROLL SAWING, PLANING. ETC., ETC. To Dealers in HUBS, SPOKES f BENT STUFF, We offer a LARGE STOCK FROM WHICH TO SECLECT. j The above are from the best SECOND GRoWTIIiHICKORY \ OAK, LIGHT AND HEAVY WAGONS OX HAXD. We have the Itroad and Narrow Guage. ty MILL PICKS mado and dressed. W. T. BISHOP, Superintendent. ! M C. MERCUR, Pr rsident. vßnlly Towanda, July 2. Itigß. I _ a Winter Millinery. MRS. BAR DWELL has just received a complete assortment MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN, SATIN AND VELVET HATS RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, FRAMES, also a large assortment of i BREAKFAST SHAWLS, HOODS NUBIAS, ZEPHYRS, Ac, To which she invites the attention of all, wishing to purchase Dress end Cloaks cut nnd banted or mado to order. Tunk Nov 2d, 1868. jjMteiuiius. DOUSI1), or can be k found ut Lyman A - ~ljiufc >j\l Tunkhannock, Penu'a, and # d other dealers, the GR'T ■ YJ T.VOI.ISN SWEENY SPECIF- \ rnthr- AI.R . moot stands unrivalled, | and is tbe best, cheapest, most powerful Liniment ever offered to the public, for man or horse. It has been used for manv >eirs in Englard, by ' j the leading Farriers, and they have had the greatest success with it of any liniment ever used f.. r riie cure ' of horses. Those who h.ivo horses that are sweer.icd or lame, j have swelled j lints, sprains, bruises, old sores, flesh I ; cuts, collar galls, 4-c.. should try this Liniment an! i they will be convinced that it is superior to all other t : known preparations. f | If it does not give good Satisfacti in, return " j ! bottle half full, and your money will ! e refu"jj ru „. Pfft up in conveuient form, and sold by * ° 1 ' gists and Storekeepers at 50 cents n b ,• (' c,> , Don't fail to call for the Great E< I Liniment. t) Q ©AREY. j Middietown, N. Y., Feb. '' ,e6? " tf - A VICTORY! j FORT SUMPTER RE-TAKEN ANI) TIIE Enemy of Man Driven to tlie Wall! I A ND THE NORTH SIDE OF TJIK OLD FORT FILLED TO OVERFLOWING WITH SUGARS, TEAS, j COFFEES, FLOUR, MEAL, FEED. MOLASSES, SYRUPS, CHEESE. Both Green and Dried Apples, ♦ Also, Fresh Canned and Dried Peaches, Prunes, Currants. Raisins. Lemons, Oranges, Figs, Sardines, Candies, Potatoes. Cabbage, Nuts, Spice*, Salt, Soap, Segars, Pork, Lard, Bntte-, Eggs, Fish, Smoked Meat, Oysters by the quart, gall on or barrel; Soli l Meats, in fact, every thing iu the line of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. The South side of the Old Fort is fitted up for tbe receptiou of ell wishing a dish of Raw Stewed or Fried Oysters. I ALSO, Pies, Cakes, Cheese, and a Cup o( Hut Coffee, Sar diues, or a dish of ire-k Peaches. WANTED Ruttcr, Eggs. Game, Chickens, Docks, ! and Geese, ut ail times, for which cash will be paid on de livery, at the very highest mnrket rales. Call and see for yourselves and be convinced that the place to buy your Groceries, is in the Old Fort on the Southwest corner of Tioga and Bridge streets, Tunkhannock, Pa. B. M- STONE. Nov. 5, 1867—v7nl4tf. JUST OPENED A full and well Selected Stock of SEGARS, SMOKNIG TOBACCO, CHEWING TOBACCO,I SMOKERS' ARTICLES, NOTIONS, Ac. At TUNKHANNOCK, Ia. ' The undersigned takes pleasure in soliciting the ' inhabitants of this place aud vicinity to call and cx | amine his goods. SURE RIOR FACI L HIES I I : Enable him to sujply BETTER and CHEAPER ARTICLES In his iire at WHOLESALE an ! RETAIL than cau be bought elsewhere | Call at M. R. KOIINSTAMM'S ; (Crane A Lull's old stand.) i Tunkhannock, May 5, 1P63 tf. crraouD A IIKOWN'S I o Fire, Life, Accident, anil I Ave Stork GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY ! MOXTKOSE, PA. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVER $30,000,000. Home 1n5.,C0., N Y.,Cwpit:l and Surplus, Ins. Co. of N. America, Phiia. " '• 2,900,000 ■ ; Hartford Fire Ins. Co, Hartford Ct. " 2,000,000 ' j Putnam " 44 44 700,000 ' | Enterpriso 44 Cincinnati, 0. 44 1,000,000 | I Glens Falls 44 Glen's Falls, N. Y., 4 * 400.000 i Lycoming Co. Mutual, Muncy, Pa, 4 4,000,000; Farmers' Mutual, York, 44 700.000 ! Phoenix Insurance Co Philadelphia, $250,000 j ! CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPAXV. j of Hartford, Ct. Capital - S2I,CGO,OOU { Notes received in payment of one-half the i premium, on which six per cent, interest only is charged, and the note is never to be ' paid under any circumstances—at death or j maturity the policy will bo paid in full and notes given up. Travelers' Ins. Co. of Hartford Ct, Capital I and surplds ... 700,000 I Insurance on all kinds of Live Stock against theft ■ and death from any cause, All Business entrusted to our care will bo attended j | to on fair terms, and all Losses promptly adjusted. I gy Office Ist door East (rout Banking Office of j i W. H. Cooper A Co., Turnpike St., Montrose, Pa. BILLINGS STROUD, ) SIOI'D A BROWN. Agents, ! I CHAS. L. BROWN. 5 ! M. C SUTTON, Esq., Friendaville, Pa , Solicitoi 1 1 CHAS- 11. SMITH, Montrose, Pa., " , v7 n34-tf. ; 3NTJE-\7IT Jewelry Store!! P. G. BURSTS & 880. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE | STOCK OF JEWELRY , of tho latest styles. GOLD RINGS, 13 Carets fine. SOLID GOLD SETTS JEWELRY, Gents' Masonic and Scarf Pins. Sleeve and Collar Buttons, Ac., Ac' | Solid and Plated Silver Spoons, Forks, Napkin Rings, Fruit Knives, Cake, Pie and Butter Knives, Castors, Cake and Card Baskots, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls. Spoon Holders, Folks, Spoons, Nut-Picks, Ac., Ac. From ROGERS A ERO.'S Silver l'lated Ware Co. Also, CLOCKS arnl WATCHES of the latest American and Enropean Manufacture. Tunkhannock. Doc 18, d9|;7 . 5000 Yards Best Prints, for i 12ictsper yard, at Ci DETRICK'S. ;s>abtaf & Si'i( (Snobs. (>. S. MIL LS & CO. ' j | Corner Tioga ami Warrgn Street*, j TUNKHANNOCK ENN ' A - I i Are now oj>erjiijg a largo etocko Hardware, such as | IRON, STEEL & HAILS, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Var nishes, Turpentine, Benzine, Nail Rods, Building Hardware, Mechan ics Tools, Wooden Ware, Brushes of; all kinds, Cutlery, Shovels, Seives, Lamps, Lanterns, Oil Cloth, Rosin, Ropes, aiso Hatchets, wrenche* &c. | HARNESS MAKERS HARDWARE, r Buckles, Japanned Buckles, Silver plated Bitts of every kind, llatues. Iron Pad Trees, Safdle Trees, Oig Trees, Girth , Web, worsted and Cotton, Thread, Silk Awls and needles, Halter Chains, Trac* I Chains, Ac. Arc. PAINTS AND OILS, j SPERM, AND LUBRICATING OILS ALSO CROCKERY, GLASS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE ■ ; WINDOW and PICTURE frames, GLASS OF ALL KINDS. I liVails and Iland-Rakes at wholesale and retail. All of which have been SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, and expressly for this market, and all they ask is an examination of the ' ' goods to satisfy till of the truth of i what we say. Remember the place. 1 ROSS, MILLS &i Co. Tank. Pa. May 29th, 18f>7. ; N O W OP ENED." * BV A. 23. MOT T TIIE CORNER STOKE, FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY HENRY STARK. IN TUN KHANNOCK, PA. j A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK i OF ! SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS j I DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS DUL>3 GOODS DRESS GOODS ■ I GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES | I ! . PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS ! • IIATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS MATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS CARPETING CARPETING * CARPETING „ CARPETING Ac,, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., , In largo quantities and at reduced prices. A. B. MOTT. j Tun I; May 1 ft. 'f,6—vCrtSE Insurance Agency. DANIEL WRIGHT is NEPHEW, A/ Innfshannork, l y a, Are Agents for tho following, and ull other responsi , ble Insuranco Companies : . N America, Philadelphia, Assets, 51,763 267; Enterprise, " •' 372,304. Manhattan, New York, 1 1 052,123. i N. American, •' " 755,057, Lorillard, ' " 1,436.540. Corn Exchange, " " 501,095. Farmers' Ins. Co., York, '• 525.080. Lycoming, Muncjr, " 2,900,000. Home, New York " 3,645,388* Hartford, Hartford, " 1,788,153* Phoenix, ' ' 1,103.467 Travelers, '* *' 741,337* Hartford Live stock, " 178,929. j Home, New Haven, " 1.438.491 Cumberland Yailey, " 506.000 L N. England Mutual, " 5,00J,0d0. Property of all kinds will he insured at tho most reasonable rates, in any of the above companies, s. Looses to insurers hy Fire, accident or theft, promptlv adjusted and paid DANIEL WRIGHT r j A NEPHEW, | Tunk*, Pa. Sept. 18, 1667,-v7n7-tf, & Ukbiriiifs. Ayer's Hair .coloring Cray Hair lo j its natural Vitality and Color. tA dressing which , is at once agreeable, healthy, nnd effectual hair. Fad* dor gray I hair is soon restored j to its original color with the gloss and j freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick- j ened, falling hair checked, and bald- j ness often, though not always, cured I by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles sue destroyed, j or the glands atrophic: aac .ucayed. But such as remain ca aved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous Its occasional ttsc will prcvr.i the hair from turning gray or falli.ig off, and consequently prevent baldness. I' rce ; from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous tiud injurious to tho hair, the \ igor can only benefit but uot harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it > •*•• not soil white cambric, and yet 1. j t long on the hair, giving it a rich glos.-y . I lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS, LOWELL, MASS. PRICE SI.OO. Hold i.y ltetrh k, Tunkhannock, Pa, Sterling A j Son, Sterlingville, C. C. llcrge, Nicholson, Frear, j Dean A Co., Factory villc, and alt Druggists anp ( Ddalerg everywhere. ; | DR. j w p.iiuADS " DIHI; A.VJ* paeieit STOEE. . Tho largest and most complete Drue Store in TUXIvIIAXXOCK. NEW GOODS TOR EVERYBODY !!! j PRICES REDUCED. NOW IS THE TIME TO liUl I Just received and for Palo a splendid Stock or : NEW GOOD , iuelaJing— DRUGS, PAINTS, VARNIS II E S , 1) Y E S T U FF S , MULSHES OF AI.L I) E S C 11 1 P T I 0 N S, Pocket Books, I'OrJICS. IIAIR DYES, STERLING'S AMBBOSIA, TOOTH DROPS, : HAIR OILS > POMADES tt PERFUMERIES, FANCY NOTIONS, CONFECTI 0 N E R Y, ST AT ION R IKS TOBACCO, HAVANA CI G AR S . (REAL.) ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, SIIOL L DEK BRACKS. TRUSSES. AC., AC.. A". ALL THr FOPULAR PATENT MEDICINtS CF THE DAY Ami in fact every imaginable article belonging to a Fl/t'ST CLASS DHUU ST OUR. Don't forgo tto call at DR. RIIO ADS' DRUG STORE. v6n37tf. Tankhannock.Pa. _ . Ijillings & ||hiltips Kecjt on band and at all times, a , full stock of UN.GR GOODS AND ' 6SCCSEIESS BOOTS & SHOES, ofElmira manuf ture. " Le Bing'mton " " " City " I WOOD, WILLOW, TIN, STONE, GLASS and CROCKERY I Ash ton and Bbl. SALT, DRIED FRUITS, of all kinds Flour Feed, 3leal & Bran. FORK, IIAM and FISH, Farming Utensils, &e., &c. We take in exchange, all kiuds of. i Grain, ai the highest market prices, l Receive and forward leight of all j kinds for up or down the river during the season for shipping, and will keep coal on hand, in quantities to suit purchasers, during the season ; will ibe found on Bridge Street, below : Hufford's Hotel, the sign iu large letters "Store." We have good PRINTS at 12 1-2 cts. per yard, and all other goods in proportion. ' Call and see us and you will be satisfied that it is not the best place to buy where there is the most blowing done. Our stock is always lull, as we receive goods every day from New York, and tire bound to ( I sell as low as the lowest. BILLING & PHILLIPS | Tunkhannock, May 27, '67—n42 tf .otfidlT | c] E AH 3 A R T OT ' Machine, i AND ** Shop. ] STREET, \ K.i! A.N VO' K, PA. a davit./ —c experience as Foundry- j|, aen .u - and employing none but the j workmen the undersigned pledge themselves ! to execute all work in their line in a style not sur. ■ passed by any s tuilar tstablishmnt in the country- | . | MILL GEARINGS ! A i - made and fitted up on short notice, from patterns on j s hand ot all sixes. PLOWS, CULTIVATORS;] and other Farming Implements. I " ALSO | ; STOVES OF ALL KINDS. Tin, Sheet-Iron, and ; ; IIOLLOW-WARE. , f.AAIP.S, LEA '/>, PIPES, ,fr., Ac. . I Mwavo -f. „and erf" l '"'' 1 - I i . x. LA KHALI, \ OCA i uakbutaQook, A pri! '-''Jib, Hardware and Iron. it , * r BROTHERS. NOW OFFER FOR SALE. IRON, STEDL. NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE KAIL. RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS. UELLOWS, PLAIN A CONVEX HORSE-SHOES. HAM MERED HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON. BUILDERS' HARDWARE. CARPEN TEKS'TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,) HI P.?, SPOKES, FELLOES. SEAT SPINDLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL. BOTTS, NUTS. WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING GRIND STONES; PLASTER 7 PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. Ac., Ac., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER I LEATHER AND FINDINGS FAItfBAK'S SALES. crnntoa, March 25, 18t>3. vln33 j j WM. MACK & SON take pleaauro in informing the public that they hare opened their Carriage Manufactory IN TUNKHANNOCK, | And aro ready to fill ORDERS j NONE BUT First-Class Mechanics EMPLOYED i REPAIRING , ; deno promptly and well. Tunkbannock March '<• I9fiß'f I T will pay you to call at Ruck A Sterlugs', and X look over their Stock of good*, the ussoituient is t i as good as can he found in Northern Pennsylvania- F[*ASTMAN gives his customers the benefit of his facilities, and saves to theiu tho ~ profits usualy paid to Jobers, Middlemen and 1 i wholesale dealers, JjJtSfflliUUMlS. Buck & Sterlings FURNITURE WARE ROOM Over Sherman & Lathrop's Store next door to Wall's Hotel, TUNKHANOCK, PA. PLAIN COTTAGE SUITS, MARBLE COTTAGE SUITS, \ALNUT CHAMBER SUITS. PARLOR SUITS IN IIAIR CLOI H PARLOR IN VELVET PLUSH. SIDE-BOARDS, WARDROBES, BOOK CASES, EXTENSION TABLES. MATRESSES, and a large variety of low-priced Furniture, at the lowest cash rates. IH'CK A STERLIXt, v7n4df. QLOTHING STOKE AND |tnb' jfurnfehinj 11. BAKIIAM A. CO. Announce to tho public that they have reeen'Jy fit. ted up and removed their Clothing Store to the Store House of C. P. Miller, Tunkliannock, Pa. Tbeir etock coprimes every description of MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING. eueh ns "DEESS CO A 2S, 6 A CA" CO A TS, o > 'Eftco A y,s PANTS, VEST. SHIRT 3, UNDERSHIRTS. DRAWNRS, BOOTS. , . HATS JF CAPS, Neck-ties, Tlosit ry, Suspcrulcrs, llanil*crchit ft COLLARS, UMBRELLAS &C„ and in everything in the Clothing or Furnishing I line lit VERY LOWPPJCES. In addition to the above we have an elegant as sortment of Clothes, Cassimers and Vesting?, Clothing made to order at the shortest n> tice Call and see, before purchasing elsewle e ani SECURE GOOD GOODS AND PAin PIIICES. //. BARIIAM 4- CO. Tunk , Aug. 5,' gB --vpnl-tf. For Sale at Mott's, BOOTS. BINGHAMTON BOOTS. ot Loster <fc Co's * best make KIP and CALF OWEGO; BOOTS. ; Best make EASTERN BOOTS. J A full stock of Ladies 7 Shoes, g I Balmoral, Congress, Polish Boots ■ t GLve Kid iind Goat. Also, Button Gaiters. ! GENTS UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWER? GENTS' BUCKSKIN GLOVK |nl MITTENS. Gents' KID GLOVES, Lined, Uniined and Fur-lined, For Sale at .Mott's CORNER STORE, Tunkhannock, Pa.vsnlltf FIRST CLASS EATING SALOON. The Subscriber proposes to keep a First Cia-J Eating Saloon, for Ucmlemen aui Ladies AT MESH OP PEN, PA., ' (oppsite E. Merritt's Store) where OYSTERS, CAKfj, HOT COFFEE, FRUITS, with CONFECTIONARY t of all kinds, can be procured at all reasons!' la hours and at moderate prices. uIVE ME A CALL. CHARLIE BUNNELL v9-nl4-4w. DOBBIN'S ELECTRIC BOOT POLISH. MAKES A LASTING SHINK. Those who black their boots on Saturday n- 1 ! with ordiuary blacklhig, don't have much -him' j Sunday, as the polish fades off; but the shine >'t 9 | DOBBINS'BLAC KING LASTS SATURDAY N IC.IIT A AM ,v ° SUNDAY. I IT BEATS ANY OTHF.R BLACKING MAP | Manufactured only by J. B. Dobbins, :i: h ]' ', - ' menso Soap and Blacking Works, Sixth Stm- Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, l'a t . , For sale by BILLINGS & PHILLIP?. l " r _ pike St., (near the canal,) Tunkliann ■> k. 1■ nl72tn. o T?ASTMAX Invites the atU-ntt. n d Hi the style, workmanship, material, vane y price of his stock of ready mode work
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers