Local and Personal. Remember the distinguished balladist James G, i lsrk is advertised to sing at this place, on Monday next. It the Election*. | for Borough |nd Township officers, held here on Tuesday last, the entire Demo ratic Tickets were elected by large majorities. Ice t ream Festival.—There will be an Oys ter supper and Ice Cream Festival, in the basement ut the M. K. Church, in Tunkhannock, on the after- and Evening, Tuesday. January' 19th. Proceeds to go towards furnishing the new Church. By order of Committee. %u Omission to notice several new buildings —all in plain view—occurred in our article of a week „r two since, wherein we proposed to notice all the Molding Improvements of the town for the past year. We shall have to make a note of these in our next Lirdscye view of the town. (Jot up Kteani.—The "Wvoming Metalic Paint t uipany." located near Nicholson, got up stcam.on >aturday last, and their machinery works most cautifully. The Mill is a large substantial onc.and the machinery capable of manufacturing ten tons a ,hy The enterprise is a meritorious one, and we wi-di Its promoters abundant success. W. The New River Bridge was opened foWhe crossing of teams on Thursday of last week. Wur Eaton friends are enjoying it hugely. Among the first to make use of this new structure for crossing, nr.-' "Uncle Thomas Mitchel" of that township, now n irly 90 years of age. Mrs. Jennie (Mitchel) lioadley, his grand daughter has been appointed . .Hector of tolls, at this bridge. New Advertisements. Matters in Bankruptcy. W. H. Barnes A son of 1869, successors to W. H Barnes of 1834. advertise New Good &e. s. B. Hulburt—Farm for sale. V. Day—first class town House and Lot. C. lietrlck. Merchant Tailoring Eetablishment A (rents furnishing goods. All right now.—Since arrangements have been made for carrying the mail by the L. V. R. 8.. we have received by that route the Phila. through mall and the local mail matter only. We are now heginnig to get the N. through mail matter by this route. The Mail Agents are getting to understand the matters better than when the change was first made. We Suppose those of our subscribers who at tend Court next week will mako it a point to pay up the printer. We are credulous enough to think that the neigh bors of such, will send along their subscriptions. It is barely a supposable case that some persons, not nw subscribers to the Democrat, will conclude to become so, without a further hint. * The W eather for the past two weeks has been ns in kle and changing as a maid of sweet sixteen.— v u. smiling—now. in tears—now. frigid and forbid now, soft and melting, and often storming and •wing. If this capricious dame don't grow more •-.t cly in her ways, she will find some of her pranks, rted in the L'emocrat. Oyster Slipper and Festival.— There will be it.u\-ter Supper and. lee Cream Festival, in the lbX formerly occupied by the Good Templars, in * ark .- Building. Friday evening. Jan. 15th. Ti.c proceeds to go towards paying for furniture.in Hall they now occupy, over Little At Sittser's .i* Office. All are ihvited to attend. Batik Officers.—The following are the names •c Officers and Directors, elected for the Wyo- 1 1 .. National Bank, at this place, for the ensuing PRSSWEXT —C. P. Miller. ' b PRESIDENT—I>. 1). Dewltt. ' i-HlF.a—Samuel Stark. : SECTORS— O. P. Miller. Asa S. Dana. Samuel - .-8. R K. Little, Elisha Sharp. Paul Billings, ic J.i kson. C. I. Gearhart, D. I). Dcwitt. Fir Sale.—The house and lot, owned bv Mr. bay. on Second St, in this Borough, is now for sale.—Mr. I), being permanently located •.re at Sunbury. :,l' lieen for many years occupier of an adjoin . • • i this property, wo can say for It. that no more cor pleasant location, for a residence, can * f oind in our town. The house is in good n and has conveniences In its arrangements, .lly and externally, found in but few Houses - -in town. Mr I>. offers it -at a bargain." ertberaent In to-days paper. V j Forgotten.—The only person tj whom the ■ 'aired, of making the Printer feel as though •re a boy again," and that the good old i las time, with Santa Claus. had returned, .: friend, James G. Fassett, one of the worthy ■ muiissioners of this County. ■knowledged the receipt from him during M iy. of a good sized box of the finest Apples ( ~f r seen grown in this County. They ■ • n l: I specimens of the "King of Thompkins jr. 1 the "Spitzenburgs." Long may the gen r, r live to enjoy these fruits of his care and i May his Spitzcnbergs never grow less. t Deserved Compliment.—Mr. Phillip Fa te >f the affable and courteous conductors on -h Valley Railroad, was complimented re- - ing awarded at a fair and festival, held ■•a. a beautiful, silver, conductor's badge, he - the highest number of votes over six other r>. The badge Is of solid stiver, about an ■ i half In length by half an inch in width, '• engraved ujsin it, very artistically, a pas- I -r. across which, in enamel, Is the word It i< a handsome recognition of Phil's a < nnductor, and we are sure he will wear a .rably to himself and to the donors.— • 'a m. •irtirilon ol It. It. Bridge by Flood '{■ an. or half of the new R. R. Bridge, which built—and nearly completed—at this •at carried away by an ice and water flood In . about midnight, on Saturday last. It was finished or secures! against an accident of ,! >at a few hfiur's work, with the force eiii -ion it. would have placed It beyond the ne rupport from the trestling or false work.— he iron and all of the timbers—except a ■ -mailer pieces—were in place. Every "kick with the derrick used in raising it. \ pt away. •pre-i n among our people seems to be ! - "tal that this unfortunate and expensive i might have been averted by a little addi [ tgy an>l precaution on the part of those [ " 11 matter in charge. They did not seem to [ -'!• I the situation, —or rather the Creek. A "f two hours, at any time within the ten I i"Usly. wnuhi in a f ew hours have swollen • as to have carried away the trestling.— I mg> r Impending ami the result apparent. | ' , irre.-sed hut slowly. It Is sahl that the ! | " - adtuonished of the danger anil advised I ' ttra help, and work extra hours. But of I -now nothing. to see. aft t . r jhe horse Is stolen, that the 1 have been locked. Fhis accident will • ay the running of the cars, to this side of I • °fi the Bench.--We clip the following ■ tr) m.tice of one of our former towns- I C. t'onklin Esq. of this place—from ■fg. (Mo.) Mafllai-d : ion of this Court. December term. | * presiding, commenced on Monday, I " 'i-'nity and gravity as could be found ; i e congratulate the judge on sueli a business is being rapidly disposed of ■ "-' ge Is winning golden opinions from I • or: I is exhibiting an aptness l, le duties of the position he now oc- 1 •'■•>■ to be found in jiersons who have upon the bench. Rarely has ' "nine mora worthy fallen upon the 'll y. nimbled about more briskly, j ' " r "f the new Deputy Sheriff, Lieut. ! I -m l; a to command the adinl- | : i ouM he proud—having made a wise | "mnty officers. I " a " or oy having buiin* in eourt, we notice the folio*.. —w Blodgett, ShepherdlE^ Crittcmlen A Cockerell, N..Harmon. Elliott &• E. A. Niekerson. Moorman & Bro-W£ A Baldwin, Alf—(excuse us) — Judge Conklln, spefu*' , ' t " C ' years of his early life in and about the printing o. ficcs. in this place, occupying all the various honora ble positions from the head devil, to the (h)editor and publisher. In all of these positions ne perform ed his duties well and creditably—in short— dug the foundation for his future usefulness and dij-nity.— Though he aftorwards -studied the law, with assidu ity" we must attribute his rapid promotion, to the Bench, to the fact that he sat so gracefully on the three-legged stool of the printing office. No mere Lawyer could have achieved such success in so short a time. We congratulate our quondam friend, the Tunk hannock Typo, on his "Dig." Married, WILLIAMS—BOBINSON—Jan. 5. 1869 at the res idence of the bride's brother by Kcv. A Judson Fur man, Mr. Hugh L. Williams, of Forkston, and Miss. Malvlna Kobinson of Eaton. DEVBLER—SHEARER— Jan. 9th. by the Rev. Isaac Austin, Mr. John Deubler, of Newton, and Miss, Lydia J Shearer, ol Hawley, Pa. WADE— THATCHER—At the residence of the bride's brother. Thomas Thatcer Esq. Scranton Pa. Dec. 16th, 1868 by the Rev. J. S. Lewis, Byron R. Wade ana Sallic Thatcher all of Scranton Pa. JAYNE—KISHPAT T OH—At the residence of the bride's father, in Katou township, Dec. 31st. 1868, by the Rev, J. S. Lewis, Davul Jayneand Hannah E. Kishpaugh all of Eaton Wyoming County Pa. WILLIAMS— L ATHROP—At Lyman villc Jan. 6th 1*69, by the Rev. J. S. Lewis, Ruel Williams and Prances E. Lathrop all of Washington township Wyoming County Pa. TI'RN—CLARK—(In the 31st. of Dec. 1869 at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Isaac Austin Mr. Henry Turn, of Humphreyville Lu zerne County and Miss, Mary E. Clark, of Falls Wyoming County Pa. X>iodL. SPENCER —In Factoryville, Dec. 31st 1868, Fran cis Spencer, aged 82 yrs., lacking two days. At the time of his death the tirst living settler of Sprlng ville tp., Suiqh. Co., Pa. KINTNER—In Washington tp.. Wyoming Co., Jan. 3rd 1869, of inflammation of lungs, Miss Fran ces Kintner. aged about 19 yrs. The rery large at tendance, and sorrow at her funeral told how greatly she was beloved. ARNTS—In Meshoppen, on the 27th ult., Henry Arnts, aged 77 years. PRODUCE MARKET. Wholetale Price of Country Produce, Corrected Week ly by HILLINGS 4* PHILLIPS, Dealerl in Dry (•oodtt, Groceriet. Sec., See., on Turnpike St (near the Canal), Tunkhannock, Pa. Apples, green,per bushel SI.OO <fj 51.25 Apples, dried ' lb 0.10 '• 0,12 Be-ns, " 2,5(1 " J,OO Beeswax, per lb 30 " 35 Butter, " '• 40 " 42 Buckwheat. •' bush 90 " 1,00 Corn, " " •••; 1,00" 1,00 ilggs, " dot 35" 35 Hay, " ton 12,00 " 16,00 Honey • lb 15 " 18 Hides, " 07 08 Lard, '• " 15 '• 18 Pork, " " 12 J" 14 Potatoes, " bush 65 " 75 Oats, •' " 32fb 70 " 75 Onions. " " 1,25 " 1.50 Rye, " " 1.30 " 1.30 Wheat, " '• :- - 175 2,00 Poultry, per lb 10 ...-lO List of Jurors drawn to serve for January Term 1869. GRAND JURORS. BRAIN-TRlM— David Sloan. • 'LINTON —Ziba S. Reynolds. EATON —Lysander Harding. EXETER— Hesekiah Smith. FALLS —Andrew Hewitt, Jacob Swartwood. FHUKSTON— EIijah Fassett. MESHOPPEN— Benj. F. Sfcirm, Dan'l llankinson, ! Robert Dunlap, Wrn. O. Blackmar. MEHOOPANV —RoIIey Whipple. Lorenzo K. Smith. ! MONROE —•'has Wright. t ! NORTHMORELAND— SamueI Vanscoy. OVEKFTKLD— Alfred Mahon. Martin Sickler. TUSK. TP —Palmer Jenkins. Martin Dewitt. TUNIC. BORO—G. 11. Eastman. WASHINGTON— Chas. Place. Aaron Bunnell, John Mclhuish. George Jenkins. PETIT JURORS BRAIN-TRlM— Hamlet Hill, Henry R. Laeey. CLlNTON —Christopher Matthewson. EATON —John Tedrick, WM. Benedict, Isaac B. Graham. EXETER —AIex. Swartwood, FisherGav. FALLS— Wilson Polen, Harrison Smith, S. T. ; Roberts. FORKSTON —John Burgess. LEMON —David Amey. MESHOPPEN— Thos. Dawson, Allen Jayne, Benj. Overtield, T. F. Bullard. MEHOOPANV —Hasea K. French, Francis M. | Vaughn, Daniel Myres, James M. Kintner, Orin E. Vaughn. MONROE— James Phoenix, Norton L. Newburry, Charles Deßeamer. NICHOLSON— Oscar M. Stephens. NOUTHMORELAND— George Winters, Henry Shook NORTH BRANCH— Edwin Spring. OVERFIKI.D— Henry Chase. TUSK. BORO.— Thos. Osterhout, Ottis B. Whipple, j WASHINGTON— Joseph Maxwell, Emanuel Over-! field. WIJSDH AM— Jacob Williams, Dennis G. Keeney. ; ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Ner- Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects i of youlhful indiscretion will, for the sake of suffring humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe ! and direction for making the simple remedy by I which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing in perfect confidence JOHN B. OGDEN, vßn2l-3mo. No. 42 Cedar street, New York | SELECT SCHOOL. Notice is hereby given to tbe citizens of Tunkhan- j nock and vicinity that a Select School will com- | menee in the Brick School House, in Tunkhannock, on Monday, Dec. 14th 1868. No pains will be spar- j ed to make the same both interesting and profitable to all. RATES OF TUITION. Primary Department, $3.00 Common English, 5,10 j Higher, -• • 700 One half Tuition payable in advance, remainder , at middle of term. JAS. W. GUERNSEY, nl9-w3. Teacher, j THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE That on the sth day of January, A. D. 1869, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the es tate of Andrew S Collum, of Falls Tp , in the Coun ty of Wyoming and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged Bankrupt on his own petition ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any prop- belonging to such Bankrupt, to him. or for his use, and the transfer of any droperty by him are for bidden by law ; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their Debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Office of the Register in the Boro. olTowanda. Brad ford Co, Pa.. before EDWARD OVERTON, JR , Register, on the 20th day of Feb'y, A. D , 1869, at 2 o'clock P. M. THOS. A. ROWLEY, U. S. Mar shal, By E- B. COOLBAI'GH, Deputy. n23-3ks* IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, for the Western District of Pennsylva nia Lawience C. Conkliu. a Bankrupt under the At of Congress of March 21, 1867, having applied ror a <li-< harge, from all his debts, and otner claims provable under said Act, By order of the Court, No tice N hereby given, to all persons who have proved their debts, and other pmoM iniercstel, to appear ou the 29 h day of January, 1869, at 10 o'eloek, A. i M before E. O'ertun, Jr, Esq., Register in Bank rupitcy, at his office, in Towanda, Pa., to show cause, If any they have, why a Discharge should not he granted to the said Bankrupt. Aud further Notice is hereby given, that the second and third ' Meetings of Creditors of the said Bankrupt, required by the 27th nnd 29th Sections of said Act, will he ' held before the raid Register, at the same time and place S C. McCANDLESS, Clerk, ■23w2 i iYtolwratnts. I AGENTS WANTEDsFOR Ms of the Great * 4 " <r • A Work descriptive of the V s. ~ VICES, the MYSTERIES, MISE.P* *• and CRIMES of New York City. If you wish to know how Fortunes are made and lost in a day ; bow Shrewd Men are ruined in Wall Street : how Countrymen nre Swindled by Sharpers; how Ministers and Merchants are Blackmailed; How Dance Halls A Concert Saloons are Managed ; how Gambling House A Lotteries are conducted ; how Stock A Oil Companies Originate and how the Bub bles Burst, read this work. It contains over 30 fine Engravings, tells all about the Mysteries and Crimes of New York, and is the Spiciest and Cheap est work of (he kind puplisbed. ONLY $2.50 PER COPY! Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a fu I description of the wotk. Address JONES BROTHERS A CO. Philadelphia, Pa. • HUNTER'S GUIDE AND TRAPPER'S COM PANION.—How to hunt and trap all animals, to tan furs, make traps, boats, Ac. Worth 810 to any famer or boy, Beware of Bogus "receipts " Well printed and bound. 64 pages. Only 25 cents. 6 for 81. Address D. HUNTER A CO..Uinsdale,N H FIFTY YEABS OF FIDELITY T Oldest (fc Livest Democratic Paper South. —THE MOBILE WEEKLY REGISTER. JOHN FORSYTH, Editor. 12 Large Pages Weekly, Full of Politics, News, A griculture, Literature, Poetry, Ac. The Agricultural Paper of the South. Hon. C- C. Langdon, the well known editor and practical farmer, conducts this department. Only 85,00 to January, 1870, and 81,25 for three months. TRY IT A ftIIARTER YEAR ! Address "REGISTER," Mobile. Ala. 13?' Every wide-awake Democrat and every in telligent Farmer should take C.VE standard Southern Political and Agricultural Newspaper. THE AMERICAN UNION PRICE REDUCED. £2,50 A YEAR. This favorite family Journal will hereafter be sent to subscribers for 82 50 per year. A gratis copy sent one year to any person who obtains six names and forwards them with the money to us In other wo.ds, WJ will send seven copies for 815 00.— This makes the UNIOS. The Cheapest Story Paper in America Its Columns are filled with CAPITAL STORIES by the best writers, and that charming variety in poet ry, wit and general miscellany, so well calculated to please all lovers of good reading. Now is the Time to Subscribe ! Single copies, six cents. All dealen/sell it. Address ELLIOTT, THOMAS A TALBOT. Boston, Mats NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL —AND— PMMU FARM JQUBIAL DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Horticulture and Rural Economy. PUBLISHED AT PITTSBURGH, PA J. M. & G. I). KUESTER, Editors, Assisted by a Corps of Practical Contributors. Tkrms :—Bl 00 per annum ; Ten Copies, 87 00. 13?" Advertising 25 ets a line for each insertion j£\ AGENTS WANTED FOR "THE BLUE-COATS Awl how tiny lAred, Fow/ht awl Diet!for the I'nion, with, few owl Incii/rnts in tin- (lreut Rebellion." It contains over 100 fine Engravings and 500 pages, and is the spiciest and cheapest war book published. Price only 82,50 per copy. Send for circulars and see our terms, and full description of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO, Philadelphia, Pa • Cincinnati, Ohio; or Chi cago 111, AGENTS WANTED TO KBLL rUK "PFNX BETTER BOOK." For Copying Letters without Press or Water. This Great Time, Labor and Money-Saving In vention fills a long tell want, bringing a really in dispensable featuie of business withiu the reach of all. I'rice $2,25 and upward. None see it hut to praise its simplicity anil con. venience. and a skillful agent has only to show it properly, as it recommends itself, and sells al sight It is equally suitable to Woman as Men, and adapt ed to every kind of business. It does not play out. as the first sale is only a beginning. For testimo nials terms, Ac , addrcsg P. GARRETT A CO., 702 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, or 122 Clark St., Chicago 111. WANTED AGENTS where, male and feuia!e,tn introduce the GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This machine will stitch, hem. fell, tuck., quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a most superior manner. Price only $lB Fully warranted for five years. We will pay 1000 for any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the ''Elas tic Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cioth cannot oe pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents from 875 to S2OO per month and expenses, or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. Address SECOMB A CO, Pittsburgh, Pa., Boston, or St. Louis, Mo. CAUTION.—Do not be imposed upon by other parties palming off worthless cast iron machines,un der the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manu factured. • Agents Wanted. To sell Geo. P. Rowell A Co's. American j N E WSP APE R 1> IR ECTOR Y. ' A handsome Octavo Volume of 300 pa~es bound | in cloth. Price $5,00. It contains accurate Lists i of ail the Newspapers and Periodicals published in i the United States and Territories, and (be Dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America ; j together with a dese ription of the Towns and Cities in which tbey are published, Every Business Man wants It. Every Professional Man wants It. livery Advertiser must have It. Largest Commissions paid. A town can be canvassed for this book in one or two days, and from $lO to SSO secured in commis sion. Adiance sheets showing the style of the work now ready and will be sent on application together with terms to agents. Address NELSON CHE3- MAN, No. 4C Hark Row, New York CRASH RAPIDS, MICH . Sept. 10, 1868. LIPPISCOT* <FC BAKEWELL . The people seem to be crazy about your RED JACKET AXES, l'ltaso send me twenty dozen more. I Y'ours truly, W. D. F. CAUTION —Uprincipled dealers are selling Axes ' painted red, as the RED JACKET AXE. The good | qualities of ihis Axe consists in its su)rior ct TTIISO | qualtics not in the Rod Paint. The ' RED JACKET" is for sale by all responsible , bar In are dealers and the manufacturers. LIPPINCOTT * BAKEWELL, c Pittsburgh, P, I flefo ftortmm tnts. SPANGLED BANNER.-A large 40 ool u '"J?er. Rich, rare and racy. Full of cbarm.ng fuDi FACT AND FANC _ "EVASCK- L '*w 1 (L, 75 sBB'$ 88 ' P'ate, "FREE" to ercry sub ?t2.' Subscribe N(ft/ ear - . "Evangeline" sells dress BAMWER OFFICE, H&Y CEDU " AD " \GENTS WiivrjjD t Machine ever invented, will knit 20,000 Kmuiog per minute* Liberal induce in writs to amenta. tl.esa AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE H" Boaton, Mas**., or St. Louie. Mo. THE AMERICAN liISPAPEB BIBECTOBY. WILL BE ISSUED JAN. Ist 186y. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, . . gS WILL CONTAIN . A List of the Newspapers and other Periodicals in each State, Territbry, Province and Colony, Ar ranged Alphabetically by Towns, giving the Name, Days of Issue, Sixe, Subscription Price, Politics or General Character, Circulation, Editor's and Pub lisher's Names, Date of Establishment, and other information. A list of Towns and Cities In the United States aad Territories, and the Dominion of Canada and British American Colonies in which Newspapers or other perioAals are published, arranged alpabeti eally by Counties, giving Population, Location, Branch of Industry from which it derives its impor tance, and other information As the edition will be limited, persons wishing copies will do well to send in orders at once. A HANDSOME OCTAVO VOL.. of 300 PAGES. BOUND IN CLOTH, PRICE *5. Address orders to G. P. ROWELL A CO, Publishers, SILVER PLATED WARE. D McKown respectfully announces to the people of Wyoming County, that he has made a specialty of HEAVY SILVER PLATING, lor years. Heavy plaiting is muck more economical than light. The more Silver put on the goods, the cheaper it is done in proportion to the amount of Silver used. Spoons and Forks, should not be of less than 16 ox plpte— -36 or 48 ox. would be far more economical. Yet 4ox plate is called a good plate by the trade, and. poor as it is, but a small portion of all the goods made coine up to this standard. "Ounce plate," in platers language, means the number of ounces of silver, to the gross of tabfe spoons. All other sur faces are estimated by these. For example, des serts are estimated at 3-4 ; and tea spoons at 1-2 the surface of table-spoons. Sixteen ox. plate is 16 ozs. of fine silver to the gross of table-spoons or dining forks. 12 ox. to the gross of dessert spoons or forks and 8 ox- to the gross of tea-spoons. This quality of plate will cost, on the axerage, twice as much as 4ox and will have four times the amount of silver on it. Thirty-six ox- plate will cost about three times as much as 4 ox , and will contain nine times the amount of silver on it. Thirty-six ox- plate is the lightest that will allow the engraving on it, of name or initials, without cutting through unto the metal beneath. Forty-eight ox plate will cost about four times as much as 4ox plate, and will contain 12 times the amount of silver. This plate costs about one-balf as much as solid silverware of ordi dinary weight, and for every day use will be more durable than light, solid silverware Most of the solid silverware is made much too light to be dura ble in constant use. The terms "double." "treble" Ac. Ido not use to designate qualities—there being too much ambiguity in their use . All goods, made by me, having my name and fig- I ures denoting the ox, plate, stamped on them, will ' be guaranteed full weight of silver on first quality of metal on them. I will plate to order, goods of any thickness of plating desired, from 4 to 43 oz Old goc ds, (Ist quality of metal) plated any thick ness required. P. C. BURNS A BRO, Jewelers, at Tuakhannock, Pa., are agents for the sale of these goods. All orders left at their Store, will receive proper attention. , DAVID Mc SOWN. Pittston, Pa., Dec. Ist 1868. MEW GOOBB. JUST RECEIVED, the usual variety __ kept in a Country Store, which will oa •be sold at Reasonable Rates, for ■ —prompt pay. Special Attention given to - SEE DRUGS A MEDICINES. "T ' I I j PAINTS, OILS, and some of the " 1 most popular I l I PATENT MEDICINES, = ' * l on hand. We are Agents for ''Bur . rad's Patent Iron CORN SHELTER," £3=3 the best Iron hand sbeller made. Or ders from Merchants solicited—also Agents for The Celebrated C rover an J R"' l ®'' Sewing Machine. Please call OQ and see for yourselves. —" W. H. BARNES A SON. gg Mehoopany. Jan. 8, '69 - vßnl3-ly. • A VALUABLE 110 USE AXL LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale, a HOUSE A LOT, •itunte on Second St., Tunkhannock, Pa. adjoining residence, formeily of Harvey Sickler, now owned by Benj. P Carver. The property will be disposed of ON REASONABLE TERMS. The house is a Two Story Frame Building, 24 by 32 feet, WITH WING ATTACHED, 16 by 22 feet, lj Stories high. A good WELL of NBVER FAILING WATER! and a LARGE CISTERN FOR SOFT WATER, are on the premises ; together with fruit trees orna mental trees, Ac. There is a fine Cellar under the building, The property constitutes a most desirable borne, and will be SOLD AT A BARGAIN! EF- For further particulars, apply to THOS. OSTKRHOUT. Tunkhannock, Pa., Jaa. 13, 1869—n23-3m jfcjffll HALL'S tft , J VEGETABLE SICILIAN §*%,* hair JEL . ITS EFFECT LS MIRACULOUS. It is a perfuct ami wonderful article. A better dressing than any "oil" or "pomatum" Softens broth, dry and wiry hair into Beautiful Silken Tress es. But, aboue all, the (treat wonder is the rapidity with whioh it restores GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIQ" INAL COLOR. The whitest and worst looking bair resumes its youthful beauty by its use. It does not dye the hair, but strikes at the root and fills it with new life and coloring matter. The first application will do good ; you will see the NATURAL COLOR returning every day, and BE FORE YOU KNOW IT, the old, gray, discolored appearance of the bair will be gone, giving place to lustrous, shining and beau tiful locks. Ask for Hall's Sicilian Hair Renewer; no other article is at all like it in effect. See that each bottle has our private Government Stamp over the top of the bottle. All others are im, itations. R. P. HALL A CO. Nashua, N. H. Proprietors. Price 91,00. For sale by all druggists- A Farm for Sale. Situated in Lovelton Valley—loo acres of land about balf improved, with good buildings, an or chard of grafted apples, with peach, plum, pear,and and grapos. a never failing spring, water running ia the woodhouse— good Mills, Stores and Schools near by, Price 93.500. S. B. IIULBURT. Lovelton, Jan. 7, '63.—u23-lm THE reason that Eastman's Water-proof Boots are impervious to water is that they aro lined ; with silk oil-cloth and super-lined with a water proop preparation which will resist the action of snow water, or an almost unlimited exposure to any i kind of damp, Wgrranted to give perreet aatisfac tion. ONE reason whv people go to Back A Sterlings' to buy their furniture is because tbey sell first i clsss goods at about half the prioe they have usually bMB nld fot is this OQUB'ry. ! BCCHU. . A rFrom Dispensatory of the United State*. | DIOSMA CRRNATA—BUCIIU LEAVES. PROPERTIES— Their odor ii strong, diffusivs, and ' ■emewhat aromatic, their taite bitteriah, and ana- j logout to mint. _ . , MEDICAL PROPERTIES AHD La**.—Buohu leavea are ce ntly atlmulant, with a peculiar tendency to the Urinary Organ*. , They are given in eomplainta of the tnnatr ur gana: aueh aa Gravel. Chronic Catarrh of the Blad der, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and Uretha, Diieiu of tb sroitit6 Glisd, tod Reteutioo or In continence of I rine, from a logs of tone in the part* concerned in ita evacuation. The remedy has also been reeomended in Dyspepeia,Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affections, and Dropay. Ilelmbold'a Extract Buchu is used by persons from the age of 18 to 25, and from 35 to 55, or in 'he decline or change of life, after Confinement, or Pains ; Bed-Wetting in children, chu iJTections peculiar to females, the Extract Ba sis or KM uale(l by any other remedy, as in Chloro pression ef M OD > Irregulaiity, Painfulnesa or Schirrous Sta'uiry Evacuations, Ulcerated of Whites. 'be Uterua, Leucorrhea, or Disease* of the Bi<. „ , . Dropsical Swellings.-fV. Kiddeya. Gravel and power of Digestion, and exB e<ll ® ,U8 _ increases the healthy action, by which the "vM 18 Absorbents into depositiens, and all Unnatural Elf// or Calcareous duced, as well as Pain and Inflami38 men ' a are re ~ Helmbold's Extract Buchu has curecP* of Diabetes in which it has been given. of the Neok, of the Bladder, and Intiammar 1 ° the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bla^ 0 ' Retention of Urine, Diseases of the Prostrate Glana, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick-Dust Deposit, and Mucus or Milky Discharge*, and for en feebled and delicate constitution*, of both sexes, at tended with the following symptoms : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss oi Power, Loss of Memory, Diffi culty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Hor ror of Disease. Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body,Dry ness of the Skin, Eruption on the Faee.Pallid Coun tenance, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular Sys tem, Ae. Helmbold's Extract Buchu is Diuretic and Blood- Purifying, and cures all diseases arising from habits of dissipation, excess and imprudences in life, im purities of the Blood, Ac., superseding Copabia in affections for which it is used, such as Gonorrhoea, Gleets of long standing, and Syphilitic Affections— in these diseases, used in connection with Helmbold's Rose Wash. Sold by all Druggists and dealers everywhere,— Beware of counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other. PRICE- #1.25 per bottle, or 6 bottles for 6, 50. Delivered to any address. Describe symptoms in all communications. Address HJ. HELMBOLD, 594 Broadway,NT. NONE ARE GENUINE unless done up in steel engraved wrapper, with fac-similee of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed H. T. HELMBOLD. TIIE AMERICAN i ITTOI IE OVEfflMl All SEWING MACHINE CO, i In directing attention to their CELEBRATED i COMBINATION BUTTON HOLE AND SEWING ' MACHINE, beg leave to refer to its wonderful pop i ulaiity as conclusive proof of its great merit- The increaso in the demand for this valuable i machine has been TEN FOLD during the last seven i months of its first year beforeithe public. This grand and surprising success is unpreeedent i ed in the history of sewing machines, and we feel fully warranted in claiming that IT HAS NO EQUAL, •KINO ABSOLUTELY THE BEST F-AMIXiY MACECINB IN THE WORLD, . i And Intrlniically the Cheapest, It is really two machines combined in one, (by a simple and beantiful mechanical arrangement,) making both the Shuttle or Lock-stitch, and the Overseaming and Button-bole stitch, with equal facility and perfection. It executes in the very best manner every variety of sewiog, snch as, Hem ming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Stitching, Braid ing and Quilting, Gathering and sewing on, (done at the same tiiue,) and in addition, Overse'ams, Embroiders on the edge, and makes beautiful But ton and Eyelet boles in all fabrics. The'fee machines with - ecimena of work SDJ j workings can be seen at TUNKHANNOCK, PA., j by calling on the undersigned, agents for the sale i of them ip Wyoming County. j MRS. GEO. 6. TUTTON, MRS [BENJ- NEWMAN j v7n46tf. NOTICE. I Wyoming County ss. I In the matter of the partition of the Real Eitate of] I Solomon Whitcomb, late of Windham Townthip, I Wyoming County, dee'd. I And now, to wtt : Nov. 19, 1868, on motion, the I i Court grant a rule upon the heirs of said decedent, ami all persons interested in the partition of said real estate, to come into Court on the 18th day of ( January next, and accept or refuse the said real estate at his valuation theieof, or show cause why the same shall not be sold. I Certified from the records, Dec. 9, 1868. E. J. KEENEY. Clerk, O. C. The heirs of Solomon Whitcomb ilec'd., and all ' persons interested In said partition, are hereby noti fied to apjiear In obedience to the above mentioned j rule, at an Orphan's Court to be held at Tunkhan nock Borough in said County of Wyoming, on Mon -1 day, the 18th day of January, 1869, and accept or re- I fuse the said property at the appraisement thereof, or show cause, Ac. R. R. A W. E. LITTLE. Attorneys for Petitions, Ac. CORPORATION NOTICE. Whereas application has been made to the Court of Common Pleas of Wyoming County for the grant ing of a Charter of Incorporation to tho Lovelton Cemetary Association, ol the North Branch of Me hoopany Creek :in said county the same having been Filed In the Office of Prothonotary of said Court. Notice is hereby given, that, if no sufficient reason to the contrary is shown, it shall be lawful for the said Court, at the next term thereof, to de clare that tho persons so associated, shall, accor ding to the articles and conditions set forth in said Charter, become and be a corporation or body poli tic In law and in fact tho Court will make such other directions as the case may require. Tunkhannock Dec. 9th. 1868. n2O-4w. E. J. KEENEY, Proth'y, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. i Whereas, letters testamentary on the estate of C. W Whitney, late of Windham Tp., deceased,have 1 been granted to the subscriber. All persons i ndebt od to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the estate of said deceased, will make known the same without delay. L. WHITNEY. Ex'r. n22 REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given, that the following accounts and claims have been filed in the Register's Office ,n and f# the County of Wyoming, and will be presen e<l to the Orphans' Court to bo held at Tunkhannock In and for said County, on the 18th day of January next, for confirmation and allowance. Widow's claim, In the estate of John F. Winter mute, late of Forkston Tp., dee'd. Final account of W. O. Holmes, .Administrator of the estate of Wm. E. Holmes, late of Falls Town ship, dee'd. O. L. PABRISH, Register. Register's Office, Tank., Dec. 16th '6B GUIDE TO MAR I AGE. Young Men's Guide to Ilsppy Marriage and Con jugal Felicity. The humane views of benevolent Physicians, on the Erhjrs and Abuses incident to Youth and Early Manhood, sent in sealed letter en velopes, free of charge. Address HOWARD ASSO CIATION, Box. P. Philadelphia, Pa. vßn3ly. ( DO you want Spring, or Cot Beds, you can find j them at Buck A Sterlings', and they won't charge you such prices for them that you can't af- ' ford to buy. IF there is any article in the line ot Furniture j ' you want, Buck & Sterling will supply you at ' prices that will leave no chance to grumble. EASTMAN'S Water-proof Boots are warranted j _ I not to rip, crack, run over. They are just the 1 thing for teamsters, lumbermen and others who are subject to out-door exposure. EASTMAN manufactures every variety of Boots ' and Shaes and retails at wholesale pricei. Re member the place, Tioga street, near corner of j. Warren | < EASTMAN gives his customers the benefit of his manufacturing facilities, and saves to them the prqfits usnaiy paid to Jobers, Middlemen and ( whoUAla deiitri, i Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For all tho purposes of a Laxative Medicine. , Perhaps no one meui- j cine is so universally re- , quired by everybody as Jm a cathartic, nor was ever ; afly before so universal- I ly adopted into use, in , ■ egl! every country and among ; 1 A SSP"' a " classes, as tiiis mild trATP(Plf*Bf but efficient purgative t a/ * Pill. The obvious rea —aon ts > that '' a u,ore r(> ■ liable and far more uffec lual remedy " other. Those who have : tried it, know that it cured tliem: those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors and friends, and all know that what it does once it does always that it never fails through any fault or neglectol its composition. We have thousands upon thou sands or certificates of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, but such cures <ire known in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates; containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. 1 lieu sugar coating preserves them ever tresh and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulatepit into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the bodv, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they e\i-', -u -h derange ments as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these J Villa rapidly cure: For Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Iditle**- ■ess. Languor and Lun of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stoia -h and restore it; healthy tone and action. •-U- Livrr Complaint and its various symo- Hiiions Headache. Mick Headache, ?' lo'lf or Croon Mickness, Hilioti* dicious 1 v 3.BiHoua Fevers, they should be ju- SnilJS for each case, to correct the diseased action m renrc _ obstructions which cause it. - or Diarrhuea. but one mild dose is generally rt n i re( i tatiinn'Jft hif * ■ ti °u< fclravel. Palp' ftT, "rft, Pain in the MB. Duck and Loiut, they ihould be continuouslv ihe C vfn.m '' u'i'i!'> f c^f ul F e diseased action of disappear change those complaints For Dropsy and Dropst.*, Swellings they should be hi ken in lai ge and frequent doses to pro duce the effect of a drastic purse For Muppression a large dose should be taken ds it produces the desired effect by sympathy As a ltinncr Pill, take one or two I'ill* to nro mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite lnd invigorates the system. Hence it is often ad /antageous where no serious derangement exists One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these Pills makes him feel decidedly better from their cleansing and renovating effect on the diges tive apparatus. Off- if. C. AVER it* CO., Practical Chemists, LOWELL. MASS., U. S. A. Sold by C. Dctrick, Tunkhannock, Pa. Sterling St Son, Sterlingville, C. O. Berge. Nicholson, Frear, Dean & Co., Factoryvllle, and all Druggists.and Dealers everywhere. THE BEST IN THE WORLD! New Volume, January Ist. TIIE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. FOR 1869, The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is the larg | est, the best, the cheapest, and most Popular Jour nal in the world, devoted to Invention. Mechanics, | Manufactures, Art, Science and General Industry, I and contains a vast amount of very interesting and I valuable reading matter for all classes. \ Among the many important subjects discussed .are Steam and Mechanical Engineering in all its branch es, Chemistry and all its varied Processess and Dis coveries, Agriculture and all Improved Farm and Household Implements, Architecture and Building, Mining and Metal Working, Fire-arms, Manufactur ing, Hydraulics, Railroad Improvements, Photogra phy and the Fine Arts, New Inventions, Scientific Sports and Games, Popular Lectures upon Scientific and Mechanical Subjects, Articles by A bio Writers, Practical Workshop and Household Ilecespts, and many other things Instructive auJ useful to all class es of readers, Each number contains from five to ten Original Engravings of New Machines and Processes, also an official list of Patents granted at the Patent Office, with names of Patentees, together with illustrations and editorial notices of the principal inventions The numbers of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN for one year make up two handsome volumes of 416 pages each, full of choice reading and illustrated by bun dreps of SPLENDID ENGRAVINGS. The New Volume commences January Ist, there fore now is the time to send in Subscriptions to be gin the Volume. TERMS : The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is issued every week in 16 large quarto pages at S3 a year ; 51.50 for o months ; Clubs of ten names or upwards $2.50 each per annum. Specimen Numbers sent free. MUNN A CO,' Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York. ttr The Publishers of the Scientific American, for more than twenty-three years hare been the leading Solicitors of American and European Pat ents, and have prosecuted over thirty thousand ap plications at the Patent Office. An Ilfustratod Pam phlet of 110 pages, Containing thejPatent Laws and to Inventors, sent free. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias to me di rected there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Tunkßhunock, Wyoming Co., Pa. ON SATURDAY, JAN. 16, '69, at 1 o'clock P M. All that certain piece or lot of land situate, lying and being in Northmoreland, Tp. Wyo- Co. Penna Boundel, and described as follows, to wit: On the North by lands of Manning G'hainp'in, and Nathaniel Mitchell, on the East by lands of Lansing Race, on the South by land of George "runges3, and an the West by lands of Daniel Culver,-on taining about 47 aares of land, more or less, about 20 acres thereof, improved, with one frame house, one apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon, with the appurtenanes Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Carey Brothers vs Austin Fergerson. And will be sold for Cash only, by M. W. DEWITT. Sheriff's Office I Tunk, Dec. 16, G3, ) SHERIFF'S SALE? BY virtue of a writ of alias Vend. .rpo. to me directed there will be exposed to Public Sale at the Court House, in Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co. Pennsylvania on. SATURDAY, JAN. lGib, '69, at 1 o'clock P. M , All that certain lot or parcel of land situate in the township ol Northmoreland, Wyoming County Pa., Bounded as follows : on the North by land of Henry Houser, on the East by lands of Voodey Whitewell, on the South and West by land of Eli Baker, containing about seventeen acres be the same more or less all improved with one frame dwelling house, one Frame Barn and one frame wood house and other outbuildings and an apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon with the appurtenances. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of A' J. Tripp, vs Marp A. Lippo. And will be sold for cash only by , M. W. DEWITT, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, > TunDcc. 16, '6B { ALL of Eastman's Water-proof Boots are mode ot Leather tanned in the old-fashioned way—in cold liquor, consequently will turn water and will not crack. DON'T fail to go to Buck St Sterlings', to look at their large stock of Looking Glasses, the largest ever kept in the place, and then the prices can't help but suit. STERESCOPES, Views, Picture Frames, Pictures, Brackets Ac., for the Hollidays, for sale at Buck A Sterlings', at your own prices. FAIR-stitched Imported rrench Calf Boots, man ufactured by Eastman for $lO, are superior to city made Boots which cost Sl4 EASTMAN'S imitation French Calf Dress Booti at $6 to $6,50 are a neat, stylish and durable article. Nothing like them inthis market. JF you want Boots or Shoes aDdJthefull value for your money, io to Eastman's- He has every fa cility for manufacturing and challenges competition NO more necessity for complaints of wet feet.— Eastman's wator-proof Boots nre warranted a complete and perfect remedy, and this warrant MM ta wriKM guarantee, if recpiired. i Ulistellaiifflus. WYDMUG METALLIC PAIIT CBMFAIY The Wyoming Metallic Paint Company was orga nised under the general laws of the State of New York, with a CAPITAL STOCK OF TWO HUN DBED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS divided into TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND SHARES OF TEN DOLLARS EACH. The company own the mine and land around it in ' fee No royalty is therefore to be paid, THE ON LY EXPENSE TO BE INCURRED IN MANU FACTURING THE PAINTS, is simply in ouarry ing the rock, and reducing it in the Company a thill, : situated in a stoned throw of the mine. TUF PAINT OF THIS COMPANY HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY TESTED by competent chemists and first class MASTER PAINTERS, and ALL TESTIFY TO ITS SUPERIOR QUALITY. It contains over 75 per ceDt. of iron, HAS A I GOOD BODY, MIXES READILY, REQUIRES BUT LITTLE OIL, TAKES TINTS, AND IS VE RY DURABLE. .. i In view of the great abundance of material and | the SMALL COST OF MANUFACTURING, and the SUPERIOR QUALITY OF OUR PAINTS, the I Company expe-t to supply the market with a BET ; TER ARTICLE and at CHEAPER RATES than | any ether company in the country. OPINIONS OF PAINTERS. The undersigned, a practical pamter, hereby cer ! tifips that he has used most of the mineral painta in j use for years past, and that he regards that of the I WYOMING METALLIC PAINT COMPANY, found in NICHOLSON, WYOMING COUNTY, Pa i superior to all others for durability and finish GILBERT BROWN ! Nicholson, June27tb, 1868. PLERCEVILLE Aug. 25 0. L. HALLSTEAD, Esq.—DEAR SIR : I have used I the M yoming Paints, and believe it to be the beat 1 and most durable Metallic paint in use. It haa a i good strong body, works easily, requires but little Very Respectfully. PERRY STARK. NICHOLSON, Oct. sth 1868. 0. L. IIALLSTEAD, Esq—DEAR SIR; I have used and otherwise tested the WYOMING METALLIC PAINT, and am clear of the belief that it is supe j rior to any other Mineral Paint in the country. It has a good color and mixes readily; but ita strong and beet ieatures are its heavy substantial body, j combined with an extremely oily nature, in conse ! quence ot which it requires at least a third ieaa oil | than any other paints in use. J. L. PKCK. NEW YORK, Oct lab 1869. ' 0. L IIALLSTEAD Esq.—DEAB SIR : lam a prac j rical painter Have been extensively engaged in ! the business for over thirty years. Duiing that pa | riod I have used every variety of paint known to the | trade, and without hesitation pronounce the WYO MING METALLIC PAINTS, the best Ihaveever j seen, Ithasaheavy body, mixes easily and takes i from a half to a third lessoil than ordinary paints. It can be used successfully, either lor cottage pur poses, rough out door work, roofing, or as a fire-proof paint. Respectfully Ac. A. G. BOLWIN, Practical Painter. Pierceviile, Aug 28, 1868 I 0. L HALLSTEAD Esq.—Dear Sir: I have tested j the Wyoming Paint, by usiDg it in my shop, and | believe it to be superior to any other Metallic [ Paint in the market, has an excellent body, mixes | readily, and requires only about half the usual ! amount of oil of other Paints. Respectfully Ae. CUAS. L. JACKSON Cabinet Maker. Pierceviile, August 15.1868. 0. L. IIALLSTEAD, Dear Sir : I gladly add my ! testimony in favor of the excellent qualities of the Wyoming Metallic Paint. From practical tests I believe it to be superior to any other mineral paint iin use. It has a substantial body, mixes easily, re- I quires but little oil and makes a handsome finish. ISAAC D CORRY', Wagon Maker. Later from Mayor Hill. MAYOR'S OFFICE, Scranton Pa. June 23d 1868. 0. L. HALLSTEAD Esq—Dear Sir: Having made a personal examination of the properties of the Wy- Wyoming Mineral P.unt, ami tested it inmost svery manner, I am convinced that it is interior to no ar ticle of the kind to be found in the c-euntry. Very Truly Yours, E. S. M. IHLL. TOWANDA, August Ist, 1868. 0. L. llallstead, Esq —Dear Sir . About thirty five years ago my father purchased a quantity oi the Wyoming Mineral Paint, with which he at that time painted a building, and after tbe lapse of a Quarter of a century it is fresh and good. Better evidence of quality car, hardly bo required. Truly Y'ours, E. REED MYER Scranton, Sept. 8, 1898 0. L. llallstead, Esq—Dear Sir: I have used the Wyoming Metallic Paint, and have great pleas ure in sayiDg that it is superior to any other mineral paints in the maiket. Its heavy substantial body makes it durable for outside work, roofing and Ac., and the readiness with which it takes tints renders it an excellent article for cottago purposes. Alto gether I regard it as the best paint in use. Very Truly Y'ours, DAVID BAILLE, House and Sign Painter. All orders or communications should be addressed to the WYOMING METALLIC PAINT COMPA NY. NICUOLSUN, Pa. LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. WYOMING DIVISION. DEPARTURE AND ARRIVAL OF TRAINS, On and alter Nov. 2d IH6BI DOWN TRAINS DEPART FROM TUNKHAN NOCK, AS FOLLOWS : Ist EXPRESS PASSENGER— at 6.20 A M., oonnect -1 ing with N J. Central, and North Penn'a Rail Roads, arriving at N. Y. at 350 P. M. and at Phil adelphia at 2 P. M 3d FREIGHT ACCOMMODATION departs at 9.30 A. M.* arrives at Mauch Chunk at 7.00 P. M. UP TRAINS ARRIVE AT TUNKHANNOCK, AS FOLLOWS: Ist FREIGHT ACCOMMODATION at 10 50 A, M. j leaves Mauch Chunk at 3.30. ' 2ud EXPRESS PASSENGER arrives at 4.30 P. M., 1 Leaves N, Y. via N. J. Central at 6.45, and Phil'a ' via North Penu'u at 7.45 A. M. TO TRAVELLERS. Travellers are notified that the subscriber runs REGULAR STAGES TO ANI) FROM THE L. V. i R. STATION, on the departure and arrival of every train. These stages run from " THE H UFFOIiD 110 USE " where, persons wishing to leave by the earliest trains will be called for in time to meet them. JACOB RITTISPAUUII, Proprietor. j nl9tf N OTICEi * Is hereby Men that Charles W. LCC, has filed his | petition, amTwill make application at the January ( Session 1.509. for a Hotel License, to keep a Hotel or , Inn, in Monroe Township, Wyoming County, Pa., i whioh case will be considered on Tuesday, Jan. 19th, ■ at 2 o'clock P. M. I Tunkhannock, Dec. 9th., IS6S. n2O-w4 E. J. KEENEY, Clerk. NOTICE, ! Wyoming County, ss. Dama A. Ketcham, by ) In Common Pleas of her next friend, C. S. > said County, No. 229, Aug. Ellsworth, vs. Abraham ) Term, 1868 Kotchum. | Subpoena in Divorce. To ARRAHAM KETCHUM. Take Notice :■ — That a Subpoena in Divorce A. V. M., and an alias subpoena therein, having boen awarded against you by the said Court, at the suit of-your wife by her said next friend, ard that, after having made due scareh thereon, I have been unable to find you within my bailiwick- You uro therefore required to lie and appear in tho said Court of Common Picas, at Tunknannock, on the 3d Monday of January next, toanswersaiil com plaint. M. W. DEWITT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Tunk. Pa. Dec. 5, 68. n2O AD.MINIST ATOfl'S NOT! Notice is hereby given that Letters o* Adminis tration of the estate of Daniel Treible, late of Wash ington township, deceased, have been granted to the subscribers. Air persons indebted to said estato are notified to make payment to the subscribers ; and all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present the same, duly authentica ted fer settlement, to the subscribers, or either of them, at their residences in said tovnship. JOHN C. ACE,) M ARGARET TREIBLE { Administrators Washington, Nov. 23d, 1868. FOR SALE. A HOUSE AND SIX HOUSE LOTS. The sub. scriber offers for sale his House and Six House Lota situate, on West and Harrison streets — north of the new County Jail. IN THE BOROUGH OF TUNKHANNOCK, PA. The Lots will lie sold together or singly to suit the purchaser. Tno honse is new and in excellent condition. With a liberal down payment, tho terms as to bal ance will tie -made easy. For further particulars inquire of the subscriber on the premises, or at Eastman Bro'S. Shoe Shop. ALFRED HUSK, Deo. 31st., 186$,—vS-nM-am.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers