Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, January 06, 1869, Image 3
Local and Personal. ,- ue county Auditor" are now busily engaged ttling up the accounts of the Treasurer, Com ./ and other County officers. ->a£3 -3a ■ Tin; Turnpike Road bct-veen Sbultxville and , city in Falls, has been let by the Company, in ~. for building during the coming season. v . K ,rn that the Company design to extend their ( ,j tIV a branch to the River, at Falls. I l,c Rlei* Bridge, we are informed by Mr. ir . . the Contractor, will be ready for the crossing ,ac/tn? to morrow (Thursday). l it i -aid by good judges to be a most excellent •-übstautiai structure. Creditable alike to the .Ui'.factor and to Mr. Carey the master-builder. Ihe old >l. E. Church Building at tills lace having been lately purchased by Wm. S. K it/ is undergoing a radical change In its internal ■urai'iivments. It is to lie partitioned off and ro ,ldled into a dwelling house suitable for two or in ,.re families. I'ig." Mr. l'erry Wiisey 1 inform* us that ~ uk the hogs slaughtered by him, for John Jack ■ at LaGrange, this fall, was one which weighed, t hen dressed, 561 lbs. This Is the largest porker t/it has surrendered to Perry's skilful surgery this -..ason. Who beats itt Hipenlng f" r the Harvest.—A correspondent writes us that,"at a Christmas Party given by Mrs. -1 T Sterling, at Mcshoppen, there were present, t ".con persons, each aged upwards of 70 years, and ;':at their united ages were Eleven Hundred and Twenty-one years." •■CAST ME NOT OFF IN TIME OF OLD AOK." Donation.—The friends of the l'.ev. J. A Davia will make him a Donation visit at the Hall, in Ifa nibs' Brick Block, in Mehoopany, on Thursday, Jan. 21st lsCfb All arc invited to attend. By order of Committee. Donation.—-The friends of the Rev. J, 11. We*— • n t will make him a Donatiou visit on Thursday afternoon and evening, January, 14th 1869, at Barnes & Son's new llall. All are invited to attend. By order of Committee. Mehoopany, Jan. stli "69. Sec New Advertisements. Kagle Drug Store, by Charles Wright. Plaster for sale by Hiram llall. Patent Hay Fork, by J. R. llallock. Mencii Plate Cutting, by B. (1. White, shaving, llatr dressing, Curling. Waterfall and switch in iking, by Proffessor J. Berlinghof. Sad Accident.— Porter Squier a worthy young 11,a 11' of Nicholson, while engaged at the Oxford u,ines, near Scranton, fell from a ginpole a distance 1 upwards of forty feet and received such severe In ure.-- as resulted in his death after a few hours. His, remains- were brought home for burial. New M. E. Clnirch.—Opening service* will held in the Basement of the new VI. E. Church,ln lunkhaunock, on Sunday January loth, at 10) j t M.. aud 7P. M. AH are invited to attend. Como I pirticlpate In dedicating the Basement of the .-jliful house, to the service of the Lord of Sab ,:h-. S. F. Bttotvs. \ New R. It. Station 0:1 the L V. R. R. has .-.••i! established at LaGrange, five miles below here, it which place passengers living in that region can r take passage on or leave all the regular trains. i-no table has been put out since the cstabllsh tent of this Station, it docs not yet appear upon Bridge I'o.'s Election.—The auuual election -iitl. ers of the Tunkhannock Bridge Company a.-M on Monday last. The following Officers are chosen for the ensuing year: PRESIDENT— G. E. Paien. MW'.I.KBB— Wm. M. Piatt, Jonathan ,'enkins. li ii' .irhart, Willard Harding, J. B. Graham and t.i-ka Sharp. KETARV —Harvey Sickier. JJIUSS G. t lark, the ii-tinguished vocalist and mp-or is advertised to give one of his musical en- Pnments at the Court House in this place on M !i lay the 18th inst. Air. Clark has an enviable utation as a ballad singer, and from the very lap. aientary notices he has elicited froux the - -s everywhere we have no doubt ho ,will afford a .- entertainment to lovers of good music in this Home Journal an acknowledged good authori . matters says; "his songs arc full of sweet ie- aad melody." The New Bridge at Mesituppen is pronounced t ouiity Commissioners, who have lately ex. '■ - i it, and by all others who have done so, the j rf.-.-t ot its kind in the County. Mr. H. B. rs a the contractor, who furnished the plan and ' it, is winning golden opinion* from all who --over. "Beecher" who has had an extensive cs- IKC jr. this line, and indeed on all kinds of pulr - rL-. has always we believe, given entire satis •a wherever he has undertaken any kind of llie tVvo.nlng National Bank Stati-meut -ii'-.i in to-day's puj>cr furnishes the Stockhol r 4 Dcpositora in that bank a very satisfactory .A . t its management and operation during the ' iuarter •a its establishment, it has paid semi-annual di of 5 per cent, to its Stockho'ders.at the same ■ umulating a reserve or surplus fund of gev ; . .u-ands of dollars. The large amounts due it -.her Bank*; the small amounts due to them, .in excellent standing abroad, arm- amount of home deposits—nearly SIOO,- - a- a go'ni standing at home. We venture • .nion that tliere are few if any 44 back-wood's' 4 f equal capital, which can make a better ci- Ayer's Aineriran Almanac IVr 1860 is now ' t-r delivery, gratis, by C. Detrick In thlsplaca, icrdealers iu Dr Ayer's medicines, every -Almanac wliieh is always a good one, may is to its dates, prognostications .h.c., be of any ' P'le than hundreds of others. But In one re" d is. in our opinion, far superior to all others '■ kind. It gives the reader the names and -t of tae best proprietary medicines in the •atalogue of them. We speak •- f-abje.-t. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is unrivalled as -"> i. Nic and blooil purifier. His Cherry Pecto - tuiikes short work of a dry hacking cough and R.ds make rapid and thorough ''internal itn im iits." We presume his Hair Viguf jsissesses 4 qualities the Dr. claims for it; at least when iir gets thin or gray we shall try it with per ' -afidence in its virtues. A Runaway Sleigll.—Quite an amusing run ' ceurred in town the other day in which two •>■l headed ladies aud a fractious sleigh were - ijrin.-i|,als. ■ Ali-.-o Miller and .Mrs. Murk Wheat, acouple a I Baptist sisters, had engaged Mr. Whee - h-.rses—a sober, religious looking pair, by the -and a two horse sleigh, with which they were "aag some of the good things to bo dispensed ■' -r Kurman's donation. When coming down -a.ri tre<'t through town, the traces became from the whiffletrees. the tongue fell, and 4 -zii ran against the horses, whereupon they a httle pious speed, just enough to keep out - *ay. Mrs. Miller, meanwhile, clung vigorous '■■•lii.es. I pon arriving at the corners, the " turned doWn Turnpike street.—Mrs. Miller ' !i 2 her hold on them, seemed to consent to 4 r "-'t-ment. The sleigh however, with the - -Itting erect on the seat and its numerous "f provisions, pitchers of milk, tie., all up with care," kept on its course down "ei t.r several rials, until filially—when !■ -.l' Stark's Hall—the place of destination • i " The ladles look as cheerful und com : 1 had been coasting down hill for the , I IK- sleigh, we thought, looked a Utile -uhtli -< i ii,g somewhat ashamed of it* cou ':u' borse, were stopped hy a bystander be -1 -3 gone a quarter of the distance run by ■ iuh. * The , "i-cetc held 011 New Year's Eve, ■ *. \ ur ° "'kht. by the Presbyterian Church ; P-ace fwith valuable assistance from •'h. r irs, under the direction of s, of Wilkesbarie, were a succese. j "f' ltl "T proved sueeeseful in promoting j -e of tk e porfonners we are not informed ; but as a treat to the audience, the performances were excellent, beyond the anticipations of the most sanguine, if applause is to be considered evidence of the satisfaction of the audience with the perfor mances of the Choir, certainly, the members of tho latter ought to feel abundantly complimented, for the demonstrations of the former In that direction were very emphatlc, if not always timely. The au dience was rather late in getting the better its "constitutional timidity," by reason whereof some of the very best of the earlier performances elicited no token of its appreciation. At a later hour, how ever. it exhibited a commendable disposition to "make up for lost time," by "coming down" with a degree of emphasis, rarely witnessed on similar oc casions. Bradbury's celebrated Cantata of Either, afforded an opportunity for the exhibition of a greater variety of musical talent, perhaps, than any other piece in the programme ; while "Only Waiting" took the audience by storm, though they forgot, strangely enough, to applaud this marvellously simple and plaintive little piece ; one of the most peffect gems of the entire programme. Some of the Solot were executed with a degree of skill and ability that is rarely surpassed by vocalists anywhere. To mention special performances of this sort might seem invidious, in view of the fact that the entire performance, In all its parts.was excellent, highly creditable to ail concerned in it, and abun dantly appreciated by the rather to demonstrative llstners. We do not object to reasonable demonstra tions of applause on such occasions, but, perhaps it is as well not to allow our impulses, in a moment of enthusiasm, to make us too noiiy Married. | COMPTON—DETRICK—In Meshoppcn, lcc. 24th I 1868. by Luther Peek. M. Compton, of JSprlngviile, I and Miss Armina Detrick, of Meshoppeu. I ST. CLAIR-BARBER—On the 20th day of Dee. ! at the M. E. Parsonage, in Northmoreland, by ] Rev. Geo. Greenfield, Butler St. Clair, and Miss Almira Barber, both of Eaton. LT'CE—FERRIS—At the M. E. Parsonage, in M hoopauy. Pa. Bee. 31st 1868, by Rev. J. H. Weston, Mr. Jacob Luce, of Eaton, and Miss Henrietta M., daughter of J. C. Ferris, of Mehoopany, Pa. CRISPELL —HARRIS—In Dallas. Lux. Co., on Thursday, the 24th ult., Mr. Severn Crispell, of Dallas, and Miss Eunice Harris, of Forkston, Pa. i H ADS ALL—WOLCUT —At Forkston, Dec. 6th '6B. by James R. Robinson, Esq., Mr. Jackson Hadsall of Forkston, and Miss Drovlllla Wulcut of the same place. Died, • BOIILE—In Eaton, on Sunday. Dec. 27th 1868, llar i riet. daughter of Hiram and Amy D. Bodle, aged 22 years and 4 months, t '-Hattie, died trusting in Jesus.'* STI'RDEVANT In Windham. Wyoming Co , Pa., Dec. 23th IS6B, Joseph S. Sturdevant, aged 20 yrs. PRODUCE MARKET. I Wholesale Price of t ountry Produce, Corrected Week i ly ly BILLISCS 4- PHILLIPS, Dealers in Dry 1 t.oodi, Groceries 4-r., 4<\, on Turnpike St (near the Canal), Tunkhannock, Pa. Apples, green,per i uhrl SI.OO 5141.25 , ! Apples, dried * h> 0.10 '• 0,12 j j Be.ns, 2.50 " 3,00 I j Beeswax, per ft 30 " 35 | j Baiter, " " 40 " 42 | Buckwheat. " bush 90 41 1,(10 : I Corn, " " 1,00 " 1,00 j I Eggs. 14 dot 3o 44 35 j i Hay 44 ton 12,00 ' 4 16,00 j Honey lb 15 •' 19 , j Hides, 44 " 07 •' 08 j ! Lard, " " 15 4 18 I I Pork, 4 4 4 ' !'-4 j I Potatoes, 44 bush 65 " 75 I Oats, " 4 ' 32S> 70 44 i 5 j 1 Onions, 44 44 1 .25 '• 1.50 i , Rye, 4 4 4 4 1 ,30 " 1.30 j Vbeot, 44 " 1.7* ••2,00 j ' Pou!t.",v, per lb 10 10 j List of Jtcors drawn to serve for January Term 1869. ' CRAIG' JI UORS. , BRAINTRIM— David Sloan. , CLINTON—Ziba S. Reynolds. EATON — LY sander Harding. EXKTER— liesekiah Smith. FALLS—Andrew Hewitt. Jacob S'wartwood. FORKSTON—EIijah Fassett. Mkshopprx—Benj. F. Storm, Dan l Hankinson, Robert Dunlap, Win. O. Blaektnar. . | MEHOOPANY—RoIIey Whipple, Loreuio K. Smith. , MONROE —Chas Wright. NORTH MORELAND— SamueI Vanscoy. * GVERKIKI.d —Alfred Mahon, Martin Sleklef. TUSK. TP—Palmer Jenkins, Martin Dewitt. TCNK. BOBO—G. H. Eastman. WASHINGTON —Chas. Place, Aaron Bunnell, John | Melhutsh, George Jenkins. PETIT JUROHS BRAINTRIM— HamIet Hill, Henry R. Lacey. 1 CLlNTON—Christopher Matthewson. EATON —John Tedrick, Win. Benedict, Isaac B. | [ Graham. EXETER— AIex. Swartwood, Fisher Gay. , FALLS—Wilson Polen, Harrison Smith, S. T. Roberts. | FORKSTON—John Burgess. LEMON — David Auiey. MKSHOPPKN—Thos. Dawson, Allen Jayne, Benj. i ! Overticld, T. F. Buliard. 1 MEHOOPANY—Hasea K. French, Francis M. j Vaughn, Daniel Myrcs, James M. Kintner, Orin E. : j Vaughn. J MONROE— James Phoenix, Norton L. Newburry, 1 Charles Deßeamer. ' NICHOLSON—Oscar M. Stephens. NORTHXOKKLANO —George Winters, Henry Shook 1 NORTH BRANCH— Edwin Spring. OVKRFIBLD—Henry Chase. TL'NK. BORO.— Thos. Osterhout. Ottis B. Whipple. ! I WAKHINOTON—Joseph Maxwell, Emanuel Over- j | field. WINDHAM— Jacob Williams, Dennis G. Kecaey. ERIIORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffeied for years Iroin Ner- ! Debility, Premature Decay, and all the efiocts ! ot youthful indiscretion will, for the sake of suffring I humanity, and free to all who need it, tfie recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by j which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by j the advertiser's experience can do s> by addressing | I iu perfect confidence JOHN B OGDKN. vßn'2l-3m. No. 42 Cedar street, New York MLBCV SCHOOL. Notice is hereby given to the citixens of Tunkhan- Dock and vicinity that a Select School will com mence in the Brick School House, iu Tunkhaanock, : on Monday, Dec. 14th 1869. No pains will bo spar- I ed to make the same both interesting and profitable , | to all. RATES OF TUITION. Primary Department, $3,00 j | Common English, s'^® Higher, •' 7.00 ! One half Tuition payable in advance remainder at middle of term JAS W.GUERNSEY, ! nl9-w3 Teacher. , GUARIHAVS SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of i Wyoming County, there will be exposed to Public j Sale, in the Township of Forkston, in said County on Tnursday the 13th day of January, 1866, at the; house recently occupied by Thomas P. Hitchcoek, at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day, the following describ- . ed real estate, situate in Forkston Township, Wyo- j tiling County, Pa. : Bounded on the North by N. j A McKowu, on the East by Hiram Hitchcock, on the South by PuMie Highway, and on the West by I Caroline Summer ; containing about one-half acre | of land with a frame for a dwelling house thereon. Terms of Sale.—Ten per cent, ofone-fourlh of the 1 purchase money to be paid at the striking down of 1 the property, the one-fourth less ten per cent, at the 1 confirmation absolute and the remaining tliree fourths in one year thereafter with interest, from j the confirmation mei. JOHN G. SPAULDINO. By order of the Court t Ouardian E.J. KEEN V,Clerk. y IT will pay von t- cull at Dm-k A Sterlings', and ; look over their S'to-k of tools, the awotlment U [ as good as can be found in Northern Pennsylvania - - - - , f .4 EASTMAN give* hi* customara tba benafic of bii manufacturiug iwiliue. -nd saves to tiieoi the profits usuily paid to Jubars, Middleman and wholoeale dealers. 17 AS T.MAN'S Water-proof I at* Spa warranted 1 J J ant to rip, crack, run oyer. Tbay era juai tb# • thing far teamster*, iu übei men and other* who are j subject to out-door rxpotute. Drill AGENTS WANTED FOR Secrets of the Great City. A AVoik uesvrip'ive of the VIRTUES, and the VICES, the MYNTERIES, MISERIES and CRIMES of New York Cltv. If you wish to kuow how Fortunes are ma ie and lost in a day ; how Shrewd Men ure ruined in Wull Street : how Countrymen nro Swindled by Sharper*; how Ministers and Merrhants are Blackiuaiie I; How Dance Halls A Concert Saloons are M.haged ; how Gambling Home A Lotteriis are conducted ; how Stock A Oil Companies Originate anl how the Bub~ files Burst, read this work. It contains over 3D fine Engravings, tells all a'out the Mysteries and Crimes of New York, and is the Spiciest and CLeup est work of the kind pupliahed ONLY #2.50 PER COPY! l(T Send fur Circulars and see our term", and a f fu I description ot the work. Address JONES BROTHERS A CO. Philadelphia, Pa. HUNTERS gi IDE AND TRAPPER'S COM PANION.— How to hunt and trap all animals, to tan furs, make traps, boats, Ac. Worth 810 to any fariacr or boy, Itewore of Bogus "receipts."— Wei! ptin'e 1 and bound. ''4 page*. Only 25 cents. 6 for Si Address D HUNTER A CO.,Hinsdale,N II FIFTY YEARS OF FIDELITY! Oldest & Livest Democratic Paper South. —THE— MOBILE WEEKLI REGISTER. JOHN FORSYTH. Editor. 12 Lmge Pages Weekly, Full of Politics, News.Ag j rieulture. Literature Poetry, A". The Agricultural Paper of the South. Hon. C- C. Lungdon. the well- | known editor and practical 1 inner, conduct* this department. Only 5.0 4 J to January. 1870, and j $1,25 for three months. TRY IT A QUARTER YEAR! Address "REGISTER," Mobile Ala IfT Every wide-awake Demcerat and every in telligent Fanner should take CSK standard ccuthern Political and Agricultural Newspaper THE AMERICAN UNION PRICE RFDUCED. 5'2,50 .1 YE. 1 If. This favorite family Journal will hereafter be sent to subscribers for $2 59 per year A gratis copy sent one year to any person who obtains six names and lorwards them with the 110 ncy to u- 1 In other wo ds. j will send seven cq its for sls CO.— This makes the Uxtoit. The Cheapest Story Paper in America Its Columns are filled with CAPUAI. STOKIKS by the be.-t writers, and tb.it rbanniiig variety in i.-et ry, w it and general miscellany, so well calculated to please all lovers of good reading. i Now is the Time to Subscribe ! i Single copies, six cents. All dealer."sell if. | Address ELLIOTT. THOMAS A TALBOT. Boston, Mass ; NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL -AND PESHmW FARM JOURNAL DEVOTED Tt> Agriculture, Horticulture and Rural Economy. PUBLISHED AT PITTSBURGH, PA J. M. & G. I>. KUESTER, Editors, { Assisted bv • Corjs of Practical Contributors. ! TKRUS $1 P0 per annum ; Tea Copies, $7 CO. ; Advertising 25 cts a line forea.li insertion _^J_l AGENTS WANTED FOR ' THE BLUE-COATS An'/ hotr t.ievif. !• <>'■•/!(! ..'/o/ th- l!r, <t, ",fji .<■< ,>s >//, / '/> ,ti it. .h- AVV^Vroo." It contains over ll'O Sue Engravings an ! 500 pages, and i* the spiciest and cheajsist war book j published Pri e only $2,50 per copy. Send for | circulars and see .ur terms, and full description of the work. Addre-s NATIONAL PI BLISHING I CO. Philadelphia, Pa • Ciocinuaii, Ohio ; or Chi eago, 111, UENT> 'WANTITU fo" -ELI. ill ci "PFSX LETTER BUIK." j E"r G'jiyi'f/ , ritl"-:! I'res* <-r ' Th s Great Time, Labor and .Money-Saving In- I ventioc tills a long tell went, I ringing a .rally in- I defensible featuie .f business withiu the rem hof all. Price $2,25 and upward. None see it but to piaise its siuiplirity at d con. | veoienee. and a skiiliul ag.-nt has only to rh-.w it ; properly, as it recommends iiself. and fells at S'glit. j It is equally ,-uitabb- to Woman as Men, and aiap-- td to every kind of Uustuess. I< does not play out. las the first sale is only beginning For Jestimo- I nials terms, Ac , adores* P. GARRETI' A C 0702 I Chestnut st., Philadelphia, or 122 Clark st., CLi -sgo _ . • WANTED AGENTS k : where, male and female,to introduce theGl-.NI 1 N h. ' IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Th ; s machine will stitch, heui. fell, ' tuck,, quilt, eor.l, bind, braid and embroider in 11 ' most superior manner. Price only sl3 Eully I warranted for five years. We will pay 1000 for any I machine that will . w a stronger, n.oie beautiful or mora elastie'seani than ours. It makes the 4 Eb.s --! tic Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can be cut. ! and still the cloth cannot ae pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents fr .in $75 to $-00 per ' month and expenses, or a commission from wh.ch j twice that amount coo be mafic. AddressSl.COM 1. j A CO - , Pittsburgh, Pa.. 80-ton, or Bt. Louis, Mo. CAUTION.—Do not be imposed ujon by other ! parties palming off worthless cast iron machines,uu j dcr the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manu j lectured. Agents Wanted. To sell Geo. P. Rowell A Co's, American N E U r S r A P E U I) llt ECTOHY. j A handsome Octavo Volume .ot 300 p-i-cs bound lin cloth. Price $5,00. It contains accurate Lists J of all the Newspapers and Periodicals published in | the United States and Territories, and the Dominion i of Canada, and British Colonies of North America ; 1 together with a description of the Town* and Cities ! in which they arc published, i Every Business Man wants it. Every Fvofessiollal Man wants It. Ever* Advertiser must have It. Largest Commissions paid. A towo .an be canvassed f.r this book in one or | two days and from $lO to SSO sciured in coininie sion. Adiance sheets showing ihe style ol the work now ready and will be sent on application together with terms to ngctils Address NKLB''N CIIES - No. 40 Hark Row, New York I ' ________ GUANO lUi-ing, Mien, Sept 10, 1968. ) LIPPIWCOTK & BAKKWKLL . The people seem '0 be crazy about your Ken ; JACKBT AXES. Pi case sen] me twenty dozen more. Yours truly, W. D. F. | CAUTION* —I'priacitded dealers ate selling Axes painted red, a.- the Re 11 JACKET AXB. ffic good I quaint • of this Axe consists in it* sujierior CL'TTIX* 1 quail re not in the "ed Paint. - The 4 R*t JALKLI" is for *aie oy all responsible burdv.a.e dealer.- and the manufacturers. LIPI'INCOTT A BAKEWELL, j Pittsburgh, Pa. i ;3tilifrKsfiiifnts. STAR SPANGLEDHANNAH.- A Urge 40 col umn pHprr. Rich, rare uutl rncy Full ol , charming reading, fun, fact ami fancy "Evanue- MXB," a ppfendi 1 steel plate, *'fwpk" to ertry sab s-Tiber. Only 75 its. a year. ''Evangeline" sells at S2. Subscribe NOW Speeitueus 5 cents. Ad dress Ba.n.mkr Ofkicb, ilinsuale, N. 11. AGENTS WANTED! To sell the AMERICAN KXITTI NO MACHINE Price 825. The simplest, cheapest and be.-t Knitting Machine ever invented. Will Snit 20,C00 flitches per minu'e- Liberal inducements to agents. Al - ess AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE CO, Boston. Mass.. or St. Louis. Mo. THE AMERICAN HE WS PA PER DIRECTORY. WILL HE ISSUED JAN. Ist 1809. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 85 WILL CONTATN . | A List ol the Newspapers and other Periodicals |in each State, Territory, Province and Colony Ai j ranged Alphabetically by Towns, giving the Name, Days of Issue, Size, Subscription Price, Politics or General Character, Circulation, Editor's and Pub lisher's Names, Date of Establishment, and oth.r information. A list ot Towns anil Cities In the I nitol h'tates sad Territories, and the Dominion of Canada and Briti.-h American Colonies in which Newspapers or other periodicals are published, arrauged alpubeti- J eally by Counties, giving Population, Location, | Branch of Industry from which it derives its iinpor- . I tance, and other information j As the edition will be limited, persons wishing i copies will do well to send in orders at once. ' A HANDSOME OCTAVO VOL.. of 300 PAGES. BOUND IN CLOTH, PRICE $6. ! Address orders to G. P. ROW ELL A CO , Publishers, 40 Park Row, New York. SILVER PLATEI) WARE. I) M.-Kown respectfully announces to the people of Wyoming County, Ih it he has made a specialty of j HEAVY SILVER PLATING, tor years. Heavy 1 plaiting is much more economical than light. The ! more Silver put on the g >ods, the chenjicr it is done jin pioisirtioii to the amount of Silver used. Spoon# and Forks, should not be ol loss than 16 oz plate !360r 4? oz. would be far more economical. Yat ! 4oz plate is called a good plat) by the trade, and. { poor as it is, but a small portion of all the goods I made come up to this standard. "Ounce plate," in j platers language means the number of ounces of ! silver, to the gri.-s of table spoons. Ail other sui j faces are estimated by these For example, de?- | scris are estimated at 3-4 ; Kiel tea s|>oons at 1-2 the : surface of table-spoons. Sixteen oi. plate is 16 ozs. lof tine stiver to the gross of tible-spoons or dining ' fdrks. 12 11 to the gross ofdesscit spoons or forks j and 3 07.' to ti.e gross of tea-spoons This quality jof plate will cost, on the average, twi, e as much s | 4 oz and will have four times the amount ol silver on H. Thirty -six ox- plate will • cost about three I time- as much as 4 oz , and will contain uiue times ' the amount of silver in it. Thirty-six oz- plate is | the lightest that will allow ilie engraving on it, of ; name or initials, without cutting through unto tbe i metal beneath. Forty-eight oz plate wtllcost about four times as inuch as 4oz plate, and will contain 12 times the amount of silver. This plate costs I abut one half as much as solid silverware' ot orJi- I dinarv weight, an I for every lay i-e will be more I iluratile than light, to,lid silveiwaro Most o! the i solid silverware is made much to , light to ba dura- I bi iu constant use. The terms "double." "treble" jAc Ido not use to designate qualities —there being too much ambiguity iu their use All goods, made by me, having my name mid fig- I urcs denoting ilie oz, p ate. stamped on tbciu, will | be guaranteed fall weight ■ ♦ silver on first quality of uietat on them. 1 will plate to order, goods of auy thickness of ! plating d sire 1, from 4 to 43 oz . 011 goods, (Ist quality of metal) plated any thick - j ness required. i P. C. Bl ttXS A BKO, Jewelers, at Tuirkuannock, : are agents for the sale of these good j All orders left at their Store, will re, to a proper attention. DAVID McfcOWX. I'iltston, Ph.. Dec. Ist 106-1. it jjjjj HALL'S Jt%> J VEGETABLE SICILIAN 40Li HAIR ' EiiSftauai jRsNEwm. PERSONS WHS Arte GPAY I Can have their hair restored b> its ratura! color, |an lififit bis fallen out, create new growth, by I its use. j It is the best Hair Dressing in the world making lifeless, stiff, trashy hair, healthy, soft and glossy. I Price Si.oo. For sale by all drugging* 1 R P. HALL A r O. Nashua, N. 11 Proprietors. NO l it E. ' Wyoming County ss. | In Ilie matter of the partition of the Heat I state of Solomon Whilcomb, late of Windham Totcmkip, ' ' Wyoming County, dee'd. ' And now, to wit : Nov. 19, ISCS, on motion, the : Court grant a rule upon the heirs of said decedent, : and all persons interested in the partition of said ! real estate, to route into Court on the 18tli day of 1 January next, ami accept or refuse the said real i estate Vt his valuation thereof, or show cause why ! the same shall not be sold. I Certified from the records. Dee. 9.1868. E. J. KEENLY. Clerk, O. C. The heirs of Solomon Whitcomb dee'd., and all ' | person? interest—l in said petition, are hereby noti fied to appear in obedience to the above mentioned I rule, at an Orphan's ('ourt to be held at Tunkhan nock Borough in said County of Wyoming, on Mon - j day, the IMb day of January, 1869, and accept or re- I ! fuse the said property at the appraisement thereof, ; ! or show cause, ic. K. R. A W. E. LITTLE. 1 I Attorneys tor Petitions, Ac, CORPORATION NOTICE. I Whereas application has been made to the Court , of Common Pleas of Wyoming County for the grant "l ing of a Charter of Incorporation to the Lovelton • I t'emetary Association, of the North Branch of Me t i hoopany Creek ;iu said county the same having r i been Filed in the Office of Prothonotary 'of said , I Court. Notice Is hereby given, that, if no sufficient . ! reason to the contrary is shown, it .shall lie lawful ' ; for the said Court, at the next term thereof, to dc | clare that the jiersons so associated? shall, nccor . i ding to the articles and conditions set forth in said Charter, become and be a corporation or body poli ' i tic in law and in fact the Court will make such ' j other directions as the case may require. Tunkhannock Dec. 9th. 1868. ! n2O-4w. E. J. KEENEY, Proth'y, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Whereas, letters testamentary on the e.-taie of ! C. W Whitney, late of Windham Tp., decease i.have been granted to the subscriber. Alt persons i ndebt eJ to said estate are requested to maae payment. | and those having claims or demands against the ! estate of said decease i, will make known the same without delay. L. WHITNEY. F.x'r. j n22 REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that the following accounts i and claims have been filed in the Register's Office ,n I and for the County of Wyoming, and will be prescn- I ed to the Orphans' Court to la? heldat Tunkhannock in and for said County, on the 18th day of January next, for confirmation and allowance, j Widow's claim, in the estate of John F. Winter mute, late of Forkston Tp., dee'd. ! Final account of W. O. Holmes, Administrator of i the estate ol Win. E. Holmes, late of Fails Town ' ship, dee'd. O. L. PAHRISH, Register. Register's Office, Tunk., Dec. 16th 'SS GUIDE TO MARRIAGE. 1 Young Men's Guide to Happy Marriage and Con jugal Felicity. The humane views of benevolent i Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses incident to Youth and Early Manhood, sent in sealed loiter en 'v- lopes, free of charge. Address H'jW'ARD A3SC• ; CI AT ION, Box. P Philadelphia, Pa. j TAOy iuw.tot .Spring, or Cot li :ds, you tan tin i 'XJ theai a! I'm k A Ftcrlii.gs'. and they W 'ti'fc 'eh trge yunsuch pri es for th'o> that yon c<in't nf , lord o tuv. ' , F lle-r? i- st.y irtiile in the lino oi Furniture . i ji r. woiot Hit,-k A -teriiog will supply you at price? f'i will le,,e no elisi tt > grumble ONE iw soi why pe-pic go in ilotk A Steriings' to buy their furniture is because they 3eil firvt | class goods at about half tbe prioe they have usually , been eold for iu this counlry- I r |sHE ream)n that Eastman's Water-proof Boots X aro iinperviow to water is that they are lined niih s : .!k oil elotii arti soper-Hnei wi:h a wsier : prmip preparation which will resist the action of 1 STOW water, or sn almost unlimited exposure to any j kind of damp. Warranted to give perrect sa tixfao j lion. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For all the purposes of a Laxative M-idieiao. . /Perhaps ui> one medi cine in no universally re quired by everybody an u cathartic, uor wan ever :iny before so univei\ob ly adopted into use, ia M- e very country and among I A <£*■/ all classes, an this mild l-r-V v'ife iHS but efficient purgative \' "Wy I'M. The obvious rea _sou is, that it is a more re pnjstan'ar— ■ bailie and far more cffec tnal remeily than any - '* =-'- r " " other. Those who have tried it, know that it < ured them ; those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors aad friends, raid nil knoiv tli it what it docs once it does always that it never fails through any fault or neglect of its coin position. We have thousands upon thou r ands of cei tiil ates of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, but such cures are knowu iu every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions iu all climates; containing neither calomel or auy deleterious drug, tiiey may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar coating preserver them ever fresh and makes them plea-a it to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise fro 11 their u-e in auy quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on'the internal vis era to purify the blood and stimulate it into healtuv a lion remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the liody, re-tiring their irregular ,n turn to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange ments as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, for the follow ing complaints, which these J'ill* rapidly cure; 1 Dyspepsia o. I ml!gestion, l-istless- Ir.tnguor an I ■.<> of Appetite, they should lie take i mo !■? .tely to stimulate the stom ach and restore it ;< si In "tone and action. For I.ier t .iM;l. ijt an I its various symp tom 11,-n.l.iclae. hit Is lleailachc, dauu.lirn or tirrcn Wirknru, Bilious folic ;c; i IVilitxia fevers, tliev should be ju diciously • . i for e.n h ease, to correct tbe diseased nctniii or remove the obstructions which causa it. foe Dysentery or Diarrbiva, but ono miid dose is generally required. f or lib -miiatlsTti. bout. Gravel, I'alg' tutioii of the Heart. IMin iu the Wit. l-srli an 1 foils*, they should be continuously take:, as required, to change die diseased action of tlie s/>lo:n. \V iLti such change tiloso complaints disappear. 1 liw.-y and Dropsical Swellings they ; hot !Ihe t ilt. mi iii largo and frequent doses to pro do r the eife ! of a drastic purge. 1 >r suppression a large dose should be taken > t produces the desire 1 effect by sympathy. A * a Itiimrr J'ill, t ike one or two I'llla to pro mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An oec.UMoii.il dose stimulates the stomach and Imvvcls into healtliy action, restores the appetite, hid invigorates the system, lience it is often ad /antageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feel s tolerably well, often fimL that a dose ol these I'illit makes liiin feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the diges tive apparatus. IHI. -/. I'. AYEII i CO., I'rartienl Chemltta, LOWELL. .VASS., U.S. A. Sold by U. Iletrick, Tunkhannock, Pa. Sterling A Son, Stcrlingville, C. O. Bergc. Nicholson, Krear, Dean A Co., factory ville, and all Druggists and Dealers everywhere. THE BEST IN THE WORLD! New Volume, January Ist. THE .y CIB.XTIFIC A .ir/s'AVCAA. FOB 1869, The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is the larg est the nest, the cheapest, and most Popular Jour nal in the world, devoted to Invention. Mechanics, Manufactures, Art, Science and General Industry, and contains a vat amount of very interesting and valuable reading matter for all classes. Among the many important subjects discussed are Steam and Mechanical Engineering in all its branch es. Chemistry and all its varied Processes* and Dis coveries, Agricultu *e and all Improved Farm and Household Implements, Architecture and Building. Mining and Metal Working. Fire-arms, Manufactur ing, Hydraulics, Railroad Improvements, Photogra phy and the Fine Arts, New luventiuiis, Scientific >ports and Games Popular Lectures upon Scientific ar.d Mechanical Subjects, Articles by Ablo Writers, Practical Workshop an i Household P.eteepts, an J many other things Instructive an I useful to all class es ot readers. Karli number cunt lins Irian tivo to ten Original Engrai lng of \m Machine! an i Proteges aim an oßi i.tl ii4t ot Potent* granted at the Patent Office, with uaiucs <>f Patentee*, together wi'h illustration! ami editorial noti-a- ot'the principal invention* l"he nun.hers of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN for one year make up two handsome volume* of 416 page* each, "f choice reading and illustrated by hun drepsof SI LENHID ENGRAVINGS The New Volume coinin.-aces January Ist, there fore now is the ttuie to send in Subscription* to be gin tho Volume. TERMS : The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ia issued every week in 16 large quarto pig.* at S.> a year ; SI 50 tor ri months ; Clubs ot ten names or upwards S'2 50 each jwr annum. Specimen Numbers sent free. MI'NN ACO , Publishers, 37 Park Row, New Yotk. £ *f The Publishers of the Scientific American, fur more thin twenty-three years ha\e been the leading Solicitor* of American an I European Pat ents, an i have prosecu'ed over thirty thousand ap plications at the Patent Office. An Illustrated Pam phlet of Jlt) ptges, Contaioi tg the Patent Laws and Information To Inventors, sent free. SHERIFF'S SALE. I>Y virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias to me di -13 rec<ed there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Tuakhanuock, Wyoming Co., Pa. O>'SATURDAY, JAN. 16,'69, at I o'clock PM. All that certain piece or lot of land situate, lying mil being in Northuinreland, Tp Wyo- Co Pe una Boundc t, an i describe I as follows, to wit : On the Norlk by lands of .Manning Chaiup'in, and Na batilrl Mitchell, on the East by lands of Lansing R ice, ou the South by land of George "rungess, and an the West Oy lands ot Daniel Culver, ~on taining about 47 ares ol land, more or lees, about 2d acres thereof, improved, with one frame house, one apple orchard and olLcr fruit trees tbeteon, with the appurtenane* Seize! and takeu in elocution at the suit of Carey" Brothers vs Austin Kergcrsoa. An I will no s 1J for Cash ouly, by M. W DEWITT. Sheriff's Office > Tunk, D c 16, 63, ) SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of alias Vend. expo, to me directed there will be exposed to Public Sale at the Court House, iu 'J'uukhannock, Wyoming Co Pennsylvania on. SATURDAY, JAN. 16th, '69. at I o'clock P. M, All that certain lot or parcel of lsnd situate in the township ol NorthmorelanJ, Wyoming County Pa , Bounded as follows: on the North by land af Henry Houser, on the East by lands of Monday Wbitewell, on the South and West by land of tlli Baker, containing about seventeen acres be the same more or less all improved with one frame dwelling house, one Frame Burn and one framo wood house and other outbuildings and an npplo orchard and other fruit frees thereon with the appurtenances Seized and taken in execution at the suit if A- J. Tripp, vs Mdrp A. L'pno. And will be sold f -rca-h only by M. W. D.-WITT, cbensf Sheriff's Ofii-e, ) Tun Idee. 16, '6B ) ALL of Eastman's Water-proof Boots ara made ot Leather tanned in the oid-fahi.med way —in cold liquor, consequently will turn water and will not crack DON'T fail to go to Buck A Sterlings', to look at their large stock of Looking Glasses, the largest eer kept in fbe place, and thn the prices can't help but suit. fKRESCOPFIS, Views. Picture Frames. Pictures, O Bracket* A'' , for 'he Holt; lays, f : sate at Buck A Sterlings at vo ir'-wo nri.es Utecture iby Ei-:iuan for $lO are superior to cfty mate li -iL- .'bill) i 041 IIS I /A-TMAN'S imitation Fr.n ch Calf Dress Boots * at B'i to 46,5(1 are -a noal stylish •* 1 durable arstcie. N :hing tike tbarn tnihil market. Ip yoa want Baots or Shoes and the full value for your money, nto En:man's- lie has every fa cility for tnsntifac'uhng ar 1 challenges rote pctilioa . * ATG more : aceiMty for omnplnnti of we: fbat.— J i Eastman's water-proof Boots are warranted s complete un i lrfojt' remedy, apt • tttla •v-arratt nteun us written guursnt.ro, if required. flisllaiieims. fYOMIIG METALLIC PAIIT EDMPAIY The Wyoming Metnllie Paint Company is org*- : nited under tbe general laws of the Ftate of New | York, with a CAPITAL STOCK OF TWO HUN | DRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS divided into TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND SHARKS ! OF TEN DOLLARS EACH. The company own tbe mine nol land around it in fee No royalty is therefore to be paid, THE ON ! LY EXPENSE TO BE INCURRED IN JJANU- I FACTORING THE PAINTS, is simply in ourry i ing tbe roek, and reducing it in the Company s mill, 1 situated m a stone's throw of tbe mine | THF PAINT OF THIS COMPANY HAS BEEN l THOROUGHLY TESTED by competent chemists | and first class MASTER PAINTERS, and ALL j TESTIFY TO ITS SUPERIOR QUALITY. It contains over 75 per cent, of iron, II IS A i GOOD BODY, MIXES READILY, REQUIRES i BUT LITTLE OIL. TAKES TINTS, AND IS VE ; RY DURABLE. In view of the great abundance of material and the SMALL COST OF MANUFACTURING, and the SUPERIOR QUALITY OF OUR PAINTS, the Company expert to supply the market with a BET TER ARTICLE and at CHEAPER RATES than any ether company in tbe country OPINIONS OF PAINTERS. The undersigned, a practical painter, hereby cer tifies that he has used most of tbe mineral paints in use for years past, and that he regards that of the WYOMING METALLIC PAINT COMPANY, | found in NICHOLSON, WYOMING COUNTY, Pa-, i superior to all others for durability and finish GILBERT BROWN I Nicholson, June 27th, 18gS. PIKRCEVILLK Aug. 25 ISgS, i 0. L. LLALLSTEAD, ESQ.—DESK Sin: I have used I the Wyoming Paints, and believe it to be the best and most durable Metallic paint in use. It has a good strong body, works easily, tequire* but little Very Respectfully, PENNY STARK. NICBOLSO*, Oct. sth i?,; 8 0 L. HALI-STKAD Esq— DKAKSIK; 1 have used and otherwise tested the WYOMING METALLIC I PAINT, and am clear of iho belie! that it is eupe ' rior to any other Mineral Paint in the country. It I has a good color and mixes readily ; hut its strong i and best teatures are its heavy substantial body, ; combined with an extremely oily usture, in conse queuce of which it requires at least a third less oil than any other painfc in use. J. 1,. Pecs. NEW YORK, Oct Ist ISgS. 0. L IIALLSTF.AD Esq—DEAR Sin : lam a prac rii-al painter Hare been extensively engaged in the business for over thirty years. During thatpo riod I have used every variety of paint known to the trade, and without hesitation pronounce the WYO MING METALLIC PAINTS, the best 1 have ever seen. It has a heavy body, mixes easily and takes (rum a half to a third less oil than ordinary paints Itcan be used sueeeesfully, either lor cottage pur poses, rough out door work, roofing, or as a fire-proof paint. Respectfully Ac. A. G. BOLWIN, Practical Painier. Picrceville, Aug 23, 18g3 O. L UALLSTEAD Sir: I have tested the Wyoming Paint, by using it in my shop, and believe it to be superior to any other Metallic Paint in the market, das an excellent body, mixes readily, and requires only about half the usual amount of oil of other Paints. Respectfully Ac. . CUAS. L. JACKSON Cabinet Maker. Piereeville, August 15. I3jj9. 0. L. UALLSTEAD, Dear Sir; I gladly add my testimony in favor of tbe excellent qualities of the Wyoming Metallic Paint. From praeti ai testa 1 believe it to be superior to any other mineral paint in use. It has a substantial body, mixes ea.-ily, re quires but little oil and mikes a handsome finish. ISAAC D LORRY, Wagon Maker. Taller from Mayor I{i!l, Ma YOR'S Office, Scrantou Pa. June 23d ISgB. 0. L. HALLSIKAD Esq—Dear Sir: Having made a personal examination of the properties of the Wy- Wyoming Mineral Paint, and tested i> utmost very manner, I am convince 1 thai it is interior to no ar ticle of the kiud to be found in the country. Very Truly Yours, E. S. M. HILL To WAN DA, August Ist, IS§9. 0. L Hallstead, Esq Dear Nir . About thirty five years ago my father purchased a quantity >I the Wyoming Mineral Paint, with which he at that time painted a building, and after tbe lapse of s Quarter of a century it is fresh and good. Better evidence of quality can hardly be required. Truly-Yours, E REED MYER Scrauion, -sept. <3. I3yß 0. L. Hallst'-ad Esq —Dear Sir: I have used the Wyoming Metallic Paint, and have great pleas ure in saying that it is superior to any other mineral paints in the matket. Its heavy substantial body m ikes it durable for outside w->rk. roofing an ! A<-., and the readiness with which it takes tint - renders it an excellent article for cottage purposes. Alto gether I regard it as the best paint in use. Very Truly Yours, DAVID BAIU.F., House and Sign Painter All orders or communications shoul 1 be tiijrea-ed to the WYOMING METALLIC PAINT COMPA NY. NICHOLSON, Pa. LEHIGH VALLEY KAILROAIX WYOMING DIVISION. DEPARTURE AND ARRIVAL OF TRAINS, (In and alter Nov. 2d lHOe*. DOWN TRAINS DEPART FROM TI NKHAN NOOK, AS FOLDOWS : Ist EXPRESS PASSEXUKR —at 6.20 A M., eonne.-t --ing with N J. Central, ami North Pe.iu':-- Hail Roads, arriving at N. Y. at 350 P. M. no-l at Phil adelphia at 2 P. M 3 d FREIGHT ACGOUUODATION departs at 9.30 A. M.' arrives at Munch Chunk at 7.00 P. M UP TRAINS ARRIVE AT TUNKIIANNOOK, AS FOLLOWS: Ist FMKIUBT ACCOM MODATMM at 10 5B A. M. leaves Muucb Chunk at 3.30. 2nd EXPRESS PASSEMGKR arrives at 4.30 1' M., Leaves N. Y. via N. J. Central at 6 45, and Phil a via North Penu'a at 7.45 A. M TO TKAVELLERS Travellers are notified that the subscriber tuns REGULAR STAGES TO AVI) FROM Tilti L V. R. STATION, on the departure aul arrival of every trail: These stages run from " THE H UFFOHD HO USE " where, persons wishiug to leave by the earliest trains will be called for in time to meet them JACOB RITTISPAUGH, Proprietor. nl9tf "NOTICE. Is hereby given that Charles W. Lee, has tiled his petition, ana will make application at the January Sesslon 1869, for a Hotel License, to keep a Hotel or Inn, in Monroe Township, Wyoming County, Pa., which case will lie considered on Tuesday, Jan. l'.-th, at 2 o'clock P. M. Tnnkhannock, Dec. 9th., 1868. n2O-w4 E. J. KEENLY, Clerk. j NOTICE, Wyoming County, ss. Damn A. Ketcham, by) In Common Pleas of her next friend, O. 58. > said County, No. 229, Aug. Ellsworth, vs. Abraham 1 Term, 1868 Ketchum. | Subpoena in Divorce. i To ABRAHAM KETI HI'M. TakeJfotice :—That a Subpoena in Divorce A. V. M , an<r an alias subpoena therein, having been j awarded against you by the said Court, at the suit j of your wile by her said next friend, ard thut. after i having made due search thereon. I have bcen-uuabie ■ to find you within my twiliw k k. Yon are therefore required to I-e and appear in the I said Court of Ct-mmon Pleas, n Tunkhannock. on I the 3d Monday of January next, to answer said com- I plaint. Bt. W. DEWITT, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Tunk. Pa. Dec. 5, '6B. r,20 AI)MI \ LSITRATOK'S NOTICE. ! Notice Is hereby given that Letters o' Adro'uls- • tratlon of the estate of Daniel Treible, late of Wash- • tngton township, deceaaed, have been granted to the subscribers. All persons indebted to said estate i are notified to make payment to the subscribers: and all persons having claims against a::i eetcto are requested to present the same, duly authentic*- ' ted fer settlement, to the subscribers, or either of; them, at their residences in said tovuhlp JOHN t). ACE, t MARGARET T'iFIHI.E \ Administrators I Washington, Nov. 2S<l, 1868. FOR SALE. A HOUSE AND SIX HOUSE LOTS. The sub scriber offers for sale his House and Sir House Lets situate, on West and Harrison strecta— north of the ! new County Jail. IN THE HOROUOH OF TUNKIIAXNOCIC, PA. . • Tho Lots will be sold together or singly to enft 1 the purchaser. The house Is new and in excellent condition. t With a liberal down payment, the terms as to bal ance will be made easy. For further particulars li.qulro of the subscriber j on the premises, or at Eastuiau Bro's Sbro fiilfc.:. ' ALFRED HUSK., l>e. lOM., 1864.—T8-uxi-2ia. i TmQ "PRACTICAL FARMER" * NOW IN ITS SIXTH YEAR. Published in Philadelphia monthly, at it 60 pes annum, in advance, By PASUIIALL MORRIS. Editor sad Proprietor It is recommended to Farmers iu every section of the Futon as a thoroughly reliable and well illus trated AGIICOLTHRAL & IBTKETNAL JOURNAL. It is chicfiy made up of original matter, embracing STOCK RAISING, GRAIN GROWING, THE DAIRY, ORCHARD VEGETABLE AN I' MARKET GARD EN I NG,G R AZI NO, REARING AND FATTENING ANIMALS. A VETERINARY DEPARTMENT. ALSO, TuK ORNAMENTAL SURROUNDINGS OF THE FARM. BUILMXGS, AC , Wilh'regulur a:tides on Household Economy end Miscellaneous matter F&* Large inducements and liberal premium* ot fered to to Agents auJ Canvassers. Sample copiaa with suitable show b its furnished on applicatioa to PAS2UALL MORRIS. Office ol --Practical Farmer" No. 18 N 13th St. Philadelphia, Pa. HO ! FOB AUSTIN d: CO'.S GBEAT ONE OLL AU SALEt ">Vc propose io tight It out lUia iltHr.** AGENTSIAGENTS: VATetnteci 1 LivJ.es and Gentlemen in every town aud city in low Lnited Stater, to act as Agents for AUSTIN •* WfSGKE.tr ON£ DOLLAR StLE of rich and valuable goods, comprising uutniug out useful urtioies wanted in every family EACH AND M bill ARLICLK '.VILb lis SOLD FOR OME DOLLAR T-- any person gettlug up etUier of ths Linos ba l-'W, He iv 11 present a tV itch, Dtoss Pattern, Piece of Sheeting, Seeing M.icc.ue. Wool Carpet, Ac., A;, rec of extra cost Our in iucemcnts to Agents have always betii nearly double those oi at-y other home in the trade, an 1 our largely iucrcasing basinets warrants us in continuing ths same. TAKE PAR I IC'l L AK NOTICE OF Tills :-Our Agents are Dot required to piy one dollar for thoir presents, iat receive tne same for their services in gutting up Cluus l'leuse examine the following Tl4lt MS I'O AGENTS. Any person smiling us a 4'|ub of Ten, atth #l, will be entitled tj receive for the saute acy one of the five hundred articles on cur Exchange List. (See Circular.) For A Club of Thirty, with $3, the per.on will bo entit c 1 to one of the foi!ow;: : Meerschaum I'ipo, 20 yds Bleached - ing. Elegant Silver plated Ff . • Cas'or, 1 Fancy Dress Pattern, i Cotton Hose, Fane; " •' . i ...r*t sixe Damask Table Cover, j Morocco a.v.ui- 1W pic'ures, All iVool Cassimere for pacts and Yext, 1 pair Ladies' Seigc Congress Boo's best quality, I doi fine Linen Towels, 1 large size Worsted Shawl La dies long tiolj | late ! Cuain, >plendid Ladles' Mor occo Shopping bag with lock HOI key, Set of Jewelry with SI.-eve Buttons to match. 1 Violin and Bc-w 1 I doj. hirt Busoaig, : Whiie Marseilles Quilt, 1 El egant Black Walm t Work box or Writing Desk. For a Club of Fifty, with #5 —1 pair Ali- Wool Blankets. 34 yards fine Cassimcre for Pasts end Vest I Blv.k or C-.-ioie I Alpaca Dress i'attera 1 solid G ,1d rcarf Pin. 1 pair Gents' Calf 3oots, 39 yards Bles -hei or Hrown Sheeting. 2 yds duubls width Cloth for Ladies L'ioa .s i Fur Muff or Collar 30 yards Print f as: colors. 1 Square To:net Shawl, I plain P.iplin I)re-t PifVru, I elegant siz-bevtia. % tleiivy pje'ed Castor, ! pOr Gents' While SRirtS, genuine Meerschaum Pipe in case, 1 <- of Law Curtains. , Fur a Club of One Hundred, uh #lO.-1 heavy Silver plated engraved Ice Pitthet, SO yarJl Blc icbeil or Brown Sneering, I rich Merino or Tb'k et Dress Pattern, 1 set of Ivory UHciie.l Knives agfi Forks, 1 pair superior White Woo! Blankets, 7f ydi. all wool Fancy Cassiiuerc for suit, elegant Beiage Dress Pattern 1 Ladies' or Gents' iß.ler llunting caso Watch, 1 Bacon's Six-barreled Revolver. Silver plated engraved S-x-ljttie Revolving Castor with out glass butt If Fine Wool Cioth for Ladies' Cloah, 25 yds Hemp UarpeTng. i pair fine DamaeV Tafcle clolhs Napkin*. :o in .-la, 2 heavy honeycvaib QdllU 1 Bartiet h.in-l p.rtal- e Be:ug Machine, I Wooi Long Shawl, nice Fur Mutt" an j v u p., j r-; r Genta* French Calf Lioni Foi a t'iiib of Five Hundred, with #50.—24 yaris extra Roo'eo ' :i." ' rg, i clegeut iluctißg case W-.tcii (Walthair w-irrar'ol ore year.; 1 e!e ge A CltamLer Set 01*.. tlaci W ilno' *ri?-o.lir, 1 haircloth >priug Sot a. , For a Clllb of o:ic Tboitaaiid with #IOO - 30 yards Bnas-als L" irpets, ' Psrlor Set -omplete, I La-res or Gents' liuirutg Gol-. Watrh wnj Chaiu 1 compltta set „f i :ci: SaUe Furs ! For larger or so ilier eluti > wiii give : oraoeai j of pri>|*rtionate value. Agents or 'i.stniuers may at *i.v . ma *xatre selt-eiiui: o; jr> i from the Exciting* List, an ) ty tan ting One Dollar f*f vi-h articte s Aava the gsotit fiitwarucd to then, w -ti iut fc.-st < r ier.ng be ks but in such cases no premiums wiil be given. DIRECTIONS. Soul large sums of money by Draft on New fork or Itorton or by Express, IVe will pay exchange oo all stuns ii! 425 or m ire -smaller sums rb *u!ii be se .t by regi-tcre I letter .ir 1.-v ptstal ic. rev order I: witi l iiupos-.LIu '.j Ij.~ t money son: in either of 111* above ways. We will inilh- respins'ble for incusv lost. unlcßß r-nt as . .dir-. crr.d soo that your iKte.c- -iiij tn perly dire to i a. I atampeiS, s no lett- is are ard.-ii tin,-ss | rqm I. Write yobr address in tall. "Sown. ' t.rity .-la. i .S ato. ' i'" Ag'n ■- wante . erory Town and Vil'wp. Aidress AUSTIN A COMPANY, No. Kdi Siiiitaiior Street. Rostoa, Mass. ni9-w4. mm em evmi; m SE IVfNG MA CHIME ( n, Tn ii i.-tine a'-tnsh.c • -ir CELEBRATED CI'MBI VAJIGd B'.'TL >N 11'"LE AND SKWIVU MAC HINK, eg .j .i . .uiuz -•is v m-t o.ui p-"i --! nla'tfj -.-to '-.si', yr ■f i ■ g.-eat me-t- Tie tn. rouse i . this vaiuable J in. l Sit J ii.'s i. S I' -Li'daring hv -.si'sevaß | mon"iß *' i, V iki:e | Th-> gr- t 11ri> >•* • o -ss unprecadefit- . II tt ! t* i# , ,-8* . *iv- feel j fel'y irruut! n A •ting •• j I I HA S Nti E 11" AL , ac.tw abao.tirctx lax r.^uv F AMIIsY JVIAC'EIINS •" N' I tin. WORLD, tut liOrlnalrslly the Cheapest, t ,W v Mla ■ H •. - ■ .i ,ae. (bye , a.ai: ai. • t a .-c-.v. -:acptnisnf,) . u,ak-iig J! ■: i. I, .w-v'.trJs, and the oi. ar 1 i'-i : stit.-h, woh qui ' fa* il'i >* * it ** • *a'e in the very , b.-i! '- " -<y . . c amp stith as, lieu i jucig ! • . I a . PtAckiif, Braid , "K , ■ ' '* -A . *"it)i vo. (done ll } * -i: .• O.a hioi, Fu. "i .oi'h'i ;• a-3 i 'r. u'ifa! But : tor. .... i I',- ; u-.it -ii' •rln.sa* of • and • w *Xf .-Ma I rU N\G NV • K PA., N*rbiiit M • ieowgi •., j 01 IT H'thirv'n P i|pu. -ic.- TUT TON, Mr i'Us' NKWAIAM i v/oiqis