jfann (Sartmt & Mitrbfit. J.V' Farmers, md Agricultural uieu generally me n quested to contribute to this Department. *9 ii i is from flif-ir exjerier.ce that we hofe to gain fine- j thing ot inte-est for our readers ( ihtD MEAT. — A* this is the season j 1 •■I in " killing i.iul lit up other iiii-hl* Uir tuturt- i;sr-, t! e following receipt \iP tie font 'i <■• iivei.it ut t-i sitfli ns have . no' :i Miilaiii "ii. 'in hxriti It is of flip best quality : To l.tK It |'lHo4* 1/1' inent put three; pecks < I tine Liiri|Hiol lt nd four piiuiiils ( f >altpeln i'ut neither pepper, j sugar nor tuolhssr* with the foregoing.— ' Pck in a cask, tin. bottom of which must j by perforated with hole*, to allow the ! drip of bloody water to p*s off. Let it ' remain three weeks, an-i then smoke ev- • ery morning with green hickory wood, S having the fire as far away from the meat I HS possible, so that the smoke may cool before reaching it. Another receipt, perhaps equally good, i prescribes eight pounds of salt, two ounces 1 of saltpetre, one anJ one-half ounces of potash, two pounds of brown sugar, or one j quart of molasses, and one ouuee of red j pepper, to be dissolved in five gallons of i water for every one hundred pcundsofj meat. FISH i'AKU.— Put the bones of the fish, l with the bead and fins, into a stew-pan, 1 with about a piutof water; add pepper and salt to tasti ; one good sire onion, a handful . of such herbs if you likejand stew all slowly j for n about two hours. Then mince fine , tue clear meal of the fi-lt, mixing it well, with breud-crumba and cold, mashed pota | toes, and a small quantity of fine-chopped parsley; season with salt and pepper to j taste, and make the whole into a cake, with an egg well beaten up Brush it over I lightly with white of egg, and strew with i breadcrumbs, and fry of a rich amber blown. Strain the gravy made from the | bones, etc , and pour it ovet; stir gently for t* it minutes or a quarter of an hour. Serve very hot. with garnish of parsley nit i lemon slices. TOAST AND CHEESE. —Cut a slice of oread about bait an inch thick ; pate off the crust, and toast it very slightly on one side, so as i.tst to brown it, without mak ing it hard, or burning it. Cut a slice of cheeso >; quarter of an inch thick, not so big a- tin 1 by half an inch on each -id,. ; p..re .fi tin find, cut otf all the specks aid lotion |arts. and lay it on the tM*ivd t r. ad in a carefully watch it thai it does not bum, at. i stir it w i !i a *p""ti to prevent a pellicle forming <>ri n<• surface. Ilnve nadv good mustard, pcppci. and salt. It you observe the direc tions her given, lite eb< iiia 6.20 11.15 New Iltimpt'n 2 40 v M 12,05 Manu'ka Ch'nk 1.50 10,3 D 3,55 S, ran; on 111,"23 6.30 11,36 4,41 (jctrirrriile 924 5.25 ! 2,00 5,01 N icle.lv,t, 9,01) 5,01 12.55 545 Montrose 8,20 350 1,50 6,25 Great Bern! 7,40 2,50 DtX.NKR AT DrLAWARK STATION. CORRECTIONS. At NEW HAMPTON. with Central R. K of New j Jersey, for New York, Elizabeth, Plaiutield, Sourer- i ville, Easton, Ac. At WASHINGTON, with Morris A Essex R. R, for New York, Newark, Mnrristown, Hackettstown, East on, Ac. At MANUNKA CHI NK, with Belvidere Dela ware R R-, for Philadelphia, Trenton, Phillipsburg, Belvidere, Ac. At SCRANTON, with Lackawanna A Blooiusburg R. R , for Pitteton, Wilkes-Barre, Blootnsburg, Ru pert. |D* nvilte, Northumberland, Ac. ; also, with j Delaware A Hudson R R for Olyphant, Archkatd and Carbondale, At GREAT BEND, with Erie Railway, for Bing hampton, Ehnira, Buffalo, Ithaca, Syracuse and Oswego. R. A. HENRY, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent. FURNITURE CABINET WARE. STANSBURY, UASS A CO., ANNOUNCE to the public that the Furniture Rooms formerly kept by Stansbury A Haas have been removed to the Planing Mill ot D. L PECRHAM, CORNER OF COURT HOUSE SQUARE, with whom a partnership has beeu formed where, by availing themselves of steam power, with ioiprov j ed machinery they are prepared to furnish every- j . thing in their line, from I it I**l** &ti TO A MOP HANDLE, \t lite Lowest Living Prices. UNDERTAKING attended to at the shortest i notice. Upholstering anil Itepalrlng done to order. STANSBURY, HAS.B A CO. Tunkhatwork, March I 5 156?.-tf. NE W TAN C V A.\li TRIMMING STORE Tioga Street, Tuiikhanuock, Pa. MIfS.K. LEASE. HAVINtJ lately opened anew Fancy Store,, of fers for sale an entirely new assortment of TFIxMtMriNG, Dress Trimmings, White Goods. Ernhroi leiies J Ladies Zepher, in a!t outers. KiJGlove.*, Cuffs and Collars L*ce, Veils, Corsetts, LadiesXe kties, best quality of Combs, Needles and Thread if the best ! quality, and Fancy Notions "f every lariety, a Urge stock of Faus, TOYS, Including China. Bronze, Papier Maehe Tin, Kosc ! wood, Oias3, Pewter, Woolen. Parian and Candy 1 Toys. For Ladies. , Cosmatics Ac., Such as Pomades, Oils, Bandolina bloom of youth and Paints, Rouge, Lilly White, i Oriental Cream, Pearl Drop, Ac. MRS. E. LEASE Tunkhannock, May 30, 1563 SCRANTON STIAU HE AID SPICE HUE. ALL KINDS OF PURE SPICE S. — C. W. KIRKPATRICK & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IX ; TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, MUSTARD, CREAM TARTER, & C . JYO. 5/? Lackawanna Arenac, (A few doors East of the Wyoming House,) We grind all our own SPICES and COFFEE l COFFEE ROASTED & GROUND TO ORDER; AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE ! AS I)AS CHEAP AS IN AS Y CITY. C. W KIRKPATRICK, 11. S. SEAKLE FrtiTitiD. „ July 15. '68 —v7u4Bty. J O W A N D A A G K I C U LTCRA L WORKS TO WANDA, PENS"A.. MAXTFACTURES HUBS, SPOKES, BENT TUFF, HEAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS, GENERAL WOOD WORK, W.UOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, SCROLL SAWING PLANING. ETC., ETC. To Dealers in in ns, SPOKES 4- BEST STUFF , IFe offtr a LARGE STOCK FROM WHICH TO SECLECT. The above are from the best SECOND GROWTHJIICKORY \ OAK, LItHT AXD UKAVV WAGON* ON HAND. We have the Broad and Narrow CJuage. > MILL PICKS made and dressed. W. T. BISHOP, Sujierintendant. M C. MKRCUK, Pr undent. vBnlly T"wan la, July 2 1?68. Winter Millinery. MRS. HARD WELL has just received a complete assortment MILLIN EKY AND FANt Y GOODS roo LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN , SATIN AND VELVET HATS RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, FRAMES, alio a Urge assortment of BREAKFAST SHAWLS, HOODS NUBIAS, ZEPHYRS, Ac, To which ebe invitee the attention cf all, wishing to purchase * Dress and Cloaks cut aod basted or made to order. Tusk' Nov li, 18*8. sisrfllaiwous. or can be ; found at Lyiu.su &. Well* ami J. W. Khoads, j , -Tiinkh.inno-dc. Penn'a, and A.L other denkr*, the GH'T ic LINIMKNT. This Lini • ...A- * _ - mesit stand* unrivalled, and is the bet, chtatvet, iP' st powerful Liniment ever offered to the pufdic, for ican or horse. It ha* been used for mem 'err* iti Englird, by the leading harriers and 'hey have It i i 'lie greet,*.-t success with it of ry linimi nt ever i: r ; h i ii,c cure <•1 horses Those who lie"' - hnr-c- the' . re sweei.e I or lauie, have swelled j'in s, sprains, t riiisus, old sor< s. fle-li cats, collar galls, ijs"., should try this l.'nimei.t uml they will be convinced that it i* superior to :i!i other known preparation* If it does D"t give good s.rtisf ii tin, return the bottle half full, an l your money w ill I. Put up in convenient form, an I so! I by s, 000,000. Home 1n5.,C0., N Y.,Capit: 1 and Surplus,3d,"oo.ooo Ins. Co. of N. America, Phiia. " '• 2,000,000 , Hartford Fire Ins. Co, Haiti'ord Ct. "• 2,000,000 Putnam " " " '" 700,000 (Enterprise " Cincinnati. O." 1,000.000 (ilens Falls *' Glco's Falls, N. \ 41 4W.CH)O /.ycoming Co. Mutual, Muncy. P.i, '* 4,000,000 Farmers' Mutual, York. " 700.600 Phoenix lusurancc Co Philadelphia, 6256,1)00 I CcxxEcricuT MI TCAI. LIFK INSLRANCE COMPANY. of Hartford, Ct. Capital - 821,000,000 Notes received '.n payuieut of one-half the premium, on which six per cent, interest only is charged, and the note is never to be pai l under any circumstances —at death or maturity the policy will tic paid in lull and notes given up. Travelers' Ins. Co. of Hartford Ct. Capital and surpbls ... 700,000 Insurance on all kiuda cf Live Stock against theft and death from any cause All Business entrusted to our care will be attended ! to on fair terms, and all Losses promptly adjusted r"*f" Offii-o Ist door East Irom Banking Office of W. H. Cooper A Co., Turnpike St., Montrose, Pa. i BILLINGS STROI D, / -STORL) A R.ROW.V. Agents, I I Cut*. L. BROWN. ) I M C SUTTON, Esq., FrienJevilio, Pa . Solicitoi f I'll AS 11. SMITH. Montrose, Pn., " v"-n34-tf. I . r-J3i3"W Jewelry Store!! P. G. BURSTS & BR0.! JJAVK Jt ST RECEIVED A LARGE STUCK OF JEWKLUY of the latest styles. "GOLD IIINUS, H Carets fine. SOLID GOLD SETTS JEWELRY, Gents' Masopic and Scarf Pins. Sleeve and Collar Buttons, Ac., Ac Solid and Plated Silver Spoons, Forks, Napkin Rings, Fruit Knives, Cake, Pie and Butter Knives, Castors, Cake and Card Basket.*, Butter Dishe*, Sugar Bowls. Spoon Holders, Fonts, Spoon*, Nut-Picks, Ac., Ac. From ROGERS A BRO.'S Silver Plated Ware Co. I Also, CLOCKS ami WATCHES i of the latest American ami European Manufacture. Tunkhannock. Deo. 18,4irg7 5000 Yards Best Prints, for 12|otiper yard, at 0. DETRICK 'S. s)aUtoarf & flrtj Gtmiis.' O. S. M 1 L L S <8 cO. Corner Tioga aui Warrgn Streotf, TCNKHANNOCK. PKNN'A. lllP' Are unw opening a large stocho Hardware, each as IKON, STEEL & ISAILS, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Var nishes, Turpentine, Benzine, Nail Rods, Building Hardware, Mechan ics Tools, Wooden Ware, Brushes of all kinds, Cutlery, Shovels, Seives, . Lamps, Lanterns, Oil Cloth, Rosin, i Ropes, aiso Hatchets, wrenches &c. HARNESS MAKERS HARDWARE, Buckle?, Japanned Buckles, Silver plated; Bitts ef everv kind, Hames, Iron Pad 'frees, SaMic Trees, Gig Trees, Girth i Web, worsted and Cotton, Thread, Silk A wis, and needles, Halt, r Chains, Trac Chains, Acc. etc. PAINTS AM) OILS, SPERM. AND LUBRICATING 01 LK ALSO CROCKERY, GLASS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE ] WINDOW and PICTURE frames, GLASS OF ALL KINDS. * Vails and Hand-Rakes at wholesale and retail. All of which have been SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, and expressly for this market, and all they ask is an examination of the goods to satisfy all of the truth of what we say. Remember the place. ROSS, MILLS & Co. Tank. Pa. May 291! i. 18G7. Nffw OPENED. BY A. 33. MOT T • THE CORNER STORE, FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY HENRY STARK. IN TUN KHAN NOCK.. PA. A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK OF j SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SI MMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS consisting of consisting of consisting ot ! consisting of DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS DRE-S GOODS DItESS GOODS GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES PAINTS AND OILS PALMS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS ; II ATS AND OA PS HATS AND CAPS HATS' AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS | CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING i j Ac,, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., A-r., Ac., In large quantities and at reduce'! price*. A. B. MOTT. Twnk .May I ft. Y.G—v(,n.lS Insurance Agency. DANIEL WRIGHT A NEPHEW, rl/ htnkhaiinock, 7*a, Are Agents for the following, and all other responsi ble Insurance Companies : N America, Philadelphia, Assets, $1,763 267; 1 , Enterprise, " " 372,304. ' Manhattan. New York, ' 1 052,128. 1 N. American, •' " 755,057, J.orillnrd. 1 " 1,436.540. Corn Exchange, " " 501,095. Farmers' Ins. Co., York, " 525.060. Lycoming, Muncy, " 2,900,000. Home, New York. " 3,845,358* Hartford, Hartford, " 1,768,153* Pbucnix, ' " 1,103.467 Travelers. '• " 741,3J7* • Hartford Live Stock, " 17 c ,929. i Home, New Haven, *' 1.43p,491 Cumberland Valley, " 506,000. N. England Mutual, '* 5,000,000. Property of all kinds will le insured at the most reasonable rates, in auy of the above companies. Losses to insurers by Fire, aocident or theft, promptly adiustod and paid DANIEL WRIGHT A NEPHEW, Tuakt, Pa. Sept. IS, lS67,*y7nTtf, • prugs & JJlrbirifus. Ayer's IxStii? y I-pfOI 3 9 . For restoring Cray Hair lo its natural Vitality and Cc!cr A dressing which i< at oucv ngreciii'Kt, \ healthy. j in! illWiiml \ for prescrv iu i IK- i liair. Faded or > rety hair U toon restored ■ fa it. ornjiual color i irith the ylvss and ! freshness of youth, i Tliiu liair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald- > ncss often, though not always, cured ' by its use. Nothing can restore the | hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed, j But such as remain can be saved for j usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a psi.-iy sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. | Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. 1' rce • from those deleterious substances which | make some preparations dangerous and ; injurious to the liair, the \ igor can ouly benefit but not harm it. It wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does i not soil white cambric, and yet lasts j long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS, LOWELL, MASS. PRICE $l.OO. Sol > .-I//r/Fs7o EE. The lar -e.' t and most complete Drug store oi 1 TUNKHANNOCK. NEW GOODS FOH EVERYBODY ! PRICES REDUCED, NOW IS Tin; TIME TO BUY : Just receivel and for Sale * splendid Stock of NE IV GOO D , including— Duces, PAIN T S , V A R N I S II K S , D Y E ST II FF S . ' BRUSHES OF - ALL D E S C 11 1 P T lONS, Pocket Books, TO3 ntxo. dye? STERLING'S AMBBOSIA, i TOOT II DROPS, lIAIR OILS, POMADES A PERFUMERIES, FANCY NOTIONS, COM E CTIO N E K Y, STATIONLTLES TOBACCO, I! AYAN V CIO AE S . (REAL.) ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, SHOUL ; DKR BRACES, TRUSSES, Ac., A.-., A*. ALL TH; PCFUI.fR PATENT MEDICINtb CP THE DAY And in fact, every imaginable article belonging to a Fl/A9T CLASS I)BUG STOJIE. Don't lor.re tin call at nil. RHOADS' DRUG STORE. | v6n37if. Tjnkhanuoek.Pa. j Ijiliinrtri & |)hillipri - Keep on hand and at all times, a ;full Stock of X3XVST GrOOUS AND !GHO / NOS FAItfBAK'S SALES. r..Q'ni. ..larch 25. lSf>3 eln33 WM. MACK & SON take pleasure in informing the puhlie thai they have opeued their t'nrria ge 31 aim fact ory IN TUNKHANNOCK, And are ready to fill ORDERS ; NONE BUT First-Class Mechanics EMPLOYED REPAIRING •Kno pr. mpUy ard well. T unkbai utck March 10 15661 L IJisffllaitfflits. Buck & Sterlings | FURNITURE WARE RUQM Over Sherman & LathrojTs St.,r. next door to Wall's llot<4. TUNKHANOCK, PA. | PLAIN COTTAGE SUITS, MARBLE COTTAGE SUITS, WALNUT CHAMBER SI'IIS. PARLOR SUITS IN HAIR t l.o ni PARLOR IN VELVET PLUSII. SID E-JJO AIIDS, WARDROBES, I BOOK CASES, EXTENSION TABLES, MA Hi ESSES, and a large variety of low-priced Furniture at lowest cash rates. BUCK A STERLING v7n47tf. QLOTHING STORE Axn iJcnte' furnishing fjoods : 11. K iItH A3l &. CO. Announce to the public that they have J recently t - ted up and remo-t ed their Clothing Store to u Store House of C. P. Miller, Tunkhannock, Pa. Their stock copri-es eveiy description of MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING. such as 3>7iEsS COA 7d, a AC A' coa y.y, O YE'IiCOA 7.6 PANTS, V£3T. SHIRTS. undershii: rs, BRA U'ERS, BOOTS, HATS A CAP S Etck-ties, Ifjiiery. Stuptndtr llandktri:\,rU COLLARS, UMBRELLAS A .. and in tact everything in the < billing or ruui-. i line at 17] 1 O V 1 ' {'l > 7" 1 p J P 'tS' V .JO LI JL l.i'J 11 J JLIXtIAiO. In addition to the above we hive an elegant j sortuiect of Clothes. Cassimers and Vesting. C V Clothing male to order at the sh irte,- tiee * Call an l see, before purchasing elsewhere all! SECURE GOOD GOODS AMD Fikin PHICE9. If BAR HAM keep a Firr' 1 ' Eating Saloon, for Gentlemen and La lies AT MESHOPPEN, PA.. (opjwite E. Merritt's Store) where OYSTERS, CAK£, HOT COFFEE, FRUITS, with CONFECTIONARY of all kin Is, can be procured at all rcn-'r.aW* i hours and at moderate prices GIVE ME A CALL. CHARLIE BUNNELL. v9-nl4-4w. BOBBIN'S , j ELECTRIC BOOT POLISH. MAKES A LASTING SIIINF. Those who black their boots on Saturday n-r--' with ordinary blacking, don't have much ?! La "• j Sunday, as the polish fades off; but the shine e. DOBBINS'BLACKING LASTS SATURDAY MIGHT