Local and Personal. I'ost Route.—An effort is being made to .lablish a new Post Route from Meshoppen. In this " unty, to Lynn, Susqh. Co., via. of KeUervllle.- V n (itfice at Keiserville is much needed, and would ! , m modate the people of a tine region of Country. We hope the project will be successful. 4 Hint —The person who clandestinely Confia . -ed" or borrovti a rifle from the (tare or the sub .'rrilier*. at Keiserville, is requested to return the "ante snd thereby save trouble. "we il" not wish to but could name him. A word tho wise is sufficient. FXRGO & SWISHKR. Donation,— The friends of Elder Wm- Frear Eaton, will K'fe him a donation visit, at his rest ,'vnce. on' Wednesday the 23d of Dec.—day and even ing- The public are Invited to attend. COM. 4 Feaifui Fall.—A Mr. Griffin, the boss Car cter in the building of the New Baptist Church, r v building at Newton Centre, while at work i,.ut the belfry, a few days since,fell to the ground, balance of forty-six feet. A broken arm, a dtslo ,Jtej wr ist and other 6evere, though not fatal • unds was the result. How he escaped Instant jtath. is the mystery. Hie ( hurch Bells,—While the aonorous tonei 'the bells now In their places in the spires of the Lew Churches, Indicate the enlargement and im- T r ~vement of our town, the manner in which they are rur.z is ridiculous In the extreme. Instead of six tat < and a rest, (the uniform practice In other •owns,) they all ring together, like a fire alarm in stead of an Invitation to go to Church. Let the dlf (ercnt congregations educate their bell-ringers or employ {persons who understand their business. Good I—The third span of tho new river bridge at ihis place, we learn, is so far advanced as to be oast all danger from high water, which just now seems to be pretty sure to come, whether put down in the almanac or not. This makes the speedy com- I lotion of the briplge a sure thing ; as the fourth and ast span can be put up without the difficulty at tending the one now being put up. Tho water be ing much less In volumne ami velocity. We ven ture the prediction that our young people can cross it for their New Year's rbie. The R. R. Depot ut the Lock below town.though a temporary one, presents a very busy appearance. Several thousands of bushels of potatoes, the market fir which has been lively, have licen shipped—also several car-loads ol leather, butter, Pork, Produce and other articles raised and manufactured here.— Uur Merchants use this road almost exclusively for the shipment of their Goods. Three or four trains are constantly switching, puffing, and whistling aUiut that place. These, with the other works go ing on In that vicinity, give the Station at Tunk hatnock a business-like appearance aud importance waii ■ was hardly anticipated even by the Company. Masonic.—At the annual election of officers for Temple Lodge, No. "2-4S A. Y. M.,the following were thusen : F Bunnell, W. M. ;S. D. Bacon, S. V. ;P. B. Haldwin, J. W. ; •>. L. Parrish, Treas. ; Wm. F. !-TV, Seo'y. The following appointments of Lodge Officers by tie IV. M., have been made : K. W. Bannatyne, Marshal, J. B. Harding,Tyler; E&csaler Ross, Sr., D. ; H. C. Durham, Jr., D ; D. Sidings, S„ M. C. ; John Sittser, Jr., M. C. ; F. M. Sack. Pursuivant. Warm (Totulug, in the present state of the •either, is a necessity. For the benefit of those.who .ive not yet made provision In this respect tor a tut and severe winter, we will state that Mr. C. Ntrlck having secured the services of a first class I . r. has opened a Merchant tailoring establish _tr.ti his store, in this place, and is now prepared • ::rr,ish Clothing of all kinds, with dispatch, and >"..(■ ai' st reasonable rates. He also keeps on hand a (idlest variety of Gents' Furnishing Goods, .".is. Testings, Casslmeres. Ac., together with .rce invoices of Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Ac. Call i:: -limine Goods Prices. killed by the Cars.—A laborer on the track L. V. R. It., whose namo we did not learn,was i (•. :y being struck by a passing train, near Mc yesterday. He was walking along the track '. parent!)* unconscious of the approach of the train it came within a few feet of him, when he i-:;ed one side, but not far enough to avoid being •- aby the engine, by which he was knocked n the bank and wounded so severely that he v.- Ed but a few hours. *•(■. Harding, an old and highly respectable residing nearly opposite this place, In Eaton, . . weeks since, met with an apparently ■.." e< hb nt which resulted In his death, last A few days before his death he lell from a *i while (ceding his cattle and slightly bruis te:,iple or side of his head. He however went • - w rk as usual, though at times comp'.aln • 's pain in the head. He came to town almost " iv. aud appeared as well as usual. He was :• the d) liefore his death, with hla team, but ' here, was taken with a violent pain In the * . h produced sickness at the stomach, and ■ " -.i He drove his team home and into the I v si re, after a long time, he -unharnessed it ] :.ir So, had unbuckled almost every pleea ■t- arneas from the other, tin going into the - be remarked that he had "unharnessed the fvr a fashion." or to that import : sat down iuur, as If In a sleep, and never spoko after -' ut died the next day. It is thought that ! ■ -bt 1 rui-e on the head produced a kind of ' '•-.■ eased was about 65 years of age,—a son of ; 1 er Eiishi Harding, Esq., who was one of the j ' ''-t'.crs of this region. He lias always lived on tb" homestead, and by his Industry,honesty ■Jgaiuy, had accumulated quite a fortune. Married. M'iN'TANYE —Un the 3d inst., at the I''.rsouage, Newton, by the Rev. Isaac •>n. Mr. George Smith of Franklin, to Miss ra? M utanye of Kingtten both of Lus Co PRODUCE MARKET. * *°•' Price of Country Produce, Corrected Week titir.l\(;s4■ PHILLIPS, Dealers in Dry u. Groceries fee , t,c.. on Turnpike St (near Tvnkhannock, Pa, I ' green.jar bushel #i/,75 @ #I.OO Pr ft *3O " a '3s l t oo " ton 12,00 '• 16,00 ■ < K*£| HALL'S J VEGETABLE SICILIAN 1 l*lia HAIR ■vla&al jZenewer . BISONS WHO ARE GRAY I 1 • ' natural color, " "' ll ' en out.ereato a new growth, by ■ , 'c lr , r)ressir '8 in tho world, making ">■ i *7 - s ' r ' healthy, soft and glossy. ■ •mi " t 'ai® by all druggists- I ro - Nashua, N. H Propriatora. i 1 3 -lt.M.- IDE TO CARRIAGE. H 6 :•: Happy Marriage and Coo- ' , I Js .o'c tv '! "* vie ws of benevolent 1 ■ La-• \r 80,1 Abuses incident to ■ fn. sent in sealed letter en- 1 ■ N ILx pTk, HOWARD A3SO - ' 1 biladelphla, Pa. 4*3)* lli' Indianapolis Sentinel gives a list of mt iuliorti of CougresK who were worth in ' | 1860 $1,027, UUO, whose assets now foot up ' j $634,660,000. As they are truly loyal liad i icals, the presumption is they will be worth . .1 thousand millions bv the end of 1872. It j is gratifying to note that some people I know how to improve their opportunities : How do the little busy Rutls Improve the shining hours. And gather green hacks by the siu-k From every open treasury chest when the key is left in the lock. STRANGE AXD SINGULAR. —Here is a row of ordinary capital letters and figures : SSSSXXXXZZZZ 3 33 3 88 8 8 They are such as are made up of two parts of equal shapes. Look carefully at , these , and you will perceive that the upper halves of the characters are a very little smaller , than the lower halves—so little that an or dinary eye will declare them to l>e of equal i size. Now turn the page upside down, and. without any careful looking, you w ill see that this difference in size is very much ! exaggerated—that the real top half of the letter is verv much smaller than the bottom ' half. LAW OF THE ROAD. —Persons meeting in carriages on a highway are to turn to the right of the centre of the highway. It is not the centre of the smooth or most trav elled part of the road, but the centre of the worked part, even though the whole of the smooth or travelled part be on one side.—- In winter, however, when the road is ob structed by snow, the centre is the middle of the beaten path. The rule requiring carriages to turn to the right does not ap ply to the meeting-of a carriage, with a horse-cart nor with a traveller on horse back. A traveler on a highway is bound to have his harness aud carriage iu a road worthy condition, and is liable for any damage to others occasioned by their insufficiency iu this particular. tgg" John Hancock's chair, or the chair that those old patriots sat on while they signed the Declaration of Independence, is now in the possession of the Midslletown Bank. How it came into possession of that bank, we would j*'like to know. For many long years the Speaker of the House of Representatives sat iu it. and was con sidered go xl enough in Democratic times, but now in the reign of Radicalism, this relic of the revolution has to Ire removed to give place to something more grand and luxurious. The chair of itself has nothing i to recommend it, in either ease or beauty ; j but as a relic of Revolutionary times it will i some day be worth its weight in gold, and ' the State of should al low it to pass out of her possession. THE DKrftti RATIO ALMANAC FOR 1869. The Editors of X. Y. Day Book have now ; in press and w ill publish about the Ist of January, tho lhrnvcrotic AIUKHI'IC for 1869. It will contain besides the ustial matter of ! all Almanacs, full and official Returns of the Presidential and other Elections, com pared with previous ones, the most impor- j tant Acts ot Congress, President Johnson's ' Veto Messages and Proclamations, Lists of Federal and State Officers, Members of Congress, Statistical and other information ■ indispcusible to every poiitieian, planter, farmer, merchant or mechanic. All orders will be tilled according to the date of their reception. The cash must accompany all orders. TERMS :—Single copies, by m.iil, pre paid, 20 cents ; seven copies, by mail, pre paid, 81 ixi; fifteen copies, by mail, pre- | paid, 82 Ot); one hundred copies, by ex-i press, 812 00. Address. Van Evrie, Ilor tou A* Co.. Publishers, No 102 Nassau St. New York. THI: LADY'S FRIEND. —We take pleasure iu calling the attention of our readers to this "YL'EEN OF THE MONTHLIES, " wlliell We can assure them has no superior among the i Lady's Magazines. The sweetest domestic group we have seen for many a day, smiles out from the line steel plate in front of the present number—Xovemln r. The colored fasoion-plate is picturesque and elegant. | while it is as faithful as ladies or modistes could ask ; and the wood-cuts, giving full information iu all departments of dress, and useful aud ornamental patterns for the I work-table, are Ireautifully executed, espec- ; | hilly the Parisian Skating Costumes, in t ' front. The music is the lioxborough Pol- : | ka, ami the literary department opens with | the continuation of "FLEETING FROM FATE" \ —a striking and superior story, in Louise ; Chandler Moulton's highest style. "THE ; DEBAKRY FoßTune," a Very fine storv, bv j ! that charming writer, Miss Amanita M . j Douglass, is also continued. Then we j J have ■ "OLIVER HATCA —His ENEMY," by j Virginia F. Townsond, and fine articles by ' i Augnsut Bell, Leslie Walter, Frances Lee, j j Ac. The Prospectits for the n x year i contains unequalled inducements to new subscribers, and we advise our readers to j send for a specimen number (which is fur- i wished i/ra/is), and avail themselves of the ! I Publishers' magnificent offers. Published ! by Deacon A Peterson, 1119 Walnut street, Philadelphia, at 82.50 a year (which also j includes a large steel engraving). Four j copies, 86. Eight (and one gratis). 812. "The Lady's Friend*' and "The Saturday Evening Post," 81.00. While ten men watch for chances one j makes chances; while ten men wait for something to turn up, one turns up some thing; so while ten fail, one succeeds and is called a man, of luck, the favorite of for- ; tune. There is no luck like pluck, and for tune most favors those who are most imlif- j ferent to fortune. Stiff" Every Abolition scalawag defeated 1 for Congress, by the people, in the late : election, proposes to "contest," in order j to get mileage and a few days' stealings. For doing a family washing in the host and cheap est manner. Guaranteed equal to any in the world! | Has all the strength ot old rosiu soap with the mild and lathering qualities of genuine Castile. Try this : splendid Soap. Sold by the ALDEN CHEMICAL WORKS, 43 North Front Street, Philadelphia TB-d5- ly AGENTS WANTED TO TAKE ORDERS . | FOR RECOLLECTIONS & PRIVATE MEMOIRS OF WASH- 1 INGTON; . BY HIS ADOPTED 80S GEORGE WASHINGTON PARKE CUSTIS, With Illustrated and Explanatory notes by DEN SON J. LOSSINO. A book for all sections ami all parties, containing the minute details of Washington's Private Life, as | well as his public career, (which general hlsjory l does not reveal.) This book is written by a member 1 of Washington's own family— one who lived with) him from infancy, and must prove peculiarly accept able to the American Public. The great demand for this work, its ready sale, and an increased commission makes it the best book for Agents ever publishtd. The most liberal terms to agents, and exclusive sale in the territory assigned. Send tor descriptive circular and terms to Agents. 1 Address, WILLIAM FEINT, 1 No. 26 South Ith Street, Philadelphia, Pa. I V9BIW*. WYfIMISG METALLIC PMBT COMPAIY The Wyoming Metallic Paint Company was orga ' aiied under the general laws of the State of New I- York, with a CAPITAL STOCK OF TWO lll'N i. ! DRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS I divided into TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND SHARKS t OF TEN DOLLARS EACH. e | The company own the mine and land around it in I fee No royalty is therefore to be paid, THE 0N : i LY EXPENSE TO BE INCURRED IN MANU FACTURING THE PAINTS, is simply in quarry ing the rock, and reducing it in the Company's mill, situated in a stone's throw of the mine. THF PAINT OF THIS COMPANY HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY TESTED by competent chemists and first claw MASTER PAINTERS, and ALL TESTIFY TO ITS SUPERIOR QUALITY. It contains over 75 per cent, of iron, HAS A v GOOD BODY, MIXES READILY, REQUIRES BI T LITTLE OIL. TAKES TINTS, AND IS VE g RY DURABLE. In view of the great abundance of material and the SMALL COST OF MANUFACTURING, and B the SUPERIOR QUALITY OF OUR PAINTS, the 8 Company expert to supply the market with a BET- I r TER ARTICLE and at CHEAPER RATES than - any ether company iu the country. 1 OPINIONS OF PAINTERS. The undersigned, a practical painter, hereby eer- j '. tides that he has used most of the mineral paints in , J use for years past, and that ho regards that of the j 1 WYOMING METALLIC PAINT COMPANY, j i found in NICHOLSON, WYOMiNG COUNTY, l'a-, I i superior to all others for durability and finish GILBERT BROWN Nicholson, June 27th, 18fi3. PIERCEVILLE Aug. 25 13g3, I , 0. L. HALLSTKAD, ESQ.— DEAR SIR : I have used i 4 the Wyoming Paints, and believe it to bo the best 1 and ui jst durable Metallic paint in use. It has a ' gooi strong body, works easily, requires but little j Very Respectfully. PERRY STARK. j > NICHOLSON, Oct. sth ISgB. 0 L. HALLSTEAD, ESQ —DEAR SIR ; 1 havo used J and otherwise tested the WYOMING METALLIC | PAINT, and am clear of the belief that it is supe- i ' rior to any other Mineral Paint in tiio country. It ! ' | has a good color and mixes readily; but its strong and la st features are its heavy subsiar.tial body, combined with an extremely oily nature, in consc- J qucuce oi which it requires at least a third less oil than any other paints in use. J. L. PECK. NEW YORK, Oct lit 18gS. 0. L HALLSTEAD Esq.— DEAR Slit: I am a prae rical painter Have been extensively engaged in the business for over thirty years. During thatpe riod I havo used every variety of paint known to the ! trade, and without hesitation prouounce the WYO- i MING METALLIC PAINTS, the best 1 havo over seen. It has a heavy body, mixes easily and takes from a halt to a third less oil than ordinary paints It can ba used successfully, either lor cottage pur poses, rough out-door work, roofing, or as a tire-proof paint. Respectfully Ac. A G BOLWIN, Practical Painter. I'icrccville, Aug '23, 13jj3 0. L HALLSTEAD Esq.—Dear Sir: I have tested ; the Wyoming Paint, by using it in iny shop, and believe it to be superior to any other Metallic ' Paint in the market, has an excellent body, mixes readily, and requires only about half the usual j amount of oil of other Paints. Respectfully Ac. CH AS. L. JACKSON Cabinet Maker. Piereevilie, August 15. j 0. L. HALLSTEAD, Dear Sir; I gladly add my I I testimony in favor of the ex .client qualities of tho i Wyoming -Metallic Paint. From practical tests I believe it to be superior to aoy other mineral paint in use. It has a substantial body, mixes easily, re- ' ; quires but little oil and makes a handsome finish. ISAAC D CORRY, Wagon Maker, j Later from. Mayor Hill. I MAYOR'S OPFlCß,Scranton Pa.. June 23d ISfiQ. J 0. L. HALLSTEAD Esq —Dear Sir: Having m i le a personal examination of the properties of the Wy j Wyoming Mineral Paint, and tested it inmost every ( manner, I am convinced that it is interior to no ar- ; . tide of the kind to be found in the country. ; Very Truly Y'ours, E. S. M. HILL TOWAHDA, August Ist, 1 tq;3. 0. L. Hallstead, Esq —Dear Sir . About thirty- ; . five years ago my father purchased a quantity oi the Wyoming Mineral Paint, with which ha at that j . i time painted a building, and after the lapse of a Quarter of a century it is fresh and good. Better i , evidence of quality can hardly bo required. Truly Yours, E. REED MYER j Scranton, Sept. 8, 1898 I 0. L. Hallstead. Esq—Dear Sir: I have used tho Wyoming Metallic Paint, and have great picas- ' uro in saying that it is superior to any other mineral . paints in the market. Its heavy substantial body makes it durable for outsido work, roofing an 1 Ac., j ' and the readiness with which it takes tints renders > it an excellent article for cottage purposes. Alto- : gether I regard it us the best paint in use. Very Truly Yours, DAVID BAILLE, House and Sign Painter l AH orders or communications should be addressed to the WYOMING METALLIC PAINT COM PA NY, NICHOLSON, Pn. ! LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. , WYOMING DIVISION. DEPARTURE AND ARRIVAL OK TRAINS, On and after Nov. 2d I 808, DOWN* TRAINS DEPART FROM TFNKHAN- ! NOCK, AS FOLLOWS : Ist EXI'RESS PASSENGER— at 6.20 A M., connect- 1 j ing with N J. Central, aud North Pcnn'.a. Rail | j Roads, arriving at N. Y. at 350 P. M. and at I'hil | adelphia at 2 P. M. I 2i EXPRESS PASSE XGRR departs at 12 5 P. M. { connecting as above —arrives at N. Y. 950 I*. M i, ! and at Phil'a at 8.30 P. M ! 3d FREIGHT ACC IMMODATION departs at 9.30 A M.' arrives at Mauch Chunk at 7.00 P. M. 1 UP TRAINS ARRIVE AT TL'NKHANNOCK, j J AS FOLLOWS: Ist FREIGHT ACCOMMODATION at 10 50 A. It. ( leaves Mauch Chunk at 3.30. I 2nd EXPRESS PASSENGER arrives at 4.30 P M., j Leaves N. Y. via N. J. Central at 0.45, and l'hil'a j via North Pcnu'a ut 7.15 A. M 3d EXPRESS PASSENGER arrives at 10.15 P. M., I 1 1 leaves N Y. via N. J Central at 12 M. and Pbil'a j i via North Pcnn'a at 1.45 P M I ; I I THE "PRACTICAL FARMER" C NOW IN ITS SIXTH YEAR. 1 . | Published in Philadelphia monthly, at #l5O per annum, in advance, I By PASCIIALL MORRIS, Editor aud Proprietor. 1 It is recommended to Farmers in every section of ' the Union as a thoroughly reliable and well illus- i ( t rated j : AGIMIMI, k HOBMTIMjI JOURNAL. It is chiefly made up of original matter, embracing ' I STOCK RAISING, GRAIN GROWING, JTIIK DAIRY. ORCHARD, VEGETABLE I AND MARKET GARDENING,GRAZING, ; REARING AND FATTENING ANIMALS. ', | A VETERINARY DEPARTMENT. ALSO, THE ORNAMENTAL SURROUNDINGS OF ' THE FARM. BUILDINGS, Ac , I I With regular articles on Household Economy and ; Miscellaneous matter ; tsfT Large inducements and liberal premiums of- j fared to to Agents and Canvasstrs. Sample copies with suitable show bills furnished on application to 1 •] ' PAS CH ALL MORRIS, Office of "'Practical Farmer" No. IS N 13th St. Philadelphia, Pa. J ALL of Eastmau's Water-proof Boots are made 1 s ot Leather tanned in the old-fashioned way—in j ] oold liquor, consequently will turn water and will ■] not crack ( THE reason that Eastman's Water-proof Boots ij ore impervious to water is that they aro lined ! with silk oil-cloth and super-lined with a water- j j : proop preparation which will resist tho action of rj snow water, or an almost unlimited exposure to any I j kind of damp. Wsrrantedjto give perrect satlsfac- > tinn * j( TO TRAVELLERS. 11 Travellers are notified that the subscriber runs I s REGULARSTAGESTO AND FROM THE L. V. r R. STATION, on the departure and arrival of evary j t train. These stages run from j a "THEHUFFORD HOUSE" , where, persons wishing to leave by the earliest trains d will be called for iu time to meet them. JACOB RITTISPAt'GH, Proprietor. ■ niytf I sftll gfofrfrtumrata. EMPLOYMENT • COPIES of the NEW WORK by JCNICS HENRI BROWNE, will be sold by Agents during the next few months. TIIE GBE AT METROPOLIS. A MIRROR OF NEW YORK, I is creating a furore wherever seen, unequaled in the book trade. It is destined to an immense sale. 1000 Agents Wanted. One agent reports !t4 names in 4 hours. One agent 29 in 1 day. One 89 in 3 days. One writes, "I can sell 1000 in a month " Ladies, invalids, disabled soldiers, teachers, young men and women and others are invited to send for informa tion. The work is just announced, and good terrU tory can be secured by prompt application. Ne free | Greenbacks but extra commissions paid upon this j book. Addioss BLISS A CO, Newark, New Jersey. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE SECRET SERVICE BY GEN'L L.C.BAKER. Tho astounding revelations and startling disclos i ures made in this work are creating the most in | tense desire in the minds of the people to obtain it Its official character and ready sale, combined with j an increased commission, make it the best subscrip tion book ever published. Send for circulars and 1 see our terms, and whv it sells faster than any oth er work. Address JONES BROTHERS A CO.. i Philadelphia, Pa,, or Chicago, 111. A £5 GREENBACK of full value sent free to any Book Agent. BOOK AGENTS WASTED FOB MATIIEW HALE SMITH'S NEW BOOK, "Sansliine and Shadow in New York." i A WORK OP ABSORBING INTEREST, IICPLETE WITH AN ECDOTES ANI) INCIDENTS OP I.IK KIN THE GREAT ME TROPOLIS. Our Agent in Hartford sold 80 in one day • Our agent in X. J - sold 227 in 15 days ; one agent in Mass. sold 250 in one week ; one agent in Conn, sold 30-1 in one week. No book published that sells so rapidly. "1 You wish to know how Fortunes are made ! ■IF and lost in a day ; how Sbrewcd Men are ru- j ined in Wall Street; how "Countrymen" are swin- I died by Sharpers ; how ministers and Merchants | are Blackmailed; how Dance llalls' and .Concert j Saloons are Managed; bow Gambling Houses and i Lotteries are conducted . bow Stock Companies j Originate and how tho Bubbles Burst, read this! work, it tells you about the mysteries ot New York, and contains biographical sketches of its ! noted Millionaires, Merchants, Ac, A large Octa- | to Vol., 720 page s, Finely Illustrated. The lar- j gest given. Our 32-page circular and 85 Green- I ta k sent Free on application. For full particulars J and terms, address the Publishers. J. li. BURR & CO., Hartford, Conn. s FORXEY'S Weekly Press. •/ THE GREAT RADICAL PAPER The most extensive and freshest Po litical News, —the best Agricul tural Department—The lat est Markets—and the best original reading matter. TERMS r F Tin: WFFKI.Y I'll ESS t One copy, one year, - S'd.OO Five copies, IHI Ten copies (and one cepy to the getter-up of }ho club.) .... 1 ,5 <)0 Twenty copies (and one copy to the gettcr up of the club.) .... 27 ()() Fifty copies (and one copy to the get'er up ot the clup, .... ,5,7 00 Ten copies, to one address, (and one copy to the getter up of the dub.) . 11 GO Twenty enptes, to one address, (and 0110 copy to tho getter-up of the club,) .50 OO One hundred copies, to one address (and one copy ot the Tri-Weekly Pres; to tha getter-up of tho club, - - 10000 All orders should bo addressed to JOHN IV. FORNEY. Editor and Proprietor 5. W. cot. Sev enth and Che>tnut S reets, Philsd dphia, Pa. l~*r Send for specimen copy Great Inducements. TO SUBSCRIBERS! IF.T those who want a f.rd- I LADY'S MAG. .J AZINE and a first-. 11 WEAKLY PAPER, send at once tor a sample e-ipv of THE LADY'S FRIEND, anl THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, and see the unequaled inducements offered. Sam ple Copies of both aie sent gratis. Price fur each 82 50 a year or SI for both ' Address IIENIIV PE TERSEN ,t CO.. No 019 Walnut Street, Philadel phia. Pcnn- S-0,000 HONEY G I "V7" 33 TNT -A. "TJW J\. "y • THE HOMFWEEKLY. This favorite journal is not only one of tbe oldest an 1 one of the best, but it i. THE CHEAPEST FAMILY PAPER IN THE UNITED STATES ! The following names arc selected from among the very oxten-ive lists- of our contributors: Lewis Gay lord Clark. Mrs. E. F. Kllet, Orpheus C. Kerr. P. Hamilton Myers. Mary A. Dennison, T. S. Arthur Catharnie Earnshaw. Lottie Brown, John S. C, Ab bott, Hmi. Rob't Dale Owen, Edward S. Ellis Mrs A. L. Phelps The contents will consist of brilliant .Novelettes, Romances, Historical, Biographical and Scientific Sketches, Essar/s, Poetry, Choice Articles on Ag ricultural subjects, Reviews, F'ashions, Anecdotes News, Editorials, Markets, and all that is calcula ted to instruct and entertain tho entire family cir cle-the whole being free from all Political and Sectarian bias. The illustrations will be three in each number nnl frmt the very best artists in tho country. GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS 1 ' $20,099 IN MONEY GIVEN AWAY !! In addition to the other prizes offered below, the following will bo paid to tho getter up or getters up of the largest clubs sent in between Novemb-r Ist. IStH, and April Ist, 1369, Prizes will be paid on or before April 10th, 1659. The getter up of tho Largest Club sent us between dates mentioned,will receive $500,00 in Greenbacks beconJ Largest Club 400.00 '• " Third Largest Club 300,00 " " Fourth Largest Club-a 200,00 " ' Fifth Largest Club 100,00 " " The getter up of esh Club of 100 .Subscribers will receive 10,00" •' Tho getter up of each Club of 50 Subscribers will receive 5,00 " " The getter up of each club of 40 Subscribers will be entitled to select a book or books, tho price of which is $4,00 The getter up of each Club of 25 Subscriber will bo entitled to select a book or books, tho price of which is 2,50 The getter up of each Club of 15 Subscribers will he cntftled to select a book or books, the prise of which is 1,50 The getter up of each Club of 10 Subscribers will bo entitled to select a book or books, the price of which is 1,00 The setter up of each Club of five subsbribers will be entitled to select a book or books, the price of wh'rh is 50 A Catalogue from one of the largest publishing houses in the United States will be furnished, from which selections can be made, and tho books will be sent to the parties entitled to them. POSTAGE FREE. TERMS: Single Copies Five Cents. One Copy, one year, 82,00 Two copies, one year, 3,80 FTve copies, one year. 9^oo Ten copies, one year, and one extra to the getter up of Club, 17,00 Fifteen copies, one year, and one extra, 25,00 Twenty-five copies, and one extra, 40.00 Forty copies, and one extra, 64,00 Fifty copies, and one extra,* SO.OO One hundred copies, and one extra, 155,00 The postage one the HOME WEEKLY is 20 cts a year. Postmasters and others who get up clubs, can afterwards add names at thj same rates, and the names will be counted, up to April Ist, as part of the original club. Specimen copies sent, free of postage, on receipt of a five cent note. Send for specimens, and cosnmeace sending in your clubs early. All communications must be ad dressed to JOSEPH A NUNES, Publifher A Prop'r. 121 So. Third Philadelphia, Pa. GFEFO ITERTWMRATS. | SOUTHERN HOME JOURNAL FOR 1869. TERMS:—#3 per annum. Four oopiei for 810; Eight copies for 820; and an extra copy to the getter of the club. A 3*40 Silver Watch for 20 Subscri ' hers. A §55 SeV-iag Machine for 25 Sub ] scribers. A §6O gold watch for 40 Subscri i bers. A §IOO Gold Watch for 75 Sub ! scribers. If you do not got enough to secure one of the pre ! tniums, wo will allow you 60 cts. on each year ly subscriber at 83. Sample Copies free. Early in the coming volume wo shall commence , A SPLENDID NEW STORY, by Alexandre Due mus, which will be printed from advance sheets furnished only to this paper. JGIIN Y. SLATER, Publisher, Baltimore, Md. HANS ANDERSEN, ANI) THE RIVERSIDE MAGAZINE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Hans Christian Anderson, the Greatest Living Story Teller, will send new articles direct to the RIVER SIDE. The new volume begins Jan., 1869, and will be brighter and fresher than ever. SPLENDID PREMIUM. We will give to every subscriber for 1963 who sends 82.50 (the regular price (directly to us, a copy o*' the elegant Chromo. THE QUACK DOCTOR, BY HENRT L. STEPHENS, reproduced in rich colors, for our subscribers only. Size 16x20 inches, and well worth 85. Copies will be sent by mail, pre-paid, in the order of subscrip tion, HI'RD k HOUGHTON, Publishers, •159 Broome Street, Now York. Samples of Magazine sent for 25 cts. Piospectus free, THE Practical Farmer. NOW IN ITS SIXTH YEAR ! PUBLISHED IN PHILADELPHIA, MONTHLY,'at 81,50 per annum, in advance, by PASCIIALL MORRIS, 13 No. 13th St., I'hila'd. 20 copies for 820. Is chictly made up of original matter, in relation to every Department of Agricul ture, Horticulture and Rural Economy. Large in ducements and liberal premiums offered to agents and canvassers. Sample copies furnished on appli cation. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE OFFI C I A L HISTORY OP THE AVAR. Its Causes, Character, Conduct A: Results, EI HOI. A. H. STEPHEIS. Its ready sale, combined with an increased com mission, make it the best subscription book ever pub lished. Sen I for circulars and fee our terms, and a full description of the work. Address NJTIOSAL PUB- Ltsnfx; Co , Philadelphia Pa-, cr Cincinnati, Ohio. Ri ' i; - • '■ yK tr - yi ,nKER > J.T_LVA V_Y XV tho Great National RURAL and FAMILY WEEKLY, commences its TWENTIETH Year, Jan. 2, on a Mammoth Sheet, comprising Sil ken Large Double Quarto Pages of Five Columns each, and also Greatly Improved. This will make the Paper about Double its Former aire, with no in crease in price ! Vol. XX for 1809. will excel in all the essentials of a Progressive, Timely and Use ful Rural, Literary and Family Newspaper,— mani festing the true spirit of its Motto. ''EXCELSIOR," and Objects, "Progress and Improvement.' and ma king the Rest Weekly in America ' The Rural is not a Monthly, but a Large and Beautiful Weekly—superior in Value, Purity and Variety of Contents, anl Adapted to the Wants of All. TERMS ; —B3 a year ; Five Copies, Bi4 ; Seven for 819 : Ten fur 825, Ac. Now is the time to Subscribe and form Clubs! Liberal inducements to club Agents. Specimens, Show Bills. Ac. sent free it, L>. T. MOORE, 41 Park Row, New York \ GENTS WANTED for our Illustrated Bible - V History, over 400 engravings. Photographic Bibles as low as 83.0 U. Fend stamp for terms, Ac. • •KEEN A CO., 513 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, A DAY. Agents wanted. Address, with BURT A CO , Biddieford. Me- A GENTS WANTED-—Male and female, for our _/i.mi pcrior assortment of Stationery Gift Packages. Can be soli in every household. No better invest ment. Circular free. Address lIAASIS A LU BRECHT,:Empiro Map, Chartjand Stationery Es tablishment. 107 Liberty street, New York. ai: [H r.MI'ROVED WITH ROWELL'S NEW PATENT J. DOUBLE-GEAR The only Wringer which can use the "STOI-," or fastening above tho cogs, which is absolutely necessary to prevent the cogs from playing out of gear, and tho Rubber Rollers from being strained or broken in wringing large articles. Sold by dealers generally. A supply always kept on hand for shipment at Cleveland, Chicago, and St Louis. R. C. BROWDING, General Agent, 32 Cortland! street, N. Y, RED JACKET A3d 33. COLBURN'S PATENT. Patented July 9.1867. Re-issued f Aug. 13, 1868. Extracts from Letters nud Reports of the working qualities of the Axe. 1. Your' Axe is bound to be THE AXE. 2. It will cut 25 per cent, better. 3. My brother lost one arui in thoJwar, but with your Axe ho can cut as well as any one else can. 4. If I could not get another, twenty-five (325) dollars would not buy it. * 5. It will cut hoop-poles better than any other Axe. 6. I would not be without it for anything. 7. Tho onlyrobjection isjit goes too far into the wood. 9. Men whojehop for ajlivinguniversally fpprovo of it, Ac , Ac., ad infinitum. For sale by all responsible dealers, and the mak ers, LIPPINCOTT A BAKEWELL, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sol* owners of the PateDts. Manufacturers of the RED JACKET AXES, SAWS, SHOVELS and SCOOPS, and all approved Shapes and Styles of Axes. Drunkenness ami all love or desire for intoxieatiDg liquor* safely and positively cured by Dr. CLARK'S 'Salvation Ponders.' They can bo ad ministered if necessary without the knowledge of the person, in Ale, Wine, Tea, or any oth er beverage. Sent by mail on receipt of price, One Dollar. Address Dr. JAMES L CLARK, 488 Hud son street, N. Y. Cut tuis out for reference. O"*NET~ dollar ! ONE DOLLAR J— MESERVE A CO., 35 Sudbury street, Boston are sole proprietors and manufacturers of the newly Invented Peerless Double l'en Fountain. Agent* wanted everywhere. With each fountain sold, whether single for specimen or to club*, they send a slip, -without charge, describing om* article they will sell foe One Dollar. They supply families with thousand* of useful, ornamental, and necessary arti cles of unequalled quality, defying competition ia this trade Commissions >1 to 3500, according to size of clubs. Mauy agent* make 920 por day.— Otronlui fent free. %tk fMentisemmti LOOK ! LOOK! The magnitude of oar buiines* ha* enabled a* to make the INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS, FOB OCR ONE DOLLAR SALE. especially in the line of Cotton Good*. Larger than Ever ! Send for circular*, with New Premium Rates, before sending your clubs elsewhere. Address S. C. THOMPSON \ CO., 136 Federal street., Beston. T A TYf 17%: LADIES! LADIES!- JL//V.JJir!iO, Tba PATENT EMPRESS GARTER and the EUGENIE, two ot the most use ful articles ever invented for ladies' use. Circulars gratis. Samples mailed for 42.50. Agents wanted everywhere. Address EMPRESS GARTER Co., 148 Fulton street., N. Y. P. 0. Box 2438. FIYCIIOLOGIC Fascination, or Soul Charming llow to fascinate and gain the love of any one, become wealthy and prosper in business. An ele gant book containing also a rich French novel Pas cal Bovine, with a thousand business chance* for agents never before published. Price 25 el*, by mail. Address T. Wii.mam A Co., Book Publishers, Philadelphia. HO ! FOB AUSTIN * CO'.S GREAT ONE DOLLAR SALE ! | "We propose to fight It out ou this line." AGENTSTAGENTS: Wanted ! Ladies and Gentlemen in every town and city in the United States, to act as AgeDt* for AUSTIN Ji CO.'S GREAT ONE DOLLAR SALE of rich and valuable goods, comprising nothing but useful articles wanted in every family. EACH AND EVERY ARLICLE WILL BE SOLD FOR OME DOLLAR To any person getting up either of the Clubs be low, we will present a Watch, Dress Pattern, Piece of Sheeting, Sewing Machine, Wool Carpet, Ac., Ac, tree of extra cost. Our inducements to Agents have always been nearly double those of any other house i in the trade, and our largely increasing business , warrants us in continuing the same. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE OF TIII9 :-Our Agents are not required to pay one dollar for their presents, but receive the same for their services in getting up Clubs. Please examine the following TERMS TO AGENTS. Any person sending us a Club of Ten, with 91, will be entitled to receive for tlie same any one of the five hundred articles on our Exchange List. (See Circular.) For A Club ol Thirty, with 93, the peron will be entitled to one of the following articles, viz : Meerschaum Pipe. 20 yds Bleached or Brown Sheet ing, Elegant Silver plated Five-bottle Revolving Castor, 1 Fancy Dress Pattern. 1 dux. extra quality Cotton Hose, Fancy Colored Bel Spread, 1 large size Damask Table Cover, 1 Morocco Album—loo piotures, All-Wool Caseiuiero for pants and Vest, 1 pair Ladies' Serge Congress Boots best quality, 1 dox fine Linen Towels, 1 large sixe Worsted Shawl La dies' long Gold plated Chain, Splendid Ladies' Mor occo Shopping bag with lock an l key, Set of Jewelry with Sleeve Buttons to match, 1 Violin and Bow, 1 1 dox. Shirt Bosoms, 1 White Marseilles Quilt, 1 EI- ! egant Black Walnut Workbox or Writing Desk. For a Club of Fifty, with 95.—1 pair All-! Wool Blankets. yards fine C'assimere for Pants j and Vest. 1 Black or Colored Alpaca Drew Pattern 1 solid Gold Scarf Pin. 1 pair Gents' Calf Boots, 30 yards Bleached or Brown Sheeting, 2 yds double j width Cloth for Ladies' Cloaks 1 Fur Muff or Collar 30 yards Print fast colors, 1 Square Thibet Shawl, 1 plain Poplin Dress Pattern, 1 elegant six-bottle j heavy plated Castor, 1. pair Gents' White Shirts, genuine Meerschaum Pipe in case, 1 set of Lace Curtains. | For a Club of Oue Hundred, with 910.—1 heavy Silver plated engraved Ice Pitcher, 60 yards , Bleached or Brown Sheeting, 1 rich Merino or Thib et Dress Pattern, 1 set of Ivory handled Knives and Forks, 1 pair superior White Wool Blankets, TJ yds. all-wool Fancy Cassimerc for suit, elcgaut Berage Dress Pattern, 1 Ladies' or Gents' S.lver Hunting case Watch, 1 Bacoil's Six-barreled Revolver, Silver plated engraved Six-bottle Revolving Castor with cut glass bottles, Fine Wool Cloth for Ladies' Cloak, 25 yds Hemp Carpeting, 1 pair fine Damask Table cloths Napkins to match, 2 heavy honeycomb Quilts I Bartiet hand portable Sewing Machine, 1 Wool Long Shawl, nice Fur Muff and Cap?, 1 pair Gents' French Calf Bouts. For a Club of Five Hundred, with 950.—21 yaris extra Woolen Carpeting, I elegant Hunting case Watch (Waltham, warranted one year.) 1 ele gant Chamber Bet black black Walnut trimmings, 1 i hair cloth Spring Sofa. For a Club of One Thousand, with 9100. 30 yards Brussels Barpets, \ Parlor Set complete, 1 La-lies' or Gents' Hunting Gold Watch and Chain 1 complete set of rich Sable Furs. For larger or smaller club wc will give a present of proportionate value. Agents or customers may at any time make a selection of goods from the Exchange List, and by sending One Dollar for each article, have the goods lorwarded to them, without first ordering cheeks ; but in such cases no premiums will be given. DIRECTIONS. Send large sums of money by Draft on New York or Boston or by Bxpress, We will pay exchange on all sums of 825 or more. Smaller sums should be sent by registered letter or by postal money order. — It will be impossible to lose money sent in cither of the above ways. We will not be respons'ble for monev lost, unless sent a above directed. Seo that your letters are properly directed and stamped, as no letters are forwarded unless prepaid. Write your address in full, Town, County and State. Agents wanted in every Town and Village. Address AUSTIN A COMPANY, No. 106 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. nl9-w4. TUE AMERICAN mm SOLE DMSMIIG AID SEWING MACHINE CO, In directing attention to their CELEBRATED COMBINATION BUTTON HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE, beg leave to refer to its wonderful pop ularity as conclusive proof of its great merit- The increase in the demand for this valuahle machine has been TEN FOLD during seven months of its first yeur before the publio. This grand and surprising success is unprecedent ed in the history of sewing machines, and w feel fully warranted in claiming that IT II AS NO EQUAL, BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST PAMIXiY MAOECIPJB IN THE WORLD, And Intrinsically the Cheapest, It is really two machines combined in one, (by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement,) making both the Shuttle or Lock-stitch, and the Overscaming and Button-hole stitch, with eqaal facility and perfection. It executes in the very best manner every variety of sewing, such as, Hem ming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Stitching, Braid ing and Quilting, Gathering and sewing on, (done at the same time,) and in addition, Overseams, Embroiders on the edge, and makes beautiful But ton and Eyelet holes in all fabrics. These machines with rpacimens of work and workings can be seen at TUN KII AN NOCK, PA., by calling on the undersigned, agents for the sale of them in Wyoming County. MRS. GEO. 8. TUTTON, MRSJBENJ- NEWMAN. v7n46tf. EASTMAN invites the attention of tha publio to the atyle, workmanship, material, variety and price of hu ifenk c? ready undo wwk. i INTRODUCED INTO AMEKUA FROM OEKM.I\)\ HOOFLANO'S GERMAN BITTERS, anJ • HOOFLANO'S GERMAN TONIC, PREPARE') R)' DR. r. M. jjdaw-,*. J'HlHllfcl PHU, Vt. The greatest kno-f.'r spent Jin ff Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility. JAUNDICE, Diseases of the Kidneys, EEUPTIONS of the SKIN, ' and all Diseases arising from a ordered Liver, Stomach, or IMPURITY OF TUF Read the follourxng symptoms, and if you /I/.u \ t your ryttem w affttud by any of them, yuu nuxy r*m assured that disease has emmenred its of the Stomach, Nausea, Hesrt burn. Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations. Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried or D,moult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heait Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision. Dots or Webs before the Sight, Dull Pain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc.. Sud den Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings o: Evil, and Great Depression ot Spirit,. All that indicate disease of the Liver r>r Digestif Organs, combined uiilh impure blond. tjooflanb'g ©ermau Ritlcrs Is entirely vegetable, and contain* no liquor. It Is atompound of Fluid Ki traet*. The Roots, Herbs, and Bnrk. from which these extracts are matt are gathered In German}-. All the medicinal virtues are extracted from them by a scientific chemist. Tiiese extract* are then forwarded to thl. country to be used expressly for lor manufacture of these Bitters. Tlieic I* no alcoholic substance of any kind used in compounding the Hit in- , hence It is the only Bitters thai ext. be used incaseswhere alcoholic nlui ulauts are not advisable. fijoofUmb's ©crmua Conir is a combination nf all the ingredients of the h - with vers Santa Crus Rum. (orange, etc. It ie used <•. the same disease > a* the Bitters, in coses where pure alcoholic * e*ny from Vie q/t, impart a blfvm to the chuks, -'mi . the patiem from u short-brea:\e*i, tmucintvl, and nervous invalid, to a full-fared, .**■!*.•. a-! ... . QUSJ39TSOU. Weak and Delicate Children are made strong by using tha Blttsrs or Tonic. In fact, they are Family Ulrdicines. They can be administered wllli perfect safety to a child threo mouths old, the most delicate female, or a man of ninety. These Remedies are the best I flood Purifiers trrr known, and will curs all diseases resulting frSAI bad blood. Keep your blood pure; keep your Liver in stdsr; keep your digestire organs in a sound, healthy Mali- Hon, by the use of these rmrnies, and no disease wdl ever assail you. TS3 COIIPL32IO2T. Ladles who wish a fair skin and food complexion, free from a yellow ■li tinge and all other disfigurement, should use these remedies occasion ally. The Liver in perfect order, and t lie Moou purr, will rcanlt tn tyark llng eyee and blooming eheaks. CAUTION. Hoof end's German Remedies a. e eountorfettsd. T>.e genuine have the signature of C. Jf. Jsdwwi on the frenr of the outside wrapper of each bottle, assA the name of the article blown in each bottle. All PtAsrt are counterfeit. Tliontands of lettere have been re ceived, testifying to the virtue off those remedies. READ THE BECOMMENDATIOHB. FROM HON. GEO.W. WOODWARD, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 16th, 186 T. I find "llnoflaniTs German BUteri" is not an ialse irating beverage, Imt is a good tonic, useful iw disor dei's of the digestive organs, and of great benefit its case, of debility and want of nervous action in Che system. Yours truly, GEO. IF. WOODWARD. TROM HON. JAMBS THOMPSON, JnJge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, APRIL 28th, 1866. I consider <' Hoofland's German Bit ters" a valuable medicine In ease of at tacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. 1 ran certify this from my experience of it. Yours, with respect. JAMES THOMPSOH, From r.EV. JOSEPH 11. KENNARD, D.D., Pastor of the Tenth baptist Church, Philadelphia. IR. J acssox— DEAß FIR I hare beenfrtausnliyrm quested to connect my Home with recommendations of afferent kinds of medicines, but regarding the practice as out of my appropriate sphere, I have in ail cases de chned; but with a clear proof in various instances, and particularly in my oxon family, of the usefulness of Dr. lleefanas German Hi Iters, Idepart for ones from my usual course, to express my full conviction that tic general debility of the system, and especially fer livar Complaint, it is a safe and valuable preparation, is tome cases if may fail; but usually, I doubt wet, it will be very beneficial to those who suffer from (As abacs causes. Yours, very respect/idly, J. 11. REWARD, Eighth, below Coaltt JC. Price of the Bitters, 41.00 per botllti Or, a half dosen for $5.00. Price of the Tonic, 41.60 per bottle I Or, a half dosen for $7.80. The Touic is"put up in quart bottles. Recollect thai it is Dr. lloofiamts German Romodist that are so universally used and so highly vteommmd ed; and do not allow the Druggist to indues you to take any thing else that he may say is just as good, bo cause he g akes a larger profit on it. These Rtmsshm will be wr,t by express to any locality upon staph cation to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINC STORt, .Yl'.Wt ARCH STREET, Philadelphia. CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor, c ..Tmerljr 0. M. JACKSON & CO. These He medics are for sale by Druggists, Sloirlteriicss, and Medi cine Healer* every where. .. la■■ 1 ! ;,1 Ie • •f >: the arUJe t img.im .>■ .-. •.■ v /' >.e g.0..i, FAIR-jtitehe-l Imported trench Calf Boot*, man ufactured by Eastman for 410, are superior t city mado Boots which cost 414 EASTMAN'S imitation French Calf Dr**t BoeU at 46 (o 46,50 are a neat, stylish and duraUn anfcld NbM<% Rise ibna inthkbarkst. IF yon want Boot* or Shoe* andllhe full vain* fat your money, io to Eastman's- lie ha* every fa* eility for manufacturing and challenge* ooapeutlon NO more necessity for oomplaint* of wet feekw . Eastman's water-proof Boots arc warranted n complete sod perfect remedy, and tfrj| wmm written gwiwtw,