HALWEY SICKLETt, Publisher, VOL. VIII. iUpming ffiuotcal jV iinocruc weekly - _ detoted to Poll ./J , . , , the Arte BV° HARVEY SICICLEB i IVriue-i copy 1 year, In advance) 00; if Mt paid within six menths, H2.50 will be charged NO paper will be DISCONTINUED, until all are rearagesre paid; unleaa at the option of pnbli RATES OF ADVERTISING TKN usee COSSTITCT* A MJUABB. one quare one or three Insertions- en kvery subsequent insertion less than 8 *SO KXAL EITATX, PEBSOSAL Proprbtv, and Gkhkbal Adtmbtisino, ai may be agreed upon, PATXST MEI>ICI*b and other advertisements oy the column : One column, 1 year, S6O Half column, 1 year j® Third column, 1 year,- Fourth column, 1 year, tiusiness Cards of one square or 1M, per year uith paper, SS nr EDITORIAL or LOCAL Itim advertleing—with out A dvertieement —IB cts. per line. Liberal terms made with permanent advertisers. EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS and AUDI TOR'S NOTICES, of the usual length, $2,50 OBITUARIES,- exceeding ten lines, each ; RELI GIOUS and LITERARY NOTICES, not of general Dlerest, one half the regular rates. Advertisements must be handed in by Tuks- AV NOON, to insure insertion the same week. JOB WORK f all kinds neatly executed nnd at price? to suit the times. All TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS and JOB WORK must be paid for, when ordered Bus in ess No tices. R iT. & VV. E LITTLE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Office on Tioga Street Tunkhannock Pa HB.COOPBI. PHYSICIAN A 6URGJSOH • Newton Centre. Luzerno County l*a O i,, UAKRISH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. • Offi-e at the Court II .use, in Tunklianock Wyoming Co. I'a. ' U"' 11. .M IMATT,~ATTUI;N FY AT LAW Of fice in Stark's lliic k Block Tioga St., Tunk nt'.ma k, Pa. J ASE. ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL 1 . LOR AT LAW, Nicholson, Wyoming Co-, Pa Especial uttenlion given to settlement of dcre lent's estates Nijkihiw, Pa. Pee. 5 Isg7 -vTnlOyl M.I. WILSON, ATTO-iNFY AT LAW, Col • lectiug and Real Estate Agent. lowa Lands fir sale. Scranton, Pa. Rstf. T VV. 880 AIM. PHYSICIAN A SUBfIEON, J . will attend promptly to all calls in his pro ession. May be lound at bis at the Dru a kure, or at bis residence on Putmau Sreet, formerly Kcupied by A. K. Peckham Esq. Office on second floor of NEW JEWELRY STORE, on fiooa St. vB-nlB-6m. PACIFIC HOTEL," 170,172,17* Sl 170 Greenwich Street ■jx* DOOR ABOVE cortlandt STREET, SEW YORK.) The unperiigned takes pleasure In announcing to Is numerous friends and patrons that froin this ite, the charge of the Pacific will be $2.50 PER DAY. Being sole Proprietor of this house, and therefore *• from the too common exaction of an Inordinate ret, be Is fully able to meet the downward tenden f of prices without any falling off of service. It will now. as heretofoie, be his aim to maintain iimished the favorable reputation of the Pacific, Mch It has enjoyed for many years, as one of the t of travelers" hotels. THE TABLE will be bountifully supplied with •(•ry delicacy of the season. THE ATTENDANCE will be found efficient and A obliging. . . , THE LOCATION will be found convenient for use whose business calls them in the lower part of e city, and of ready access to all Rail Koad and .eamboat Lines. JOHN PATTEN. Oct 10th 1868. n 18-681. HUFFORI) HOUSE. UN KHANNOCK, WYOMING CO., PA "HIS ESTABLISHMENT HAS RECENTLY 1 i en refitted an I furnished in the latest style. 'try *"en , '...n will be given to the comfort end ivee cnre of thoao who patronize the House. 11, HT'FFOUD. Proprietor. Trr khacn ck, Pa., June 17, 1368 —v7n44. BOLTON HOUSE. IIAKHISIIL'KH, PKNNA. The undersigned having lately purchased the bI'EHLER HOUSE " property, has already com n-el such alterations and improvements as will tiitt tbiroid and pipular House equal, if not sape '''■ to any Hotel in the City of Harrisburg. Ac .atinuance.of the public patronage is refpect 'llj solicited. GEO. J, BOLTON WALLS HOTEL, LATE AMERICAN HOUSE/ r, '\!vH AN NOCK, WYONIHG CO., PA. p"< en-aldUhinent has recently been refitted an t fsrnished in the latest style Every attention l ■ ' ziven to the comfort and convenience of those '• patrunixe the House. T. R. WALL, Owner and Proprietor.; j '•akhannoek, September 11, 1861. MEANS' HOTEL.~ t OWANDA, PA. „ lb B. BARTLET, <- ie ol i. RRRAINARD Horse, ELMIRA, N. Y. PKOPKIETGK. HOTEL > i" nne of tbe LARGEST 4 5,. I ARRANGED Housee in the country— It k: r' ID mo,t mo( lern and improved etyle lft ' P*" l ' re spared to make it a pleesantand j ' t ' l ' ppi " K Pl " c * for *"• - ! N ! AS ' 'j** bis customers tbe benefit of hie i'vlu taeilities, and saves to them (be k-'id to Jobbers, Middlemen and •WWe dealers. TDNKHANNOCK, WYOMING CO., PA. -WEDNESDAY, DEC. 9, 1868. JLatest JVewSa Late arrival of New Goods. Great Bargains at the New Store of O. Detridi,' in S.'Stark's Bri;k Block ! AT TUNKHANNOCK. PEI'A. Having just returned from the City, I am now opening an entire New Stock of FALL GOODS, and one of the lorgest and richest assortments ever offered in this community. Consisting of RICH AND FANCY COL'RD DRESS SILKS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS, EMPRESS AND PRINCESS CLOTnS, POPLINS, PARKMETTOS, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACCAS WOOL, ARMI"RE, PEKIN AND MOUSELIKU DELAINS, INPORTED AND DOMESTIC GrNGUAMS, PRINTS