farm (Sartmi \ Eifcbrit. if* I•• rn er- .ml men generally ... u.jiir.i. . lo ...I.lribule in Ibis Departim-iit, as il is froiu ex.eriecec thai we hope to gain some ining oi interest for our readers I'OPPIN CORN. An i il.. re they set a popping coin John Stiles an 1 Cutter ; Join, etiies was stout ns any ox. •! Sue n fit hmter. An I Il.rie lb. y at ui.d shelled lae corn. Anil lake-, and stirred the lire. And talked ot diflcreni kind ol ears. An i bitched I he 11 chairs up nigher Then Susan she the |-p[.er shook. Then Joliu he shook the topper. Till both their facte grow as red As sauce pa us made of copper. And then they shelled, and p pped anl a'e, All kinds of fun a-poking. And he barr-hnwed at her remarks, Aui the laughed at his joking. Ad si ill :kcy popped ar.d still they ate, (John's moult, was like a bop.jer) And tlirred the fire, and sprinkled salt, And shook and shook the popper. The clock struck nine, the clock struck ten, And si'll the corn kept popping : It s.u. k eleven, and then struck twelve, Ai >1 dill i sigrs of stopping Ane John he ale, and .Sue s!n> thought - The i. in . i I pop ami [.alter, Till John cried u., "The corn's afire ! Why, Su an, what's the matter 2" Said she, • John Stiles, its one o'rloik You'll die of indigestion ; I'm sick of all this popping corn— Why don't >..u pop the cpuestion L" WHY FOWLS CANNOT BE KEPT IN LARGE NUMBERS. it is g. nerally c. i.> <-..!> c'i ■ k.cp ihe smallest number togethur gener illy obtain the greatest jr. ps.rtioual number of eggs Anl this is. wo think, not only true, but easily to be accounted for. Every one who has kept fowls knows that they are very uncleanly birds. Th-y even WASH them— selves in the plitT, ami evidently not for the purpose of elciuiiness, l.ut to ri 1 themselves of ver min- Tbey pr- for loon, light t..iud, b cause if in the ?un it is genemlly w.iriuer, and it is easily mov ed j but ihey - ■••ru equally to enjoy any soft, U*y earth, althimoli it uiiv u->t bo very sweet ant clean. They are n-.t oi -aly fiithy i t'i ir coopm, roosting under each other, taking no p.iiii to avoipingi. and dolii; no m.-t apparently to cleanli ness. There is more apparent in the house where tacv Hie confined, and where the air should be 89 pure a- possible. If they are at large and few in number,they move arouui se much that they can— n(t scour the ground. Tliev aie by nature clean, but by habit the reverse, and the only way to keep tteui in the natural state is to give them range enough, so that tLey cannot soil their haunts, or else cleanse their haunts ani faithfully every dai. We kept one solitary hen on our |.iace lor several mmthr. ~he was of the common bar-yard breed - We never saw a healthier fowl, or oue whose leath er? kept so fresh and |ier!° .• n I she was a con stant layer. No care wis taken o her. and we al ways attributed her thrill to the fjet that she had the whole range ol cur place for exercise and her quarters were always jierfeetly clean. As Soon as your flock liecomes Urge yon will find them crowding together, an 1 always soaring their haunts, if there are a sufficient number to do it. You may do something towards preventing this, but you cannot keep very largo flocks very cle in Wc have often seen if slated thai n-.t more than fifty hen* eh ml I lw kept in a hen house iweu'y feet by ten. Except with coiistan* ire tut cleaning that number i-auu .t Jo very well in a smaller space Clase up su.-h a house some cold nigh', when you have neglected cleaning it for a lew days, anl go iu from the fresh air in the morning, and you will lie surpri.-e! n! ihe impurity of the uir therein. Drive the flock out inm the epn air and you will see what a change ,t produ-es in (hem, and In* lively they will become in a few minutes. Th size of the flock must always Jcpcnl upon the extern of ihn ac-oinni-i Uti.iiis, au I even then the large flocks cannot be kept so cleanly and healthy as the small one.-, and therefore are not in propor tion so profitable. cr It is a good pt iu to give fans horses the range of weedy stubble and other fields l ite in the ses?.n. Toey eat a great many wi cds as other lorage tails. We keep our hor-e-s too warm, as a rule, for the sake of giving them smooth coats Make it a rule n'ver to give a horse fee I or water antil he has stoo l an h- ur .tier emuing in off Ihe road or from hir I work. Rub him down -as soon as he comes in, throw a varui blanket over him. and re nut eit wUi ho is fed or within an hour. Sever leave a warm horse to c.iol off in draughts of air or in the wind out of A horse stable should lie light, airy, and rooiuy. A horse that doc* nothing will do well on hay alone, watered twice a day. and groomed twice a week I*' he is used, eraotn daily. Keep the stable always clean. Corn sulk* dry so slowly th>it it often takes all the lair weather of autumn to t wind is tested by taking a lock from Ike sheep's back, ami [.lacing it on a sui face iepret ntitig an iucb in length. If the spirals count from thirty to thirty-three in that space the Wjo! t equal ti. the Guest "Electoral" or Saxony wool. The staple is inferior accordingly as it take? a l-s-er iium'or to fill u;> the same space. J jf The best way to preserve limn." from flies is ss soon . -they rj "uinke 1, t> wrap tuein in olii rews|uj*r.", first *it b one enl anl again with no otic.', unJ tic the ends of the |iapcr or paste them d.nn. let the -ring. to bang them op. come through the paper, lie'.n/ very careful that the bole shall oily tl STUCK FOB U'ISTIIIIIJIG.—The hy CMJ) hi' ix< n abundant, and ui my will buy rfieey •Mi make wanuie buy *J * lo give tbein a good rtefi on ||M bnloM winter u in. ijtisrillaiifous. 1 L '■ * WgSTBBN K K. Winter Arrangement—■ t H7-H. IT. UN S LEAVE. - WUTWAMb | UIIWARU. • (treat Bend. j MaiL . Station. I Mall". j "Great liefuL _ Atvom. ) | i | A.V .in. A *. 9.01) New York 1.43 7,'.i0 Philadelphia 6.2b 11,13 New Hampi'n JO v li. 12,05 Manuka Ch'nk 1.3(1 10,.iU 3,53 Stranlon lO.'.'S 6.36 11,30 1.41 Factoryville 'J,.'! 525 2,0U o,' 1 Nicholi-oa 9,00 3,01 13.53 6.45 Monti. Je P.VU 350 1,30 6,25 (.rent bend 7,40 250 . DINNKR AT D(.I.4WAKI, MAT UN i ( "XM . TIONS. | At NEW IIAMITi'N, with Central li. Koi New ( Jersey, tor New York, Elizabeth. l'l.iintk-l I. Scner j ville, Hasten, Ac. ' At WASHINGTON, with Morris J Essex K. 11, for New York, Newark, .Morri-iown, K.okalt-town, I Eastoa, Ae. At MANI'NKA Clil N'K, with Kelvider.- Kela ware K R., tor Pbibi-ici'itiin, Xreiit.ig, Phiilifniiurg, be 1 vide re, Ac. At SCRAXTON, with Lackawanna u Uiooui.-dmrg R. 11, tor Pitt-ton, Wilkes-Harre, Bluomsburg, Ru pert. fcDanviile, NorihamberUn t, Ac. ; also," with ) Delawure A lluiison K R f..r , with Eiie Railway, for lling hauipton, Elintra, buffalo, Ithaca, Syracnsa „nd Oswego. li. A. HENRY, lien, Pass. and Ticket Agent. FURNITURE -£sLivrn CABINET WARE. j o STANSBUIiV, MASS & CO., ANNOUNCE to the public that the Furniture Rooms iorineily kept by Mansbury A Hass have been removed to the Planing Mill of D. L PECKHAM, CORNER OF COURT HOUSE SQUARE. with whom a partnership has been lormcd where, by availing themselves of steam [owcr. with improv ed machinery tlu> ar.-- prepared to furnish every thing in their line, (mm ; & TO 7~* AT IRe 1 ...west I.lviiig Prices. UNDERTAKING attended to at the shortest j notice. Upholstering anil Repairing done to order. # STANSBURY, MASS A CO Tuokhannock, Mar. b 18 1568.-tf. NE W UAN ( 1 Y AND TRIMMING STORE Tioga Street, TunkhaimiK-k, Pa. MRS. I'i. LEASE. HAVIX'tS lately opeue i anew Fancy Store , of fers for sale an entirely new aasoriment of TniMTvrxixrG, Dres< Trimmings, White Goods. Embroideries Ladies Zepher, in all colors. Kid Gloves, Cuffs arid Collars I.* ve, Veils. Corsetts, Ladies No k'ies, best quality of Combs, Needles and Thiead |l NT) ef can be ■t..,. I ••■utel t L>iu*n A UVI1 " n "beads, - Tuokhannock. l'enn'u. and bB m.l other di alers, the Gr'T EXOII-H w KKXT SwKCir- A"T " "bit Lini - - -i/-Q - J ment stands unrivalled, and is the best, cheapest, most powerful Liniment ever offered to the public, for man or horse. It has been used for many veirs in England, by the leading harriers, and tliey have bad the greatest success with it of any liniment ever >i-c.| for ihe cure ot horses Those who hive horses ihat sweenied or lame, have swelled j lints, spraius,, old sores, flesh cuts, collar galls, should try this Liniment and they will be convinced Ihat it is superior to all oilier known preparalious It it does not give good salisfa. li -n, return the bottle half full and your money will t> refunded. I'm lip. in convenient form, and sol.t by all Drug gists and storekeepers at 511 cents a I. tile. lion's fail to e.ul tor the Great /Jo- link Sireeney Liniment. It. li. GAREY. Middle (own, N. V ~ Feb. 18, 18G8-lf. A GREAT VICTORY!! ! FORT SUMPTER RE-TAKEN AND THE Enemy of Man Driven to the Wall! : THE NORTH SIDE OF THE OLD FORT FILLED TO OVERFLOWING WITH SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, FLOCK, MEAL, FEED, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, CHEESE. | Both Green ar.d Drie.l Apples, Also, Fresh Tanned and Dried Peaches. Prunes, Currants, Raisins. Lemons, Oranges. Figs, .Sardines, Candies, Potatoes, Cabbage, Nuts, Spices, Salt, Soap, Segars, Pork, Lard, butter. Eggs, Fish, Smoked Meat, Oysters by the quart, gall on or barrel; Solid Meats, in fact, every thing in the line of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. The South si le of the 01.1 Fort is fittad up for lb reception of ail wishing a lish of Raw- Stewed or Fried Oysters ALSO, Pie.. Cake-. ( i.eese, and a Cup >.| Hot Coffee. Sar dines. . r .a dish of fre-ii Peaches. WJNTEI' butter, Eggs. Game, Chickens, Ducks, god Geese, afiall times, for which cash will be paid ou de livcry, at the very highest market rales. Call and see for yourselves and be convinced Ihat the p.lace to buv your Groceries, is in the Old Fort on the Southwest corner of Tioga and bridge streets, Tunkhannock, I'a. B. M- STONE. Nov 5, 1867—*7nl4tf. JUST OPENED A full and well Selected Stock t.l SEGARS, SMOKXIG TOP.AI'L O, CHEWING TOBACCO, SMOKERS** AKTII I.l>, NOTIONS, ifcr. At TUNklf ANNOt'K. la. The undersigned takes p.'.easure in soliciting the inhaV>itants ol this p.I ice and vicinity to call and ex amine his goods. SUPERIOR FACIEI I IKS Enable him to sup'ply bi-.TTER and CHEAPER ARTICLES In his ine at WHOLESALE anl RETAIL than can be bought elsewhere Cnli at M. R. KOHNSTAMM'S (Crane & Lull's old stand ) Tunkbannock, May 5, 1968 tf. B & lIHOH'N'S Kire, Life, Accident, and Live Htock GENERAL INSURANCE AGENC/ ! MOXTROSK, PA. Cm PITM. REPRESENTED OYER 000,000. Home 1n5.,C0., N Y.,Caj)it:> 1 and Surplus,s4,' 00.000 Ins. Co. ol N. America, Phila. " " 2,000,000 International Ins. Co-, X. Y. " ' 1,500,000 11-.irtford Fire Ins. Co, Hartford Ct. 2,000,000 Putnam " " " " 700,000 Enterprise -• Cincinnati, 0." 1,000,000 Glens Falls " Glen's Falls, X. Y., " 400.000 Lycoming Co. Mutual, Mnney, Pa, 4,000,000 ! Farmers' Mutual, York, " 700.000 Phoenix Insurance Co Philadelphia, 5230,000 CONNECTICUT MI-TCAI. LIFK INSURANCE COMPANY. of Hartford, Ct. Capital - 516,000,000 Notes received in payment of one-half the piremium, on which six per cent, interest only is charged, and the note is never to be paid nnder any circumstances—at death or" maturity the policy will he piid in lull and notes given up. - Travelers' Ins. Co. ol Hartford Ct. Capital and surplds ... 700,000 Hartford Live Stock In. Co., Hartford, Ct. Capital and Surplus, - • 500,000 Insurance on all kinds of Live Stock against theft and death from any cause All business entrusted to our care will be attended toon fair terms, and alt Losses promptly adjusted UfT Office Ist door East from bunking Office of W. H. Coop>er A Co., Turnpike St., Montrose, Pa. ?R.T BHOWN.' \ STOL D 4 BROWN - M. C SUTTON, Esq., Friendsville, Pa , Soletiioi CHAS li, SMITH, Montrose, Pa., •' v7-n34-tf. TNT IE "TOT Jewelry Store!! P. C. BURNS & BRQ. JLJAVE JIST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF JEWELRY of the lateSt styles. GOLD RINGS, 18 Carets fine. SOLID GOLD SETTS JEWELRY, Gents' Masonic and Scarf Pins. Sleeve and Collar Buttons, Ac., Ac- Solid aod Plated Silver Spoons, Forks, Napkin Rings, Fruit Knives, Cake, Pie and Butter knives, Castors, Cake and Card Baskets, Butter DUbes, Bowls * Spoon Hollers, Fonts, Spoons, Nut-Picks, Ac, Ac. From ROGERS A RRO.'S Silver Plated Ware Co. Also, CLOCKS an it FI It ST \'L\SS' DRUG 6'TOAE. Don'l forget to call at 1)R. 1(11 OA DS' DRUG STORE. v6n37tf. T.tnkhannnck.Pa. ||illingr & :Jhillip.'i Keep eu hand and at all times, a full stock of R>NY GOODS AND GSG6EH I 5! S J BOOTS & SHOES, ofElmira manuf ture. " t£ Bing'mton " Citv WOOD, WILLOW. TIN. STONE. GLASS and CROCKERY WARE. Abhton iind Bbl. SALT, DRIED FRUITS, of nil kinds Flout* Feed, Meal & Brail. PORK, HAM and FISH, Farming Utensils, &e., Arc. We take in exchange, all kinds of Grain, % ai the highest market prices, Receive and forward feight of all kinds for up or down the river during the season for shipping, and will keep coal on hand, iri tpiainities to suit purchasers, during the season ; will De found on Bridge Street, below Hufford's Hotel, the sign in large letters "Store." We have good PRINTS at 12 1-2 cts. per yard, and all other goods in proportion. Call and see us and you will he satisfied that it is not the best place to buy where there is the most blowing done. Our stock is always full, as we receive goods every day from New York, and are bound to sell as low as the lowest. BILLING & PHILLIPS Tunkhannock, May 27, '67 —n42 t* NOTICE. Application will be made to the Legislature at its next session for the incot juration of a Savings Bank to be located in the Borough of Tunkhani ock , with privilege to rooelie deposits purchase an 1 tell, Bonds and Stocks of the United Sta'cs, and of this Com monwealth and other securities, tcr be cal ed "The Wyoming County Saving Bank." Capital Stock 950,000 with the privilege to increase the game to 9100,000. J. C. WRIGHT, DANIEI WRIGHT O. S. MILLS, J W. LYMAN. Task. Juno lYth rSBP. TboitfrW C- D- SIBHEA RT CO i • \ ■ -ffcsS# : r l ' ■; ■ " .V Foundry, Machine, AXI) I Stove Shop. i I WAKREN STREET, TUNKHANNOCR, PA. I i Having had a iife-long experience as Fouiilry- j i men and Maebinests, and employing none hot the ■ best workmen the undersigned p'eUge them-elves to fcxciutc all work in their line in a style not sur. j ; passed by any s'tnilsr estaldishintit in the innntry I | . M.LL GEAiM\ ? r;s ni.i 1c anl tVvd uj. Un short notice, iroiu patterDi* on b-u iot all size*. PLOWS, CULTIVATORS and ihr F*ruiiisf liuu'e ♦ w . | AL.SO STOVES OF AIL KINDS. Tin. Sheet-Iron, and HOLLOW-WAKK. LAWS, L/YAV. 7V PAYS, Jr., Jr. alwavs on han-i •r to order. C D. UKAIiiIART, A- I O. Tuokbunnoeß, April 20th, lpiii —v(it.?~*f. Hardware and iron. n U N T IJ 11 0 T II ER S . NOW OFFER FOR SALF. IRON, STEEL, NAILS AXI> SPIKES. MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS. BELLOWS. PLAIN & CONVEX HORSE-SHOES. HAM MERED HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON. lIUIUS' lAIDWABE, CARPEX TERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,) HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT •SPINDLES,CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL. ROTTS, NUTS, WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING GRIND STONES; PLASTER ' PARIS. CEMENT. HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac , Ac., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER LEATHER ANI) FINDINGS FAIABAK'S SALES. •: n I.r. ..lurch 25. lSh3 1n33 WM. MACK & SON take pleasure in informing the ptihlic that they have opened the : r Carriage Manufactory IN T UN K HA NN OCR, And are rea ly to fill ORDERS NONE HI T First-Class Mechanics KVPLOYED REPAIRING done pu am • v 1 next door to Willi's Motel. TUN KM A NOCK, I\\. I'LA! X COTTAGE-SI"IT< MAIU.LK I o R R \GU - t I t -, WALNUT CHAM UK!; SIT,, i 'AITI.<>N .srrrs IN HA . i I'AUi.oii IN VELVET I'I.L Sii. WA iil>LOßK>. IJ< JO Iv < A s KS, KXT'KNSION TABLES. MAI 11 ESSES, aii i a variety ol lotr-pricel turniiur*. .i; L , ! lowest cash rates. IU'CK A STEKLI^ v7n47tf. QLOTHING STORK A N It |)cnt c i' furninhinn fjoaii, il. IS AI4II AM &. CO. Aon .uii-<* 1.1 the j.:j'n!i -*s :r ,-v hive re.en :!i ted up un 1 remo-i e i ti.eir C! • ; . Store House .if 0 I'. Miller, Tunkhannock, Pa. Their flock cojti-n everv de* ripti,a W m BOYS' CLOTH: ( Zr/SA'.SS CO A YS. s>A CA - ('OA y.v, OVL lO'OA i PANTS, VEST, SHIRTS, UNDERSHIKi; DRA WERS, ROOTS, lIA TS I r C.\l Neck-ties. lloei'.ry. S us {lenders, Uai.di.rr.' , COLLAKS, UMBEKI.I.A\ A" . and in fa," everything i'l the <.'!•.• I. i.- r In tine at Yrtpv " t r Ji l l It <1 t • ! I 'II 11 In a J litt'.'s t.. the above • b ire . elegant a K.rtment f ClotllOS, Uj>>iuii.'l S il'ii i \ Ceiiilg.-. Clothing 11 • •* M r - tice Cull an i see, I c-S.rc p: •h , t' : el." tn f ; • 1 r r ifiri C'l fU" : ' lin,vi#iil* OnJ tr Uii yli * -cya ITS. X C UTE. // MM- 'H i- I ■ To llt \'l;g. 5 '(J 3 lb Mf For Sale a! BOOTS. . HINGHAMTOX BOOTS. | ot Lcs'er A Co'e best Eiako li 1 f and OA i.i' Best make EASTERN BOOT-". A full stock of Ladies' Shoes. Balmoral. Congress, l'n'isli Boils Kit! .rnl Gi'Ml. AC", Mutton Gaiters. GENT'S UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAW 1"M~- GENTS' BUCKSKIN ' ; l nl MITTEN'S. (Jer.ts* KID GLOVES, f Lined, Unlined nn 1 Fur '' • For Sale at .Aloft* COKHEII STORE, Tunkhannock. Pa.vfinlltf ; _ INI: AMKIMC a N MTTQI SOLE OVISISMII6II SEWING MACHINE CO., Iu directing niienOoii to ;bc:r I hi.l 1 " COMBINATION BUTTON HOLE AM " : ' MACHINE, beg IwTe t refer to its ■ uls'ity us euuclu.'iro pn.of <1 it* jrreaMJt-r The increase in the ilnniand I t t!i ■ JI machine has beer. TEX FOLD during '■ months of its fust year before the pubis This grand and surprisitig sa c.-s i- un ed in the history of sewing machine* ;, i * fully warranted in claiming that IT HAS Mi KC>IMI" BKIKIt 18-llU'tkl V ritK l: l. ST PAIVIIIiY ASACSXI^' 1, IX THE WORLD, And Intrinsically the Cheap" l ' it is realty two ui nine, m a • 1,1 •iuiple an I Uau'.uill rah .ui Mneg Mk Uw Bluttls .. ■ • OttfMsai IJ end Btt imh< I. • fa ilily an I (.criec.i o. I \ u - best uinancr every vuri.iv <. * '" l - lun.g. Felling, Oor-liog, .a . : ' ing and (.hulling, tiaiiv.-iirg tit the seme ti ae ) end in -* 1 • Kmbiciders ou the eice, " 1! ton It. I Eyelet M ell t- *• . 1 These wuh 11 workincs can be s en at TL'NKII \>N 1X - R 9" by cal'iiig on the u.• ■i■ *:;■ h ot t ii. Wyoming C maty. ,\JK> iir.N v7t 43t1.