Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, November 25, 1868, Image 4

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    Lot-wI and
> i . . - D-r ei
- - billing tags—'• arious Pi:< s —blank or printed to
!••>* >•!:'t this olfiec.
i !■. j li.i.hsgivi- g 'nviffj, wit !• held
.11 tin- Presbyterian Church in tliis place, on Thurs
. Nov. "20th, commencing at 10J- 2 o'clock, A. 31-
s/imuby Re*. A. T. Furman. All the jieople of
, ,rv name and denomination arc invited to attend.
it. 1. it. IV. <•', 01 U S . it.i v.. i '.I I t I Quar
t 1!-. Meeting in the Al. E. t'liurch, in Tunkhnn
■ k, on Saturday nud Sunday, Nov. 28th and 29th.
v.. ; 11 i - a.- iiMt.il on tiu'viierly Meeting occasions.
;> \ 1>.1.-*'ii>n 1:11..is of the llev C- P.-
Ban , are invited to make hint a donation visit, on
1 !i..; .-.lay, Nov. 20; li. afternoon and Evening. Chil
..re-ii. under 12 years of age are not Invited until
next day, at UP. A" COMMITTKB.
V <ift.it \itt'kp|i I'.i.tt I |II iSi As a ill
<-'■ -erved ly reference to prospectus, Moorr't Ku
t.l N<.' V-<" is to be lie-arly doubled in size anil
ruise materially improved. The KI HAI. is al
rea-lx the most popular national weekly of its class,
lot the proposed change must largely extend its
lireulatlou and inutience.
I eaiiac ol Tiin.--lt will l>e seen I y lie
latest time table of arrival and departure of trains
on the E. V It- K., that the time of departure ol the
friecht accommodation, lias been changed from
2.1;, 1". .M. to 0.30 A. M.
shippers will govern themselves accordingly.
Passengers, south will note the fact that the last
down train lroin this place, leaves at 12.00 P. M.
T.i- t'riifhi Kxps.e* to. I.t the Lv hi<h
\ . it*y 1 J 11 lto.tit prepared to forward goods
, . ■..lets to all important j-oints on the lines of
rai Railroads of'the country. Articles for
'hipincut lroin Tunkhannoek can be leti at Billing,
it Phillip's stora in town, or with the sultferiber at
the Bcpot. Articles received 011 tills line for Tunk
hanr.o-L w ill lie 1 .rwarde-d daily to tin; above men
tijiie-t Store.
E. M. PHILUHS, Ag't.
tnipoi ant li -1 r.l t<*l..filiation.—l.. 11.
Pu'.veil of Si r.inton has made large reductions in
the prices of Mason &. Hamlin's "Cabinet" "Alctro
p ilitnii" an 1 "Portable" organs, lie is selling a
4 octave organ for *;"*), a 5 octave double reed, .1 stop
with trem do for §125, and a 5 octavo double reed, 0
stop, with u new pit- nt '-vox hutnauu" attachment,
(imitation of the human voice) and other new in
* ventions !ir tl'u. Send to him tor the new circular.
i K. ii< i I'lnili 1 t 1 the 1 n Ige
across tiie Tuiikhaunoek, at this place, is now here,
framed and ready to put up. We understand that
Mr. Kingsicy, the builder, will proceed forthwith to
put it up ami tnat the abutment will be ready for
t'.c second span by the time the first is up. A few
da; ...rat farther, weeks of open weather will en
able contractor Morgan to finish the till or grading
lor the approaches; so, tlia:, under favorable cir
< utns: inces we may erji • • the trains to run direct
ly into town, by the beginning of tin- new year.
li -11.'.. ! IJ'a- I; ! ! "S nibs ! ! !
We keep on hail I, f>r sale, at tills oiflce, Blanks
as follows :
Deeds, Leases,
Marriage Certificates, inventories,
Teaci: -r's Contracts, Warrants,
School Col's Bonds, Sabpoefi its,
School Tr i*r? Bonds, summonses.
Executions. Constable's Returns,
V -wns'p ' i.'ricer' Bm.ts, 1 "onst aide's Sales,
• igaroi.iu's Bon-Is, .t. P's. Attachin'ts Rules !
Guardian's Petition-. and Interrogatories,!
Justice's and C -n-tabie's Fee-Bills,
Sh M-p 11.111ag. s, I.ii-.-iisc Petitions, and i
C I:,--t or's I.ettc-rs. Bonds,
Judgment Notes, fee., k -.,
n I print to order, Tov. i.siiip I bfieer's and School '
di'-etor's 1 r ler Book- : n ! Blanks oi every Be scrip- {
r - i- tailed : . the curd of John Patten, o! the I
Pa, Hotel, X. Y. We a.-sure our friends, who j
nay i-it that city, that the Pacific and its I'ropri- |
1 r .tf.ird every thing in the way of accommodations, j
j-.-;uired by any reasonable man, woman orehilr. .
V.-• lroin ja-i.-onal knowledge. Good fool, I
with 1 ' '••r-tand'de names; clean l.'- '.s, situated in j
r , —/.of ten rods irom terra firma ; ami a home- !
bki pl.iee, free from the danger and annoyance oi j
>ll miners, thieves and pick-pockets, which, j
1: - : .u- infest most <>l the otlier city hotels.
J u makes one feel entirely at home; gives his'
per-->ii:il attention to your comfort, usually dons 1
t. • apron and wields the knife at meal time; knows
n what meats you feed. and instead ol style, glit- j
t-r. i n ii.-h phrases and f.Tpj-eries. gives you good
with substantial comfort" ami conveniences. j
1.-, i.ir friends try the Pacific, on (Ireeuwieli St.
, n above C -rtlandt.
Ir -n 1. 01- v 1 ' a-.l'iii <l.--t nun
W|. .Ives Ms name as Mil'-bel, and wl-.o s,.vs he lias
■:i 1 n.-isfsi 111' 110- n. -ghiiorho "I ->f VlcKiine's,
• :i<; thing !--r winter, and commenced by !
I in - ie.-r -s. t; ill p,.s-. s..i ,n of tliis loV
;. \ .>rsv-ti*n;-:r, In* ;v.< J - ommitte.i to jail, [
ib.v 1.:-* inn: *::ti iug the i.'h.iie ofthec-.in-
I t d in o.:• 1 ,1. 'th -other d.;y. We did not
: ',■■■ found tiie < oat tlii- , or not.
: iiiolh-.-r. An entire washing, ol one t-l'our
I *.-[,e wki I. |tad 1- "ii left -m the line to dry, j
; '. was taken o night or two sin- e, by some
h -p. I I'll' tii- p.-rp.-lr itors •>) these |
- : i- iiartl." Alter tin y shall have
i-anis,: ■ ! , r p..-I 011-110 -, and their
00. - i with th!- ami other good moral !
I . . , iuijsirt.-n • , to every
-I . i!, i.v i;i-g. eat New 1 ork •'.■ tiling
• 11.g u (-1.1 1 !-tins. 0:1 ' of the
tr- fi. and now, 10-por. says;— '
.'.tlii-. . -
I: • ; ' f Tr.e ei. , wss
a! ~ ' a shi-i ■ I p.oSeien
-1 v. <• .1 • .or 1 n anv Jllt ed to
; M-01l H itch -US —Di-
, ! 0 4 iiaag t— >iivo r . ■ de
l'i, ;> 1•' Mary A. B'pjto —cuj-e tr- l—
-! -r I'itf. ~r >") i 57
' -v 1 iai'r ■. • Hi'i 11 ii id—cauoi trie 1 -
B i v- Miry t'. el- iiv-.rce - Commis
t>. it. j--. -. t.-jr ct sent o! parties
t.o --I;- vi H'ni • tiar.y— on ufTi lavi'
;s; 11 V • si. e rausi- v! y judge
1' - i, u ! i! ttdin;— iao<e trie i
■ # " • y p <-n-- p'oj- r V
r-;., n! 1 to |ir-
Wm M e w.-•■! vs S-iin'! - ,-'a -r .1 *■: : ra
ti- n- ii k- < . at . 1. of 1' <f.
Marti a J...V-M.' v Jnti-- A. An -it -B-.vorce.
Proc Imi.ati 0 . i-i i.-d ai'-l i-tiiu-i -o ii-'r to take
teftin. uy, .p| oin d.
On 111 oi- . rd-T t-r | u'-iicatiou -f the Meshop
pen Water i-uoi . atiaue I.
111 111 otter ,i r * Na.-'-e- D-oi -r-e—noti--e of applica
tion for <ii- li ir- n- 1... i. solvent, ordered to bu
giicn -a licarii g <ll tin- tint day o: i-ext term.
In matter of estate of Jas. th Winficld, dee'd, —
Court grant rule 011 Widow to show cause why i>en
sion .-hall nos be discontinued and awarded to Win.
It. Winfield and why Hebora A. Benedict should
not I-c appointed guar-lian ->f Vv'm. It. Winfield, a
On tiling petition ami Bonds N. C. Purdy was ap
pointed guardian oi Sarah K. and Harvey B. Smith.
On petition of Zenas Jenkins citation ordered
against Charles Harris, guar-lian of Joe Jenkins,
to show cause why Ids appointment shall not he
on petititlon Ruble 11. Keencey released and Seth
B. lion -y upi-iutcd guardian of Grace Woodhouse.
<ln lii-itioii rule granted -n heirs of Solomon V-'hit
comb t-> eloei or refuse property at valuation. Pub
lication of notice ordered.
(.tu petition ami ton-1 riled J.<s. Spaul-liug ap
pointe-l guardian of Ann 1 I*. llitchcoek—sale of
real estate ordered.
In matter of tin-estate of A. 17. I'c-!uim -loc'd,
John A. Sjttscr appointed iii-litor to audit account
oft'. M. Manvllle.
In matter ol the estate of Ali-ert Kosengrant dee'd
Wm. E. Bit tie appointe.i auditor to distribute funds
in ban is of the administrators.
tiran-i Jury called ami sworn. Hiram Hitchcock
—Pore man.
Com. vs. Owen D-rsey—ln-iictnient, Asaault an-1 I
Battery. Aaron Wood pros. Ignore-t Co. to pay |
costs. .
COM. vs. Reuben Parks, lndletinent Assault and |
Battery. .51. V.'. Newbury proa. ignored, pros, to
pay eosts.
Com. vs. llirum Maroy and Daniel Becker, suin-r- |
visors of Nicholson. Indict, neglect to repair roads. !
True Bill.
Com. v*. Wm. Kingslty—lndictment Assult and
Battery. Pat. Kingsicy pros. True bill. Tried. I
Befi. acquainted on ground f insantity.
Com. vs. Geo. I>. Giisoa. Imtietiiient iqiening and
shutting Canal Bock.-—l'. Rahn Pros. 1 rue bill.
Iftiii forfeited.
C.iia. vs. Win. Wall — indictment talse pretenses, j
Riley Bally pr-*. True bill, cause tried— verdict
not guilty. Deft, to pay costs. Rule granted to
show* cause why sentence should not be susja-mleil.
Com. vs. Edward SB Sterling—lndict. Assault
and Battery with weapons, \bira Gay Pros. True
Bill—cause continued to next term.
' 111. vs. 11- ary J. Cushuro. indict. Larceny. J.
W. Allen Pros. True bill. Cause trie 1. .Jury tail
ed to agree.
S \ M PS< >N.—ln 'I uiiklianaiiok on N v. 22,
IHiS, Mrs. tliza f relict oi tiie* iite
Squire Saiii|)don, uged 6s yn.
§,-fiitU .luUiCiSa
( UJI io\.
1 l/U Aid U if ~ • <• Oil. !.• Ir
j ther -J.'spj : r • • r r. • MiWiriji or tru.-tiif
i her on ui r . irs i \";i j ** ■ * r
toutr.ietu.*- K. K l; oLKK
i.euio i. N - lOh l -'- vbut- ...
t - IT: \ .
j Ciui.- fa the cnel -sure of t ; e Mi cm : . r en the 221
j dav . . th-tober 1,-!
: j' -utt .ears old. had . -.r.p w-lh lillgalaiUt
t*i nark The vomer . reijoaa'od jopuvv pr|#ly
diy-ii'-g aii-1 take lor away. Vui rwise rh-?
wil. : t • .si o' •■■ r i g lo low
loio. Ait'ivl.LA
Ex -'er, Oct 35th, i"'-'-. v'tnU'J*
. AS I !>•• .
V-'lier --. i n wife i. rii-< !. .s tel't u.i '- ian 1
jbair- ■■ i-,."U- j -.' ca a -r pi .v..- - T :u- .s!..ere
' for t i -roi.J .li 1- s-n f- : harbor.!,, -r trusting
her--ii in. ore -u- . -sin. i -IV i. -• her
-co i'- i g -!' i. .' Lit : - t'• -■ 1. " N ■
X i-i 1 Oct. llitb ullJw.
( f 11 1 >
All nets -•:< ■ •• r-- • \ '■ - - I""-' my -h 1 ' —
doeno.i mr.ee- -t. i • 1 "• n- I-" >' •" ' -f vheir
; contra ,iog. • BIGNIiAN ARNOLD.
Tu I : '.HI ■ 1o I •
1 I-.At 111-lIV l-'.X tHIMTION.
i. i- 'o. r-' Examinations will l-o held as f-.llows,
vis :at .Vle.-ii--pi-.-n. " i. Uotii : .'.lehoopany, tt-'t. :.,
Fork'ton. Oi l. k's.h ; i'uukhaolioek, Get.
Piereevil!Get. both : Seh.-ol House near V. int.- s
Perry, In Bulls Tp., Oct. 31s* : at Nortlimorel.-.n-l,
Exercises will cotcinenee at I'd o'clock, A. 31
('nine with writing inateri it. No private ri.iuiuia
ilon will be held.
J. B. BHOABS, Co. Mip t.
lunk. Wyo. i'.i.
j Y-ung Men's Bui-lr to Happy Marriage ami Con
jugal 1 eiiei'y. The humane views ot i-eoev- .rnt
Voulii out Early Maoii-,,1. sent in sc.le l I* icr en
v-lope-', tree ot charge., .\ddress llO'-V ALI> A -o
t'i.VflON, ii-x P Phdaifelj liia, t'a
ADMiNIMI B tTHlls's N>l It I-
Whereas, letters of A Iministrati-ui to the estate
ol D ia l Kunstnau. bo-; of Tunkhannoek tp., dce'-l,
J have been granted to tiie subscriber. \II persons In
debted lo the said estate arc requested to make Im
mediate payment, and tuose having claims ->r de
ltniin;s agoinsf the cstate ol the said -ic- e.ient. v. til
liiak-- kin-v. n ttie same duiy autheli! i--.-' e-1 witiiout
-lebtv t-- I-l-\ I SLA 1 i'., Adm r.
Bald .-fount, Bur. Co., Pa. Sep. Is, 'tia mi.
di ; Liitiii! : isi:.iK !!
T-ie undersigned h-- reeently idec.to-l a perjna
nent 1.-tne Kiin-r, ami i-a# n hand a largo stock -i
V.'e cr! ) - lime. W'hi fi lie will sell as cheap as--.ill I ■
bought at any ju-int -.n the line of canal trom fitt
sfon lo Eltnlr.i.
< i:'-l:■ - - wiilb-.- p r <niipl!y fill-- f, ati-i lint-- sl-q-p. d to
all points l-y canal. DAVID lihov* N.
fciowntown, Bradford Co. Pa.
V. - miln-g County, ss, , In the Court of C -mroou
Henry Bought is. V I'leas. of Wyoming County
Laura Bought. ) No. 32, Jan. term lxeß.
To Laura Bought.
Whereas a subpn n.l f.i Dlv-r- e wa- Issued t-> .lan
u.-rv Term. ItitW, which was .Inly returne-1 non ctl
i,-' .1 ..-.aii-l thereon an alias sill p-.-na was i- -u--d
10 - i. I case returnable t-> April term lstiri i-pon the
return .-f wf-ieli pr.eii was l-taiiP that the sai<! Laura
11 ugtit -'oul l it'-t I. t- un.t in my 1-ailiwi- k.
Ti: ' notice is th- r.-r-ire to require )-u to vppf ar
is- -re ! ju-ig- sof the said < 'ourt <>n the third .-i-n
---1. in N -veiaiH-r uetl. t > answer sai l cotnpl.ilnt.
31. IT. Be WITT, rdierili.
Slier til s Otfire, Tunk. Sept. is), lotie.
'j j#- : 'ce '4 'K *V*f'
] r f . r. s.i'.r >▼ i:i **>' I j.-
es- nuer HuarrU eed r,,a :i t„ ouy in Ui- world!
Ha* dl the siieiigrh-.1-.I I r-.siu s • •)'wi'h he le'l-i
■-lid l-it.i l'-, i. -jiiaiil'- s-. g nuiri.- i.'artib- ft) this
, •s. ~ V .VLDKN <• MKMICAL
VVOIHvS. J9 X-rth Fr- .-' -t'-reet, Philadelphia
v 8 r.5 lv
With IlliiPtmU'fl iiii I mte by UKN-
J. M#> IN<l.
A booh for ftll aii i "• I! j.irti*-?. c"nt§in:n^
tlie minute ft*t:iiis t uh
well :jh hi public t uht, antral hifp'O"
D-K-s not reveai.) D ills ISO-'K is writte-i l-y a 11-elli'- r
m V. usiiingtuu'a own family—one who lived with
hii>- front int.nify, ..r. I must prove peculiarly accept
able t-the American Public.
The great deinaie; for ti-is v -uk, its ready sale,
an I an ioere .sc.! e-imiri-sb-n makes it the best book
for Agents ever publHhed.
The most lila-ral terms to agents, ami exclusive
ga'e in the territory assigned.
.-vend for dt> upiive -.ircul tr uad terms to AgeDts.
No. 26 Miuth Ith Street, Philadelphia. Pa.
i VfoltHw
The Wyoming Metallic Paint Company was orga
, aiaed under the general law* of the Mate of Ne
divided into TWENTY FX YK TilOl'S AN D SH ARB.'
The company own the mine and laud around it ir
fee No royalty is therefore to be paid, THE ON
FACTORING TIIE PAINTS, is aitnply in query
ing the rock, and reducing it in the Company's mill
situated in a srone's throw of the mine
THOROI'GHLY TESTED tvy <oui|-rtent !n inisL
and first clasv MASTER I'AINTKRS. mil ALL
It contains over 75 per - out of iron II IS A
In vie-* of ti-o area! a.iuo in -.-. e rial au-l
I ibe SMALL COST OP MAN Ui At"! UltiNG, and
; Company expet t- supply the m -rs-t with a RET
-lEP. ARTICLE and at CHEAPER K \TES than
anv other company in the --i.-iii r-.
The undersigned praeii -I | .-iu'-r, h--reby er
tifi.-i that lie has ue-l :n st of the mineral paints in
use for years past, and th Ii" r-jg-r-ls !ii-t ol tl.e
found in NIJHOL-ON WYu.MI Ml COUNTY, l'a-,
Superior to all others for durst illy end finish
Nicholson, June 27th, lS t ;8
PiKin avii.t.K Aug. 25 XSg3,
I. iiAi.i.vraAi-, E u - l)a.v i: .Si m • I have used
I |he M yotmng Pilots, and believe it i- lie the belt
no -ui durable M-sallie paiut in use It has a
• i s-1 r; body, w.-rks easily, requi-es but litile
Very Kea|-ec<fuily.
Pbkrt STARK.
NICHOLR- r, 0 t sth l Sflß
0 L IlaLLsTkAti Eact DKAII Silt; 1 hare used
i and otherwise :<ei t!:e W\i'M!NG M-iTALLIC
PAINT, and am - lear--f t!-*- l-eliof th-t is lupr
i rior to any oilier Miu-T-t! Paint in the couittry It
he* a goo-l i-oh-r -r-1 mixes m-dii y ; tut !?• strong
| and best leatura- are i s b-a-- übs'ar. "a! h-i ly,
combined with u extrem t -l-a-e, in ...uae
-jueiiee ot wt.i. ti ii requires ' 1-- .a a ilt-rd leaeeil
! than any < ther pain.s in uae. J I, Pbce.
Nn a ) - kg. <).-t ist 18(jSl
O. I. lis oka 1 kAli Esq - i> aR MM I ran a prac
lira! pai itcr i!.- bovii ex - -
the business f--r over H-i t\ r-vis l>a-:.ig iti.' pe ■
1 rind 1 Laic U'r! -v-ry : omul i, ;i,.-
tra.li-, at. i w.'li --'o • i-n p-•.-a-i-a • Vf I if.
MING MKTaLLD iVi.Vi-, .k . i n,v„„,
seen, ft has a heavy body, n.ix- s easily a. il -k
from a hall lo a tair IL s oil mil ordiua- t i-iiotF
Iteanbe use-i su --essfiiil, u-ih.-r 1 -r e .trage pu.-
| oses. rough out-do -r w.tk, r—ifitig, oi as a fl-- -; Lot
print. Ro|-etfully Ac
I raati- a! I" r. r.
i'i re-v-lle, 1 -g 2- I "(id
U. Ij HILLVTRItI Esq.— Dear Sir: i !i-.et.ed
th - Wy-iuing Paint, by u. o:• i' i < -n i -i-i
It I lex eit to l-e . ajHri-.r i. my M.tii! •
I'iiini in (ho u- iikei, aa- •I. T' ' • -y, -ox -
rea-iiix. on i require- only :i- uf t.u i -at
amount ot oil "f u'her Pit- U . u!;-.
Cius I. J.xckmix c.i . 1,. - \; , -.
I'isfi-srtfls, Angus' 15 i- t p
<1 L ii.xLMTKAIi. Dear - i ; i g;a , y all my
tesA-U'-i'. in favor ol the ax-ateu! q-i - ■ -s - lie
Wyoming 3! -talii.; Pain'. I • -.la*,.' n -ex'.- i
believe it n- be sapeiior la a- -'jsr oi:..ura n.inl
in use. It has a eubsfmitiai h -ly, urixvs ea-i-. -
quires hut lulle oil a:. 1 unkes a hania—ie finish.
rS\AO 1) f'O?>!:V WHT1 AT.ktsr
Lnttr from M iyor /Hit.
U.niKll OfrVl K " <r; til 1 •• f<■ • • ' v ij •
U. L. UIUHf Al' Jq- >!r: il *•; £ til e
a p'-ivon tl X4u u t .- •, r r n x **y • tu >* \~
X\ yi n. inw .Mm. ri .r i * v -y
ill inn r. I o* • •' ' - ".MiciM.r *• 'i ■ :*r
ti> i* #f tbe Itstv-! f * t;- •. • *r..
V-ry 'in.!* Vurf
K S..M Ulle!.
A ' v. A. A. I*l. i
( Is 1; m la' ) 1 .- *S ' A u! I lir. N •
five aiC' :ii> f-'.i j.'t: it • •i v• r f iif
Mf.. r*i I*4 n .* rr *- • i !•■ u tr
ti-.sio pMirif >I ; • t •< < * k{'u .• •# ••
Qu'ilorof * e.-iiiur;, *. t * I r •- * i ; .
tviditc u> ,11 4-t: •?. h*ri!v it-s
'iiaiv "i ur>, h .iibKi' .iw.it
Sctdij uti, f* j{ i - >
0. L. i! lift a I U'tr 'lrr i b.io . t#l
fh* Wy M-ta!!i i' , t: I ii.uft- / j i
i.ru in •Ii I * t; :t r ••nv ' t i' c •!
jiaiuts itt tb iii.-tikt;' !t- ti .\ <tM l t.i r.
't iir. ; , v . ' r "ir-t 't* * •: riroii' z art .1 .
mul the ret iiar 4 •-• it • •;: - .
it jf LM ileal u" .r >£* i. *• •• \• -
g: iii-r I i h-' •• - * iz: iv>
Vvt-v lrui Vf.ur-,
I>Avia l, li u. .a I' •• tr
A:! or •••!■.'HUP' il tHii t. ui ' • t 1 •' .-•♦•• I
tu ti..- iVV'iMl.'vi MM.W.LW J'A iN !'
Ti*a?e wit > Mack tlteir liuot- 4 on Saiurit<iy lii_r!ll
vviih or !in;.i yM : -kin/, lun , l have fuurli rlilia* •:i
Sii'iiiny. as tin- |iOlis i {.itit-s .:l; but th.* .-Liif ail
i OlsJti.NS i'-i.A i\ I\-
I.AST-SAII'KID k M..111 A I f. i'..Y
s! Mlli.
IT BEATS \NY Gi'HEi.' II.AI 'KI .N-.i 31 I DR.
31 -iifii t i urvi only i.y .1. it. Dobbins, at liis im
mense S -ap and Blocking Works, sixtii Street and
Genu.tntown Avenue, l'bil.id Ip'oi-., i'a.
For a.-le by 811-LINGS & i'lllLLtp.s, -n Turn
pike St., (u-ar tin-e nal,) Tunkliann—-k, l'a.
lilillia:t VAlJjfclV KdMiaiiOA l".
DEPARTUR : tXD 3!,.: V\L 1-1 TRAiN.N.
(tii an I alter N v. '2 ' 1 MGM
Ist KX I EXS I' i-r —t 1 2' A 34 o-i.ns- t
ing it A J n i<r.l. a I N' r i Peua' • li.ii
Ri i.D, ariivin/ i N. V .t 3 3 i' M .i i-l P!|:!-
k 1..-I ui. .i 2 P. .V
2 i Exi •• I' o-HXII ■; .i-i..- • ' 2 5 .'.I
11.-. ,• o . I • . s ... , .'il.il
Mod -t i' o; ■ *• ri i;< ' -I
.1 . pel I II r ti- --4 >1 il-X II -\ l■ • i \
ji. l si :r- -si \l n.-n ' r. \ -1 to '1
AS !OLIpP.V: .
Ist !: Kl,ul a-- it . - xii-.x i i-i a., A. M
it.eyes Mau.-fi <" ■ i'. t ! ■•>.
2u 1 Etc -is P vsii x .kit .ri'i• sal 4>J P AL,
Leaves N I xii X•! U.- r-i ' .15. ■>:. I plul a
via N'-rih i' ii-'- . 7 !5 A. M #
J I Kxl'lll v Pas- KM.kil s,rites 111 Ib.IS P. JI
leaves N Y vi i-V J <" rai i. 12 Al uni Pis-Pa
via North Psiin'a at 45 P M
170, 172, 174 \. 170 Gret-tiwielt Street
11--'-.t X lit'VK I OUTI.AMIT sTUKkT, XSk X ngg.)
Tii-- iin|-rsig!i''d ink. s pleasure in nnnonucing to
liis iiuiaerot— iriet-ii- and patrons that fr.un tliis
-lute, the charge of the Pacific will In;
Being solo Proprietor of this hou-, nil I therefore
free Ir un the too - timm -li exaction of an inonlinato
rent, he i fully able to iit--:-t the ilownxvanl tenden
cy ol prices without any fulling ofi ofsc-rvi- e.
II will now. as In rt-l -'-I- . lie liis aim to luainlain
uii.!:uii J ht-l the favorable reputation ot the Paettte,
which it has oujoyed lor many years, as ono oi the
best of trov.-lers'hotels.
i'llK I'AiiLl will be bounillully supplied xvith
every delh-iicy of the season.
THE ATTENDANCE will l-c found elllcient and
and -.bilging.
I'HE LOCATION will be found convenient for
th'-sc whose business calls them in the lower j-art ol
the eitv, au-l -if ready access to all Rail Road and
Steamboat Bines.
Oct 10th ISCS. tils-tun.
Notice is hereby given that Letters o' Adminis
tration of the estate of Daniel Treiblc, late -I Wash
ington township, deceased, have been granlci to
th-'sul-seiil-ers. All jiersons indebted to said (State
are n-tincd to make payment to the subscribers;
and all peraons having claims against sal.l estate
are requested to present the same, duly authentica
ted fer settlement, to the subscribers, or either of
them, at their re-da- n -es in said tovnship.
MARGARET T'< EI RLE Administrators
Washington. Nov. 23-1. is*-.-.
On the l>ih < t. nth; fwani.x Roai, l*.arn
Ih s j-la. ean : J'w " 'l' * Swidier I l)i ih-e Pa
pars, f mated C. C• nnger Tcfi - b w.ll : e
ifherallf r-i a ed by l-vtng the -nine with G. 0.
Miller Gl'this i-no;.
l'unkham- c<, i# Oct. .7t i lrb3
If I .thin rtDUrrtisrmfnts.
* | the NMV WOKK HY .ILMUH Hexitt OITOWXK, will
be *•.! i iv jr t|.- n#-*t l>w iu.iUm,.
r _ •i creating u furure whrreVt r cerv*, un'jn-• 1 in the
J j book trail#. ]t it dcrtined to FI HKII>* A.ile
1000 Agents Wanted.
X ! On* Rfff'tit report# JI4 n in I h- u— Out
>! 11 nt 2f> in 1 day. On. HO i, il days. One
I, | write*. "I can sell 1000 in iik-hih Li lii-i
I inv i!i It, diiableil i>l lier-. in her- v m; u i inl
•V i women and others are invit. d to s-ti i Or inf,intui
ts lion. Th" • ik inji it .1:11 ..in.-. 1 .1111 g-.oJ terri-
I- j tore imii h- i" U'e i iiv prompt •{>{.! ti u ffujrt*
! t'ir:tnharki but tr'rt commission* paid ii;>.n till*
.1 hum. .xd.n-s •
d ; RUN'- A CO, Xcvaik, Ne Jersey.
Seokkt Sbrvjce
e TV p uiidi'u-i-.-v u I 'tirilinC .'Wlog
-11 re- IIJ.. 1 b t. i- %\< t ik ru vrenting ii!"*' in
/ fens.. Je-i ein the iriiinl-of the |**"| *t- !<• •'i 'in if
Irs •th i.ii eha'• l#r kiiii r* n• i y Mile. cmi-im-d wi'h
1 :in in n;i p i rummi , tu*ke it the b- *' s'r>*crij
|ti n H.< 5, 4-v r I. Sent fur Mr n.• r• and
1 jiee our f mi , asui why i ml* tn-'er i}-u .n\ uth
j'ervrU. A i i.IONK.S UUuTli l-KS A C".,
t Pin! >.• i 4 .ii 1. 1* 1,, r ii!.
j of full rnl tie atiit free to any Hook Agent,
j>O > • k AG lv V T .-5 WA N 1 *! i> V 0 R
•*S..itsltiiic uii'i Shad • * u\ .\mv \ oik
L A U'oliK Of \ CH'il'Bl Mi IXTKMK-V ItKIM.KI K Willi AN
, Kf; n - ax!. i\riir. %ts yMi >; is run 4HKAT mk
* • ft ii' A!f i il irtf.ul ?>.; I S'tu ..tie
•I.v • ,h 'i - i' l • v - 1 1 i ; "i*e
| W .fs l I '-.b lit Olid \..i h ; ••tie -U£r!tl ill
C'liin !•" 1 iOT ; r m.i week- So b ..k jti ii iel
. th.it Pells so rapidly.
jJ 1/ Yon ui-ii ; . kfiov In.w K"Mui>.s ;rf # uul.'
,' 1 1 it T4 I I 1-t •! |.y ; li.ov i M .• f1 -
ined in W ill •( ;Ii • 1 ui::r\niuu'' are *wi- i
j'.e i i.\ >h ipi|j-; !i<iw iniiip ! - an I .M r Irints j
II • 1.J.1 lile.l ; ...V | i :•- 11 1.1 4;. i •'olucrt !
"■•it.. ...!• if - '•! ti v .- \ • IM.V G K.. i;i>4 il'.uri-s and
, i .• I• •t*• - ire i-i tut- oi Ii *• MnflC Onip.Hiic# |
1 O 'LT'Orf'. - •t1 It .1 1' ai.ole. ii.lli-' 1 ••'l-l tliil i
work il \ ii ;i out th iii*?■ rie~ * f N'-w
Ymi. Pitt til rkell'.l'
! lifted I' uiji r - ii "Vntii", .V . A large Octa
eo Vol liVjiii/c, Finely Jit im'rated The lur*
gisfj, l, " •♦.! * : ul.ir .•• f ¥3 Gieen
j'. I. mmi! I'rii.- tiii •. ii iho.'i I'. riill J :rii.-iil trs
•il. i ' IUiS, .1 idler s tir PuiiJis'ieij.
.1. i). Dl'Kii .v IT. . 11.r!r r. Cuti
roit v v: \ **
Weekly Press.
iilis <ffK\r K.iIUCAU I'AIEU
I'he iu exfeiiiive uti.l fresh ist Po
litical News, —the best Agricul
tural Dojiurtmeiit-The lat
est Markeis—-au<i tlie
in st original moling
fr.KVA i.K TH* Pif • * •
I i:e •• , .11 • v.- t. - - J* z IMI
i" V I +P t - - ; - - oo
l -li ipt •< ii 1 oil • j.y to ! l r tip
o! a- ■' i' I - l•* OO
i n't li* * eoi ii— full I mitr . \ y In li. tfolii .
up .f ' i ui<) - ? OO
1 .i(> t- ;• - ( iii * I .i i- i-pv to the u
■ tii • eiup, - - - * •> OO
IV II entife.-' to itttr 1 i !lr>s, (:ml olio e.p to
•\x - !erup,f th • 1n1..) ia OO
fwemy • •; .f- i c a i iicv, (-ni one
' Ito t\+ I 1-r-llp it' til ! Ill) ) f* 000
• ' i- It i • iil'd < pii s, t i one t i iC' I
one • p* lit iio fri-WfekV !*• H to -ha
* ♦- - <]• ! he 1 iii - I (Id (HI
A'l h.tulf he ji'Mtc •to • f -11 X W.
!1N t'.Y. l.iiior sin ! i*iup i*m A. W. to .Scv
enfh if *>:r.-i-t, PI.U. I. i .Y , Fa
-1 .. i f .* i S|ie -nil fi e|'
(xreat Inducements.
•Los; !;.<'!(M:I;KS'
i KT OH. •!,.. .. „• .. Fr-T ' - ? ■ OV'S M.Ui. 1
J t A7.:m: n! t lira*- . i HAPlilt
-n . •. !••• i up •• :•
fill-: LADY'S I it K.YD. •-.'
lil K SA 1"1.'1t1>.4 Y fcYhNINU I'o-T,
llld IO- fitf tillfllHr||p.| |1 !l|. fIM.-l l ifllS' l S I 111 -
pie f'-.phi* of hotli uro •vut icr-iti-. I'rte • for M'll
nil ,4 v.:i. .r 4 .or la >'! i V ..t.—- II K.N!! V !'E
I Ki.S"N A > 0.2 •• :ily W Ira? irr.a-;, I'iiil.l.i
C "-17" Tn IST dX W -V "V !
Th * f Vl i?T j II 'il ttl-d II I ' nu • Cthf nt hp
, . I •• .• of r f,.. i.llt IT i-
TitK •'< Al'i -r K'.>! !.> !• I'l ; IN I !
I V tTr!!' ST *. <■ ■ ■
The '-Il ■ •< V " •"■" ! ' 1 i to m.i Mr .1
viiv.-\i n * * i-.|i ■' .-ii ...o.'tihiif-i - I. . .■ '• i• -
|.,..i •I . r Mr. r. V tllef. •..,! , . K r f
Il.>nt..n llv i ii-r.v A. 1-rn.i- . i.- Ar'i.ur j
Crtbai if I i li.lmw 1.-tlirr Jimw -J-.Ta- - A'> ;
IH.O, 11. n. K D,>K- tUnn, Kl v I Kit - Mr. !
A., la. !.. I|-
.The ri >!1 e a-.iiit of hril.i int .V.veletrea, i
•{.>lll ail • ili-t. :innl, lliaijrriiphi •>1 mi l iU. !
;-U if.a -. K-s ry. i'oftry. Ohm ••• Ar'i-J. r mi A. |
ri laliur.ll Sut.j it', K'-rifW... K sliions. An. c I tea !
N, 0... iili mil 1, M*rktr-.. Oil a'l that .. r.ii u! - !
ta ;ti losiriifl and mrrrlarn *he .ntiro fon'lf ~|r !
t!i- tlia* w!i !■ ' in' free fmiu al I'.i ili a' in I |
' Aofarian hit'.
Tin- iliu-i r. w;!l he ihr-o- i . t ;u-} number |
an I ir n th verv 'mrt .r'st< in 'hi* • ot:n rv
42(10. ;t IN' J!' N E Y •'}' VE>* A '.v. AY!!
It. a I him. ' ■ At' '•!=. I PfW• r'u" - i • I", tlaa- |
laall ■ "!o •' • t -a. fh • . ••• r.- trr ~ j
0 Tii. hiir..' •: l ,! 1 i 1 <• '■■■ a "O'n r l-i
1 ,i; • ....lit- l-ni.l ''■ - . • ■•!
! ~.. i. t Il l(Dj
(-ii ■... r ai • h- !- -V* i 'I . •• a.a ;
i .I*l I I .-1' 1 >3-1 a,
h fvn . :..i- •' <} ••; ■ • liy ft '" ' '
I i.'-m-l ill • <"•
• |,| i. 1a- - fl-u- -. !l .'Il
I iiih !, r :-.-i ''in'' I'll',lt ■
The e ' • r u;> .1 f ..di Coth ot
1 10U Mi'.-i-ri!" ri iji r. riv ■ 10, pi' '
Tit'* c Off up ut'ejrli aula u!
SO Sit'f ,rii" r-' will fft-ivc S (i'l ••
Til!' jra-ffa up W r.'lt ain't fat' .1 r '•>* 1
\VI ! 't* . a.I ifl ! • -"1... I a la-> ,t. Im'k. l!i
--|,riic nf whi' h Fl.Oti,
fh iter up if f. h Cla'> 2" '•iLiort'*!'will
|.f fit'it' I ij l*.| i I>h4c ,:r IfHtlc, i!u >
i pri.'t - w'tiflt ii .->>■•. •••• 2. .0
' The Rf It.r up alf • Ifh I'lui "1 1) Su'ai. rii a-r.
1 will lie riitf'l diu f lfft n h.nk >•- 1 'ki ihf
* price"! i* I. iili i - ISO
Th* fi triT Up a'l Htfll Cfllll "f 10 St!' I 't' 'Ti
will be fittj'ie I t" selcft i So k or Im aki, tif
i! i pr'c enf wlta-b ii |,('o
u Tltc -ctlrr up of it> li Cluii of liv niSi tnSfri
wii! • v rnhfU-il to releet n book or Iwmk-, tlu>
„ pri. r aa! win it ii _• 50
! A 6At4!"! ui" fro in one of lho iurtjtst pul'lishlnsj
f huusci m 0" t ni'ed S'nt " will 1> furi.i-he l. I roiu
wilii h f-'itttions can be innde, inl the book, will bo
!l sent In lbs partios entitled In them. t'OSTAfa E
TERMS : 'ingle Copic? Five Cents.
r i One Copy one yrar, $2.00
d Two copies one year, • 3.90
® : Five copies one year. 9,00
Ten copies, one year, m d one extra to the
gelter up of Club, 17,01
' Fiitecu <!aptes, one year, nnd ouo exlrt, •••• 2S.PO
Tweutv-five eopies, inl ono cx'ru, 40.C0
Fort; e.ipi 3i, aud one evlta, b4 00-
Fifty cmiies. and one extra, 90,00
'! One hundred copies, mi lmo extra. 155 > 0
The one the HOME M'Kiili EY is 20 els
e a year.
Postni is'< rs end otbers who get up duns, can
'' aflerwa. P- ii I uasti lat th.saute niu-'. ai. I li e
names will e i uutc i, up to April Ist. as part ut
s thi' r filial club.
"pe mm. vf.c. wit'. !rce • f post i?f,- n r .■ ipt
a 'it u I mi *
- Sen i iur rpecitiiaui, ind com u.'..ee sei.d'njr ii
ny tor elnM S'ifjT, AQ (■ minunioa' n>ti* iii't-t he ad-
dre.-so I to..)'A kUNES, Fa'.d-flierMi !!rup'r.
121 Ho. Thill! 9\, P.iilu tflpm t. vs.
DCIMHAT HACK.—County Rights. Send for
rt If circular tp E, S, HEAKE, PlUiburgU, ra.
FOK 1869.
' | TERMS 43 per auuuui. Four eatpies for #10;
Light copies lor >2O; and to extra copy to
the geticr of the club.
„I A 840 Silver A'sitch for 20 buhneri-
I be rs.
' A Sod Scwiag Machine for 25 Suli
,! scribe rs.
A S6O *i tltl watch fur 4l> Subscri
a $10() 11.tli! Watch fur 75 Sub-
I scribers.
If you o iiut fgvt toPft-nrv •>• the fr#-
Uiiuiii.", a• wilt iiijiisr you 60 •:#. • fa h year
ly JuWriht-r ut $3. 7*-:tiaa|#'? trcv.
K.irly in ftu cuuiiuic *dutie w "hull i •uiiu iri2?
A - ri.EM)ll NEW .-TnHY. by Alt-xaii-lrc liur
t:iu , w'li Ti will he I'lii tcit from -dv.iii-♦ .-lu-rtf
11#riit.-!i I i.id to thi:'piper. .I-.IIN* Y. SLATEK,
!tu!liiiuri', M l.
j II?ns Clitisii lt Anderson, the tileateit Li'ing Sloty
Teller, "ill send new atliclcs d.i'i 'i t' lite Kivtilt
! silo.. I lie iiuw oltitoe tiegins J.tn , 1 S'i'd, an 1 will
• e riglto r ..til f..iit r littlt ever;
M'e v.i'l sjiie to evry it riotr for 186J who
I sen. s 52.5 C (tlio reeulttr |ii.o ( li-cctly us, a
jC'IJ o" ll'a! rla-ganl Chrolllll
TII K yt ACli I OCruR,
li\ II K>H 1.. B'rt I'llt.NS,
| r"pio ! Uieil in rich coirs, ho ouf subscribers only.
! Six.- 16\20. it. ■•lies, 'til it-It nor tit iii. laaiirs will
be .••ni i \ mail, pre j.ai.i. Hi the outer id su'.scrip.
1 lion,
ill'RD A IH't <• 1111 i.n. Publishers,
1439 br.Min i. S;re<i New Y' tk.
S .li. sot Mug 'i'to* ■'••• t lor 23 fts p!os|H'Cius
i niclical Farmer.
I'IfUI.ISUI H IN- lMltl,Al>r.l>lMllA.
MitXnn.Y, ' 51,50 jr iiurnioi. in ilvno-f, bv
PA Cll.vhL .YORKIs, IS 13"It Sr., Phil.t'ii
2D •■■ pi-s lor 820 fs • liiefly made up of original
rirtiiei .ia 11.l ot to every I' pirtoiei.t "I Ag'icul—
m-', liorti. iil'ure and Rural K on iuv Large n
•iu •■■ i. its ..nd libiri.il [icntii.ui- offer-I to agents
t.ii*i c • it' .-sets. S iitiptf aopies iuiuishe-l nil ij.pli—
• a I ion
Ai.-EVTs W \NI EI) F'lß Till,
ft* ('an-c. 'Vr irnc'i r, (Jtia.f art A' lit 'Mltti,
!v it- iv •-ile, c/iuLined nitli mi i". rca.-c I <
u -i. h iijj b• if 'lie 'est jtuhdcripfioo >-k erer puh
>. i- 1.
"•i t . . i "i itrs an I sec out fenm*, .*1)1 a lull j
hs'iji!.-. i" flu* ivrk. -\ ii• •- - Pi j
li'iiixi. ''• PJiil ieijdii i P.v • r <?n < ir.iuiti.
Ma VI )' >2 ft' I'll A/a Xti H - YOR KKII,
v 'it O I'm tireitt Nartitiil Rural
in t i A'.it;.\ W li.ki.V i.tuitteiuAji its TAvK.Nrta.ru
3 ,i .••it-. 2 a tMjui in in .-li.®r, ••.tu.ii'inr Six—
f ;ecn t. ig Iti.ub e tg.i .rt > Pages id Five Caduiuru
c.u !. a!u■• 'A .i'l. luij.r-.vd l'l.i- will nuke
lire Pun r.-u Ltai'ole it- former sixe, "!.ri no iu
•ri■ si ii pi e! V>.l. W lor tdt/9 wilt • xvl in
all tin cues tale • f Prugr 'i v. Tt.uelv ami bu
ll.l Rur..!, I,ii i .'v oi l ain! > New i-aji- . iiiuil-
I.Slil.g lilf tin 1. II lI s M ■'! i "EX JEiaAlttat "
• .ot C i i -ts • I' •>.'!•• is iii i til rore 11- il*. wot in •-
Kt g ■ ii# la.' I •' • ti . !ll 'Vol 'i * • '
in It ir.'. nil ' i M .iilli i. -ii i Lir.'e n I
Re u do! w'.cl.l, -Jjeii.r in Vi a . Parity n i
\" . i ieiy ..! C-oi:.'i!ti. m I Viaj.-d lo O. W'-mts of
A I.
l'Kil.Ms ;--SJ a leer; Five o"P'ei, Hit s Seven
for I 9 : '1 i ' o *25 Ac . & " N-w i- IL.I tiiue to
Suiwer.l. i. l Im Olube ' Lit" lal iielilenii uts
I. e.U I .igelila. e-| StloW Itllis A . SCIlt
ire li I' T 41 P.trg Hi , New York
tiESrS WANTED for i.ui I lustrate.l Bible
. 3 .us!.ir\ i ver 4UO eugr.ningi. Pimtograpliic
| liiblea .1- !. w■-s *3 00 ."Send stump for I; ruis, Ae.
lilt KEN A) 13 I'll- a'liut eiteol, I'uUladelpbia,
p.,)ff A D.tY. \. ,1 I.Aiidr-so, .itb
Cs,i)iii ;• II i!T x'tr .!• ii iii-f.ard. Me
x iIFNT.s WAS IF I' -M I ■ "nd f. male, f r our
il-U|el -I' ,s. o, I 10. lii ~1 Stall Ml r ltd I P leklgea.
, ~, | 1( . „,| , j. ; , ji ,n.s. h i!.!. No Utter inveat
uaat. • i. e. i .i<e A oree* UAASiS A I.l"
.|• |' !, i \J i. i'i .. • .1 'i . i .uery La"
<-Ii in i.i, i'.'7 LiUrry srree' Ne* "mrk.
i I DOCItf.E i:K\R Tltc oi.tv Wriagcr which can
' use the -'ST If. >.|' liiitetiing above 1 ■!.' e"gi. wbieb
is abioluteh neeessirv to pi-.-vi.t tlie e.-ga trout
pla>i!ig out-I g" ir, fX'if RobUr Roller* from
t etfg irtrain -I -r lon-kin in wiingmg l.irgi -irticlas.
j s dd* v dealers generally. A 'Upp v s'wajl kejd
ion hm l for -ii'im eni at <ln bind, Chicago, and
j <s: Louii It C liß'tiVill.Ni;, (J.-aeral Agent, 32
< ('..rlpindl street, N. Y.
i jrC-VUD ™' l O'tlilJiii 2Y2aLJU.
Pattnlrd July '). loj,?. lit-ittued Aug. 19 19ti9.
Eatmcts Iroui Letters and pß|Kir's of ihn working
.joaiili -so! the Axv.
I Your Axe is min i to be Thk A\t.
2. It will eat 25 ji r rem better.
3* V v |,r 'her t -I • tie una iu the war, but with j
Von Axe he an eat a- *eR ii inv ..lie else ran.
El l Otil.l If! gel im.ibcr tweii'r.tive (#2s' !
dollar' -void 1 not liuy it.
3. !t will cut hoopi-pdnf bolter than any other
ti. [ would no' he without it fr anything.
7, The nnly.objerlion is il goas too far into the
H Men who chop fur tt'liringniiivtrsaliyapprov*
of ir, .V- , Ac , ad infinitum
K..r S'tio b all responsible dealers, and the mak
ers .
Sole ownets of the Patcuts.
Muiiuf ...t ure i'" ..t th" RED JACK El A XI S, n.l Wr,
I SIlOl ELS and Ai.'OfiP-, aud all apgrov. tl Shn... S
| and Styles of Axes.
nit all love or desire for intoxicating I ijU r
sifely and js.sitively cured by Dr. CLARK'S
'Maivaliaii I'owdcrw* Tln-j cue b a-l
ministered if neecssa-y without tbe knowledge
of tliu person, in Ale, Wine, Tea, or any nth
i or Dev. rage. 9cuS hi tnaii on receipt of price, One
i Ii 11.'.j. Address Dr.*JAMES 1. CLARK 4.<S ltud
! i s-.ti tr. ot, X. Y. Cut tuis out.f'or reference.
ME9ERVE A ' it., 35 Sud : ur. sire, t, Boston
; are sole proprietors and uoinilfaoturers of the newly
i invente I Peerle.n Double i'en i'.iit.ita n. 4gvn:i
wanted everywhere .Villi eacii fountain mil,
whether 'in ;le lor epveiiuvß or t . elu'ii. they icul
i a.lip, u-ithoul charge describing s.uie ini.lt they
will Mill i'oi Doe Dollar. They up)4y Imuilics with
thousands o! useful, oruamunl.il, and necessary arti
i !c of unequalled quality, deiwttg ouji iui o! in
ibis tra.ic Conitui'sioiis *1 lo *SOU, aveor.liug to
r txe of tiu ifauy agents ;u k Sid j. I nil..
. Ltrculurs sc. t frev
seto jJterHsfiitfiib.
The magnitude of our bu*iuei.s has enabled ua to
make the
k /ADucbmbjtts TO AGKJYTS,
t<rffc*riailiy in th Hue #f Cotton
Larger than Ever !
Send for citculsrs, with N tw Premium Kales,
before sending your clubs elsewhere,
Alfreds C. THOMPSON !r CO.,
136 IVJVIHI ttr< rl , ffaston
BARTER Mini the KL'tiKNIR, tw.aj)! the HlO.-t
ful articled ever invented l##r ItiM*#*' UM. Cir ul.iru
gratis a&fuu;ila tuM.it* i tor $2 50 vr tstJ
everywhere A Mruu KM PUK *u GAKTKU CO, lid
Fu lou s'reet., N. V. F. 0. lix 2433.
ll.w tri f.iurinate aaJ am tin* it#v.- #f ,>M. otic,
l*eti;tue wealthy mil j nuj*r in i>niiie>e. Au I<-
Ifuut bot.ic roiil ainii.g *ls * rich Fri at ii Dovu!, I'as
ciil ilovine, %:*!. : i:iitun.in I hu.ixi#**-* li.m *s tor
ufcu tf ttevt rbt I'ri t- 25 it.- t,y
mail. A-i in*. T. U'illlAW A C • , I:*•• Fwblithtr*,
For Sale ( heap.
The Subs.-riLsr ufl- is fur sale, cheap, his
I> W .1. I. IN (. II O L
end m
Boat Yard
with all th FfXTIKKS 1 Oil 110A • n' ILRiXt.
at. I "lA* Af Kt N't J
F-.r par-i.-ulau inquire . f .SuWri°<-er on -i |-re n-
Tußkh.iiU'M'k, Pa. Oct. 2 1 #, 1 tetir-'. ul3 d •
Tin; AMI-;I£ICA.\
In directing attin'iuti tu their CELEB iix'TED
MAC 11IX K, 'je,' leave ti. refer tt. it. w. u D,. ; ,i p,,j.
ulv.iry a. rntjrlu.il. pr.ol -.t It. grea: ut-Jrii-
The increase in the dem>tni f.#r tht. valuabX
machine has beet; TEX F'iLD dutitig tin, lust .even
mnntlia of it. fi.st year tefuro the public
This grand iinj surprising success t- a:iprs< U-n.
oi in the bislnry of •.•■ring mnrbin.,. en I w. fest
fully warranted iij claiming that
I T II A s NO Ktu | \i. .
rt*K auc .t.f tet.t nij- nv.r
F iivrxiaY avtA.enrxrtj
And Intrinsically the Cheapest,
It i. really two machine, cnuililitiu 11, . J,y ( p ,
simple iio.J beautiful uiv. h.nicai arrangv-iuvi.',)
making o itli the Shuttle ui* Lo k-.titeh, eriu the !
Ovetseatutiig and Duttou-hole stitch. w i e ..teal
fietlttj a 111 pcr:e-t|..ti. D .ect: r in u „
t.est uja iuer every eaticty of ru. li .. ll.tn
tuii.g Felling, Ci i'titijf. iJ. kti.c Miiehiug, Itt.i: !
>n;{ .li t Oe'liing, li . nett g ,>4 i .run g„ n t, . Jr
at I tie .wine line.) an I in aalltiun f;v,
Knibrcldeis on the e I*9, aid itiekc. be.-aliful L'tu
ton ..u i Ly-lct Inile. it. .1 (uf mt.
i'he.e I. achiie. wilt • t.-iieebs of wuii in I
u.iiK.i.t" "Hi be j, en at
n .NKii no' k. r.',.,
by culling .tu the un i -r.igtieJ, . e -. i,-, 14r tl,e .*f
ill tiimu in \\ voiuHig C .im , .
For Sale at Mod's.
ot Les-.r A Co'a
heat make
KIP au.l I Vi.l
Rest make
A full stock of
lail<li<>>* SlHM'f.
Hallliorsti, (-olrjl *•-!. I'• I i-.il till .!• tin.;
Ki<! .tul (s a'. Al—•.
Rutton fiaitcif.
tIKNTs' p| t'K Kl\ ■ '
a I \i T ' ;xs.
Herts' KIP (IL' Vl-s.
liiriv i, l*i i i ' "•!•• ' ' .
for Sale i Mjiilk
j Tuttkhannock, Pa.vori! It'
Winter Miliineiv.
l/ 'W. hMii'WE f.
in joat re. live lan tn( e">- nwrtuiei.t f
*•' H
LAl>tL<. ANi#
nniiit xs
i i "WTi.s.
Fit Ail Ki.
• Is., a Urge a-sort-n itl ..f
Xt'Ul AS,
To whi.-h -Le inrits Itio att-tfi.iu of all. wishing
to j.ur. h-i e
Dress "i t'i- .-lit .ii.-l huntt.l ur m t-.e l > older
Tnnk. N'o '3 I, 1-6 L
Application witl l.e mule to the L"g -l iturc at its
next e*in for the inc. |.ration ot a Uuvtugs Rank
to he located in the Roiooyh of 'lunklinnn.uk . with
privilege to reeei.e l-|sL< pur.-Luso .<n I sell, Ilonds
and Stock* of the Lno- i > :i\s, an I u this Cum*
nionvve.tltii and oilier .curl i s. to ho calied "The
County -saving if.inlt." Capital Stock
| toO.UOU with the priv;iu B e to t. urease the saiuo to
i SlOUOftl.
J C. UK 111 ill', DAN lEI WKIOIir
0. S. MI I. Us, J W LYMAN.
Tnnk. Juno h-ih tHG 0 .
M. ... -6u,
1"* AS T *IA V sj'l d'■i II ui ouk he' i . soled
J Kip o• # I,< ; Fruit It ual. p I Roots
ij at )'i ; liiipirte I i .'-i a Calf, Liii - o ■ Rox
I Toe, at t Jan I ov.-ri aiuer nil la • . .. i|IO St
lisM |
IK i K
* *' . ' ' .
11 J . m : u„ ,
• I HiiUrLAiiJ'' " • lii-.i',
ru iiV*.v ,e •
' . Mall
r.iVCP •'! I .1 ) of; .
'I ni&p'.ir.i: *,
\ f {-
1 • . a o. t ! • '
T'r.nn-'tfA --s
lvu r i ;.t a
iud nil (hr..> •4' 1,.. . .
, Mtdrrcit l.ltn. .
/.itri a:i > t tt • .
# i: ui ..... , t 4
i y,i. • -*
j HSMUt f.l O'-lf , e f
mutt tt ... ...
<h*ck'd 6y r i M f . .■/■tt j
I /■-. r. ttt t'f t ■, 4
.* ii \
of ti.o Sta-ins , \
Lt", u i • I- *4
jo a
>-o f .1 •• • '
' j ■' , ■ • - 'Pit
1 i" 'f i■ r- • 1 ' r t>
'V 1 ;. v 1:-
j II a 4. .- I f • ;
D • or V; , • ... " ■
D i P •. , P* 1
•i. II ? > V V
. v _ * . tV} . .
-V'' ' E" i ,w f
H.I . ' . ii|t t< .•
tItJII *' • , >1 . t f
t!:u F: J. is •. . ins
y,v it. r. I J •I;* u• D ~;-e
ijjtia.i iR -s >'■ i t i ,: "n
j ts .lli .1/ . 1.. ,I.ls. *.
II I ear. ill ... . d
\ tvwets. I' , I'. ~, , .. . .ml -
It nirt vi !##♦• • ( ' i . pfi, u
j K
inrl(r ft H> i t . KII • t
LltM tl u rir |J. 0
•waiiivf to •>; •>..! i t , ti i*l
tA ii tllKf tin f (Kc.t ,1 .1 m
In no rUo t #ii -u ~r T \ >
thtf i f'ic,)i.dL.i' i i, cr>
Letter I. U <iii .•••! * f ~
b* u.k-il tu s-tso. ivv .etiet
QlllU.t .'.II lt|). ..•* x/i.
VJd.uj J 0;r:-:i.ju ..t*
■ •--•• " .•- I::
| >J< * ■ • •*
*2 L " * " *• •#
-y - *
****•■ •••-. ■ - ■ - .. ..
it. r-. t :\ o .- . ... ?i
F"".| "■■■ ■ ...A.
pu l Hf It* fut'f i. .... i / .. . .
' -- ■}
1 TItOUhHUIU ll (>:, u I. s f s
11 cUt hU}t|)lir(l liV \H* ieftiij til
Wy lite u*ir t A .tit Jir. ;• . .. v
• iMNPIit ItfM, tleltltl ) , J / . s v
the It ua ( 4t t tt'li His a • .
ks f
Clge.i.te s. u • ~ * t
Vklll ftt- louwil >f tur g i va • J ,
l( r.• j. i# ittkii •# > i|..i a . k
m: V.ITV.
I r .. ... , -<
*.i .. .... , ■ .
•. . .
a •* - .. ' . j>\
Weak and LeiicatJ chii.ti on
!!'• ftllOtlc hi lon j| \) lining iLr ttlftUl*
or Tonic, lu IMP 1 1 I !• j ii Fuiuii;
31 Thp; rn :t hr liutitiU.titU
with j>rrf#4-C < ft I Iu #♦ e i!il lui
IllOlldlb Old. iLi lll'kl flttif h fv .skit,
vi- h niuu oi ftt I lie I ) .
#< i/. L*4i
liloof! IMirHltn**
erer Lmucn, oh<{ tciL cue* all r/ ft *+
Lad blood.
I Ktrpytur lAt'td ou>*. L-' t' y.~w . . -# r ;
your dujft'iv* u • : y "*-••
iiun, !/y the i.te t#,."* #%## •• .*#. <••• :• —*' i
nrr uuail you.
Ms M >J W mm m V •
Ladtev who wUh a fair kin aui
vood l oui jilmlou, fi e IYWIU < • I low -
Uh itiiil ell ot .• (lltflgttieuieUl,
ehoiiid nr (htbt- itiuedit* oceuiuu
ally. The hit i lu ir!*o. urdca, Riid
lite hloou pure, will *clf lu kparlt
-11 i>|t v > c>. uitl eaieki.
t Al' KiV.
//> '/.Df i 4 l.'ltri'trt '• .*rt c •' ' jf+4i*-l
The rrtt'ni.t hurt - ajo >ti>* I M. Jurie+ttt
en r'.r ft' Ki tj i.4 -si;;it ,* t/-, // • v .. . . -K. a#- 5
t/ic T#''ffir • / 'tr ##* < # /* ' M < ( , t. . . < j • *.4- |
i laon*Mi*f(w tf li'((er hm &..•* -
c< If eil.tetillft iugftothc itriuewl lftik*
• Mini I I'm.
I;. '.J i-xEu 'J * i';*#A l.
i iun. iiko. vv. wo ;v.
i.-f .!:iiin* • l'f Cm i.l f *. .%
I'lltLlftX I'M! k. Jditi'U lt ! V
/ *4,tl • //.w f•lf t i !V| II I, Liu ft • ' i A •st/w*
I'MC'V 1 " r * • '•'*. ' •* J ynwi (oft •■ ir* -
tl*. ri/* ."*# •-# '•* #•' *u j'itis f awl uf jtfui *m
> *Alf* "/' d* itit'j .// • ,#tif t/ tf'i'r -t' ■* .'.#*4 ti flr
iyC'Ut. I -en 4 truly,
*; y*t. iV ro • • IL'A
i?; 11 lio.v -I k'! '%> T!
Ju<l|iV ••! •Ik ■ : .tt I •> i ! IV m* 1* . i
fl.i * .1: 9r . \ ".f * w
I tniunltiei •• ll#f )&*•('* (.t :IIM Kit*
Ivan*' u nth-. At • .it . . i a ( Ate of uv
(H< U- of F
6*4 v< a.iiy tis I • ; iu .#i t irl.t*e
m il. 1 -a . •• i *. •* ' i
- i k-b- # fl-O e* #1 • .
Ki - 1 - *
ih .li * - • f
. %
u- Otsl ni ' J .
eh.if I ; '#. a ' d * l
ytir/i K'id t(i ly-t 4 > i • .*
Ilkftf, tiifii't f.. #./ . •
USUtii rtt.lt-.. ■. r- /•! .1 - p *
tevnvral t f !.•■ ;' • •- • i I.
C*lil|liillf. it !• n. i f.!n J.J-. • %.
4#IM if ##• 'f •* •• . . . 1 .w I
be rrry '•#;;' .•' '# C.- . - . '-n • ... .
earn 9*. I r.'#*r/ !#;>.
.Prici* of the liii-eru. 11. • !>-♦ .>£ .
Or. a m 1 i : . % o •.
I'rico of the .w. 41 ) . .
Or, a Lalf i '.,*7 5 .
Tht* Yt'iiie i j -■>
Rrtoll' tC tC . e . , l; . J t ,
fA.i/ are S" itMirrfF.ft y .##•♦ • •• t*< •
If/; ti##'/ do i,'it nil.*- ,*. .. . t *■ •
fup vtH.ft/ *'#/ .W • b • ' "
MUM /•' Wrt'.''# (I I'fjl" - frf-*' * *
icih *#n/ </y '/;•/ *## /• -it -j- f/su - •* ;#
(O t\e
MIL.XCIF % I# OH ii'K.
.\v*. MI .4 K'* i, *n:h:r r,
CHAD. M. KVANS, pron. *'t,.,.
?..rtrsr!y C. M. JHCX6OS A i.
1'11... ll.inc-ilies are lot c.t.,
• Druggists, Still, her prrs. i,,l
nine Haul SI'S v vcj n n.
/tti nut fi.ro't t. .j |>.t. *
s m il'r I" 7*l' '* 7 ' ' * *
* 1 TN THE DISTRICT CdFhT of the Fnitid StttMk
A for the Western District of Pcnn-y.vat ia
j David Smiley a Bankrupt ui. iei me A -
* of Congross of March 31, 1a67. having ap, Iu t.-r t
Discharge Irotu it bis debts, and othei una pr.v -
u able under sai l Act, by urierof tli-> Cuurt, X— t v
u hereby given, to ull pero:is whoh-it- <> e i "i. r
debts, nnd other persons interests I, t - vi jesr .HI the
sth day of Deevuibvi, l!i"d, .11 „• j, 4, v y
before K Overtoil J*. K*cj, 11.-gir er .• bii ottce in
Towsnda, I'a., to show cau-'-. if nny Ibey ha why
a Discharge shotll i 11 0 ■ g> -nte-i l.
rupt. An.i furtlier. IKUI.— IS ha by 1 • • .■
I second nnd third mci- . 1 . icdi
S bankrupt, required by I. i'i h . d *
x said, ct, will be bold ia .ore IN- * •
t Umi me time and pi ce > t M ■ r.-
kWlt-3* c*\-k.