Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, November 25, 1868, Image 3

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    l.iifui and PftMinnl
> .p,. i - • Btr "ii I--*'
. - tag.-—'■ arious siz>s—blank or irlnleI to
t!cr. t*r Mile at this otlic-e.
i |.l itl.ii.ksiivig will beheld
.11 the Presbyterian Church in this place, on Tliurs
,h.y. Nov. 2Cth, commencing at 10J j o'clock, A. 51-
S.r. niou by Kcv. A. T. I urman. All the people of
, ,ry name and denomination are Invited to attend.
it. >. i>. \V. C, t)tn s i a.l v. . i I.i :i (juar
t iiy .fleeting in the M. K. Church, in Tunkhan
i:. k, on Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 2s th and 29th.
~ri i. i - a.- usual on (iuarlerly Meeting occasions.
; t. i. \ lU.— Vtie it tends of the llev C. E
l.iui . are invited to make him a donation visit, on
i li.::>day, Nov. 20;h, afternoon and Evening. Chil
r. ii. under 13 years of age are not invited until
next day, at 21'. A' COMMITTM.
A t.rc.it '• • Wspap''.iitci pi is; .--As will
observed by reference to prospectus, Moore's llu
.l .V. i?- Yorker is to he nearly doubled in size and
oti:'*rai3e materially improved. The Uru.M. is ai
re. I.i y the most popular national weekly of its class,
hut the proposed change must largely extend its
circulation and inuttence.
I i autre ol 'I irill i.e seen ly lie
latist time table of arrival and departure of trains
on the B. 1 It. It-, that the time of departure ol the
frieaht accommodation, lias been changed from
g.:., I'. .11. to 9.20 A. 11.
Shippers will govern themselves accordingly.
Passengers, south will note the fact that the last
.loan train lrotu this place, leaves at 12.00 i*. 11.
I.i tin. hi El|'i. s (ui o! the Lehi{h
Vaiiey Kail Itoad is now prepared to forward goods
u- packages to all important points on the lines of
t... tcvcr.il Kailroads of the country. Articles for
-hipuicut Iroin iunkhannock can tic left at Hilling.,
S. Phillip's store in town, or with the subscriber at
the lioput. Articles received on this line for Tunk
t..u.ilock, will lie forwarded daily to the above men
lloiicl Store.
E. Til. PHlfit.ips, Ag't.
imp<ii no t Ji -:e.tl 11• 1 -. million.—l.. 15.
Powell of Scriuiloit has made large reductions in
the prices of Mason o, Hamlin's "Cabinet" "Metro
politan" an.l "Portable" organs. lie is selling a
4 octave organ for JoO, a 5 octave double reed, i> stop
w ilh trcin .lo for i'l2.*., and a 5 octave double reed, 6
-top, with a new patent "vox huinanu" attachment,
limitation of the human voice) and other new in
' ventious for 4170. Send to him tor the new circular.
i'hi it. it. Iti i.' ' flutbi i r the Irl Ige
across the Tunkhiiin.ick, at this place, is now here,
framed and ready to put up. We understand that
Mr. Kings.cy, the builder, will proceed forthwith to
put it up. and that the abutment will be ready for
t!..- second span by the time the first Is up. A few
day .or at f.irthr weeks of open weather will en
able contractor Morgan to finish the till or grading
I.ir the appro aches; so, that, under favorable cir
cumstances we may esp • t the trains to run direct
ly into tow r.. by the beginning of the new y par.
i> ii '., ; 21.i h : i it inks 1 !
We keep on ban I, i ,r sale, at tiiis oifiee, .Blanks
as follows :
Deeds, l,cares,
Marriage Certificates, Inventories,
Teacher's Contracts, Warrants,
School Col's Bonds. Sabpaen ics,
School Trea'rs Bonds, Summonses.
Executions. Constable's Returns,
V .wns'fi • e.h-er' 15 oi.'-.<.'onstable's Sales,
Guardian's Bond-, .!. P's. Attaehtn'ts Kules '
tiuardian's Petit: ••n*. and Interrogatories,!
.In 'ie; -s at; i ('on.-table's Pec-Bills,
Sit H-p itoiiiages, Lloeaae Petitions, and I
(' die-tor's Betters, Bonds,
Judgment Not,--, ite., .v.,
!i l print tu i.r-hv, Townsiiip I Itticer's and School
iiireetor's (i k-r Book- ml Blanks ui every Descrip
(. oi PIJI-S lo PI L p.— 1 lie lil'i-nti.-u of our
r !et sis eaili Ito the card of John Patten, o! the '
l'iiciii. Hi Id. N'. V. We ussure our friends, who ;
may visit that city, that the Pacific and its I'ropri- j
■r aiford ev, ry tiling in the w ay ol accommodations,
ie iuircd by any reasonable man, woman orehllr. j
We s]-eak Iroin Jiersonal knowledge. Hood food,
with i-niVrstaniliM" names; clean In-Is, situated in !
r ..iti —not ten rods front terra firma ; andahouio
km. place, free from the danger n,l annoyance of;
•ici s, bummers, thieves and pick-pockets, which, !
like rats infe.-t most oi the other city hotels.
John make? one feel entirely at iiune; gives his'
person"' attention to your comfort, usually dons
th • apron and wields the knife at meal time; knows j
•■a what meats you Iced, and instead of style, gilt- ,
IT. Kreneh phr :se* and fripperies. gives you good
! ■ >!. with sulistantiul comforts jn<! convenience?. i
I--. >.ir friends try the P.iciiic, n Greeuwloli St.
i n.!.i i - above Cort'andt.
I: mi mi •••■", ('■- :• v ;i' •! "li nun
' vive? Ms name as Mitehel, and who save he has
been cnv -lyeii in" tie* n.-'ghlwirbonti of McKiitie's, j
i". I i !.••! the o. her the other day to provide him-j
' .'h M thing tor winter. and commence ! by I
tit.: . , ov.-i t from a wagon of a Mr. Spring, j
ii. hi I oiu t-t the lit; Surd ilou-c" at this |
ii miieer v>. se•t: in j o--. oil ot this li.v
otnt-han I c!o '-iiiji; ami uli r a hearing, !
! \ .it.- uin: r. he w.i - • utninitted to jail, .
. •'rot bail: so that he now lias an overcoat i
a.i i oi .-r than lie bargained tor—one that j
pr ib.ibiy last him during the whole of the coin- j
- Ai.olo ri" —Mr. I..ißarre of the I,a- i
.i >;. ;. we lean: was in search oi a clsndcs- |
ti . i'. rin overcoats the other day. We did not j
r : -thi r lie found the coat thief or not.
still an.itUer. An entire washing, ot one of our
•i-|ie v ,i h had been left oil the line to dry.
- t • i '. war taken a night or two since, by some j
o thief, ;• s y.-t unkn iwu. * j
in l,e h iri. I that til r perp.-trttors of these J
.1! Ie ioiind mit, and taught that "the way
••••< .r is hard." Viler they ahull have
I• t■.i j .t -1 i r ,i.st oiieiiccs, and their
' • . ii| -seh i'h this an>l other mxxi moral
i ,:t ihr • then; t. i _ :.t silll another
i _. i jy impart,.n - , to tvery
ii! ready-made, f-i!ii .ni' ! -i■' 'thing
• re. . a. ,or men ;.:i i t.oy , eon •'!>-
t n . it, i.i .;i -g cat New inrk li tiling
• .• ••■> eoii *i iinl Br.iidw.iy, at prices
keihttunltag u old <!.th*s, ino ot Um
•. i mti-mpiih!'' ol .• ,s • 1 tic wlck
• in "\ .. 'fori.'' has recently cure torc.*-
- ita.i stout truth, and now, repvjl". >.iys ; 1
. morr.
Cov.rt jProf.'.cdla£S.
til '. .t ii : i.j Wt
uic ' •< • ■ . <•" fin j I';<L
1 • -■ 11 • I ' I rriC eie • , nti
a i nun to Unties i ! hi- •.liter.
i' at • ' u ■ shit 1 ptuScien
lew " •t - ooft ii an, 'J ii ted to
i ' tiei ' n 'i- nl •-■ il I
I i tas.
•t.- i; : . ■ * Mn. rl i! ilotch .is—Di
■ s ;■ mmr led.
• • R—i, ~ i. am Rang t-niio--- <lc
r-'.;o. is Mart A.!•'. ;*> —eai-etr -I—
--r -tor I'itf. or Sal 57
■ h ilm'rvi lli'iii Hi!—can so trie i -
. .if lor V 11.77
i t - Miry 'feel— iirorce Coiutoia
lll'' "'"I to tnfce deposition-.
a i- I- i-.g Hoc u'-ack Kj-itrueot
i"iii t'-- . t v co* sent oi parties
' o "no tj Win i <Jar<>- on if.Wsii'
' y*• * tr '• fli'ti cause r.lj judge
i. i i.- 'ion Jo..opy iiii.el in t 'f
- i, ' a I lioidin; —i*ue trie 1
f s ! -r
•' " i vs ,i. " . i'eoiis i iot i-
.1 yj. on I * y rL-0,.l 1
r-J.' • n ! I r*d f' iK-r-
Win si e w• • ! vs Saui'i - —r .1 ■■: . ri
tii n s'li k-1 I.ii .i* . ill* of l'itr.
\' Jait ' - A. Moult— Ihvoree,
, FroeUtiiatii.o ■id in'd <■ mu.i--oner to tuka
testimony, . ppoln • t.
I On IMaii < rd--:'fi r | ii' lication if the Meshop
pen Walei i IJIII pa.,, ntiuuel.
in in itler a'' N'aree- B -m-r-e —n .ti.-e of applica
tion fir ilis h igi- a- in. it snivel.t, ordered to ba
given -a hciiritg < n ifie tint day o: i-ext terra.
In matter of estate of Jas. C. Winfield, dee'd, —
Court grant rule on Widow to show cause why pen
sion shall nos be discontinued and awarded to Win.
I). Win field and why Debora A. Benedict should
not tie appointed guardian of Wm. 1). Wiuiield, a
, minor.
I On tiling petition and Bonds N'. C. Purdy was ap-
I pointed guardian of Sarah E. and Harvey L. Smith.
On ]ietition of Zenas Jenkins citation ordered
against Charles Harris, guardian of Joe Jenkins,
i to show cause why Ids appointment shall not tie
I in pctitition Itutde If. Keencey released and Scth
1.. Kecn Jy appointed guardian ol Graee Wooilhnuse.
i In motion rule granted in heirs of Solomon Whlt
i com!) to elect or refuse property at valuation. Pub
lication of notice ordered.
On petition and bond filed .1.(1. Spaulding ap
-1 pointed guardian of Arum B. Hitchcock—sale of
real estate ordered.
In matter of the estate of A. K. Peekiuim dee'd,
John A. Sjttsir appointed auditor to aiulii account
ore. M. Manville.
In matter ol the estate of Alliert Kosengrant dee'd
Will. E. Little appointed auditor to distribute funds
in hands of the administrators.
qCiSTItli l-ES-lII.VS.
Grand Jury called ami sworn. Hiram Hitchcock
Con., vs. Owen Horsey—lndictment, Assault and
Battery. Aaron Wood pros. Ignored Co. to pay
cost! l . #
Cora. vs. Ben ben Parks. Indictment Assault and
Battely. M. W. Newbury pros. Ignored, pros, to
pay costs.
Com. vs. Hiram .Marey and Daniel Becker, sujicr
vi-urs of Nicholson. In.liet. neglect to repair roads.
True Bill.
Cora. vs. Wm. Kiiigshy— Indictment Assult aud
Battery. Pat. Kingsley pros. True bill, dried.
Defi. acquainted on ground of insautity.
Com. vs. Geo. I>. tiiiaoa. lndletiin-nt opening and
shutting Canal Bock—B. Italia Pros. True hill.
Bhil forfeited.
Com. vs. Wm. Wall — indictment false pretenses,
ltilcy llaiiv pr"e. True bill, cause tried—verdict
tint guilty. Belt, to pay costs. Bute granted to
show cause why sentence should not lie suspended.
Cota. vs. Edward M. Sterling—lndict. Assault
and Battery with weapons. Aliira Gay Pros. True
Bill—cause continued to next term.
Com. vs. Hi ury .1. Cushtire. Indict. Larceny. J.
W. Allen Pros. True hill. Cause trie I. Jury tail
ed to agree.
S A MPSOX.—In Tunkliannoek Uor.,, on Nov. 22,
i*os. Mrs. Eliza t5. Sampson, relict ol the lite
Squire Sampson, aged 6s > rs.
ot'niit .flufinSs
My ■i e, Vl*. • -. o, . •'.■• l.' !• t aw bol mil
i board w 11i .out j I j : ,u* ■■ '' *v ■a. ou, It. is le j
itberid irj ;. ' r--. *oi r.,ufi ' iuifsmlf or tru-ling
her on uif aceouri', a.- t wiii pav no d-oit* , [ her
| i outr.ictii g 11. Eio voi.l i(
Lerao I, No' liiti i •" vbnl
. f • I B \ I .
C line to the enel -sure of If aso isci i ; . r on tl.e I
dil oi 8.-tolu-r J 1,-t
! a'., ut i -'ki .. ars ... J, hi i • -.rip wiiii ling ilmut
;t o Mrk d'.v o vii. i* .< r..j.v'<-.l J-. pi-.ve jooierty
div on,- a and like lirr away. O.uorwise she
i Wlii I.e • .*i suii II o-.-orii ig to law
tiiil.l. Sii'rV l.li'.t
Ex-'er. Oct. 3v!h, t" vihiU'd*
. Al I IN.
Wli.-r I-. on .vile H'ni, -' 1; ,s >-* f o-i 'o-.i an i
bair.i -a it b*Nt i ■' ea'i ■" or p0.v...- tl: 'MI- .s:l.ere
! for- t i •ri.ni ui | - sin f' : harbonii' or Irmting
1 he: "ti m. -u-c oo . •a I wilt paw w o-o# ■■( her
i eoi'i • .'<■ -f. it'EK i . ii-'-N.
N'oiiiiiiioielao 1 Oct. lUtb nllJw.
( 111 !t>N
Al! net* oi* *'■ i* r.M*v l ■ ■ utoig ray i-htl
Amqoi) mf ;oro* •- i iu f •'
contrs iias. COHSI t.VN AKNDI.I*.
'fu kil '.i n lit, . 4.1* 1 Si '.
I I. At II Kit at* IX \Xil N U'lliX.
t\ .liners" Kiatninntions t.lll lie held ua fellows,
vil :at .Mesaoppcn, <>et. -Otii : Mrhooiiany, tK-t. .7,
Korkston. Hi t. Ua.h ; TuukUanuoek, tut. sWiti ;
Pierceville, <>et. i'satli : School House near V. lute
ferry, i.n l olls Tp., Oct. 31st; at Xorthwor.l.ui l,
Nov. 2mi. . . , , m
Kaercises will commence at l'J o'clock, A. .u
Coinc with writing material. No private eiamma
lion will be held. ....
J. It. liIIOADS, Co. sup t.
1 unk. Wyo. i'j.
(ii tiii: TR MARIUtiK.
Voting Xieo's Hui !e to Happy Marriaga uml Con
jugal I elici'J. "l he humane view * nl beiicn.iri.t
I'hysiciaua, on the £rmrs atul Abuses inn tetit to
Vuuta nut l-'arly Manhood, sent in sealed l ter en
Vf|u|.s. ti'oe ot charge, .\d iress llO'-l Ai.H A •0-
' lA'f joN, It 11 1 Hhiladelphia, i'a
Whereas, letters of Administration to the elate
of Itan'l Kunsaian. late of Tunkliaunock tp., dee d,
have i.ecu pr inted to the snhserihi r. All la-rsous in
debted to the said estate are rwjuested to make Im
mediate payment, uud those having claims or de
mands against the estate ol the said decedent, wiii
make known the sauie duly authenticated without
delay to nli\ 1 ShATfi, Aiitii'r.
|;-ild ..iount, I-ii7. •'o., Fs. Sop. la, 'lia-uh.
i.l iTE ! LIMB ! : LI :*! K ! ! !
Tii? timierslgned h.is recently elected a permu
lietit I .'ii. i* hiin'i", and hau 'n liand a large stm k id
V/r ;i't! i lime, win 1. lie will sell us cheap as enn
b iuglit at any jKiiiittui the line ot canal truni Hitt
stoii to hlnilr.i.
tinl- r - will iar promptly tilled, and lime shipp. I to
ull p dtit- i.y owL ' WVUtJIBOWM.
Kiuwntown, Jtradfonl Co. I'a.
i'KUCIAUA i lt %.
V.'v iniing County, i In the Court of Common
Henry llouuht Vs. ' Pleas, of Wyoming County
l.aura Bought. ) No. 33, Jan. term i:.
To '.aura Ilought. ...
V-.'herews a sulipo t.a i.i Hlvoree was issued to .lan
t::i; v I'erui, lsda, wliiel* was duly returned nori rtt
i ./.is. and there in an alms sitbtsena was issued
in aid ease r turnable to April term 1 tttiii upon the
return of which pps'f was inuoe that the said J.aura
i; .iglit could not ! • I uml in my hailiwh k.
I'm s n.dice is th''.efore to require yoit to appear
t." ore I In- juduioi ol tile said < 'ourt on the third .iloti
d.; In .'.ovetms r ue*t, to answer sal 1 i oinplalnt.
M. \V. He WITT, Mierib.
Sherilt s OBU s, Tunk. Sept. ;sj. lytie.
i r doing . fa*i;iiv wishing in lie- bet* at: I i Una f ■
ts" ie iiucr tluariTi ecd fq ii to uy in the world :
Jl-a• ::!l tl' -lieug'h id 111 :■ isiu S lip *i'' : he mild
and liilhsro H nuia.* k'-istile ■ •. thi
f ifi li . ..1,. ' r.,: v ihe ,*UKN t.'iIKMICAL
\VOi:h>. IS North !•>• ..' r'.re.-t, Philadelphia
v6-t.5 ly
BY Ills itXWTH* son
With Illustrated and lividanatory note* by IiE.N
--r-ON" ,i. 1.0- t\(l.
A lsmk for all sections and al! partHs, eontaiuinrf
the minute detaiis ot ATaslilngt oi's Private J.iie, ..s
well as his public career. (wrTii. li m ntral history
lines net revnai i This bosk is written by a nsMb r
of Wushingiou's own family—one who lived with
bill* front infancy, -r. 1 must prove peculiarly acecpt
iibio to the American Public.
The gTe.'t deniand tor this v .ok. Its ready sale,
an I uu increased commission makes it the best book
for Agents ever published.
The most lilier it terms to agents, and exclusive
sa'c- in the territory assigned.
.-.en I for des riptive eireul tr and terms to Agents.
No. 3C South Ith Street. Phllutlclphla. Pu.
The NY yoming Metallic Paint Company ai orga
nised nndar the general laws of tha ,'tate of New
The company own tha mine and land around it in
fit No rovaity is therefore to Lie paid, THE t'N
PACTCUINiI THE PAINTS, is ain.ptr in 11jury
ing the rock, and reducing it in the Company's mill,
situated in a stone's throw of the mine
THOKOI'tJHLY TiNTEIt t>. on mi*-tent ln mist*
and lirst class MASTER PAINTERS, mil ALL
It contains over 75 per rent of iron 11 IS A
In view of the great auuuii!..-e. of I ..oris! and
Company expert to supply the m trust with h BET
ier ARTICLE and at CHEAPER r Vi ES than
any other company in the •■unn rv.
The undersigned i practi I p in'tr. hereby ar
tifi-a that he has used mft of the mineral paints in
use for years past an I that b" regrds that ol the
superior to all others for durs' t' tv and finish
I Nicholson, Jun-_- liTtb, 13 t ;R
PikKr nvti.i.K Alio. d 5 ISgS,
L IlAt.LsritAii, E u - Dkii; Sin t I liavo used
ihe M youiing Piiuts, mJ believe it to he the hest
ant tu st durahlo Metallic paint in use D his a
i - i rg ii/Jy, work* easily, returns hut little
Very Heapec'Luls.
PltlißT STA*K.
Nicti iLS *. 0 t sth HgS
0 L llallstuaii Ley L'SAII Sin ; I hsTe used
and otherwise ite i the WY"M!.\t MCT ALLIC
PAINT, and *m ,dear -if the Letiuf tint it. is supe
rior to any other Min> r-t! Print in the rountrr. It
has a good coh-r all I i.'iixrs r,,.01i,y ; Cut p. strong
and best feature- are i a ln a< - . ulia'ac• :i 1 holy,
combined with n txrrein - oiy i etnre, ui *e
| quence ot wl.i. hit requires t l- a.-r s ' I• r I less ml
| than any other paiiiis in uae. J I, Pkcic.
Nk * Y •**. <)■■! trt 18(j3.
| O. I. IlsoUal a All Esq - -DsaKMK: I r.m a prac
rieal painter line twin ex -it. engigvl in
, tlie hu-ii.e.-a f'U" efi-r t hi. ty yen* iioriair thai |>e ■
! jrip-1 1 Lite a-I-I -very -niety f know:, the
tA.le. an 1 wi'li if ti •t it ui r u ..i ,n in Win-
MIN I MEI.iLLIC PAiNi-, ;L •t. . i ti.v.u.i
seen, ft has a hetyr lei tr, u,txr a ,mj .i te)> •-
i Ironi a hall to a thirl L-s oil liian ordinary tuintF
Itcanbe used sureessfuily, either 1 w e-dtagr pu• -
poees, rough out-do .r w.,r k, riaifltig, oi as a fi,i -;r. „;
print. Kes|iei-tfully Ae
I rastii C P t. r
Pi.-reevitle,, ' ig 'J- '"(i3
O. L JIALUTAO Esq.—Dear .Sir: i 111.* Iwiril
th'.- Wy..tiling Point, by c ■ if it ■ i t n i - ■ .n 1
believe it to • e tnitcrior ' my M-tii!.-
Paint in the market, .HI • x.—P ' iy, mi *
reniiiiy. :mi requires only ii-ut l.„ i.uil
amount ot oil of n'her Pun s, it u.'iv a
Cmas L J -.cKmi> c'a - it- M • r
PilMveettla, Angus' 13 i~l„
<i L It almtkah. Dear .-.i , i *ia i y nil my
ti-s'.i'ii'oi. in 1 ivnr ill the i•. a. -ui qii i ■ of .lie
Wyoui.u* M taliio Pain', i ■ prse-i m us'* I
believe ittu he superior to an o'jjr tui..ura p.int
ill use, D has a er|httrtial holy, iniiii m-in. e
quires but little oil ar. 1 ar -ke ban is -ne .
IS \AC T CORBY War -1 >T.her
l.ntrr from M ivnr III!!.
illVik* t'ts-i h -in 011 n I'. dim -• IS,jU
O. I*. UtliLsruAl. i:q i tar Sir: i! Wig mile
a p-r on il exam u iiion of tn-| r",a, tie, , t,ia C y -
tiyi.-i di. Miinrai J'lll.t, .t ti -'u.t t -.iiit.iint y.--v
mrtin-r, I a-t'-o-v-i ceil.,a- ir ,* .oierli,! *•' i. ar
ti> Is nt the It in.; to ••• fund ' If • I•" .
V-rv Truly Yours
Ti A. u. 10,.S
<L. ilui "i'.vn i, J >...!>■. A • ut. t
ii\c tt- a>r* Ui} : -li • • .{. • ti*v „t i.v
tiiiiO 4 M fi< Ii l Hflai • iic." v
Qu'itor i*f a e -ntur> \ *.i i ;• .. }!
9vi(iinc< ui {ll iiili h'l i! V bu .
'ia.v \ ur.', fc i tbKi' .i r.ic
S- i.it; on. ti, i"* v *
0. L. iliift-ai l>cir Mr: i h.* .i-wl
th* iVy M-t# I ! j i-i
uru in iti if ii 1/ m ••ri n nv •'- rif v •!
|Kiil;t(< tTi til .ii.ll ww' !?- f; . \ <.i •!' i<ii •.
rililiwH ! I sjur.it. a ' ;• i•H' - 't* V, ••r-4. ri.nlii u lit \ .
hdi the reti iior*f w' ?i \.>.i - ! ; it ■* mji t .*
it jh bX'iiiotil !:• sc . • •• \ ' >•
jr.'ii.T I 1 jaw lb" I'Ult! ?• I"J
Wry iruSt V'.ur*,
iiATIU jJAIU L, ii ili .11 I' cr
All lir-itu* or mutH ii om i; ' v . ' i- -••*'•1
to ih.t vVVMMiA i Mkl MaLiC iMi.M
X V, NICHOI,- U.N". !>.
MAKK- A I.AS: N.i srISV'..
Those who Mack tlieir boots on Saturday nigbt
with ordinal y 1.1.re-kiug, doii'i have much shine n
Stt'lday. as the polls I fades oil; but the siiil e of
i UJiIM.VS HL.V K I \'.
I,AST SAT U HI) V V M..111 A .'. .1.C..Y
:MII"i .
Al inufaetured only by .1. it. I'ol.bitis. at liis im
mense Soup an 1 lii.veki.ig Works, Sixth street and
(ierm.in' iwn Avenue. PhH.olelphia, P.*.
For sale by HILLINirSSa PH11,1,1 i's-, ,n i'ttrii
pike fit., (near li.e ean il.) 'i'uiikhunnock, Pa.
nlTiai. ..
lilbil I(i i 1 \.V i.i ahi I IvA il. iiO A I
On an I after V v. '4 i 1 HfiS
lit KkbettxS Pt-sKv.ii.tt -at ' - 1 A M . ivl.tm t
ing wit . V J u eral. - 1 Xr" i I'en.i' • llai"
R.i.d-, sriivit./ -vf a . V t "i I P M .1 r I I'hii
s t-l. tr * .1 2 P. M
1 i E\l P'S-jiMi.n .1 -tie.- • 1 f. .'.I
i ii • •• .. . > • ... , :• t . il
.1,1 at P ,ti' .v. ri It* ' >1
:l F ■::. * u r te •. j>i i, li\ :■ —. i P..,': \
M." ■*.".*• '' U'-n I 1* ■ A I I 4 -J v|
IP TRAINS Alt 111 Vli AT "fi'NKIl A\ Xt K'K, '■
AS ! (*1,1.1 i'.VS .
Ist 1 . ki. ui vie a:, i in.!* i 1.. S.i A. M
leaves Maueh Ci.ua'. t 1 I*.
2ul Eve I'v.si . -wu ..rri..s t fij P >l.,
Leave* V. \ **: N -1 1 •.* i .!>, ! i'lnl a
j via North i' i n'-- • 7 13 A. Si ,
d I EvfUt P-tfiKBUtM -1 rite, al 1b.15 I'. 51 .
leave- N V vi i N. J (' i: rai 12 M uiil I'n.l'.* !
ri. North Prtl.'a at ,4o i' M
ITU, 172, 17-t ii. 176 Grectiwieh Street
(on;: Uooit aiiovk* ORTI.ASbT -TttnsT, .vswviutt.)
The uniiorsluticd takes pleasure in uuti niuelng to
his numerous Srietids and patrons that from this
ilate. the charge of the I'aciile will lie
$.2.00 Plhß DAY.
Helnx .-vl' Proprlelor ol this hnu", and therefore ,
j free it o.i the too eouim ti exaction of un inonliaatu
rent, he i fully able to meet the downward tenden
cy ol prices without any lulling oil of service.
it will uow, as heiet toie. tie his aim to maintain
undiaiished the favoralde reputation ot the Pacific, <
which it has enjoyed for many years, us ono ol the
best of tr. evict s' hotels.
THE r.UiLl'. will lxi b' Uiiiiluily supplied with
every delieaey of the season.
THE ATTENDANCE will be found ellicient and
am! obliging.
THE LOCATION will be found convenient for |
those whose Im-lness calls them in the lower part of |
the eitv, aud of ready access to all Rail Road and
Steamboat Lines.
Oct 10th 186 S. nlB-6m. I
Notice Is hereby given that Letters o* Adminis
tration of the estate of Daniel Trelble, latent Wash
ington township, deceuscJ, liave been grantel to
tlie suhsci ibers. All persons indebted to said* state
are notincd to mako payment to the subscribers;
and all persons having claims against said estate
are requested to present the same, duly authentica
ted fer settlement, to the subscribers, or either of I
them, at tie-ir rest e n-i s in said tuvnahlp.
" JOHN f. ACE, (
MARGARET T'{ EI RLE $ Administrators
Wasliiiigton, Nov. '-'.'l<l, lxda.
I, OS r.
On thabth > I. n ti.e T wania Roai, la,rn
Hi s pla. e :n i tie, onp ti, a soldier i arge Pa
pars, g:anted C. C 11 nn ger Teli *I- w.li e
liberal I r rowa eJ by b-aritig the >aina with (I. 0. (
Miner d Ibis p boh
lunkbain' ck, i Oct. 7t >-1860"
.('flu rTDlmiisrinfufs.
KMl'l < T\l KVI isBSS
the NKW WOHK by Jtxiufl llcxitt ZiitowxE, wil
I** #.| I tv nitii 4 tli.< u-xt !.•% month*.
is* creating * furore wherev* r *en f in tli
book trade. It i dtrtineJ to an iniicD.-* sale
1000 Agents Wanted.
0n ngi-nl report* 24 nun'! in I h- u-- Out
writes, "I call eel I lOOOin u meiiil. ' I.idie*
ii:v ili la .lieabled s>Ui>T-. '• i her- v in; n •n I
women nmi others are inrit-d to s-ti i l- r informa
tion The ".oris isjn.r ami..in,--I nil a-oil terri
terv imii In- s- u-e I iiv | rent, t .pl'li " Nv ft'ti
Gr :evh,irkt but er.'ro commissions jnnd aj-'ti this
booi. All i-- s •
i; 1.16- ,t CO, N'cwMilt. X> Jersey.
i;V OK.VI, 1,. C. lIAKEK
TV f'-ainii'l* fei.-Uli'me nil I -tin ling 'i-.l.is-
Ifrr- in , 1 in I. i- n ,ik are .renting tie inn-' in
Serum le-i o in ti.e i-iiml. of the pen) V in I •in il
lis ■ if. i.il riiarn- lei Lini i" *.i- t-nle. cmO-inni wi*n
i 1" in rcn e i iinunti'-i u, unke it Uio lea'-nn "<rip
un i•• k j-v r I'ulj'i-nel. Sen 1 for rir l'.r- and
( see our I mi , .liui, li, il seils lA*'or ih'ii .inv oili
er u .r'.., A 111 - JO.NH.-i Uli'VniHHS .1 Ci'„
I'liil iol, hi. i'i,, .r III.
of full caluz stilt Jree to any Honk Agent.
I}O* •iv A U 1: N T-5 W A \ I Ki> 1* O H
i > UAiUKW IIAI.K !iH ITli'a NkW
•VS . mid Shjul 'v\ u\ \♦ w \ oik '
A W'||.K or \ BSI HI %ti IXTKKKHV liKI'I.MK Ii If AN-
K-'n r:.- axc im imi. >rs m r; ix ru; CIIKAT wk-
T" )*• •!.!>. n.if ,\& i' II 1 m*M St' HJ Oil©
•J._V* f,,, t . I i lj .*•>• ; '>ro
Hi \| *• I -•> L' HI MHO V.tft k i Mill-
Cod?) WI ir, u. iveek *>• trik |U'ii?iol
, th.it nells rapi.llj.
Vkiii ni.-li r .k?tiv In.m K'-Huix * :rf oiuil.*
nrl I livf i;, I J.y ; lI'HV Shr V- . M .I,© ru
iiiei in V* r ill -t ; h.w * * Ui;: r> :uou " fire wiu
• i!e.| l>\ Slurpi if j !w luiiiif r* an . r hunts
- I i I : li V ir t;. I! * .Si ami * ni..ert
arc I h .v .1)114 anl
I. •• t•?ic.% iire t , iuc cf hoi >t#i*k O-otitiMiiiti
I' - •11 la * ; ] ii.n,' ■■■ t I tliit
iv.uk It '©Ms \ ii ot th in * p. ric- •t .\o*v
Vosi. aii t C<|, t i' 1 !. i .gru|!.i ii WeU'.H uT itH
,i M I'i iiiii.r •• .V . A huge (Jctu
co Vol ? Ji . Firttiy Jllus'rateil 'i h lur
gi-sdgn -i '#.ii J J -• i• ' i Ui* i '.i *3 tin-oil
j* u h *c4sl Fro.- H.i ••. ii •HO..i. I"• rft It |-:ri i.'ular*
l. I i-lUii, M Jjir Futilis'ii'is.
si. U, lit'iiii \ rn.. il.r:r rt. C.d:i
rem v v:\ **
Weekly Press.
T'llC Hi >s! fxft'lisivo ;ii|i| trosli 'st I'o
litical News, —the best Agricul
tural Dejiurtmeut— The lat
est Markets—im.t the
lu st original rtmliiig
li.llVl I.r THI .M kM l-lt' - --
- iei UK
t'v j *>j - -) - 1 - t <>o
T.-fe upi • ( nlon • (-Spy in Hi! .- |. r til.
if s- ■"in**.J - 1•# DO |
Twi ti'v if. (all I line I J ) In I'l. Soil. .
tip .! ':| ■ • 'uo ) - -'2 l on
'■ iiii r-.p: - | in*l oi • ,-npv to tin: ir r'or il -
i.i ill • oiup, .... .1.1 Oil
I'.-u corn*..-' to .mo .i ilrum, (nil oin- mpi In
•ii* ,t*t er lip *f ll.' 11. li.) - ii 110
r I*l*lll V *si or--, r . *i.c n i iics.-, (-ni one
• . 1., us j/Biirr-tip oh luu ) .10 OO
■ I.i- iiis lii'il ■ j-im, t i one i i ter- (a I
on.-, ,;.i i.-* Cri-Wwlti* I'. - lo lia
L ' I- -NJI IT lie 1 111 - 100 OO
AN Old— final r t'l- ii *ljc■ ii TO '.. 11 \ \V.
J-OUN I*l I. IN or an 1 I'lop ii- IN H. VV. lii . Sl:*-
foil i:I !I' .i',-!INIF .Sir.*.*!*, I'ii'l •I- L|i'n ■, L'A
, . -. .. iF t -pe 'nil 11 IM||
Great Inducements.
•lo si lisCIUIiHIIS!
i KT '.:••■ f win. -V II- .1 Ir ; I - ? • UV'.S MAC.
1 ' AZ!Xlii.nl I firs'- . I PAHKIt |
-•Hi a ! r i *ll itp 0 • ;•
nn: LADY'S I K END. of
I'liK S A fl* it I) AY EYivN I.NiI F'-T f
Mfi.l ©•• tne eiihitnlc.| ill !i).ciii.-i l> t flc.. | Sun*
•!•- f*.*|sU *f .r* -" it tfr.it"* l*riv f.r ch
! nil ai r , r >4 .or both \ d .■•••• lIKXRV I'E I
I Ki.SttX A ,I) , ; „ ;iiy u !• r - r.a. ;• ,ii ~!. !•
S-20,000 W '* Kl
C.= "T V m 2NT uTV w -"4- "7ST !
THE HdMlwzmr.
Th> T'V Mr j •• nl •• Mit • ■ . f Vtie •! *
•i . 1 .• •• >f tf|. i t i.ut !? i*
THE 'ii \ I'! *l' F\>|iL> PiIV:S IX i •
I V ITr'! ST *. f •
Til* f*• 11 1 11 If '■ ,f " * *l' I'll •' <1 Mil I.lf ,1
vrrx> .. • >-- •>' -•> "ii.,.. . < I. . . 4-.v
--lu: | i'lr Mr K. K hllet. ti",!.u- r k r I'
II • ini'i i. M. * M-ly A. i■••ni.i- i i. " Ar'iiur I
Otlbar ie 1.. I.rlmw i. dtie Iln-wo. .1 ■ -c, A'■ :
i ||. n. I. ! ■': Dole Owen, K I |
A. 1.. Phclp*
.The c.iii''.tiis - !l c o-'-t of l.rliint .Vivelft'M, i
Uiuiuii " lli-r. :ini, Uiiijrriijilii.Ml mi l •iiieipii'i, j
,-k H-sry*. poet:y. Choi A' i!•s mi \r. ,
ri ul'iir.il Subj tßeviews, K -I.inns Aorcl Ic*' i
News. Eli mil i, MsrV-v'f, mil a'l thul . <-.■ J u! . j
led li instruct an.l eriPilaia "hi- entire fin.'le ,ir .
tin :In- wh 1 • 'inr fn*c from a! I'., ili a' .nil
Aucarimi ft i'.
Th illu r. tioos will be three i . • m-li number i
a:i I ;r mi tint verv Wt r'i*t in ill.* imin rv
(SltEAl iMil't t.MKM- 'K> rI.US • ■ •
S'2J 0 !• IN MONEY I'VE . AW. AY ! !
!n II I ■ ('li • ..'1 .IVU* - i' . .I • > 11...
luil i g wid 'al-1 *" th * 1., r ... Irr II
• in- I- • e l'' - •I. II .I- I. r 1.-i
l .. .ii Ini l ' ii.: . , . ;
ii cii lrtfy
; .;.i i■ m . ...ivi . . i >o- I i, |
C ■' M
1i,,, <H|.I ... ... 11l I til
' : i.r i. f. - rtrn VII ,'ni
I iltli !, r-f.-l ' ill! I.'l'.l' ' ••
riic if ' r •(, i- i.'li I'mi'l ul
lliii >ii'.-rri!x t> nil! r eiv- 10,011 •
. Tim (filer U(, ot f.ub Club ul
50 rs will r .-i ive 5 00 *•
TO- gft-f iiji i r e i-ir>vW> wf 5,1 r" "
111 ' > X •■•"it:.. I I , M.I.J, t a luri .1. ip.iik. til
jirtee of wbi.-h !<•••• • SI.OO.
i'h -.'iter it;. ,ii •• •• Clh', 'ii ' I'.-oti'-ef will
l>c eu'it! I Ij !.•{ a In,A ■ r lamif, the
pi i. r ,u' whifli if... ■ "i.'.O
'l'i.e if C-r up of • H-h I'lu'i ~| I") Su'm ri' it
will he rut ft I Ilu r,-le! n hook 1 ■ - tin
price "I whl.-li i* 1.50
Th- .■ t'rr U|, ni en,-'i f'fttti ~f 10 Snl s -ti ,-r
will he i nii'le) to sclcet a ho ik or Ici ikr, tlm
, pnccol" wliub i-i 1.00
Tim -clter up of ea.-h Club of five rah" jnhor.
will i e entitlnl to eelect n book or 'aoik-, the
pr„ r <t! will h in- • • 511
I A CVnhmue frotn one of the iarifcrl pjlilishl.-.s;
h,,u-(M in the lui'p I Stat" will he fnrr.i.h'-l. trmu
which Icttion? can be iniulo, on 1 the honk-- wilt iio
sent to the parties entitled to thcni. i'OSTAOE
TKBMS : single C'opi Five Cents.
, One Co| v one year, $2 00
I Two copies one year, 3 90
Five copies one year. 9,00
TcU copies, one year, ai d one extra to the
getter up of Club, 17.0' 1
Fifteen on pic*, one year, and otto extr i, •••• 2it i 0
Twenty-Svc ropies, an 1 ono ex'rn, 4U.00
Fotty e.l pirs. ami one c\lta, fid 00-
FiCly ciaes. and one extra, 80,0U
One hundred copies, an I , no extra. 153 • 0
The postage one the HOME WEEKLY is 21l els
a year.
l'osltu is-i rs and others who (jet up eitins, can
aflcrtra, i- .! I uam sat tb . same ran-s, ai. t the
Burnt* will .u n. uutc.i, up to April Ist. as part
th • . rdfinai eftih.
• pe, tutt t. crpirs rtli'. Iroo of post i;c, .-n r ipt ..t
a "it o • iti n-i r
- ."in iif f i.Oil cant n.*..ee sm..ling in
y utr elu'is r-iily. All c- mtnuniea i ,tis ut'i-t ho ad
drroso I toJi'SFfH A l.'N E9, Put,l .flier .i i "j, > j.' r.
121 o. Third Phiht.Mjaii i. I'-.
DC tfxH.Yl HACK.—County Rights. Send tor
rC W Circular to K, S. RLAKt, Flttihurgh, Pa.
..{frill rltilmlisfmfiits.
FOR 1869.
" TERMS :—#3 |.-r .iittuiiii. Four eepi.ti for $10;
Eight copies lor 4-0 ■ nti.l >o extra copy t<>
(lie gct'tr of the club.
e A S4O Silver . sitch for "20 Subseri
A §55 Sewing Machine for "25 Sub
c scribers.
A 860 <r<ll watch f>r 40 Subscri
' hers
\ SIOO (rnli! Watch for 75 Sub
' scribers.
If you {> not £et ei.ouh tuPf iire >• .f the pr*-
Uliuillit, #l' Hill Si'lovf yuU 60 •:. on fta.b year
ly übvTibt-r at S3. Mtmpb* tV,•es* tree.
F.trly in tho eoiuiii£ volutn* w- i*liitll tiiti rn/tf
A • I'J.KMJII) NKvY .<TuHY. iy Ahxanlrc l>ur
::iu , \*!n !. will bo j.m t*L from -'IVAIJ. .lu-et£
tiirin.vli l r.I f-i flii.i piper. JollS V. SLAI'EK,
Publisher }'.:i!liino r e, Ml.
II .W S A\ 1> 16It S i:\,
' AM It run
II: ns v'lnisH ii Anderson, iLe ibt.M l.i.ioir Stmy
' Teller, will rend new .n;:cler -* the Kil r.K
slin; ! iiu now uiliu l :. ltcgtn* J.n , IS ! )'3, ilil v. 11
I>K ligli.. r i.n 1 (.. -ii r :ii it ever;
We v.i'l jho tu c cry .u < ri'icr fT ISfij who
i aeii' > V2.5c (Hi" regular |iico (:i cct!y o us, a
rc"|y ii* lite i l"g*i'il CI. r.. mo
lit lIt.VKV 1.. iSTtI'IIKKS,
| rcjio lured in rieli color*. Im our funxcribem only.
I Six.- lliv'FJ.ii.-lull., aiul ui-li worth 45. Cu| Ir.s will
, he ."i.l • i limit. |iiv juii i. in the uuit-r ot nu .hcrip
I I lion.
H("!U> X UOFOtiITiM. I'ulii i-berr,
'•1511 l.r.KM|i" sirril New V< :k.
|lt s cii Mug x ii" -c*< I tor 25 rU I'ios|h-ciu
I lt*c.
r radical Farmer.
NOW IN irs sixr:i YK MI •
ruoiaisnr.n IV IMItLADICU'II!^
MO.Vnil.Y r 51.50 ier annum, in i Ivmi e, !.v
V.\ ('1! \Mt YoilKl.v 18 N I3tii Sr., PhiU'j
'ill . • pi*> lor S2O fs rhietiv ma le up of original
ra i.'n i.li.i :J t> everv I> pirt uei ! ot
I 'u--, liorti uluri >rs * Mural K?oti>my. Large x:—
<iu -i. i ..r>! premium* offer * i !•> .ij<*ntii
J; IE .N • ->CXP . S iiiipM 'Pl H lumiyhei on ippii*
| cadoit
MJEVT- \V \ M Kl> F'lK Till.
0 F F I (MAL
111-TORY til' Tlir. WAR
Jts ( "ti't". *'h irttcU r J ( y <h*ift/ t iV Ibutt*,
! I- it ilv - ite, ov'tiibinp l nith an ion a.-c 1 ouh
n -i' ii xu it-eif 'lie ' est ju*i"iiptiou o -k *rer pu6
i. iu 1.
t . ; oI ri ui 1 >tv our teriii-*. .x .* lull j
U i^-rip*!•!# f llii> f rk All.- XfTtuSAL l'l a- |
1i - iii •i. ' > I'i.il ieljiiii i C.i*. Co • ir.iiati. Ohio
A 1 l VI > ' < K ' UA L - w, ' : ir " ¥ORKEI! >
,it 1 ''it k' ||I1 Urcilf \iflilitl lI('RA L
iii i I AUI:A W'LKKia .i4jtjnuiV-J it< Tu"K\riKfii
\ . r .'NR. 2 RI I MJUHH In .-||.*t. V.IXJ; IIM:
:vcn l .ub t* .rt <i Five Column*
. E-IT HJI.! a•• J'H liuj-I WINL I'l i- will luaka
the P.nrr • -II i. .i ;• *i*u, %vijn no i
t*r i |i !A• !• .\.\ lor I Bby v% iii . in
a.i tli* csfli .i * • fa Pi'iji -j* \tt. 'lioh an-i I'm—
I li.i llur.il, Lit !"oiy on I ami _\ N4v. (#ap* . nj4ni
fin* ::n f. i i h M. r . • 'FX "
ill! O'j t- • *•!/'-> Jii.i liu lii.r li ir. Ail in -
K i 2 1 •'* !•'" 1 *' • I I ;I1 A'O • ' '
in Ii ir ! is ti r i M miSm it a Cr/f in i
li** u Itil U i*.* 1.1 , III \ u . Curitv in I
Y.iitiv •! C ••!: iif". iil \ :n; l to 'L Waut* of
A I.
i i w.T ; Fivt* Cp'ey, s>ii : Sevr-n
tor 51'.! : 1:• f"i •>-J A.- £"S- *i- iLi tone tu
."ul.ftrilr . :.l l Tin Club*! l.lbi ?a I ixiliicein lit?"
I. c.u .Al'cii!*. <"4iiH-xiy Shiiw Uilii. A-. sent
ii - . e It 1 T Ai'toßK 4i P.irK Iti , S*ts York
Oi. siß W.ANllil* lir ui 1 iiible
I tiiole* ••• ' vv .p>3 0U .'-ti.il -Vaiup h-r t. rujy, Ao.
GHRKN \ • "• lIHViUMlitnNt, PiuilaiMpArft,
I one Al> Y. Arft-r.'. eat t.d. Addr sh, .itb
JS / l 11. P II Ul' l(>, I. d iirfonl. Me
% LIN !'" U'A XT I'lh -M I- and I male, frour
-a-Ufi r Ma., lull 111 ul Mali-iii ri tJ.tl I'.iekageS.
i 111 !,<• ...I I i-i i on, !| mi. hold. N.I better invest
i: em. < ir.-tii t itee A r.tIAASi-S .1 l.l*-
!l I. i■l •I' !, i MI; . t'a .it ~■l "I ,'i mere I.S"
I pOC III.E C E All. The ••I'v Wringer which can
use the '.Sr if. or lasleiitiif sloi't i.i., '' f - . tihi-h
is stsilutrh l'icesr try hi prevent the e.-gs Iroiu
• playing out I gear, ukL'he Unblter Rollers (rum
■ i-etng strain I r l,r„k„ii in w iingmg large articles.
' s >ld by dealers generally. A -up; v ..'ways kept
' mi hail I for -itlpii.ent at I lev. land, Chieagn, and
js; I,..uis R <' IIR'I'VLIXG, (leavral Agent, 32
i (' irtl-in.lt street, X. I'.
j XIJhD 0-1521f3 V
Patented July 9. lit-ittued Aug. 19 19<)S.
Extracts Imui l.slters and Po|mj's of ih working
qualities o! the Axe.
I Your Axe is aound to he !Hx A\r.
2. It will eat 25 p r i-ent better.
'7? Mv br o'icr 1 >-i • lie ana iu the war, but with
your Axe he eari eat a. rnl! as any one else i-an.
I. I' I .mid ti get .iiiodiir iweii'v-lie (S*JRS
dollars small r.ot buy it.
3. it will i-ut h,iop-p>tlo hotter than any other
ii. I would no' he withe.it it for anything.
7. The only.objection is it govs too far into the
9 Men who chop for a'liritiguii'versallv-approve
of i - , .1- ,Ac , ad infinitum
For sale hv all responsible dealers, and the mak
I.ri'PiNOOiT A RAKEWELIi, Pit'eburgh. Pa.,
Sole nwtiets of the Patents.
Matiuf-let 01 eI" ot th- ItElt J Viicl.r AXIS, S.\Wj,
i SHOVELS ao I SCOOPS, and all ap,.mv.d Sha... s
and Styles of Axes.
and all love or desire for intoxicating I qu -rs
sifuly and (s.sltively cured by Or. CLARK'S
■Slirtthni I'oxvdcis * Tin y e.u he .ol
ininistered if neecMX'V without the knowledge
of the person, in Ale, Wine, Tea, or any oth
er tsv, rage. Scni tor mail ,-n receipt of ptiee, One
Ihdiaj. Addroso lir JAMES L CLARK 4."iti Hud
• s-ti tr. ot, X. Y. Cut tui" out Jar reference.
MESERVE A CO., 35 S i T ur> stre. t, Ros'oii
art! sole proprietors and manwfaeturi rs of ttio newly
i invente I Peerless Double Pen F-.it n. Agetirs
j wanted everywhore iVilh each fottuiain ml I,
whether -tu ,le for e|ieciiucn or to rls'i*. they ttul
a . lip, icithont charge describing sene trtult they
will will fwi One Dollar. They supply tmuilii s with
thousand* ot useful, oruuiuutit.il, and Udceexary arti
cles of unequalled quality, dotting ouf'tiii-n in
ibis trade Commission* >1 to •50l | , according to
;xe of clu i-. M.tuy agents .uk Sid (• i t,a..
btrculurs sin t freo
The tuitirtiitudc of our buiineri lua enabled ua to
make tbe
|>Ci'iully in the liu of Cotton U.mla.
Larger than Fver !
Send for ciiculara, with Sf ew Premium Kale*,
beh.re rending your i-luba elewhere,
A1 Irrw S C. THOMPSON' \ CO.,
13tj FI'JVIHI itri rl , liorton
r A llf 1/ I.AIMKS! I.ADItiS!--
CARTER and the El'tiKNIE, cb nn.-i ue
--e ful article. ever Invented lor Uili*/ use. <!ir ul.-ira
- gratis 6'aio;.les luaile i lor i'i 50 Ant wanted
S everywhere A Idreae KXPIIK-S Utata Co, 146
, Fu ton g'rcet., N. y. F. 0. linx 2439.
PSVCIIOLotiIC I'MMiiiuti rii, or >4ul
ii wJo a;.J iam liir o\. **{ .-h*. ~nc f
become wcNltiiV an I |>rorp r in Au ul<-
Kant book coot ainii k ulto a rich i* ri u f Lovcl, ras
cal ivine, :t lUoUtaiil liOriQen lim .-s 2>r
up* titicvir U l t'f publiffbctl I'ri 'ZS !. .)
.\U.in*l T. WILLIAM lc C , P* PubJohe.-*,
For Sale Cheap.
fhe jSuba.rib#r ufl.-r# fur antic, cbeaji. iiis
i> \\ ,i. li\(, not
, sTAl;l.l.\(J. tao
and a
Boat Yard
eitli all Ibe I'fXTI HES I Oil ISOA t R! ri.lJi.Vi; i
an I "It'.A IhlSl)
l.r j.ar'i.uiju inquire . f .SuLu ri"r on i • |-r u-
U M FLI 'K N Kit.
Tußkbaiiuock, P* Oct. 24, Italic. o!3 |*
Hffll HE HiISIMiR ill!
Sh IVI Nil UA(!llISE CO.,
In .iir.Ttir.,' nUintiun to llioir CKI.KISitVfED
C'oMiJi.N .110. liI'TTOX lIOLK AN!' -L'.VIXO
MACIIiXK, leave to refer to it# * a lei.'ul |.j.
ulvity eouriuai.e j.oail of its grem UJ')r L•
Tiio ilnrreaao in tbe dcinitii tor ibia valu.i'.:.
machine lias been TEX FOLD duiiug Oio last seven
month. of iit fhsl year before tbe put.:'u
This grand and surprising auces i- unpreee Kno
e<i in the history of sewing lunobie... nl we fee!
fully warranted in claiming Out
IT ii is x< > i: or \ i..
srtxM absoi.crer.v rim rt r
3c* LMIIjY MA.OHr.\r73
ix the would,
And liitriimlealiy the Ctieepe.t,
It ii really ten maubinea tmal iueu m. n # , ,
aini|.!e and I.euu'lful mvcbanical erran;. men'.)
uialillig b .llj liiv Sliullle or i.v a tlllcti. arm the !
Overaeaiuiuo ini.l liuitoU hole ai.'.-'i, a | t b iu|
futility ant perle'tloii. It . tiM: t , j,, Ul4! ,' olv i
oeat ura mer every vativly of a.-ii g Jletu*
iuii. |t Felling, Cording, 1 icking. |; t .i : :
illg .111 ll. llCl.l .>ll .l-Mllg (I. .;,
al lua rame li .if.) an I ila aulilioo. Ov,..^|
Eiubreidura on tbe elge, a. J meke i.e.. uui'ol Lu' -
ton ..il l Eyelet liolea It. .! U#
I'Ueae na. nil.ea will • e.-iiaen. of woit in I
ivork.ngs ean he a. en al
ri'NKU \X\Ot K.
by enliii.y oil (lie nil lereigneJ, .£• U'a lar tbe aate
Ot tii tu Hi 'i yiilUlUg P 'tin *.
MR.-. (JKO < Tl niiX
> Tn-ldO.
For Sale at Mod's.
ot Lots'er A CVi
best make
Kit'—ml t A i.l
OWUGO : . .
Best uiuke
A full iit.i. k of
Ladies* Slioes.
lJ;i!llli>ntl. ( aUijrie-ti. I'•■>>)■ !>•. ! (ii'-i
Khl .till (i it!. At---.
; Button Gaiters.
GENTS' i'l < K If! \ :: -
a I \i T : > .
Gerts' Kit) Gl.'iVEs,
Lined, t'i I" 11 I r.t, ' 1 .
Tor Sale at >1 tsftV
coit \i: STOIC i'..
I Tunkhannock, PA v5nlID
Winter .MillinctV.
l/VV. HAltl'WK !.
in just rr. iSitv.l a . < iii( e*.' nss irfuvtit f
MIL!,I \ KiiV A\ I > FAN. V f.nuliS
LADIES Musi's \s l Cit (l.!>lt KN
niHiM N\s.
r ; fi'Wi:us.
Kit AT II Kits,
elsu. a lAfiji! a-surt-n ui .f
To nbi.-h "be invit-s liio att- :rs >n of .* •!. wishing
to |iUr. li i e
Dres* ami o|. 'm out i. l healed or ori-.c t> order
Tunk. Nov. 'i I, |P6).
Application will !■ mule to tlic Lje Mature nt its
; next session lor ibe incut purat lou of a Savings Bank
to be located iu the <d Tunkhnin-ck , with
privilege to recei.e -1-po.in purchase .<lll scli, Bund"
and Stocks of tiiv Lin'—' Stat.., an i o ilii* Cout
□lo owe ai 111 .IU i Oilier .curia*, lobe called "Tbe
Wyoming County laving it.iok." Capital Stock
400,U00 Willi Ulu prii':ie s v to 1- crease tin- sniuu to
, SIOO Oct)
Teoli. Juno h-ib lrk°.
1' I* \S TM A N "j'l -g•• iII au'ouk !i.'"i . salad
J Kip u•" Si,l ; tre i h eat. p I Govt*
j| at |'j; Inipnrtel i nii Calf, Fair -i. .. '. Box
j Toe*, at ! J .111 I even oilier aril ij i. .. ■ |io At
j HJUail;-c- ptl-Me
IK < K
I ,
J HQUrU ij' • •\ • o*.i
/•/.•A/'4 V • A I-
I f*,<
) Livil- C a .
M D : *.
' v ,
1 • . a a.'t 5 - '
Tr, rr - %
i.%c i /.* . .
, ; auJ ill . • in • .
ttrtl *rr if f.itn. s: ..i.* * > .
iJiriKtii tjt '.i
4 /.\W /•„ . . , , , . , f
j |f*w , a ,' r t -. • *9
j USMtU'td r. i
*• ' ......
f rj iy f , , f tf
I /V r*Nf . , ", w
# tl 1 tier* • ii 1T ! f A
o' l f*i Si.f-.tin \ • . '
j, biri> Jj -4 . „
' | • fir: U d
>'•- ire •.!' •
• " . i - .* H*
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D n > r o v -' '
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K • C >. .dilf .. ;}•) '
titjn !"};* . : H , .iar:
ih j iTI v'. u .i .mn
Y,v\i. r-! ! *£•• X> •*.
ijjOa.i u: s i ;
; i.t-iiiiiii/ ir(ii , la | ai ..
It t| tnr. J; i k . ...... . . . .. H
| lre!. '<*■■. . .■..! '
fi'ttiri %s t*i. t ( - t < i i.rjt .
•rr g . :.t •rt an • , . kl(
anraltrtin| v;r' :• ~ t .
I;itn Ij s ri. ft. ~i #
(iki rn .4 . . p *■? 4
•uaua; i *k •.••! ti ,i k
MAUTrf NID 'tf iKf.i 4 1, (
Unuplcil . .li . U ..r +.* I . 4
k 4ff . . .. i ? 4 crß
!• Her i. 1.. it -i. It* .1 4| „
hu. "ft. vi • - ii <nu i
Olau.A ii>. M.I i tW.
tgjouj.&j J
u ; " r ' :" ' . nr. ' '.f •/. -" i
j t .xlir ' -f -fy • ' . . Vfp •. . ' Wmii. I
VT.f /'if -,vrf , . , ... ' #w
* r-r r A * 4 , .4,
pj He It* 'u.> I, •'>*. .t. 4 / . .
l(. ♦ /• f' • tj, f/1 -r ;
ryUXu i.-. . . .y
Tbouuud* if * ► ....
Ilut kll|IUOr(| kit \%M. Kffji; i
lliit turrlnlr i(Uc>* .mtr - .i . f
k)' lllr Unf li Kiillrr. i- % .. v
tIMNi'U I<4. Jrliltl . . i • v
thr ittunl jilt til ti* u i .
% 41, • •■.* v f 4
• • i :
Ipim.iit ( %k( . . 9
1% iil In' fOMlili | ; .if Jfl Cti • } t
m: :
An-. tl*r '/*t# i/i■ Jti-'. L.jo fu:'- '- c*-.. i ..u /? j . w , .
this 0 1'futa
Weak and Deiiuaio Cnii 1 e:*
ti nuulk blroiig Ijj • L•• iiilikik
or Tonic, t u fuel, lh) mi kuiuii;
31 dlciiK . The; cnu !r itttiluU .ri U
with ptrfrpf to • r .Jil lt.ftci
monlln oltif ikii uii-ti ilfiirn rb.kli,
or m itiau oi niiitrl) .
7'iMt* Jit cl/- JA U*4.'
HlOOfl I*lll*l II O i*
lor L'Htni'H, UM'I will curt all i*tVati /V •*
ted bioi-d.
Kt-]t V'ur bi-j't! jU't. i'/ /.it
k*4fj inur dnjft'tvt • i / a." \ y
hurt, (<y f ; i< imc h' i/mm !• •' ih u v • —r.J
iwr at tax I you.
< l s 2r*3
Ladle* nlto wUli a fair *Wli *ul
f;ood touijiirilou, fa IYwiu * • * ll*n>
U 11114;* IihI *ll <1 U 13 A ui * uictit,
thoialtl nr tlie*c- tiurda <ctuiou
all)-. Til* lihti lu c>rf*c. utdcr, autl
lli laloou pure, villi result iu tpaik-
II ) u ii<l ••**ks.
t: i *X' a O V .
MssAiM.r* • iUe . •
The yrmfuc h%i> t r.- ujtt'.a* 4 ■' ( .I#.
vi the /t't-nl' t I.< v, ;;/• • v . . - U, u* 7
Uif tv'rue '/I'te i'iti im e* . i J — f
Jit '•'UlltrlHj
I of letter* Lhi c b.tu -
• -li ett, (* Ity lug tilths
re mi nil vs.
Lhu dLujiikti-'l'J'a 1 n.( I.
* iln.vj HON. 01.0. VV. \\oo;>v, i i.i*.
l!u SIIJ! win# (\.rt .1 !'r>t!tv>S
tut a. Ji it u It i. V
/ Mjfl *'//•-■• t x • iiiU'i t '4 i - 1
f'littly I" r, >V, * - •" •* W J-itui (•/?• fMI>
<!*'•* . 4 '!irr n,j t ins t ah't •>/ Jtmtfi MM
cut** •' fiW iiit-y •#*• w otf I; f -*rr >i' • /.Vm a. fi#
} •.-/ # tru!y t
|V HV> ''' l Ji. 'Y
Mi 11 HON. .1 T! \.J'<OY
Ja<!|4f •1. 1' . i IV
■ n .St r .*•.!• T ' k"
I Ctmslder - !l<r >*•(' Cr:it*i Kit*
lei s" u t>t • • . i a iav e of Sf
lHr.lst.t4f f u<Mgr:itut .J> }> f
€l4 V< I'.ify ti.U i O lIS .it t
• fit. 3fu 1 <. .4 >- i .
- i • #* n • ,
Fi 1. 1 .. .1 . *
p-ni.4 • .• t
in. .1 At. - . ••
u. tsi,
jwr#. .<Vif iv.
o. it- i ;
£*n*ral % .f 1..••*••• 1 • —1 .t I. • >
CHllpUill(. it * * ■*• *• I sell* .?• ir * • V.
*>.* ti w • • ; > • •• •. . I
be rrry t-*nrt! . '<# f/. . - • *-* •
c >*. i #'t/. •
.. ' ; A/' \ : f •
FriC" ot the Uii'ert.. *l. ; p-r p. -• 4
Or, h i:*!i .i4*e- i .0 •.
rrice Ol t;e Tot: . $1 t ! , ■ .
Or. n Lair i * •. *7 5 .
The T.tie it j '
KrroT"i tin! .. //, * • - Vs t - vV /
fA.t' Ui f i<- kMirrf l'M V ../#< I I . . 40% • n
-0il; ami u>> t#-d all .w . •- . : •'#
fuiv tM.V thin# *?** !'* '* •
4ati4t he mat'* it lnfyf pr.%' i.
will U **/ ItWrprMS /• f! - w• ? -•
ft/ /At
Pit IXC IP %l on H K.
Ae. MI .4 A:<7# .f r/;/ :rr, -
(JHAb. M. JtiVANSS.Prop.itl.ir.
?jfnr.r!y C. ss. JAI'XdON i.
Tllfie Itemed ias are ii .
Druggili| Slortkerper*. •! ...
elttt |)lr eve. y n ion.
/) •;-/ fitra-t t' rs t~%... I m
ofi*r !'• n*t y- • *
IN THE bI>TKICT COt'KT <.f U rnit<Kl Sutw.
for the Western District of f'cnii-yivet ia
Davi'l f'tniley U.inkrupt um.r ifce .s
1 of Congress of Aiarvh *l, 1867, Larin-; I an tor t
Discharge from 11 his ileitis, an I other Climiui pro -
able unuer sal i Art. by or !.r of tin (Atari.
u hereby given, to all jwro:i whuhiv. ne i i.b. r
debts, ruif other persons interest. I. t .|.|ron the
sth day of Deectubri, >. i* ..' I k. t Sf
before K Overton JE-tj. U.'gisi.r t' hi* office in
Towanda, I'a., to show eau-e. if any they ha*e lt
n Discharge shotl! i n I! •• g' .!il.-l I
rnpt. And further, nott.o; is h-. .by i • • -t
second and third mci- im- •' ncli
bankrupt, required by 1,. '77 b . -i
said, ct, will be held l wt In- •
theft me (lute and pi re > > -M