Local ansl ersonafc l-'vrry Family jU mid have a musical Instrument of some kind, and N greater variety cannot IK- found anywhere outside ol our largest cUies than can lie seen at V owl's Music Store In Seranton. The If "I K.'O I fiarh I, „ • I I'd >- far up as tlie Look below this place, alicr,- switches for turning are being made. ;workmen are busily engaged in ''locking up : !.'lasting the traek, so that regular trains will ~r. .ably t"' run to this place next wee!; - I'.-'gl alio". Vii.iu' - .'' lock on Monday evening a tire was Uis •.e. din the Drug Store and oiiiee of 1 r. J. V >iiii:h. in 11. Stark's briek block—two doors West of ouroihe" The alarm was given, at which a. large number of elt.iiens collected at the place. The door was broken open and the lire extinguished by a few pails of water. It had burnt and charred the coiin ter lor several feet and destroyed quite a number ol P ij>crs lying under it. If it had progressed for ten minutes longer before discovery, the destruction of the West wing of the block, and the surrounding buildings would have been inevitable, Blanks I Blanks! !! We keep on hand, for sale, at this office, Blanks as follows : Deeds, Leases, Marriage Certificates, Inventories, Teacher's Contracts, Warrants, School Col's Bonds, Subpoenacs, School Trca'rs Bonds, Summonses. Executions, Constable's Returns, Towns'p Officer's Bonds, Constable's Sales, Guardian's Bonds, J. P's. Attachm'ts .Rules Guardian's Petitions, find Interrogatories, Justice's and Constable's Fee-Bills, Sheep Damages, License Petitions, and Collector's Letters, Bonds, Judgment Notes, Ac., Ac., and print to order, Township Officer's and School Director's Order Books and Blanks ol every Descrip. tiou. Arridfot In Nicholson. i'ii Sutui'.i iy last a Mrs Shoemaker <>f Sprillg ulle. accompanied by two other women and t. eh; Ireti, while driving along the dug road abov. I'icrccville, in going up a steep hill, by reason >" breaking or fulling out of the wbiflletroc bolt, bau the wagon detach -d from the horses and precipita ted over a perpendicular wall of ab at 10 feet - Two of th womee, with the children, passed ove with it The wagon atte- falling oil the wall an turning over, lodged against a small tree ; the o men were thrown faither down a steep lank, to near the edge o! the stream. One i f them in tb tali had her leg bri ken The other was severely bruised and seiatibe i. After this perilous tall, on of the eiiil Iran, an infant of a fciv ttion: hs o'd *;i foun 1 sitting on the wagon seat which was uncle ' the upturned wagon—entirely unharmed The oth er ibili, a sural! boy. aril the oil; r woman escape.: with but ;light brni-es. The flitt Is of Mrs. Shoe maker were notified, and all necessary assistance and care giver, to the injured parties, r.y the eiti zetis liiing in tbS vicinity. Perrons who have seci 'be phne of tbe accident, consider the escopa ot tlie parties .'roin still'inoro serious tonsequccces almost miraculous Written fur the lie mot rat. ' CAMPAIGN SONG. Brilliant and bright is the Freeman's tight, For Liberty contending, our cause so true we will pursue, Unflinching and unbending. We will hail the day when Seymour tnay, Poor Grant and Colfax meeting. Set them afloat in theii old disunion Isiat, I From Democrats retreating. The Republican crew know not what to do, Amazed tlicy stare with wonder, The t'nion now is echoing With Democratic thunder. And on their tomb they may read their doom, A sad and fearless warning. The party was laid low by a Democratic blow, ' one bright November morning. Then fling on high to the bright blue sky, Our proud and starry banner, Our ship is all right, we hail the fight, With brave boys we will man her. Three cheers, hurrah, let it sound afar, Three cheers for our next election, We will bury you so deep, you woolly-heads, There will be no resurrection. NETTIE. Married, (1 \GE— KENNEDY — In Tunkhannock. the Sth iti-t. at the house of the bride's brother, -Mr. Thorn- I a- L. Kennedy, by the Rev. f. If. Lane, li"nry C. Gage, ol Ridgctield, Conn, and Fannie E. Kenne dy..! Stanford, f.'oun., daughter ol the late Mr. Wm. Henry Kennedy, of Hyde Park. Pa. B\ N ICS—COOPER—In Nicholson. October 4th. , DOs. by E. N. Bacon, Esq. Dr. E.N. Banks and I.dibit- A. Cooper, both of Nicholson, Pa. MEAD—COI'SK—In Tunkhannock, at the resi .l.-ii —of .Mr. John Stemples, Ii -t. 13th by Rev. S. ! F Brown, Mr. Josiali Mead ol Pittstield, Warren i n.. Pa. and Miss Emma J. (louse of Hancock. Delaware Co., N. V. IN THE DISTRICT rot RT OF THE UNITED States, tor the Western District of Pennsylvania. Stephen I). Bacon, a Bankrupt under tlie Act ol i' .naress of .March 2d, lh<>7, naving applied for a ' Discharge from all his debts, and other claims prov u' !c under said Act, by order of the Court, notice i- hereby given, to all persons who have proved tm-ir debts. and other persons interested, to appear on the 29th dav of September, lvis, at 2 o'clock, p m . is ;..re Edward Overton, Jr Esq., at his office, m T-.w.iml,i. to sliow cause, it any they have, why u discharge nould not be granted to the said Bank rupt And further notice is hereby given, that the j s- ■ nd and third meetings ol the Creditor, of the' saidilankrupt. required by tlic27thand 2*th sections ol said Act, will is- held before the said Register, at , the - unc time and place. S. C. McCAN'DLF.SS, Clerk of said Court, Sept. 17, 1868. By order of the Court, the above meetings liave o ei'i adjourned, and will be held at Towanda, Octo ber linli, 1868. at 9 o'clock A. M. (.1 AHDIW'si MA I-I'. By virtue of an order issued out of the Orphan's C-.tirt ot Wyoming County, there will be exposed to j public vendue or outcry, at the houso ot H. W. tiowdnoy, in the village of Laceyville, in the Town- . snip of Braintriui, in the County ol Wyoming, Pa., OX SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21st ls6B, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the following de .-criled real estate, late the estate ofT. D. spring, to wit: ali that certain pieces, parcels and two tracts ot land situate |ti the township ol Braiutrim, Cußn ty oi Wyoming. Penn'a, beginning at the center of t tie X uscarora creek road, on the corner of land of E. Bunnell and running south Eilty three degtees and one halt It est along said creek road, twenty r ais to a corner, thence North twenty degrees \\ est one hundred and cigty two rods to u corner on land ot Nancy Baker, thence East twenty one and three . t'-urth rotis along the iaml of said Baker to a corner, thence South twenty degrees East on line ot land formerly owned by ,nrs. Mercy Gregory and E. Bun i. ii, one hundred and twenty rods to the place of beginning, containing Twtttff fw Arret and tin y ritat lx- the same more or less. ALSO one other piece or tract of land situate in Wiie township oi Kr.iiu! riui. County ot Wyoming, Penn'a, and bound • d us Inflows : Beginning at a stone heap in the di vision line of L. D. sturdevant's l ino thirty two i lurches Irom the creek, tbence North twenty one -Agrees west one hundred and thirty-eight perches ' i is.se in line ol the samudi Bell tract, thence. Ea-t forty and seven tenths perches to a post and and stones, thence south twenty-two degrees East one hundred and seventeen perches to a post and t H, thence .-south sixty degrees West forty and bie tenths perches to the place ol beginning, con taining thirty-one arret and forty-one perches, be the - one mure or less ail unimproved, with the uppurte- Ua nets. li.ii.-j-or SALE: Ten per cent of or.c fourth of it." purchase money shall be paid at the striking •i'.tvn of the property, one lourth less the ten per <"' iit at the coniirniation absolute and the remain ina three fourths in one year thereafter with inter est Iroiii day ot sale, to be secured by bond. SPENCER if. STEVENS, Guardian of the minor children ol T. 1). spring dee'it. VBn9w3. I.GST Git wroi.EX. At the Nicholson Fair, a pocket book, containing 'en dollars in money, and a note dated about J uue !' . W.s. calling lor 82ou, payable one year alter date to the undersigned and signed Jasper Billings l-syuunt of which tias been stooped. . VVKeLKV DiLI.IXIJS ICNKHAKN ORG, Sept. 28th, 1868. n93w 50UO \ urdif lies! Prints, fori yard, at C. BKTHICK'S. jpttial fottns. KMTH 4 Y. I Notice is hereby given, that three cstray yearlings, j one a pale red and two or deep red color, came to the | enclosure ot the undersigned and are now detained ; as such. The owner is requested to come forward, : prove property, pay charges and take theui away : | otherwise, they will be disposed of according to law. LEONARD BOUGHT Ist j Nicholson, Oct. v 1-ii*—nil 3w. THAI Hilt*' K X iHIILITMiy. I Teachers' Examinations will be held as billows, viz :at Mcsboppcii, (let. 2Glli t Mehoopanv, 0it.27, I forks ton. Oct. 2sth : Tunkhannock. Oct 29th; I Pierecvillo, Oct. 3Utli ; School House near White's : Ferry, in Falls Tp . Oct. 31st; at Nortliinorelaiul. Nov." 2nd. Exorcises will commence at M o'clock, A. M.— Come witli writing material. No private examina tion will lie held. J. B. RHOADS, Co. Sup't. Tuuk. Wyo. Pa. GUIDE: TO MARRIAGE. Young Men's Guide to Happy Marriage and Con jugal Felicity. The humane views of benevolent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses incident to Youth and Early Manhood, sent in sealed letter en v-lopes, free ot charge. Address HOWARD A-SO 'IATIUX, 11 J x 1' Philadelphia, Pa vSndly. ADMINIMTKATGRM'M NGTICK. Whereas, letters of Administration to the estate ol Haul Kunsman, late ol Tunkhannock tp., dee'd, nave l-een granted to the subscriber. All persons in debted to the said estate are requested to make im mediate payment", and those having claims or de mands against the estate of the said decedent, will make known the same duly authenticated without | delay to LEVI SSLATE, Adrn'r. Bald Mount, Luz. <"o.. Pa. Nop. 18, '6B nS. NGI U K. The undersigned having purchased, by bill of sale, of Henry Williams, of Nicholson tp. in tlie County of Wyoming, the following named articles, to wit : 1 Sorrel Mare, 1 Khoan Horse. 1 set team harness, 1 lumber wagon, 2 sets log trucks, 1 cutting box, 2 log hains, 1 set grab hooks ;uul chains, 2 bob-sleds, 1 brow n cow, 1 briudle cow, 1 white and red cow, 1 shovel, about lo tons hay, together with beds and bedding and other household litrniture ; which prop erty i have lett on the premises now occupied by the said Henry Williams. All persons are lorbid to mo lest or interfere with the said projierty. as they will do so at their peril. G. D. \v ILLIA.US. Sep. ltitli, 1808. nß3w. LIME! LIME ! ! LIME ! !! The undersigned has recently elected a jierma- IH tit Lime Killer, and has on hand a large stock of Waterloo lime, which lit- will sell as cheap as can be twilight at any point on the line of canal from Pitt stou to Eltnira, Orders will be promptly filled, and lime shipped to all points by canal. DAVID BROWN. Browntown, Bradford Co. Pa. PROCLAMATION, Wyoming County, ss, 1 In the Court of Common licnry Bought vs. ■ Pleas, of Wyoming County, Laura Bought. S No. 22, Jan. term 1868. To Laura Kought. Whereas a subjxena in Divorce was issued to Jan uary Term, ism, which was duly returned non ext inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena was issued in said case returnable to April term ls6B up-m the returi of which proof was made that the said Laura i Kought could not tie found in my bailiwick. This notice is therefore to require you to appear before tin-judges of the said Court on the third .Mon day in November next, to answer said complaint. M. W. De WITT, Sheriff. ShcriiPs Office, Tnnk. Sept. 30. 1868. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. J Whereas, letters <f ad minis ration on the estate of j Jason Frost, late ot tho township of Forkstou deceas ed, have been granted to the subscriber. All peosuns j n.levied to the said estate are requested to make ; immediate payment, and those having demands ■ gainst lue estate ut the decen Jent. will m ike known the same dui v authenticated, without delav. GEORGE FROST, Administrator. Forkston Sept. S h 1869 vS-06-w6- } - - 4DMIMSTR ITOR'K NOTICE. "IT EH FAS |pttprj if <linirii<tr iin - t fie e<* Vt t ifp f |{i(-b>ir iA I no* H6C*M.WP I. !tf < f 'Dwnsbip of Korlcfon. bv irrnnted to the sii!.'cril'Pr \ i- leLfe 1 ti >->ti I 'irt* poti'stc.] t iii'i r |'. mtr. .mi ; ho*o h.vir</ . iuima < r ;tn N >i£RinMhc ! r h <.; i I iJpcp Jpfif will prpsf ut tbprn !ulv nutnpmio ■- J red to # he subßcrioer, wif!i*ut \[P. P('R(iKSS, Adminiftrator Forkston. 15, 19®.-6t-p-l For . f.irnilv wishing in tlie teat and cheap est ui.inner (iu.iran'ced to any in the wurld ! . ' Ha ali tbe strength of old rusiu so rip with tlie mil I in i lathering ju.iiities of genuine Castile. Try this I -plenii I S<ap. Sold t'j th-3 aLIKN CHEMICAL I WOHkS. 19 Front Street, Fhiladelphia ! VS-l5 Iy. | -T O W A N i A A G K I C 1 LIl'IAl WORKS. TO WANDA, PENN'A., I AIANTFACTURES HCBS, SPOKES, BENT TUFF, HEAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS, GENERAL WOOD WORK, WOOD TURXIXG IX ALL ITS liRAXCIIER. SCROLL SAWING PLANING. ETC , ETC. To Dealers in HUBS, SPOKES 4- PENT STUFF, We offer a LARGE STOCK FROM WHICH TO SECLKCT. The alove me Iroui the best SEC OX D fiRO IVTJI lIIt'KOR Y4- OA K, LIGHT A.Ni) II It AV V WAGO.XS ON' HAND. We have the Head and Narrow Guage. i MILL PICKS made and diesed. W. T RISIIOI', SufieriutenJant. M C. MEHCI R, Pirsident. vßnlly Tonati ia, July 2 lbgS. I 'ASTMAN mannfaetures every variety of iluots I i'j end Shies and retails at wholesale prices Re member the plaee, Tioga street, near corner of Warren j 'AS I MAN'S Water-proof Boots are warrinted fin ■? to rip, crack, run over. They are ju>t the thing for teamsters, lumbermen and others who are subje t to out-door exposure. [7 ATM AN gives his customers the benefit of his iVnariul.ic-tuiin? fa.-ilities, and saves to them (he profits usually paid to Jobbers, Middlemen and wholesale dealers 1-VVSTMAN sells go > i Hemlock half-double soled Kip 15 >ots at Si.7 } ; Frcn h call ['egged Boots tSb: lui|Kirted French Calf, Fair Stitched. Box Toes, at SIO. and every other article in his line at equally low prices. 1"* AS 1 MAX invites the attention of the public to jibe style, workiuauship, material, .arlety and price of bis stock of reioiy made work. r |MJE icasou that Eastman's Water-proof Boots 1 are inijiervious to water is that ttiey are lined with silk oil cloth and super-line I with a water proop preparation which will resist the action of snow water, or an almost unlimited exposure to any kind of uainp. Warranted to give perfect satisfac tion. IF you mint Boots or Shoes ami tbe full value fo your money, oto EastruauV He has every fa* eility for manufacturing and challenges competition WILL purchase ;v pair of E istman's water f proof Bis-ts, certain lo keep any man's leet ury who wears them, for a twelve month. N O mure necessity ior complaints of wot feet Eastman's watof-proof Boots ate warranted a complete and perfect remedy, and this wart ant means a written guarantee, if required. \LL of Eastman's Water-proo. Boots are mado ot Leather tai net in the old-fashi ined way—in ! cold liquor, consequently will turn water and will not crack. IjSAIR-ttitchod lin;air!el F'rench Calf Bo■ >tw. mao ufaclured by E istman b.rSlO, nte superior to city made I'onts which - ost AM EA>T.VIAN 8 imitation French Calf Dress Boots, ; at 96 to *6,56 are a neat, stylish and durable •Hide. Nothing like them lq tips market. I " I fntrtuiwttls AG BR TV WAITED FOR N Dr. Kane's Gieat Pictorial Work, Arctic Explorations, An riegnti' • olu ii,- of r ire merit ..ml i. ,-: u 'on hlid ofgr-.Mt II tercet for ail reader". \\ If II :< lllvU! riKI-L KNGMAV INO ami a ■ etch of the Author Ux-lu-ive trrri-o-\ ir'ie.aiil !og<- commissions F->. i.. u .ir- JO iag - ■ -• • -• I-- I'tibiishers, j A CO , Newark. N J. Agents Wanted ; Fr Matthew Hale Smith's New Botik, i -V I'A 'S///A A d S//A 'DO Ac* Tork j mt am -w YOU WISH to know bow Fortunes are ■V made and lost in a day ; How "Coun -B--®- trymen" arc swin-llcd by f-harpers ; 1 llow Gambling houses and Lotteries are conducted. ' and everything of interest relating to Prominent Men nd important places of New Fork, Read ! Read ! Read ! &' I S S H / A" £ and S II A D O IV in A"£ IF YORK- A large Octavo Volume, over 700 pages, finely Il lustrated. We want agents, Male or Female, in every city and town to Canvass lor it. Everybody s war.ts to know all about New York. No book ever ; published that sells so rapidly, Canvasssors report immense sales rt'c employ no General Agents anil offer the /ury* 1 etl commission. Send for our 32-page circular - 1 Full pirttculars and terms to agents sent tree on application t-J. B. BURR CO., I'ublUli eis. llartlord Conn. I .. ANTED * Clergymen, Teachers and Superintendents of Sab- j 1 but Ii Si hoots, and others to act as nirents for the ! HOMK HGOk GK 4VONDKRX. l A work of great interest fully illustraied ; also for 1 the COTTAGE LIBLE, ami FAMILY EXPOSITOR. - in two voiume-', containing nearly 15' JO pages, coin E pri-ing the 01 1 and New Testaments, with practical . j cxju.sitions and explanatory notes, by Titos. WIL- I LIAMS • A few oftbe many Reconiment io ns, j I-'rom the la'e Rev. Joel Hawes, I). D., Pastor of j the First Congregational Church, llartlord, Ot —"I ; know of no commentary so cheap that contains so j great an amount of valuable matter ' From Rev. NII Eggleston, D D., Pastor of | ! Plymouth Church, Chicago, 111 -"I cheerfully re- j commend it as the BKST commentary on the .-"crip- I i tur ( lor general use." Fur terms and circulors ad- j A. BRAIXARD, uartford, Conn AGENTS WAFTED FOK "THE BLUE-COATS And hotc t : >ey Lived, Faveht and Died for the Onion vith Scenes and Incidents in the Great \ Rebellion. ' it contains over ICO fine Engravings j and st'<T [-ages, and is the spiciest and cheajie.-t war hook published. Price only $2 50 pT copy. Ser.d i for eiri ulars and see our terms, and full description of the work. Address JON E9 BKOTII KRB ,1 CO ; Pbita lelphia, Pa. , Cincinnati, Ohio ; Chtcag, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. GRANT & COLFAX. ! BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR ROWLAND'S j Car JC Or !0. ■ OXE Large Octavo Volume Finely Illustrated One agent has sol-t DO copies in •" days. Or e agent has sold fit) copit-sin 3 days. One a ;ctit (a lady) has sold 40 copies in 'i days Wc empby no general agents'nnd offer KXTRA in. j doceu-ents to canvassers. Sen-1 for circular and | learn our terms to agents hetore engaging elsewhere. I J. 15. BI RR A CO., Publishers, Hartford, Conn, j AGENTS WANTED FOR THE OFFICIAL HISTORY 0T THE WAR, : Its Causes, riiarntnei/.ii'iilntit .Mi'l iJ'Mih*. BY HON- AL'XANOER H. STEPHENS. It- ready sal-, combined wiih an increased com mis- ion, make ii the i m cubs -iif tion book ever I |.ublished. Una agent in En-ton Pa., ri-|.rts 72 I sub-.-ribcri in threa days. Another in Boston, 103 | sub-i-ribers in fuurCdavs. . , Scnfl for circulars an I see our terms, and a full , description of l e work. Address NATIONAL | PUBLISHING CO , Philadelphia, Pa. I | / i /"v /' v Agciits w anted in ail part" of the U. | | I | || || IS., to sell our immense list of nearly ' / \J \J lUOO different Books, B-bles and Pho tograph Albums. Every family wants something , I from it. Catalogues furnished Iree on app'ication, , and books sent post-paid to any a hires- on receipt of price Canvassing books containing the list with prices, togctlici with blank sheets and printed head- ' | ings for enrolling a list of names, sent free to any ( I one on reeei[t of rid-Is. Anybody can sell 10U to ' 1600 of these books almost anywhere. For terms to ( I agents anp other information,address J E POTTER I A CO , P-ao's, 614 A 617 Sanom St., Philadelphia,Pa <i!5T THE BEST ! Th c Praise Offering* .1 .YE W CHURCH MUSIC ROOK. |By the distinguished composer, V. C TAYLOR, on | j his l'atcnt Imii'X Stall- Price 81 50. Spicimcn j | pages sent free on application- Liberal discount to j the trade and to classes. I MILLS & CO., Des Moines,lowa. : A 5. Stasis A Co., N Y. ; U. KLP.UKK .It BRO., | Pittsburg. i Q 1 VEAR To agents to soli tbe 1 ssiar Ssliuttle Sewing Machines. Full particulars free. Extra inducements to ex perienced Agents Call on or address W. G WIL SON A CO , Cleveland, 0 ; Boston, Mass , or St. ; Louis, Mo. ST UB A n i> HBOTiU ' 1> AII.HO 41) COMPANY'S Seven percent {: kfirst Mortage Bontls. February and August Couioi.s. The earnings of the eouiplete-1 r -ad to I Pilot Knob are now tnore than the interest on the 1 entire mortgage The proceeds of these Bond* arc 1 1 | adding to the security every day, OVER $3,000,000 < i have been spent on the property, an! not oter 82,- j 00(1,000 of bon is issued thus far. The constantly | increasing traffic of carrying ORE, with tho pro-peet . lof controlling all tho travel from St. Louis to the I Southern States, ensures an enormous revenue, The ! • Directors OWN 3 10 of the stock lor INVESTMENT, and i ; are inter- sled to enrich the property as well as to j | economise its expenses I THOS ALLEN, President, St. Louis, Mo. i We, tho undersigned, cordially recommend these i seven percent, mortgage bonis, of the St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad, as a good security. The j I revenue of tho road will be large, and the adminis- i tratiun ol the affairs of tho company is in capable and expariencod hands, and is entitleJ to the great- j e-t confidence of the public JAMES 3. THOMAS Mayor of St. Louis JOHN J. ROE Prea t St. Louis Chambor of Com- j | tneree. ! E. W FOX, Pres't St I.ouis Board of Trade I BARTON BATES, Pres't North Missouri Railroad. ; J. 11, BKITTON, Pres't Nat. Bank of the State of ; Missouri. I - ! Wm. L. EWING, Pres't of the Mer. N. B. of St. ; j Louis. j GEO. 11. KEA, Pres't Second Nat. Bank of St. j Louis. JAS. B EADS, Chief Eng. St. Louis A 111. Bridge ; Co. j GEO. W. TAYLOR, Pres't Pacific Railrod (of Mo.) WM. MASSIG, Pres't Traders' Bank, St. Louis. | | JOHN K. LIONBERGER, Pre*. T. N Bank, St | Louis . ADOLPUUS MEIER, Vice-Pres't U. Pacific Rail iruy. ROBERT JSARTH, Pres't German Savings Institu tions. ' Coupons payable in tho city of New York. A limited number of the above named Bunds for sale at Eighty-five. Parties living out of the city can remit by draft or express, ami the bonds will be re- j turned by express free of charges We iuvite tbe | attentioa of capitalists and others to them as, in our j opinion a very desirable inves uient, destined to rank ( as a first-class security. Descriptive Pamphlets, : Maps and information can be bad on application to : TOWNSEND, WHELEN A CO . No- 309 Walnut st, Philadelphia, Agents oi the St. Louis aDd Ir> n i Mountain R K. Co. Philadelphia references CAMBRIA IRON CO. ; j T GAW, BACON A Co.; Tnos. A DIDDLE A Co. ALL wanting employment can have a good bun- ; ners bv addressing Davin 4 BRO. 733 Ssofuw i St.. PaUtdslpbr* sfto -Hbbtctwittrnt#. — ' _ ' T HHBi(r" • i Hk ' ■■s'. ,' j Circular Saws of one teuipr over the whole plate Mulay. Mill. Oross-Cut and (fang. Equal to any made in the world. For sale bv all dealers and the makers, L/PPINCOTTA BIUKEWELL, Pitts burg. I'a- CI7ANTED--To employ a good, reliable man "" in every county to introduce the ''Wonder of tile World." Situation profitable and permanent Address J. C. TILTON, Pittsburgh, Pa <l>Q T\l \Per Month guaranteed, Sure pay. Agents i wanted immediately everywhere to sell I our Patent Everlasting White Wire Clothes Lines. | Call at or address the UIKARD WIKE MILLS, I Philadelphia. Pa ! \ WATCH FREE—given gratis to every live man i A who will net as agent in a new, light and b°n j arable business, paying S3O a day No gift enter- J prise. No humbug. Address R. MO.NROK KENKIIV, ! Pittsburgh, Pa Have You Seen it ? THE MAGNETIC POCKET TIME-KEEPER RIB COMPASS THIS really usetul little TIME KEEI'EH is got up in a handsome case with glass shade, steel ; and metal wor .s, white enameled dial, and is of or j dinary watch size, sound and serviceable. Warrant -led to denote correct time. Sent bv mail for SI ; 3 I for $2, Address D. BURNUAM, Lock Box 5, I New burgh, X. V. IT is eonioeded that the great Ziugarl Hitters has mistered more diseases, both acute and chron ic, than any hitter tonic in the known Worlds It hits cured Cholera, the worst forms ol Fevers. Pneu ; monia, Liver and heart disease, Chronic Diarrhoea, ' Dysoe[>sia, Rheumatism, Sick lie>dache, and will j cure any disease arising from a disordered state of : the blood. It is recommended by Governors of States, Members of Congress, distinguished diviu es and physicians, and the proprietor can sh<>w more j sworn certificates o: cures than any other Hitters > ra inu.aeturers in America Send for a circular, and j ! read them. Sold by druggists and dealers generally ! I BERRY, Biucklt A CO., wholesale liquor dealers j sole Agents tor Western States, Chicago, 111. F. KAHTKK & Co., Sole Proprietors, (i North Front St., j Philadelphia. OXYGENIZED INHALANT —CURES Catarrh, Bronchitis, Consumption, Asth nia, and Scrofula. For ctrculas and full particulars enquire of your druggist, or address OXYGENIZED AIR INSTI TUTE, Syracuse, N. Y GROCERS AN I) DRUGGISTS HAVE , AZURENK CON. KMTJA ! Kl) INiI •<> tll.l ;-. IN EACH 0 t l I ilo\ A PATENT PIN-CUSHION CR EMRRY BAG I> PACKET Dinnn MANHOOD Noliiing *„ in.jr.r- DLUUI/staot Scn l two stamps for scale! 72 pages on the wtiole suliject Dr WUITHKR confi dential physician, 617 St. Chart*, st , >t. Louis, Mo . stands pre-eminently above all others in his special!- . ty. No matter who failed, state your os.e. Pa tients treated by mail iu every State. *JLELL roK UNE -Collar j GOLD and Silver Watches, Sewing Machines, Silk j Dress Pattern.,. Carpeting*, Domestic Goods, Ac. I CIRCULARS SENT FREE, giving full particul irs, or ten chocks sent for One ! D-dlar, describing ten different articles which we will sell for OKIE DOLLAn EACII. Sidendid inducements offered to agents sending us ■ Clubs Address LABONTE A BABBITT, No. 83 Sudbury Street, Boston, Mass GREAT DISTRIBUTION BY THE METROPOLITAN Gift Com pany ! Cash Gifts to the amount of $'2.50,000. 1 EVERY TICKET ORAWS A PRLZF. 5 Cash tiiftJ. Each 810,000 j 10 " '• 5,00U I 20 •• '* I 000 | 40 - " 500 ; 200 " " 100 1 300 •' 50 450 '• " 25 I 000 " , ,25 30 Elegant Rosewood Pianos Eich 831 oto 8500 j 35 •• Mel.deons '• 75 to 150 ' 150 Sewing Machines " 00 to 175 j 250 Musical Boxes " 25 to 200 ; 300 Fine Gold Watches 75 to 300 ' 750 Fine Silver W itches " 0to 50 Fine Oil Paintings, Framed Engravings, Silver Ware, Photograph Albums, ant a large assortment of Fine Gold Jewelry, in all valued at 81,0'0,0U0 A chance to draw "any of the above Prizes, by purchasing a Sealed Ticket for 25 cents Tickets j describing each Prize are SEALED to Envelopes and j thoroughly mixed- On receipt of 25 ets a SEALED j TICKET will be drawn without choice and delivered at our office, or sent by mail t*> any address prize named upon it will bo delivered to the ticket- | bolder on payment of One Dollar Prizes will be immediately sent to any address, as requested, by , express or return mail. Vou will know what your Prize is before you pay for it. Any Prize may be exchanged tor another of l the same value No Blanks [■Jf Our patrons can depend on fair dealing. KEEEHKXCES. We select the few following names from the many who have lately drawn valuable Prizes and kindly permitted us to publish them : S. T. W ilk ins. Buffalo, N, Y , 1,000 ; Miss Annie Monroe, Chicago, 111., Piano, valued at 8650 ; Kobt. Jackson, Dubuque, lowa, Gold Watch, 82-iU ; Phillip McCarthy. Louisville, Ky , Diamond Cluster j Ring, 8600 ; R. A Patterson. New Bedford, Mass., Silver Tea Set, 8175 ; Miss Eratna Walworth, Mil- j waukee, Wis., Piano, 8500 ; Rev. T. TV, Pitt, Cleve- , land, Ohio, Melodeon, 8125. We publish no names without permission. j Opinions of the press—"They aro doing the larg est business ; thp firm is reliable, and deserve tueir success-" Weekly Tribune, Feb 8 , 869. "We have examined their system, and know tbetn to be a fair dealing firm " N. Y. Herald, Feb. '6B. j "Last week a iriend of ours drew a 8500 prize, i which wag promptly received." — Paity Neies, Mar, j 3, 1868. Send for circular giving many more references s and favorable notices from the press Liberal in- 1 ducements to ugents. Satisfaction guaranteed Every package of Sealed Envelopes contain* ONE CASH CFT. Six Tickets for 81 ; 13 for 82 ; 33 for 85 ; 110 lor 8)5. All letters should be addressed to HARPER, WILSON A C 0.,, 173 Broadway, N. Y. EMPLOYMENT.--The only work which settles, by documentary evidence, what has been said, wiitten, tn ought or done, by OITt NEAT TEES/TENT, is A. D. RICBARDSOS'S Personal History of U. S. t Grant. The Republican Union Committee at Wash iogton, recogoize its authenticity and use it as an authority, sending tor copies of it for that purpose. The press universally discard all others. We' want Agents lor it is this county, tend for Circu-1 Iff, HnMt *' i *• MN* *Wo j, # fjifo fjfoiiertiseiiuttt. ~ THE ORIGINAL ||NE Collar BROKER r.> aV! be t lit Our stock, consisting of ever* v ri.-ly 'it DRY AND I'A*UB GOOD'. HOOT* OH -1IOI." BIH i;< I'l.tl'l (I tVAItIO, Gl.V** U t Itl , WOOLEY v IIU.MI CAHPETINGS, STRAW MATTINGS, and PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, ; is of our own importation, or purchased directly f j from the Manufacturers in large quantities. ' IF Wr were the first to commence the , sale of goods on the popular plan of ; ONE DOLLAR | FOR EACH ARTICLE, Our Sales for Che last twelve months have | i been about one million dollars | *ju Our business ha* been decided by the Courti of \ this State and by the I nited Stales authorities not to be ' a Lottery, or a Gift Enterprise, but a regular legiti mate business. % , Terms of sale lor Club of 85, a selection of one of the following articles 20yds. Brown or Bleached Sheeting, superior quality. I'opliu or Alpaca Dress pattern. Wool Square Shawl. 2J yards Doeskin,— An 8 day Clock. Seth Thomas' make. 1 pr gent's ! Calf Boots White Marseilles Quilt, rdlver plated ; : Chased Castor with 6 bottles. A Morrocco Photo- i 1 graphic Album, 100 pictures. 3 yards g-4 Wool j j Cloth Silver plated Cake Basket. 36 yards Brown ' jor Bleached .-"beeting common quality Also, priut j ed Dotices of 60 articles, for sale at 81 for each ar | tide, comprising a variety of articles usually sold at ; retail at prices Irotn 81.50 to 85 for each article. For a Club of 810, a selection of one of the follow -1 ing articles : 40 yards Brown or Bleached Sheet i ing, superior quality Dress pattern, price 810 I ! iVo<, 1 Long shawl. Brocha Lung Shawl. 2 yards ' Black German Broad Cloth. Common Sense £e ; ing Machine, prise 813—(these machines will hem, ■ stitch fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and em- , I oroider, in a most superior manner,) Gents' or La- ; • dies Silver Hunting Case Watch, new. 25 yards i ' Hemp Carpeting. 3 yards Beaver Cloth g| yards | I good Doeskiu. Silver plated Ice Pitcher. g yards i Wool Cloth, dou. width. 1 pair superior Blankets. ■ 72 yards Brown or Bleached Sbeeting.coinmon qual- j tty, and 120 printed notices of articles for sale at j 81 each, comprising a variety of articles usually I s, Id at retail from 81 50 to 810 lor each article. VJ TA We hereby inform the public that we j i ll • Jj* are not connecte 1 with any of the Gift ; Enterprise One Dollar Concerns in this city. AIL | concerns offering a Gift, Premium, or any article free of cost to Agent, or to any one, are in oirect j violation of the laws against, Lottery. We have information, from reliable authority, that all Gift ! Concerns in this City will be closed up by the State I i Police £ (T FOR ADDITIONAL PARPICULARi SEND FOR OUR 01 tCULAR. Send a Draft, Postal Money Order, or Registered ! : Letter Be sure and direct your Letters to AN DREW & CO. lOg Sudbury .Street, Boston. Mass. ! j NOTES—Prom reports and letters received : 1 Your Ax* is bound to be THE AXK. 2. It will cut 25 pr cent, better. ' 3. My br. tber lost one arm in the war, but with ' your Axe he can cut as well as any one else can. 4, If I could not get another, twenty-five (825) j 1 dollars would not buy it. j 5. It will cut hoop-poles better than any other j Axe. ! 6 I would not be without it for anvth ng. For sale by all responsible dealers, and the mak- j ■ ers, I.IPPINCOTT A ISAKEWELL, Pittsburgh, Pa., j j Sole owners of the Patents. THE FALL CAMPAIGN^ ra^ Yorker, the Leading an 1 Largest-Circulating Ru- j | ral, Literary ani Family Newspaper, begins a quar ter oct 3,and hence Noir is The Time to Subscribe! ! Eight Large Double-Quarto Pages, Illustrated, with ! 1 over a a dozen distinct Departments, cacti ably con- j ' ducted, the best Talent being employed. Election ) ; will soon be over, when everybody, in both Town and fonntry, will want the most Progressive, Time j 1 ly. Entertaining and Useful Weekly of its Class — I Moore's Rural. The 13 Numbers of this Quarter j j (Oct. to Jan.) sent. On Trial, for Only Fifty Cents I ; . Trv the Trial Trip ? Address D. D. T. MOORE, 4 I Park Row, New York, or Rochester N. Y THE GRtCIAN BEND. WHAT IT IS, how it grew into a national cal- ; amity It is not a New ThiDg. Symptoms ' and Treatment. A small volume profusely illustra ted- Sent bv tnail on receipt of 25ets. Address i i GRECIAN BEND PUBLISHING CO.. P O. Box • g72. N. Y. Trade supplied by AMERICAN NEWS j I CO., 117 Nassau st., N. Y. 1 FOR SAITeT The Subscriber offers for sale his lIOUSE and' LOT. situated in the Borough of Tunkhannock.— 1 The house has lately uudergone repairs, and has all ; the modern improvements. The lot is more than twice the size of any others in the place, with new Barn, Seven Good Grafted Apple Trees, with Plain < ' and Peach. The Subscriber, wishiug to remove, will sell for less than the actual value. A" persons indebted to me will please tnako j immediate settleineots. WM. S. KUT/f- ( Tunk. Sep- 24th n!itf. I LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. WYOMING DIVISION. et'PI'I.EMKNT 50.3 To TIMK TABLE SO.. 13. IN PLACE OF SUPPLEMENT SOS. 1 AND To take effect on Monday Nept 7th, 19g8. Down Traiu. Up Train. Ex. Fr't. I Local Local j Ex. Fr't ; AM I'M. P.M. A M i 10.30 4.30 McKunes 4.10 9-40 10.46 440 Buttermilk Falls, 400 924 II.Og 4.59 Gardner's Ferry 3.42 904 U.3U 5.20 L. A. B. J. Laave ) 320 8,40 Arrive ) 10.30 12 00 5.30 Pittston, 10 20 8.0 1218 5.35 Port Griffith 10,15 7.5a | 12 ig 540 Plainsville, 18 10 75t> 12.3g sbO Wilkes Harte 10.00 7.30 ! Tne "Express Freight" d< *n Train, arrices at j \ Pittston and Wilkes Bare in time for the passon- J j ger train for N. Y. A Phil'a. The -'Local" leaves ! Wilkes B.irre A Pittston. for "McKune's and other ! stations north, after the arrival of the N. Y. A I Phil'a morning trains R. A. PACKER. Sup't Wyoming Divirion Office L 'V.R.R.C Wyo. Div., ? Wilkes-Barre Nept 4, gB. y NOTICE, Application will be made to the Legislature at its next session for the incoiporatioo of a Savings Bank to be located iu the Borough of Tunkhannock , with privilege to receie deposits purchase and sell, Bonds and Stocks of the United States, and of this Com- | monwealtb and other securities, to bo called "The ! Wvomine County Saving Bank." Capital Stack 850,000 with the privilege to increase the same to < 8100,000. J.C. WRIGHT, DANIEI WRIGHT I 0. S. MILLS, J W. LYMAN, i Took, Ioe ISth 196 P. ¥Trt37*lß. INTRODUCED INTO ME RICA FROM OF.KM V V>', v. • ; HOOFLANO'S GERMAN ;! TTEfiS, j iitri HOOFLANIi'3 GERMAN TONIC, I'liS.H I u I! !• I'HIIUIKL •HI . j / >!r Krtntrst knov.-r .M f.l v j?i- Complaint, DYSPEPSIA Nervytu D.' - J A 'J N DICE, Lid'-ases of tl Kidnevg, ERUPTIONS of the f KIN, " and all Dlataae* arltlng fram Dl.- I ordered Mvtr, Sloinach, or IMPURITY OF THE Br.OOlt. | Hrad t.'if following symptoms, and if •■■m fnd 'hd your system is affected by any of them, , mn > rest 1 assured that disease, has commenced it attach on the most important organs of your body, and unites soon j checked by the use of powerful renudie , a miserable life, soon terminating in de ith, ipill be th result. j Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Files, Fulness of Blood to the Head. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, leart ! • burn. Disgust for Food, Fit ! noss or Weight in the Stomt eh, Sour Eructations, Sm ing or Fluttering at the i'it of the Stomach, Swimmi :g of the Head, Hurried or I) Teult Breathing. Fluttering at thi Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sen sat oris when in aLyingPosture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the tight. Dull Fain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yol lowuess of the Skin nr 1 Eyes, Pain in the Si le, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc., iud deu Flushes of Heat, Burn ng m the Flesh, Constant Imaginings oi Evil, and Oreat Depression of S.oir.ts. I .111 these indicate disease of the later • pigesti, .■ Organ*, combined wiVi impure If >•'. tjooflnub's ©ertnan iU tcij l entirely vegetable,and contains no liquor. It Is a compound of F1 tiiil K<- traels. The Roots, Herbs, an.l Barks from which these extracts are made are gathered In Germany. All l!tc medicinal virtues are eatrnc < il from tliein by a scientific cUeinis . These extracts arc then forwardr i Jo li.ls country to be used expressly for the manufacture of these Bitters. There Is no alcoholic substance of ruy kind used in compounding the Hitlers, hence it Is tire only Bitters i Oat can be used lucaseswherc alcoholic stlio ulauts are not advisable. tjootUiub's ©crman Conic ! i* a combination nf alt the ingredient* *f >I. I with pcrb Sbnta C*ruz Ilum, Orange, etc. Ji.wi . . the tame diseases as 'he Bittern, in rases where *. \* yure alcoholic stimulut required. You "ill l ir i mind that these remedies are entirely di!.~: out fr<f,t any others advertised far the cure of i f u< •?.' • j nltn.fi, these being scientific preparation* , f mrdismal extracts, while the otheri me mere decocts i* of nan in some form. The TONIC is dr"idcdly on <f the mn>! plenrtt and agreeable r'uicdt.s ever ... It . fu!M P. Its Uiiie is exquisite. It is a plea ire (o l/ f while its life-giving, exhilarating, atuc metis uml qualities have caused it to be known <•s the •>•> >'* it of all tonics. CONSUMPTION. Thousands of cases, when llic ]i<i. tlent supposes! he was aflllrtrd with this terrible disease, linve lie< . cured by the use of these remedies. 1. Xt rsiue einaclaliou, drhiliiy, and cough arc the usual attendants upon scv in cases of dyspepsia or disease of tlie Ogesttve organs. Even In cases of genuine Consumption, these r mcdii s rvlll be found of tlie greatest 'seiu-flt, strengthening and In vigor at 1 ug DEBILITY. Pi re is h" medicine, equal 1i0f.u,., S Germ B>9ers nr TOl rases ijf Debility. ' Tie init.i.-f .. tone and iff/or So the t~Me sq inn, d eny - , peMte, cute an ei-Fu.uenl '. ft . f■ ■> ■ ■ •< t j.. ■* , ~ . the p.- f ■ • J, eat-. as nun • , l ,1-i'ierJ, si ■•>, SHU .Its re Weak ... id I Ji -de Ci Ulren • r- liinUr .i* t.u . .. f id i'*• . or T in i .t . i!i • > a nit ly Mrd t€ I ik. k'Ury i u lr ..!*• muh! Willi ptrlVcl <o a ciiiM tin re moiithis old, Ilie inot urlicaie K iiiule, or a uinu of 11 inrty. These R'Hitdies are Liu lest Hlood Purifiers ever known, and will cure all diseases res: 'ding from bail bltxtd. Keep your blood pure; keep your Live: in order; keeji y<>ur digestive, organs in i sound, he, ••■y condi tion, by the use of tluse rttm < us, and v<< s state will ever assail you. m mim—i W • LndifH w !io wleli a fair skin and cooil complexion, free from a > cilow l.li and all olher disfigni eniciit, should nc tin kc remedies occasion ally. The Liver hi perfect order, and the hlooa pure, will result In .pai k -1 eyes and blooming cheeks. C AL'TXOX. Iloojtantfs faint m Remedies are een nterfeited. The genuine have the signature f t\ HI. •IncLsnn on the front of the outside wrapper of each bottle, aw l the name of the article blown in each botUe. All others are counterfeit. Thousand* of letters hxve horn re ceived, testify lug to the virtue of t lie* e remedies, KEAD THE RECOMMENDATIONS. FROM HON. GEO. \V. WOODWAKb, CUirf Justice of the Supreme Conrt of Pern-ylvanla. ' PniL.CDEI.PHIS, MxBCH IC.h. I^6". Iffnd "Ihqfland's Herman Hitter, "is r ri ird'-r --icating beverage, but is a good bun •. use/ ' in -'I - r ders of the digestive organs, and of grnt rrvrf t :n cases of debility a,id want of ucrrrus ac .' j: thi system Yours truly, GKO. IK M OOD'VA HP. FROM HON. JAM MS THOMPSON. Jttdgo of tlie Supreme C urt of Penusi . :is.i. Philsdelphm, Arr.ii. 2 5 .!!, IPSO. 1 consider " Iloofland's Germnu Bit ters" a reshnsMe incdicitic 111 cant of at tacks of Indigestion or Djsprpsln. I can certify this from nty experience of It. Yours, with respect, JAMES THOMPSON'. From RKV. JOSEPH 11. KKXNARD, I.D, Piistor of the Tenth Rvjitlst Church, It- ' i-tetphix. PP.. JACKSOX — Pexr SIR :— lhare lan fr '. re quested to connect my unite si" reco'iiyicn r< different kinds of ui' d,vines. *■' - ■ gar • : ;t pnu&et I as nut of my appropriate sph re, 1 hare f • ' ■ ses de clined ; but with a clear proof in various in i -:} particularly inmy own family, of usefo --- !' If. llaqftand's German Hitlers, I depart f- r on - Iri 7 usual course, to esprcss my full oimri ii, i Hod for i general debility of the system, and est-eci >1 :-r l.ivs-t Complaint,it is a safe and valualde prrp.i' i. in some cases it may fail; but r.'Ually, Idi id.l '. ; Ist rtry beneficial to those uslui. suffer fn o. :ie ■■■ causes. Yours, very respectfully, j. 11. Kn.xy.t HP. Eighth, vehc. • St. Price of the Bitters, SI.OO per I .tile; Or, a half dozen for $5.00. Price of the Tonic, $1.50 per i: ttle; Or, a half dozen for $7.50. The Tonic is put tip in qumt I utiles. Recollect that it is Dr. llonflan ts m ' 1" i ~,/>• • that are so universally used and so highly . ■ . i td; and do not alhw the Pinna.si to isse! ■ yens Is take any thing rite. Chat he. may soy is jus! cause, he makes a larger projH on d. 1, , | mil be sent by express to my locality op tii t to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. .Ye. t>3l A RCII STREET, I "hit,id,l, hi CHAS. M. EVANS, Prop, ietor. irrmerly C. M. JACKSON 4 CO. ( These Remedies are for r.ilc by Druggists, Storekeepers, and .'ii<li clue Dealers everywhere. Ik> not forget to examine u\ "• tin arlicl. ~ ~ m j order to get the genuine ________ The public ara hereiiy notitieU that I have left I with P, 11. Polner, of Lem-in T'p. one re I row. to be j kept by hitn during my pleasure, All persons are cautioned against molesting or interfering with the same, and that they will do so at their peri! fIEORtIE SiOCKIX. Cunk Pa. Sept. 7th, ISGS. VphC4. COAT LOST. A DARK colorej SACK COAT was . >•', >Ol \V, !- nesday, August 26th, betweeu 1 uukh umoek ! and Auburn Corners, via Keiservllle, 1 rob.ilify be ; tween Keiserville and the Cauip Groun l. Any one rrturning said cost, or giving informal. >n where it ! may be found will be suitably rewarded 5. J' BROWN. ToUtMMk) Sept. 15, 1668'i3t. IHil --FIMALK illK T8 TIE po ruliar aud iiiif-ortßLt reistions which they su>- t.iin. iueir pecu i ir organization.and theofli-e.- tlicv p-rfi.r a, are subject to many FuflVringe. i ienloui iroui t jese c<>Titrd)Ute in r sidr!! ileurio to their hii>. ■ es an-) wtMkiw f 1 if*- esa I• happy 1,0 art ill. Km MHr • JbkV no OM of rite* iari .us u - male tmplijw < :-.t r u:i .i I . rua on with out iiiroliing ibe gen < . I, • Id, • - ~ ari-1 ire loim p . 1.,, 1-t; - 1 \ , •-n 111 - T-i.t- •'• ' ' 'v ,i , , „• t-'. 11. nil o 111.,. , , will ''lie 1 - hr* r - t .- plaeing ifi theii 1,...!. ■an ' fotib . iffieaciuns it. riii. 1.. g , . , , rv I*o- of thorc irto, • - ~ . the sex. lit: JlßoLli's \t r■ . i irai - liuii 1.i... ,11!- fur on ,n siic.-ce. 11 i Luii lrnisol otln-i> .j.j.: , , ly !•> iuggists arid doctors, who cilher uiertfy tar,- talize thcia with the hop-* of a cure or apply n-me -1 die? aich make them worse. I would not wish to assert anything that would do inju-tiee to the at • Hi :c f. but I aii> obliged to say that although it may ho produced from excessive eihaustion of the j powers otj life, by JaLori >us employment, uriwbol . -oiue ir and ioO'l, profa-e menstruation, the use of ; 'cant.l coffee, an 1 frequent chihlbirih, it is far oil ; cner caused by direct irritation, appt ed to the mu ; cous lucmlirnnc o*'tho vigtna itself. IVhs n reviewing the causes of the.-c ili.-tres.-ing | compi..int,, it is most paialul to couteuiplate the at j ten lan evils consequent upon them Jt is but siui plojti ice to the sut.ject to enumerate a few of the ( many . Idition >1 causes whi. hHI largely affect Iho Inc. I ith amlh:■ p| in- ss ;.f women 111 ili classes of ! Stieiel. and wiiiih, u psequeutly, affect more or less j directly, the welltaro of the . ntire human family. The h :.io that exi-ts h.r p.e;. iuua euueuti- 1: ani niarrr. e, causes the years that nature -loiatieJ li r Wrpoi d develnpements to be wasted anj perverted in the , struinls ol dress the early eonfii.ement i.f I seh'-ot, and especially in the unhealthy excitement oi the o.ill-rootu. Thu<. with the body half clothed un-l to ■ miud unduly excited by pleasure 1-1 ert'- ing it -i.it.ight revel the hour, 'hy nature , lor tie. ; and rest, the work of des:ruction i half iit'cotiij iiih'. d. J In c. ..sequence of ti,is early strain uiou her svs-* torn, ttanwriwsiy efort fa required by the Icticate votary to rc-iaiii her situation in s. hool at ijter day, thug aggravating the c-iij. When one ex . e 'Ci.t •- over, sinotbi 1 in prospective keif s the mini , tnwrbid y scn.-itiic to iafmmi while the in w eon st int r tra ntol f.iihiuijahle drcs-, ait oiutoly f„>- bidding the exercise iedispensah to the t ttaiament and ri:..ution of organic health and str-ngih- t •> ! l *uda cbaoge oftem - " " <otl *P* e '* prostration produced by <\ ; c-s.v. ..uncinjr. m.t-f, of weeeasity produce their il2 it At list, au early Marriage caps Jof misery and the unfortunate „n e . hit's • o- pfterly rcgirdlcs. (the j' .in ,jja,.t. u I in. : lan.-rs . I he. delicate 1 mure, becomes:.'., unwiiiitgtnbject e4 mcdieal treatment. This i bot a : utHwl picture of the experience of thousands - • u. . ling wi.iucn I. p. before the ability > txercise . ,h tun-lions of be 'iterative organs, they •icquirc a , iu ; „i u tc - Ic•id 11 :• r lurvtiiw system, rr.mj, >e j .f tvLat Is. ill 1 the tissue, whirh i, in eomaiua w j-1, (fje ■•••1. • rcc.-t and li;s. evidently u:.... the eoutn I f . .mo. . 1 emotions :..„I awecitUons al an early ,r --"J' ' si )ii .-ui.-cquenti V Sie. , ' '"-n-. when excessive-, lead, long befur • pnbor to hit Which . pih.. very life of their ,V. re ' ,luri; h >e "*' f rq Iclcn their dcvrl lor i male H'eakntrs ni Iniiiily- Whites or L too a M. I . limtion. •Kxhnusti. .00 1- r (ontinuiol l'er: ; , suf BllJ J , 'J.'. I ', V ',' r r ' ' 'l' t er 1 we 1 ffer the most •' in.? KH'Mii : ifI.LMFJ I.II'- t Mpoi ND E\- _ cr • Bfcao. Directions for nee, diet, and ad . >ne,u: i)ii.i>,v -Icm leg in every period of lit ■, from infarct to \ r ... ,id age, win fir.d it a remedv to ~i I nature 0...0 -ch.i'g of pi functions. .strength is the I -''oy ... .nanli.Hid and womanhood. IlrtMß .i.n's Di.<bi|!s more Mrtt.gtbeniug than an* ol i he pref .rations <Bark or Ir.n, in&oitely fcr, , m .|i:< ,picasict iWifrt.wnoi.iis ( KxTßAtT ,m , avic.- t reived the in iomemaM ef the in- s> protni i >■ • is ... w l : ' f '. ■ : . • f.w the 1.. I • n.i ' m • nh -e- ■r r • K ' ' Men'ii and ."hi I lit' I • J I . j r - J > j ,\ \ i , . "■ v . ' f's i,' 'Sr.l / .11. i" } ; "■' ■■ 1 ii,io 1 , ): ■ sister. 'l,, '•Mirt' *. genuine, r,it this out." A-k for nr-,-. lake iu other So! i l-v druggists a I ;Uc . r very where I'ricv $1.25 per bottle, or - x I 'Kitties hr sg.so Delivered to any address. De -t: .... ..iptoms in ;,i( coiuiniinii lions Address 't. V. I: L.MUOLD, Drug and Chemical Warr • ""use. 1 liroaltv iy. . \ ON . ARE Gl-,NI LSBJUNLES' DOJfESTT IN in" cngr.ivo ! vvrapjer, ivth simile; of mv '.bemu-o vYiiieh'.use. and signed ii. T. HEI.MEOLD. v 9 r 6 - . For Salo at Moft's, BOOTS. ; BIN'GHAMTOX DOOTN. ot Lt'.-:cr A C,'s Lest Clako Kli' uni CALK c WEGO r?w. i'ASTKRN LOOIS. A full k of Ladies' Sluie*. Baimoi .1. Cbiijfross, Fn i-lt Ht> ■•ln *f ("!!.■•. ,• Kiti nil Gotit. M-,. Bntton Gaiters. GENT'- !*XDERSIfTRTS AND DRAWER.-" GENT- iil'CK-KIN G1 t.VI - n 1 MIT rENS. Her ts' K!!' GLGVES Lined, !"• line i an i L'nr-lired t'or Sale at 3!ott's (DHMdJI Sltlif. ( Tunki. ino, !>, r.i.van I i Til v .MKIJIC • N MI" HE BWMEIMII HI I " .■ ! WING MAGI/INN ('(/., In ..i ci: atli-o'b.i! 1 'hr:r t iII.EIi;.ATKI | iXt.MiIIN V'l'lOV LI li'O.N iIDLK AND SKWING MAC 11 IN K, be 0 ' loan to icier to its wm ulul p.q als'ity •- conclu-iro proof ~f it- great merit | ihein ease in the dcir r. t t r tliis valuable | uiacbius i been TEN l'b'LD dpriugthe lest seven mont it ii- fi:s' yt ar liefoie fl- pnhli 1 lis 1 , nd and surpv.. Mr su • unprr cedent - I 111 111, :i-n.iy ot -ii. ;:ig in j. bin .-. mil w fee' j fully war into | in claiming th" 1 r has NO K ( w i r \ 1.. BF.lxn Ah-oI.VTI.V lIIK ItKsr Mile zr.x xvr x: IN TIIE WORLD. A: .5 Inf l liihlr.illy t!tf t'hi ajic-f. It .-it lly two m i.-hincs (".mbinc i in nr (hy •< simple id beautiful ui'-chnii.cal arraugtrjenr. l nailing' ;h the Shuttle or Ic-k-stiUh, it.it the iier.-cs 1 ,ig and llutt„n hole stilc'i, uitii n.u it facility . I perfection. It exocu os in ike very .e,-t in o.t.er every variety of sevvit g. smh - Hnii niiig. 1- ing, Cording, I'it-king, stitching. I rat ! | ir.g .i.j ty lilting, Gathering and sowing on, (d-ne .t the ......e tine.) a.-l 11 :nl litioti, 0v ..-oatrtS, . l-.in : son the e !g, s.I ninkes bc)iu:ilul litit i ion and Eyelet holes ii ! t,it>riis. Thcs ■ .onhires wit! c in-. 1 - w.i.li . i Wi.koig :n be seen ITNKU \ t N\ih K, r \ . . I } t ly i-iiili * tn ih'. 1 un I, ajjt i.*? Ir ih: *n!e ot ihciu WjroiniiiK County. MRS. GKC. S XI i ION. MRS- BKNJ- NEWMAN vTnJfift.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers