Wyoming democrat. (Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.) 1867-1940, October 07, 1868, Image 3
Local and Pci'Monal. , pral C':immrn>f'catimis Intended for this ire p.-tponed on account of space. Naturalization Cotnt will be held at ; .k, d-nrr- on Thursday uud Friday of tbi neck >i au l '.'lii inst.) All who hare not attended to witter of procuring their final naturalization ~ rs should attend. OSiT 1 •'!: -. \ 1,-n choice old \ iolins con iiorr ! e b->l * P--w --. Muie Store Sernnton, Pa. Nto lnv!)>|er :oi FMurh Hol ding, wax formally dedicated bit Thu;sday E-t wish. A. A. I - ' - ' "V. i-ggiug out the l-iutla , oi addition to hi* already t-outuiod -JUS Ho lt i- to bo, like the main building, of bifok. jlit iloptixt tiimi lr this (Wy cm Ins) ui-irc tis now holding its annua! session at thi-" ... which nc understand will be protrac-teu until u. rn-w, Thursday. Quite a large number ol -.rauuers arc in town. Puiop*i s ,ib-orge ] elker, of Meshoppen, brought to our ■ two specimen Pumpkins of his raising, one ot „ i !; on measurement we found to be 5 feet 6 inch cucumierenee. Mr. 1". assures us that he also - ,-cd a lir-t rate crop of corn on the same ground ■ ; r :hc>c monsters were grown; and that the ; in that region, also supports nn unusually large . r oj> of Democrats, this season. ihi,' liaiN on our >-e\v Railroad will pmbo ..ii.'i to the Lock, at this place, by to-iuorrow. :!, r week will be sulfieient in which to balast ..vci up the track for the running of trains to ... j.i;;cr. Then, good bye to staging it to the lie. One can easily carpet-bag it, or take Foot anil .Talker's liuo to that point. hod or Stolen.— \T M--li<>ppen, Wyoming Co. Pa., on Sunday, the . a light Sorrel mare, sis years old, blind in ■ hit eye—with white hind feet and white stripe : chead. Twenty dollars reward will be paid for :■ ivcry of the marc and thief, or either, to the xiil.M-riber, at Meshoppen. WJT. RYAN. . liccx, , Tar e wac :i. heavily lad'*n with cheese. neatly ■.••■ l in tic large wooden lioxcs used in marketing • aitich passed through town the other day. We ■n that ley were from the establishment c* !..■■ J-1 Packer, in Springville, and consigned t" iikesbarre. This is probably the first cnsiallmciit v iluable productions of that resrtn-n, which . hereafter hud its way to market over the new . It. in which the Judge is so deeply interested.— i botli the eheeso and Railroad come. iauks J R'anks!i Blanks!!! '.Ve keep on hand, lor sale, at this office, lilanks follow* : Deeds, I.eases, •iarriage Certificates. Inventories, Teacher's Contracts, AVarrant-*, - '.- 1 Col's Bonds, Subpovuaes, • i,.il Trea'rs Bonds, Summonses. ution, Constable's Returns, •>ns'p Officer's Bonds, t 'onstable'e Sales, nrdian's Bonds, J. l' s. Attaclim'is Rulex uardlan's Petitions, and Interrogatories, -Tier's and Constable's Fee-Bills, Damages, Li-enso Petitions, and r's Letters, Bonds, Judgment Notes, tie., tie , print to order, Township Officer's and School - Order 80-.ks and Blanks oi every Deserip • tv "aiii oad I'rojrc'. •ril r f the most reliable citizens ol this and ; in Counties arc actively and earnestly ! ding the question of the building of a branch; ' froxa this place through Springville Town , > near Montrose and thence to intersect the ' V & Erie 11. R .at Bintrhatnt--;!, It i said that i I'icker—whose word in such matters is as ! I • his boil I—has given assurauces that if the - i;t these Counties ami along the proposed ' -üb.-erilie stoek enonsrh to grade the road j . rails and rolling stock will be furnished by IT. Tli r outside parties. There is nocoubt -•eii atde, feasible route for such a road r. !.! a ._e Packer's is all that could be 1 :t . <re than could reasonably be expected .; ,ji to h -cen what the j*oplo of this place, U. - a ing Iho proiiosed new road, who would •it! i I y if to a degree beyond any present ate, will do for themselves in the matter.— , ■ probably idle, unused means enough among , - ;>l tanner-living within a stone's throw of, grade the road and take Judge Packer eller. Will the farmers of these Counties I . lb their t n:ds, greenbacks, nnd their moth : ne legs, stuffed with the coin of other T mat'a grade for one of these modern •a..- i li would be found H much better outlet ■ valuable product ions of their farms, than the . i war paths which invariably led. over the •" pioaeies of the hills. - - "• i.a. -, -a, .ear,- ->—-3*OT.arwaaH d, IM'i.i —BILLTNOS—Oct lib, IMN, by liev. i! >',-rt , sir. \V. N. R-yn-- d-. to Mi-a i'.lla. r ..| Mx-Slierfii, Zilr.v Billing-', both oi 1 - n, J'a. \ii\[.[._OOOi)WlX-Al the re-ld-nro of t V'iaTns. in forks ton. Oetoljer a, 1808. by A. durg.'sj F-i. All. Andrew Wimdrill.of Mehooj.- ! aiss Bmeliue Goodwin, of Windham, I'a. VLL—WOOLCOT--At The residence of A. in Forkston, October 4th, ly A. I*. I. Mr. Burton lla'i-#!, to Miss Alary .--a, i.th of Forkston, I'a. u-.-.diy - lupic,—who are ase<l 80 and hi 1 ■; -p- t .ciy—long live to en joy the felicity ot j .- . :-.i -l may their honeymoon be as sweet , - -ilia down as it is in its rising. ■ Nr.LI .SMITH—At the residency of the i ■ • .1- ... Frank •' Bunnell,f Tunkhan- r 1' ,t -li- Martha IF Smith, of Strouds- [ n ; i th- above—though we can hardly I r t-\ —.hat our jsipuiar townsman and I talis, h; - at last "gone and Weal aud done j I 1r; k e >uld not have found a '■roup- n : r. id n among the fair Daughters of Wyo- ' little strange, ofalitlie places out j N ti ; -., tiuit r< gioii are almost Invarialdy ■r i,morally, phy-ically—politically. | . do nut i-el like quarrelling with | I V. la re certain that h" and lit® fair Rrlde. ! H : i .'nl use the man who uttered it. will ; t.' ir matrimonial maxims, the sentiment i ■ 'us have peace." VvlutG or Black Utile. I ite ptcpig of this coon'rv can; I r governed by m-oroes, unless tliey ; ■ ;o ih mselves. And yet tliev are H a, eii he i(t that -ort of rule than . pioiiabiy, i.vvHie of. The whiles j ti- it!y, viry evenly divided. There ! I : a veiy s.i ail difference of votes he- ' . in the i.ist Presidential eleC- 1 '.•en r.tl Georgtt B. McUlellaß, the . .. e.uididutc lor tlie Presidency, 1 :•! hul bv four hundred thon<- I I- :• -. ij. (• in jiro \idi in th;' South ; 11l nee tbl ijiii'sl; >n is, J ■ u/.i'" voters in the .Noith over—' ■■i: ■ inur thousand negro bado's in s 'ftli ? Let tlie white men in this I'd of i: e country settle that question i --elves. They will dec tie against fac if they vote the liadical ! • wi.iJi j s the negro ticket. The i • ' ! question of this present Presi- '• c-invist.il, whether this cuiititry i ml' •; by nigroes or by white peo !■; . in the nice division of white '•tvotes el' liiree or four tbo'tsjind ' Southern State. 3 shall not on r --i the contest, but. what is far . "•tere sting ;is a question of social ; . d e-annuuv, whether ttviral '■l <-f igimrant riegiofs in the SontL "i uini r the control of liadicnd j !i: id pincTcally builify the 'hiny o-id millions ot while voters *k".e c-untry ? 'i Ins is iho issue, * a s the white uieu hole cast their b%l- 1 '•'j wid ti l(j problem be lolved, —Ex, | | t ; Carl Schurg, fefrcr- •ininprni; Indiana in. German,-hrciiirt* that tin- Dtpch are no more i-it die, nt than the negroes, because ' they met:, to v,'e f r Seymour aa-1 Blair A t:-s!-iiip -r.-t f-ist ionable vonng widow , says st.e iliinks of sia-n g some f- I w f r , breach 1 1 m ,s, ihe w-i i nay , Un vv HA •• I' t HI LIE ma-lo- . &mh\ lloliffs. Cl IDB J> MAHBIA'II-:. J v-uny Mr .'.x On-.,.- i,H j. • \;,.r. li-J Coa jug il le.ii-iiy. 'ifi- i-:,n • \, , j i- . ,oieilt i'bysi i.trs, . a the Fri-.ix and .'.bus s iinio-at to \--ulli • I Early Man:i->o-i. -■ nt in s-- ; letter en rdeML free Aim, Ad drew HOH ALB A'.-isO ''IATION, B ix. I' rhihiuolphia, I'. vsn3lv. Ai>llflISTRATOItSi'9 SDTftF.. * Whereas, letters of Administration to the estate of Dan'l Kunsman, tale of Tunkhanuoek to., Uee'd, have been granted to the subscriber. All jiersoiis in debted lo tlie said estate are requested to in ike im mediate payment, and those having vlainis or de mand* against the e.->ale of the said decedent, will make known the .sumo duly authenticated without delay to LEVI SLATE, Adm'r. Bald Mount, Luz. Go., Pa, Sep. 18, 'tis-ns. G -Mf'iHTtt.vr : r The undi rsigtiej having purehascil, by hill i f sale, of llenry \V illiams, of Nicholson tp. in the ounty ot \\ y outing, the following named articles, to v. it : 1 Sorrel .Mare, 1 ifhoan llorse, 1 set team harness 1 lumber w agon, 2 sets log truek--. 1 cutting lmx, 2 log I'll.litis, 1 set gmli hieis.s ILIKI chains, 2 boh-sleds, 1 brown i-iif, 1 lanmile e-.w, 1 white and red eow, 1 suovel, alieuit lo tons hay, together with l,cd.- and bedding and other household i urn it ure ; which pro|i erty 1 have left on the premise* now oeeujiied by the said Henry Williams. Ail persons are forbid to mo lest or iuicriere with the sanl {trouernL a.x thev will Uo so at their peril. U.li WiLLtAMh. Sep. 16th, Pee. ugtiw. IN THE lUsTRII'T I'OFIiT GF THE I'NITED STATES lbr the Western District ot Penu'a. in the matter of Jerome J. Lord,a bankrupt in bank ruptcy. To trnom it may Concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of in* appointment as Assignee of Je rome J. Lord, i Nicholson, in the ( ounty of (Vyo mitigiiud slate oi pcuu*} lvania, within said fits trie*t, who lias been adjueiged a iiauki tipt upon his own petition by the lostrn t ( ourt o! sai-1 I-.strict I'HttS. .1. CHASE, Assignee. Nicholson, Pa., Sep 2U i, 18C8.-nB-3w. jM OXiGFh To nil ichom it may concern : It appears that ihero was a u I -script ion gotten up forme in the beginning of July last. It is now sep lent! .-uini I have not yet recton -I anything given t-y i.'-C aul srrttxi* lo .Mr. .Lan d Alar. v. vuo eirenia te-1 ii in lite neighborhood. Those wtio contributeil will please call on Air. Alarey and "gel th- ir money back."' ido not wish the jteople to give iriitt any more money on my aeeouut. l'hey should la- lliank e-d lor helping him, who says he "was ordained by God to preach, and is led by tiro spirit in alt things. ISAAC COOLBAFGII. Exetr, Sep. 21, lßfi>—asw 2- iaIME ! LIME! : J.IaIE ! 1 | The tin iersigne-1 has rceentty elected a perma nent Lime Killer. at:d has on hand a large stock of Wateiloo lime, whieit he wil i sell as cheap as can lie bought nt any point on the line ol canal Irout i'itt stou to Eluiira. ( ir-b rs w ill be promptlv lilloi!. rr.-l Hm-- sltli-i-" 1 to all jioints by canal. i>A VID BID>M N. Browntown,"Bradford Co. Pa. I*B Ol't .AM ATIOV, Wyoming ('ounty. s-, J In the <' - irt t.i Conn n llenry ii-uig! t v--. fleas, of Wyoming < ounty Laura Bought. S No. 22. Jan. term Istis. To Laura Bought. Whereas a sul-jurm) in Divorce was i.-m*d to Jan i uary Term, 1 y>-. which wa- duly returneil non ft l r.nntus. and th r- on an ivlio.- -uiip niv was issued I in - iid case re'uinal .e u- Ai ril term I8(s U)s-n live ! r-'tt:nr of-wtilditprool Was made tltat tlie w;i| ta-n.'S : Bought could not be- found in my bailiwick. | This notice is there-lore to require you to appear I 1.-.-foro th ■ judgi x ol the tai l (Vurt on the third -iioti day in Novenitier n- \t, to answer said eoinplaint. at. V, . 1 leV, 11 1, mi- ritf. MtotitfsO. e, luak. Si ptrTiO, I*4. ADM i SIT'H A I'DtPS SO ni l:. TF.h-n-as, Iciltis i f aotuiios rali -<: i tie t. :n eof ' J.n- . F.i -t, l-it - - t i i • ioivi, . i .i -I :r -a I, !. ve been gr -u'; i t -to ■ .-u'jSel b •:*. Id ;)e®.j. | i'le ito too sal a -Stile are to tii.sk 'ue i te i-;yu.tnt, ati-j 'l.o. .4.1 vi i. g eem.t: T -g.'.ifist Ino st ii it- ot lie- derc i '-of. wiit'tii-ike tc-.wn the £ una duly au'.henli-ate ;, wirhout -iel iv. GEORGE FROST, Aum.nisl rat-ir. 1 ti.'-T-M Sept. SIH IS-)S \B-UC wli- AD.VIIMSTBATGB'S NOTICI-!. \ 17"liEREAS. ii't. i of nduiir-i-tr in n . the ca ' I ate - t l.ii hnrd A L-pus de e i.-u.I, l .teof the 'ownsaip of FoTk.-toa, have Icen grnn: i to the xubscrii-er. Ail person* i-.iiehte-l to tit- said es'ate are reqtfs'ed to ma'e immediate | ivi.un', an-A those t...v, ig eiaims or (leßniiiis sg iio-t thn est* I .* - f lie Mid d'-redr-i w::t pres ra tV o dulj authentic s l te-J to '.he subscriber, without delay. At SI IN i'. ii-' 111 il'! Administrator. Foikstou. Sept. 15, lo'r?.-(it-pl. CIUAMDIAN'S SAFE, - * I!v virtue of an order issued out or tho Orphan's ('ourt -if Wyoming County, there will be exposed to public vendue or outcry, at the house or 11. W. iiowdnoy, in the village of Laceyviile, in the 'l'own -Uipol Braintnm, in the County of Wyoming, Pa., c >N SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31st 1868, at two o'cloek in the afternoon, the following de - riU-.l real estate, late the estate of T. D. .Spring, to" wit : all that certain pieces, parcels and two tracts ot laud situate ;n the township of llraintrim, Coun- I ty oi v- yoming, Pcnn'a, beginning at tiie center of nit 1 u-earora creek road, ou the corner of land of I- Bunnell and running South Fifty three degrees and one half West along said erceu roud, twenty rods to a corner, thence North twenty ilogrees West one hundred and cigty two rods to a corner on land ot N.i to Baker, thence East twenty wn'and • hroo ! lourih rods along the land of said Baker to a eom r. thence south twenty degretu Li -t on lir-u ot lanit formerly owned by if is. .Mercy (ircgory tiinl j;. Hun ! mil. one hundred and twentv rod.- to tlie playe of | heginning, i-oiitotaing Twt ity tu o Aerct **<f ten ipi n hes Im the same more or 1- ,-s. A L:-.t i otig oiiic-r f" pi ecu or trait inland situate in tiu- towu-liii- -w' i Hi'.itntrim, CoUOtv < ! V.'yuiniig, Pcun'a, an I bound ed as l-diows: Heginning at a stone in an in tu -di vision lino of L. li. sinrilevatit's land thirty two pore he.- Imm ti. e.-eik, thence North twenty on. j degree- Wcs. - n. it - uurodami ttiiriy-c lulit t--r.-in - j to ap- st in line of the Samuot Bell triu-t, then--.-. ' East Foriv and > .'KEU t-niths JMOCIK-X t'. ajiostttit-i I ami -t--u >, theivc S-mtti tivfcty-iwn degrees Fad one hundred and so'.ente. n perches to a post and ' stones, thence South sixty degrci - We-t pijrty an I tive tenths perelie* to tin pl.-.-e of lgintii:ig. eon jta tiling thirty-one cer- > c Ot/octy-on .-r, ui , -ic th samt m ire UJ le s till unimproved, with thtfaprtbrfc- I nances'. r HUMS OF SALE eu per cent (-t one fourth of t tlie jiurrhiisc money shtrll Id: j-:eU tit the striking i dowu of the property, one f-mrth ltsatt.o ton per ! cent at th" confirmation absolute and the remain ling three t.-urths in one year thereafter with inter est Irom day of *#le, to be secured by bond. SPENCER K. STEVENS. Guardian of tiie minor chli.lren of T. D. spring j dee'd. ' vSnD.iw. ' For -loin ;a f imily washing !n the best at: 1 cho.ap- I e*t u inner. Guaranteed equal loarj in 'ho world ( lias all the strength ot old rosin soap with the mii-l 'un 1 lathering qualities of genuine Castile. Try this ' fpleoii I y-.ap. Sold by the aLDEN C'tlEMivAL WORKS,-Id North Front Street, PhUfwielfhta. vB-uo Jjr. _• _ j 'J' 0 W A N D A A G R r C U LTI'RAL WORKS. TO WAN DA, i'EiVS'A.-/ MAN'fFACTI'RES HUBS, SPOKES, BF-IFT STUFF', t ! HEAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS, GEN URAL WOOD WORK, i WUOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, SCROLL SAWING PLANING. ETC , ETC. To Dealers in 11 I BS, SPOKES 4- BENT STUFF, IF* cjfer a ' LARGE.STOCK FROM WHICH TO SECLKQT. The above ure ftom the bes-' ; SICCO-VI) GROWTH HICKORY it- OAK, LKtllT AXb UKAVT WAfJOXS O.N HASH. Wc have lite U osid and Narrow Guagf, MILL i'it-'KS oi nt.- an I Justed. W. T BISHOP, Snperinten iant. j ~ c. MKKCUR, Pi Kitten:. * vgnliy Towmis, July 2. lege. rTIrS)! 3©crrti.S£niiif.s AGEITH WANTED FOR Dr. Kane's Gieat Pictuia] Work, Arc (i c Exp io ra iIo u s, ! An e'o.un i - , .ic.i. -i in- -1 f? '• eld t-1 t- : t4. ' !. e ' rs, TYITT TOO iiUAI rti-T'L i vf.ilAV- I GG ;j i ■ f I- il .f :fc'- Aid'-e.- Ex- iuxi.c tetr'i u . '.e-- • : I i coinniissi-us ; i For •ir ii ar •11 -jjf... i I p.-,* , • put. i-bei i. ; IJLI.x.s A CO, N'xvurk, V* J. g | T r | II i /iiMn/Jl Agents v aaioa F*(• r Matllio'.v HdcSmitiTs now j'ti k, SU~. \ 'GJr'J, Vft N'Z/.-f '/JO h.le tc I 'or* M-r WIH lo know i-w I' r'i:n >.c made nn-l le.xt in :i day ; How ' I'OlJll tiytuen" are -win h-l by Sharper- ; 1i0.v.-.ml*•-eg lui-tscn .iti-1 Lo'-le.ii•• are < oudu u-d. ami bvcTytlihitr ol interei-t rets ting *o Pro'!. inct:l Mi n Mi.-i important pin-C- if New York*, Read'. Read ! Read ! SIS S Ii I S E and S II A D 0 W in SEW YORK- A large (i. faro Yoltin e. ever 700 page.-, finely II- InstraieiJ. We want agents, .Male cr Female, in every city and tomato Cai.vass lor t; ...a.y- ily wants to anew nil about New Y'erk. No Lx-ic ever publf*iu9t that set!* f" rapidly, I *tivns-er.x report immcn-e .- ties We cat |!• \ t.o General Ag- nls and olf sr !it larp eel commission. send for cur il juige circular - Full p-nil ui -rs un-J teini-'(o . gent* S 't-I Lie on ap; ii- nut- J. li. li-Uitß A CO., Pi>!)lh!l. (•is, Is.utioid C'cnn. if A N T K D . Clcrgyrp.n. Teachers, and .*rrperir.tcnd:;it- rf S i'." hirh 5-' ami others ns agents f-r the HOME BOOK DE HOSDI l!S. A work i-I great intcre.-t fully illn.-t. iu ! ; : ' - I i ihsCOTTAt.E I-IBLE. n I FAMILY IfICPOA! it'ii. in tv - n-luiiic.-, con'.aitiii-g nearly ij-.-if pages, com j-ri.-ing tho Old ami New TsstxaiejU* with p. ittiwl e.vj itio;:-' nri Kf-Inn axis r.'; •■*, bv in Wit,- LiAiiS A lew ot'tbe many Ueconuuent ions, F-oin th- '#:3 Rev. Joel liav.- * D. P., P-rb-rot the Fir.-'*-iQungreg .tioral Church, 11-■ rtturJ. t - 'I ; kn w .!' r.riat, -k.-uUry mi eheap that gont.u.-- -- great a.i oi-toa. t of v.iiuublo matter." i i . l av. N H Eggifs t. a, D. D., i'a-tor ol Piyii '. It Church. Chicago. Hi "I cheerfully re co n ui-1 it as the BtcsT u-mmecfary en the Sorip tu l--r g-nerai use." SorjUrnuLJtnd. t-irenbu*. #d- A. I.RATV rm, .Yartl'.-rd, C.m- AGKNTS WAFTKP FDK "TIIE 13LUE-C0 ATS Antlhnt t'icj Liecttj Fought em:' Pitt: fur Hu Uni it with Scenes , and Ineiflei. 's in ' - Gri d ' R /id it i outain* over ICO fno E ;; . : .i and Ii * t -iges, at ! is the spienst nnJ che j-e-l ear bo-'k-pul-i:. he !. Price only ff?."'* y■ r eoj . s: i fur cir a! r- art fee our terms, an I full de ftl c c.-rK. A aires* JONES BR'H H 1-R5 I ' • s Pl.i:.-. ioegnrx , Pa. , Cincinnati, Otii - : Ci icig. or St. Lout*, Md -- i'-tfc- - -- - GRANT At COIiFAX. BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR I! 1 VND'S /7**2s_ -p-o #-—> •"*> OX"' Jjc.tge Qct'irpVo'u f F'.aJ-t }' t-'-t'e I Di e sgent it s fo'i HO -c* in •"! a-->>. Oj e Wgent hm al-t OO d-l ada IJ onyx. Cat- agent t-i ' -dy) ha J £,.! ITO c- pi--.- la '2 \ -lays IV E (t..J! -y ro I Agents .nt i !F-i :si I:A in iHmnti 11 '-' *>*■ n i to" ctieilA unAf ieuru our t-r-nx i-i i g-1 - I e'nre --;y ■' g■' - h-1 -. j .1. B. t Btl 7 CO.. Fal't T- r*. !!-;t i.' n A'Jl NT - ' -'.i'.' : ftl . :! I 'AE OFriCIAL HISTORY 0T THT. V/AR, It- t. lix ?, I I-'.l'l'. t • I ;.t ' .- 1 X. BY liLiJ. ALEAMD .:... £ i£r..LML. ■ mix- iot-, muto it the !- >t .-it- - i ~i.! ever pu'-11-h-vi. One azeftt ta K;:t- r !' . - -j. -r's 'id -ulj- ribers at three .-\- Atiothcr i . ' .-' <a, i'J. ,-u'i- ril -r.-'in f -ur:ia.yi Send for. circulars and. see our tenjis, a:,! -t full -les-option of i e work.* Addre*-; NATIONAL PI'BI.ISHING CO , i bil i-tclphia, Pa. I I\l \( 1 cntf! waate t i;t all patfx • f the 1 . I I II II I-" 5 -foil nur iinwuiis® It-d'of t arty | yj c ' ' J iPdd dilTcrei t IS i k< B'bies and i'ln logniph Albums. Every f.iiadv :nr-i semetl in? - -from it Catalogues funu.-Ued trca oa npplic -:. u. an-i txiok* ;nt t- st j.ai Ito any ait. * - rctoipt of ptica C tarn rng b-joi:*.- nfair.irg li.e lis with price-, togotli *i with bltn-t shoals ami priole-l le xd mgs fur email;: g : li-t i f Itniiu-r, real Uee l-> any one on r-cetj tot 5d .taybo fv c.tn s II I - it.i 1000 of t!i :0 books ; tost QJ .4.,- rt. Ii -r trltus to agent* other 11 .i-noatiot! 11 :ro>sd fc l*)ii Fl.ll & CO , Ib.j's, til 1 AC 17 S.i in tu - . P!;ii.i-tct|.hia,P 081 • Iri:; BEST : The Praise Offering! A si:\V I'lli RCll MI SIC BOOK, By l! . .-;i'.;gi iied ooi r, C. TAY LOR, on k-s !*; !• "* I • it Stdft- -5! SO. eimea JP-'S'" --tu- I.- e i'u application* i.i >ei tl dis-xiunt to the .t.i-da :••-!■. ; I-aLLd & GO., Des SlcmeA.Towa. AS. BAM AS A Co., X V.; it. Sunts A 880., pitrrhnig Ol 2/IG -V VE \it Y- ig-nts "I I O i -i-ydsf sfr .*• ■•-tile S- tcitig >!iii liii.i s. FtiU particularsJ're-. Evrn l-jascuion'.- t > o.c --i/ rienad Ag-ii*. '..ti! -tier ii i • V. it. . ... BOX & CO., Clevehitrl, (' ; U M - Louis, Mo. sr. IKB % V ii 11 AILItOAD < *fl*A -V- ven pert ! Y >st M* ''age V • ' F y ami Aug it.-: f -i - Y lie earn* p* "l * r- :p!cted r-:,?-. t-i Pi!. ' K ' nyw more th*;. th" ittere-' on the entire r .* i■ • '■ - pr-'fc-xis the*: '.-tilxar- i vi-t-'.v-. t.i. v - .-u-., - er--ry.it OVKU i- > r 0 hivjl " ,i .-petit I:i ill iaupcr. , sud i.-t -v r SI.- t'Oli 'OO of lend ts.-ifeil thus It:. 1 t-r ri.* ! v iuer i.-iug truO: (f carrying uitr, with Lie , j-pect t of ooaWbitiog oil the tr-tve! from S't.L.'i: ta the' Southern States, cn-ui\ an cn-;.-:uuu* tcv-.-nue, The , Directors eov;: S 10 oftha Mo a tor tsvi srst- %r, and are inter- .-te Ito iiirt -h tk* p: ,-er v ~= w: li a- to | cconumi.su its exp- nse* '1 U0 ALLEN, ii .e..', Ft. Louis, Mo. We, t!v tmdfrrigned, rordia'.ly re- -mm- n-! these • seven percent, mmtgago bouds, ot t'is St. I.oui* and ; li.,n Mountain lUili-x I, as u gold St utity. Tho; revenue •-f the rottd n't! I o large, and the a !:rtinis tiation of tlie affuirs ot tho company Is in capable and cvparieoced bands, an i :s cutitjol to tha gicat e-f c infi leii- e of the pit' ho JAMES f>. THOMAS Major of St. L ail JOHN J. P,OE pie.-'t St-Loui) Chambor of Com tnerie. E V, .-J i)X, i': '!. St- Lwiis Board of Tiade BARTON BATES, lWt North Mifeouti Railroad. J. il. BRftTOX, i'ra.-'t Nat. Hank of Ufa Fia'c of I Missouri. Wm. L. EW iNG, Pres't of tha Mar. N B. of St. Louis. GEO. 11. EE.A, Pre.-'t Soconl Nat. 1! mk of Nt. Louis. J.'iS. B EADi, Chi ,-f E: g St Louis it Hi. Bri tgo . - C-. I GEO. W. TAYLOR, Pros't Pa-fSe Rail rod („f Mo.) WM. ,'JANC-IG, Pres't Irqler*' Bank, St. Louis. JOHN R. T.IONBEiyiEU, Pre*. T. N. Bank, St j JsMits ADOLPUI iS MEIER, Yiee-Pre-'t U. PaciSe Rait- i wn F' . . . ROBERT RAIITJI. Pres't German Savings Inrtilu- j lioas. C'oupm* jay :K) in t!io city of New Yolk. A > limited nuobar of the shore mimed Bonis for silo; at Eighty-five! Parties living nut of the city can , remit.by draft or express, and the bonds wilt be re- - tarne Iby express free of charges We invite the ■it.villi-; iot capital!t* aoi it.tics t> theiß as. tn our C-tiiutou a Very desirablo inccsinout, decline 1 tuiank as a fii.-t-cli;x security. Dcacrij-tive l'om; blot*, Maps and inloTL atij.i cut bu lr-td oi app.icalion to TuWNVEND, WHELEN A Ctb.NV bb'J Walnut -t , PhEadvApi-i v, Agents o. 11. • -M. I-ouw no 1 in-a Mountain II R. to, -. I'hila Iciplila it fori nut-s :—CAii.tttiA IKON CO.;; flov, BAUI.N & Co.; 'I HOS. A BIDULI: A Co \ I.li JT.vt.tiDg cmpit-yuient cB hate i good bu-i- | xxuet* by addressing DAVID A Bito. 722 Snngoiu it.. Philadelphia i jjfc Mm'tisriufiifs. <. S-TEV- ,/V ■ jj| v - * W W •■£ ■ -- •" ! Circular Sans of •■ <1 t.n!ifwr 01of Ihe wholo plate. | Malay. MJ. Ore •- i not Urn?. ) ;'ial to any ' duhK in the w !KT .r g.tio bv all d* >l.?rw af! J the i ch.'.er.-, UI'I'INCOIT k BIUKKWELL, Pi'tx turg. Pa* | \\JA\TL.D.-To employ .1 ?iJ r reKablo man a Wiry to : Uoduuo I lie '-lYond;. til' i tile World. 4 ' :ti. i pr >!Uub!e an I permanent i Address-J C.TiLTON, Pittsburgh, l'a. C'Ok / '|P. r M. ulli guirin ! zod,Sure j \. Agent* 7V/win'i I iintni* ■ nl: ly every wh r- : > -ell •ur l'ai'.nl I" veil." Mug White Wire Clothes Lines. • 'all : t <„■ j.i ii.,.0 UJiwVili' WiUi MILES, Phil . Iclj.Mh, l'a I \ iv ~ iLU i Ul. i, -gino gr u.i to eiaiy lii u laan ' * *.wh-> i . /cat ia <> IK< , .ig'ui an 1 1. >n oreble ! 'irln* , pay'" '*■ 1 • -l:y No gift enter j pri'a. , hnml Ad'u-rs 11. MONRO:; KKSKUV, | Pittsburgh, i'a. Slave You Seen 11/ iUM '.c.-•' I;TI DOCKET AMU COMPASS 'i'iit.- ..-pity u'ciiii little TIME KI.Ei'ER is got I 1 Ipit a ftandoome caso with gl ,a- (bade, steel i iiii 1 mat il tvor , wli ai n nuel • I'li il, aa tis ui or- I iliaary :i<! act I serva-eft IWarrant ! cl in tii-. mi • . . t time. • . by mail for 81 ;a I jf ir A-i iiv- !' Ll'liNllAM, 1. ..-k Box 5, j vli e iia a <he gr-i' Zlii .ysri Hitlers | um u. I'lmj upre dimmer*, both a.-u'e urf chron- | ia. tiioe • i••• • IMle i . the knows v.i-rM. It : . has eo i i bolora, the u>t forms of Fevers, I'neu- j iioi.ii, .. i ■/1 - 1 an I i i -ca ,l, r.i ■ biarrha-i, ' lv!iaji:a. KhcOtn ilifm. .v-k Me la '>. aii'J will ! cure any Ji--.- im arising from a disordered stale of i t!. • blood. iy is ."J i.o. ij.'l by Mov,i:, of] Btates, >|- ftittere . f Conrjrc Mmgdi&tl Rviu ce ] i.nl f'hysi •' '■'• . f t'-.a i . a- van eh or mora I aivnr.. en tiliaa:. 'a.i ar lb.in a. .y Olil.r BtUftrr 1 in :i.a 11 : • in ! v .: alt"' . ireuluaYand | r.-• 1 the . Sold Irugg! an ! derdera generally 1 Im i . A Co., w.u li iln licjUf-r ri aler-. I file Agi-nt, or Wotrn i-.-r. Phi ago, iI. V. . UtHTI.t! ' 1' ~. '. ') No r. at P' , I'hilad i i. INHALANT —1 I I.' bS , Catarrh, Bronchitis, Co!iS!l!23pt iO!i, Ast li nia, and Scroiaia. 1", r! I ••' •- .. 1 iall 5 arti -utrs ■ '■< be ••' vour j - (jiifH " :•> t y -t liUIJCBISXi iUV!'. \V 1 T P Y Y I 1 .. lij I j iiJ'i i \ C/ (ji\ J:.v. :.\ !'!•*!> i\*• ■ % A pp11rT r" '•; N'C. " . . | ft"*': M\N;:.u>W - JiivU-'. iltr. i 7 i pages O the wnol saibjret BR W%:TTIK, cuaS- J itenioi', j.lij . .10, CL7 St. Chuiles't, •' Teiuß, M > I stan Is i re-ewineaOjr ebore nil nth n in lit rpeciaH- i X matter who fii'ai ( '.•.• y,ur cue. Pa- i tie-Ills tie.lie I mail io c.erv St Ma. ;W'E ELL rOH ; C/N>: -' OLLAH * . . .' | (~101.1l ai t W.of ehe, aewtfg .*. iehiße.,Pilk JTllie - I' Perr-a. Par] flitDwfcllKlflOndl, Ac. CiitPili AbS eKN I i-'uK;:. giv i'a/ full li. m. :i,i at. !i.. a i -t f..r One i) !!ir. i!< .ib'h ten <1 •T■ i n* nrtf 0 < ir'ii.-li v,o. oktsi roox-iiiiA -?.3rjua.oiz.. .!I. i i'.. I- • l. lore !to .-1 1 - l; : gu- Clu' -- AMra- LABONi'H i iIHMTT, No. 83 Smltstr Stmt, Boston, Mia 1 rx -• r i - r.t •;• l 7sii Tit> V J Io at UIA • Ut# i it/O METROPOLITAN ii ii i ousp:i ii y I Cg-lt fiii'to 5.1 t iie UllldUl'.t ot Vi '511,1,00. : F.Vcii TICKET DP. AAS A Ft ,i. 5P.t: Ii . '■■■ '< •>li>.uWJ , j ) - •' 5.000 . 20 ' 000 : 40 • " 500 i 200 ' 100 i •) ' 45 i ' " ! m -j ' I ■. (11l I'.na B'h t> 0 r") ' : ..■> 751, i*,o lad ' giti' i .:-.e CO lo ij.i i i 250 Alus-. ;S IJmx.s ■' T> '• 2- 0 | .-ill') 1 ino lb. i 1 • f.-x.-' • 75 t , , E IKge. Pb >io . . Wi' tia.,, an-i 11tmtat . jof fine Midi J V. al-i •1 U SLK 1 0,000 j A . i tee to a,v of Rw elwte prizes, by j Duiebasing uSil - i Tidtet '">r e,o. 'ii i;"t->| j fit xr.xii; o. .. rt* :.r atlltt I, ... Ln. via, - and ] Ih -r :i ;'i y : '-a • ;.i-'. -> ■'' _ a > vi,i;i> ' TICKET Titt! I nr.Wil V I " •' U !T. l.ttlil M•' I 1 at our t or nin.il la fttiy a I :he , I j 'fi7. ■ n •:.is t uji ■> i' HI be d.-t• >* re I'• > t.ia ! ■ •let- , I bolder on nryin 'of One Iliilur. Prt/.-f i.rll he immediately* sent to any ad ires:', as re'ja- efvd, by ! exjirc i or : . ta:n U' 1-• You will know what your Prize is b •rey .u pay ! for it. Atij Piizo may i.o ex lunge if >r nuo herof i tiift same value X > Blank-' r -ff Ot.r pitrone < n depend on fair o'c ding. ( ill. r i:lo.s.- We gcleot the few following aamee j fry in the many alio have lot-ly drawn valuable ! Prizes and ' i By | • "•milted IM In pu'ili.-h flieui : ! ff. T. Wii:,ins, Bub '. , N, Y., I,dot) ; Xfi-s Annio Mi -it- t ;.i -,m, ill., . itififf. value I ..t ibod ; ilobt. : Jackson, Bu'.-.tijlpwa, Gold Watch, •Satf}—l ; Phillip M'Tanby. I.onisvilie, Ky., liiamond Pinster I llir.g, 9600 : ii 5. Putlufbun, Hew jßedforJ, M:.-s., ; ; Silver 'Pen Set, hi 7.5 ; iii-s Kmnta 11 •. I worth, Alii— . waukee, Wis., i'lin t, ssl.li' ; ilev. I. il, Put, Cleve- j I lanl, Ohio, ilelod on. Sl7j. t , r Wo riHMi u i MOM* wlikcM permiwiea • Opinions oi the jircrs. —'• r'hey are doing tno larg- , i est business ; the i,ru i* reliable, and dt serv.i their [ j sueee• a*" 1 Vstkly Tribune, T'-'J 8, 61.4. "We tuvc examined their gystem. and hno-.v tbem 'to In: a f.dr dealing ltrm " —A r . i . Wtntld,Pei. 'G3. i "I,art weok liiiud of our- Ire v r. 5509 prize, t i whii h n.i prarn-o iy rv eire l." — Paily Nctcs, Mar, j I 3,1868. j Sen I for circular giving many more icfcriuces ! lan 1 l.tvornb'.a notice* from th-.* pro's Jabcral in diiccmen'g to : yn's. Svti.'f tit ion guaranteed Every peic-kaga of Sealed Envelopes contains OSE j ! CASH (tivT. rW '4'ic-k -ts for ft ; 13 for $2 ; 33 for , I S3 : IPi tor SI 5. ' All letters shoul dbe addressed I a HABPKR, WIEBON i CO , 173 Broadway, ji. Y. | JiJll'J.ri 1 U-A J.--T'he oniy work which by dovUiucr.tii'y cviden o, whut has been written, t or Uonc, by OL Ji y. j.A S -J A'A S/ .OvY.Vy, ;is A D. RlCH vnimox'B Pi r-.mil lli.-tnry <4 l T S. I lira it. Tiic i.- p- '.iticon I nii n Comtnitiee at Wash ingt-m, icul|ti.:'a Its cniherti- ity and u .1 as an autit :it t.-ztt>s iercrtj : wof it tor th.u purpose. | 'f lie ; caoy Jtoiw r-dly dis -ar-l all oilier*. We wuut Agents lor it in tuis county send for Circu , are, tsruis, As,, to BLISn A (30 , Newark, N. J I , i *' ~T 2>rlu nts. THE ORIGINAL Gnu: Dollar Broker lis :>VI *i • 1 i-i i SGII. Our-'••!{ .- -i- -• ' : r fev rr rtri-ly of . DRY AMD j- '. vi ; <;{K1. Y\;i u)£3 ! SI|,Y i-'.:; i i.p, /) tv \.; p:, tii. i- D AP. WIIOI.E . .5 111 11M tIIPETIXG' 4 STU.V \Y SIATriXG.-i. and | ;OGR Al'll AI.IIUMS. |a of oor own imporUtioß, , r imrehacedl directly I • | from tha Manufacturers in large quantities. "* Wt were (lie first to commence the ! sale- oi'goods on the popular plan t ONE DOLLAR FOi? EACH ARTICLE Ourtiales l'ortliela-t twelve monflis liave i bet-n about one million dollars. ft*. Our b ti'ti'ss hrs been divided by the Courts of I this State i"ii! by the I nited States authorities not to be i a hotter ijj or a Hi ft Enterprise, but a regular legiti-\ mate business. Terms <-l" t-alo . (.Tib- ~f jj, n selection of one of ! the to, o'.vn.g uriioles : —kifyds. Brown or Bleached .-'lieeting, -uperior quality. Poplin or Alpaca Dress P ittern. Wo il Sipiara -haavl. 2J yarJs Doeskin.— I Ail ■ .lav Clock, Seth Thomas' mukc. 1 pr. cent's I | Calf Bo Whilo -Mur-ciHes Quilt. Silver plated i C'hu ed ' i wit,*. 6 hollies. A Morrocco Ph' to grapii • .Ml, ii, 100 pielurn. 3 yards g-4 Wool; CI , ii. >il. ,y pbvtod Cake lla.-ket 1,8 yards Brown i or llieui i;c 1 - heeling eotnuon quality. Also, print- , ; notices of 60 articles, for sale at Si for otmb ar- j ti, I--, couipii-ing a variety of articles u-ualiy sold at • iet.:l priiex trom 51.50 to 63 fort-a,-h article. : i .i (Bub of 810. a ■!■ tion of one of the follow in.; ai"11 - ; 40 yard- Brown or Bleached sheot- | in/, .-uperiur quality Dress pattern, price 610 ; >1 !I, ug shawl. Bro;ha Long B'hawl. 2 yards I Bluca fiorniaa llroid Cloth. Cuinai .n .Sense S'on | lug ."-M ii. io, p i ! §18 —(these machines will hem. j sti h, fell, to -k, quilt, cord, hiu l, braid nnl cm r,i ir, ii: ain t superior manner.) Gents' or I.a- ! M, 1 SiR ; Hunting Case Watch, new. 23 yard* ! ,It up (.'.,1; ting Jy i Is Beaver Cloth, (ii yards j g i i D.k -,..n. ."skiver pi ited 1 0 Pitcher. Q yards , \i t'Ol i loth, dcu. Width. 1 pair superior Blankets. ! 7 2 yards Brown or Blenched bheeting.cuuiinon qual i ity, .it, i lW printed notices .f articlog for sale at ! §1 i-a. i, co.nprisiag a variety of article* usually ( sll a! r tail from 81 "0 to 810 | re i-h article. |"• t j) Wo hereby in! am the public that we ; ; i v . ,}• ::i • • i cnuected with a.iv of tha Gift T> V • Lnter( ;it • Hue I-,i! tr Concetus in th a city. All | Jotf-en. oUm ng Gi.t, Premium, or r.ny nrticlo t free of l rat to .'i/>nt, or to any One, are in i irect | viola ion if to laws against, Lottery. Wo have iufonontion, f. ,in reliable authority, that all Gift; • i-i this ("i 7 will ha close 1 up by the State 1 I t ' rf' F'jß ADDrTIONAI. PARPICrEARi SEND : FIMI Ol n 31 Cl LAll. Sen I n Dr.il>, Po-t.il M ,ti"y Oricr, or Fvegis'ered | I L*iter Be sure and direct your Letters to ANDREWS & CO. 10,; buibury .Street, Bostan. Mass. . N ■—! : .u> rcjNurts an 1 letters received : ; I s" our Axe is bound to he Tiik AAH. 2. It ni l cut 23 p-r cent, bettor. 3. iiy or th.-r lost une aria in the war, hut with j your Axe ho m cut as well as any ono tlso can. ■ 4. I 1 "dl n ; get another, twenty-fivo (625) dollars wou! Int buy it. 5. It VM I cut hoop-poles better than any other ■ Ax. ii I w -uld ro! be without it f-r anyth ng i' ;• .- !o l,y all r.:-> .i-.ble dealers, and tha in,k- I.ll''' - :T £ BAKEWELL, Pittsburgh, Pa., j ■Solo o.Yi.rr - tito Patents. j THE FALL 6AMPAMN | Yorker, the Leading an I Bvrge.-t-Circulating P.u --i .l, 1 •:> vry :n I I'.uuily Newgp.irier, begins a quar iro • , and i,en;c EV OT is The Time to Subscribe! Ei t ; D ,b.i ("uirlo Page-. Illustrated, with <r a : ! -en di-"inct l>-v part meats, rich ably cn- ! ■ a M-1, t It Talent being employed. Election will . booivr, whan everybody, in l>otU Town •in i < • v. v.'il w ant the m t Progressive, Time- ; !v. il .ia .irjj and ! aeful Weekly of in Class— M ilitr.il. The 13 X rubers of this Quarter ii> t. to Jan ) ; ! I'll Trial, fir Only FKty Cents' Trv l!>e i rod Trip 5' Ad ir. -s D. D.T. iIOOUE, 41 1' A: 1! vr. New York, or I'ochester, N. Y THE GBiGiAN BEND. ti HAT li' IS, h.a.r it grew into a national cal- [ > > amity Ii i- u>t ;i Xcv Thing. Symptoms , :M A 'i'rcatin :.t. A small volume profusely iilustra- | to i- San l hv i.:ail on rcc-ipf of 23c!s. Address . M.tE' r.AN LIEN'I) Priil.l.SillNG CO. P.0.80x! C 72. K. V. Tr ■lo guppiir Iby AMERICAN NEWS ! i •'.. il7 Nat* MI s>., N. Y. D'OSl MALE. The.- u-r if - * l-r sale h : • HOC.SE and ' I .OT. s iinl ,o i rotogli <>! Tnnkhannnek.— j lbo boil.-- s lately mxlergtme repairs, and has all I I,:- maderii i.npiovemi-i-ls. The lot is in-'re than ' t vir-: tli-; >ot nnv idbcrsin tha place, with new Lbirn, Seven Mood Mr,met Appla Trees, with Plutn • nil I*, -b. ih-j Subscriber, wishing to remove, will sell i>,r h < than M e actual value. .Ail i , i s iadi o.t to n.o will plonso make , imnetUafoc tfeme t . V.'il. 8. KCTZ j Tunis. Sop- 24th n9tf. LEiIKJ i L VALLEY RAIL ROAD. | WYOMING DIVISION. si." IT I F.MKNT X 0.3 T" TPIH T.lflf.F. NO. 10. j fx PLACE OK S T XOS. 1 AND 2. To tak j eff-.-ct on Monday TSepE 7th, 18(j8. Down Trnlu. Cp Train. 1 Ex. l-'r't. | Jocil I.ncul j Ex. E'r't ! A M. P ?,!. P.M. A. M. 10 30 4.30 McKune's 410 9-40 j 10.48 440 Buttermilk I'alU, 4hO 1)24 II.0(j 458 Gardaer's Ferrv 3.42 004 j i 11.30 5.20 L.&. D.J. Leave } 320 8,40 Airive J 10.30 1200 5.30 I'ittston, 10 20 B.(ip, ' 1218 3.33 Port flriflith 10.15 7.53 i 1;.J 5.40 Piainsville, 18.10 7. > 12.30 500 Wilkes -Barre 10.00 7.30 I The "Express Freight" down Train, arrives at \ ! Pitleton an I Wilkes Barto in time fur the passeu- ! ! ger train fur N. Y. A Phil'a. The 'Local" leaves | I Wilkes llarro & Pittstou. fur ''.McKune's and other J i stations north, after the arrival of the N. Y. A ! ! Phil'a morning trains IB A. PACKER. Sup't Wyoming Division : | Ofu-e L. Y.RiR.C Wyo. Div., } Wilkes-Barre Nept. 4, 58. 1 , 1 NOTICE: ; Application will be made to the Legisfaturo ut its 1 1 next session for the incoiproration of a Savings Bank ) to ho located in the Borough ol 'i'unkhannock , with privilege to ; . :ci .0 deposits purchase and sell, Bond* j and Sto-ks of the United States, and of this Com- j tnonwe ibb .in l other ro "jtBL-s. to ho called "The j Wvt m 11/ County Saving Lank." Capital Stock 850,00 I with tha privilege to increase the same to ' ; , 811.0 020. •J. C. WKIMUT, DAN'IEI WItIUUT i O. 3. MILLS, J AY. LYMAN. Tunk. June ISth 180°. v7*B37'Bm INTRODUCED INTO AMERICA FROM 'GERMA XT', in 1835. HOOFIANO'S GERMAN BITTERS, ft mi HOOFLANB'S GERMAN TONIC, PRV.I'iR ' II ' if • rs* i'HIHUKi.P, 7he grruTtsl kiiOVJi > / U v or Com pi aint, DYSPEPSIA, N rvonr JJeb lir. JAUNDICE, I/iseaies of the Kidneys, EEUPTIONS of the SKIN, ' *ail all Di*cae* uiltiiig from a Dl ordrrcd Liver, Momach, or ixt'uniTV OF mi: m.ooo. Read the following symptoms, and ifyou find that your system i. afected by any of them, you may re.a assured thai disease luis tentuneneed its attack wi the most important appasti f your body, and mssiUss HM ■ rheekrd by toe of pmverfut rem flies, a miserable life, ne,n terminating in death, trill he the result. Constipation. Flatulence, luward Piles, Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Utomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food. Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming the Head. Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suli'ocaliug Sensations when i la a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, i Dots or Webs bctorn the Sight, Dull Pain in the Head. Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Cheat, Limbs, etc., Sud den Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits. Ml th indicaie disease of'he Hirer or Digestfre Organs, combined iritk impure blood. is entirely vegetable,and contains 110 liquor, li Is a compound of Fluid Kx fructs. The Roots, Herbs, and Bail., front tvltlclt these extracts arc made arc gathered iu Germany. All-the medicinal virtues are extracted from them by a scientific chemist. These extracts are then forwarded to this ronntry to be used expressly for the mauufaclure of these Bitters. There is no alcoholic substance of any kind used ill compounding the Hitters, hence it is tile only Bitters tiiat can !>•- used til eases where alcoholic st itn nlants are not advisable. fjjoflimb's oermnu (tonic in a combination of all th? ivqrrificnts of t'■ • V.i"-, \ with PU lit Cruz Hum, Orange, etc. It i.t used f. r the mute tits- is-'t a 'ht Bittern, in easu i oJitre tame pure alcoh Jtc stmuhu is required. You mil bear in ftrthd Ait these rcritdiet or - entirely t lifter out frost any others advertised fir Vie cure of the diseases named, the if be ing scientific preparations of medicinal extracts,chile the others are merr decoctions of rum in s(tins form. The. T< \IC is decidedly one of the most pleascmt arM agreeable remedies ever offered to the put Me. I's taste is exquisite. It is a pleasure to take it, its I'fe-giciug, exhilarating, aml medicinal qualities have caused it to be known <<s the greatest of ail tonics. CONSUMPTION. Thousands of cases, when the pa tient supposed he was afflicted wltli this terrible disease, have been cured by the use of these remedies. Extreme emaclaliou, debility, and eougli are the usual attendants upon severe cases of dyspepsia or disease of the wWfestlve organs. Even iu cases of gen nine Coiisnmpt ion, these remedies Will be found of the greatest benefit. Strengthening and invigorating. DEBILITY. There is no medicine equal to ITooJlind's German B-Hers or Tmic in eases of !>•!,flity. They impart a ■ ' ton* ok.l c4r>or to she whole *y.-'cm, strengthen r/-e ap petite, r,me uJI # .ry/tlieUf C'f t'f ffTnl, f.fli.U the C' -nich t" au." 4 wrif'f the hfdi Kom a good, • ' *<• ttofM Ht WSgt from P< • r . kceke-andchaw /•' f " ' cui iciaUd , ate a*', ana .-mre# - a'id, if mj Ji fuccJ, stout, and rigor- T?#rv ... . .1 . .••• Iv •: I'Oi v-ll ct re mr.t'.f -l %\ :t. '•* a • ' >*' .tare Ol' 'foillr. t i:■ * 5 . ' i •:?>• '■ MtAiLhit- . : tiry%.*kh •inia Mil ivith tferfrcl taiVly 10 u is luoiitlknold* liir nU, or n 111 mi of n&iit*3 . . 1 These Remedies are the best Itiood l'ttrilleris ntr knovm, aiul icM curt all dic/STts resi.l fr.im bad hloo.l, I Kern your WOO/ pout; keep your J.inr IN order; keep your di'trttirt etiyaus nt u Sfunul, hfjltby condi tion, by fh ' are rf tb "■ r-r.n s. mul tin •■/ ii7/ : ever assail you. ! , ■Nu I,'mi WST —'m a, - W ass I-adirs who xvish a fair skin and good complexion, tree from a yellovs tsh tinge a nd all other disfigurement, should use these remedies occasion ally. Tile Liver in iierfeet order, and. the hloott pure, will result In spark ling eyes anil blooming checks. t: iA. L'TIOS. itwi'- <: r."u Remedies ore c 'lu'rrftUtd. The hare the signet ure of V. K JKrtMtll '• the friiu of t/u mUsid wrupypr yf ifslidikSsA , Me n'oir of the oris U< to ti is ■ udt luti>. All "Html ; . are. rounlmfeit. ! j Thousands of letters have been re eel ted, testify lug to the t lr tie of these remedies. , READ THE RECOMMENDATIONS. , , FUO.U HON. 0 EO. b". WOODAVAKD, j Ciii' f .TusliVrt of tbeSapieme Court of lVniKyh siii i -I'muiitiyiiu, M.iScu 16111. 1>17. /find u JloofiantTs firm.ion Hi ' oi ' - itoitoy bcrrra/fe, best is a yc.%l ; useful in I'l's >•- drrs of the shsyegf lTlll fir tns, and >f fraal bftsrJU in eases <f .d lolify a ! n'fiul of oerebsts notirSk IN th iyslT.i. lours I rids. GKO. it. WOODWARD FROM llu'v. J t'flis iiIOMPiOK, Jndge cf tin-t.iprea:-. 3-i*tof l , PIIIL.tDEI.rBIt, .tIT.II. tlSJll, i 1 consider " lloofland's German Bit ters" a rr tillable medicine in case of at tacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from m> experience || ofti. Yours, tvllli respect, .JAMES THOMI'SOV. From RKY. JOSltPit if. KKNYtItH, !'.!>, Pastor of tho Tc-ntli Il ipli-t Cimr.!', 1 l.i. i ii'lplii i. I ' Dr.JACESOU—Dear SIR: —//.,;,•■ eufr'u n-i./iyrr- j ' one'd lto runted . . . i r , a* "■ '• I difierr..! kinds of -mttlidr.rr. I' ' , . • > I' u.i out of my appropriate r, I hasr •••? <■ >.,r. ' j clined; but icilba cUarpn iinvr-b sin- .ii.-rs.evl ( . particularly iu myc-ip ■; fin, .• • >/.T IrntM i Jlooflun<Vt German Vi'.Urr. i'lcpattf. ■ • r usual course, to repress My/'■' . i . i' ffir | gontM'al debility of laosystem, I r-ii'- i: y f :- laser Complaint, it is n tafe ami valuable prepm ui . ,'u some casts it may fail; but SUM iffy, .' toubl ■i I be rery btntfirial to those tiho sr, " >■ f r ' .* 1 causes. Yourt.re>y rtspeeffiull : J. It. KK\ .Mil'. ; , ■■■ . .it c Prica of the Bitters, SI.OO per fcoMio; Or, a half dozen for 35.00. Price of the Tonic, 31.50 p-.v bottic; Or, a half dozen for 37.50. Tiie Tonic is pill up in ijnarl b.it!!•. Recoiled that it is l>r. I! "finnb's : man I'm;. ' that are. so unicers-dly used and sn hiyldy r ■■ i nd ed; and do not album the JJruyuisl '■> < i wo ' take any thing else thai be may * iy is iast a>■ p rl. be cause he mahrs a larger profit .si i". The.a Id in" f willbt sent by express bt uo'J loculi'.j ujr>n a;a.l\ n to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, .V 0.631 ARCII STREET, I'ldtodetphi ~ C'HAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor, formerly C. M. JACKSON & fO. These Remedies are for sate by Druggists, S tore keepers, ami .Medi cine Dealers everywlicrc. Do not forget to examine ve't the ar'i.l order to get the genuine Nth'RT-k Tho publio are hero by noticed that I have !eft ! with P, H. Poioer, of Lemon 'l'p. ono red cow, to bo kept by him during my pleasure. All person- aro • cautioned against ni'dosting or inten'ering with the I same, and that they will do so at their peril. GEORGE 3TOCREL. Tank. Pa. Sey. 7th. 1 SALS. vFnrtliv. f't)A 1' fAbAI'. A DARK colored ,<A(tK COAT was loet, n Wed nssiay, August 2fith, lielween I'unkli .ni.. ck ! and Auburn Corners, via Keiscrvillc, probably l>e tween Keiservill* nd the 0 imp Groun i. Anyone returning laid eo.it, or giving iaforiaatien where it may be bund will be suitably rewarded S. F BROWN. SWibatlML Sepb IS, 1668'-3t, VOMAI.—FIIULIS, GViSO ?0 TIE peculiar and irnportant relations which Ihey stu tain, their pe niiar organ izatiou, and the office* they perform, are subject to many sufferings. freedom from these contribute in no small degree to their happiness and we|f;n<> f. i not e can be Upf.jr who nro ill. N ' I-BIT H I.t no rte f ibc< i.r ist nt'ilo cotnpljii.t- fi to- g.. U.f r- t- I i .li.- nil with out involving i" i . i ... ,i and ere I ins p , . . mature it'.n i . .HI , pliysiefan 'or - * ■ \,u , lK feosfcns. arf i •- r -- r will : true. • i - t HA < h-nio as to •' • '■' i . s• • . plscing alb -i, I- , ' . found fcliic o U-C in li . log l-I . 111 !•; I . •! ,V •. ry one of tb •n.a • . ..., the wx. Li.Mibotn'.< ENTDA' r< i I cm ii.it. •-•is -nf f-r on in till i c. n.l bun .:••!.■ M n:h-i, a j.plj v.iai ty to drui-gist" an i :i toi . v.ho'tiilu r u„ :e!y :au talito thoiu wit.i lha Lo|io <-l H , ure or apply rcuie diis v.hich make them worse, i would not wish in ' assert anything t!ui! wool I do Injn-lice to the af fltcied, but lum obliged t , say that although it may be produ- t i from c.vees-ivo exhaustion of ibe . powers of] lite, by laborijoa employment, unwhol couie nir and teod. pmfo-e mens'rnation, the ue of tea and coil'to, nui frequent ehilabirth, it i fur oft ener caused by dued irritation, appked to the ma cous momiirane o'" the vigina itsell. When reviewing the cause* ot these distre-win eomplnint , it is most paif.lul to contemplate the at ; ten tiir.t crils ecnseqoent upon them. It i- but aim -1 pie justice to the subjovt to eoumernte a few of tho many additional caoscs whkh ai largely ati'ec-t the i life, health and Imppinei- of women iu a'i! classes ot society, and which, coMeqwntly, affect liiore or le , directly, the wellfaro of toe < ntirc Uuuiau family. , i°® "ur.i i that exists lor precocious education an! t.. rri.ige. causes the years-that nil are <;eHgt,ed for 1 c- ; j oral clcvelopcmcuis to bo wasted and perverted ■ in the rtf mints qfdrc?s the cirly eonfinement of liooi, nnd especially iu tho unhealthy excitement ot tho b. !i-room. iiiu-, with liio body half clothed and the mind nnduly excited by pleasure, isirvert'- nig iu ini ir.ight revel the hours designed bv nature | for sleep and rest, the woik of destruction is halt accomplished. In CM sequence of this early strain ujion her sys tern, unnecessary effort is r-quh 1 by iha de licate votary to reiain her situation iu school nt winter day, tutu aggravating the ceil. When one exeite : 'nt is over, anoih-r :n ; s|.ective keeps the mind j morbidly sensitiT* i„ lmpraaaum, whiie iu- now een sDi.t restra ut ol i iriiion iblo dress, ab-oiutelr tor old Lug the exercise in IL-pcnwble to the attaianent M fCTctitton of organic health and slreri-'th • txj , ure to night air ; the sudd, n change" often,. 1 'ure: the complete prostration produced by ex j' -Mvcd lilting, most a necessity, produce their ~i '* '' ti ! l ' M 1 narriug, curd ; iHiHjij . aud like uiifoi fiinatc on©, hith -it,, s, mt.ily n-ardlci- flhe plain ilieUitis and I'emonstranees f.rr delicate nature, becomes at, i ! v.lilu-.g -abject of :ucdie i treatment. This is lit tiutl-ful pi, tore of the experience tf thousand* of our young woi,u-n L rg Uime the ability to oxerei e the functions of he gciic-ative ~rp ,ns, they acquire an education of tneir i e ul; r n-rv .ystera, c- mp e I of what ! ' y ' '• - '■>*•• *h o is, in ceunnoo with the i '--i !at d lijs, evidently no ler the control of MR 'it,! as Delations .-.| !in early p*. liodof lite; alii, as wo si,all sub^equi-nliv -cc the-- c: lis Wh. nev C.-.-..U-, lead, long 'b e for' pw ty.to hi?. -S which sip lilt VI rv life of their victims ere nature hn n lf-coirp!cted tiu-ir dcvl opc.cnt. for I . mule W,-knrs* aal Debility, Whites or Leucorl.o .1 100 i'r-tu-c Mcr..-:iualfcn, Eslmustion. iu" I. ng t .rutiutu u !r T'roltipsus nnl Moating Down, ot li- : j.-us l leri, wo offer the most poifoci epcc-itie kno E : JIKT.MB n.ti's Cojiroixn EX TRA, r i I cer. Lireit-ons lor use, dic-t, and ad vice, at • f !:i?.ar.y l-cni lies in eic-ry peri., lof life, from infancy to extr ia<; cl 1 age, wiit.lir.d it a remedy to ai 1 nature iu tho oi.-ch.-iig• of its funetioi -. .Stronglh is the glory of manhood and womanhood, IIELMB ILD'S I Xii.AcT I'ti lit is liiore strengthening th in any of the preparations of i.ar. or jp,u r infinitely safer and more pirns mt. Hnvr,,.i.i s EXTRACT Ercm ! haying revt uc i :h<: init-irseinent of th- tr.-et promi n' : " '' ' Fn'tf, : m w ,ffei-| : " : ' r - ace.- .. , : |. o i„|.,. 1' A ' f. -h-ei.r.. i i- I. diin i ,I j I'ht-i,- t Urf"--.., • . . >!■..; . , p* v- • •' *m • • , a-i -. ;• * 1..." P-"-'.' ' - ' ' , f-i.i dies* f- ' ' a, tot. H I tU rf s -V-a,..,.., i;etakifited stole trfdbe system. To in ire the genuine, rut this cut. Ark for JIEI.V - ti< 1 1> s. Take ro other. eiohi by druggists and Dcaier- ci c-rvwhere price 31.25 per bottle, or six ~ c- :.,r h(j.uO. to any address. De sertl-c symptoms in sill communications. Address II i. I:fcL.MlSOI.lt, J>rog un 1 rhemical Ware hou.-e, -i'.'l Broadway, X. Y. VON!; ARE GEM INK UNLESS DONE UP IN Li etctl engraved wrapper, with facsimile of my Chemical TV aich-Usc, iinj signod 11. T. IIELMBOLD. vn-i.fi-jm. iliE AMKKICAN BII'iTOI HE EIIIK HI >E W IKG Mr ICIIINE CO., In h. .ng tHlrution t., their CELEBRATED COHI BI fio:-. LULL -AND .SEWING MACHINE, beg leave to refer to it.- v - n lerful p.ip ulntity us con, lu-ite , n of i t n great merit* ihc ii -i ;,i s . - I't in.iii l tor this valuable tnarb'-ne l is beer. TEN IT-LI) during the last seven no illis OL' i dnst -,eur htlcre the j üblte. t ■ and mrpii.-ing 6u. t.-s is uuprscedent cl in Ihc ! i rv nt wing i.. ;chiov> :n 1 feel ful.y i.ai r.-i.tcii in claiming the t I'!' ii A s x() j-: q r \L , LI I\P. ABROLOTELV THIS ! L.T• SS/XXK.G TTTiyrrr; IN THE WORLD, And fi'.fritislrallv t'te Cfscaprst. f really two mi chines com- 'n-i! ia line, (by a rim; !-> ■ . i eau.'itui tu. hnntenl arrangement.) unikiiig b ail the Shutllo or Lock-Oitrh, und the vur-.-ii!, "g and ISutUin-hoie c'i'.ch, with equal rfectioo. It exeonlex in the iery bc-t ma t.er ivtsy i riety of selling, such ; s, Heiii mu.g, 1 ci.ing, Loiu'iu,;, , i-king, r-iitehmg. Brai l ir.g i.:d Quilting, Gol g and sewing oil, (done at '♦*..niuo ii- -a.) :i , i ii addition, Ovcrscauis, E ,m ict-> ci t',a c •: d makes beautiful hut - 1# and Eye!. ; holes .! rab.ics. 1 i 1 mn-hi: i s wi-'i; tcimcn* of woik and WORKING -. II HE SEEN ,I 0 TIXKIi A A MOCK, PA., by c.tiling on tho undersigned, agents for the sale of thorn in Wyoming C. unty. MRS. GEO. S. TUTTON, MRS- BEN J* NEWMAN. vTu-Kitf. For Sale at Mott's, HOOTS. BINGHAMTON BOOTS. ot Lester A (Lob best tu.ike IvIP and CAI.F CWEGO BOOTB. Best u aki EASTERN 800 IS. A full stock of La'dies' Shoes. B.ilinornl. ('tingit--., Boots of Glove Ivi i inil G a'. Also, Button Uaiters. GENT'S I N'DK'tSH IRTS AND DRAWERS. GENT'' BUCKSKIN GJOVES n' MITTENS. Gci l' Kill Gf.OYE®, Lined, I'nlined and Fnr-lincd, I'or Sa^ 1 at Mott's LOMXEK STORK, Tuokhaonockt Pa-rShUtf