Local and Personal. attention! * ■>ce the great Zangarl Bitter* advertisement In another column. ffie Tickets tor the Octoh r election will r,e printed and ready for distribution at tin-" office in day or two. The Dedtcatio~of sh>- New Presbyterian i, hareh, here, will take place to morrow—Thursday. V large attendance is anticipated. The Sunday School Convention,—mentioned in our paper for a week or two pest, is now in session l this place. The Rev. George Coffey, of H illiams p..rt is in attendanee. The R. K.'l'l ack--is l.iid up io a joint about tw> miles hel.iw the Lock at this place, the terminus for !he present— where a siding and a i lor turning the engine is being bulit. Regular trains will prob ably be run to this place next week. \ Naturaliz tiou Couitwillbe heldbyjudgt liana, of Wilkes Barre, on Thursday and Friday, Oct. Bth and 6th, 1868. AU entitled to their final Naturalization papers Uould attend, ltapllsm. Tha Rev. Mr. Furman of this place, administered the ordinance of baptism to Miss Hetty Vosburg, at the river's edge on Sunday last. Quite a number of our citizens were present and witnessed the Inter esting ceremony. Attend to the assessment. Remember, Democrats, that all jiersons who in tend to vote at the October election, should be as sesseil as early as Saturday (next) Oct. 3. Do not neglect this matter. Look to it, that the names ot your lriends are on the assessor's list. A little activ ity in this respect, will save scores of votes. Do not dejiend upon others, in this matter— Look to it your- MT If! si iidier.s ot the war of 1 w 1 2 Trout this State who served two months, or were wounded or other wise disabled while in the service, who are iu neces sitous circumstances (i e : not possessed of real and personal property to the value of $500,) and the wid ows of such, are entitled by the existing laws, of this Commonwealth, upon making the proper prools, to a gr.tnitv of S4O, and to the sum ofs4o annually thereafter. This provision was made by the Legis lature of 1866; repealed in 1867 ; and again revived ls6B, and is now in full force. We think it more than probable, that there arc jiersons in this County who come within the t>enefits of the provisions of this act and therefore make known the law as we understand it. Home Gathering. The children ami grand-ehildren—of Rebecca Minei, of Eaton Tp., in this County,—about 30 • uumber—met on the 25 inst., at the homestead, to celebrate the 78th anniversary of their mother's t.irtli-day. Ail the children except one were pres ent. The hearts of those present were saddened by thoughts of loved ones who had gone from this world to return no more, but thankfulness was lelt that so many yet survived to meet on that day, and hopefulness that In Heaven, where they all hoped to dwell at last, they would again be an unbroken lam ily. The old Lady was much effected, at parting by the reflection that this would probably be the last time she would ever, on earth, witness such an other family gathering. \;eil Persons. The names, ages, &e., of the following aged j>er ;ons hare icon handed us for publication : WASHISOTOK T P.— Thomas Basrlev.born in Wind sor Co., Vermont, March 13tli, 1764. Served in the war ot 1812. R. J. Blekham, born in Philadelphia, Nov. sth, 1763. Served in the war of 1812—was at the battles l Lundy's I-atie and Chlpcwia MESHOPPEN TP.—Henry Arndts, aged 77 years Sept. lith. born in Northampton Co., Pa. in giving the name ol Mrs. Mary Pilgrim, an aged ; rson residing with her son, in Eaton, our type otters inadvertently placed her name among others tr.jm Meshoppen. In the general list of aged persons published bj us u few weeks since, the place of nativity of Henry Roberts Esq., of Palls, was incorrectly put down as Conn. Esq. Roberts was born and has always lived la this County. The list showed but one or two old • little Delaware and a couple of clusters of the to erca. We have nine of the choicest kinds of . i>cs. from which silps ean lie had at the proper time f-.r transplanting. All order" for the grapes, . i the plant" or silps will be supplied, 11 made in the proper season. YOYRS TRII.Y, AHIRA GAY. lecldeiit. Tne bridge crossing the canal, on the main street failing into town trom the East near Samuel Stark's si ile being crossed to-day, ( Wednesday,) with one ' Col. Marcy's teams, With a load of stone fell adis an-e of fifteen feet or upwards into the canal, carry s with it the driver (Mr. John Ace) with team and r.ig'in. Mr Ace escaped serious Injury,—though ' a thorough ducking. The team by timely aid ra our citizens, who rushed in large numbers to cne of the catastrophe,—after considerable 'icuiiy was extricated from drowning and the fall 'i ruin-. The wagon was badly wrecked, i - bridge which appeared to be ami was thought nil. t i is- a Sound and safe one, appears, now that •lown, to be a mass of rotten trash. Of course It • "• most speedily replaced by a new ami more etantial one, by the Canal fv R. R. Co. The "T old bridge at the lower end of town should be ally looked to and tested. "■•rTlii \> editing. We—that is, our "modest" self and our "gude having on the 17th inst., arrived at Teii ar mile since we have jogged along in tuntri .il harness ; and being somewhat destitute of tilings." concluded to have at our home, one of • ■ ial gatherings, called "a Tin wedding."— • attaii- came oil to our entire satisfaction so far as ol in. ry thing else was concerned, and to the iu ' .'.i: ice lit ot the two little"irer" who have joined fortunes wiih us, since the beginning ofthe '<•; H<■i an hardly hope that our generous - who were present on the occasion, were us - iti-fied n- ourselves. We, assure all, that the dection ol their kind wislies, will ever cliecr and V< us in the future—and that many of their >e tin tokens of trleudsbip will be carefully " r ed • mementos of the donors and theocea I wh e notice of Che event wc give below, : that we had not before mentioned the af file surmises we were "overpowered." We !ri ' rnaze of tin. We knew not what to say I 'ret mat anything we could say might sound ' -a-t upon our own tin trumpet, or a tnnk up ' kiiag tin-pan. :r *'-ii lin speaking ol the aliair says: t-oiToti: —On glancing over the Local column ' nearer for last week, we wondered that no - i'U liad been made of a pleasant little gather 's io:-h many of our citizen" wcresnmmoned as . =. 1 W MRH. HARVEY SICKLEH, 7 Jl OM A \ M ITHOL'T THE TIN. Evening, Sept. # 17.,^808. i 'tft, a the hours of 6 and 10 v'clork IH AS.MVEIU'AET OF Tueia WECDISO DAT. 1 ' insist tliat the affair was so insigulli • lie forgotten : nor will the guests. Is your • cA<-es,ive ? \\ e assume that your gratitude uiauy generous friends over|>owereliss Phebe J. Sands, both of Exeter. Pa. BRITTON—DICKER SOX—At Overfield, Sept 19, by Lewis AgerEsq., Mr. John Uritton of Falls to Miss Helen itiekeison, of Wilkes Barre, Luzerne Co., Pa. ARMSTRONG—KIRKHCFF-At Overfield, Sept. 21th, by Lewis Ager Esq., Thomas K. Armstrong ot Overfield, formerly a memlier ol Co. 1, 101 th Kegt. Peun. Vols., to Miss Silloma Klrkhulf, of Falls. 4k- Doylestown Democrat please copy. iperial Itotiffs. LOST OR STOLEN, At the Nicholson Fair, a pocket book. containing ten dollars in money, and a note dated about June Ist., 1868, calling for *-200, pay able one year after late to the undersigned and signed Jasjier Hillings payment of which has been stopped. \Vesley Billisos Tukkhaknock, Sept. 28th, 1868. n93w. GUIDE TO MARRIAGE. Young Men's Huideto Happy Marriuge and Con jugal Felicity. The humane views of benevolent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses incident to Vouth and Early Manhood, sent in sealed letter en vejopes, free ot charge. Address HOWARD ASSO CIATION, Bos. I'. Philadelphia, P.i \-Bn3ly. DISSOLUTION. The copartnership heretofore existing between •fohn S Lum t S. I*. Brownscombe, under the firm name of Lum & Brownscombe, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent All the hoiks and ac counts of the firm are left iu the hands of J.S. Lum, for collection, and br whom all debts wilt be paid. LI M A BROWNSCOMBE Brintrim, Sept- sth, 18fi8. tßnf,3w ADMINISTRATORS'!* NOTICE. Whereas, letters of Administration to the estate of Dan'l Kunsinan, late of Tunkhannock tp., dee'd, have been granted to the subscriber. All jiersons in debted to the said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims or de mands against the estate of the said decedent, will make known the same duly authenticated without delay to LEVI SLATE, Adui'r. Haid Mount, I.uz. Co., Fa. Sep. 18, 'Os-n*. NOTICE. Tlie undersigned having purchased, by bill ol sale, of Henry Williams, of Nicholson tp. in the County of Wyoming, the tollowing named articles, to wit : 1 Sorrel Mare, 1 Rhoan Horse, 1 set team harness, 1 lumber wagon, 2 sets log trucks, 1 cutting box, 2 log chains. 1 set grab hooks and eliaius, 2 bob-sleds, 1 brown eow, 1 brindle cow, 1 white and red cow, 1 shovel, about 10 tons hay, together with beds anil bedding and other household lurniture ; which prop erty 1 have left on the premises now occupied by the said Henry Williams. All persons are forbid to mo lest or interfere with the sanl property, as they will do so at their peril. G. I>. WILLIAMS. Sep. ICth. 1808. HB3W. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES for the Western District ol Peun'a. In the matter of Jerome J. l.ord.a Bankrupt, in Bank ruptcy. To u hom it may Conn i n : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Je rome J. Lord, of Nicholson, in the County of Wyo ming and State of Pennsylvania, within said Dis trict, who has-been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. THOS. J. CHASE, Assignee. Nicholson, Ft., Sep 23d, ML-aMtt. NOTICE. To all whom it may concern : It apjiears that "there was a subscription gotten up for me in the beginning of .1 uly last. It is now Sep tember and I have not yet received anything given by the subscribers to :\lr. Jared Marcy, who circula ted it in the neighborhood. Those who contributed will please call on .Mr. Mnrey and "get their money back." Ido not wish the people to give him any more money on my account. They should be thank ed for helping him. who says he "was ordained by God to preach, aud Is led by the spirit in all things. ISAAC COOLBACGH. Exetr, Sep. 21, 1808—n8w2- For doing a family washing in the best and cheap est manner Guaranteed cqa.il to any in the world! Has all tbo strength of old rosin soap with the mild and lathering qualities of genuine Castile. Try this splendid Soap. Sold by the ALPEN CHEMICAL WORKS, 48 North Front Street, Philadelphia vS-r.5 ly. TOW A N P A A O R I C II L T T v R A L WORKS TO WANDA, PKNNA., M ANT FACT li RES 111 BS, SPOKES, BENT STUFF , HEAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS, GENERAL WOOD WORK, WO OP TURN IMG IN A LL I TS URANCfrSS, SCROLL SAWING PLANING. ETC , ETC. To Dealers in 111 PS, SPOKES HE XT STIFF, We offer a LARGE STOCK FROM WHICH T> SNCLKCT. The above are from the best SECOND GROWTH JIICKORY \ OAK. 1.10(IT ANn HKAVY \. .ICONS ON II 18*11. IVo have the Broad and Narrow Guage. [""j** MILL PICKS made and diessed. W. T. BISHOP, Auperintendant M C. MKRCI'R, Pirsident. v-ul!y To wan la, July 2 IbfiS for Sale at Moll's, BOOTS. BINGIfAMTON BOOT '. fd Lester A CVs best make KIP and CALF OWEGO BOOTS. Besi make EASTERN BOOTS. A full slock of Ladies 1 Shoes. Balmoral, Congress, l'oiisli Boots of filove Ki) 1 -N. AGENTH H \\Ti:i> FOR Dr. Kane's Gioat Pictorial Work, Arctic Explorations, An elcg.m: 1 oiuiae of rare-' nm -ml in.inn rion , ami of great Umt for all render-, WITH :><) BEAUTIFUL ENGRAV-i INGSaui ' etehofthe Author Ex--u-iie territory eiieu iio-i l4iir coiuiui-fions j For •r -u'ars and ■-. 11' re < il - pui Ushers, ; BLL-* .V CO . Newark. \ J. Agents Wanted For Matthew Halt? Smith's .New Book, S l~J\ SJTI.YBA SI/A DOH A etc J 'ork YOF WISH to know how Fortunes are made and last in a day ; How "Coun -®--®- trymen" are swindled bv .-hnrjiers ; How Gambling houses and Lotteries are - ondueled. and everything of interest relating to Prominent Men and imjxirtant places of New \ork, Read ! Read Read ! Sv s S 111 N E ami SIIADOIF in SE If YORK- A largo Octavo Volume, over TOO pages, finely Il lustrated. We want agents, Mule or Female, in every city and town to Canvass for is. Everybody wants to Know all about New York. No book ever published thai sells so rapidly, C'anvaswcrs rejwt immense sales IVe employ no General Agents and offer tho larg est commission. .Send for our 32 page circular Full particulars and terms to agents sent lree on application to J. 11. BURR & A (),, Pulllifib. era, Ilartlorrt Genu. ,t ANTED. Clergymen, Teachers, and Superintendents of Sab* bath Schools, and others to act as agents for tho HOME BOOK OF WONDERS. A work of great interest fullv illustrated ; also for the COTTAGE BIBLE, and FAMILY EXPOSITOR. ! in two volumes, containing nearly 1500 pages, com- ( pri-ing the Old and New Testaments, with practical j expositions and explanatory notes, Ly Inos. \V il- j 1.1 A M S. A few of the many Recommendations, j From the late Rev. Joel Hants, I). D.. Tutor of ! the First Congregational Church, Hartford. Ct —"I know of no commentary so cheap that contains so : great an amount of valuable matter " From Rev. N II Eggleston. D. D., Paster of Plymouth Church, Chicago, 111 —"I cheerfully re- J commend it as the BKST commentary on the Seriji- i •ures tor genera! use." For terms and eireulors. ad- j (j r(: s-- A. BRAINARI>, tiartlord, Cunn. j A'.EMS WAFTED FOR "THE BLUE-COATS Andhoic they Lived- Fought and Pied for the ! Vnion with Scenes and Incidents in the Great ] Rebellion ll contains ever ICO fine Engravings' and 500 pages, aud is the spiciest and cheajest war ; book published. Price only $".30 jicr copy. Send | ft." cir-u'ais and see our terms, and full description ; - f the wok. Address JONES BROTHKRS A CO: Philadelphia, l'a. , Cincinnati. Ohio; L'bicag. 111., j or St. Louis, Mo. GRANT & COLFAX. BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR ROWLAND'S ; G- r ant. O.Y E Large Octavo Volume Finely Illustrated i Ono agent has sol J DO copies in ■ days. j One agent has sold GO copies in II days. One agent (a lady) has sold -JO cojiics in '2 days We employ no general agents and offer extra in ducements to cania9sers. Send for circular and j learu our terms to agents i.etore engaging elsewhere. ! J. B. BI RR ,t CO., Publishers, Hartford.Conn AGENTS WANTED FOR TIIK OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAX, ! It- ('atts'-s.Ciiainnriuct nn any one on receipt of S'Jets. Anybody can sell 100 to 1000 of these books almost anywhere. For terms to agents anp other information,nddress J. E PUTTER ACu , Pub's, l>]4 A 617 Senom St., Philadelphia,Pa GET TIIE BEST 1 Tli v Praise O li" crill g ! .1 XE IF CIICRCU ML SIC BOOK, By the distinguished composer, V. C. TAYLOR, on i his I'atent lnuex Staff- Price $1 50. Sptcimen pages sent free on application- Liberal discount to ' the trade and to classes. MILLS & CO., Des Moines,lowa. ! A .8. EAUNF.S A CO., N. Y.; !I. Klkbeb A Bro., Pittsburg A 1 4Y/A/"k A TEAK To agents to sell the 1 eC\J\J Btar Shuttle Sewing Machines. Full particulars free. Extra inducements to ex perienced Agents. Call on or address IV. G. VVIL 80X A CO., Cleveland, 0 ; Boston, Mass . .-r ?t. Louis, Mo. STUDS A IHaHMMSTAII I > AILRGAD COMPA ■ Y Seven percent ILfirst Mortage Bonds. February and August Coupons. Tho earnings of the completed road to , Pilot Knob are now more than the interest on tho entire mortgage The proceeds of these Binds are AJ>n:nn to the security every day, Ovkr SB,UIMI,OOO have been spent on the projierty, otid not over $2,- (tOb.COO of bonds issued thus far. The constantly j increasing traffi-.- of carrying ork, witli too prospect of controlling all the travel froip St. Louis t" tho Soutiicin States, ensuresnn enormous revenue, The Directors ow.v 8 10 of the stock for in vestmcnt, and are interested to enrich the property as well as to 1 oconomise its expenses lIIOS ALI-KN, President, Ft. Louis, M-- !We, the undersigned, cordially recommend these seven percent, mortgage honjs, of the St. Louis and I Iron Mountain Railroad, as a goo I security. Tho revenue of tho road will ho large, and tho adminis- | (ration ot the affairs of the company is in capable ; aud experienced hands, anj b entitled to the great est confidence of the public JAMES S. THOMAS Mayor of St. Louis 'JOHN.I. ROE Pres't Sr. Louis Chiunbor of Com merce. E. IV F<)X, Pros't St Louis Board of Trade BARTON BATES, Prcs't North Missouri Kaiir-iad. 1 J It BRITTON, Pre't Nat. Bank of the State of Missouri. Wpi. L. EWING. Pres't of tb i Mer. N B. of St, j Louis. GEO. H. REA, Pres't Second Nat Bunk of Nr. Louis JAN. B. EADS. Chief Eng St. l.ouii A 111 Bridge Co. GEO. W. TAYLOR, Pres't Pacific Kail rod (of Mo.) WM. MASSIG, Pres't Traders' Bank, St. Loiii-. JOHN K. LIONBEROER, Pres. T. X Bank, St , i Louis ADOLPiIi'N METER, Vice-Pres't I . Pacific P.AH way ! ROBERT BAItTH, Pies't German Savings Institu i tions. | Coupons payable in the city ol New York. A | limited number of tho above named Bonds for sale ! at Eighty-five. Parties living out of the city can - remit by draft or express, and the bon-Is will be re t turned by express free of charges We invite the i attention of capitalists and others to them as, in our j opinion a very desirable inves inont, destined to rank ias a first-class security. Descriptive Pamphlets, ; Ma D 8 and in!' rmition can be had on application to luWNSEND. WHELEN A CO.. No- 309 Walnut j st, Pbiladcljhi t, Agents of tlie St. Lonis and fr. n | Mountain H K. Co, , Phila lilph' i references CunttKia liuis Co. i Gaw Bro.v A Co.; THOS. A BiPJ>i.c A Co. \ LL wanting eroployment can have a good tud ness by addressing DAVID A Rao. 722 Sanaun st. Philadelphia , ifefo Abimlisfmnifs. Circular Saws of one temper over the whole plate Malay, Mill, Cross cut and Gang. Equal to nny made in the word, For sale by all dealers and the makers, LIPPINCOTT A BRAKEWELL. Pitts burg. Pa j ITTANTED.--To employ a good, reliablo man j in every county to introduce the "Wonder of I the World." Situation profitable and permanent Address J. C. TILTON, Pitt-burgh, Pa Cj #V£ff VUcr Month guaranteed, Sure pay. Agents wanted immediately everywhere to sell our Patent Everlasting White Wire Clothes Lines Call at or address the GIRARD WIRE MILLS, Philadelphia, Pa \ WATCH FREE —given gratis to every live man who will act as agent in a new, light and hon orable business, paying j3O a day. No gift enter prise. No humbug. Address R. MOSROP. KENEDY, Pittsburgh, Pa Have You Seen It ? THE MAGNETIC POCKET TIME-KEEPER Mi!) COMPASS 'THUS really useful little TIMK KEEPER is got i i up in a handsome ease with gloss shade, steel I and metal works, white enameled dial, an 1 is of or i dinary watch size, sound and serviceable Warrant ed to denote eorteel time. Bent by mail for 81 ; 3 for 82. Address l> liURNIIAM, Lock Box 5, New burgh, N. Y. IT is conceeded that tho great l Hitters has mastered more diseases, both acute and cbrnn ; ic, than any bitter tonic in the known world. It | has cured Cholera, the worst forms of Fevers, Pneu monia, Liver and heart disease, Chronic Diarrhoea, ' Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Sick lletdache, and will i cure any disease arising from a disordered state of 1 the blood. it is r> commended by Governors of j states, Members of Congress, distinguished divines j and physicians, and the proprietor can show more j sworn certificates ot cures than any other Bitters ;ui inu.acturers in America 6cn 1 lor n circular, an 1 | read them. 9-I.J hy druggies and de-.lers generally I BEURV, BIUCKET A CO.. wholesale liquor dealers. ! side Agents for Western States, Chicago, 111. F | RAUTEK A CO., B.le Proprietors, 6 North Front .St., I Philadelphia. OXYGENIZED INHALANT —CURES- Catarrh, Bronchitis, Consumption, Asth ma, ami Scrofula. For eireulas and full particulars enquire -t y.-ur druggist, or address OXYGENIZED AIR INSTI TUTE, Syracuse, N' Y GItOCEItS AN I) DRUGGIST* HAVE AZUHENE. COM LNTKATEI) INDIGO Hi. l . SN EAC H "2G C ENT Bit.X * PATENT PlfJ-CUSHION CS E.Vi&RY Bob ii PAUED. B| Aftlj .MAN HOOD N..t ..Kg s. iuqs.r- DLUUliitunt .Send two stamps for scale! 72 pages on the rvbole sipj-ct Dr. WHITTIKR, confi dential physician, 617 .St. Charles st , M. Louis, Mo stands pre-eminently above all others in his speeiali- , ty. No matter who failed, state your ease. Pa tients treatel by mail in every 6t ite. i#e &ell rem -One Collar V* GIOLD and Bilver Watches, Sewing Machines, Silk Tltress Patterns. Carpetings. Domestic Goods, Ac. CIRCULARS SENT FREE. giving full particulars, or ten checks sent for One Dollar, describing ten different articles which we will sell fbr Solendid inducements offered to agents sending u- Ctub* Address LABONTE A BABBITT. No. S3 Sulbury Street, Boston, Muss GREAT DISTRIBUTION BY THE METROPOLITAN Gift Company! Cash Gifts to the amount of §2.50,u00. | every ticket draws a prize. 5 Cash Gift 3. Each 810,000 : 10 |* 5,000 ' . •' 1 (too 1 40 '• I 200 to 150 150 Sewing Machines 99 i '250 Musical Boxes ' ,u 200 ; i 300 Fine Gold Watches •'< 300 750 Fine Silver Watches " ' ' to D . Fine Oil Paintings. Framed Engravings, Silver Ware, Photograph Albums, an 1 a lurge assortment of F ; nc liold Jowelrv, in all valued at 81,030,000. A chan e to draw'any of the above Prizes, hy ! purchasing a Sealed Ticket for 25 cents tickets : des r.bing each Prize are SKSI Kl> in Envelopes an I i thoroughly mixed* On receipt of 25 els. a SK.VI.KII t TICK FT will he drawn without choice and delivered at. our offi.e, or sent by mail to any address The ■ prize named upon it will he delivery 1 to th*> liekot t holder on nayiuent of Gne Itnilar 1 r.zes will be immediately sent to any address, i- req'uesteJ, by i express or return mail. You will know what your Prize is before you pay for it. Any Prize may ho exchanged for nnodter of j th same value No Blanks. c f jr- many who have lately drawn valuable ' Prizes and kindly permitted us to publish thetn : .8. T Wiikins, Buffalo, N, Y , 1,000 ; Miss Annie Monroe, Chicago, 111., Piano, valued at 8650 j Robt. , Jack-on, Dubuque, lowa, Gold Watch, 8250 Phillip McCarthy. Louisville, Ky , Diamond Cluster j Ring, 8600 ; K. A. Patterson. Neiv Bedford, Mass., Silver Tea Set, 8175 ; Mis Emma Walworth, Mil waukee, Wis., Piano 8500 ; Rev T. IV, Pitt, Cleve land, Ohio, Meladeon, 8125. nr We publish ni names without permission. Opinions ol the press.—"They are doing the larg est business ; tb firm is reliable, and deserve their success-" Weekly Tribune, Feb 6, 6t>B, ; "We have examined their system, and know tbera to be a fair dealing firm 2V. 1. Herulrl. heb. '6B. | "Last week a Iriend of ours drew a 8500 prize, j which was promptly received." — Unity Neirs, Mar, ; : 3, 1666. 1 Send for circular giving many more references, nnd favorable notices from the press Liberal in ducements to agents. Satisfaction guaranteed ' Every pnekage of Sealed Envelopes contains ONE * I CASH i.tfT. Six Tickets for 81 : Is fi-r 82 ; 35 for 85 ; 110 lor 815, All letters shonld be addressed to HARPER. WILSON A C 0.,, 173 Broadway, N. Y. I a : W¥Zoi \ hS, v. - - o/y 55S* which settles, by documentary evidence, what has been said, wiittcn, tuouglitor done, by OL Ji' .\A A T TIiESIJtAJA T, ;isA. D. lib iiAtinsos's Personal llistury of ( J. Grant. fbo Republican Union Committee zt Wash ington, recognize its Hijtfcw-tijity and i 43 no authority, sending fof copies of it for tr.at pnrpr.se. The press universally discard others. We •. want Agents tor it in this county Send for Circil , jrf, termi, 4a., to BLISS ACO , Newark, N. J Jlffoffoijfrtisfraeirts. THE ORIGINAL SNT: COLLAR ■BROKER r,* ihl.Ulifd In IH6H. Hiu •• L. consisting oi every v ••**< % GOGIH. HOOT* A \ > MLOFCIS SUA I: 11,.A I ! < V\ XKI:, GL.A** IV AKT, WHOL.TT* .. CAKPETIWRS STRAW MATTINGS, and PHI) ROGRAPLL AG BUMS, I . is of our own importation, cr purchased directly j from the Manufacturers in large quantities I e were the first to commence ttie : sale of goods on the papular plan of ONE DOLLAK FOR EACH ARTICLE, Our Sales for the last twelve months have ! been about one million dollars. CA<>Kr business has been decided by the Courtt of this Matt and by tlir Lnited States authorities not to be a Lottery, or a Gift Enterprise, but a regular legiti mate business. Terms of sale lor Club of 83, a selection of one of the following articles ; 2oyda. Brown or Bleached Sheeting, superior quality. Popliu or Alpaca Dress pattern. Wool Square Shawl 2f yards Doeskin, — An 8 day Clock, Soth Thomas' make. 1 pr. gent's Calf Boots White Marseilles Quilt. Silver plated Chased Castor with (j bottles. A Morrocco Photo j graphic Album, 100 pictures. 3 yards fi-4 Wool ! Cloth. Silver plated Cake Basket. 36 yards Brown I or Bleached Sheeting, common quality. Also, print- I od notices of 60 articles, for sale at 81 for each ar i ticle, compiising a variety of articles usually sold at retail at prices trom 81.50 to 85 for each article. I For a Club of 810, a, selection of one of the follow ! ing articles : 40 yards Brown or Bleached Sheet ing, superior quality Dress pattern, price 810— It col Long shawl, Broeha Long ,Shawl 2 yards Black German Broad Cloth. Common Sense New ■ ing Machine, piiee 818—(these machines will hem, stitch fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and em broider, in a most superior manner.) (Jents' or La dies Silver Hunting Case Watch, new. 25 yards Hemp Carpeting. 3 yards Beaver Cloth, 64 yards good Doeskin. .Silver plated Ice Pitcher, g yards Woo! Cloth, dcu. width. 1 pair superior Blunkets. 72 yards Brown or Bleached Shecting.common qual- i itjr, and 120 printed notices ol articles for sale at : 81 each, comprising a variety of articles usually! sld at retail front 81 50 to 810 lor each article. | NI) We hereby inform the public that we j • 1)* are not connected with any of the Gift Enterprise One Dollar Concerns in this city. All concerns offering a (lift, Premium, or any article \ frco of eost to Agent, or to any one, are in direct violation of the laws against, Lottery. We have information, from reliable authority, that all Gift Concerns in this City will be closed up by the State Police MeT EOll ADDITIONAL PARPICULAR4 SEND FOR Oi l! 31 (CELAK. Send a Draft. Postal Money Order or Registered ; Letter Bo sou- and .tireel jour Letters to ANDREWS & CO. 16g Sudbury .Street, Boston. M i.-s. i NOTKS— From reports aiuljlotters received : 1 Your Axe is bound to be THE A.\E. 2. It will cut 25 p'r cent, better. 3. My brother lost one arm in the war, but with ! your Axe he can out as weli as any one else can. , 4. If I could nd get another, twenty-five (825) : dollars would not buy it. 5. it will cut hoop-poles better than any other : Axe. 6 I would not be without it for anvth ; ng For sale by all responsible dealers, and the tuak- j ers. I II'PINCOTT A BAKEWKLL, Pittsburgh, Pu„ j Sole owners of the Patents. THE FALL CAMPAIGN Yorker, the Leading an 1 Largest-Circulating Ru- , ral, Literary and Family Newspaper, begins a quar ter oct 3,and hence iYoir is The Time to Subscribe! i Eight Large Donble-Qnarto Pages, Illustrated, with j over a a dozen distinct Departments, each ably con- j ducted, the best Talent being employed. Election j will soon bo over, when everybody, in both Town and Country, will want the most Progressive, Time- ( It. Entertaining and Useful Weekly of its Class- Moore's Rural. The 13 Numbers of this Quarter ; (Oct. to Jan.) sent. t Liver Cotuplaiut, DYSPEPSIA. Nct voue llehility, JAUNDICE, Diseases of the Kidneys, ERUPTIONS of the SKIN, " antl it I i Oiuairi arising from a !>!• ordered Liver, ktunucli, or IMPUJUTY OF THE BLOOD. Read the following tgmptcmf, and if you f.-id that i'our system is afficted iy tiny of them, you nay r<-l assured thai dtsmse has commenced iu attack on the I most important organs of your lady, and unless sx>n checked by the use of powerful n medi'S, a miterablf It ft, toosi trrminating in death, u\V be the result Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles, Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity ot the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit . I of tne Stomach, Swimming ot the Head, Hurried or Difficult Breathing. Fluttering at tho Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations vrhon | in a LyiugPosture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs betore the Sight, Dull Pain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc., Sud- I den Flushes of Heat. Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings ot Evil, and Greet Depression of Spirits. 17 th*!* indicate disease of the Liver or Digetli e Orgins. combined iviJh impure b' tod. ijooflaub'o C?erman Diitcvs I* eutircly vegn n bit, nml contain* no liquor, ll I* a compound of Fluid Ex tract*. The Hoots, Herb*, and Burks froiu which these extract* arc made arc gathered in Germany. All the medicinal virtues are extracted from them by a scieutitlc chemist. These extrarts are then forwarded to this country to he u*ed expressly for th manufitct urc of these Bitter*. There I* no alcoholic substance of any kind used in compounding the Bitters, hence it is the only Bitter* that can be used Iu cases where alcoholic stim ulants arc not advisable tjooflanb's ocrmiia <£ouu is •nmbination of all t,',< ingredients tf Ote BtiUrt with PCEX Stinla thru: Rum, Orange, etc. It i J used /'vr the same disease* an 'At Bitter*, in CUM.: U 'ure tame i pure alcoholtc sUmuha #x required. Ton will bear i■. mtnd tkat these remedies are entirely different frmtt j any others advertised fir the cure of the diseases ewemed, these being scientific preparation* of medieiisal extracts, white the others are mere decoctions of rum in somt form. The TON' 1C is decidedly one of the most pleosatk ant agreeable remedies ecer erfered to the fubMe. Its taste is exquisite. It is a pleasure to take it, trlU'e its life-giving, exhilarating, and medicinal qualities hare caused it to be known as the greatest of all tonics. CONSUMPTION. Thousands of cases, wlieu the pa tient supposed he was afflicted with this terrible disease, have been cared by the use of these remedies. I'.xtreuie emaciation, debility, and rough are | tile usual attendant* upon severe c*e* of dyspepsia or disease of the J organs. Kvcn In cases of genuine Consumption, these remedies rvill be ftouud of the greatest bctielit, | strengthening and Invigorating DEBILITY. Ttcrc is .iu medicine equal to JToqflaiid'x Ccrtnan f Bft'rs or J\ nic .#* cases uf Debility. Th*y impart a ton* and t\<-r , V,e uhole system, rtrcngtiun k* <7. Ce"*t' ft the fuGtl, enable ik-. ( slom t q t., j. • j. .rify roe Wood, ffic a g*d, Hind % HeaUhi npfejite* Jicatr the v ilmc iing* I ror„p. y 4 . ,• I .. the cheek /"7 -hslug. j .if iff t n i i irl been Wd % ma "a MVUA. and itertw > • to >i 'u'l-faced, tbtUi, and v . j t. rt Weak diid D'ilic-ale Children , are made >■ iosg by uu.ig the iiitl. is or Tonic. Iu luci, tivey ore t uiriiy Medicine*. Tllej cr.il be r.dliilitniiiiui with perfect tnlri j to a child tittle montlis old, tile most delicate trmale, or a man of ninety. Viese Remedies are the best Blood I'urillers ever known, and will turs all diseases resultirg from bad blooel. Keep your blooti pore ; keep your /.iter in order; keep your digestive organ' in a sound, healthy condi ' tion, by the use of these r.r-(. its, and r,i. disease uill toer assail you. M"?"* TftT *T" mmlmU V*.... . Ladles who with a fair skin and f;ood complexion, free from a yellow th tinge and all ot lier disfigurement, should use these remedies occasion ally. The Liver 111 perfect order, and the blood pure, will result iu spark ling rye* and blooming clieek.. I'AI'TIOX. Ruo/lanil's Oerman Remedies are laeintcrjeitsd. The genuine hare the signature of (. .>/. Juchsoii on the front of the outside wrapper of each botiie, an l the name of tfie article blown in • ach bottle All others ore counterfeit. ___ Thousands of letter* have been re > celved, testifying totlie virtue of these remedies. READ THE RECOMMENDATIONS. FROM HON. GEO. IV. WOODWARD, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. PniLvEElPHir, MAKCH I6th, 1567. It nil "Uooflamrs German Bitter''' is sad eni intox icating beverage, but is a g i eu.'ii s instanett. nod particularly in my t cn family, of'.he. useful at..' of !'r. Htoflaneft German Miters, Idrptrtfi i n.i j usual cour.ee, ta express my full cmeleti i th > t i eeneral debility of the system, ami especl tl;. fu i u-i 1 Complsint,it is a safe and VHluvhU-j.iep.u ui. . i„ tome cases it may fail; but urntall a, 1 douU >: • ft i.-ri be very btnefcial to those who suffer /,*•., t' , causes Yours, very respect fully, J. 11. KUXXA III'. , Mghth, M m Cacti " Price ol the Bitters, SI.OO per bottle; Or, a half dozen for 85.00. i Price of tbe Tonic, 81.50 per bottle; Or, a half dozen for $7.50. The Tonic is put up in quart bottles. Recollect that it is Dr. lluot f f/ifj 0. rm ... J.V*j. - that are so universally used and ... highly . ed; and do not oliino the Ihiiggul to i. nu . , take any thing else that ' r st. iy lay ... - - t cause he makes a larger prof : n it. Ties. ~e e. will be sent by express to any tpcalily up .. ... to the PRINCIPAL OPFICK. AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, .Vo 631 ARCH STREET, Philadetj.lua CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor. Formerly C. M. JACKSON & ("0 1 These Remedies are for rale by i Druggists, Storekeeper*, ami .Medi cine Dealer* everywhere. Do not forget to ex.rmint well th. i. ,y;. order to pet the genuine Hall'* Vegetable i S IILIAN HAIR EKEWEK. IT WILL POSI TIYEL Y RESTOR K GRA Y HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR It keeps the heir from falling cm*. It it tho Kent dressing in Iho world, making lifele-; " iff Lrssby hair, healthy, soft and glofsy. For sale by oil druggist*. R P. HALL !; 00 Nashua, N. H Prupri. t r*. Strings for Violin*, Violinoellos, Guitar', Banjos Ac-. can be had at L. 11. Powell's Music Store, Sorun ion lie has on hand SoUieof the eelebruied Pngaqm. tn Viuliu Strings, and is supplytu|| a (jn-tt uiatiy or . thn *7 aatt Willi-Mills. i*m TO TO! I'e culiar and important relations which they so*, tain, (heir peculiar organuation. and the offices the/ [•crfonn are subject to many sufferings. I ree.J„:„ foul these c?ntiihuto iu no riiiall decree to the'u happiness at i we'fare f..i bone can !..• bsppv ta .ie.. W .wil-o. hi.r n -.f these vtu' os . 11,.'. uiplail.!- .MB long I) , -Ullcia I L run .r v- a ,o- invnttthj -h.. rf . u .., .. .. uJ ire !• -a* pi due.i... ... „.. t ei.-kt:*v, • ii. i'il" .. ,i- t a u , | ..if,,l % 'hyUk*-ti >!-<■ < ■, t H.CV, a,i.u, -in, fc ll 18. .11, I I-' • U(l ill- Or|,llt ||r.TU.IJI mil . line cairn a, l.r o-ntu hsi . Linos t I 'H- \ bill (it 1. tii.tk ua f. era liunti.-wi, .or ' for oti in eiler..--, ~ni hundreds o! ol.b:t uffclv tsin !y to druggists and doctors wh> eithei merely -ad table them with the hope of a i ure or appfv retne dies which make tbein worse. I would net wish (o r.isart >inytbin; that would do Injustice to the at dieted, hut lam obliged to say that although ll tury to produced troui excessive exhaustion ol the powers ofj lite, by laborious employment, unwhui* fon.e n.r and hod, profuse menstruation, the use ot tea uu l coffee, anii frequent childbirth, it is f.ir oft ehr caused by direct irritation, applied to the mu cous membrane o'tho vigina itself. When reviewing the causes of these di'tresaiug complaint:, it is most paieful to contemplate the at tendant evils consequent up-m them It is but sim ple justice to the subject t" enumerate a few of the many additional causes which si largely afiect the | life, health and happiness of women in all classes ol j society, and which, consequently, affect more cr le hinge of leu. per at uro : the complete prostration produced by ex . ccsstve dancing, must, ol necessity, produce their I eg.t,mate effect At |„r an early marriage cap. the climax of misery and the unfortunate one, hX crlu so utteily regnrdiess of the plain dictates and retuonstranees of her delicate nature, hecotnes an ; unwilling fubjeci . t •n.dicl treatment. This is but all utl'lut picture of the experience of thousand* of our young women J.r.uo lie tore iho ability exer.-ise J the.tunclioLi ■ of ie generative organs, they acquire an education jI" ,ff L cul '" [ nervous system, comp.se I of what , JS called the tissue which is, in common w.tb ih. lemale breast and lips, evidently under the control 'uea'al ttnotion. and associations at an early • ru- .re ; ar I IIS we shall subsequently see, the.-: emolioiis. i.hen exee-oii-a. Png befor lit reritj to habits which sap the verv lite of their victim-ere nature has telf-completed" their derel opmnt LeworfciTTr 1 IW* H w J l,ehi,i| y- Whites 1 Too 1., og Continued TeHoT'Tr'Tr l ' roU^ ua l ' l " ri "e offeMhn mm , vice, a com pa nv • ' i I eniales in . Very period of life, i>o, u infancy u , In the'^h^c'o?'d^etio^ me 's; XZ SS 'le prepsrationvof Bark or fron, infinitely Xr u .oi pleasaot, Ifiutuyi.as KXTRACT * Brent* having reee red the indole,nen, J Z nent , i-tmam lhe lniM Su|M _ „ iro ' b " u 'S'' ,: .v 'Fa ccrL'ii.i. U r e lor the foil . I '"'i-s. th never rai'oV u* ' ""'" IV .dir.. ' end Pb,A , • '' V. letrr.CMatl • I t Bi. Mrft •„ 1 'I l ie ~. ;i . j, in lot i "■! . I Bf.. A I , y; "* iiwi .i JJlti-o.'.ci J. ... JJi p I-, 1 'iVt''••■>!. oi r .r... ,i. ..i ttie iif t ~, ; or |,. ilc ii i an, and, ;nilai't u.f the .mnn.uiirnn's i.f * - "v. •md Bebilitated -tut id tha svsttini To A-1: ior HKL.V- Botns. Take Xo othqy. aold by .Irnggists and Dealers everywhere Price si '>s u„t| e t .r sir bottles Ic.r #r;.5!J Delivered to , lnv address D e h'T HMMRnrn * on >""">>Minn-s. Add re* I 10. ? J ' l;r " 2 an*l Chemical Wan - houw. jiroailwar. X. Y. "jVO.Ni, AKE GEM IN t IN LEAS DoN'E f*P I.N Ll steel engraved wrapper, with lac-simile of mi Cbeuitcul W aietinuse orid signed vR ntj p.B. T - UKLMBOLD TfJK AMKJiICAN ITTi U OVEfiSEAMfIIG iJfi SEW IMI MACHINE (JO, Iu directing attention to their CELKBHATEii MxrV/rvp T i, 0 *■ B "OLH AND PEWINO ; ; Ul>K > be ff leare to refer to its wonderfni p .- ulatity as conclusive pronr r.f its great merit- Ihe increase in the demand for this valuat.fe machine has beou TEN" FOLD duriiig the last seven months of its first year before the public This grand and surprising success is un precedent ed in tho history of sewing maofaines. and we teet rnlly wurranted in claiming that IT HAS xii K^l/AL, BCI.NR VBSoLCTKLV TMK BKsf VVAff IJNY MACHIJM £1 IX THE WOKLD. And llitrltialcally the Cheapest. 11 i. re illy two machines combine i tu i tie (by a simple and beautiful machsntcal urrauge'tnent.i making both the Shuttle ..r Lo. k-stitch, uod th. e.u.iiuo and Button-hole stitch, with equal facility ouf perfection. It exociiles in the very '■e-t maimer every variety of sewing, such as, Hem rntng ! citing, Cording, Tucking, Stitching, Braid mg and quilting, Gathering and ou at the mine u ,ie , ao .J addition, Overseeuis. i r.mbriiiders on she edge, and makes beautiful Pu' - lon and Eyelet holes iu all fabrics. 'tiies,. machines with specimen* ,-t wo.k .ad workings can be si en it rr \KHA.\N"i h'K, FA„ by cuU.. z on ihe uujersigr.ej egertls for the sa.'e o. rhJu scribed, to and among the heirs sn-l f. -ui represeti : tatives ~| the sail docedear, viil he tiet.i on the SiL dea of October. A. iV IbgS. alone o'clock iut.'w afternoon at the premise; aforesaid, lo wit . nil that certain piece, paicel, And lot d land situate u the townebi. of Furkstott, County id Wyoming, mil Elate o'. Penu.svlvivniu, and Winded iei the N'orth by the -\ art it IlrAnch nl tbe Afehuopauv t'r.iek eoC Kind of .Jacob Bartoleit, ..u thu E-t by buid ut Ja . culi Bur totalt, ou the EtottK bv taod ot Alphms Ad ams and on the We.t by land ii Hussell Bei(ess. tumtuiiiing about eighty acres more or less. > a i.t I inquisition will moat wt the tiiuiietoo bouse .jcotr-ie i | by said deeedent in his lifo time, (or tho purfuse efoiesuid t lite tinto .vigive mentions I ftt which tiute and place ail parties interested. attend if they think ptnper M. VV DeWITT, Ebetiff • Sheriff's I'ltjco. Fuiik. sept, v bcCt i. VIiMIMKTHATOK'S KtITICE. WfILHEAS, letters < f tuliuisivtration ct> tbe